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Short Stories
See Ya Later (Propagator)
R aise your trowel if you star ted (some semblance of ) a Victor y Garden in 2020. T hat’s what we thought. T he Greensboro Farmers Curb Market (501 Yancey ville St.) hosts the annual Go Green Plant & Garden Sale on Sunday, April 25, f rom 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Green or other wise, at-home hor ticulturists can find vegetable star ters, medicinal herbs, f r uit-bearing bushes, ornamental flowers and, just maybe, some of the wack iest look ing plants you’ve ever seen. At this “local growers only” sale, you can also snag pro tips with your heritage, native and regional plants. And does your garden ache for a bit of locally made f ripper y? Yep, you’ll find that, too. Sale held indoors and outdoors. Face covering required. Info: w w w.gsofarmersmarket.org /events-feed
Hip to It
For those in the know, the High Point Spring Market, aka, the “remix,” is already on the calendar for June 5–9 (w w w.highpointmarket.org). But have you heard of High Point x Design? It’s an evolving grassroots movement to make High Point a design nexus year-round. And it’s not just for the trade pros. If you’re a design enthusiast look ing for ar t, décor, f urniture or lighting, go for th and explore the “flagship” showrooms beneath the HPxD umbrella. Of course there are exclusive “trade only” showrooms, too. But nearly 20 fashion-for ward galleries and boutiques will open their doors to all on Tuesday, April 6, f rom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Wednesday, April 7, f rom 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. And if you’re look ing to mask and mingle, don’t miss the HPxD Mixer on Tuesday, 4 p.m., at Cohab.Space (R SV P: info@cohab.space). High Point Spring Premarket (trade-only event) happens Sunday, April 25, through Tuesday, April 27. More info: hpxd.org. Not long before lockdowns were the norm, High Point’s T heatre Ar t Galleries (TAG) ordered 15 mannequins for an exhibit featuring Tony and Emmy award-winning designer Paul Tazewell ’s costumes. Does Hamilton ring a bell? T he Tazewell exhibit, which ran until early Januar y 2020, was TAG’s last before it shuttered. L ast month, it reopened with Mannequin Musings, which star ted as a Call to Ar tists to reimagine the naked displays other wise lef t collecting dust. Fif teen creatives f rom across the state par ticipated. You bet last year was an inspiration. And so was our f uture. Consider High Point ar tist Annie Chrismon’s “No R ain, No Flowers,” which is crowned by a luminous white cloud dripping with teardrop prisms. Bedecked in rhinestones, lush greener y, silk gardenias and fair y wings made of t wigs, the mannequin nods to nature’s law: spring always follows winter. TAG (220 E. Commerce Ave., downtown High Point) is open Tuesday through Friday, noon until 5 p.m. Or, experience the exhibit vir tually (and vote for your favorite) here: tagar t.org.
Built Like a Ram
OK, Aries. Maybe you should go on a brisk walk, blow of f some steam, take a few slow, deep breaths of wisteria. Ruled by Mars (the god of war), those born under this fier y sun sign have a tendency to be more than a little hot-headed. But damned if you couldn’t charm the spit f rom a tree swallow. T his month, the planets are aligned in your favor. Tr y to keep your cool. Go with the flow. But if instead your blood doth boil, tr y doing a headstand. O.Henr y 17