1 minute read
Forgetting Age Poetr y by Paul Jones
from May O.Henry 2022
Forgetting Age
Has the age of forgetting just beg un? I'm glad to forget some things but others I want to hold on to as if they’ve beg un, as if they’re new, yet familiar, like dawn. Here comes the age of where-has-it-all-gone, when I wonder what may have been before: the color of someone’s eyes, someone who lived nearby, someone whose name I once knew, the cer tain way a dark cloud haunts the sk y. But like the cloud, they’re wisps and mist and last only long enough to become heav y, to fall into unk nowing. Sweet and small. I grasp at them. I k now they will be missed, as memor y, like sof t rain, star ts to fall. — Paul Jones
Paul Jon e s is th e auth or of S omet h ing Wonder f u l.