JUNE 2021
COOPERATIVE Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative
Life’s a beach! (and you don’t even have to leave the state)
ALSO INSIDE EV road trip Up, up, and away All-American art
1936......................................................................... $0.08 2020 ........................................................................ $2.19 PRICE INCREASE : $2.11
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26 BEACH BUCKET LIST Ohio’s Great Lake offers outstanding spots for swimming, sunbathing, and plenty more.
32 UP, UP, AND AWAY Commercial balloon pilots share their passion for the open sky.
36 ALL AMERICAN Louis Zona knows the score at Youngstown’s Butler Institute — the first museum built solely for works by American artists. Cover image on most editions: Ohioans don’t have to leave the state to find sandcastle-worthy beaches (wundervisuals/ via Getty Images).
Plugged in to driving R
eady or not, we are quickly moving into a new era of plug-in electric vehicles (EVs). EVs first hit the U.S. market in 2010; today there are more than 1.5 million of them on U.S. roads, and that number is expected to keep growing, with millions more plug-in vehicles put in service in the next five years. The attraction of EVs include clean, quiet, high-performance operation, coupled with lower operating costs. EVs also offer the potential for major reductions in emissions from autos and trucks over the coming decades. Like any new technology, there are still some wrinkles to iron out. The largest obstacle is probably a driver’s “range anxiety”: the fear that the car’s battery charge will deplete itself before the car makes it to the next charging station — if there is a next charging station — thus leaving motorists stranded (on a desolate road or highway, of course). Ohio Cooperative Living Managing Editor Jeff McCallister recently put the rubber to the road on a journey from Columbus to Nashville in a Tesla Model S. Check out the story on page 4 to see how Jeff and his family dealt with range anxiety, located charging stations, and experienced the pros and cons of an all-electric excursion. The good news is that charging station availability is growing fast. Many organizations, including electric cooperatives, have begun adding significantly to the public charging network. Currently, there are about 42,000 public charging stations in the U.S., though as you might expect, nearly a third are in California, where more than 10 times more EVs were sold between 2016 and 2018 than in any other state. Expect to see more chargers sprouting up across Ohio in the next couple of years as more businesses and private individuals move to EVs — including pickup trucks, which are just entering the market. Whatever your mode of transportation, as you’ll see in this issue, the Buckeye State has it all — from beaches to balloons to all-American sports art. Hope you’re able to get out and enjoy Ohio this summer!
Many organizations, including electric cooperatives, have begun adding significantly to the public charging network.
JUNE 2021 • Volume 63, No. 9
Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives 6677 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229 614-846-5757 www.ohiocoopliving.com
Patrick O’Loughlin President & CEO Patrick Higgins Director of Communications Jeff McCallister Managing Editor Rebecca Seum Associate Editor Anita Cook Graphic Designer Contributors: Colleen Romick Clark, Getty Images, W.H. “Chip” Gross, Catherine Murray, Jamie Rhein, and Damaine Vonada. OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING (USPS 134-760; ISSN 2572-049X) is published monthly by Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. It is the official communication link between the electric cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia and their members. Subscription cost for members ranges from $5.52 to $6.96 per year, paid from equity accruing to the member. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to editorial and advertising offices at: 6677 Busch Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43229-1101. Periodicals postage paid at Pontiac, IL 61764, and at additional mailing offices. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. All rights reserved. The fact that a product is advertised in Ohio Cooperative Living should not be taken as an endorsement. If you find an advertisement misleading or a product unsatisfactory, please notify us or the Ohio Attorney General’s Offi ce, Consumer Protection Section, 30 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, OH, and at additional mailing offices.
EV road trip: Think an electric vehicle means you have to stick close to home? We put that to the test.
Scholarship winners: Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives awarded over $40,000 in its annual Children of Members Scholarship competition.
Something fishy: Ohio boasts a few connections to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s anniversary celebration.
Wooly Pig Farm: Get acquainted with Bavarian-style beers and an Old World breed in Coshocton County.
No-bake nibbles: It’s summer! Who wants to turn on the oven just so you can enjoy a little dessert?
For all advertising inquiries, contact
21 LOCAL PAGES News and information from your
Cheryl Solomon American MainStreet Publications 847-749-4875 | cheryl@amp.coop
electric cooperative.
Cooperative members: Please report changes of address to your electric cooperative. Ohio Cooperative Living staff cannot process address changes. Alliance for Audited Media Member Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
What’s happening: June/July events and other things to do around Ohio.
44 MEMBER INTERACTIVE Ohio landscapes: The state is
rife with photographic splendor for members to capture.
Visit Ohio Cooperative Living magazine online at www.ohiocoopliving.com! Read past issues and watch videos about our articles or our recipes. Our site features an expanded Member Interactive area where you can share your stories, recipes, and photos and find content submitted by other co-op members across the state. JUNE 2021 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING 3
EV ROAD TRIP Think an electric vehicle means you have to stick close to home? We put that to the test. BY JEFF McCALLISTER
n 2010, the first year that plug-in electric vehicles were commercially available, 300 were sold. The following year, that number climbed to almost 18,000, and by 2019, plug-in EV sales totaled 327,000 — about 2% of light-duty automobile sales that year. There’s no question that electric vehicles’ popularity is on the rise. As drivers realize the advantages they present compared with gas-powered cars, and as those benefits become even more pronounced because of improving technology, it’s likely we’re going to see more and more of them on the road. Electric cooperatives across the nation are preparing for the increased EV market share — especially as automakers begin rolling out electric pickup trucks and medium SUV models that are more popular with rural drivers. Several Ohio co-ops have installed chargers at their offices, some offer rebates on home charging equipment, and all include calculators on their websites that help their members determine the potential savings if they switch to EVs from their current combustion model. Ohio Cooperative Living’s staff decided to put an EV to the test: How close are EVs to being able to fully replace internal combustion cars when it comes to family use?
Newer EV models have an average full-charge range of more than 200 miles, so they’re more than capable of daily, in-town use for the average American driver — even in rural areas, the average U.S. driver travels only about 35 to 50 miles per day. But what about those nonaverage days? I figured the real test would be an old-fashioned family road trip. Could an EV carry us to an out-of-state adventure? Eager to find out, I rented a 2018 Tesla Model S through the Turo car-sharing website and coaxed my wife and kids into a 400-mile, long-weekend trip to Nashville. The first thing to report is that the Tesla is extremely fun to drive. The Model S can accelerate from 10 mph to well over the speed limit in the span of about half of a freeway entrance ramp (don’t ask how I know that). The Model S also had plenty of room for two adults, two teenagers, and our luggage for the weekend. The second thing to report is that “range anxiety” is a real thing. The Tesla folks profess that the 2018 Model S gets between 270 and 320 miles on a full charge. Between the car’s internal mapping software and various apps that find chargers along a route, it’s relatively simple to plan stops between Columbus and Nashville that are easily within that range — even adding what I thought was a good bit of wiggle room — to make the trip without even thinking about running out of juice. You know how automobile ads always include “your mileage may vary” in small print? As it turns out, an EV’s mileage can vary quite a bit. We learned over the course of the long weekend that cruising at highway speeds (therefore not engaging the regenerative braking that helps prolong a charge), carrying a heavier load (I had two teenagers in the back seat), running the heater at full blast to cut the February freeze — not to mention using the rear heated seats, of which my kids were big fans — all takes a lot out of that projected mileage. Of course, I don’t blame the EV entirely for my range anxiety; I probably should have made sure I knew the extent of that variance before I set out on the trip and then adjusted my stop schedule accordingly. But that’s just it: When you’re driving an internal combustion car and realize you’re getting low on gas, there’s almost always a filling station around the next bend. For now, at least, charging stations are still fewer and farther between, so you can’t just say, “Oh, we’ll get the next one.” Beyond that, each charging stop requires a longer time investment than filling up a gas tank. The two charging stops we made between Columbus and Nashville and three stops on the
Road trip by the numbers The last time I drove my family to Nashville, we took a gas-powered Ford Fusion, similar in size to the Tesla. How do the two vehicles compare?
Cost for fill-up Tesla: Typically about $0.18–$0.25/kWh at a supercharger, closer to $0.13 on a home charger at regular utility rates. With a capacity of about 75 kWh, a full charge from completely empty would cost about $18.75 at a supercharger or $9.75 at a home charger.
Fusion: The national average gasoline price in February was $2.59 per gallon, so filling a Fusion’s 16.5-gallon tank from empty would have cost about $42.
Time for fill-up Tesla: Tesla recommends only charging the battery to about 80% (about 25–35 minutes) in order to optimize both charging time and battery life. Our charging times on this trip were between 35 and 65 minutes.
Fusion: Fill-ups take only about 4 minutes.
Totals for the road trip Tesla: Including topping off at a supercharger in Nashville before the trip home and a final charge before turning in the Tesla, we charged for a little more than five hours for just under 900 total miles, for around $75 (during more optimal conditions when the car’s range estimates are closer to actual performance, that figure could have been cut nearly in half).
Fusion: The Fusion gets about 30 miles per gallon combined city/highway, so we would need three stops for gas — about $120 and about 10 minutes total.
terrain pushed the battery to its limit. That last stretch took nearly the entire charge. Driving around Nashville to do our touristy things was easy and fun — and all within about 25 miles, so we didn’t have to even think about the battery, which we charged on the hotel’s EV charger. For the trip home, though (having learned my lesson), I allowed even more leeway in the car’s estimated range and added a stop in Bowling Green, Kentucky, to top off after only about 60 miles. We again found ourselves in a Meijer parking lot. The kids browsed the shelves for video games before we set off again.
way home added more than four hours to the round-trip travel compared to when we made the same trip in our Ford Fusion a couple of years ago. The stop time is mostly manageable, though. The charging stations we used on the trip were situated in busy areas, close to things to do. The Cincinnati stop was in a parking lot between a Meijer and a Target store, and while my wife stayed in the car and happily read her book, the kids and I did a little snack shopping. They did not mind the 50-minute stop at all, and while we didn’t charge all the way to 100%, the range indicator told us we had more than enough to get to the next planned stop. By the time we got to that stop, in Louisville, Kentucky, it was around dinnertime. The charging station was in a bank parking lot, with a nice Mexican restaurant nearby. Again, the charging time was time well spent; we ate a leisurely dinner and got a full charge that the on-board computer told me gave us 100 miles more range than we would need to get to Nashville — though that cushion quickly disappeared as the heater and hilly
Later, we had a late lunch/early dinner at a sub shop while the car fully charged in Louisville, but by the time we stopped again 113 miles later in Cincinnati, none of us were in the mood to do anything. Even with the Meijer and the Target right there, we sat playing on our phones for the 45 minutes it took to charge up to a reported 250mile range for the remaining 110 miles of the trip. Even with that much cushion, I spent the rest of the drive watching the range meter plummet and doing math in my head to try to guess how many miles’ worth of charge we actually had left. By the time we pulled into the driveway at home, the Tesla said it had only 38 miles remaining in the battery. Despite the learning curve, my takeaway is that the fun factor, the reduction of my carbon footprint, and the dollars saved on fuel all easily overcame the trepidation about running out of battery power. As storage capacity and charge rates get better and more charging stations go up all the time, less thought will have to go into planning even cross-country trips. The trip left me thinking that purchasing an EV of my own is probably in my future.
The Tesla Model S had a surprising amount of cargo and passenger space for the author’s family of four.
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Children of Members
hio’s Electric Cooperatives awarded 24 scholarships to outstanding high school seniors in its annual Children of Members Scholarship competition. Students from member households representing each of the Ohio-based electric distribution cooperatives competed for $41,800 in scholarships. A panel of independent judges reviewed applications and conducted virtual interviews with the students.
First place: Mackenzie Collett, Consolidated Cooperative
Mackenzie Collett
Ranked first in her class at Rutherford B. Hayes High School, Mackenzie involves herself in the community in ways that reflect her interest in her intended major, political science. She served on the Ohio Attorney General Teen Ambassador Board, as an Ohio youth advocate and leader in her local delegation for Ohio Youth and Government, and as a student representative to the Delaware City Schools Board of Education. Her literature teacher says, “A sense of justice is her most commendable trait.”
Second place: Shelby Jones, Union Rural Electric Cooperative Shelby has career aspirations as a veterinarian, and her accomplishments in high school are a strong indicator of her future success. A student in Delaware Area Career Center’s Columbus Zoo and Aquarium School program, Shelby has completed extensive research projects in her field. Her instructor says, “She has proven herself to be a rare mixture of maturity beyond her years, unmatched scientific curiosity, and tenacious ambition.”
Third place: Levi Grimm, Butler Rural Electric Cooperative Shelby Jones
With a heart for service, Levi puts his considerable abilities to work helping others. As the Butler County operations director for JEE Foods, a student-operated food rescue company, Levi has overseen the distribution of more than 3 million pounds of food to families within a 100-mile radius since the beginning of the pandemic. His instructor says, “I think I could solve all the world’s problems if only I had a few more Levi Grimms.”
Other children of members who were awarded statewide scholarships:
Levi Grimm
Trevor Bailey, Darke Rural Electric Cooperative; Zachary Balo, The Frontier Power Company; Kiki Barlow, Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative; Emma Bodo, Carroll Electric Cooperative; Anthony Buckley, South Central Power Company; Daniel Burggraf, Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative; Kiersten Cline, North Western Electric Cooperative; Molly Cordonnier, Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative; Raegan Feldner, Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative; Jacob Gutberlet, Washington Electric Cooperative; EricaRae Herrick, Tricounty Rural Electric Cooperative; Alyssa Mays, Adams Rural Electric Cooperative; Maxwell Phillips, North Central Electric Cooperative; Evan Powell, The Energy Cooperative; Anna Puster, Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative; Connor Rose, Logan County Electric Cooperative; Zebediah Schafer, Firelands Electric Cooperative; Aislen Setty, Pioneer Electric Cooperative; Lydia Spaeth, Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative; Eric Thornell, Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative; Casey Topp, Midwest Electric.
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he very best hunting knives possess a perfect balance of form and function. They’re carefully constructed from fine materials, but also have that little something extra to connect the owner with nature. If you’re on the hunt for a knife that combines impeccable craftsmanship with a sense of wonder, the $79 Huntsman Blade is the trophy you’re looking for. The blade is full tang, meaning it doesn’t stop at the handle but extends to the length of the grip for the ultimate in strength. The blade is made from 420 surgical steel, famed for its sharpness and its resistance to corrosion. The handle is made from genuine natural bone, and features decorative wood spacers and a hand-carved motif of two overlapping feathers— a reminder for you to respect and connect with the natural world. This fusion of substance and style can garner a high price tag out in the marketplace. In fact, we found full tang, stainless steel blades with bone handles in excess of $2,000. Well, that won’t cut it around here. We have mastered the hunt for the best deal, and in turn pass the spoils on to our customers. But we don’t stop there. While supplies last, we’ll include a pair of $99 8x21 power compact binoculars and a genuine leather sheath FREE when you purchase the Huntsman Blade. Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed. Feel the knife in your hands, wear it on your hip, inspect the impeccable craftsmanship. If you don’t feel like we cut you a fair deal, send it back within 30 days for a complete refund of the item price. Limited Reserves. A deal like this won’t last long. We have only 1120 Huntsman Blades for this ad only. Don’t let this BONUS! Call today and beauty slip through your fingers. Call today! you’ll also receive this
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Something fishy Ohio boasts a few connections to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s anniversary celebration. BY W.H. “CHIP” GROSS
150 years
James Henshall (center) aboard the U.S. Fish Commission ship, Grampus, circa 1890.
n February, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USF&WS) turned 150 years old, and to celebrate its sesquicentennial, it has released a new book of its many finny accomplishments titled America’s Bountiful Waters. A compendium of all things piscatorial, the book details the long history of fisheries management in the U.S. and highlights many of the service’s most wellknown employees — including two Ohioans who are prominently featured: Bob Hines and James Henshall. Henshall (1836–1925) is known as the father of bass fishing in the U.S. He was born in Maryland and moved to Cincinnati after graduating high school. He finished medical studies in 1859, just in time for the Civil War, and promptly joined the Union Army medical corps. One of his most memorable adventures was a run-in with Morgan’s Raiders, a Confederate cavalry unit that crossed the Ohio River and was eventually captured near West Point, in Columbiana County.
In addition to his interest in medicine, Henshall began studying fish culture after the war, and he became one of the earliest American authorities on sport fishing. A dedicated angler all his life, he was also a prolific writer — one of the most famous fishing writers of his day — contributing articles to both Forest & Stream and The American Angler, the premier outdoor journals of the era. He is most remembered for his magnum opus, Book of the Black Bass. Published in 1881, it sold nearly half a million copies, with more still being sold today. Hines (1912–1994) was born in Columbus and became interested in the outdoors at a young age. He made it his life’s work while hunting, fishing, and camping close to the Sandusky River near Fremont, Ohio. He was a young staff artist for the Ohio Division of Wildlife in 1948 when he was lured away to work for the USF&WS. No doubt he had gained attention of the agency by designing the art for the 1946 Federal Duck Stamp with his image of redhead
Email Chip Gross with your outdoors questions at whchipgross@ gmail.com. Be sure to include “Ask Chip” in the subject of the email. Your question may be answered on www.ohiocoopliving.com!
If you have a fisherman in your family, America’s Bountiful Waters makes a great Father’s Day gift. It’s available on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, or from Rowman & Littlefield. ($49.95, hardcover, 330 pages, 400 images)
Bob Hines produced 21 illustrations for Sport Fishing USA, the book published in honor of the Fish and Wildlife Service’s 100th anniversary in 1971.
ducks. Hines eventually took over leadership of that federal annual art competition, overseeing and improving the event for more than 30 years. Hines produced untold numbers of illustrations during his time with the USF&WS, including the first four U.S. postage stamps to feature species of wildlife: wild turkey, pronghorn antelope, king salmon, and whooping crane. He was especially proud of his 1963 Ducks at a Distance, a waterfowl identification pocket guide for hunters that became a bestseller for the Department of the Interior. He is the only individual in the history of the organization to hold the title of National Wildlife Artist. Hines’ image of a cutthroat trout adorns the cover of the new book (see image above). An interesting sidenote about Hines’ long career with the USF&WS is that his first supervisor was Rachel Carson, who would go on to pen Silent Spring in 1962. The book sounded the alarm concerning indiscriminate
National Fishing and Boating Week begins June 5, and a free fishing weekend (no fishing license required) is scheduled in Ohio for June 19 and 20.
use of pesticides and helped kick-start the environmental movement of the 1960s and 1970s. America’s Bountiful Waters has another Ohio connection. The book was edited by an expatriot Buckeye, Craig Springer, who now lives in New Mexico. If his name sounds familiar, that could be because he occasionally writes articles for this magazine. Along with editing, Springer also contributed several stories to America’s Bountiful Waters; one of them is a remembrance of catching his first feisty smallmouth bass from Four Mile Creek, near Oxford, which gave him something else in common with Henshall. “James Henshall and I both caught our first smallmouth bass on an Independence Day outing in southwest Ohio,” Springer says. “They just happened more than a century apart.” W.H. “Chip” Gross is Ohio Cooperative Living’s outdoors editor.
Get acquainted with Bavarian-style beers and an Old World breed in Coshocton County. BY DAMAINE VONADA
n Fridays, Wooly Pig Farm Brewery officially opens at 3 p.m., but by 2:30, friends and neighbors are already sitting down at the natural-edge wooden tables that brewmaster Kevin Ely and his family made from a prodigious elm tree on their property. Young, curly-haired pigs eagerly forage in a pasture above the parking lot, while Herr Fuggle, the farm’s porcine patriarch, snoozes in a pen. Aaron Malenke, Kevin’s brother-in-law and the farmer who tends the pigs, returns from hunting mushrooms just about the time that a food truck starts serving burgers. The first customer to snag a beer is a local woman who
cheerily waves to Kevin and his wife, Jael Malenke. “That lady gave me a haircut yesterday,” Kevin says with a grin. Though only minutes from U.S. 36, Wooly Pig Farm Brewery sits off a windy township road in eastern Coshocton County and seems tucked far away in the countryside. Spread across 90 hilly acres and graced by a red barn built in 1899, it was once a dairy farm owned for more than 150 years by the Norman family. “Aaron and I grew up near this farm,” says Jael. “I remember coming here to sing Christmas carols to the Normans.” When the farm was for sale in 2014, Jael was finishing her Ph.D. in biology at the University of Utah, and Kevin was the brewmaster and production manager at Salt Lake City’s Uinta Brewing Company. Kevin, who has a brewing science degree from the University of California–Davis, often traveled to Bavaria to obtain equipment for Uinta. While there, he also explored historic farm and village breweries in northern Bavaria’s Franconia region. Photos of Franconia that Kevin sent to Jael reminded her of Coshocton County, but the wooly pigs in the photos really caught her eye. They had remarkably thick, sheep-like hair, and says Jael, “The mamas and their striped piglets looked so cute.” At the time, Aaron was at Fort Collins where his wife, Lauren Malenke, was studying to be a large-animal veterinarian at Colorado State. They researched the wooly pigs and identified the breed as Mangalitsa, a heritage line developed in Hungary in the 1800s. Although bred to be pasture-raised, wooly pigs are a natural for breweries because they’re partial to spent grain. “On Franconia’s farms,” notes Kevin, “breweries are always beside pig barns because they use the beer-making byproduct for feed.”
The two couples soon realized that the Norman farm offered them a unique set of resources — affordable farmland, plentiful water, and strong family ties in Coshocton County — and jointly purchased it. While Aaron and Lauren revived the farming operation, Kevin and Jael planned the brewery. The first farm animals they acquired were wooly pigs: a boar and three breeder sows named for varieties of hops — Fuggle, Willamette, Galena, and Nugget. Inspired by Bavaria, Kevin designed the brewery for making lagers, which, according to Germany’s brewing regulations, permit only hops, malt, yeast, and water as ingredients. To maximize production, he installed two boil kettles. In the cold lagering room, extra-large tanks allow for fresh, unfiltered beers with exceptional character and flavor. When Kevin needed additional electricity for the brewery, the cooperative servicing the farm — The Frontier Power Company — proved quite helpful. “Frontier Power gave us lots of good advice,” he says, “and before they ran lines, they were great about asking which trees we’d like to save.” Kevin got to know the linemen then. “Now they come here as patrons,” he says.
a local Amishman, and in summer, Kevin makes peach and pawpaw beers. “We grow the peaches on the farm,” says Jael, “but my dad gives us the pawpaws.” In addition to crafting excellent beers, Kevin and Jael have crafted a destination brewery where people from as far away as Cleveland and Pittsburgh come to enjoy the fresh country air, family atmosphere, and unusual wooly pigs. With a nod to social distancing, they’ve recently added individual roofed huts called salettls. “They’re popular in rural Germany for drinking beer outdoors,” Kevin says. Complete with benches and a table, the salettls have made the brewery an even more appealing place to linger over a lager. “Customers think it’s just great to sit in their own space,” says Jael, “and not worry about rain, wind, or sunburn.”
Wooly Pig Farm Brewery, 23631 Township Road 167, Fresno, Ohio, 43824. 740-693-5050; www. woolypigfarmbrewery.com.
While the brewery’s top seller is pale and malty Rustic Helles, Kevin’s repertoire also includes Keller Pils, a hoppy Pilsener, and Rye Dunkel, a full-bodied brown beer. His Maple Sap Cream Ale contains sap supplied by
Kevin and Jael Malenke installed outdoor huts called salettls at their Wooly Pig Farm Brewery near Coshocton, where guests can enjoy locally brewed drinks while they hang out with the farm’s permanent residents — the namesake wooly pigs.
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back pressure relief, to prevent back and muscle pain. The overstuffed, oversized biscuit style back and unique seat design will cradle you in comfort. Generously filled, wide armrests provide enhanced arm support when sitting or reclining. It even has a battery backup in case of a power outage. White glove delivery included in shipping charge. Professionals will deliver the chair to the exact spot in your home where you want it, unpack it, inspect it, test it, position it, and even carry the packaging away! You get your choice of Genuine Italian leather, stain and water repellent custom-manufactured DuraLux™ with the classic leather look or plush MicroLux™ microfiber in a variety of colors to fit any decor. New Chestnut color only available in Genuine Italian Leather. Call now!
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It’s summer! Who wants to turn on the oven just so you can enjoy a little dessert? RECIPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY CATHERINE MURRAY
CANNOLI CONES Prep: 20 minutes | Servings: 12 1¼ cups mini chocolate chips, divided 12 sugar cones 8 ounces whole-milk ricotta 8 ounces cream cheese, softened to room temperature
½ teaspoon vanilla extract ½ cup heavy cream ¾ cup powdered sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon
In a small, microwave-safe bowl that’s wide enough to dip the opening of a cone into, pour ½ cup of the mini chocolate chips. Microwave in 30-second increments, stirring after each time, until just melted. Dip each cone in melted chocolate. Stand the cones upright in tall drinking glasses to let the chocolate solidify. If ricotta is watery, drain through cheesecloth, squeezing out excess liquid. In a large bowl with a mixer, beat cream cheese, ricotta, and vanilla extract. Gradually add heavy cream and beat until light and fluffy. Slowly incorporate powdered sugar and cinnamon until smooth. Fold in ½ cup of mini chocolate chips. Transfer mixture into a piping bag and pipe into cones. Top with remaining mini chocolate chips. Per serving: 399 calories, 23 grams fat (14 grams saturated fat), 70 milligrams cholesterol, 225 milligrams sodium, 36 grams total carbohydrates, 0 grams fiber, 12 grams protein. JUNE 2021 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING 17
STOVETOP CHERRY CRISP Prep: 30 minutes | Servings: 6 TOPPING ¾ cup sliced almonds 2/3 cup flour ¼ cup sugar ¼ cup packed brown sugar ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon salt 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted ½ teaspoon vanilla extract ½ cup oats
FILLING 2 pounds sweet cherries (fresh or frozen) 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ½ teaspoon almond extract
½ cup sugar ½ teaspoon salt 2 to 3 tablespoons cornstarch
Note: This dessert can also be made over a campfire! To make the topping: Finely chop ¼ cup of the sliced almonds. In a medium bowl, mix the chopped almonds, flour, sugar, brown sugar, cinnamon, and salt. Stir in melted butter and vanilla until the mixture easily crumbles. Mix in oats and remaining almonds. In a medium cast-iron or nonstick skillet over medium-high heat, toast almond/butter mixture, stirring regularly to keep from burning. Once golden and crisp (about 5 minutes), transfer back to bowl and set aside. To make the filling: Wipe off skillet and put back on stove. Add cherries, lemon juice, vanilla, and almond extract. Cook over medium-high heat until cherries are warmed. Meanwhile, in a small bowl, combine sugar, salt, and cornstarch (2 tablespoons for fresh cherries, 3 for frozen). Add sugar mixture to cherries and continue stirring regularly until cherry juice thickens to a nice syrup consistency, about 10 minutes. Let cool 15 minutes, then spread almond topping evenly over cherries. Garnish with whipped cream if desired and serve. Per serving: 552 calories, 18 grams fat (8 grams saturated fat), 31 milligrams cholesterol, 403 grams sodium, 94 grams total carbohydrates, 3.5 grams fiber, 5.5 grams protein.
UNICORN BARK Prep: 25 minutes | Chill: 1 hour | Servings: 20 12 ounces bright pink candy melts 6 ounces turquoise candy melts 6 ounces lavender candy melts ¼ cup pastel sprinkles 6 ounces white candy melts Notes: The candy melts should be vanilla flavored. Candy will lose its consistency and may not re-solidify if overheated or liquid is added (such as food coloring or milk.) Get creative with the theme of your bark, like red, white, and blue melts for the Fourth of July, superhero bark, peppermint bark, rainbow bark, s’mores bark … the options are endless! Place parchment paper onto a baking sheet and set aside. Pour each color of candy melts into a separate microwave safe bowl and microwave according to package directions. Using a large spoon or spatula, drop a dollop of melted white candy on each corner of the parchment paper and one in the center. With a clean spoon, intersperse dollops of the remaining colors in between the white. Use a flat icing spatula to slowly draw lines through all the colors, blending to create a marbling effect. Drizzle any leftover melted candy across the top. While it’s still tacky, garnish with sprinkles, then let cool at room temperature for 10 minutes. Cover loosely with parchment and place in freezer for 1 hour. Break or cut into pieces of bark. Store in a sealed container. Per serving: 210 calories, 12 grams fat (11 grams saturated fat), 35 milligrams sodium, 0 grams cholesterol, 27 grams total carbohydrates, 0 grams fiber, 0 grams protein.
We’re ready for storm season. Are you? N
ow that summer is in full swing, like many of you, I welcome more opportunities to be outdoors and enjoy the warmer weather. Summertime means the return of many of our favorite activities, like cooking out with family and friends, afternoons on the water, and simply slowing down a bit to enjoy life. But summer months also make conditions right for dangerous storms. Severe weather events can cause destruction to our electrical system,
but I want you to know that Guernsey-Muskingum Electric crews are ready and standing by to respond, should power outages occur in our area. When major storms knock out power, our line crews take all necessary precautions before they get to work on any downed lines. I would encourage you to also practice safety and preparedness to protect your family during major storms and outages.
Guernsey-Muskingum has new technology coming that will aid us in storms and outage restoration. We will be starting to install an automated metering infrastructure (AMI) system throughout our territory this month. There will be contractors from Anixtor working on the system to replace our meters, and many of our crews will be working to bring this new system of meter reading and outage notification to you, our members. This will replace our self-read system that many of you have managed to report to us each month since the beginning of the cooperative’s formation. Thank you to our valued members for being responsible members for so long. It is time for GMEC to move forward and offer a system that will be read from our office, will report power outages, and will offer other benefits to you, our members, and to the operations of our electric system. We are the last cooperative in Ohio to move to an automated system, but we believe that by waiting and allowing the bugs to have already been worked out of many older systems, your cooperative has been able to select a vendor with current technology that will serve us well into the future. This process will take at least one year before full implementation can take place, so do not stop reading your meters yet. Watch for more updates as we move along with this project. Let’s all make the summer of 2021 a great success as we get back to a more normal time.
Ohio Line Supervisors Association Scholarship We are proud to announce that Lynnea Crock and Cameron Hill were chosen to receive an Ohio Line Supervisors Association Scholarship. The Ohio Line Supervisors Association Scholarship is awarded to children of employees at Ohio electric cooperatives. Students are judged on scholastic record, personal achievement, school and community activities, personal interview, and cooperative knowledge.
Lynnea, a senior at Maysville High School, is the daughter of Ray and Lisa Crock of Zanesville. She is active in National Honor Society, Maysville Leo Club, Interact Club, soccer, archery, and track. In addition, she is an active member of 4-H, where she has served as a camp counselor and on the Junior Fair Board. Lynnea plans to attend Kent State University to study advertising and public relations.
Cameron, a senior at West Muskingum High School, is the son of Brian and Tracie Hill of Zanesville. He is active in National Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, choir, Key Club, and swimming and is president of his class. In addition, he is an active member of 4-H and with his church. Cameron plans to attend The Ohio State University to study exercise science.
Feldner takes ninth place Raegan Feldner was awarded a ninth place, $1,700 scholarship in the Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives Children of Members Scholarship competition. Raegan, a senior at Shenandoah High School, is the daughter of Jason and Jeannette Feldner of Caldwell. She plans to attend The Ohio State University this fall with a double major in agriscience education and sustainable plant systems. Twenty-four students representing each of Ohio’s electric distribution cooperatives competed for $41,800 in scholarship awards. Finalists competed in local scholarship competitions before advancing to the statewide competition. Congratulations, Raegan!
Wisniewski drives donation
to American Diabetes Association
In the world of electric cooperatives, Concern for Community is one of our guiding principles. In true cooperative spirit and with a desire to give back to the community, recently retired lineman Barry Wisniewski chose to donate the remainder of his vacation pay to the American Diabetes Association. For several years, Barry and three generations of his family have participated in the Tour de Cure, as team
“Dead Pancreas Society,” to raise money and awareness in finding a cure for diabetes. It’s an illness that hits close to home for Barry — both he and one of his children live with the disease. Barry’s hope is that diabetes will end with their generation. To help boost Barry’s gift, several of his co-op coworkers, members of the cooperative board, and the Operation Helping Others committee also made donations to this worthy cause. In all, $6,625 was raised.
accepts new position Louis DeLorenzo recently accepted the position of serviceman at Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative. He started the duties of this position in April. Louis has been with the cooperative for 22 years as a lineman and crew leader. Good luck, Louis, on this new position!
Energy Efficiency Tip of the Month A dirty filter causes your air conditioner to work harder than necessary. Remember to change your air filter every month (or every two months) to prevent dust buildup, which can lead to even bigger problems.
“A father is someone you look up to no matter how tall you grow.”
Source: www.energy.gov
Is your name and account number here? If it is, call the cooperative’s office and receive a FREE home changeout to LED lightbulbs (limit six bulbs). Thanks for reading the local pages of Ohio Cooperative Living magazine.
#27-0088-29-03.....Willis Riggenbach
#46-0455-19-01.......Andrew Williamson
#25-0009-02-00....Gene Swingle
#43-0687-12-02.......Daniel R Laughlin
#18-0084-16-01........John S Totten #32-0214-42-00......G Timothy Wilkins
17 S. Liberty St. New Concord, OH 43762 OFFICE HOURS Monday–Friday, 7:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. ELECTRIC RATES Farm and Home Service rate schedule R-1* Service Availability Charge — $24/mo. First 500 kWh/month — 12.669¢/kWh Over 500 kWh/month — 11.345¢/kWh
Net Metering Residential R-1 NM* Service Availability Charge — $42/mo. First 2,000 kWh/mo. — 11.145¢/kWh Over 2,000 kWh/mo. — 11.345¢/kWh Seasonal Residential Service rate schedule S-1* Service Availability Charge — $384/yr. First 800 kWh/yr. — 20.269¢/kWh 800 to 6,000 kWh/yr. — 11.145¢/kWh Over 6,000 kWh/yr. — 11.345¢/kWh (Minimum annual charge — $384/yr. for service between March 1, 2021, and Feb. 28, 2022)
*Rider T — Kilowatt-Hour Tax applies to all rate schedules and must be added to the rates shown. First 2,000 kWh/mo. — 0.465¢/kWh Next 13,000 kWh/mo. — 0.419¢/kWh Over 15,000 kWh/mo. — 0.363¢/kWh
Commercial Service rate schedule C-1* Service Availability Charge — $26/mo. First 1,500 kWh/mo. — 13.069¢/kWh Over 1,500 kWh/mo. — 11.345¢/kWh
Brian Hill
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Jay Gray John Enos Chairman Duane Parks Shirley Stutz Matt Carpenter Vice Chairman Maureen Riley Directors Ed Bay Secy.-Treasurer
General Manager/CEO
Joseph P. Boeckman Counsel Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative
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lake erie
Ohio’s Great Lake offers outstanding spots for swimming, sunbathing, and more. BY DAMAINE VONADA
Cedar Point Beach, Sandusky
Cedar Point began with its beach in 1870, and today, the amusement park delivers dual fun-in-the-sun experiences: world-class rides plus a mile of smooth, white sand — all enhanced by splendid lake views and refreshing breezes. Open only to Cedar Point guests, the beach offers amenities and activities that range from lounging in an umbrella chair and snapping photos on its grand boardwalk to renting WaveRunners and parasailing high above the sand. TIP: Guided Segway tours depart from the Beach Gate and include Cedar Point’s lighthouse and historic Hotel Breakers.
419-627-2350; www.cedarpoint.com/play/fun-on-the-water/the-cedarpoint-beach
Cedar Point Beach
how of hands: After months of COVID confinement, who wants to lie on a beach towel beside a long stretch of sun-kissed water? Build sandcastles? Paddle around? Go for a long swim? Simply laze away a summer afternoon? You can do all that and more right here in Ohio, on these eight Lake Erie beaches.
East Harbor State Park Beach, Lakeside-Marblehead Extending into Lake Erie from the Marblehead Peninsula, the 1,500-foot beach at East Harbor State Park is protected from strong waves by four breakwaters and boasts fine, barefoot-friendly sand. The designated swimming area has a gentle gradient with no drop-offs, and because of the shallow waters at two sandbars flanking the beach, boaters like to drop anchor and swim from their vessels.
TIP: The park’s beach house has modern facilities, and ramps for launching canoes, kayaks, and paddleboards are located near the beach.
419-734-4424; www.ohiodnr.gov/wps/portal/gov/ odnr/go-and-do/plan-a-visit/find-a-property/eastharbor-state-park
East Harbor State Park Beach
Edgewater Beach, Cleveland featuring made-to-order sandwiches and an outdoor bar ideal for people-watching. TIP: Dogs are welcome on the beach’s west end.
www.clevelandmetroparks.com/parks/visit/parks/ lakefront-reservation/edgewater-beach
Edgewater Beach
Minutes from downtown Cleveland, horseshoe-shaped Edgewater Beach is famous for its stunning vistas of both the city’s skyline and Lake Erie’s spellbinding sunsets. The 2,400-foot sand beach is a part of Edgewater Park, which offers a marina, a fishing pier, and walking trails. Rent cabanas and paddleboards at the nature shop or dine lakeside at Edgewater Beach House, a seasonal café
Headlands Beach, Mentor Ohio’s longest natural beach covers a whopping 35 acres and stretches from Headlands Beach State Park into adjacent Headlands Dunes State Nature Preserve. It’s a haven for swimmers, sunbathers, and beach glass hunters and also attracts nature-lovers and birders — the lakeshore dunes harbor rare flora and fauna, as well as migrating songbirds and monarch butterflies.
TIP: Fairport Harbor West Breakwater Lighthouse is visible from the beach and provides an excellent backdrop for photos.
440-466-8400; www.ohiodnr.gov/wps/portal/ gov/odnr/go-and-do/plan-a-visit/find-a-property/ headlands-beach-state-park Continued on page 28
Continued from page 27
Headlands Beach (from previous page)
Kelleys Island State Park Beach, Kelleys Island TIP: Walk over to the Glacial Grooves State Memorial to witness eye-popping evidence of the massive ice sheets that carved the Great Lakes.
419-734-4424; www.ohiodnr.gov/wps/portal/gov/ odnr/go-and-do/plan-a-visit/find-a-property/kelleysisland-state-park
Kelleys Island State Park Beach
Lakeside Beach, Lakeside Chautauqua Lakeside Chautauqua is a gated community dedicated to nurturing the mind, body, and spirit. Thanks to a prime location on the Marblehead Peninsula, it also possesses “Ohio’s Most Beautiful Mile.” The delightfully scenic shoreline includes a small, sandy beach adjacent to a large, 700-foot swimming and fishing dock, and you’ll find a raft of recreational options — sailboats, kayaks,
and paddleboards; minigolf; and picnicking in the airy, Victorian-style pavilion — available at or near the water. TIP: Lakeside requires guests and residents to purchase passes, but youngsters under age 12 are admitted free.
419-798-4461, ext. 266; www.lakesideohio.com
What better escape than a beach tucked away on the north bay of an island? Considered one of Lake Erie’s prettiest expanses of sand, the 100-foot swimming beach is surrounded by shade trees and has a gradual slope that is especially favorable for younger children. Slide kayaks into the lake at the convenient launch and pick up soft drinks, snacks, and sunblock at the park office.
Main Street Beach, Vermilion and open-water paddling experience on the 27-mile-long Vermilion-Lorain Water Trail. TIP: It’s an easy walk from the beach to downtown Vermilion’s wealth of indie shops and restaurants.
www.cityofvermilion.com; www.mainstreetvermilion.org
Main Street Beach
The fact that Vermilion’s Main Street ends on a beach tells you all you need to know about why the little town is a quintessential Lake Erie destination. Marked by a replica of an erstwhile lighthouse, the popular beach has an observation deck for watching boats, birds, and sunsets, and its kayak launch provides access to a unique river
Nickel Plate Beach, Huron
Nickel Plate Beach
bring your own game equipment to use the permanent pingpong table and cornhole boards. TIP: The parking fee is $6 per vehicle.
419-433-8487; www.cityofhuron.org/government/ departments/parks-and-recreation/parks COURTESY OF HURON PARKS DEPARTMENT
Known for exceptionally soft sand, the beach occupies 12 acres of Nickel Plate Railroad property and has volleyball courts, a playground, a picnic shelter, a designated swimming area, and a good view of the Huron Lighthouse. Rent kayaks and beach gear at the on-site Paddle Shack, but
Lakeside Beach
Doctor urges seniors to carry medical alert device Seniors snap up new medical alert device that comes with no monthly bills People don’t always do what their doctor says, but when seasoned veteran emergency room physician, Dr. Philip B. Howren says every senior should have a medical alert device, you better listen up. “Seniors are just one fall away from being put in a nursing home,” Dr. Howren said. “With a medical alert device, seniors are never alone. So it keeps them living independently in their own home. That’s why seniors and their family members are snapping up a sleek new medical alert device that comes with no monthly bills ever,” he said. Many seniors refuse to wear old style help buttons because they make them look old. But even worse, those medical alert sys-
tems come with monthly bills. To solve these problems Universal Physicians, a U.S. company went to work to develop a new, modern, state-of-theart medical alert device. It’s called “FastHelp™” and it instantly connects you to free unlimited nationwide help everywhere cell service is available with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills ever. “This slick new little device is designed to look like the pagers doctors wear every day. Seniors love them, because it actually makes them look important, not old,” Dr. Howren said. FastHelp is expected to hit store shelves later this year. But special newspaper promotional giveaways are slated for seniors in select areas. ■
■ NO MONTHLY BILLS: “My wife had an old style help button that came with hefty bills every month and she was embarrassed to wear it because it made her look old,” said Frank McDonald, Canton, Ohio. “Now, we both have FastHelp™, the sleek new medical alert device that our grandkids say makes us look ‘cool’ not old,” he said. With FastHelp, seniors never have to worry about being alone and the best part is there are no monthly bills ever.
Seniors born before 1956 get new medical alert device with no monthly bills ever It’s just what seniors have been waiting for; a sleek new medical alert device with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills that instantly connects you to free unlimited nationwide help with just the push of a button for a one-time $149 price tag that’s a real steal after today’s instant rebate The phone lines are ringing off the hook. That’s because for seniors born before 1956, it’s a deal too good to pass up. Starting at precisely 8:30am this morning the Pre-Store Release begins for the sleek new medical alert device that comes with the exclusive FastHelp™ One-Touch E 911 Button that instantly connects you to unlimited nationwide help everywhere cell service is available with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills ever. “It’s not like old style monitored help buttons that make you talk to a call center and only work when you’re at home and come with hefty bills every month. FastHelp comes with state-of-theart cellular embedded technology. That means ■ FLYING OUT THE DOOR: Trucks are being loaded with the new medical alert devices called FastHelp. They are now it works at home or any- being delivered to lucky seniors who call the National Rebate Center Hotline at 1-866-964-2952 Ext. HELP2758 today. (Continued on next page)
Everyone is calling to get FastHelp, the sleek new medical alert device because it instantly connects you to unlimited nationwide help everywhere cell service is available with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills ever.
(Continued from previous page)
tons that come with a hefty bill every month. But now Universal Physicians, the U.S. based heavyweight, just delivered a knockout blow sending the top rated contenders to the mat with the unveiling of FastHelp. It’s the sleek new cellular embedded medical alert device that cuts out the middleman by instantly connecting you directly to highly trained 911 operators all across the U.S. There’s absolutely nothing to hook-up or install. You don’t need a land line
and you don’t need a cell phone. Everything is done for you. “FastHelp is a state of the art medical alert device designed to make you look important, not old. Old style monitored help buttons you wear around your neck, or require expensive base station equipment or a landline are the equivalent of a horse and buggy,” Lawrence says. “It’s just outdated.” Millions of seniors fall every year and spend
hours lying on the floor helpless and all alone with no help. But seniors who fall and get immediate help are much more likely to avoid getting sent to a nursing home and get to STAY living in their own home independently. Yet millions of seniors are still risking their safety by not having a medical alert device. That’s because seniors just can’t afford to pay the monthly bills that come with old style med-
ical alert devices. That’s why seniors born before 1956 are rushing to cash in the whopping $150 instant rebate before the 7 day deadline ends. So there’s no need to wait for FastHelp to hit store shelves later this year because seniors born before 1956 can get it now just by using the $150 instant rebate coupon printed in today’s newspaper before the 7-day deadline ends. If lines are busy keep trying, all calls will be answered. ■
HOW TO GET IT: IF BORN BEFORE 1956: Use the rebate coupon below and call this Toll-Free Hotline: 1-866-964-2952 EXT. HELP2758 IF BORN AFTER 1956: You cannot use the rebate coupon below and must pay $299 Call: 1-866-964-2955 EXT. HELP2758 THE BOTTOM LINE: You don’t need to shop around. We’ve done all the leg work, this deal is too good to pass up. FastHelp with the instant rebate is a real steal at just $149 and shipping and there are no monthly bills ever. PROS: It’s the sleek new medical alert device that comes with the exclusive FastHelp One-Touch E 911 Button that instantly connects you to free unlimited nationwide help everywhere cell service is available with no contracts or deposits. It connects you to the vast available network of cellular towers for free and saves seniors a ton of money because there are no monthly bills ever making this deal irresistible. Plus it’s the only medical alert device that makes seniors look important, not old. CONS: Consumers can’t get FastHelp in stores until later this year. That’s why it’s so important for seniors born before 1956 to call the National Rebate Center Hotline within the next 7 days. For those who miss that deadline, the sleek little medical alert device will set you back over $300 bucks. P7201A OF22169R-1
where, anytime cell service is available whether you’re out watering the garden, driving in a car, at church or even hundreds of miles away on a tour or at a casino. You are never alone. With just a single push of the One-Touch E Button you instantly get connected to free unlimited help nationwide with no monthly bills ever,” said Jack Lawrence, Executive Director of Product Development for U.S. based Universal Physicians. “We’ve never seen anything like it. Consumers absolutely love the sleek new modern design and most of all, the instant rebate that practically pays for it and no monthly bills ever,” Lawrence said. FastHelp is the sleek new medical alert device with the best of combinations: a quality, high-tech engineered device that’s also an extremely great value because there are no monthly bills ever. Better still, it comes with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills ever – which makes FastHelp a great choice for seniors, students and professionals because it connects to one of the largest nationwide networks everywhere cell service is available for free. And here’s the best part. All those who already have an old style monitored medical alert button can immediately eliminate those monthly bills, which is why Universal Physicians is widely advertising this announcement nationwide. “So if you’ve ever felt a medical alert device was too complicated or expensive, you’ll want to get FastHelp, the sleek new medical alert device with no monthly bills,” said Lawrence. The medical alert device slugfest was dominated by two main combatants who both offer old style monitored help but-
7 Days From Today’s Publication Date
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One-touch help. Anytime. Anywhere. With no monthly bills ever.
FastHelp, the new medical alert device that instantly connects you to free unlimited nationwide help everywhere cell service is available with no contracts, no deposits and no monthly bills ever.
a aw
up, and Up,
ommercial balloon pilots share C their passion for the open sky. BY JAMIE RHEIN
uring balloon season (mid-April to November), hot air balloonists take to the skies. Soaring across the patterns and shapes of the landscape, riders get a bird’s-eye view of Ohio. Over lakes and rivers, past cityscapes and suburbs, high above farmhouses and weathered barns, fields, and forests, balloonists take passengers where the wind current takes them. Ask a balloonist where balloon love begins, and it’s usually at a festival. Thirty-three years ago, when Penny Suttle and her sister were at the Coshocton Balloon Festival on an early misty morning, a man stepped out of a tent near them and asked, “‘Hey, do you like balloons? I need someone to crew.” Forgetting she was afraid of heights, Suttle became an instant “wire watcher,” keeping an eye out for power lines and other obstacles. “I hopped into the balloon, and it
took off before I knew it. Being able to see the countryside was the most awesome. It was so quiet,” Suttle recalls. She was hooked and crewed all summer. Suttle upped her balloon game when she bought a balloon, became a commercial pilot, and competed in the U.S. Nationals. Out of 100 pilots, she placed 17th in the nation. Suttle, president of the Northeast Ohio Balloon Pilots Association, lives in Tuscarawas County with her husband, Paul, also a pilot. Through their company, Dreams Come True (330-827-2695), they take people on an experience of a lifetime. “They get so excited. Our whole idea is to put smiles on people’s faces.” After Gary Tyo was bitten with balloon love in the early 1970s, he had a decision to make: Buy a balloon or renovate the kitchen. The balloon won. Tyo, along with his wife, Kim, turned piloting fun into Mid-Ohio Balloon Adventures (www.midohioballoon.com; 419-560-7535). Most days, as soon as Tyo and his passengers take off, usually from their Mount Gilead property, “people come out to see,” he says. “Children come running. I remember flying over someone’s house where a man was mowing his backyard. We landed in his front yard. He was so surprised to see us there when we came around the corner.” For Tyo, who flew over 70 flights in 2020, camaraderie and festivals are part of ballooning allure. “Balloonists are a bunch of good people,” he says. If he sees a balloon in the sky, he can’t help but follow it. Like Suttle and Tyo, Stew Gibboney’s balloon passion began at a festival. After 35 years of teaching high school auto mechanics, he turned his longtime balloon hobby into
Places to fall in balloon love Coshocton Balloon Festival June 10–12, 2021 Coshocton County Fairgrounds, Coshocton www.coshoctonhotairballoonfestival.com Over 20 hot air balloons, live music, carnival rides, foods, crafters, and flea market. Ashland Balloonfest June 24–26, 2021 Freer Field, SR 60 (Center St.) and Morgan Ave., Ashland www.ashlandohioballoonfest.com Balloon glow, balloon races, stage performances, food, sports tournaments, and more. All Ohio Balloonfest Aug. 12–14, 2021 Union County Airport, Marysville www.allohioballoonfest.com Balloons, live music, food, and aerial entertainment. Flag City Balloonfest Aug. 13–15, 2021 Emory Adams Park, Findlay www.flagcityballoonfest.com Balloon glow, 5K run, arts activities, food, and live music. a booming business and people magnet. “It’s like being the Pied Piper,” says Gibboney. “I wish I had a nickel for every time someone takes a picture of me.” With five ReMax balloons and nine pilots, his Grove City company, Gibboney’s Aerostation (www.balloonohio.com; 614-2715278), means photo ops aplenty. Gibboney sees ballooning as a growing sport but a pricey investment. “You really have to have a passion for it. If you have more time than money, crewing is a place to start.”
Defiance County Hot Air Balloon Festival Aug. 7, 2021 Defiance County Airport, Defiance www.defianceballoonfest.com Pancake breakfast, balloon glow, 5K run, live music, kids’ fun zone, touch-a-truck, food, and marketplace.
Russ Jurg’s passion began early. At age 4 or 5, his first taste for floating skyward started with his uncle in the Netherlands. “My uncle was a pilot for 45 years in Europe and turned it into an international business.” With his mother’s encouragement, Jurg reached for his childhood dream of becoming a certified FAA hot air balloon commercial pilot and then founded Columbus Aeronauts (www.columbusaeronauts.com; 614-699-1492). In early 2020, Jurg was part of an international 100-balloon-pilot event in Saudi Arabia, landing him on the cover of Ballooning, the national magazine of the Balloon Federation of America. These days, Jurg’s first-time balloon ride thrills come from his passengers. Boyfriends and girlfriends, mothers and daughters, couples double-dating, and bucket list combos keep him busy. “Through ballooning, we touch a lot of people’s lives,” Jurg says. JUNE 2021 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING 33
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ALL AMERICAN Louis Zona knows the score at the Butler Institute of American Art. BY DAMAINE VONADA
ouis Zona breathed a sigh of relief a couple of months ago when Snap the Whip safely returned to the Butler Institute of American Art in Youngstown. Zona is the museum’s executive director, and last year’s worsening pandemic and riots concerned him because the priceless Winslow Homer painting was touring in a national show. “We don’t lend it often, and I worried for months,” he says. Considered Homer’s best work, the 1872 painting depicts high-spirited schoolboys playing an outdoor game. The Butler’s founder, Youngstown industrialist and pioneering American art collector Joseph G. Butler, purchased it shortly before the museum’s 1919 opening. “Snap the Whip is among the country’s most significant paintings because it captures America’s energy and confidence after the Civil War,” says Zona. “Winslow Homer was to painting what Mark Twain was to literature.”
The Butler was the first museum built solely for works by American artists, and for decades, Butler family members augmented its collection with masterpieces such as Albert Bierstadt’s The Oregon Trail and Edward Hopper’s Pennsylvania Coal Town. After Joseph G. Butler III died in 1981, Zona was appointed director. At the time, he chaired Youngstown State University’s art department, but his association with the museum began in the early 1970s. “My dissertation was about museum operations, and I used the Butler for my lab,” says Zona. He also was a model for Americans: Youngstown, Ohio, the museum’s monumental painting by Alfred Leslie that chronicles the devasting impact of the “Black Monday” in 1977 when 5,000 Youngstown steelworkers lost their jobs. Zona helped recruit the grim-faced men and women who appear in the painting. “Alfred wanted people from different backgrounds and told us to dress like we were going to the movies,” he recalls.
In 1987, Zona expanded the museum to include a space to exhibit sports art. Today, the Donnell Gallery showcases the games America plays, with works ranging from End Run, John Steuart Curry’s evocative college football lithograph, to Pete Rose, Andy Warhol’s pop art print. The first of its kind in any museum, the Donnell Gallery also reflects Zona’s fervor for sports. “Youngstown sits in a sports-crazy area that goes from eastern Ohio into western Pennsylvania, and I’m no different from everybody else,” says Zona. “I love baseball, and college football makes me crazy.” Zona grew up 20 miles from Youngstown in New Castle, Pennsylvania, and his boyhood idol was Mickey Mantle. “If Mantle went 0 for 4, I couldn’t sleep,” he says. When the 1960 World Series pitted his beloved Pittsburgh Pirates against Mantle’s New York Yankees, Zona had to make a hard choice, but he admits, “I’m a Pirates fan forever.” Both Mantle and Bill Mazeroski, whose home run clinched the series for the Pirates, are featured in the Donnell Gallery’s centerpiece painting, Baseball Album, by Gary Erbe. The Butler commissioned the piece, and its collage of items — including bats, gloves, and a Kellogg’s Corn Flakes box starring Ted Williams — convey the national pastime’s cultural impact. Zona has stories to share about virtually every work in the gallery. Pausing at Davey Moore, an oil painting of the featherweight champion from Springfield, he says, “The artist is Audrey Flack, who told me her father took her to boxing matches.” At Gowanus Canal, Randy Dudley’s vision of Brooklyn ice skaters, he says, “This was a gift
from a New York dealer, and it’s pure fantasy because the polluted canal never freezes.” At A Gentleman’s Sport, Gary Erbe’s golf canvas, Zona reveals he provided the vintage clubs that are part of the work. “Erbe was looking for old golf clubs,” he says, “and I still had my dad’s set.” His inside-baseball comments speak volumes about the Butler’s status as an all-time-great American institution. “Any museum in the world that is doing a show on American art calls on us,” he declares. For 40 years, Zona has acted as the Butler’s manager, coach, quarterback, scout, trainer, and head cheerleader, and during his tenure, the museum has tripled in size and grown its collection to some 22,000 works by thousands of American artists. “People sometimes ask why I’m not retired,” he says. “I tell them I love art, and I’m always happy when I’m here.”
The Butler Institute of American Art, 524 Wick Ave., Youngstown, Ohio, 44502. 330-7431107; www. butlerart.com.
Above right: Louis Zona with Rhoda Sherbell’s bronze bust of Yogi Berra (photo by Damaine Vonada). Above left: Snap the Whip, by Winslow Homer, 1872 (oil on canvas). Collection of The Butler Institute of American Art. Right: Baseball Album, by Gary Thomas Erbe, 2003 (oil on canvas). Collection of The Butler Institute of American Art.
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THROUGH OCT. 9 – The Great Sidney Farmers Market, Courthouse Square, 109 S. Ohio Ave., every Saturday, 8 a.m.–noon. Produce, baked goods, and crafts. Follow “Sidney Alive” on Facebook or call 937-658-6945. THROUGH OCT. 30 – Bluffton Farmers Market, Citizens National Bank parking lot, 102 S. Main St., downtown Bluffton (2 mins. from I-75 exits 140 and 142), every Saturday, rain or shine, 8:30 a.m.–noon. Outdoor market offering local produce, plants, and cottage foods. Storytime with the Bluffton Public Library and live music on select Saturdays. www. explorebluffton.com/farmers-market. JUN. 12–13, JUL. 3–4 – The Fantastic Tiffin Flea Market, Seneca Co. Fgds., 100 Hopewell Ave., Tiffin, Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Free admission and parking; handicap accessible. 250 to 400 dealers per show, featuring a wide variety of merchandise. 419-447-9613, tiffinfleamarket@gmail. com, or www.tiffinfleamarket.com. JUN. 18–19 – Pork Rind Heritage Festival, Main Street, Harrod, Fri. 6 p.m.–midnight, Sat. 9 a.m.–midnight. Family fun, live entertainment, and, of course, freshly popped pork rinds! www. porkrindfest.com.
THROUGH JUL. 28 – Bluegrass Wednesdays, Vinoklet Winery, 11069 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, every Wednesday, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Enjoy dinner, wine, and an evening of lively bluegrass entertainment by Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass. Because of restricted seating due to COVID precautions, reservations are strongly recommended and should be made early. Call to confirm before driving. 513-385-9309 or vinokletwinery@fuse.net. THROUGH AUG. 7 – German Biergarten Experience, Germania Park, 3529 W. Kemper Rd., Cincinnati, 5–10 p.m. Enjoy German food, beer, and music. 513-742-0060 or https://germaniasociety. com/biergarten-experience.
PLEASE NOTE: Because of the developing coronavirus situation, many of these planned events may have been postponed or canceled. Please seek updated information before traveling. COMPILED BY COLLEEN ROMICK CLARK
JUN. 19 – Sidney Welcomes WOBA, downtown Sidney. Come for a day of fun, food, and music as we welcome the Western Ohio Bicycle Adventure. Follow “Sidney Alive” on Facebook or call us at 937-6586945 with questions. JUN. 19–20 – Ghost Town Spring Crafts and Antiques Festival, 10630 Co. Rd. 40, Findlay. A family event featuring crafts and antiques, live music and performances, food and beverages, and kids’ activities. See Facebook page for updated schedules. 419-673-7783 or www.facebook.com/Ghost-TownFindlay-Ohio-1525098627787387. JUN. 23 – Verendah Concert: Nostalgia, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library and Museum, Spiegel Grove, Fremont, 6:30–8 p.m. Ice cream social at 6:30; concert begins at 7. Free, but donations accepted for ice cream. Vocal ensemble Nostalgia will perform songs from the ’50s, ’60s, and ’70s. Please bring your own chair or blanket for seating on the lawn. 419-3322081 or www.rbhayes.org. JUN. 26 – Lake Seneca Annual “Miles of Yard Sales,” off N. St. Rte. 576, 1-1/4 miles north of U.S. 20, Montpelier (Bridgewater Township). Chicken dinners ready around 10:30 a.m. at Arrowhead Lodge with plenty of extras and homemade bake sale items. We will have takeout food per health department regulations, but we can allow a small number of guests inside. If any questions, call 419-485-0393. JUN. 26 – Lima Half-Mile Motorcycle Races, Allen Co. Fgds., 2750 Harding Hwy., Lima, 6:30 p.m. Gates open at 1 p.m. $30–$45. Presale tickets available online. See the Grand National Circuit’s top racers in the nation. Meet the drivers during open pits, watch their teams work, get autographs, and take photos before racing begins. www.limahalfmile.com or www. americanflattrack.com/events. JUN. 27 – Author Kirby Whitacre, Fort Recovery State Museum, 1 Fort Site St., Fort Recovery, 3 p.m.
Free. The title of the presentation is “Characters of the 1790–95 Indian War and the Little-Known Facts That Tie History Together.” His book, The Spirit Traveler: The Northwest Indian War in the Ohio Country, will be available for purchase and signing. 419-375-4384 or www.fortrecoverymuseum.com. JUL. 4 – Independence Day Concert, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library and Museum, Spiegel Grove, Fremont, 2–3:30 p.m. Free. Celebrate the holiday with this patriotic concert by the Toledo Symphony Concert Band on the verandah of the historic Hayes Home. Bring your own chair or blanket for seating on the lawn. 419-332-2081 or www. rbhayes.org. JUL. 7 – Verandah Concert: Cottonwood Jam String Band, Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Library and Museum, Spiegel Grove, Fremont, 6:30–8 p.m. Free. Ice cream social at 6:30; concert begins at 7. Enjoy a free concert of traditional acoustic string music. Donations accepted for ice cream. Bring your own chair or blanket for seating on the lawn. 419-3322081 or www.rbhayes.org. JUL. 9–11 – Flag City Daylily Tour, locations around Findlay, Fri./Sat. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun. 12–6 p.m. Free. The sixth annual self-guided tour features seven daylily gardens, each with its own personality. Tour at your leisure and see more than 3,000 different registered daylilies. Some gardens will have plants for sale. 419-889-8827, email Mike at anders@findlay. edu, or www.pplantpeddler.com. JUL. 10–11 – Toledo Lighthouse Waterfront Festival, Maumee Bay State Park, 1750 State Park Rd. #2, Oregon. Arts and crafts, live music, kids’ activities, lighthouse stories, food, and more. Boat rides to lighthouse, weather permitting ($30); for reservations, email sandylakeerie@aol.com or text 419-367-1691. www.toledolighthousefestival.com.
JUN. 11–13 – Versailles Poultry Days, 459 S. Center St., Versailles. Free admission and parking. Featuring the world-famous barbecue chicken dinners, plus contests, tournaments, musical entertainment, antique car show and parade, kiddie tractor pull, and much more! 937-526-9773 or www. versaillespoultrydays.com. JUN. 19 – West Milton Triathlon, starting at West Milton Municipal Park and ending at park entrance. Consists of 3.5 miles canoeing, 5 miles running, and 17 miles biking. Compete solo or in teams of two. Registration fee to participate. 937-698-0287 or www.speedy-feet.com. JUN. 25 – Bluegrass Night, Fibonacci Brewing Company, 1445 Compton Rd., Cincinnati, 7–9 p.m. Free. Enjoy an evening of craft beers and lively bluegrass music by Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass. Food truck available on site. Schedule may change due to COVID restrictions; please verify before traveling. 513-832-1422 or http://fibbrew.com. JUN. 26–27 – Lebanon Garden Tour, starting at Ohio Train Station, 198 S. Broadway, Lebanon, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. $15 advance, $20 day of tour; free for children 12 and under. Stroll through five private gardens plus the gardens at the Glendower Historic Mansion and a beautiful pet cemetery. This year the tour also features a scavenger hunt. 513-932-3430 or www.facebook.com/LebanonGardenTour.
JUL. 4 – Piqua 4th Fest, Lock Nine Park, downtown Piqua, noon–9:30 p.m., fireworks at 10 p.m. Activities for all ages at this hometown celebration of Independence Day. www.piquaoh.org/piqua-4th-fest. JUL. 5 – Americana Festival, Franklin and Main streets, Centerville. 5K run at 7:30 a.m.; parade at 10 a.m.; street fair 9:30 a.m.–5 p.m., featuring 300 art, craft, and food booths. Kick off the festival on the 4th with music and fireworks at Centerville High School Stadium, 500 E. Franklin St.; gates open at 6 p.m. 937-433-5898 or www.americanafestival.org. JUL. 8–11 – Greenville Farm Power of the Past, Darke Co. Fgds., 800 Sweitzer St., Greenville. $5; free for age 12 and under. Featuring International Harvester tractors, equipment, lawn and garden tractors, trucks, and gas engines; Sears lawn and garden tractors; and hot air engines. 937-547-1845 or www.greenvillefarmpower.org. JUL. 9–11 – Kathy Slack Troy Summer Skating Competition, Hobart Arena, 255 Adams St., Troy. Figure and freestyle competition. www. troyskatingclub.org. JUL. 10–11 – Dayton Air Show, Dayton International Airport, 3800 Wright Dr., Vandalia. See website for details about the new drive-in format. Starting at $99 for a carload of 6. See the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds as well as a lineup of amazing performers. www.daytonairshow.com.
PLEASE NOTE: Because of the developing coronavirus situation, many of these planned events may have been postponed or canceled. Please seek updated information before traveling.
JUN. 25 – Joe Leaman and Friends, Secrest Arboretum Amphitheater, 2122 Williams Rd., Wooster, 6:30–8:30 pm. Free. The steel drum ensemble brings you the high-energy sounds of the Caribbean. In the event of rain, the concert will be held at Fisher Auditorium, 1680 Madison Ave. 419853-6016 or www.ormaco.org. JUN. 25–27 – Cy Young Days Festival, Newcomerstown. Food, entertainment, contests and competitions, car show, old-fashioned baseball games, and parade featuring a former Cy Young Award winner. Check website for updates. www. cyyoungdaysfestival.com. THROUGH JUN. 30 – Ohio Pioneers Exhibit, Historic JUN. 26–27 – Kelleys Island Motorcycle Tour, Fort Steuben, 120 S. 3rd St., Steubenville, Mon.–Fri., throughout Kelleys Island. Begin a self-led ride to the 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Free. Display based on the acclaimed Kelleys Island Ferry Boat Line in Marblehead; once David McCullough book The Pioneers, which you arrive on the island, visit all 10 stops to enter the chronicles the early settlement of Ohio. 740-283-1787 grand prize drawing. Registration on Jun. 17, 10 a.m.– or www.oldfortsteuben.com. 2 p.m., at Mad River Harley Davidson, 5316 Milan Rd., THROUGH JUL. 29 – Fort Steuben Summer Sandusky. $10 fee gets you a scorecard and ferry Concert Series, Fort Steuben Park, 120 S. 3rd St., access wristband; $20 per bike for the round-trip ferry Steubenville, every Thursday evening. Free. Featuring ride. 419-746-2360 or www.kelleysislandchamber. a variety of live musical performances. Bring a blanket com. or chair. 740-283-1787 or www.oldfortsteuben.com. JUN. 27 – Bus Trip to Cleveland’s Playhouse THROUGH OCT. 30 – “Live Birds of Prey,” Square: My Fair Lady, departure from Medina at Mohican State Park Lodge and Conference Cr., 11:30 a.m., return trip at 5 p.m. From Lincoln Center 4700 Goon Rd., Perrysville, every Saturday at 7 Theater comes director Bartlett Sher’s glowing p.m. Enjoy an up-close experience with a variety production of the Lerner and Loewe classic. Hop on of Ohio’s bird species. Presented by the Ohio Bird the bus at Buehler’s River Styx in Medina, enjoy a Sanctuary. Free and open to the public. 419-938catered box lunch, flowing beverages, homemade 5411 or www.discovermohican.com/event. cookies, chocolates, a trivia quiz, and more! Seating JUN. 11–13 – Founders’ Day Weekend, Stan Hywet is limited, so book now to avoid disappointment. Orchestra seating, $105; balcony seating, $75. Call Hall and Gardens, 714 N. Portage Path, Akron. www. 419-853-6016 or visit www.ormaco.org. stanhywet.org. JUN. 27 – Akron-Canton Comic Con, Chapparell’s JUN. 19 – Opera Under the Stars, Uptown Park, Community Ctr., 2418 S. Arlington Rd., Akron (I-77 Medina, 7 p.m. Members of the Cleveland Opera at exit 120), 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $6; age 6 and under Theater return for the sixth season. Enjoy some of your favorite opera tunes and beloved melodies from free. Cosplay contest! www.harpercomics.com/ conventions.php. operettas and musicals, as well as lesser-known works. Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, and picnics JUN. 30 – Father’s Day Car Show, Stan Hywet Hall to enjoy this free concert. In the event of rain, the and Gardens, 714 N. Portage Path, Akron, 9 a.m.–3 concert will be held at the United Church of Christ, 217 p.m. $14, C. (6–17) $6, under 6 free. View 400 E. Liberty St. 419-853-6016 or www.ormaco.org. classic, antique, and collector cars manufactured from 1915 to 1996. New category is stock antique
JUN. 19–20 – Contemporary Muzzleloader Gun Exhibit, Prickett’s Fort, 88 State Park Rd., Fairmont, Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 12–4 p.m. Talk to the makers of these Early American firearms and get their insight on building these beautiful rifles. You will learn about the techniques and materials that are used for 21st-century gun building. 304-363-3030 or www.prickettsfort.org. JUL. 2–4 – Mountain State Art and Craft Fair, Cedar Lakes Conference Ctr., 82 FFA Dr., Ripley. 304514-2609 or https://visitripleywv.com. JUL. 4 – Independence Day Celebration, Prickett’s Fort, 88 State Park Rd., Fairmont, 12–4 p.m. Reading of the Declaration of Independence at noon. Come hear the reading of one of the greatest
motorcycles and production motorcycles, 1985 and earlier. www.stanhywet.org. JUN. 30–JUL. 4 – Orrville Firefighters Fire in the Sky July 4th Celebration, Orr Park, 440 N. Elm St., Orrville. Parade 6/30 at 7 p.m., fireworks 7/4 at 10:15 p.m., softball tournament, carnival, and more. This is what a hometown festival is all about! See website for a full list of festival events and times. 330-684-5051 or www.orrvillefireinthesky.com. JUL. 3 – Red, White & BOOM!, downtown riverfront and the Arena District, Columbus, noon–midnight. Kids’ activities, live music, parade, and much more, ending with Ohio’s largest fireworks display. Subject to cancellation due to COVID concerns, so check website for updates. www.redwhiteandboom.org. JUL. 4 – July 4th Celebration, Fort Steuben Park, 120 S. 3rd St., Steubenville. Music, food, fireworks, and festivities. 740-283-1787 or www.oldfortsteuben.com. JUL. 8–11 – Olde Canal Days Festival, 123 Tuscarawas St., Canal Fulton, Thur./Fri. 5–11 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m.–11 p.m. Parade, fireworks, rides, games, entertainment, arts and crafts, concessions, and St. Helena III canal boat rides. 330-854-9095 or www. discovercanalfulton.com. JUL. 10–11 – Ashland County Yesteryear Machinery Club Annual Show, Ashland County–West Holmes Career Ctr., 1783 St. Rte. 60, Ashland, Sat. 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Featuring the Buckeye Allis Club and Allis Chalmers tractors and equipment. All makes tractors/equipment and military vehicles are welcome. R/C pulls, truck and tractor pulls, kiddies’ pedal pull (Sun. noon), threshing, hit-and-miss engines. Food concessions available. Contact Kevin Williard at 330-496-3382. JUL. 11 – Antique Motorcycle Ride In/Display, Towpath Cabinn, 4462 Erie St. NW, Massillon, noon–3 p.m. Bring your antique bike or just come as a spectator. All are welcome! Sponsored by the Buckeye Chapter of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America. JUL. 13–18 – Trumbull County Fair, 899 Everett Hull Rd., Cortland. An array of grandstand entertainment, daily shows, local bands, exhibits, and rides. 330-6376010 or www.trumbullcountyfair.com.
Submit listings AT LEAST 90 DAYS prior to the event to Ohio Cooperative Living, 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229 or events@ohioec.org. Ohio Cooperative Living will not publish listings that don’t include a complete address or a number/website for more information.
documents ever written, second only to the United States Constitution. Half-price admission for all U.S. veterans and active military. 304-363-3030 or www. prickettsfort.org.
assist the helmsman in steering the canal boat. www. visitcoshocton.com/events-list.php. THROUGH OCT. 30 – Zanesville Farmers Market, Adornetto’s, 2224 Maple Ave., Zanesville, every Saturday, 9 a.m.–noon. June through August, the market will als be open on North 3rd Street every Wednesday, 4–7 p.m. www. zanesvillefarmersmarket.org. JUN. 8, JUL. 13 – Inventors Network Meeting, virtual event, 7 p.m. Educational presentations and discussion about the invention process. The topic for June is “How to License an Idea without a Patent”; for July, “How Industrial Design Could Enhance the Appeal of My Invention.” 614-470-0144 or www. inventorscolumbus.com. THROUGH SEP. 25 – Canal Winchester Farmers Market, 100 N. High St., Canal Winchester, every JUN. 17–19 – Washboard Music Festival, Main Saturday, 9 a.m.–noon. Locally grown produce, home- Street, Logan. Free. Ohio’s most unique music and baked goods, fresh meat, and craft items. 614-270arts festival, celebrating the old-fashioned washboard 5053 or go to www.thecwfm.com. as a musical instrument. Featuring music with rub THROUGH SEP. 30 – Pickerington Farmers Market, board or washboard percussion, plus arts/crafts, demonstrations, food concessions, kids’ activities, 89 N. Center St., Pickerington, every Thursday, 4–7 Columbus Washboard Factory tours, and other special p.m. Fresh produce, baked goods, crafts, and more. events. 740-277-1806, washboardfestival@gmail.com, www.pickeringtonvillage.com/events. or www.washboardmusicfestival.com. THROUGH OCT. 16 – Lorena Sternwheeler Public JUN. 18 – United Way Day of Action, downtown Cruises, Zanesville, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Lancaster, 9 a.m.–noon. Free event for kids and Saturdays. See website for schedule. $12, Srs. $10, C. (2–12) $8. Enjoy a relaxing cruise down the Muskingum families. Free T-shirts to the first 250 kids. Event will include games and activities promoting physical activity River. Board at Zane’s Landing Park, located on and fun! 740-653-0643 or www.uwayfairfieldco.org. the west end of Market Street. 740-455-8282, www.facebook.com/LorenaSternwheeler, or www. JUN. 28–JUL. 3 – Marion County Fair, 220 E. visitzanesville.com/Lorena. Fairground St., Marion. Harness racing, truck and THROUGH OCT. 17 – Monticello III Canal Boat Rides, tractor pulls, rodeo, rides, live music, and much more. Enjoy spectacular fireworks at 10 p.m. on the 3rd. 740Sat./Sun. 1–4 p.m. $8, Srs. $7, Stds. (6–18) $6, under 6 free. Huge draft horse teams pull the canal boat along 382-2558 or www.marioncountyfairgrounds.com. an original section of the Ohio and Erie Canal as the JUN. 30–JUL. 4 – Ashville 4th of July Celebration, boat captain entertains you with tall tales and history of Ashville Park (across from 200 E. Station St.), 1800s life on the canal. You’ll feel like you’ve actually Ashville. Our five-day celebration features our glided right into the 1830s! You might even get to famous fish fry, where we’ll be frying over 2,500
THROUGH OCTOBER – Rise and Shine Farmers Market, 2245 Southgate Pkwy., Cambridge, every Friday, 8 a.m.–noon. 740-680-1866 or find us on Facebook. THROUGH DECEMBER – Athens Farmers Market, 1000 E. State St., Athens, every Wednesday, 9 a.m.–1 p.m.; every Saturday, 9 a.m.–noon. Buy local and support your local economy. The market showcases farmers, orchardists, specialty food producers, bakers, horticulturalists, cheese makers, and many other food-based entrepreneurs. 740-593-6763 or www. athensfarmersmarket.org. JUN. 11–12 – Southern Ohio Forest Rally, Chillicothe/Scioto Trails (Friday), West
Portsmouth/Shawnee Forest (Saturday). www. southernohioforestrally.com. JUN. 17–SEP. 5 – Tecumseh!, Sugarloaf Mountain Amphitheatre, 5968 Marietta Rd., Chillicothe, Mon.– Sat. 8 p.m. $21–$50. Witness the epic life story of the legendary Shawnee leader as he defends his sacred homelands in the 1700s. 740-775-4100 or www. tecumsehdrama.com. JUN. 18 – AAP/Millennium Street Rodders Cruise-In, Advance Auto Parts, 1717 Southgate Pkwy., Cambridge, 5 p.m. All years of cars, trucks, motorcycles, and rat rods are welcome. Old-time music and 50/50. 740-435-0144. JUN. 19 – National Road Bike Show and Ribfest, downtown Cambridge, 11.am.–7 p.m. Hot rods, Harleys, Yamahas, and more will take over Wheeling Avenue from 8th Street to 10th Street. Live entertainment, vendors, food trucks, and more. 740439-2238 or www.downtowncambridge.com. JUN. 22–25 – Passport to Fun: Summer Camp at the Museum, Ohio River Museum, 610 Front St., Marietta, 9:30 a.m.–3 p.m. $100 per student. For children ages 7–12. Register at https:// mariettamuseums.org/events. JUL. 1–4 – Beast of the East Baseball Tournament, locations throughout eastern/ southeastern Ohio, as well as West Virginia and
pounds of perch. Free entertainment daily, three parades, lots of great food, and a large midway. Grand Parade at 11 a.m. and fireworks at 10 p.m. on the 4th. http://ashville4thofjuly.com. JUL. 3–4 – Stars and Stripes on the River, Zane’s Landing Park, west end of Market Street (along river), Zanesville. Live music, great food, and activities for all ages. Fireworks on the 4th. All proceeds benefit the community. www.zanesvillejaycees.org/Events/StarsStripes-On-The-River-Zanesville-Ohio. JUL. 8–10 – Pottery Lovers Show and Sale, Holiday Inn Express, 1101 Spring St., Zanesville. Join fellow pottery lovers from across the nation at the largest and oldest gathering of pottery collectors and dealers. 609-407-9997, potteryloversinfo@gmail.com, or www. potterylovers.org. JUL. 9-11 – Lilyfest 2021. Celebrate Lilyfest’s 30th anniversary in-person at Bishop Educational Gardens, 13200 Little Cola Road, Rockbridge. Beautiful garden experience and outdoor education combined with Appalachian artwork, folk music, and more. Reservations required in advance at http://www.lilyfest. com, Free admission, $5 parking. JUL. 11 – The Nostalgics, Victoria Opera House, 101 S. Main St., Baltimore, 3 p.m. Under the direction of Dr. Charles Hildreth, this dynamic big band will fill the historic opera house with swinging music from the Great American Songbook! 614-450-0237 or www. baltimoredowntownrestoration.com. JUL. 11 – Union County Master Gardener Tour of Gardens, 18000 OH-4, Marysville, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Tickets $8 presale, $10 day of tour. See landscaping examples of perennial, shade, wildflower, and vegetable gardens at residences and the demonstration gardens at the Agricultural Center. There will be educational displays at each site. 937644-8117, https://union.osu.edu, or on Facebook: http:// bit.ly/UCMGFB.
southwestern Pennsylvania. The largest baseball tournament in the country, with over 160 teams. The tournament also offers an annual baseball showcase where participants perform for college coaches and professional baseball scouts. 304281-0525, beastoftheeast@gmail.com, or www. beastoftheeast.org. JUL. 2–3 – Gallipolis River Recreation Festival, Gallipolis City Park, 300 block of Second Ave., Gallipolis. Parade, contests, musical entertainment, arts and crafts, kids’ activities, food, fireworks, and more. 740-446-0596 or www.gallipolisriverrec.com. JUL. 2–4 – Ohio Jeep Fest, Ross Co. Fgds., 344 Fairgrounds Rd., Chillicothe. $10–$30, free for ages 12 and under. Drivers test their wheeling skills and participate in trail-rated challenges. Daily kids’ zone, vendors, obstacle course, mud pits, food, and fun for the whole family. www.ohiojeepfest.com. JUL. 10–11 – Epworth Park Chautauqua Days, Epworth Park, 211 Virginia St., Bethesda. Take a stroll down memory lane and relive the feelings of the days of yore at this historic Methodist Campground. Stroll along the lake, enjoy the beautiful fountain, and reminisce under the majestic oaks at the park. This event features a parade, youth fishing tournament, craft vendors, concession stands, miniature train rides for children, live music, car show, and much more. www.visitbelmontcounty.com/events.
Ohio landscape 1. Driving the back roads of Washington County. Amy Hacker Washington Electric Cooperative member
2. Outside of Heritage Park in Colerain Township on a warm, overcast October day. Herman Meyer Butler Rural Electric Cooperative member 3. One of the trails at Hocking Hills State Park in Logan. Janeen Melroy North Central Electric Cooperative member 4. Ohio countryside in Tuscarawas County, 2021. Rose Edwards Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative member
5. Horses and sheep frolic in the meadow in Knox County. Rachel Blevins Consolidated Cooperative member 6. Located in Tuscarawas County outside Berlin. Jodi Bird South Central Power Company member Below: Countryside cabin off the side roads in Blue Creek.
Sharon Coleman Adams Rural Electric Cooperative member
Send us your picture! For September, send “Remembering 9/11” by June 15. For October, send “Bountiful Harvest” by July 15. Upload your photos at www.ohiocoopliving.com/memberinteractive. Your photo may be featured in our magazine or on our website.
Exurban Ohio Has It All The rural communities and small towns in Ohio have the best to offer, with skilled workforces, affordable labor and land, and an abundance of reliable power. Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives supports site development and readiness to help attract new manufacturing and industry in cooperative-served territory in Ohio. Because a strong community makes a strong cooperative.
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