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This Is Our Time
feature story
This Is Our Time Educators have a chance to make real change this year
“ I sure can’t wait for things to get back to normal.” I have to be We had to do it without guidance on how to do it or an acceptable honest with you, I have not said that yet, because I really do not margin for error. I remember feeling early on that I was standing in want to. If I said it, it would most certainly be a lie. Confessing the middle of a playground teeter-totter and one small move would that to you now almost feels like some level of betrayal, but it is upset the balance and the whole thing would come crashing down. absolutely the truth. 53 days of instruction, 83 total days of quarantine until our school
This August, I am excited and proud to begin my twelfth year as breathe, I could not allow the balance to topple. a middle school principal and twenty-fifth year in education. Our work as principals and school leaders is unlike any other. The amount I remember prior to the quarantine I would rush home from school of time, energy, dedication, resilience, to let my loyal and faithful dog outside compassion, and expertise that is after countless hours at home. I would required is second to none. We are “I have not yet said, have a thought like: “I can set my timer champions of children and teachers. We are advocates for all. And we are, ‘I can’t wait for things to get for 8 minutes,” so I could momentarily close my eyes before having to return unquestionably, self-sacrificers. back to normal,’ because to my school to attend an event or a meeting or a concert...or maybe
COVID-19 and the nationwide that would be a lie. just return to the office to tackle the quarantine created an experience unlike mountain of emails I had not gotten any of us have ever experienced. Until to that day. I would cheer on my own
COVID, I had not realized that I was deteriorating, but I had not tested I don’t want normal. daughters at their respective events or shuttle them to and from practices positive for the coronavirus. I am not I want BETTER than while trying to come up with something sick. I am an educator. A proud and dedicated educator. An exhausted and what normal used to be.” for dinner that resembled mediocre quality before rushing through the truly spent educator. Does this sound obligatory “How was your day?” onefamiliar? School leaders do not say things like this. Somewhere along sided conversations with teenagers. Showers, laundry, homework, the course of our careers, we learned that admitting being stretched lunch packing...you know the relentless chaos. After my girls were too thin was an indicator of weakness. tucked into bed then what I refer to as “Second Shift” began: the
In March we all suffered the same whip-lash event. Our schools were closed unexpectedly. Our students were taken away. Our teachers What I am sharing is nothing different than many of your lives, I am became franchise managers of virtual classrooms. This was not a quite certain. We truly love our work. We deeply love our schools. blizzard or natural disaster or community crisis. This was different. We do what it takes. I have not yet said, “I can’t wait for things to get
This hurt us in places we did not know we could hurt. We had to back to normal,” because that would be a lie. I don’t want normal. I re-invent, re-establish, and re-design without any warning. We had want BETTER than what normal used to be. to do what we have always done in a way we had never done before. year concluded—I could not relax, I could not sleep, I could not writing of teacher evaluation rubrics and comments.
Several leaders throughout history have been credited with the quote matter what your school platform looks like in the fall, focus first on “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Rather than worrying about who said those relationships. Take the time that is necessary to communicate it, let’s act upon it. We now have an incredible opportunity, and we and then communicate some more. Even if you do not have a lot of cannot let it pass us by. We are going to make history and influence information to share, let them know you are there. You are planning the trajectory of education in America in the next twelve months. We and designing. You care about them, and you are going to take care will either do it right, or we will do it wrong. We are in control of how of them. Be the voice of reason for your school and your school this goes. Let us seize the opportunity and deeply influence education community. People need us on a bigger scale more now than at any in Ohio and beyond. other time in history. Do what needs to be done to provide moments In one way or another, all school leaders and make sure that their learning is measured in meaningful ways, of calm and peace, even if ever so slight. Our teachers need that Do What Matters from us. Our students need that from us. Lead strong. Lead brave. have had the opportunity to reflect upon what truly matters in our schools. “Let’s do better as Social Professional Distancing If you have not had that opportunity yet, make the time. Ask your students educational leaders In order for school leaders to effectively lead schools through the COVID-19 and your parents and your families. What TRULY matters when it comes to educating our children? Let’s figure in supporting the MOST important thing pandemic and beyond, we must also intentionally care for ourselves. While we have heard the term “social that out and do it better this time. Let’s talk to our policymakers and that our schools do for distancing” countless times in the recent past, I would like to propose influencers. We don’t want “normal.” We want to do better for our students and our teachers. We want our students our communities and society as a whole. that we school leaders equally promote PROFESSIONAL DISTANCING to our teachers, as well as for ourselves. to be organized, innovative, resilient, It feels impossible, but it isn’t. It is ok independent, compassionate, and to step away. It is ok to unplug. It is ok hungry for knowledge. We want our families to value education and see its relevance in the world outside our Let’s connect the dots more and stop creating to close the screen and breathe. Our teachers will follow our lead, and it is unfair to them that we model 24/7 school walls. Let’s build schools that promote those skills and values. This is lessons or experiences work. Let’s be diligent in redefining the work behind the work. Let’s be just as our time. that live in isolation. passionate about our quality of lives as we are about the quality of our schools. Redefine Learning This is our time. The act of learning was suddenly put Let’s promote the COVID-19 and our country’s response under a new microscope beginning in March. What had often been disguised as learning was truly just compliance value of connectivity and relevance.” to it have undoubtedly changed our world. The implications of that change will most likely last a very long time. or completion. What does learning This is our moment as educators and look like in your school? How do you educational leaders. What we do will measure authentic learning? Talk about that with your staff and be remembered in history. Now is our opportunity to change and your parents. Let’s do better as educational leaders in supporting the influence like never before. We have an amazing opportunity to MOST important thing that our schools do for our communities and improve what has needed improvement for so very long. Embrace society as a whole. Let’s connect the dots more and stop creating the challenge. Take care of your people AND yourself. Best wishes lessons or experiences that live in isolation. Let’s promote the value to each and every one of you as you embark upon the school year of connectivity and relevance. Let’s also champion for our students that awaits. THIS is our time. This is our time. free from penalties and shame. This is our time. Carrie Sanchez is the principal of Port Clinton Middle School in Port Clinton, Ohio. She also serves Bowling Green State University as an adjunct instructor Communicate and Connect in the Graduate School of Teaching and Learning. Sanchez is the Program Director for Leadership Ottawa County and recently launched their Virtual We all had the opportunity to reevaluate the value of relationships Leadership Institute. In 2019, Sanchez was awarded the Deborah Kasak during the COVID-19 quarantine. Students who were not deeply National Distinguished Leadership Award in Washington, DC. The author connected with their teachers or school staff members prior to can be contacted via email at csanchez@pccsd-k12.net or via Twitter at @ remote learning did not engage within the remote learning setting. No carriejsanchez.