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Operation Round Up

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Darke REC members recently awarded $11,455 to organizations through the Operation Round Up program. Since the beginning of the program in 2004, Darke REC members have donated approximately $471,150 back to the community.

Operation Round Up is a voluntary charitable program. Participating members’ monthly electric bills are rounded up to the next dollar, with the additional pennies put into the “Trust” fund.

A board of trustees, made up of Darke REC members, oversees the Operation Round Up process. Those serving as trustees are Chairperson Susan Laux, Treasurer Joan Buschur, Secretary Missy Schmitz, Paul Robbins, Wendy Aker, Shirley Hundley, and Kris Osterbur.

The trustees meet twice a year to review applications and determine which ones should be funded. The goal is to disperse funds to best serve the communities of cooperative members.

To request an application, contact Jennifer Davenport at 800-776-5612, or visit Darke REC’s website at www.darkerec.com.

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