Ohio cooperative living may2017 firelands

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Firelands Washington Electric Electric Cooperative Cooperative Official publication of your electric cooperative Official publication | www.firelandsec.com www.weci.org www.ohioec.org

MAY 2017

Helping hooves Cuddle therapy at Seven Oaks Farm ALSO INSIDE Memorial Day poppies Fun & funny festivals Local cooperative pages

Electricity revolutionized the way we connect with the world. WHAT WILL IT DO NEXT? Electricity. Every day it brings us something new. Something to empower or simplify our lives. Clean. Efficient. Stable. You might call it the essential energy. Now, and for the future. Electricity. A world of possibilities.

To learn more about the cooperative difference, visit ohioec.org.

15 27



The miniature horses — and other four-footed friends — of Seven Oaks Farm bring joy and comfort to those who could use some of both.

FEATURES 4 OUT OF THE ELEMENTS The Central Ohio Lineworker Training


program’s new facility will allow yearround education.

15 FIESTA TIME! Ohio Cooperative Living’s recipe-contest winners refined their dishes at their families’ dinner tables.

19 LOCAL PAGES News and information from your electric cooperative.

24 PASSION FOR POPPIES Those ubiquitous paper flowers sold

by the American Legion Auxiliary are crafted with care by Ohio veterans.

27 FUN AND FUNNY FESTIVALS What do pythons, lavender, and Bigfoot have in common? All are the focus of celebrations in small-town Ohio.

Mount Gilead (Page 4) Dover (Page 8) Hamilton (Page 10) Sandusky (Page 24) Peninsula (Page 28) Bucyrus (Page 29)







afe, clean, affordable, and reliable — that’s what we strive for in delivering electricity to your home. It’s easy to take the “safe” part of this formula for granted, but electric cooperative employees keep electrical safety at the top of our minds every day. May is National Electrical Safety Month, a time for all of us to reexamine our surroundings and determine those steps that we can take to prevent the deaths, injuries, and economic losses that occur each year because of electrical hazards.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, nearly 50,000 fires in U.S. homes annually are caused by electrical failures or malfunctions. Statistics also tell us that vehicle Cooperative accidents hitting leaders are electrical poles have committed to a seen a sharp increase culture of safety in in recent years. Farm our workplaces. equipment coming into contact with electric lines continues to cause serious injuries and damages every year. Your local electric cooperative can help with safety tips and information — folks on staff are always willing and eager to help make your home or workplace safer. We’ve also put an increased emphasis on our own workplace safety. About a decade ago, we recognized that injuries and lost-time accidents



among electric cooperative employees were occurring at a stubbornly high rate. Cooperative leaders came together to raise our awareness about safety issues and to commit to creating a culture of safety in our workplaces. The results have been dramatic: The National Rural Electric Cooperative Association reports a 30 Pat O’Loughlin percent decline in the number President & CEO, of co-op workplace accidents Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives over the past nine years. The brand-new Central Ohio Lineman Training (COLT) facility, featured on Page 4, not only is a state-of-the-art jobtraining facility, but also puts a focus on safe job performance at the core of each of its programs. We appreciate your help. As members of your electric co-op, if you see any potentially dangerous situations, please report what you see to your local office as soon as possible. We have seen that when we’re aware of our surroundings and vigilant about our safety, we can improve the safety culture in our organizations. The same is true for our families, our teams, and any groups to which we belong. Thanks for the help, and stay safe!

May 2017 • Volume 59, No. 8



Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives 6677 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229 614-846-5757 memberinteract@ohioec.org www.ohioec.org

Patrick O’Loughlin President & CEO Patrick Higgins Director of Communications Jeff McCallister Managing Editor Samantha Rhodes Associate Editor Contributors: Brian Albright, Cheryl Bach, Celeste Baumgartner, Colleen Romick Clark, John Egan, W.H. "Chip" Gross, Patrick Keegan, Toni Leland, Wendy Pramik, Jamie Rhein, Brad Thiessen, Damaine Vonada, Margie Wuebker, and Diane Yoakam. OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING (USPS 134-760; ISSN 2572-049X) is published monthly by Ohio Rural Elec­tric Co­op­eratives, Inc. With a paid circulation of 294,359, it is the official com­mun­ication link be­tween the elec­­­­tric co­operatives in Ohio and West Virginia and their mem­bers. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. All rights reserved.

For all advertising inquiries, contact GLM COMMUNICATIONS 212-929-1300 sales@glmcommunications.com



Check out the mobilefriendly website and digital edition of Ohio Cooperative Living, as well as other timely information from Ohio’s electric cooperatives.

Periodicals postage paid at Colum­bus, OH, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to editorial and advertising offices at: 6677 Busch Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43229-1101

COOPERATIVE MEMBERS: Please report changes of address to your electric cooperative. Ohio Cooperative Living staff cannot process address changes. Alliance for Audited Media Member

Official publication of your electric cooperative www.ohioec.org

MAY 2017

Helping hooves Cuddle therapy at Seven Oaks Farm ALSO INSIDE Memorial Day poppies Fun & funny festivals Local cooperative pages

Helping hooves Cuddle therapy at Seven Oaks Farm ALSO INSIDE Memorial Day poppies Fun & funny festivals Local cooperative pages






We asked, you responded:

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“Love it!”

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“We think it is a nice change and still has all the good articles and recipes.” — Duane Jeanette Frankart

The fact that a product is advertised in Ohio Cooperative Living should not be taken as an en­dorse­ment. If you find an advertisement mis­leading or a product unsatisfactory, please not­ify us or the Ohio Attorney General’s Of­fi ce, Consumer Protection Sec­tion, 30 E. Broad St., Col­um­bus, OH 43215, or call 1-800-282-0515.

MAY 2017

Official publication of your electric cooperative

— Theresa and Kevin Clark

DID YOU KNOW? The beauty of poppies in the Buckeye state has not gone unnoticed. Below is an excerpt from Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Carl Sandburg’s (1878-1967) poem, “Crossing Ohio when Poppies Bloom in Ashtabula.” Pick me poppies in Ohio, mother. Pick me poppies in the back yard in Ashtabula. May going, poppies coming, summer humming: make it a poppy summer, mother; the leaves sing in the silk, the leaves sing a tawny red gold; seven sunsets saved themselves to be here now.






INSIDE The Central Ohio Lineworker Training program's new building takes shape in advance of enclosing the structure. The finished building was scheduled to open this month.

Lineworker training comes indoors as COLT's new building to open in Mount Gilead


eing a lineworker is not a particularly easy job; besides the strenuous nature of the work that both keeps the lights on and restores power when there’s an outage, the folks on the poles need to have a knowledge base that ranges from basic knot-tying to electrical engineering. Not surprisingly, there’s a lot of training that goes into becoming (and remaining) a lineworker. Also not surprisingly, Ohio’s electric cooperatives are leaders in the field of lineworker training. Those efforts will get a further boost this month, with the opening of the Central Ohio Lineworker Training (COLT) program’s indoor training facility. The new building was constructed at the same Mount Gilead site where co-op line personnel have, for more than a decade, honed their physical and intellectual skills on a 16-acre outdoor training field. The 7,200-square-foot COLT indoor facility took eight months to build, and includes two classrooms and 10 work stations, where trainees get a hands-on learning experience. The indoor facility has 19 wooden utility poles that are 30-



At COLT, lineworkers have the chance to make their mistakes, and learn from them, under controlled conditions.

35 feet high, where apprentice lineworkers can practice their climbing and rescue techniques and learn specifics of the transformers and voltage regulators on those poles. It also includes an area where students can learn underground construction and how to maintain an energized underground system.

It takes years to learn the trade

Lineworker training is a rigorous combination of classroom and field work. Candidates take 12 weeks of training over a four-year period. Between training sessions, apprentice lineworkers work at their electric coop, applying their new skills working alongside experienced journey-level lineworkers. Chris Napier was in the first COLT graduating class in 2007. “The instruction I received at COLT, combined with my on-the-job experience, helped me grow as a lineman and a leader,” says Napier, who now provides safety training for Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives. “I feel the skills I learned and the strong emphasis on performing the work safely allowed me to serve our members in the best way possible.”

Weather in Ohio does not always cooperate when lineworkers need hands-on training in pole safety and electrical connections.

The COLT program has trained and graduated more than 120 lineworkers. Currently, there are 68 students enrolled in the apprentice training program.

Indoor facility expands learning opportunities

Before the facility’s opening, Ohio’s widely varying weather limited hands-on outdoor training to about eight months a year. Now, it can go year-round. “Inclement weather really cut into the effectiveness of training,” says Dwight Miller, director of safety and loss control for Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives. “We only have these guys in training for short periods of time, and Taking it’s important that every weather out hour is maximized.”

of the equation maximizes learning.

Taking weather out of the equation also maximizes learning, according to COLT instructor Kyle Hoffman. “You can work outdoors when it’s 10 degrees, or when it’s raining, but getting students to focus on learning, rather than being in the elements, can be tough,” he says.

Experienced linemen need to 'sharpen their saws' too

Experienced linemen can hone their skills in COLT’s newly established Journeyman Refresher Program. While the basics of line work have remained relatively unchanged through the years, there have been many advancements in how the work is performed. These ever-changing aspects of line work require a continuous learning environment for everyone responsible for keeping the lights on. Most of that learning, along with the technical how-to aspects, involves safety. Safety is not a question of adding another requirement to a job — it’s an integral part of every job, Miller says. “Working safely comes down to knowing what you can do, and what you can’t. As an electrical lineworker, you have very little room for error.” Hoffman, who spent 10 years climbing poles as a lineman for Pioneer Electric Cooperative, takes that even further: “We tell our students, ‘If you’re going to make a mistake, make it here at COLT, where you will have the opportunity to learn from it. Out in the field, you may not get a second chance.’ ” JOHN EGAN is president of Egan Energy Communications (www.EganEnergy.com), a national energy communications firm.




Courtesy Dayton VA Center


Dayton’s VA Medical Center was part of the first U.S. effort to care for veterans The hospital ward at the Dayton VA Medical Center in Dayton opened in 1870, to treat Civil War veterans

Yellow Springs resident Dave Neuhardt was surprised to find that his love of history would lead him to the grave marker of his great-great grandfather, who fought for the Union during the Civil War. Among those in the National Cemetery on the grounds of the Dayton VA Medical Center are the remains of Howard Bates, who served Ohio infantry and cavalry regiments. Why he is buried there is part of the historic narrative attached to the place. The center, which today has 356 beds, claims 150 years of history. In its early years, it demonstrated such a progressive approach toward veterans’ care that it became a model the At its peak, federal government used to build the Dayton VA Center a network of similar homes that evolved into the U.S. Veterans housed 7,000 patients. Administration in 1930.

Today it has 356 beds, always full.

Neuhardt says few are aware of its significance. He learned of it as a member of the American Veterans Heritage Center, a local preservation group. “I knew a little about it, but now I know a lot more,” he says. He tracked his ancestor through a genealogy website, which is how he discovered the VA cemetery marker. Bates spent eight years in the home, where he died in 1901. So how did the Dayton VA come to be? Toward the end of the war, Union leaders knew there would be a flood of disabled Union Army veterans without enough



charities or hospitals to serve them — and indeed, 83 percent of the 204 hospitals open at the war’s end closed within eight months. In March 1865, a month before his assassination, President Lincoln created the National Military Asylum for the Relief of the Totally Disabled Officers and Men of the Volunteer Force, which became the country’s first foray into large-scale care of its veterans. The Central Branch at Dayton was the largest among the first three opened and at its peak accommodated some 7,000 veterans. The first residents — described as “homeless, penniless, and almost friendless” — sought admission to the site overlooking the lush Miami Valley. By this time, the name was shortened to National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, but it became known colloquially as the National Soldiers’ Home. Of the original branches, Dayton was the most progressive because of its focus on rehabilitation and training veterans in a trade — more than 100 were offered — so they could re-acclimate to civilian life. A hospital opened in 1870. Tessa Kalman, visiual information specialist at the Dayton VA, says the center’s relevance has never waned. “The enduring legacy of the National Homes, and now the many VA medical centers across the country, is to remind us how we as a nation still believe that to care for those who have ‘borne the battle’ is as important today as it was in the time of President Lincoln,” she says CRAIG LOVELACE is a freelance writer from Groveport.

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Location: Eastern Amish Country between Sugarcreek and Dover. Provenance: Started in 1933, Broad Run Cheesehouse was a dairy farmers’ cooperative until 1977, when cheesemaker John “Hans” Schindler and his wife, Nancy, purchased the factory. The Schindlers kept the wellestablished Broad Run name, but gradually enlarged and improved their cheesehouse. In the 1980s, Nancy debuted an in-house shop featuring curtains and lace, and in 2003, their son, Chad, who had learned to craft cheese from his father, also became a winemaker when the family launched a new venture, Swiss Heritage Winery. Although Hans has passed away, Chad and Nancy continue to offer award-winning cheeses, a wide variety of wines, and eclectic gift and home décor items in one small, but inviting, chalet-style store. “Being a small operation is part of our charm,” Chad Schindler says. “People like the family atmosphere here.” Significance: With both a cheese factory and winery on site, the Schindlers have created a popular retail and tasting-room destination that



Cheesehouse and Swiss Heritage Winery DOVER

uniquely embraces the classic pairing of wine and cheese. “I don’t know of any other place in the country that makes its own wine and its own cheese,” Schindler says. Currently: Specializing in artisan cheeses that range from varieties of Swiss and cheddar to Gruyère and Limburger, Broad Run produces about a million pounds of cheese every year. The milk it uses comes mostly from local Amish farms, and arrives at the factory in 10-gallon cans that have been cooled in spring water. Swiss Heritage Winery uses grape and fruit juices from Ohio, New York, and Canada to make some 10,000 gallons of wine per year. Many of the wines have names inspired by family members, whose photos are featured on the bottles. Coal Miner’s Daughter, for example, is a watermelon wine adorned with a girlhood photo of Nancy. It’s a little-known fact that: Mild Swiss is Broad Run’s best-selling cheese, while Victorian Lace, a Niagara and Catawba blend, is a customer favorite. Broad Run Cheesehouse and Swiss Heritage Winery, 6011 Old Rt. 39 NW, Dover, OH 44622. Open Mon.– Sat., 9 a.m.–6 p.m. For additional information, call 330-343-4108 or visit www.broadruncheese.com.

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Shooters young and old enjoy some time on the range at Cardinal Shooting center near Marengo.

Formerly a campground, the Cardinal Shooting Center, near Marengo, has built a national reputation among enthusiasts


ver the past decade, it has steadily grown to become the largest privately owned recreational shooting facility in the country. The numbers alone are impressive: Fifty-two trapshooting fields sit side by side, stretching a full mile, alongside 14 skeet fields, 14 pistol and rifle ranges, two sporting clays ranges, and an archery range. Owned by Jack Fishburn and his family, Cardinal Shooting Center — a member of Consolidated Electric Cooperative — is located on some 500 acres near Marengo. As large and successful as the facility has become, it almost didn’t happen. “My wife, Karen, and I first purchased a run-down campground along Interstate 71, thinking we would make it into a nice, family-friendly campground,” Fishburn says. “But no sooner had we started that undertaking, than a few members from the Ohio State Trapshooting Association (OSTA) approached me about putting in trapshooting fields. I told them I wasn’t interested.” But the OSTA folks were persistent, inviting Jack to attend a day at the annual Grand American, the largest competitive trapshoot in the country. “What I saw there really impressed me,” Fishburn says. “There were thousands of shooters, some of them carrying shotguns worth $20,000 or



more. These men and women would come off the shooting line, place their expensive guns in a rack, and just walk off and leave them while they went to eat lunch. They knew their guns would not be disturbed. That was the kind of clientele I wanted to attract.” So in 2005, Fishburn went to work installing trapshooting fields and other amenities shooters might need. It was a hectic year, but they finished just in time for the 2006 summer shooting season. Last summer, Cardinal Shooting Center hosted three of the six largest trapshooting events in the country, as well as the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) and Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) National Championships — with 3,000 young shooters, they’re the largest youth shooting competitions in America. At age 83, Fishburn is planning an additional pistol range, a rifle range, plus three more skeet fields, and an additional sporting clays course. He’s also planning a second lodge. CHIP GROSS is Ohio Cooperative Living’s outdoors editor. He can be reached at whchipgross@gmail.com or through www.chipgross.com.


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These not-so-familiar perennials will spice up your garden


ardening is definitely habit-forming! Not only do avid gardeners itch to get outside at the first sign of sun and warmer temperatures, we also tend to stay with tried-and-true perennials. After all, if our plants grow well and don’t require blood, sweat, and tears to maintain, why change anything?

Shady character

Yellow Archangel ‘Silver Frost’ — A beautiful ground cover for a shady spot, archangel has heart-shaped green leaves, veined with silver, that brighten a dull shade garden. Spring brings a profusion of bright-yellow blooms that rise several inches above the foliage, and, even after the bloom is finished, bring illumination to the shade.



But then again, why not? It’s fun to be adventurous — picture something elegant and unusual among the familiar purple coneflowers, black-eyed Susans, daylilies, and hostas. With a little planning, gardeners can spice up their shade gardens with perennials that offer beautiful foliage year-round, with the out-of-the-ordinary texture and blooms as a beautiful bonus.










Sunny spots Genista ‘Bangle’ — This cheerful small mound of yellow flowers is a dwarf broom that blooms in May and June, reaching a height of just 24 inches. Not only pretty, this one also is low maintenance — it’s deer-resistant, grows in average soil, and tolerates dry conditions.


2 Sea Holly — Gorgeous blue

cone-shaped blooms rise above jagged green leaves and really pop when planted among warmer colors. The flowers begin as gray-white, then turn sapphire by mid-to-late summer. This spectacular perennial grows from 18 to 36 inches tall, prefers sandy soil and will tolerate dry conditions. Once established, it doesn’t need much upkeep. ‘Color Guard’ — This 3 Yucca gorgeous variegated evergreen

shrub is a good choice for a focal point. Easy to grow, tolerant of poor soil and drought, and resistant to deer, rabbits, and air pollution, this one could be the answer to that “problem spot.” Showy white flowers appear on 5-foot stalks in June and July, but the yellow and gold leaves entertain year-round.

Sunny or partial sun

Shade or partial shade

4 Spurge ‘Blackbird’ — This

nonstop performer flaunts gorgeous dark green and purple foliage that contrasts with lime-green flowers that emerge in early-to-late spring. Spurge grows to about 18 inches, is resistant to most diseases and pests, is unappetizing to deer and rabbits, tolerates drought, and is easy to maintain.

5 Dwarf Papyrus Sedge — Del-

icate and texturally interesting, this small plant is perfect for water gardens and ponds, as well as poorly draining areas of a garden. Fast-growing to 2 to 4 feet in height, it tolerates full sun to partial shade. Gooseneck Loosestrife — A

6 garden spot filled with these

adorable white “goose head” flowers, all pointing in the same direction, is always a conversation starter. Easy to grow and tolerant of most conditions, this variety of loosestrife grows fast and spreads quickly — something to consider when starting in your garden.

Rose — When you’ve just 7 Lenten about had it with winter, this

gorgeous performer comes on strong. Named Lenten Rose because of the mid-February bloom time, the delicate flowers will last until May. After that, the leathery dark-green leaves remain crisp and beautiful, right through summer. The plant tends to burn in hot, direct sun, though planting in dense shade inhibits its bloom. It’s deer-, pest-, and disease-resistant. Purchase when the plant is in bloom, to get the color you want.

8 Leopard Plant ‘Britt Marie

Crawford’ — Interesting large purple-black leaves showcase narrow spikes of yellow-to-orange flowers, making this perennial a must-have for the partial-shade garden. The attractive basal foliage mound grows to 24 inches tall, and then the June/July flower stems rise 36 to 40 inches. A good choice for beside shaded ponds, or any location where heavy water requirements can be met.

Shady character

Coral Bells ‘Black Currant’ — Spectacular dark-purple leaves with silver veining make this Coral Bells a smash hit among lighter-colored foliage. Growing to a clump about 16 inches tall, this beauty needs mostly shade, but will tolerate morning sun.


TONI LELAND is a master gardener from Connecticut.



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FIESTA! Readers nearly overwhelmed our judges with entries to our Cinco de Mayo recipe contest, but one rich and zesty — yet not overpowering — dish stood out from the rest.





Our contest winner, Susan Muskopf of Wooster, honed her recipe to suit her family’s tastes


et ready to celebrate the Mexican holiday Cinco de Mayo with winning entrees from Ohio Cooperative Living’s Fiesta! recipe contest.

Susan Muskopf of Wooster, a member of Holmes-Wayne Cooperative, grabbed top honor, beating more than 200 other recipes with her Pork Chile Verde Stew. Runners-up were Katie Dippold of Maria Stein, a Midwest Rural Electric member, with Chimichangas, and Amy Zahner of Fresno, a Frontier Rural Electric member, with Quesadilla Casserole. “The contest announcement caught my eye, because the theme was Mexican food,” Muskopf says. “My husband and I go on mission trips to Mexico with our church. The stew is similar to the homecooking we enjoy while working there.” The retired medical laboratory technologist remembers eating a hearty stew years ago while vacationing in Arizona. She finally located a viable recipe in 2006, but set out to make some changes, adding oregano, cumin, black pepper, and potatoes. Contest judges enjoyed the hearty flavor, and noted the blend of spices is not overpowering. Muskopf serves the stew with rice and warmed tortillas.

She says she’ll use her prize — a KitchenAid stand mixer — to prepare special treats for her husband, John, their four children, and five grandchildren. 16


WINNING RECIPE Pork Chili Verde Stew 1 3-pound boneless pork sirloin roast, cut into 1-inch cubes 3 Tbsp. oil for sautéing plus more as needed 4 medium carrots, sliced 1 medium onion, thinly sliced ½ cup minced fresh cilantro or 2 tsp. dried cilantro 4 garlic cloves, minced 4 large potatoes, peeled and cut into cubes

2 4-oz. cans diced green chilies 1 28-oz. can green enchilada sauce 1 tsp. oregano ½ tsp. cumin 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. black pepper 1 Tbsp. cornstarch ¼ cup cold water Hot cooked rice for 8 Flour tortillas, warmed

Add oil to a large skillet and sauté pork in batches until browned. Add carrots, onion, cilantro, and garlic to last batch, sautéing until pork is browned. Add more oil as needed. Transfer to a 5-quart slow cooker. Add potatoes, green chilies, enchilada sauce and seasonings. Mix well. Cover and cook on low for 6 hours or until pork is tender. In a small bowl, combine cornstarch and cold water until smooth. Stir into pork mixture. Cover and cook on high for 30 minutes or until thickened. Serve warm with rice and tortillas. Serves 8.

RUNNER-UP Amy Zahner, an office manager for a veterinary practice, found the casserole recipe on the back of a McCormick’s spice package. She adjusted the amount of spices to satisfy the tastes of her husband and their two children. The result is a Mexican-style lasagna that calls for tortillas, instead of noodles.

Cheryl Bach

“I was attracted because all the ingredients were things I had in my pantry,” she says. “I didn’t have to go out and buy a lot of things.”

Quesadilla Casserole 11/2 pounds lean hamburger ½ cup chopped onion 1 15-oz. can tomato sauce 1 15-oz. can black beans, drained and rinsed 1 (8- to 10-oz.) can whole kernel corn (or Mexican corn blend) 1 10-oz. can diced tomatoes with green chilies 2 tsp. chili powder

1 tsp. ground cumin 1 tsp. minced garlic ¼ to ½ tsp. crushed red pepper (optional) 6 to 8 flour tortillas 2 cups shredded Cheddar or shredded Mexican-blend cheese Salt and pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9 x 13-inch baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. Brown hamburger and

onion in large skillet. Drain and season with salt and pepper to taste. Add tomato sauce, beans, corn, and diced tomatoes; mix well. Stir in all spices except red pepper flakes. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add red pepper flakes, if desired. Spread 1 cup of hamburger mixture on bottom of baking dish. Top with 3 to 4 tortillas, overlapping lengthwise to get even coverage. Then layer half of remaining meat mixture followed by half the cheese. Repeat with remaining tortillas, hamburger mixture and cheese. Bake uncovered 20 minutes or until casserole is heated through and cheese is melted and bubbly. Remove from oven and let stand 10 minutes before serving. Serves 8.

RUNNER-UP Katie Dippold found a basic Chimichanga recipe some years ago and made some revisions, adding beans and spices to the list of ingredients. Fillings feature ground beef or chicken. The tasty pockets are baked in a 475-degree oven and then served on a bed of lettuce along with sour cream and taco sauce.


½ tsp. salt 1 pound lean ground beef or 1 28-oz. can chicken, drained 1 clove garlic, crushed ½ tsp. ground cumin ½ tsp. oregano ¼ cup canned green chilies, chopped ¼ cup taco sauce or salsa 1 cup refried or black beans

¼ cup sour cream Sliced green olives (optional) 2 Tbsp. apple cider vinegar ½ cup butter, melted 6 to 8 7-inch flour tortillas 4 oz. shredded Cheddar cheese ½ cup sour cream ½ cup taco sauce 11/2 cups shredded lettuce

For beef filling: Sprinkle salt in skillet. Over medium heat, add meat, garlic, and seasonings. Cook beef, crumbling with a fork until it loses pink color. Stir in chilies, taco sauce or salsa, beans, sour cream, olives if desired and vinegar. Cook until flavors combine, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat and cool.

Cheryl Bach

The retired nurse and her husband, Bob, have four children and 10 grandchildren. The family often requests the special treat at holiday meals.

For chicken filling: Shred chicken with a fork. In microwave, heat chicken with chilies, taco sauce or salsa, beans, sour cream, olives and vinegar. Cook until flavors combine, about 2 minutes. Remove from microwave and cool. To assemble Chimichangas: In an 8-inch skillet, melt butter over medium-low heat. Dip both sides of tortillas in butter; drain off excess. Place 1/3 cup of filling in center of each tortilla; fold envelope style. Place seam side down in a 9 x 14-inch baking dish (may be prepared ahead and refrigerated 24 hours.) Heat oven to 475 degrees and bake chimichangas until crispy, about 15 minutes. Sprinkle with Cheddar cheese and return to oven until cheese melts. Serve on a bed of lettuce and top with sour cream and taco sauce. Leftovers can be frozen and warmed in microwave oven. Serves 4.






An energy auditor uses an infrared camera to look for areas around the window that are leaky or poorly insulated.

Energy efficiency may not be the most important factor when deciding on replacement windows


omeowners looking to replace older, drafty windows to improve their home's energy efficiency should examine all their options. New windows are often the most costly and least cost-effective energy efficiency investment you can make. There are, of course, sound reasons besides energy efficiency to invest in new windows, such as comfort, resale value, aesthetics, and even need. An energy

audit by a qualified professional is the best way to compare options.

Anyone considering window replacement should first think about end goals. If reducing energy costs is important, the investment in new windows ought to be weighed against other energy efficiency opportunities. An energy audit by a qualified professional is the best way to compare options.

Windows may not be the problem

The auditor can perform a diagnostic test to determine if old windows actually leak air. These tests often show that windows, even old ones, are not as leaky as they might seem, and that more significant air leakage happens elsewhere in the home. Storm windows or drapes can reduce heat loss (or gain) through the windows. But if new windows are necessary, homeowners have a number of choices. Double-pane windows usually meet 18


code, but the additional cost for triple-pane windows could be worth the investment in an area with extreme temperatures. Argon or Krypton gas between the panes also adds efficiency.

Take a look at low-E

Low-emissivity coating also can be added to the glass. “Low-e” coating reflects heat back into the interior space, which reduces heating bills and increases comfort. The efficiency of the overall window is measured by its U-factor, which assesses the heat loss of the entire window. Lower U-factors are more efficient. The window framing material, the number of layers of glass, and the special coatings on the glass all contribute to the overall U-factor. Another simple measure is to look for is the ENERGY STAR label. Only windows that are substantially more efficient than standard code requires receive that label.

Pay attention to the installation

Working with a professional is important. A poor installation can result in long-term damage, such as moisture problems that can create mold, mildew, and wall rot, which can prevent the window from operating properly or cause paint to peel. Bids for new windows vary a great deal, so it’s worth requesting more than one and comparing qualifications, as well as price, for something that will change the look and comfort of your home for many years. PAT KEEGAN and BRAD THIESSEN write for Collaborative Efficiency, an energy communications company.



RESPECTING THE OF May is National Electrical Safety Month, so in this issue of Ohio Cooperative Living you will find information and tips for staying safe in and around your home. Also in this issue, Firelands Electric Cooperative announces its annual electrical safety coloring contest, which includes a fun new digital art category this year. When it comes to safety, though, Firelands Electric takes its job very seriously. It can be a matter of life or death — for the co-op’s members and its employees. Although most people are familiar with the dangers of improper electric use inside their homes, the potential hazards associated with outside power lines are often overlooked. While 120 volts of power run through your home, the lines connected to power poles are carrying 7,200 volts of electricity. That’s 33 times what flows into your outlets! In addition, overhead power lines are not insulated like the wires and cords inside your home. The coating you may see on these high-voltage power lines is merely weatherproofing and will not protect you from electric shock. That’s why it’s important to steer clear of all overhead wires. Keep ladders, chainsaws, pruning shears, and other lawn equipment and vehicles at least 10 feet away. Maintaining this distance from

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overhead wires is crucial, because electricity can arc, or jump, from power lines to nearby objects or people. Since electricity travels at 186,000 miles per second, you cannot move fast enough to get out of its path, and the voltage in these power lines is enough to kill. This is also why you should NEVER climb a utility pole — not even to April Bordas General Manager retrieve a kite, a balloon, or the family pet. Only linemen, who have the proper training and safety equipment, should ever go up an electric pole. Firelands Electric’s linemen complete an apprenticeship and years of rigorous training before they can even take part in certain repair and maintenance projects. For instance, lineman must have at least three years of experience before they are able to enter the 10-foot “safety zone” that surrounds power lines. In addition, linemen also wear speciallydesigned gloves, rubber sleeves, fire-resistant clothing, and other safety gear to protect themselves on the job. The cooperative wants to keep our members safe. Remember to never trim trees, work, or play near electric lines. If you have a concern regarding poles or overhead wires, contact the cooperative. Electricity powers lives, but it must be treated with respect — for everyone’s safety. For more electrical safety information, contact Firelands Electric Cooperative, your Touchstone Energy® Partner, by visiting www.FirelandsEC.com or calling the cooperative at 1-800-533-8658.



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SAVE THE DATE Your Annual Meeting is June 17

Join us for Firelands Electric Cooperative’s 79th Annual Meeting on Saturday, June 17, at the Ashland University Myers Convocation Center. Members attending will elect trustee representatives for board districts 1, 3, and 6. Make a difference with your vote!

Your Annual Meeting will feature a complimentary hot breakfast buffet for members and their immediate families. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend the business meeting, but seating for the hot breakfast is limited, so make sure to RSVP. Official Annual Meeting Registration Cards will be mailed to members in May. Members must bring this official card on June 17 to receive a $5 bill credit on their August electric bill; a complimentary membership bag and pen; an LED light bulb; and a special gift.

Your RSVP for the breakfast must be submitted before June 9, and can be completed online at www.firelandsec. com/content/annualmeeting-members OR by contacting Firelands Electric’s office at 1-800533-8658.


Trustees will be elected this year to represent the following districts: District 1 — Richmond, Norwich, and Greenfield townships District 3 — Peru, Bronson, Fairfield, and Hartland townships, and Fitchville Township west of State Route 250 District 6 — Butler, Clear Creek, Orange, Weller, Milton, Mifflin, and Madison townships north of State Route 42


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community commitment





Firelands Electric Cooperative’s Board of Trustees met Feb. 23 and covered the following items: • Board President Dan McNaull reported there were 16 new membership applications for approval by the board. • Director of Finance and Accounting Tabi Shepherd reviewed January financials and reported on billing department activities. • Brian Stavish from National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation (CFC) discussed possible financing for the new building, and the Key Ratio Trends Analysis proposed by CFC. Following discussion, management was directed to obtain a financing proposal from another cooperative lender before the next meeting. • Management provided an update on the cooperative’s metering system. • The board reviewed and accepted safety and training reports for meeting and workplace observations held Jan. 23 and Feb. 14. • Director of Member Services and Communications Andrea Gravenhorst provided an update on the cooperative’s new headquarters facility and proposed floor plan. Following discussion, the board granted the cooperative’s building committee authorization to finalize blueprints and a footprint for the proposed new building.

• Management reviewed line loss (electricity lost due to resistance during transmission) statistics with the board, and reported line loss year to date was at 5.55 percent. • The board reviewed a report prepared by Director of Electric Operations Denny Marugg on recent projects in the operations department, including an update on the Carriage-Hanville 69-kV transmission line project. • The board reviewed an update prepared by Line Superintendent Don Englet, who reported on recent line crew activities in January. • Following the board’s review of the Member Services and Communications Report, Andrea Gravenhorst answered questions on recent communications pieces, and discussed upcoming activities involving the cooperative. Firelands Electric is democratically controlled and governed by local people committed to policies that result in a safe and reliable electric system, fair rates, financial responsibility, and superior member service. The cooperative’s next board meeting is scheduled for 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 23, at Firelands Electric’s office, located at One Energy Place, New London.

Firelands Electric Firelands Electric People Fund, Inc. Firelands Electric

People Fund, Inc.

People Fund, Inc.




In July 2016, Firelands Electric’s Operation Round Up donated funds to help purchase Level A Protection Chemical Suits for the Regional Hazmat Team (Richland County/Ashland County). At left, hazmat team member Rod Matz demonstrates one of the new protection suits.

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SAVE ENERGY, GET $100 with COOL RETURNS When you sign up for Cool Returns, you’ll help control energy use and costs when demand for electricity is at its highest. And you’ll also get $100 just for participating. Cool Returns decreases the energy use of central air-conditioning systems on extremely hot days. In addition to the one-time $100 rebate, Firelands Electric Co-op will credit your bill $10 in June, July, August, and September each year you participate in the program. Help control energy costs and get $100. To find out if you qualify, visit our website, www.FirelandsEC.com, or give us a call at 1-800-533-8658. You can be part of the energy solution!

Lea Lou

Firelands Electric Cooperative will be closed on Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, as we honor those who have made sacrifices for our country.


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accountability YOUTH PROGRAMS




Firelands Electric Cooperative is pleased to announce that Leah Carnegie and Anna Rowland have been selected to represent the co-op on the 2017 Youth Tour to Washington, D.C. Leah is the daughter of Ronald and Kendra Carnegie of Loudonville and is a sophomore at Loudonville High School. Anna is the daughter of Don Rowland and Cathy Rowland, both of Jeromesville and is a sophomore at Hillsdale High School. Leah and Anna will join about 40 other students from rural electric cooperatives across the state of Ohio for the all-expensespaid trip during the week of June 9-15. Youth Tour, sponsored by Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives and Firelands Electric, allows children of members the opportunity to travel to the Washington, D.C., area for an in-depth look into our nation’s capital. Participants have the chance to visit sites such as the U.S. Capitol, Gettysburg, the Smithsonian Institution, the Vietnam Memorial, Mount Vernon, the Kennedy Center, the Supreme Court, and many others.

Leah Carnegie Loudonville High School


While student groups are organized at the state level, more than 1,500 students from across the country come together for Youth Day, where they socialize and hear speakers who provide insight into the important roles that electric co-ops play in their communities. As part of Youth Tour, students also have the chance to be selected to represent their state on the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association’s (NRECA) Youth Leadership Council (YLC). One student from each state is selected to come back to Washington, D.C., in July for a leadership workshop, which focuses on the electric cooperative industry. YLC members also have the opportunity to attend NRECA’s Annual Meeting the following spring. Firelands Electric’s Youth Tour contest is offered annually to high school sophomores and juniors who reside in a home served by the cooperative. Candidates are evaluated on school and community activities, demonstrated leadership, and a written essay. Visit www.FirelandsEC.com to learn more about Firelands’ Electric’s youth programs.

June 9-15

Through educational and sightseeing activities, students gain a personal understanding of American history and their role as citizens. They also have the opportunity to meet and interact with their U.S. representatives and senators.

Anna Rowland Hillsdale High School

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As an officer at the Mansfield Correctional Institution (MANCI) and the owner of a boarding and training facility, Dale Thompson has spent more than 20 years working with dogs. He has prepared animals for police work as well as search and rescue. He also helped establish Tender Loving Dog Care at MANCI, which pairs inmates with shelter animals for a sixweek training program. Through his work, Thompson has seen first hand the many benefits of a relationship between a human and dog. That’s why he couldn’t say no five years ago when an Afghan war veteran reached out to Thompson about training a service dog to deal with severe posttraumatic stress disorder. The former soldier suffered from night terrors and extreme depression, and had contacted several other service dog organizations only to be told that it would take more than 18 months and nearly $30,000 to prepare an animal for him. Donating his time and services, Thompson rescued and trained a shelter dog to provide the veteran with the assistance he so desperately needed. As a result of this experience, Thompson became aware of an incredible need for affordable service and assistance animals, leading him to found Pound to Service Dog (PtSD). A pending 501(c)(3) organization, PtSD is non-profit and has trained dogs to assist their human companions in all types of situations. Thompson has helped people dealing with severe arthritis, mobility issues, anxiety, and various medical Dale Thompson and Gertie wait on a bench in front of a local restaurant.

conditions find the perfect canine companion. These animals have given their humans the ability to move about their homes more easily, maneuver through crowded public areas, and participate in numerous other activities that may have been nearly impossible before. What makes Thompson’s program at PtSD so extraordinary is that he not only improves the quality of life for his human clients, but he also saves the lives of shelter dogs. Rather than training puppies, Thompson teaches rescue dogs of every breed and size to do a job. “The bond between the person and the dog is very important,” Thompson says. “I evaluate each dog, looking for existing instincts and personality traits that can be used to help the client.” One of the most rewarding aspects of PtSD’s work happens when an assistance dog helps someone in an unexpected way. For instance, Thompson once trained a service dog for a young autistic boy with limited verbal skills. The dog and child have developed such a strong relationship that the boy “tells” his dog everything — and his speech has greatly improved as a result. “It’s exciting to see the dog become not only a companion, but also a bridge to help someone in other areas of their life,” Thompson says. PtSD is located at 1275 Grimes Road, Mansfield, and can be reached at 419-512-6596. They can also be found on Facebook by searching for Pound to Service Dog. Those interested in helping the fledgling organization can do so by visiting them on www.GoFundMe.com.

Places & Faces is a monthly feature showcasing people, businesses, and organizations located throughout the Firelands Electric Cooperative service territory.


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community commitment

innovation We want to


HEAR FROM YOU! Your thoughts and opinions about Firelands Electric Cooperative help us to serve you better. In May, Firelands Electric Co-op will be working with NRECA Market Research Services to complete a member satisfaction survey. The surveys will be both by phone and e-mail, but not everyone will be contacted. If you are contacted, we would greatly appreciate a few minutes of your time to share your opinions of the cooperative. We strive to provide all members with safe, affordable, and reliable electric service. By participating in the survey, you will help us make decisions that benefit you, your family, and your neighbors. Thank you! All information is confidential.

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May is Electrical Safety Month, and Firelands Electric Cooperative wants to remind members how to stay safe when working or playing around electricity.

Our responsibility to you

Firelands Electric’s concern for safety extends beyond our employees. The co-op cares deeply about the safety of its members. According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI), thousands of people in the U.S. are critically injured and electrocuted as a result of electrical fires, accidents, and electrocution in their own homes. The co-op promotes safety education in our local communities by taking part in first responder training, participating in safety demonstrations, and distributing electrical safety kits to area elementary school classrooms. Electrical safety tips are frequently found in the local pages of Ohio Cooperative Living magazine, and the public is encouraged to contact us if they see a downed power line or any other type of dangerous electrical situation. Firelands strives to provide our communities with safe, reliable, and affordable electricity and to serve as your trusted energy advisor, now and well into the future.



limiting potential injuries from burns and sparks. The co-op’s safety team regularly discusses important safety issues for working within the building as well as out in the field. Electrical safety awareness and education can save lives. For more tips and information about electrical safety, visit www.FirelandsEC.com and www.esfi.org.

Never use electrical equipment near water and other liquids.

Never use electrical cords that are frayed or damaged.

Our responsibility to employees

It is no accident that safety is a top priority at Firelands Electric. The cooperative is committed to a culture of safety that is integral to its daily operations. In fact, Firelands is part of the Rural Electric Safety Achievement Program (RESAP) that follows specific guidelines and protocols for electrical safety that are considered leading practices. Linemen are required to wear personal protective equipment at all times when on the job. This includes special fire-resistant clothing that will self-extinguish,

Do not overload electrical outlets.

Never use lightbulbs that exceed the recommended wattage for any lighting unit or fixture.

Contact your cooperative for questions. We care about our members’ safety!


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community commitment





Annual contest now includes coloring and digital divisions Firelands Electric Cooperative is giving children of members the opportunity to showcase their artistic abilities by participating in its 2017 Electrical Safety Coloring and Digital Art Contests. ALL entries MUST be received in the Firelands Electric Co-op office by 5 p.m., Monday, May 22.


Official contest rules and materials are available at www.FirelandsEC.com/content/contests. If you have no internet access, please contact Member Services at 1-800-533-8658, or visit the office at One Energy Place, New London, for materials.

Winners will be announced by June 9. The top two entries from each age group will be awarded a trophy and gift card. Names and photos of all winners, along with their entries, will be posted on Firelands’ website and social media, as well as appear in an upcoming issue of Ohio Cooperative Living magazine.

The contest is open to children who reside in a home that receives power from Firelands Electric Cooperative, and entries will be judged in the following categories:

Group 1: ages 3-4 years Group 2: ages 5-6 years Group 3: ages 7-9 years

Digital Art

Group 4: ages 10-13

All entries must include a completed official entry form and photo release form.

2017 Electrical Safety Coloring and Digital Art Contests Coloring Divisions • Participants should submit a completed coloring page, available at www.FirelandsEC.com/ content/contests, and official entry and photo release forms, to: Firelands Electric Co-op, Attn: Art Contests, P.O. Box 32, New London, OH 44851.

Digital Art Division • Participants should create a digital poster/ad or video (30 seconds or less) that illustrates an electrical safety topic. • Suggested electrical safety topics and resources are available in the official rules, which can be found at www. FirelandsEC.com/content/contests. • Poster/ad entries should be submitted in high resolution PDF format. Videos can be live action or animated and should be submitted in MP4 or QuickTime Movie format. • Entries must be smaller than 20MB and should be emailed to members@firelandsec.com.

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Do you want to save money and electricity but have limited time, money, and patience? According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), a “typical American family” spends nearly $2,000 per year on their home energy bills. Much of that money, however, is wasted through leaky windows or ducts, old appliances, or inefficient heating and cooling systems. Luckily, there are several easy ways to save energy without a substantial commitment of time or money.

Where to start

According to Money magazine, “improving the envelope” of your home is a good place to start. Sunlight, seasonal temperature changes, and wind vibrations can loosen up even a tight home, increasing air leakage. Doors and windows may not close tightly, and ductwork can spring leaks, wasting cooled and heated air. By placing weather stripping and caulk around windows and doors, you can keep cool air inside during warm months and prevent chilly air from penetrating the indoors during colder months. Sealing gaps around piping, dryer vents, fans, and outlets also helps to seal the envelope and creates greater efficiency. Apply weather stripping around overlooked spaces like your attic hatch or pull-down stairs. Replacing incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs can make a big difference and is one of the fastest ways to cut your energy bill. Known for their longevity and efficiency, LED bulbs have an estimated operational lifespan of typically 10,000 to 20,000 hours compared to 1,000 hours of a typical incandescent bulb. According to the DOE, by replacing your home’s five most frequently used light fixtures or bulbs with models that have earned the ENERGY STAR®-rating, you can save up to $75 each year.



Wrapping up savings

Installing a blanket around your water heater could reduce standby heat losses by 25 to 45 percent and save you about 7 to 16 percent in water heating costs, according to the DOE. For a small investment of about $30, you can purchase pre-cut jackets or blankets and install them in about one hour. On a safety note, the DOE recommends that you not set the thermostat above 130 degrees Fahrenheit on an electric water heater with an insulating jacket or blanket; the higher temperature setting could cause the wiring to overheat. Given that a large portion of your monthly energy bill goes toward heating and cooling your home, it makes sense to ensure your home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system is performing at an optimal level. Checking, changing, or cleaning your filter extends the life of your HVAC system and saves you money. Air filters prevent dust and allergens from clogging your HVAC system. Otherwise, dust and dirt trapped in a system’s air filter leads to several problems, including: reduced air flow in the home and up to 15 percent higher operating costs; lowered system efficiency; and costly duct cleaning or replacement. Many HVAC professionals recommend cleaning the system filters monthly.

Take control of your thermostat

Take a look at your programmable thermostat. When was the last time you checked to make sure it was programmed for the current season and family schedule? This is one of the best energy-saving tools at your fingertips. It enables you to fine-tune the temperature during particular hours of the day. You can only achieve savings if it is programmed properly and adjusted periodically to keep pace with changes in your household routines. To learn about additional ways to save, contact the energy advisors at Firelands Electric Cooperative at 1-800-533-8658, or visit www.FirelandsEC.com.


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accountability FYI


community commitment





Discount Cedar Point tickets available for 2017

Firelands Electric has several discount ticket options available for co-op members who want to experience the thrill and excitement of Cedar Point this summer. These prices are the lowest publicly offered anywhere, including deals like those from supermarkets, organizations, or on pop cans. The popular “Ride & Refresh” is more than just a regular admission ticket for the park, because in addition to a Cedar Point one-day admission, it includes a wristband good for unlimited Coca-Cola fountain beverages! The cooperative has a convenient online store, where members of Firelands Electric can purchase and print Cedar Point and Shores Waterpark tickets at an even greater discount. These exclusive membership discounts can be accessed at www.cedarpoint.com/affiliate, where you will be asked for Firelands Electric’s login information. User Name: FIRELANDSEC | Password: fec (case sensitive) The special online store offers BIG savings on Cedar Point tickets, parking passes, meal plans, Dinosaurs Alive admission, Fast Lane passes, and more! Cedar Point discount tickets may be purchased only by members of Firelands Electric Cooperative (those who have the cooperative as their electricity provider). All sales are final, and any tickets purchased online will be charged sales tax. Tickets are valid any public operating day of the 2017 season, including HalloWeekends. Visit www.FirelandsEC.com for complete pricing information and details.

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Co-op program recognizes middle school students Education helps shape the leaders of tomorrow. That’s why Firelands Electric includes it as one of our seven core principles. During 2017, the cooperative is introducing a new program to encourage students to strive for academic excellence. Students in grades 6-8 are invited to become part of “The A Team” and be recognized for their hard work and dedication to education.

Here’s how it works!

• Students in grades 6-8, whose parents or guardians are members of Firelands Electric Co-op, are eligible to apply. • Students must have a minimum of three A’s on their most recent report card (less than six months old). • A copy of the report card must be submitted by mail to: Firelands Electric Co-op, Attn: The A Team, P.O. Box 32, One Energy Place, New London, OH 44851. Report cards may also be e-mailed to members@firelandsec.com. • Be sure to include the following information with your entry: student’s name, age, school, grade, address, phone number, parents’ name(s), and e-mail address (if applicable). • Entries will be put into a drawing for each grading period. The next drawing will take place July 10. • Three students will win an iTunes gift card at each drawing. • Students can win only one prize per 12-month period. • Winners from each drawing will also have their photo published in an upcoming issue of Ohio Cooperative Living magazine and will be featured on the co-op’s website and social media.





Dan McNaull

April Bordas

Lowell Kreager


Donna Woodworth

E-mail your ideas to: members@firelandsec.com

1-800-533-8658 OFFICE

One Energy Place P.O. Box 32 New London, OH 44851 419-929-1571

President, District 7

Vice President, District 2 Secretary/Treasurer, District 3

W.E. Anderson District 8

Carl Ayers District 5


Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. www.FirelandsEC.com

Bruce Leimbach District 4

Larry Messmore District 6

Dan Schloemer District 1

Neil Winslow District 9



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Co-op students earn college


even Ohio teens have been awarded scholarships to attend college next year in separate competitions affiliated with Ohio electric cooperatives. Four of the seniors earned Louise Freeland Scholarships, and another


four won awards in the Ohio Line Supervisors Association (OLSA) Scholarship competition. A panel of independent judges reviewed the applications and interviewed the finalists before determining the winners.

OLSA winners

The Ohio Line Supervisors Association is an association of the line supervisors of 25 electric cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia, affiliated with Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives.

Bradlee Warnement First place — $2,000 North Central Electric Cooperative

Mia Moore Second place — $1,500 Carroll Electric Cooperative

McKenzie Ortiz Third place — $1,000 South Central Power Company

Freeland winners

Named in honor of a long-time employee of Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, the $2,800 Louise Freeland Scholarships are awarded annually to the children of electric cooperative employees and trustees.

Olivia Tilton Butler Rural Electric Cooperative

MacKenzie Smith Adams Rural Electric Cooperative

Joshua Leach South Central Power Company

Tiffany Hatcher Pioneer Electric Cooperative

OEC seeks applicants for new technical scholarship

Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives is seeking applicants for its inaugural Technical Scholarship, available to students pursuing career training at a technical school. OEC will award two scholarships: One $2,000 award to a student in a four-year program, and another of $1,000 to a student in a two-year program. Applicants must be currently

attending or planning to attend an accredited technical school or program. Winners will be required to submit proof of enrollment in order to receive the funds. Visit www.ohioec.org/technicalscholarship for full scholarship rules and applications. The application deadline is June 30.







udy Dalrymple leaves his room at the Ohio Veterans Home in Sandusky between 5 and 5:30 a.m. most days, and settles into a comfortable padded chair behind his sturdy worktable. Using crepe paper, wire, cloth tape, and his trusty wooden crimping tool, he forms delicate poppy blossoms, one after another, again and again, until he’s surrounded by a mound of flowers, which are destined for American Legion auxiliaries across Ohio to use in their major fundraising efforts aroundaround Memorial Day. efforts Memorial Day. 24



May means poppy time for the auxiliaries, when members work the local churches, banks, supermarkets, and shopping centers to solicit donations, in exchange for the ubiquitous flowers — every one of which is handmade by veterans such as Dalrymple, a Vietnam War veteran originally from Defiance, who has been making the flowers since 1988.

Where it all happens

The Auxiliary maintains its Poppy Shop on the 99-acre grounds of the Veterans Home in Sandusky, the only place in the state where that work goes on year-round. According to Patricia Taylor, the auxiliary’s poppy chairman, the 2017 goal is nearly 400,000 poppies. Dalrymple certainly does his part. He “cuts out” periodically for coffee breaks, and usually takes a lunch around 10 a.m., but his workday seldom ends before 6 p.m. He works slowly and steadily these days — unlike years past, when he says he once completed 800 poppies in a single day — but still manages quite the pocketful of posies by the time the day’s done. He crimps the edges of each petal before adding a commemorative label — the final step in the process. He occasionally looks down to check the progress, candidly admitting that years of practice prevent the need for constant vigilance. Dalrymple has a five-person team of helpers, all Veterans Home residents. Most of the others work in the comfort of their apartments, but Dalrymple prefers his rectangular alcove, just a short walk from the main building. “I’ve taught a lot of veterans how to make poppies through the years,” he says. “They come and go over time. I expect someone will pick up and take my place in years to come, but until then, this gives me a reason to get up in the morning and a way to help others.”

Pride in their work

The Auxiliary hosts an annual open house each April, affording representatives from various

units the opportunity to check out the operation. “The guys here in Sandusky really take pride in their work,” says American Legion Auxiliary Department of Ohio President Denise Conrad. “They know that each and every donation realized through their efforts benefits other veterans in need of assistance.” The Auxiliary pays each poppy maker $100 for every 1,000 memorial flowers made. Money from sales is used to aid hospitalized veterans and those residing in veterans homes.


The poppy became the memorial flower for the American dead in the years after World War I. Veterans returning to their homeland remembered wild poppies covering devastated battlefields in France, and shortly after the armistice, patriotic organizations in different countries began selling the flowers to raise money for injured veterans and their families. The Auxiliary’s poppy program started in June 1919, with the homecoming of the 32nd Division in Milwaukee. Members decorated a coffee and doughnut booth with paper poppies. People pulled off flowers and left behind donations on the counter. A booth worker proposed distributing poppies on streets around Memorial Day as a way to raise money for the rehabilitation of veterans. The American Legion Auxiliary assumed responsibility for the national program in 1924. Each component of the veteran-made poppies holds special significance, according to Taylor. The red petals represent the blood shed by men and women of the armed forces, while the yellow/black center calls to mind the mud and desolation of the battlefield. The green stem is symbolic of the forests, meadows, and fields where generations of Americans perished in the defense of freedom, and attests to the courage and determination of those fallen warriors. MARGIE WUEBKER is food editor for Ohio Cooperative Living.



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Young and old alike honor a local legend about a snake in July in Peninsula (above), while bratwurst (left) rules the day in August in Bucyrus.


F E S T I VA L S Springtime can only mean one thing: It’s the beginning of festival season in Ohio, a time when there’s a celebration to honor just about any hobby, haute cuisine, and historical happening in hamlets across the state. Here’s a look at some of the more interesting festivals happening this spring and summer.


27 27

Peninsula Python Days


or laugh-out-loud, small-town unusual, head to Peninsula on July 15, when a python leads the parade at Peninsula Python Days. A 100-foot-long, people-powered creation of a fabric covered frame, leads a parade celebrating that June day in 1944, when farmer Clarence Mitchell saw a python slither through his corn field. The snake, rumored to be up to 22 feet long, had escaped from a circus wagon passing through town — or maybe not. Even though several people throughout the Cuyahoga Valley claimed to see the python throughout the summer — one woman said it swallowed her chicken whole — the reptile was never

caught. Regardless of legend or truth, Peninsula residents have turned that bit of small-town folklore into a festival of family fun. Along with the parade, Peninsula celebrates its lore with python-themed handmade lawn decorations and a variety of python-themed activities. Head to the library to play Peninsula Python Pandemonium, color pages of Peninsula Python ABC, and check out the mural that depicts the python’s legend. There are more Peninsula Python lore and activities at the Cuyahoga Valley Historical Museum and various businesses. — JAMIE RHEIN

Peninsula Python Days: 8 a.m.-dusk, July 15, Peninsula. Parade starts at noon at the corner of Riverview Road and Route 303. For more information, visit www. explorepeninsula.com for more information.

Ohio Bigfoot Conference and Festival Bigfoot (or Sasquatch) is closely associated with the Pacific Northwest, but there have been thousands of sightings reported in Ohio and nearby states. If you’re a Bigfoot believer, or even just curious about the subject, the annual Ohio Bigfoot Conference is the place to be.

Ohio Bigfoot Conference and Festival: May 1921, 2017, Salt Fork State Park Lodge and Conference Center, 14755 Cadiz Rd., Lore City. Visit www. ohiobigfootconference. org for information. 28 28

The event, which began in 2012, features lectures and appearances by a number of nationally known Bigfoot experts and researchers, including this year’s master of ceremonies, Cliff Barackman, co-host of Animal Planet’s “Finding Bigfoot” series. Also on hand will be Canton native Robert W. Morgan, a Bigfoot expert who gained notoriety in the 1970s and 1980s through his appearances in documentaries and the TV program “In Search Of.” The conference also celebrates the 50th anniversary of the renowned Patterson-Gimlin film, taken along Bluff Creek in California.


There will be a number of fun events, including hikes and a vendor fair offering a variety of Sasquatch swag, including books, T-shirts, artwork, and even Bigfoot chainsaw sculptures. The formal conference is followed by the Ohio Bigfoot Festival on Sunday in the picnic area at Salt Fork State Park. The festival includes hands-on demonstrations and clinics on everything from how to cast a footprint in plaster to the proper use of audio/video recording devices and other gear used for Bigfoot spotting. — BRIAN ALBRIGHT

Summer Solstice Lavender Festival Lavender is one of the most beloved herbs for its natural healing qualities, its delicate flavor in cooking, and its prettiness in gardens and floral arrangements.

The versatile herb will be celebrated in June at the ninthannual Summer Solstice Lavender Festival at Peaceful Acres Lavender Farm in Martinsville. Activities include food demonstrations, wreath-making, and medication exercises, coupled with the inhalation of the scent of essential oils. “The festival presents the best time to step into a field of blooming lavender for instant relaxation and amazing photo opportunities,” says Kym Prell, owner of Peaceful Acres Lavender Farm, and a certified reflexologist. Peaceful Acres offers a 2-acre lavender field and walking trails on a 10-acre plot. There’s also an onsite gift shop, where folks can find plenty of lavender-related merchandise. Visitors may pay to pick blooming lavender at the farm from May through September. Prime blooming season is in June, during the festival. “Our farm was created to offer a healing, relaxing space for anyone who wants to visit,” Prell says. “We created the festival to share the amazing feeling you get while standing in a fully blooming field.”

Summer Solstice Lavender Festival: 10 a.m.-6 p.m., June 17; and 11 a.m.-4 p.m., June 18, Peaceful Acres Lavender Farm, 2387 Martinsville Road, Martinsville. Learn more at www.peacefulacreslavenderfarm.com.


Bucyrus Bratwurst Festival No town loves brats more than Bucyrus, a.k.a. “The Bratwurst Capital of America.” The Crawford County seat not only has a strong German heritage, but it also serves as the hub for a county-wide cluster of sausagemakers. Every August, Bucyrus celebrates its signature food with a three-day festival on the streets surrounding the town square. The family-friendly fun includes parades, rides, entertainment ranging from tribute bands to polka tunes, and, of course, plenty of tasty, locally made bratwurst links sizzling on grills. “Our bratwurst producers use family recipes for authentic German bratwurst that have been handed down through the generations,” says Assistant Festival Director Kevin Myers. The Bratwurst Festival started in 1968, and now

ranks among Ohio’s bestattended community events, routinely attracting 100,000 people. In addition to its time-honored beer-stein auction, this year’s 50th Bucyrus Bratwurst Festival features four food-eating contests: bratwurst, ice cream, pizza, and German-style jumbo cream puffs. “The festival is a deep-rooted tradition and a great way to enjoy friends and family while experiencing the sounds of German music and the wonderful smell of bratwurst,” Myers says. —DAMAINE VONADA

The Bucyrus Bratwurst Festival, Aug. 17-19, 2017. Call 419-562-BRAT (2728) or visit www. bucyrusbratwurstfestival.com for information.






The miniature horses of Seven Oaks Farm bring joy and comfort to those who could use some of both Miniature horses make good therapy animals for the very reason that they’re small, and so not as intimidating to kids (or adults) as regular-sized versions.


he 30 or so therapy horses of Seven Oaks Farm may be little, but they have a big impact. Owner Lisa Moad brings the horses around to more than 50 care facilities and numerous Ronald McDonald houses to bring comfort to the residents and guests, and joins with several police departments to help with community and anti-bullying efforts. “The kids come out, and they see little horses, and that’s exciting for them,” Moad says. “They just spend time brushing their hair and putting bows on the animals, talking, and then they get to giggling. For them, it’s

30 30


a short break of time when they can just be kids again.” Moad’s venture started when she saw an online video of a woman in hospice care. The woman had been a horse owner and, in her final days, wanted to see a horse again. Moad already owned some minis at the time, and figured — correctly, as it turns out — there probably were others in similar situations. She contacted a nursing home, and they invited Moad to bring her miniature horses to visit the residents, and the family has been at it ever since. At Covenant Village, a physical therapy rehabilitation center in Green Township,

Karen Seimer, director of activities, appreciates that the little equines are so even-tempered. “I have a lot of residents who can get out in their wheelchairs to see the horses. We gather in a group and pet the the animals and spend time with them,” Seimer says. “But if there is somebody who loves animals and is The animals of Seven Oaks Farm visit children and adults in schools, care facilities, nursing bed-bound, Lisa will homes and hospitals, often making several trips per week. go with me and take the horses right to the bedside, and they’ll can identify with a one-eyed horse,” Moad says. nuzzle up to someone’s face. The residents love Another of the horses, Denver, is coated with it — they’re so excited and joyful.” glitter and sports a unicorn horn for visits to Adds Moad: “The seniors are the people we see the most, and when we go into the senior homes or the Alzheimer’s units, the reception we get and the brightness in their lives is significant.” Moad also takes the miniature animals to a variety of community events with the Cincinnati ‘Kids Police Department, one of several police with issues departments with which can identify with she works.

a one-eyed horse.’

“What’s nice about these therapy horses is that they’re small,” says Roberta Utrecht, a patrol officer with the department. “They are the perfect size, so they’re not intimidating, even though there’s a police officer standing next to them.” Most of Moad’s minis are rescue horses. Some have pedigrees and have won national honors, but come to Seven Oaks Farm when their owners can no longer care for them. They’re an interesting mix of characters. A pair of mini mules graze in the pasture along with Patches, who has one eye — “kids with issues

Ronald McDonald houses. Then there’s Wendy, who’s everyone’s favorite, since she’s teeny, even by miniature horse standards. Training and caring for all those little animals takes work. Moad and her husband, John, who are members of Butler Rural Electric Cooperative in Oxford, have five adult sons, each with significant-others, and all 10 help. Work starts in the wee hours of the morning, to care for the horses and do all of the things that living on a farm requires. Moad also supervises the farm’s many volunteers, including groups of students from nearby Miami University, who earn service-learning hours. It’s also good work for groups of developmentally disabled people, and for high school students looking for community-service hours. “A lot of people just want to work with horses,” Moad said. “Some people have a fear of horses, and this is their gateway into being with a big animal. For a lot of people, it’s their time to be out and enjoy being with the horses. We always need help; we need people just to pet the horses and love on them.” CELESTE BAUMGARTNER is a freelance writer from Hamilton.


31 31

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A beautiful sight: mother and offspring at The Wilds!

A baby robin fresh out of the nest.

Tonya Bess South Central Power Company member

Robin Mata Butler Rural Electric Cooperative member

Twin goats, Mork and Mindy, born January 25, 2017. Genie Day Consolidated Electric Cooperative member

We raised Percheron draft horses for years and this is a picture of a new filly, right after she was born. The mare was checking on her and hadn’t even gotten up from delivery! Sharon and Myron Dawson Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative members

Send us your pictures!

Upload your photos at www.ohioec.org/ memberinteractive. For November, send a photo or 100 words describing what you’re thankful for by August 15; for December, send photos representing the 12 Days of Christmas by September 15. “Sunflower” and her new little fella, “Eeyore,” on Eeyore’s first day on the earth. Kathy DeHass Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative member



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MAY 4–14 – Last Round-Up of the Guacamole Queens, Van Wert Civic Theatre, 118 S. Race St., Van Wert, Thur.–Sat. 8 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m. $13. A southern-fried high school reunion comedy. 419-238-9689 or www.vwct.org. MAY 5–14 – Biggest Week in American Birding, headquarters at Maumee Bay Lodge and Conference Ctr., 1750 State Park Rd., Oregon, daily 7 a.m.–8 p.m. Free. Guided tours, bird ID workshops, birding by canoe, field trips, keynote presentations, Birder’s Marketplace, and evening socials with free food and music. 800-243-4667 or www. biggestweekinamericanbirding.com.


THROUGH MAY 18 – 35th Annual National Whiskey Painting Exhibition and Art Sale, Cuyahoga Valley Art Ctr., 2131 Front St., Cuyahoga Falls, Mon.–Thur. 9 a.m.–8 p.m., Fri. 9 a.m.–9 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–2 p.m. A Whiskey Painting is done in watercolor by dipping the brush in alcoholic spirits. Sale prices generally starting at $75. 330-928-8092, e-mail cvartcenter@ sbcglobal.net, or http://cvartcenter.org/exhibits/. MAY 4–6 – Village-Wide Garage Sales, 209 N. Market St., Minerva, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. 330-868-7705, ext. 106, or 330-8683783. MAY 5–7, 12–14 – The Little Mermaid, Geauga Lyric Theater Guild, 101 Water St., Chardon, Fri./Sat. 8 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m. $18, Stds./Srs. $15, $10 C. (12 and under). 440-286-2255 or www.geaugatheater.org. MAY 5–6 – Dandelion May Fest, Breitenbach Wine Cellars, 5934 Old Rte. 39 NW, Dover, Fri. noon–7 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–7 p.m. Dandelion food tastings, cooking demos, dandelion picking contest and jelly-making, vendor fair, 5K run. 330-343-3603 or


MAY 6–7 – 29th annual “Springtime in Ohio” Art and Craft Show, Hancock Co. Fgds., 017 E Sandusky St., Findlay, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $5, under 12 free. More than 280 exhibitors. Crafts and art displays, food, entertainment, kids’ activities, and demos. 419-436-1457 or http://cloudshows.biz/event-calendar.

MAY 20–21 – Settlers Reenactment, Auglaize Vlllage and Farm Museum, 12296 Krouse Rd., Defiance, Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Living history demonstrations for the period 1750–1812. Hands-on activities include churning butter, carding wool, and candle dipping. Train rides $2. 419-636-2560.

MAY 13 – Lilac Festival, downtown Defiance. Celebrate the official flower of Defiance at this arts and crafts fair. Free lilacs to the first 500 attendees. 5K race, Power of Purple parade, arts and craft vendors, food, and kids' activities. 419-782-0739 or http://visitdefianceohio.com/event/downtown.

MAY 22–23 – Auditions for Summer Youth Theatre: Lion King, Jr., Van Wert Civic Theatre, 118 S. Race St., Van Wert, 6:30 p.m. Open to school-age students K–12. Show dates are June 22–25. www.vwct.org.

MAY 13 – Bluffton Arts and Crafts Show, Main St., Bluffton, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Street fair featuring crafts, antiques, gardening items, concessions, family/kids’ activities, and live entertainment. 419-369-2985 or www.explorebluffton.com.

MAY 25–29 – Main Street Port Clinton Walleye Festival, Waterworks Park, Port Clinton. Features free live concerts, Kids’ Fishing Derby, Grande Parade, educational programs and activities, Walleye 5K Run & Walk, carnival rides, and more than 130 vendors. 419-734-5503 or www.walleyefestival.com.

MAY 13–14 – Spring on the Farm, Sauder Village, 22611 St. Rte. 2, Archbold, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Experience what life in rural Ohio was like more than 100 years ago. 800-590-9755 or https://saudervillage.org.

MAY 26-28 – Buckeye Farm Antiques, 28th annual Tractor and Engine Show, Shelby County Fairgrounds, Sidney, free kids activities, tractor and truck pulls, and working primitive machines, 937-596-6812 or www.buckeyefarmantiques.com.

MAY 14 – VanWert Area Boychoir Spring Concert, St. Mark's Lutheran Church, corner of West Sycamore and 127, Van Wert. 3 p.m. 419-238-1962.

MAY 29 – Memorial Day Horsemanship Clinic, Wyandot Co. Equine Rescue, 4658 St. Rte. 199, Carey. A unique opportunity to have a professional trainer help you with your horse. $30 to observe, $50 to participate. 419-294-4477.

MAY 19–20 – Hamler Country Fest, St. Rte. 109, Hamler. Gates open Fri. 5:30 p.m., Sat. 2:30 p.m. $15. Rodney Atkins, Nashville Crush, Brent Lowry and the Drifters, and more. Open seating under roof; bring lawn chairs. 419-748-7459, e-mail hamlercountryfest@gmail.com, or www.hamlercountryfest.com. MAY 20 – Antique Car Gathering, Sauder Village, 22611 St. Rte. 2, Archbold, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. More than 100 antique cars dating back to the early 1900s. 800-590-9755 or https:// saudervillage.org. www.breitenbachwine.com/events/dandelion-festival. MAY 6 – PSA Train Collectors Association, Lake Erie Chapter, Spring Train Show, UAW Hall, 5615 Chevrolet Blvd., Parma, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. $6, under 12 free. All-gauge show including ‘O,’ ‘S,’ ‘HO,’ ‘N,’ ‘Z,’ and large scale with over 150 tables. Watch trains run on operating layouts. New and old trains to buy, sell, or trade, plus parts, repair manuals, price guides, and more. 440-845-2700 or e-mail tcalakeerie@gmail. com. MAY 6–7 – PSA Model Train Days, Painesville Railroad Museum (a.k.a. NYC Painesville Depot), 475 Railroad St., Painesville, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $5, Family $7. Modular displays, operating layouts in ‘N’ scale, ‘HO’ and ‘S’ scale, ‘O’ and ‘G’ gauge. Model train flea market on grounds. Food and drinks will be available. 440-417-6746, e-mail prrm@att.net, or www. painesvillerailroadmuseum.org. MAY 6–7 – Ohio Civil War Show, Richland Co. Fgds., 750 N Home Rd., Mansfield, Sat. 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.– 3 p.m. $7. Buildings with 750 tables, military items, relics, and memorabilia from 1775 to 1945 to buy, sell, or trade. 6-gun battery firing demos, Civil War hospital scenario and battleground encampments, and fife and drum corp presentation. www.ohiocivilwarshow.com. MAY 7 – 2nd Annual Harrison Career Ctr. FFA Truck and Tractor Show, Harrison Career Ctr., 82500 Cadiz-Jewett Rd. (Ohio Rte. 9), Cadiz, 1-6 p.m. Trucks, tractors, cars, and more — all makes, models, and years. Food, music, and family fun. 330-440-5578. MAY 12–13 – Our Town, NewPointe Community Church, 8882 OH-39, Millersburg, Fri. 7 p.m., Sat. 2 and 7 p.m. $10. Thornton Wilder’s Pulitzer Prize–winning play focuses on the lives of its citizens and their experiences with love and loss. 330473-2879 or www.holmescenterforthearts.org.

MAY 5–SEPT. 29 – Cambridge Main Street Farmers Market, Courthouse Square, Cambridge, Fri. 9 a.m.–1 p.m. 740-439-2238 or www.downtowncambridge.com.

MAY 6 – Pickaway-Ross Central Ohio Expo, 895 Crouse Chapel Rd., Chillicothe, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Craft show, car show, kids tractor pull, flower sale, book sale and food. 740-642-1301. MAY 6 – Spring Fest, Deerassic Park Education Ctr., 14250 Cadiz Rd., Cambridge, 10 a.m.–6 p.m. 740-435-3335 or www. deerassic.com. MAY 13 – 15th annual Battle from the Saddle Trail Ride, Scioto Trails State Park and Forest, Chillicothe, ride out at noon. 740-703-8176 or jeweyoates@gmail.com.

MAY 4–7 – Wild Turkey Festival, downtown McArthur. Rides and games, car show, quilt show, parade, live music, and contests. 740-591-1118 or www.vintoncountytravel.com/ events/wild-turkey-festival-2017.


MAY 13 – Kids’ Fishing Rodeo, Bob Evans Farm Pond, Rio Grande, 8–11 a.m. Bring your favorite fishing pole. For kids age 12 and under. Win one of six scholarships. 740-709-1256 or www.kingkatusa.com. MAY 13 – Cabela’s King Kat Tournament, 321 Upper River Rd., Gallipolis, 6:30 a.m.–3 p.m. 740-446-8080 or www. kingkatusa.com.


MAY 29 – Salute the Troops, Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial, 93 Delaware Ave., Putin-Bay, 11 a.m. Free. Pay tribute to all servicemen and women who have lost their lives in conflicts throughout U.S. history. 419-285-2184 or www.nps.gov/pevi/index.htm.

MAY 13 – Fairlawn Spring Avant-Garde Art and Craft Show, St. George’s Fellowship Ctr., 3204 Ridgewood Rd., Fairlawn, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $3, under 12 free. Large show features artists and crafters selling their original handmade items. 440227-8794 or www.avantgardeshows.com. MAY 20 – German Maifest at Historic Zoar Village, 198 Main St., Zoar, Ohio, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Free. German food and drink, games, make-and-take art projects, and spring tours of the village. Grand opening of the Bimeler Art Gallery featuring Zoar works by the Cleveland School of Artists. 800-262-6195 or www. historiczoarvillage.com. MAY 20 – Two for Tea, Elizabeth House Tea Room, 438 Union St., Mount Pleasant, 1–3:30 p.m. $9.50, C. (under 12) $5. Exhibit of antique clothing and tea sets, including an afternoon tea. 740-633-1809. MAY 21 – 2nd Annual “Almost Summer” Car and Bike Show, Madison Comprehensive High, 600 Esley Lane, Mansfield. $10 entry fee. Registration 9 a.m.–1 p.m. Card Shark Ride for Education registration begins at 9 a.m., additional $5. Awards presented at 3 p.m. Proceeds benefit Madison Career Tech Programs. 419-589-2112, ext. 8490 or 8624, or www.mlsd. net/highschool.html. MAY 25 – Fort Steuben Summer Concert Series, Berkman Amphitheater, Fort Steuben Park, 120 S. 3rd St., Steubenville, 6:30–9 p.m. Bring a blanket and picnic basket and enjoy a free concert at this site overlooking the Ohio River. 740283-1787 or www.oldfortsteuben.com. MAY 25 – Richland Co. Chapter, Ohio Genealogical Society Meeting, OGS Library, 611 St. Rte. 97 W., Bellville, 7 p.m. Free and open to the public. Andrew Richmond presents “Ohio Furniture 101: An Introduction to Styles and Cultural Groups.” 419-566-4560, e-mail sunda1960@ yahoo.com, or www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ohrichgs.

MAY 19–21 – Cambridge Singers Spring Show: “Come Rain or Come Shine,” Scottish Rite Auditorium, 941 Wheeling Ave., Cambridge, Fri./Sat. 8 p.m., Sun. 3 p.m. 740-432-3956. MAY 20 – Rendezvous at the Rock, Leo Petroglyphs Historic Site, Park Rd., Leo (Jackson Co.), 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Free. Native American displays, flint knapping, atlatl, music, food, and a wildflower walk. 740-384-3537 or www.leopetroglyph.com. MAY 25–28 – Feast of the Flowering Moon, Water St., Chillicothe, 10 a.m.–10 p.m. Free. Native American music, dancing, traders, exhibits, arts and crafts, and demos. 800-4134118 or www.feastofthefloweringmoon.org. MAY 26–29 – Muskingum Valley Trade Days, 6602 St. Rte. 78, Reinersville. Large flea market. 740-558-2740 before show or 740-558-2402. MAY 31–JUN. 4 – National Road Yard Sale, throughout Guernsey Co. www.oldstorefrontantiques.com.


MAY 6 – Gardens at Gantz Farm Herb and Perennial Sale, Gantz Park, 2255 Home Rd., Grove City, 8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. A wide variety of culinary and landscape herbs and perennials for sale, featuring rain-garden, pollinator-friendly, and native plants. 614-871-6323. MAY 6 – Model Train Show Family Fun Day, Marion Co. Fgds., Veterans Memorial Coliseum, 220 E. Fairground St., Marion, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. $5, under 12 free. Features several operating layouts running American Flyer and other 1/64th model trains. Trains, accessories, and other merchandise for sale. First 50 kids attending receive a free train whistle. 614766-9033 or www.sspree.info/FFunday.html.

THROUGH AUG. 27 – “Totally Tiffin . . . Ever Erickson,” Ohio Glass Museum's Gallery, 124 W. Main St., Lancaster, Tues.–Sun. 1–4 p.m. Fantastic displays of unique pieces of handcrafted artistic Ohio-made glass. 740-687-0101 or www.ohioglassmuseum.org. MAY 4–6 – Central Ohio S Gaugers Model Train Show: Spring S Spree, Marion Co. Fgds., Veterans Memorial Coliseum, 220 E. Fairground St., Marion. Over 135 dealer tables, several operating layouts, daily door prizes, how-to clinics, a pizza party Friday night, and flying pancake breakfast Saturday morning. Visit the historic Marion Union Train Station just minutes away. Don't miss the tour of the unique Age of Steam Roundhouse tour. 740-382-2558, www. cosg.org, or www.sspree.info/info.html. MAY 6 – Time Travellers’ Faire, Tri-Rivers Career Ctr., 2222 Marion-Mount Gilead Rd., Marion, 7 p.m. $15 in advance, $20 at door. “Travel” to your favorite time in history while dressing in period clothing from the past, present, alternative past, or future if desired. Historic fashion show, Victorian tea, and appetizers and desserts. 740-387-4255 or www.marionhistory.com.


MAY 6 – Pickaway-Ross Central Ohio Expo, 895 Crouse Chapel Road, Chillicothe, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Visit program labs and enjoy the many activities scheduled, including a craft show, car show, kiddy tractor pull, flower sale, book sale, and auction. Food vendors on site. 740-642-1301. MAY 6–7 – Central Ohio Folk Festival, Battelle Darby Creek Metro Park, 1775 Darby Creek Dr., Galloway. Continuous concerts and over 45 musicians’ workshops. 614-470-3963 or www.cfms-inc.org. MAY 7 – Mommy and Me Princess Tea, Marion Palace Theatre, 276 West Center St., Marion, 12:30 p.m. $22 (1 adult and 1 child), additional tickets $10 adult, $8 child. For children 4–12. Participants are treated to a kid-friendly luncheon with finger sandwiches, sides, and drinks while enjoying live music performed by a youth string quartet. Other activities include games and storytime. 740-383-2101 or www marionpalace.org. MAY 11 – Five Nights On Campus: Lora Ellis in Cinema Sweethearts, Morrill Hall Auditorium, 1465 Mount Vernon Ave., Marion, 7:30 p.m. A celebration of the Golden Age of Hollywood’s iconic leading ladies — and the songs that made us fall in love with them. 740-725-6340 or https:// osumarion.osu.edu/initiatives/cultural-arts/five-nights.html. MAY 11–13 – Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens Spring Plant Sale and Auction Fundraiser, 2201 Fred Taylor Dr., Columbus, Thur. 5:30–8:30 p.m., members only (buy a membership at the sale site); Fri. 8 a.m.–7 p.m.; Sat. 8 a.m.–3 p.m. Perennials, annuals,

and carriages are welcome. Decorate carriage with flowers to celebrate spring. 513-523-8687 or http://butlercountyoh.us/ event-calendar/. MAY 6–7 – Glassblowing Workshop: Mother’s Day Vase with Flower, Neusole Glassworks, 11925 Kemper Springs Dr., Cincinnati. $50. 30-minute slots scheduled between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Reservations required. With the help of professional glassblowers, you can blow one vase, then sculpt one flower from hot molten glass. Must be age 5–6 or older. 513-751-3292, e-mail neusoleglassworks@hotmail.com, or http://neusoleglassworks.com.

MAY 1 – Down Home, Downtown: Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, Miami University Hamilton Downtown, 221 High St., Hamilton, 7–9 p.m. Free. Enjoy the bluegrass band’s lightning-fast instrumentals, close harmonies, and entertaining novelty songs. E-mail vaughnjh@gmail.com.

MAY 10 – Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, Christ Church Glendale, 965 Forest Ave. Glendale, 12 p.m. Enjoy live music with your lunch. Bring your own lunch or purchase a box lunch on-site. 513-771-1544 or e-mail bryan.mock@ christchurchglendale.org. MAY 12 - Moth Night, Cedar Bog Nature Preserve, 980 Woodburn Rd., Urbana, at dusk. Free. Led by volunteer naturalist Jim Lemon. Weather permitting. 937-484-3744 or e-mail cedarbog@ctcn.net.

MAY 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 – Bluegrass Night at Pit to Plate BBQ, 8021 Hamilton Ave., Mt. Healthy, 7–9 p.m. Free. An evening of lively music with Cincinnati’s finest bluegrass band, Vernon McIntyre's Appalachian Grass. Everyone is invited to bring a musical instrument and join the band to pick a good bluegrass number. 513-931-9100.

MAY 12–14 – Appalachian Festival, Coney Island, 6201 Kellogg Ave., Cincinnati, Fri. 9 a.m.–9 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–9 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–6 p.m. $10, Srs. $5, C. (2–12), $2, under 2 free. Handmade crafts, down-home food, Living History Village and educational exhibits, old-time dance, storytelling, and music. www.appalachianfestivalcincinnati.org.

MAY 6 – Red Bricks and Roses Horse-Drawn Carriage Parade, Millett Hall, Miami University, 500 E. Sycamore St., Oxford, noon–1 p.m. Parade through historic Oxford and enjoy the university’s beautiful campus. All types of horses

MAY 13 – “Embracing Nature in Your Backyard,” with Donna Schwab, Cedar Bog Nature Preserve, 980 Woodburn Rd., Urbana, 10 a.m. $10, $5 CBA/OHC members. 937-4843744 or e-mail cedarbog@ctcn.net.


MAY 6–7 – Antique Gas and Engine Show, WV State Farm Museum, 458 Fairgrounds Rd., Point Pleasant. Exhibits of a working sawmill, displays of small engines and antique tractors, over 30 historic buildings, and numerous other exhibits. 304-675-5737. MAY 12–13 – 23rd Annual Bluegrass Festival, North Bend State Park, Cairo, Fri. 6–10 p.m., Sat. 1–10 p.m. $10 Fri., $30 Sat., $35 weekend pass (advance). Bluegrass musicians from around the state and the region, plus local artisans. 304-643-2931, 1-800-CALL-WVA, or www.northbendsp.com.

vegetables, herbs, trees, shrubs, and more for sale, plus local artwork. http://chadwickarboretum.osu.edu. MAY 12 – Phil Vassar, Marion Palace Theatre, 276 West Center St., Marion, 8 p.m. $30–$47. Billboard’s Country Songwriter of the Year. 740-383-2101 or www.marionpalace. org. MAY 12–14 – Community Days Festival, Fairfield Co. Fgds., Lancaster, Fri. 4–10 p.m., Sat. noon–10:30 p.m., Sun. noon–6 p.m. Free. Rides, food, games, craft show, car show, and entertainment. New this year: Fast Traxx Moto Cross racing, Sat. night concert. www.communitydaysfestival.org. MAY 13 – Harding Home Kickoff Breakfast, Tri-Rivers Career Ctr., 2222 Marion-Mount Gilead Rd., Marion, 7:30–10 a.m. $5 in advance, $6 at door. Celebrate the Harding Home visitor season with a hearty breakfast of Florence Harding’s waffles and your choice of toppings, bacon, juice, and beverage. 740-387-9630 or www.hardinghome.org. MAY 13 – Pickerington Community Chorus: “Say It with a Song: Celebrating 10 Years,” with special guests Pickerington High School Central’s Chorale, Peace United Methodist Church, 235 Diley Rd., Pickerington, 7 p.m. $10, Srs./C. $8 in advance; $12/$10 at the door. www. pickeringtoncommunitychorus.com. MAY 27–29 – Utica Sertoma Ice Cream Festival, Ye Olde Mill and Velvet Ice Cream Co., 11339 Mt. Vernon Rd., Utica. $5 per car. Fun-filled weekend for the entire family. Rides, games, antique gas engines, car show, motorcycle show, eating contests, arts and crafts, and ice cream, of course! E-mail uticaohiosertoma@gmail.com or www. sertomaicecreamfestival.com. MAY 28–29 – Asian Festival, Franklin Park, 1755 E. Broad St., Columbus, 10 a.m.–8 p.m. Free. A celebration of Asian culture, including dance, music, martial arts, food, and much more. A unique opportunity to see performers from Asia and all over the U.S. http://asian-festival.org. MAY 29 – Memorial Day Celebration, Veterans Memorial Park, 154 Commerce St., Lockbourne. Parade starts at noon, followed by a service honoring Lockbourne Air Force Base, WASPS, and all veterans. 614-491-3161.

MAY 19 – Taste of the Arts: A Feast for the Senses, Ash and Main Sts., Piqua. A delightful evening of fun, live music, and food in downtown Piqua. Be sure to stop in and see the various demos in the storefronts. Huge selection of food options from various local restaurants and caterers. Items range from $1 to $4. 937-773-9355 or www.mainstreetpiqua.com. MAY 19–21 – Maifest, Germania Park, 3529 W. Kemper Rd., Cincinnati, Fri. 6 p.m.–midnight, Sat. noon-midnight, Sun. noon–8 p.m. $3, under 12 free. Raise a stein to spring’s blooming flowers and warming weather with our own Maifest celebration — the most authentic in Cincinnati. Enjoy traditional German food, drink, and entertainment. www. germaniasociety.com/maifest/. MAY 20 – 3rd Annual Food Truck Competition and Rally, Miami Co. Fgds., North Co. Rd. 25A, Troy, 11 a.m.–9 p.m. Free. Teams of food trucks will gather to show off their best dishes and desserts. 937-335-7492. MAY 20 – Upper Valley Fiber Fest, Miami Co. Fgds., North Co. Rd. 25A, Troy, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. A fiber enthusiast haven! A celebration of all things fiber related: spinning, knitting, weaving, quilting, crochet, felting, and more. Hands-on demos and plenty of vendors. www.uppervalleyfiberfest.org. MAY 26 – ArtsConnect Café Lunchtime Concert: McIntyre Bluegrass Duet, Springfield Township Senior and Community Arts Ctr., 9150 Winton Rd., Cincinnati, 11:30 a.m.–1 p.m. Free. Bring your own lunch or purchase one from on-site food truck. Bring lawn chair in case seating is limited. 513-522-1410 or www.theartsconnect.us.

PLEASE NOTE: Ohio Cooperative Living strives for ac­curacy but strongly urges readers to confirm dates and times before traveling long distances to events. Submit listings AT LEAST 90 DAYS prior to the event by writing to Ohio Cooperative Living, 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229 or events@ohioec. org. Ohio Cooperative Living will not publish listings that don’t include a complete address of where the event takes place or a number/website for more information.



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