AIESEC Egypt Proposal
ReBuild Egypt For the past 30 years, Egyptians were living a dark stage, we were living without having any vision for the future, directed by a small entity of people who have all the power and directing the whole country towards their own favour and personal interests. The fear was pulling the people down from taking action, people lost the belief in themselves, We weren’t seeing the power they have, they lost self confidence and passion for better future. have. We aren’t weak, we are very strong, we have the sound of justice, all the Egyptians stand one day against the old regime we all of his powers and we decided that we are going to have our rights despite any fears or losses. We used to protect our houses with our own hands, staying in the streets for nights and days, rotating shifts to protect our families and homes. Nobody counted on these disparate groups including Muslims and Christians coming together in the streets. Nobody calculated the emotional impact on the Egyptian people when it became clear that the republic of fears and lies was no longer almighty. So we are in AIESEC Egypt having one of the best developed youth in the country, wants to take part of development of our country after the revolution, expanding more with our products, helping different sectors targeting various issues. So AIESEC Egypt developed a program of Re-Building Egypt, as we are going to engage our exchange programs with organizations that are trying to develop countries, make projects within our local chapters targeting certain issues that is affecting the community, we want to engage you AIESEC EPs to come and share history with us, we are having our hardest steps in our history, we are changing mindsets, we are adapting to be responsible for ourselves and our country.
Exchange programs for Development Internships
Horreya: Horreya means freedom in Arabic, basically this program is specially for Human Rights NGOs, these NGOs needs a lot of help throught various profiles and they have a lot of issues and activities to work on and especially after the revolution as they want to take an active role in the community
Duration: From 6 weeks to 3 months Some NGO samples: Masterpiece, Center for Development Services Samples of JDs offered from some NGOs:
Educational JDs: 1- The Intern will give sessions to children about their rights and duties towards society. The intern will also talk to them about critical thinking, emotional intelligence and social responsibility. 2- The intern will engage with the children in creative activities such as coloring, drawing, and other activities that would develop their soft skills. 3- The intern will engage with the children in creative activities such as coloring, drawing, and other activities that would develop their soft skills.
Public Relations:
1- The intern will be required to come up with interesting topics and articles that would address the objective and the purpose of the organization in its magazine. 2- The intern will also be required to edit articles and editorials before the publishing process for the magazine. 3- The intern will give assistance to the public relations department by developing posters and facilitating the flow of communications within the department.
Talent Management and HR
1- Recruiting new MasterPeace members to work on the volunteering events 2- Lead in the orientation and induction of new MasterPeace countries 3- Develop a talent marketing campaign to promote for MasterPeace recruitment. 4- Creating a coordination system between clubs & HQ
Mad (Make A Difference): MaD is targeting cultural development NGOs which is revolving mainly around cultural and language education. This type of organisation are touching the community directly throught various channels as each of the NGO is targeting a certain sector. Duration: 6 weeks to 3 weeks
Some of our NGO partner: CDS , IYDA
Samples of JDs offered from some NGOs:: Development Studies: It identifies solutions for development-related problems, build mechanisms to allow people and organizations effectively use resources to improve standards of living. The intern will help the organization write monthly articles about sexuality and reproductive health in Egypt. The intern will also be required to transfer sexuality topics and reports into articles written in a journalistic style. INTERN WILL BE REQUIRED TO write a sample article on any sexuality topic and send it to the NGO for consideration
Marketing: The Intern will be responsible to conduct extensive market research on Egypt's touristic sites through the use of internet and different tours provided by the company. The intern will be responsible of acquainting himself/ herself with the current state of tourism in Egypt and come up with effective ways and ideas of implementation if order it improve it. The intern will be responsible to work other interns in order to come up with ideas for a promotional campaign for the company to implement it in order to attract more tourists to come to Egypt.
The intern will assist in implementing the promotional campaign in order to market for Egypt as a major tourist destination.
Business Development:
TMA is one of the Leading NGOs in Egypt aiming to sustainable development in the Egyptian Society Develop the NGO profile. The NGO is still launching itself in the market and it needs a profile to define its mission, vision, objectives...etc strategic development plans. High rate of development is needed for the NGO and a development plan needs to be set by the intern Writing NGO needed documents, for example: proposals.Work on the sustainability report of the NGO and sustaining the last intern's work in the reports. Setting a marketing startegy for the NGO to broaden its activities and publicity Selling the NGO's products. Looking for beneficial partnerships with other corporate and non-corporate sector. Participate in the LC Events.
Think Green This exchange program is targeting NGOs working on the environmental issues, as Egypt is suffering from a lot bad habits that harms our environment so these NGOs work on environmental awareness and a lot of research and workshops.
Duration: 6 weeks to 3 months
Samples of JDs offered from some NGOs::
Awareness: 1- Intern will formulate interactive seminars to discuss environmental issues like global warming, threatened plants in Egypt, water crisis, and recycling garbage to underprivileged children. 2- The intern will also make the children plant rare plant species in their local community. 3- The intern will assign the children the task of photographing what they dislike about the environment in their community and have an interactive session on how to improve the environmental standard. 4- The intern will be responsible to teach the children the concept of re-using materials. 5- The interns will work together on making a documentary about their experience in Cairo and specifically in working on project Think Green to promote for environmental sustainability.
Logistics: 1- Deliver Fieldtrip to students (WESC offers more than 100 different field trips all related to and integrated with school curricula in the fields of life, environmental, physical and earth science to students ranging from 1st graders to seniors
2- Prepare reading materials and equipment needed 3- Update leaders' files on fieldtrips
Research: 1- The intern will be required to do research activities with other interns. 2- The intern will collect and analyze data about the usage of resources like water on campus and outdoors. 3- The intern will be asked to write reports about the research or work being done. 4- The intern will be supervising other (non-AIESECer) volunteers 5- The intern will be doing office tasks and website work as well.
National PBoX Egypt Where it all begins
Objective: to promote internal tourism through photography.
JD: 1- Egypt Where it all Begins is a project based on exchange that aims to promote internal tourism through photography and Journalism 2- The intern will take a photography and Journalism courses in which he/she will acquire skills that will enable expressing ideas through their photos and articles. 3- The intern is expected to attend sessions about tourism in Egypt and its impact on the Egyptian economy. 4- The intern will be exposed to different types of documentation (pictures, photo essays, article and videos) and will be required to use and post them on an online website. 5- Intern will travel to some of the most beautiful as well as historical places in Egypt where he/she will have to take photos to use it in their campaign for promoting for internal tourism. 6- The interns will promote internal tourism to Egyptians through photos and videos documented through the project in a number of events that will take place in universities, galleries,.... etc.
What AIESEC Egypt is going to provide for the partnership 1- Promotional material needed for promotion in US EP raising 2- Exact dates for the TNs to be ready 3- Efficient Matching process using different tools a. 2 Matching Manias b. Spreadsheet especially for the Brazil according to the TNs specified in the partnership 4- Preparation a. Providing two preparation sessions for your EPs according to your dates b. Send to your preparation PowerPoint that you can use for offline sessions 5- Reception a. Receiving a booklet before coming to Egypt b. Getting EP buddy c. Getting a pick up from the airport d. Taking the intern to the first day at work 6- Servicing a. Global village with all AIESEC interns b. Providing with booklet with all the events c. Providing tips and advices for tours in Egypt
Visa Issue with Egypt: For American EPs, they don’t face any problem with Egyptian visa and renewing it, as when they go to renew it after the first 2-3 months; they have the host LC helping them with all the procedures
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