2 minute read
Tea Leaf Astrologer
(February 19 – March 20)
T he only dif ference bet ween a my thic a l creat ure and a Pisces is that a my thic a l creat ure believes in itself. Pisceans are mag ic a l by nat ure and nat ura lly psychic. T hat’s bec ause those bor n under this mut able water sig n are masters of subt le emot ion. T his month, the cosmos is dea ling you a planet ar y roya l flush. In other words, you don’t have to keep sw imming upst ream. But w ill you?
Tea leaf “fortunes” for the rest of you:
A r ies (March 21 – Apr il 19) Don’t forget to stretch. Taur us (Apr il 20 – May 20) T here’s a whole world outside of the box. T hink about it.
Gem in i (May 21 – June 20) L ess ta lk ing. More dancing. Cancer ( June 21 – July 22) Slow dow n. Proceed w ith caution. Be prepared to pivot. L eo ( July 23 – Aug ust 22) You’re back in the spotlight. Breathe easy. Virgo (Aug ust 23 – S eptember 22) A lit tle sa lt goes a long way. L ibra (S eptember 23 – October 22) Someone’s got color in their cheek s again. S cor pio (October 23 – November 21) Tr y zooming out. Sagit t ar ius (November 22 – December 21) W hen one door closes, best not to set up camp on the f ront porch. Capr icor n (December 22 – Januar y 19) T hree words: Don’t look back.
A quar ius ( Januar y 20 – Febr uar y 18) Timing is ever y thing. R ead that again. OH
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Z o ra St ell an o va h a s b e en div ining w ith t e a l e av e s sin c e G a me of T hrone s’ St arb u ck s cup mi sh ap of 2019. W hil e sh e’s n ot e x a c tly a m e dium , sh e’s far fro m av erage. Sh e liv e s in th e N.C. fo othill s w ith h er Sphy n x c at , Lyl a.