Ohio Cooperative Living - September 2018 - Guernsey-Muskingum

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Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative Official publication | www.gmenergy.com


Family Time Join us for Family Fun Day Oct. 6

Also inside Top speed at the Farm Science Review

A U.S. Navy ship sinks in rural Ohio

Sampling pies worth the drive



SPEED OF LIFE Visitors to the Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives building at the Farm Science Review can get a close-up look at a record-setting electric car.

24 SHIPWRECK The unlikely tale of a U.S. Navy vessel “sinking” in rural Ohio, and the effects that still linger today.

32 PIES WORTH THE DRIVE Establishments across the state draw visitors from all over with homemade crusts, luscious fillings, and meringue perfection.




chools around the state are back in session, and your electric cooperative has some educational opportunities coming up as well. One of the cooperative principles that guides the actions of your co-op is Education, Training, and Information. Our national association explains the principle’s importance this way: “Education and training for members, elected representatives (directors/trustees), and employees helps them to effectively contribute to the development of their cooperatives. Communications about the nature and benefits of cooperatives, particularly with the general public and opinion leaders, helps boost cooperative understanding.” Education and information are vital to the cooperative business model because they allow you to be more than just consumers we serve — it provides you the tools to act as members of your electric cooperative. You can more effectively participate in the governance and actions of your cooperative when you know more about what we do and why we do it. It’s one of the reasons we open up the Cardinal Power Plant for a tour by cooperative members this time of year. There’s no better way to demonstrate how we keep your power clean, safe, affordable, and reliable than to show you the process in person. Not everyone needs such an up-close view of how we make your electricity and manage our assets, but it’s an educational opportunity we make available to members. This is the first year that Buckeye Power, the wholesale power supplier for all of Ohio’s electric cooperatives, has taken the responsibility of managing the entire Cardinal plant site. September also means time for the annual Farm Science Review (see our story on Page 4) near London, Ohio — another opportunity for us to show our members more about what their cooperative can do for them. The Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives Education Center is one of the largest permanent structures at the review, and employees from Ohio cooperatives are on hand during the entire three-day event to talk about safety, energy conservation, money-saving tips, and all things co-op. I hope you get the chance to start the school year by having some fun — and learning a little along the way.



You can more effectively participate in the governance and actions of your cooperative when you know more about what we do and why we do it.

SEPTEMBER 2018 • Volume 60, No. 12



Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives 6677 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229 614-846-5757 memberinteract@ohioec.org www.ohioec.org Patrick O’Loughlin Patrick Higgins Jeff McCallister Rebecca Seum Anita Cook

President & CEO Director of Communications Managing Editor Associate Editor Graphic Designer

Contributors: Colleen Romick Clark, W.H. “Chip” Gross, Patrick Keegan, AnnMarie McCallister, Catherine Murray, Jamie Rhein, Craig Springer, Damaine Vonada, and Margie Wuebker. OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING (USPS 134-760; ISSN 2572-049X) is published monthly by Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. It is the official communication link between the electric cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia and their members. Subscription cost for members ranges from $5.52 to $6.96 per year, paid from equity accruing to the member. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. All rights reserved.

For all advertising inquiries, contact GLM COMMUNICATIONS 212-929-1300 sales@glmcommunications.com


establishment is the oldest bike shop in the United States.

10 THE EFFICINCY EXPERT BRING THE OUTDOORS IN: Skylights are great for natural light,

but can have a big affect a home’s energy efficiency.

12 CO-OP PEOPLE APPLE-PICKING SEASON: At orchards all around Ohio, everyone has a favorite variety of fresh, fall flavor.

14 WOODS, WATERS, AND WILDLIFE CLOSE ENCOUNTERS: Readers share humorous, unusual — and real-life — stories of their animal encounters.


QUICK PREP/ALL INCLUSIVE: Preparing food for a restricted diet doesn’t have to require hours in the kitchen.

19 LOCAL PAGES News and important information from your electric cooperative.


CO-OP SCHOLARS: Children of members from each of Ohio’s electric cooperatives take home competitive scholarships.

38 CALENDAR WHAT’S HAPPENING: September events and other things to do. The fact that a product is advertised in Ohio Cooperative Living should not be taken as an endorsement. If you find an advertisement misleading or a product unsatisfactory, please notify us or the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, Consumer Protection Section, 30 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, OH, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to editorial and advertising offices at: 6677 Busch Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43229-1101

Cooperative members: Please report changes of address to your electric cooperative. Ohio Cooperative Living staff cannot process address changes. Alliance for Audited Media Member Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

40 MEMBER INTERACTIVE SWEATER WEATHER: September brings a slight chill to the air —

time to break out the fall wardrobe!

IN THIS ISSUE London (p.4) Milford (p.8) Quincy (p.12) Noble County (p.24) Urbana (p.32) West Jefferson (p.32) Arcadia (p.33) Beverly (p.33) Marietta (p.33)



Visitors to the electric cooperative building at Farm Science Review can see what it takes to set a world record


arm life often is seen by outsiders as slow, easypaced, even leisurely. Actual farmers, of course, know that’s not the case, as the nearly endless to-do list almost always seems to require 26 hours in a day to complete, even at top speed. So perhaps folks will be inspired by some of the work going on at Ohio State University’s Center for Automotive Research — a piece of which will be on display in the Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives Education Center at this year’s Farm Science Review, Sept. 18–20 at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center just outside London, Ohio. There, visitors will get an up-close look at the Venturi Buckeye Bullet 3, one of the premier student research projects ever undertaken at the university. It’s the vehicle that holds the world land speed record for batterypowered automobiles, having traveled 341 mph across Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats in September 2016. “People are going to be amazed and inspired when they walk into the building and see the Buckeye Bullet,” says Janet Rehberg, director of cooperative development at Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives, the statewide member organization that serves Ohio’s 24 distribution co-ops.



“We always like to talk about the value and importance of electricity, so it’s exciting to be able to show off the world’s fastest electric car when people come to see us at the Farm Science Review.” More than 130,000 people are expected through the gates at this year’s event, which is a program of Ohio State’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives’ building is one of the largest permanent structures at the center. Improvements have been made so visitors will have better access to both parking and the exhibits. “Anyone involved in agriculture, whether you have a backyard garden to feed your family or thousands of acres, will find products, services, and knowledge from exhibitors and CFAES experts to improve your operation,” says Nick Zachrich, the event’s director. Tickets to the event are available for $7 online at http:// fsr.osu.edu and at county extension offices and some local agribusinesses (kids ages 5 and under get in free). Tickets also can be purchased at the gate for $10. Ohio electric cooperative members can enter to win a $100 bill credit by completing the entry form on the inside

back cover of the September issue of Ohio Cooperative Living and bringing it to the OEC Education Center. Along with the Buckeye Bullet, the OEC Education Center also will host a slew of energy demonstrations. Energy advisors from Ohio electric co-ops will talk with visitors about ways to save on energy bills, and innovative vendors will offer products and services for homes and farms. Even the popular cooking demonstrations in the OEC building are getting an update this year. Patty Miller and Sherry Bickel will appear for their 29th year, doing up to four cooking demonstrations per day and sharing the scrumptious results on both Tuesday and Wednesday. In the past, the pair focused on microwave cooking, but they will add some recipes for the pressure cooker this year. They plan to make artichoke and blue cheese spread, cheesy chili mac, creamy Brussels sprouts, and Mexican chocolate cake. On Thursday, the OSU Extension’s 4-H Youth Development and Family and Consumer Sciences programs will put on a few shows about cooking with kids, breakfast on a budget, and dining with diabetes. Visitors to the Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives Education Center at the 2018 Farm Science Review will get to check out the world-record-holding Buckeye Bullet battery-powered vehicle, as well as lots of interactive displays and educational shows.



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Location: Historic downtown Milford near the Little Miami Scenic biking trail. Provenance: After customers kept asking him to make bicycle parts and repairs, blacksmith John Bishop founded Bishop’s Bicycles in Winchester, Kentucky, in 1890. The shop moved to Cincinnati in 1910, subsequently relocated to Norwood and Silverton, then finally planted on Milford’s Main Street in 1971. Bruce Bishop sold the business in 2006, and now it’s owned by Greg and Lisa Linfert. Significance: Bishop’s Bicycles is the oldest continuously operated bicycle shop in the United States. “We did a lot of research a few years ago, and the closest (in age) that we found was another bike shop started in 1891,” says Christian Bartholomew, an employee at the shop.

Currently: Having stood the test of time — from the bicycling craze that swept the nation during the 1890s to the trendy wheelies and 10-speeds of the 1970s to today’s bike-path boom — Bishop’s Bicycles is not only a popular stop for Little Miami Scenic Trail cyclists, but also a multigenerational destination. “People often tell us that they got their first bike at Bishop’s, then they bring their children and grandchildren here for their first bikes too,” Bartholomew says. Bishop’s sells and rents an array of bicycles including comfort, fitness, road, mountain, touring, and youth bikes. Its best-seller is the Jamis Citizen series, but Bishop’s also is one of the few Ohio bike shops that carry Pedego electric bikes. Known for knowledgeable employees who provide great service, Bishop’s stocks bike parts and handles everything from tune-ups to rebuilding wheels. In addition, Bishop’s sells cycling apparel and helmets, holds bike maintenance and safety clinics, and hosts weekly rides on the Little Miami Scenic Trail. It’s a little-known fact that: Bishop’s Bicycles operates a satellite location at the Milford Trailhead, a historic railroad depot overlooking the town and a bridge spanning the Little Miami River where, according to Bartholomew, they do a strong rentals business for customers who start riding the trail there. Bishop’s Bicycles, 313 Main St., Milford, OH 45150, 513-831-2521 or www.bishopsbicycles.net.



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The rates above include a $12 annual policy fee.

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itchens and dining rooms cry out for natural light, and lots of folks consider installing skylights to bring that outside world indoors and make their living space a bit more livable. Consumers should know, however, that skylights, even when installed properly, can impact energy bills and comfort level, so some advance research can pay real dividends. One downside of skylights is they can add heat to your home during the summer and contribute to heat loss during the winter. The amount of each depends upon a number of elements, including the skylight’s energy rating, size, placement, and quality of installation. You can check its energy efficiency by looking at the skylight’s NFRC Energy Performance Label, which shows the four pieces of the energy efficiency puzzle: insulation value (U-factor), ability to transmit solar heat (solar heat gain coefficient), ability to allow light to transfer (visible transmittance), and air leakage.

Well-placed skylights can brighten rooms that lack daylight.

Finding a unit with the best ratings in all these categories will help maximize your skylight’s energy efficiency and performance. It’s probably worth spending a little more on a better product, since professional installation takes up the lion’s share of the cost of installing a skylight into an existing roof. Just as important as finding the right skylight is determining the proper size, number, and placement. You want adequate light, but too much can make a room less functional on a bright day. Skylights on a steep, north-facing roof will reduce the unwanted solar heat gain in the summer, but this also reduces the desirable solar heat gain in winter. Proper installation by a knowledgeable professional is essential to avoid all-too-common problems such as water leaks, air leaks, or inadequate insulation.

This skylight shaft inside the attic has been air-sealed and is ready to be insulated.

An alternative option to the regular skylight is the tubular skylight. A small skylight on the roof is connected to a flexible tube that runs through the attic to a room below. This system provides a diffused natural light. The tube is much smaller than a skylight shaft and is easier and less expensive to install. The tube has less heat loss and is less leak-prone. Tubular skylights can fit into spaces that a traditional skylight can’t, and they can be a better choice in rooms with high moisture, like bathrooms, saunas, or indoor swimming pools. More of Patrick Keegan’s energy efficiency advice is available at www.collaborativeefficiency.com/energytips.


Tubular skylights collect light through an acrylic dome on the roof and transmit it through a highly reflective tube into the space below.





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lusters of apples begin to decorate trees in Dennis Thatcher’s orchard throughout each spring and early summer, promising the reward of sweet fruit and jugs of freshly pressed cider in the fall. Thatcher and his wife, Angela, who reside in rural western Logan County and who are members of Logan County Electric Cooperative, established Thatcher Farm in 1972, when he planted a few apple trees. Today, the farm has more than 420 trees that produce 25 varieties. “Everybody has a favorite,” Thatcher says. “Some claim one variety is better for sauce and another is better for baking, and others have their own opinions.” The telephone starts ringing around Labor Day as prospective customers begin inquiring when different varieties will be ready for purchase. Summer Rambo, a tart variety that Thatcher recommends for pie and other baking, is the first to reach maturity at Thatcher’s, in late August. Many of the other varieties will be ready for picking in mid-to-late September. Maybe more so even than for those apples, Thatcher’s is known for its cider. Pressing begins in early October, and Thatcher admits he is fanatical about all steps of the process.



“If I’m going to drink it, the cider has to be clean,” he says. “We pick our apples off the tree and do not use fallen apples that could introduce contaminants.” Volunteers inspect each apple and cut away any bad spots. The fruit is then washed twice before heading to the 3-ton press. Thatcher uses a mixture of sweet, semisweet, and tart apples for cider, tweaking the recipe as the season progresses to compensate for subtle flavor changes. The introduction of a tart variety like Granny Smith not only cuts the sweetness, but boosts the rich apple flavor. Work begins long before dawn with sterilization of all equipment used in the process. The actual pressing does not take place until 6 or 7 at night — when there are no customers around to stir up dust, and insects have settled down for the day. Each pressing yields 90 to 110 gallons of cider, which is strained through ultra-fine Dacron fabric to remove sediment, then stored at precisely 38 degrees for 24 hours before being pumped into plastic jugs for sale. The resting period is important to let any starch present in the cider turn to sugar. Thatcher does not pasteurize the cider, because he claims the process ruins a natural product and requires the use of preservatives, additives, and coloring. “I sell natural apple cider that will stay at its prime in the refrigerator for 29 days,” he says. “A lot of people buy more than a gallon or two and freeze it for use at a later date. Freezing does not affect the flavor one bit.” Since Ohio law requires that unpasteurized cider be sold no farther than 50 feet from the location of the press, all of his customers must come to the farm. At times, folks wait in droves until daily sales begin at 3 p.m. during the pressing season, which concludes around Thanksgiving each year. “I don’t have to advertise,” he says. “News of our quality apples and cider spread by word of mouth. People come to us and they are not disappointed.” Thatcher Orchard, 4551 Township Road 23 N., Quincy, southeast of Jackson Center in rural Logan County

Where to pick ’em The following is a sampling of family orchards around Ohio electric cooperative territory: Bachman Sunny Hill Fruit Farm, 3850 Pickerington Road, Carroll, 740-756-7572 (South Central Power Company) Brumbaugh Fruit Farm, 6420 Arcanum-Hollansburg Road, Arcanum, 937-692-8084 (Darke Rural Electric Cooperative) Charlie’s Apples at Windy Hill Apple Farm, 1740 Sportsman Club Road, Newark, 740-587-3632 (The Energy Cooperative) Clark’s Orchard, 20768 Township Road 164 (Morgan Run Road), Coshocton, 740-622-1881 (Pioneer Electric Cooperative) Fruit-Full Acres, 18680 Bellville Road, Marysville, 937-6426961 (Union Rural Electric Cooperative) Geckle Orchard, 8729 Township Road 258, Alvada, 419387-7305 (Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative) Haslinger Orchards, 7404 U.S. Route 6, Gibsonburg, 419-288-2567 (Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative) Heartland Orchard, 13029 Laurel Hill Road, Thornville, 740-787-1353 (The Energy Cooperative) Hillcrest Orchard, 2474 Township Road 444, Sugarcreek, 330-893-9906 (Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative) Laurelville Fruit Farm, 16181 Pike Street, Laurelville, 740332-2621 (South Central Power Company) Legend Hills Orchard, 11335 Reynolds Road, Utica, 740892-3090 (The Energy Cooperative) Moreland Fruit Farm, 1558 W. Moreland Road, Wooster, 330-264-8735 (Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative) Reed Orchards, 33245 Clendening Lake Road, Freeport, 740-658-4466 (South Central Power Company) Remerowski Orchards, 4035 Idle Road (off State Route 29 NW), Urbana, 937-362-3927 (Pioneer Electric Cooperative) Richards Brothers Fruit Farm, 2054 Orpheus Road, Thurman, 740-286-4584 (Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative) Volk Fruit Farm, 5782 Addison New Carlisle Road, Casstown, 937-857-9300 (Pioneer Electric Cooperative) Yeary Orchards, 11195 Yeary Road, Adamsville, 740-7965922 (Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative)



bout a year ago, I shared a few true wildlife tales in this column, and I asked readers to send me theirs. Though I received more responses than we have room to share, I wanted to pass along some of the best. Squirrels seem to entertain a lot of electric co-op people. For instance, Betty Pearson, a member of North Western Electric Cooperative, says, “I saw two squirrels running toward each other from opposite directions on an overhead line. When they got close to one another, one of the squirrels dropped to the underside of the line, and as soon as they passed, it returned to the top of the line, and both squirrels continued on their way. All of this happened with neither of them slowing their pace — I wonder how they decided who would take the low road?”

Readers share their humorous, unusual — and real-life — wildlife stories BY W.H. “CHIP” GROSS; ILLUSTRATION BY ANNMARIE McCALLISTER


Carlene Beck, a member of Firelands Electric Cooperative, was sitting in a vehicle with her granddaughter, Hannah, at a railroad crossing with the gates down, when her squirrel encounter took place. “We waited and waited, but no train appeared,” says Beck. “Finally, we saw a gray squirrel running up the tracks. After the squirrel passed us, the gates went up and we were on our way. I’m impressed that the railroad company is so sensitive to the plight of squirrels that it makes sure they have safe passage through the crossings, but I certainly hope the highway engineers don’t follow suit, because none of us country folk would ever get anywhere!” Pat Schulze, a member of Pioneer Electric Cooperative, had a memorable experience with an owl. She was trying to catch a few minutes of extra sleep one Saturday morning — as the mother of six kids, who could blame her? — when her 3-year-old son came into the bedroom and announced that there was an owl sitting on the chair in their family room. “I told him it was probably just Daddy’s stuffed grouse,” Pat remembers. A few minutes later, however, her

youngster returned to the bedroom. “Mommy, the grouse just turned its head and looked at me, then flew over to the couch!” Pat has no idea how the small owl got into the house, but she was able to throw a blanket over it and release it outdoors. Keith Crabtree, a retired employee of Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives, says, “Many years ago, I lived in Wooster and was a member of Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative. One night, a deer ran in front of my van, and I couldn’t avoid hitting it. I dutifully called my insurance agent to report the accident. Just four days later, I hit another deer, only this time with my car. When I called my insurance agent, she said that I had already reported the accident, to which I replied, “No, the first deer I hit with my van; I hit a second deer with my car.” There was silence on the line for a few seconds, which gave Crabtree the chance to say that he had learned a valuable lesson: It’s a lot cheaper to hunt deer with a gun or bow than with a vehicle. On the other hand, maybe not — at least, according to C.M. Umstead, a member of Pioneer Electric Cooperative. He was driving what he calls his “redneck ATV” (a riding lawn mower with the mower deck removed) to his deer-hunting blind early one morning. He had a handheld GPS unit to show him the way, but when he turned it on, the battery was dead. Umstead tried finding the blind on his own, but as it was still dark, he got lost in the woods, and so he decided to take a little nap while awaiting daylight. He wears false teeth, and before going to sleep, he says he placed his lower plate and the GPS unit on the motor cover of his ride. At dawn, he fired up the

machine and was on his way to his blind when he hit a bump and both his denture and the GPS bounced off — only he didn’t realize they were missing until he got to the blind. “That deer-hunting trip cost me $1,800,” he says, “and I didn’t even get a deer.” Finally, Lynn and Galen Neal, members of South Central Power Company, occasionally have encounters with uninvited flying squirrels that find their way into their rural log home. One such nocturnal critter awakened them four nights in a row before they could locate it. “I was dozing on the couch when I saw the squirrel run across the living-room floor and dive under my husband’s favorite recliner — in which he happened to be sleeping,” Lynn says. When she whispered to Galen, “It’s under your chair,” he was immediately awake. Lynn says the next 20 minutes were filled with the squirrel frantically climbing walls and repeatedly soaring to the floor before they could shoo it out the door, unharmed. W.H. “CHIP” GROSS is Ohio Cooperative Living’s outdoors editor. Send him an email at whchipgross@gmail.com.



More and more people are on a restricted diet of some sort these days, but with today’s busy schedules, who has the time to devote to creating tasty meals that fit those needs? These dishes are not only delicious, but will have you out of the kitchen in a jiffy. RECIPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY CATHERINE MURRAY

THAI VEGGIE NOODLES (Gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian)

Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 15 minutes | Servings: 6 7 oz. rice noodles (vermicelli rice sticks) 8 cups water 2 Tbsp. olive oil 4 oz. red curry paste 1 cup vegetable broth 1 cup carrots, cut into thin strips 1 bell pepper, cut into thin strips 1 cup snap peas or snow peas 13.5 oz. light coconut milk 1⁄4 cup gluten-free soy sauce 14 oz. tofu, cubed large bunch cilantro, roughly chopped 2 limes, cut into wedges (optional) In a large stockpot, bring 8 cups water to a boil. Submerge rice noodles, cover, and boil 7 minutes or until noodles are limp with a little snap left in them. Remove from heat but don’t drain. Drizzle olive oil into a deep skillet. Add curry paste, mix, and cook for 1 minute. Stir in vegetable broth and carrots. Cover and cook at a soft boil for 5 to 7 minutes or until carrots are almost tender. Add peppers and peas, cooking until vegetables are tender, 3 minutes. Add coconut milk, soy sauce, tofu, and curry mixture into the noodles and cooking water. Stir and heat through. Top individual bowls with fresh cilantro and lime wedges. Serve hot. Per serving: 446 calories; 27 g fat (7 g sat. fat); 35 g total carbs; 8 g fiber; 19 g protein.



SAUSAGE-BROCCOLINI POLENTA (Gluten-free, dairy-free)

Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 20 minutes | Servings: 4 1 Tbsp. vegan butter 2 Tbsp. rice flour 11/2 cups low-sodium beef broth 2 Tbsp. olive oil 1 small red onion, sliced thin 3 sprigs thyme 8 oz. smoked sausage, sliced 1/2 cup water 3 cups broccolini, chopped 4 servings instant polenta or quick grits In medium saucepan, melt butter over medium-low heat. Whisk in flour and cook 2 to 3 minutes until the flour smell has lessened. Slowly add beef broth, whisking constantly until gravy has thickened and is smooth. Cover and set aside. In large skillet, heat olive oil, onion, and thyme. Saute until soft and caramelized. Add sausage and water. Cook on medium-high heat for 5 minutes. Remove thyme sprigs and add broccolini. Cook another 5 minutes. Prepare polenta or grits according to package instructions. In serving bowls, spoon polenta, then gravy, then top with sausage and broccolini. Per serving: 446 calories; 26.5 g fat (7 g sat. fat); 35 g total carbs; 8 g fiber; 19 g protein.

PORK LETTUCE WRAPS (Gluten-free, dairy-free) Prep: 20 minutes | Cook: 20 minutes | Servings: 4 1/2 cup dry quinoa 1 cup water 6 green onions 1 Tbsp. olive oil large knob fresh ginger, peeled and finely chopped 1 lb. ground pork 1/4 tsp. pepper 1/2 cup gluten-free hoisin sauce 1 cup daikon radish or water chestnuts, diced 2 Tbsp. sesame seeds 2 heads bibb lettuce 8 lime wedges In a medium saucepan, bring quinoa and water to a boil. Stir once, cover, and simmer on low 15 to 20 minutes until water has evaporated and quinoa is fluffy. Meanwhile, chop green onions, keeping white and green parts separate. In a large skillet, heat olive oil on medium. Add whites of onions and ginger. Cook 3 minutes, until lightly browned. Add ground pork and sprinkle with pepper. Cook until pork is browned (not pink), about 10 minutes. Drain excess grease. Add hoisin sauce and quinoa to skillet and stir. In a small bowl, mix daikon (or water chestnuts), sesame seeds, and green onion tops. Top washed lettuce leaves with pork mixture, then daikon mixture. Serve with lime wedges. Per serving: 599 calories; 15 g fat (3 g sat. fat); 73 g total carbs; 9.5 g fiber; 43 g protein.


THE EFFICIENCY EXPERT LOADED BBQ CHICKEN SWEET POTATOES (Gluten-free) Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 50 minutes | Servings: 4 1/3 cup shredded cheddar cheese 4 sweet potatoes 1/2 cup purple cabbage, chopped or sliced 2 cups diced boiled chicken 4 Tbsp. light sour cream 1 cup pineapple small bunch chives, snipped 1/4 cup banana peppers 1/2 cup prepared barbecue sauce Preheat oven to 400°F. Wash sweet potatoes and prick each with prongs of fork 3 or 4 times. Place on a cookie sheet and bake 45 minutes or until soft all the way through. On cookie sheet, carefully cut a large slit in each sweet potato, lengthwise. Evenly top each potato with chicken, pineapple, banana peppers, barbecue sauce, and cheddar cheese. Place cookie sheet back in oven and broil for 2 to 3 minutes, until chicken is warm and cheese is melted. Evenly top potatoes with cabbage, sour cream, and chives. Per serving: 450 calories; 5 g fat (2 g sat. fat); 73 g total carbs; 9 g fiber; 28 g protein.




all is nearly upon us. It is hard to believe that summer is almost over. Most local schools are now back in session and colleges have resumed classes or are preparing to open their doors soon. I can look back in time and remember vividly when both of my daughters started school. I am not one who cries often, but I must admit that seeing my babies head off to elementary school brought me to tears. I didn’t let them see me wiping my eyes, but I was scared to death. As parents, our job involves providing protection, encouragement, guidance, and unconditional love to our children. We are their first teachers and spiritual leaders and we hopefully set the example that we want each of them to follow. But we lose control when we open the door and they walk out into the real world … and that loss of control is a very scary thing. Now, other folks will have an influence in their lives and share in the responsibility of raising our kids. Some of these folks are complete strangers to us, so we must work to build a relationship with them and let them know we are in this together. That same fear overcame me again when each of my girls flew the nest and embarked on their next journey to OSU. Now, I really felt like I had lost control … and yes, there were more tears. My children had become young adults and they would be making more decisions on their own

and relying less on their mother and me. They would need to form their own opinions and judge the advice of others, without oversight from mom and dad. But they will still rely on us as parents to continue to Jerry Kackley give them guidance and GENERAL MANAGER/CEO above all, unconditional love. We must each take our responsibilities as parents very seriously and we must be committed to the long haul, because parenthood is a lifetime obligation. As the schools open the doors and teachers prepare the classrooms, let us all do our part to work with our educators to assure that the absolute best learning environment is available. Our obligation to our kids doesn’t end when they step on the yellow bus … it simply transitions. May God grant us patience and wisdom, and may He protect the precious gifts we call our children. God bless!



Fami l y F un Day! Saturday, Oct. 6 : food e e r F ogs Hot d ps Chi m rea Ice c ter Wa

12–3 p.m. at Deerassic Park 14250 Cadiz Rd., Cambridge

Activities will include: ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

Fishing ◆ Kids’ games Canoe/kayaking ◆ Inflatables Soft-tip archery tag Deer viewing High-voltage safety demonstration

Educational booths, including: ◆ Energy Wall




dventure, learning, and family quality time — at Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative, we think all of these are important to incorporate into your life. That’s why we’re hosting Family Fun Day on Saturday, Oct. , , from noon to  p.m. at Deerassic Park in Cambridge. Whether you want to brush up on archery skills, learn how to make your home more energy efficient, enjoy decadent ice cream, or simply watch the grazing deer at the park, there’s something for everyone.

Founded in , the park has an education center on  acres, with a -acre pond, trails, and , square feet of pavilion space. The Deerassic Park Education Center also maintains an educational herd of deer for youth and families to view, while the main building houses a unique collection of mounted animals and artwork. Included in the collection are replicas of the world-record Beatty Buck, harvested by Mike Beatty, and the one-of-a kind Megaloceros (Irish Elk) replica from world-renowned taxidermist Ken Walker of the enormous creature that went extinct over , years ago. Come out and join GMEC for a day of outdoor family fun, where you can simultaneously take away a new factoid about your co-op — and take dozens of photos of your children in action. Free food, water, and ice cream will be provided. Please call GMEC at -- for more information. We hope to see you there!




TURN OFF THE LIGHTS! Teaching youngsters the important lesson of energy efficiency


lectronic and mobile devices, TVs, computers, and gaming stations have become ubiquitous fixtures in our homes, particularly those with children. Consumer electronics coupled with the proliferation of smart home appliances, technology, and electric vehicles have slowly but steadily changed our homes and lifestyles. This ever-connected world is the modern environment in which children are growing up. And with lifestyles increasingly reliant on technology and, in turn, energy consumption, teaching youngsters to save energy is an important life lesson.

The why Before parents can teach their children how to save energy, they must first answer the question, What’s in it for me? As most parents can attest, convincing kids to care about energy efficiency is a hard sell. Parents need to explain why it’s important to save energy and how it benefits the child — otherwise the child will not understand the need to change his or her habits and will be less motivated to do so. In the simplest terms, less money spent on an electric bill can mean more money used for fun activities (that’s something children can relate to!). Less tangible, but just as important: Using less energy means running your home more efficiently, conserving natural resources, and helping the environment.

Learning by doing Because saving energy is an abstract concept for children, be specific about energy efficiency actions and set an example. We know that children learn by 20B  OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  •  SEPTEMBER 2018

observing. Even if they don’t say anything, children are processing your actions. When you turn off the lights when leaving a room or Ray Crock unplug the phone charger once the device is fully charged, they will notice. Learning about energy efficiency doesn’t have to be a boring lecture. Make it fun for greater impact. For younger kids, turn energy efficiency into a treasure hunt game to locate all the things in your home that use electricity. Depending on the age of the children, challenge them to count and group the items into categories: electronics, appliances, lights, etc. If age appropriate, have them create a list. Ask which gadgets and appliances could be turned off or unplugged to save power every day. For older children, show them how to program the smart thermostat and appliances. Shop with them for LED lights and discuss Energy Star-rated appliances. Show them the electric bill so they can see the costs, energy use, and how their actions impact the bill. Kids of all ages can learn a few simple energy-saving habits that can last a lifetime: • Turn off lights, devices, computers, and video consoles when not in use. • Open blinds and curtains during winter days to let warm sunlight in, and close them during summer days to keep your home cooler. • If your children are old enough to wash their own clothes or run the dishwasher, teach them to do so only with a full load and during off-peak hours.

Rewards Offer rewards for agreed-upon milestones. Rewards provide positive reinforcement on energy-saving actions. The idea is to create a habit of being energy efficient. For parents, this could mean less nagging about turning off the lights! Teaching your children about saving energy is not only a creative way to spend time with them; it also helps your home to be more energy efficient and can instill good habits that will benefit your child long into adulthood.

Cardinal Plant Tour If you are interested in touring a power plant that generates electricity, please call Guernsey-Muskingum’s member services department today at 1-800-521-9879. You, a cooperative member, are one of the owners of the Cardinal Generating Station in Brilliant, OH, and this will be a chance to see it in operation. The arrangements are being made for Wednesday, Sept. 12. The trip will include the bus ride, the plant tour, and lunch. Seats will be reserved for Guernsey-Muskingum members who have not taken the tour in the past. Please call, as seats are limited and will be filled on a first-call, firstserved basis. To fill the bus, we will keep a waiting list for members who have attended but wish to return. Please be aware that if there would be a high or orange security warning issued by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the tour may be canceled. If you have any questions, please call your cooperative. We will be monitoring the situation. Please be our guests! But don’t delay!

OFFICIAL NOTICE Certification of Active Duty Deployment Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative, Inc. The cooperative will not disconnect electric service to the residential premises of any residential member who is deployed on active duty for nonpayment for electricity provided to the residential premises.

Active duty means active duty pursuant to an executive order of the president of the United States, an act of the Congress of the United States, or section . or . of the Ohio Revised Code.

Upon return of the residential member from active duty, the cooperative will offer the residential member a period equal to at least the period of deployment on active duty to pay any arrearages incurred during the period of deployment. If the period the cooperative offers the residential member for repayment presents a hardship, the member may request a longer period to repay the arrearages. No late payment fees or interest will be charged to the residential member during the period of deployment or the repayment period.

The residential member must resume the timely payment of all charges for electric service provided by the cooperative after the return from active duty deployment. In order to avoid disconnection of electric service for nonpayment for electric service during a period of active duty deployment, a completed Certification of Active Duty Deployment form must be submitted to the cooperative. Certification of Active Duty Deployment forms are available from the cooperative upon request.




GUERNSEY COUNTY FAIR Monday, Sept. 10 Sunday, Sept. 16 Come out to the Guernsey County Fair and visit the Guernsey-Muskingum booth under the grandstand.

G-M staff will be on hand to speak with you about the various programs and services provided by your cooperative.

Official notice of medical certification Medical certification forms are available upon request at the Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative, Inc. office for those persons who must certify that disconnection of electric service would make the operation of necessary medical equipment impossible or impracticable, or that such discontinuation of electric service would otherwise be dangerous to the health and welfare of persons residing in the household. Lorem ipsum

In all cases where discontinuation of service would be especially dangerous to life and welfare of the occupants within a household, the consumer should contact the cooperative and request a Medical Certification form. This form must then be completed and certified by a licensed physician or local board of health and filed with the cooperative.



Would you please help your cooperative find former members? Guernsey-Muskingum Electric would like your help in locating the following former members (or their heirs) who received service from the cooperative in prior years. Capital credit refund checks were mailed to former members listed in this Ohio Cooperative Living issue. These checks have not yet cleared the bank or have been returned to Guernsey-Muskingum as undeliverable. If you have information on any of the names in the Capital Credit Refund Listing, please call the cooperative office at either of the numbers listed below and provide the information to the member accounting department. The cooperative is aware that many of the former members listed are deceased. However, we are looking for surviving family members who are eligible to receive the capital credit check. Thank you for your help in locating our former members. A T & T, Store #Oh2480 Ackerman Matthew J Adams David L Adams Edward D Adams Gary L Adams James Adams Justin M Adams R M Adelphia Comm - 363 Adkins Darlene S Adkins Jesse K Adkins William M Aerial Communications Affolter David Affolter Duane Airport Inn Llc Alexander C Allen Silvia M Alltel Alrahman Investment Inc American Exploration Co Ameritech Cellular Serv Amick Ryan Amore Jones Sharon Amorine Gary Li Anderson David D Anderson Jack Anderson James V Anderson Joseph Anderson William Andrews Craig Angle Catherine Angle Timothy J Angler Charles Angles Harold G Ankrom William H Annon Walter Appalachian Exploration Applebee Richard Arbaugh Douglas P Argent Debra Arick Vincent E Armbrust Francis

Armstrong Melody Arnold Charles E Arnold Michael E Aron Marion G Arrow Oilfield Services Arthurs Frank E Ashton Delbert L Asp James Atkinson Mark W Atlas Roofing Co Inc August Mark A Auker Helen Ayers Dennis Babcock Mary L Bache Marvin A Badertscher Fred A Bagley Clifford E Bailey Kevin Bailey Mary B Bair Dianna M Baker J S Baker John A Baker Lisa A Baker Mary Baker Terry B Baldwin Thomas Ballenger Robert Barbour David P Barcus Raymond L Barker Lex Lsr Barker Rodney Barker Trenda L Barlow Chris R Barlow Robert Barnes David H Barnes James W Barnes Larry Barnett Michael A Barnhart Janet S Barnhart Electronics Barrick Kathryn Barringer Mark E Barrone Jeff

Bartoszek Lila D Batchik George Jr Bates Betty S Bates Charles T Baum Charles S Baus Eleanore R Bayly Sheila Y Bayly William Beal Charles Bears Robert M Beatty Gayle M Bebout George Beckett Diane S Beckett Ernest J Beckley Robin E Beebe Troy Beem Judith C Belcher Maria D Bell C M Benda Anna L Bender B F Bennett Jay Bennett Jerry Bennett Omer Bennett Teresa D Bennie Craig A Bennington Will A Bentley James A Berea Oil & Gas Corp Berean Baptist Church Bergdorf Donald G Berry Dori F Berry M J Berry Randy N Bethel Charles W Betts Robert Betz Naomi Beyerle R Bice Dale W Bice Rick Bichard James R Big Brother Tract Band Bigler Dale

Biles John Wjr Biles Scott J Bintliff John Birch Nancy Bird Helen J Bird William Bise George P Black Deborah Black Jack L Blackstone Henry T Blackstone Steven R Blaine John C Blake Betty L Blaney Larry L Blazvick Joyce L Bloom Shelly J Blue Sharrie K Bobo’s Boat Shop Boggs Ernest Sr Bollinger Rex A Bollinger Ruth Bonifield Heather Bonner Shawn A Bonnett Richard C Boor Bonnie L Booth Clarence Booth Ralph O Boucha Howard C Bower H D Bowers James A Bowersox George Bowman Barbara J Bowman Donald E Bowman Melinda K Bowman Ross Bowser Helen Boyle Dennis Boyle Norma R Bradco Energy Brand Jerry Brandfass Richard N Braskie Jim R Brennan Robert A

Brenneman Karl H Breon Troy L Brewer Cecyl Briggs Dorothy Brill Tracie L Brines James Brock Todd Brokaw Ronald Brooks Angie S Brooks B C Brothers Roberta F Brown Albert F Brown Charles W Brown Graham D Brown Harold S Brown James Brown Jonathan T Brown Keith F Brown Noel B Brown Rod L Brown Sharon K Brown Tammie J Brown W L Brown William W Brownfield James Browning Barry T Browning Michele L Brumbaugh John Ajr Brumley Paula Bryan Cindy K Bryan Scott A Buchan Myra Buckey Patricia Buckeye - Keystone Bumgardner Sandra D Burch Charles C Burdette David Jr Burke C F Burke Paul L Burkett Rick T Burkhart Keith Burn & Elikan Burns James M

Burrow Darren Burson Jay B Burson Jay B Burwell Janet E Busch Peter L Busch Peter L Butcher Energy Corp Butler Robert Butler Twila Buzard Gard Sjr Buzzard William Byler Samuel Cain James M Cain William T Cain William T Calderone Evelyn Caldwell Julie A Caley Lisa Calhoun Todd Calhoun Todd Callander & Kimbrel Inc Callander & Kimbrel Inc Callendar & Kimbrel Inc Calvert Steven Cam Savings & Loan Cameron Douglas J Cammarn John W Campbell Goldie M Campbell Stewart Ejr Campbell Stewart Ejr Campbell Thomas V Campe Matt Campolo Eugene J Camsky Donald A Canavan Donald E Canfield Rick A Caples Karen Caprita John B Carder Michael W Carless Resources Inc Carless Resources Inc Carless Resources Inc Carless Resources Inc

Carmella Randall Carpenter Gary L Carpenter Larry R Carpenter M Carpenter Micky A Carpenter Norman B Carper F W Carr Amanda S Carr Donnie R Carr Larry R Carrell James W Carrell James W Carroll Rolland M Carson B A Carson Shelby J Carter C K Carter Lela Carter Lela Casdorph Michael Casey David R Casey David R Casey M L Casey Mary Casteel Robert D Casteel Robert D Cathcart Penny Cathcart Penny Catlett Bernice Caton Betty Cavendish Petro of Ohio Cavendish Petro of Ohio Cavendish Petro of Ohio Cavendish Petro of Ohio Celmer Thomas Central Ohio Coal Co Central Ohio Coal Co Chambers Darrol Chambers Darrol Chambers Georgia Chancey Debra L Chandler Deborah L Chapman David L Chapman Elwood W


GUERNSEY-MUSKINGUM ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CURRENTLY SPEAKING Chapman Kris P Chapman Larry W Chapman Ryan Charity Baptist Chapel Chase Emery Chastain Michael E Check Ellen J Chorey Donna M Chris Oil Co Christa Oil Co Christman Andrea L Church Todd Churchman Mary E Civin James Clapper Kelly Clark David A Clark F Clark Francis H Clark Joan E Clark Lyle W Clark Ralph L Clark Steve Clark Wade H Clarke Frank B Claypool Marcia D Clayton Carolyn Clearwater Develop Corp Clevenger Pat Clifton Charles Cobre Tire Co Cochran Sally Coen Clifford Coen Marlene K Cohagen Thelma L Cohen Tessa Coil Charles M Colangelo Gene Cole Glen Cole Mark Coleman Gregory Coles Mary R Collins Deana J Collins John A Collins Larry Collopy Bernard Columbia Naturl Resourc Colvin William Colwell Donald Combs George V Comisford Carolyn S Compton James A Concord Dup-Street Ligh Concord Sq Ltd Concord Sq Ltd - St Lig Concord Sq Ltd-Sewage-S Conley Richard Cjr Conner Willis Connolly Michael Conroy Robert W Consol Resc Of America Cook Investment Cooley Tracy L Cooper Helen C Cooper Jason H Cooperider Amy V Cornelius John Corp Michael Corp Michael Cortener B J Coughenour Elizabeth Couts Curt Cover Glenn E Cowden Deloris Cox Barbara

Cox Cecelia A Coyote Creek Crall Angela M Cramer Cathy S Crawford David Cronin Carl B Cronin Joseph E Cronk David Crown Oil Field Supp L Crum Kenneth C Crum Robert L Cruse Carla Cuenot Mark J Culbertson Robert L Cullins Rex E Cullison Bruce H Cullison Herbert Cunningham Ralph Bjr Cunningham Susan Cunningham Traci R Curl Thomas A Curluter George S Curry Boyd J Curtis Charles Curtis Jeffrey D Curtis Steven R Custer Paul Jr Cutlip Bernard Esr Cutlip Jack Dailey Willie Daley James I Dalrymple Amy Y Dalton Rich A Dalton Richard Daniels Billy E Daniels Robert Daniels Robin Danley Alan Daugherty Deborah S Daugherty Louis Daum Tom E Davey Amelia Davidson David Davis C L Davis Catherine Davis Charles Davis Charles S Davis David A Davis David A Davis Deborah Davis George A Davis Harold Davis James W Davis Jason L Davis Jerry L Davis Lori L Davis Phillip S Davis Rex A Davis Richard L Davis Robert Davis Rodney Davis Russell F Davison Elmer H Dawkins James L Dawson Beth A Dawson Joan Day Richard Day Walter M Daymut Robert Deal Glen M Deal Glen M Dean Kathleen L Dehart Max Deitrick R L

Deitrick Robert Delong Merry Deluca William P Demattio Derrick M Dennis John Dennis Mary Derringer Robert G Deselms Harold Dever Limited I Devore Gary C Dicken Karen Dickey Cynthia D Dickinson John H Dickinson Lisa L Dicks John Dickson G H Dieterly K H Dietrich Michael G Dietz Fred M Difolco Glenn Dikun Michael Dilbeck Jennifer Dilley James C Dinger Jeannette M Dingey Betty J Dingey Estella Dingey Nancy J Dingey Robert G Dinkins Jeffrey S Dipold Eva Dipold Joseph Dipold Richard F Dixon R M Dobbins James W Doberneck Rita P Dobson Susan Dodd James C Dodd Robert Dodge Shelly Dominos Pizza Domoracki N Don’s Shell Donrey Outdoor Adver Co Dotson Brent A Doty John T Double Jj Farms - Agro Douglas Michael L Doup Richard G Dover Mariel Downard James D Drake Joe M Dreblow Lewis M Drewniak Todd A Driggs Chris F Driggs Rodney Drushal Donna C Dudley Bradley G Dudley James E Duffey Kerri L Duncan Laurie A Dunham Peter A Dunlap Helen V Dunlap Roy M Dunlap Steven M Dunn Duane A Durbin Dennis Durbin Thomas L Dutcher Melvin Duty Darrell Duvall Jeff Duvall Lee Dyer Erik C Dynamic Drilling Inc Eagle Mountain Energy


Eagon Cinda Early Richard Eastern States Oil & Ga Eastin David Eby Larry Msr Echelberry Lillie Eckelberry Wilmer Eddy Cloyd W Eddy John V Eden Leon Edwards Marsha Edwards Sadie Edwards Staci A Eibel Jolinda Eikenberry Alice M Elkins C M Elkins Jeff Elkins L R Ellerman Robert Ellerman Bros Elliott Michelle Ellis Mitchell Ellis Timmie J Ellwood Greg A Elson Stanley G Emane Thomas Emely Charles Energy Contractors Inc Englert Paula A Engstrom Barton J Enos Paul Ensr Consulting Enginee Enterprise Gas & Oil Enterprise Well Serv In Eppinger Lashann D Erwin Hugh W Erwine James Evans Barbara Evans Emmett G Evans Todd A Evec Steve M Everly Amy J Ewing Daniel B F E Petroleum Fabian Randall Fairchild Tonya M Faller Neal Fano David L Fansler Gary L Farrell J T Farrell James P Fausnight David Faust Lonnie Fayette Drilling Co Feasel Jerry L Felton Jean Fenton Gloria Fenwick Dusty A Ferguson David L Feske Elbert Fickey Jack Filkill Jeffery Dsr Filmore Donald Finch Robert H Findley Oil Co Finkle Joseph B Finn Dave Finney Leona G Fisher Allen L Fisher Jeff Fisher Theodore Cjr Fisk Arthur Fitch Richard Fitz Frank

Fivecoat Carl Fliger Larry R Flowers Gordon A Flowers James Flowers Jan L Floyd Monna Folger Carl N Foraker Charles Ford Harry D Ford Michael L Ford Misti Ford William F Forgrave Allen C Fortune Gas & Oil Co Foster Alyssa M Foster Dayle Foster Gary L Foust Allen J Foust Mike Fouts Frank Fowler Thomas J Frabel Rhoda E Frabotta Dorothy Frambes Beverly K Frame Debra K Frame Evelyn J Frame Justin T Frame M Franks Malynda K Frederick Robert C Freeman Greg A Freeman John Friley Ruth A Froehlich Kris A Frontiervision Partners Frye Michael R Fudge Larry Fudge Larry Fuller William Fusner Richard W G.w.f. Corp Gable V L Gaines Lillian E Gaither Mary V Gall Ronald Garber Fred B Garber Todd A Garbrandt Dale Garbrandt Richard D Gardner Charles D Gardner Kevin Gardner Thomas Msr Garrison Coston Garrison James Gartner Eric Gaspro Energy Inc Gatewood Joe P Gause James L Geer Ralph R Gem Energy Gem Energy Corp George Clarence Cjr Geostrata Inc Gerlach Matthew B German Mark Gertner Catharine M Gessel Charles G Gibbons Ken Gibson Brent Gibson Janelle M Gibson Nelda F Gibson Rita Gibson Ronald J Giesey Monte A

Giffen James L Giffin Delbert L Gifford Kim K Gilbert M A Gilder David S Gill C J Gilmore Charles Gingerich Mose M Glasgow Mary H Glass Betty Glass George K Glaub Tadd A Glosser Richard L Glover-Harmon Gloria Godby Juanita M Goins Kim Goldsmith Earl W Gordan Mark Gorsky Henry B Grady J Graewe Rita Graham Gary L Graley V M Gratiot Drilling Graves Larry D Gray David K Gray Lee Gray Vernie Gray William C Greathouse Debra Greathouse Robert C Green Alisha A Green Avery W Green Joseph H Green Tea Room Greenhill Larry Greer Dwight E Gressley Michael S Griffin Hugh F Griffith Tim A Grimes Kenneth Grimm John F Grimmett Sherry A Grimsley Leota Grossenbacher Lewis E Grossenbaugh Carl E Grove Robert Groves J Groves James R Grubb David R Guiley David Gum Scott A Gundling V G Gunn Cathleen D Gustafson Ralph A Guzzetta Dick Haas Charles J Haddox Angel D Haddox Robin Hafey Paul Hahn Carol Hahn Earl Hall Cyndi Hall Herbert Hall Mervin G Hall Murrel D Hall Vicki Hamill Robert Hammer Gregory Hammond Jeff Hammond Richard D Hammons Constance L Handley Randy A Hanes Thomas

Hankinson Amy J Hanks Mabel A Hanks Mabel A Hannahs Betty Hannahs Lester L Hansen Edwin G Hanus Joann Harber Jennifer L Harden E Dii Hardesty Patricia E Hardesty Wilma Hardy Lawrence Hargar Elva C Hargreaves Wilbur Harlan Jason A Harmon David B Harmon Janet E Harney Kevin Harney William E Harney William E Harp Michael A Harper Jeff Harper Steven L Harper William L Harr Jeffrey A Harriman Ester M Harris Charles K Harris David K Harris Mark N Harris Robert Hartinger James H Hartley Leilani S Hartman Terry Dsr Hartz Robert Hartzler Jason Harvey Wanda L Hassell Essie K Hassell Mike Hassinger James Jr Hastings Eva Hatfield Harry Hatfield Jeremy L Hatfield Jewell Hatwalkar S Haught Janie M Havens Debora Havens Robert Hay Sarah W Hayes Dwain A Hayes James M Hayes Marilyn A Hayes Ralph H Haynes Jeremy Heagen Randall L Hearld Denise L Heaton Philip Heazlit Donald J Hebb Shirley Heben Russell Hecker Deloris Heddleson Daniel Hefner Ronald Hehr Daniel W Heiser Daniel L Helfer Hubert Helsel Veda M Helter Frank Henary George Henderson James E Henderson John R Henes Richard C Henry John E Henry Mike L Henry Sandra M

Henthorne Melvin C Henthorne Rodger Hess Ronald R Hesson William Hettinger Leon Hewison Brian S Hewitt Patty J Hibbs Kaila Hickman Jeff B Hickman Preston J Hickman Stefanie R Hickman Susie Hicks C P Hidden Springs Farm Com Higgins Glen High Adam F Hiles Thomas G Hill Barry D Hill Betty J Hill Randall Hill Tony Hines Kelly S Hinkle Randall S Hirsh David J Hittle Chris Hixson Walter O Hochradel Kyle A Hochstetler Eli A Hockenberry Benjamin H Hoffer Albert E Hoit Michael A Holdcroft Everett Jr Holdsworth Wayne L Holeton Carol Holfinger Gary R Holland Jeffrey W Hollinshead David Holloway Steve Holt Ronald Holub Ron E Hood N J Hood Shirley J Hoon Margaret Hoots James T Hopkins Annette C Hopkins William H Hoppstetter James Hoskinson David L Hoskinson Doris Hossman Karen S Hostetler Tammy J House Harold D Householder Delora A Houser Mark D Houston L E Howell Christine L Howell Donald E Howell John D Howes Michael R Hrinko Helen M Hrinko Kristy L Hubbard Adam Huey Cody L Huff Timothy Bjr Huffman Clarence Huhn Jesse Hulse Helen Humeston Mike A Humphrey Kenneth H Humston Eric C Hunt Brian Hurley Kathy Huston Curtis Hutchens Martha

Hutchins Darrin R Hutchison Howard G Hutchison Toni L Hutchison William A Hutson Arnold H Hutzel Ralph H Iden Charles M Ignatious Dan J Ihinger Carolyn Inland Drilling Jack John C Jackson Delma Jackson Elaine Jackson Wilbur E Jacobs David E Jacobs Jerry L Jacobs Mark Jacobs Terry Jahnes Carl H James Billie J James Chad James Gregory James Marilyn James T Johnson, Trust Jamison Lawrence R Jane Bill J Jansen Thomas R Jarrell Daniel Jarrett Bernice J Jay’s Unocal 76 Jeb Drilling Inc Jefferis T Jjr Jeffers Debra Jenkins Mildred E Jenkins Mindy S Jenkins Ohmer R Jess Arthur E Jimerson Don Johnson Betty J Johnson Brenda L Johnson Daren Johnson David Johnson Doreen E Johnson Gary Johnson Gary E Johnson Jerry L Johnson Julie L Johnson Monte Johnson Robert Johnson Vaughn V Johnson William K Johnson William R Johnston Eddie Lsr Johnston Richard D Jones Charles Wjr Jones K F Jones Kenneth L Jones N J Jones Regina K Jordan Leonard M Jordan Michael D Joseph Brian E Joseph Joellen M Joy Douglas C Joy John Junk Robert R Kachmarik Andrew Kackley John A Kackley Theresa J Kail Sylvia G Kail Vernon L Kalb John Kaman Jean Kaufmann Mary

Kavcak Michael J Keene John Keffer Colleen Keiffer Douglas Keim Leroy N Keirns Jim Keister Mildred Kelch Russell K Keltner Gary Kemp Jeanna C Kendall Margaret E Kennedy Alice Kenney Connie S Kenney David Kenney T R Kern Kerry C Kerns Daniel L Kerwood Janet Kessler George F Kessler James A Kessler Mildred E Keyes Robert J Kidd Mark A Kieffaber Gary Kiggans Edward H Kimble Harold M Kimble Roy Kimes Betty Kinder Rosanne King Donald L King J A King John E King Linda King Patricia King Ralph King Roger Ejr King Teresa A King Yvonne King Limestone Kingston Oil Corp Kingston Oil Corp Kinnan Vickie L Kinney Carlis T Kinsey Kathy Kintner Jason E Kirkbride Alan Kirkbride Alvin L Kirkpatrick Rebecca A Kis Pal Kitz Fred Klassen Corporation Klee Anna Klever Carl R Klie Timothy F Kline Carl G Kline Sandra D Klingensmith Philip Djr Klink Darrin L Knapp William A Knight A W Knight Elmer Knighton Robert Knowlton W Bjr Knowlton’s Industries Knox Ethel L Kocher Dennis Kocher John Komar Istvan Kopfer Mike C Kovacevic Dragan Kovach James D Kovach Mary Kovalchik Ann J Kramer Robert

Krell Todd L Kreps Robert L Krivatch Michael J Krofft John E Krolow Tamera A Kuhn Julia A Kuhn Roger Sr Kundrith Craig Kurre Thomas Kurtz John J Kusnirak Phyllis Kuss Catherine M Kyser Donald L & S Oil & Gas Labo Thomas E Lafferty William B Lafollette Pam Lagle David Lagle Janet Lagneaux Doug Lake Larry Lake Larry A Lake Lloyd Lake Greenbriar,Inc Lambert Gene Landers Timothy C Landow B T Landprovest Inc Landrum James W Lane Rhonda Lankford C E Lantz Mike J Lanza Barbara Lappert Charles Larcamp Charles J Larimer Rolland Larrick Arthur Larrick Larry H Larrick Rita Larrison Robert G Lashley C E Lashley Dale A Lashley William R Lashley William R Lattea Emma M Lautenschuetz Bonnie Lauvray Thomas A Lavelle Edward F Law Energy Inc Lawler Kevin L Lawler William Lawson Chad Lazette Amie E Leach Cheryl L Leach Robert Leader Development Corp Learned Daniel A Ledenican Patrick Lee Donald A Lee James C Lee Thomas Leek Bill Leepard Jeffrey J Lehman Robert Lehocz Donald Lemmon Joseph W Lenarz Steve Lenhart Karen R Leonard Bret A Leonard Willey B Lesher Eric E Lewis Alfred Lewis Robert V Ley Edward

Lichtner Terri Liddle Barbara A Lindamood Pauline Lindower Randy J Lingle Judy K Linscott Marci A Litle Denise Litten Mark Little Barbara B Little Brian Little Keith E Locke Sharon Logan Frances Lohman Robert Lomak Petroleum Inc Lonas Theodore M Long Jerry Long Randall K Longaberger Co Lonsinger June E Lonzo Larry Loomis Hardy Loper Bernice Lopez Jonathan J Lopez Ralph M Lopez Ramiro A Lorenz George Loudermilk Roy Lough Myrtle E Lowe Donovan Lowry Darren Loyd Gregory Luby Amy L Luby Terry A Lucas Dennis R Lucas Joyce C Lucas Rafe Jr Luck Becky M Ludco Inc Lumpkins Marlene E Lunsford Terrie L Lutey Elwood D Lutz C S Lynch C Lynn Rollan J Lyons Mel Lyons Ric A Lyons Richard R M-B Operating Co Inc Mackey Scott Mackley Anna L Magbee Ercel Mahaffey Amy J Mahoney James E Mallett Energy Llc Malvern Group Inc Mandel Donald E Mangold R J Mann Kristie L Maple Mark D Marchiano John J Marcincavage Thomas Marcum Danny T Marcum Kelly J Marks Robert Marlatt Margaret E Marlatt Ryan T Marple Daniel L Marquardt Edna A Marsh Adam E Marshall Bart D Marshall Elizabeth A Marshall Otis Martin Richard M

Martin Robert J Martin Timothy L Mason Shirley Massey Claude Jr Massey Trudy Massie William Masters Carl E Matechik Thomas J Matheney J R Mathews Flora Mathias Charles E Mathias Genevra E Matisko Pauline Mattingly Richard C Mattison Eric Matvey Joseph J Mauller Richard E Maxwell Walter Maxwell William May Christina R Mayle Edna I Mayle Roger A Maynard Jancie M Maynard Michael R Maze George N Mc Gee James Mcatee William R Mcbride Arlene L Mcbride Carl Mcbride Frank R Mccaffrey M H Mccall Charles H Mccane David M Mccann Nicholas Mccaustland Michael P Mcclain Ralph L Mcclain Sandra J Mcclean William D Mcclellan Tammy S Mccloskey Carl Mccloskey Janet I Mcconnell James Mcconnell Terry Mccormick Amanda J Mccormick Josh M Mccracken Larry Mccune Donald Mcdaniel William C Mcdonald H K Mcdonald William T Mcdowell James P Mcelfresh Jacelyn D Mcelwain J Mcendree Glen R Mcfadden Greg Mcfin Oil Co Mcgee Barbara A Mcguire Steve J Mcguirk Thomas Mchenry Don Mcintire Dennis P Mcintyre Charles L Mcintyre Michael L Mckahan L Mckee Glen D Mckenzie-Smith Assoc Mckim Jean E Mckinley Roy Mckinney Jeffrey D Mclain Samuel Mcmahan Mary Mcmahan William A Mcnell Mike Mcnerney Donald J

Mcpherson Donald Mcpherson Tim Jr Mcvicker Martha A Mcvicker William Meadows Gregory K Mehaffey J A Mell Douglas L Mell Douglas L Melton Paul Mendoza Larry Merling Eric S Merriman A Meta Chemical Co Inc Metz Charalet Mewha Irene Miami Valley Contractor Michael Lucian C Mickler Claude J Midwest Exploration Inc Mildazis M D Milestone Comm Of Ohio Milheim Rick Miller Bill R Miller Edwin L Miller Jacala M Miller Jason Miller Johnny Hjr Miller Kenneth D Miller Kenneth R Miller Lynda S Miller Melissa L Miller Michael L Miller Norbert V Miller R D Miller Richard Miller Robert W Miller Roy Esr Miller Roy J Miller Russell Jjr Miller Susan M Miller Thomas A Miller Vickie Milligan Warren Mills Earl Millward Virginia K Milner Ray G Mingione Keli Minner Chanel A Minuteman Ventures Miracle V C Mirdik John R Mission Gas Mitchell Betty J Mitchell David Mitchell Herman Mitchell Mark D Mitchell Pearl Mitchell Shaun C Mitchell Tracie L Mizer Dan Sr Modern Cable Moffett Timothy Mohler Frederick Mohr David W Mohr James P Mollahan Stanley A Molnar Charles J Monk William L Monosky Samantha K Montague Chris Montgomery Edward Montgomery F Moody Peggy L Moody Robert W


GUERNSEY-MUSKINGUM ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE CURRENTLY SPEAKING Moon David I Moore Christine Moore Darrel D Moore Donald W Moore Faye Moore Gary Moore Jack H Moore Jane A Moore Jerry L Moore Julia J Moore Kimberly A Moore Michael L Moore Michael P Moore Priscilla A Moore Stephen Moore And Associates Moorehead John S Moran Jackie S Morehead James Morgan Charles Morgan William G Morris Jonathan Morrison David R Morrison Helen Morrison Lawrence Morrison Loraine Morrison Michael A Morrison Todd A Morrison Violet M Moser Zachary G Mosser Thomas R Motil Kenneth Mount Martha J Mourer David A Mowry Brian Moyer Ronald A Mozena Mildred G Muffet Donald Muhr Richard Mullane Theresa Mullinax Harold Mullins Edward Mullins Randy Mumma Paul Murphy Darlene Murrey Joan J Musk Valley Fish Assn Muskingum Mine Muskingum Mining Inc Mutual Oil & Gas Corp N-Starr Energy Inc Nalle Wayne R Namoski Richard Nankishore Nalini N Nash Oliver Asr Nasser Scott E Natland Energy Nbc Energy Co Neff Linda K Neff Mark S Neiswonger R D Nelson Daniel C Nelson Sharon E Neuhart Kenneth New Bakery Company,Llc Newberry Vera L Newton John B Nextel Communications Nichols Charles Nichols H S Nichols William D Nickels Roy L Nicola Richard Nigro Daniel J

Noble Oil Corp Noe Mark E Norman Alice M Norman Edith E Norman Wayne G Norris Ervin E Novak James D Novak Robert L Novaria Crissy Nu-Tech Cable Systems I Nunley Steve Nuttco Oil & Gas Inc Nutter Herman O’neal Productions Ogg Pamela Ohio Bell Telephone Co Ohio Industrial Gas Co Ohio Inns, Inc Ohio Lucky X Gun Club Ohio Partners Oil Co Oliphant Rebecca R Opphile Michael D Orndorff Leonard Osage Oil & Gas Osborn Brenda Osborne Gilbert Lsr Owen Leslie Paden Dan Paden Wanda Pagath S B Pallet Recycling Palmer Connie J Palmer P Pandin Joseph Parke Todd A Parker Glenn R Parker Harold Parks Kenny Parry David Parsons J Pascoe Candi L Patrick Paul R Patrick Thomas E Patterson Phillip M Pattison Mark R Patton J R Patton Paul E Paxson Tia M Payne William H Peabody Coal Co Peach Carl W Peadon James Pecka Louise M Peeper E J Pekari Kristy S Pembroke John Pemco Gas Inc Pennington Harley Peoples Bernice M Peoples Michael R Peoples William D Pepping Ronald L Perdue Linda Perkins Kelly Perry Jason H Perry Larry D Perry Ruth E Peterson Carl Peterson David K Pethtel E I Petronelis Russell A Peyton Charles E Peyton Michelle Pfander Katrina K

Phillips Curtis A Phillips Elsie Phillips Frank W Phillips James Phillips James E Phillips John Phillips Norman Phillis Rodney Philpott Chalmar C Piatt Donald C Pickenpaugh Ned Pierce Dan Pierce Sanford A Pinczes George A Piper Bernard Pisgah Church Of Christ Pitcock Edwin M Pitner Duane Pitts Larry J Plaster Jerry Pletcher Edsel M Poff Timothy M Poirier Robert F Polascak John Poling Richard C Poling Russell C Pollock Terry Pollock Tommie B Pontius Melvin D Porcher Dustin M Porter Aphus I Porter Francis E Porter Kenneth Porter Michael A Porter Robert L Porter Sandra M Porter Stephen Porter Wilma B Post Duane C Postlewaite Keith E Powell Darrell Powell Timothy Powers Carl E Powers J M Powers Josh T Presler Kurt M Presto Chemical Co Inc Price Kevin J Price Pat Price Paul R Priebe Dean Prince Michael Prindle Cliff B Pro-Alarms Systems Ltd Prouty Marion Pruitt Hershell R Pulley Raymond Putnam Robert Pyle Gary Q State Oil & Ref Corp Q State Oil Ref Corp Quality Cable Serv Inc Quillia Dan G Quinn Kay R P J Energy Fund Mgmt Raach Kathleen M Raber James L Raber John Racey Donald Rainer Alvin M Ralph Deborah A Ramey Charlene B Ramsey Paul Randall Jack


Rankin John S Rarick Patti A Rath E A Reasoner Chris J Rebecca Alda Rebecca Robert Fjr Reed Donald G Reed Ina M Reed Jim Reed Mark Reed Michael L Reed Richard R Reed Rodney A Reep David Reese Anne L Reese Robert E Reese Ruth S Reeves James L Regency Construction Rehl Robert Reicher Rachel Reid Bobbie Reinhart Charlotte R Rennard John B Repasky Alexander Resource Exploration Rexroad Christine E Reyher Steven L Reynolds D F Reynolds Robert Rhinebarger Rhonda Rhoades Roger L Rhodes Dick Rice Chad M Rice Debbie K Rice Thomas E Rice Tim Richards Don Richards Norman E Richardson Douglas Richardson Warren Richey Mary R Richmond Lance Riddle Keith E Ridgeway Raymond E Riding Christopher J Riggle Ernest E Riggle Terry Riley Michael S Riley Robert E Rine Mark Rine Tim Rinehart Greg R Ring Chris D Ringer Don E Ritchey David Rittenhouse Charles Rivers Ruth N Riverside Cable Co Rlds Church Roach James L Robbins Donald L Roberts David A Roberts Harlan Roberts Timothy Roberts William E Robertson James Robertson Ronald L Robidoux Susanne Robinson Brian L Robinson Edna L Robinson Edward M Robinson George A Robinson Jeff A

Robinson John Robinson Nancy Robinson Robert L Robynhaven Inc. Rodgers & Rosen Roe C C Rogel Ronald Roger C Dupke Oil Co In Rogers Jay A Rogoski John Rogoski John Roll B A Roll Martha J Roll Nina R Roll William E Romans Robert Romine Mayford Rose Carl A Rose Georgia Rose James E Rose James E Rose Stewart Mmd Rosintoski James Ross Donna J Ross John P Ross Tammy S Roth Harris J Rouan Diana L Rude Steven M Rudish Mary E Rudolph Gene Rupe Trina D Russell Alice Russell George W Russell James R Rutter Larry Rutter Larry D Ryan Steve S H Parks & Assoc Inc Sabol Larry Ajr Salsbury Mark A Salt Fork Resorts Salters Hazel E Sanders Ruth Sandoval Conrad Sansom Noah Sapp Glenn Sarchet Linda L Sarra Doug Sasser Rebecca Sauders Marjorie Saunders William L Savage C J Saylor Brian E Scanlan Timothy J Scarberry Jesse Schafer Wayne A Scheltz F Scheltz F Scherer Donald R Schlosser Larry D Schmidt Eric Schmidt Rachel E Schmidt Richard Schmidt William E Schneider J S Schoelkopf Albert Schradel Shirley Schumacher Paul H Schumacher Peter Schwartz Levi Schweizer Dan Sciance Michael A Sciaulino James

Scott James Dsr Scott James L Scott Jessica A Scott Robert J Sealey David M Sears Fred T Sebulsky Rick Seckman Aris K Seckman Wayne Seeley Harry Rii Seevers James Segrest Energy Gas & Oi Sellars Paul Rjr Sempkowski Marsha Seneca Marina Seng Andrew S Seresun Dorothy M Settles Diana L Settles Robert Esr Sexton John L Sexton Richard M Shafer Eugene M Shaffer William J Shalosky Patrick K Shaner Richard O Sharp Kathleen M Shaw C E Sheets Dewey Sheka Deborah M Sheline Gary Dii Shinn Marianne Shipley Robert R Shoen Kristi L Shoenfelt Stuart Sholtis Brian K Shooter Roger J Shreve Donald Shroyer Brian D Shuey Carl Shufeldt James J Shull Lee Shurter Stephen R Sichina David A Sickels Richard D Sidner Ann Sidwell Bros Sigrist Francis J Simcox Richard A Simmons Dorothy A Simmons Roger Sims William Singleton Charles D Sink William S Sites C Slabinski Mark Slaughter Michael W Sligar Joseph Slone Curtis Small J W Smalley Jeffrey S Smalley Mary Smith Bob J Smith Cara A Smith Carl Smith Charles R Smith Curtis R Smith Dan Smith Eva E Smith G L Smith Greg S Smith Harold C Smith Janet Smith Jodie L Smith Kevin T

Smith Laurie Smith Louis Ejr Smith Margaret Smith Martha M Smith Matthew T Smith P A Smith Raymond D Smith Renee I Smith Richard A Smith Richard E Smith Robert P Smith Ronald V Snedden Don Snider Carl Snyder Becki Snyder George Sobkoviak Frances T Soller Larry Sopko William E Sorensen Kelly A Sorensen Peter H Souder Sharon Southall Melanie S Sowers Norma J Spann Eric Sparkman Frank D Spencer Richard L Spencer Thomas D Spiller Ronald Spohn John F Sprankel Thomas E Sprankle Kermit L Sprankle William C St Clair Bruce St Clair Judith St Clair Margaret Staley Richard E Stallion Oil & Gas Inc Stalnaker James Stalnaker Richard Standiford Blaine Stanfield Ted Stanfill Melanie D Stanger Stephen D Starcher Arnold L Starling Herbert G Staten Larry Steele Gregory L Steese Gerald C Steese Gerald C Stein Gary A Steiner Theodore Stemm Douglas A Stennetts Opperman Inn Stephens James V Sterling Michael A Sterling Verl C Stevens Andrew Stevens Bryon W Stevens Linda M Stevens Ray A Stevens Thomas H Stewart Kristin Stewart La Donna Stewart Renee L Stewart Richard E Stillion Nancy C Stiltner Gregory Stimpert Sandi J Stitzlein Dean Stockdale Ruth Stocker Thomas R Stocker & Sitler Inc Stotts Lisa K

Stotts Michael D Stottsberry Ellen Stout Inez Mari E Stowers James Psr Strandberg Patricia Strata Corp Strata Energy Inc Strauss Richard D Strawsburg Allan W Street Charles R Sturgill Robert E Stutler Roy L Sulikowski Antoni Summerfield John Sunnafrank Joyce G Suttle Seymour Sutton John L Swinderman Kenneth Swingle Dorothy J Swope Ronald E Tabler Victoria Tackett Wilma M Tainter Jerry W Talbert Rick Talbert Thomas Talbott Cyndi M Tanner Connie Tanner William Tarman Charles Tatar Frank Taylor Alice M Taylor Douglas Ss Taylor Earl R Taylor Ed Taylor Jenny Taylor Mike Taylor Misty Taylor Mitchell C Taylor Peggy A Tci Cablevision Of Ohio Teague Brad Teets Glenn C Teisl Tihomir Tessler Sara F Teter Jodi L Tetirick E Tevis Harold Texas East Trans Corp Thayer John E Thibaut Raigene M

Thomas Dennis R Thomas Gene R Thomas Janet L Thomas Juanita Thomas Linda M Thomas Patricia A Thomas Ruth I Thomas Scott Thompson Anita M Thompson Carol Thompson Gary L Thompson James Thompson James L Thompson Jean E Thompson Jeff A Thompson Josh M Thompson Victor E Thorla C D Thornton Jim E Thull Edward Tice Larry Tiger Oil Co Tighe James Tilton Jack Tilton Richard L Times Mirror Cable T V Times Mirror Catv - Cam Timmons John M Tinney David Tippel Susan A Tipple Ralph N Tobin Cathleen A Todd David J Todd Donald Sr Todd James G Todd John M Tolewitz Leonard N Tom Donald Tomak Pauline Tomplait Gerald E Toops Veronica A Torkos Gina P Totarella Joseph Toth Frank Ejr Townsend Howard B Transki Brian E Travis Robert G Treat William D Tri-Ad Corporation Tri-Grai Inc

Tri-Petro Well Serv Inc Triax Southeast Assoc L Trident Energy Res Inc Trout Phillip E Trout William Troutman Richard Troyer Melvin Troyer Rod Trubisky Nick Trushel Ray Tubaugh Savilla Tucker Charles F Tuckosh Eric Tuckosh Eric Turcott-Brink Judith K Turkaly Jack Turner Kent Tysinger R J Tysinger Robert Jr U S Fuel Development Ullman Operations Ulrich Everett Umstott Anna Underwood Jennifer R United States Cellular Urban Leo C Usa Waste Services Inc Vadis Farms Vail Wilmer J Van Dyke Theda E Van Vleck Jim Vandyne James Jr Vankirk Randolph L Vanorder Marie E Vanvickle Eddie E Varwig John C Vasko William C Vaughn Phillip L Vaughn Thomas Jr Vejsicky Geoff Veltri Anthony J Verdugo Antonio P Verizon Vermillion D R Vest Edmond Vickers Brian Vickers Heather D Viets Timothy Voice Stream Wireless Vrancken Ruby P

W J Lydic Inc Waddle Jeffrey L Wade Shirley D Waers Vicki K Waggoner Keith M Wagner Joseph E Wagner Robert Wahl Janet Waid Paul Waldheim G Walker Clovis Walker David R Walker James Walker Patricia A Walker Robert F Wallace David R Wallace Richard E Wallace Wayne Waller Michael Walters Debra V Walters Lois Walton Steven B Wampler Kathy Ward Esther Ward Fredric R Ward Kenric Ward Walter Mjr Ware Roger M Warne Edwin E Warne Vince Warne William R Warner Bill H Warrier Anil Wassam Donald R Watkins Marion O Watkins R J Watkins Robert L Watson James E Watson Lisa R Watson Sheila M Watters Jerry C Wayne Steve P Wear Robert S Weaver Barbara D Weaver Charles Weaver Harlan E Webb George Webb Michael D Webster Alfred Weekley Don R

Tip of the Month Now is a great time to make sure your system is ready for winter. Try it out on a cool day before it is actually needed. Change the filter and have it serviced if necessary. HVAC specialists are much more available before it gets really cold, and some may even give an off-season discount while they are not really busy.

Weekley James Weekley Kevin Welch Berl K Welch Catherine Welker Gregory A Well Care Services Inc Wellman Edward C Wellner Gerald D Wells Freda M Wells Ralph G Wells Ray Welsh D G Welsh John O Welsh Patty M Wentex International Wentsler David A Werner James M Wesner Sarah West Cecil C West Drew A West Herbert Western Co Of America Western Reserve Telepho Western Reserve Telepho Western Union Tel Co Westfall Michael Wharton Mark F Wheeldon Ted Wheeler Carl D Wheeler Christian Wheeler Jason D Wheeler Raymond L Whetzel Larry M White Bryan White Darlene A White Joyce A White Richard A White William L Whitehead Ronda S Whitehouse Sandra Whiteley Matthew D Whitis James Cjr Whitlow Tammy L Whyde Dale R Whyde Robert W Wickham Delbert Wickham Verna L Wiczen Steve C Wiggins David Wiggins Jan

Wilde Walton W Wilkin Duston C Wilkins William Ijr Wilkinson Dorothy Wilkinson Jerry D Wilkinson Robert E Williams George E Williams J Williams Laura M Williams Linda L Williams Molly Williams Robert F Williams Terry Williams William E Williamson Colleen J Willoughby Bernice Wilson Douglas Wilson Duane Wilson Eva Wilson F L Wilson Herman Wilson M J Wilson Marlene Wilson Marsha Wilson Melissa L Wilson Mike Wilson Robert Wilson Ryan T Wilson Suzan E Wilson Trisha L Wilson William Windeler Doug H Winebrenner William Winegardner Brandy N Winland Katherine M Winland Steven C Winland Steven C Winland Tonja S Winn Earl B Wisdom Jesse Wise Lisa Wisecarver Linda Wiseman Ed Wiseman Sandra Wiseman Stephen Withers John J Withey James Wodicka Danny J Wolfe Ben E Wolfe James T

Wolfe John Wolfe John Wolff Irene J Wolford Douglas A Wolfrom Patricia Woltz Barbara S Wonn James R Wood L F Wood Thomas A Woodman William Woods Chris G Woods Jay Wooley Darren J Workman Barry E Worley Larry Wright George Wright James H Wright Willis P Wycoffe William Yahn John A Yezeski Anthony Yocum Trisha Yoder Noah Yoder Paul Yoder Randall L Yoder Stephen Yoder Valentine U Yontz Mark E Young Daniel Young Gary J Young R D Young Ronald L Young Stephanie Young Troy A Yurkovich Chris T Zak Jason Zeigel Steve Zeller David Zerucha Debbie E Ziegler Jack Zilkha Energy Co Zimmerman Laura Zoelle Leo R Zone David A Zwahlen E

Our office will be closed on Sept. 3 in observance of Labor Day. SEPTEMBER 2018  •  OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING  21


9th ANNUAL FARM SCIENCE REVIEW BUS TRIP Wednesday, Sept. 19 Yes, I/we would like to join our co-op and ride in a Muskingum Coach Tour Bus to the Farm Science Review at London. Seats will remain at $25 each this year. Name _________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone_________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________________ Enclosed is a check for $______________. Please make check payable to GMEC.

DON’T WORRY ABOUT THE TRAFFIC — LEAVE THE DRIVING TO US! Your ticket covers the bus trip to and from the Review, and your ticket to the Farm Science Review. Bus departs Cambridge at 6:00 a.m. and Zanesville at 6:30 a.m. I WILL BOARD THE BUS AT



Mail or return to: Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative, Inc. • 17 S. Liberty St., New Concord, OH 43762 For more information, call member services at 1-800-521-9879.

Is your name and account number here? If it is, call the cooperative’s office and receive a FREE home changeout to compact fluorescent lightbulbs (limit 6 bulbs). Thanks for reading the local pages of Ohio Cooperative Living.

#18-0175-13-10 ............Tracey A Robbins

#60-0510-18-00 .........Tim Kees

#12-0414-82-03..........Laura M Chester

#65-0051-29-03 ........ Troy King

#48-0454-09-00 .......Don Birchfield #41-0041-06-03 .........Charles R Hassinger


 S. Liberty St. New Concord, OH  OFFICE HOURS Monday–Friday, : a.m.–: p.m. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. ELECTRIC RATES Farm and Home Service rate schedule R-* Service Availability Charge — $/mo. First  kWh/month — .¢/kWh Over  kWh/month — .¢/kWh



Seasonal Residential Service rate schedule S-* Service Availability Charge — $/yr. First  kWh/yr. — .¢/kWh  to , kWh/yr. — $.¢/kWh Over , kWh/yr. — .¢/kWh (Minimum annual charge — $/yr. for service between March , , and Feb. , ) Commercial Service rate schedule C-* Service Availability Charge — $/mo. First , kWh/mo. — .¢/kWh Over , kWh/mo. — .¢/kWh


Brian Hill Vice Chairman

Ed Bay


John Enos Duane Parks Jim Rex Shirley Stutz Directors

Jerry Kackley General Manager/CEO

*Rider T — Kilowatt-Hour Tax applies to all rate schedules and must be added to the rates shown. First , kWh/mo. — .¢/kWh Next , kWh/mo. — .¢/kWh Over , kWh/mo. — .¢/kWh

Joseph P. Boeckman Counsel

Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative


Children of members earn $37K in scholarships Twenty-four recent high school graduates representing each of the Ohio-based electric distribution cooperatives have been awarded $37,000 in scholarships in the annual Children of Members Scholarship Competition, sponsored by Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives, the statewide service organization for the electric co-ops in the state. A panel of independent judges reviewed the applications and interviewed each finalist to determine the top 10 scholarship winners: Jacob Kahle, Kalida High School, Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative, $3,600.

Michael Johnston, Wapakoneta High School, Midwest Electric, $1,800.

Andrew Cochran, Wooster High School, Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative, $2,600.

Allie McCoy, River View High School, The Frontier Power Company, $1,700.

Alicia McElwee, CardingtonLincoln High School, Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative, $2,100.

Jenay Kocsis, Fairbanks High School, Union Rural Electric Cooperative, $1,600.

David Winter, Edgewood High School, Butler Rural Electric Cooperative, $2,000.

Meredith Coil, Marietta Senior High School, Washington Electric Cooperative, $1,500.

Trevor Hellman, Findlay High School, Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative, $1,900.

William Yeater, Hillsdale High School, Firelands Electric Cooperative, $1,400.

The following students each earned $1,200 scholarships: Ryan Alvarado, HopewellLoudon H.S., North Central Electric Cooperative; David Booth, John Glenn H.S., Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative; Andrew Caryer, Hicksville H.S., North Western Electric Cooperative; Graham Garee, Northridge H.S., Consolidated Cooperative; Emily Holcomb, Firelands H.S., Lorain-Medina Rural Electric Cooperative; Samuel Jackson, Calvary Christian H.S., Logan County Electric Cooperative; Benjamin Lawson, Bethel H.S., Pioneer Electric Cooperative; Nicholas Maxwell, Granville H.S., The Energy Cooperative; Anna Meyer, Catholic Central H.S., Carroll Electric Cooperative; Riley Moberly, Hillsboro H.S., South Central Power Company; Mattison Nichols, Peebles H.S., Adams Rural Electric Cooperative; Holly Schmenk, Patrick Henry H.S., Tricounty Rural Electric Cooperative; Bailey Stammen, Ansonia H.S., Darke Rural Electric Cooperative; Bailey Ward, Oak Hill H.S., Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative.

Jacob Kahle

Andrew Cochran

OEC seeks tech scholarship applicants OEC will award two scholarships this fall to high school graduates pursuing career training at a technical school: one $2,000 award to a student in a four-year program, and another of $1,000 to a student in a two-year program. Applicants must be currently attending, or planning to attend, an accredited technical school or program. Winners’ names will be published in Ohio Cooperative Living. Proof of enrollment will be required in order to receive funds.

Alicia McElwee

Visit https://ohioec.org/statewide-services/technical-scholarship/ for scholarship rules and an application. Applications must be received by OEC by Sept. 30. SEPTEMBER 2018 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING 23

Ship The unlikely tale of a U.S. Navy vessel ‘sinking’ in rural Ohio BY CRAIG SPRINGER; PHOTOS COURTESY OF THE U.S. NAVAL HISTORY AND HERITAGE COMMAND


he notion seems so fanciful: A U.S. Navy ship sinks in Ohio, not in Lake Erie or the Ohio River, but over the Appalachian piedmont of Noble County. It was a rural, bucolic setting — a patchwork of woodlots and farm fields split by fence lines and hedgerows and narrow roads with curves that followed the contours of the hillsides. And the sky! An ocean blue that seemed meant for sailing — this, after all, is not a maritime tale, but rather, an aviation story. The U.S.S. Shenandoah, a massive, 680-foot-long cigar-shaped Navy dirigible with 43 crew members aboard, was ripped apart and pulled to the ground early in the morning of Sept. 3, 1925, after the trip turned sour somewhere about a mile above the earth. Fourteen of those sailors died in service to our nation. One of the deceased included a native son from Greenville: the ship’s commander, Zachary Lansdowne. Warrant Officer Raymond Cole, from Lima, Ohio, was among the injured.

The U.S.S. Shenandoah, docked at the Naval Air Station in Lakehurst, New Jersey.



Coffins containing the remains of the 14 sailors who died in the September 1925 crash of the U.S.S. Shenandoah were lined up at the train station in Cambridge for their return to Washington, D.C.

The Shenandoah was the first rigid zeppelin brought into military service in the U.S. She had been christened two years earlier — the first ship of that type to be held aloft by lighter-than-air helium, rather than by hydrogen. Shenandoah’s normal duty was to scout the U.S. coastline, keeping watch for potential invaders. But that last fateful mission was a public relations stunt — meant to show off the Navy’s abilities at a series of carnivals and fairs. Weather data from that day, archived by the National Weather Service, had given no one much pause to think that anything might be amiss. Granted, weather

Lt. Cmdr. Zachary Lansdowne, above and left, commanding officer of the U.S.S. Shenandoah, was a native of Greenville, Ohio, in Darke County.


Local residents flocked to the crash site in the days after the disaster, and many took home pieces of wreckage as souvenirs, as shown at the right of the above photo of the airship’s aft, or rear, section. This view shows the national star marking that was on the top of the ship.

forecasting and climate observation were not as advanced as they are today, but observations revealed that the ship sailed into a nearly cloudless sky, with temperatures teasing into the low 80s. No winds of significance were recorded. But, as happens in Ohio, a fierce summer squall rose seemingly from out of the blue. Its gale-force winds and alternating series of powerful updrafts and downdrafts ripped the Shenandoah into three parts, sending it crashing in three places. Cables snapped, metal twisted, and sheathing tore from the structure. The control car carrying



HEADING TO TECH SCHOOL? Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives will award two Technical Scholarships to high school graduates pursuing career training at a technical school — $2,000 for a student in a four-year program and $1,000 for a student in a two-year program. Visit www.ohioec.org/technicalscholarship for scholarship rules/application. Deadline to apply is September 30, 2018.

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the commanding officers split from the belly, and the men inside were crushed upon impact with the soil. The other parts descended slower, but no less dangerously. Indiana resident Jerry Copas, 30-plus years a balloonist, has had a lifelong fascination with the Shenandoah. “I first read about the ship in second grade,” he says, “and it was like, ‘Wow — I have to learn more.’” Indeed he has, culminating in a richly illustrated book, The Wreck of the Naval Airship USS Shenandoah, which draws on the private collections and recollections of Noble County residents and the U.S. Navy. The book tells, in rich detail, the complete story of the Shenandoah and her crew and the Ohio communities that had to deal with the aftermath of the crash. In the immediacy, Noble County residents turned out in droves to see the airship that was, end to end, bigger than two football fields long. Folks pilfered the lightweight duraluminum and sheathing. Some just gawked. Photos held in the U.S. Navy archives and those published in Copas’s book show men and women, and notably few children, milling about. Some pose with the novelty of the airship behind them. Others express a candid disbelief and amazement that this thing of twisted metal fell out of the pre-dawn sky. Also telling are the soldiers with their rifles at the ready in some of the images, there to cease the looting and protect the Navy’s property. The affair naturally spawned inquiries as to how and why the ship sank and men died. “Lansdowne opposed the



At crash site No. 3, the nose of the airship came down in Sharon Township at the northern edge of State Route 78. Granite markers commemorate the three crash sites in Noble County.

mission over the Midwest, specifically because of the erratic summer weather,” says Copas. “I have studied him so much, I feel like I know him. He was the model of devotion to duty and he gave his last full measure. He followed orders and followed them all the way to the ground. It was sadly a lot of wasted resources in time and treasure and blood.” CRAIG SPRINGER is a freelance writer who grew up in Ohio. Today, the Noble Local School District, which serves the area where Shenandoah crashed and is served by Washington Electric Cooperative, has named its elementary, middle, and high schools after the ship. Their sports teams are named “The Zeps.”



















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OHIO FARM BUREAU IS HERE TO HELP. Ohio Farm Bureau is here to help you better navigate through the issues that come with owning land. The Ohio Landowner Toolkit contains essential information that will help answer questions unique to property owners such as: •

Who is responsible for a line fence?

When can I legally burn brush?

What does the law say about water drainage?

Is my land eligible for CAUV?

Is my farm subject to local zoning?

What should I do if my land is threatened by eminent domain?

What do I need to know about operating my ATV on the road?



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Members can log in to download a PDF of the complete booklet at ofbf.org/toolkit.


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PIES worth the drive


Across Ohio, recipes for homemade crusts, luscious fillings, and meringue perfection are passed down through generations and attract travelers from all over. Here are some that are worth going out of your way for. BY JAMIE RHEIN


1. Airport Café 1636 N. Main St., Urbana • 937-652-2010 Closed Monday For 28 years, the Airport Café at the Grimes Field Airport has served up slices of fruit and cream pie to regulars who come for comfort food, conversation, and plane-watching — the café’s large picture windows overlook the tarmac for a view of takeoffs and landings. By late afternoon, there’s a fresh batch of pies — the fresh-baked ones for the lunch crowd are often long gone. Owners Doug and Michele Hall use pie recipes from Doug’s great-grandmother; toasted coconut cream and butterscotch are fan favorites.

2. Henry’s 6275 U.S. 40, West Jefferson • 614-879-9321 Closed Sunday Henry’s, an unassuming rectangle of a building on U.S. 40, has new owners and a fresh, spruced-up look. Brent Bennett and his fiancée, Bobbie Gaul, took over the




nostalgic diner from Bennett’s dad, Chester, who bought the restaurant from Henry and Miriam Summerford in 1985.

3. Kathy’s Korner

Henry’s pies have been a legendary draw since the Summerfords started the business in 1953 as a restaurant/gas station combo. Diners are advised to order their pie before their meal — otherwise it might be gone. These days Gaul makes the cream pies, but Chester still comes in twice a week to bake the fruit pies known for their flaky, perfect crust and just-right juicy filling.

100 Fremont St., Arcadia • 419-894-6466 Closed Monday Now owned by its namesake’s daughter, Rachel Sterling, and Rachel’s husband, Matt, Kathy’s Korner has served up pies worth the drive for more than 30 years — and it’s still going strong; the restaurant’s team of pie bakers recently broke its record for the most pies baked in one month: 1,163. Browse the pie board and it’s hard to choose between classics like lemon meringue and cherry or a twist on a favorite — the caramel apple walnut blends sweetness with crunch. Old-fashioned sugar is one of Rachel’s grandma’s specialties.

4. The Cornerstone Inn 201 5th St., Beverly • 740-984-0011 Open daily, brunch Sunday Owner Carolyn Plummer’s cooking philosophy is to make it like her mother did — which is only part of what makes The Cornerstone Inn feel like home. Mismatched dishes and place settings from customer donations also give a friends-and-family warmth to the restaurant’s cozy décor. Located at one of Beverly’s crossroads, The Cornerstone is frequented by locals as well as travelers passing through southeastern Ohio. Here, Plummer serves up home-style menu offerings where pie is a crowd pleaser. Favorites like chocolate peanut butter pie with chocolate sauce drizzle bring repeat guests.

5. Tonya’s Country Kitchen 174 Front St., Marietta • 740-371-5027 Open daily When Tonya Pelphry opened Tonya’s Country Kitchen in downtown Marietta in 2015, she fulfilled a longtime dream of restaurant ownership. As soon as she saw the historic storefront, the pressed tin ceiling, and small hexagon-tiled floors, it was love at first sight.


The cheery décor of red-vinyl-and-chrome chairs that are a cross between country and throwback 1960s matches the menu. Thanks to Pelphry’s home-style cooking from breakfast to dinner, business is brisk — so brisk that Pelphry turned the pie duties over to Dawn Gutberlet. A slice of warmed blackberry or peach pie with a scoop of vanilla is large enough to share.



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sausage, and delicious peach cobbler. 419-341-3743, 419-341-4776, or www.kofc1750.org. SEPT. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 – The Great Sidney Farmer’s Market, 109 S. Ohio Ave., 8 a.m.–noon. Farmers bring their freshest produce, and crafters offer a large variety of homemade items. Fresh baked goods, jams and jellies, plants, and flowers. 937-658-6945 or www. sidneyalive.org. SEPT. 2 – Stryker Sportsman Club 3-D Archery Shoot, 02638 Co. Rd. 20, Bryan (1/2 mile north of St. Rte. 6 on the right), 9 a.m.– noon. $10, under 18 free. 30 targets. 419-636-4987 or on Facebook.

AUG. 31–SEPT. 6 – Fulton County Fair, Fulton Co. Fgds. 8514 St. Rte. 108, Wauseon. www.fultoncountyfair.com. SEPT. 1 – Open Air Dinner on the Square, 109 S. Ohio Ave., Sidney. Elegant farm to table dinner on our historic square. Tickets required. Limited seating. 937-658-6945 or www.sidneyalive.org. SEPT. 1–2, 22–23 – The Fantastic Tiffin Flea Market, Seneca Co. Fgds., 100 Hopewell Ave., Tiffin, Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Free admission. 300 to 450 dealers per show. Featuring antiques, collectibles, furniture, crafts, produce, tools, glass, and more. 419447- 9613 or www.tiffinfleamarket.com. SEPT. 1–3 – Perch, Peach, Pierogi, and Polka Festival, downtown Port Clinton, Fri. 4–9:30 p.m., Sat./Sun. 11 a.m.–9:30 p.m. $5/day, kids free. Enjoy Lake Erie perch sandwiches or dinner, hot pierogis, Polish


SEPT. 4, 11, 18, 25 – Cruisin’ on the Square, 3 N. Main St., Milan, 5–8 p.m. 419-499-9929 or https://m.facebook.com/Cruisin-on-theSquare-1568396136718665.

SEPT. 8 – Dancing on the Bridge, downtown Malvern, noon–10 p.m. Vendors, kids’ play area, car show, races, beer garden, music, and entertainment. 330-863-9234 or 330-875-3994. SEPT. 8 – Willard Train Fest, downtown Willard, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Model trains, planes, and cars; many layouts and vendors. 419-9350495 or www.willardtrainfest.com.

AUG. 31–SEPT. 3 – Firelands Labor Day Festival, New London Recreation Park, 2 Blake St., New London. $7, Srs. $4, under 4 free. Truck and tractor pulls, demo derby, ATV/motorcross, games, tournaments, and baking contest. 419-929-4091 or www. newlondonohio.com. SEPT. 1–2 – Toronto Festival of the Arts, 3rd and Market Sts., Toronto, Sat. 10 a.m.–8 p.m., Sun. 12–5 p.m. Food, contests, fun, and lots of local art and crafts. www.focusintoronto.com. SEPT. 1–3 – Great Trail Arts and Crafts Festival, Great Trail Festival Grounds, St. Rte. 43, between Malvern and Carrollton, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $6, C. (10–18) $4, under 10 free. A celebration of American folk art, with distinctive arts and crafts, living history, and period music. 330-794-9100 or www.greattrailfestival.com.


SEPT. 15 – Harrison Rally Day Festival, downtown Perrysburg, 9:30 a.m.–4 p.m. This year’s theme is “Party Gras.” 419-874-9147 or www.perrysburgchamber.com.

SEPT. 18–22 – Apple Week, Sauder Village, 22611 St. Rte. 2, SEPT. 7 – First Fridays Downtown, downtown Sidney. Participating Archbold, Tues.– Fri. 10 a.m.–3:30 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.– 5 p.m. Sample apple-themed recipes, watch apple butter being made shops and restaurants stay open later and offer a First Friday (Sat.), and visit the 130-year-old cider mill. 800-590-9755 or www. discount. 937-658-6945 or www.sidneyalive.org. saudervillage.org, SEPT. 7–9 – Black Swamp Arts Festival, Bowling Green. Enjoy music, art shows, food, and a beer garden. www.blackswampfest.org. SEPT. 22 – Fostoria Rail Festival, Fostoria Jr./Sr. High School, Fostoria, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $4, under 10 free. Toy trains, train SEPT. 8 – Treasure Island Day, Kelleys Island, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Come merchandise and memorabilia, model train displays, photo for our annual island-wide yard sale. Map of sale locations can be contest, drones, R/C airplanes. 419-435-1781 or http:// obtained at Kelleys Island Chamber of Commerce Office, 240 E. fostoriairontriangle.com. Lakeshore Dr., after 9 a.m. on day of event. 419-746-2360 or www. SEPT. 22 – Oktoberfest, downtown Findlay, 2–10 p.m. $5. kelleysislandchamber.com. Authentic German food, beer, and wine. Live polka music and SEPT. 9 – Logan County Bicentennial Celebration, Bellefontaine. dancing, competitions, kids’ activities, and entertainment. 419Free. The event kicks off with historic walking tours at noon, 422-3313 or www.downtownfindlay.com. then a parade at 3:30 p.m. beginning at the Logan Co. Fgds. and SEPT. 29 – Wood County Air Fair, Wood Co. Regional Airport, traveling to downtown. 937-593-7557. Bowling Green, 8 a.m.–4 p.m. $5, under 17 free. Helicopter rides, static SEPT. 13 – Pinterest Party, Bruno’s, 110 E. Poplar St., Sidney, 7:30 airplane displays, hot air balloons, military vehicles, food vendors, and p.m. We provide the supplies, you bring the fun. A 21-and-over kids’ activities. www.woodcountyairport.us/Air_Fair.html. event. Tickets $35, available at https://pinterestparties.bpt.me. AUG. 31, SEPT. 1–2 – Made in Ohio Arts and Crafts Festival, 937-658-6945 or www.sidneyalive.org.

SEPT. 7–8 – Ohio State African Violet Society Show and Sale, Kingwood Center Gardens, 50 Trimble Rd., Mansfield, Fri. 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m. Competition highlights the best African violets and gesneriad plants. Sale features hard-to-find plants and growing supplies. 937-654-7014 or www.osavs.org.

Hale Farm and Village, 2686 Oak Hill Rd., Bath, Fri. noon–5 p.m., Sat./Sun. 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Shop from 160 vendors selling Ohio-made products. Also “Handcrafted at Hale” items, historic craft and trade demos. www.wrhs.org/events/made-in-ohio-artscrafts-festival-2-copy.

SEPT. 15 – CMP Monthly Air Rifle and Air Pistol Matches, 1000 Lawrence Dr., Port Clinton. Free admission and parking. Competitions feature a Junior Air Rifle 3x20, 60 Shots Air Rifle Standing, 60 Shots Air Pistol, and a beginner 3x10. Rental equipment available for a small fee. 419-635-2141 ext. 707, lsherman@thecmp.org (Lue Sherman), or www.thecmp.org.

SEPT. 8–9 – Antiques in the Woods & Shaker Woods Outdoor Expo, Shaker Woods Grounds, 44337 County Line Rd., Columbiana, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $8, under 13 free. Top-quality antiques and collectibles, classic car show on Sun., tractor pulls, entertainment, and a Civil War encampment. 330-550-4190 or www.antiquesinthewoods.com. SEPT. 8–9 – Old Construction and Mining Equipment Show, Harrison Coal and Reclamation Historical Park Grounds, 42500 Stumptown Rd., New Athens (Ohio 519 between U.S. 22 and New Athens), Sat. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $3. Operating and static displays of construction equipment, mining equipment, crawlers, trucks, models, history displays. 740-312-5385, 330-6188032, oldironshow@yahoo.com, or www.facebook.com/ocmes. SEPT. 8–9 – Stumptown Steam Threshers Reunion and Show, Harrison Co. Fgds., 550 Grant St., Cadiz. $5. Steam and gas engines, demonstrations, kiddie tractor pulls, and other contests. Open kettle-cooked beans and cornbread. 330-265-3659, 740-968-4796, or www.facebook.com/StumptownSteamThreshers. SEPT. 8–13 – Wayne County Fair, Co. Fgds., 199 Vancouver St., Wooster. Performances in the grandstands daily. 330-262-8001 or www.waynecountyfairohio.com .

202 North Bend Park Rd., Cairo, 6 p.m. $35. A two-hour excursion designed to introduce and improve basic flat water skills. Equipment included. Register by calling 304-643-2931. SEPT. 21–23 – Nature Wonder Weekend: Forage and Feast, North Bend State Park, 202 North Bend Park Rd., Cairo, Prepare to be immersed in a weekend of foraging at its best, with an abundance of edible wild foods. Registration required. 304-558-2754 or https:// wvstateparks.com/park/north-bend-state-park. SEPT. 27–30 – Preston County Buckwheat Festival, 115 Brown Ave., Kingwood. Buckwheat cakes and sausage breakfasts served all day. Entertainment includes a car show, livestock shows and competitions, carnival rides, art and crafts, and a buckwheat cake eating contest. info@buckwheatfest.com or www.buckwheatfest.com.


SEPT. 9–22 – “Celebrate the Constitution” Exhibit, Historic Fort Steuben, 120 S. 3rd St., Steubenville, Mon.–Sat 10 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Free displays and activities commemorating our nation’s founding document. 740-283-1787 or www.oldfortsteuben.com. SEPT. 14–16 – Great Mohican Indian Pow-Wow, 23270 Wally Rd., Loudonville, Fri./Sun. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–7 p.m. $8, C. (6–12) $4, under 6 free. Weekend passes available. Native American live music, dancing, drum competitions, storytelling, tomahawk throwing, and fire starting demos. 800-766-2267 or www. mohicanpowwow.com. SEPT. 16 – Wellington Harvest of the Arts, 101 Willard Memorial Square, Wellington, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Free. 85 juried arts and crafts vendors. Lunch available. 440-647-2120 or www. wellingtonfriends.org. SEPT. 22–23 – Greentown Gathering, 2488 St. Rte. 39 (3.5 miles north), Perrysville, Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. $5 per vehicle. Living history encampment (c.1782–1812), flintlock and traditional archery demos, Indian football game, displays, and kids’ crafts. To participate in living history, email belleville1755@yahoo. com. 419-651-3739. SEPT. 23 – Doll and Bear Show and Sale, Family Life Center, 16349 Chillicothe Rd., Chagrin Falls, 10 a.m.–3 p.m., early bird admission 9 a.m. Adults $4, kids $1; early bird, $10. $1-off coupon available online. 440-283-5839, phdofdolls@yahoo.com, or www. dollshowusa.com. SEPT. 28–29 – Woosterfest, downtown Wooster, Fri. noon–11 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m.–11 p.m. Traditional Oktoberfest celebration. 330262-5735 or www.woosterfest.com. SEPT. 29 – Oktoberfest, Wolf Creek/Pine Run Grist Mill, St. Rte. 3 S., Loudonville. Adults $5; age 10–20, $1; under 10 free. Enjoy nearly 100 foreign and domestic beers, wine, live music, and great food. www.wolfcreekmill.org/events.html.

PLEASE NOTE: Ohio Cooperative Living strives for accuracy but urges readers to confirm dates and times before traveling long distances to events. Submit listings AT LEAST 90 DAYS prior to the event to Ohio Cooperative Living, 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229 or events@ohioec.org. Ohio Cooperative Living will not publish listings that don’t include a complete address or a number/website for more information.


SEPT. 6–8 – Marion Popcorn Festival, downtown Marion. Free admission. Parade Thurs. at 6 p.m. Concerts, rides, games, arts and crafts, 5K run/walk, food, and, of course, popcorn for all! 740-387FEST or www.popcornfestival.com.


SEPT. 7–8 – Lithopolis Honeyfest, Columbus St., Lithopolis, Fri. 3–7 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–7 p.m. Honey tasting, bake-off, queen and princess contest, demos and bee education, mead wine and beer garden, free kids’ crafts, and more. 614-829-7355 or www. lithopolishoneyfest.com. SEPT. 9 – Fall Avant-Garde Art and Craft Show, Makoy Event Ctr., 5462 Center St., Hilliard, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $3, under 12 free. Large show features artists and crafters selling their original handmade items. Full concession stand on site. www. avantgardeshows.com.

SEPT. 21–22 – Country Shop Hop, in Amanda, Stoutsville, and Tarleton area. Visit 10 of the 12 locations to enter a grand prize drawing. Details available at the olde barn @ garrett’s mtn, 8650 Gerhart Rd., Amanda, Fri./Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m., 740-503-2125, or www.countryshophop.com. SEPT. 22 – Antique Tractor Show and Parade & Harvest Festival, Bremen Area Historical Society Museum, 161 Carter St., Bremen, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Parade 10 a.m., tractors displayed noon–4 p.m. Vendors. Food available for purchase. 740-438-9211 or bahs43107@gmail.com. SEPT. 22–23 – Harvest Celebration, Smeck Park, 7395 Basil Rd, Baltimore. Free. Music, crafts, and activities. Featuring harvesting demonstrations by the Fairfield County Antique Tractor Club. 740-681-7249 or www.fairfieldcountyparks.org/events/specialevents.

THROUGH DEC. 29 – “Ordinary and Extraordinary: Victorian Undergarments, 1860-1880,” 221 E. Broadway, Granville. Free. Exhibit featuring garments from the textile collection. Open during museum hours Wed.–Sat. 1–4 p.m. 740-587-0430 or www.robbinshunter.org.

SEPT. 9 – Rock Mill Covered Bridge Dinner, Stebelton Park at Rock Mill, 1429 Rockmill Place NW, Lancaster. Dine on the iconic covered bridge sitting over the Hocking River Falls. Annual fundraising event. 740-681-7249 or www.fairfieldcountyparks.org/ events/special-events.

SEPT. 28 – Ambrosia & Orleans, Marion Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, 8 p.m. $22–$36. It’s a night of classic rock from the ’70s and ’80s featuring two great bands! 740-383-2101 or www. marionpalace.org.

SEPT. 1 – Sycamore Plaza Birthday Party, Sycamore Plaza Library, 201 Opportunity Way, Pickerington, 1–4 p.m. 614-8374384 or www.pickeringtonlibrary.org/sycamore-plaza-library.

SEPT. 13 – First Drafts Book Club, Combustion Brewery & Taproom, 80 W. Church St. #101, Pickerington, 7–8 p.m. Featured book is The Power by Naomi Alderman. Age 21 and over. 614-837-4104 ext. 233 or www.pickeringtonlibrary.org/ sycamore-plaza-library.

SEPT. 29 – Wildlife Encounter, Sycamore Plaza Library, 201 Opportunity Way, Pickerington, 1–2 p.m. The Ohio Wildlife Center brings their animal ambassadors for an educational experience that the whole family will love. Registration required. 614-837-4383 or www.pickeringtonlibrary.org/sycamore-plaza-library.

SEPT. 14–16 – Country Living Fair, Ohio Village. 800 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Admission starts at $13. Antiques, vintage items, handcrafted goods, art, home decor, and so much more. https://www.countryliving.com/life/a4125/country-livingfair-columbus.

SEPT. 29 – Wings & Wheels Fly In/Drive In, Zanesville Municipal Airport, 850 Airport Rd., Zanesville. Free admission and parking. Featuring antique and classic aircraft and show cars. Scenic aircraft rides $35 for kids, $45 for adults. Breakfast and lunch available. 740-586-2095 or www.facebook.com/ eaavintage22.

SEPT. 1–30 – Rock Mill Weekends, Rock Mill Park, 1429 Rockmill Place NW, Lancaster, every Sat. and Sun., 12–4 p.m. Free. 740-681-7249 or www.fairfieldcountyparks.org/events. SEPT. 3 – Labor Day Arts Festival, Northam Park, 2070 Northam Rd., Upper Arlington, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Showcases local, regional, and national artists. Live entertainment, art activities area, kids’ activities, and refreshments.www.uaoh.net. SEPT. 6 – Yoga at Your Library, Sycamore Plaza Library, 201 Opportunity Way, Pickerington, 11 a.m.–noon. Free. No registration required. www.pickeringtonlibrary.org/sycamoreplaza-library.

SEPT. 14–16 – Thornville Backwoods Fest, 8572 High Point Rd., Thornville, Fri./Sat. 8 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun. 8 a.m.–5 p.m. $9, under 11 free. Free parking. Come enjoy crafts, food, and music in the woods! 740-246-4709 or www.thornvillebackwoodsfest.com.


SEPT. 7–9 – AMGS Murder Mystery Dinner, Adena Mansion and Gardens, 847 Adena Rd., Chillicothe. $55, members $50. www. adenamansion.com. SEPT. 7–9 – Ohio River Sternwheel Festival, Front and Greene Sts., Marietta. Sternwheeler races, car show, pageant, 5K run, entertainment, and fireworks. 800-288-2577 or http:// ohioriversternwheelfestival.org. SEPT. 7, 14, 21, 28 – Rise and Shine Cambridge Farmers Market, Tractor Supply on Rte. 209/Southgate Pkwy., Cambridge, 8 a.m.–noon. 740-439-2238 or www.downtowncambridge.com.

SEPT. 1 – Movie Night at the Majestic: Grease, Majestic Theatre, 45 E. Second St., Chillicothe, 7 p.m. $5. www.majesticchillicothe.net. SEPT. 4–9 – Belmont County Fair, Belmont Co. Fgds., 45420 Roscoe Rd., St. Clairsville. General admission $10. A family tradition since 1849. www.belmontcountyfair.org. SEPT. 7–8 – Southern Ohio Storytelling Festival, Majestic Theatre Courtyard, 45 E. Second St., Chillicothe. Weekend pass $10, Stds. $5. Features concert performances by several highly acclaimed and award-winning storytellers. www.sostoryfest.com.

SEPT. 27–30 – Barnesville Pumpkin Festival, 117 Cherry St., Barnesville. Parade, live music, pumpkin-based food, and the Great Pumpkin Weigh-Off. 740-425-2593 or www. barnesvillepumpkinfestival.com.

SEPT. 29 – Forgotten Places and Spaces Walking Tour, historic downtown Cambridge, 3–4:30 p.m. 740-705-1873 or www. ohiomadegetaways.com.

SEPT. 14–15 – Guernsey Gospel Jubilee Fall Gospel Sing, Spring Valley Campground, 9000 Dozer Rd., Cambridge. Free admission; love offering only. Free parking. 740-704-1487 or www.gospeljubilee.org.

SEPT. 29 – Jose Madrigal: The Ultimate Santana Experience, Majestic Theatre, 45 E. Second St., Chillicothe, 8 p.m. $12–$20. www.majesticchillicothe.net.

SEPT. 15–16 – Antique Power Show, hosted by Old Iron Power Club, Noble Co. Fgds., Caldwell. Antique tractors and engines, garden tractor pull, kids’ pedal pull, petting zoo, food, and crafts. 740-934-2258 or www.oldironpowerclub.com.

SEPT. 8 – Antioch Shriner’s Sportsmen’s Raffle. Greene Co. Fgds., 120 Fairground Rd, Xenia, doors open at 10:30 a.m. $20 each or 6 for $100. Drawings noon–5 p.m. Sportsmen’s item given away every 3 mins. Food and beverage included in ticket price. 937-461-4740. SEPT. 15–16 – Preble County Pork Festival, Preble Co. Fgds., 722 S. Franklin St., Eaton. Free admission/parking. Parade Sat. 10:30 a.m. The best pork chops, pulled pork, ham sandwiches, and sausage in the region. Also includes petting zoo, kiddie tractor pull, magic show, and racing pigs! www.porkfestival.org.

SEPT. 7 – Bluegrass at Vinoklet Art and Wine Festival, 11069 Colerain Ave.. Cincinnati, 7 p.m. Free admission and parking. Special

SEPT. 19–22 – 105th Seaman Fall Festival, Seaman. One of Ohio’s oldest festivals. Features rides, tractor pulls, garden tractor pulls, horse pulls, entertainment, flea market, and food. Contact Doris Bailey at 937-386-2083.

kickoff to the festival features Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass. 513-385-9309 or www.vinokletwines.com/ art-wine-festival-2018.

SEPT. 21–23 – Ohio Fish and Shrimp Fest, Freshwater Farms of Ohio, 2624 N. U.S. Hwy. 68, Urbana, Fri. 4–10 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m.–10

SEPT. 22 – Ghost Walk, downtown Chillicothe, 11 a.m.–6 p.m. $10. Explore several downtown locations, including some not usually accessible, and hear their haunted history. www. chillicothehalloweenfestival.com/ghost-walk.

SEPT. 10–16 – 171st Guernsey County Fair, Co. Fgds., 335 Old National Rd., Lore City. 740-489-5888 or www. guernseycountyfairgrounds.org.

SEPT. 7–9 – Vinoklet Art and Wine Festival, 11069 Colerain Ave.. Cincinnati, Fri. 7–11 p.m., Sat. noon–11 p.m., Sun. noon–8 p.m. Free admission and parking. 513-385-9309 or www.vinokletwines.com/ art-wine-festival-2018.

Free admission. Dinner and an evening of lively bluegrass music. 513-385-9309 or www.vinokletwines.com.

SEPT. 22–23 – Ross County Quilt Guild Annual Quilt Show, Tabernacle Baptist Church, 221 E. Main St., Chillicothe, Fri. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Admission $5. Entries accepted Sept. 21, 1–5 p.m. 740-773-0222, or find us on Facebook.

SEPT. 8 – The Jerusalem Experience, Living Word Outdoor Drama, 6010 College Hill Rd., Cambridge. $10 Admission includes a pass to the day’s activities, 3–6 p.m., and to the evening performance. SEPT. 28 – ekoostik hookah, Majestic Theatre, 45 E. Second St., 740-439-2761 or www.livingworddrama.org. Chillicothe, 9 p.m. www.majesticchillicothe.net.

SEPT. 7–8 – Darrtown Fall Festival, Darrtown, Fri. 4–11 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–11 p.m. www.darrtown.com/reunion/fall-festivals.html.


SEPT. 29–30 – Hocking Hills Artists and Craftsmen Association Fall Show. Hocking Hills Elementary School, 19197 St. Rte. 664, Logan, Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Free admission. Features works of local artisans and craftsmen. Food available. www.hockinghillsartistsandcraftsmen.com.

SEPT. 29 – Lore City Car Show, Lore City, 1–3 p.m. Registration 10 a.m.–1 p.m. 740-584-0435. SEPT. 5, 12, 19, 29 – Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, Vinoklet Winery, 11069 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, 6:30–8:30 p.m.

p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–5 p.m. $5, C. (3–12) $2, under 3 free. Seafood, live music, games, and activities for the whole family. www.fwfarms. com/festival. SEPT. 21–23 – Silent Meditation Retreat, Highlands Nature Sanctuary, 7660 Cave Rd., Bainbridge. Join Francis Bennett for a weekend of inward contemplation. Space is limited. Register at 937365-1935 or http://arcofappalachia.org/silent-retreat. SEPT. 22–23 – 2018 World War I Dawn Patrol Rendezvous, 1100 Spaatz St., Wright-Patterson AFB. Free. Authentic and replica World War I aircraft, living history re-enactors, period vehicles, music, a collector’s show, and many educational activities. 937-2557207 or www.nationalmuseum.af.mil. SEPT. 23 – Music at the Mound with Steve Free, Serpent Mound, 3850 OH-73, Peebles, 1 p.m. Free admission; $8 parking. http://arcofappalachia.org/steve-free. SEPT. 29 – Simon Kenton Chili Cook-off Festival & Hoopla Parade, 1 Monument Square, Urbana, 11 a.m.–6 p.m. Free. Fee to enter competition. Parade at noon, live entertainment at 1:30 p.m., chili sampling at 2 p.m., contest and activities throughout the day. 614-440-7560, bethadair68@yahoo.com, or www. chilicookoffofurbana.com. SEPT. 1 – Intro. to Adventure: Kayaking, North Bend State Park,



My daughter’s dog, Muppet, all dressed up, waiting for visitors during sweater weather. Debra Malusky Carroll Electric Cooperative member

Sweater weather

Our dog, Macey, ready for her walk in the snow. Jennie Nelson South Central Power Company member

My little brother and our dog, Honey-Bear. Abigail Chipps Adams Rural Electric Cooperative member

Send us your picture! For December, send “Santa loves pets” by September 15; for January, send “New Year cheers!” by October 15. Upload your photos at www. ohioec.org/memberinteractive, and remember to include your co-op name and to identify everyone in your photos.

My granddaughter Andie loves nature, and especially her dogs, Brody and Ollie. Andie Eschbaugh Washington Electric Cooperative member

Ohio Cooperative Living magazine is looking for photos from Ohio and West Virginia electric

Catch the moment COOPERATIVE




cooperative members to use in its 2019 cooperative calendar. We’re interested in seasonal scenes from each month of the year — images that really “pop” and convey a sense of time and place. Photo subjects must be interesting and the shot well planned and framed. If their images are chosen for publication, amateur co-op photographers could earn $100 or more.

RULES • One (1) photo entry per member.

• High-resolution, color, digital images only. • No prints, slides, or proof sheets–no snail mail! Send submissions by e-mail attachment only to photo@ohioec.org • Photo format must be horizontal and capable of filling an 8 x 11-inch image area.

• Include explanation of photo the (where, what, when) and who took the shot. • Include name, address, phone number, and co-op membership. • Shots featuring people who can be identified within the photo must be accompanied by a signed publication release.

Deadline for submission September 14 • photo@ohioec.org 40


ENTER TO WIN* A $100 ELECTRIC BILL CREDIT! Bring your completed entry form to the Ohio Cooperative Living booth in our Education Center on Wheat Street at the 2018 Farm Science Review.

Name: Electric co-op name: Email address:

*Must be an Ohio electric cooperative member to enter and win.


Check out the revamped Ohio's Electric Cooperatives Education Center at this year's Review! Kids, FFA students, and adults alike will find fresh new features to enjoy. But don't worry...we'll always have popcorn!

This major agricultural show sponsored by The Ohio State University draws more than 130,000 people every year. It’s a fun, educational event for farmers and non-farmers alike.


September 18–20, 2018


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