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OCA News & Views
from Early Fall 2021
by ohiocattle
President • Aaron Arnett 614-947-9931, aaronarnett16@gmail.com Vice President • Kyle Walls 740-485-7775, kylemwalls@gmail.com Treasurer • Linde Sutherly 937-875-0670, linde@lindeslivestockphotos.com Past President • Sasha Rittenhouse 937-215-1415, hotcattle@hotmail.com
OCA Directors
Tom Karr Director At-Large Pomeroy • Term expires 2021 740-597-9900, tom@karrcontracting.com Bill Tom Director At-Large Washington C.H. • Term expires 2023 937-694-5378, btom@uproducers.com J.L. Draganic Director At-Large Wakeman • Term expires 2022 440-821-6576, paintcreekcattle@gmail.com Jaymes Maciejewski District 1 New Bavaria• Term expires 2023 309-222-0850, jaymes.maciejewski@gmail.com Kelvin Egner District 2 Shelby • Term expires 2021 419-295-6089, kjegner@hotmail.com John Ferguson District 3 Chardon • Term expires 2022 440-478-0782, john@fergusonshowcattle.com Mark Goecke District 4 Spencerville • Term expires 2023 419-233-3101, goeckefarms@gmail.com Frank Phelps District 5 Belle Center • Term expires 2021 937-539-1442, frankph@watchtv.net Pam Haley District 6 West Salem • Term expires 2022 419-853-4657, phaley@haley-farms.com Brad Thornburg District 7 Barnesville • Term expires 2023 740-310-9196, thornburgcattle@yahoo.com Linde Sutherly District 8 New Carlisle • Term expires 2021 937-875-0670, linde@lindeslivestockphotos.com Jim Jepsen District 9 Amanda • Term expires 2022 614-560-5919, jepsen.drfarms@gmail.com Sarah Ison District 10 Moscow • Term expires 2023 513-314-5382, sarah.ison01@gmail.com Lindsey Hall District 11 Hillsboro • Term expires 2021 937-763-8115, lindseycgrimes@gmail.com Luke Vollborn • District 12 Bidwell • Term expires 2022 740-441-5740, vollborncattle@yahoo.com
A cattlemen’’s fall
By Aaron Arnett, OCA President
As we turn our attention to fall, it is a great time to anticipate cooler weather and the harvest season. For the cow/calf sector, the harvest is in pounds of calf weaned. In our Northcentral region of the state, consistent rains through late summer have kept things green later than usual and several producers have commented that they expect higher than usual weaning weights from their spring-born calves. We are also fortunate to have several nationally respected seedstock producers in our state that will be holding production sales this fall. I encourage you to evaluate their offerings and support the local breeders who offer high genetic merit animals in Ohio. Although it wasn’t a “normal” version of the fair, I enjoyed visiting with many of you at the Ohio State Fair beef shows recently. It is always impressive to see families working together toward a common goal and the impressive young people that are developed through junior programs. Congratulations to all who participated and competed at a high level. Thanks to Kyle Walls and Elizabeth Harsh for making the trip to NCBA’s annual meeting and convention in Nashville. The Live Cattle Marketing Committee created a new working group to investigate confidentiality issues with packer reports and how this aligns with Livestock Mandatory Reporting law. Related to these issues, the USDA recently announced it will begin publishing a National Daily Direct Formula Base Cattle report, which will provide greater insight into prices used in cattle market formulas, grids, and contracts, and a National Weekly Cattle Net Price Distribution report, which will show the volume of cattle purchased at each different level of pricing within those formulas, grids, and contracts. I greatly appreciate the leadership of OCA Board member and OCA Live Cattle Marketing Committee Chairman Mark Goeke and the entire in OCA Live Cattle Marketing Committee for leading our organization through the price and market issues that affect our members in recent times. There is so much to consider in forming a position on cattle pricing policy and this group has done an outstanding job of flushing out many of the issues that pertain specifically to Ohio cattle producers. We are very excited to offer three more sessions of the Cattlemen’s Academy Calving Clinics this fall around the state. These clinics are free to OCA members and will include a catered meal and hands-on opportunities during the sessions. Please call or email the OCA office to register as seats are limited. Thanks to Elizabeth and her team for initiating monthly Facebook Live lunch webinars and other video updates. These are available for your review on OCA’s Membership Portal and are a great way to catch up on pertinent issues and the work OCA is doing on your behalf. I want to remind readers that OCA has transitioned to an annualized membership meaning that memberships will be good for one year from the date of renewal rather than a renewal season at the first of the year. When it’s time to renew, you will receive an email with instructions to renew from the website. If you have questions about this process or would prefer assistance, please call the OCA office and someone will be happy to assist you. As we transition into fall, please be safe this harvest season and we hope to see you down the road soon. Please always feel free to reach out to either me or an OCA staff member with questions, concerns, and suggestions for the betterment of our organization.