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Investing in Beef Promotion, Nutrition, Education & Research DRIVING THE DEMAND FOR BEEF
Biwfd And Sonic
state beef councils participated in the event, which was held near Denver in the offices of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA), a contractor to the Beef Checkoff.
Beef. It’s What’s for Dinner teamed up with SONIC for a cobranded cheeseburger campaign on the UberEats platform. Consumers could redeem $5 off $20 when they ordered a SONIC Cheeseburger at participating locations Oct. 1016. A total of 23,636 coupons were redeemed with a 218% increase in burgers sold. SONIC commented that the promotion “did fantastic, and the 10% sales lift was the highest percentage they’d seen on UberEats! This partnership followed a successful promotion with McDonald’s and DoorDash in late October and early November last year.
State Beef Councils Gather To Share Ideas
Topics of discussion over the three days included the 2023 program strategy, current consumer trends and preferences, and an overview of upcoming Beef. It’s What’s For Dinner. promotions. Attendees also received hands-on training related to advocacy, communications, video and audio content creation, and more.
Checkoff Staff Participates In American Academy Of Pediatrics Meeting
On October 28 Anna Gest, OBC’s Nutrition Coordinator attended the Ohio chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting. Ohio Beef Council was a sponsor of the meeting which was attended by over 100 pediatric professionals from across the state.
In attendance with Gest was Kent State dietetic intern Kayla McSwords, who was able to learn about communicating beef and nutrition with other healthcare professionals.
Beef Checkoff Builds Successful Influencer Program

Throughout the year, the Beef Checkoff shares beef education, including trending market research, beef cuts, preparation methods, and how beef is raised and grown, with our thought leader network. Instilling the good qualities and benefits of beef in these content creators results in additional promotion of beef beyond the paid partnership. The twelve Food and Culinary members of Beef Checkoff’s Beef Expert Network shared over 300 beeffeatured posts throughout FY22 that were not paid content. This content reached approximately 600,000 consumers with approximately 40,000 engagements.
Helping Aspiring Chefs Learn About Beef
OBC staff attended the annual Partnerships in Action (PIA) conference, Oct. 12-14, to learn about national Beef Checkoff programs and discuss ways those efforts could be expanded in Ohio.
More than 80 state staff from 30

In FY22, the Beef Checkoff’s Food, Culinary, and Agricultural Influencer program worked with 34 influencers to create 227 posts sharing beef recipes, meals, and stories from the ranch. The program reached over 17 million consumers, with 950K engagements (likes, comments, saves, clicks, shares, etc.).
The Ohio Restaurant Association’s ProStart youth education program and OBC fought the weather on November 3rd and won during the Fall Burger Battle sponsored by the Beef Checkoff. Five teams competed with Vanguard Career Technology Center taking home the golden burger trophy. Culinary industry judges evaluated contestants on taste, appearance, pricing, safety, and sanitation.

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