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COVID-19 has forced us to adapt to extraordinary circumstances. It’s why some things won’t change.
SEPTEMBER USUALLY MARKS the time for renewal at OHBA. Time for a new president and new board members. And with all those new faces comes a renewed focus on our mission as the voice of the land development, new housing and professional renovation industries in Ontario.
Just like every member in Ontario, though, OHBA has faced the uncertainty of the COVID-19 State of Emergency, asking lots of question, raising concerns and trying to find a path forward to ‘normal.’
As OHBA worked to support our members by providing critical health and safety guidance and keeping projects safely under construction, it became more and more evident that we need some continuity and consistency as we continue to live and work through the pandemic.
Recognizing that need, I want to thank current President Bob Schickedanz for presenting himself to serve a second term at the upcoming Annual Members Meeting, with the support of 1st Vice-President Louie Zagordo and 2nd Vice-Presidents Dave Depencier and Bob Ridley. This leadership group is prepared to remain in their current positions to support the continued work of the Association into 2020-2021. If the Annual Members Meeting supports this offer from this group, we will be in a great position to continue with the advocacy and strategic plan outlined and approved just before the state of emergency was declared in March.
President Bob’s term began with the traditional President’s Gala and OHBA Awards ceremony. Of course, nothing would be better than a big party to once again mark a volunteer term in office of the incoming president, where we hand out awards and acknowledge the contributions of so many outstanding members. And then there’s this fall edition of Ontario Home Builder magazine, the cover of which traditionally features the new president, with the inside pages highlighting their story and vision of the upcoming year.
Unfortunately, as a result of COVID19, conferences and galas are on stand-by, while our annual Awards of Distinction will be held virtually this November. So the President’s Gala along with the feature profile of our next president will have to wait.
But the work continues and OHBA is fortunate to have members who are willing to commit hundreds of hours away from their businesses to these important volunteer efforts.
I know we say this a lot, but when these individuals and local associations are busy dealing with their own challenges created by the pandemic , we are particularly grateful for what they do for their communities and how they serve as the local voices of the Association.
For our part, OHBA has been engaged in numerous virtual meetings, webinars, committee sessions and all the things that keep our industry at the front of the provincial government’s economic recovery plans.
OHBA is equally thankful for the continued work that the Canadian Home Builders’ Association is doing to advocate for the Association at the national level, working to piece together multiple COVID-related programs to address the needs and realities of our members’ businesses.
To that end, having President Bob and the team back in front of the provincial government will serve us all well, with familiar faces continuing to advocate for our industry as we take our next vital steps.