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OCA News
Bailey Eberhart Manager of Member Services
Tiffany Arnett Administrative Assistant

Bailey Eberhart of Cadiz, Ohio was recently hired as the Manager of Member Services for OCA. He is a 2020 graduate of The Ohio State University with a degree in agribusiness and applied economics and a minor in meat science. Raised in Harrison County, Eberhart served as an Ohio FFA state officer in 2018-2019. He completed internships with Tyson Foods, Inc., the Ohio State Swine Facility and Cargill, Inc. Animal
Tiffany Arnett of Urbana, Ohio recently joined the Ohio Beef Council (OBC) and OCA staff as the Administrative Assistant. Prior to this she worked for 25 years at Yaskawa Motoman of Miamisburg, Ohio her most recent position being Purchasing Coordinator. Arnett volunteers as a Champaign County 4-H advisor and as president of the Graham Athletic BoostNutrition. He also participated in the OCA BEST youth development program. Eberhart’s responsibilities include development and implementation of OCA’s membership marketing program and member services. Eberhart will also plan producer education programs through the Cattlemen’s Academy and revenue development activities including advertising sales for the association.
ers. The Arnett family are OCA members and participate in the OCA BEST youth development program. Arnett’s responsibilities include membership processing, customer service and administrative duties, as well as Beef Council and Cattlemen’s program and event support.
We have 250 head of Black and Red Angus cattle. Our cows are managed like a commercial herd. The cows are of moderate frame, good udders and good feet and legs. The herd has tested negative for Johne’s and Leukosis, and is free of genetic defects AM, NH, CA and OS. Genomic Enhanced EPD’s | Parent Verified | Free bull care until May 1st | $3.00/hd/day after May 1st
All bulls have passed a breeding soundness exam.
The bulls’ information will be on our website two weeks before the sale: www.burgettangus.com BLACK ANGUS SIRES - Sitz Stellar 726D - KCF Bennett Assertive - GAR Sure fire - Sitz Alpine 11076 - WVU Foresight 204 847F - BAF Hickok E075 - BAF Granite F170 RED ANGUS SIRES - 3SCC Domain A163 - 9 Mile Franchise 6305 - KCC Excellence 139-774 - BAF Domain F068 - Beckton Accent E37103

Bryan (330) 771-0482 | Keith (330) 627-5414 | burgetts5@frontier.com 1246 Antigua Road SW Carrollton, Ohio 44615 | Sale Site: 2051 Burrow Rd. SE, Carrollton, OH 44615
Sarah Millikan Youth Activities Intern

Cheyenne Wagner Public Relations Intern

Joanna Frankenburg Industry Relations/Member Services Intern

Sarah Millikan is serving as the Youth Activities Intern. She is the daughter of Scott and Suzanne Millikan of Henry County, where she grew up on her family’s Angus cattle operation, Highland Angus II. She is also involved in the Ohio and National Junior Angus Association. Millikan is a freshman at The Ohio State University - Agricultural Technical Institute, where she is majoring in agriscience education, with hopes of becoming a high school agriscience teacher and FFA advisor. Her main responsibilities include coordinating the Junior Show at the Ohio Beef Expo and interacting with youth at BEST shows and all other youth activities throughout the season.
Cheyenne Wagner is serving as the Public Relations Intern. She is the daughter of Mike and Kim Wagner of Muskingum County. Wagner will graduate in Spring 2021 from The Ohio State University, where she is majoring in agricultural communications and minoring in history and agribusiness. As a Buckeye, she enjoys being involved in Alpha Sigma Upsilon, Collegiate 4-H, Saddle & Sirloin, Collegiate Farm Bureau and Towers Agricultural Honorary. Wagner grew up in Woodsfield, Ohio, where she immersed herself in 4-H experiences. Her main responsibilities throughout her internship include graphic design, social media and event photography. She will assist in writing press releases and contributing to the production of the Ohio Cattleman magazine.
Joanna Frankenberg is serving as the Industry Relations and Member Services Intern. She is the daughter of Steve and Kathy Frankenberg of Auglaize County, where she was raised on her family’s third generation dairy farm and immersed herself in 4-H and FFA experiences. Frankenberg is a junior at The Ohio State University, where she is majoring in agricultural communications and minoring in agribusiness. As a Buckeye, Frankenberg enjoys being involved in Sigma Alpha, Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow club and is a CFAES Peer Mentor. Her main responsibilities include assisting the execution of the Ohio Beef Expo’s Trade Show and Genetic Pathway, coordinating OCA’s membership recruitment efforts, working with county cattlemen associations and collaborating with youth at the BEST shows.
Lindsay Weickert is serving as the Beef Improvement and Member Services Intern. She is the daughter of Scott and Kelly Weickert of Sandusky County, where her family raises and shows cattle at various levels of competition. Weickert is a junior at The Ohio State University, where she is majoring in agribusiness and applied economics and minoring in animal science. As a Buckeye, she enjoys being involved in Sigma Alpha and Saddle & Sirloin. Her main responsibilities include assisting in the execution of the Ohio Beef Expo, coordination of the breed shows and sales, coordinating OCA’s membership recruitment efforts, working with county cattlemen associations and collaborating with youth at the BEST shows.