6 minute read
Highlighting an OAESA Hero
Finding Hope, Fulfillment in Administration


a Q&A with OAESA’s Zone 3 Director Dr. Sue Brackenhoff
Tell us about your background and current position.
I grew up as a military kid living mostly in the south and three years in Japan. I knew in 7th grade that I wanted to be a special education teacher by volunteering at a summer camp for special needs children. I followed that passion to East Carolina University in Greenville, NC to get an undergraduate and masters degree in special education. I pursued my general education and gifted certification before completing an Educational Specialist degree in Educational Leadership/Administration at the University of Wyoming. I completed an additional 35+ hours of leadership study in California and then completed my Ph.D. in Education concentrating in Organizational Leadership as part of the SAIL program after moving to Ohio. I served as a special education teacher in North Carolina, was a special education and fifth grade teacher in Wyoming, a principal in California, and a principal in Fairborn, Ohio before coming to my current role as the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for Fairborn City Schools.
What is the culture/climate like in your district?
Our district is united in our efforts and supportive of each other and our community. We’ve come a long way since I joined the district in 1999 by beginning to develop trust and communication over recent years thanks to leadership from the classroom teachers, principals, central office administration, and our board of education. Our motto of “Relentless in the pursuit of Excellence” is echoed in everything we do.
What do you view as your most important contribution to the day-to-day operations of your district?
Offering hope and direction as we chart our path to excellence. Having been in the district for 16 years as a building principal, I had a good sense of the direction we needed to go and what support building principals and teachers needed to make that happen. All I’ve had to do is provide time, support, and help us focus on a shared vision for where we want to be. The teachers and principals have done all the hard work!
If we interviewed your colleagues, what are three words they’d use to describe you? Why?
Dedicated: I’m very focused on continual growth and achievement and will do whatever it takes to help us get there.
Caring: I work hard and care deeply about the students and teachers in our district.
Positive: There’s always an opportunity to grow and learn. Together we are better no matter what the challenge is.
Congratulations on serving on the OAESA Board as our Zone 3 representative? How long have you served? Why did you join?
I have been the Zone 3 rep since last year. I have always believed in the support and information that our professional organization provides. I think it is important
to stay current on issues that shape our profession and encourage others to lead.
I have been a long time active member of the association having presented multiple times at the annual professional conference, served as a district and Greene County rep, and been on the planning committee for the annual professional conference. I believe in service to our profession and hope to continue encouraging elementary administrators to become involved in and help grow our state organization.
What are some of your goals in your role as Zone 3 representative?
Service to the profession and the organization; maintain and expand membership; connect members and nonmembers with OAESA resources; and of utmost, service to children. week period in less than 48 hours, with one for the three week closure and be ready to made packets, sent home lesson plans, textbooks, and resources, created YouTube videos, used social media to encourage and support students and each other, learned to use Google Hangouts overnight to plan together and meet with students, mailed things to students, helped serve lunch to students, put all their excitement and planning for moving into a new K-2 building on hold while they deal with the crisis at hand, and most of all, have done all of this with a spirit of unity and appreciation for each other, students, and families.
How have the educators in your district been relentless advocates for students now and in the past?
Our district has seen some tough times when we were in financial distress, when there was little to no trust in the district and yet through it all they continued to do their best for students.
This issue focuses on the concept of “Being a building Could you share any advice or words celebrating the relentless nature principal has the of wisdom for those who might of educators. How advantage of be considering an has your team been relentless during maintaining contact administrative role? the COVID-19 crisis thus far? with students while Don’t underestimate the job. Find balance leading teachers between work and Our team, similar to most others, to always put family. Continue to grow personally and has been working around the clock to kids first. professionally. Being a school administrator plan and support What better can seem all our staff, students and families in these focus could encompassing and challenging, but it is unprecedented times. We are a diverse there be?” the most rewarding thing you will ever district and face the do. Being a building challenge of not being digitally connected principal has the advantage of maintaining in all our homes. direct contact with students while leading Teachers rolled out a plan for the first three better focus could there be? of those days being a teacher record day. Why should they make this professional Teachers voluntarily used that day to plan leap? face students for one last day. Although working with children in the Teachers have been so patient and creative fulfilling part of education, being the lead as they have worked with families to deliver learner and inspiring teacher leaders as a meaningful remote learning. They’ve building principal is equally exciting. teachers to always put kids first. What classroom is an exciting, challenging and
Highlighting an OAESA Hero!
Husband of 43 years, Chuck; we have two children, who are married, and have given us seven beautiful grandchildren who all live within 15 minutes of our home!
14 years in the classroom and 26 years as an administrator. I’ve worked as a special education teacher, 5th grade teacher, principal in California, and principal in Ohio before becoming a Curriculum Director 5 years ago. This is my dream job!
Almonds, Chocolate, Diet Coke, and Diet Mountain Dew
So many years and so many good memories! I learned so much from my first class of MD students (ages 7-20) when I was only 21!
“Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets.” -Leonardo da Vinci.
Spending time with family, traveling, and reading.
Being able to see and hold my 7 grandchildren is my greatest wish right now! Who needs a bucket list when you have grandkids?
Professional Conference