1 minute read
from Summer 2023 Magazine
by ohiocattle
Issue 1 will appear on the August 8 ballot as part of a special election that asks Ohio voters if the state should strengthen the petition process and raise the threshold to 60% for approving constitutional amendment proposals.
The Constitution is our most important founding document and is designed to protect the rights of ALL Ohioans. Passage of Issue 1 will ensure a strong majority of Ohioans are needed to amend our constitution and prevent the misdirection and big money influence of special interest activist groups.
Ohio’s process for amending the constitution too often ignores our rural communities. Issue 1 will also modify the requirements for the petition process for proposals to change the constitution, requiring no less than 5% of the electors represented from every county of the state to sign a petition. Currently, signatures must be gathered for only 44 of Ohio’s 88 counties.
“OCA is committed to working on behalf of Ohio’s beef industry and believes passage of Issue 1 will create a more intentional process for amending Ohio’s constitution that benefits our members and the entire state,” said Tom Karr, OCA president from Meigs County.