Ohio Cooperative Living - Buckeye - October 2017

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Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative Official publication | www.buckeyerec.coop


Jail of Terror!

Preserving haunted — and human — history in Newark

ALSO INSIDE Humbled by hurricanes R. L. Stein’s Goosebumps The Cooperative Difference Ohio’s unique college mascots


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Every October, Ohio electric co-ops celebrate you— their member-owners. Your co-ops are local, not-forprofit, and democratically controlled by members like you. That’s the cooperative difference. Thank you for being a part of your co-op!



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Ohio boasts a bumper crop of nutty mascots roaming the college sports sidelines.


In this issue:

Attica (p. 4) Ashtabula (p. 6) Bexley (p. 8) Newark (p. 10) Bluffton (p. 16) Cincinnati (p. 24) Tiffin (p. 26) Wilmington (p. 25) Delaware (p. 25) Akron (p. 25)

10 FEATURES 4 COOPERATIVE DIFFERENCE Electric co-ops show commitment to their communities through the Be E3 Smart program. 8 GIGGLES AND GOOSEBUMPS Ohio native R.L. Stine balances horror and humor to draw in young readers.


10 JAILHOUSE HOME For decades, the Licking County Jail served as a residence for those who oversaw the inmates. 15 OKTOBER-FEAST! From sausage to sauerkraut, schnitzel to streusel, Ohio Cooperative Living readers buried us in Bavarian fare for our latest recipe contest. 30 LUSTRON HOMES For a short time after World War II, a Columbus company played a pivotal role in housing all the returning veterans who needed a place to live. Cover photo of the Old Licking County Historic Jail, in most editions, by JRD Photography.

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helter, food, clean water, electricity — these are the essentials of life in today’s world. For all the technology and innovation available in our modern society, these essentials can still be stripped away in minutes by the power of nature. Across much of Texas, Florida, and nearby states, recovery efforts are underway as of this writing from hurricanes Harvey and Irma. Hopefully by the time you read this, these essentials will have been restored to everyone impacted by these storms. When lives are turned upside down by events beyond anyone’s control, it’s the kindness of strangers — people willing to help those in need — that starts the process of putting things back together. I’m particularly touched by how quickly and completely our sometimesbitter differences fade away.

Pat O’Loughlin

Back here in Ohio, most of us have not even been inconvenienced by these storms. But here’s what I know: Hundreds of Ohioans have packed up and headed into the hardest-hit areas to help people restore the essentials, to help clean up, or even to help start over — and it’s not because of who needs help, it’s just because they need help.

of the Cooperative

Seventy-two of Ohio’s electric cooperative linemen left the day after Irma crashed through to assist electric co-ops in Georgia in restoring power to the tens of thousands of people who were left without. Behind the scenes, we’ve been preparing for months and years to be able to quickly and safely mobilize help whenever and wherever needed. It’s work, but it’s more than a business trip. It really is another part of the Cooperative Difference. Neighbors helping neighbors, near or far, because for all our differences, there is still much more that binds us together than pushes us apart.

President & CEO Ohio's Electric Cooperatives

It really is another part Difference. Neighbors helping neighbors, near or far, because for all our differences, there is still much more that binds us together than pushes us apart.

God bless and protect all those affected by these storms and the neighbors who have come to their aid!

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October 2017 • Volume 60, No. 2



Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives 6677 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229 614-846-5757 memberinteract@ohioec.org www.ohioec.org Patrick O’Loughlin Patrick Higgins Jeff McCallister Samantha Rhodes Anita Cook

President & CEO Director of Communications Managing Editor Associate Editor Graphic Designer



Official publication of your electric cooperative www.ohioec.org

Check out the mobilefriendly website and digital edition of Ohio Cooperative Living, as well as other timely information from Ohio’s electric cooperatives.


Jail of Terror!

Preserving haunted — and human — history in Newark


Official publication of your electric cooperative www.ohioec.org


ALSO INSIDE Humbled by hurricanes R. L. Stein’s Goosebumps The Cooperative Difference Ohio’s unique college mascots

Jail of Terror!

Preserving haunted — and human — history in Newark


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ALSO INSIDE Humbled by hurricanes R. L. Stein’s Goosebumps The Cooperative Difference Ohio’s unique college mascots

Contributors: Brian Albright, Paul Batterson, Colleen Romick Clark, Maura Gallagher, W.H. “Chip” Gross, Magen Howard, Pat Keegan, Isaac Miller, Catherine Murray, Kelsey Rollins, Craig Springer, Damaine Vonada, and Margie Wuebker. OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING (USPS 134-760; ISSN 2572-049X) is published monthly by Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. With a paid circulation of 294,359, it is the official communication link between the electric cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia and their members. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. All rights reserved.

For all advertising inquiries, contact GLM COMMUNICATIONS 212-929-1300 sales@glmcommunications.com

What’s the wackiest holiday traditi on you’ve ever heard of? We’ve all seen “that” family who goes above and beyond for the holidays — or maybe your family is that family! Either way, we’re looking for interesting, obscure, or downright one-of-a-kind holiday traditions. Who do you know that partakes in an unusual holiday pastime? Take to our Facebook or Twitter pages to share your responses with our staff. Find us by searching for Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives or your local electric co-op.

The fact that a product is advertised in Ohio Cooperative Living should not be taken as an endorsement. If you find an advertisement misleading or a product unsatisfactory, please notify us or the Ohio Attorney General’s Office, Consumer Protection Section, 30 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215, or call 1-800-282-0515. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, OH, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to editorial and advertising offices at: 6677 Busch Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43229-1101

Cooperative members: Please report changes of address to your electric cooperative. Ohio Cooperative Living staff cannot process address changes. Alliance for Audited Media Member

DID YOU KNOW? Ohio native R.L. Stine’s Goosebumps books have sold around 400 million copies worldwide in 32 different languages. But it wasn’t always an easy road for the children’s horror author; between 1990 and 1999, his books were some of the most controversial, even reaching number 15 on the Top 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books list. The books’ common theme that children always triumph over evil won out, and the series is now the second best-selling children’s book series next to Harry Potter. To learn more about Goosebumps’ Ohio roots, see Page 8.

Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives is an equal opportunity provider and employer. OCTOBER 2017 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING

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ENERGY, EFFICIENCY, EDUCATION Be E3 Smart program helps connect co-ops with classrooms The Be E3 Smart program provides teachers with resources — such as the energy bike and Snap Circuits (opposite page) — to help them reach their students in new and different ways. Students can even get an up-close look at the Cardinal Station generating facility in Brilliant, Ohio.


ake a dash of youthful curiosity, combine it with inspired teachers, and add a free curriculum, and that’s a winning formula for the Be E3 Smart program. The E’s stand for energy, efficiency, and education, and the program’s goal is to help middle school teachers help their students understand the power of energy. It comes with the teacher’s curriculum from the Ohio Energy Project, a nonprofit based in Worthington, as well as energy efficiency items for students to use at home thanks to sponsorship support from 23 electric cooperatives serving Ohio. “I can’t say enough about the program and how much it’s helped us to teach, and with materials that are provided — it just makes it so much easier,” says Ellen Lynch, who teaches seventhgrade science and eighth-grade health at Seneca East Local Schools. “What is so wonderful is they provide so many hands-on materials. With each lesson, there’s at least one experiment.”

Hands-on learning Lynch, whose Be E3 Smart materials are sponsored by North Central Electric Cooperative in Attica, has 4

put a grand experiment at the center of her energy curriculum: Students are charged with creating Rube Goldberg machines, named after the man whose thousands of cartoons depicted purposefully difficult and elaborate ways of completing simple tasks. “They have to create devices or a machine, following the scientific method, and it has to have at least five energy transformations,” Lynch says — think getting a marble into a basket, or powering up a computer to play a video. “Using anything from air in a balloon to dominoes falling, they’ve been very, very creative. They’re not allowed to buy anything. They’ve really done a great job with the machines, and they’re really fun to watch.” So fun that Lynch started recording the students’ machines in action. The videos go on Seneca East’s website each year for everyone to get in on the fun.

Students become the teachers About 20 minutes farther south in North Central’s service area is Buckeye Central Middle School in New Washington, where Marianne Williamson teaches seventh- and eighth-grade science. A few years ago, six of her Be E3 Smart students became the teachers


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at the Ohio eTech conference in Columbus. “We had a booth where students showed the teachers how to teach lessons from the curriculum,” says Williamson, whose Be E3 Smart classroom is also sponsored by North Central Electric. “Our students interacted with professionals, explaining how the Be E3 Smart curriculum worked and demonstrating different experiments.” And that’s where Be E3 Smart is unique. It shows students the real-world effects of energy production and encourages them and their families to be more conscious of those effects in everyday life. “There’s the big idea, something we talk about — reducing the amount of energy we use — but we like our conveniences, computers, lights, phones,” Lynch says. “So how can we make very small changes to conserve energy and still live the way we want?”

“I can’t say enough about the program and how much it’s helped us to teach, and with materials that are provided — it just makes it so much easier.” — Ellen Lynch Teacher, Seneca East Local Schools

with critical-thinking opportunities for our future generations by way of energy education and efficiency,” Williamson says. “Students have become engaged in energy efficiency and conservation by installing useful materials in their own homes — gifts from the cooperatives who genuinely care about their members and the world in which we live.” For North Central Electric, caring is embedded in its business model — locally owned, locally operated, with a commitment to serving its communities.

Williamson says it also gives her students the opportunity to gain social and professional skills.

“One of the cooperative’s key strategies is to look for opportunities to connect the children of our members to education and other programs that will benefit them,” says Terry Mazzone, North Central’s director of member and community relations. “The Be E3 Smart program does that for us. These dynamic and innovative teachers have even invited our energy services advisors into their classroom to talk about how they can help their families use energy wisely.”

“The Ohio Energy Project and our rural electric cooperatives are providing local school districts

To learn more about the Be E3 Smart program and the Ohio Energy Project, visit www.ohioenergy.org.

Learning more than just science

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APPLE ORCHARD Ashtabula Location: Northern Ashtabula County between Lake Erie and Interstate 90. Provenance: Roy and Debbie Brant established the orchard in the early 1980s, and built a barn that houses an on-site bakery and farm market. In 2014, they sold the 79-acre property to current owners Brian and Jenn Diehl, who operate Brant’s Apple Orchard with help from their two teenage sons as well as orchard manager Brian Morris and farm market/bakery manager Shelly Damon. Significance: With a picturesque pond surrounded by trees displaying a kaleidoscope of colors, and pot-bellied stoves that make the barn feel warm and cheery, Brant’s Apple Orchard is one of northeast Ohio’s favorite fall destinations. Going there for just-picked apples, jugs of sweet cider, or Brant’s ever-popular cider donuts is a local tradition, and on the day before Thanksgiving, the barn bustles with people buying homemade pumpkin and apple pies. Because Ashtabula County is famous for its covered bridges, autumn visitors also like to make Brant’s part of their itinerary.

Currently: Brant’s grows three kinds of Asian pears, six types of table grapes, and 23 varieties of apples, including its best-selling Honeycrisp (for eating) and Cortland (for baking). After acquiring the orchard, the Diehls significantly enlarged the barn, yielding a bigger bakery, a farm market, and an eating area, where customers enjoy soups and sandwiches made on oven-fresh breads. “Our chicken salad is made from scratch with our own apples and grapes,” Jenn Diehl says, “and it’s served on our cranberry bread.” Besides local maple syrup and honey, the farm market features Brant’s apple butter, bourbon apple butter barbecue sauce, and refreshing cider slushies. Brant’s cider is made on an 1895 cider press from a blend of several varieties of ripened apples. “We usually press cider on Tuesdays and Fridays,” notes Diehl, “and customers can watch.” It’s a little-known fact that: The orchard’s grounds boast 2,700 apple trees, wooded walking trails, and a play area with slides topped by a miniature covered bridge. Brant’s also shows movies on Saturday nights; offers weekend hayrides; gives educational orchard tours; and hosts a Fall Festival and Halloween Costume Party every October.

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Brant’s Apple Orchard, 4749 Dibble Rd., Ashtabula, OH 44004. Open mid-August until the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Tours by appointment. For information, call 440-224-0639 or visit www. brantsappleorchard.com. 6


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AND Ohio native R.L. Stine balances horror and humor for young readers


caring children may seem like an odd way to make a living, but Goosebumps author R.L. Stine has a knack for it. “You just sort of feel it,” says Stine, an Ohio native who grew up in Bexley. “In the beginning of writing a book, you have to decide how scary to go. If it’s not scary enough, the book is boring. If it’s too scary, it gets silly or ludicrous. It’s a fine line when you’re dealing with 7- to 11-year-olds.”

Stine is something of an expert at walking that line. Long before the children’s and young adult book markets were overrun by wizards and vampires, Stine launched a horror series for teens (Fear Street) in 1989, followed by Goosebumps in 1992 — and soon came to a realization that helped him strike that balance. “They like to be scared,” he says of his young audience. “I didn’t understand that when I first started doing these things. But people just like to have a scary adventure when they know they are really okay, and kids do know that. That’s the thing about Goosebumps — they know what to expect. There will be twists and turns, and it will all end up okay.”

Powerhouse franchise Stine’s spooky empire has since grown to massive proportions. An insanely prolific writer, he has published more than 300 books and sold somewhere in the ballpark of 400 million copies — making him one of the all-time best-selling authors of children’s books, right up there with



Dr. Seuss and J.K. Rowling. The Goosebumps series has spawned comic books, audiobooks, a TV series, numerous spin-off series, a musical, a theme park, board games, video games, and a 2015 full-length feature film.

There are also three films based on his Fear Street series (set in Shadyside, Ohio) in the works, and he’s published two picture books, The Little Shop of Monsters (2015) and Mary McScary (2017), illustrated by Arthur creator Marc Brown. Stine also scripted a new Man-Thing series for Marvel Comics.

Hometown influence Although he’s known for being scary, Stine has always been just as interested in making people laugh, which is evident in some of his more absurd Goosebumps titles like The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena and Planet of the Lawn Gnomes. His writing is also heavily informed by his upbringing in Ohio, and the majority of his books take place in suburban Midwestern neighborhoods. “I often think back to Bexley when I create those neighborhoods, and I use the places of my childhood to set the stories in,” Stine says. Stine and his brother went to Saturday matinees at the Esquire theater on Broad Street and the Drexel on Main, where they laughed at the low-budget horror movies that later would greatly influence Stine’s books. He also spent much of his free time as a kid writing and drawing his own comic books.

Jovial Bob from Bexley While Bexley is known as one of the wealthier communities in Columbus, Stine describes his upbringing as poor. “We lived in a brick house on


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the edge of Bexley, and on the next block were these huge mansions. The governor’s mansion was two blocks from us. As a child I always felt like an outsider because we didn’t have money. That sort of turned me into an observer. That’s one of the reasons I’m a writer.” He launched his writing career editing the humor magazine (The Sundial) at Ohio State before moving to New York in the late 1960s. He landed a job at Scholastic, where he wrote joke books for children under the name “Jovial Bob” Stine and eventually launched Bananas, a humor magazine for kids that was published in the 1970s and 1980s. He also occasionally contributed to Dynamite magazine, another Scholastic publication that was edited by his wife, Jane (who also co-founded Parachute Press, the company that originally launched both the Fear Street and Goosebumps series).

And he’s still able to snack on his favorite pizza from Rubino’s (something of a Bexley institution), which he has frozen and shipped to his Manhattan apartment. “That’s the one thing I miss about Ohio,” Stine says. “I’ve been a New Yorker for a long time now, but Columbus has the best pizza. Even my wife, who is a real New Yorker, admits that Columbus has better pizza.” Brian Albright is a freelance writer from Cleveland Heights.

Giving back, getting back Although he doesn’t get back to Ohio often, Stine does maintain ties to Columbus. He provided an endowment for the Bexley Education Foundation’s R.L. Stine Creative Writing Workshops. Earlier this year, he made a personal appearance at the Drexel Theater, and afterward spent part of his evening palling around with old friend Fred “Fritz the Nite Owl” Peerenboom, whom he has known since his college days.


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The Energy Cooperative’s Nelson Smith grew up in the ‘Jail of Terror’


magine being 13 years old and going home every day for the next six years — to jail.

Nelson Smith, chairman of the board of The Energy Cooperative in Newark, called the Licking County Jail home for nearly the entire span of his teenage years, but not because he had committed any crimes. Smith moved into the Licking County Jail when his mother was hired in the early 1960s to be the head cook and jail matron, the person in charge of the female prisoners.

“One of my favorite things about being a part of the LCGPS is having the opportunity to give some amazing tours and relay the history of the jail and a few of my many stories from living here,” Smith says. The jail has quite a history, in fact — one that’s left it with a reputation for being haunted.

Haunting origins When it was built in the late 1880s, the Licking County Jail was considered 10


Now Smith has found his way back to the jail, as a trustee for the Licking County Governmental Preservation Society (LCGPS), where he chairs the activities committee. Smith coordinates fundraisers and tours of the jail — which has since been renamed The Old Licking County Historic Jail — to help with its preservation, restoration, and use.


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A copy of a special edition of the Newark Advocate from 1910, documenting one of several notorious events in the old jail’s history, hangs from the jailhouse wall.

to be the finest jail in Ohio, according to LCGPS’s biography of the institution. Designed by architect Joseph Warren “J.W.” Yost, the original budget was $68,685, though the final cost was nearly double that by the time it opened. PHOTOS BY MIKE ELTRINGHAM

The jail was set up in a way that is unheard of today. The three floors in the front were residential. There were offices, a foyer, a living room, a dining room, and a family kitchen on the first floor and bedrooms for the sheriff’s family on the second floor; the third floor was designated for the matron, so that was where Smith lived with his family. But four sheriffs, including three consecutive, had fatal heart attacks in the same bedroom, ending the building’s days as a residence in 1971. All the residence rooms were converted into staff offices.

Then, of course, there was Carl Etherington.

The back four floors of the jail housed inmates. One floor held women, and the other three floors were for men, with a “drunk tank” in the basement. The jail had 34 cells, with two bunks per cell, allowing for 68 inmates. The walls of these cells saw some dangerous and famous prisoners — some of whom contribute to the ghostly tales told during jail tours to this day.

Etherington, a detective with the Anti-Saloon League of Ohio, came to Newark to raid saloons for serving illegal alcohol in 1910. Etherington shot a local saloon owner, in self-defense, and was taken to the Licking County Jail. A mob stormed the jail, forcibly removed Etherington, and hanged him from a telephone pole in the Newark town square.

The Lewingdon brothers, better known as the “.22-caliber killers,” murdered 10 people across three counties in central Ohio and were inmates before being sent to state prison.

The future of the historic jail The Licking County Jail operated for 99 years, until it became overcrowded and closed its doors in 1987, and a new jail was built a couple of blocks away. Continued on Page 12 Nelson Smith (opposite page) and the Licking County Governmental Preservation Society are working to restore the residence portion of the Old Licking County Historic Jail to its once-splendorous state.


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Continued from Page 11

The Old Licking County Historic Jail has also been featured on the Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures, and it frequently has paranormal investigators performing ghost hunts to track down the spirits that are said to haunt the jail to this day.

Four sheriffs, including three consecutive, had fatal heart attacks in the same bedroom, ending the building’s days as a residence in 1971.

LCGPS hosts fundraisers throughout the year, including flashlight tours, ghost hunts, and the “Jail of Terror,” a haunted house during the Halloween season (see sidebar). LCGPS also raises money through a 5K road race, the Oktoberfest-style Jailhouse Rock Beer Fest, and an annual Carl Etherington memorial fundraiser. To learn more, visit www.lcjail.org.

Ghosts have long been said to roam the halls of the former Licking County Jail in downtown Newark. Now, thanks to the Licking County Governmental Preservation Society (LCGPS), those spirits are brought back to life every Friday and Saturday from the last Friday of September through the end of October as the old building transforms into the “Jail of Terror.” The LCGPS, which has overseen the old jail building since it closed its doors in 1987 and is tasked with its restoration and historical promotion, came up with the idea in 2015 to convert the jail into a haunted house during the Halloween season.

Working with haunted house entertainment company Factory of Terror, out of Canton, the society spends two months setting up to create one of the scariest settings around. Actors portraying prisoners, gh ouls, and ghosts from the jail’s creepy past create a gory experience that people of all ages can enjoy (though parental discretion is advised for younger folks).

The haunt begins in the sheriff’s living quarters, continues down to the cellblock levels — which are full of rioting inmates — then finishes with one last scare in the jail yard.


Doors open at 7 p.m., and tours last through midnight. Regular tickets cost $17, though fast pass tickets that allow patrons to jump to the head of the line are available for $25. The walk through the jail lasts about 20 minutes, and lines form that can create about a twohour wait, so patrons are advised to arrive early. Proceeds from the haunt are set aside to restore areas such as the foyer and the sheriff’s office to their original state. For more details, visit www.jailofterror.com. The Old Licking County Historic Jail (above) as it stands today, and the marker that only scratches the surface of the building’s history.



Though the historic jail may be dark and scary — and possibly haunted — its future is bright. The restoration and preservation of the jail is on the upswing, as LCGPS works to restore the building to the condition Smith experienced during his time there.

— Isaac Miller


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Oktober-feast! This month means Oktoberfest in communities across Ohio, and when we asked you, our readers, to roll out your recipes for all foods German, you did not disappoint! After we sampled delicacies ranging from sausages to sauerkraut, strudel to schnitzel, these three emerged as our favorites.



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With no old family recipes to rely upon, our contest winner re-creates restaurant and festival fare. Pam Hoffman knew her Pork Schnitzel was a winner long before she entered the recipe in Ohio Cooperative Living’s Oktoberfest recipe contest. “My stepfather was born in Romania and lived in Germany for several years,” she says. “He says the schnitzel is the best he’s ever eaten.”


Judges awarded Hoffman, a member of Hancock-Wood Electric Cooperative and first-time contest entrant, a KitchenAid mixer as top prize in the contest. Logan County Electric Cooperative member Tracy McPherson, who entered her recipe for Oktoberfest Beer Cheese Soup, and North Central Electric Cooperative member Ruth Pifher, who entered her recipe for Hot German Potato Salad, each took runner-up honors. (Continued, top of next page)

WINNING RECIPE Pork Schnitzel 4 boneless pork cutlets (1 lb. total), ½ inch thick ¼ cup all-purpose flour 1 tsp. seasoned salt ¼ tsp. freshly ground black pepper 1 egg, beaten 2 Tbsp. milk 1 cup panko bread crumbs 1 tsp. paprika 3 to 4 Tbsp. olive oil Sauce: ¾ cup chicken broth, divided 1 Tbsp. all-purpose flour ½ cup sour cream ½ tsp. fresh dill ½ tsp. salt Lemon slices (optional)


Use a meat hammer to pound the pork cutlets to ¼ to 1⁄8 inch thickness. Cut small slits around the edges of each cutlet to prevent curling. Set out three shallow bowls — one with a mixture of flour, seasoned salt, and pepper; the second with the egg and milk whisked together; and the third with a mixture of bread crumbs and paprika. Heat olive oil in a large skillet on medium-high heat. Dredge cutlets in seasoned flour, then in the egg mixture, and finally in the bread crumb mixture. Let stand 5 minutes. Working in batches, sauté cutlets for 3 to 4 minutes on each side. Remove cutlets from the skillet, and place on a cooling rack over a sheet pan to keep warm in a 200-degree oven. For sauce: Stir ¼ cup broth into skillet, scraping up browned bits. In a bowl, combine flour and remaining broth, whisking until smooth. Stir into skillet and bring to a boil, cooking and stirring for 1 to 2 minutes or until thickened. Reduce heat and stir in sour cream, dill, and salt. Heat through, but do not let mixture boil. Serve cutlets with sauce and lemon slices, if desired. Serves 4.


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Although many schnitzel recipes call for veal, Hoffman substitutes pork loin, which is cheaper and more readily available near her Bluffton-area home. She especially likes using panko bread crumbs for the extra crispiness they impart. The dillinfused sauce serves as the crowning touch. She frequently takes advantage of pork loin sales to prep schnitzels and place the uncooked treats in the freezer for later use.

“I have ancestors who came from Germany in the 1800s, but their native recipes did not get passed down through the generations,” she said. “My husband (Mike) and I enjoy going to German restaurants and festivals, so I research recipes and tweak them until they suit our tastes. I am compiling my own German cookbook to preserve my food heritage to enjoy now and to pass on to future generations.”



Tracy McPherson, also a first-time contest entrant,

created the Oktoberfest soup years ago while operating a small family restaurant in Bellefontaine — one that employed special needs adults and those on public assistance to teach job skills. “Guinness was a featured beer in our pub, so we incorporated it into a cheese soup during our Oktoberfest celebrations,” she says. “Dark beer brings out the cheese flavor and imparts a smoky touch.” McPherson, who is currently studying clinical mental health counseling, has shared the recipe many times. Her son even took along a copy when he moved to California some years ago.

Oktoberfest Beer Cheese Soup ½ cup butter 1½ medium carrots, finely chopped (3/4 cup) 1 medium stalk celery, finely chopped (1/2 cup) 1 small onion, finely chopped (1/4 cup) 3 cups chicken broth ½ pound butter and 2 cups flour for roux

1/8 tsp. pepper 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper 1 cup milk 4 cups shredded sharp cheddar cheese ½ cup beer (dark preferred) Sour cream or sprig of thyme for garnish

In a 4-quart Dutch oven, melt ½ cup butter over medium heat. Add carrots, celery, and onion; cook 10 minutes, stirring occasionally until crisp-tender. In a large bowl, mix broth, roux ingredients, pepper, and cayenne pepper until smooth. Gradually stir into vegetable mixture. Heat to boiling over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Boil and stir 1 minute. Stir in milk and cheese. Heat until cheese is melted. Stir in beer. Serve immediately with a dollop of sour cream or a sprig of thyme. Serves 4 to 5. Note: Soup may be reheated on low until heated through.

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Ruth Pifher had no problem deciding which recipe to

enter in the magazine contest. She pegged all her hopes on her mother’s tried-and-true Hot German Potato Salad. “My mother (Lillian Schock) made this often because it is a family favorite,” she says. “For the last 20 years she has made it as a side dish at the church Oktoberfest celebration in Attica.” The experimentation began when the church cookbook committee requested the recipe for an upcoming publication. They wanted a smaller version of the popular treat. Pifher always cuts the potatoes into small cubes instead of thin slices to absorb the tangy sauce. She also recommends using the cheapest bacon available to make sure there are plenty of drippings for the sauce. Celery seed adds extra flavor. “It is a good fall food that our family enjoys all year long and not just at Oktoberfest time,” she says.

Hot German Potato Salad 5 to 6 medium potatoes 1 lb. bacon 2 Tbsp. flour ¼ cup sugar 11/2 tsp. salt

½ tsp. celery seed 1/8 tsp. black pepper 1 cup water ½ cup vinegar

Wash unpeeled potatoes and boil until soft. Cool slightly, peel, and cut into small chunks (about 4 cups). Cut bacon into small pieces and fry until crisp. Remove bacon with a slotted spoon and set aside. Stir flour, sugar, salt, celery seed, and pepper into bacon grease until smooth. Cook until bubbly, stirring as needed. Add water and vinegar to flour mixture. Cook until it boils and thickens. Remove from heat and add potatoes and bacon. Stir gently so potatoes hold their shape. Serves 4 to 6. Note: Salad can be transferred to a slow cooker to keep warm until ready to serve.



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Heat and cool your home without blowing your budget


f baseboard heaters and window AC units are driving up household electric bills, mini-split ductless heat pumps might be a good answer. The pumps can heat efficiently even when winter temperatures drop below freezing, and they are an economical and energy-efficient way to beat the summer heat. Ductless heat pumps are often installed as the primary heating source, paired with a backup system that kicks in when outside temperatures are extremely cold. In regions and in the proper type of home, those who switch to this kind of system should see considerable reductions in heating costs. Peter Niagu, an energy services advisor with Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative in Paulding, Ohio, says members there have found that ductless systems with a backup heating system can work effectively even when the temperature is below zero. Ductless heat pump systems could be an ideal solution in homes that don’t have a duct system, or when replacing or repairing existing ductwork would be prohibitive. Niagu also says the system is much more suited for homes with a few larger, open spaces than for those with many rooms to heat and cool. A ductless heat pump has two main components: the outdoor compressor and the indoor air handler. Coolant and electrical lines run through a conduit from the compressor outside the home through the wall to the inside air handler(s). The pumps can be configured in different ways. A common approach is to provide heating and cooling to one large zone in the home by using a single compressor and a single air handler, but one compressor could power as many as five inside air handlers in different rooms, each with its own thermostat. A home could even have more than one outside compressor, though as more are added, obviously the price increases, and homeowners would need to evaluate the cost compared to other systems.

Pat Keegan writes for Collaborative Efficiency, an energy communications company.


With ductless heat pumps, an exterior compressor can be either set on a foundation on the ground, or mounted to a wall (right). A blower, sized appropriately for the room, is then installed inside the house (left).

Questions to consider

Ductless heat pumps are often a great solution, but it’s wise to consider these questions: • What are the other investments you could make to reduce your energy costs or improve comfort? Is the ductless heat pump the best option? A thorough energy audit of your home will help answer these questions. • Are rebates offered by your electric co-op? • What is the best size and efficiency level for a ductless heat pump in your situation? • Are there contractors in your area with experience installing ductless heat pumps? Contact your local electric co-op for a list of recommended contractors, and visit www. energystar.gov for tips on hiring contractors.


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Looking back provides the path forward


ne of my favorite quotes has always been, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” Yet, sometimes remembering our history with the goal of repeating it can actually be a good thing. As the nation’s 30,000 cooperatives celebrate National Co-op Month this October, it is a great time to take a look back — and a look forward. Take the history of your electric co-op. Buckeye REC was founded in 1937 when neighbors worked together to bring electricity to our rural community. Big investor-owned power companies thought they couldn’t generate enough profit, so they bypassed rural areas. Back then, there were frequent meetings among neighbors to discuss the formation of the cooperative. Once established, annual meetings were the “must attend” event of the year. The co-op — on behalf of the member-owners — committed to provide the community with electricity. Fast forward to today — and tomorrow. BREC currently serves over 18,600 consumers. We have returned more than $19 million back to our members since the co-op was founded.

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We understand the spirit that helped create this co-op must be continually nurtured. While times and technology will continue to change, our commitment to you will not.

Tonda Meadows Exec. VP/General Manager

Although we started out to provide electricity, our impact (with your support) has grown. As we continue to look toward the future, you can be confident that Buckeye Rural will commit to explore new ways to help our members and our community. A few examples are providing scholarship opportunities, supporting economic development, providing energy audits and installing the best technology to keep our electric system operation reliable. Over the years, as we’ve listened to you and your fellow co-op member-owners, we know that we have to keep pace as technology and consumer tastes evolve. As always, we welcome your participation as we plan for the future.



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“Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative strives to provide dependable electric service to our member-owners at the most reasonable cost,” Lester said. “We return all the cooperative earnings back to our member-owners.” BREC President and CEO Tonda Meadows highlighted the cooperative’s strong financial position. 2777000. “We experienced mild weather throughout our region again in 2016, resulting in lower sales than anticipated,” Meadows said. “In spite of this, we maintained sufficient margins to meet the financial ratios that are required by our lenders.” BREC was also able to refinance $36.4 million of debt, which will save its members more than $5.3 million in future interest. Meadows also discussed BREC’s ongoing commitment to system improvement. The cooperative has continued to upgrade its electrical facilities by rebuilding weakened and heavily loaded lines and adding protective devices to improve service reliability. BREC also installed additional equipment in many areas of its service territory to reroute service to other lines when performing maintenance or experiencing an extended outage. “This ultimately results in less time that you are without electricity,” Meadows said. Pat O’Loughlin, president and CEO of Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives, the power supplier and statewide services association for Buckeye Rural and 23 other co-ops around the state, discussed how the power supplied to BREC members is cleaner than it has ever been. This has been accomplished through the proactive investment in environmental controls by Ohio’s electric cooperatives and without the need for government mandates. “Electric co-ops are innovative leaders when it comes to technology,” O’Loughlin said. “In fact, your coal-fired power plant, Cardinal Station, has more than $1 billion invested in environmental controls, making it one of the cleanest plants of its kind in the world.” Meadows thanked BREC members for their participation in their cooperative, and also thanked the co-op’s employees for another year of providing excellent service. “We thank you for joining us this morning, and a special thank you to our board of trustees for its leadership and guidance, and to our incredible employees for their hard work to make your annual meeting and your cooperative a success,” Meadows said.

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UNCLAIMED CAPITAL CREDITS Buckeye Rural Electric is holding checks for the following people for whom it has no current address. According to the rules and regulations of Buckeye Rural Electric, these names must be published twice in two consecutive issues of Ohio Cooperative Living magazine. Sixty days after the second publication of this notice, any remaining unclaimed capital credits will revert to the co-op to be redistributed. This is the first notice for these names. If you have current addresses for these names, please contact our customer service department at 1-800-231-2732. A & C Cable Inc A T & T - Bosg, A T & T, Abshire, B Viola Adamitis, Walter Adams, David L Adams, Mack Adams, R H Addington, Danny L Addis, Herman Adell, Linda L Adena Music Park, Adkins, Bobby R Adkins, Donald L Adkins, Donna F Adkins, Everett Adkins, Harold Adkins, Harold Adkins, James C Adkins, Kenneth R Adkins, Larry G Adkins, Larry W Adkins, Linda L Adkins, Martha C Adkins, Mildred E Adkins, Rhea R Adkins, Ricky Adkins, Robert L Adkins, Sonya L Adkins, Terri L Agrigeneral Corporation Albaugh, Ronald A Aldridge, Reba J Aldridge, Rita Alexander Compt Riders Alexander, Carol A Alexander, Frank Alexander, Richard A Aliff, Andrea N Allard, Gary Allbright, Alice F Allen, Brenda Allen, Herbert Allen, Mark R Allen, Rebecca Allen, Timothy R Almy, Glenn Alt, James A Amesbury, Spencer R Amoriya, Elizabeth R Anderson, Douglas E Anderson, Edward E Anderson, Edward S Anderson, Genevieve D Anderson, Martha J Anderson, Raymond Angel, Mary L Angles, Cheryl L Apel, Mark Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ, Appeldorn, Philip L Armbrister, Andrew Arnett, J M Arrington, Keith A Arthur, David Artis, James E Asbury, J B Asbury, Shirley R

Ashworth, Darla D Ashworth, Donald Aspin, Gary S Aspin, Gary S Associate Financialser AT&T - Bosg. Athens Realty, Athey, Patrica A Atkinson, Crystal A Austin, J C Auxier, George W Axsom, David K Bacon, Allen E Bailey Jr, Wilbert Bailey, Clifford L Bailey, Mary Bailey, Ross Baird, Jeffrey T Baird, Sheryl A Baisden, Dennis Baisden, John A Baker, Brian K Baker, Brittany D Baker, Brittany N Baker, Dan E Baker, Edward Baker, Elward L Baker, Gordon B Baker, Lenoris Baldwin, Alva Baldwin, Charles W Ball, Patricia Ballard, Mabel F Balmer, Thomas L Bane, Jeffrey D Banks, Carolyn S Banks, Dingus Banks, James R Banks, Larry W Banks, Timothy E Barker Jr, Wendell Barker, Deborah C Barnes, Jody T Barnes, Wanda L Barnett, Raymond D Barnett, Rodger W Barney, Everett Barrett, Walter A Barton, Melinda B Bass, Stella M Bateman, Lyda Bates, David M Bayes, Jennie L Bazell, Robert J Beardsley, Chris Beaver Jr, Loren Beavers, William I Beckett, Debra Beebe, Perry E Beers, Amanda E Bellomy, B Scott Belville, Raymond Benner, Lynus E Bennett, Clyde Bennett, James O Bennett, John L Bennett, Ruby H Bennington, Virgina Bentley Jr, William S Bentley, Donald E

Bentley, Green Berkley, Hope E Berry, Birthel Berry, Charles Berry, Chuck Berry, Edward C Bias, Cathy A Bickers, Larry M Big Valley Speedway Bing, Virgil E Bird, Belva Bishop, Adam L Black, Eleanor J Black, Rosemma F Blackburn, Gary Blair, Marcus Blair, Thomas Blake, Earl C Blake, Maxine Blankenship, Arthur Blankenship, Robert Blankenship, Wallace Blanton, Brenda Blaschak, James L Blazer Jr, Morris F Blazer, Floyd L Bledsoe, Luther E Bledsoe, Shirley A Blevins, Ersel Blevins, Jack Bloomer, Delmar L Bloomfield, John W Bloomfield, Lee E Blower, Janice E Bobo, Henry F Bobo, Nick Boehm, Richard H Boggs, Harold Boggs, Ranzy L Bolander, Donna J Bolen, Jack A Bolen, Russell D Bolin, Lorie A Bonds, Ethel M Booth, Keith Borders, Charles Borders, Gregory K Boring, William R Bostic, Nelson Boston, Hazel M Boston, Lowell M Botkin, Anna M Boucher, William A Bouchey, Jennifer A Bouchillon, Angela L Bourne, Ann Bourne, Lucy Bowen, David A Bowen, Robert Bowen, Sharon K Bowen, Viola M Bowens, David Bowers Auto Service Bowers, Kenneth A Bowers, Richard Bowles, Pamela Bowling, Alma M Bowling, William Bowman, Merrill G Bowyer, Clifton R

Boyce, Ted B Boyd, Mable A Boyd, Rick D Boyd, Ronald J Bradbury, Cheryl D Bradford, John N Bradley, Clark Bradley, Erma M Bradley, Roger L Bragdon, Darrell R Brahler, Clara A Brammer, Maxine Brammer, Merrell M Brammer, Ronald Branham, Bryan E Breudigan, Violet Brewer, Gary D Brickles, Donald L Brinegar, Jim Briner, Benjamn F Brink, Nora J Brinsfield, Susan Brinson, Betty L Brock, Summer R Brookgreen Farm Brooks, Alice E Brooks, John D Brooks, Steve Brown, Clyde Brown, Danny A Brown, Hazel Brown, Jan L Brown, Jerald L Brown, Joyce A Brown, Lee Brown, Lorraine Brown, Olivia Brown, Ruth Brown, Verna Brown, Walter Brown, Willard Brumfield, Jewell Brumfield, Thurman Brumfield, Tim J Brumfield, Vicki L Brumfield, Walter A Bruner Land Co, Brust, Deborah K Bryan, Willard O Bryant, Edna M Bryant, Eva Bryant, Kathi W Bryant, Tammy A Buckeye Bucklodge Buckles, David L Bunch, Freeman Burbach, Crystal G Burd, C Robrt Burd, Loretta K Burford, Vergie R Burnett, Sue L Burnette, Kate Burns, Robert T Burton, Dwayne Bush, Georgia E Bush, Roy A Bush, Stanley O Bush, Victoria E Butler, Gary M Butterworth, James

Byers, Brent E Byrd, Pauline Byrd, Winfred L C & H Electric Co Cade, Cecil Cade, Kimbrly E Cadle, Phillip D Cain Jr, Paul R Cain, Betty Cain, Gerry M Caldwell, Donna G Caldwell, Geary L Calhoun, Robin T Callahan, Everett Callicoat Jr, George Callicoat, Wanda J Campbell Sr, Thomas R Campbell, Brenda K Campbell, Reba Campbell, William E Canaday, Carroll Canter, Jack R Canterberry, Annie G Canterbury, Ima B Canterbury, Nellie Cantrell, Perry A Cardi, Victor Cardwell, Lillie M Carey, Glenna J Carling, Ruby M Carman, Dennis Carnes, Kessley Carpenter, Alvin W Carpenter, Homer L Carrico, Paul F Carroll, Rhonda Carroll, Thomas M Carroll, Viola M Carson Drilling Co Carson Gas Producers Carson Gas Producers Carson Gas Producers Carson, M V Carson, Stephen A Carson, Stephen A Carter, Bernard Carter, Gregory A Carter, Hattie J Carter, Kelli S Carter, Rex L Carter, Richard Carter, Robert Carter, Shane C Carver, Marcus E Carver, Ralph E Cash Sr, Emerson Cassady, Granvil R Castle, Ulysses Castle, Ulysses Caudill, Margret A Caudill, Margret A Causey, Rick L Cecil, Laura E Cennamo, Thomas G Century National Bank, Chaffins, Linda L Chamberlin, Samuel S Chandler, Bertha M Chaney, Ben Chaney, Tammie L

Chapman, H V Chapman, Herman L Chapman, Kathy L Charchak, Joseph Chartor Energy Corp Chedester, Betty Cherico, Brian M Chevalier, Andrew Chhibber NM, Bakshy A Childers, James O Childers, Lisa Childers, Shirley E Childers, William Childress, Travis H Chinn, Lennie Christ Jr, Emanuel P Christian, Earl F City National Bank Clark, Earl E Clark, Mary Clark, Mary L Clark, Susan E Clark, Thomas Clarkson, Maude E Clarkson, Steve G Clary, Lola J Clary, Tom Clay, James E Clay, Mildred A Clay, Paul Cleland, Brian K Clemons, Sheila M Click, Dennis W Climer, Warner Cline Sr, Billy F Cline, Connie J Cline, Lawrence E Clonch, Thelma F Cobern Sr, George R Coburn, Carl A Cochran, Charles W Cochran, James H Cochran, John A Cochran, Wilbern Coe, Harry R Colby, Daniel J Coleman, Betty Coleman, Charles Coleman, Charles Coleman, Clyde Coleman, Howard J Coleman, John R Coleman, Ransom J Coleman, T S Colf, Bessie Collier Jr, J B Collier, J B Collins, Amanda M Collins, Anthony R Collins, Cary L Collins, Chester R Collins, Jerry A Collins, Robert F Collins, William G Combs, Allen Combs, Raymond Compton, Brenda Compton, Brenda Comstock, Eddie Congelton, Helen H


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Conkle, John Conley, Clyde C Conley, Randy E Conley, Roger L Conn, Hobart R Connally, Betrice Consolidated Rail Corp Cook, Elijah W Cook, Louis Coon, Charles E Cooper, Vickie L Cooper, Wanda Coovert III, Charles H Coovert, Douglas M Copley, Angela K Copley, Charlotte Copley, Donald Copley, Ermel Copley, Keith Copley, Milton H Corbin, Betty J Corbin, Helen M Corbin, Robert W Cordial, Dennis Cornell, Alfred Corns, Brenda K Cornwell, John Cottle, Ralph Coughenour, Cathy L Coughenour, Denny L Covey, Chelsey N Covin, Gladys Cox, Clarence E Cox, Donna M Cox, Judy G Cox, Lydia Cox, Melissa A Cox, Mike Cox, Ora Cox, Pam Cox, Philip E Cox, Rickey Cox, Steven D Coyan, Norman Cozart, Irvin Crabtree, Cecil Crabtree, Clarence Crabtree, Jack Crabtree, Kevin J Crabtree, Nichlas C Crabtree, Paul Crabtree, Stella M Crace, Billie V Craft, Charles F Crawford, Randy S Cremeans, Albert H Cremeans, Chris B Cremeans, Janice I Cremeans, Leroy Cremeans, Luther W Cremeans, Orland D Crews, Pearl Criner, Linda L Crislip Jr NM, William W Cromlish, Eloise Cron, Clyde Cruickshank, Paige C Crum, Virgil L Crump, Velma Culligan, Gusta Culp, Judith Cundiff, Gary Curley, William O Curry, Gwen A Curry, John L Curry, Larry D Cyrus, Robert G D G M Inc Dailey, Alta E Daines, Ralph M Dalton, Greg K Dalton, Jeff H Damecki, Chester S Damron, Howard Daniel Jr, Grady Daniels Jr, George A Daniels, Donald R Daniels, Helen Daniels, Louise Darst, David J

Daugherty, David E Davenport, William L Davidson, Brian L Davis, Brinda F Davis, Daniel J Davis, David L Davis, James E Davis, Kimbrly A Davis, Odie M Davis, Richard E Davis, Richard E Davis, Terry L Davis, Ulysses G Dawson, Charles Day, Kevin M Day, Oscar Deal, Billy J Deal, Billy J Dean, Robert E Dean, Shirley F Dean, Virgina B Dearing, Jerry A Dearmon, Jane A Deboard, James C Deck, Christopher F Deer, Carroll Deering, J R Dehart, Richard Delaney, Minnie Delille, Michael R Deliso Farms Inc, Delong, Maebell Delong, Tom Dement, Joey Dempsey, Oscar R Denney, Helena J Denney, Richard Dennison, Ernest F Dennison, Richard Denny, Brenda J Denny, Kathy Desilva, William Detty, Raymond Devore, Paul R Dickens, Carolyn J Dickerson, Flaudeen Dickerson, Joan C Dickerson, Lloyd Dickson, Laura Dieguez, James L Dill, Paula G Dilley, Dave Dilley, George A Dillon Jr, Carl R Dingess, Orville Dixon, Arthur D Dixon, Ralph T Dixon, Sharon A Donahoe, Barbara A Donaldson, Joe Donley, Mary Donta Jr, William Dorn Jr, John Dorst, Sibyl P Dorton, John Dorton, John Dorton, John Dotson, Carl E Dotson, Clyde E Dotson, Darrell L Dotson, David C Douglas, Alpha L Dowler, Ronald W Drabek, Dean D Dray, Tracy L Dress, John M Drummond, Edgar E Dudding, R C Duhl, Della M Duhl, Robert Duke, Larry E Dummitt, Bill F Duncan, Edward Dunfee, Ireland D Dunford, Connie S Dunn, Linnie Durham, Lora L Durkin, Joseph M Duty, Bennie R Duty, Lucy

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Duty, Rhonda L Dye, Keith A Dye, Keith A Dye, Patsy A Dye, Therian D Dygert, Charles R Eblen, Larry A Echelbarger, James A Eddy, Linda K Edwards Sr, Estel C Edwards, Merrill G Edwards, Wilma J Eldridge, Dawn Elliott, Charles A Elliott, Darlene Elliott, Jeffrey Elliott, Jessica R Ellis, Charles W Ellis, Max Ellis, Michael E Ellis, Orin J Ellis, Robert L Ellis, Robert L Elsaesser, William R Equity Conversion Corp Erickson, James A Ervin, Peggy A Erwin Sr, Jerry L Estep, Alvin Estep, Elisha E Estep, Frank Estep, Hersie F Eubanks, Ina Evans, Karen M Evans, Neva B Evans, Othar E Evans, Tressie J Evans, Wanda S Ewing Jr, Lee Exline, Ida J Fain II, Milan L Fairchild, Edgil Fairchild, Edgil Farley, Alta P Farley, Darrell Farley, Robert Faulkner, Eva C FBR Properties LLC, Fee, Paul D Fell, Louis S Ferguson Sr, Thomas J Ferguson, Clyde Ferguson, Deanna M Ferguson, John L Ferguson, Lewis Ferrell, Clarence A Ferrell, Herman J Ferris, Steven A Fetter, Anthony Fetty, Crystal D Fetty, Genvive M Fields, Berkley E Fields, Jackie S Fields, Paula J Fillinger, Patrica Finkelstein, Rick G Finley, Daniel L Finley, David B First Huntington Natlb First Huntington Natlb Fisher, Phil Fitzpatrick, Nokey J Flanery, Douglas Flemming, Robert L Fleshman, Fonnie Fletcher, Clare Fliehman, Earl B Fliehman, Earl B Fluellen, Alice Forgey, Kathleen Foster, H. Joe Foust, Michael J Fowble Ii, Chelcia C Fowlkes, Oscar M Fox, Harry L Fox, Mose Fox, Robert Fraley, Dwanna L Frame, Roger R France, Brenda S

France, Dennie R France, Loretta J Francis, Ruth A Franklin, William R Frazier, C L Frazier, John L Freeman, Colan Freeman, Goldie Freeman, Harold E Freeman, Johnnie D Freeman, Junior Freeman, Sunny E Friend, Donna J Friend, Donna J Friend, Ella Frisby, Joann Frisby, Robert E Fritsch, Deanna M Frost, Elton R Frost, Mark S Fry, Danny J Fry, Tim D Frye, Anthony M Frye, Avice Fugett, Thelma Fulk, Gloria J Fulk, Kevin L Fulks, James H Fulks, Violet F Full Gospel Church Fuller, Gregory M Fuller, Philip L Fullerton, Bonnie Fulton, Robert O Fyffe, James D Fyffe, Raymond E Gage, Gladys H Gagle, Donald Gallaher, Mary K Gallia Christian School Galloway, Barry L Galloway, Charles K Gannaway II, Thomas P Garber, Kim S Garden of my Heart Holy Gardinr, John B Gardner, James W Gardner, Sylvan H Garren, Charles R Garrett, Beverly A Garrett, Roger Gartin, Tracy Garvey, Mark W Gaskins, James Gaston Jr, Ira C Gates, Jones Gellert, Anne Gellert, Anne R Gerlach, L R German Ridge Fruit Farm German Ridgefruit Farm Gibeaut, Jason L Gibson Jr, Russell O Gibson, Goldie Gibson, Harry E Gibson, Joanne Gibson, Leroy Gibson, William E Giebel, Clarke Giglio, Alan J Gilbert, James E Gilbert, James P Gilbert, Leissa K Gill, James Tyler Gillespie, Oakley C Gillespie, Oakley C Gillum, Eric T Gillum, Tom Gilman, Jim Gilmore, Diana J Gilmore, Everett L Gilmore, Mary Ginsburg, Matthew A Glass, Everett L Glass, Everett L Glassburn, Daisy O Glenn, Sarah Glenroy Fullgospel Ch

Glover, John L Gloyd, Elizbth R Gloyd, Elizbth R Goff Jr, Virgil Goff, Irvin Goldsberry, Robert L Goode, Charles H Goodrich, Jack R Goodrich, Miles C Goody, Kenneth M Gossett, Dana N Gould, Brian L Gould, Patrica W Grant Realty Graves, Bernard J Green, Kenneth E Green, Louise Green, Michael Green, Tamara K Green, Timothy L Gregory, Laird R Gregory, Sam L Griffin, Victoria L Griffith, Ruth Griffith, Tammy J Grimm, Wilbur E Grossarth, Clyde Grosvenor, Betty J Grow, Vada Grube, Kenneth Guilkey, Mary E Guinther, Leota A Gullett, Pamela S Gulley, Stormy Gutta, Veerendra K Gwinn, Judy Hackney, Marlene J Hager, Barry E Hager, Connie Hager, Laura J Hager, Mike Hahn, Jennifer J Hairston, Tom E Hale, Denver Hale, Jarod C Hall, Barbara L Hall, Billie Hall, Brian Hall, Brian D Hall, Donald R Hall, Emma Hall, Revis Hall, Shannon Hall, Wilma Hall, Wilma J Halley, Joe Halley, Marie Ham, Vesta G Hamblin, George E Hambrick, Joan Hamilton Jr, Robert E Hamilton, Anthony Hamilton, Charles E Hamilton, Frances Hamilton, William E Hamlin Jr, John H Hammond, Timothy E Hammonds, James D Hammonds, Jerry W Haney Jr, William C Hanner, Abe Hanson, Richard Harbour, Winston K Harden Jr, L J Harden Jr, L J Harder, Steve Hardersty, May Harkins Bible and Prayer Harless, Arvel Harmon, Albert S Harmon, Dennis B Harmon, Mamie M Harnett Harig, Kelly L Harold, Regina A Harper Jr, Calvin J Harris, Arnold Harris, Ernest Harris, Frances F Harris, Gary Harris, Geneva E

Harris, Hazel M Harris, James C Harris, Karen Harris, Leland D Harris, Linda K Harris, Monica J Harrison, Juanita Harshbarger, Bennett Hart, Burl Hartman, Pat A Hartshorn, Mary A Hartung, Jack L Harvey, Jeffery M Haskins, Joyce A Haskins, Myrtle C Hawk, Bill Hawk, Raymond C Hawthorne, Ermalee Hayes And Company Hayes, Fred Hayman, Carolyn S Hayman, Early E Haynes, Betsy J Haynes, Richard D Hazleton, Timothy P Hazlett, Sammy J Heaberlin, Ray Heacox, Robert H Headley, Cheryl A Hedricks, Odell Heilman, Ethel Hemby, Larry G Hemphill, Stephne R Henderson, Dee A Henderson, Jerry M Henderson, Owen Henderson, Roger D Henry, Harlan H Henry, Patricia A Henry, Walter Hensley NM, Eric F Hensley, Howard Hensley, Pete Hensley, Tim C Henson, Jack Henson, Robert L Herald, Carl L Herdman, Ronald D Herold, Mark L Hickman, Charles Hieronimus, Harold Hieronimus, Luther Higgins, Walter E Hill Sr, Joseph E Hill, Denver D Hill, Duane R Hill, Harold Hill, Jimmy D Hill, Margret Hill, Mary Hill, Pamela J Hill, Rodney Hina, Derek S Hines, Bruce E Hively, Margie Hoagland, James L Hocter Sr, Charles L Hocter, Charles Hoctor Sr, Charles Hodge, Cecil Hodges, Willie B Hofer, Franz Hoffert, Patrica A Hoffman, Jessie O Hoffman, Richard C Hoffner, Cathy A Hogan, James D Hogan, John C Holberg, Freda T Holbrook, Mary M Holbrook, Thomas S Holbrook, Thomas S Holcomb, John R Holder, Larry D Hollanbaugh, Megan R Holley Brothers Construction Holley, Alfred Holley, Basil T Holley, Dalton L



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BUCKEYE RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE LOCAL PAGES Holley, Dawn M Holley, Dawn M Holley, Ethel Holliday, Dawn K Hollingshead, Macil V Holloway Construction Holsten, Pearl Holt, William B Homan, Samuel Homequity Homerosky Jr., Frank Hontas, Susan Hook, John Horn Jr, Elijah Horn, Harold R Horn, Patricia Horner, Cindy S Horner, Earl Horsley, Marty L Horvath, Daniel M Hoschar, Harley E Hoschar, J H Houchin, William House, Marsena B Howard, Jerome K Howard, Mart Howard, Mart Howard, Mary A Howard, Paul Howard, Vadis Howell Jr, William Howell, William Howery, Deron P Hubbard, Blaine Hudnall, Marie M Hudson, Ron E Huff, Danny R Huff, George E Hugg, Homer Huggins, Edgar J Hughes, Kerry A Hughes, Nora E Hughes, Othell Hughes, Richard Hughes-Jackson, Dawn A Humphrey, Joseph Humphrey, Sharon Humphreys, George L Hunt, Richard Hunt, Virgina L Hunt, W E Hunter, Ida L Hurlow, Joe Hurst, James Hurst, James H Hurt, Ilo Hutchinson, Pamela Imboden, James R Ingram, F B Interstate Displays Inc Irvin, Mildred Isaac, Dale Isaac, Lillian Iseman, Emily Y Ison Production Service Ivan, John J And B Trucking Co Jackson Sanitary Lanfil Jackson, Charlot A Jackson, Patrica A Jackson, Paul E Jackson-Grandview Builders, I, Jacob Lumber Jacob Lumber Jacobs, Sallie Jacobs-Johnson, Brian K Jakeway, Frances E James, David H James, Marcia A James, Roger L Janitelli, Dina Jarrells, Cebert Jeffers, Helen V Jelovac, Ivan J Jenkins, Darrell Jenkins, David R Jenkins, Eloise Jenkins, Glenn R Jenkins, Jay

Jenkins, Joseph J Jenkins, Michelle A Jenkins, Rick A Jenkins, Willie Jewell, Judy K Jividen, Joyce A Jividen, Terry M Johns, Jennie H Johnson Jr, Paul J Johnson, Charles L Johnson, Dennis M Johnson, Don F Johnson, Gary L Johnson, Grover Johnson, John C Johnson, John R Johnson, John W Johnson, June O Johnson, Linda C Johnson, Lorna K Johnson, Michael L Johnson, Neil Johnson, Roger D Johnson, Ronnie L Johnson, Scott S Johnson, Steve Johnson, Velma Jones, Donald Jones, James A Jones, John C Jones, Rick A Jones, Roy S Jones, Velma F Jones, Victor W Jordan, Shannon E Joseph Sr, Harvey G Joy, Rick C Judd, Lesley A Jude, Daniel Justice, Kenneth T Justice, Lawrenc E Justice, Mary C Justice, U N Justus, Hassell Justus, J C Karasek, Donald Kauffman, Lawrence Kaufman, David J Kaylor, Harold L Kazee, Billy M Kearns, Arthur W Kearns, Charles Kearns, Mary H Kearns, Mary H Keaton, Wendell R Keen, Richard M Keenan, Sylvan Keener, Laverne P Keese, Sharon S Keffer, Kerry L Keffer, Tawnya Keil, Donald Kelley, Donald E Kelley, Ina M Kelley, Randy Kelly, Delores C Kelly, Douglas N Kelly, John B Kelly, Joyce A Kelly, Randy Kennedy, Lon R Kennedy, Tammi R Kennedy, Walter Kent, Donna Kerns Sr, Joe Kerns, Joe Kerns, Ronald E Kerr, Lori A Kessler, Roger J Keys, Horace Kidd, Wayne D Kilgore, Bernie D Kimbler, Paul E Kinder, Charles King Contracting Co King, Charles D King, Cliford King, Jessie J King, John M King, Kenneth

Kingery, Bertha Kingston National Bank Kinkaid, Robert Kinney, Timothy M Kinnison, Janice F Kipp, Juanita F Kipp, Leonard I Kipp, Michael D Kirby, Robert Kirtley, Dwight Kiser, Robert Kitchen, Douglas L Kitchen, G E Kittles, Lora Kitts, Glen D Kitts, Kevin L Klaiber, Freida Knepper, Bonnie K Knight, Dean Knight, Gaither L Knight, Robert K Knipp, Albert E Knox, Tamara L Konkle, Marvin E Kottcamp, Elsie K Kovalic, Stephen Krajnak, Jeffrey S Kramer Explorations Krammer Explorations Kreider, Robert W Krontz, Christina L Kruger, Mary E Kuhn, Dwayne D Kuhn, John J Lahman, Merlyn L Lamay Coal Co. Lamay Industries Inc Lambert, Edmond A Lambert, Faith Lambert, Nola A LAMCO, Lander, Michael J Landis, Mark Lane, Dennis E Lane, John E Lane, Pamela K Lane, Vernia M Laney, Troy Langdon, Clifford Lanier, Bill S Large, Jay Larsen, Gerald D Lathey, Charles Laverty, William W Lawhon, Jennifer M Lawles, Mary Lawrence, Ross E Lawson II, Jerry L Lawson, Betty Lawson, Samatha M Layne, William Laywell, Richard G Leach, Bobby L Leach, Erma Leach, Juda L Leach, Marshal L Leach, Marshal L Leadingham, Charles Leadingham, Willis Lee, Charles Lee, Deatra J Lee, Leon Lee, Linda R Leedy, Mary R Leep, Roger Leffingwell, Mike N Leighty, Donna G Lemaster, Gerald Lemaster, Jeanete Lemasters, Larry R Lemley Jr, Fred Lemley, Delores E Leslie, Wade Lester, William F LeVangie, Mike E Lewis, Beulah Lewis, Eva M Lewis, Herbert V Lewis, Joey M Lewis, Joseph H

Lewis, Josh R Lewis, Kenneth J Lewis, Michael T Lewis, Ray Liebmann, Richard Lieving, Nancy E Liffick, Ronald B Lighthouse Tabernacle Lilly, Nelson E Linton, Robin Lipscomb, Randy Litchfield, Maryann Little, Harley S Little, Steven L Littlejohn, James W Lloyd, Terry W Lloyd, Terry W Locey, Marie Lockhart, Karen G Logan, Millard H London, Guy F Long, Frank L Long, Lewis L Long, Rodney C Looney, Barbara S Loschiavo, Paul H Lowe, Bertha Lowery, David K Lowther, Charles W Lucas, Carl A Lucas, Donna J Lucas, E Paul Lucas, Gary M Lucas, Harry Luckett, Carol Lukac, George J Lundy, Charlot M Lynd, M T Lynn, Carol L Lyons, Terry Mace, Russell C Mahan, Ralph Maines, James Mallett, A F Malone, Betty L Malone, James E Malone, Linda K Malone, Ruel Manion, Elba R Manion, Janice L Mann, Pamela G Mann, Paul H Mann, Paul H Mann, Paul H Mann, Saralynn Mann, Tim L Mannon, Louanna Manns, Mabel T Marcum, Brady Marcum, Grover C Marcum, James L Marinski, Craig M Marion M E Church Mark IV Energy Corp Markins, Roger L Markis, Donna S Marks, Marjore B Marshall, Norma J Marshall, Ralph Marshall, Ralph H Marshall, Ralph H Martin III, Willis E Martin, Bill E Martin, Clara L Martin, Edgar A Martin, Estella Martin, Grace Martyn, Nolan G Masonry Inc Masonry Inc Massey Jr, Charles E Massie, Bobby L Massie, Esther Massie, Hazel Massie, Herman L Massie, Jeremy G Massie, Jerry H Massie, Pamela M Matheny, Dave A Matheny, Gary L

Mathews, Donald S Mathews, John R Mathews, Tommy K Matthews, Bill B Maust, Jonas A May, Alice L May, Jeff E Maynard Jr, Willard B Maynard, Archie Maynard, Bruce A Maynard, Claude R Maynard, Clint V Maynard, Lloyd D Maynard, Paul R Maynard, Sherlie L Maynard, Vernis Maynard, Victoria Mays, Loretta K Mays, Ruth McCain, George McCain, Ronnie R McCarley, Randall C McCarty, Acy McCarty, Paul A McCarty, Roy R McClanahan, Charles K McClaskey, Ray McClaskey, Richard E McClaskey, Teresa A McClellan, Loretta S McClellan, Terry L McClellan, Terry L McClelland, Tim W McCloud, Alice M McCloud, Florencia McCloud, Richard F McClung, Ray N McComas, Fred A McCormick, Charles McCoy, Angela D McCoy, Dale McCoy, Eva McCoy, William E McCullah, Eugene McCumber, Margret A McDaniel, H Dwight McDaniel, William M McDonald, Ricky A McFadden Jr, Charles McFarland, Randy McFarland, Sarah McGhee, Julius McGlone, Michael D McGlone, Tracy M McGrady, Jesse F McGraw, Dan L McGuire, Bert McGuire, Chester C McGuire, Freda I McGuire, John B McGuire, Roger N McGuire, Tommy McKnight, Harold B McLain, Bernice Mcmillen, Craig L McMullen, Phillip McNeal, Eva McNeely, Gregory M McNees, Elizabeth F McWilliams, Floyd Mead, Charle D Meadows, Linda A Meadows, Roy E Menshouse, Lisa J Mercer, Dannie H Mercer, Erica L Merco Miningco Merola, Mark A Merrill Lynchrelocatio Messer, James L Messer, Oma J Metcalfe, Grace H Metro Properties Metzler, Eric Meyers, Jim L Midkiff, Johnny K Mikes Market, Miklovitch, Kai G Miles, Carolyn L Miller, Abe J

Miller, Angela D Miller, Arthur P Miller, Charles Miller, Clara Miller, Cole C Miller, David R Miller, Edna R Miller, James E Miller, John H Miller, Louise Miller, Nellie Miller, Richard J Miller, Robert T Milligan, Mary A Mills, Earl Mills, Nevada Mills, Nova L Mills, Vernon Miracle, Thomas Mitch, Scott T Mitchell Energy Corp Moffitt, Christn Mohler, Thomas A Monroe, Carrie L Montgomery, Donald W Montgomery, James M Montgomery, John R Montgomery, Todd M Mooney, Marlene S Mooney, Sylvia R Mooney, Transyl Moore Jr, Homer B Moore, Dale R Moore, David K Moore, Eileen E Moore, Emory Moore, Essie Moore, Frances D Moore, Herbert Moore, Lloyd A Moore, Ralph S Moore, Vivian Morgan, Robert Moritz, Gary L Morlan, Dallas P Morris, Carol J Morris, Charles M Morris, David G Morris, Leroy Morris, Michael K Morrison, Melvia Morrison, Odessa M Morrow, Susan A Moseley, Charles L Moshier, Mary M Mossbarger, Mary H Mossberg, Joy Mount, Donald R Mount, Michael L Mount, Richard A Mowrey, Michele Mozingo, Clara Mt Olive Community Baptist Church Mt Zion Memorial Assoc Mullett, James Mullins, James A Mullins, Jeremiah Mullins, Oliver B Mullins, Wayne K Mundy, Archie B Mundy, James E Murdock, Brady Murdock, Brady Murdock, George R Murdock, Mark A Murdock, Violet Murrell, John Musgrave, Eloise Music, Ivan A Mustard, Michele D Myeress, Robert R Myers, Blair R Myers, Chrstne G Myers, Ethel L Myers, Glenora A Myers, Mary Myers, Melody K Myers, Theresa L Myers, Tony


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Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative celebrates a successful year $1.6 million returned to members in capital credits

Stump. Youth Tour and Scholarship winners led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Board President David Lester announced that BREC returned $1.6 million to its members in 2016 in the form of capital credits. The co-op has returned more than $19 million back to its members in its history, with approximately $12.5 million returned in the last ten years alone.


uckeye Rural Electric Cooperative (BREC) celebrated another year of progress and member service at its annual meeting of members, held Saturday, Aug. 12, at the Lynne Center at the University of Rio Grande. Over 900 people were in attendance. The day began with registration for the meeting which allowed members to receive a $5 credit on their electric bills and participate in the drawing for adult door prizes. A pancake breakfast, Holzer Health Fair, and the Mark Wood Show for the children was provided. The business meeting was opened with an invocation by Derek



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Myers, W B Nance, Norval W Napier, Raynell Nash, John Naylor, Wayne Neal, Dennis E Neal, Leona F Neidig, Daniel Nelson, Carl E Nelson, Eva J Nelson, Eva J Nelson, Lucian Nelson, Richard D Neville III, Fred Newell, David L Newell, David L Newlon, Andrew M Newsome, Golden Newton, Devin Nice, Michael Nicely, Michelle D Nichols, Phillip G Nichols, Ruth M Nicinsky Jr, John Nicinsky, Craig Nickels, Douglas L Nickels, Harvey Niday, Hugh Niday, James L Nixon, Donnie Nixon, S J Noble, Ruth A Nolan, Jessica K Notter, Edna M Notter, Jean Notter, Sadie Noy, Elmer Noy, Esther J Nutt, Harley E Ochs, Thomas E Ocker, Leah M Odekirk, R Mark Odman, Blenda L Ohio Bell Telephone Oil Drillers Development O’Leary, Patrick Oliver, Bea L Oliver, Bernice M Oliver, Ronald A Oliver, Terence OMAC Oil and Gas Co. Orcutt, Albert Osborn, John Osborn, Madeline Osborne, Jerry Osburn, J C Owens, Richard H Oxier, Ronald Pack, Michael R Palletti, Lawrence H Palm Jr, Herb F Pancake, Hershel R Parker, Willard Parks, William R Parsley, Howard Parsley, John D Parsons, Frank Parsons, Lonnie Patrick, Jeffery K Patrick, Ronnie L Patterson, Arley F Patterson, Oshel Patton, Darrell Patton, Joe Patton, Linda Patton, Virginia Payne, Alex Payne, Alex J Payne, Gary R Payne, Jim E Pearson, Frank Peck, Donna E Peck, Emma J Peden, Dallas W Pedrick, Cathrne T Pemberton, Patrick A Pemberton, Terry A Pendland, John Pendleton, V W Pennell, Robert W

Pennington, Connie S Pennington, Linda G Pennington, Norvle Perdue, Carl A Perkins, Clifton E Perkins, Vivian Perroud, Charles A Perry, Charles W Perry, Charma L Perry, Denver Perry, Donald E Perry, James E Perry, Marshal W Perry, Minnie Perry, Misty M Perry, Orville W Perry, William T Perry, Worley Peters, Earl C Petty, Chester W Pettyjohn, Amanda J Phillips, James P Phillips, Opal Phillips, Sandra M Pickett, Edward G Picklesimer, Kenneth M Pidcock, James L Pierce, Katherine E Pierpont, John R Pigg, Carl C Pine Creek Chapel Pinkerman, Hillis Pinkerman, Raven S Pinkerton, Vivian D Pip Petroleumcorp Pixley, Harold W Plants, Gene Plants, James E Platz, Paul R Plummer, Thomas W Plummer, Tom Polis, Anastasios M Pollard, Alice R Pollard, Paul B Pollock, Kristne A Pontious, Francis Pope, William E Pope, Wilma L Pope, Wilma L Portanova, Ronald P Porter, Bernard L Porter, James F Porter, Lutie P Porter, Marion W Post, Michael Poston, Dennis Potter, James M Potter, Teresa A Powell, Jeffrey D Powell, Paul Power, C E Powers, Dennis E Prater, Gardes Prater, Roscoe C Pratt, Douglas E Preece, Carl R Price, Audree E Price, John W Price, Linda M Price, Roy W Price, Teresa K Priddy, Ricky A Pridemore, Ernest Pridemore, Ruth E Priestley, Marshall R Provens, Jasper Prudential Bunch Realtors Pruitt, Tim Puckett, Betty J Puckett, Willie J Pugh, Robert L Qualls, James Quimby, Darrell D R&R Mobile Home Park Radabaugh, Orlie E Radcliff, Connie S Radcliff, Ted Ragland, John Ragland, Samuel Rainey, Diana S

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Rainey, Ronnie D Rake, James Ralph, Leona M Ralph, Robert Ramsey, William R Randolph, Aletha Randolph, Irene B Rapp, Lawrnce W Rapp, Richard A Rash, Jessie R Rasp, Walter Ratcliff, James W Ratliff, Brenda K Rauber, David A Rawlings, Fredrick E Rawlins, Danny K Rawlins, Hartford G Rawlins, Tiny Ray, Edna Ray, Opal F Rayburn, Gary E Rebstein, Robert L Reed, Betty Reed, Clark R Reed, Deidre J Reese, Evans R Reffitt, Arnold R Reid, Joel E Remy Jr, Richard L Remy, Roger A Reynolds, Alicia A Reynolds, Barbara G Reynolds, Carrie Reynolds, Earl Reynolds, Larry Rhodes, Michael D Rice, Cecil Rice, Cynthia S Rice, Emma R Rice, Jacklyn Richards, Keith M Richardson, Butch E Richardson, Dorothy Richardson, Paul D Richmond, Gladys Ricks Grocery Riddell, Hubert Rife, Kerry L Rife, Mary B Riggle, Chester L Riggs Jr, Freelin Riggs, Ronald J Riley, James Riley, Leona L Riley, O W Rippeth, Richard Rister, Paul E Rister, Ronald W Ritchie, Lee Ritchie, Merrill O Rivers, James B Roach & Roach Ltd Roach, Emerson Roach, Michael J Roberts II, Ray I Roberts Jr, Charles M Roberts, Charles J Roberts, Crystal M Roberts, Darrell Roberts, Nancy L Roberts, Phebe Roberts, Ray Iii Roberts, William Robie, Patrick J Robinette, David Robinson, Denver L Robinson, Maxie Robinson, Phillip R Robson, William E Roderick, John E Rodgers, Brandy J Rodgers, Loraine H Rodgers, William E Rogers, Loretta E Rohner, William J Rollins, William K Roman, Lindsey P Romans, Charlotte L Ron Evans Enterprise Ron Evans Enterprises LLC

Rood, Margaret L Roof, Brenda L Root, Brian M Rose, Gene Rosebrock, Gerald V Ross, Garnet Ross, Jeryl Ross, Joe W Rossiter, Keith A Roth, Mildred A Roush, Cindy A Rowe, Cathrin E Rowe, George D Rowe, James A Rowe, Walter Rowland, Rodney D Rowley, Reba A Royal Petroleum Prop, Royer, Winona L Rucker, Alan Rucker, Betty J Rucker, James M Ruggles, Randall Runyon Jr, Dan Runyon, Bruce Runyon, Dan Runyon, Lovevona M Runyon, Robert L Runyon, Steven Rupert, Charles Russell, Forrest R Rustemeyer, Jill D Rutt, Amber L Rutt, H B Sagraves, Raymond F Salmons, Harold G Salmons, Zat Saltsman, Marvin Salyers, Robert Sanders Jr, Fred Sanders Sr, Fred Sanders, Bertha Sanders, John Sandman, Patricia Sanitary Comlservices Sauer, Richard D Saunders Jr, Robert Saunders, Dale H Saunders, David M Saunders, Everett L Saunders, Leslie S Saunders, Margart Saunders, Mark E Sayre, Thelma F Scalf, Woodrow W Scarberry Jr, Frank L Scarberry, Billy L Scarberry, Frankln L Scarberry, Georgia H Scarberry, Jerry D Scarberry, Leo O Scarberry, Owen D Scarberry, Roger D Schafer, Cadda Schafer, Henry R Schaub, Resa L Scherrer, Robert S Schooley, Steve B Schroeder, William H Schumann, Frederick R Schwalbach Sr, Ernest E Schwalbach Sr, Ernest E Scott, Gregory C Scott, Imogene Scott, James E Scott, Jeff Scott, Merrit A Scott, Paul Scott, Ronnie D Scudder, Harry A Seabolt, Billy J Seagraves, Frank C See, D Ursel Seely, John M Seiler, Susan L Seitz I, Larry H Setty, Harold Sexton Sr, John L Sexton, Carson Sexton, William

Shanklin, Jackie E Sharp, Brian V Sharp, Everett Sharp, Helen F Sharp, John Sharps, Brian A Shavor, Billy Shavor, Robert D Sheets, Allan Sheets, Frances Sheets, Jackie S Sheets, John R Sheets, Richard D Sheets, William H Sheets, William P Sheffield, James H Shelton, Charles J Shelton, Donald J Shelton, Fred Shelton, Mary Shenefield, Shirley Shepard, Larry E Shepherd, Arlene M Shepherd, George E Sheppard, Earl F Sherfy, Rolland Shockley, Billy R Shoemaker, Neil H Shoup, Ronald E Shriver, Homer Shuff, Margaret F Shy, Joseph A Sias, Lesa D Sickles, Della M Siders, Mark W Siders, Robert L Simmons, Charles E Simpkins, Bennie L Simpkins, Joseph D Simpkins, Mathias Simpson, Betty L Simpson, Bob Simpson, Clyde Simpson, Joe A Simpson, Robert B Sinclair, Helen Singer, Michael A Sizemore, Carl Sizemore, Mark L Skellett, Douglas D Slater, Robin E Slezak, Walter T Slone, Ella Slone, Kevin Slone, Kimbrly D Slone, Ralph Slone, Raymond L Smallwood, Bobby J Smathers, Eddie J Smathers, Eddie J Smith Jr, Lloyd J Smith Jr, Vernon W Smith Sr, Frank C Smith Sr, Lumie Smith Sr, Robert E Smith, Albert Smith, Angel N Smith, Carrie L Smith, Dana K Smith, David E Smith, David H Smith, Donald R Smith, Elliott L Smith, Emaline Y Smith, Emma J Smith, Erin M Smith, Greg L Smith, Harold E Smith, Jon C Smith, Keith E Smith, Lesley A Smith, Lloyd W Smith, Lorena M Smith, Michelle L Smith, Nancy Smith, Randy L Smith, Rick G Smith, Robert B Smith, Tammy R Smith, Wayne

Snyder, Debra J Snyder, Donna M Snyder, Joe P Snyder, John Snyder, Keith R Snyder, Sam Snyder, Samuel Snyder, Virgina V So Centrl Comunications Soisson, Mae L Sorrell, Keith L Southern Hills Motel Southworth, Paul E Sowards, Bobbi Sowers Jr NM, Robert M Sparks, Charles W Sparks, Dolly Sparks, Jimmy L Sparks, Ralph D Speakman, Melanie L Spears, Fred L Spears, James E Spears, Willie R Spence, Ginette A Spencer, Frances J Spencer, Jack J Spencer, Thelma Spencer, Vera Spires, Freda Spitzer, Melissa K Spriegel, Don R Spurlock, Basil Spurlock, Beulah E Spurlock, Harold W Staley, Delmas Staley, Wayne A Stanley, Carlos M Stanley, Carlos N Stanley, Lovey Stanley, Richard Stanley, Robert E Stapleton, Earl D Stapleton, Edward L Stapleton, Joann Stapleton, Michael J Stapleton, Seldon Stark, William Starr, Wendell Staten, Rusty A Stearns, Roger Steele, Irene Steele, Richard G Steele, Ruby Steiner, Kenneth L Stephens, Flossie E Stephens, Frankln Stern, Stella M Stern, Stella M Steva, John L Stevens, Greg A Stevens, James D Stevens, Mary K Stevens, Ronald Stewart, Audrey H Stewart, Carl E Stewart, Clem L Stewart, Edith Stewart, Floyd W Stewart, Hildrth J Stewart, Joe Stewart, Jonathan M Stewart, Malcolm C Stewart, Sam M Stewart, Sherrie A Stewart, Stephen R Stiff, Eugene N Stiff, Shirley C Stiles, Olive V Stinson, Nicole M Stollings, Charles Stonerock, Clyde G Stonewall Gasco Storts, Nick J Stotts, Jenny R Stover, Dennis R Stowers, Chelsea B Stowers, Robert L Straight Ii, John E Strang Jr, David M Strong, Gretta



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BUCKEYE RURAL ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE LOCAL PAGES Stultz Jr, Allen Stumbo, Sarah M Stumbo, Steven K Sturgeon, Elden H Sturgeon, Howard Sullivan, Joyce Summe, Gary Summers, Brenda S Summers, Shirley I Swain, Paul E Swain, Susan N Swaney, Blumey Swann, Gathel Swann, J David Swingle, Hayden E Swisher, Susan E Swords, Donna R Sydnor, Joseph R Tabernacle Church Tackett, Andrew J Tackett, Edna D Tackett, Thomas H Tag Petroleum Services Tagg, Della Talbott Oil & Gas Co. Tannehill, Stella M Tatman, Glenn E Taylor, Abbi L Taylor, Albert Taylor, Bert W Taylor, Jerry L Taylor, Mark K Taylor, Nancy Taylor, Terry L Taylor, William H Templeton, Ouida F Tennant, Donald M Tennant, Randy E Tennant, William A Terry, Lafe G Thacker, Donald Z Thacker, Ezra Thacker, Ralph A Thacker, Roy W Thacker, Ruth A Thaler, Glen F Thaxton, Deborah K The Ark Family Church Thomas Jr, Walter W Thomas, Barbara A Thomas, Dillard F Thomas, Forrest L Thomas, Jamie A Thompson Cablevision Thompson Jr, Herman W Thompson, C David Thompson, Donald R

Thompson, Donnie M Thompson, Hubert Thompson, Larry D Thompson, Richard G Thompson, Vivian K Thompson, Wayne C Thompson, William P Thornburgh, Thomas D Thorpe, Barbara A Thurman, Virgil W Ticknor, Carolyn S Ticknor, Terry L Tilley, Ellen M Tinsley, Justen M Tivener, Lillian C Todd, Richard D Tolliver, Dolas B Tomblin, Sandee K Tooley, Daniel S Toothman, John R Tope, George Tope, Mildred Topping, S David Totten, Robert S Town & Country Drive In Townsend, Emma R Trace, Ruth Trainer, James E Trapp Sr, Larry L Tredway Jr, James Tribble, Virgina C Tripp, Denny Trippies Warehouse #1, Tri-State Dist Tri-State Dist Troiano, Ashley J Trout, Nellie B Truesdell, Libby G Tucker Jr, Tommy H Turner, Carl R Turner, Juanita Turner, Maymie V Tuttle, Darrell W Tyma, Jonathan Underwood, Betty Union Ridge Freewill Bap Union-Rome Twps Universal Mine Supply Unroe, Barbara J Unroe, Kathryn M Uribe, Nancy A Valkinburg, Max E Vallance, Jefersn D Van Hoose, Kathy A Van Meter, Burton Vanaman, Morgan J Vanbibber, Lacie B

Vance, Dana Vandyke, William R Vaughn, Teresa S Veco Inc Veit, William Venable, Tressie Vencill, Gary M VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS Vest, Tammy S Veterans Administration Viars, Betty D Viars, Curtis Viars, Dennis D Viars, Dennis O Viars, Johnnie L Vincent, Elizbth Vollmar, Samuel R W J Seidensticker Co W L M J Inc Wade, Ola F Wagner, Larry D Wagoner, Randy M Walbright, Deborah K Walker, Emerson Walker, George Walker, William Walkowicz, Julia Wall, Karen L Waller, Ella Walls, Ashley N Walsh, Hannah M Walter, Eugene Walters, Bertie E Walters, Carolyn L Walters, Shawnee E M Walton Coal Co Wanat, Devon Ward, Charles W Ward, Larry Ward, Leonard J Ward, Maxwell A Warfield, Kenneth Warne, James W Warneke Baptist Church Warren, Terry V Washington Grange Hall Washington Local School Washington, Gregory S Washington, Terry W Wassmuth, George Watkins, David Watkins, Robert G Watson, Gertie M Watson, James E Watson, Pamela D Waugh, Betty J

Waugh, Donald B Waugh, Miriam Waugh, Pauline Waugh, Richard S Waugh, Richard S Waugh, Richard S Weaver, Sky D Webb, Charles D Webb, Debbie L Webb, Fredric E Webb, Harold M Webb, Ronald D Webb, Thomas E Welch, William H Wellman, Ralph C Wells, Billy J Wells, Tony A West, Lauren E West, Sharon Westenberg, Cheryle A Western Union Tel Co. Westlake, John Whaley, Helen Wheatcraft, Lynn N Wheeler, Kay Wheeler, Rachel Whitaker, William T White, Alden S White, Buryl E White, Dorothy L White, Dorothy L White, Jimmy L White, John E White, Robert L White, Walker G White, Wayne J Whiteman, Tony Whitten, Tresa M Whitworth, Justin E Wicker, Damon R Wickline, David Wickline, John Wikoff, Jeff Wikoff, Jeffrey A Wilcher, James E Wilcox Land Finance Co LLC, Wilcoxen, Willis Wilcoxen, Willis Wilkerson, Karen A Wilks, Delena Willey, Kelsey A Williams, Brandon C Williams, Darlene D Williams, Delbert Williams, James Williams, Jerry L


David R. Lester, President

Williams, Nona F Williams, Patty A Williams, Robert D Williamson, Roger L Williamson, Scott D Williamson, Thressa Willis Jr, John Willis, Elmer Willis, H E Willis, James M Willow Valley Ranch FBC Wills, James L Wilson, Charles T Wilson, Charles W Wilson, Donald R Wilson, Kenneth L Wilson, Pamela S Wilson, Randy E Winsiewski, Kenneth V Winters Church Winters, Sherman A Wireman, Myrtle Wiseman, E M Wiseman, Richie L Wisenberger, Gary L Witherel, Elma J Wolfe, Charles E Wolfe, Daniel K Wolfe, Michael T Wolford, Mary J Wollerman, Mike Y Woltz, Tara R Wood, Alma E Wood, Everett Wood, John A Wood, Toni R Woodard, Dennis R Woodard, Dennis R Woodard, Martha

Woodby, Debbie Woodrum, Isabel Woods, C B Woods, Jerry R Woods, Patty J Woods, Wilma L Woodyard, Harry L Woolfolk, P M Workman Jr, Norman Workman, Cindy S Workman, Floyd L Workman, Richard E Worstall, Kelly A Worthington, George C Wright, Linda Wright, Sheila A Wright, Shelia Wright, Vadis Wyant, Mark E Wylie, Muriel Yates, David S Yates, Elmer Yates, Hester Yates, William Yeager, Jamie M Yearta, John W Yoder, Harley E York, Foster Young Jr, Glenn A Young, Diane S Young, Joseph A Young, Lois Young, Vernon C Zarnoch, Theodor P Zeigler, William D Zeisler, Randall E Zinn, Carolyn S

BREC’s office will be CLOSED on Monday, Oct. 9, for Columbus Day and employee training. Emergency service is available by calling 800-282-7204.

C. Tonda Meadows

Executive Vice President/General Manager

Lawrence County


740-379-2025 | 800-231-2732 www.buckeyerec.coop OUTAGES OR EMERGENCIES

800-282-7204 OFFICE

4848 St. Rte. 325 South P.O. Box 200 Rio Grande, OH 45674-0200 OFFICE HOURS

Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 22

Paul Berridge, 1st Vice Pres. Jackson County

Nanette Gill, 2nd Vice Pres. Athens, Meigs, and Vinton counties

Roy D. Sprague, Secy.-Treas. Gallia County

Dennis L. Blakeman Jackson County

Roberta Duncan Gallia County

J. Wesley Williams

Pike, Ross, and Scioto counties

William Holcomb

Athens, Meigs, and Vinton counties

John Pratt


Capital credits refunded to the estates of BREC members for August 2017 totaled $29,870.70. In case of the death of any BREC member, contact the member service department at 740-379-2025 or 800-231-2732.


An account number has been incorporated into one of the articles on the local pages (pages 19-22). If you find the number, and it’s your account number, call the office and you’ll be given a credit on your electric bill. The jackpot will increase by $20 each month until we have a winner. You must call by the 12th of the month in which the number was published. The hidden account number for the $20 September bill prize has not been claimed. The prize amount for October will be $40.

Lawrence County


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PPEC sponsors rodeo to fight cancer Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative (PPEC) was a proud sponsor of Rodeo Night, a fundraiser at the Paulding County Fair in June that raised more than $5,000 for Conquer Childhood Cancer Now (CCCN), a nonprofit awareness group made up of volunteers working to give hope and assistance to local families of children diagnosed with cancer. A total of 29 bull riders and 24 barrel racers from across the U.S. came to support CCCN. The rodeo will be back in 2018 with an even bigger crowd — and a bigger fundraising goal.

Coshocton-based Frontier Power Company took part in the Coshocton Public Library’s annual summer reading program through the Frontier Power Community Connection Fund. This year’s program was themed “Build a Better World,” and Frontier Power provided a digger truck display and passed out hard hats to the 228 children in attendance.

HWEC hosts Amish Health and Safety Day Over 1,450 guests attended the 18th annual Amish Health and Safety Day in August, sponsored by both the Holmes County Health District and Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative (HWEC), located in Millersburg. The event, held in Millersburg, focused on lifestyle topics for the local Amish community. More than 45 exhibits provided interactive displays, including a bicycle skills course, a live line electrical safety demonstration by HWEC, programs on safe reflective markings and emergency vehicles, and health screenings.

North Central Electric’s Touch-A-Truck hits big with kids North Central Electric Cooperative, based in Attica, participated in Mohawk Community Library’s Touch-ATruck event in June, which also coincided with “No One Fights Alone,” a nonprofit organization’s fundraiser for local community members battling cancer.


Frontier Power engages local children during reading program

During the event, children had an up-close and inside view of many large trucks, tractors, and a North Central Electric bucket truck. OCTOBER 2017 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING

October_OCL_full issue.indd 23


9/28/17 10:38 AM



Along with the obvious one, Ohio has a bumper crop of nutty college mascots


esculus is hardly a word that would strike fear into anyone’s heart. Yet Ohioans take pride in their Buckeyes — the traditional nickname for the sports teams at The Ohio State University that was formally adopted in 1950, but informally used before even the turn of the 20th century. The nickname was derived from the innocuous-looking native tree nuts that can be poisonous to Gophers, Badgers, Wolverines, and many other more fierce-sounding mascots across the country. As unusual a mascot as it might be, however, Brutus Buckeye has lots of out-ofthe-ordinary company, even within the state of Ohio. With football season in high gear, here are our choices for the most unusual mascots around the Buckeye State — Brutus not included.

5. The Big Blue Blob Xavier University’s teams have been known as the Musketeers since 1925, honoring the Cincinnati-based institution’s French origins and culture. Its primary mascot, D’Artagnan, projects a powerful presence when he roams the sidelines at basketball and soccer games (XU does not field a football team). But the university made a notparticularly-startling discovery in 1985: Characters from 18th-century novels by Alexandre Dumas don’t always appeal to children the way, say, big, hairy blobs of blue fur might. Hence, the creation of The Big Blue Blob. “Blobby,” as he/she/it is affectionately called, is wellknown for both his friendly demeanor and his 22-inch tongue, which he uses to gobble up tickets, crackers, or whatever props might be handy — including, during an iconic “This Is SportsCenter” commercial on ESPN, the Hall of Fame jacket of former Buffalo Bills quarterback Jim Kelly, after Blobby defeated him in a game of “Rock, Paper, Scissors.”



October_OCL_full issue.indd 24

9/19/17 4:07 PM

4 and 3. Fightin’ Quakers and Battling Bishops Wilmington chose its “Fightin’ Quakers” nickname and mascot to pay homage to the school’s roots, having been founded in 1870 by members of the Religious Society of Friends, known as Quakers. Of course, Quakers hold pacifism as one of the basic tenets of their belief system, so “Fightin’ Quakers” makes for quite the unlikely moniker. Ohio Wesleyan’s “Battling Bishops” is almost as much of a contradiction. The Delaware school has long been affiliated with the United Methodist Church, so the bishop part makes sense, though Methodist theologians are not normally known for their pugilism. Interestingly, the mascot underwent a facelift in 2010 to become less friendly looking.

2. Zippy the Zip There are not many modern-day college marketing departments that would even consider an overshoe as a mascot. That was the choice, however, in a 1927 contest to pick a mascot at the University of Akron. The winning entrant had suggested the “Zippers,” in reference to a popular rubber overshoe that was then manufactured in Akron by the B.F. Goodrich Company. The name was trimmed to the “Zips” in 1950. The idea of a large rubber overshoe prowling the sidelines, however, seemed neither inspiring to U of A teams nor intimidating to foes, so in came Zippy the Zip, a red kangaroo — one of the fastest mammals on the planet. Zippy captured the Capital One Mascot of the Year Challenge in 2007. Continued on Page 26

October_OCL_full issue.indd 25



9/19/17 10:27 AM

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Continued from Page 25

MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION Date of Filing: Sept. 1, 2017. Ohio Cooperative Living (ISSN 2572-049X) is published monthly at 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229, with headquarters and or business offices at 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229. Name and Address of Publisher: Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc., 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH43229. Managing editor: Jeff McCallister, 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229. Owner of Publication: Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc., 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229. There are no bondholders, mortgagees, or security holders. Total number of copies printed (average for preceding 12 months): 300,634; Copies through dealers: none; Mail subscriptions: 299,563; Free distribution: 1,071; Total distribution: 301,978; Office use, etc.: 622; Returns from news agents: none; Total: 302,599; Percent paid or requested circulation: 99.20 percent. Actual number of copies printed (single issue nearest to filing date): 301,089; Sales through dealers: none; Mail subscriptions: 300,026; Total paid circulation: 300,026; Free distribution: 1,063; Total distribution: 302,404; Office use, etc.: 714; Returns from news agents: none; Total: 303,118; Percent paid r requested circulation: 98.98 percent.

1. Student Princes Heidelberg University in Tiffin took the rare path melding college athletics and musical theater to produce its nickname, the “Student Princes.” As legend goes, the school’s publicity agent was strolling around Tiffin one evening in 1926 when he came across a marquee promoting The Student Prince of Heidelberg, based on Sigmund Romberg’s operetta. Butcher liked the name so much that he began using it to promote the school’s football team. It spread to all of the university’s athletic teams, and eventually replaced the former nickname, the “Cardinals,” as the school’s official moniker. Siggy, the orange-plumed, armor-clad mascot with arched eyebrows and a selfsatisfied smirk, fought off an attempt to change mascots again in the 1990s, when officials pondered “The ’Bergs of Heidelberg,” as a nod to the school’s oft-used colloquial nickname, but popular demand kept Siggy on his throne. One other fact to note: Women’s teams at Heidelberg are called, interestingly, the Student Princes.

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Here are a few other interesting Ohio college mascots and nicknames:

Nila Moyers

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Best of the rest

Dayton Flyers: One of only a handful of colleges in the country with this nickname, UD pays homage to Dayton native sons Wilbur and Orville Wright, who created and flew the first powered airplane, and to nearby WrightPatterson Air Force Base. Kent State Golden Flashes: Winner of a 1926 contest to replace the former nickname, the “Silver Foxes.” There is apparently no significance to the name other than the fact that it won the contest. Youngstown State Penguins: The nickname came as the result of fans describing the players on the school’s basketball team before a January game in 1933, when the players stomped their feet and swung their arms to warm up. John Carroll Blue Streaks: The college’s original name was St. Ignatius, and its teams were referred to as the “Saints,” which was no longer appropriate after the name changed in 1923. A dying alumnus watching football practice described the team as a “Blue Streak” in 1925, and the name stuck (it remained singular until the mid-1930s).

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9/18/17 12:52 PM

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October_OCL_full issue.indd 28

9/18/17 12:52 PM


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October_OCL_full issue.indd 29 MW3KJD5_OhioCountryLiving.indd 1



9/18/17 12:52 PM 8/14/17 9:11 AM



MIDCENTURY MODERN Lustron made atomic homes for the nuclear family


he headlines in late 1950 looked grim for our boys on the front lines in the Korean War — and for the Ohio-based Lustron Corporation.

Literally, side by side, you could read newspaper columns across the country about Marines and soldiers facing the coldest winter imaginable as they sought to liberate South Korea from the Communist aggressors, and about the Lustron Corporation facing ruin as it was pushed out of the burgeoning post-World War II housing market. Both made national news. The Lustron story is one of innovation, entrepreneurship, and political chicanery. Let’s rewind another four years. World War II had just ended, and some 12 million U.S. veterans were coming home, only to face a housing shortage. Lustron Corporation tried to fill that need with modern homes that were prefabricated in Columbus, then sent to points both nearby and far away. Prefabricated, or “kit,” homes weren’t necessarily a new thing in the late 1940s. Sears and Roebuck had been selling mail-order bungalows for decades.


But Lustron stood apart. Conceived in the wellspring of the mind of industrialist Carl Sandlund, Lustron was to build a better home to house young, postwar families both efficiently and quickly. Sandlund had experience, as he had built prefabs in the commercial market for use as White Castle restaurants and Standard Oil gas stations. Anyone over 50 years of age may remember some of those buildings for the uncommon materials with which they were built: ceramic and steel. And so were Lustron homes. Sandlund envisioned his company producing, en masse, modular homes made of glass-coated steel panels. They would be on the small side for young, small families — starter homes, available in gray, blue, yellow, or tan, with white trim. Sandlund secured $37.5 million in funding through the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, a federal agency designed to kick-start industry where central planners thought it was needed most. Housing was one such market in need. Sandlund found the perfect spot to manufacture the kits: the


October_OCL_full issue.indd 30

9/18/17 12:52 PM

Columbus-based Lustron Homes filled a need for housing when veterans began returning at the end of World War II. The company built more than 2,600 homes that were shipped across the country and around the hemisphere.

recently abandoned Curtiss-Wright Aviation factory near Port Columbus airport that had supplied the military with aircraft during World War II. Sandlund outfitted the vast space with steel presses and ceramic coating apparatus and as much automation as he could use to create an assembly line akin to how cars were made in Detroit. Much like how cars were sold then and today, the metal houses were put up for sale through local dealers. Sandlund built model homes in 100 cities east of the Rockies and offered dealers market exclusivity to their geographic area. At its apex in productivity, several hundred people worked at the Lustron plant in Columbus. More folks were

employed shipping the homes to their concrete pads in Suburbia, USA, in specially crafted semi trucks. An entire 900-square-foot all-metal house, in some 3,000 pre-wired and pre-plumbed parts, could be cobbled together in a matter of days, certainly less than three weeks. The first houses went up in 1947, many around Ohio, but many more in points beyond and some as far away as Alaska, New Mexico, Florida, and Venezuela. Despite the novelty and innovation, the endeavor was to be short-lived. Meddling by staffers in the Reconstruction Finance Corporation, and other factions who wanted a cut of the pie, proved deadly Continued on Page 32

Lustron homes were prefabricated in Columbus, complete with wiring and plumbing; then the 3,000 or so individual components were loaded aboard trucks and constructed on the new owner’s lot.


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9/18/17 12:52 PM

Lustron executives pose outside the company’s factory near Port Columbus (left); promotional materials that showed the homes boasted both comfort and plenty of amenities of modern life. Continued from Page 31

for Sandlund’s glass-coated Lustron homes. The last houses came off the assembly line in late 1950. Instead of continuing to oversee the manufacture of homes, Sandlund and others were called before Congress in a series of hearings to determine how the government loan was spent. The hearings were the harbinger of the end. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation called in Lustron’s loans, and the plant shuttered. In the end, only 2,680 metal houses rolled off the assembly line and onto the delivery trucks.

But Lustron lives. The midcentury moderns persist in places such as Xenia, Findlay, Columbus, and Whitehall. The Ohio History Center, near the state fairgrounds in Columbus, has a Lustron on display, as a demonstration of American life in the 1950s. Another Lustron, a blue one, is on display at Whitehall Community Park, preserved by the Whitehall Historical Society. These glass-coated houses stand as monuments to another time — a precinct in Ohio history.

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October_OCL_full issue.indd 32

9/18/17 12:52 PM

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s Ohio Cooperative Living’s outdoors editor, I hear some pretty humorous tales about wildlife in the Buckeye State. For instance, take a look at the photo above. At first glance it looks like a typical possum-atthe-birdfeeder shot. But Steve Seitz assures me there’s more to the story.

“This possum got stuck on my bird feeder while eating suet,” wrote Seitz, a member of North Central Electric Cooperative. “I wondered why it was there during daylight. I thought it was just overly hungry, because it wouldn’t leave. That’s when I saw the animal’s tail was pinched between the two metal bars on the feeder pole. “It was a challenge getting the possum free, as I had to pry the bars apart and at the same time pull its tail loose,” Seitz said. “Needless to say, the possum was not a happy camper, but I was able to release it unharmed —probably just in time for another night of raiding my bird feeders.” Seitz also has a second wildlife story to tell, this one from a few years ago, and it’s more unusual yet. “A wild turkey hen flew through our bedroom window early one spring — shattering the glass — and again, I was able to release the bird unharmed. While the hen was thrashing around in our bedroom, though, two eggs came out of her. One was fully formed with a shell, but the other was not. Anyway, after cleaning up the mess, I took the good egg and made a delicious wild-turkey-egg omelet. I’ll bet not many people can say they ate a wild turkey egg and didn’t get arrested!” Don’t worry, Steve; I won’t tell a soul. Your little secret is just between you and me. My wife, Jan, has an even more bizarre tale to tell of wildlife woes. Years ago, early in our now 44-year marriage, she went through a spell where she racked up roadkills like her car was an animal magnet. Over a two-year period, she hit the following: a deer, a dog, several cats, various raccoons, groundhogs, possums, a few birds, and even two turtles. The good news is that she hasn’t hit anything recently. She didn’t try to hit any of those critters and felt terrible when she did, nearly in tears each time 34


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Now Starting at


But my wife’s ultimate roadkill achievement, if you can call it that — and I don’t know anyone else who has done this — was hitting a live fish! We were living along the shores of Lake Erie at the time, near Marblehead, and one day were driving across the Sandusky Bay Bridge, my wife at the wheel. We saw a gull fly over carrying something large in its mouth, and when the bird got directly in front of our car, it dropped its cargo. We didn’t recognize it as a fish until it hit the pavement and started flopping. As you may have already guessed, it was too late for my wife to swerve out of the way. That did it — when we arrived home I got a can of paint out of the garage. Anyone want to buy a “gently used” car with some small animal pictures painted on the door? If you have a funny or unusual wildliferelated story you’d like to share with Ohio Cooperative Living readers, e-mail it to me at whchipgross@gmail.com. I can’t promise we’ll mention them all, but I’ll choose some of the best for a future column.

October_OCL_full issue.indd 35




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SEPT. 29–OCT. 31 — Lake Eerie Fearfest, Ghostly Manor Thrill Ctr., 3319 Milan Rd., Sandusky. $25. Experience five haunted houses! 419-626-4467 or www.lakeeeriefearfest.com. SEPT. 30–OCT. 1 — Fiber Arts Fest, Sauder Village, 22611 St. Rte. 2, Archbold, Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Demonstrations of spinning, weaving, knitting, crocheting, tatting, and dyeing, and hands-on activities. 800-590-9755 or www.saudervillage.org. OCT. 1 — Farm Toy Show, Van Wert Co. Fgds., 1055 S. Washington St. (U.S. 127), Van Wert, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $2. Contact Lowell Morningstar at 937-826-4201.


OCT. 7–8 — Harvest Happenings, Osborn MetroPark, 3910 Perkins Ave., Huron, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Free. Antique tractor and engine display, pony rides, farmers market, food trucks, and more. Fun for the whole family! 419-625-7783 or http:// eriemetroparks.org/program. OCT. 7–8, 14–15, 21–22, 28–29 — Mums and Pumpkin Festival, Lincoln Ridge Farms, 6588 Pollock Rd., Convoy. Fall fun at the farm for the entire family. $10, under 3 free. 419-749-4224. OCT. 14 — Apple Butter Fest Craft and Quilt Show, Van Buren High School, 217 S. Main St., Van Buren, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Free admission and parking. Hosted by Van Buren Lions Club. Crafts and quilts, train rides, live music, free eye screening for children. Homemade apple butter and bean soup for sale. 419-299-3628 or e-mail vanburenapplebutter@yahoo.com.

OCT. 21–22 — Oak Ridge Festival, 15498 E. Twp. Rd. 104, Attica, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $6, Srs. $5, C. (8-12) $4, under 8 free. Antique farm equipment; living history displays featuring military vehicles and weaponry; handmade crafts; food and entertainment; and kids’ activities. 419-426-0611 or www. oakridgefestival.com.

OCT. 14 — Folklore and Funfest, Wood Co. Historical Ctr. and Museum, 13660 County Home Rd., Bowling Green, 6–9 p.m. Free. Horse-drawn wagon rides, kid-friendly activities in Boo-ville, apple cider press, plus tricks and treats for all ages. 419-352-0967 or www.woodcountyhistory.org.

OCT. 27 — Friday Night Folklore Trick, Treat & Tour, Wood Co. Historical Ctr. and Museum, 13660 County Home Rd., Bowling Green, 7–10 p.m. $15. 419-352-0967 or www. woodcountyhistory.org.

OCT. 14–15 — Oak Harbor Apple Festival, downtown Oak Harbor. $5. Contests, parade, kiddie tractor pull, car show on Sunday, 5K Apple Run, and other fun activities. Baking contest held on Friday, Oct. 13. 419-898-0479 or www.oakharborohio.net. OCT. 20–21 — Van Wert County Apple Festival, Van Wert Co. Fgds., 1055 S. Washington St. (Rte. 127), Van Wert, 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Free. A festival featuring all things apple, including cider, displays. New and old trains to buy, sell, or trade. 440-7859907, e-mail showmanager@thegreatbereatrainshow.org, or www.thegreatbereatrainshow.org.

OCT. 13–14, 20–21, 27–28 — Halloween Fair, Carlisle Visitor Ctr., 12882 Diagonal Rd., LaGrange. $2, under 4 free. 440-4585121 or http://metroparks.cc/halloween.php.

THROUGH OCT. 31 — Corn Maze, Beriswill Farms, 2200 Station Rd., Valley City, Tues.–Fri. & Sun. 11 a.m.–6 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m.–10 p.m. Thur. Oct. 5 and 19, open till 9 p.m. Test your sense of direction in this 5-acre maze. 330-350-2486 or http:// beriswillfarms.com. OCT. 1–31 — Spooky Ranch, Rockin’-R-Ranch, 19066 E. River Rd. (St. Rte. 252), Columbia Station. From $12. Five unique haunted attractions. 440-236-5454 or www.spookyranch.com. OCT. 5–8 — Founders Week: Historic Zoar Village, 198 Main St., Zoar. Free. Educational activities celebrating the legacy and history of the Separatist Society of Zoar, one of the most successful communal groups in American history. Speakers, German music, photo collection, and stage play. 800-262-6195 or www.historiczoarvillage.com. OCT. 7–8 — The Great Berea Train Show, Cuyahoga Co. Fgds., 164 Eastland Rd. (use Bagley Rd. entrance), Berea, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $8, under 16 free. Two-day pass $10. All-gauge model train show with over 300 tables and many operating


OCT. 14 — Fort Laurens Archaeology Day, 11067 Fort Laurens Rd. NW, Bolivar, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $7, C. (under 13) $5. Celebrating Ohio Archaeology Month with presentations from professional and hobbyist archaeologists. Tool stations and mock archaeology dig. 330-874-2059 or www.fortlaurens.org. OCT. 14–15 — Olde Stark Antique Faire, Stark Co. Fgds., Exhibition Bldg., 305 Wertz Ave., Canton, Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $5, under 13 free. Early-bird admission Sat. 7 a.m., $7. A large indoor exhibition of quality antiques and collectibles from over 100 dealers and collectors. 330-7949100 or e-mail oldestark@neo.rr.com. OCT. 14–15 — Wayne County Farm Tour, various locations, Sat. 11 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun. 1–6 p.m. Take a self-drive tour of area farms and agricultural businesses while enjoying the fall colors in northeast Ohio. 330-263-7456 or www.wccvb.com. OCT. 20–21 — Fort Laurens Trick-or-Treaty, 11067 Fort Laurens Rd. NW, Bolivar, 7:30–8:30 p.m. $10, C. (5–12) $5, under 5 free. Combo tickets with Ghost Tours of Zoar available. Lantern tour includes tales of American and British soldiers who may haunt the grounds. Tours depart every 15 minutes. Reservations required. 330-874-2059 or e-mail fortlaurens@gmail.com. OCT. 20–21 — Ghost Tours, Dennison Railroad Depot Museum, 400 Center St., Dennison. Tours leave at 8, 8:30, and 9 p.m. $10 non-members, $5 children and members. Reservations required. 740-922-6776 or http://dennisondepot.org.

THROUGH OCT. 31 — Fall Fun Days, Circle S Farms, 9015 London Groveport Rd., Grove City, 9 a.m.–7 p.m. daily. $8.50, under 2 free. Hayrides, barn with slides, bale cave, petting zoo, and corn and sunflower mazes. 614-878-7980 or www. circlesfarm.com/fallfundays.html. OCT. 2 — A Taste of the Harvest, OSU Marion, Guthery Community Room, Maynard Hall, 1465 Mt. Vernon Ave., Marion, 6:30–8:30 p.m. $40. Advance purchase only. Sample wines from around the world and enjoy specialty hors d’oeuvres. 740-725-6340 or www.osumarion.osu.edu/initiatives/ cultural-arts.html.

THROUGH OCT. — Rock Mill Weekends, Rock Mill Park, 1429 Rockmill Place NW, Lancaster, Sat. and Sun., 1–3 p.m. Free. Visit the 1824 grist mill, recently restored to working order, and see demos of grinding methods. Also visit Rock Mill Covered Bridge. www.historicalparks.org/rock-mill-park or www.facebook.com/FairfieldCountyParks.


dumplings, fritters, and more. Also wagon rides, a flea market, crafts, and entertainment for all ages. www.visitvanwert.org/ family-adventures.php. OCT. 20, 21, 27, 28 — Haunting History Walking Tours and Mystery Dinner, Wauseon Depot and Fulton County Museum, 225 Depot St. and 229 Monroe St., Wauseon, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Tours: $10 non-members, $8 members. Dinner: $15. Tours every 15 minutes. Reservations required. www.fultoncountyhs.org.

OCT. 7–8 — Holmes Co. Antique Festival, downtown Millersburg. Markets and auctions, parades, arts and crafts, lumber jack show, and much more. http://holmescountyantiquefestival.org.

THROUGH OCT. 28 – Pumpkins and Ponies, Spring Mist Farms, 691 Pearl Rd., Brunswick Hills, every Fri. 6–8 p.m. and Sat. 4–8 p.m. $3, C. (1–12) $5. Pony and horse rides, hayrides, feed barrel train. Various animals available for viewing and feeding. 330-225-3565 or www.springmistfarms.com/pumpkins.htm.


OCT. 3–29 — All American Quarter Horse Congress, Ohio Expo Ctr., 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus. The largest singlebreed-horse show in the world. 740-943-2346 or www. quarterhorsecongress.com. OCT. 6–8 — Ohio Gourd Show, Delaware Co. Fgds., 236 Pennsylvania Ave., Delaware, Fri. noon–5 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $5 per day, $7 for weekend, under 13 free. Performances and presentations will highlight the wiz-

OCT. 28–29 — Woodcarver’s Show and Sale, Sauder Village, 22611 St. Rte. 2, Archbold, Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–4 p.m. 800-590-9755 or www.saudervillage.org. OCT. 29 – Coin Show, 122 N. Main St., Mendon, 9:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Free admission, free appraisals (no obligation). For table reservations, contact Warren Kramer at wrkchevy@hotmail.com or 419-733-0055.

OCT. 20–21, 27–28 — Ghost Tours of Zoar, 198 Main St., Zoar, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $15, C. $10. Combo tickets with Fort Laurens Trick-or-Treaty available. Zoar Village lantern light tours begin every 15 minutes between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. each night. Reservations required. 800-262-6195 or www. historiczoarvillage.com. OCT. 21 — Antique Toys and Diecast Show, Lakeland Community College, AFC Auxiliary Gym, 7700 Clocktower Dr., Kirtland, 9 a.m.–2 p.m. $6, C. (6–12) $2, under 6 free. New and antique toys, diecast models, plastic models, and dolls to buy, sell, or trade. 216-470-5780, e-mail cleveshows@att.net, or www.neocollectibletoys.com. OCT. 21–22 — Colonial Trade Faire, Schoenbrunn Village, 1984 E. High Ave., New Philadelphia, Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Experience what life was like in Ohio’s first village in 1772. 330-339-3636 or www.schoenbrunnvillage.org. OCT. 21–22 — Country Crossroads Education of Yesterday Farm Show, 3685 Cass Irish Ridge Rd. (intersection of St. Rtes. 16 and 60), Dresden. Free. Working and static antique construction and mining equipment, farm machinery, trucks, cars, and more. 740-754-6248, e-mail educationofyesterday@gmail. com, or www.facebook.com/EducationofYesterday. OCT. 26 — “The Underground Railroad,” lecture by Craig Whitmore, Richland County Chapter, Ohio Genealogical Society Meeting, OGS Library, 611 St. Rte. 97 W., Bellville, 7 p.m. Free and open to the public. 419-566-4560, e-mail sunda1960@ yahoo.com, or www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ohrichgs/. OCT. 27–28 — The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Schoenbrunn Village, 1984 E. High Ave., New Philadelphia. Join Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman for an outdoor production of the classic tale. Reservations required. 740-922-6776 or www. schoenbrunnvillage.org. OCT. 28–29 — By My Lantern’s Light, Amherst Sandstone Village, 763 Milan Ave., Amherst. Step back in time for tales of spooky history. 440-988-7255 or www.amhersthistoricalsociety.org.

arding world of gourds, gourd art, and gourd music. Fri. and Sat. workshops. www.americangourdsociety.org/ohiochapter. OCT. 6–8 — Willy Wonka Jr., Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, Fri./Sat. 7:30 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m. $12–$18. This captivating adaptation of Roald Dahl’s fantastical tale features enchanting and memorable songs, dancing Oompa Loompas, and a talented cast of local youth. 740-383-2101 or www. marionpalace.org. OCT. 6, 13, 20, 27 — Firelight Fridays, Geneva Hills, 1380 Blue Valley Rd. SE, Lancaster, 6–9 p.m. $3. Hayrides, night hikes, campfires and s’mores, field games, and more. 740746-8439 or www.genevahills.com. OCT. 8 — Annual Scout Pilgrimage, Harding Memorial, corner of Delaware Ave. (St. Rte. 423) and Vernon Heights Blvd.., Marion, parade at 3 p.m., ceremony at 3:30 p.m. Free. Over 500 Scouts gather each year to pay homage to the late President and First Lady for their support of Scouting. 740387-9630 or www.hardinghome.org.


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OCT. 12 — The Kite Runner, Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, 7:30 p.m. $16, Stds. $10. In a stunning solo performance, the bestselling novel and international classic is brought to life on stage. 740-383-2101 or www.marionpalace.org. OCT. 13–14 — Historic Ghost Tour, Frances Steube Community Ctr., 22 S. Trine St., Canal Winchester, 7 p.m. Last tour leaves at 7:30 p.m. $10, C. (6–18) $5, under 6 free. Hear people from our historic past tell tales like you’ve never heard before! 614-833-1846. OCT. 14 — Behind Closed Doors: Historical Marion Tour, four locations, Marion, 1–5 p.m. $8 in advance, $10 day of event. Go behind doors of sites normally closed to the public. 740387-4255 or www.marionhistory.com. OCT. 14 — Central Ohio Symphony Season Debut, Gray Chapel, 61 S. Sandusky St., Delaware, 7:30 p.m. 740-3621799 or www.centralohiosymphony.org. OCT. 14 — Grandma Gatewood’s Fall Colors Hike, Hocking Hills State Park, 19852 St. Rte. 664 S., Logan, 9 a.m. A


strenuous hike that spans 6 miles. 740-385-6841 or www. thehockinghills.org/Events.htm. OCT. 14 — Lorena Sternwheeler Dinner Cruise, Zanesville, 5–7 p.m. $35. Includes prime rib dinner. Reservations required at least 48 hours in advance. Children’s menu also available. 800-743-2303 or www.facebook.com/LorenaSternwheeler. OCT. 18–19 — Marion County Historical Society’s “Lunch with the Presidents,” Moose Lodge Ballroom, 374 N. Main St., Marion, 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. 740-387-4255. Step back in time to meet and dine with different presidents from U.S. history. www.marionhistory.com. OCT. 18–21 — Circleville Pumpkin Show, downtown Circleville. Free admission. Ohio’s oldest and largest pumpkin celebration. Seven different parades. 740-474-7000 or www. pumpkinshow.com. OCT. 20–22 — Apple Butter Stirrin’ Festival, Historic Roscoe Village, 600 N. Whitewoman St., Coshocton, Fri./Sat. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Sample fresh apple butter cooked

OCT. 5–6, 12–13, 19–20, 26 — Weekday Fall Foliage Trains, Hocking Valley Scenic Railway, Nelsonville Depot, 33 West Canal St., Nelsonville, 1 p.m. $17, Srs. $15, C.(3–12) $12, under 3 free. Take a 2-hour train ride through the historic Hocking River Valley to view the beautiful colors of autumn. 740-249-1452 or www.hvsry.org. OCT. 6–8 — Paul Bunyan Show, Guernsey Co. Fgds., 335 Old National Rd., Old Washington, Fri./Sat. 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $8, Srs./C. (7–12) $4, under 7 free. Competitions, demos and clinics, wood crafts, and much more. 614-497-9580, 888-388-7337, or www.ohioforest.org.

THROUGH OCT. 28 — National Imperial Glass Museum Tours, 3200 Belmont. St., Bellaire, Thur.–Sat. 11 a.m.–3 p.m. $3. Learn about and view extensive displays of Imperial glassware. 740-671-3971. THROUGH OCT. 31— Dally Memorial Library Escape Room, 37252 Mound St., Sardis. $15 per person. A fun, exciting, mentally challenging fundraiser for the library. www.facebook.com/ Dally-Memorial-Library-Escape-Room-465587900487570/. OCT. 1 — Friendship VII Chorus Annual Show, Pritchard Laughlin Civic Ctr., 7033 Glenn Highway, Cambridge, 3 p.m. 740-984-2190 or www.pritchardlaughlin.com.


OCT. 7, 14, 21 — Petrified Forest, Deerassic Park Education Ctr., 14250 Cadiz Rd., Cambridge. This outdoor haunted trail is geared toward those 13 and over. All others must be accompanied by an adult. 740-435-3335 or http://deerassic.com.

over an open fire. Enjoy a delicious assortment of unique foods, music, and attractions, including living history tours, lantern tours (Fri./Sat. only), canal boat rides, and a children’s activity area. 740-622-7664 or www.roscoevillage.com. OCT. 21 — Marion County Historical Society’s “Dinner with the Presidents,” Harding High School, 1500 Harding Hwy. E., Marion, 5:30–8:30 p.m. $26 single, $47 couple. Step back in time to meet and dine with different presidents from U.S. history. 740-387-4255 or www.marionhistory.com. OCT. 28 — Applebutter Stir and Horseradish Day, Lawrence Orchards, 2634 Smeltzer Rd., Marion, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. Free. Apple butter is cooked in a copper kettle over a wood fire, while the horseradish crop is ground fresh. 740-389-3019 or www.lawrenceorchards.com. OCT. 30 — Haunted Village, Olde Pickerington Village, St. Rte. 256 (Columbus St. at Center St.), Pickerington, 6–8 p.m. Free ghost tours, hayrides, trick-or-treating, haunted museum, and more. 614-833-2211 or www.pickeringtonvillage.com/events.html. rides, coffin races, costume contests, and plenty of food. www. chillicothehalloweenfestival.com. OCT. 20–22 — Muskingum Valley Trade Days, 6602 St. Rte. 78, Reinersville. Large flea market. 740-558-2740. OCT. 20 — 50th annual Fall Festival of Leaves, downtown Bainbridge (Ross Co.). Celebrate the beauty of the season and region with arts and crafts, entertainment, parades, contests, and much more. www.fallfestivalofleaves.com. OCT. 21— Pumpkin Fest, Dairy Barn Arts Ctr., 8000 Dairy Ln., Athens. A family-friendly fall celebration including free pumpkin carving, art activities, and games. 740-592-4981 or www.dairybarn.org. OCT. 22 — Farm Toy and Craft Show, Pritchard Laughlin Civic Ctr., 7033 Glenn Highway, Cambridge, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Free admission. Food, craft, and toy vendors. 740-439-7009 or www. pritchardlaughlin.com.

OCT. 13–15 — Bob Evans Farm Festival, Bob Evans Farm and Homestead Museum, 10854 St. Rte. 588, Rio Grande, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. $6, C. (6–18) $4, under 6 free. Featuring down-home OCT. 28 — Trail of Treats, Deerassic Park Education Ctr., 2–3 entertainment, great food, homestead living displays, and more p.m. Geared toward those under 14. Free. Local businesses pass than 100 demonstrators and crafters. 740-245-5305 or www. out goodies on our kid-friendly trail. 740-435-3335 or http:// bobevans.com/aboutus/the-farm. deerassic.com. OCT. 13–15 — Chillicothe Halloween Festival, Yoctangee Park, OCT. 28 — Un-haunted Forest, Shawnee State Park, 4404 St. Chillicothe, Fri. 11 a.m.–10 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–10 p.m., Sun. Rte. 125, Portsmouth, 6–9 p.m. A guided, lantern-lit walk to 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Halloween- and paranormal-themed exhibits, learn more about creatures of the night on an easy half-mile loop merchandise, and guest speakers, plus local/regional bands, trail. 740-858-6652 or http://parks.ohiodnr.gov/Shawnee. and contests. Sat. car show and craft show. Pumpkin pie and bread baking contest on Wed. 937-448-0630 or www. bradfordpumpkinshow.org.


OCT. 11, 18, 25 — Weekly Wednesday Bluegrass Night, Pit to Plate BBQ, 8021 Hamilton Ave., Mt. Healthy, 7–9 p.m. Hosted by Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass. Bring your instrument and join the band to pick a good bluegrass number. 513-931-9100. OCT. 13 — Mainstreet Piqua Chocolate Walk, downtown Piqua, 5:30–8 p.m. $15. Make your way to the over 20 downtown businesses participating in the walk. Some treats can be enjoyed on the spot and others will be placed in your bag to enjoy later. 937-773-9355 or www.mainstreetpiqua.com. THROUGH OCT. 29 — Fall Farm Days, Bonnybrook Farm, 3779 St. Rte. 132, Clarksville, every Sat. and Sun., noon–6 p.m. Free. Pumpkin picking, wagon rides, corn maze, petting zoo, games, and food. 937-289-2500 or http://bonnybrookfarms.com. THROUGH OCT. 29 — Ohio Renaissance Festival, Renaissance Park, Harveysburg, on St. Rte. 73 just off I-71 or I-75, every Sat. and Sun., 10:30 a.m.–6 p.m. $22.50, Srs. $20.50, C. (5–12) $9.50. Step back in time to this 30-acre re-created 16th-century English village and enjoy Renaissance-themed shows, unique arts and crafts shops, hearty food and drink, games of skill, and human-powered rides. 513-897-7000 or www.renfestival.com. OCT. 7 — Celebrate Fall at the Johnston Farm, 9845 N. Hardin Rd., Piqua. Tour the Johnston home, visit the Historic Indian and Canal Museum, and take a ride on the General Harrison of Piqua, a replica of a 19th-century canal boat. 800-752-2619 or www.johnstonfarmohio.com. OCT. 7, 14, 21, 28 — Lantern Light Wagon Rides and Corn Maze, Bonnybrook Farm, 3779 St. Rte. 132, Clarksville, 7:30–10:30 p.m. $8–$21, under 6 free. 937-289-2500 or http://bonnybrookfarms.com. OCT. 10–14 — Bradford Pumpkin Show, downtown Bradford. Free admission. Daily parades, concessions, rides,

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OCT. 13–15 — Operation Pumpkin, downtown Hamilton, Fri./Sat. 11 a.m.–10 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Free admission. The fun-filled weekend includes a giant pumpkin weigh-off, pumpkin sculpting, pet parade, live entertainment, fall brews, wine, delicious food, art vendors, and much more. 513-844-8080 or www.operation-pumpkin.org. OCT. 14 — Iam Homestead Pioneer Harvest Fest, 349 S. Broadway, Trotwood, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Free admission. Enjoy chili cooked over an open fire, roasted hot dogs, and freshly harvested corn. Activities include corn husking contest, corn binding, hayrides, corn husker shredder demonstration, and much more. 937-837-5387 or http://t-mhs.blogspot.com. OCT. 14–15 — Fall Farm Fest, Lost Creek Reserve and Knoop Agricultural Learning Center, 2385 E. St. Rte. 41, Troy, Sat. 12–7 p.m., Sun. 12–5 p.m. Free admission. Corn maze, pumpkin patch, scarecrow contest, wagon rides, kids’ activities, and more. 937-335-6273 or www.miamicountyparks.com. OCT. 14–15 — Ohio Sauerkraut Festival, 10B N. Wayne St., Waynesville, Sat. 9 a.m.–8 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Try sauerkraut pizza, fudge, doughnuts, cookies, and pies. 513897-8855 or www.sauerkrautfestival.com.

OCT. 8 — West Virginia Chestnut Festival, Rowlesburg, 10:30 a.m.–7:30 p.m. Roasted chestnuts for sampling or purchase, chestnut saplings for planting, chestnut crafts and wares, and guest speakers/researchers. www.wvchestnutfestival.com. OCT. 27–28 — West Virginia Book Festival, Civic Ctr., 200 Lee St. E., Charleston. Free. http://wvbookfestival.org.

PLEASE NOTE:  Ohio Cooperative Living strives for ac­curacy but strongly urges readers to confirm dates and times before traveling long distances to events. Submit listings AT LEAST 90 DAYS prior to the event by writing to Ohio Cooperative Living, 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229 or events@ohioec. org. Ohio Cooperative Living will not publish listings that don’t include a complete address of where the event takes place or a number/website for more information.



9/18/17 12:52 PM



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Send us your pictures!

Upload your photos at www.ohioec.org/memberinteractive. For January 2018, send your photos of “Staying warm” by Oct. 15; for February, send “Lovebirds of all kinds” by Nov. 15. Make sure to give us your name, mailing address, phone number or e-mail, the name of your electric co-op, and an explanation of the photo, including the names of people shown.


My granddaughter, Lexi Long, represen ting Logan Elm Hig School in the big Mi h ss Pumpkin Show co ntest. James Collins r Company memb er

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October_OCL_full issue.indd 40

9/18/17 12:53 PM


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