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Together again

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Beat thePeak

Beat thePeak

Our annual meeting of the members will look a lot different this year, after COVID put a stop to in-person meetings for the past three years. Since 2019, Buckeye Rural Electric has held virtual meetings, shared recordings of the significant business through our website, and provided the meeting remarks in Ohio Cooperative Living magazine. We were still providing the necessary information to our members but lost the valuable face-to-face interaction that came with in-person meetings.

With the pandemic emergency officially past and after much discussion, the board of trustees has determined we will hold a scaled-down, business-only meeting for 2023. Rising costs have required your co-op to increase rates to maintain the reliable electric service on which you depend. Your board of trustees has weighed the annual meeting options — from remaining virtual to returning to a full-scale, half-day event — and for this year has decided on somewhere in the middle. We will focus on making sure our members have an opportunity to hear first-hand, in person about how their co-op performed in 2022. During this meeting, the board president, CEO, and cooperative attorney will present information regarding the Cooperative in 2022. A bill credit of $5 will be applied to the accounts of members who attend, but In an effort to control costs, there will not be a breakfast, entertainment, gifts, health fair, or door prizes. We hope to find other means to show our appreciation to our members in the days ahead.

We invite you to the meeting, to be conducted at 10 a.m. on Saturday, August 12, in the truck garage behind the Rio Grande office, 4848 State Route 325 S, Patriot, Ohio.

Everyone at Buckeye REC hopes you will join us for the annual business meeting. This is a scheduled opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas with your cooperative directors and staff. We look forward to seeing your faces again. It’s been a while.


Annual meeting of members • Saturday, August 12, 2023, at 10 a.m.

Members are invited to attend the meeting which will be held at:

The Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative, Rio Grande office, located at 4848 State Route 325 S, Patriot, Ohio 45658

Order of business:

Commencement/call to order

Reading of “Notice of Meeting” and proof of publication or mailing

Reading of 2022 annual meeting minutes and action thereon Board, officer, committee, and management reports

Unfinished business


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