OLD BOYS' ON THE INTERNET (Reproduced from Website as of 2000) 1933-1959
Bryan Keep, Calverts (1929-1933) updated December 2001 Now fully retired.
David Phillipson, Russells (1927-1934) updated August 2003 Member of the Signal Unit, HAHS Cadet Corps. leaving school to join British Launderers Research Association 1934. B.Sc (Hons) in Chemistry 1938. During War years, served as Gas Identification Officer, Civil Defence, and worked in Royal Ordnance Factories. After a period in industry, joined United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority at Windscale in 1960. Married Elsie Lyttle 1960 and settled in Seascale, moving to Bigcroft, Arlecdon in 1968. Wrote "History of Bigcroft" 1982. Retired from UKAEA 1982 as Laboratory Manager, Windscale Nuclear Power Development Laboratories. Consultant UK Nirex Ltd 1982-88.Later voluntary work included Senior Scientific Adviser on Civil Defence, Cumbria County Council. and Regional Scitific Advser to the Home Office until the end of the Cold War. Acted as Directing Staff, Emergency Planning College, Easingwold, training Scientific Advisers. Founder member of Retired Members Group, Institution of Professional Civil Servants, and member Friends of Cumbria Archive Service.
Ken Rowe, ( -1940) updated September 2004
Dennis Cooper-Jones, Joblings (1937-1942) updated September 2002 House Captain and School Prefect, 1942. OBE 1984, Long retired and enjoying life in a cob and thatch farmhouse in Devon.
Anthony Littlewood, Calverts (1935-1942) updated June 2001 Retired 1986 after 38 years working in the UK and 8 inAustralia : industrial gas plant design and sales. Main interests 4WD and camping treks in the remote outback, landscape gardening, squash, computing.
John Peck, Joblings (-1942) updated May 2001 I was at Haberdashers' Aske's Hampstead School, which moved to Mill Hill during the war. I left in 1942 (or was it 3?) after gaining an exhibition to Pembroke College, Cambridge, in Eng. Lit. The war stopped my taking it up, and I subsequently took a BD at London Bible College. Became a Baptist minister, taught theology at Bible Training Institute Cambridge, involved in the founding of the Greenbelt Arts Festival, now at Cheltenham. Have written a couple of books. Often wonder what became of Henry Moorhouse, Geoffrey Walls, and Harris, all my contemporaries. And where did Mr. Callan, that brilliant English teacher go to? And so on.........
Wallace Peters ( -1942) Updated October 2001 Emeritus Professor at Imperial College. London. Lives in Herts.
Dr John Betts ( -1943) updated November 2001 I was a pupil at the Westbere Road school, Hampstead. When I first attended about 1937, the road was divided by a wooden fence to separate us from the council housing on the other side. I was transferred to the Mill Hill school set up at the start of the war before moving back to the Science side at Westbere Road. A corner of the school near the headmaster's office was demolished by a bomb. I left in 1943 to become a medical student at the London Hospital and later became a GP. I joined the British Sub Aqua Club in 1960 and progressed to become their first medical officer and set up a medical examination system for their divers. Currently I am on the Council of the BSAC as a Vice President.
Bernard Dawkins (1939-1943) updated August 2002 Retired Chartered Engineer; Fellow IEE & IMechE ; Member IPD and Member Chartered Management Institute; Chairman, Rickmansworth Investment Club; 8am Warden Christ Church, Chorleywood Common. Activities: swimming; walking; supporting 6 nations rugby at Twickenham, attending Old lags lunches!
Mike Greenwood (-1944) updated March 2006 Living in Bangkok. Telephone and postal contact details with the OHA webmaster.
Luke Harris, (1938-1944) updated August 2003 Medical practioner from 1949 to present day. Living in Australia for past 14 years. I would especially like to make contact with Dennis Landau, Frederick Last and Alan Charig.
David Newbury-Ecob (1936-1944) Updated October 2001
Walter Demuth ( -1946) updated October 2001 Living in London SW19
Gaskell Marshall Harris (1942-1946) updated August 2005 After leaving Habs in 1946, I messed about for a few years, then did National Service in the RAF 1949-51. Regent St Polytechnic 1952 to do Higher Schools Cert (I left Habs before HSC, as I wasn't very happy at school in the Lower Sixth). Then did my BSc[Econ] at the London School of Economics, 1953-6. Worked as a computer programmer (in those early days nobody had a clue what my job was!) until 1971, when I became a Lecturer in Computer Science at Westfield College, U. of London. Completed an MA in Linguistics at University College London in 1975. Emigrated to Australia 1976, lecturing at the University of Queensland until 1996. Retired temporarily, then moved from Brisbane to Sydney to start an Art Gallery with my wife, Jan. We still have the Gallery, and I've forgotten about retirement! The gallery is: Harris Courtin Gallery www.harriscourtingallery.com.au
John Slate, (-1946) Last update: April 2001
Peter Davidson, Calverts (1941-1947) Last update: during 2000 Retired after career initially in Engineering management in aerospace, and finally as Human Resources executive with Rolls-Royce plc. Moved from Berkhamsted to Rutland 1989 and involved with local government, Probus Club (President 1998), many voluntary organisations.
Michael R N Ecob, Russells (1939-1947) updated July 2002 Retired and living in Lakefield, Ontario, Canada.
E.Ashley James Hendersons (1942-1948) updated July 2002 Articled to Chartered Accountant 1948-53. National Service R.A.P.C. 1953-55. Lloyds Bank Plc 1955-1990 Chief Manager UK Information Technology. Retired October 1990- Interests Organs mainly of the electronic variety, PCs including Internet, and DIY.
Michael J Milner (1941-1948)
Jeffrey Petrook, Russells (1944-1948) updated April 2005 After School and National Service, insurance broking in the City. Settled in Israel in 1960 and worked for the national airline, El Al, for 25 years, finishing up as Senior Operations Controller, handling problems from the mundane (passenger on board left passport in the departure loung) to the worrisome (flight can't land at intended airport because of fog, or a strike) to the hairraising (bomb scare or hijack!). After early retirement from El Al had a second, less exciting, career in private aviation, promoting and handling charter flights. Business was severely curtailed by the tourism crisis of the last few years and I was (reluctantly) retired last year, 2003. Currently occupied with wife, two small grand-children, reading a lot of 19th/20th century history (a subject I did not take at school), practising Tai-chi, brushing up my Arabic, gazing at the beautiful blue Mediterranean, - and looking for a new (paid) job! At present doing some volunteer English teaching to disadvantaged primary school kids. Would be very pleased to hear from any of my contemporaries or any OH in this part of the world.
Rex Tasker, Strouts (1946-1948) Last update July 2007 I attended the Westbers Rd school 1946-48. I was no good academically but played for both the School Under 15 XV and Strouts house rugby teams and received colours for both. Between 1951 and 1953 I did my national service in the Intelligence Corps in Germany and later attended Heatherley School of Fine Arts to study film. I emigrated to Canada in 1958 specifically to work with the National Film Board of Canada. I spent the next 32 years there first as editor, writer and director working for 13 years out of their Montreal HQ but in 1973, as executive producer, moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia to set up the Board's new Atlantic studio. Along the way I won a number of awards including both the Grierson and CBC award for contribution to
Canadian Cinema, and the Rex Tasker prize for best documentary film is given each year at the Atlantic Film Film Festival. I also taught film at Stanford University,California, New York University, Florida State University and the University of Toledo, Ohio. I retired in 1992 and continue to live in a small coastal community in Nova Scotia. My (new) email address is: Rex.Tasker@gmail.com
Donald Wells ( -1948) updated September 2005
Martyn Woolf (-1948) Last update: April 2001
Philip Alterman ( -1949) Last update: Sept 2001
John William Hibberd, Calverts (1943-1949) Last update: during 2000 Waterways. Cruising. Amateur Radio. Photography.
John Hitchin (1944-1949) last updated December 2005 Living in Hereford
John L Holmes, Meadows (1941-1949) updated January 2002 I am currently Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at the University of Ottawa, where I made most of my science career. My degrees are all from London University, BSc, PhD University College, DSc London also. I still have many science contacts in the UK.
B E Wilson ( -1949) Last updated: Sept 2001
Aidan Mayoss, Joblings (-1950) updated October 2004 My life since 1950 would fill many a book, but suffice it to say that I have been a member of an Anglican Religious Community since 1962, and in that time have worked in South Africa, London twice, and am back again at the mother house in West Yorkshire. Retirement is not really "our thing" but I seem to be able to do rather less than once I did, but remain very busy in a variety of ways.
John Weiss, Meadows (1944-1951) updated September 2004 Architect, typographical designer, designer craftsman. Retired early from a career in design education in 1993. Recently chairman of the Society of Designer Craftsmen (William Morris's Arts & Crafts Exhibition Society). Now also involved in historical research, currently writing a book on the Black American refugees of the War of 1812, and organising the archives of my wife, Althea McNish, Trinidadian artist and textile designer.
John Eric Charles Williams, (1944-51). Updated May 2007 Graduated 1954 from King's College, U. of London, in Electrical Engineering followed by two years national service in Signals and R.E.M.E. Worked for 10 years in the U.K.A.E.A., followed by periods with Oxford Instruments and B.O.C. before emigrating with wife and daughters to the U.S.A. where I worked at M.I.T. Now retired but consulting part time for a Boston company and living mostly in Florida but also spending time in England and visiting grand-children.
(Prof.) Frank H Read FRS, Hendersons (1946-52) updated October 2001 After pursuing a career as an academic physicist (elected to the Royal Society in 1984) I am now forging a new career as a consultant engineer (in charged particle optics).
Peter Shiells OBE, Joblings (1945-1952) Updated November 2001 Now retired (almost) from a career in the Construction Industry - honoured for services to the Industry 1999. Last major projects included Jubilee line tunnnels and stations at Canary Wharf and North Greenwich and Copenhagen Metro. Still involved in resolution of disputes as Chair of the Association of Independent Construction Adjudicators - who will shortly be extending its services to supply suitable adjudicators to resolve disputes relating to consumer contracts with builders, plumbers, electricians etc. This may be of interest to members
Prof John Simons, FRS Russells (1944-1952) updated December 2003 After student years at Cambridge I stayed in academic life, first at Birmingham Univ, then at Nottingham Univ and finally at Oxford University, until I retired from my post(s) there, as Dr Lee's Professor of Chemistry and Fellow of Exeter College, in 1999. I am still enjoying academic life at Oxford running - and run by - a lively research group. More a re-hab than an old-hab!
Lawrence Fine, Strouts (1946-1953) updated April 2001 A self-employed solicitor in the West Midlands. I would be very happy to hear from anyone from my era.
Harold Couch, Joblings (1949-1954) Last update: July 2002 Retired partner of Hillier Parker. President, Old Haberdashers' Association 2000-2001.
Michael Hughes, Joblings (1948-1954) updated October 2003 1954-56, Bank Management trainee: 1956-65 Royal Navy: 1965 Emigrated to Canada: 19652002 Information Technology Consultant in Canada, USA and Bermuda: 2002 Retired. Family: Married to Jill, with four grown-up children and hordes of grandchildren, all of us now living in the Ottawa area. Current Interests: Teaching computer courses (Microsoft software), classical music, ice hockey, travel
John Jeffers, Hendersons (1948-1954) updated August 2003 Enjoyed being very much part of the 'soccer rebelion' at Westbere Rd. in the 1950's when codes other than Rugby Union were very much frowned upon at the School. Founded Edgware Rovers Football Club with such other enthusiasts as Malcolm White (captained Cambridge University "Falcons" in late 50's or early 60's and sadly dec'd 1988), Len Joseph, Martin Searby ( read his cricket and football reports in "The Telegraph") and latterly David Davidson (left 63 or 64). Won Wembley Youth League title 1954-55 and gained admission to the Southern Olympian League in early 60's and played "home" games at Woodfield Park, Hendon. After National Service in the Royal Navy founded own business in advertising gifts and office equipment. Married Valerie 1963 and produced three children (Andrew b.1963, Alison b.1966, Matthew b.1969). Matthew now manages business thus making my retirement very comfortable. Have fondest memories of Westbere Rd. particularly being lashed with the end of a climbing rope by Dave Thomas (my first form master) - Where is this ex-international hockey player now? Would love to become reacquainted and laugh about "old times." Also had the uplifting experience of being caned a couple of times by "Jef" Cooper for absurdly trivial transgressions and the delights of evading the flying board cleaner during "Wilf " Hewitt's maths periods. Tel.01296 688543
Dr. Ernest Littauer, Russells (1949-1954) updated August 2001. I attended the University of London receiving a B.Sc. in Metallurgy (1st class honours)in 1958, and a Ph.D. in Electrometallurgy in 1961. In 1963 I emigrated to California, having been hired by Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. I became manager of Chemistry Research in 1968, Director of Materials Sciences in 1984 and, in 1989, Vice President of the Research and Development Division of Lockheed Martin Missiles and Space Company at their Palo Alto Research Laboratories. In 1996, I retired and live with my wife, Deveda, in Los Altos Hills in what is now referred to as the Silicon Valley. I am involved in volunteer activities in music and the arts, and I sit on technical advisory boards for the San Jose Tech. Museum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Surrey, and others.
Brian Willcocks, (1948-1954) updated December 2004 Aero Engineering Apprentice, Handley Page Ltd (Claremont Rd, Cricklewood). BSc in Aeronautical Engineering. Dexion Ltd - structural design and contract mgt. Then with various companies, specialising in productivity improvement techniques and data-processing. Eventually with large contract catering co as Training Manager, moving into personality assessment/psychometric testing for senior management, and pioneering BS5750 (ISO 9000). Lead Assessor, Lloyds Register. Retired early, aged 56. It beats working. Immediate projects building barn garage and house extension. Married in 1962 to Jan; one son Nicholas who married Elizabeth. Our granddaughter is Sophie. Still playing music and getting paid for it. Lots of river/canal boating on our 20' trailboat cruiser. Some watercolour painting, digital photography and IT studies. Lover of good food and wine; reasonable skills with cooking Indian food. Knee op due in Jan 05. Living at Chieveley (J13, M4). Phone 01635 248564.
Ian Beach, Joblings (1948-1955) Last update: during 2000 Following a long career in the NHS where ultimately I became the Administrator of the Oxfordshire Health Authority, I formed my own consultancy in health care management. Since 1990 this has provided services throughout the UK and in other countries including Russia, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Trinidad and Bangladesh.
Mike Cleveland, Joblings (1948-1955) updated October 2002 Partner in flooring and tiling company living in Trowbridge, Wiltshire
Dick Handscombe Meadows (1947-1955) updated September 2006 Retired from Intenational Management Consulting and writing business books. Still keeps fit walking the mountains of Spain, where he now lives, and gardening. Any old friends visiting the Gandia area who like walking are welcome to contact him for a walk! Has just completed his 8th and 9th books with his wife Clodagh. 'Growing healthy vegetables in Spain' to be published in October 2006 and ' Growing healthy fruit in Spain' to be published in November 2006. Both published by Santana Books. (Suspect there must be some Old Habs with properties in Spain.) Includes ideas for growing vegetables and fruit in less than one square metre so now Old Habs, even living in apartments, have no excuse for a little gardening exercise! The last book ' Your Garden in Spain' sells well in UK as well as in Spain.
John Keith Sholl, Hendersons (1949-1955) Last update: during 2000 Living in Cornwall. Member of FGBMFI.
Roger Lyle, Hendersons (1948-1955) Last update: during 2000 Secretary of the Old Haberdashers' Association
Malcolm Tappin, (1948-1955) Last update September 2001 Retired Charterd Structural Engineer. Past Chairman ABC (Holdings) plc, now WSP Group. Member of London Society of Rugby Football Referees. Treasurer of Chiltern Section of the Vintage Motor Cycle Club
Peter Warwick, (1948?-1955) updated June 2004 I was at Haberdashers from about 1948 (?), starting at the prep school on Page Street, Mill Hill, subsequently at Westbere Road, Cricklewood until 1955. I joined the Merchant Navy and subsequently got involved in Yachting, where I still make my living. I now live in Newport, RI, USA and became a US Citizen in 1997.
Godfrey Arnold, Meadows (1948-1956) Last update: during 2000 After a career in chemicals and plastics business with 30 years at ICI, I retired in 1993 and started a technical and marketing consultancy in the plastics business.
John Egan ( -1956)
Michael Gould, Joblings (1950-1956) updated April 2003 Ordained in Universal Brotherhood Movement 1997. Member OH Cricket and Rugby Clubs 19591963. Address: 64,Fort Road, Newhaven, East Sussex,BN9 9EJ. Tel. 01273 510287.
Alan Ward Johnson, Strouts (1951-1956) Last update: during 2000 Part owner of consultant engineer company for civil engineering. Member of Neighbourhood engineers.
Peter Mitchell, Strouts (1950-1956) Last update: during 2000 Worked for 35 years in local government, 32 years of this for Cornwall County Council where I was in charge of Information and Research in the Planning Department. For 20 years secretary of Truro Baptist Church. Still an avid listener to jazz (thanks to Peter Vacher among others!.
John Parker, Calverts (1949-1956) Last update: during 2000 Treasurer of the Old Haberdashers' Association.
Michael Petzold, (-1956) updated June 2002 Living in New Zealand
Robert (Bob) Adams Hendersons (1951-1957) Last updated: September 2005 Current activities - Retired - Previously Principal Scientific Officer with Meteorological Office. Interests include: Family History (founder member Cambridgeshire Family History Society); Table Tennis - player Exeter TT League. I, with my wife Margaret, moved in July 2001 to Sidmouth, a delightful place, thoroughly recommended to fellow Old Haberdashers.
Robert Cattle, Meadows (1947-1957) updated April 2001 Retired; formerly Deputy Chief Executive (Finance) National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux
David Sutcliffe, Hendersons (1951-1957) Last update: April 2001 Retired to Florida after 30 years as a Jet Engine Design Engineer at General Electric in Massachusetts.
Graham Thompson, Joblings (1949-1957) updated August 2001 I lived in Nottingham for a few years after leaving University before moving to Exeter in 1966 and have lived there ever since. I spent my working life in the construction materials industry before retiring in 1993. I subsequently set up my own consultancy business working mainly overseas. This is part time only and eases my way into retirement. I enjoy the travel and the challenge involved and have no plans to retire completely. Golf and the garden (and of course my wife!) keep me busy when I am at home.
Mike Carrington Russells (1953-1958) updated August 2005 I was at Habs from 1953 to 1958 in the Westbere Road days. I have fond memories of the place. I played cricket for the school, and am actually trying to replace my cricket photos which were lost some time ago. I suppose the originals are long gone. I was in the CCF (Army section) for a couple of years. Some of you may remember my father, TE Carrington, (AKA TEC) who taught at the school from 1947 to 1981. He died in 2002. For the past 25 years I have been living in Hong Kong where I currently teach English and Music at international schools here. During the 1980's I ran some marathons out here and played some cricket and tennis for the Hong Kong Cricket Club. I am married with two sons. It would be nice to hear from any other old boys who may remember me.
Peter Kirk, Meadows (1953-1958) Last update: during 2000 Chartered Surveyor currently working as Consultant with Shell Philippines Exploration B.V. in Manila. Confirmed expatriate, having spent 27 years working abroad in various locations.
Graham Pope, Calverts (1950-1958) updated October 2003 Managing Director of Ickleford Motor Company at Hitchin Herts. Hyundai main dealer for N. Herts.
Bryan Robinson, Meadows (-1958) updated April 2003 Semi-retired doctor. Married, play golf and bridge, live at Taplow, Bucks.
David Heasman Calverts ( 1953-1959) Last updated: September 2003 Newly elected Vice President of the Old Haberdashers' Association. Married to Roz. Have two sons. Chartered Surveyor by profession. Played rugby and cricket for the OH.
John M Davis Joblings (1948-1959) updated June 2002 I retired in 2001 as Environmental Supervisor for Wichita and Sedgwick County, Kansas. Now to keep myself occupied I am going back to almost full time aviation history research. Have one book that I am working on, as well as helping others on various projects. Am also an active member of the Kansas Aviation Museum, the Latin American Aviation Historical Society, and the Conference of Historic Aviation Writers.
Roger Lansdell, Hendersons (1951-1959) Last update: during 2000 Retired Open University Music: Bath Bach Choir +piano chamber groups.
David Ridge Russells (1951-1959) Updated October 2001 In spite of a PhD in Biochemistry, I am an artist and photographer (divorced) living in North London. My website is http//:www.davidridge.com
David (Jelley) Temple, (1954-1959) Updated February 2002 Name at School was David Michael Jelley. I changed to David M. Temple in January 1967.
Tim Williams, Joblings (-1959) updated July 2001 Currently Partner, Williams Munck Design & Marketing http://www.williamsmunck.co.uk
1960 onwards 1960
John Bishop, Russells (1955-1960) updated March 2006 Taxi operator in Port Macquarie, NSW, Australia.
Richard Bower, Meadows ( -1960) Updated December 2001 Retired early, find it much preferable to working; having now tried both I strongly recommend it. Living in Mill Hill with wife of 34 years; hobbies fly fishing, golf and music.
Colin (Eijssen) Eyssen Hendersons (1954-1960) updated February 2002 I am currently running my own service company with approx. 60 employees and have been doing so for the last ten years. Prior to that I was very much involved in the financial world doing Treasury work, Acquisitions and Divestments and I also worked as a Chief Financial Officer. I emigrated to Canada in 1968 and I live in Toronto at present. My surname, Eijssen, is Dutch in origin and can also be spelt Eyssen - a simpler version which I have now adopted.
Mike Hillyard, Joblings (1953-1960) Last update: during 2000 Now retired after 37 years in telecommunications research & development.
David Jelley, (now David Temple) Joblings (1954-1960) updated August 2005
Richard Lowne, Hendersons (1952-1960) updated January 2003 I was at Habs from 1952 - 1960, the last two years in Reg Priest's A-level science 6th form classes (6B2 & 6A1, if I remember correctly). As an attendance monitor in 6A1, I still have a copy of the register. It was Reg Priest who inspired me to become a physicist. After leaving Habs, I took an honours degree in physics at Exeter University. Following that, I joined the Transport Research Laboratory (then called the Road Research Laboratory) where, since a change in responsibility in 1966, I was responsible for research on injuries in road accidents and ways of reducing the risk of these injuries. This has involved working with the Medical research group at the University of Nottingham, where I am an Associate Professor of Biomechanics. I will retire from TRL this summer and have been fortunate enough to be awarded an OBE for this work in this year's New Years Honours.
Michael Marre Calverts (1952-1960) updated March 2006 I studied medicine at the Middlesex Hospital Medical School and finally achieved the not-soexalted status of doctor in 1966. After several years as a NHS GP, I followed Howard Travers (my contemporary at Habs, and at the Middlesex) to the USA. I am currently living and practicing about seventy-five miles West of Chicago. I have two children, both of whom are grown and married and have given me grandchildren, and a step-son who is intelligent enough to stay at home and enjoy a standard of living he could not otherwise afford!
Richard Owen, Joblings (1953-1960) updated September 2002 After working for the Vestey Organization (meat etc.) for some 18 years, 13 of which in France, Spain, Germany and Holland (the rest at 14 West Smithfield, Vestey's Head Office and site of the new Haberdashers' Hall), worked in the alcoholic drinks business for The Distillers Company/ Guinness/Diageo. Formerly Export Director James Buchanan & Co., Johnnie Walker, Tanqueray Gordon Espana, UDV. Recently retired as Director General of The Amsterdam Group, an association of major European alcoholic drinks companies. Now working as a consultant to the alcoholic beverage industry.
Clive Seymour, Joblings (1953-1960) Last update: during 2000 Retired Engineer/Project Manager now involved in charity work.
Cedric Slinn, Strouts (1953-1960) Last update: during 2000 Information Technology specialist. Married. Living in Crowborough, East Sussex.
Richard Stonhold Hendersons (1953 - 1960) updated December 2004 Teaching (part time) Physics and Maths in Hove, Sussex. Married, with 3 children - all in their 20's.
Clive Bender Joblings (1952-1961) Updated September 2001 Currently I am a solicitor being the senior partner of a firm in the City. Unfortunately I had a heart attack in January of this year and now am semi retired and spend the rest of my time driving my wife Suzy mad but have recently started to learn to play golf.
J Barry Davison Strouts ( -1961) Last updated October 2001 For extended personal details, click here
C Rodney Jakeman ( -1961) Last updated:April 2002
Donald McNeil, Joblings (1956-1961) Last update: during 2000 Director of ship management company, Melbourne, Vic., Australia.
Uday Sheorey [Dr.], (1958-1961) updated March 2002 I was a student from March 1958-July 1961 (then at Hampstead) and played cricket for the 1st eleven. I then studied at Kings College, then did my doctorate at University College London and moved to Stevenage in 1970 (at ICL Research Labs). I used to play cricket for the Old Boys quite a lot during 1970-76. I returned to India in 1978 and started my own consultancy, at Nagpur (Central India). Currently I am based in Mumbai for business (click here for details of Sheorey Digital Systems (SDS)). I'd love to get in touch with my contemporaries.
Richard Woolnough, Hendersons (1954-1961) Last update: during 2000 Living in Bermuda for the last 18 years. Still in the retail business. Brother of Tim Woolnough (Hendersons 19??-1966?)
Anthony J S (Tony) Alexander Calverts (1956-1962) updated July 2002 Resident of Bushey, Hertfordshire, a founder member of the GWB Society, Park Road, Bushey, along with John R Parker (1956) plus several other OH! Spent the last few years working and living in Stoke on Trent, Newcastle upon Tyne, Lisbon, latterly, Belfast, before settling in Bushey! Past President of the OHA & OHRFC; assisting the new OHRFC President, Simon Gresswell (1984), to find additional players, so keeping the spirit of Old Boys rugby alive at Croxdale Road. Running a Logistics & Supply Chain Consultancy and continuing to have lots of "fun"! Became a grandfather for first time on 7th October 2001.
Rodney Newham (Gascoyne), Joblings (1960-1962) updated August 2003 I was at Habs during the years we moved to Elstree. I was known as Rodney J. Newham then but added my mother's maiden name Gascoyne as a new surname, as I expected to join the family business. I had moved from a boarding school to study at Habs for my 'A' Levels. I now live in Toronto, a Chartered Accountant, running my own consulting firm, and have written my memoir, carried on my website at www.RGascoyne.CanadianWebs.Com/Happenchance.htm
Barry Rolfe Russells (1955-1962) updated August 2002 Currently General Secretary of the Royal Aero Club and the British Gliding Association working from offices in Leicester.
David Rudland, Russells (1956-1962) Last update: during 2000 Developing global film location facility for internet to be known as Equator.
Bruce R. F. Smith (1955-1962) updated June 2004 Son of former physics master and Russells housemaster, F. R. Smith. I have been working in the music business as a professional lyricist for the last 19 years. I live in Hilversum ,The Netherlands. I have had several top 10 & top 20 international hits and have written songs for several films - the last being "Snap Shots" starring Julie Christie, Burt Reynolds & Carmen Chaplin. Would like to get in touch with fellow Haberdashers - preferably engaged in similar or allied activities. Latest News: Just had a song called "MISSING CHAPTER" (lasts 7:39 minutes!) placed on the latest TEN SHARP album: "STAY", which was released in Holland in February. (Ten Sharp had a mega international hit with their single "YOU", selling more than 16 million units.) "Missing Chapter" is slated for release sometime in June 2003. Please also check out my song:
"BREAKING NEWS',track 17 on the SongLink International Song Seller CD for Winter 2003. The editor of SongLink International, David Stark, is also a former Haberdasher (1971). My web site is: www.lyricalbruce.com
Alan Usiskin Meadows (1955-1962) updated December 2002 At the school at the same time as me were my younger brother Daniel, my older cousin Laurence,and second cousins older Stephen and younger Nicholas.We had been preceded many years previously by my fathers cousins, Sidney and David Usiskin, who were Stephen and Nicholas's fathers! Went to Guys to study dentistry 1962-1967. Went to live in Israel and work at Hadassah Hospital,Jerusalem 1968-1969. Met and married Judith in Israel.Return to London 1969. Two children- Martin 30 yrs old -educated at City of London,and Anna 28 years old educated at Haberdashers,Elstree. We have lived in Edgware Middx since 1970. I have been at my Dental Practice in Wembley Middx since 1971. Interests,hobbies?? No- not Rugby,Sailing,Cricket or Rowing-sorry! I was introduced to Jazz in the 6th form at Habs by Peter Fellner a classmate who is now Chief Exec at Celltech Medaeva Chiroscience. I am still very involved in jazz as a hobby and semi-pro playing alto and soprano saxophone in my own band.I am very interested in the theory and it's application to jazz improvisation-and -even though I say so myself,well grounded in this subject which had it's beginnings in the way we were taught about cadences,augmented and diminished scales in about the third form at Habs by music teacher Dr. McClellan!("Coooo-aaaaaaart" up the scale!) Our biology teacher Barry Goater would remember me and my late lamented cousin, Laurence Usiskin,well!! - me because I was such an unwilling Rugby player!
Leon Desbrow (-1963) updated December 2001 I completed a B.Sc (Econ) at the London School of Economics in 1967 and a Masters of Business Administration at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania in 1969. I have been with the Chase Manhattan Bank (now JP Morgan Chase) since 1969 and have had a number of overseas assignments. I currently am in the Corporate Treasury Department specialising in Pension investments. Since 1981 I have been resident in the New Jersey, United States married to Evelyne with two children, Mark and Alexandra. My address is Miller Road, New Vernon NJ 07976, USA
John Freeman, Hendersons (1955-1963) Last update: during 2000 Solicitor for 31 years, now retiring having been appointed to be a District Judge in the County Court. Still shooting with the OH Rife Club
Nigel Grant, Hendersons (1955-1963) Last update: during 2000 Consultant for dance education and training. I run training courses for dancers to learn management skills, also seminars for dance teachers and public lectures. I undertake management consultancy work for dance schools and professional dance companies. My website, Dance Teachers Online(www.dance-consult.com) provides listings and services for dance teachers world-wide, as well as a public resource for those seeking dance teachers.
John Magowan, Meadows (1958-1963) updated March 2004 I was in the Guard of Honour for the Lord Mayor when he opened the "new"school at Elstree. I still have a copy of the Illustrated London News which carried a major article on the Opening. When I left in 1963, I joined Johnny Walker, the Whisky manufacturers, on the export side. I left after two years, my health couldn't take the social occasions! I joined IBM UK Ltd. It was a major change as IBM was a"dry" company. I was playing Rugby for the Old Boys and had my 21st at the OB Club House. I spent 27 years at IBM, mainly working with UK Government. Amongst my responsiblities was the Royal Household and my wife and I were invited to a number of Garden Parties. They really do serve cucumber sandwiches. In 1993 I took the downsizing package that was being offered and worked for 7 years as an Consultant to the Policing bodies. I had a short 2 year career with another large US IT Company, also dealing with Government. When I left I thought I would be able to relax a bit as a part time Consultant. However, I was approached at the beginning of this year for a senior job with a large European IT company, to help develop their Government business. It was an offer I could not refuse so I am now back in the corporate space. I play occasional golf when I have the time, support England rugby and travel with my wife and family. My three children are all grown up and left home but we get on well and enjoy the best things in life together. I enjoy attending the Decade Dinners. Nice to see old school friends also getting old gracefully. I have taken along a collection of photos I took when at school and we have a good laugh looking at how we looked then.
Stephen Pope, (-1963) updated October 2003
Stuart Stanley Russells (1956-1963) updated October 2001 IT Consultant living in Buckinghamshire
Peter Annett, Calverts (1952-1964) updated April 2001 Current position, Finance Director/Company Secretary. Member of OH Golf Society
Peter Hammersley, (-1964) updated October 2004
Michael Castle, Calverts (-1965) updated February 2003 After leaving school I joined an accountancy firm and qualified as a chartered accountant. Went to Jimmy Goldsmith's investment bank and worked under Jimmy during the time he did all his deals with Slater. Those were the days! Late nights in Berkeley Square! Wine women and numbers. Moved to the USA in 1974, married a beautiful girl from big apple and started my own clothing import company in Manhattan. Still running the show here - I have 3 kids, 25, 21 and 10 years. My son works with me, my daughter is finishing at New York University and my little one runs my house in great neck! Also have a summer house in the Hamptons.
Martyn Cooper, Hendersons (1960-1965) Last update: during 2000 Director and C.O.O. of Tekgraf, Inc. a NASDAQ Company. Residing in Houston, Texas.
Nicholas Dobson, Hendersons (1959-1965) Last update: during 2000 After twenty happy years of teaching Economics at St.Andrews University I decided to retire (early) to Oxford and spend my time travelling (much of it on my narrowboat).
Christopher Drew Joblings (1948-65) updated September 2006 Located in Berkhamsted, running a market intellience service for the chemical industry. A desk chemist, not a bench or a plant chemist, but still a practicing chemist. I hope John Carleton would be pleased! I took up orienteering some time after leaving university - so run into David Rosen and Tony Thornley from time to time. Stayed with the Territorial Army (Royal Corp of Transport movements squadron) long enough to collect my TD - then decided to spend more time with the family. Recently met Stephen Lea (1964) for the first time in 30 years at a College reunion. He is currently (current at 2001) acting V-C of the University of Exeter.
Ian Ker, Meadows (1959-1965) updated November 2006 I have lived in Perth, Western Australia, since 1977, having first 'fled' the UK for Melbourne in 1971. After 37 years in transport research, policy and planning, I am now semi-retiredand run my own consultancy (CATALYST - Consulting in Applied Transport, Access and Land use sYSTems), specialising in sustainable transport (walking, cycling, travel behaviour change and access for people with disabilities), for fun. A word of warning, though, semi-retired means working 6 days a week instead of 8, a state of affairs that is contributed to my also being a local government Councillor (Town of Vincent, Western Australia) for nearly 12 years. We are also restoring an old house (the third we have done) and live in a presbytery restored by us that is on the local heritage list.
Ian Krause, Joblings (1960-1965) Last update: during 2000 Freelance TV Producer.
Jack Lang, Hendersons (1959-1965) Last update: during 2000 Chief Technologist ntl: Founder and former CTO E*Trade UK Ltd Lecturer in Business Studies, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge.
Alan Lowne (1959-1965) updated June 2005 B.Sc.(Eng) at Southampton in Electronics Engineering, then worked at EMI Electronics, Kodak UK, transferring to Kodak (Rochester, NY, USA) in 1980. Now president/owner of Saelig Co. Inc. - electronics importing/distribution company. Married with 2 grown children. Still an active violinist.
David Medcalf ( -1965) Updated October 2001 After 25 years in the Machine Tool industry I established my own company supplying garage doors, security products and gate automation systems. Younger brother of Harry Metcalf.
Nicholas Meyer, Strouts (1959-1965) updated November 2006 Currently living in Vancouver British Columbia. Would be happy to hear from any of my classmates from the classes of either '67 or '68.
Geoffrey Mitchell, (-1965) updated July 2002 Moved to Australia at 19, bummed around the outback of Australia for a couple of years, worked as a professional diver and ended up as an elephant keeper at Taronga Zoo in Sydney. Veterinary Degree from the University of Sydney in 1972 then a stint at Royal Vet College and another at University of California (Davis). Have been a Veterinary Pathologist for the last 27 years, early days with Government departments then as a senior partner / shareholder in a private pathology business recently purchased by a "trans-national corporation". Now contemplating retirement to the bush. Married, 2 children, enjoy skiing, sailing, travel and good Aussie wine. Notable incident with a grass snake in an RE period at Habs which, I was told later, kept the senior common room amused for weeks. Rate the school (unappreciated at the time) as a great influence in my life. Remember some notable masters of the time: Barry Goater (biology), John (?) Creedy (biology), Jack Carleton (chemistry), Spike the padre, Taffy Barling (french) and others whose names escape me but whose faces are still there!
Peter Redstone, Strouts (1958-1965) Last update: during 2000 Currently employed at Mt Royal College, Calgary, AB, Canada in the Faculty of Science & Technology. Married 18 years with two daughters. Own and operate a consulting company called StoneTek involving the repair, maintenance and calibration of medical equipment. Main hobby continues to be competitive target shooting. Was a member of the 1995 and 1998 Canadian National Shooting Teams which shot at Bisley. While there shot for Old Habs Rifle Assn. in the Veteran's Match ('95 & '98) and in the Astor Cup ('98). Great to see so many 'old' faces.
Professor Ian Swingland (1953-1965) updated October 2002 Has been a major figure in biology conservation and biodiversity for over twenty years. He is founder of The Durrell Institute for Conservation and Ecology (“DICE”) and holds the Emeritus Chair in Conservation Biology at the University of Kent, in addition to Visiting Chairs at the Universities of Michigan, Florence, Auckland, and Manchester Metropolitan. DICE is now a world leader in the field of conservation biology teaching new generations of conservation scientists from around the world. He is an advisor on conservation and bio-diversity management to the World Bank, the Global Environment Facility, the Asian Development Bank, and the UK Government. He is a married to a former dentist, who now works in urology, with a son 15 and daughter 13 and lives on his farm in deepest Kent. For an extended biography, click here.
Richard Tucker (-1965) updated November 2001
David Warman, Strouts (1959-1965) updated May 2006 I was at Habs on an LCC scholarship from 1959 to 1965, built furniture for the Boarders in 1960 whilst in NW London digs, was one of the first set of boys fast-tracked from the 4th to the 6th in 1963 (a truly terrible decision, in retrospect). I may not use much of the direct curriculum in my life (computers), but I almost daily thank Habs for teaching me how to think, how to reason, and best of all how to question. And for the SSU alternative to the CCF that gave me electronics and logic. After leaving in 1965 I attended Bedford College in Regent's Park for a year, part of their first years' intake of men: 47 men, about 1000 women, mostly in residence. At the end of that first year the student president elect was a man and there was a bar in the common room. Left mid-course because I needed full time work, continued degree at Birkbeck College, graduated B. Sc in Mathematical Sciences with Physics in 1973. The full time work was at Elliott Automation, not far from the school as it happened, testing their computers, a job that morphed quite naturally into a career as I found computer logic and programming to be my metier. It also took me to Los Angeles in 1975, and in 1994 to Seattle and my little slice pf paradise on Bainbridge Island. See my CV at http://www.davidwarman.net for more details.
Stuart Cresswell, Strouts (1960-1966) updated December 2001 Old hippie, child and occupational occupational psychologist now running a waterside bar in Grenada, West Indies Address: stuart @ stuart's bar, true blue bay, grenada, west indies
Richard Cryer, Meadows (1959-1966) updated July 2001 I was at the school from 1959-1966 (Meadows House) when I left for Downing College Cambridge where I read economics. Following this I qualified as a chartered accountant and worked in insurance in the City for a number of years. Last year I became Assistant Principal (Resources) at Trinity College of Music which is moving this summer (2001) from Marylebone to the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich. I am living in Kingston upon Thames and also in Gloucester.
Stuart Dombey, Meadows (1959-1966) Last update: during 2000 A physician working in the pharmaceutical industry and living in the USA for the last 12 years.
George Haller, Strouts (1963-1966) Last update: during 2000 Working at F Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Basel, Switzerland at present carrying out research on the effects of vitamins and other nutrients on brain function and behaviour in man and screening for active food constituents in animals.
David Riddle Russells (1956-1966) updated October 2001 Senior Microcomputer Officer, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 1992-. Married with three children, girls of 20 and 17 and a boy of 13... yes we started late! Ex-Software Support Manager, Educational Computing Unit, King's College London, 1980-1992. Designed educational software packages for UK secondary education's Micro Electronics Project (MEP). Worked on Apple Computer's Renaissance Project (educational CD-ROMs) 1988-1990 and edited 'Wheels for the Mind', the organ of the Apple University Consortium in the UK. Gofer, Display Electronics, Thornton Heath, 1979-1980 Biology teacher, Colfe's Grammar School, Lee Green, SE12, 1972-1979 Biology teacher, Haberdashers Aske's Boys School, New Cross, SE14, 1970-1972 Social Secretary, Goldsmiths College, University of London, 1969-1970 Student, Goldsmiths College, University of London, BSc, PGTC, 1966-1970
Ken Robinson, Hendersons (1959-1966) Last update: during 2000 Associate Partner with Andersen Consulting in Johannesburg, South Africa, specialising in major change projects in the electrical utilities industries of Africa.
Paul Shaw (now Shaviv) (-1966) updated September 2003
David Shemuel, Strouts (1958-1966) Last update: December 2001 Married with four kids. Emigrated to Canada (Toronto) in 1981. Currently consult in Project Management in the IT industry.
David Conway, Calverts (1961-1967) Last update: during 2000 Consultant/manager for European Union on technical assistance projects in NIS (former Soviet Union).
Trevor Dobson, Strouts (1960-1967) Last update: during 2000 After studying Geography at Bristol University, I worked 'on the buses' for a while before moving into local government. I now work for Cheshire County Council as Transport Manager. I live with my wife and family in North Wales and I enjoy playing Bridge, Snooker and Table Tennis.
Steve Myers Russells (1959-1967) updated June 2003 Was part of the 'Class of 1970' but left early. There is a full bio of me on my web site at http://sm.org, but briefly, I run a think-tank (non-profit foundation), radio network and online daily newspaper, all based in Washington DC. I live just outside Washington in McLean, Virginia.
Geoffrey Pickering, Russells (1963-1967) updated May 2002 Married, four children, living in Bishop's Stortford and working in Marylebone. Left Habs on an English-Speaking Union exchange to Wilbraham Academy, Mass, USA. Then three years at Christ Church, Oxford reading maths. Worked for Turner&Newall (the recently collapsed asbestos giant) for the next ten years in Manchester and abroad, finishing with an MBA at Cranfield. The overseas bit was six years in all, first in Chilanga, Zambia and then in Kaduna, Nigeria meeting up with Murray McCartney (??-1967) who was with the same firm. From Cranfield, joined Gestetner in Tottenham in 1981, moving to Euston and then Marylebone. Gestetner was bought by Ricoh in 1995 and has since been renamed NRG Group.
Roger Pidgeon Joblings (1962-1967) updated September 2001 Currently managing partner of a Town Planning partnership and also into project management. Having left the RNR now dabbling in model engineering. For any one who remembers my father, Bill, at the school he died in 1993 aged 82 ; his wife Gladys still going strong at 91!
Nigel Siberry ( -1967) updated October 2001 I became an Estate agent in 1968 after 1 year in the regular army ( which I always refered to as the university of life) and now have my own business in East Sussex. I played rugby until 1983 when I broke my back in the scrum, whilst playing in my favorite position of tight head. I now race push bikes including time trials with personal bests of 22mins for 10 miles and 57 mins for 25 miles. I came 8th in the World Cycling Champs in Italy last year on a vert hilly circuit when a former French pro could only make 4th place. After leaving the regular army I joined the Honourable Artillery Company and am known as a veteran member. I was a member of 21 SAS Regt between 1970 and 1975. Other interests include Freemasonary and Rotary. At the moment I am President of the Uckfield Rotary Club.
Graham St. George (1958-1967) updated September 2001 Lived in south of France since 1973 as a professional Yacht captain.Still active and sea going, hopefully like my old mate, now Rear Admiral, Tony Higham - a year below me at School.The only other person I can remember from that epoch was my 6th form English Lit. teacher, a certain New York Jew from the Bronx on an exchange teachers year,called Jake Luria,who bought Shakespeare alive for me ! I was sad to hear of the death of Clark-Lowes, a first class personnage: fondly remembered.
Andy Stephens, (-1967) updated October 2002 Worked all my life in the Music Business, starting out as an engineer at Abbey Road Studios before eventually rising to the dizzy heights of Managing Director , Epic Records ( part of Sony Music ) in 1993. Left (voluntarily !) to form own artist management company in 1995 under the snappy title of Andy Stephens Management. (Ed: modest chap, we hear clients include George Michael, Lisa Stansfield and Geri Halliwell.) Married with two children.
Eric Wright (-1967) updated January 2003 I have spent all my working life based in Liverpool. Sportswise I did not play much cricket after leaving school. I enjoyed a number of 20 overs, business type, knockabouts but was not prepared to persuade my wife (who was surprised that a hockey match could entail getting back after dark at 7.30pm or later) that I should spend the summer leaving earlier and getting home even later!! I am still playing the hockey, and in the last 5 years or so have been stupid enough to try to enjoy golf!! Tennis is another game that I have enjoyed once past 40! It is nice that I am still active because my parents spent all their leisure time sleeping in front of the TV at this age. The best payback has been being mistaken as my (27 year old) son's brother on a couple of occasions much to his annoyance. And even better, considered as a dirty old man dining with my 23 year old daughter!! To see how I have faired against the ravages of time visit www.hitchcockwright.co.uk
Graham Wright, Calverts (1954-1967) Last update: during 2000 CEO and founder of Future Families, a non-profit foster care & adoption agency in the United States. President of California Association of Adoption Agencies. Member of the President's Advisory Council on Adoption. Has a great family and wife.
Richard Ambor, Calverts (1961-1968) Last update: during 2000 Running my own business sourcing food and non-food products for the supermarket groups.
Nick Batzdorf, (1967-1968) updated October 2005 I attended in 1967-68 when I lived in England for a year at age 11-12. Great school - I learned more in my year at Haberdasher's than in the next four in the U.S. Now editor/publisher of Virtual Instruments Magazine - the world of softsynths and samplers www.virtualinstrumentsmag.com. Very happy if old friends make contact.
David J Brown ( -1968) updated February 2003 Married to Kate, with 3 daughters, Annabel (15), Emily (12) and Lucy (10), living in Little Kingshill, Bucks. Chartered Surveyor and Town Planner. After time as a Hillingdon Council Planner and a firm of surveyors, became a Director of three Trafalgar House property and development companies. Now running own Planning and Property consultancy, Brown Associates and Director of Butlers Cross Properties Ltd. Interests, apart from the family and when time permits, are travel, music (bass/rhythm guitar with local band Dirty Mavis) and sport (cycling, rugby, sailing, intermittent golf and an occasional day out on the track in a 1971 Triumph GT6). Currently President of the OHA.
Stephen Evans (1961-1968) updated August 2001 Has been resident in Finland for 28 years. After taking an MA at Worcester College, Oxford he has since taken a degree (Filofian Maisteri, 1983) in English, Classics, musicology and educational science at the University of Turku, Finland, a Master's of Music from the Sibelius Academy 1991, M.Phil in Greek 1999 at Turku University and Ph.D in the performance of Homeric Greek at Turku University, 2001. He has been a Cathedral-status Organist and Choirmaster for 20 years, now at the Parish of Parkano, Finland. He is married and has two children.
Charles Freeman Hendersons (1961-1968) updated July 2001 I was appointed Headteacher of Wolstanton High School in Newcastle-under-Lyme in May 2000 after 32 years in Southampton. I still shoot with a trusty band of Old Haberdashers several times each year at Bisley. Do join us if you are interested in target shooting - we seem to be a dying breed!
Ian D Luder, (-1968) Last update September 2001
Pete Myers, Strouts (1955-1968) updated March 2005 After leaving school in 1968 he gained his B.A. in Economics and History at Reading in 1971. For no particular reason he then qualified as a Solicitor and became a Director of the Percy Bilton Group (property development) in 1979. He practiced (putting it no higher than that) as a property and commercial lawyer in industry from 1977 until 2001. Feeling that the law was not after all to be his chosen path Pete is now a rancher growing almonds in Central Valley California while making occasional sorties to his home in Gloucestershire.
Peter Oppenheimer, (-1968) updated May 2006 Now Director of Food Distribution Company - business partner Richard Ambor who was at Habs same dates
Peter Parham, (1961-1968) Professor Cell Biology; Microbiology and Immunology, Stanford University School of Medicine
Alan Phipps, Russells (1961-1968) updated March 2005 President of the Old Haberdashers' Association (2001-02). Also spent 4 years as President of the Old Haberdashers' Cricket Club and remains the oldest current playing member. Has been honoured to be selected to play cricket for Hertfordshire Over 50s first team for the past 3 years. Play a lot of table tennis in the winter. Work as a management consultant in the health sector specialising in PFI projects. Married to Jane, living in Radlett.
Bill Redway, (1961-1968) updated August 2002
David Sheridan ( -1968) updated October 2001 I'm now Managing Director of Europa Components & Equipment plc having on the way done a BSc(Eng) at Kings, London and then become an ACA. For 3 years I was on the Council of the ICAEW and National Vice-President of the Board of Chartered Accountants in Business (BCAB) and many other national and local committees. My youngest daughter attends the Girls School.
Malcolm Stern Strouts (1961-1968) updated October 2001 Varied career including estate agent, accountant, sailing on the Rainbow Warrior with Greenpeace. Have been a practicing psychotherapist for the last 20 years
Trevor Fox, (1962-1969) updated May 2001 Chartered accountant. Rollout accounting and manufacturing systems, SAP R/3 and JDE. Live London, offices in Brussels and Dublin. Student pilot in middle age. Three daughters, one at university. Find life is tremendously expensive.
Dr. Laurence Godfrey (1962-1969) updated May 2001 Mostly procrastinating. Living in Bushey
Chris Goodwin, Russells (1966-1969) Last update: during 2000 Emigrated to Melbourne, Australia in 1995. Now working for Chesterton International as Commercial Agency Manager advising on the sale, acquisition and leasing of commercial real estate. Married with three children.
Julian Grimwade ( -1969) updated July 2002 I left in 69 although that was after O levels, so the bulk of my year left in 71. I had a patchy career for six years after leaving school (16 jobs and much travelling!) - settled into current occupation around 1975. Have spent last 25 years as Freelance Conference Producer; now also own small New Media company (stuff for computers). I am living in Weybridge, married to Jenny for 19 years. Two sons, Jonathan 16, at Millfield, and William 14, at Halliford. One dog, several motorbikes, cars, boats etc. Life could be worse.
Rod Lock (-1969) updated March 2002
Paul Meadows Meadows (1962-69) updated October 2001 Working for Bank of Montreal in London. Married with four children. Now living in Milton Keynes. Fond memories of Tat, Taffy, Spike and Spud.
Mark Payling, Joblings (1962-1969) last update December 2003 Working in the civil service, based in London SW1. Living in SW Herts with wife, two daughters and son.
Alan Pinder Meadows (1962-69) updated October 2001 Retired early to campaign with Friends of the Earth on planet-saving. Grows own fruit and veg, does up houses, cycles everywhere and enjoys a generally low-impact lifestyle. Previously was a technical trainer, author ('Transputer Hardware and Systems Design') and software quality manager for Inmos and ST Microelectronics (1987-2001). Before that, self-employed wholefood shopkeeper and builder (1975-1986).
Peter Robin Joblings (1962-1969) Last update: September 2001 Married to Heather since 1976. Three daughters, Samantha (22), Victoria (21), Davina (18).
Mark Rosenthal, Strouts (1964-69) Last update: during 2000 Managing research into Data warehousing in Nuclear and Process Industry. Active in PISTEP and other ISO STEP committees. Rugby Referee (North Wales). 7th in the NACRA catamaran championships in 1998.
John Benson, Meadows (1963-1970) Last update: during 2000 I have spent the last 20 years working at CMG UK ltd, currently Divisional Director of CMGs payroll Division. Living in Harpenden with 2 kids, 3 cats and a wife. Anyone remember Taffy Barling's trick with the striplights?
Phil Bevan, Hendersons (1964-1970) Last update: during 2000 Member of the Chartered Institute of Building,Purchasing Manager for Stamford Homes Ltd
(anyone like to buy a house in Lincolnshire ?)Married to Alison,and living in Bourne,Lincs.Two adult sons. Fell foul of Taffy on too many occasions !
Huw Dobson, Strouts (1959-1970) Last update: during 2000 Followed a career in mapping and live in Cardiff. Currently working in management in the Built Environment at University of the West of England, Bristol.
Dr Jeremy (Jay) Herbert. Calverts (1962-1970) updated July 2005 Graduated in medicine from Charing Cross and then spent 8 years working in the NHS as a hospital physician, mainly in anaesthetics. Left clinical practice to join the pharmaceutical industry over 20 years ago. Currently working as an independent consultant. Married to Bernadette and living in Little Milton near Oxford.
David Layzell, Strouts (1964-1970) Last update: during 2000 Living in Portland, Oregon. Director of Financial Information Systems for Intel Corporation.
Steve Myers Russells (1959-1967) updated July 2005 Was part of the 'Class of 1970' but left early. There is a full bio of me on my web site at http://www.radiosteve.org, but briefly, I run a think-tank (non-profit foundation), radio network and online daily newspaper, all based in Washington DC. I live just outside Washington in Corbin, Virginia.
Martin Sandler, Joblings (1966-1970) Last update: during 2000 Landscape contractor in Tucson, Az US.
Richard Townsend, (-1970) updated April 2003
Tony Barton, Joblings (1962-1971) H.M. Inspector of Taxes Main hobby is sailing - Treasurer of Seahorse Sailing Club at the Welsh Harp (Brent Reservoir).
Mike Beral, Strouts (1964-1971) Currently Business Systems Manager for Computacenter, largest UK reseller of PCs to major corporates. After leaving Bristol University I spent 14 years with ICI, then moved formally into IT. Happily married with a daughter born in 1983, we live in Radlett.
Kim Deshayes (1964-1971) updated December 2004 I was at the boys school from 1964-1971. My brother Mark (now living in Melbourne, Australia) was also at the school, as were my 2 grown-up children (Cathy and Jack). I’m an Old Haberdasher. I’ve just taken up the post of Foundation Director at Eastbourne College, having moved from Herts with my family earlier this year. My wife Alison is an Old Eastbournian. I previously worked in sports marketing and management for 20 years at some major venues including Twickenham, Lord’s, Wembley and Newmarket racecourse, and latterly as Fundraising Director for the Peace Hospice in Watford. I should be pleased to hear from any fellow Haberdashers by email.
Laurence Godfrey (see entry in 1969 list)
Julian Grimwade (see entry in 1969 list)
Kim Harris, Joblings (-1971) updated January 2002 Retired, live in the Yorkshire Dales, married 25 years, 3 great kids. Good life so far!
Andrrew Kleissner Hendersons (1964-1971) updated May 2007 After studying Mechanical Engineering at Southampton and then two years at Bible College, I spent several years in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa in missionary service. Since returning home in 1986 I have served as a Baptist Minister in two London churches and am now (since 2005) Minister of Christ Church, Ipswich. I have a picked up a BA in theology and an MA in Sociology of Religion (King's, London) along the way. My wife Moira and I have just celebrated our silver
wedding anniversary and our son Alastair lives in Bristol. After a gap of over 35 years I have just sung the Beethoven Mass in C in a local choir - last sung at a Habs Easter concert!
Jo(John) Martin, Calverts (1964-1971).
Jeremy Sultoon, Russells (1963-1971) updated November 2001 Currently partner at international law firm Ashurst Morris Crisp. Married with 1 son and living in Cobham Surrey. Very fond memories of getting into trouble with, but also being taught extremely well by, Taffy. OBP was also inspiring in languages.
Jonathan Zangwill, Strouts ( -1971) updated November 2001 I have a website. www.zangwill.net
Robert Abraham Joblings (1965-1972) updated March 2001 I work in occupational pension scheme software in Harrow, Middlesex. Many interests include listening to chamber music, and Bridge. Sentimental about the 1/10 era.
Phillip Appleton, Joblings (1965-1972) Actor, Presenter, Interpreter (French), Aviation Consultant (ex-airline pilot)
Kenneth Brice, Hendersons (1963-1972) Laboratory Manager, Toxic Chemicals Research Laboratory, Atmospheric Environment Service, Environment Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Philip Delancy, Joblings (1965-1972) updated March 2002 Having won "Crackerjack" while at School, I am now an actor working under the name "Philip Delancy" (see website). Mostly I do corporate work with occasional TV. I also played the Royal Starship Co-pilot in Star Wars Episode I. Perhaps a Flying Scholarship through the CCF and six years as an airline pilot helped me to "land" that one. Other experience, eg as Executive Aircraft Handling Officer for British Airways at Heathrow, Customer Service Manager for ILI and salesman for Encyclopaedia Britannica replaced full-time drama school. I currently fill in the gaps working as a Police, Customs and Courts interpreter (French) and living with a wife and three daughters.
Michael J Ezra Hendersons (1965-1972) updated February 2006 Living in Hampstead, London with wife Siobhan and 11 year old son (who has just been offered a place at Habs). Trading financial derivatives including energy options after many years with Barclays Capital and Reuters Instinet. How wonderful that a maths degree really helps every day in what I do. I cycle a lot - sometimes where I am not supposed to and still climb in Snowdonia every spring to relive old glories from CCF days. Haven't changed that much since adolescence other than having given up smoking Consulate cigarettes shortly before leaving Habs.
Roger Fulton Hendersons (1965-1972) Updated October 2001 I went into jounalism with vaguely idealistic thoughts of becoming James Cameron (worldly wise guru) and ended up as deputy editor of TVTimes (Ernie Wise guru). I got married and had three children, now I'm keeping the children and divorcing the wife! And after avoiding most sport at school because I kept getting injured I now sail and run marathons ? and still get injured. Along the way I found time to write a reference book on TV Science Fiction (now in its 5th edition). I lost touch with everybody I was at school with. A clean break, y'know. We all have to move on. Deal with it, guys. But now that irritating fellow called curiosity has tapped on my shoulder and won't leave me alone. Where did all those long- haired rebels and miscreants get to...
Rory Goff, Strouts (1966-1972) updated July 2002 I now design fire sprinkler systems for pay, and web sites as a hobby. I am self employed through choice. My wife and I are child-free but have 2 dogs, 2 cats, and 1 horse. No children is supposed to be less responsibility, but so far that is not true. I stopped playing rugby after trying to tackle a 300 pound American Football reject, who bopped me on the nose. I went down and stayed down. I now am a sea kayaker, downhill skier, golfer, and home owner. I would like to hear from anyone from the good old days.
Anthony Gross, Joblings (1966-1972) Writing, lecturing mainly on 15th-century History
Charles Hopping, Russells (1961-1972) Chairman Hoppings Softwood Products PLC. Desperately trying to find time for leisure after work, family, church, golf and skiing have had their share.
David McCalley, Meadows (1965-1972) Principal Lecturer in Analytical Science, University of the West of England, Bristol. Sub-organist, Clifton Cathedral Bristol.
Clifton Melvin, Meadows (1965-1972) updated April 2002 Married with 3 children (14, 12, 10). Qualified as an actuary in 1982. Have since had a more exciting career in financial services for Equity & Law, KPMG, GE Capital. Lived in Madrid 19871991. Now living in Herts and CEO of Winterthur Life (Winterthur-Life.co.uk). Coach of an U 11 football team and still a long-suffering Spurs supporter.
Andrew Moffat, Calverts (1965-1972) updated December 2003 Head of Environmental Research Branch, Forestry Commission Research Agency, UK.
Dr. Stephen M. Moss, Russells (1964-1972) Moved to the USA in 1980 after eight years collecting degrees at Cambridge, and started a Wall Street career. Currently the Director of Credit Risk Analytics at Salomon Smith Barney in New York City, and living at Bronxville NY. Continued archery after Cambridge, and qualified as US Level 4 National Coach. Very involved in youth leadership and mentorship programmes, in particular the New York City Academy of Finance, and Camp Perigewassett, New Hampshire. Would be glad to hear from any contemporaries who are still alive.
David Nordell, Strouts (1965-1972) I studied civil engineering at Southampton, at least when I wasn't busy with non-academic activities, and eventually moved to Israel in 1980. I spent ten years in journalism, mainly covering economics and science, then shifted into consulting, working mainly for the Israeli government on technology policy, strategic marketing for the Israeli economy, and economic aspects of the peace process. I'm now building my own Internet start-up (watch this space) and am also busy on the boards of several non-profit organisations. I'm in touch with several Old Habs here and thinking about setting up an Israeli branch of the OHA.
Stephen Salkind ( -1972) Updated October 2001
Iain Sewell, Russells (1965-1972) Chief Inspector of Police in Dyfed-Powys Police in Wales. District Information Technology Officer for Rotary District 1150.
David Simons, Calverts (-1972) updated October 2005 Married with 2 grownup children and run a family antique business in London. I live in Radlett and probably pass the old place every day-which means I see it more regularly now than I did then!! Probably spent more time at Tykes water than most "old habs" boys. Happy if anyone wants to say hallo by email.
Charles Van Cott, Strouts (1966-72) updated January 2002 I attended the school from 1966 until my family moved to the United States in 1972. At the present time, I am the executive vice president, business development, and general counsel to a pharmaceutical marketing services company with offices in Arizona and New Jersey. I have occupied that position for two years. Before that, I was a partner in a Phoenix, Arizona based law firm, where I specialized in corporate and securities work. I am about to remarry, and between us, Mary and I have three children. We live in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Jonathan Wills, Hendersons (1965-1972) Father
Hamish Adam, Calverts (1967-1973)
Philip Woolf Baker, Calverts (1962-1973) updated March 2002 I went from Habs to Cambridge then Oxford then London. I then taught law for six years at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University. I now split my time between practice at the revenue bar (chambers' web-site: www.taxbar.com) and Queen Mary, London University where I am visiting professor responsible for Masters courses in international tax law and EC tax law. I'm married (to Bing - who hails originally from Canton in China) and we have three children (twin boys of 6 and a daughter of 5). We have ended up living around half a mile from the School in Elstree.
David Collins, Joblings (1965-1973) Moved to Australia in 1976. Has worked in and on commercial radio since leaving school. Currently presenting breakfast show in Sydney. Also owns Sports Management business based in Sydney.
Robert Crame, Hendersons (1966-1973) Married (wife Wendy) with three children (Max, Tom and Stephanie). Currently living in Ealing and working for Guinness Ltd.
Stuart Fayles, Joblings (1973) Management Consultant.
Peter Fleissig, Joblings (-1973) updated April 2003 Curator. Founded ' nvisible Museum - "a nomadic collection of contemporary art with no home" in 1994 and exhibited in museums across the world including 'Sphere' at Sir John Soane's Museum, London in 2002. Currently living in America.
Lawrence E. Glasgow, Joblings (1971-1973) updated April 2004 I had the good fortune to attend Habs while my family was living in England (in connection with my father's oil and gas related work assignment). I was one of a handful of Americans, Canadians, and Australians attending Habs during that time period. I returned with my family to the States, for my last year of high school, to the relatively small town of Tyler, Texas (just east of Dallas) in what I often jokingly refer to as "one of the greatest culture shock experiments of all time." As a fourth generation Texan, I proceeded to earn a degree in business from The University of Texas at Austin, an MBA, and finally a law degree from Southern Methodist University,Dallas. I am a corporate partner in the Dallas office of a relatively large law firm (300+ lawyers) named Gardere Wynne Sewell. I specialize in mergers and acquisitions and private equity transactions. I am married to Lisa and have one daughter named Anna Scott. Those who saw me play rugby at Habs will be amused (and possibly horrified) to know that I continued to embrace this sport for a number of years; playing at The University of Texas. As for cricket ... well that sport is simply beyond the comprehension of my fellow Americans. I encourage anyone finding their way to this part of the globe to contact me and I'll treat you to some authentic TexMex and remarkably good margaritas.
Nigel Hall Joblings (1966-1973) Last updated September 2003 After graduating from Cambridge I trained as a Chartered Account with Price Waterhouse and then joined the Burton Group – the high street retail company - in November 1984. I did all sorts of roles over the next 18 or so years ending up as Finance Director. I left in March this year and am now living a “plural” life with a couple of Non Executive Directorships and some Consultancy. My family home is now in Devon near Tiverton. Jill and I married in 1979. Our eldest daughter Jennifer starts an Animal Sciences degree course at Nottingham in October and our younger daughter Sally takes her GCSE’s next summer. I am still in touch with David Hickman and Paul Gregson from school days but sadly missed the recent 1973 reunion as it clashed with Jennifer’s 18th. I play golf and am interested in gardening and fine wines.
Steven Lewis, Meadows (1963-1973) Football, golf, motor racing, family and developing my automobile dealership.
Shaun McCarthy, Meadows (1966-1973) Was known as Sam at school (but not any more!) after Doug Yeabsley forgot my name in a
rugby session. Married with 3 kids, currently living in Little Gaddesden, Herts. Chief Executive of Jonathan Wren & Co, a specialist City of London recruitment firm.
Lewis Phillips, Meadows (1966-73) updated April 2003 Married, with two children and living in London. After a varied career, initially in engineering, I eventually turned to the City. I am currently an investment analyst, following the European insurance sector.
David Schonberg, Meadows (-1973) updated December 2004 Lives in Jerusalem, Israel. Attorney, specialising in the civil law area. Studies: Hebrew University, London School of Economics; Doctoral student. Judge (military reserves). Editorial board- Jerusalem's Bar Association journal.
Barny Acworth, ( -1974) updated November 2001
Simon Avarne, Calverts (1962-1974) Head of Consultancy, Baltimore Technologies (UK) Ltd.
Rob Bailey (1963-74) updated April 2004 After graduating in Medicine for Cambridge I worked in Cambridge, Norwich, Plymouth and Leicester before settling in Peterborough. I work in General Practice and also as a surgeon at Peterborough Hospitals. Married to Ita, we have two children, George (18) and Siobhan (14). Looking forward to June's reunion, though embarrassed to think that I will struggle to remember old friends!
Gregory Berry, Meadows (1972-1974) Consulting forester in British Columbia, Canada
Peter J. B. Berry, Meadows (1972-1974) Attended Habs while father served on Canadian High Commission in London. Returned to Canada in 1974. Graduated University of Victoria, British Columbia 1978 with Bachelors in Political Science. Joined Royal Bank of Canada in 1978. Currently a Sales Director for Alberta and the Northwest Territories. Married in 1983. Two children age 11 and 13.
Jeremy Cummin, Meadows (1963-1974) updated September 2001 Managing director of a medical software business, based in Radlett. Married, two children.
Davd Eager (-1974) updated November 2002 After leaving school in 1974, I spent a year at Barnet College retaking my A-levels. I got a place at the Royal Veterinary College in London. I qualified as a vet in 1980 and joined a practice as an assistant in Chelmsford immediately. I became a partner in 1985 and my brother, Paul (1977), joined the partnership. After the retirement of a partner this year, we now run a mixed practice of four vets. I am married to Pauline and have two daughters Joanna (born 1987) and Sarah (1990). I will welcome any contact with any Old Boy who knows me.
Rod Flint Joblings (1967-1974) updated February 2002 Married, living in Leeds. Army officer (Major) 1975-94. Left during the post Cold War cuts and worked overseas as a safari tour guide before returning to the UK for appointments as a Barristers Chambers Practice Manager and in Sales and Marketing in the Financial Services Sector. Saw sense and returned to "The Colours" with responsibility for Army relations with the media in the North East. Main hobby is mountaineering.
John Gunton Joblings (-1974) updated May 2001 I left Habs in 1974 to go to Leeds University to study Chemistry and Mineral Processing. After a career in mining in South Africa I have now turned into a boring accountant working in Poole, Dorset. Barney Acworth lives close by and I did keep in occasional contact with Jon Nuttall. Many fond memories of the School and it would be interesting to know what has happened to all the teachers who had the misfortune to teach me. Can Johnny Carleton really have retired? What else can I add? I was in Joblings with Mr Browning as the House Master and I remember winning the inter house cricket competition against Strouts (or was it Hendersons or Russells)
for whom Simon Gelber was playing. My current address is 36, Links Road, Lower Parkstone, Poole, Dorset.
Richard Harrold, Meadows (1965-1974) Lt. Col British Army Joint Services Command and Staff college Bracknell.
Tim Huxley, Joblings (1969-1974) Director, Centre for South-East Asian Studies, University of Hull.
Harry Hyman (1963-1974) Updated November 2001 Based in Woking in Surrey. Married to Anita with two children Adam and Sarah. Be very happy to hear of any OH from the class of 1974 who would like to meet up for our 30th reunion in 2004.
Gareth Jones, Joblings (1967-1974) Marketing Intelligence Manager at Johnson Controls, a global facilities management organisation. After 10 years with UKAEA in both Nuclear Safety and Petroleum research.
John Kingston ( -1974) updated March 2003 Graduated in Geology at Nottingham University where he met his wife Gill. Now living near Dartford, Kent. Marketing Communications Manager, Schlumberger Oilfield Services.
Alan MacKenzie, Meadows (1967-1974) updated October 2003 After twenty-six years at sea as an electronics/electrical engineer in P&O passenger ships, I came ashore for good at the end of 2002. This somewhat unexpected move was prompted by the fact that my parents are now very frail and elderly and no longer able to look after themselves. As a result, I now have a new job, still with P&O but as Fleet Personnel Officer for the Electro-Technical Officers, my old department. I am able to work at home three days a week, with the aid of computer, modem and telephone, whilst the other two days (Tuesdays & Thursdays) are spent at the P&O Office in Southampton. It’s certainly a quantum change from what I have always been used to, but on the whole, I think that the general quality of life is better and my parents appreciate it too. Please send an e-mail if you feel like it – home is still in Ringwood, Hants. and it’s always good to hear from old friends. Now that I’m in the country 365 days a year, get-togethers are much easier. Hobbies: countryside walking, reading, making and operating large (5ft-ish) radio-controlled model ships, travelling around the country seeing friends and generally being sociable.
Alan PS Newman ( -1974) updated January 2002
John Nuttall, Russells ( -1974) updated January 2005 After a career in the UK rail industry I spent three years enjoying the warmth of Singapore working for the Land Transport Authority on new rail projects, and refereeing rugby matches to help work up a thirst. That contract ended in September 2004 and I decided to move further East and South. I'm now based in Sydney, still in railways and still refereeing, and I'd be delighted to catch up with any OH in the region for a barbie and a drop of red.
William Roscoe, Meadows (1973-1974) updated October 2001 Working for Intel.
Martin Saxon Calverts (1963-1974) Updated October 2001 Currently owns a small Cambridge-based R&D consultancy developing products and software for science and engineering applications.
Steve Williams, Joblings (1967-1974) Last updated October 2001 Live in SW London, married with three children, employed as Programme Manager at Oracle Corporation managing delivery of consultancy projects into Financial Services, Energy and Utilities sectors.
Simon Alterman, (-1975) Last updated September 2001
Charlie Betteridge, Meadows (1965-1975) updated November 2006 Managing Director of the German, Swiss, Austrian and Polish subsidiaries of a large Belgian industrial group. Now living in Offenburg in the Black Forest - which I first visited on a school exchange in 1971 - with my wife Ulrike and daughters Lisa (1992) and Elaine (1995)
David Burns (-1975) Updated November 2001 Account Director in Media and Entertainment division of pr consultancy, Maclaurin
David Butcher, ( -1975) updated September 2004 Got a BA from Manchester, an LLB from the University of British Columbia and have been a practising Barrister in Vancouver since 1986.
Nigel Davies, Meadows (1964-1975) Stockbroker, WestLB Panmure, London.
Roy Davimes, Hendersons (1967-1975) After returning to South Africa to study and then spending six years in Israel, I currently live in Richmond, Virginia. I have been an advertising copywriter for as long as I can remember. My wife, Laura and I have a daughter, Gemma.
Lawrence E Glasgow (see entry under 1973)
Andy Goff, Strouts (1966-1975) updated April 2005 Am a managing director at Key Bank, a large regional US based bank. My wife and three children live just outside Cleveland. Currently one child in college and two in high school. Get back to London from time to time, would love to get together with old friends.
Robert Graham Strouts (1963-1975) Last updated: Sept 2001 Director of finance - Denton Wilde Sapte (solicitors). Both sons currently at the school, Aaron (1991) and Josh (1993)
Paul Infield, (-1975) updated March 2005 My wife, Catharine, and I live in Battersea, London. We have 2 children: Samuel (16) and Margery (13). Catharine is now a Deputy Head at a school for the hearing impaired. Since 1980 I have practiced as a barrister from the Temple, London, and I now specialise in divorce and commercial law. I am chairman of my synagogue and a trustee of 2 anti-stalking charities. I still write, lecture and broadcast about stalking law and I am hoping to write the second edition of our book ‘The Law of Harassment and Stalking’, which I wrote with a colleague and which was published in 2000
Stephen Iseman, Joblings (1964-1975) Practising Chartered Accountant. Married (Frances) with two sons, one (Robert) at Haberdashers (1992 to date).
David Phillips, see entry for 1976
Nick Ridout, Russells (1964-75) updated September 2006 After briefly working in the insurance business, joined the Army and went to the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in 1976, passing out as a Royal Military Police officer in 1977. Tours as a junior officer included the RMP Mounted Troop in Aldershot, a platoon commander with the 22nd (Cheshire) Regiment in Belize, and Northern Ireland at HQ 39 Brigade and 1 RMP. Later served in Germany at Werl, Berlin and Sennelager before returning to the Province as SO3 G4 at HQ 8 Inf Bde from 1987 – 89. My command tour back at 110 Pro Coy RMP, Sennelager from 1989 – 91 included Op GRANBY (the First Gulf War), during which I commanded the 1 (UK) Armd Div RMP unit, 203 Pro Coy RMP. After qualifying as a Russian Interpreter at the Defence School of Languages Beaconsfield, joined the Joint Arms Control Implementation Group at RAF Scampton in 1993. A 3 year tour there included a 6 month detachment to Georgia as a member of the OSCE mission, participation in the early Dayton Accord arms control inspections in Bosnia and too many trips to little-known corners of Eastern Europe to mention. In 1996 was posted to HQ Allied Command Europe Mobile Force (Land) in Heidelberg as Force Provost Marshal. Over the next 3 years exercised in Norway, Canada, Germany, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, Hungary, the UK, Greece and Turkey and deployed to Albania for 4 months on Op SPOONER in
1999 during the Kosovo Crisis. From Jun 2000 – Dec 2001, was second-in-command of 6 RMP in Northern Ireland before being posted at short notice to take up the newly-created appointment of Defence Attaché in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. After nearly 4 eventful and fascinating years there, returned to UK for 9 months to study Georgian. Was then posted to Tbilisi as Defence Attaché again, from where I cover not only Georgia but also Armenia and Azerbaijan. Will be here until Sep 09. Interests include field sports and cooking (ideally in combination), reading, riding and travel to outlandish places, including holidays at various times in Siberia, Mongolia and Lapland. Married Cathy, then a regular Queen Alexandra’s Royal Army Nursing Corps officer, in 1981. She has since also been an Ulster Defence Regiment Part Time officer and is now a TA QARANC officer as CO 306 Field Hospital. We have no children but 2 dogs, which are a lot less trouble and cheaper too. Cathy divides her time equally between a home life in Tbilisi and fulfilling her TA commitments in UK. Terry Shane (1963-1975) Calverts Last update:Sept 2001 I have been living in Toronto, Canada since 1981 and am happily married to Marci with three lovely children, Jessica, Madelaine and Daniel. I started my own company, Westminster International (http://www.westminster.ca) in 1982 offering database and mailing services to a wide range of companies. Named 18th fastest growing company in Canada in 1991 we achieved significant growth. I was named Direct Marketer of the Year in 1996. I am heavily involved in development of Internet applications, primarily database-driven websites and am constantly looking for new challenges. I visit the UK about once a year to visit family.
Mel Thomas, Hendersons (1968-1975) Manager of database and Internet services, MCI WorldCom International.
Dr. Frank Wilson, Meadows (1971-1975) updated November 2004 After more than 20 years as an ex-pat, I've finally returned to the U.K., and am currently living in Ashford, Kent. I worked in Sweden, then for 10 years in the U.S.A. (Boston area), and most recently spent a 7 year stint as a software consultant for the German air navigation service (DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung). It is good to be home. Any pointers to IT vacancies (Unix/C, radar or air traffic control applications) appreciated.
Danny Ackerman, (1964-1976) updated July 2002 Left Habs for UMIST, then going on to work for TEXACO. Currently living in Radlett, married with 17 year old daughter and 15 yr old son. Running toy importing company, spending much time in far east. In contact with many old habs.
David Birch Calverts (1969-1976) Updated: October 2001 I'm living in North London with partner Sally and 9 year old daughter Nicole. I'm an organisation consultant with Ashridge Consulting and I also have a freelance consulting practice.
Reuben Ayres, Calverts (1969-1976) Last update: during 2000 Working in Exeter as Consultant Physician & Gastroenterologist. Married with two children Jacob (8) and Rebekah (5). Lots of trees, chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamster and guitars.
Paul Flint, Joblings (1969-1976) updated November 2003 Geography graduate. Former Royal Navy Lieutenant Commander and NHS Director. Having moved from a school on Teesside, recently joined Windermere St Anne's School, Cumbria, as Bursar. Enjoying life in the Lake District with wife, two sons (10, 12) and cat. Main past-times sailing, mountaineering, and occasional expeditions (Norway, Antarctic, Malawi).
Aaron Gershfield, Hendersons (1969-1976) Last update: during 2000 Systems Analyst developing Marketing and Fulfilment Computer Solutions.
Nick Hoffman (1970-1976) updated April 2002 I've done quite a few things since I left Habs. I went to Edinburgh University and got a B.Sc Hons (1st), and then did a Ph.D. at Cambridge, both in Geophysics. Then I worked in the oil industry for 15 years, in Scotland, England, and Australia. We moved out here 10 years ago and haven't regretted it for more than a moment. I've worked throughout Southeast Asia and even learned Mandarin Chinese for a programme of work in mainland China. I have four healthy kids
ranging from 10 to 20 years old, and have found a good local school (Eltham College) that captures some of the character of the Elstree Campus in both situation and academic excellence. The last few years have seen a lot of change. I left the oil industry and moved into the academic world. I am currently a Senior Research Scientist at Melbourne University, working on petroleum basins on Earth, and flows and volatiles on Mars. Unfortunately, my wife of 24 years died suddenly a couple of years ago and I am now trying to bring the kids up in the style and quality that she would have wanted. Australia remains a wonderful place, with great people in it, and we're working on the future...
Kim Jones, Joblings (1968 - 1976) updated April 2001 Currently based in Dallas, Texas, USA. Working for Nokia Networks as System Marketing Manager, North America. Married with two children Melanie (12) and Oliver (11). Prior to joining Nokia in 2000, worked over 19 years with Schlumberger Oilfield Services in various assignments throughout South America, Europe and USA. Would welcome contact from contemporaries, especially any in the US. tel: 972-661-9388 mob: 817-313-7831 efax: 707-897-1114
Simon Langford, (1969-1976) updated January 2006 Since leaving Habs in 1976 I studied dentistry at UCH and practice principally in the West End. I am married to Lucinda and have two young daughters. We live in Highgate.
Tim Leigh, (-1976) updated August 2003 Left Habs in 1976 for Oxford to study Medicine. I'm now a consultant physician and gastroenterologist in Surrey and West Sussex. Married with four children (6 months to 8 years, two of each). Working very hard but looking forward to retirement.
Daniel Marre (-1976) updated May 2007 Lawyer practising in Chicago, Illinois
Barry Morgan, Meadows (1964-1976) updated June 2006. Travelled a while in Asia and Africa before taking an LLB at the London School of Oriental & African Studies, then did a postgrad at Dundee Centre for International and Comparative Petroleum law. Then fell into journalism, editing various publications in Aberdeen, Stavanger and London. I left for Vienna in 1989 for an eight year stint in Opec's PR department in Vienna, moving in 1996 to Accra, Ghana, as Africa Correspondent for a Norwegian oil rag. My wife Angela (who is Ghanaian) and I decided last year to get the three kids back to England for secondary education, so I now find I'm dividing my time between our 'homes' in Accra and Bath while traipsing around sub-Saharan Africa.
David Nyman, Russells (1968-1976) Last update: during 2000 Working in Jerusalem and bringing up six children with wife, Lorraine.
John Parker-Rees (-1976) updated June 2001 Living in London working as university lecturer & cinematographer.Married to Concha Fernandez-Gonzalez with two sons: Alistair (7yrs) & Antonio (31/2yrs)
David Phillips Meadows (1968-1976) updated September 2004 After reading Drama at Hull University I joined Equity. As David Benedict, I worked as an actor and director before joining The Independent in 1993 as a columnist and critic and, latterly, arts editor. I am now a freelance writer and broadcaster.
Ian Troughton, Calverts (1969-1976) Last update: during 2000 Employed in computer industry. Father. Church member.
Keith Blackwell, Calverts (1970-1977) Last update: during 2000 I work in the Marketing Department of Sun life Financial services of Canada. based in Basingstoke, I am married with no kids.
Peter Clark, Hendersons (1970-1977) Last update: during 2000 Senior Research Manager, International Accounting Standards Committee.
John David Dennis, Strouts (1972-1977) Last update: June 2002 Member of HM Diplomatic Service, and have served in Hong Kong, China and Malaysia. Currently on loan to Department of Trade and Industry as Director, Automotive Directorate. Married with two sons.
Peter English, Hendersons (1969-1977) Last update: during 2000 Consultant in Communicable Disease Control, Surrey. Married with three children. Living near Epsom.
Jeremy Gibb, Meadows (1968-1977) updated January 2005 I joined Habs in 1968 (left Dec 1977) and was in Meadows like brother Nicholas (1964-75). While I am still a partner at Norton Rose (specialising in the financing of commercial aircraft and ships) I am now based in Hong Kong (since 2002). I married Maggie Henderson-Tew in 1990 and we now have two children, a son (James or Jamie, born October 1995) and a daughter (Georgiana, born April 2000).
David Green, Russells (1967-1977) updated June 2005 I am currently a director of MR Partnership an architectural practice in the West End. I have built several new projects at Habs in recent years. I live in Harrow on the Hill and have 4 children aged between 10 and 19. My son Jason is currently in lower 6th and is a keen mathmatician.
Jeremy Jeeves, Joblings (1967-1977) Last update: September 2001 Librarian working for London Borough of Harrow.
David Snowman, Strouts (1971-1977) Last update: during 2000 Consultancy in Transport and Tourism. Local development. E.U Cross-border development.
Michael Wolff (1966-1977) updated June 2001 Director of clothing company based in Dunstable -- living in Radlett. Married, two kids
Michael Aliber (1977-1978) updated January 2003 I attended Haberdasher's for only two terms, namely Winter and Spring 1978. I am currently Chief Research Specialist, Human Sciences Research Council, (P/Bag X41, Pretoria 0001, South Africa). Carry out research into land reform, poverty, and microfinance in South and Southern Africa.
Martin Baker, Meadows (1971-1978) Last update: July 2002 Technical Director - Interconnect between BT and Mobile Operators. Former president of Old Haberdashers' Rugby Football Club. Secretary Combined London Old Boys Rugby Football Club.
Michael Ben-Gershon, (ne Cohen) Calverts (1971-1978) updated February 2004 After leaving school I studied Jewish Studies at Jews' College, London. I later did an MSc and PhD in Computer Science at Imperial College, London University. Married with eight children and one grandchild, and living in Israel.
David Bennet, Calverts (1975-1978) updated January 2006 Currently employed full-time looking after Hana (b. 2001) and Toby (b. 2005) while Akiko (m. 1997) works for UN Development Programme in Tokyo, Japan. Previous employment: teacher of RE in London, English in Japan and History in Pakistan.
Graham Birch, Calverts (1971-1978) Last update: during 2000 Fund Management. Merrill Lynch Investment Managers.
Alec Burnside (1967-1978) Updated: October 2001 I am a partner at the Brussels office of Linklaters, specialising in EU law, especially competition matters. 3 kids, Zachery born 1991, Jordan 1994 and Ella 1999
Andrew Butcher, Strouts (1968 - 1978) updated September 2003 Currently Senior Estimator / IT manager for an engineering company in Bristol. Joined Old
Haberdashers Rifle Club in 2002 and enjoying shooting with them. Old friends welcome to email.
Michael Emanuel, Joblings (1971-1978) Last update: during 2000 Living and working in Seattle WA, USA. Spare time spent hiking, biking and skiing in the Cascade Mountains, or enjoying the increasingly good arts and cutural life of Seattle.
Stephen Falk, Russells (1968-1978) updated November 2001 Currently Consultant Clinical Oncologist in Bristol, serving Bristol and Somerset. Major interests are lung and gastrointestinal tract cancer. Married with two boys. Further interest is repairing our old farm house. Form mate Jeremy Dwight also a consultant in Bristol hospitals
Jonathan FeBland (ne Bass), Hendersons (1968-1978) Last update: during 2000 Private Piano Teacher, Edgware. Published Composer - Universal Edition, Bardic Edition, Samuel King, 21st Century Music. Unpublished writer - Inspiration, The Lives of Dr. Fish, The Ideas Man, Illustrated Collection of Nonsense verse.
Ian Hall (1971-1978) Joblings Updated November 2001 I live in Chandlers Cross near Rickmansworth with my wife Juliet and our two sons Alexander (2 yrs) and Rory (12 weeks). I am a Chartered Surveyor and set up my own commercial practice in 1999 after 18 years with Jones Lang Lasalle. I am actively involved with the OHA.
Malcolm Hallam, Strouts (1971-1978) updated November 2003 Since my last communication, I have changed my job and moved house. I am now based in Flemington, New Jersey. Thankfully, I have not added any more children: when I last checked, that tally remained at four boys. I did add another degree, however, bringing that count to four also (if you count the Oxford M.A.)! Last November, I parted from a 15 year journey in polymer research and diverted my career into Information Resources and Knowledge Management. I am still with the same company (National Starch & Chemical), but now in the position of Technical Information Manager. At the end of 2000, I also completed a Master of Science (M.S.) degree in Management, studying part time with the New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Stephen Haxby, Joblings (1968-1978) Last update: during 2000 Corporate Fundraising Manager at United Response, a charity which supports people with learning disabilities and mental health problems. This follows many years at BT, which was latterly in the multimedia field, and a short period at BBC Online.
Robert Holdsworth, Meadows (1967-1978) updated December 2001 Currently Reader in Geological Sciences at the University of Durham. I am married to Michele and have three boys, Christopher, Thomas and Callum. (More details about Bob's work on his group's web site)
Justin Hsuan, Strouts (1971-1978) Last update: during 2000 Director, Centre for Molecular Cell Biology at the Royal Free and University College Medical School; Senior Fellow of the Wellcome Trust; Reader in Molecular Cell Biology at UCL. Warden, St. John the Evangelist Parish Church, Blackheath; Lay member of the Synod and Standing Committee, Greenwich South Deanery. Most importantly, husband of Emy and father of Timothy (5) and James (2).
Warren Sheng Strouts (1967-1978) Updated November 2001 Married to a Malaysian Chinese, 3 sons. Live in Hendon Central. Have been working in I.T. since 1984. Current job expires in late January 2002, so looking for a semi-technical I.T. managerial role back in London. Active in church and, more recently, school parents' association. Please look me up if you're in my area (5 Alderton Crescent, NW4 3XU, home: 020-8202 9584) Until late Jan-2002 only: Warren.Sheng@motorola.com
David Simms Russells (1967-78) updated October 2001 Project Director, Cities Tennis Programme, Liverpool. Consultant to LTA on inner city development. Winner LTA 'Dan Maskell Coach of the Year' Award 1994, Nominee International Tennis Hall of Fame Educational Merit Award 1996: set up partnerships and challenge events with inner city sports schemes in the USA.. Part time freelance writer and lecturer on sports development and ICT, currently undertaking PhD. Quiz contestant on University Challenge 1981 and Mastermind in 1987 and 2001. Father to Holly (12) and Charlotte (8). Currently enjoying the cultural diversity that Liverpool has to offer!
Chris Street, Strouts (1971-1978) updated July 2001 Happily-ex policeman (20 years) now driving main-line trains. Travel, sport, real-ale and redwine fan.
Jeremy Taylor, Strouts (1971-1978) Last update: during 2000 Head of Drama at Abingdon School.
Maris Teteris, Hendersons (1973-1978) Last update: during 2000 Inland Revenue; currently on career break as a single dad with 3 young kids.
Simon Weston, Hendersons (1971-1978) Last update: during 2000 Managing Director, Kappa Corby Corlon Packaging, Arnsley Road, Weldon Industrial Estate, Corby, Northants, NN17 5QW.
Simon Winter Russells (1971-78) updated November 2001 Currently an engagement manager with McKinsey & Co., Johannesburg. Specialise mostly in basic materials industries and non-profit activities. Have a PhD in economic development from SOAS, University of London. Worked in economic development in Botswana and Zimbabwe and international banking in Cote d'Ivoire, Australia and UK. I am married and have a daughter.
Geoffrey Hammond, Joblings (1972-1979) Last update: during 2000 Writing. Reading. Teaching.
Rowan Harwood, Meadows, (1972-1979) updated July 2002 Since leaving... St John's Cambridge, Medical sciences tripos 1979-82, New College Oxford Clinical Medicine 1982-5. Junior medical jobs in Winchester, Oxford and Leicester 1985-1988. Medical Registrar Nottingham 1988-90. Lecturer geriatric medicine London Hospital Medical College 1990-2. MRC Health services Research Fellow Royal Free Hospital 1992-5. Lecturer geriatric medicine Nottingham 1995-6. Consultant physicain geriatric and stroke medicine, Queens Medical centre, Nottingham 1996-. Qualifications: BM BCh (Oxon) 1985, MA (Cantab) 1986, MSc (epidemiology, LSHTM) 1993, MD (Cantab) 1996, MRCP 1988, FRCP London 2001. My clinical interests are in stroke, continence, rehabilitation, psychiatric liaison and institutional care. My research interests are in epidemiology of old age, health status measurement and evaluation of complex interventions to reduce disability. I co-authored a book, Stroke epidemiology, evidence and clinical practice (with Shah Ebrahim, OUP, 1999). I am married to Jane Laughton (1990). We have 3 children, currently aged 4, 6 and 9. We live at 12 Zulla Road Nottingham NG3 5DB The only old haberdasher I am still at all in contact with is Tim Platts (plus Roger Wakely, who was my physics and form master, whom I see occasionally at Piggots music camp, nr High Wycombe)
Gavin Marshall, Joblings (1972-1979) Last update: May 2001 Sponsorship Adviser, Foreign & Commonwealth Office.
Robert Metcalfe, Strouts (1972-1979) Last update: during 2000 Currently European Director of Saatchi & Saatchi Rowland, an integrated communications agency, working on behalf of clients such as DuPont. Still recording with the Wibbley Brothersnew album due out soon.
Nick Peett, Joblings (1972-1979) Last update: during 2000 Operations and Finance Director for UK subsidiary of Devon Publishing Group, Novato, CA, USA.
Clifford Alan Robbins (1974-1979 ish) updated July 2006 Have read others amazing successes etc. Have had a mad 25 years from the police force to punk bands to jazz then djing in nightclubs across Britain. Now running my own bar and restaurant. Never made a penny but have had wild and memorable times. Taken all these years for me to think back and wonder did I have any mates at school.....................
Michael Stuart, Calverts (1972-1979) Last update: during 2000 Taking a year out, mostly volunteering in various grassroots, local groups. Was a lawyer, baker,
secretary, information officer and most recently Head of Information for the National Centre for Volunteering.
Julian Ashley, Meadows (1973-1980) updated February 2004 Managing Director of a UK based international management consultancy called Jenzyme Consulting Associates, specialising in sales and marketing management issues in the pharmaceutical industry. Married with 3 children, (1 Boy, 2 Girls).
Neil Lloyd Evans, Strouts (1969-1980) Last update: during 2000. I qualified as a solicitor after taking a law degree at Warwick University. I specialise in litigation, and recently set up my own firm after 15 years practising in the West End and in East London/West Essex.I am married with two boys and live in Loughton Essex.
Nick Frankel (-1980) updated September 2001 Now assitant professor of English at Virginia Commonwealth Uni, Richmond, VA, USA. Check him out at his web site.
Richard Frankel (-1980) updated September 2001 IT Project Manager for UBS Warburg. Left Habs early, studied engineering, worked at BT in IT for 9 years, travelled around through Africa and Indian Ocean for 2 years with wife, came home, got a proper job and two gorgeous kids.
Graham Gamble (-1980) updated March 2006 I am presently employed as Deputy Head of the British School of Washington in the United States. I am married with two sons of 12 and 9.
Graham Glass, Russells (1968-1980) Last update: during 2000 Chairman and chief technology officer, Objectspace, at Dallas, Texas based high technology company.
David Guthrie (-1980) Updated November 2001
Antony Hasler Meadows (1973-1980) updated March 2002 My wife Joan and I have lived since 1995 in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A., where I am now Associate Professor in Saint Louis University's Department of English. We have three kids, born at various points on our travels through England and the States.
Jon Keyes, Meadows (1969-1980) updated September 2001
Matthew Knights, Russells (1973-1980) updated October 2002 I am currently living in central London. In my spare time I enjoy having friends over to stay with me in my house in France.
Paul Levene, Strouts (1969-1980) Last update: during 2000 Development Manager for London based Security & Car park Management Company. Also a Freelance illustrator specialising in portraits (supplied Football clubs such as Arsenal, Spurs & Newcastle and for the 1999 Wimbledon Tennis Championships)
Ron Levi, Meadows (1973-1980). Last update: during 2000
Laurence Lewis (1978-1980) Updated October 2001 At school betrween 1978-1980 (6th Form only) Married to Denise with two children, Laura Jayne and Carly. I am a company director for various businesses mainly involved in the Health and Fitness Industry (Gyms). Living in Hertfordshire.
Michael Marmur Joblings (1973-1980) updated September 2001 I am a Reform rabbi and the Dean of the Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem.
Charles Moore, Calverts (1969-1980) Last update: during 2000 Partner at Olswang, a law firm specialising in the media sector. Charles specialises in film and television production and finance and returned to the UK recently after spending four years in Los Angeles, where he was Head of Legal Affairs for a division of Twentieth Century Fox and Paramount. Charles lives in Guildford and is married to Elizabeth and has two children, Sasha and Darius.
Richard Price (1973-1980) Updated October 2001 Living and working in South Devon running marketing for Brittany Ferries (UK) Limited. Married with three kids.
Bill Quarterman, Calverts (1973-1980) updated April 2002 I am, I suspect like many of my contemporaries, enjoying the fruits of being forty something married with 3 children, cat, guinea pigs and mortgage. I have settled in Witney (in the Cotswolds for those of you who forgot your geography as soon as you left school), and work for Bovis Lend Lease (after over 12 years at Unipart). Canoeing - my number one sport at school has been lost in the mists of time, but I have rediscovered Rugby over the past few seasons, and still play most weekends (fourth team only, with no intention or ambition to play at any higher levels!).
Jon Salisbury, Hendersons (-1980) updated May 2001 Currently managing director of Toy News Network Ltd, publishing magazines and organising media shows in London and New York for the toy and video games business. Still remembers the day when news rippled through the corridors of Habs in May 1980 that Ian Curtis of Joy Division had decided to call it quits and hanged himself. Still scarred.
Mitchell Sandler, Strouts (1969-1980) Last update: during 2000 Currently unemployed following surgery and seeking part-time work
Nick Scarles, Hendersons (1973-80) updated October 2004
Michael Stoddart, (1975-1980) updated September 2004 After 14 years in France, I returned to the UK in February 2004 with my wife and four daughters ( 11, 10, 7, 5) as Director of Music at St Mary's Portsea (Portsmouth).
Kevin Bazley, Hendersons (1974-1981) Last update: during 2000 Development Manager, Scottish Enterprise. Working on developing the biotechnology industry in Scotland and marketing Scottish research expertise in North America and Europe.
Simon Blair, Joblings (1974-1981) Last update: during 2000 Own commercial property investment and development compony. Shareholder in new internet based venture.
Edward Benson, Hendersons (1974-1981) Last update: during 2000 Attorney in New York with 4 year-old twin boys.
David Cummin, Meadows (1971-1981) Last update: during 2000 Managing Director of Software House in St.Albans. Still stay in touch with some old boys!!.
Dr Charles Daniels ( -1981) updated March 2007 Consultant in Palliative Medicine at Northwick Park Hospital and Medical Director of St Luke's Hospice, Harrow. Trained initially as a GP then retrained in palliative medicine. Married to Miriam (ex Haberdasher) and have 3 boys.
Andrew Davis, Hendersons (1970-1981) updated November 2001 After studying languages at Manchester University, I became a Chartered Accountant and then moved into the world of management consultancy. I have spent the last 5 years travelling all over Europe with American Express, co-ordinating the European effort of one of the corporate products. In April 2001, I decided to leave to spend more time with my family and became a
director of a small corporate solutions company in the City (no more travel!!). I am married to Suzi, whom I met in Manchester, and who is very busy herself as a director at Price Waterhouse Coopers. We have 3 children, Jonathan 6, Charlie 3.5 and Caroline 2, and live in Stanmore.
John Franklin ( -1981) updated December 2001 Live in Amersham, South Bucks. Work for World Class International (WCI) - we provide business and IT services to (principally) the corporate and healthcare market sectors. I am a Principal Consultant - I design and implement networking and technology solutions.
Blair Glass, Russells (1974-1981) Last update: during 2000 Currently Financial Controller for Coca-Cola South Pacific in Sydney. Emigrated to Australia in 1996.
Mark Goldsmith, Meadows (1979-1981) Last update: during 2000 I am the Rabbi of a North London Synagogue, living happily in Finchley with my wife Nicola and two daughters.
W James Haddocks, Hendersons (1974-1981) Last update: during 2000 Chartered Accountant with wife and three children, living in Wandsworth.
Bill Hughes, Joblings (1973-1981) Last update: during 2000 Information systems consultant based in Long Beach, CA.
Jeremy Jones, Joblings (1977-1981) updated January 2006 Career civil servant in the Food Standards Agency in London working on meat hygiene related issues.
Barry McNicholas, (1981) updated November 2001 Married with 2 boys and 2 girls, all 4 at respective Haberdashers Schools. Currently managing director of McNicholas Construction.
Philip Myers, Hendersons (1976-1981) Last update: during 2000 Chief Operating Officer - Sugaronline.
Alan Newman Meadows (1970-81) updated January 2003 Working as a seismic data processor in Gatwick for Schlumberger. Married and living in West Sussex. Heavily involved with the Old Boys Cricket and Golf sections.
Agustin Serra, Meadows (1975-1981) Last update: during 2000 Private investor and business consultant mostly residing in Jakarta, Indonesia and Malmoe, Sweden.
Simon Walters, Hendersons (1979-1981) Last update: during 2000 Finance director of Wood Hall Securities Ltd in Shenley/Radlett, private equity company a stone's throw from the school. Background is property investment, venture capital and corporate finance.
Norman Black, Joblings (1971-1982) updated December 2004 Happily married with 3 children (eldest at Habs). Currently run the marketing team for Brent Cross (and no, you don’t get discounts) after getting bored of the commute to London for HSBC and the Prince’s Trust.
Alan Blackwell, Calverts, (1975-1982) updated June 2004. Still in the Army (Lt Colonel), currently working in Bristol having recently returned from Germany/Kosovo. Probably off to Germany again next year, but maybe Afghanistan or Iraq or .... wherever else a Force for Good is needed. Married with 2 children (one of each type) and a dog.
Laurence Blake, Hendersons (1975-1982) Last update: during 2000 Head of Global Markets Risk Control at Dresdner Kleinwort Benson.
Guy Boyd Joblings (1970-1982) updated August 2003 It's just great to see so many old chums - the subject of so many happy memories - on the OH website.
Antony Buck, Hendersons (1974-1982) Last update: during 2000 I currently run a company called REN, a small retail chain of upmarket skincare and bath products. Married with 2 boys aged 1 and 2 and a dog called Peddle.
James Creighton, Russells (1977-1982) updated October 2001 Working on Corporate Actions at Lloyds TSB Registrars in London. I am a member of the Securities Institute and of the Institute for Investment Management and Research (IIMR).
David Davis, ( -1982) updated August 2004 I moved to Vienna in 1988 coming back in 1993. Now back in Radlett. Married with 3 children.
James Donohoe, Calverts (1974-82) updated January 2002 Married, one child, living in West Sussex. Financial Director in the City.
Stephen Frohlich, Hendersons (1977-1982) Last update: during 2000 Married with 2 boys aged 9 & 7. Stockbroker for Spanish bank in London.
Michael Gansser-Potts, Calverts (1975-1982) updated May 2002 General manager in industry. Living in Central London, married with two daughters.
Nick Golson, Calverts (1971-1982) Last update: during 2000 Working at Merrill Lynch in London.
Jonathan Green Hendersons (1972-1982) Updated October 2001 Production Designer in the TV Industry. Married with 2 girls. Living in Radlett.
Jim Harris, Joblings (1975-1982) Last update: during 2000 Dad. Happy.
Adam Hipkin, (-1982) updated February 2004 Living in Portsmouth with wife, Alex, daughter, Molly (6), and cat, Noodle.
Stuart Jackson, (-1982) updated April 2001 I'm happily unmarried, living with partner, cat and guinea pig. Working in York, not for a merchant bank.
David Lubich (-1982) updated September 2001 Currently in the USA studying an MA.
Andrew Newman Hendersons (1971-1982) Updated October 2001 Actuary. Living in NW London with wife and daughter
Christopher Norris, Calverts (1975-1982) updated August 2001 I have trouble keeping up with my 'career': I seem to be the archetypal 'overnight success'. I have written six published books, co-written the script for the worlds' bestselling Princess Diana tribute video, created and executive produced a book series on LWT, helped to establish World Book Day in the UK, blah ... blah ... and I'm still in the 'One to Watch for the Future' category, the result of being on the wrong end of redundancies, industry politics and [in a few cases] the proverbial poker (e.g. the media has more than its fair share of charlatans). This lack of time and money explains the single marital status and the enduring entrepreneurial spirit. I'm currently part of the launch team for a new Internet business which aims to go live within the next 9-12 months: if it works I might be on first name terms with the likes of Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates; if it doesn't I'll still be on first name terms with the bloke at the newsagents and my mates down the pub. But as they say "the game's the thing", and life is always an adventure. No doubt you'll have no room to publish all the above waffle. The alternative version, at the other extreme, might be: "Writer, publisher and Internet executive", but contractions can be deceptive.
Matthew Ricker, Calverts (1980-1982) updated May 2002 Was a Boarder at Aldenham House but moved to Australia in 1982. Sports - water-polo, swimming, athletics. Current residence: Melbourne, Australia. Education: Bachelor of Economics, Murdoch University. Masters of Business Administration, Australian Graduate School of Management, University of NSW. Employment: Commercial banking, corporate finance and currently General Manager of Finance & Strategy for National Australia Group's Insurance division. Personal: Married since 1995, 1 daughter (Phoebe) born 28/12/01. Continued to play water-polo after leaving HABS and eventually played for represented my state at junior and senior level and represented Australia at junior level. Played in the Australian National League competition until 1996.
Ian Smith, Russells (1975-1982) Last update: during 2000 Recently returned to Newcastle-upon-Tyne, been away too long. Happily married to Nicola, still playing cricket and being mischevious.
Jonny Taylor, Strouts (1971-1982) Last update: during 2000 Head of History Merchant Taylors' School, Northwood.
Andrew Ableson, Calverts (1972-1983) Last update: during 2000 Acting in films and Theatre in the U.S.... Acted on TV and stage for eight years after graduating from Nottingham University, then moved to America in 19996, firstly to San Francisco, now recently relocated to Hollywood.
Guy Bolton, Strouts (1976-1983) updated May 2006 Have lived in Sydney, Australia with my wife since 2001. Advertising Creative Director.
Phil Carmody, Hendersons (1981-1983) Last update: during 2000 After graduating from Oxford in 1988, I spent two years installing computer systems in the City before a complete turnaround. I now run a small self-sufficient farm in Suffolk and have rejected all aspects of the modern lifestyle. I'm not sure I can claim to be at one with nature, but I am surely healthier and happier than most who will read this. Try it - you will not regret it
Adam Dorrell, Calverts (1976-1983) Last update: during 2000 Marketing Director, Dell Computer Corporation, UK. Recently returned from 3 years in Geneva, Switzerland with Digital/Compaq. Currently looking for a house in Berkshire for my family (full complement of wife and two kids).
Alex Goff, Strouts (1977-1983) updated February 2006 Living in Olympia, Washington, USA. Married with a child and editor of www.goffonrugby.com, an e-magazine covering the sport of rugby union in the USA and Canada. Also serving as USA correspondent to Rugby World magazine, and coaching a U19 girls rugby team as well!
Jose Grayson, Hendersons (1976-1983) updated July 2001 Working as criminal defence lawyer. Married and living in the 'suburb'.
Adam Hammond, Meadows (1977-1983) Last update: during 2000
Martin Kellerman (1973-1983) updated May 2005 I am currently living in Shanghai having previously lived in Japan and Scotland. I got married in 2001 and have two children. Some details about me are on my web-site www.kellerman.org <http://www.kellerman.org>
Rana Khasnavis (1981-1983) updated October 2001 Living with wife and 2 children in Greenwich CT, USA. Director of Marketing with a telecom company.
John McElwaine, Meadows (1976-1983) Last update: during 2000 Anaesthetist, North Staffordshire Hospital
Paul Reynolds, Meadows (1977-1983) Last update: during 2000 Happily married and living in Highgate. Deputy Managing Director of Credit Suisse (UK) Limited.
Andrew Scott, Strouts (1976-1983) updated August 2001 I currently live in Oxford with partner and three kids. I am an Associate Professor of Economics at London Business School, Fellow of All Souls Oxford, Consultant to HM Treasury on fiscal policy and advisor on Monetary Policy to Treasury Select Committee.
Richard Ambery, Joblings (1978 - 1984) updated July 2001 I am a partner in the London office of Dechert, a U.S. law firm, specialising in stuctured finance. I am married to a clinical neuropsychologist, Fiona and have a daughter, Charlotte. We live in a tumbledown house in Dulwich, South London with a dog and two cats. I am envious of the Tom Goode type bloke (listed in these directories) who's turned his back on modern life and gone to live in Suffolk but in a Jerry Leadbetter sort of way.
Kevin Brogan, Joblings (1973-1984) updated July 2003 I now live in the Adelaide Hills, South Australia, with wife Sarah, son James and dog Herbie. After leaving Habs I studied for a BSc in Geography and then travelled for a year. Somehow it was 1994 before I qualified as a Chartered Valuation Surveyor. I have been working for Adelaide City Council since 1998 and am currently the City Valuer.
Neil Brown Calverts (1973-1984) updated February 2002 After leaving Habs studied at Aberystwyth Uni for a Joint Honours degree in Micro Electronics and Computing. Left Uni to work for Sony Corp in their Broadcast division. Moved from there when department closed for a Multi media firm based in Milton Keynes producing bespoke training material and web sites. Head hunted for a internet based firm that produce software for running and designing on line questionnaires and surveys that can be hosted by the client or ourselves handling supporting and writing all the server based software. After leaving Habs played rugby for a few years for Old Habs. Currently still reside in Milton Keynes working from home for my current employer who is based in Zurich.
John Burry (-1984) Updated: November 2001 Living in Prague for the past few years.
Richard Carlowe, Russells (1977-1984) updated June 2002 Since leaving Habs I've been an Estate Agent, Bookie and Jeweller. I am now the Director of a Property Investment Company (mainly residential) and am currently heading a team shortlisted to buy all of the empty hospitals in England (4,500 acres). Married for nearly ten years with a soon to be 3 year old son.
Jon Colman, Meadows (1977-1984) Last update: during 2000 I live in Sheffield, I'm married and have two children. Currently working as an 'Investors in People' adviser with Sheffield Training and Enterprise Council, having qualified in Personnel Management.
Aman Coonar Strouts (1973-1984) updated September 2001 Currently working as a surgeon in South (shock) London. Married with 3 kids.
Ian Hargreaves Joblings (1977 - 1984) updated 2001 Married, divorced :-) Working for US software company in sunny Slough. Living with girlfriend in Amersham, Bucks.
Rick Harris, Joblings (1977-1984) updated March 2003 Rick now lives in St Albans, with long suffering (!) partner, Emma. After 13 years of blue-chip corporate life in the retail sector, I have left to set up a niche marketing practice, designing and advising on how to build great retail experiences. Still playing for Old Habs soccer team, but moved on from OHCC to West Herts CC for the final hurrah!
Mark Kissack (1976-1984) updated May 2006 I am currently living around Lake Geneva. Married to Marina (German/Guatemalan) with a son
called Jonathan (English/French/German/Guatemalan/Swiss). Studied Economics at Manchester University. Qualified as a Chartered Accountant and now specialized in the finance of multinational corporations (I get to practice at home!).
John Marshall, Joblings (1977-1984) Last update: during 2000 Started a software company in 1987. Moved it to Silicon Valley. Sold it in 1997. Worked at Netscape. Got bored. Now running another startup. Huge fun ! Married in 1996, no kids.
Paul Merison, Joblings (1981-1984) Last update: during 2000 Qualified Chartered Accountant. Company director for accountancy training tutoring organization. Deputy President, Beds/Bucks/Herts District Society of Chartered Accountants.
Steven Moore, Strouts (1977-1984) Last update: during 2000
Daniel Raye, Strouts (1977-1984) Last update: during 2000 Married + 1, living in Israel. Working for a leading Israel hi-tech company.
Tim Sumner, Joblings (1977-1984) Last update: during 2000 Running (Blackwater Valley Runners), married this year and working.
Richard Bate, Joblings (-1985) updated April 2003 Now living in Manchester, Managing Director of a rice milling company, Joseph Heap & Sons based in Liverpool. Married to Ali with daughter, Christina who will be 2 in June 2003. About to start cricket season again but fear that this could be the final one as age increases and inclination decreases with a stronger lure towards the golf course.
Mark Berman, Joblings (1974-1985) Last update: during 2000 I emigrated to Israel in 1991 after having qualified as a dentist at Guy's Hospital and after getting married. We today live in northern Israel and have three lovely girls; Liora aged 6; Yardena 4 and Shirel 5 months. I opened my own dental clinic in a town in the Golan Heights 3 years ago.
Simon Bronitt (1983-1985) updated August 2001 I attended Haberdashers in the 1980s and have great memories of my time there - very formative. I am a reader in law at ANU, emigrating to Australia ten years ago.
Jonathon Cottam, Meadows (1978-85) updated January 2002 Lives in the UAE with his wife and two sons, Oliver and Duncan. He earns a crust as an explosives expert knocking down buildings for various Sheikhs, and blasting tunnels through mountains! (via John Donohoe)
John Donohoe Calverts (1978 -85) updated January 2002 Married to Sonya, now have twins, Holly and Luke who, at 5 months old,ensure I get no sleep. I live in the Midlands and work as a Telecoms Consultant, mainly based in Manchester.
Richard Downes (-1985) Patricks & Russells updated March 2001 I am a Quantity Surveyor working for AMEC Services Ltd living in MillHill. I still play cricket but have retired from winter sports. I am married with one son - George who will be aged 4 on April 17th 2001.
Michael Ferris, Calverts (1978-1985) updated September 2001 I am a design manager for Orange at their main offices in Bristol. I have a son called Sam, aged 11, and am engaged to be married to a nurse called Beth in April 2002 and move to Cheltenham. I am still in touch with half a dozen of my friends from school but interested to hear from any others who remember me.
Ed Griffen Calverts (1978-1985) updated October 2001 Having ridden the acedemic horse till it dropped in the UK and Canada, I finally moved back to Cheshire and work as a medicinal chemist designing anti-cancer drugs. I'm kept saner by Alison and my son Peter and the prospect of our second child next year.
Simon Heron, Russells (1980-1985) Last update: during 2000 Company Director: Fast Options.
Chris Jordan, Hendersons (1979-1985) Last update: during 2000 Having spent 8 years as an actor, including two years in the West-End production of Me and My Girl, I am now the General Manger of a theatre and arts complex in Potters Bar where I write, direct and appear in the Pantomime. I live in Southgate with actress wife Natasha and daughters, Polly (6) and Sorrel (2).
David Kester, Russells (1980-1985) Last update: during 2000 Currently working as a television director on Coronation Street and Emmerdale. Married and living in Manchester.
Brian Levine, Meadows (1980-1985) Last update: during 2000 Working (in the Internet) and living in Notting Hill with a wife and child. I'd be intrigued (sheer curiosity) to discover the whereabouts of more of my contemporaries - don't be shy now.....
Greg Michaels, Russells (1974-1985) updated September 2003 Now that I'm married, to Rachelle, and with a baby son, Toby, I've moved back to familiar turf and am living in Stanmore. I work as a business analyst at the London Clearing House, in the City. I play golf when I can, which is less often than I'd like!
Jeremy Newman, Hendersons (1974-1985) updated April 2002 Yet another solicitor. Happily married and living in Edgware with 3 young sons.
Tony Snyder, Russells (1978-1985) Last update: during 2000 After reading Middle Eastern Studies (Turkish and Arabic) at Manchester I moved to Turkey where I lived for nine years before my present employer, Philip Morris, offered me a transfer to Richmond, Va, as Director of Leaf Blending. I have been here in the states for just over a year with my wife, son(5) and daughter(3) and I am happy to report that we still speak the Queen's English (though I am sure that will change now that my son has started school).
David Bearman, Hendersons (-1986) updated April 2002
Chris Brand, Strouts (1979-1986) updated July 2002 I've been living in Vancouver, BC, Canada since 1996, working as a Software Engineer. I married Helen in 1990 and my daughter, Meredith, was born 19 Jan 1999. I'm still involved with Air Cadets. (For Chris's email address, contact webmaster@oldhabs.com)
Alun Briggs, Joblings (1975-1986) Last update: October 2001 After taking a degree in calligraphy & bookbinding, I am now teaching handwriting to 3-7 year olds in Radlett. I have published one handwriting workbook - two more (and counting)on the way. Still playing rugby for Old Habs.
Daniel Colman, Meadows (1975-1986) Last update: during 2000 Managing Director - Incidental Colman Tod. Commercial Theatre Production Company, producing shows throughout UK, West End and North America.
Keith Davies, Calverts (1979-1986) updated June 2004 Was a senior economist for the Americas based in Miami for a couple of years. Returned to the UK in 2003. Still playing rugby and enjoy a cheeky lager every now and then.
Andrew Evans Meadows (-1986) updated March 2001 Since my early rehabilitation problems, I have now settled into my new career - but would like to keep the exact nature of my operations quiet for legal reasons. I would of course welcome the continued custom of my many clients first secured at Elstree.
Matt Goodchild, Calverts (1979-1987) updated February 2007 After gaining a degree in History at the University of Nottingham I was a commissioned officer for 16 years until 'retiring' this year and starting PGCE training as a History teacher at the
University of Reading. Married, (again) with one son called Richard and two grown up step children called Charlotte and James. Still in contact with (Squadron Leader!) Jase Hughes RAF. I live in Aylesbury and have fond memories of 'Habs'.
Andrew Goodman, Meadows (1976-1986) Last update: during 2000 Senior designer for interactive gaming and digital TV. I also study Columbian and Peruvian culture, and I often take trips to procure rare artefacts native to these countries.
Adrian Gostick, Strouts (1979-1986) updated July 2001 I have just finished an MBA in France and am interested in working in Geneva
Justin Havens, Joblings (1976-1986) updated April 2002 Now living in Cheltenham, working as a Management Consultant across UK and enjoying life! No wives or children to report, but getting ready to settle down. Enjoy lots of sports, particuarly polo! Do get in touch if you are in the area!
Steven Knopf, Strouts (1979-1986) updated August 2001 Have been living with Harriet in glorious Cricklewood for the past 18 months. I am the Support and Quality Manager for a UK software house and am about to complete my MSc in Software Engineering.
Jeremy Kosky, Calverts (1979-1986) updated February 2006 Litigation partner at the firm of Clifford Chance, based in London but with a broad international practice covering Bermuda, Jersey and Cayman. Married to Lisa with two young children.
Mike Mann, Meadows, (1976-1986) updated August 2002 Living in the New Forest, married (to Jane Macey-Dare) with two gorgeous daughters; work as a writer and photographer in theatre and live music publishing - also design new theatres when I'm asked!
Dan Martin, Hendersons (1979-1986). Last update: during 2000
Salim Nathoo, Joblings (-1986) updated June 2001 As of June, 2001 I am a partner in Allen & Overy (law firm) currently working in Tokyo. I was married to Shabana in 1996 and have two girls, Sara and Alia.
Matthew Ricker (see entry in 1982 list)
Howard Rosenthal, Meadows (1980-1986) Last update: during 2000 Having spent 3 years travelling in Asia with my partner Raymond we have recently gone into the plant business using the contacts we made in Thailand. I supply various well known celebrities with plants for their homes and we are hoping to expand our business into Europe.
Richard Sands, Strouts (1979-1986) updated March 2001 Working as a software engineer in Maidenhead, father to Jade (born 27/01/01).
Martin Seifert Hendersons (1979-1986) updated July 2001 Working as financial controller in London. Married with twins born in 1999 (Joanna and Jack). Season ticket up the Arsenal.
Spencer Shanson, Russells (1979-1986) Last update: during 2000 System Software Architect and founding employee of ReplayTV (http://www.replaytv.com) in Mountain View, California. Priorto ReplayTV, worked for 3DO in California for 4 years, and before that worked for Commodore as part of the core Amiga team for 3 years in Pennsylvania. Married in Sept '00.
Robert Silverman, Hendersons (1975-1986) Last update: during 2000 I currently live in New York in the U.S.A. and I know of at least 10 old HABS boys here in New York alone. Would love to receive more info and we are thinking of setting up a chapter here in the States. I am an investment banker for Bear Stearns here in New York.
Daniel Avener, Hendersons (1977-1987) Last update: during 2000 Currently marketing film, brands and sport and TV IP in London.
Paul Cooper, Meadows (1976-1987) Last update: during 2000 Trader at Warburg Dillon Read.
Jon Crossick, Calverts (1981-1987) Last update: during 2000 Director of firm involved in distribution of top quality luggage. Karate expert: Hope to compete in Olympics later this year.
Nicholas Minkoff, Strouts (1982-1987) Last update: during 2000 Currently working at SJ Berwin & Co Solicitors in the City. Specialising in commercial property work for clients in the investment, development and retail areas.
Moeen K Panni, Joblings (1980-1987) updated December 2005 Consultant Anaesthetist in Houston, Texas, USA
David Raeburn, Hendersons (1977-1987) updated August 2001 Now working for Software AG, largest supplier of systems software in Europe all based on XML for e-business and Total Business Integration. I work in the media sector for my sins. I'm also a member of the Old Habs Rifle Club, thanks to Alan Morris.
David Rakison, Russells (1980-1987) Last update: during 2000 Professor of Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, US.
Brian Reynolds, Hendersons (1977-1987) Last update: during 2000 Director of Housing & Social Services, Barnet.
Daniel Sevitt, Joblings (1976-1987) Last update: during 2000
Oliver Smith Strouts (1985-1987) updated January 2002 Partner at Rosenblatt, Solicitors, in the City of London specialising in Media and Commercial Litigation. Living in Hadley Wood, North London and interested in theatre, travel, cooking, golf, cricket, football and scuba diving.
Martyn Tipping, Calverts (1980-1987) Last update: during 2000 Director of Verbal Branding & Naming for Landor Associates in New York.
Jeremy Wellard, Joblings (1981-1987) Last update: during 2000 Running own business in Nova Scotia, Canada.
Daniel Barnett, Meadows (1977-1988) updated August 2001 Barrister practising in employment law and a prolific author of dull legal textbooks. Married to an ex-Habs girl, Miranda Napper (1989). First child due 2001.
Nigel Berger, Joblings (1977-1988) updated August 2002 Current activities - working in Mergers & Acquisitions/Corporate Finance.
Gary Blaker, Hendersons (1977-1988) Last update: during 2000 Barrister practising at Lamb Chambers in Middle Temple-specialising in property law. Married in 1998 to a solicitor (at Linklaters) and living in Belsize Park.
Daniel Burns, Hendersons (1986-1988) Last update: during 2000 I am a solicitor at a law firm called Macfarlanes practising corporate law.
Elliot Cohen, Russells (1977-1988) Last update: during 2000 Currently working in PR in Victoria at a consultancy called Kinross & Render. with two sons.
Shaun Fenton, Russells (-1988) updated June 2006 I am married with two young boys. I am Headmaster of Sir John Lawes School in Harpenden, Herts until August 2006 and I will be Headmaster of Pate's Grammar School, Cheltenham from September 2006.
Oliver Freedman, Russells (1984-1988) updated January 2005 After leaving in the third form to go to Australia - I finished High School, received a Bachelor of Psychology and a master of Organisational Psychology. I then got married and worked as a research consultant in New York. Now back working in Sydney.
Darren Gavigan, Joblings (1983-1988) updated August 2001 Currently working as a Production Manager at the Guardian newspaper. Living in Finsbury Park.
David Gendron, Joblings (1983-1988) updated August 2001 Sales and Marketing director for Digital e-commerce agency/ Crm strategists and systems integrator/ web design company. See http://www.thehub.co.uk
David Gilinsky, Meadows (1977-1988) Last update: during 2000 Head of International Investments at Excellence Zmiha Securities & Investments, an Israeli Investment House.
Alasdair Kirk, Calverts (1982-1988) updated April 2006 Company Director – involved in starting up and running companies. Living in the Cotswolds
Darren Lennard, Hendersons (1977-1988) Last update: during 2000 Cambridge changed my outlook on life and I decided to devote my career to acting. I now star as The Great Darina in cabaret in Pigalle, a suburb of Paris. I try to return to England once a year and spent last Christmas in Panto in Southend playing Widow Twanky.
Warren Margolis, Russells (1976-1988) Last update: during 2000.
Asher Miller, Meadows (1981-1988) Last update: during 2000 After training to become a Religious Sunday School teacher I have opened up a McDonalds franchise in Brixton. I also work as a dealer in a casino at nights.
Graham Nicol, Joblings (1983-1988) updated May 2001 IT Consultant for a large software corporation. Based in the UK (Departure lounge of any airport is what it feels like!)
Graham Racher, Calverts (1981-1988) updated July 2001 After Habs I went to Newcastle Uni where I graduated with an Honours degree in Surveying Science. I stayed on in Newcastle for another 10 months before moving back south in '92 and getting a job as an Analyst / Programmer with BAeSema in New Malden, Surrey (SW London). In '98 I jumped industries and I now work for UBS, a Swiss bank, in their Asset Management Division as an Oracle DBA and Principal Developer (Associate Director). I still live in New Malden and joined the rat race of commuting to the City. To counteract this I try and get away from it on holidays! In the last four years I have managed to visit Ecuador, Egypt, New Zealand, Botswana /Zimbabwe, Thailand and Madagascar.
Dr. David Rakison, Russells (1977-1988) Last update: during 2000
Daniel Rosenthal, Meadows (1981-1988) Last update: during 2000 I have had a varied career since leaving Manchester University most of it involving the film industry. I started out selling home movies to private clients and have recently started performing in low budget movies including Miami Spice and Moist Tissue.
Richard Siow, Russells (1977-1988) updated August 2002 Lecturer - School of Biomedical Sciences, King's College, University of London, based at Guy's
Married since 92
Hospital. Research Associate - Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge, based at Addenbrooke's Hospital.
Philip Stein, Joblings (1981-1988) Last update: during 2000 Moved to Sydney structuring Corporate Equity Derivatives for Salomon Smith Barney. Previously Head of Risk for Salomon Smith Barney Australia. Still single and loving it!
Andrew Tyrrell, Joblings (1981-1988) updated April 2001 I work as a Forensic Anthropologist for the US Army Central Identification Laboratory in Hawai'i (CILHI), which is also where I live with my wife. From here I travel around the world to places such as South East Asia, Europe, South America, Papua New Guinea, Tibet and Korea searching for, and recovering, missing United States service personnel who are listed as MIA from 20th Century wars. I also conduct research into high velocity wound ballistics. After completing my doctorate, and prior to my current job, I spent two years working in the Former Yugoslavia for the International Criminal Tribunal, and the International Commission on Missing Persons.
Matthew Walsh, Calverts (1977-1988) Last update: during 2000 Chartered surveyor working for a property services subsidiary of a US Bank. Married since October 1996. Play football regularly when not watching Sky TV.
Michael Zatman, Joblings (1981 - 1988) updated November 2002 I am married, and since finishing my PhD in 1994 I have been an academic at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in America.
Mehmet Altan, Calverts (1984-1989) Last update: during 2000 Currently I am working for a tour operator specialising in tailor made holidays.
Alex Bartman, Meadows (1977-1989) Last update: during 2000 Account Director at a London advertising agency - married last year, living 5 minutes from HABS in Bushey.
Martin Bitmead, Russells (1982-1989) Last update: during 2000 Working as financial development manager in building services company. Living in Ealing. Playing the 'odd' game for Old Habs Rugby.
Michele Carraretto Russells (1982-1989) updated March 2001 I still have many fond memories of school and all the great times we had and was wondering if there are any plans for a reunion of my year? I am a doctor of anaesthesia and intensive care medicine and am married and living in Winchester, Hampshire.
Mark Daisley, Joblings (1978-1989) updated March 2004 Working in investment banking in New York City. Living in Brooklyn, but keeping a foothold in Blackheath should I return. Married to the mountains with two skis.
Nicholas Leon Davis, Hendersons (1978-1989) Last update: during 2000 Solicitor in the Commercial Department of a West End firm.
Micah Duckworth, Hendersons (1983-1989) Last update: during 2000 Lived in Bradford since graduating. Trustee for Permaculture Association (Britain) and Bradford Environmental Action Trust. Currently building pedal-powered electronic fairground organ slowly!
Rob Farley, Hendersons (1985-1989) Last update: May 2006 After spending several years living in Melbourne, followed by a couple in London, I'm now in Adelaide!
Richard Franklin, Russells (1978-1989) Last update: during 1999 Now living in Dallas, Texas. Working for a finance company. Played rugby - knee operation shortly -then hopefully back to the sport. Play in US Amateur golf tournaments. Getting married
in June 99 - trying to explain to future wife that Habs was NOT a school for strange boys after reading that book 'New Boy'.
Ben Freeman, Hendersons (1978-1989) Last update: during 2000 Currently working at Reuters, previously at Arthur Andersen. Married in 1996.
Jonathan Gordon, Strouts (1982-1989) Last update: during 2000 Advertising account manager, MCA Group Plc.
Andrew Green, (1982-1989) updated July 2001 MD of The Pemberton Group Ltd, head office in Hadley Green, Barnet, regional offices in Bristol and Lincoln and soon to open in Central London, Manchester and Milton Keynes. Operate in Financial Services (IFA), Mortgages, General Insurance, Healthcare and Accountancy Services (Payroll, Self Assessment, VAT Returns, Company Formations and Book-keeping). Single and yet to be convinced otherwise.
Mark Hoffman (–1989) updated September 2006 Chartered Surveyor with my own practice, Hoffman Partners. Married to Ruth with 2 lovely sons, Benjamin and Sam and living in Stanmore
Raymond Lee, Joblings (1980-1989) Last update: during 2000 Business Process Analyst for KLA-Tencor, a semiconductor equipment manufacturing company in San Jose, California.
Mahesh Mansukhani, Hendersons (1978-1989) updated April 2004 Moved to the US in 1996 to read for an MBA at Yale University. Then a Director within eBusiness Consulting House in Manhattan. Currently living in Philadelphia, working as a Marketing and Sales Director for DuPont. Married (in 2002) to Anita.
Nicholas Moss, Strouts (1979-1989) updated March 2006 Journalist - ex Reuters and The European, Also worked for the Financial Times in South America, as correspondent in Ecuador
Andrew Newman, Hendersons (1978-1989) updated October 2002 Am now living in Holland and managing the Asian investments of an investment fund that invests in renewable energy companies in the developing world.
Ben Ring, Strouts (1978-1989) Last update: during 2000 Lawyer working at Linklaters.
Kevin Sefton Hendersons (1982-89) updated October 2001 Having qualified as an accountant and ridden the dot com rollercoaster (and emerged with head above water), I am now employed by an IT company, EU Smart plc, working on digital projects with the Post Office. Currently struggling with the fuzziness of whether the cheque is or is not in the post.
Paul Solomon, Strouts (1982-1989) updated December 2001 Worked for several years in a London public relations agency. Got married in 1998 and emigrated to Israel. Living in Tel Aviv, working as a PR consultant.
David Starr, Meadows (1980-1989) updated January 2003 Currently employed as an Immigration Solicitor.
Richard Taylor, Russells (1978-1989) Last update: during 2000
David Thomas, Calverts (1982-1989) Last update: during 2000 Drivers' mate, Argos, Bramford Industrial estate North London. Previous employment; Labourer, Westridge Construction, Brighton.; Administrative assistant, Brighton Regent Dole Office, etc.
Philip Vaughan-Smith, Russells (1982-1989) updated March 2002 Since graduating from Oriel, Oxford and qualifying as a teacher at Nottingham in 1994, I have been teaching History at Sir Thomas Rich's School, a boys' grammar school in Gloucester. In
September 2002 I move on to Haberdashers' Monmouth School, where once again, of course, I will be serving and obeying.
Peter Weir Hendersons (1982-89) updated December 2001 After leaving Haberdashers', I moved to the USA to pursue an aviation degree. I currently work as an airline captain for a US regional airline, based in New York City. I currently live just outside Atlanta, Georgia. Married in 1995.
Daniel Wingard Calverts (1980-1989) updated June 2001 Now a conference producer for ITE, an international exhibitions company in Queens Park . Working at the moment on a packaging show in Cairo.If any old members of Smoking Soc. are still alive, please contact me
Julian Zammit, Joblings (1980-1989) Last update: during 2000 Working on contract for Jaguar (& Ford) Cars - Automotive research. Promoting events. DJing (my own events & others).
Sean Brazier, Russells (1983-1990) Last update: during 2000 Stuntman.
Andrew Cox, Strouts (1983-1990) updated September 2001 Married to Lisa with one son, Thomas, now living in Petts Wood. After Bristol University I have now spent six years at Andersen's in London, working my way to be an International Tax Manager.
Elliot Cravitz, Strouts (1983-1990) last updated December 2005 Currently living in New York
Andrew Date, (-1990) updated July 2004 After graduating from Newcastle University I worked in Antarctica, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk. I now work for a US corporation and live in Singapore.
Chris Little, Calverts (1983-1990) Last update: during 2000 Since leaving school, I attended the New York School of performing arts and have enjoyed a varied career including roles in the Bill, Last of the Summer Wine and Chockablock. I am currently being considered for a major part in the new Dr. Who mini-drama series.
Ben Moore (1983-1990) updated May 2001 I have worked for Andersen in International Employment Solutions since 1998. Previously I studied Sports Science at Birmingham University after spending time coaching and playing cricket in Melbourne, Australia and Stellenbosch, South Africa.
Omar Mullick ( -1990) updated December 2001
David Poole ( -1990) updated December 2001
Justin Robertson, Joblings (1983-1990) Last update: during 2000 Assistant Store Manager, Allied Carpets, Slough.
Paul Sheppard ( -1990) updated December 2001
Paul Stimpson, Meadows (1983-1990) News section editor at The Tribune newspaper in Nassau, Bahamas.
Nicholas Tellis, Joblings (1987-1990) updated January 2007 Left Haberdashers at the end of 1990 to emigrate to Australia. Sadly my job as a replacement for Harold Bishop’s son in Neighbours fell through, and I was forced to fall back on my second choice, Medicine. I graduated from the University of Adelaide Medical School in 1999, and have worked throughout Australia since, in many fields, finally settling in General Practice. I am
currently sitting for my specialist qualification in General Practice, and hope to finish that some time in 2007. In the meantime, I’ve just got married, and have one dog. Best wishes to all who knew me at Habs
Simon Wilkins Joblings (1983-1990) updated July 2006 Working as a database designer in Cambridge for the UN Environment Programme at the World Conservation Monitoring Centre.
Brad Aimee, Russells (1980-1991) updated November 2006 Living and working in New York since 2004. Arguably the most fanatical Charlton Athletic fan in the city.
Jonathan Balcombe Meadows (1984-1991) updated October 2001 Recently finished service in the Israel Defence Forces as a battalion doctor. About to start a residency in radiology in Jerusalem.
Jonathan Bartman, Meadows (1980-1991) Last update: during 2000 New Business Director at data consultancy. Hopefully playing rugby for Old Habs this year.
Robin Barton, Russells (1984-1991) Last update: during 2000 Working in a 'top' London law firm, specialising in commercial and corporate Law, intend to take over the world, if possible.
Steven Behr, Calverts (1980-1991) Last update: during 2000 Investment Banker at Barclays Capital issuing highly leveraged structured bonds backed by corporate or asset backed cashflows.
Adrian Brass, Hendersons (1984-1991) Last update: during 2000 Equities analyst at Schroders' Bank (research Semiconductor, Aerospace and Defence companies.
Leo Colover, Strouts (1980-1991) Last update: during 2000 First officer, British Airways. Boeing 737 fleet.
Alex Conway, Calverts (1984-1991) Last update: during 2000 Civil Servant, Department of Environment, Transport and the Regions. Living in Highgate. Have escaped HABS yearbook's prediction that I'd sell chestnuts in Trafalgar Square. So far.....
Jeremy Ellis, Joblings (1980-1991) Last update: during 2000 Agency sales at Capital Radio. Currenty living in Edgware but hoping to move back to Elstree shortly.
Martin Geminder, Hendersons (1980-1991) Last update: during 2000 Investment analyst at JP Morgan and enjoy travelling.
Darren Gold, Hendersons (1980-1991) updated September 2001 Aviation lawyer at Airclaims.
Nick Goldstone, Strouts (1984-1991) Last update: during 2000 Married to Lisa in October 1999, living in Hendon. Chartered accountant specialising in business recovery and corporate turnarounds.
James Hart, Russells (1980-1991) Last update: during 2000 Director of Internet start-up company, asseenonscreen.com Dabbling with some web design in my spare time, even though they refused me (rightly) Art GCSE all those years ago.
Dr. Matthew Harris, Calverts (1979-1991) updated June 2004 Medical Doctor, worked in Brazil for four years in a rural community as a Primary Care physician. Now back in town finishing off my Masters in Public Health in Developing Countries at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
Jeremy Havardi, Hendersons (1984-1991) updated July 2007 'I am currently Head of History at a London independent school where I also teach philosophy. In 2003, I had a book published on self deception called 'Falling to Pieces' and I am currently in the process of completing my second book on the life and career of Winston Churchill. My political website can be viewed at: www.jeremyhavardi.com <http://www.jeremyhavardi.com>
Daniel Jackson, Russells (1984-1991) Last update: during 2000 Managing Partner in new West End Advertising Agency, The Sonic Brand, looking for clients... Now married, living in Hampstead and loving it.
Marc Kirsch, Calverts (1980-1991) Updated October 2001 Run a financial recruitment company called Accountancy Action, based in Elstree. Live in Radlett. Almost fulfilled my dream by marrying into Tottenham Hotspur F.C.
Naz Klendijan, Hendersons (1984-1991) Last update: during 2000 Haggis eating Corporate Tax Consultants in KPMG Edinburgh, where men wear skirts.
Bobby Lane, Hendersons (1984-1991) updated September 2006 I am a partner in Denver Chase International an accountancy practice in the West End.
Richard Leon, Calverts (1979-1991) updated August 2004 Hedge fund portfolio manager. Has been living in New York since 2001. Fortunate to still be able to count many Old Boys among my closest friends.
Lyndon Lewis, Calverts (1980-1991) Last update: during 2000 I am working at NatWest in a customer service capacity. I am engaged in sports, particularly football, badminton and snooker.
Michael Leventhal, Strouts (1984-1991) Last update: during 2000 Gossip and features writer for the Daily Express newspaper.
Nicholas Levy Calverts (1984-1991) updated June 2005 Solicitor employed at City firm Ashurst, married to Aimée and proud father of one son and two dogs.
Mark McLean, Russells (1984-1991) updated January 2006 Divide my time between family (wife, Ineke and three boys - Luca, Oscar and Casper), work (Treasury department at FMO - the Netherlands Development Finance Company, funding projects in developing countries) and bridge and golf!
Adam Marc Miller, Russells (1980-1991) Last update: during 2000 Solicitor in the commercial property department of a West End firm.
Dr. Simon Minkoff, Strouts (1985-1991) updated August 2004 Back in London after a ten year tour of duty in the North West. Spend a significant amount of time working and training as an anaesthetist. Also actively stirring in the world of medical politics - to be seen or heard on TV/Radio/Newspapers/Online on occasion. Happily single with no children, etc.
Delano Musafer, Strouts (1984-91) Last update: during 2000 Investment banker at UBS Warburg.
Nigel Ohrenstein, Strouts (1980-1991) updated July 2003 Running my own business in Washington, DC - married with a son.
Rupert Panes, Joblings (1984-1991) Last update: during 2000 Living in Pimlico, went to Kingston University. Started to Lehmann Brothers. Now working as IT Manager for ING-Barings investment Bank.
Paul Pavlides (1980-1991) updated January 2006 Media Consultant – TV, Film, Publishing, New Media. Director of a digital agency in London.
Marc Pereira-Mendoza, Calverts (1984-1991) updated November 2002 Having completed a Geography degree at Manchester University, I embarked upon a career in the City and am now a Director at Credit Suisse First Boston selling and trading loans.
Nikhil Saran (-1991) updated September 2003 Moved to California and married in Vegas. Running an engineering business designing supercharger kits for exoctic cars. Enjoy the outdoors, blue skies, and 6 lane freeways.
Jonathan Seal, Russells (1980-1991) Last update: during 2000 Corporate Finance Solicitor.
Benjamin Sevitt, Joblings (1980-91) updated May 2002 I'm a dentist living in Israel with a wife and son.
Dr. Hiten Sheth Joblings (1985-91) updated May 2005 Ophthalmic surgeon at St Thomas' Hospital and Moorfields Eye Hospital, London.
David Slager, Hendersons (1984-1991) updated April 2001 Currently working for a US investment fund, as fund manager. Married with 1 daughter.
Alan Tucker, Joblings (1980-1991) Last update: during 2000 University Lecturer in Poland.
Jalil Afnan, Joblings (1985-1992) updated August 2001 At St. Bartholemew's Surgical Rotation, with a view to a career in cardiothoracic surgery. Married to Sharim Youssefian who is a solicitor at Weil Gotschall in the city. Looking forward to reading more about what people have got up to.
Elan Diamond, Strouts (1985-1992) Last update: January 2006 Married for 5 years with one son, Alex who is now 2. Director of the Financial Recruitment Company Concilium Finance and specialising in recruitment within the Investment Banking sector (corporate finance, equity research and senior finance for qualified accountants). Living in Winchmore Hill, N.London and currently training / competing in National Muay Thai Kickboxing Championships.
Rob Farley (see entry under 1989)
Jason Gerroll, Strouts (1981-1992) updated June 2006 Married, living in Parbold (Near Wigan). Working in IT Infrastructure (currently for Accenture) since graduating in Engineering. Still playing 'bass in various bands and orchestras.
David Lavi (was Leigh), Joblings (1981-1992) Last update: during 2000 Currently studying at Yeshivas Yesodos HaTorah in Jerusalem. My roommate is also an OH! In Israel since graduating from University of Leeds in 1996 - followed by one year at yeshiva, three years at Wizcom Technologies as Information Systems Administrator.
James Miln, Meadows (1985-1992) Last update: during 2000 I studied Classics at Cambridge (2.1) and subsequently joined an archeological mission with VSO in Bhutan. Lost myself for a while in Bhuddism and various ashrams. Came back to UK in 1998. Now working at Unilever in the "Experimental Pharmaceuticals" Division. Father of 2.5 kids and a deformed dog.
Saqib Qureshi (-1992) updated January 2003 I finished my undergrad in International Relations, then 3 years of investment banking and a PhD in International Relations. Now a management consultant with McKinsey in London.
Steven Shaw, Russells (1981-1992) Last update: during 2000 Account Director for International IT Recruitment Consultancy, involving the supplying of resource, managing of European projects, and bespoke IT consultancy.
Nicholas Yu, Meadows (1987-1992) Last update: during 2000 Working as an IT Consultant in the Financial sector.
Haroon Ahmad, Meadows (1991-1993) Last update: September 2001 Working for HSBC in London. Play cricket regularly for OHCC and was captain of the Club 199899.
Rob Anders, Strouts (1981-1993) Last update: during 2000 I am now living in Israel, working in Business Devlelopment for Wireless Internet and Ecommerce, supporting Spurs and enjoying the sunshine.
Benjamin Arnold, Calverts (1986-1993) Last update: during 2000 IT Consultant for Pricewaterhouse Coopers. Married.
Benedict Bermange, Calverts (1982-1993) Last update: during 2000 New Media Department, PriceWaterhouse Coopers.
Ashley Blaker, Hendersons(1986-1993) Last update: during 2000 Producer of comedy for television and radio, BBC entertainment.
Mike Brock, (-1993) updated March 2002
Murad Bukhari, Calverts (1982-1993) Last update: during 2000 I work for Deutche Bank Securities ( a German Investment bank) and live in New York City.
Howard Cazin, Hendersons (1986-1993) updated August 2002 Marketing Manager, Mail Newspapers.
Yaasen Dalal, Calverts (-1993) updated July 2002 I am currently doing an MBA at Columbia Business School in New York.
Gareth Evans (-1993) Last updated September 2001
Paul Eversfield, Hendersons (1989-1993) Last update: September 2001 Now teaching Economics and Business Studies at St John's Leatherhead. Coaching 1st XI. Captain of OHCC, 2000 onwards. Father of baby Jack, born Monday 6th March, 2000.
Robert Gershon, Joblings (1982-1993) updated March 2003 Graduated from Manchester University in 1997, did a Masters in International Relations at the LSE, qualified as a chartered accountant with PwC in London and now work as a financial analyst with Sainsbury's. Currently living in Hendon, North London.
Oliver Harrison, (-1993) updated May 2001 School Captain in 1992-1993. BA in Medicine and Neuroscience from Jesus College Cambridge then completed my medical qualification at UCL in 1999. Worked in NHS for 18 months with an ongoing research fellowship at UCL looking at neural networks. Offered job by strategic consulting company and moved early 2001. Persuing real-life applications of Complex models. And having a lot of fun in London.
Prashant Kaul, Joblings (1986-1993) updated July 2005 Currently living and working in Manhattan. Completed an Internal Medicine Residency at Cornell University at the New York Presbyterian Hospital. About to embark on a career in Cardiology at Duke University, North Carolina. Affiliated to the FBI's division of criminal psychology as a hostage negotiator.
David Katz, Strouts (1986-1993) Last update: during 2000 Employed as a new media fixer, by i-level.com
Aiden McNeil (1982-1993) updated March 2006 Currently living in Maida Vale with wife & 2 boys. About to embark on a new career & life in Hong Kong to work in broking. Very excited.
Jeremy Michaels, Strouts (1982-1993) updated May 2006 Now working for Moorhouse Consulting (www.moorhouseconsulting.com) as an independent contractor specialising in Project and Change Management, whilst also supporting the start up of Video Jug (www.videojug.com) - a triple-play non-fiction content portal - or, "Life Explained". Video Jug is looking for researchers, producers, directors, editors and talent... stay tuned. First full feature script currently in development, and aiming for a greenlight in early 2007. Still enjoying the Saatchi Synagogue - and a lot more since stepping down from the committee. Living in Maida Vale...
Josh Newman, Russells (1986-1993) Last update: during 2000 Now studying for a MFA in Film-Video production at the University of Southern California (in Los Angeles).
Andreas Pampoulides, Joblings (1991-93) updated April 2002 After leaving school I did a degree in Classics at the University of Kent, Canterbury. I got a 2.1. After that I took a year out and went to the London Guildhall school of art, where I did a foundation in Fine art specialising in Sculpture and photography. After that I worked for a while and ended up travelling to S. America for 6 months. On my return I started an M.Phil in Early European History at Glasgow University (but since my tutor was based in London I managed to live here!). Before I finished my thesis I was offered a job as a specialist in the Early European Sculpture department (from post antiquity to 1830). I have been working in the London (St James's) headquarters for almost 2 years now.
Sam Reisman, Russells (1986-1993) Last update: during 2000 I moved to Jerusalem in 1998. Having served the army as a tank driver, I am now working for a political research institute.
Josh Sacks Russells (1986-1993) updated June 2001 I am married, living in N2, working as a software developer.
Phil Schajer, Calverts (1986-1993) Last update: during 2000 I am nearing the end of my chartered accountancy qualification, having been specialising in new media, marketing services and entertainment.
Jeremy Silverman, Joblings (1986-1993) Last update: during 2000 Management & IT consultant.
Rob Slaughter, Hendersons (1986-1993) updated April 2001 Since leaving school I did an Electrical Engineering degree at Durham University and stayed based in the North East for a couple of years at Newcastle, which included stints in both Saudi Arabia and Edinburgh. In October last year I moved to Edinburgh on a full time basis, where I do Sales and Project Management for an international Engineering Group. My main hobby is following Fulham Football Club around the country, which doubles as a good excuse to meet up with old friends.
Adam Speker, Joblings (1986-1993) updated December 2003 Barrister practising from the chambers of Desmond Browne QC and Adrienne Page QC at 5 Raymond Buildings, Gray’s Inn specialising in defamation, privacy and media law.
Simon Wantman, Strouts (1986-1993) updated July 2001 Currently working in IT infrastructure recruitment for Investment Banks. Recently saw John Flynn.
Nick West, Joblings (1986-1993) Last update August 2001 Solicitor at Linklaters specialising in anti-trust law
Aidan Winwood, Calverts (1982-1993) Last update: during 2000 Work for a large multi-national Market Research company in London. Enjoying it immensely, working with some other Old Haberdashers'.
Bobby Zainul Abedeen, Russells (1992-1994) After doing English and Classics at Kings College, I did a course in Computing Science at Goldsmiths College, London. After working in various telecom companies in various roles including analysis and development, took a position at OneTel, an Australian Telecoms company where I work as Deputy Chief Software Engineer supporting and developing their products worldwide. I live in South Kensington and by night transform into the leisure lounge lothario my classmates always knew I would become, chasing skirt around this lovely capital of ours! My time is spent between home and the Paris office. Apologies to the English ham acting during the reading of "Streetcar Named Desire" and my dodgy American accent! Many thanks to Mr. Farmer, the best English teacher ever.
Jason Appel, Meadows (1987-1994) Last update: during 2000 I am currently working for Salomon Smith Barney (Investment Bank). I play football for 'Boca Barbarians' which is a team made up of mostly Old Habs boys.
Rajeev Bahl, Strouts (1987-1994) updated July 2002 Went to the LSE, currently an equity analyst at Cazenove (and glad to be out of the bulge bracket firing line!).
Andrew Birnie, (1987-1994) Last update: May 2006 Studied medicine in Bristol. Met my wife in London. Now live in Nottingham whilst training as a dermatologist with plans to specialise further in dermatological surgery.
Mark Cohen, Hendersons (1983-1994) Last update: during 2001 IT Consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers working in the Information. Telecommunications and Entertainment arena. Engaged to be married in August 2001.
Jon Duschinsky, Hendersons (1983-1994) updated September 2001 Graduated from uni and moved to France. Currently living in Paris developing marketing and fundraising for an AIDS charity.
Andrew Evans, Russells (1987-1994) Last update: during 2000 Work in Foreign Exchange Options at Credit Agricole Indosuez.
Martyn Felix, Joblings (1987-1994) updated June 2003 I have qualified as a Lawyer and have been admitted to the Israeli Bar. Still living in Israel.
Shinichiro Fukushige, Calverts (1987-1994) Last update: during 2000
Paul Goodmaker, Hendersons (1987-1994) Last update: during 2000 Marketing Executive at 365 Corporation plc on sites such as football365.com and music365.com
Elliott Gotkine, Meadows (1987-1994) updated April 2001 Work as a journalist for the BBC's business desk. Previously, was deputy stock market editor at UK-iNvest.com, journalist at Euromoney Publications and gopher at London News Network. I still play water polo for Old Habs and Maccabi on a regular basis. Currently living it up in sunny Kilburn.
Nick Howard, Hendersons (1997-1994) Last update: during 2000 Credit Analyst for FCE Bank plc.
Khaleed Juma, Calverts (1991-1994) Last update: during 2000 Canadian High School Student.
Andrew Kocen, Hendersons (1983-1994) Last update: during 2000 I am about to finish my medical degree at Oxford before (unable to resist my HABS heritage) taking up a job in equity research at Warburg Dillon Read. I like Creme Eggs.
Jonny Levy, Calverts (1987-1994) updated July 2001 I got married last year, just qualified as a doctor and am living in Birmingham (accent impenetrable).
Russell Manning, Joblings (1989-1994) Last update: during 2000 I am currently in the second year of a PhD at the Divinity Faculty and St Edmund's College, Cambridge. I am working on the philosophical theology of Paul Tillich (1886-1965), in particular, his proposals for a 'theology of culture', its philosophical sources and contemporary relevance.
Dan Nicholls, Calverts (1987-1994) Last update: during 2000 Futures Broker at GNI. Why it is only the naughty ones of us are getting anywhere?
Anthony Plaskow, Strouts (1987-1994) Last update: during 2000 I work for Credit Agricole Indosuez (a French investment bank) Went away for 6 months to Africa, Australia, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia - loved it. Deeply saddened by the loss of Mark Lindgren - a genuine geezer
Greg Tomkins, Joblings (1983-1994) Last update: during 2000 I am currently living in Holborn in Central London and working in Mayfair as an oil trader for Petrola (UK) Ltd, the London based trading arm of a Greek Oil Refining company called Petrola Hellas, which is owned by the Latsis Group based in Athens. My office is in Dover Street in Mayfair, near Green Park tube. After leaving Habs I studied Geology at Manchester University, graduating in 1997. I took a year out to travel up the East Coast of Australia following my graduation and have been working at Petrola UK for two years.
Nicholas Arnold, Calverts (1988-1995) Last update: during 2000 Trainee Accountant at PricewaterhouseCoopers having graduated from Economics at University of Leeds.
Timothy Bannister, Calverts (1988-1995) Last update: during 2000 Graduate Trainee at HSBC Investment Bank.
Alexander Bermange, Calverts (1988-1995) Last update: during 2000 Currently working actively as a composer-lyricist and musical director. For full details of record releases, theatre productions, television appearances, etc. please visit http://www.bermange.co.uk.
Richard Bloch, Strouts (1988-1995) Last update: during 2000 Account Executive - MTC Sports agency looking after England Rugby team and UK athletes and footballers.
Alex Buckley, Hendersons (1988-1995) Last update: during 2000 Research scientist, Telcordia Technologies, New Jersey.
Gary Feldman, Joblings (1985-1995) Last update: during 2000 Currently working as a Business Analyst for thus Plc, in the Demon Internet division. I still, however, play monthly gigs with Chris Jones at the Artichoke in Elstree and stare lovingly towards the school.
Graham Freeman, Meadows (1986-1995) Strategic Consultant with Oliver, Wyman & Company, based in Covent Garden. Living in London but travelling whenever possible.
Nick Goodmaker, Hendersons (1990-1995) Last update: during 2000 Working at a PR company in Covent Garden.
Alex Haffner, Hendersons (1983-1995) updated November 2002 Working as lawyer in competition department at Denton Wilde Sapte, London. Play cricket for OHCC (Ed: batsman of the year for the 1st eleven in 2002!)
Chris Jones, Hendersons (1988-1995) Last update: during 2000 Finished Biotechnology BSc at UCL, and got a first. Starting a PhD at the Windeyer Institute, UCL from October '99. Also running the UCLU Jazz Society for which I produced an album this Easter, I also received Honorary Social Colours for my contributions to the society. Currently playing in several other bands one of which, The Truants, plays the last Friday of every month at the lovely Artichoke (Elstree Hill).
Lawrence Klempa, (-1995) Last updated October 2001
Mahinda Kularatne, Meadows (1988-1995) Last update: April 2001 Graduated (2:1) in Chemical Engineering & Biotechnology from UMIST. Now working as a Technical Author for Labsystems in Altrincham, near Manchester.
Simon Marx Joblings (1998-1995) updated October 2001 After leaving school I spent a year working in Paris. I then went to Salford, Manchester to study French and German, which involved a further year abroad. I graduated last July and have since been working as a European Property Analyst for a firm of Chartered Surveyors in Berkeley Square, London.
David Nicholls, (1988-1995) updated May 2001 After teaching in India, graduating from Oxford University and working for a Member of Parliament, I am now reading for the Bar at Lincoln's Inn.
Chinedu Nwokoro, Calverts (1990-1995) updated October 2004 Left Cambridge University in 2000 and worked in the region until 2004. Currently senior House officer in paediatrics in London, applying for registrar post. Socially I am still active in athletics both hurdles and high jump - I sing in a seventies funk band and I'm engaged to be married to Clare, who makes me very happy.
Simon Puxley, Calverts (1984-1995) Last update December 2001 Finished Masters Degree in Mechanical Engineering with French in Summer 2000. I commissioned from RMA Sandhurst in August 2001 into the Intelligence Corps. I have just completed my Junior Officer Training and am off to my first posting which is with the Royal Marines down in Dorset. Still playing waterpolo, hopefully next year for Combined Forces (actually no great achievement that but there you have it). Also getting stuck into offshore sailing and hopefully racing soon enough.
Marc Samuel, Russells (1984-1995) Last update: during 2000
Timothy Simmons, Hendersons (1987-1995) Last update: during 2000 Final year medical student in Manchester. Other than making ill people better (ahem), I'm still doing drama related stuff, esp. Gilbert and Sullivan, would you believe.
Michael Weadick, Meadows (1994-1995) Last update: during 2000 Currently, tv producer for ntl. Working on various programmes - mainly sport. Still, tv reporting and presenting as well as bits of radio in my spare time. Previously, worked for BBC Midlands, Sky and Live TV. Living in Warwickshire.
Andrew Wilkie, Joblings (1987-1995) Last update: during 2000 Have just graduated from Edinburgh University in German (First Class) and I am about to begin a Masters at Edinburgh in European Cinema Studies, concentrating on Weimar cinema, early European cinema and the New German Cinemas.
Ben Wilkinson, Meadows (1984-1995) Last update: September 2001 Have graduated from Sheffield University, I took a year off to travel the world. Jumped off bridges, out of aeroplanes, learned to SCUBA dive, saw in New year 1999 at Sydney Opera House!! Now doing a one-year masters degree at Cambridge, and start work at Andersen Consulting , London, in August.
Simon Woolfson, Meadows (1984-1995) Last update: during 2000 Finished my Economics degree at Bristol. Now trading Government Bonds at Credit Suisse First Boston.
Kevin Alvary, Hendersons (1989-1996) Last update: during 2000 MSc Economics at LSE.
Oliver Benn, Russells (1989-1996) updated November 2002 Graduated in May from the University of Pennsylvania with B.A. in History. Living in Florida for a year and then, like all good Americans, planning on going to law school after that.
Adam Blenford, Strouts (1989-1996) Last update: during 2000 Lots of travelling. BA International History and Politics at Leeds. Didgeridoo player. Journalist controversial columnist in student paper, shortlisted for several Guardian media awards. Currently Media Manager for Barnet FC, living the dream...
Michael Broadwith, Russells (1989-1996) Last update: during 2000 4th year mathematician at Oxford. Selected to row for 'Isis' year 2000 on Boat Race Day.
Jason Cole, Hendersons (-1996) updated October 2002 After leaving school I took a step back from life as I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I decided to join the Hare Krishna movement in a bid to find myself. It gave me a real sense of being and really left me at peace with myself. However my time there was short lived as an alcohol addicition led me to have a fight with one of the stray cats that often wander through the temple. I was immediately banished and have now taken refuge at Barclays Capital in Canary Wharf where I work in Swaps.
Soujit Ghosh, Calverts (1989-1996) updated November 2002 Graduated from Cambridge with an MEng in 2000, in Chemical Engineering, after a brief stint as a stand-up comedian, publicity officer for the University Hindu Cultural Society and occasional left back for college football 2nds team. After graduating, worked for Goldman Sachs in London between July 2000 - July 2002 as a Derivatives Trader. Left, went to Rome to study Italian at the "School of Leonardo Da Vinci", returned to London September 2002.
Simon Jospe, Calverts (1994-96) Last update: during 2000 Currently lecturing ecomonics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
Shaun Lawson, Russells (1989-1996) Last update: during 2000 About to start MSc in History of International Relations at LSE. Still crazy after all these years (about football, that is).
Jonathan Morgan, Strouts (1989-1996) updated November 2002 MA Property Valuation & Law - working for a residential development company in Herzlia, Israel.
Jonathan Rudoe, Meadows (1985-1996) updated October 2002 Read Geography at St Catharine's College, Cambridge, then spent a year at Harvard studying International Relations. Worked for Bain & Co (management consultants) (2000-2002), about to start work for Smedvig Capital (VC) October 2002.
Laurence Smith, Meadows (1989-1996) Last update: during 2000 Working for a small business consultancy. Continuing water polo and karate. Contact me if you are interested in Old Boys Water Polo.
Varathan Sriharan, (-1996) updated September 2002 Currently lecturing in Hebrew Studies at the University of Israel. Previously studied in Birmingham and Lebanon. I occasionally return to London in between semesters, however am not currently allowed back in due to ethnic reasons, so get in touch people.
Wing Yu Tang, Russells (-1996) updated December 2002 'Hello old friends, currently I am travelling around the united kingdom as a locum pharmacist but hopefully by 2004 I will be practising in Canada'
Jonathan Titmuss Calverts (1991-1996) updated August 2001 Now a barrister, about to start pupillage at Enterprise Chambers, 9 Old Square in October.
Jonathan Tseng, Hendersons (1989-1996) Last update: during 2000 Still asleep. My goodness, there are a lot of chartered accountants here, aren't they?
Sanjay Vasdev, Calverts (1989-1996) updated October 2002 Graduated from the University of Manchester with a BA (Hons) Economics, Government and Political Theory (1999) followed by a subsequent MSc in Information Security from Royal Holloway University of London (2002). Due to adverse market conditions, I am currently pursuing my interests in Hebrew Studies in Tel-Aviv.
Tashfiq Alam (1990-1997) updated October 2002 via FRe Final year medic at St. Bartholomew's & the Royal London. Applying for jobs and eagerly awaiting elective in Caribbean and Maldives in Dec/Jan.
Richard Coberman, (1987-1997) updated May 2001 Achieved 2.1 BA Honours Degree in English University of Hull. Now employed as Account Executive at an Advertising Agency (CIA Medianetwork group).
Adam Cowan, Strouts (1986-1997) updated July 2002 via FRe Just graduated from Bristol University in French and Spanish. Somehow managed to blag a 1st. Not ready for the real world yet so am off to BPP Law School in London for the next couple of years before starting at Linklaters in Sept. 2004.
Bikaram Dosanjh, Hendersons (1990-1997) updated June 2002 via FRe University of Bath, reading Economics. Completed an internship within the Fixed Income Division at Credit Suisse. Trainee options trader in London, just returned from 8 months on the floor in Amsterdam
Edward Emanuel, Calverts (1990-1997) updated Feb 2003 via FRe (2000) StWeb developing. Programming. London Guildhall University. Music Technology. Promenader- Love it! literature- all sorts - Thanks Mr Keenlyside! South bank - I live down there now, by Tower Bridge. Art galleries. (Feb 03) Settled down now, but still up to old tricks. Run small record label, producing, recording and engineering nefarious beats and pieces and have full time job as assistant engineer at notorious studios in Shoreditch.
Koushik Ghosh, Calverts (1990-1997) updated July 2001 I'm currently in my fourth year studying medicine at University College London. I have enjoyed every minute of medical school here and thanks to Mr Carlton/Glanville/Griffith and Marks for teaching me at A-level. I still play hockey and even captained the thirds team for a year which was fun (but disasterous!)
David Giddings Calverts (1990-1997) updated September 2001 Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Birmingham University. Currently teaching English to Junior High School students in Yawatahama, Japan.
Ian Ginsberg, Strouts (1990 - 1997) updated August 2007 Graduated from Cambridge in 2001. Currently working in the civil service.
Patrick S. Hay, Meadows (1989-1997) Last update: during 2000 Birmingham University Geog BA.
Thomas Insam, Strouts, (1991-1997) I just finished a degree in Maths from Imperial College, and I've got a job as for a marketing company selling solar panels.
Manoj Jain Calverts (1990-1997) updated July 2004 Graduated from Cambridge University in June 2001. 2001-3 Mergers & Acquisitions at Credit
Suisse First Boston in New York. Currently at Och-Ziff Capital Management in New York, a multistrategy hedge fund.
Costi Karayannis, Hendersons (1986-1997) Last update: during 2002 via FRe Went to Bristol Uni to study Economics and Politics. Just graduated after 3 fantastic years, time to enter the real world (and work for Accenture!)
Ryan King, Joblings (1992-1997) Last update: during 2000 Studying electrical engineering at University of Ottawa, Canada.
Daniel Marks, Russells (1986-1997) Last update: during 2000 Studying economics at University of Bristol.
Seraj Merchant, Strouts (1995-1997) Last update: during 2000 Third year undergraduate at the University of Durham.
Ashish Parmar, Hendersons (1990-1997) updated May 2001 Undergraduate at The University of Manchester. Studying Economics and Spanish.
Alastair Partington, Strouts (1992-1997) updated July 2002 Graduated in Astrophysics from UCL in 2002. Working for a management consultancy firm from January 2003.
Shelain Patel, Meadows (1990-1997) Last update: during 2000 I am currently studying Medicine at UCL.
Jon Potts, Joblings (1990-1997) updated July 2002 Graduated (finally) from Warwick University with a master of mathematics degree. Starting a PhD (maths: kinda algebraic topology) in October at Warwick. Currently a barman. Otherwise guitaring/surfing/relaxing/enjoying life.
Adam Reid, Strouts (1986-1997) updated October 2002 via FRe After graduating with a degree in history from Edinburgh in 2002 I decided to embark on yet more education: currently studying for a masters in conflict, development and security at Leeds.
Krishnan Ramakrishnan, Russells (1900-1997) Last update: during 2000 Left Habs, took a year out worked for Arthur Andersen (St.Albans) for 6 months, went travelling in South East Asia for the remainder of the year. Went to Durham university after that to read Economics and Politics. Will start work in December 2000 at Arthur Andersen Business Consulting. Hope to go to Mexico in the meantime.
James Russell, Calverts (1986-1997) updated May 2003 Currently working for a Videogames Publisher but likely to be going to Accenture in September. Currently living worryingly near school in Elstree.
Neel Saglani, Hendersons (1986-1997) updated August 2002 Fourth year of dentistry at Guys Hospital London
Tejinder Singh Sahota, Meadows (1992-1997) updated 2002 via FRe Graduated from UCL with a degree in Information Management. Currently working in the City with Accenture as a management consultant.
James Schofield, Meadows (1990-1997) updated Janury 2002 Finished 4 years of Maths at Cambridge in 2001. Now living in Edinburgh,working for QinetiQ, doing research mainly for the MoD trying to make sure the Navy doesn't sink.
Ankush Shah (-1997) updated June 2005 Graduated in 2000 with a 1st in PPE from Balliol, Oxford. 2001, MSc Economics & Philosophy, LSE. 2001-2, working at an environmental NGO in Cape Town. 2002-4 Mergers & Acquisitions at Credit Suisse First Boston. Currently at Gruss & Co, an event-driven and long-short hedge fund.
Andrew Tarpey, Hendersons (1990-1997) updated December 2004 Now working for Jaguar Cars after four years reading Materials Engineering at Birmingham. Currently sit on the Executive Committee of the OHA.
Ashley Blake, Calverts (1987-1998) updated September 2004 Currently working as Legal Adviser at the Financial Times. Trained Bird & Bird. LLB (Hons) from Birmingham.
Tak Chai, Hendersons (1992-1998) Last update: during 2000 Chemical Engineering at Magdalene College, Cambridge.
Tom Cloke Strouts (1987-1998) updated November 2001 Graduated from University of Manchester this year, BA (Hons) English Language and Literature. Currently on a gap year enforced by idle failure to secure gainful employment.
Richard Cohen, Calverts (1987-1998) updated February 2007 Studied Engineering at Christ's College, Cambridge. Got married mid-2006 and we moved to Vancouver at the end of the year, where I'm still working as a Computer Virus Researcher for Sophos Anti-Virus.
Greg Detre, Russells (1989-1998) updated June 2003 Been living in America. Now working as a research assistant at Princeton. Hoping to make computers think.
Jefferson James Doyle (-1998) updated May 2005
Anthony Goh, Meadows (1986-1998) updated August 2002 via FRe At Brasenose College, Oxford. Just finished BSc Physics, starting an MA up in Manchester. Studying is in my blood.
Simon Grant, Strouts (1991-1998) updated August 2002 via FRe Studied Geography at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge. Graduated with a 2.1 in June 2001. I have just returned from 5 months teaching English and travelling in Costa Rica, Panama and Mexico. Due to start work with Deloitte & Touche in October 2002
Jonathan Grover, Hendersons (1987-1998) Last update: during 2000 History at Trinity College, Cambridge.
Jon Hinchcliffe, Strouts (1991-1998) updated March 2007 Graduated from Nottingham (Physics) in 2001, started work at PwC in 2002 after some travelling. Getting married in Sept07 then moving over to Sydney with PwC in 2008.
Tommaso Impallomeni, Russells (1987-1998) updated March 2002 via FRe Student at St. John's College, Oxford, studying Geography. Am planning to travel around the world from April 2002, before returning to start a job in corporate finance at PricewaterhouseCoopers in September.
Anthony Kay, Rusells (1987-1998) updated April 2002 Since leaving Habs I have been working as an Analyst Programmer for a number of software houses. I specialise in building enterprise level applications using Visual Basic6 (& .net), SQL Server 2k, ASP, XML. I was in the TA (PWRR - B Coy, The London Reg) for 4 years, and am now a special constable in the Watford area.
Andrew Daniel Peter Lanyi, Russells (1989-1998) Last update: during 2000 At Christ's College Cambridge reading Natural Sciences (Physics).
Sidharth Mehta, Joblings (-1998) updated January 2004 I graduated fron LSE in June 2001 following a B.Sc in Economics. In July 2001 I joined the Fixed Income, Currencies & Commodities division at Goldman Sachs. Fortunately, I get to travel
around Europe on work quite frequently, and find myself in Stockholm and/or Copenhagen almost every month. I am currently living in Angel, Islington.
Chirag Patel, Meadows (1990-1998) Last update: September 2001 I worked for the MoD and at the Meteorological office in Bracknell. Now at Imperial College to study electronic engineering. Play cricket for Old Haberdashers' Cricket Club
Nimesh Patel, Meadows (1996-1998) Last update: during 2000 Gained BSc.Econ from University of London (QMW). Currently working for the Lehmann Brothers, London.
Paul Pfeffer, Calverts (1987-1998) Last update: during 2000 Studying medicine, Downing College, Cambridge.
Shamin Rahman, Meadows (1991-1998) Last update: during 2000 Studying medicine at Imperial College.
Shouvik Saha Strouts (-1998) updated August 2001 Have been at Guy's, King's & St. Thomas' Medical School for the past three years. Am currently taking some time off medicine before starting clinical training and am working at Merrill Lynch the investment bank.
Richard Seymour, Joblings (1991-1998) Last updated: Sept 2001 In fourth and final year at Manchester School of Management(UMIST) after spending my 3rd Year at Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, USA. Had an amazing year, travelled to Toronto, new years eve on Miami Beach, spent spring break scubing diving with sharks and swimming with dolphins in the Bahamas, and ended up at the New Orleans jazz fest - awesome! Met an amazing girl from New Jersey - all good!
Alex Shaw, Calverts (1987-1998) Last update: April 2004 Currently working for Accenture in London but plan to move to Germany in near future. Still dabble with the odd game of water polo.
Hartej Singh, Strouts (1987-1998) Last update: during 2000 At UCL reading Mathematics with Economics(Final Year) Currently an intern at Goldman Sachs within the Investment Banking Division.
Daniel Tebbutt, Meadows (1991-98) updated January 2002 Graduated from Warwick 2001. Living and working in Enfield. Software developer for Data Connection Ltd.
Dean Wilson, Joblings (1991-1998) updated 2002 via FRe Just graduated from Birmingham Uni, am now off to Canada to be a ski instructor praying that a girl's sixth form college come out looking for a little more than just help on the slopes
Lee Bofkin, Hendersons (1987-1999) updated May 2001 2nd year New College Oxford reading Biological Science
James Bryant (-1999) updated October 2003 4th year engineering student at the University of Nottingham. Also heavily invloved in sport through my participation in the Students Union Executive elections at the end of 2001. Through lengthy campaigning I successfully ran for Athletic Union President, the most sort after student sabbatical job at the University’s Student Union. For the full version of the biog, click here.
Aaron Edgeworth, Calverts (1987-1999) Last update: during 2000 Currently reading Sociology at Nottingham University.Drinking too much,but having fun.
Ajay Gudka, Joblings (1988-1999) updated April 2003 Studying Economics at St. Catharines College, Cambridge. Working in London, with Deloitte & Touche.
Thomas (Tom) Hagerman Russells (1993-99) updated October 2001 After Gap Year post school (NZ/Aust/Fiji/USA) joined Middx Uni on 4 yr. BA (Hons) Bus. Studies course. Am taking 2nd year (2001/2) on exchange arrangement at California State Uni. (Hayward) in San Francisco.
David Hart ( -1999) Last update: Sept 2001
Stephen Lowy, Hendersons (1988-1999) Last update: during 2000 Studying at Salford University.
Hugh Man, Russells (1992-1999) Last update: during 2000 Studying Maths and Philosophy at St Hugh's College, Oxford.
Daisuke Miyamoto, Joblings (1995-1999) updated July 2002 Studying law at Keio University, Tokyo.
William Nichols, Russells, (1988-1999) updated March 2001 Currently at Exeter studying Geography if that's classed as an activity.
Jesal Punjani, Hendersons (1992-1999) Updated December 2001 I am currently in my final year studying a joint honours degree in Biology with Management at Imperial College, London.
Abhishek Sachdev (-1999) Last update September 2001
Peter Sebastian, Joblings (1994-1999) Last update: during 2000 I am in my second year at York University where I am studying History.
Parit Shah, Joblings (1988-1999) Last update: during 2000 University of Bristol, BSc Economics & Accounting. Director of a daytrading company.
Lee Sidney, Calverts (1992-1999) updated January 2004 Studied for a BSc (Hons) in Phyiology at the University of Leeds. Finished 2 years ago, now work at a finncial futures and trading options arcade in the City.
Jonathan Taner ( -1999) Updated September 2001
James Tilllman, Hendersons (1992-1999) updated April 2001 Final year at St Anne's College Oxford studing Modern History. I will be taking a gap year, travelling and then plan to start work in the City.
Asim Zaidi, Strouts (1987-1999) Last update: during 2000 Am currently in first year of St George's Hospital Medical School, London.
Joshua Hersheson, Hendersons (1993-2000) Last update: during 2000 Studying medicine at Newcastle.
Stephen Kanfer (-2000) updated July 2007 I am now living in Valencia and run a property business www.buildahouseinspain.com <http://www.buildahouseinspain.com> . If anyone is looking for a trustworthy guide into spanish property feel free to contact me and ill do my best to help them out. If anyone visits Valencia contact me on stephen.kanfer@gmail.com.
Mehrdad Michael Lessani, Russells (1993-2000) updated January 2005 I'm been busy since my Gap Year working in London. I've been studying Dentistry at Bristol and I am now in my 4th year. I've been involved with Union Politics and enjoyed a year as NonPortfolio Officer at UBU (University of Bristol Union). There were even rumours of me running for UBU President... I'm honoured to have just been elected UBDSS (University of Bristol Dental Students' Society) Student President and I am in the midst of organising the BDSA (British Dental Students' Association) National Conference in a few weeks here in the Westcountry. Sadly haven't found the right Habs Girl to settle down with..yet...but life is keeping me amused so far.
Khurram Manzoor, Hendersons (1989-2000) Last update: during 2000 Well, I'm about to start uni..so u gather this isn't too long after I actually left Habs. Been working this summer; went to Chicago for 5 weeks working for a company called SupplyFORCE...boring, but the experience is priceless. Anyways, write me an e-mail whoever knows me and reads this. laters, peace out, keep it real. Kuz.
Alex Panayi, (-2000) Last update September 2001
Sam Pannick (1993-2000) updated March 2002 Now doing medicine at Cambridge after a year off in Central America and the Middle East.
Nitin Parmar, Joblings (1993-2000) Last update: during 2000 Reading "Computer Information Systems" @ Bath University. First Habs website manager. Pleased to see that the initial hard work of Greg Detre, Matthew Cope and myself under the guidance of Mr. McGrogan hasn't gone to waste.
Ian Pryor, Meadows (1993-2000) updated September 2006 Since leaving the school I traveled and gained an Economics degree from Middlesex University. I was working as a retail advisory stock broker in Canary Wharf until I decided to move to Singapore. I am now happily living and working here at an offshore brokerage. Anyone considering working abroad…..DO IT! You miss 100% of shots you don’t take! Would be great to hear from any of you, and if anyone is likely to be in these parts of the world then definitely send me an email.
Arthavan Thambiah, Hendersons (1993-2000) Last update: during 2000 Studying Maths at University College London.
2005 Viral Thakerar, Calverts (-2005) updated April 2006 Currently studying medicine at Brasenose College, Oxford.