Founded in 1888 as the Haberdashers’ Old Boys Club
September 2019 Edition 209
t would seem that Summer is exiting stage left – at least the high record-breaking temperatures are behind us, which can only be good for the playing surfaces at Croxdale Road. Hopefully, some rain, complemented by the new watering system, acquired after last year’s drought, will ensure that the pitches are in suitable condition. Over the summer months, a number of aspects of the refurbishing work on the club house and surrounding areas have been completed. Most notable is the replacement of the façade of the main building with a very striking blue, white and magenta cladding. For those of you who have yet to see the result of the significant investment in the refurbishment, now is the time to visit and enjoy the surroundings, particularly in light of the significantly improved offering behind the bar, introduced in time for the new rugby season.
Following the complete replacement of the wooden veranda – some of it looked original – it was clear that the installation of a safety railing at the bar end, where the drop is the greatest, was necessary. Hopefully, this will discourage over-enthusiastic supporters from taking a leap, pint in hand, into the unknown. Additionally, thanks to the efforts of a select group of volunteers, the car park has been significantly tidied, which will allow for a greater area to be used for parking, as opposed to accumulation of debris. In view of the upcoming sporting & social programmes, this extra space will be most welcome. After the summer recess (cricketers excluded, whose excellent results are detailed elsewhere in these Notes), activities are getting back into full swing. On Saturday, 14th September, the OHRFC have their first home games, with the 1st and 2nd XVs playing against Ruislip, one of our more prominent rivals. The matches are preceded by a Past Players Lunch – always an excellent way to start proceedings. If you have not attended one of these lunches before, or would like to join us, please contact Paddy Hughes on . That same day is Ladies’ Day organised by the rugby club, a very welcome addition which will enable us to showcase our improved facilities to our partners. 2
The Club House Lunches (formerly Old Lags) start their annual programme on 17th September. If you have not booked already, please contact Roger Pidgeon at to secure a place at this wellattended event, which is always a great opportunity to catch up with your friends. As ever, I look forward to seeing you at the “Fortress”. Colin Blessley September 2019
Editorial _________________________________________________________ Richard Carlowe
here did the summer go? It seems such a short time ago that we were welcoming the cricket season and looking forward to trips abroad. Now we are hoping for a bit more rain to soften up the rugby pitches for what promises to be another great season for OHRFC following last season’s highest ever finish. The two cricket XIs, as well as a 3rd XI on one occasion, have had a good season so far and I have been informed that the camaraderie and team spirit is better than known for very many years. And we mustn’t forget the other OH sporting clubs. The football team kick off their season on 7th September with some new players, renewed enthusiasm and the continued use of pitches at the school. The Golf Club continue to organise their various matches and club days and would welcome new members. The Rifle Club is not dissimilar. Please do go to their respective pages within OH Notes for details of how to get involved. And now we need to grow the non sporting side of the OHA. We need your support, attending events; coming to the Annual Dinner which, all being well, will be held at the School itself in 2020; and encouraging other former classmates to enrol. Please don’t hesitate to contact me in order to let me know of any events that you would like to see take place. Be it reunions, lectures, careers conventions…. We work very closely with Roger Llewelyn, the Director of the School’s Foundation, and together we can work to grow the OHA community and spirit. Richard Carlowe 3
Contents Foreword Editorial Contacts Picture Gallery OHA EVENTS OHA Annual Dinner CCF Reunion Dinner New CCF ties For Sale Habs Rowing Clubhouse Hire To Be Discussed Habs and The Start of WWII Habs In The News OBITUARIES Wendy Morelli Ivor Benjamin Huntley John Norman Royalton Summerfield Paul Birkby Major Frank Partington Mary Hardcastle Thomas Jessell Dr Rob Bailey SOCIETIES OH Rugby Football Club OH Rifle Club OH Golf Society OH Cricket Club OH Lodge Lottery Past Presidents Dates For Your Diary
2 3 4 5 8 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 23 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 29 31 31 32 33 34 39 41 43 44
CLUB HOUSE Croxdale Road Borehamwood Hertfordshire WD6 4PY CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS 73 Oak Tree Drive London N20 8QJ WEBSITE
Picture Gallery
The Four XIs at the School on Old Boys’ Day, July 7th, 2019
Picture Gallery
OHA Events
OHA Annual Dinner
23rd May 2019
nce again the great and the good gathered at Haberdashers' Hall for our annual event.
Following the traditional meet at the Bishop's Finger and a few glasses of extremely moreish Prosecco in the sun in the Hall's garden, the assembled throng moved upstairs to the Livery Room for what was an excellent meal with copious amounts of wine and after dinner port. The usual Andrew Tarpey-led toasts to obscure sections of the OHA were followed by an excellent insight into the last school year by School Captain, Tamilore Awisola. He was followed by Gus Lock ('94), the new Headmaster. His incredibly entertaining speech reflected on both his time as a pupil and his new role as Head. He is an excellent speaker and everybody present was lucky to have witnessed it. Not to be outdone, our President, Colin Blessley, finished proceedings with an amusing update on all things OH and his speech is reproduced below:
We are delighted that we have resuscitated the tradition of the Headmaster attending our Annual Dinner. This is particularly signal in that Gus is himself an OH with a distinguished career in education and, if I am not mistaken, is the first OH to occupy the position of Head at HABS. I am sure that, under your leadership, the School will continue to thrive and improve on its outstanding track record. A warm welcome to Alison and yourself. Thank you, Tamilore, for your words as the School Captain, in representation of your colleagues. Just when I thought that the quality of oratory could not be improved, you have raised the bar yet again. I looked forward 8
to welcoming you as an OHA member in the not-too-distant future. I am particularly happy to welcome again Margot Chaundler, Chair of the Boy’s School Committee, as well as Brenda Batten, until recently Mayor of Hertsmere Borough Council, together with her husband John, unofficial representative of Harrow Rugby Club. We are also honoured to have the presence of Ian McCarthy, OHRFC President, fresh back from a continental tour, basking in the glory of the Club’s most successful season in living memory. At this event last year, I commented on the progress that had been made in rekindling the collaborative relationship between the School and the OHA. With the arrival of Gus, and with the ongoing support of Roger Llewellyn, these relations are being taken to a new, higher level. Since Gus’s taking over as HM, we have held a number of extremely positive, meaningful and constructive meetings, attended by Gus, David Thompson (Head of Finance of HABS and the Girls’ School), Roger, Richard Carlowe and myself. These working sessions have a single objective – to further the cooperation between our respective organisations and develop an established and sustainable programme of joint events and initiatives. This proposal has the support of Simon Cartmell (Head of the Governors) – sadly unable to join us this evening – and Margot Chaundler, both of whom share our vision and ambition.
It is early days to set out the extent of what we hope to achieve but I shall be happy to continue to dedicate my efforts to this project for as long as I can continue to be of use. To give you four examples of how we have been moving forward – the OHFC, of whom 8 players are here tonight, now play their home games at the School and retire to Croxdale Road with the opposition for post-match refreshments. At the start of the last rugby season, as the pitches at Croxdale Road were unplayable as a result of the prolonged summer drought, OHRFC home games were also played at the School. The only downside was that the players were so impressed with the billiard table playing surface there, coming home was something of an anti-climax, had it not been for the renewed club house (more on this later). The Head of the School Grounds Staff provided on-site advice on remedial measures for our own pitches. For all of this – and for what is to come – Gus and Roger please receive our heartfelt thanks. We look forward to an exciting future together. Talking of “the Fortress” – as it is lovingly referred to by the OHRFC “Magentamen” – over the last year the OHA has invested some £0.25 million in refurbishing the club house and the Stewards’ bungalow. The results are, in my humble opinion, spectacular. I doubt my late father and uncle9 would recognise the place, other than for the external profile.
I would encourage any of you who have not yet enjoyed the revamped surroundings to get out there and experience the revitalised HQ of our Association. We have also invested in improved playing field watering equipment, hopefully, to avoid a recurrence of the situation we experienced last September. For this work, I would like to single out a few stalwarts for special mention, without whom the project would ever have been completed to the high standard of finish. David Heasman – unfortunately not here this evening – who oversaw the whole process – almost a full-time job. Mickey Fenner and Mark Plausin of the OHRFC for all their hard work on site. And Pauline, Mel and family for putting up with living in the middle of a building site for many months. Finally, Ian McCarthy and the OHRFC for their funding of the purchase of new dining furniture and the sourcing of the new PortaKabin. I hope that you feel that all your efforts have been worthwhile and are proud of the end result. Our sporting teams continue to go from strength to strength and I trust that, with the incorporation of new talent from the School, this trend will continue. To round up, Andrew, many thanks for being an excellent MoC. Richard Carlowe, who organised tonight’s event, has worked wonders with our communications with our membership – quality, quantity and frequency are all at high levels hitherto unknown. Pauline continues to work wonders in the Fortress kitchen, now state-of-the-art thanks to the support of Simon Gelber. And, of course, thanks to all the volunteer OH whose efforts are often behind the scenes and who organise our activities and events
OHA Events
CCF Reunion Dinner
21st June 2019
he sumptuous surroundings of The RAF Club on London’s Piccadilly was once again the venue for the Annual CCF Dinner, bringing together members of the Habs contingent from over the last 60 years.
As Officer presiding Lt Cdr Hardman provided an enthralling account of the past year’s CCF’s activities, while the School’s Senior Cadet Keeran Mahendra Kumar proposed the toast to the Old Haberdashers' present and reflected on his own life-changing time in the School’s CCF. We are particularly grateful to individual OHs and the Old Haberdashers Association for kindly sponsoring the places of current cadets to enable them to attend the dinner.
CCF Ties Now Available
Buy at or send a cheque for £22.50 (£25.00 if overseas) to OHA, 73 Oak Tree Drive, London, N20 8QJ 12
Habs Rowing
Iain Meyer (OH Staff 1970s)
Head of the River Race 1960 - Haberdashers 1st VIII in the middle distance
Iain in Melbourne
he success of Haberdashers’ Aske’s rowing in 1959 reported in the April edition of OH Notes has caught the attention of Iain Meyer, now residing in Australia, who taught Geography during the 1970s. He was first made aware that there had been a school boat club when he stumbled across a couple of oars that were probably the ones hung on a wall of the Hampstead staff common room (as recorded in John Wigley’s “Serve & Obey”) Having rowed for Twickenham RC and later Thames RC during his time at Elstree he knew it was common practice for some schools to rent boat storage racks from amateur rowing clubs and had always wondered where Haberdashers housed its fleet of racing boats. Since migrating to Australia in 1993 the one thing Iain does miss is Henley regatta week. His luncheon parties on Finals Day at the Remenham Club were popular among both past sixth form students from Habs that he had taught and who had subsequently taken up rowing, as well as former colleagues such as Stuart Moore and John Welbourne. After leaving Habs in 1981 to become Head of Geography at RGS High Wycombe it was easy to get away to the regatta to complete his shifts on the umpire launches as part of the Stewards commentary team. In 1985 a BP Education fellowship tenable at Keble College gave Iain the opportunity to return to competitive rowing. To his surprise, he found himself rowing behind Chris Bedford (OH 1983) in college 1st VIII. At 70 years of age Iain has become the oldest full-time member of the teaching staff at Melbourne Grammar School. Although he maintains a keen interest in rowing he admits that his sculling boat doesn’t get as much use on the Yarra as it should. Living in a city famous for experiencing four seasons in one day doesn’t make for fair weather sculling which he prefers! 13
To Be Discussed
Michael Jeans (Chair of the Boys’ School Governors 19911997 & Past Master of The Worshipful Company of Haberdashers) Sets the Ball rolling asking what Traits do Habs Boys show and are they Enduring?
am an honorary member of OHA having been a governor of the Haberdashers’ Elstree Schools from 1987-97 and Chair of the Boys’ School Governors 1991-97 (fingers crossed that my dates are correct!).
I was very honoured several years ago to be admitted as an honorary member (though I still seem to have to pay an annual subscription!) of the OHA and try to attend the Annual Dinner in Haberdashers’ Hall (I am a Past Master) whenever I can. I very recently had to attend Charing Cross hospital for some glaucoma related eye tests. I was seen by a trainee ophthalmologist who was excellent both personally and medically in terms of his approach. I asked him two questions: Where had he trained? University College Hospital Where was he brought up? North London I took a deep breath and asked: ‘did you go to Haberdashers’ Aske’s School in Elstree?’ Very surprised he said ‘yes’ and how did I know? I said that I had been chair of the Boys’ School Governors (but not during his time) and that I had begun to recognise certain character traits in Elstree Boys; he possessed many of these! So my challenge is: what are these traits and are they enduring?! As a starter for 10, might I suggest: confidence (verging on arrogance?!), politeness, intelligence (a ‘given’ if they were granted Elstree entrance!), a slight edginess, individuality etc. What would be the views of OH? Perhaps a survey might be fun? And asking the girls who travelled on the bus might also be illuminating?! 15
Habs and the Start of World War Two Dr John Wigley Following on From His Account of The First World War Dr Wigley writes of how the outbreak of WWII affected the school
his year is the eightieth anniversary of the start of WW2 on 3rd September 1939. Neville Chamberlain, the Prime Minister, had hoped to avoid war by making the Munich Agreement with Hitler in September 1938, allowing the Nazis to take over the Sudetenland, the western borderland of Czechoslovakia. Hitler, however, ordered his forces into the rest of the country on 17th March 1939. On 31st March the United Kingdom offered to guarantee the independence of Hitler’s probable next victim, Poland. He then signed a pact with the Soviet Union on 23rd August, agreeing to divide Poland. Two days later the U.K. signed a Mutual Assistance Pact with Poland. It was too late. On Friday 1st September Hitler’s army and air force attacked Poland and on the morning of Sunday 3rd Chamberlain made his well-known wireless broadcast to the British nation: “This morning the British Ambassador in Berlin handed the German Government a final note stating that, unless we heard from them by 11 o’clock that they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from Poland, a state of war would exist between us. I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received, and that consequently this country is at war with Germany.” As his broadcast ended an air raid warning sounded over London, arousing fears of an immediate attack by German bombers.
During 1939 Haberdashers’ Officer Training Corps increased the tempo and thoroughness of its activities. Early in the year its commanding officer, Capt. Adams, had told the cadets that they were being prepared to become Territorial officers in case of a national emergency. On 1st March the OTC trained with the Scots Guards in Windsor Great Park, but Capt. Adams’ judgement bore a hint of sarcasm: “Our elementary tactics are better in the lecture room than in the field”. On 1 June the annual inspection was watched by an unusually large number 16
of parents, who probably sensed that a crisis was imminent. Capt. Adams made thorough preparations for field day on 21st June but was unimpressed by the cadets’ performance during heavy rain in Richmond Park: “We must determine to improve our field work.” During the Munich Crisis the Home Office and the London and Middlesex County Councils had drawn up an Air Raid Evacuation Scheme for Habs and considered moving the boys to Monmouth, St. Albans or Bedford. However, in 1939 the headmaster, the Revd. Kemp, canvassed the views of existing and prospective parents and decided that Habs would stay in London but would arrange to evacuate any boys whose parents wished them to leave, a policy apparently supported by most of the parents and by senior members of the teaching staff. In the event this compromise policy proved problematic. In the first week of September twenty boys escorted by two masters were evacuated via Kettering to Wellingborough, where they joined the Grammar School. Some existing parents made private arrangements to send their sons to safety outside London. When the Autumn Term began after a fortnight’s delay few of the expected new boys turned up. The usual number of boys in the school fell from over 500 to less than 400. In 1940 at least one boy, David Barr, was evacuated to the United States, itself a perilous undertaking during the Uboat campaign in the North Atlantic. Term began late because the Westbere Road buildings in Hampstead, apart from the Science Block, which was protected by sandbags, had been taken over by the Office of Works and partly occupied by the Auxiliary Fire Service. Books and desks were therefore moved to Chase Lodge, the school’s sportsground in Mill Hill, where there was barely room for 150 boys, so most worked a three-and-a-half day academic week, taught in every available space, including changing rooms and the cricket pavilion, and Mr. Small was said to have taught in the cellar, the Signal Platoon’s quarters. Capt. Adams, who was disappointed not to have been able to hold a summer camp or autumn field day, wryly declared himself pleased that the part-time academic week had left the OTC “a remarkable amount of time for training”. Difficult though the 1939 Autumn Term had been, early in 1940 Habs endured by the worst January and February weather for over sixty years. Coal fires in the large Georgian house at Chase Lodge struggled to resist icy snow-bearing winds. There were no cooking facilities to provide hot meals. The petrol shortage and the blackout made it difficult and dangerous to travel, so many boys left their homes in Hampstead to stay with friends and relatives in Mill Hill. Compulsory games were abandoned, House and school matches were rare events, the school play was postponed and most societies ceased to meet. Rugby was impossible till almost the end of the Spring Term. 17
The overcrowding at Chase Lodge eased a little in January 1940 when the Junior School was allowed to have afternoon lessons in Copthall County Girls’ High School, and more so in August when it moved back to Westbere Road. However, the Modern Sixth stayed at Chase Lodge, whilst the Fourths and the Fifths alternated between there and Westbere Road, a complex and time-consuming arrangement intended to give them access to science laboratories and to keep both sites occupied to prevent another take-over by the government. The “Phoney War” from September 1939 to May 1940 caused the Governors to consider returning the whole school to Westbere Road, but the Battle of Britain changed their minds. They wisely cancelled a service in St. Paul’s Cathedral, planned for 28th Sept 1940 to mark the 250th anniversary of the school’s foundation. For the first six weeks of 1940 the OTC did practically no outdoor activity, but on 29 February joined Aldenham School for a field day in the Chilterns. In the Summer Term Capt. Adams made training more demanding: Friday afternoon lectures and shooting practice were followed by Saturday morning parades in uniform. On 14th June Capt. Fitzgerald of the Irish Guards inspected the OTC and his report commended its “keenness” and “leadership” but Capt. Adams was still not satisfied: “No one could hope to control and lead his men in open formation, if he could not control them in close formation.” The OTC’s summer camp was replaced by what became an annual harvest camp, and a party of masters and boys was issued with passes to enter the South East Security Zone to work on a farm near Mereworth in Kent, toiling with horse-drawn machinery to alleviate the nation’s food shortage. When the Blitz began in September many masters and parents, and OTC In the Assembly Hall 1939 doubtless not a few boys, wondered if it might be wise to evacuate the whole school to a place of comparative safety north of London. In October a delayed action bomb badly damaged the Westbere Road buildings, Mr. W.T. Whewell, a new master, a Cambridge graduate and captain of the Corinthian Casuals, was killed alongside his wife when a bomb destroyed their house in Fordyce Road, and a pupil, M.G. Gluss, was killed in another air raid. For Habs the war had well and truly started. By the end of 1940 eight masters on the staff in 1939 had left for the Forces, at least 289 old boys had joined up, and nine were recorded as having met their death. By the end of the war the school, like the United Kingdom, had survived a severe challenge and emerged profoundly changed. 18
Habs In the News Roderick Williams OBE (1983) The Financial Times 2nd August 2019
An interview with Roderick Williams OBE, 2016 Royal Philharmonic Society Music Awards Singer of the Year.
Lance Forman (Anisfeld) (1981) Hackney Citizen 28th May 2019
Hackney Wick salmon tycoon wins London MEP seat for Brexit Party.
Habs In the News Tamilore Awosile (2019) The Sunday Times 11th August 2019
Habs’ Head Boy Tamilore wins a Scholarship to Stanford University.
School Gets Planning
Borehamwood Times 22nd August 2019 The School gets planning consent for a new Academic Hub including a drama studio, a debating chamber and new classrooms.
Have We Got Your Up to Date Details? Your email address is especially important.
Please update your information at
OHA MEMBERSHIP Exciting things are planned purely for OHA Members. If you’re not a member, or don’t think you are, then please contact Richard Carlowe on 020 8445 6639 or by email at
Wendy Morelli (Staff) Died July 2019
From a personal point of view, my son Joel, (2018) has very fond memories of Mrs Morelli during his time in the Prep School. Her after school club, for those staying late, basically involved her “refereeing� impromptu football matches in the Prep playground and many pupils preferred that to going home. She was kindly and considerate, yet the boys knew that she was disciplined too. She will be sadly missed. Richard Carlowe Sept 2019 23
Ivor Benjamin (‘74) Died 4th July 2019
Reproduced with thanks to Directors UK
heatre director & writer Ivor Benjamin, who died recently following a long illness, dedicated much of his professional life to helping directors as well as to celebrating the art of directing in all its forms. In her eulogy, given during a moving funeral ceremony attended by over two hundred mourners, his widow Amanda described him as a ‘rescuer’ – of people as well as causes. Nowhere was this more in evidence than in his long and dedicated support for the aims and struggles of directors. Born in 1956 into a close-knit Jewish family in North London, Ivor was educated at Haberdashers Aske School and in the late 1970s read English at Trinity College Cambridge. A production he directed in his final year gained him a Best Director award at the National Student Drama Festival; this in turn led to his first professional appointments: first as Assistant Director at the Youth Theatre, then as Staff Director for the main company at the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry (1982-84). During the decade that ensued Ivor also directed at the Birmingham Rep., the Bolton Octagon, the Harrogate Theatre and the Contact Theatre in Manchester. Notable productions included an adaptation of Animal Farm, Willy Russell’s Stags and Hens and the UK cast premiere of Athol Fugard’s My Children! My Africa! In all, Ivor directed throughout his career over 60 stage productions in Britain, Canada, Ireland and Israel as well as writing 14 plays and film scripts. His adaptation of Rashomon, based on the original Japanese stories, toured internationally to Ireland, the USA, Singapore and the Philippines. Forever in search of the new, Ivor was an early adopter of the use of computers in the arts: this led him to gaining an MSc in Systems Analysis (City University, 1993) and as early as 1995 to lecturing enthusiastically on the possibilities of using virtual reality in the theatre. During the 2000s Ivor was actively involved in promoting Chinese film in Britain and chaired for several years the jury of the China Image Film Festival in London as well as being on the international jury of the Beijing Film Festival. Coming from a family of engineers, Ivor combined his professional interests with a lifelong passion for dismantling, constructing and riding vintage motorbikes. Ivor joined the Directors Guild of Great Britain soon after its formation in 1984 as the only organisation representing directors in all media. An enthusiastic promoter of directors’ rights, Ivor was soon elected to the Guild’s Council and eventually became one of its Vice-Chairs. In this role, he was at the heart of the various struggles and mutations the organisation underwent through the 1980s and 1990s and took an active part in
planning and delivering the ‘rights strike’ which led to TV directors getting a much-improved deal from the broadcasters. When screen directors decided to form Directors UK, Ivor’s steadfastness enabled the DGGB to continue as an organisation serving mainly theatre directors, who would otherwise have been left homeless. Through Ivor’s vision (and occasionally his financial support), the DGGB was restructured as the executive arm of a charity, the Directors Guild Trust. Under Ivor’s chairmanship, between 2005 and 2015 the DGGB offered its members a sustained programme of craftrelated workshops and social events as well as organising the Peter Brook Lectures, which involved well-known directors such as Brook himself, Phyllida Lloyd or Mike Leigh and were open to the general public. In 2015, the Directors Guild Trust joined forces with Directors UK and the recently established Stage Directors UK to form a new charity, the Directors Charitable Foundation. Ivor was instrumental in the creation of the new charity and became one of its most valued Trustees, working tirelessly for it until his illness prevented him from doing any more. Ivor will be remembered by all who knew him for his boundless energy, his gentle wit and above all for the warmth and generosity of his friendship. His was a truly gracious spirit: instinctively and effortlessly he saw nothing but the best in everyone and everything. Ivor died on 4 July 2019, not long after his 63rd birthday. He is survived by his wife Amanda, his daughter Jilly and son Joe. He will be sorely missed.
Huntley John Norman (‘50) Died July 2019
untley John Norman was born on 26th December 1931 in Hull. At the start of the Second World War he was living in North London and so in 1939 he was evacuated to Wiltshire. By the end of the war he was back in North London attending Haberdasher's School until 1950. Like many of his generation he did National Service & was part of the Royal Artillery parade lining the route of HM the Queen’s coronation. After National Service he trained and qualified as a quantity surveyor. It was during this period and in the early and mid-1950's he played rugby and cricket for Old Haberdashers before injury forced early retirement from both. However he continued to enjoy watching both for the rest of his life. By the 1960's Huntley had moved to Horsham in Sussex and married 25
his beloved wife Pamela in 1961. 1965 saw the birth of his first son Graham flowed by Andrew in 1967. During this period and until his retirement in 1996 he worked as a quantity surveyor for various firms including a period of selfemployment. He worked on a variety of projects from Heathrow Terminal 4 to the Farnborough Wind tunnel to the naval dockyards at Rosyth as well as large housing developments and school building at Trinity and Whitfgift in Croydon where he had moved in 1980. His love of sport never left him and he encouraged his two sons supporting them through thick and thin in whichever sport they chose. He also served as a committee member for 3 years at the Old Whitgiftians Rugby club watching his son play for over 15 years including games against Old Haberdashers. He could also be relied on to solve practical issues such as cutting holes for windows in walls or to producing picture frames for his daughter in laws paintings. In 2009 he moved down to Worthing to be closer to family. He passed away peacefully with his family at his bedside on 28th June. He is survived by his wife Pamela and sons Graham and Andrew.
Royalton Summerfield (‘43) Died 23rd June 2019 Paul Birkby aka Paul Darrow (‘57) Died 2nd June 2019
With thanks to The Guardian
aul Darrow, who played Kerr Avon in BBC sci-fi series Blake’s 7, has died aged 78 following a short illness. Darrow achieved cult status with his performance as the morally ambiguous computer expert Avon, who fought alongside outlaw Blake (Gareth Thomas) against the totalitarian Federation, not because Avon felt it was right, but because he believed it was the best way to stay alive and get rich enough to retire in exile. 26
The popular BBC One series, which ran from 1978 to 1981, was created by Terry Nation. Darrow took over as lead character for the final two series of the show after Thomas departed, and the character’s sardonic wit & Darrow’s deadpan delivery made him a favourite among fans. As well as Blake’s 7, Darrow had a scene-stealing guest role in 1985 Doctor Who story Timelash, and between 2009 and 2014 had a recurring role in Law & Order: UK as first Judge, then later Justice Prentice. He had also featured in long-running British soaps Emmerdale and Coronation Street, and played the role of the Sheriff of Nottingham in the 1975 BBC series The Legend of Robin Hood.
Born in 1941 in Surrey, Darrow studied at RADA and while there shared a flat with John Hurt and Ian McShane. He married Janet LeesPrice in the 1960s after meeting her on the set of ITV’s soap opera Emergency Ward 10, which they both featured in. She died in 2012. Darrow had suffered health issues in recent years that led to the amputation of one leg and the partial amputation of another. In 2018 he appeared on Pointless Celebrities in a wheelchair alongside fellow Blake’s 7 cast member Michael Keating. He had enjoyed a long career in theatre, including playing Samuel Vimes in a touring production based on Terry Pratchett’s Discworld novels, but he will remain best known for Blake’s 7. His name had often been connected with attempts to reboot the show for television, and he had reprised the role of Avon multiple times in audio plays. Speaking to the BBC, Darrow’s friend and PA Maureen Marrs, said: “Over three decades I have been Paul’s confidante and have had the immense privilege of being part of his life. A star has gone out today; the world will be a darker place without him.”
Major Frank Milton Partington (‘43) Died 14th May 2019
orn 8th September 1925 in Liverpool. Educated at Haberdashers Aske’s Hampstead School. Joined Royal Signals in Spring of 1944 and trained as a technician. Served in British Liberation Army (BLA) 1945 until VE Day. Given emergency commission 1946 and served in Northern Italy and with Royal Artillery in Palestine and North Africa until 1950 during which time obtained regular commission. Service continued as 27
instructor Army Apprentices’ School Harrogate, TA Adjutant, instructor officer training, Staff Officer to Commander Royal Signals Malta, Squadron Commander 3rd Infantry Division Signals and Signals Staff Officer War Office/MOD. Awarded SQ (Staff qualified). Following appointment as 2nd -in-command 16 Signal Regiment, qualified in colloquial Arabic in Aden prior to secondment to the Federal Regular Army (FRA) as Signals Advisor until November 1967. Prior to retirement from the British Army April 1975 served as SO2 Engineering in NATO (HQ AFCENT) and GSO2 in MOD. Joined SAF Signals on contract May 1975 until December 1983 as SO2 Signals/2nd -in-command and also CO. Awarded WKhM (Distinguished Service Medal). On return to UK worked briefly (18 months) with the Internal Audit Section of the local council in Fleet, Hampshire, where he lives, as well as involvement with Citizens Advice, Royal British Legion, Royal Signals Association, Aldershot branch (Welfare Member) and Church. For a number of years was also Treasurer of the local Hospice Support Group.
Mary Hardcastle (Staff 1988-91) Died 8th May 2019
Thanks to Peter Hayler (‘97)
rs Myra Hardcastle, member of the Habs Modern Languages dept from 1988-91, died aged 70 on Wednesday 8 May from complications arising from MS and a possible stroke. Mrs Hardcastle was a very fine teacher and an excellent linguist, speaking French as fluently and naturally as a native speaker. `The first time I had consciously uttered a single word in a foreign language was in my first year 7 French class taught by Mrs Hardcastle. She explained in the opening minute that we were to address her at all times as Madame Chateau-Dur, which typified her instinctive, immersive approach to teaching modern languages. The Textbook, Tricolore 1, rarely got a look in during her lessons. Every member of 1.11 was given an adopted French pseudonym, we watched sections of French language films and were presented with non-curricular exercises ranging from cheese tasting to translating articles copied from Paris Match. Every classroom incident was an opportunity to learn a new word or phrase. Once caught doodling on the question paper during a French listening test, the whole testing process was stopped not primarily to admonish me but to appoint me as the class ‘gribouiller’ expert. Everyone was assigned an expertise in or of something, from the positives (neat 28
handwriting) to the negatives (answering back). Every opportunity to squeeze out another drop of varied French language. Mrs Hardcastle’s lessons were a memorable shock to the system. She was a proudly unconventional teacher, who taught with passion and enthusiasm for the subject and obvious joy at imparting to her students the ability to converse in modern languages.’
Thomas Jessell (‘69) Died 28th April 2019 Thanks to Columbia Spectator
homas Jessell, renowned neuroscientist and former director of and key contributor to the founding of Columbia’s Mortimer B. Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, has died. He was 67.
In a statement to MBBI affiliates, Institute co-directors Rui Costa, Eric Kandel, and Richard Axel attributed Jessell’s death to a rapidly-progressing neurodegenerative disorder. Jessell was endowed under the Claire Tow Professorship in Motor Neuron Disorders in the neuroscience and biochemistry and molecular biophysics departments. He was well known for his research on chemical signals and neurological circuits. Originally an assistant professor in the department of neurobiology at Harvard Medical School, Jessell moved to Columbia in 1985 to work as an investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a philanthropic organization that provides funding for biological and medical research as well as scientific education.
Dr Rob Bailey (‘74) Died April 2019
ob Bailey was at Haberdashers’ Aske’s School Elstree from the prep, until graduating from the 6th form in 1974. He was an enthusiastic participator in many school activities, including school plays, including ‘Much Ado About Nothing’, which toured Germa29
ny; choir and rugger. He made many friends at school, keeping up with some of them for the rest of his life. Rob was a GP in Peterborough for the last 30 years. He qualified in 1980, having studied at Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge. Rob had both FRCS and was elected FRCGP, for services to the Royal College of General Practitioners. He gave superb service as a GP at the Minster Medical Practice. Many of his patients testified how he “went the extra mile�. Visiting his patients when they were admitted to hospital was, for him, routine practice. In addition, he had sessions at the local hospice, and was a key contributor to end of life care in the Peterborough area. He was also a breast surgeon, with sessions at the local hospital.
Rob was a keen cyclist and walker with huge energy, despite living with type 1 diabetes for 40 years. He was also a keen choral singer. Sadly, he died suddenly, shortly before retirement, whilst walking in the Alps. He is survived by his wife Ita, and children, George and Siobhan. He will be sorely missed by them, and his wider family.
Exclusive Visit to The RAF Museum, Bentley Priory, Stanmore
10.00am Tuesday 17th September 2019 To book your place please go to
OH Rugby Football Club Fixtures 2019/2020
OH Rifle Club
he Old Haberdashers’ Rifle Club runs a series of practice days and enters a variety of team matches throughout the full-bore shooting season that runs from March to September. The first practice in usually mid-March and then we enter one or two teams of 6 (best 5 to count) in a league organised by the London & Middlesex Rifle Association, which takes place over three Sundays in April, May and June. Sadly, this year we were reduced to one team, which came 4th out of 8. The LMRA also organise an event for ‘old boys’ teams of 4 for the Whitgift Cup; in 2019 we came second to Epsom. The highlight of the year for full-bore rifle shooters is the annual Bisley Meeting held in July. The event that is relevant to the OHRC is the Schools Veterans match for teams of 5 ‘old boys’. This year it was held on 17th July and we entered two teams. Our team results were not remarkable, but we did beat local competitors such as O. Berkhamstedians, Merchant Taylors and Haileybury! Our one real success was in the concurrent Individual competition, which was won outright by Chris Fitzpatrick with a score of 50.9 – Well done Chris! The shoot is always followed by the annual dinner at the London & Middlesex Clubhouse and, as you can see from the photograph this was greatly enjoyed! The Schools veterans match marks the beginning of the British full-bore rifle championships and Chris Fitzpatrick started well and ended up winning the Queens Veterans trophy, which is awarded to the highest placed ‘over 60’ in the first stage of the Queens Prize. He was also the second highest placed veteran in the Grand Aggregate. This was only fair, as he had gone to New Zealand with the GB Veterans team to the World Long Range Championships, where he was top scorer overall in the Veterans Team Match; but sadly GB came second to the Australians! This is an eventful year, because in October Dick Winney and Charlie Freeman are taking a mixed LMRA/English Twenty Club team to the West Indies to shoot in Antigua and Trinidad in the Regional full-bore Rifle Championships. Our final club shoot of the season is on Sunday 15th September, when we shoot the club championship and another individual event, but all are welcome. The club’s shooting all takes place at Bisley Camp in Surrey, for which the post code is GU24 0PB. Directions for getting there can be provided on request. The club is Home Office approved and we have a stock of rifles, ammunition, shooting jackets, ear muffs, gloves, etc., so newcomers do not need to have their own equipment. The team matches are all coached on a oneto-one basis by experienced coaches. 32
We are always looking for new members, so please get in touch if you are interested. Richard (Dick) Winney
Left to right: Peter Winney, John Valentine, Richard Hutchings, Charlie Freeman, Dick Winney, Chris Fitzpatrick and George Winney.
OH Golf Society
he Spring Meeting at Porters Park was played against the Hollybush pub, with the match narrowly won by the Hollybush. (For the Old Habs side, William Jeens won the individual competition with 42 points and Robert Clarke was second.) We also played a triangular match against Old Millhillians and Old Lyonians at Moor Park on 16th May. An enjoyable match with Old Millhillians winning Old Habs were third, a point behind Old Lyonians.
A further match was played against Old Merchant Taylors and Old Fullerians on the 11 th June at the new venue of Beaconsfield. This was a very good course with the match result being a win for the OMTs with ourselves and Old Fullerians joint second. The next match is against Old Cholmeleians in mid-September at Porters Park and then the Autumn Meeting on the 4th October at Gerrards Cross (all welcome). Please contact Peter Mackie ( or Robert Clarke ( if you are interested in playing.
OH Cricket Club 2019 So Far
he 1st XI: As ever at the start of a new season, 2019 began with a degree of optimism as to the potential for a successful campaign in both the 1st and 2nd XIs. However, the realities on the field are sometimes different and the first match at Old Finchleians saw a defeat after quite a good bowling performance that saw our hosts restricted to 175 in their 50 overs (Khalil Osman 3-35). The batting was an immense disappointment as only Hugh Brannan, 64 made double figures and the Old Boys were bundled out for 112. But the next three weeks saw an uplift in performances with successive OH victories, firstly against Hatfield Hyde when Darren Fabray, 4-39 and Hasit Mehta 3-24 made light work of the opposition batting dumping them out for 116 and although the batting spluttered eventually a two wicket win was achieved courtesy of OHCC 1st XI v the School; Old Boys’ Day, July 2019 a controlled captain’s innings of 39* by Rhys Jenkins. Next up, Sandridge came to Borehamwood and batting first were bowled out for 173 (Simon Gelber 3-30). The OHCC batting again made hard work of it, only getting home by two wickets, this week anchored by Lewis Jenkins, 53*. A trip to Hatfield and Crusaders then saw the most convincing performance of the early season as on a very hot afternoon the Old Boys were surprisingly asked to bat on a much used wicket and the openers Hugh Brannan (80) and Hasit Mehta (82) took full advantage, putting on 171 for the first wicket and effectively sealed the result there and then. The middle order kept adding runs and the innings ended at an impressive 258-5. After a fast start, Hatfield struggled against the OH slow bowlers (Hasit Mehta 3-26) who all chipped in with wickets and drastically slowed the scoring rate and the innings petered out with a final total of 210-9 with OH taking thirty points and sat second in the early embryonic league standings. But then two weeks of frustration as the matches against Cheshunt Rosedale and Northwood Town were washed away in the rain and with some of the other teams managing to play cricket we dropped to sixth place. Getting back on to the field after the enforced break a scruffy fielding per34 formance against Parkfield and Headstone allowed our visitors to get to
208-8 with Hasit again taking wickets, 3-32 and Hugh Brannan, 3-40. The batting once more struggled and a low point of 87-6 looked likely to be not only a losing total but one with no bonus points. However, some lower order resistance saw a final total of 175 which at least achieved 13 bonus points. Then a couple of successive victories starting with a convincing win at Knebworth Park as OH restricted the home team to an all-out sore of 208 on a superb batting track. Once more the OH slows dominated (Hasit Mehta 3-48, Hugh Brannan 2-29) well backed up by seamer Vinay Popat, 3-34. On the back of Captain, Hugh Brannan’s 119* and Adiya Modi 51*, in an undefeated OHCC Rhys Jenkins second wicket partnership of 109 OH were never really in trouble as they cruised to a nine wicket victory with 17 overs to spare. This was followed up with a further win against Leverstock Green in a fine all-round team performance when after a top order collapse, the Old Boys stood at a perilous 62-5 after 28 overs but then Athman Sivakumar (37) and Taif Choudhury (17) counterattacked and changed the momentum, Darren Fabray added a useful 27 and the final total of 161 seemed to be competitive. And so it proved with paceman Khalil Osman taking 4-27 again backed up by the OH slow bowlers (Gelber 2-14) proving too much of a handful and our visitors were bowled out for 134. There then followed three narrow, frustrating defeats, firstly against Old Finchlieans in the first of the return matches. The OH opening attack were far too profligate in the opening overs conceding 42 runs before taking the first wicket but then two more wickets and the Old Boys were back in the game. But some missed chances off the usual miserly slow bowlers and despite having Finchleians at 127-6 they eventually managed to reach 218 with the best bowling analysis coming from Vinay Popat, 3-25. In truth it was probably 30 more than they should have got and the OH batting never really challenged the target. Lewis Jenkins got 59 but 161 was a poor effort. A week later it was equally frustrating when a thunderstorm delayed the start and reduced the match to 40 overs per side. Hatfield Hyde battled their way to 153-5 in their allocated overs with Khalil Osman again among the wickets taking 3-25. In their innings the Old Boys kept losing wickets at key moments and from being in a relatively strong position of 95-2 after 27 overs, OH fell 16 runs short with three run outs not exactly helping the cause. Another rain affected match seven days on at Sandridge was one of only ten matches in the whole of the Herts. League that weekend. The OHCC total of 148-7 looked competitive in another reduced overs match on a tricky wicket, with Hasit Mehta being top scorer with 36. But it was again a case of what might have been as Sandridge seemed to be struggling on 86 -5, but a couple of vital mistakes allowed a sixth wicket partnership of 52 and OH just failed to get the victory in a close match. 35
Seven days later, on a fine day for a change, OH were back to winning ways against Hatfield and Crusaders when on a good wicket the visitors to Croxdale Road failed to capitalise on a flying start and were firstly got under control and eventually bowled out by spinners Hugh Brannan (4-24) and Simon Gelber (3-34) for 177. It was never going to be enough as Hugh, on a good day with bat and ball, anchored the innings with a fine 89 and the Old Boys cruised home by seven wickets. Then on to the combined Cheshunt Rosedale club on a day with almost gale force winds when we were again surprisingly asked to bat on a used wicket that looked as if it would get harder to bat on. Hugh was again in good form with a useful 51 at the top of the order, newcomer Nikhil Amin contributed 44 and Lewis Jenkins (28*) marshalled the tail to a final total of 186-9. Cheshunt were in good shape at 85-2 at the halfway point but once again the slow bowling exerted control and the rate started to climb, leaving them needing 53 in nine overs and then 27 from the last five with five wickets in hand. Skipper Rhys Jenkins, having hardly bowled this season due to an ongoing knee injury, took the ball and with three wickets in his first over more or less settled the result there and then. The thirty points took the Old Boys to third place in the league, right in the hunt for another promotion with four fixtures left to play.
he 2nd XI: It has also been a successful campaign for the 2nd XI thus far and at the time of writing the team lies second in Regional Division A of the Herts. League and with a very good chance of having a promotion and possibly even title winning year. Starting the season in convincing form, Stevenage IV were beaten by 26 runs with Manish Kausik hitting 60 in the OH innings and then a massive 133 run victory against Hitchin where Manni was again in the runs (65) but this time he was outgunned by Iranga Rupasinghe with 87 in a century stand and a final OH total of 264. Hitchin were never in it and subsided to 131 all out with Manni, having a good all round day taking 3-9 and captain Shajeen Shailendra 2-10. But then came a couple of slip ups as first Hertingfordbury gave the Old Boys a taste of their own medicine racking up 244-5 and then sweeping away the OH batting for 180. A second consecutive loss occurred a week later against Potters Bar when their total of 174-8 proved too much when in reply OH wickets fell at vital times and too many of the OH batsman made starts but could not go on to record a big match winning contribution. However, those couple of upsets were put behind us with a run of eight wins from nine matches and has OHCC 2nd XI v the School; Old Boys’ Day, July 2019 seen the 2nd XI climb to almost top of the pile as first St. Margaretsbury were put to the sword by 118 runs as the 36
Old Boys racked up a total of 250-9 with captain Shaj top scoring with 57. The visitors were never in the hunt as they subsided to a paltry 132 (Manni Kaushik 3-15). Struggling Knebworth Park conceded the next fixture and then Hatfield and Crusaders were convincingly beaten when the Old Boys total of 191 was too much of a task - 3-22 from Scott Gerard and 4-38 from Shajeen left Hatfield well short on 157 all out. Next, league leaders Datchworth were similarly easily dispatched - their total of 113, with the wickets shared around, was well under par and with Milind Chohan hitting 51* in no time it was a more than comfortable victory. But then a bit of a wake-up call, as Mill Hill Village totally outclassed the Old Boys and the total of 138 was a very poor effort resulting in a very disappointing nine wicket defeat that didn’t really reflect the ability of the team. But then four consecutive wins and a conceded match put the team up to second place and right on the heels of the leaders. Stevenage were rolled over for 131 (Raghhav Segal 4-1!) and although OH 2 XI Captain, made heavy weather of the chase, 53* from Nouman Khalid Shajeen Shailendra saw us home by four wickets. Hitchin were quickly dispatched, 59 all out with Darren Fabray taking 3-6, OH winning by seven wickets. Potters Bar were also battered but this time the Old Boys batted first and ran up a huge 270-5 on the back of a superb individual knock of 165 by Raghav Segal, the victory margin was an impressive 104 runs as Potters Bar were never in the hunt. Which led to the final victory to report as St. Margaretsbury were again comfortably put away this time by seven wickets with their total of 147-6 being easily chased down on the strength of Rishi Nainani’s 54 and Ritik Parmar 30* and an impressive seven wicket win. As with the 1st XI the team enters the home stretch with high hopes, with an ever strengthen team a great spirit and determination to achieve another promotion. nd
Old Boys’ Day: Once again the School entertained us on Sunday 7th July for the annual matches for the W.R. Tanner Memorial Trophy and this year the Old Boys achieved wins in both matches. Overnight rain made the normally placid School wicket something far from easy to bat on and the Old Boys having been put in were soon in real trouble at 51-6 but a gritty face saving partnership between Hugh Brannan and Lewis Jenkins helped get the final total to 149-9, something of a recovery. After a splendid midinnings barbecue, in reply the School after a positive start at 23-0 were suddenly 23-4 as Khalil (4-29) and Vinay Popat picked up a clutch of wickets. Despite something of a recovery to 73-5, wickets kept falling on the awkward wicket and the School were eventually bowled out for 124. The 2nd XI had an even more convincing win as the OH total of 195, Iranga Rupasinghe, 44, was far too many for the School 2nd XI – Shaj took 3-17, Harry Mistry 3-21 and they were bundled out for 99 in 27 overs. 37
Some other events to note: The Club embarks on its 54th trip to Devon this coming week with 22 players making the trip for either part of, or the whole week, for six matches in the West Country. We can only hope that the weather stays fine and we can enjoy the hospitality of our hosts, play some great cricket and savour the evening adventures just as the OH of all the previous tours have done. A date for your diaries – The end of season annual dinner tales place once more in the Committee Dining Room at Lord’s Cricket ground on Thursday 7th November. And finally – It is most pleasing to report that on Saturday 3rd August, in addition to the 1st and 2nd XI Herts. League matches, with so many players available the OHCC put a 3rd XI out in a friendly match against our old rivals Old Merchant Taylors played at their ground at the School. The OH 3rd XI duly won, bowling out OMT for 158 and then knocking off the runs for the loss of three wickets, captain Arjun Sofat 40 and Luke Tullo 51*. It was the third of three victories for the OHCC on that particular Saturday.
Stop Press...Cricket...Stop Press
n a thrilling finale to the league season the OHCC 2nd XI had a top of the table clash with local rival Mill Hill Village on the last Saturday of the season to decide the winners of Herts. League Regional Division A East. In a nail biting encounter OH won the toss and inserted our visitors to Croxdale Road and bowled them out for 137 in 36.2 overs. Seeming to be cruising to victory the OH 2nd XI, late on, lost a flurry of wickets but nevertheless reached the victory target in 29.4 overs to win by 4 wickets and finish as champions of their division and achieve their third promotion in four years. Congratulations to captain Shajeen Shailendra and everyone who played for the team in 2019. Meanwhile the 1st XI comfortably beat Leverstock Green, dismissing the home side for 129 in 34 overs and ultimately cruised home in 24 overs to win by six wickets and thus finish third in Division 4A , and in a successful season just missed out on promotion by one place.
Stop Press...Cricket...Stop Press 38
OH Lodge (No. 3362)
he Haberdashers' Aske's School and Freemasonry have enjoyed a long and distinguished association over many years. The Haberdashers' Aske's Lodge is now in its 111th year.
The Lodge has a very special, friendly, Haberdashers’ feel with a significant number of the Brethren of the Lodge being Old Boys, but this is not prerequisite to becoming a member. We have members representing the recent and not so recent eras of the school’s past. The Lodge is a thriving Lodge with nearly a quarter of all the Old Haberdashers who are members having left the School in 2000s. The longest serving lodge member, David Wolff, was at the school in the 1930s and we have members from nearly all the decades in between. It is of note that David celebrated his 96th birthday last year and in March 2018, had been a member of the Haberdashers’ Aske’s Lodge for 70 years! We meet four times a year on a Saturday at the prestigious Freemason's Hall in London and enjoy friendship and goodwill in a delightfully relaxed Habs style, with dinner at the conclusion of our meetings. Many of our members live in London and the Home Counties whilst others travel to our meetings from as far away as Norfolk, Devon, France and Switzerland. We have a healthy tradition of reciprocal visits between our Lodge and many other Freemasons' Lodges, which enriches the experience of our Lodge meetings and provides the opportunity to forge new friendships. 39
Our charitable activities continue and in recent years we have donated our charitable collections to assist in buying the second Air Ambulance for London and, most recently, to aid in the £2.5 million purchase of two extended height aerial vehicles for London’s Fire Brigade. We hold an annual “family and friends” lunch at the school, enjoying the benefits of the excellent dining and surroundings. This year we will be holding this on 15th September 2019 and we would be delighted to welcome any Old Boys or their friends who are interested in meeting us to see what we are all about. Further details of the Lodge, our activities and the luncheon can be obtained from our Secretary, Rishi Loatey (‘94) at or please visit our website at
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Past Presidents 1888-93 R.W. HINTON
1934-35 L.P. BATSON
1976-77 L.F. BROWN
1893-96 W.J. JONES
1935-36 J.E.G. MOODY
1977-78 J.A.R. BEAUMONT
1896-97 W.C. WITT
1936-37 P.G. MACDONALD
1978-79 B.H. MCGOWAN
1897-98 S. PHILLIPS
1937-38 D.L.I. EVANS
1979-80 P.J. STEVENSON
1898-99 A.S.K. SCARF
1938-45 L.J. GOOCH
1980-81 A.G. BUCHANAN
1899-1900 W.H. BARKER
1945-46 H. NORMAN
1981-82 A.T. WHITE
1900-01 H.K. SELMAN
1946-47 W.R. CLEMENS
1982-83 C.R.B. JAKEMAN
1901-02 H.G. DOWNER
1947-48 W.H. CROSSMAN
1983-84 D.A. JAMES
1902-03 C.E. NEWBEGIN
1948-49 F.H. YALE
1984-85 B.A. GOODMAN
1903-04 H.M. WAYNFORTH
1949-50 A.G. JENKINS
1985-86 G.T. WHEAL
1904-05 J.H. TOWNEND
1950-51 DR T.W. TAYLOR
1986-87 J.G. STAGG
1905-06 H.A. HARMER
1951-52 A.N. BONWICK
1987-88 P. ALTERMAN
1906-07 W.A. LYTHABY
1952-53 S.H. BEAN
1988-89 N. FORSYTH
1907-08 G.J. FREEMAN
1953-54 S.E. PHILLIPS
1989-90 A.F. COOPER
1908-09 H.F. BROOKS
1954-55 T.N. MCEVOY
1990-91 P.J.S. VACHER
1909-10 V.J. MOULDER
1955-56 G. BATCHELOR
1991-92 A.J.S. ALEXANDER
1910-11 E.J.G. SMEE
1956-57 P.C. BROOKER
1992-93 P.J. EGAN
1911-12 C.J.L. WAGSTAFF
1957-58 G.G. LLOYD
1993-94 M.J. BOVINGTON
1912-13 W. PADDOCK
1958-59 F.A. JACKMAN
1994-95 A.K. DAWSON
1913-18 W.C. BRETT
1959-60 L.J. MILLER
1995-96 R.M. KIPPS
1918-19 W. PADDOCK
1960-61 REV. A.M. MANN
1996-97 C.R.B. JAKEMAN
1919-20 H.B.P. HUMPHRIES
1961-62 C.G. GARDNER
1920-21 REV. F.J. KEMP
1962-63 K.H. BLESSLEY
1998-99 A.E. MORRIS
1921-22 REV. W.H. BRAINE
1963-64 M.J. JACKMAN
1999-00 A.M. NEWTON
1922-23 K. MCMILLAN
1964-65 J.B. BLOWFELD
2000-01 H.E. COUCH
1923-24 J.N. GREEN
1965-66 D.A. BLESSLEY
2001-02 A.J. PHIPPS
1924-25 H. PARKER
1966-67 D.W. WELLS
2002-03 D.J. BROWN
1925-26 H.H. CHAPLIN
1967-68 E. CINNAMON
1926-27 S.H. NORTON
1968-69 J.S. ALEXANDER
2004-05 D.J. HEASMAN
1927-28 G.C LUNDBERG
1969-70 E.T. PURCELL
2005-08 A.P.S. NEWMAN
1928-29 H.E. DULCKEN
1970-71 N.A.H. JAMES
2008-10 H.A. HYMAN
1929-30 L.J. HASKINS
1971-72 E.H. AMSTEIN
2010-12 J.A. CORRALL
1930-31 A.C. MANN
1972-73 R.A. BENGE
2012-15 C.P. BLESSLEY
1931-32 S.E. WAVELL
1973-74 P. ALTERMAN
2015-16 M.S. BAKER
1932-33 W.F. SERBY
1974-75 C.J. ROBINSON
2016 - C.P. BLESSLEY
1933-34 J. LUCAS
1975-76 D.G. KENWARD
14th September 2019 OHRFC Ladies Day
The School
14th September 2019 Past Players Rugby Lunch Croxdale Road 15th September 2019 OH Lodge Lunch
Croxdale Road
17th September 2019 RAF Bentley Priory Visit
17th September 2019 Clubhouse Lunch
Croxdale Road
19th September 2019 Ladies Lunch
Croxdale Road
19th October 2019
Past Players Rugby Lunch Croxdale Road
19th October 2019
OHRFC Habtoberfest
Croxdale Road
22nd October 2019
Clubhouse Lunch
Croxdale Road
24th October 2019
Ladies Lunch
Croxdale Road
7th November 2019
OHCC Annual Dinner
Lords Cricket Ground
8th November 2019
CCF Remembrance Parade The School
15th November 2109
OHA Supper Quiz
16th November 2019
Past Players Rugby Lunch Croxdale Road
16th November 2019
OHRFC Mystery Social
Croxdale Road
3rd December 2019
Clubhouse Xmas Lunch
Croxdale Road
5th December 2019
Ladies Christmas Lunch
Croxdale Road
14th December 2019
Past Players Rugby Lunch Croxdale Road
14th December 2019
Rugby Christmas Lunch
Croxdale Road
Croxdale Road
For Further information go to or email 44