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Tea Leaf Astrologer
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
W hen a Sag it t ar ius plays w ith fire, it’s wonder f ully innocent. Sor t of. But this bold and shor t-f used fire sig n has a reput at ion for being more than a lit t le reck less — especia lly when it comes to af fa irs of the hear t. Pause and reflect dur ing the solar eclipse on the 4th. W h o are you? W h o do you want to be? Sh ould you splurge for th at posit ively e xtravagant vegan leath er coat? For t unately, things are look ing a bit more auspicious this month. But don’t leave the c andle bur ning unat tended.
Tea leaf “fortunes” for the rest of you:
Capricorn (December 22 – Januar y 19) Two words: humble pie. Aquarius ( Januar y 20 – Februar y 18) A sk for a sign. You’ll k now it when you see it. Pisces (Februar y 19 – March 20) Save the smother ing for the bread and butter. A ries (March 21 – April 19) You are the Per fect Stor m. Don’t hold back.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Best not to wait for an invitation.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20) A sk again later. Cancer ( June 21 – July 22) No matter how hot things get, play it cool. L eo ( July 23 – August 22) T he quest for per fection doesn’t end well. Virgo (August 23 – September 22) T hat smile on your face says it all. Libra (September 23 – October 22) Sometimes the obstacle is the path. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) W hen the popcor n is ready, the tr uf fle oil will appear. OH
Z ora St ell an o va h a s be en div ining w ith t e a l e ave s sin ce Ga me of T hrones’ St arb u ck s cup mish ap of 2019. W hil e sh e’s n ot e x a ctly a m e dium, sh e’s far from average. Sh e live s in th e N.C. fo othills w ith h er Sphy n x c at , Lyl a.