December 2016 Innovate Magazine

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December 2016


A publication of the Oklahoma Health Center Foundation

The Oklahoma Health Center

Welcome to our green publication, Innovate. This communication tool is brought to you by the Oklahoma Health Center Foundation to promote the happenings at the Oklahoma Health Center and bring you the latest information about our member organizations. Since 2000, more than $534 million in construction costs has been invested on the campus. In 2016, the OHC employee and OUHSC student count is approximately 18,000 making it one of the largest employers in Oklahoma. The Oklahoma Health Center is the premier address for research, patient care, education, technology and community health support. Located conveniently in the heart of Oklahoma City, this remarkable 325-acre complex unites 20 medical-related organizations ranging from cutting-edge biotechnology companies to government, education, patient care and community support institutions. As the second largest concentration of employees in Oklahoma, this health care consortium touts a $3 billion capital infrastucture that is continually growing to meet the needs and demands of the people. A recent study determined the Oklahoma Health Center has a more than $3 billion annual economic impact on the community.

800 N. Research Parkway, Suite 400 Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Phone: (405) 271-2200 Website: Follow Us on Facebook and Twitter @okhealthcenter


INSIDE Q&A with Oklahoma Health Center Foundation President Terry Taylor

4-5 6

Toy Drive Brings Happiness to Patients at Children’s Hospital

Two Surgeries in One - Dean McGee Eye Institute

7 Two Lives Saved with New Equipment

8 Oklahoma Health Center Campus Map

OHCF Members

10-11 14-34


Q&A with Terry W. Taylor: Foundation president enjoys promoting, advocating for Oklahoma Health Center Foundation president enjoys promoting, advocating for Oklahoma Health Center Written by Paula Burkes, The Oklahoman Business Writer Photo By Jim Beckel, The Oklahoman


It’s a Monday morning and Terry Taylor, president of the Oklahoma Health Center Foundation (OHCF), is preparing for a meeting that afternoon to recap a recent fundraising dinner. Since 2000, the OHCF has sponsored an annual “Treasures for Tomorrow” gala to thank Oklahomans who’ve brought goodness to the Oklahoma City community. More than 80 have been recognized, including this year’s honorees Mike Knopp, a visionary for the Oklahoma Boathouse District, and Wes Welker, whose foundation has helped fund equipment for athletic fields of Oklahoma City Public Schools. Along with saluting the Oklahoma role models, the event helps fund OHCF, which promotes innovations in health care and science. It also serves as a connector between its member organizations — OU Medicine, the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Dean McGee Eye Institute, Ronald McDonald House Charities, American Red Cross and several others — to raise awareness of the Oklahoma Health Center as a key driver of economic development among businesses and governmental entities. “I think the center is still hidden to many people,” said Taylor, who joined the foundation in 2008 as its planning director and became president in July 2013. “They know it’s over here, but they don’t know its impact,” Taylor said. The Oklahoma Health Center represents an investment of more than $3 billion in capital infrastructure, and some 17,000 to 18,000 people — including employees, students, patients and visitors — come here every day,” he said. From his fourth-floor offices at 800 Research Parkway near NE 6 and N Lincoln, Taylor, 56, sat down with The Oklahoman to talk about his life and career, including overseeing the foundation’s four-person staff, 52-member board and $2.5 million budget. This is an edited transcript: Q: Tell us about your roots. A: I grew up in Woodward. My father, who’s now deceased, worked in the oil industry. My mother is a retired LPN and still lives in Woodward, near my older brother and his family. My parents are from Muskogee County, so they frequently hauled us to the east side of the state for family reunions. I find both western Oklahoma and eastern Oklahoma beautiful in their own ways. In high school, I sang in the chorus and played in the band. Our claim to fame is ours was the chosen band to represent the state at President Jimmy Carter’s inaugural parade in Washington, D.C. To pay for the trip, we

raised $40,000 in three to four weeks. Band members sold magazines and candy. Store owners raffled off TVs and other merchandise. It was an exciting time; none of us had gone that far out of town. Our families drove us to Perry and we took a chartered bus from there. Q: And college? A: I was raised in the Church of Christ, and three of us from our church in Woodward decided to go to Oklahoma Christian in Edmond. At OC, I was active in a social service club that operated like a fraternity, and toured with the Oklahoma Christian University Chorale all four years. We sang in churches from New York to San Francisco and stayed in church members’ homes. I studied communications, marketing and PR, and graduated in the spring of 1982 — right when Penn Square Bank was collapsing and all of what I call luxury corporate jobs in corporate PR and marketing were gone. For a change, I looked for jobs in Tulsa, since I’d grown up nearer Oklahoma City. Q: You spent most of your career in city planning. What were the highlights? A: The first professional job I found was with the Indian Nations Council of Governments (INCOG) in Tulsa, where I worked in planning for six years. But in the fall of 1989, I returned to Oklahoma City because I felt it was bigger and faster-paced. I joined the City of Oklahoma City and worked in land regulation, zoning and public hearings before there was an official city planning office. I served under City Managers Don Bown and Glenn Deck, with a stint as the interim assistant to Mayor Ron Norick near the end of his term. In 2000, my focus turned toward the new downtown Business Improvement District, which was managed out of the city planning department. Among other things, we developed a property assessment formula that was fair to all businesses within the district, as well as downtown design guidelines. It was fun, and a very good feeling that we were finally getting our city up to a certain quality that would raise property values around town. Q: Remind us of the history of the OHC. A: In 1965, a group of visionaries — Harvey P. Everest, E.K. Gaylord, Dean A. McGee, Dr. Don O’Donoghue and Stanton L. Young — saw the potential development of land surrounding the OU med school. The 300-acre Oklahoma Health Center is a realization of their ideas and today is a thriving hub of health care, bio-tech research and economic development. Q: What’s new with the OHC Foundation? (continued to page 35)


Holiday Toy Drive Makes the Season Bright for Children’s Hospital Patients A holiday celebration and toy giveaway on Dec. 15th at the Children’s Hospital sponsored by Children’s Hospital Foundation, OU Children’s Physicians and Children’s Hospital Volunteers along with community partners Mathis Brothers Furniture and KOCO 5 News brought joy to more than 300 children. Mathis Brothers Furniture collected new, unwrapped toys (also available at Mathis Brothers) Hundreds of gifts for children were made possible by generous Oklahomans across the metro area. The party was held in the atrium on the first floor of Children’s Hospital. The party brightened these young lives with toys for patients who are currently staying in the hospital or visiting a clinic. Santa made a special appearance, snacks and special treats will also be available. KOCO’s news anchors were on hand to help spread the holiday cheer by delivering toys to sick and injured children of Oklahoma. Samantha Lancaster, 2017 Oklahoma City Miracle Child, was the ambassador for the day. Samantha is currently a patient with several specialists at Children’s Hospital following her diagnosis of Chiari Malformation, Scoliosis and Syringomyelia in 2013. She is from Midwest City and is volunteering year round for several Children’s Hospital Foundation projects during the next year. Children’s Hospital Foundation board members, other community volunteers from the Greens Tennis Club and Mercedes Benz participated in the event. “It’s a tough time for families at Children’s Hospital to be fighting their children’s health challenges. We hope through this celebration we can add some joy into the lives of these families and make their holiday season a little happier,” said Kathy McCracken, Children’s Hospital Foundation executive director. “We are so grateful for KOCO and Mathis Brothers Furniture for this continued sponsorship and support each year.” Children’s Hospital Foundation funds pediatric research and education programs, ultimately supporting The Children’s Hospital in serving every county in Oklahoma with more than 225,000 patient encounters. All funds raised through Children’s Hospital Foundation stay in Oklahoma so children will have access to 6

exceptional pediatric specialists without having to leave the state.

IT’S TWO, TWO, TWO SURGERIES IN ONE! New combined procedure restores vision to You’ve heard of a two-for-one sale, but what about a two-for-one eye surgery? It takes critical coordination and two skilled surgeons, but doctors at Dean McGee Eye Institute are combining cataract and retina surgeries into one combined procedure. It’s an approach that is easier on the patient, more cost effective and can improve outcomes, too. In the end, it is helping restore patients’ vision so that they can more quickly get back to the things in life they love most. For Ed Brandt III, that was reading to his grandkids. “My four-year-old granddaughter was over, and we were sitting in the back. She brought a book over, sat in my lap and said, ‘Grampy, can you read this for me?’ I opened the book and I just couldn’t read it,” Brandt said. A trip to the Dean McGee Eye Institute revealed why. Brandt had a detached retina. “If you think of the eye like a camera, your lens is the lens of the camera and the retina is kind of like the film,” said Dr. Vinay Shah, a retina specialist with Dean McGee. “When you have a retinal detachment that means the film of the camera has come loose and we have to put it back in place surgically.” For Brandt, who had undergone procedures on his eyes before, that might have meant another three surgeries; the first to re-attach the retina and place a tiny oil bub-

Oklahoma man

Dean McGee Eye Institute surgeon Dr. Ralph Hester performs cataract surgery, the first half of a two-in-one surgery that would address both cataracts and a detached retina.

ble to hold the retina in place while it heals; a second surgery to remove the oil bubble; and then, since it is common for a cataract to form after retina surgery, he would need a third surgery to address that issue. Brandt was pleased to learn that two of those surgeries could be combined into one. Not only was it more convenient for him, but he also learned that the procedure could enhance his overall outcome. “A large percentage of patients who have retina surgery will develop a cataract. So six months later, they are looking at surgery again. Dr. Vinay Shah handles the second half of the combination surgery, addressing an issue with the patient’s retina. (continued on page35) 7

New Device Saves Two Lives Pregnant with her second child, Keylie Baldwin, 29, was running a casual errand when a massive headache rendered her unconscious. Baldwin, of Miami, Oklahoma, was experiencing an aneurysm or bleeding on the brain. Before lapsing into unconsciousness, Baldwin somehow managed to steer her vehicle to the roadside. A family friend happened to see Baldwin’s car and an urgent lifesaving effort began. From the local emergency department, Baldwin was transported by airambulance to Tulsa, then to OU Medical Center in Oklahoma City. There, neurosurgeon Bradley Bohnstedt, M.D., utilized an advanced tool to reach a part of the brain formerly unreachable using conventional methods.

win’s brain to stop the bleeding. Inaddition, the device made it possible to remove abnormal blood vessels to minimize the risk of any repeat aneurysm.

The device’s unique design allows it to be maneuvered through delicate brain tissue. “With the angle of the point being approximately 30 degrees, it’s thought that this diminishes the amount of sheer stress that’s put on fiber tracks neurons as it passes and glides through the

The BrainPath tube gives surgeons better access to hard-to-reach sections of the brain, utilizing a minimally invasive approach. Bohnstedt is among a select group of surgeons across the nation currently equipped to use the new device.

“The tube is basically a port system that allows us to get access into deep areas of the brain without disturbing the white and gray matter and the superficial structures,” Bohnstedt said.

Used along with sophisticated, 3-D, neuronavigation techniques, the device enabled Bohnstedt to reach an abnormal tangle of vessels deep within Bald-

Cord and Keylie Baldwin discuss their experience during a media briefing with neurosurgeon Bradley Bohnstedt, M.D. brain and allows for the least amount of friction on that tissue,” Bohnstedt explained. The many benefits of the breakthrough procedure include faster recovery time, minimal internal and external scarring, less damage to the brain and nerves, and fewer post-surgical side effects and complications.

“Keylie did very well. Previously, we would not have been able to treat a patient with her lesion as aggressively, especially with her pregnancy,” Bohnstedt said.


The Baldwin family

Baldwin’s recovery also has gone well; she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, (continued on page 35)

OMRF biorepository receives national accreditation The College of American Pathologists (CAP) has awarded accreditation to the biorepository at the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. OMRF’s biorepository is one of fewer than 50 such facilities to receive this distinction. OMRF’s biorepository houses more than 1 million biological samples gathered from research subjects over the past three decades. The facility has 2,500 cubic feet of minus-80 Celsius (minus 112 degrees Fahrenheit) and 7,000 cubic feet of minus 20 Celsius (minus 4 degrees Fahrenheit), making it one of the largest of its kind in the U.S. OMRF collects and stores samples from patients suffering with conditions including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, sarcoidosis and multiple sclerosis, among others.

samples as they are intended, maintains the integrity of the samples and values patient privacy,” he said. The U.S. federal government recognizes the CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program, begun in the early 1960s, as equal to or more stringent than the government’s own inspection program. During the CAP accreditation process, inspectors conduct an onsite inspection and examine the laboratory’s records and quality control of procedures for the preceding two years. CAP inspectors also examine laboratory staff qualifications, equipment, facilities, safety program and record, and overall management.

“Patient and control samples are the critical foundation for all of our clinical research. The OMRF Biorepository serves as the sample processing, management and storage resource for many clinical studies, as well as for NIH and industry sponsored trials,” said OMRF Arthritis and Clinical Immunology Program Chair Judith James, M.D., Ph.D. “We want to make sure the samples are processed appropriately and are all of the highest possible quality so they are ready to generate important data.” Joel Guthridge, Ph.D., who serves as the scientific director for the biorepository, said this accreditation serves as a testament to the diligent work OMRF has done to expand and develop the infrastructure of the facility, consolidating the data and samples across multiple research programs. “This certification shows that we’ve been independently assessed and validated for all of our processes,” said Guthridge, Director of Translational Informatics and Core Resources at OMRF. “It gives assurance to our investigators about the high quality of work we do, the systems we have in place to ensure data reproducibility, and the rigor in our processes. This has become important for any sort of federally funded research, clinical trials and so forth.” Guthridge said this accreditation also provides peace of mind to the patients who donate samples that are stored in the facility. “It ensures that OMRF uses those 9

Oklahoma Health Center Campus *Member Organizations Oklahoma Health Center Foundation

1. American Red Cross of Central Oklahoma 2. Dean McGee Eye Institute* 3. Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center 4. Easter Seals Oklahoma* 5. Office of the Chief Medical Examiner 6. Oklahoma Allergy and Asthma Clinic* 7. Oklahoma Blood Institute* 8. Oklahoma City Clinic/Global Health Inc. 9. Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation (OMRF)* 9a. OMRF Research Tower 9b. OMRF Bell Building 9c. OMRF Acree-Woodworth Building 9d. OMRF Massman Building 10. Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics* 11. Oklahoma Department of Health 12. Oklahoma State Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services* 13. Department of Human Services 14. OU Medical Center* A. Presbyterian Office Building B. OU Medical Center C. Radiation Therapy Center D. The Children’s Hospital E. Oklahoma Transplant Center F. OU Medical Surgery Center 15. OU University Research Park (formerly Presbyterian Health Foundation Research Park) Building 800 Biolytx Charlesson COAREBiotech Crisalis Cytovance Biologics EyeCRO GoEngineer Inoveon Oklahoma Health Center Foundation* OU Health Sciences Center* Silvan Link It Zanek Building 840 ARL - Analytical Research Laboratories* Cytovance Biologics DNA Solutions* Gear Up i2E, Inc. LabCorp Office of Educational Quality and Accountability


Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education OU Physicians - Reproductive Medicine* OUHSC Financial Services* OUHSC Payroll* Selexys Pharmaceuticals Building 655 Caisson Conference Center Heparinex Hyalose Oklahoma Business Roundtable Oklahoma State Regents OneNet OTRC OU Medical Center Financial Services OU Medical Center Marketing/PR* Presbyterian Health Foundation* Potts Family Foundation Pure Protein SensiQ Technologies SIWA Building 755 EpimedX Haus Management Office Medencentive Moleculera New Spin 360 OCAST* OK Family Health Pattern OptumRX OU Public Affairs* OUHSC Center for Intelligence and National Security* OUHSC Facilities Management* OUHSC Financial Services – Administration* OUHSC Office of the Fire Marshal* Polyskope Labs Potawatomi Federal Solutions Productive T/Sigma Purmabiologics Sigma Blood Systems United Healthcare Building 825 Camilles Richey’s Building 885 Cytovance Biologic Manufacturing

Building 865 Accele Biopharma Analytical Edge Drik LLC Safety Testing Miles Associates OUHSC Grants and Contracts* OUHSC Office of Research Administration* OUHSC Vice President for Research* OUHSC Vivarium* 16. University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center* A. Allied Health Practice Center B. Basic Sciences Education Building C. Campus Police Station D. College of Allied Health E. College of Dentistry F. College of Medicine/Biomedical Sciences Building G. College of Nursing H. College of Pharmacy I. College of Public Health J. David L. Boren Student Union K. Don E. Hogg Greenhouse L. G. Rainey Williams Pavilion M. Harold Hamm Diabetes Center N. O’Donoghue Research Building O. Stephenson Cancer Center P. OU Children’s Physicians* Q. Child Study Center R. OU Physicians* Building S. Mark Allen Everett Dermatology Building* T. Family Medicine Center* U. Robert M. Bird Library & Graduate College V. Rogers Building W. Service Center Building X. Stanton L. Young Biomedical Research Center Y. Steam and Chilled Water Plant Z. University Health Club AA. University Village (owned by OUNorman) 17. University Hospitals Authority and Trust* 18. Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oklahoma City* 19. Ronald McDonald Family Room (in The Children’s Hospital) 20. Ronald McDonald House II (in Garrison Tower) 21. Founders Plaza at Stiles Park featuring The Beacon of Hope 22. OK Kids Corral 23. Embassy Suites* Children’s Hospital Foundation* (not currently on campus) 24. Oklahoma Employees Credit Union* (not on campus)



Oklahoma Health Center Celebrates Fiftieth Year of Founding in Documentary A documentary on the history of the Oklahoma Health Center was produced by the Oklahoma Health Center Foundation and funded by the Treasures For Tomorrow program. The documentary is available for viewing through the Oklahoma Health Center Foundation’s You Tube page - The documentary starts in 1965 when the area now known as the Oklahoma Health Center was just a few buildings – a medical school and two hospitals. Visionaries including Harvey P. Everest, E.K. Gaylord, Dean A. McGee, Dr. Don O’Donohue and Stanton L. Young organized a trip to Houston to see the Texas Medical Center to see if they could recreate something similar in Oklahoma. The answer was a resounding yes and now the Oklahoma Health Center touts a $3 billion impact on Oklahoma’s economy. More than 18,000 employees and students travel to the Oklahoma Health Center each day. The documentary explores the challenges faced and how those obstacles were overcome leading to what the Oklahoma Health Center is today and a glimpse into its ever-changing future. Those interviewed include University of Oklahoma President David Boren, Vice President and Provost OU Health Sciences Center Dr. Jason Sanders, Retired OU College of Medicine Dean Dr. Dewayne Andrews, and Oklahoma Health Center Foundation President Terry Taylor. The Oklahoma Health Center Foundation is a consortium of 20 private, educational, governmental and nonprofit organizations, located on 325 acres just south of the Capitol complex in Oklahoma City. These organizations represent the areas of patient care, research, technology, education and community support with the common goal of improving health and creating high-tech jobs in Oklahoma and the nation. Visit for more information. 12

ARL Bio Pharma, Inc.


Children’s Hospital Foundation


Dean McGee Eye Institute


DNA Solutions, Inc.


Easter Seals Oklahoma


Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic


Oklahoma Blood Institute


Oklahoma Health Center Foundation


Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology


Oklahoma Department of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services


Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation


Oklahoma School of Science & Mathematics


OU Medical Center


OU Physicians


Presbyterian Health Foundation


Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Oklahoma City


University Hospitals Authority and Trust


University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center: College of Allied Health • College of Dentistry College of Medicine • College of Nursing College of Pharmacy • College of Public Health Graduate College


Member Organizations

Associate Members Oklahoma Employees Credit Union


Embassy Suites




Tom Kupiec, Ph.D., President and CEO 840 Research Parkway Suite 546 Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Phone: (405)271 1144 Website: Analytical Research Laboratories (ARL) provides analytical and microbiological testing for the pharmaceutical industry. Located at the University Research Park in Oklahoma City, ARL occupies approximately 19,000 square feet of state of the art laboratory and office space and positions itself as a leader among emerging and growing biotechnology companies nationwide. ARL has been serving the clinical and pharmaceutical markets since 1998. ARL offers a comprehensive range of analytical and microbiological services applicable for pharmaceuticals and medical devices. ARL services routinely include assay for pharmaceutical ingredients, stability studies, and full compendial testing. ARL is well equipped with instrumentation, such as High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), HPLC-Tandem Mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS/MS), High resolution Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS) for accurate molecular weight determination and analysis of proteins/peptides with an upper mass range of 20,000 m/z, Gas Chromatography (GC), GC/MS, high resolution Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR), Polarimeter, ELISA, Genetic Analyzer, Thermal 14

Cyclers, Luminometer, and Environmental Chambers. ARL has a dedicated team of scientists and e x p e r t s continually delivering research solutions for the pharmaceutical industry and governmental institutions. ARL’s competent personnel with regulatory expertise provide a comprehensive approach to analytical testing, as well as forensic and pharmaceutical consultations. Additional experience includes: pharmacogenomics, biomedical sciences, medical technology, immunohematology and expert witness testimony. ARL is an FDA registered analytical laboratory and DEA licensed. ARL is ISO 17025:2005 accredited as applicable to our scope of accreditation. ISO outlines general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories. An independent QA/QC department conducts internal audits of the laboratories as a part of a quality management system.


Kathy McCracken, Executive Director 6501 Broadway Extension, Suite 190 Oklahoma City, OK 73116 Phone: (405) 271-2260 Toll Free: 888-229-KIDS Tax ID: #73-1200262 Website: Children’s Hospital Foundation is the only nonprofit organization in Oklahoma whose sole focus is the advancement of pediatric research and education while supporting specialized clinical care for Oklahoma’s children. It supports pediatric specialists who treat more than 213,000 patient visits every year, including children from all 77 counties in Oklahoma. Since its inception in 1983, Children’s Hospital Foundation has raised and leveraged matching funds to create more than $100 million for pediatric research, quality specialized clinical care and education programs. Many of these endeavors include collaborative projects with the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine and Children’s Hospital at OU Medical Center in Oklahoma City. Current program and research focus areas include: • Infectious disease • Arthritis • Education • At-risk newborns • Diabetes-Obesity • Digestive health • Cancer • Genetics • Community pediatrics • Surgery & Emergency • Autism-ADHD-Down Syndrome • Lung, kidney and heart disease • Adolescent medicine • Eating disorders • Behavioral medicine • Child abuse and neglect Funding for programs is made possible through the efforts of a dedicated volunteer board and thousands of community volunteers and donors. Through endowments and direct support, Children’s Hospital Foundation is able to recruit and retain nationally and internationally recognized pediatric physician-scientists to direct research, as well as

treat patients and train medical students. All funds raised in Oklahoma stay in Oklahoma to improve the lives of kids here at home. Children’s Hospital Foundation is a proud affiliate of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to helping sick children by raising funds and awareness for 170 member hospitals throughout North America. Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals organizes and executes thousands of special events and promotions each year through its dedicated corporate sponsors and media partners and keeps 100 percent of its donations in the community where they were raised. Children’s Medical Research Institute and The Children’s Hospital at OU Medical Center are part of the network hospitals. The Foundation is currently recruiting endowed chairs and has naming opportunities available. For more information, contact Children’s Hospital Foundation toll free 888-229KIDS (5437) or (405) 271-2260.



President and CEO Greg Skuta, M.D. 608 Stanton L. Young Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73104-5065 Phone: (405) 271-6060 Website: Benchmarks of Dean McGee Eye Institute Excellence The Dean McGee Eye Institute is one of the largest and most respected eye institutes in the United States, providing more than 176,000 patient visits per year from all 77 Oklahoma counties and the surrounding region, and serving more than 8,100 surgical patients annually in its state-ofthe-art ambulatory surgery center. Twenty of the Eye Institute’s ophthalmologists are listed among the Best Doctors in America. The University of Oklahoma (OU) College of Medicine’s Department of Ophthalmology, which is housed in the Dean McGee Eye Institute, ranks among the country’s top departments in National Institutes of Health funding and is 12th in the nation in cumulative funding from Research to Prevent Blindness. The Dean McGee Eye Institute’s residency program (in affiliation with the OU College of Medicine) attracts top medical students from throughout the nation. Resident surgical education has consistently ranked above the 90th percentile nationally. Since 2000, the first-time pass rates on the American Board of Ophthalmology’s written and oral examinations are 100% and 98% respectively with an average score on the written examination at the 80th percentile. The Eye Institute’s Director of Vision Research is a Past President of the International Society for Eye Research, Past Vice President of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) and a recipient of ARVO’s prestigious


Proctor Medal; two members of the faculty are recent or current directors of the American Board of Ophthalmology; three serve or have recently served on the Board of Trustees of the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO); one will be President-Elect of the AAO in 2016; another has recently served as Vice Chair of the Residency Review Committee in Ophthalmology for the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education; and one is the Immediate Past President of the AAO and a Past President of the American Glaucoma Society. The Dean McGee Eye Institute provides more than $1 million of care to needy Oklahomans each year.


Thomas C. Kupiec, Ph.D., CEO and President 840 Research Parkway, Ste. 551, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104 Toll Free: (866) 362-9778 Phone: (405) 271-6033 Website: DNA Solutions, Inc. is a genetic testing laboratory providing highly discerning services including: relationship and forensic testing in humans and animals. Located at the University Research Park in Oklahoma City, DNA Solutions provides unique laboratory solutions to our customers including custom genetic research studies and forensic testing. DNA Solutions is accredited to the highest standard, ISO 17025. ISO/IEC 17025:2005 sets the international laboratory standard for testing laboratories. In addition, DNA Solutions is a CLIA registered laboratory and has its New York State Department of Health Laboratory Permit. DNA Solutions is also accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) for relationship testing. AABB accreditation is granted only to laboratories that achieve high quality performance for relationship testing which follows strict quality guidelines that cover all aspects of parentage testing from initial specimen collection to the issuance of the final results.

The company provides research and development expertise in the area of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detection, DNA sequencing for forensics and human and animal genotyping, bacterial / fungal identification, biological patent infringement and ancestry testing. DNA Solutions maintains the deer registry for North American white-tailed deer and mule deer breeders as well as providing genotyping services to wildlife enforcement agencies. One significant distinguishing characteristic of DNA Solutions is the personal client services our company provides. DNA Solutions prides itself in providing high touch customer service to all of our clients. Our highly skilled and knowledgeable personnel are accessible to our clients for questions and explanations regarding results provided to our clients. DNA Solutions provides services worldwide and services are legally defendable and meet or exceed the applicable standards for genetic relationship testing. For over 14 years, the innovative scientists at DNA Solutions have been helping people discover the answers contained within the strands of DNA.



Paula K. Porter, President & CEO 701 NE 13th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Phone: (405)239-2525 Website:

More than 56 million Americans have a disability, which accounts for approximately 19 percent of the population. Easter Seals Oklahoma is the leading nonprofit provider of services for individuals with disabilities and is trying to bridge the gap for the increasing number of Oklahomans needing services.

For more than 90 years, we have been offering help and hope to children and adults with disabilities and to the families who love them. Through therapy, training, education and support services, Easter Seals Oklahoma creates life-changing solutions so that people with disabilities can live, learn, work and play. Our adult day health center provides special care for adults who are unable to care for themselves for extended periods of time and enables them to maintain


or improve their ability to remain independent. The program provides various activities to stimulate minds, promote social interaction and keep everyone moving. Our early learning and inclusion academy includes an onsite learning program for children with disabilities as well as typical children, and a peer integration program to increase early intervention. Consultation services are available for parents and teachers that need additional support and training on developmental disabilities. Easter Seals Oklahoma also provides direct financial assistance for children needing therapy, as well as a variety of rehabilitative equipment that is necessary for a child’s development. Medical rehabilitation is available onsite for behavioral, occupational and speech therapies. It is our mission at Easter Seals Oklahoma to enhance the quality of life for children and adults with disabilities so they may live with equality, dignity and independence. Thanks to the support of the community, we are able to fulfill our mission.


Serving Oklahoma and the southwest since 1925, the Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic is one of the oldest and largest medical practices in the United States dedicated solely to the treatment of allergy, asthma and immunology. The Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic has nine physicians on its medical staff; board certified by the American Board of Allergy & Immunology and are on the teaching faculty at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine. The Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic is one of only a few allergy groups in the United States with a full-time Nurse Practitioner who holds a Doctorate and is a pulmonary disease management coordinator consulting with individual patients about breathing techniques and asthma education. Also on staff is a full-time, registered, licensed nurse practitioner. Almost one-fourth of The Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic’s patients are referred from outside Oklahoma City and travel many miles for the sophisticated, high-level allergy and asthma care and to participate in the numerous research studies. The Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic has a Burkard pollen and mold collection instrument on the roof of its main location and provides the daily counts to the media and the counts are also posted on the website and on social media. The Oklahoma Allergy & Asthma Clinic has its central clin-

Scott B. Dennis, MHA 750 N. E. 13th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73104-5010 Phone: (405) 235-0040 Website: Facebook oklahomaallergyandasthmaclinic Twitter @okallergyasthma ic location on the Oklahoma Health Center campus. Four full-service satellite clinics are located in Edmond, Norman, Midwest City and Northwest Oklahoma City, adjacent to Mercy Hospital. A new Norman practice building opened in December 2016. How is an allergist different than a regular physician? An allergist is a doctor who is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic diseases and conditions. Those conditions include asthma and frequent coughing; hay fever; sinus infections; eye allergies; reactions to food, insect stings and drugs; and immune system problems that might cause frequent infections. You should see an allergist if you have any of these conditions. More than 50 million people in the United States have these allergic diseases. Although symptoms may not always be severe, allergies and asthma are serious and should be treated that way. Many people with these diseases simply don’t realize how much better they can feel with proper treatment. An allergist is trained to find the source of symptoms, treat it and help patients feel healthy. After earning a medical degree, the doctor must complete a three-year residencytraining program in either internal medicine or pediatrics. Then, an allergist completes two or three more years of study in the field of asthma, allergy and immunology.



ity to recruit marrow registrants from ethnically and agediverse populations.

John Armitage, M.D., President, CEO 1001 N. Lincoln Blvd. Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Phone: (405) 278-3100 Website: Oklahoma Blood Institute (OBI) is the ninth largest, nonprofit blood center in America. Every drop of blood needed by patients in more than 140 medical facilities in Oklahoma is provided by donors with OBI. This includes exclusive service for every hospital in the metro-OKC area. An average of 700 donors a day is required to meet these needs. Volunteer blood donors give more than a 287,000 units of blood annually to provide a safe and adequate blood supply. Blood donors with Oklahoma Blood Institute know they are, literally, saving the lives of their friends, family and coworkers, some who may have no idea they will need blood in an urgent situation. One blood donation can save as many as three peoples’ lives. OBI is responsible for recruiting blood donors, collecting, processing and testing blood components and transporting it to hospitals across our state. Random inspections by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) confirm the quality of our operations at every donation site. OBI’s perfect record through 36 straight inspections validates our quality exceeding regulatory requirements. OBI employs 642 Oklahomans and works with 1,200 volunteers and 2,600 blood drive coordinators. Its donor centers are located in Ada, Ardmore, Edmond, Enid, Lawton, Norman, central Oklahoma City (Oklahoma Health Center), north Oklahoma City and Tulsa. Numerous mobile blood drives are conducted in conjunction with businesses, schools and civic groups each week across the state. Oklahoma Blood Institute is the state’s only affiliate of Be The Match®, the national marrow donor program. For more than 12,000 Americans each year, a marrow or stem cell transplant is the only hope for a cure of a life-threatening blood cancer or other blood disorder. For the past three years, OBI has ranked in the top performance tier, due to our abil-


Oklahoma’s first and only umbilical cord blood bank is in the final phases of FDA accreditation at OBI. It is one of only 24 accredited centers worldwide. Expectant mothers of underserved ethnic descent families now have an opportunity to donate cord blood. There is no charge to the parents, and the donation process is simple and painless. During a blessed time in their own lives, this cord blood center enables Oklahoma families to potentially bring life-saving joy to someone else’s. OBI is a vital link in cell therapy, procuring healthy stem cells for transplants from adult marrow and umbilical cord donations. The future holds great promise as we expand research and treatments partnerships within the healthcare biosciences industry. Cell therapies and regenerative medicine applications are predicted to revolutionize care for the most life-threatening diseases. We are uniquely positioned as a ready-made ‘cell bank’ with hundreds of thousands of combinations of genetic characteristics among our blood donors. These giving people may be offered the opportunity to further make a difference in the lives of others as part of medical research. Oklahoma Blood Institute can accelerate this revolutionary research cost effectively, so that today’s vision more rapidly becomes the reality of life-enhancing, routine medical treatments.


Terry Taylor, President 800 N. Research Parkway, Suite 400 Oklahoma City, OK 73103 Phone: (405) 271-2200 Website: The mission of the Foundation is to promote innovations in healthcare and science, and to serve as a connector between our member organizations, in order to raise awareness of the Oklahoma Health Center’s profile among business and governmental entities as a key driver of economic development. The Oklahoma Health Center (OHC) is unique, unlike any other medical center in the United States or even the world. With an annual economic impact of almost $3 billion in the greater Oklahoma City area, the OHC represents the second largest concentration of employees and students in Oklahoma — more than 17,000 —larger than a number of Oklahoma communities. Chartered in 1965, the Oklahoma Health Center Foundation, Inc. (OHCF) was established to assist the Oklahoma Health Center, and its 20 member entities, in matters of mutual physical, administrative and planning concerns. This assistance helps drive the OHC’s potential in attracting and developing biomedical and biotechnical industries in Oklahoma. From cutting-edge biotechnology companies to government, medical education, patient care and community support institutions, OHCF serves as the facilitator to 23 world-renowned organizations.

OHCF works closely with many aspects of the campus and its organizations, serving as a liaison between Federal, State, County and City governments by representing the various interests of the campus. OHCF is a founding member of the 10th Street Medical Business Corridor, a vital and stabilizing anchor to north downtown, which links the OHC campus to other medical facilities in the area, along 10th street. OHCF is responsible for the implementation of the campus Master Plan, which seeks to establish the Oklahoma Health Center as the primary destination for health care and education and the continued building of a campus that will sustain OHC’s status as a true major economic engine for the region. OHCF initiated campus beautification projects with the creation of parks and adding public art projects throughout the campus. The Treasures For Tomorrow program began in 2002, and almost $3 million has been raised. Projects include public art sculptures at Dean McGee Eye Institute and The Children’s Hospital, and Founders Plaza at Stiles Park featuring the Beacon of Hope. OHCF is involved in the plans for a modern and comprehensive way-finding signage project. Since 2000, more than $534 million in construction costs have been completed at the campus. OHCF continues to serve as a facilitator between developing agencies and their surrounding agencies, ensuring the successful and orderly growth of the campus. OHCF continues to serve the campus interests as a key stakeholder through meetings with the City of Oklahoma City in discussing the proposed MAPS 3 streetcar development and its potential service to the OHC. OHCF continues to represent the interests of the OHC in the successful, revitalization development of downtown Oklahoma City by closely working with the City of Oklahoma City, the Greater OKC Chamber of Commerce and Downtown OKC, Inc. 21


Michael Carolina, CEO 755 Research Parkway, Suite 110 Oklahoma City, OK 73104-3612 Local: (405)319-8400 Toll Free: 866-265-2215 In Tulsa: 618 East Third Street, Suite 5 Tulsa, OK 74120 918-576-7650 Website: Facebook: Twitter: The Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST) was established in 1987 as the state’s agency for technology-based economic development. OCAST’s mandate is to “expand and diversify Oklahoma’s economy and provide new and higher quality jobs for Oklahomans” by encouraging “. . . the development of new products, new processes and


whole new industries in Oklahoma.” (O.S. 74, Sections 5060.1a and 5060.2A) MISSION To foster innovation in existing and developing businesses • by supporting basic and applied research • by facilitating technology transfer between research laboratories and businesses • by providing seed capital for innovative firms in the development of new products or services • by helping Oklahoma’s small and medium-sized manufacturing firms become more competitive through increased productivity and modernization (O.S. 74, Section 5060.3) VISION OCAST funds cutting-edge science and technology through processes that are recognized nationally and internationally for demonstrating excellence, objectivity and economic impact. OCAST’s vision is continued growth and vitality of its basic premise of facilitating collaborations between state government, universities, start-up companies and established large-scale firms to develop an entrepreneurial environment which supports technologybased economic development. OCAST’s strategy includes technologies such as biosciences, information technology, sensors and electronics, advanced materials, energy and alternative fuel sources. Achieving this vision will result in continued growth of advanced technology companies in the state thereby increasing Oklahoma’s global competitiveness, per capita income and quality of life.


Terri White ODMHSAS Commissioner 1200 N.E. 13th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73117 Phone: (405) 522-3878 Website:

The Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services is responsible for providing services to Oklahomans who are affected by mental illness and substance abuse. In fiscal year 2008, the department provided services to 64,465 individuals – an increase of nearly 3,600 individuals over the previous year. The demand for public mental health services exceeds the capacity of the current treatment system. This has always been the case, but has been exacerbated in recent years due to a growing public awareness of mental illness and of the existence of effective treatment; rising healthcare costs; and the state’s growing substance abuse problem, particularly the brain-damaging use of methamphetamine and resultant psychotic behavior. Through the use of proven practices and expansion of community based services, the department will increase the effectiveness of services and continue to improve the efficiency of the delivery system. The department’s goal is to ensure access to appropriate care for all Oklahomans and the recovery of all served.

In the mid-1970s, the concept of “deinstitutionalization” prompted states to increase efforts to utilize outpatient services through Community Mental Health Centers. This approach has proven to be an effective means of recovery and a less costly method to provide services as compared to long-term inpatient care in a hospital setting. Today, over 60,000 individuals receive services from the department each year. Of those, only about 5 percent require hospital care. The vast majority take part in mental health and substance abuse outpatient programs, targeted community based services, prevention efforts and educational initiatives. In fact, Oklahoma has become a national leader in several areas of community based services including the implementation of programs for assertive community treatment, alternative criminal justice initiatives such as drug and mental health courts, and comprehensive services for children and families. In many ways, Oklahoma already is “ahead of the curve” in terms of treatment success for people with mental illness or substance abuse problems. With a focus on community-based and proven practices, and emphasis on treatment across the lifespan, from children to the elderly, more Oklahomans with mental illness and substance abuse problems are being served than ever before.

The ODMHSAS was established through the Mental Health Law of 1953, although publicly supported services to Oklahomans with mental illness date back to early statehood. Until the mid-1960s, the primary means to treat mental illness was institutionalization in large state hospitals. On an average day in 1960, nearly 6,400 Oklahomans were in the state’s mental hospitals.



Stephen M. Prescott, M. D., President 825 N.E. 13th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Phone: (405)271-7400 Website: JOBS at OMRF -- shared/frameset/Frameset.jsp?time=1380829938244 What if there was a place solely focused on research? A place where collaboration could thrive and ideas could grow? Where the stage was set for life-changing discoveries? There is.

It’s the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation. • OMRF scientists hold 700 US and international patents and have developed two FDA-approved drugs. • The Scientist magazine named OMRF among the “Best Places to Work” for postdocs and in academia in 2011, 2012 and 2013. • For our work on rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, the National Institutes of Health has designated OMRF as one of only nine Autoimmunity Centers of Excellence in the US. • Our internationally recognized cardiovascular biologists are studying how blood-vessel formation impacts heart disease and breast and colon cancer. • Researchers at OMRF have identified more than 25 genes associated with lupus and five linked to Sjögren’s syndrome. 24

• Physicians in OMRF’s Multiple Sclerosis Center of Excellence offer the region’s most comprehensive center for researching and treating MS. • OMRF is seeking novel methods of preventing age-related macular degeneration, hearing loss, osteoarthritis and diabetes. • For 12 consecutive years, OMRF has earned a four-star rating—the highest possible score—from Charity Navigator, America’s largest independent charity evaluator. • With 18 vertical wind turbines that generate 85,000 kilowatt hours of energy each year, OMRF’s research tower is home to the world’s largest wind farm. • Our new biorepository holds more than 1 million patient samples in a massive freezer that maintains a constant temperature of -112 degrees Fahrenheit. • Scientists at OMRF led the largest genetic experiment ever in the field of lupus research, working with 50 scientists in 6 countries to study biological samples gathered from 15,000 patients. • OMRF has discovered an experimental medication to treat a deadly form of brain cancer. The investigational new drug is currently in clinical trials. OMRF. Discoveries that make a difference.


Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics Frank Wang, Ph.D., President The Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics 1141 North Lincoln Boulevard Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104 Phone: (405) 521.6436 Website: Only one of a handful of high schools of its kind in the nation, the Oklahoma School of Science and Mathematics is a unique learning institution for Oklahoma students. OSSM is Oklahoma’s public, tuition-free, residential high school for juniors and seniors with exceptional abilities in mathematics and science. The school’s residency program is designed to encourage an atmosphere of informal interaction among peers and foster each student’s highest potential. The availability of laboratories, along with evening and weekend programs of interest, challenge students and stimulate studies. OSSM was created by the Oklahoma Legislature in 1983 and is funded by the state. The school is governed by a Board of Trustees, which is appointed by legislative leaders and the governor. Although the history of the school is grand, the wonderfully gifted students are at the heart of OSSM. Since its inception 22 years ago, students have matriculated from all of Oklahoma’s 77 counties.

The campus is located on a 32-acre site near the state capitol and adjacent to the teaching and scientific research resources of the Oklahoma Health Center. In the summer of 2000, the school completed a $25 million campus building program. The classrooms and offices of the historic Lincoln School were restored through a unique partnership with Oklahoma patrons, organizations, businesses and government entities and is now called the Manning Academic Center. Students live in the school’s Dan Little Residence Hall that accommodates 144 students and faculty families. OSSM also has a gymnasium, Bernice Shedrick Library and Samson Science and Discovery Center, which houses physics and chemistry laboratories. The dormitory has expanded to allow the school to house 100+plus additional students per year should funding become available from the state to ensure the school’s future and keep the dream alive for Oklahoma’s best and brightest students. OSSM is committed to building a strong academic foundation for each student. While in residence at OSSM, students are required to complete successfully four and one-half units of science, two units of mathematics, one-half unit of computer science, two units of English, two units of history, two units of a foreign language, one unit of fine arts, and two units of physical education. Each science class features a two-or-three-hour weekly laboratory experience. Students receive five and onehalf days of academic instruction every week. Students must also receive satisfactory participation reports in both campus and community service and a total of 120 hours are required for graduation. The graduates of OSSM have already left their indelible marks on Oklahoma. Of the more than 1,300 OSSM graduates since the first class, 300 are engineers and nearly 100 are medical doctors. More than 50 have earned Ph.D.s and 75 have served in the U.S. armed forces. Eighty-five percent of these graduates have careers in science, math, engineering and technology. More than half now work or live in the state and 10 graduates have begun their own businesses in Oklahoma.



Charles L. Spicer, Jr., FACHE President and Chief Executive Officer of OU Medical System

Jon Hayes, MHA, CMPE Chief Executive Officer of The Children’s Hospital at OU Medical Center

OU Medical Center

700 NE 13th, Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Follow us on Twitter at @oumedicine Like us on Facebook at

The Children’s Hospital at OU Medical Center 1200 N Children’s Ave. (formerly Phillips Ave.), Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Like Children’s on Facebook at For career information, visit OU MEDICAL CENTER—Oklahoma City’s largest and most comprehensive hospital—is the major referral center in central and western Oklahoma for adults and children. We provide a full range of hospital services for every patient, from the smallest neonate to the most critically ill senior. We’ve been in the community for more than 100 years, and envision the next century to be as productive as the first as we grow with our city and community. With more specialists in more fields than any other hospital in the state, we’re making sure Oklahomans are alive and well. Our adult services boast an award-winning tradition of applying innovative treatments to the care of patients in a full range of specialties, including the state’s only Level One Trauma Center and one of the first certified comprehensive stroke centers in the country. OU Medical Center is recognized for its excellence in neurology and neurosurgery, sleep disorders, orthopedics, cancer treatment, critical care and many other areas. Our patients have the advantage of being cared for by some of the premier experts in their field of medicine. Our staff


works as a team, leading health care and taking what we do to another level of medicine. The Children’s Hospital at OU Medical Center is Oklahoma’s only comprehensive, freestanding pediatric medical center where pediatricians, pediatric specialists and pediatric sub-specialists have been caring for Oklahoma’s children for nearly 90 years. Children’s is home to Oklahoma’s only pediatric emergency department, and has the state’s largest staff of Child Life specialists who help promote development and minimize the stress of hospitalization. For expectant families we offer care in our Women’s & Newborn Center at Children’s Hospital. From the easiest of pregnancies to the most complicated, our staff is experienced in caring for mothers and babies. If a baby needs extra care, she is an elevator ride away from the highest level Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in the state. The Children’s Hospital provides medical care found nowhere else, and excels in specialties like cancer, orthopedics, urology, epilepsy and heart disease. Our staff and affiliated physicians train tomorrow’s health care professionals, conducting innovative medical research and providing compassionate, quality patient care. Oklahoma City is alive and well, and OU Medicine is at its heart.


1200 N. Phillips Ave., Suite 2900 Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Phone: (405) 271-3932 Website: OU Physicians is part of OU Medicine, combining academic knowledge and advanced health care. With more than 560 doctors, OU Physicians is the state’s largest physician group. The practice encompasses almost every adult and child specialty. Many OU Physicians have expertise in the management of complex conditions that is unavailable anywhere else in the state, region or sometimes even the nation. Some have pioneered surgical procedures or innovations in patient care that are world firsts and many are conducting groundbreaking research to develop new treatments and cures. More than 175 of our doctors are OU Children’s Physicians. The majority of them are board-certified in children’s specialties, and many provide pediatric-specific services unavailable elsewhere in the state. Many children with birth defects, critical injuries or serious diseases who can’t be helped elsewhere come to OU Children’s Physicians. Oklahoma doctors and parents rely on OU Children’s Physicians depth of experience, nationally renowned expertise and sensitivity to children’s emotional needs. In 2009, OU Children’s Physicians opened a new state-ofthe-art facility on the OU Health Sciences Center campus. A year and a half later, the Children’s Atrium was opened creating a new entrance to not only the children’s physician offices, but the hospital as well. The following year, the final piece of this construction project was completed with the opening of the Samis Education Center, further enhancing the campus’ ability to provide the highest quality education services to faculty, staff and students. Many OU Physicians see patients through specialty centers like The Peggy and Charles Stephenson Cancer Center and Harold Hamm Diabetes Center. The Cancer Center building represents the largest public-private biomedical initiative in Oklahoma history. The 210,000 square-foot facility provides

Brian Lynn Offic Brian Maddy, Chief Executive Officer and Lynn Mitchell, M.D., Chief Medical Officer patient-center care, offering the most advanced cancer detection and treatment technology, the largest and most experienced group of cancer specialists, a wide array of supportive services and an environment that provides a warm and comforting experience for patients and caregivers. Members of the Cancer Center - including faculty from OU Health Sciences Center, OU Norman, OU Tulsa, Oklahoma State University and the Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation - conduct innovative and nationally-funded cancer research in the basic, clinical and population sciences. Harold Hamm serves as the focal point for coordinating and expanding numerous avenues of research, patient care, education and prevention that are required to address the diabetes epidemic in a comprehensive manner. The Center offers outreach efforts throughout the state, partnering with communities and other agencies both inside and outside the University of Oklahoma. The Center was established by the University of Oklahoma with the goal of promoting the wellbeing of all people with or at high risk for diabetes in Oklahoma, regardless of ethnic background or financial status. OU Physicians see patients in their offices at the OU Health Sciences Center and in Edmond, Midwest City and other cities around Oklahoma. When hospitalization is necessary, they often admit patients to OU Medical Center. Many also care for their patients in other hospitals around the metro area. OU Physicians serve as faculty at the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine and train the region’s future physicians. For more information about OU Medicine, including OU Physicians and OU Children’s Physicians, go to OU Physicians faculty and staff are employed by the University of Oklahoma, one of Oklahoma’s largest employers. The university attracts leading faculty and staff from around the world. To view job opportunities within OU Physicians, go to this site:



Tom Gray, President & CEO 655 Research Parkway, Suite 500 Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Phone: 405-319-8150 Fax: 405-319-8168 Website: Founded in 1985 with the vision of creating a premier medical center in Oklahoma City, the Presbyterian Health Foundation has invested over $118 million in medical education and research in Oklahoma. This investment has led to medical breakthroughs which touch the lives of individuals and families in communities across the state and nation. It has also brought exciting economic opportunities by positioning Oklahoma at the forefront of genetic research and biotechnology. Proceeds from the 1985 sale of the Presbyterian Hospital were used to create a foundation which would enhance medical research and education in the state of Oklahoma. Trustees of the Presbyterian Hospital continued with the newly formed foundation and believed the potential for excellent health could become the norm, rather than the exception, for all people. Nearly 30 years later, Trustees of the Foundation continue to share a set of values, expectations, and modes of behavior refined under strong leadership and forged by a long history of success that has made a tremendous impact on the people of Oklahoma.


Over the last decade, Presbyterian Health Foundation developed the PHF Research Park which contains 700,000 square feet of wet lab and office space and provides a place for researchers to translate discovery to solutions, putting science to work solving a specific human health need. Following the 2013 sale of the PHF Research Park to the University of Oklahoma, the Foundation has returned to focusing its efforts on supporting scientific research and medical education at the Oklahoma Health Center Campus. The purpose of the foundation is to provide resources and to encourage the development of medical education and research programs, conducted primarily in Oklahoma. The Foundation concentrates its support in four areas: • Medical Research • Medical Education • Community Health Programs • Technology Transfer Researchers, mentors, administrators and leaders in biotech companies are all part of a community of people who bring to life the ideas of PHF’s mission. PHF will continue its mission to support excellent biomedical science where discovery may be translated to therapies that save and enhance human life. Today, the disclosures in good science, evidenced based knowledge, yield brand new widened horizons of human existence.


Serving Children and Families since 1984

Susan Adams, President & Chief Executive Officer 1301 NE 14th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73117 Phone: (405) 424-6873 Family Room phone (405) 271-2215 Website: When a child is hospitalized or receiving ongoing medical treatment, we believe the love and support of family is as powerful as the strongest medicine. Unfortunately for most parents, being with a hospitalized child means eating out of vending machines and sleeping in chairs or bearing the expense of hotel rooms. That is why Ronald McDonald House Charities® of Oklahoma City is here. Keeping families together . . . when they need it most At 78% of the world’s leading children’s hospitals, families benefit from at least one RMHC Core Program. The Children’s Hospital is served by the 15-BR Ronald McDonald House which has been located at NE 14th St and Lottie for 30 years. • At our House, families can have a bedroom of their own with a comfortable bed, a family-style kitchen

with home-cooked meals, and laundry facilities for their personal use. • Worried moms and dads can talk to one another, sharing their hopes and fears. • For the child who is sick or injured, having a Ronald McDonald House means that they can rest easier, knowing that mom and dad are nearby. The Ronald McDonald Family Room®, located on the sixth floor of The Children’s Hospital, opened in 2008 for dayuse respite services. Parents can relax and regroup just steps away from their child’s bedside.

The positive, comforting environment of both facilities allows the families to focus on their children’s healing process. Services are available to any family with a child 21 years of age or younger receiving medical treatment in Oklahoma City area, regardless of their economic status. Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oklahoma City relies on donors and the community for support of daily operations. No family is ever turned away due to the lack of finances.


The organization offers career opportunities within the charity, at the House and Family Room to help with the daily operations. For open positions, please visit Interested candidates should submit a resume to 29


Dean Gandy, Chief Executive Officer University Hospitals Authority & Trust PO Box 26307 Oklahoma City, OK 73126 Phone: 405-271-4962 Website: The University Hospitals Authority and Trust are a state agency and a public trust of the state of Oklahoma. Key facts: • Formed as part of an historic agreement more than a decade and a half ago that united the state, a private corporation (HCA) and the University of Oklahoma in a partnership that created the OU Medical Center and united the adult hospitals with The Children’s Hospital at OU Medical Center. • Mission - To be a catalyst for medical excellence, to support medical education and research and to help assure quality health care for all Oklahomans. • Through its leadership, state and federal resources are maximized to ensure a dependable source of revenue for growth and development with a goal of supporting improved health for every Oklahoman. • The Authority and Trust provide support for important educational enhancements, for key research and health care advancements and for critical capital improvement projects at the OU Health Sciences Center Key projects funded to date include: • Construction of the new Children’s Atrium. This beautiful, architectural gem will serve as a new front door for The Children’s Hospital at OU Medical Center and the OU Children’s Physicians Building, as well as a unique space catering to the young patients of both facilities and their families. • Construction of Samis Education & Conference Center for the OUHSC campus, completed in 2012. It’s three-story design provides state-of-the-art meeting rooms, board rooms and auditorium space to accommodate a wide variety of meeting needs. • Support of facility enhancement and expansion project for Dean McGee Eye Institute 30

• The OU Children’s Physicians Building, completed in 2009. Located at the corner of NE 13th and Phillips, it provides 336,000 square feet of state-of-theart medical office space designed specifically with the needs of young patients and their families in mind. It is home to more than 100 pediatric specialists and the first free-standing first, freestanding, pediatric multi-specialty, medical office building in the state. • Support of the new Clinical Skills Testing and Education Center at the OU Health Sciences Center, in conjunction with other generous donors. This facility offers cutting-edge medical simulation equipment and facilities, as well as a new robot-assisted surgical training facility. • Support of Phase Two of the Stanton L. Young Biomedical Research Center. A hub of research of activity on campus, the facility more than doubled in size with the completion of phase two, providing more research space where top scientists continue their nationally and internationally renowned work in biomedicine, cancer, genetics and more. • The OU Physicians Building, completed in 2001. Located at the corner of NE 10th and Phillips, the OU Physicians Building is home to more than 130 physicians, with expertise in a wide range of medical specialties. The building provides an environment where patient care and the newest technology come together under one roof. • A facility enhancement project for the OU College of Dentistry that included much-needed upgrades and technological enhancements aimed at elevating the training of Oklahoma’s future dentists to a new level of excellence.


Jason R. Sanders, MD Senior Vice President and Provost P.O. Box 26901, LIB 221 Oklahoma City, OK 73126 Phone: (405) 271-3223 Website:

In education, research and patient care, the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center is the state’s premier academic health center and regional leader in meeting the challenges of 21st-century health care. The most concentrated source of medical expertise in Oklahoma, the OU Health Sciences Center’s new facilities and new technology -- plus an internationally prominent faculty -- place it at the leading edge of the nation’s institutions of medical education. One of only four comprehensive academic health centers in the nation with seven professional schools, the OU Health Sciences Center serves more than 3,800 students enrolled in more than 70 health professions, graduate and undergraduate programs on the Oklahoma City campus and at the Schusterman Center at the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa. In addition, more than 700 physicians are receiving residency training in Oklahoma City and Tulsa. Research, training grants and contracts, and sponsored program activities at the OU Health Sciences Center totaled more than $120 million

in FY 2013. With a budget of over $870 million, OUHSC employs more than 1,200 full time faculty and 4,000 staff. More than half of all NIH expenditures in the state of Oklahoma result from OU Health Sciences Center research. The OU Health Sciences Center serves as the state’s training facility for physicians, biomedical scientists, nurses, dentists, pharmacists and a wide range of allied health and public health professionals. The OU Health Sciences Center is known for its research programs in cellular and molecular medicine, gene regulation, structural biology, cancer, diabetes, microbiology and immunology, vision, cardiovascular physiology, neuroscience and pharmaceutical sciences. The center’s growing faculty and facilities offer unparalleled opportunities for students, patient care and the development of the biomedical industry in Oklahoma. OU Health Sciences Center-developed technology is advancing the economy of Oklahoma. Companies that commercialize technology created by OU Health Sciences Center researchers have been established in Oklahoma City. OU has become one of the primary centers in the world for genome studies, with the Norman campus contributing to the human genome project and the OUHSC campus providing a number of microbial pathogen genomes. The OU Health Sciences Center ranks second in the world for the number of microbial genomes being sequenced. CONTINUED


Member Two-thirds of all Oklahoma physicians, half of the state’s dentists and a significant percentage of Oklahoma’s other health care professionals earned their degrees from the OU Health Sciences Center. In addition, the seven OU Health Sciences Center colleges are the primary source of continuing education for the state’s health care professionals. The scientists, scholars and clinicians appointed to the OU Health Sciences Center faculty stand at the leading edge of their profession. They not only train the next generation of health care providers and researchers,

With cancer being one of the leading causes of death in the United States, The Peggy and Charles Stephenson Cancer Center opened in June 2011. This cancer center allows the people of Oklahoma to receive world-class treatment without leaving the state and is staffed with some of the nation’s finest cancer physicians. It offers state-of-the-art technology, unparalleled cancer research programs, and bench-to-bedside care.

many are themselves practicing professionals actively involved in improving the lives and health of Oklahomans. The clinical practice of the OU College of Medicine is provided through OU Physicians. These physicians represent the largest multi-specialty medical group in the state with more than 500 physicians, offering almost every adult and child specialty. OU Physicians accepts referrals from across the state and region and care for hospital patients at the OU Medical Center. OU Children’s Physicians is an integral part of OU Physicians.


The Harold Hamm Diabetes Center is a comprehensive treatment, research, and educational facility dedicated to eliminating and controlling the effects of all types of diabetes. The Diabetes Center is at the forefront in diabetes-related research, and OUHSC physician researchers are specialists in diabetes care and utilize cutting edge research for the best treatment available research.

Associate Member

Mark W. Kelly, President and CEO 3001 N Lincoln Blvd Oklahoma City, OK 73105 For all locations visit: Phone: 405.606.6328 Website: Oklahoma Employees Credit Union (OECU) has been serving Oklahoman’s since 1954 as a member-owned financial cooperative. Since 1954, OECU’s membership has grown from 19 charter members to over 42,000 members. OECU is a not-for-profit financial institution that returns profits back to members in the form of low or no fee services, higher rates on deposits and more competitive loan rates.


Associate Member


Two Surgeries... (continued from page 7)

enhance his overall outcome. “A large percentage of patients who have retina surgery will develop a cataract. So six months later, they are looking at surgery again. So if we can go ahead and take out the natural lens, replacing it with an implant lens and do the retina surgery at the same time, it is much easier on the patient and his or her family,” said Dr. Ralph Hester, a cataract surgeon with Dean McGee. “More importantly, though, the retina surgeon wants the clearest possible view to visualize the finer details of the retina.” “The retina is a less-than-one-millimeterthin membrane in the back of your eye. So to work on that, you want optimal visibility,” Shah explained. Accomplishing the combined cataract-retina surgery requires a lot of coordination. Two surgeons and their teams as well as two sets of surgical equipment must all be in place. “The patient does not move. We move,” Shah said. “So it has to be carefully orchestrated. At the Dean McGee Eye Institute, we have set aside particular times of the week just for these types of combination procedures.” With one trip to the operating room, patient safety is improved and there also are cost savings with the added bonus of less time away from work. “It’s not about the money, though. It’s about the patient,” Hester explained. “For the patient, this is a big deal. If you can package this into one operation, they are not scheduling time off work multiple times and getting their loved ones to transport them to and from the surgery center multiple times. It makes a big difference.” Ultimately, Hester and Shah added, it is about changing somebody’s life, restoring their vision and helping them get back to the things they love doing most, like reading to grandchildren. “There are Braille books and audio books, but there is no way that I could ever replace having a grandchild sitting in my lap and being able to read to him or her. I can do that now. I can see, and I can read. It makes a world of difference to me,” Brandt said. To learn more about the combination cataract-retina surgery, visit

Ed Brandt, III, credits the two-in-one surgical approach by surgeons at the Dean McGee Eye Institute with restoring his vision and getting him back more quickly to the things he loves most – like reading to his grandchildren.

Two Lives Saved...

(continued from page 8)

The groundbreaking new BrainPath tube. and has resumed coaching softball. These are among the blessings Baldwin and her husband, Cord, counted as they celebrated Thanksgiving last month. “She’s a pretty good girl, and to have her back is just amazing,” said Cord. 35

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