MARCH 2019
COOPERATIVE Official publication of Washington Electric Cooperative | www.weci.org
Maple syrup time ALSO INSIDE What’s it take to be a co-op trustee? A century of the iconic KitchenAids Saving forests, one parcel at a time
The Circle of
Through electric bill round-up programs at Ohio cooperatives in 2017, members gave $1.7 million to support school programs, food pantries, humane societies, and many other worthy organizations and individuals — right in their own communities.
INSIDE HIGHLIGHT 10 MAPLE SYRUP TIME As the days get longer, those telltale
clouds of steam start rising from sugar shacks everywhere.
The most common type of squirrel in our state is one that most Ohioans have never seen.
31 MISSION TO PRESERVE Arc of Appalachia’s mission is to make sure Ohio’s undeveloped forest land stays that way, in perpetuity. Cover image on most issues: Sap buckets hanging from sugar maples are a sure sign of spring. Outdoors Editor Chip Gross takes a look at some Ohio sugar bush operations in Woods, Waters, and Wildlife on page 10.
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Check www. for a detail A new KAICed sched ule. related progr banding. am is night birdOrganized by KIAC memb a Cleveland Museum er Tom Bartle of of Ornith tt, ology resear Natural History Department ch associate, the CMNH banding the progr station on to the public Kelleys Island am at . is open “The statio n and we have was started in the spring of now bande MARCH 2018 • 1996, of 115 d 12,89 species on OHIO CO elleys Island OPERATI 1 VE LIVIN Kelleys Island indivi dual G birds The statio 7 each spring residents welcome n’s ,” Bartle tt says. the return project (begu Northern Saw-w of their “feath songbirds, het Owl bandi n in 2003) ered touris waterfowl, project to through ts” — and study migra is part of a natio ng on their nal way to Canad raptors that pass The Kelley ting owls s Island a. 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Cruise-ins! 34
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Baseball may BY DAMAIN E VONADA be the nationa l pastime, Ohio’s obsess but cruiseion. From ins are spring throug everybody droves to h fall, anybod — towns, relish the museums, y and craftsmanship wineries — of classic businesses, , chrome, showcase cars. and even and charism vintage vehicle collectors’ a s, and whethe show or informa Since cruiser it’s a in season l cruise-in, is underw State, we’ve Ohioans turn ay in the Bucke selected out in eight great ye good times events where roll. the 26 OHIO COOPERATIVE
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JULY 2018
hey say that March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. However, the opposite holds true for Ohio Cooperative Living. This month marks the two-year anniversary of the publication’s debut, when we quietly but deliberately retired the magazine’s predecessor in favor of a contemporary redesign, a closer focus on our members, and, most notably, a new name. Even though the evolution was the result of considerable reader input and with the approval of Ohio’s 24-member electric cooperative network, we held our breath when the March 2017 issue was unveiled in your mailboxes — would our loyal readers notice the difference, and would you like it? You did, and you do. Apparently, the electric cooperative industry took notice as well. We’re honored that Ohio Cooperative Living has been selected as the 2018 recipient of the George W. Haggard Memorial Journalism Award. An annual distinction presented by the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association and named for the first editor of the Texas statewide periodical, the award recognizes an electric cooperative statewide consumer publication that best presents “lucid, forthright contributions to electric cooperative objectives.” I couldn’t agree more. Congratulations and “hats off” to: Managing Editor Jeff McCallister Associate Editor Rebecca Seum Associate Editor Samantha Kuhn Graphic Designer Anita Cook Communications Director Patrick Higgins Vice President of Statewide Services Doug Miller
Ohio Cooperative Living is a true collaborative effort among the Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives staff, our member cooperatives, and our readers — the 1 million consumer-members whom we’re privileged to serve. Thank you for allowing us a peek inside your lives and the pleasure of producing a magazine that celebrates the best of electric cooperatives — you. Happy reading. 2 OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING • MARCH 2019
Ohio Cooperative Living is a true collaborative effort among the Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives staff, our member cooperatives, and our readers.
March 2019 • Volume 61, No. 6
Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives 6677 Busch Blvd. Columbus, OH 43229 614-846-5757 memberinteract@ohioec.org www.ohioec.org Patrick O’Loughlin President & CEO Patrick Higgins Director of Communications Jeff McCallister Managing Editor Rebecca Seum Associate Editor Anita Cook Graphic Designer Contributors: Celeste Baumgartner, Colleen Romick Clark, W.H. “Chip” Gross, Catherine Murray, James Proffitt, and Damaine Vonada. OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING (USPS 134-760; ISSN 2572-049X) is published monthly by Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. It is the official communication link between the electric cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia and their members. Subscription cost for members ranges from $5.52 to $6.96 per year, paid from equity accruing to the member. Nothing in this publication may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from Ohio Rural Electric Cooperatives, Inc. All rights reserved.
TRUSTED VOICES: Cooperative trustees are motivated by a desire to help their communities.
6 #WHOPOWERSYOU: Two winners of Touchstone Energy’s national contest hail from the Buckeye State. 8
OHIO ICON A CENTURY OF KITCHENAID: The Ohio-made stand mixer, one of the most iconic kitchen gadgets there is, turns 100 this year.
PEDAL PUSHERS: One cooperative couple’s love for adventure takes them cross-country on a tandem bicycle.
15 GOOD EATS GRIDDLE GOODIES: Take those same-old breakfast standbys to
the next level with a few surprise ingredients.
PIONEER ELECTRIC: The nation’s first electric cooperative is a celebrity among co-ops, if there can be such a thing.
19 LOCAL PAGES For all advertising inquiries, contact
Cheryl Solomon American MainStreet Publications 847-749-4875 | cheryl@amp.coop
News and important information from your electric cooperative.
28 IN THE GARDEN EASY EGGPLANT: Plant your own and enjoy them all summer!
38 CALENDAR The fact that a product is advertised in Ohio Cooperative Living should not be taken as an endorsement. If you find an advertisement misleading or a product unsatisfactory, please notify us or the Ohio Attorney General’s Offi ce, Consumer Protection Section, 30 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43215. Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, OH, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to editorial and advertising offices at: 6677 Busch Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43229-1101
Cooperative members: Please report changes of address to your electric cooperative. Ohio Cooperative Living staff cannot process address changes. Alliance for Audited Media Member Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
WHAT’S HAPPENING: March/April events and other things to do.
40 MEMBER INTERACTIVE CHANGE IN THE WEATHER: Readers share some dramatic photos.
IN THIS ISSUE New London (p.4) Rio Grande (p.4, 24) Kenton (p.4) Piqua (p.4, 6, 18) Kalida (p.6) Greenville (p.8) Chardon (p.10) Mount Gilead (p.12) Bainbridge (p.31) MARCH 2019 • OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING 3
STRONG VOICES GUIDING HANDS Cooperative trustees are motivated by desire to help their communities BY JEFF MCCALLISTER
ohn Martin braved one of those arctic January Ohio mornings to come from his home near New London to Columbus for training that would help him in his newest position. Martin, a retired CSX signaling supervisor, had been elected to the Firelands Electric Cooperative board of directors only a few months earlier. Since a director’s decisions impact issues such as service rates, rights-of-way, and work plans, it’s a position of great responsibility. It requires people who understand their community’s needs and have a desire to serve the cooperative consumer-members’ best interests. The class Martin and other directors and trustees from around the state were attending was designed specifically to help them think about strategic planning. “When the cooperative’s members look at our trustees, they might not realize all the things that go into the job,” Martin says. “All of us in here took this job so we can help our cooperative and help our community, and we take these classes to make sure we know what we need to so we can do the best job possible.” About 40 trustees from around the state came for that day’s class. They came from diverse backgrounds — teachers, retirees, homemakers, engineers, you name it — but they all came for that same reason. “I think the main reason you become a trustee is because you’re community-minded, and you feel like you can help improve the quality of life for the people around you,” says Roberta Duncan, a trustee at Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative in Rio Grande. “That’s what the coop is there for, really, not just to provide electricity, but
to make the whole community a better place, and the trustees have to play a big part in that.” Mark Bailey spent 40 years working in the electric utility industry, including many of those for co-ops in different parts of the country. “In my case, I was looking for a way to give back to my community and my industry,” says Bailey, who is first vice chair of the board at Pioneer Electric Cooperative in Piqua. “I think that good board members have to be good listeners so they know what the members are thinking, and they have to be willing to work hard for the good of the cooperative and all its members.” Brice Turner says being elected to the board at Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative in Kenton was eye-opening. “Looking at the board from outside, you see the trustees having their meetings and maybe being out in the community, but there’s a lot more to the job than those things,” he says. “You have to make sure you understand all the issues that you deal with, so you put in a lot of time doing your own research or coming to these education and training sessions. It’s a lot of work, but not many people know or understand that’s part of being a trustee.” Bailey also says there’s nothing special about the people who take on the responsibility, other than their willingness to do so. “Everyone around the board table at every cooperative is a member, just like every other member,” he says. “We all get our electric service from the cooperative, and that’s important because everyone should know that our decisions affect us just as much as they affect everyone else.”
Mark Bailey Pioneer Electric Cooperative “Directors bring their own life experience to this job, and all those different ideas and perspectives help us to enact policies that could potentially keep our community strong.”
Roberta Duncan Buckeye Rural Electric Cooperative “As an educator, I came into my job as a director with an understanding of the importance of electricity and technology in our everyday lives and that’s motivated me to push the cooperative to stay as current and modern as we can possibly be.”
Brice Turner Mid-Ohio Energy Cooperative “From the start, the co-ops had directors who thought about both short-term and long-term goals, and that helped them get where they are today. Now it’s my job to do the same thing and set the stage for the future.”
John Martin Firelands Electric Cooperative “I’ve always been someone who was asking whether there was a better way of doing something, and I think trustees should always think that way, always be on the lookout for ways to improve the cooperative.”
wo Ohio electric cooperative nominees have been named winners in a national contest by Touchstone Energy Cooperatives, the nationwide alliance of more than 730 consumer-owned electric cooperatives. Touchstone sponsors the #WhoPowersYou contest to honor co-op members for demonstrating their concern for their respective communities, which is one of Touchstone’s core values. The awards come with cash prizes to help the winners continue their valuable work.
Grand-prize winners: Bob and Midge Custer, Pioneer Electric Cooperative Pioneer Electric Cooperative members Bob and Midge Custer of Woodstock, Ohio, were named the grandprize winners from more than 300 entries nationwide. The Custers operate Downsize Farm, a Medicaidcertified agency that helps those with developmental disabilities to “learn by doing.” The Custers know there are providers in larger cities with good services, but they strongly believe that local individuals should experience their own communities — and in Champaign County and four surrounding counties served by Downsize Farm, those communities are rural. The Custers and their more than 30 employees aim to allow those with disabilities to act not only as consumers but also as contributors. A staff member works with each client individually to determine his or her interests and connect them with productive activities, including volunteer initiatives, that can translate into real jobs. In addition, Downsize Farm’s “Just Right Jobs” program focuses on supported employment positions and allows local, community-based businesses to hire Downsize Farm clients. Bob, Midge, and their team are making a true impact.
Midge and Bob Custer, of Woodstock, Ohio, operate Downsize Farm.
Touchstone Energy Cooperatives is a national network of electric cooperatives that provides resources and leverages partnerships to help member cooperatives and their employees better engage and serve their members. By working together, Touchstone Energy cooperatives stand as a source of power and information every day.
Third-place winner: Ronnie Kahle Sr., Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative Ronnie Kahle Sr., the third-place national winner, has dedicated his retirement years to volunteering in his hometown of Kalida. In addition to Lions Club activities and fundraising, volunteering for the Pioneer Days festival, and other community service projects, Kahle has been instrumental in the development of Four Seasons Park and the Plum Creek Nature Area in Kalida. He’s been involved with this extensive community project for the past decade, arranging the purchase of the properties and designing and constructing the 80-acre park — including installing the underground utilities and overseeing construction of buildings.
Ronnie Kahle Sr., of Kalida, is a member of Paulding Putnam Electric Cooperative.
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Location: The only place in the world where KitchenAid stand mixers are produced is the KitchenAid factory at 1701 KitchenAid Way in Greenville. Provenance: After observing a baker hand-mix dough in 1908, Herbert Johnston, an engineer at Hobart Manufacturing in Troy, devised the first electric mixer for commercial use. His Model H stand mixer debuted in 1914 and was quickly adopted by professional bakers and even by the U.S. Navy, which made it standard equipment on ships. Because of the Model H’s success, Hobart launched a smaller version — Model H-5 — for home cooks in 1919. A pioneering appliance, the H-5 employed “planetary action,” an innovative and exclusive feature that turns the beater in one direction as it simultaneously circles the bowl in the opposite direction. The mixer also had slicer and juicer attachments that converted it into a versatile “food preparer.” Wives of Hobart executives tested the H-5 in their own kitchens, and after one of them described it as “the best kitchen aid I have ever had,” the KitchenAid brand was born. KitchenAid’s recipe for success continued in the 1930s, when famed industrial designer Egmont Arens created the Model K, a lighter, lower-cost mixer with a streamlined shape that became the archetype for future stand mixer silhouettes. After World War II, production moved to Greenville, where in addition to standard white, KitchenAid rolled out stand mixers in five new colors — petal pink, island green, sunny yellow, satin chrome, and antique copper — in 1955. Whirlpool Corporation acquired KitchenAid in 1986 and subsequently constructed the state-of-the-art facility where millions of KitchenAid stand mixers and other small appliances are manufactured annually. Significance: A hundred years after introducing the first home stand mixer, KitchenAid is the world’s leading mixer brand. Now made in 84 colors, KitchenAid stand mixers are available in 115 countries and sell at the rate of five per minute. Currently: To celebrate the stand mixer’s centennial, KitchenAid is providing two limited-edition mixers in Misty Blue, a retro color with a hint of green. One model comes with a ceramic bowl ($649.99), while the other has a white-coated stainless-steel bowl ($519.99). 8 OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING • MARCH 2019
It’s a little-known fact that: The KitchenAid mixer factory offers tours, and in downtown Greenville, the KitchenAid Experience retail center carries a complete line of stand mixers and other countertop appliances. For additional information about the KitchenAid stand mixer and other products, visit www.kitchenaid.com. To learn about factory tours and the KitchenAid Experience, call 800-961-0959 or 888-8868318 or click on www.kitchenaid.com/experience-retail-center.
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Maple syrup time! High-tech or low-tech, the syrup is just as sweet STORY AND PHOTOS BY W.H. “CHIP” GROSS
hen billowing clouds of steam begin rising from family sugar bush operations that dot the landscape this time of year, you know two things: Winter’s grip is finally beginning to ease a bit, and underneath all that steam is one of the tastiest treats there is. Poured over pancakes or drizzled over ice cream, there is no better seasonal treat than pure Ohio maple syrup, and Geauga County produces more of the stuff than any other county in the state. The two main reasons: many mature sugar maple trees and many Amish farms — most of which operate a sugar bush. Gary McDonald is not Amish, but his family’s farm near Chardon has produced maple syrup for five generations. “We gave up gathering sap in buckets years ago and now tap our trees with plastic tubing,” McDonald says. “Other
than that, we’re pretty much a low-tech operation. We light our sugar house at night with lanterns and still fire our evaporator with wood.” In fact, it takes cords and
Clockwise, from lower-left: Gordon McDonald checks a sap bucket on his brother Gary’s farm near Chardon; Tessa Baker stokes the evaporator fire in the McDonald family’s sugar shack; the finished product flows on the McDonald farm; Daniel McFerren checks and adjusts his state-ofthe-art fuel-oil evaporator at his family’s operation in Richland County; center: a sugar shack, with cords and cords of wood stacked outside, goes full steam at Malabar Farm State Park.
cords of wood. Maple sap usually contains only about 2 percent sugar, so 40 to 50 gallons of sap must be boiled to produce just a gallon of syrup. The McDonald family makes several hundred gallons of maple syrup each year, the sale of which supplements their farm income during the slower months. “We also do it for fun,” McDonald says. “It’s a family tradition we hope to continue long into the future.” A second sugar house is operated next door by McDonald’s nephew, Adam McKinney. McDonald recently took steps to make sure their family tradition will continue, by placing his 200 acres into long-term conservation easements with the Western Reserve Land Conservancy. The agreement ensures that the land will remain as fields and forests permanently. A few counties to the southwest, the McFerren family has also been making maple syrup for generations, but their operation is decidedly more high-tech. Recently relocating their facility from Morrow County to Richland County, they not only tap trees using plastic tubing but also extract sap from their maple trees via a vacuum system. “It doesn’t harm the trees, and we get more sap that way,” says Jim McFerren.
“Once the sap arrives at our sugar house, we run it through a reverse-osmosis machine to remove much of the water before we boil,” says McFerren. “We no longer use wood to fire our evaporator as we did at our old sugar house; instead, we now use fuel oil.” The McFerrens’ large, new evaporator is state of the art, saving them both time and labor. “Three of us — my two sons and I — can run the entire operation,” McFerren says. “Before, it took half a dozen people, and no more boiling into the wee hours of the morning. We can now get the same amount of syrup made in a relatively few hours.” The McFerrens, Consolidated Cooperative members, produce anywhere from 1,500 to 2,000 gallons or more of maple syrup each year. One of life’s true pleasures is tasting fresh maple syrup — nature’s natural nectar — still warm from the evaporator. If you’ve never experienced such a delight, many state and local parks offer maple syrup-making demonstrations and festivals this time of year. Don’t put off your visit, as the season usually lasts only a month or less. “When the spring peepers begin singing,” McFerren says, “sugar season is about over.” W.H. “CHIP” GROSS is Ohio Cooperative Living’s outdoors editor; he may be reached at whchipgross@gmail.com.
Pedal Pushers BY W.H. “CHIP” GROSS
ike many middle-aged married couples, Consolidated Cooperative members Bruce and Karen Beck of Mount Gilead enjoy long, leisurely bike rides together. Their rides, however, are a little longer than most — the last one covered 6,500 miles and took four months to complete. They have another such ride scheduled later this year. In May 2014, the Becks boarded a train bound for Seattle, Washington, packing along their da Vinci tandem bicycle, then biked down the Pacific Coast Highway to San Francisco. From there, they headed east and north, pedaling all the way to Nova Scotia, Canada, then south to their final destination, Boston. Bruce made his first cross-country bike trip — Maine to California — in 1981. “When I first met Karen, I told her about that trip and suggested that one day we might make a cross-country ride together. She was totally against it.” “I just couldn’t imagine myself riding all the way across the U.S. on a bicycle,” Karen says. It took 20 years to talk her into it. “I looked at the trip as an escape,” she says. “Our family was going through troubled times, and I needed to get away for a while.” The Becks averaged 50 to 60 miles per day, usually riding six days per week and avoiding large metropolitan areas whenever possible. Self-contained, they carried everything from clothing, a tent, and camping gear to food and repair equipment in their bike packs. “We tried keeping the total weight of our gear down to 80 pounds,” Bruce says. Surprisingly, they only had five flat tires during that coastto-coast trip. “But three of those five flats happened on
the same day, in Wyoming,” says Bruce. “We think it was asphalt shards we were continually running over.” Asked about their most dangerous encounters while on the road, the Becks mention two. “Logging trucks passing us on the narrow roads and switchbacks of the Pacific Northwest were always scary,” Karen says. “An 18-wheeler semi driver with an attitude in Iowa forced us off the road. We didn’t crash, thankfully, but that Iowa incident was a very close call. It shook both of us up pretty bad.” As for the highlights of the trip, Karen says, “The many natural wonders of America — God’s creation — was definitely a highlight, especially the California redwoods.” Bruce also points to the people they met along the way: “We came across people from all cultures and walks of life. A few folks even became our friends who we still keep in touch with. Our bike just seems to be a magnet; everywhere we stop, people walk over and want to talk. Some people even invited us to their homes for a hot shower, a meal, or even an overnight stay. It might sound cliché, but the trip really renewed our faith in humanity.” The Becks are looking forward to their upcoming trip, planning
on hitting the road again this summer. Their previous route took them across the northern states, but this next one, officially known as the Southern Tier Bike Route, begins in southern California and ends in St. Augustine, Florida, requiring about two and a half months to complete. “With no set schedule, there is a sense of freedom on the road that you don’t experience in any other way,” says Karen. “On a bike, you’re moving at a pace much slower than in a vehicle, seeing the details of the natural world, sleeping under the stars, dealing with weather changes. It’s a very primitive type of travel; you literally take your life one day at a time.” If a long-distance bike trip with your spouse sounds enticing, Karen adds this last bit of sobering advice. “A crosscountry bicycle trip — especially on a tandem — is either a marriage maker or marriage breaker,” she says. “Bruce and I certainly had our moments, but we also know that our marriage is stronger for having done it.”
Karen and Bruce Beck of Mount Gilead have ridden from sea to shining sea on their tandem bicycle and are preparing for a second crosscountry trip later this year.
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GRIDDLE Take the same-old pancakes, waffles, and the like to the next level with a few unexpected — and delicious — additions.
CHAI SPICED WAFFLES Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 15 minutes | Servings: 6 1/2 teaspoon white pepper 2 cups all-purpose flour 1/4 cup packed brown sugar 31/2 teaspoons baking powder 2 large eggs 2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 cups whole milk 2 teaspoons ginger 1/2 cup vegetable oil 1 teaspoon cardamom 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 teaspoon cloves 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg Preheat the waffle maker. In a large bowl, sift flour, baking powder, and spices. In a separate bowl, mix brown sugar, eggs, milk, oil, and vanilla. Incorporate dry ingredients into wet ingredients. Spray waffle maker with nonstick cooking spray. Bake according to manufacturer’s directions, until golden brown. Top with your favorite waffle toppings, like banana slices and whipped cream. Per serving: 420 calories; 23 grams fat (6 grams saturated fat); 45 grams total carbs; 2 grams fiber; 9 grams protein.
GRAND MARNIER AND BRIE FRENCH TOAST Prep: 5 minutes | Cook: 15 minutes | Servings: 12 1/4 cup packed brown sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla 1 teaspoon cinnamon, divided 1/2 cup powdered sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 4 eggs 1 tablespoon water 1 cup skim milk 1 cup pecans 12 slices bread (thick, such as Texas toast or brioche) 8 tablespoons unsalted butter 7 ounces brie cheese, sliced ½ cup Grand Marnier (or other orange liqueur) In a small saucepan, heat brown sugar, 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon, salt, and water until liquid and smooth. Toss in pecans to coat. Spread pecans out on a baking sheet to cool. Set aside. In a small saucepan, gently heat butter until melted. Whisk in Grand Marnier, vanilla, and powdered sugar until smooth. In a shallow container, whisk together eggs, milk, and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon. Heat a lightly oiled skillet (or griddle) over medium-high heat. Quickly coat enough bread slices to fill skillet. Cook until golden brown on each side, 2 to 3 minutes. Top with slices of brie and candied pecans and drizzle with Grand Marnier sauce. Serve immediately. Per serving: 558 calories; 43 grams fat (18 grams saturated fat); 30 grams total carbs; 2.5 grams fiber; 15.5 grams protein.
LIGHT LAVENDER AND LEMON PANCAKES Prep: 20 minutes | Cook: 20 minutes | Servings: 4 (12 medium pancakes) 4 eggs, separated 3/4 cup fresh lemon juice 1 cup ricotta cheese 1/2 cup sugar 3/4 cup milk 1 to 2 tablespoons cornstarch 2 tablespoons vegetable oil 1 to 2 tablespoons water 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon lavender buds (more 1/2 teaspoon baking soda for sprinkling) 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon grated lemon zest 2 tablespoons sugar 1 pint blueberries (optional) Heat lemon juice in a small saucepan over medium heat. Add sugar and stir until dissolved. In a small bowl, mix cornstarch with water until a paste is formed. Add a little cornstarch paste to the lemon mixture until it thickens into a syrup, 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from heat, set aside. In a large bowl, sift flour, baking soda, salt, and sugar. In a separate bowl, whisk egg yolks, ricotta cheese, milk, oil, and vanilla. Add flour mixture to egg mixture and stir until well blended. Lightly muddle or chop lavender buds and add to the mixture along with lemon zest. Let batter sit 15 minutes. In another bowl, whisk egg whites until stiff peaks form (7 to 10 minutes). Fold into batter. Heat a nonstick skillet or griddle over medium heat. Working in batches, form each pancake by spooning batter onto skillet. Cook until most of the air bubbles have popped, then flip and cook until pancakes are easy to remove with a spatula, about 5 minutes total. Drizzle with lemon sauce and sprinkle with lavender and blueberries. Per serving: 538 calories; 18 grams fat (7 grams saturated fat); 77 grams total carbs; 3.6 grams fiber; 18.5 grams protein. 16 OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING • MARCH 2019
SMOKED SALMON AND HOLLANDAISE CREPES Prep: 10 minutes | Cook: 30 minutes | Servings: 4 to 6 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 tablespoon olive oil dash cayenne pepper 1 bunch asparagus spears dash salt 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt 2 eggs 4 egg yolks 11/2 cups milk 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice In a large skillet, heat olive oil. Add asparagus and garlic salt. Cook on medium high until tender and lightly charred. In a heat-safe bowl, whisk 4 egg yolks and lemon juice until thickened and doubled in volume. In a small saucepan, melt butter, being careful not to overheat. Add a small spoonful of melted butter to the egg mixture and whisk until fully incorporated. Continue adding butter to egg mixture one spoonful at a time, whisking constantly so eggs won’t curdle. Once butter is incorporated, return the sauce to saucepan and cook on very low heat, stirring constantly for 30 seconds. If sauce isn’t thick enough, heat slightly longer. Remove from heat and whisk in dash of cayenne and salt.
1 tablespoon vegetable oil 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 cup all-purpose flour 4 ounces smoked salmon fresh dill, for garnish
In a measuring cup with a spout, mix eggs, milk, oil, salt, and flour with a fork (or immersion blender) until smooth. Heat a 12-inch round crepe maker or nonstick skillet on medium. Pour 1/2 cup batter and spread out with a heatproof spatula until very thin or lift and rotate skillet until batter is spread to the edges. Cook 1 to 3 minutes. When the crepe easily releases with a spatula, flip and cook another minute. Transfer onto a plate. Repeat until batter is gone, carefully stacking crepes. Top each crepe with slice of salmon, asparagus spears, and a drizzle of hollandaise (if hollandaise is too thick, add a little bit of water and stir). Fold crepes into triangles or roll closed. Garnish with fresh dill. Serve hot or at room temperature. Per serving: 453 calories; 28 grams fat (12 grams saturated fat); 32 grams total carbs; 2 grams fiber; 18 grams protein.
PIONEER ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE Service, generosity are traditions at the home of the first REA utility pole in the country Pioneer Electric Cooperative, based in Piqua, is a celebrity among cooperatives, if there can be such a thing. On Nov. 14, 1935, just six months after President Franklin Roosevelt’s executive order creating the Rural Electrification Administration, a crowd of more than 500 farmers, businessmen, and statesmen from around the country gathered in Piqua to watch workers set the first REA utility pole in the nation. Pioneer Electric has progressed since that day, in manner true to its name and its heritage as a trailblazer among cooperatives.
Tech innovators Pioneer is often at the forefront in the use of new technology for the good of its consumer-members. It was the first electric cooperative in the nation to test radiocontrolled management of members’ electric water heaters in an effort to hold the line on rising energy costs in the 1970s, and later was the first in the nation to offer use of the SmartHub app, giving members convenient account access, bill-pay options, and two-way communication with the coop. Pioneer also was an early adopter of the SCADA system and its advanced metering infrastructure (AMI), which both helps consumers better understand their energy use and improves the reliability of Pioneer’s electric service.
Diverse membership Based in Piqua, Pioneer Electric serves 16,754 consumermembers in 11 counties in the west-central part of the state. The region relies strongly on agriculture, and like many cooperatives, many Pioneer members are farmers. Pioneer, however, boasts a diverse membership that includes several large industrial consumers such as a Honda engine plant in Anna, KTH Parts in St. Paris, the Upper Valley
Medical Center in Troy, and Proctor and Gamble’s logistics and distribution center in Union. It also serves tourist destinations such as Cedar Bog Nature Preserve, Lake Loramie State Park, and Charleston Falls Preserve. Pioneer even provides the electrical service at the annual three-day Country Concert in Fort Loramie each July.
Part of the community The cooperative’s 61 employees are actively involved in the communities they serve. They’ve rallied together to purchase gifts for area families in need for more than 25 years, and the co-op’s “Powering Possibilities” committee has coordinated donations to the local Alzheimer’s Association, area food pantries, and Pink Ribbon Girls, which supports the fight against breast and reproductive cancers. “Great employees lead to great service,” says Pioneer CEO Ron Salyer. “Our employees continually show their generosity not only through their contributions but also through the extra efforts made outside their normal dayto-day duties to demonstrate their commitment to the communities that we serve.”
am often asked what the difference is between an electric cooperative and any other electric utility. The poles and transformers look the same, and the kilowatts powering homes and businesses are the same.
and difference in your life, we also draw strength from fellow electric cooperatives across Ohio and the country.
So, what’s the difference?
Washington Electric Cooperative is one of 25 electric cooperatives in Ohio and among about 900 nationwide. Through our membership in the statewide services organization, Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives, we work with other co-ops to cost-effectively serve Ohio co-op members.
Simply put, a cooperative is a not-for-profit business voluntarily owned and controlled by the people who use its services. Unlike investor-owned utilities, Washington Electric Cooperative is operated by and for people in the communities we serve. Our goal is to provide safe, reliable, and affordable power, not to make a profit. But electric cooperative members share more than electricity. They share the same principles, and they work hard to improve the quality of life for all. Just as we work to make sure that your membership in Washington Electric Cooperative provides a real value
Your thoughts and opinions about Washington Electric help us to serve you better.
This partnership allows us to pool our resources and deliver high-quality services to co-op members, such as government advocacy, safety and management training, and Ohio Cooperative Living magazine. Another reassuring and fundamental way that cooperatives support each other is the mutual aid we offer after natural disasters. Ohio’s electric cooperatives assist each other as well as cooperatives out of the state when major storms and outages strike. Because the national network of transmission and distribution infrastructure owned by electric cooperatives is built to federal standards, line crews from any co-op in America can arrive on the scene ready to provide emergency support, secure in their knowledge of the system’s engineering. Each Ohio co-op ensures it has crews available for all local needs before committing resources to mutual aid requests.
This spring, Washington Electric Cooperative will be working with NRECA Market Research Services to complete a member satisfaction survey. The surveys will be both by phone and email, but not everyone will be contacted. If you are contacted, we would greatly appreciate a few minutes of your time to share your opinions of the cooperative. We strive to provide all members with safe, affordable, reliable, and clean electric service. By participating in the survey, you will help us make decisions that benefit you, your family, and your neighbors. Thank you!
All information is confidential.
When Washington Electric Cooperative needs help, an entire network of cooperatives is ready to come to our aid. And when we respond to other co-ops’ requests for help, our crews receive valuable experience that helps prepare them to respond when power outages happen here. I appreciate you taking the time to read my comments, and I encourage you to reach out to me and the staff at Washington Electric Cooperative with any questions. This is your cooperative. And that makes all the difference.
Do we owe you money?
More than 3,000 names on unclaimed capital credits list The following is a list of former Washington Electric Cooperative members who are owed capital credits for their electricity purchases in 1974–1976 and 1979–1981 and for whom the cooperative no longer has valid mailing addresses. This publication is the first official notification for unclaimed credits from 1979–1981, and the final official notification for unclaimed credits for 1974–1976.
Before you call ... With more than 3,000 names on this list, we anticipate a high volume of inquiries. We want to assist everyone who contacts us as efficiently as possible, so we ask that you carefully read the following guidelines. If your name or your spouse’s name appears on the list, please contact our office. If you find the name of someone you know, and that person is still alive, please have that person contact our office directly. A B & S Oil Company, Huntington WV A C Moore & Sons, Salineville OH A.t.&T.long Lines Store, Louisville KY A-1 Oil Company, Marietta OH Aaron Oil & Gas Comp A, Wheeling WV Abbott Robert, Woodsfield OH Accrocca Patrick E, Winter Park FL Adams & Son Oil Well, Scio OH Adams E S, Amesville OH Adams George, Marietta OH Adams George T, Scio OH Adams Jean, Chillicothe OH Adar Oil Company, North Hills CA Addis Oil Company, Marietta OH Addlesburger Margaret, Marietta OH Adkins Hoyt, Newport OH Adkins John N, Whipple OH Adkins Roam, New Matamoras OH Aer Communications, Marietta OH Agin Emmett, Sarahsville OH Akg Oil And Gas, Minster OH Albrecht Robert, Sarahsville OH Albright Dennie, Beverly OH Alexander Bonnie, New Matamoras OH Alexander Charles, Lemoyne OH Alexander J Keith, Marietta OH Allanson 0 L, Akron OH Allberry William L, Stockport OH Allegheny Power, Greensburg PA Allen Daniel Sr, Lowell OH Allen Deborah, Reno OHio Allen Edward, Palmetto FL Allen Jerry T, Graysville OH Allen M D, Beverly OH Allen Vernard W, Hiram OH Allen Virginia, Lowell OH
Allender Hugh, Marietta OH Allender Janet, Chesterhill OH Allender Robert, Marietta OH Allison Eugene, East Canton OH Alloway Oil Co, New Matamoras OH Alvey Wayne, Stockport OH Ambrose George J, Clinton NY American Petroleum Inc, Marietta OH Amkram Rachel, Cambridge OH Amos Blake, Watertown OH Amos Mary E, Charlotte NC Anderson A H, Woodsfield OH Anderson Charles W, Marietta OH Anderson Chessie, Marietta OH Anderson James R, Seminole FL Anderson Kenneth, Waterford OH Anderson Nellie, Zanesville OH Anderson Ray C, Lowell OH Anderson Raymond, Barlow OH Andrecht Gerald E, Zanesville OH Andrecht John E, Shadyside OH Angelo Jude, Lowell OH Angus Edward, New Martinsville WV Angus Jean, Spring Hill FL Ankrom Paul, Punta Gorda FL Antill Aubrey, Graysville OH Antill Charles, Lower Salem OH Antill Edward E, Wingett Run OH Antill Gary, Bartlett OH Antill Henry Jr, Vincent OH Antill Oil Company, Rinard Mills OH Apperson Pauline, Senecaville OH Applachian Petroleum, Girard OH Appalachian Petroleum , Hartville OH Apple Gordon, Marietta OH Archer Audrey, Summerfield OH
If you find the name of someone on this list whom you know to be deceased, the executor of his/her estate or the appointed agent should contact our office. We have set up a special phone line for capital credit inquiries. Because we expect a high number of calls, you may need to leave a message. Please provide your name, the name of the person who appeared on the list, your relationship to that person, and a phone number where a member services representative may return your call. Please do not leave multiple messages. We will return your call as quickly as possible. The processing of capital credit claims requires a small amount of paperwork. In certain cases, the cooperative’s board of trustees must approve the claim before it can be paid. The board meets once per month. For efficient processing, please follow the above guidelines. You can reach our capital credits department at 740-885-5922.
Archer Dale, Salesville OH Archer Glen, Caldwell OH Archer Howard, Senecaville OH Archer James E, Phoenix AZ Archer Joseph, Caldwell OH Archer Josephine, Marietta OH Archer Linda J, Sarahsville OH Archer Margaret, Scarsdale NY Archer Paul, Woodsfield OH Archer Ray C, Caldwell OH Archer Thomas A, Caldwell OH Archibald Mack, Caldwell OH Archibald Patrick T, Caldwell OH Archibald Shirley, Zanesville OH Arena Jack, Hinckley OH Armann Charles, Powhatan Point OH Armstrong Angela, Rinard Mills OH Armstrong Harry C, Rinard Mills OH Armstrong Richard, Waterford OH Arnold Alvin, Waterford OH Arnold Daniel J, Stockport OH Arnold Harold L, Waterford OH Arnold Herman, Caldwell OH Arnold Hettie J, Marietta OH Arnold Joe, Waterford OH Arnold Ronald L, Caldwell OH Ash Paul, Centerville OH Ash Stephen P, Marietta OH Ashcraft George W, Powhatan Point OH Ashcraft Roger, New Matamoras OH At&T Long Lines Store, Louisville KY Auberle William, Geneva IL Augenstein Robert G, Caldwell OH Ault Will, Cleveland OH Avago Oil Company, Marietta OH Ayers H M, Marietta OH
Ayers Kenneth, Macksburg OH Ayers Louie, Caldwell OH Ayers Rosalie, Sardis OH Ayers Sherman, Marietta OH Azar Anthony J, Little Hocking OH B & B Energy, Lower Salem OH B & V Oil Production, Hannibal OH Babcock Robert A, Reno OH Bachelor Alton, Stockport OH Bachelor Dayton, Marietta OH Bachelor Donald, Cleves OH Bachelor Kenneth, Stockport OH Bachelor R C, Marietta OH Bachelor W R, Marietta OH Bailes Lela, Marietta OH Bailey Edward E II, Caldwell OH Bailey Kenneth, New Matamoras OH Baird Albert J, Ball Ground GA Baisden Eddie, Delbarton WV Baker A J , Lower Salem OH Baker Bernard, Marietta OH Baker Bert, Lower Salem OH Baker David, Lowell OH Baker Lewis, Marietta OH Baker Randall Baker, Caldwell OH Baker Richard E, Marietta OH Baker Richard L, Marietta OH Baker Stephen, Williamstown WV Baldwin George, Waterford OH Baldwin Kenneth, Stoutsville OH Baldwin Stephen, Bridgeport WV Ball Frank, Poolesville MD Ball James D, Akron OH Ball Richard R, Caldwell OH Ball Virgil E, Parkersburg WV Ballein Keith, Angola IN
Barker Hazel, Millersburg OH Barker Stanley W III, Marietta OH Barkhurst Janie, Marietta OH Barlow Carl E, Macksburg OH Barlow Oil & Gas, New Matamoras OH Barnes James, Louisville OH Barnes Kimberly, Marietta OH Barnes Run Lt 1340, St Louis MO Barnes Thomas, Reno OH Barnett Charles L, Senecaville OH Barnett Ira, Marietta OH Barnett Jack, Whipple OH Barnett Mabel, Waterford OH Barnett Ronald, Summerfield OH Barnhart Jesse, Steubenville OH Barnhart Richard D, Kernersville NC Barnhouse Chester, New Matamoras OH Barnhouse Raymond, New Matamoras OH Barnum Charles W, Weirsdale FL Barr Dan, Sarahsville OH Barrickman Peggy A, Vineland NJ Barrientos Manuel, Lowell OH Barth Donna, Marietta OH Barth F. H, Marietta OH Barth Melvin L , Marietta OH Bartmess Sandra, Marietta OH Barton Ernest, Vincent OH Barton Lucinda, Stockport OH Barton Lynn, KodiakAK Basic Oil Co, Worthington OH Bates Charlett M, Summerfield OH Bates Communication, Sardis OH Bates D W, Sarahsville OH Bates Earl H, Coshocton OH Bates Edgar, Caldwell OH Bates James E, Belle Valley OH Bates Paul F, Whipple OH Bates Ralph, Summerfield OH Bates Ruth A, Sarahsville OH Bates W S, Senecaville OH Bates William R, Westerville OH Bauer Herbert, Lowell OH Bauer James L, Sarahsville OH Bauer John A, Lowell OH Baumgard Jeff, Lowell OH Baumgard Oil Co, Marietta OH Baumgartner George E, Marietta OH Baxter Mary S , Columbus OH Bayless Orlen K, Newport OH Bayly Merlin, Pleasant City OH Bear Run United Me, Reno OH Beardmore & Newhart, Wingett Run OH Beardmore B H , Wingett Run OH Beardmore Daniel, Parkersburg WV Beardmore Elmer, Wingett Run OH Beardsley Mary J, Marietta OH Beardsley Paul, Frederickstown OH Beaver Oil Co, Woodsfield OH Beaver Richard L, Marietta OH Beaver Ricky, New Matamoras OH Beaver Shirley, Newport OH Beck Betty L, Marietta OH Beck Eugene, Moundsville WV Becker Jeffrey A, Marietta OH Becker Sam, Marietta OH Becket Ralph, Antioch OH Beckett George, Vienna WV Beckett Kim F, Marietta OH Beckett Larry, Albany OH
Beckett Ralph, Antioch OH Beckford Cynthia, Marietta OH Bee C R, Marietta OH Bee C Rodney, Marietta OH Beha Lester, Marietta OH Behm Charles Jr, Marietta OH Belford Johnson, Canal Fulton OH Belsky Ed, Marietta OH Bender Charles, Cambridge OH Bender Charles E, Marietta OH Benner Eddie, Cambridge OH Benner James A, Rinard Mills OH Benner Margaret, Sarahsville OH Bennett Clyde E, Lowell OH Bennett E D, Cutler OH Bennett Edna, Lowell OH Benson Gregory, Marietta OH Benwood Oil Company, Lewisville OH Bereit Ralph H, Marietta OH Berg David, Medina OH Berg Duaine, Lowell OH Berg John C, Marietta OH Berg Kenneth, Lowell OH Berg Shirley, Apopka FL Berga Bernice V, Newport OH Berga Forrest, Baltimore MD Berga Steven C, New Matamoras OH Bergmann Richard L, Columbus OH Berryhill Jack C, Hebron OH Best Elmer, Whipple OH Best John A, Cutler OH Bethel Apostolic Tab, Chesterhill OH Bethel Baptist Ch, Caldwell OH Bethel Christian, New Matamoras OH Betterton Arthur, Marietta OH Bettinger Doug, Caldwell OH Bettinger Gay, Lower Salem OH Bettinger Gay, Reno OH Bettinger Gay D, Reno OH Bettinger Ray, Caldwell OH Beymer Mary, Caldwell OH Biedel Jack, Waterford OH Biehl Arthur, Marietta OH Biehl Edgar, Marietta OH Biehl June, Marietta OH Biehl Roy, Marietta OH Biehl William, Marietta OH Big Four Development, Marietta OH Bigler Homer, Waterford OH Bigley Vickie T , Wingett Run OH Bilroy Homes Inc, New Martinsville WV Binegar Brian, Sardis OH Binegar Clark, Whipple OH Binegar Elmer, Lowell OH Binegar Emmett, New Matamoras OH Binegar Frank, Marietta OH Binegar Inge Estate, Wingett Run OH Binegar Joseph R, Marietta OH Binegar Lawrence S, New Matamoras OH Binegar Linda, Newport OH Binegar Richard, Wingett Run OH Binegar Sharon, Hannibal OH Binegar Thomas, Marietta OH Bingham M W, Watertown OH Bingman Laboratories, Sarahsville OH Biogco Inc, Lowell OH Bird Jimmy L, Marietta OH Bird Melvin, Lower Salem OH Birnbaum Louis, Akron OH
Bishop David, Marietta OH Biss Margaret, Lower Salem OH Bivens George, Caldwell OH Black Floyd Ljr, New Orleans LA Black Larry G, Caldwell OH Blackstone George, New Concord OH Blair Charles H, Marietta OH Blair Everett L, Dexter City OH Blair James, Whipple OH Blair Mansel, Macksburg OH Blair Norma, Whipple OH Blair Oil Co, Woodsfield OH Blair Wesley J, Caldwell OH Blake Charles A, Parkersburg WV Blake Lois, Caldwell OH Bland Earl A, Belpre OH Blankenship James, Newport OH Blatnik Robert, Cumberland OH Blattler T V Cable, Clarington OH Blos Linnie, Sarahsville OH Bobs Auto Repair, Marietta OH Bode & Lena 75, Sycamore Valley OH Bode & Rinard Oil Well, Sycamore Valley OH Boersma R P , Marietta OH Bogard Karl H, Vincent OH Boggess Billy J, North Port AL Boggs Kenneth, Lower Salem OH Boggs Stanley D, Caldwell OH Bohl Howard, Marietta OH Bohl Walter, Waterford OH Bohlen William, Marietta OH Boice Robert, Reno OHio Boice Ruby L , Marietta OH Bolen Michael J, Beverly OH Bolen OKey, Sardis OH Bollinger Jessie, Sharon OH Bonar Frank, Columbus OH Bonar Rick, Caldwell OH Bond E O, Pleasant City OH Bond L E , Columbus OH Bond Larry David, Summerfield OH Bond Monna S, Newport OH Bonette John S, Marietta OH Bonnette Carla D, Marietta OH Bookman Gary, Newport OH Boone Oil Co, Dexter City OH Border George A, Massillon OH Border Richard, Hernando FL Border Richard B, Beverly OH Born E D , Whipple OH Boston Kenneth, Marietta OH Boston Starling Sr, Armstrong Mills OH Boswell W N, Barnesville OH Bowen Barker A, Graysville OH Boyce Connie S, Lower Salem OH Boyce Robert, Wingett Run OH Boyd Clarenc, Barnesville OH Boyd Ernest D, Caldwell OH Boyd Frankli D, Caldwell OH Boyd Judy A, Marietta OH Boyd Oil Company, Lewisville OH Boyd Ray, Caldwell OH Boyd William, Caldwell OH Bradfield George, New Matamoras OH Bradford Carl W, Williamstown WV Bradford Garnet, Whipple OH Bradford Wanda K, Marietta OH Bradshaw Charles O, Columbus OH Brady Charles H , Massillon OH
Bragg Charles T, Sarahsville OH Braham William Esr, Marietta OH Brannon Theodor, Marietta OH Breckenridge Curtis G, Marietta OH Brier Steve , Caldwell OH Briggs Ernest, Sardis OH Bright Donald , New Matamoras OH Bright Frank L, Sardis OH Bright Harvey, Sardis OH Brim Letha M, Marietta OH Britton Blaine L, Marietta OH Britton James E , Whipple OH Britton Paul, Marietta OH Brncik Tginas, Lowell OH Bronski Bruce, Marietta OH Bronski Walter S, Marietta OH Brooker Julie, Marietta OH Brookover Corinne E, Lower Salem OH Brookover David R, New Matamoras OH Brookover James R, Vincent OH Brookover Paul, Newport OH Brookover Paul E, Marietta OH Brooks Clarence, Reno OH Brooks Clarence W, Marietta OH Brooks Eliza, Marietta OH Brooks Franklin, Wingett Run OH Brooks Nichola, Lowell OH Brooks Sharon, New Matamoras OH Brooks Sharon, Marietta OH Brophy Margare, Marietta OH Brophy Margaret, Marietta OH Brotherton R S , Ravenna OH Brown Billy D , Dexter City OH Brown Brenda, Waterford OH Brown Carlos W, Columbus OH Brown Cecil, Barnesville OH Brown Charles J, Plant City FL Brown Charles Sr, Caldwell OH Brown David, Woodsfield OH Brown David N, Wingett Run OH Brown Dixie, Marietta OH Brown Elvin, Caldwell OH Brown Hilda, Marietta OH Brown Janet L, Powell OH Brown Kenneth W, Creston OH Brown Loren J, Caldwell OH Brown Michael E, Marietta OH Brown P. H, Marietta OH Brown Phillip Jr, Lowell OH Brown Richard W, Caldwell OH Brown Robert J, Marietta OH Brown Scott, Marietta OH Brown Stella, Graysville OH Browning Richard, Caldwell OH Brownsville Um Church, New Matamoras OH Brubach Clarence, Summerfield OH Brubeck Paul, Waterford OH Bruce Cathy, Amesville OH Bruggeman Frank R , Hilliard OH Brunoni Kathy, New Matamoras OH Bruski Dominick, Parma OH Bryan Arthur, Caldwell OH Bryan Carlos, The Villages FL Bryant Evelyn, Whipple OH Bryner D W , Marietta OH Buchanan Dolores F, Zanesville OH Buchanan Glenna A, Vincent OH Buchanan Kenneth Rjr, Marietta OH Buchanan Larry E , Bloomington NY
WASHINGTON ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE LOCAL PAGES Buchanan Randy, Cincinnati OH Buck Harold J, Tallmadge OH Buck Ivan L, Marietta OH Buck James, Rinard Mills OH Buck Jeffery D, Akron OH Buckey Charles, Lower Salem OH Buckey John, Cumberland OH Buckeye Crude, Tulsa OK Buehl Wesley A, Pomeroy OH Buescher W J, Greenville MI Buffington Gary, Vincent OH Bull James R, Lowell OH Bumbulis Charles, Senecaville OH Burandt Richard, Graysville OH Burch Charles, Caldwell OH Burke C. M, Woodsfield OH Burke Clea, Marietta OH Burke Joe, Lowell OH Burke Robert, Marietta OH Burkhart Dennis, Marietta OH Burkhart Joe, Marietta OH Burkhart Roy J , Caldwell OH Burkholder Mike, Bartlett OH Burnett Larry, Athens OH Burns Frank, Marietta OH Burns George J, Graysville OH Burnside Carrie, Caldwell OH Burris Jerry, Marietta OH Burrows John, Lowell OH Burt Bernard, Stockport OH Burt Harold Ljr, Bartlett OH Burton Bonnie, Dexter City OH Burton Herbert, Akron OH Busch Earl, Wingett Run OH Bush William L, Cincinnati OH Butcher Ada C, Milwaukee WI Butler Donna J, Bartlett OH Butler Michael, Morganville NJ Butler Verna, Caldwell OH Butler Wayne J, Caldwell OH Byer Paul R, Marietta OH Byers Edmond, Marietta OH Byers Jeff, Sardis OH Byers Larry D, Newport OH Byrd Kenton N, New Concord OH Bywater Clarenc, Caldwell OH C F Crum Const Co, Woodsfield OH Cain Aubrey, Pleasant City OH Cain Sherry D, Beverly OH Cain William R, Waterford OH Calderone Geralyn M, Marietta OH Caldwell Hettie F, Caldwell OH Caldwell J Wilbur, Sarahsville OH Caldwell Redi-Mix, Caldwell OH Caldwell Village, Caldwell OH Cale Alice W , Senecaville OH Calhoun Robert, Rockwell NC Callender Harry, Marietta OH Caltek Minerals Corp, Buckhannon WV Cambridge Sav Inngs &, Cambridge OH Camden James S, Fleming OH Camden Mike, Lower Salem OH Cameron Allen, Reno OH Cameron Robert, Marietta OH Camerson Paul P, Lowell OH Campbell Gordon J, Lowell OH Campbell John, Lower Salem OH Campbell Kerry D, Newport OH Campbell Mckie, Marietta OH Campbell Wanda, Fremont OH
Canfield Clifford, Marietta OH Cannon Thomas B, Lowell OH Cantell Clifford D, Lower Salem OH Cantell William, Caldwell OH Cappadona Thomas, Canton OH Carbonite Exploration, Parkersburg WV Carlisle Grange, Marietta OH Carlson Connie, Marietta OH Carlson Einar W, Caldwell OH Carna John R, Caldwell OH Carpenter Earl, Lowell OH Carpenter Ishmael, Marietta OH Carpenter Joseph L, Moundsville WV Carpenter Norma, Cambridge OH Carpenter Mary M, Sardis OH Carpenter Phillip W, Fleming OH Carpenter Ronnie, New Matamoras OH Carr Mary, New Matamoras OH Carr Ralph, Sardis OH Carrel C Louise, Cumberland OH Cartenuto Albert, Commerce Twp MI Carter James, Williamstown WV Carter William T, Caldwell OH Cary Mark, Waterford OH Case Jerry, Caldwell OH Casto James L, Marietta OH Casto Mark A, Lowell OH Cats Creek Oil Co, Beverly OH Cecil Gary, Caldwell OH Cedar Ridge M E Chur C, Lowell OH Center Memorial Chur C, Waterford OH Centerville Grange, Marietta OH Central Trust Company, Marietta OH Chamberlin Don, Marietta OH Chambers William, Marietta OH Chamblin Carl, Marietta OH Chandler Alpha M, Lowell OH Chandler Edith, Marietta OH Chandler James L, Atwater OH Chandler Roy, Caldwell OH Channell Kenneth L, Cambridge OH Chapel Hill Charge, Woodsfield OH Chapman Clarenc, Chillicothe OH Chapman Darrell L, Long Mont, CO Chapman Francis, Lower Salem OH Chapman James A, Caldwell OH Chapman Michael J, Syracuse NY Chapman Paul, Cumberland OH Charles Pugh, Lowell OH Chase Harold W Jr, Stockport OH Chatham Larry, Caldwell OH Cheeseman Oren E, Proctorville OH Chel Farm, Marietta OH Cheplic Joseph, Lewisville OH Chesser Vernon, Bartlett OH Chill Norman, Marietta OH Chimley Joseph, Shadyside OH Christian Ralph, Fleming OH Christman Walter, Caldwell OH Christmas Darvin, Belle Valley OH Christmas Kenneth, Bolivar OH Christmas Linda, Caldwell OH Christmas Roy, Sarahsville OH Christmas Thomas E, Caldwell OH Christopher Bill R, Fleming OH Christy Edna, Woodsfield OH Christy Glen D, Graysville OH Christy R M, Woodsfield OH Church Frank, Senecaville OH Church Jack, Lowell OH
Cikra Alder, Doylestown OH Cimarolli David P, Athens OH Clapsaddle Merrill, Marietta OH Clarence Francis, New Matamoras OH Clark Alva, Columbus OH Clark Charles, Satellite Beach FL Clark Charles H, Woodsfield OH Clark Chester, Lowell OH Clark David E, Cutler OH Clark David L, Cumberland OH Clark Eldon D , Caldwell OH Clark Fred, Caldwell OH Clark Gifts & Crafts, Graysville OH Clark Harold, Columbus OH Clark Harry, Sarahsville OH Clark Kenneth, Whipple OH Clark Lloyd, Caldwell OH Clark Patricia, Marietta OH Clark Randall R, Beverly OH Clark Randy, Summerfield OH Clark Raymond H, Delaware OH Clark Robert E Sr, Caldwell OH Clark Robert L Jr, Marietta OH Clark Ruby L, Lower Salem OH Clark Stephen, Sarahsville OH Clark Tim, Summerfield OH Clark Virginia, Lowell OH Clark Wayne C, Lewisville OH Clark William C, Sarahsville OH Clark William R, Caldwell OH Claugus Dale, Carnegie PA Claypool David L, Lower Salem OH Clegg Roy G Sr, Sardis OH Cleveland O B, Lewisville OH Clift David, Graysville OH Clift Frank, New Matamoras OH Clift George, Elyria OH Cline Alonzo, New Matamoras OH Cline Arthur, Woodsfield OH Cline B E , Rittman OH Cline Bernice L , New Matamoras OH Cline Clara, Lower Salem OH Cline D L, Akron OH Cline Donald, Graysville OH Cline Doyle, Rittman OH Cline Ed, Columbus OH Cline Edward I , Columbus OH Cline Estle, Woodsfield OH Cline Faye, Cambridge OH Cline Forrest A , Graysville OH Cline Glenn, Woodsfield OH Cline Imogene, Jeromesville OH Cline James B, Newport OH Cline Kenneth, Lewisville OH Cline Mrs Faye Baker, Cambridge OH Cline Paul, Uniontown OH Cline Paul C, Lower Salem OH Cline Robert, Lower Salem OH Cline Wiley D, New Matamoras OH Cline William C, Graysville OH Clinton Oil Co, Rinard Mills OH Clodfetter Robin, Caldwell OH Close Goldie M, Columbus OH Close James L, Waterford OH Clutter Hazel, New Matamoras OH Cobb Ralph, Caldwell OH Cobun Delores, Canton OH Cochran Floyd, Shawnee Mission KS Cochran Mark D, Graysville OH Cockran Thomas, New Matamoras OH
Cody James Ejr, Reno OH Cody Jeffrey, Delaware OH Coe Lewis W, Springfield OH Coe T J, Stockport OH Cogar George, Amherst OH Cole Eric R, Whipple OH Coleman Bros Drilling, Stockport OH Coleman Katherine, Bellaire OH Colgrove Melvin, Wellsville OH Colletti Barbara, Macksburg OH Colosi Russel J, Vincent OH Colvin Wayne, Belpre OH Colyer Paul, Caldwell OH Community Church, Cambridge OH Company Of Associates, Paxton IL Complete Homes Inc., Marietta OH Condo-Mobile Inc #8, Toronto OH Conell Ricky, Caldwell OH Congleton H J, Marietta OH Conley Isadore, Sardis OH Conley Oscar, Sardis OH Conn William, Caldwell OH Connell Ricky, Caldwell OH Conner Alta B , Marietta OH Conner Don, Mineral Wells WV Conner George, Sarashsville OH Conner Sherri, Sarahsville OH Connolly Terence D, Caldwell OH Conrad Clinton, New Matamoras OH Conrad Jolen L, Dexter City OH Constable Jeanette, Marietta OH Constitution Petroleum, Marietta OH Conway Bernita, Charlotte NC Cook Argle, Beaver WV Cook Charles H, Marietta OH Cook Ernest, New Matamoras OH Cook Homer, Lower Salem OH Cook R G, New Matamoras OH Cook Rhonda L, Chesterhill OH Cook Samuel R, Lowell OH Cooke E W, Marietta OH Cooke Thomas W, Lattimore NC Cooper Barry, Sarahsville OH Cooper Clayton E, Akron OH Cooper Harry W, Hollywoood FL Cooper Roy, Marietta OH Copus Charles, Caldwell OH Corbett Paul P, Columbus OH Corbin Cindy, Marietta OH Corcoran Joseph P, Scranton PA Cornell Jerry L, Barlow OH Corner Gary R, Westville OH Cornerstone Mem Church, Beverly OH Cornes Harvey, Waterford OH Cory James, Whipple OH Cosgriff & Tilton, Lowell OH Coss Mary C, Reno OH Costley Gregory, Newport OH Cottrell George E, Saint Marys WV Coughlin Frank, Marietta OH Courney John, Kalispell Mt Court Petroleum, Marietta OH Court Steven W, Whipple OH Courtney Gil, New Matamoras OH Cove Oil Co, Marietta OH Covert Kenneth, Antioch OH Cox John, Marietta OH Coy Albert O, Cuyahoga Falls OH Coyle Charles J, Marietta OH Cozzens Irene, Williamstown WV
Craig Grace, Summerfield OH Cramer J R, Bartlett OH Cramer John H, Marietta OH Cramer, J Rance, Bartlett OH Crawford Kenneth R, Waterford OH Crawford Richard, New Matamoras OH Crawford Robert R, New Matamoras OH Crean Jere J, Midland TX Creighton Machine Co, New Matamoras OH Critcher Mary, Marietta OH Crites Spurgeo, Lowell OH Crock A. J, Caldwell OH Crock Rose, Caldwell OH Crock Vernon, Caldwell OH Cronin Ronald E, Belpre OH Crooks Douglas W, Marietta OH Crosby Philip, West Salem OH Cross Judy, Barnesville OH Cross Karen, Sardis OH Cross Vicky, Caldwell OH Croston Clarence, North Olmstead OH Croston Ethel, Chesterhill OH Croston Rufus, Chesterhill OH Crow Ruth, Marietta OH Crum C A, Stafford OH Crum James A, Caldwell OH Crum Leo, Caldwell OH Crum Mark D, Chandler AZ Crumbaker Robin, Whipple OH Cub Run Oil Co, Marietta OH Cullen P D, Reno OH Cummings Harley, Marietta OH Cummings Ralph D, Lowell OH Cunningham David, Cutler OH Cunningham Ford, Marietta OH Cunningham Harvey E , Marietta OH Cunningham Phyllis, Marietta OH Cunningham Rick, Sarahsville OH Cunningham Sondra S, Lowell OH Curry Ethel, Malaga OH Curry R E , Senecaville OH Curtin Jack, Athens OH Cushman Gregory P, Lower Salem OH Custer Boyd, Frostproof FL Custer Kenneth, Marietta OH Custer William B, Stockport OH Custer Wilmer B, Stockport OH Cutlip, William, Williamstown WV D & S Oil Co, Akron OH D C Anderson Petroleum, Fleming OH Dacek David D, Marietta OH Dahler Robert, Wilimington De Dalrymple James, Woodsfield OH Dalrymple Larry, Rinard Mills OH Dalrymple Pheobe, Lower Salem OH Dalrymple Roger W, Marietta OH Dalton Kenneth W, Akron OH Dalton Lorena, Lowell OH Damico Louis, Whipple OH Daniels Margaret, Marietta OH Danielson Dayton, Canton OH Danku Kenneth, Graysville OH Danner Patsy A, New Matamoras OH Danver Richard Jr, New Matamoras OH Darr Wanetta J, Marietta OH Dart Gospel Church, Reno OH Daugherty Joyce C, Byesville OH Daugherty Ronnie, New Matamoras OH Davidson Kenda, Newport OH Davis Barbara M, Sarahsville OH
Davis Billy, Dexter City OH Davis Blanche, Lowell OH Davis Carr, Canfield OH Davis Connie, Stockport OH Davis Constan J, Bartlett OH Davis Dana, Barlow OH Davis Ethel, Beverly OH Davis Ina M, Caldwell OH Davis John, Fleming OH Davis John N, Lowell OH Davis Larry, Atmore Al Davis Lida R, Caldwell OH Davis Mabel, Columbus OH Davis Merlin, Ravenden AR Davis Oscar, Marietta OH Davis Randell L, Washington Va Davis Raymond Wsr, Beverly OH Davis Richard, Caldwell OH Davis Russell, Mcconnelsville OH Davis Rusty, Caldwell OH Davis Sam, Ashville NC Davis Sarah L, Canton OH Davis Shirley, Reno OH Davis Shirley D, Newport OH Davis Tim, Whipple OH Davis Virgil E, Lowell OH Davis Wilbur R, Christiansburg OH Dawson Lawrenc Fjr, Marietta OH Day David L, Marietta OH Day Ralph, Lady Lakes FL De Berry Curtis C, Macksburg OH De Garmo K Wade, Wheeling WV Deal Sam M, Little Hocking OH Deberry Chester C, Macksburg OH Decker Bonnie, Fleming OH Decker David A, New Matamoras OH Decker Lance, Marietta OH Deem Ray E, Macksburg OH Deem Richard, Lowell OH Deeter Ernest J, Waterford OH Deeter Jack E, Lemon Grove Ca Degarmoe Joe, Marietta OH Degarmoe John, Marietta OH Deist Donna, Lower Salem OH Deist L R, Beverly OH Delancey David B, Lower Salem OH Delaney E W , East Liverpool OH Delong Josie O, Rinard Mills OH Delong Michael L, Marietta OH Delong Vance H, Senecaville OH Delphey Elmer N, Lowell OH Dement Fred Allen, Lower Salem OH Deming Teddy F, Vincent OH Dennis Delmer L, Marietta OH Dennis Donald D, Williamstown WV Dennis Elosie, Lower Salem OH Dennis J L, New Matamoras OH Dennis Melvin, Lower Salem OH Dennis Robert, Marietta OH Dennis Walter, Marietta OH Dennison Curt, Caldwell OH Denny David, Caldwell OH Denton Jon R, Marietta OH Denton Paul Fjr, Marietta OH Denton Theodor W, Marietta OH Depuy & Bowersock, Reno OH Depuy Dale, Marietta OH Detweiler Tom, Senecaville OH Deucher Isabell, New Cumberland WV Devol A L, Coal Run OH
Devol Velda B, Waterford OH Devolld Amy, Dexter City OH Dew William E , Martins Ferry OH Di Bias Nancy, Reno OH Dick Ronald, Fleming OH Dickerson Hallie, Lower Salem OH Dickson Harold, Kingston OH Diedrich Harry, Marietta OH Dille C R, Bartlett OH Dillon Charles J , Canton OH Dillon Clayton, New Matamoras OH Dillon Wayne, Marietta OH Dillon William G, Marietta OH Dimmerling Norman, Caldwell OH Dishong Jonathon E, Reno OHio Dittes Albert, Portland TN Dixon Rex A, Marietta OH Dobbin Clyde A, Macksburg OH Dobbins French, Wadsworth OH Dobbins Shirley, Amesville OH Dobbins Walter, Lowell OH Dobbins William, Marietta OH Dodrill Carl, Malta OH Doering Lewis G, North Ridgeville OH Don El Pallett Co, Caldwell OH Donahue Thomas E, Waterford OH Donaldson Dan, Waterford OH Donato Bruce, Amesville OH Dornbusch W N, Naples FL Douce Nada L, Altamonte Springs FL Dougherty Robert L, Graysville OH Douglas Carl R, Watertown OH Douglas James E, Marietta OH Douglas John, Marietta OH Dove John, Lowell OH Dovenbarger Ed, Caldwell OH Dovenbarger Mabel, Caldwell OH Dover Mariel, Caldwell OH Drake Beverly, Starkville MS Drake Gerald A, Belpre OH Drake Imogene, Woodsfield OH Drayer John, Grove City OH Drayer Shirley J, Carrollton TX Driggs Donald, Sardis OH Drost Sandra, Fleming OH Duckworth Charles, Belpre OH Dudley Rolland, Cambridge OH Duff James, Newport OH Duff John, Whipple OH Duff Ottmire, Marietta OH Dugan Alfred, Lower Salem OH Dugan Terrie I, Lower Salem OH Dunbarger Debra L, Lowell OH Duncan Julie J, Marietta OH Dunfee Harold, Little Hocking OH Dunham Ritt, Marietta OH Duniver Ellen, Sarahsville OH Dunn Gary E, Graysville OH Dunn William, Marietta OH Dutton Jim, Marietta OH Duty Timothy, Marietta OH Duvall S Wiley, Zanesville OH Dvorovy John, Canton OH Dyar Howard, Marietta OH Dyar Ralph, Beverly OH Dye Benny D, Waterford OH Dye Blayne, New Matamoras OH Dye Lewis T, New Matamoras OH Dye Marie N , New Matamoras OH Dyer Lore K, Caldwell OH
E I Dupont Denemours, Caldwell OH E S Canfield Co, Painesville OH Eagle Thomas, Lowell OH Early Mark, New Matamoras OH Easterday Floyd Jr, Pleasant City OH Easterling Brian W , Graysville OH Ebenhack L V , Waverly OH Eckelberry Warren, Graysville OH Ecker George L, Westminster MD Eckert William Djr, Westport Ct Econo Lodge, New Philadelphia OH Ed Pilcher Inc, Caldwell OH Eddleblute Paul, Cutler OH Eddy Jerry, Canton OH Eddy Kenneth, Newport OH Eddy Ralph W, Cincinnati OH Eddy Raymond, Vincent OH Edgell Herb, Newport OH Edgell Tim A, Marietta OH Edgington Lee, Woodsfield OH Edinger Henry, New Matamoras OH Edinger Herman E, Old Hickory TN Edinger James, New Matamoras OH Edmisten Clifford, Caldwell OH Edmisten James, Pullman WV Edward Kaiser Oil Well, Woodsfield OH Edwards Fay, Stockport OH Eger John, Lowell OH Ehert Thomas , Lower Salem OH Eibel John M, Canton OH Eichorn Leland F, Caldwell OH Eifler Donald E, Barlow OH Elliott Charles Sr, Caldwell OH Elliott Frank B, Mcconnelsville OH Elliott George B, Summerfield OH Elliott Harry, Vincent OH Elliott Sherman, Fleming OH Elliott Timothy, Whipple OH Emch Erich, Sterling OH Energy Impact, Pittsburg PA Emge Margene, Marietta OH Englehaupt Russell, Massillon OH English & Knowlton, New Matamoras OH English H K, New Matamoras OH Engnes Gary P, Tucson AZ Enlow Ross E, Akron OH Enoch Community Hall, Caldwell OH Enochs Betty, New Matamoras OH Ensign James, Akron NY Enstrom Frederi A, New Concord OH Enterprise Energy Co, Cambridge OH Epler Daniel, Marietta OH Epperson Beulah, Burns TN Epperson Buddy, Senecaville OH Erb George D, Marietta OH Erb Gerald, Marietta OH Erb Gerry, Lower Salem OH Erb John, Marietta OH Erb Robert, Lower Salem OH Erb Thelma A, Grundy Va Eredics Robert, Marietta OH Erskine Timmy, Massillon OH Erwin Jack, Byesville OH Etherton Lorna J, Caldwell OH Etter Paul N, Marietta OH Evans Hazel E, Sycamore Valley OH Evans Jack L, Schuylkill Haven PA Evans Robert, Beach City OH Evans Wayne, Marietta OH Everett Dorothy, New Philadelphia OH
WASHINGTON ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE LOCAL PAGES Everett Harry, Graysville OH Everly Heavrin, Cuyahoga Falls OH Everson Bessie, New Matamoras OH Ewing Clarence R, Reno OH Ewing Norman L, Waterford OH Exline Ruth, Zanesville OH Fahrni Glenn, Navarre OH Falk Richard, Canton OH Fankhauser Ralph J, Weirton WV Fannin Richard, Pleasant City OH Farley Wayne, Marietta OH Farley William H , Marietta OH Farnese Gary H, Caldwell OH Farnsworth Wilbert W, New Matamoras OH Farrell Oil Company, Tulsa OK Feibel Louis, Marietta OH Feldner Lloyd, Caldwell OH Feldner Marvin L, Sarahsville OH Felter Harvey A, Marietta OH Felton James L, New Matamoras OH Ferguson Rebecca M, Jerusalem OH Fetzer Kathy S, Sardis OH Feucht Harriet, Belpre OH Fickiesen R D , Marietta OH Fier James R, Akron OH Filipow Louis, Marietta OH Finch Ray, Lowell OH Finkel Charles, Waterford OH Finkel Charles E, Zanesville OH Fisher B W, Lowell OH Fisher Billy, Vincent OH Fisher Carrie, Stockport OH Fisher Iva, Zanesville OH Fisher Kathy E, Lowell OH Fitzgerald H W , Summerfield OH Flag Creek Twp House, Lower Salem OH Flanders Ridge, Cambridge OH Flannery James Kii, Marietta OH Fleeman Henry, Lower Salem OH Fleeman Lester, Lower Salem OH Fleeman Phil L , Caldwell OH Fleming Dean W, Lowell OH Fleming Harry, Marietta OH Fletcher Harry V Jr, Barlow OH Fliehman Mildred, Marietta OH Fliehman Robert, Caldwell OH Florence Robert, Beverly OH Flower Don E, Marietta OH Flowers Lucy, Amesville OH Flowers Phillip, Amesville OH Flowers Ruth A, Lowell OH Fluharty Carl, Sardis OH Fly Community Parents, New Matamoras OH Fogle Charles D, Fleming OH Fogle Clarence, Caldwell OH Fogle Donna, Beverly OH Fogle Lee D, Lower Salem OH Fogle Raymond, Ava OH Foraker Jennie E, Ravenna OH Forrester Laymond, Pennsboro WV Forshey David, Mingo Junction OH Forshey Gladys B, Herndon Va Forshey James W, St Clairsville OH Forshey Jodie, Marietta OH Forshey John W, CambridgeMA Forshey Lawrence, Senecaville OH Fowler Sherry L, Albany OH Fox Otto L, Marietta OH Fox William F, Wingett Run OH Fox William J, Wingett Run OH
Frakes Kenneth, Senecaville OH Franceski Jeremy, Coal Run OH Francis Clarenc, New Matamoras OH Francis Leonard E, Lowell OH Francis Randall C, Parkersburg WV Francis Ronald L , Marietta OH Frank John, Caldwell OH Frankl Neil, Whipple OH Franklin Real Estate, Canton OH Frasure Miquel, Sarahsville OH Frasure Woodrow, Rinard Mills OH Frazier John F, Marietta OH Fredericksdale Church, Sarahsville OH Freeland Keith, Grove City OH Freeland Ronnie L, Marietta OH Freilich Anthony, Akron OH Friend Buzzie, Vincent OH Friend Irving D , Marietta OH Friesel Thomas, Jerusalem OH Frishney Doyle, Caldwell OH Frontier Vacation Land, Springfield MO Fry J R , Wingett Run OH Frye Everett, Mcconnelsville OH Frye Terrance, Caldwell OH Frye William K, Waterford OH Fryman Richard, Stockport OH Fulmer Robert H, Marietta OH Fulton Herbert, Marietta OH Fulton Leslie L, Marietta OH Fulton Roger, Lower Salem OH Fults Frank, Gaithersburg MD G & W Oil & Gas Co, Graysville OH Gacek Karen, Jacksonville NC Gage Gerald, Canton OH Gainer Donna J, Belpre OH Gains Charles K, Marietta OH Galati Fred, Marietta OH Gallager Kathy, Lower Salem OH Gallagher C N , Marietta OH Gallagher J F , Whipple OH Gallick Connie, Marietta OH Galloway Douglas, Cambridge OH Galloway Richard, Canton OH Gamboa C Mercede, Clarendon Hills IL Gandee Charles W, Granville OH Gandor George, Marietta OH Gandor Sonya, Mineral Wells WV Gannon John, Akron OH Gant James D, Lowell OH Gardner Don, Lowell OH Gardner Esther, Woodsfield OH Gardner Jeff, Woodsfield OH Gardner Joe, Graysville OH Gardner Linda, Marietta OH Gardner Mildred A, W Lafayette OH Garen William F, Columbus OH Garrett Steve, Marietta OH Garvin Lori , Caldwell OH Gaskins Camma, Marietta OH Gaskins Daniel, Marietta OH Gates Denzil C, Clarington OH Gaydos Robert, Dexter City OH Gedeon Anna, Hinckley OH Gee Robert S, Wingett Run OH Geer Paul, Amesville OH Geniella Martha, Sarahsville OH Geniella William B, Sarahsville OH Genteline Charles, Groveport OH George William, Navarre OH Georgiana Oil Co, Marietta OH
Gerdts Louis P, Westbury NY Gerlach Judy, Belpre OH Gerstenslager Ira, Leggett TX Gessel Charles G, Columbus OH Gessel Kenneth M, Canton OH Gibbs Bonnie, Summerfield OH Giblon Charles Jr, Steubenville OH Gibson Juanita, Columbus OH Gibson Shirley, Oneco FL Gibson Ted J, Marietta OH Gieser Kathie, Santa Fe NM Giessler Randall W, Medina OH Giffin Leslie Rjr, Millfield OH Giffin William E, Marietta OH Gildow Charles, Marietta OH Gildow Edward, Belle Valley OH Gildow Ronald, Lower Salem OH Gill James, Pataskala OH Gillis James R, Marietta OH Gindlesperger Glenn R, Columbus OH Ginn Esther, Pleasant City OH Ginther D A, Waterford OH Ginther Delbert, Waterford OH Gintz Alan, NMari Gladot-Regan Oil Co, Jenkintown PA Glass Alfred, Cambridge OH Glass Helen L, Lowell OH Glidden Joe, Caldwell OH Glidden Kathy, Summerfield OH Glover James W, Lima WV Goddard Cora, Newport OH Goddard Robert, Marietta OH Goins Evelyn, Cutler OH Goins Lyle, Chesterhill OH Goins Malcolm D, Canton OH Goins Manuel, Wingett Run OH Golba Rena, Caldwell OH Golden Philip, Sarahsville OH Gombos Gabor Jr, Palmetto FL Gonder Linda, Senecaville OH Good Douglas, Dayton OH Good Estella M, Steubenville OH Goodwiin Chester P, Lowell OH Goodwill Darrel L, Waterford OH Goodwin Patsy, Lowell OH Goosman Michael L, Marietta OH Gorman Carl, Cleveland OH Gorrell Arthur C, Marietta OH Gorshe Michael, Bellaire OH Gough Paul, Amesville OH Gould Church, Marietta OH Grace Dora, Scio OH Graham & Hercher Oil, Marietta OH Graham & Knowlton Pump, Woodsfield OH Graham Eddie, Sardis OH Graham J F , Marietta OH Graham Neal J, Marietta OH Graham O G , Woodsfield OH Grahame Gregory L, Marietta OH Grahame Henry Sr, Newport OH Grahame Janet, Newport OH Grant Russell J Jr, Parkersburg WV Grasley Diana, Marietta OH Gratke Paul, Waterford OH Gray Herman, South Lebanon OH Gray Kenneth E, Beverly OH Gray Leland, Parkersburg WV Gray Timothy, Marietta OH Gray William, Caldwell OH Grayson Charles, Marietta OH
Greathouse O L , Amesville OH Gredd Leonard A, Belpre OH Green John, Bethesda OH Green Joyce, Parkersburg WV Green Lowell A, Prospect OH Greenhoe Kevin, Dexter City OH Greenlees William C , Marietta OH Greenwalt David, Lowell OH Gregg Jean A, Cumberland OH Gregory Argyle T, Lower Salem OH Gregory Ronald, Buffalo OH Greig Robert, Wingett Run OH Griffin B F, Parkersburg WV Griffin Bruce, Marietta OH Griffin Earl, Shreve OH Griffin Ernest, Lower Salem OH Griffin Gregory D, Whipple OH Griffin James D , Marietta OH Griffin Norval, Marietta OH Griffin Patty, Dexter City OH Griffin R E, Rinard Mills OH Griffin Walter, Lowell OH Griffith Louis M, St Clairsville OH Grimes & Mcvey, New Matamoras OH Grimes Henry, Caldwell OH Grime-Ullman Drilling, Lower Salem OH Grimm Irve Jr, Woodsfield OH Grimm Richard A, Marietta OH Grogg W S, Rinard Mills OH Grosklos Frank, Marietta OH Grosz C W, Lowell OH Grosz Clarence W, Saint Matthews SC Groves Dale V, New Concord OH Groves Ethan B, Marietta OH Groves Howard, Wilkesville OH Groves Morris, Pleasant City OH Groves Ronald E, Caldwell OH Guberlet Leroy, Waterford OH Guckert Paul, Georgetown SC Guckert Robert L, Rock Hill SC Guentert Donald, Fairview Park OH Guernsey Limestone C O, Marietta OH Guiler Edgar, Marietta OH Guiler Homer, Gahanna OH Guiler Howard L, Sarahsville OH Guiler Kenneth, Caldwell OH Gundlach David A, Lower Salem OH Gunnels Arnold, Caldwell OH Gutberlet Leroy, Waterford OH Gwf Corp Boyd Lease, Columbus OH H & C Oil Co, Marietta OH H & O Oil Co, Ashland OH H Operating Company, Lowell OH Habig William, Martins Ferry OH Hackatorn Eleanor, Tallmadge OH Hadding Victor P Sr, Macksburg OH Haddox Annette, Marietta OH Haese Delmar, Wadsworth OH Haga Eugene, Caldwell OH Haga James E, Hempstead TX Haga Pauline, Caldwell OH Hagan Jerry R, Lowell OH Hagar Charlott, Marietta OH Hager Betty J , Belpre OH Hague James R, Columbus OH Hague Marguerite, Marietta OH Haines Roy, Beverly OH Haislet Charles W, Hopedale OH Haislet John M, Chapparel NM Hale H. R, N Canton OH
Hale Howard S, Canal Fulton OH Hale Leland G, Stockport OH Hale Lloyd, Lowell OH Hall Bobbi, Senecaville OH Hall C E , Lower Salem OH Hall Clyde, Marietta OH Hall H D, St Clairsville OH Hall Janice, Cutler OH Hall Larry, Chesterhill OH Hall Laura M, Wingett Run OH Hall Merle, Pleasant City OH Hall Ralph E, New Matamoras OH Hall Richard A, Marietta OH Hall Richard L, Marietta OH Hall Robert L, Parkersburg WV Hall Steven, Pleasant City OH Hall William, Newport OH Halls Chapel Church, Wingett Run OH Hall’s Enterprizes, New Matamoras OH Hammond William, Marietta OH Hanes Homer, Marietta OH Haney Beverly, Mentor OH Hanlon Donna, Newport OH Hanlon Eric, De Kalb TX Hanlon W O , Columbus OH Hannahs Barbara A , Zanesville OH Hanning Robert L, Marietta OH Hannum Bernard Jr, Caldwell OH Hanson Dale, Beverly OH Hanson Peggy, Marietta OH Harbert Beverly, Graysville OH Harden L J Jr, Addison OH Harden L Jii, Sarahsville OH Hardesty Myrtle, Caldwell OH Hardie Randy, Lower Salem OH Harmon Claude, Caldwell OH Harmon Foster, New Matamoras OH Harmon Gilbert, Fly OH Harmon Gordon L, Cutler OH Harmon Harry C, Cutler OH Harmon Ocie, Waterford OH Harold Donald, Caldwell OH Harper Bros Pump Station, Dexter City OH Harper Ethel, Caldwell OH Harper George E , Caldwell OH Harper James M, Radford Va Harper M. L, Dexter City OH Harper Wayne, Caldwell OH Harriman David R, Dexter City OH Harrington Pat, Zanesville OH Harris Calvin, Newport OH Harris Donald, Bowling Green KY Harrison Steven, Dayton OH Hart Charles A, Lowell OH Hart Clara L, Murraysville WV Hart Connie, Lower Salem OH Hart Donald J, Lowell OH Hart Elton D, Beverly OH Hart Michael, Marietta OH Hart Richard E, Lowell OH Hartleben Carmen, Stockport OH Hartley Cecil, Mc Connelsville OH Hartline Henry, Belpre OH Hartline Jack I, Canton OH Hartline Kenneth, Marietta OH Hartman Joe, Sardis OH Hartong Charles, Massillon OH Hartshorn Denzil, Wingett Run OH Harvey Elizabeth P, Ponchatoula LA Hasbrouck St Clair, Barnesville OH
Hasley David L, Marietta OH Hasley Ercel, Marietta OH Hasley L L, Marietta OH Haught Arthur, Marietta OH Haught C L, New Matamoras OH Haught Charles, Marietta OH Haught Evertt, Akron OH Haught Helen, Marietta OH Haught Neil, New Matamoras OH Hawk William, Murray City OH Hawkins George, Mount Sterling OH Hawkins Jonathan M, Lower Salem OH Hawkins Oil Co, Marietta OH Hawley Marvin, Marietta OH Hawley Rebecca, Sardis OH Hawn William, Beallsville OH Hay Truman, Stockport OH Hayden Michael, Caledonia MI Hayhurst William, Magnolia OH Haynes Darrel A , Marietta OH Haynes Fred, Newport OH Haynes Howard R , Williamstown WV Haynes Thelma F, Cutler OH Hayth George, Whipple OH Headlee Lavon, Marietta OH Healy Christopher, Marietta OH Hearn R O, Cumberland OH Heasley William, Kent OH Heaton Richard, Tipp City OH Heck Robert E, Massillon OH Hecker Harold E, Beverly OH Heckert Hunter, Parkersburg WV Heddleson Jonreed, Whipple OH Heddleson Peggy, Cleveland OH Heddleston Grace E, Akron OH Hedger Ruth, Caldwell OH Heffren John, Waterford OH Hegedus John, Marietta OH Heidorn Florence, Marietta OH Heisler C A, Columbus OH Heiss Aletha, Beverly OH Helbert Gas & Oil Co , Lowell OH Heldman Harry, Marietta OH Heldman Otto M, Marietta OH Heller Willard E, Norton OH Helmick C H, Marietta OH Henderhan Edgar, Massillon OH Hendershot Albert, Waterford OH Hendershot Amos Sr, New Matamoras OH Hendershot Brady, Lower Salem OH Hendershot Charles J, Wooster OH Hendershot Dwight, Waterford OH Hendershot Ethel, Marietta OH Hendershot Floyd, Caldwell OH Hendershot Gale, Lowell OH Hendershot Larry, Marietta OH Hendershot Nelson, Waterford OH Hendershot Oliver, Lower Salem OH Hendershot Ralph, Marietta OH Hendershot Wilbert, Devola Marietta OH Henderson Connie, Lowell OH Henderson James, Sarahsville OH Hendricks Richard, Newport OH Henkel Louise, Youngstown OH Henniger Clifford J, Lowell OH Henry Aaron M, Sarahsville OH Henry Eldris, Marietta OH Hensel Bonnie, New Matamoras OH Hensel Harold, New Matamoras OH Hensel Kenneth, Columbus OH
Hensel Mary M, New Matamoras OH Hensel Mildred, New Matamoras OH Hensel Roger, New Matamoras OH Henthorn Georgia, New Matamoras OH Henthorn Lawrence E, Lower Salem OH Henthorne Larry D, Waterford OH Henthorne Melvin, Sardis OH Hercules Oil Company, Zanesville OH Herko James, Lowell OH Herrman Roy R, Caldwell OH Heskett David, Beverly OH Heslop Donald O, Marietta OH Hesson Anna, Newport OH Hesson Charles W, Newport OH Hesson Mabel, Marietta OH Hesson Orie, Parkersburg WV Hesson Steven E, Lower Salem OH Hesson Thomas E , Newport OH Hewitt Herman, Akron OH Hickman Donald R, Caldwell OH Hickman Lenore, Marietta OH Hickman Mildred L , Caldwell OH Hickory Oil Co, Lower Salem OH Hier Edwin R, Kent OH Highman Irene, Graysville OH Hill Curtis, Senecaville OH Hill David, Marietta OH Hill David M, Caldwell OH Hill E E, Marietta OH Hill Elmer, Amesville OH Hill Ernest, Vincent OH Hill Gary G, Malta OH Hill Glen, Summerfield OH Hill Guy, Chesterhill OH Hill James, Chesterhill OH Hill Mary M, Caldwell OH Hill Raymond, Sarahsville OH Hill Richard Lee, Whipple OH Hill Ronald L, Beverly OH Hill Timothy, Marietta OH Hill Vera, Cutler OH Hill Wilford S , Senecaville OH Hille R R, Marietta OH Hillyer Clarenc Fsr, Senecaville OH Hillyer Clarence, Byesville OH Hines Leland, Lewisville OH Hines Lonnie, Woodsfield OH Hines Marjorie, Lewisville OH Hines William T, Lewisville OH Hinton Esther M, Lowell OH Hinton Maria N, Lowell OH Hinton Michael Psr, Lowell OH Hinton Neil E, Marietta OH Hinton Robert F, Marietta OH Hissom Nola , Woodsfield OH Hitchens David, Pleasant City OH Hnatiuk M W, Senecaville OH Hobbs Joseph F, Piqua OH Hockenberry Clifford, Beverly OH Hockenberry Dale E, Marietta OH Hockenberry James, Lower Salem OH Hodge William Sr, Glendale AZ Hodgeman Bryon Sjr, Lower Salem OH Hoenigman Thomas, Winter Park FL Hoff Bruce, Jacksonville FL Hoff David B, Vincent OH Hoffert E J , Lowell OH Hoffman Burton, Marietta OH Hogue Dalton, Woodsfield OH Hogue F S, Woodsfield OH
Hogue J C , Davenport FL Hohman Bernard, Caldwell OH Hohman Joseph, Marietta OH Holcomb Paul R, Chesterhill OH Holkzena David R, Lower Salem OH Hollabaugh George, Pleasant City OH Holland & Holland, Saint Marys WV Holland Denzil, Saint Marys WV Holland Doras, Rinard Mills OH Holland H E, Rinard Mills OH Hollenbeck J R , Hannibal OH Holmes Richard, Marietta OH Holpp Gloria, Graysville OH Holschu Shirley, Marietta OH Homestead Restaurant, Caldwell OH Hooper James E, Marietta OH Hooper Sidney, Elyria OH Hooper Steve, Woodsfield OH Hoover Edna Mae, Stockport OH Hopewell Um Church, Rinard Mills OH Hopkins Dean, Caldwell OH Horn Cecil, Caldwell OH Horton Kathleen M, Loiusville OH Horton Mary A, Lower Salem OH Hoskins Joseph Jr, Woodsfield OH Hoskinson Alice, Powhatan Point OH Hoskinson Frank, Sardis OH Hostasa John W , Shadyside OH Houston William A, Summerfield OH Howald Christian, Massillon OH Howell Burl, Graysville OH Howell Edward E, Beverly OH Howell Raymond, Marietta OH Howell Wayne H, Caldwell OH Hubbard Lawrence, Woodsfield OH Huck Albert J , Lowell OH Huck Martin, Marietta OH Huff Marjori A, Sardis OH Huffman Barbara A, Marietta OH Huffman John, Parkersburg WV Huffman Mark, Zanesville OH Huffman Ray, Sardis OH Huffman Verna, Sarahsville OH Hughes Clair, Caldwell OH Hughes Debbie, Marietta OH Hughes Evan, Marietta OH Hughes J H, Marietta OH Hughes John, Lowell OH Hughes Lotis, Waterford OH Hulfachor Harold, Caldwell OH Hull Paul R, Canton OH Hulls Herbert, Lower Salem OH Hune E T, Marietta OH Hunter C F, Marietta OH Huntsman Merle, Woodsfield OH Hupp Beda, Caldwell OH Hupp Clarenc E, Beverly OH Hupp Daniel, Marietta OH Hupp Grace, Caldwell OH Hupp Guy, Beverly OH Hupp Minnie H, Dexter City OH Hursey Eric L, Whipple OH Hurst Bernard, Marietta OH Hushion John, Lowell OH Husk Cecil, Beach City OH Husk Oliver, Minerva OH Hutchins Charles, Caldwell OH Hutchins Dana R, Beverly OH Hutchins E J , Caldwell OH Hutchins Thomas, Zanesville OH
WASHINGTON ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE LOCAL PAGES Hutchinson William C, Marietta OH Hutkai Ernest W , Marietta OH Hvizdak John, Powhatan Point OH Hvizdzak Mike, Clarington OH Hyatt Edward H, Lowell OH Ice Edwin H, Akron OH Iddings Trucking Inc, Lowell OH Investors Trust Acct, Columbus OH Irwin Glen O, Lower Salem OH Irwin James, Marietta OH Isner Brian, Marietta OH Ivy George W, Mogadore OH J & L Oil Co, Marietta OH J & S Oil Company, Marietta OH Jackson Andrew Jr, Barberton OH Jackson Brady, Sardis OH Jackson C R, Marietta OH Jackson David, Ft Lauderdale FL Jackson Gerald S , North Canton OH Jackson Grange # 407, Dexter City OH Jackson Kenneth E , Marietta OH Jackson Maxine, Akron OH Jackson Twp Townhouse, Dexter City OH Jacobs Daniel W, Woodsfield OH Janicki Donald J, Zanesville OH Janks Nona E, Fleming OH Jarvis Roger, Woodsfield OH Jauman Roland, Clinton OH Jeffers H B, Reno OH Jeffers Lloyd, Caldwell OH Jencik John, Marietta OH Jenkins Oscar E , Falls Church VA Jennie Mae Club, Lewisville OH Jennigs William J, Belpre OH Jenson Louis P, Lower Salem OH Jerles Homer, Caldwell OH Jett Kevin, Marietta OH J-Met Inc., Woodsfield OH Joe Skinner Const, Belle Valley OH Joer Edwim R, Kent OH John J Malik Dba, Saint Clairsville OH Johns Allen, Whipple OH Johnson Charles W, Marietta OH Johnson Clarence W, Waterford OH Johnson Donald D, Cuyahoga Falls OH Johnson Eddie L, Newport OH Johnson Garnet, Somerset OH Johnson Gary, Waterford OH Johnson Goldie, Frazeysburg OH Johnson H K, Amesville OH Johnson Harry, Akron OH Johnson James, New Matamoras OH Johnson James E, Newport OH Johnson James R , Marietta OH Johnson Lois, Marietta OH Johnson Mildred C, Macksburg OH Johnson Randall, Caldwell OH Johnson Raymond, Stockport OH Johnson Thomas L, Clarington OH Johnson Wilbur, Marietta OH Jolles Richard M, Beverly OH Jones Bernard, Caldwell OH Jones Clifton C, Winter Park FL Jones David, Kimbolton OH Jones Franklin E , Marietta OH Jones Fred Jr, Marietta OH Jones Jerry E, New Matamoras OH Jones Lola, Rinard Mills OH Jones Lucinda, Lower Salem OH Jones Paul, Reno OH
Jordan George M, Caldwell OH Jordan Howard J, Cleveland OH Jordan Oil Company, Marietta OH Jordan Paul, Caldwell OH Jordan Richard, Beverly OH Joy Merle, New Matamoras OH Judd Raymond, Massillon OH K & R Cable Co, Marietta OH Kalem George J, New Matamoras OH Kalem Oil & Gas Co, Newport OH Kaminski Edmund, Marietta OH Karcher Margaret, Marietta OH Kartman Shirley M, Wheeling WV Keck Noble R, Wadsworth OH Keckstein John, Lowell OH Keffer Kenneth, Marietta OH Kehl Gary E, Little Hocking OH Keiffer Larry, Caldwell OH Kekstein John, Lowell OH Kelby A C, Marietta OH Kellar J C , Marietta OH Keller Alan E, Friendly WV Kelley John, Coshocton OH Kelly Evelyn M, Sarahsville OH Kemper Ralph, Marietta OH Keneaster Blair, Mcconnellsville OH Keney Myron, Marietta OH Keney W C, Brooksville FL Kennedy Beulah, Mcconnelsville OH Kennedy Harvey Rjr, Sardis OH Kennedy W H , Caldwell OH Kenney Deborah, Cutler OH Kenney Mildred, Sherwood MI Kenyon Henry, Marietta OH Kephart Christopher J, Lowell OH Kern Douglas J, Waterford OH Kerns Emmet E, Graysville OH Kerstetter C R , Barnesville OH Kesselring C E, Akron OH Kesselring Harry Ejr, Marietta OH Keyser William, Shadyside OH Khune James, Caldwell OH Kidd Helen, Cadiz OH Kidd Larry L, Stockport OH Kidd Sam, Marietta OH Kiggans Douglas M, Williamstown WV Kiggans Robert Gjr, Lowell OH Kile Robert C, Lowell OH Killian Donald A, PittsfieldMA Kilroy John, Belpre OH Kimball Addie M, Vincent OH Kincaid Willie, Beverly OH Kindall R T, Beverly OH Kindle Carolyn, Antioch OH Kindle George, Graysville OH King Ada A, Canton OH King Brian, Caldwell OH King Dana, Sarashsville OH King Denver, Canton OH King Duane, Caldwell OH King Ernesti V, Akron OH King Harold E, Caldwell OH King Jerry, Williamstown WV King Kevin, Marietta OH King Mary A, Cutler OH King Mary Anne, Fleming OH King Mary B, Caldwell OH King Pamela D , Wingett Run OH King Sophie C , Mcconnelsville OH Kingston Oil Co, Zanesville OH
Kinnen James B, Caldwell OH Kirby Henry H, Shadyside OH Kirk George, Caldwell OH Kirk John D , Barnesville OH Kirk Ruth, Caldwell OH Kirkbride Alvin, Sarahsville OH Kirkbride James, Caldwell OH Kirkbride John, Pleasant City OH Kirkbride Paul, Sarahsville OH Kittle David, Marietta OH Kitts Clarenc, Marietta OH Klemn Ralph, Lower Salem OH Klenik Ralph Ljr, Marietta OH Klintworth John, Casselberry FL Klintworth Merle, Silver Springs FL Klintworth Patricia R, Phoenix AZ Kloet Stanley, Cutler OH Knicely Larry, Claysville OH Knight Dale, Marietta OH Knight Donna, Marietta OH Knight Troy Jr, Marietta OH Knisley Cecil, Lowell OH Knisley James, Cambridge OH Knob Gas Co, Marietta OH Knob Oil Company, Marietta OH Knott Joseph D, Waterford OH Knotts Cecil, New Milton WV Knotts Janet, Fleming OH Know Janice, Marietta OH Knowlton Violet B, Sardis OH Kocka Donald R, Brunswick OH Kohn Melba, Canton OH Koon Ira, Columbus OH Koons Sherman, Lower Salem OH Koptish Roger B, Marietta OH Korner William, Athens OH Kornokovich Joseph, Brooksville FL Koslosky Walt, Akron OH Koval Steve, Cuyahoga Falls OH Kovamees Rein, Marietta OH Kroll Robert, Rinard Mills OH Kuhn Betty, Graysville OH Kuhn Earl, Rinard Mills OH Kukulka Stanley, Lowell OH Kuli Mike, Wilmington OH Kunsman William R, Little Hocking OH Kunz Thomas, Lower Salem OH Kuss Maureen, Marietta OH Kuzior Ted, Burgettstown PA L & K Oil Co, Marietta OH L B Jackson Co, Tulsa OK L Boord Oil Co, Worthington OH L M & R, Marietta OH La Follette Kenneth, Whipple OH Labarre Carol A, Marietta OH Labbett Robert, Bethel Park PA Ladick John A, Pleasant City OH Laferriere Ann, Cutler OH Lakeview Carryout, Cambridge OH Lallathin Garry Est, Richmond OH Lallathn Garry , Richmond OH Lambert Harold, Macksburg OH Lambert Jerald O, Lowell OH Lambeth Joe F, Marietta OH Lamp John, Vincent OH Lamp Nancy, Dexter City OH Lance James, Senecaville OH Landis Mary E, Graysville OH Lane Dan, Marietta OH Lane Walter J Jr, Marietta OH
Lane William, Cutler OH Lang Anthony, Marietta OH Lang Frank, Lowell OH Lang Thomas, Lowell OH Lange Alfred Jr, Lakewood OH Langsdorf Samuel D, New Matamoras OH Lantry Charles M Jr, Longwood FL Lantz Dennis, Cumberland OH Lantz Dianna D, Caldwell OH Lantz Julia, Whipple OH Lantz William M, Lower Salem OH Largent Ben, Graysville OH Larrabee David & Ka, Marietta OH Larrick Owen, Sarahsville OH Larrick W A , Cambridge OH Larrson Bengt O, Marietta OH Lashley William, Orange City FL Latacz Walter, Yorkville OH Lauer Anna, Newport OH Lauer Bernard, Marietta OH Lauer Edwin H , Whipple OH Lauer Florence, Lowell OH Lauer Gary, Whipple OH Lauer Michele A, Marietta OH Lauffer Oil Co, New Matamoras OH Laurel Grange Hall, Beverly OH Law David, Senecaville OH Lawman Joan, Lowell OH Lawrence David, Macksburg OH Lawrence Donald, Lowell OH Layman Paul M, Marietta OH Leach John, Poolesville MD Leach Phyllis, Sarahsville OH Leasure Abraham F, Sardis OH Leasure Harry, Lowell OH Leasure Lloyd, Graysville OH Leasure Raymond, Caldwell OH Leasure Ruth, Caldwell OH Leclair C W, Marietta OH Lee Danny, Sardis OH Lee David E, York SC Lee Forest, Lower Salem OH Lee Harry, Marietta OH Lee Michael A, Newport OH Lee Roy E, Lowell OH Lee Wilmer, Marietta OH Leeper Darrell, Lewisville OH Lemon Beverly, Washington WV Lenze Michael E, Marietta OH Lester Mack, Pleasant City OH Lestock Stephen, Pleasant City OH Lew Shirley, Beverly OH Lewis C A, Marietta OH Lewis Edward, Amesville OH Lewis Frank, Amesville OH Lewis R N , St Clairsville OH Lewis Robert S, Whipple OH Lewis Russell, Apopka FL Lewis Shirley, Beverly OH Liberty Bapt Church, Whipple OH Liberty Ridge U B Ch, Wingett Run OH Libhart Donald, Marietta OH Life C D , Belpre OH Lightfritz Charles E, Marietta OH Lilly I J, Chesapeake OH Limbach Robert, Massillon OH Lincicome Roy, Dexter City OH Lincoln C Fjr, Marietta OH Lindamood Gill, Marietta OH Lindamood Ralph M, Massillon OH
Lindeberg John, Stockport OH Lindell Connie, Graysville OH Lindell James, Woodsfield OH Lindsey James M, Waterford OH Lindy Oil Co, Marietta OH Linger Herbert, Caldwell OH Liquified Natural Gas, Belle Valley OH Lisk Donald, Sardis OH Liska William C, Newark OH Litten L R, Woodsfield OH Little Injun Oil Co, Marietta OH Little Robert, Rinard Mills OH Little Valley Oil Co, Marietta OH Littleton James, Lower Salem OH Littleton Jamie, Lower Salem OH Livensperger Robert, Marietta OH Lloyd Harvey Warner, Marietta OH Lock David, Graysville OH Locust Grove Church, Cambridge OH Logan Matthew, Elyria OH Logan Winford B, Jekyll Island GA Long & Mobberly Oil C, Akron OH Long Albert M, Akron OH Long Dona L, Beverly OH Long Lewis O, Marietta OH Long Linda, Sarahsville OH Long Nancy, Beverly OH Long Richard L, Marietta OH Longnecker Clifford, Newport OH Lord Erving B , New Matamoras OH Lorenz Vesta, Caldwell OH Lori Bricker, Caldwell OH Lori Henry, Whipple OH Love Blanche, Pleasant City OH Love Carol S, Marietta OH Love Douglas A, Bartlett OH Love Robert Jr, Columbus OH Lovely John, Cambridge OH Lovett Heber, Graysville OH Lowe David, Caldwell OH Lowe James R, Arcadia FL Lowe John, Lowell OH Lowe Mayford, Belpre OH Lowers James, Lowell OH Loy Roger, Sardis OH Lozier Richard, Waterford OH Lucas Bryan, Lowell OH Lucas David A, Sarahsville OH Lucas Robert T, Whipple OH Lucas Terry, New Matamoras OH Lucido Vincent, Woodsfield OH Lude Arthur A , Sardis OH Ludolph Carl Jr, Woodsfield OH Ludolph Donald, Saint Marys WV Ludolph Raymond, New Matamoras OH Ludwig Margaret, Caldwell OH Luke Ellis, Lower Salem OH Luke Ellis H, Lower Salem OH Luke Ruth, Lowell OH Luman Richard, Caldwell OH Lumbatis Steve, Lewisville OH Luster Keith, Medina OH Lutzen Thomas, Lower Salem OH Lynch Brennie, Lowell OH Lynch United Me Church, Marietta OH Lyons Daniel J, Williamsville NY Lyons George, Summerfield OH M & M Oil & Gas Asso C, Lowell OH M G M Disposal, Marietta OH M N & S Production, Lowell OH
M S W Oil Co, Bremen OH Macdoo Edna, Marietta OH Mace Glenn, New Matamoras OH Macfadyen Zola B, Byesville OH Macintyre Chloe A , Marietta OH Mackey Harold, Marietta OH Mackie David S Sr, Macksburg OH Mackie John Jr, Lower Salem OH Magis R J , Cambridge OH Mahone Max, Marietta OH Maienknect Kim, Woodsfield OH Maley William, Monongahela PA Malik John J, St Clairsville OH Malko John, West Salem OH Mallett Marie, Caldwell OH Mallett Wayne, Caldwell OH Malone Terry, Bartlett OH Malone Thomas A, Lowell OH Malpiede R R , Shadyside OH Malpiedi E B, Bellaire OH Maltby Marty, Terrell NC Manbevers Eugene, Grove City OH Manbevers Harold D, Circleville OH Mantel Ralph, Lower Salem OH Maquis Ralph, Senecaville OH Marchbank John W, Canton OH Marietta Animal Hosp, Marietta OH Marietta Petroleum Inc., Berea OH Marion Twp House, Summerfield OH Markey Oil & Gas, Marietta OH Markey Ronald J, Lower Salem OH Marks Hazel, Baltimore MD Marlow Ralph, Beckley WV Marquis L K , Caldwell OH Marquis Lester C, Caldwell OH Marquis Ralph J, Senecaville OH Marr Martha, Santa Fe NM Marsee Ella R, Marietta OH Marshall Charles G, Graysville OH Marshall Clara B, Graysville OH Marshall Forest, Rinard Mills OH Marshall Mary, Lower Salem OH Marshall Roy M, Graysville OH Marshall Tim, Lower Salem OH Martin Agnes L, Akron OH Martin Carlin, Beverly OH Martin Clinton, Marietta OH Martin Dennis J, Waterford OH Martin Edward C, Waterford OH Martin Edward E, Mcconnelsville OH Martin Hazel O, Sycamore Valley OH Martin Irma L, Wingett Run OH Martin John B, Amesville OH Martin Mary D, Lebanon TN Martin Russell, Marietta OH Martin Terry, Stockport OH Martin Wesley W, Lower Salem OH Martin, Carlin, Beverly OH Marty Robert W, Eaton OH Marvin Thomas K, Marietta OH Mason Gail L, Marietta OH Mason J B, Caldwell OH Mason J Bernard, Caldwell OH Mason Roy, Lower Salem OH Masters Janice, Marietta OH Masters Raymond J, Newport OH Maston Gregory, Marietta OH Matheny Beatrice, Bartlett OH Matheny Charles L, Marietta OH Matheny Larry, Newport OH
Mathews Glen, New Matamoras OH Mathews J C, Akron OH Mathews Karen, Woodsfield OH Matthews Arthur J, Marietta OH Matthews Brenda, Caldwell OH Matthews Timothy Lee, Marietta OH Maxon Robert, Waterford OH Maxwell Robert, Malta OH Maycock Russel L, Marietta OH Mayle Alva, Amesville OH Mayle Erma, Amesville OH Mayle Gillian, Chesterhill OH Mayle Jannie, Amesville OH Mayle Jesse, Amesville OH Mayle Kenneth, Amesville OH Mayle Lawrence, Amesville OH Mayle Lola, Amesville OH Mayle Michelle E, Amesville OH Mayle Pauline L, Zanesville OH Maynard Gladys , Marietta OH McBrayer Leonard, Reno OH McCloud Danny, Marietta OH McAtee Agenta, Lowell OH McAtee Albert, Macksburg OH McAtee Albert H, Macksburg OH McAuley Frank Jr, Macksburg OH McCabe Arthur J, Marietta OH McCabe Daniel, Marietta OH McCall Ernest F, Caldwell OH McCauley Roy B, Worthington OH McCaulley Clair, Tallmadge OH McClead Furl, Marietta OH McConnell J R, Marietta OH McConnell Keith H, Marietta OH McCowan Ada E, Marietta OH McCune Vear, Akron OH McCurdy John L, Warren OH McCutcheon Raymond, Waterford OH McDaniel Joe W, Marietta OH McDonald S H , Lower Salem OH McElfresh Don, Caldwell OH McElfresh Gerald, Caldwell OH McElfresh Hobart, Wingett Run OH McElfresh Jenny, Caldwell OH McElfresh Lyle M, Dexter City OH McElfresh Robert D, Caldwell OH McFarland Wayne, Caldwell OH McFarland William, Marietta OH McGarry John H, Granville OH McGaw James, Stewart OH McGee William W, Parkersburg WV McGhee Eugene, Twinsburg OH McGraw Philip R , Vincent OH McGraw William, Empire OH McGrew Hazel W, Marietta OH McGuire Alan R, Caldwell OH McGuire Michael, Lower Salem OH McIntire Allen G, Clarington OH McIntyre W A, Marietta OH McKee David, Lowell OH McKee Ed, Caldwell OH McKenney Regina, Pataskala OH McKenzie B D , Fleming OH McKenzie Joan, Marietta OH McKenzie Ray, Marietta OH McKibbins Thomas W, Cambridge OH Mckinley Oil Co, Newport OH McKitrick Forest, Caldwell OH McKitrick Robert M, Newport OH McKnight Harold, New Matamoras OH
McKnight Roy, Marietta OH McLean Don, Caldwell OH McLeod Bruce, Belpre OH McLeod Edwin D , Marietta OH McMurray Earl B , Shadyside OH McNeice Neil, Tuscon AZ McNeice Sarah, Tuscon AZ McNutt Franz, Marietta OH McPeek Ella, Parkersburg WV McPherson Willard, Woodsfield OH McVay Freida S, Columbus OH McVeigh Walter, Marietta OH McVicker Richard, Summerfield OH McVicker Ward, Summerfield OH Mecelfresh Don, Caldwell OH Mechanicsburg Ch Christ, Antioch OH Medcalf D S, Marietta OH Meeks Ronald, Williamstown WV Mehler Albert, Zanesville OH Mehrley Arthur B, Zanesville OH Mehrley Evertt W, Circleville OH Meier Service Company, Konawa OK Meiser Edward A, Lowell OH Meiser Leo, Williamstown WV Merckle Eddie, Cleveland TN Merckle Luther J, Sardis OH Merrifield Robert, Sardis OH Merrill Bros Gravel, Caldwell OH Merrill Herman S, Stockport OH Merrow Janice, Marietta OH Merry Nellie, Caldwell OH Metcalf & Robinson, Marietta OH Metheney Charles, New Matamoras OH Metheney Estel, Beverly OH Metheney Robert, New Matamoras OH Metheny Harry R, New Matamoras OH Metz Kenneth D, New Martinsville WV Metzel Raymond, Marietta OH Metzger Robert L, Stockport OH Michael Lenor, Marietta OH Michael T L, Caldwell OH Michaels Christine E, New Matamoras OH Michaels James E, Dexter City OH Michaels V L , Parkersburg WV Mid-Atlantic Oil Co, Caldwell OH Middleburg Church, Caldwell OH Midwest Homes Inc, Malaga OH Milan Donald, Marietta OH Miley Dwight, Marietta OH Miley Forest, Sarahsville OH Milhoan Margaret, Summerfield OH Miller Alvin G, Marietta OH Miller Arthur L, Lowell OH Miller Bernice, Marietta OH Miller Bonnie, Dexter City OH Miller Carl, Marietta OH Miller Carl Rjr, Vincent OH Miller Della, Lower Salem OH Miller Geneva M, Lowell OH Miller Gordon, Sardis OH Miller Harold E, Byesville OH Miller James L, Waverly OH Miller John R, Waterford OH Miller Larry, Lowell OH Miller Lillie, Marietta OH Miller Marcelyn S, St. Clairsville OH Miller Mary A, Marietta OH Miller Oil Co, Rinard Mills OH Miller Oscar, Lowell OH Miller Raymond Jr, Lower Salem OH
WASHINGTON ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE LOCAL PAGES Miller Richard F, Waterford OH Miller Robert, Belpre OH Miller Roman, Waterford OH Miller Ronald H, Marietta OH Miller Roy L, Caldwell OH Miller Shelby, Caldwell OH Miller Tom, Williamstown WV Miller Tv Cable Co, Waterford OH Miller Verdean, Williamstown WV Miller Vernon D, Beverly OH Miller William L Jr, Stockport OH Miller Woodrow, Waterford OH Milligan David, Caldwell OH Milligan Michael, Caldwell OH Mills James, Lower Salem OH Mills Randall D, Vincent OH Mincks Dwight G, Lowell OH Mincks Jean, Waterford OH Mincks Judy, Beverly OH Minerd Harry G, Cutler OH Minger John E, Sardis OH Mingo Sam, Jackson OH Mingus Charley, Bartlett OH Mingus Delores E, Duncan Falls OH Minor David G, Shadyside OH Minor Gene, New Martinsville WV Minor Nelma, Jacobsburg OH Misel Cash, Caldwell OH Mitchell Betty, Caldwell OH Mitchell Dwight, Pleasant City OH Mitchell Glenn, Cutler OH Mitchell Harry, Cumberland OH Mitchell Ronald, Whipple OH Mitchell Thomas, Newport OH Moberg John, Caldwell OH Modica Ronald, Cleveland OH Moening Michael J, Marietta OH Moffett William, Reedsville OH Mohan Mary K, Caldwell OH Mohawk Oil Co, Lowell OH Mohawk-Sparta Oil Co, Johns Island SC Moley Raymond Jr, New York NY Mollohan Pete, Coolville OH Monaghan Lawrenc, Lowell OH Moncrief A J, Fleming OH Montgomery E F , Lowell OH Montgomery Lucille, Chesterhill OH Moore A C, Salineville OH Moore Allen D, Whipple OH Moore C E, Marietta OH Moore Carl, Marietta OH Moore Charles, Dover OH Moore Charles E, Senecaville OH Moore Charles W, Lower Salem OH Moore Charlet C, Lowell OH Moore D R, Sarahsville OH Moore D Russell, Sarahsville OH Moore E E, Barberton OH Moore Earl, Quaker City OH Moore F J, Graysville OH Moore Gladys, New Matamoras OH Moore J B, Davis CA Moore John E, Beverly OH Moore Michael, Caldwell OH Moore Nile, New Matamoras OH Moore Patricia, Belpre OH Moore Rita, Cumberland OH Moore Russell, Sarahsville OH Moorehead Daniel, Marietta OH
Moorehead Glen Jr , Parkersburg WV Moore’s Center Grocery, Sarahsville OH Morelli Matt W, Waterford OH Morgan Kenneth, Graysville OH Morgan Maureen J, Marietta OH Morgan Oil & Gas Co, Stockport OH Morgan Rodney L, Marietta OH Morgenstern Diane, Whipple OH Morgenstern Georgia, Graysville OH Morgenstern Guy, Marietta OH Morgenstern Henry, Lower Salem OH Morgenstern Ora, Marietta OH Morgenstern Robert L, Marietta OH Morgernstern Virgil C, Avon Lake OH Morland Charles, Pleasant City OH Morland Larry R, Caldwell OH Morningstar Virgil, Marietta OH Morris Allen W , Marietta OH Morris Charles, Caldwell OH Morris David, Marietta OH Morris Denver, Stockport OH Morris Gertrude, Belpre OH Morris Gertrude, Waterford OH Morris James, Caldwell OH Morris Larry, Summerfield OH Morris Mary, Sardis OH Morris Paul J, New Matamoras OH Morris Raymond, Caldwell OH Morris Thomas W, New Matamoras OH Morris Wendell, Caldwell OH Morrison Floyd, Malta OH Morrison Jack, Lower Salem OH Morrison Jack E, Caldwell OH Morrison Thomas A, Sistersville WV Morrison Thomas A , Sistersville WV Morse William D, Marietta OH Mortgage Guaranty Co, Milwaukee WI Moser Carl, Sarahsville OH Moser Richard, Sardis OH Mosher Flossie, Glouster OH Mossor Gene, Akron OH Mottle Henry, Jacobsburg OH Mowery Howard E, Uniontown OH Mowery Martha, Marietta OH Moyer David L, Kent OH Moyers Jeff, Lowell OH Mt Vernon C U Church, Rinard Mills OH Mugrage Harry E, Marietta OH Mugrage Harry J, Marietta OH Muhlbach Elmer, Houston TX Mullen Charles B, New Comerstown OH Mullins Gary, Rinard Mills OH Mundschenk Paul, Cumberland OH Munjas John E, Shadyside OH Murgrage Kenneth, Lowell OH Murphy Marie A , Woodsfield OH Murphy Marlene, Pleasant City OH Murphy Michael, Cleveland OH Murphy Roger , Marietta OH Murphy Samuel C , Sardis OH Murphy Thomas, Summerfield OH Murphy William M, Amesville OH Murray Hester, Lowell OH Murray Norman J, Marietta OH Murray Paul, Fleming OH Musick Donnie, Waterford OH Myers Ben, Cambridge OH Myers George, Marietta OH Myers Glen Rjr, Grove City OH
Myers James P, Sandusky OH Myers Janet E, Fleming OH Myers John M, Weirton WV Myers John S, Mingo Junction OH Myers Mary, Wingett Run OH Myers Randall, Lower Salem OH Myers Raymond, Holloway OH Myers Raymond, Lake Placid FL Myers Robert, Dexter City OH Myers Robert D Jr, Waterford OH N & K Oil & Gas, Marietta OH Nagel Richard, Mcconnelsville OH Nannis Paul W, Quincy MA Nash Carolyn, Caldwell OH Nash John, Ava OH Nash William, Watertown OH Nau Donald, Caldwell OH Neader William J, Lowell OH Neely Norma J, Waterford OH Neff George, St Clairsville OH Neff Gerry, Lowell OH Neff Juanita, Marietta OH Neff Larry, Caldwell OH Neff Robert, Hebron OH Neiger Jerry, Caldwell OH Neiger Raymond, West Lafayette OH Neil Brian N , Stockport OH Nelson Carl R, Belpre OH Nelson Elwood P, Crooksville OH Nelson Harold C, Vincent OH Nelson Rock Joe, Vincent OH Nelson W C, Graysville OH Nester David, Barlow OH Nething Dennis, Sardis OH Neuman Betty, Beverly OH Neville Edward, Marietta OH Newbrough Willie M, Whipple OH Newlon Delbert, Lowell OH Newlon R D, Lowell OH Newlon Russell L, Lowell OH Newsome Lorena, Amesville OH Ney William, Amesville OH Nice Glenn A, Watertown OH Nice J L, Pomery OH Nice Timothy J, Gater Mills OH Nicholas Arthur, Caldwell OH Nicholas Brooks, Lowell OH Nicholas Charles, Marietta OH Nicholas Daniel R, Waterford OH Nichols Bernice, Caldwell OH Nichols Ernest, Caldwell OH Nichols James L, Amesville OH Nichols Lance A, Caldwell OH Nichols Lloyd, Caldwell OH Nichols Truck Stop, Caldwell OH Nicholson John M, Marietta OH Nicholson Thomas, Pleasant City OH Nickelson George, Belle Valley OH Nickles Thomas G , Palatka FL Nieb Farm Oil Co, Lower Salem OH Nissley John, Sardis OH Nitzsche Norman E, Caldwell OH Noble County Feed Lot, Cumberland OH Noble Drilling Co, Zanesville OH Noble Gas Company, Wooster OH Noble Oil Company, Lower Salem OH Noftsger Garri, Marietta OH Noftsger Harlie, Cumberland OH Nolan Janet, Reno OH
Noland Construction C, Marietta OH Noland David, Wingett Run OH Noland Gale, Reno OH Noll Perry, Williamstown WV Norris Cnadice, Amesville OH Norris Judith, Nelsonville OH Norris Margare, Amesville OH Norris Margaret, Amesville OH North Central Oil Co, Ava OH North James, Marietta OH Northrup Michael, Marietta OH Norton Vera H, Marietta OH Nutter Dennie, Barlow OH Nutter William, Marietta OH Nutter Willie, Macksburg OH Nuzum Fred, Lowell OH Oak Hill Church, Stockport OH Oaks Marvin, Cumming GA O’brien Robert, Marietta OH Oesterle Lovina, Marietta OH Offenberger Ronald W, Marietta OH Ogborne Michael W, Caldwell OH Ogle Ethelyn, Caldwell OH Ogle Thomas E, Caldwell OH Ohio Hydrocarbons, Columbus OH Ohio L&M Co, Reno OH Ohio Oil Gathering Co, Frazeysburg OH Ohio Partners Oil , Columbus OH Ohio Valley Paving Co, St Clairsville OH Olin Oil & Mining Co, Woodsfield OH Oliver D W , Marietta OH Oliver Dale, Stockport OH Oliver Lawrenc, Waterford OH Oliver Marjori, Marietta OH Oliver Michael A, Marietta OH Oliver Robert F, Reno OH Olmstead Milton, Louisville OH Oneal Petroleum, Cleveland OH Oplinger Thornto N, Akron OH Orders Steven, Denver Co Orrison Brad, Marietta OH Ortman Howard, Stockport OH Osborne Ichael W, Caldwell OH Ott Von G, Belpre OH Ours Travis, Lowell OH Overby Sherry L, Lower Salem OH Owen Kenneth E, Marietta OH Owens Dan, Vincent OH Oxford Oil Company, Zanesville OH P & G Oil & Gas Co, Marietta OH Pace Company , Marietta OH Pace Joe, Steubenville OH Palmer Gene D, Jacksonville NC Palmer Robert L, Martins Ferry OH Pangle Brenda S, Mooresville NC Pangle Linda S, Caldwell OH Pannapacker Robert, Arbor Vitae WI Pannier Polly K, Lower Salem OH Parker Emory, Lowell OH Parker Howard Sjr, Marietta OH Parker John E, Canal Fulton OH Parks Duane, Pleasant City OH Parks Elma V, Marietta OH Parks J D , Alliance OH Parks Wanda K, Caldwell OH Parrish Johnny R, Caldwell OH Parsons Branch, Bartlett OH Parsons Dale, Lower Salem OH Parsons Ira, Lowell OH
Parsons John B , Columbus OH Parsons William D, Sarashsville OH Pasco Paul S, Lowell OH Passen Lawrence F , Columbus OH Patrella Jim, Gerrardstown WV Patterson Donald, Marietta OH Patterson E B , Marietta OH Patterson Henry J, Marietta OH Patterson Jon, Marietta OH Patterson Karren L , New Concord OH Patterson Katherine, Newport OH Patterson Robert, Marietta OH Paugh George, South Vienna OH Paul Brad, Coral Spring FL Paulus Viola, Sarahsville OH Paw Paw M E Church, Lower Salem OH Payne Irene G, Whipple OH Pawlaczwk John, Powhatan Point OH Payk Jeanene C, Uniontown OH Payne Junior, Marietta OH Payne Larry, Athens OH Peat Robert, Redding CA Peavy Frank, Marietta OH Pedco, New Concord OH Peek Clifford , Rinard Mills OH Pekoc Bradley, Chesterhill OH Pelfrey Ruby, Marietta OH Peppel Edwin, Marietta OH Perdew Chester, Marietta OH Perine William D, Marietta OH Perkins Mary E, Lowell OH Permian Oil & Gas Co, Caldwell OH Perry John Q, Baton Rouge LA Perry John W, Moundsville WV Perry Michael W, Marietta OH Perzel John, Crystal River FL Pesek Richard, Athens OH Peterson John, Fleming OH Peterson Myron A, Marietta OH Petroleum Specialtie S, Sycamore Valley OH Petry James, Caldwell OH Pettit Clara, Fleming OH Pfaff L J, Marietta OH Phalin Terry, Vincent OH Phelps James E, Massillon OH Phillips Bruce, New Matamoras OH Phillips Carol, Marietta OH Phillips Charles, Cutler OH Phillips Edward T, Caldwell OH Phillips Gary, Warden WV Phillips James E, Silver Springs FL Phillis R David, Lowell OH Piatt Donald, Caldwell OH Piatt Donald R, Caldwell OH Piatt Gary, Graysville OH Piatt Janey M, Caldwell OH Piatt John F, Greenfield OH Piatt Karen, Wingett Run OH Pickard Joseph , Caldwell OH Pickenpaugh C B, Pleasant City OH Pickenpaugh Cary C, Caldwell OH Pickenpaugh Orman, Caldwell OH Pickens Carl N , Newport OH Pincale Construction, Lower Salem OH Pinnicks Linda L, Whipple OH Pioneer Savings, Marietta OH Piper Robert A , Jacobsburg OH Pitsinger Dale R, Marietta OH Pitt Harley, Lowell OH
Plank Leroy, Lewisville OH Plaugher Nancy, Lower Salem OH Pleasant Grove Comm Ch, Pleasant City OH Plumley Jack, Marietta OH Plummer Le, Marietta OH Poland Dick, Caldwell OH Poland Nile, Sarahsville OH Polen James E Jr, Caldwell OH Poling Betty, Pleasant City OH Poling Raymond, Beverly OH Pollock John F, Jacobsburg OH Pomroy Charles Ejr, Fleming OH Poole Howard E, Marietta OH Porter Cletus, Waterford OH Porter Irvin, Caldwell OH Porter James, Graysville OH Porter Mickey, Fleming OH Portman Marie, Tiffin OH Postage Frank, Shadyside OH Potetz Max, Shadyside OH Pottmeyer Tony, Lowell OH Potts David, Reno OHio Poulton Ada, Woodsfield OH Poulton James, Caldwell OH Poulton Nova, Sarahsville OH Poulton Virgil, Sarahsville OH Powell Ann C, Willowick OH Powell Dick Sr, Caldwell OH Powell W H , Akron OH Poynter Jack E, Newport OH Preston Kenneth E, Columbus OH Preston William R, Columbus OH Pribisko Joseph, Charlotte NC Price George A, Stockport OH Price Greg, Caldwell OH Price Ron C, Marietta OH Price William R, Sardis OH Pride Michael, Sarahsville OH Prince Albert, Marietta OH Prine W A , Marietta OH Pringle Terry, Rinard Mills OH Proctor Kenneth R, Fleming OH Progressive Oil Co, Lower Salem OH Prunty Genevieve, Canton OH Prunty Laura E, Marietta OH Pryor D O , Nashville TN Pryor Donald, Waterford OH Pryor Howard C, Newport OH Pryor Joseph W , Belpre OH Pryor Lucy D, Senecaville OH Pryor Terry, Caldwell OH Pugh Clarenc, New Matamoras OH Pugh Clarence, New Matamoras OH Pugh Donald S, Waterford OH Pugh L D , Barlow OH Purvis Lloyd Vjr, Cambridge OH Pyles Wanda, New Matamoras OH Quigley W A , Graysville OH Radcliff Jeff, Byesville OH Rake R B, Marietta OH Raleigh Don D Jr, Fly OH Raleigh John R, Senecaville OH Ralph George D, Cumberland OH Ralston Eileen, Belle Valley OH Ramage David, Lower Salem OH Ramage Edward, Caldwell OH Ramsey Catherine, Chesterhill OH Ramsey Gloria A, Bartlett OH Randall James H , Caldwell OH
Randolph Garland Jr, Marietta OH Raney John A, Lower Salem OH Raper Robert, New Matamoras OH Rardin Forrest, Ravenswood WV Rardin Porter, Stockport OH Ratliff Byron R, Columbus OH Ratliff Earl, Carroll OH Rauch Albert, Lowell OH Rauch Gary, Waterford OH Ray Oil & Gas Co, Lowell OH Rayner James M, Caldwell OH Raynes Paul E, Columbus OH Rea Louise, New Matamoras OH Rea Rosalie, Wingett Run OH Reasoner David, Dexter City OH Rebic Stephen R , Ravenna OH Red Rock Oil & Gas Co, Marietta OH Reed David Wsr, Marietta OH Reed Donald W Jr, Marietta OH Reed Harold, Columbus Grove OH Reed Karl B, Columbus OH Reed Lloyd D, Belle Valley OH Reed N L , Fairborn OH Reed Rolland, Caldwell OH Reed Thomas W, Reynoldsburg OH Reed Velma, Caldwell OH Reed Vernon, Caldwell OH Reed William F, Caldwell OH Reese Charles J, Marietta OH Reese George D, Marietta OH Regional Services, Marietta OH Register Lonnie E, Reno OH Reilly Charles E , Martins Ferry OH Reinke Samuel P, AtholMA Reitmeier Allen, Lufkin TX Remco Oil Co, Marietta OH Rendo Patrick, Marietta OH Reno Shane S, Akron OH Reserve Exploration, Tulsa OK Resource Production, Bridgeport Ct Rex Joyce, Caldwell OH Reynolds Bob, Marietta OH Reynolds David A, Waterford OH Reynolds Linda, Lower Salem OH Reynolds Ralph E, Navarre OH Rhoads Chester, Sabina OH Rhodes C B , Whipple OH Rhodes Delmer, Lower Salem OH Rhodes Willard W, Lowell OH Ribble Rodney R, New Concord OH Ricciuti Maxine, Pittsburgh PA Rice C L, Athens OH Rice Donald R, Graysville OH Rice Rado, New Matamoras OH Rich Chaunce, Sarahsville OH Richards Allen, Lower Salem OH Richards Benjamin, Marietta OH Richards James E, Sarasota FL Richards Randall, Marietta OH Richards Robert, Phoenix AZ Richards Ronald, Stockport OH Richardson Louise, Graysville OH Richardson Sharon, Marietta OH Richey Edgar C, Senecaville OH Richey Marion, Senecaville OH Ridenbaugh Steven, Bolivar OH Rider Edward, Rinard Mills OH Ridgway James, Danville OH Ridgway Leonard, Russellville AR
Riehl Larry, Marietta OH Riffle Douglas, Cutler OH Riggle Roy W , Cleveland OH Riggs Brenda, Lowell OH Riggs Drilling, Marietta OH Riggs Dwight, Marietta OH Riggs George H , Marietta OH Riggs William E, Chandlersville OH Rinard Gary, Marietta OH Rinard Herman, Rinard Mills OH Rinard Oil & Gas Co, Rinard Mills OH Rinard Oil & Gas Co, Sycamore Valley OH Rinard Sam, Marietta OH Rine Ellis, Proctor WV Rinkes Leonard E, Canton OH Ritchey Marion, Senecaville OH Ritchey Sign Company, Zanesville OH Ritchie Calvin H, Marietta OH Ritchie Carl E, Fly OH Ritchie Charles, New Matamoras OH Ritchie Dan, Vincent OH Ritchie Fred F , Punta Gorda FL Ritchie Hazel, New Matamoras OH Ritchie Robert, Newark AK Roach & Rishel, Reno OHio Roach Harry T, Akron OH Roach Julian, Canton OH Roach Larry A , Cuyahoga Falls OH Road Fork Bapt Church, Lower Salem OH Roark Harold, Somerset OH Robbins Garry J, Sardis OH Robbins James W, Newport OH Robbins Joe C, Logan OH Robert Brent, Sardis OH Roberts Darrell R, Bartlett OH Roberts Edward Jr, Sarahsville OH Roberts John, Lower Salem OH Roberts Sharon, Orlando FL Robey Richard D, Sarahsville OH Robinett Homer, Caldwell OH Robinson Dennis, Lower Salem OH Robinson Fred G, Caldwell OH Robinson James L, Pleasant City OH Robinson Josie, Lower Salem OH Robinson Raymond M, Fleming OH Robinson Ronald, Lower Salem OH Robinson Scott A, Marietta OH Roddy Vincent A, Fleming OH Roe Eileen, Elyria OH Roe Kenneth L, Waterford OH Roff James H, Newark OH Rogers Bettie, Powhatan Point OH Rogers Eli, Caldwell OH Rohrer Inez, Columbus OH Rohrer Wilbert, Marietta OH Roll Arvil E, Byesville OH Rollins Homer, Zanesville OH Romans Harold W, Akron OH Rondy Mary, Cuyahoga Falls OH Rooks Jessie N Jr, Marietta OH Root Lawrence, N Ridgeville OH Rose Brian K, Wooster OH Rosenlieb Ernest, New Matamoras OH Rosenlieb Oma, New Matamoras OH Ross Bill, Trinway OH Ross Diane, Lowell OH Rossiter David, Lower Salem OH Rossiter Dwight, Caldwell OH Rossiter Everett, Byesville OH
WASHINGTON ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE LOCAL PAGES Rossiter Gary, Delaware OH Rossiter James, Pittsburg PA Rossiter Roger, Waterford OH Rouanzoin Max, Waterford OH Roudeski Charles, Whipple OH Rouse Joan, Marietta OH Rouse Oil & Gas Co, Newport OH Royal Janet, Parkersburg WV Ruble Donald K, Waterford OH Ruble Marlene, Whipple OH Rudloff Wiliam, Mercer PA Rudolph Robert L, Marietta OH Rumbold George R, Fleming OH Rummer Brady, Stockport OH Rummer G H, Lowell OH Runnion Donald, Pleasant City OH Ruppel David, Sarahsville OH Ruppel Gary, Caldwell OH Rush Kimberly, Marietta OH Rush Raymond, Marietta OH Rush Virgil, Caldwell OH Russell Clayton, Mancelona MI Russell David, Marietta OH Russell Dorothy, Cuyahoga Falls OH Russell Duane, Stockport OH Russell Jacob O, Pleasant City OH Russell Larry, Ocala FL Russell Pamela, Stockport OH Russi Lynn F, Williamstown WV Rust Carl , Woodsfield OH Rutan Gerald, Columbus OH Rutherford D L, Reno OH Rutter William S, Marietta OH S & M Management, Marietta OH S & M Management Co, Marietta OH Sabol John P, Graysville OH Sager Rex, Akron OH Saling Richard, Caldwell OH Sall Robert, Martins Ferry OH Salsberry Robert A, New Matamoras OH Sames Ralph Ii, Amanda OH Sampson Harold, Stockport OH Sampson Roberta, Waterford OH Sams Luezeli, Waterford OH Sanders Lb , St. Clairsville OH Sanford Earl, Newport OH Sanford Robert, Caldwell OH Santee Sondra J, Ambridge PA Sardis Bend Lt, St Louis MO Sargent J B , Beverly OH Sargent Jeffrey, Cutler OH Sarringhousen Patricia, Reno OH Sarver Alva R , Fleming OH Sarver Paul W , Lowell OH Sarver Pauline, Logan OH Saunders Mary, Barnesville OH Sawyer Roy, Caldwell OH Sayger David, Marietta OH Sayre Gene Csr, Marietta OH Sayre James, Beverly OH Sayres Carl, Whipple OH Sayres Donna L, Marietta OH Scales Michael J, Whipple OH Scarborough W D , Akron OH Scarbro Brenda, Rinard Mills OH Scarbro Patty, Whipple OH Schaad Elizabeth A , Marietta OH Schaad James E, Marietta OH Schaad Michael A, Marietta OH
Schafer Henry, Caldwell OH Schafer Joseph, Lowell OH Schalmo Leroy, Lower Salem OH Schantz A G , Marietta OH Schar John F, Sardis OH Schearbrook Farms, Clayton OH Schehl Mildred, Caldwell OH Schell Ethel, Caldwell OH Schells Carryout, Kent OH Scherr John E, Caldwell OH Schilling C L , Marietta OH Schilling Chuck, Zanesville OH Schilpp Robert, Kennett Square PA Schirtzinger Herbert Iii, Sarahsville OH Schlicher Robert Jr, Beverly OH Schmidt Geneva, New Matamoras OH Schmidt Ralph, Saint Marys WV Schneeberger Clyde, Lower Salem OH Schneeberger Gerald C, Sonora Ca Schob Carl B , Wingett Run OH Schockling Hannah, Caldwell OH Schockling Jerome, Caldwell OH Schockling Vernon, Caldwell OH Schocksnider Gene, New Matamoras OH Schoen James C, Marietta OH Schoeppner Dale, Lower Salem OH Schofield Henry, Lower Salem OH Schoonover Donavan, Marietta OH Schoonover Richard, Marietta OH Schott Jeff, West Lafayette OH Schott Kenneth, Caldwell OH Schott Larry, Dexter City OH Schott Richard F, Saint Clairsville OH Schott Tim, Caldwell OH Schott Todd, Waterford OH Schramm L D , Lower Salem OH Schramm Rick, Marietta OH Schroeder Timothy E, Beavercreek OH Schroyer Joanne, Marietta OH Schueneman Margaret, Lower Salem OH Schultheis Lyle K, Marietta OH Schumacher Roger E, Woodsfield OH Schutt Robert C, Sistersville WV Schwartz John, Marietta OH Schwendeman Francis, Vincent OH Schwendeman J J , Waterford OH Schwendeman Michael D, Fleming OH Scoggan Richard, New Matamoras OH Scott Carl, Yorkville OH Scott Dale E, Stockport OH Scott Elmer, Graysville OH Scott Flossie E , Bradenton FL Scott Harry, Parkersburg WV Scott James F, Pleasant City OH Scott Raymond B , Sardis OH Scott Robert K, Columbus OH Scotts Ridge Church, Whipple OH Searson Donald, Vassar MI Sease Michael, Lower Salem OH Secrest A M , Caldwell OH Seeley Maynard, Englewood FL Seevers Clara, Wingett Run OH Seevers David, Newport OH Seevers Dolores E, Newport OH Seevers Gilbert, Marietta OH Seevers Thomas, Newport OH Seevers William F, Powell OH Sells Samuel B, Wheelersburg OH Semon D W, Marietta OH
Semon Fred, Marietta OH Semon Joseph, Sunbury OH Semple Richard E, Marietta OH Semple William D, Crossville TN Seneca Mineral Co., Marietta OH Seventh Day, Stockport OH Seward Ronald, Amesville OH Sewell Becky, Marietta OH Sewell Michael A, Marietta OH Seyler Harold H, Tucson AZ Shafer Church, Marietta OH Shafer Inez, Caldwell OH Shafer Thelma, Sarahsville OH Shaffer Jonathan, Marietta OH Shaffer William, Vincent OH Shanahan Donald P, Columbus OH Shankland Homer Sr, Marietta OH Shankland James R, Marietta OH Sharon General Store, Caldwell OH Sheets Ralph, Stockport OH Shelter Funds Inc, Lowell OH Shenandoah Egg Factory, Pleasant City OH Shenberger Francis, Ashland OH Shepherd Silas, Johnstown OH Sherbourne Lawrenc, Caldwell OH Sherlock Charles L, Marietta OH Shewmaker David B, Stockport OH Shields Edgel, Caldwell OH Shillady Madeline M, Secane PA Shimer Scott J, Marietta OH Shrefler David W Sr., Medina OH Shock Jack E, Sarahsville OH Shock Mary, Sarahsville OH Shoemaker Lyle, Lowell OH Shook Floyd, New Matamoras OH Showalter Henry, Summerfield OH Siddall Lydia, Marietta OH Siddle James L, Pleasant City OH Siddle Richard, Bartlett OH Siders Russell, Marietta OH Siley Nellie, Marietta OH Sill Tonda, Chagrin Falls OH Sillaman Don C, Reno OH Simmons Dorothy, Canton OH Simmons Emerson, Ashland OH Simmons James C, Williamstown WV Simons Arthur, New Matamoras OH Simpson Helen, Lower Salem OH Sims Brothers, Marietta OH Sims Nancy, Lower Salem OH Sims Thomas M, Marietta OH Sims William, Fleming OH Singer Felix, Marietta OH Singer Robert J, Waverly OH Sirca Gene F, Woodsfield OH Skeen Larry, Williamstown WV Skidmore Beatrice, Weirton WV Skidmore John E, Marietta OH Skinner Bertha E, Whipple OH Skinner David, Newport OH Skinner Junior R , Wellsville OH Skinner Richard, Marietta OH Slagle David L, Marietta OH Slater Richard, Macksburg OH Slider Rick, Marietta OH Sloderbeck Troy R, Marietta OH Smallwood Bethel, Orlando FL Smathers Steven H, Cutler OH Smeykal Joseph P, Columbus OH
Smith & Biehl Oil Co, Marietta OH Smith Alice, Marietta OH Smith Amos Wilbur, Sarahsville OH Smith Aubrey C, Jacksonville FL Smith Barney, Marietta OH Smith Bernard J, Heath OH Smith Bryon, Elyria OH Smith Clarence D, Lower Salem OH Smith Dale V, Massillon OH Smith Dean, Caldwell OH Smith Earl, Macksburg OH Smith Edward L Sr, Canton OH Smith Elwood, Chesterhill OH Smith Emma, Lecompton KS Smith Franklin, Caldwell OH Smith Gary, Lancaster OH Smith Gary D, Newport OH Smith Guy E, Vienna WV Smith H F, Caldwell OH Smith Herman, Woodsfield OH Smith Jacob, Lowell OH Smith James H Jr, Caldwell OH Smith Jerry, Hannibal OH Smith Jessie, Waterford OH Smith Jessie L, Newport OH Smith Jimmie, Newport OH Smith John A, Marietta OH Smith John R, Caldwell OH Smith Larry, Lowell OH Smith Mary E, Lower Salem OH Smith Mary E, Marietta OH Smith Maxine M, Amesville OH Smith Michael, Whipple OH Smith Norma, Amesville OH Smith Paul, Vincent OH Smith Paul E, Beverly OH Smith Paul G, Amesville OH Smith Phillip M, Marietta OH Smith R W, Vincent OH Smith Ralph F, Cleveland OH Smith Robert D, Marietta OH Smith Robert E, Nancy KY Smith Ronald, Bartlett OH Smith Russell, Marietta OH Smith Sereno E, Amesville OH Smith Steven, Marietta OH Smith Steven, Waterford OH Smith Terry, Sarahsville OH Smith Terry D, Newport OH Smith Thomas, Chesterhill OH Smith Thomas W, Sarahsville OH Smith Walter, Quaker City OH Smith Warren, State College PA Smith William, Newport OH Smithberger Clarence, Summerfield OH Smithberger H O, Marietta OH Smithberger R L, Marietta OH Smith-Gooly & Brunit, New Concord OH Smittle Larry C, London OH Smittle Nellie, Sardis OH Smurr Carolyn, Silver Spring MD Snell David P , Newport OH Snider Avery D, Graysville OH Snider Melvin L, Marietta OH Snider Rodney, Marietta OH Snodgrass Donald, Marietta OH Snodgrass L E, Marietta OH Snyder Christine, Lowell OH Snyder E R, Williamstown WV
Snyder Steven, Waterford OH Snyder Thomas, Caldwell OH Sorg Rupert, Sarahsville OH Souls Harbor Church, Marietta OH South OHio Conference, Dayton OH Sowers Charles, Lower Salem OH Sparks Carletron, Lowell OH Sparks Juanita, New Matamoras OH Spear Zail, Reynoldsburg, OH Spence Brady, Lewisville OH Spence Fred, Summerfield OH Spence Kenneth, Marietta OH Spencer Donald L, Pomeroy OH Spicer Ernest, Caldwell OH Spiker Donald, Ava OH Spindler Richard A Jr, Marietta OH Spires Joyce, Summerfield OH Spitzer Carl, Jesup GA Sponcil Greg, Springfield Sprague Mac R , Marietta OH Sprague Michele, Marietta OH Springer Charles, Lowell OH Springer Larry L, Lower Salem OH Springer Lee, Lower Salem OH Springer Michael, Wingett Run OH Springer Ruth, Lower Salem OH Spurrier Rita, Pleasant City OH St Clair Oil Co, St Clairsville OH St Joe Petroleum , Midland TX Stack Anna L , Caldwell OH Stack Gary L, Caldwell OH Stack Paul, Dexter City OH Stacy Thomas , Marietta OH Stagg Joyce A, Seth WV Stalnaker Linda L , Marietta OH Stalnaker Lisa , Marietta OH Stanberry Charles, Caldwell OH Standen Mary, Elyria OH Stanley Richard H , Canal Winchester OH Stanleyville Church, Whipple OH Starcher Clarence, New Matamoras OH Starcher J L, Waterford OH Starcher Orville, Spencer WV Stark Cecil, Marietta OH Stark Solomon S, Whipple OH Stark William, Whipple OH Starling Dortha L, Frostproof FL Starling Sue, Lowell OH Starr Forest, Caldwell OH State Library, Caldwell OH Steed Lorain V , Graysville OH Steen Herbert C, Caldwell OH Steese Gerald C, Caldwell OH Stegner Oil Co, Sycamore Valley OH Steinhoff Harry E, Rinard Mills OH Steinhoff Howard, Parkersburg WV Steinhoff Joe, Rinard Mills OH Stephan Eric, Marietta OH Stephany Oil Well, Fairview PA Stephen Frank L, Dayton OH Stephens Kathy, Lower Salem OH Stephens Marie, Graysville OH Stephens Robin, Caldwell OH Stevens Carl E, Marietta OH Stevens Charles , Lowell OH Stevens Daniel, Lower Salem OH Stevens Della, Chesterhill OH Stevens Elizabe, Chesterhill OH Stevens Erval, Marietta OH
Stevens Francis, Newport OH Stevens Walter, Marietta OH Stevenson Martha G, Akron OH Stewart Harry, New Matamoras OH Stewart Melvin, Marietta OH Stewart Ruth, Beverly OH Stewart Stanley, Caldwell OH Stewart Thelma J, New Matamoras OH Stewart W R, Marietta OH Stiebel Stephen D, Whipple OH Stiers A J, Caldwell OH Stiers Jerry, Waterford OH Stiers Jerry D, Stockport OH Still Lillian G, Zanesville OH Still Norman, Parkersburg WV Stine Arthur, Sardis OH Stine Robert D, Wooster OH Stines Edward, Marietta OH Stivers Richard Rjr, Beverly OH Stoehr Vernon, Marietta OH Stoffel George, Marietta OH Stoffel Harry, Lower Salem OH Stollar Don R, Lowell OH Stollar Warren, Marietta OH Stone Patrick, Marietta OH Stone Robert J, Lower Salem OH Stoneburner George, Pleasant City OH Stopyra Theador, Marietta OH Stottlemire Walter, New Matamoras OH Stottsberry Terry, Caldwell OH Stout Benjamin L, Lowell OH Stout James, Lowell OH Stout Jay, Sardis OH Strahler Alfred, Beverly OH Strahler W E, Marietta OH Strauss William E, Vincent OH Streight Sara, Marietta OH Stucki Heinz, Lowell OH Stull Delbert E, Lower Salem OH Stull Thomas E, Marietta OH Stump Arnold, Cheshire OH Stump Herman, New Matamoras OH Sturm Ralph D, Marietta OH Sturm Robert J, Marietta OH Stutler Donald, Waterford OH Suder John, Whipple OH Suittor John, Graysville OH Sullivan Charles J, Marietta OH Sullivan Cliffor, Reno OH Sullivan H E , Zanesville OH Sullivan Pearl, Lowell OH Suter Mary, Sardis OH Sutherland Harry, Sarahsville OH Sutton & Stewart, Bridgeport OH Sutton Paul, Marietta OH Swain Thomas C, Belpre OH Swank Robert, Rio Grand OH Swartz, E Lou, Marietta OH Swisher Louis A, Amesville OH Swisher Ron, Lowell OH Sycamore Oil Co, Marietta OH Szabo Timothy, Marietta OH Tabler Rex, Guysville OH Tallman Edna, Woodsfield OH Tallman John, Marietta OH Tanner James M, Mancelona MI Tanthorey Charles, Cutler OH Tarleton Earl, Marysville OH Tate Howard Jr, Chesterhill OH
Tate John, Zanesville OH Taylor Bernard, Lower Salem OH Taylor Dale, Stockport OH Taylor David, Whipple OH Taylor Elmer, Marietta OH Taylor L C, Beverly OH Taylor Robert, Marietta OH Taylor Robert K, Marietta OH Taylor Russell H, Williamstown WV Teeman Earl, New Matamoras OH Teeters John D, Caldwell OH Tennant Bernard L, Beverly OH Tepe Ralph, Parkersburg WV Tetzel Michael, New Matamoras OH Thatcher Roger W, Marietta OH Theobald Delila, Marietta OH Theobald Janila J, Newport OH Theobald Larry E, Newport OH Theobald Larry E Jr, Newport OH Theobald Rick, Marietta OH Theobald Robert D, Ventura CA Theobald Ronald G, Greeneville TN Theobald Shirley, New Matamoras OH Thomas Arnel, Newport OH Thomas Charles, Newport OH Thomas Cheryl, Sarahsville OH Thomas Clifford, Stockport OH Thomas Dewain, Denton TX Thomas Everett H, New Matamoras OH Thomas Gary E, Caldwell OH Thomas Joe B, Summersville WV Thomas John E, Newport OH Thomas Joseph, Belle Valley OH Thomas, Jeffrey L, Reno OHio Thompson Alvah F, Marietta OH Thompson Arthur C, Graysville OH Thompson Carlos V, Clearwater FL Thompson Cecil, Marietta OH Thompson Charlene, Caldwell OH Thompson Colonel O, Reno OH Thompson Danny W, Newport OH Thompson Earl T , The Plains OH Thompson Emma, Sardis OH Thompson Eva Jean, Sandstone WV Thompson Gary, Lower Salem OH Thompson James W, Marietta OH Thompson Joan, Marietta OH Thompson Larry M, Lower Salem OH Thompson Leroy, Caldwell OH Thompson Michael, Marietta OH Thompson Morris E, Marietta OH Thompson Morris E , Marietta OH Thompson Viola, Caldwell OH Thompson Wilbert L, Cambridge OH Thompson Zellen, Columbus OH Thorla E L , Cumberland OH Thorn Glenn, Avon OH Thorne Ralph W, Marietta OH Tidd Nancy, Newport OH Tidd Raymond, Newport OH Tidewater Compression, Bridgeville PA Tiff Tom, Graysville OH Tiger Oil Inc, Canal Winchester OH Tilton Dewey, Lowell OH Tilton J O, Byesville OH Tiltonville Comm Clu B, Caldwell OH Tolewitz Leonard N, Summerfield OH Touville Ira, Senecaville OH Towner Petroleum Co, Cambridge OH
Townsend Junior, Caldwell OH Trador Thomas Jr, Marietta OH Travis Roy F , New Matamoras OH Treadway Alan, Fleming OH Treadway Kenneth Djr, Reno OH Treadway Raymond, Marietta OH Treadway Robert, Marietta OH Treadway Senior, Marietta OH Treadway William, New Matamoras OH Trembly Ann, Lowell OH Trembly Randy, Marietta OH Trenner Ancil, Fort Worth TX Trenner Herbert, Cumberland OH Tri Co Service, Sharon OH Tricebaw Herbert, Massillon OH Trimble Harold, Shadyside OH Triner Robert D, Canton OH Triple Gas Co, Marietta OH Triplett Kenneth, Caldwell OH Triplett Marlene, Caldwell OH Trosch Edith, Sardis OH Trott Fred, Caldwell OH Truax Melvin, Newport OH Trustees Of Ccs Trust, Caldwell OH Tucker Fred E, Sardis OH Tucker Ronald R, Fleming OH Tuel Everett, Waterford OH Tuel Raymond, Tallmadge OH Tuel Samuel E, New Matamoras OH Tullius Alfred, Waterford OH Tullius Paul, Marietta OH Tullius Paul, Lowell OH Turner Charles, Marietta OH Turner George L, Middlebourne WV Turner Gladys M, Graysville OH Twiggs Myron L, Reno OH Tyrell Jack, Marietta OH Ullman B W , Caldwell OH Ullman Charlene, Marietta OH Ullman Charles S, Marietta OH Ullman Daniel G, Marietta OH Ullman George W, Waverly OH Ullman Oil Co #3 , Woodsfield OH Ullman Walter G, Johnstown OH Ullom Earl, Waterford OH Underwood Russell D , Stockport OH United Me Ch Parsonage, Rinard Mills OH United Methodist Ch, New Matamoras OH Universal Minerals , Columbus OH Upshaw Millard, Caldwell OH Valentine & Miller, New Matamoras OH Valentine Oil Properties, Lowell OH Valentine Paul, New Matamoras OH Vallee Hazel, Akron OH Van Lehn Robert, Marietta OH Van Wey Gerald, Marietta OH Vanauken William, Sarahsville OH Vance Gerald W, Marietta OH Vandale Benjami, Marietta OH Vandegrift Denzil, Marietta OH Vanderbeek Ronald, Caldwell OH Vanfossen Christina, Pleasant City OH Vanfossen Floyd, Waterford OH Vanfossen Glen, Dexter City OH Vanfossen Robert, Kimbolton OH Vanfossen Robert K, Kimbolton OH Vanhoughton Oliver, Caldwell OH Vanleen Harold A, Ava OH Vannoy Barbara, Marietta OH
WASHINGTON ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE LOCAL PAGES Vanscyoc Roy W, Lowell OH Vanwey Ruth M, Fleming OH Varhola Andrew L Jr, Caldwell OH Vaughn James, Beverly OH Venham Richard, Marietta OH Veyon Richard K, Belle Valley OH Vickers Jody, Sarahsville OH Vorhies Bonnie, Caldwell OH Waderker G O, Chesterhill OH Wagner Clarenc W, Macksburg OH Wagner David L, Lower Salem OH Wagner Herman, Macksburg OH Wagner Marylou, Marietta OH Wagner Ralph L, Macksburg OH Wagner Richard A, Lower Salem OH Wagner Roger D, Lower Salem OH Wagner William, Marietta OH Wagner-Davis Oil & Gas, Lowell OH Wagoner Roderic, Amesville OH Waite James D Sr, Cumberland OH Walker Chris, New Matamoras OH Walker Garth L, Bartlett OH Walker Linda C, Fleming OH Wall Fleddie, Marietta OH Wallace Ann, Beverly OH Wallace C M , Stockport OH Wallace Doug, Marietta OH Wallace Joyce, Marietta OH Wallace Kenneth, Senecaville OH Wallace Russell, New Matamoras OH Waller Gertrud, Caldwell OH Waller W C , Dexter City OH Walsh Bartley, Fleming OH Walters Floyd E, Lower Salem OH Walters Mary K, Ravenswood WV Walters Melinda, Ellenboro WV Walters Randal, Lower Salem OH Walters Steven, Lowell OH Walters Susan D, Marietta OH Walters William, Caldwell OH Ward Allan, Newport OH Ward Harold, Lowell OH Ward Helen, Cleveland OH Ward James, Newport OH Ward Lena, Newport OH Ward William W, Marietta OH Warden Lowell R Jr, Marietta OH Wargo Edward, Reno OH Warner Dale, Belle Valley OH Warner James F, Caldwell OH Warner Lloyd G, Marietta OH Warner Pam, Sarahsville OH Warner Robert, New Matamoras OH Warren Farms, Whipple OH Warren Lawrenc, Waterford OH Warren Mark, Marietta OH Warrick Drew, Caldwell OH Wasson Jan M, Gahanna OH Waterman David, Marietta OH Waters Richard, Marietta OH Watson Della, Frazeysburg OH Watson Harrison D, Senecaville OH Watson Jessica, Marietta OH Watson John W, Cumberland OH Way Harry C, Marietta OH
Wears Oren Jr, Marietta OH Weaver Allen, Marietta OH Webb Dale, Hannibal OH Webb David, Circleville OH Webb Enterprises, Cuyahoga Falls OH Webb Juanita, Lewisville OH Webb Larry E, Beverly OH Webb Steve, Marietta OH Weber Paul, Lowell OH Weckbacher J F, Rinard Mills OH Weckbacher John C, Rinard Mills OH Weckbacher Mark, Marietta OH Weekley Lena, Cutler OH Weeks Oil Company, Huntington WV Weiner Ronald A, Caldwell OH Weinstock Earl W, Marietta OH Weisend Ethel, Caldwell OH Welch Jonnie, Vincent OH Welch Willis, Caldwell OH Well Supervision, New Concord OH Welling Stanley E, Marietta OH Wells Dwight, Vincent OH Wells Jay, Senecaville OH Wells John M, Marietta OH Wells Larry, Caldwell OH Wellspring Margaret, Marietta OH Wenzel James, Marietta OH Werner Robert, Sarahsville OH West Cameron, New Matamoras OH West Charles M, Caldwell OH West Donna, Lower Salem OH West Doris, Marietta OH West Ralph, New Matamoras OH West Sanford J, Marietta OH West Susan J , Caldwell OH West Thomas F, Tulsa OK West William M, New Matamoras OH Westbrook Earl D, Marietta OH Westbrook Larry R, Marietta OH Wheeler Chester, Stockport OH Wheeler Elvin, Caldwell OH Wheeler Lawrence, Marietta OH Wheeler Robert, Marietta OH Wheeler Susan, Sarahsville OH Wheeler Virginia, Marietta OH Whetstone Lewis , Lower Salem OH Whipkey Francis, Waterford OH Whipkey Jennifer, Marietta OH Whipkey Samuel, Marietta OH Whipple Lumber, Marietta OH Whitaker Charles H, Marietta OH Whitaker Jerry, Caldwell OH White Fred Iii, Frazeysburg OH White James, Baden PA White Lola, Bartlett OH White Oscar, Marietta OH White Thomas A, Marietta OH White Vernon I, Caldwell OH Whitener Brent, Lowell OH Whittekind David W, Marietta OH Whyte & Petty Oil Lease, Vincent OH Wickens Way, Wooster OH Wickham Merlyn, Lower Salem OH Wickham Michael, Sarahsville OH Wickland Lealand G, Youngstown OH
Wickline Ralph, Youngstown OH Wigal Edward F, Amesville OH Wigal John A, Stockport OH Wikander John E, New Bethlehem PA Wikselaar Ali, Albuquerque NM Wild Bill J, Marietta OH Wiley Rufus B, Zanesville OH Wilhelm William P, Marietta OH Wilkinson Robert, Caldwell OH Willett Larry A, Marietta OH Williams Boyd, New Matamoras OH Williams Denzil, Marietta OH Williams Donald, Pleasant City OH Williams Edward E, Marietta OH Williams Herbert, Marietta OH Williams Howard M, Woodsfield OH Williams James L, Thornville OH Williams Jerry R, Cambridge OH Williams Lindsey J, Antioch OH Williams Myrtle M, Graysville OH Williams O R , Woodsfield OH Williams Russell, Saginaw MI Williams Ruth, Bartlett OH Williams Theodore, Marietta OH Williams Thomas, Caldwell OH Williamson Charles Jr, New Matamoras OH Williamson Floyd L, Cambridge OH Williamson Robert L, Burnettsville IN Williamson Thelma, New Matamoras OH Williamson Veneer Co, Sarahsville OH Williamson William E, Marietta OH Willison Walter, Woodsfield OH Williston Oil & Dev C, Clifton NJ Wilson Alford D, Belpre OH Wilson David R, Caldwell OH Wilson Edwin, Caldwell OH Wilson Guy E, Blue Rock OH Wilson Kathleen, Caldwell OH Wilson Pearl, Caldwell OH Wilson R M, Canton OH Wilson Richard, Port Ritchey FL Wilson Robert, Marietta OH Wilson Run Oil Co, Marietta OH Wilson Tedd, Marietta OH Winans Boyd, Marietta OH Winer Arthur, Marietta OH Wingrove Margaret, Powhatan Point OH Wingrove Mike, Fleming OH Winkler Harold, Rittman OH Winland Murray K, Graysville OH Winland Walter, Woodsfield OH Winstanley Dale C, Marietta OH Winter Albert, Sardis OH Winter Carl C, Woodsfield OH Winter Lena M, Sardis OH Winters Ralph, Marietta OH Wise Asa, Woodsfield OH Wise Edgar, New Matamoras OH Wise Ronald, Marietta OH Wiseman Beulah, Marietta OH Witt John E, Akron OH Wittekind Donald, Marietta OH Wittekind William, Baltimore MD Witten Joseph, New Matamoras OH Witten Lila, Woodsfield OH
Witten Towhead, St Louis MO Wj Lydic Inc, Zanesville OH Wolfe Edward Jr, New Matamoras OH Wolfe Glen, Lowell OH Wolfe Glenn, Stockport OH Wolfe Thomas, Waterford OH Wolfe Wiley R, Stow OH Wolfert Dean, Whipple OH Wollengerg Martin L, New Lexington OH Wolverton Paul B, Pleasant City OH Wood James, Akron OH Wood Lena, Rootstown OH Woodgerd Dale, Ashland OH Woodland Oil Company, Newport OH Woodring Dan, Reno OH Woods Birch, Caldwell OH Woods Calvin O, Ridgeville OH Woodsfield Cable Co, Woodsfield OH Woomer Russell Sr, Watertown OH Wooster Barbara, Lowell OH Wooters Frank, Marietta OH Workman Gradon R, Woodsfield OH Worthington C W , Cumberland OH Wrachford Richard G Jr, Lowell OH Wright Beverly, Marietta OH Wright Donna, Sardis OH Wright Durwin, Marietta OH Wright Elsie, Caldwell OH Wright Harold, Lower Salem OH Wright Helen, Coshocton OH Wright Linda, Marietta OH Wright Ronald P, Sarahsville OH Wriston Myrtle B, New Matamoras OH Wriston Thomas, Reno OH Wriston William, Reno OH Wuletich Edward M, Caldwell OH Wunderlich David W, Beverly OH WYscarver Ronald, Quaker City OH Yazombek Joseph, Marietta OH Yerian Linda, Caldwell OH Yockey Oil Co, Sycamore Valley OH Yoho G Wayne, Moundsville WV Yonally Alex, Marietta OH Yonally Harvey, New Matamoras OH Yonally Lewis A, Marietta OH Yost Carmen, Paden City WV Yost Harry, New Matamoras OH Yost Harry Jr, New Matamoras OH Young Clark O, Hebron OH Young E F, Marietta OH Young Earl, Lowell OH Young Justine, Woodsfield OH Young Michael, Cambridge OH Young Paul Jr, Cambridge OH Young Ralph R, Inverness FL Young Richard H, Longview WA Yurkovich William, Willoughby OH Zayac Marjorie, Advance NC Zelinka Carl, Belpre OH Zenith Exploration , Gnadahutten OH Zerger Joy, Caldwell OH Zimmerman James, Whipple OH Zimmerman Robert L, Beverly OH
Bullock joins Washington Electric team Washington Electric Cooperative welcomes Tyler Bullock, Washington’s newest apprentice lineman. Bullock is a graduate of the Mid-East Career and Technology Center’s Power Lineman program. He was previously employed by Thayer Power and Communication, a telecommunications, power, wireless, and civil construction company based in Columbus. In addition to his apprentice lineman duties at the co-op, Bullock will attend the Central Ohio Lineworker Training (COLT) program in Mount Gilead for the next four years to earn first class lineman status. COLT is operated by Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives, the statewide services organization for Ohio’s electric cooperatives.
Tyler Bullock
Local fire departments receive solar panel safety training As a cooperative, one of Washington Electric’s guiding principles is commitment to community. The co-op recently hosted members of the Devola Volunteer Fire Company and Fearing Township Volunteer Fire Department for a training session on solar panel safety. Ben Wilson, manager of power delivery engineering at Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives, shared information on how to safely respond to fires and other emergencies where ground- or roof-mounted solar panels may be present. In addition, General Manager Jeff Triplett and Line Superintendent Bruce Swope provided a tour of the cooperative’s office and warehouse and led a discussion on how the cooperative and local firstresponder agencies can efficiently work together during emergencies that arise at the co-op office or throughout our communities. 1251723601
Above, Ben Wilson of Ohio’s Electric Cooperatives discusses solar panel safety with members of the Devola and Fearing Township fire departments. Left, Washington Electric Cooperative General Manager Jeff Triplett leads fire department members on a tour of the WEC facility.
WASHINGTON ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE LOCAL PAGES NOTES Capital credits Washington Electric Cooperative, Inc., refunded capital credits totaling $31,377.65 to the estates of 23 members through January. If you know a deceased member, please have the executor of the estate call our office for information on the member’s capital credits.
Credit for account number If you find the number of your account in the local (center) pages of this magazine, call the co-op office; you will receive at least $10 credit on your electric bill. In January, Donna Schaad of New Matamoras did not locate her account number. If you find your account number, call the co-op office by the 16th of the month in which it is published.
Co-op Connections card Washington Electric Cooperative members saved $273.76 in December on prescription drugs with the Co-op Connections discount card. Members have saved a total of $93,439.33 since the program launched in June 2011. Be sure to check out www. connections.coop for information on discounts from national retailers and Coupons.com!
Right-of-way maintenance project underway Keeping our power lines clear of trees, brush, and other vegetation is an important part of providing reliable electricity. That’s why each year, Washington Electric Cooperative makes significant investments in right-of-way maintenance. This year, we’ve hired W.A. Kendall & Co., a professional vegetation management company, to clear approximately 29 miles of line in the Archers Fork and Shay Ridge area of eastern Washington County. This work, which is currently underway, will help prevent power outages and blinking lights, as well as reduce many potential hazards. Of course, we cannot guarantee that power outages will never occur. Storms, animals, equipment failures, and trees located outside the right-of-way are all threats to the electric system. But a proactive right-of-way maintenance program helps reduce the number of outages our members experience and contributes to our mission of providing safe, affordable, and reliable power. In addition to the work in eastern Washington County, contracted crews with Asplundh continue to address what are known as hot spots (such as locations where decayed trees are in danger of falling over power lines) throughout our service territory. We’ve also sought bids for the clearing of approximately 60 miles of line in the Watertown area, which is expected to take place later this year.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES Paul Fleeman, CCD, BL CONTACT 740-373-2141 | 877-594-9324 www.weci.org REPORT OUTAGES AFTER HOURS 877-544-0279 OFFICE 440 Highland Ridge Road P.O. Box 800 Marietta, OH 45750 OFFICE HOURS Mon.–Fri., 7:30 a.m.–4 p.m.
Chairman 740-934-2306
Larry Ullman, CCD, BL Vice Chairman 740-934-2561
Betty Martin, CCD, BL Secretary-Treasurer 740-473-1539
Gale DePuy, CCD, BL Assistant Secretary-Treasurer 740-473-1245
William Bowersock, CCD, BL
General Manager/CEO jeff.triplett@weci.org
BILL PAY SmartHub www.weci.org HAVE A STORY SUGGESTION? Email your ideas to: jgreene@weci.org. Facebook.com/WashingtonElectricCoop
Shawn Ray 740-638-5270
Brent Smith 740-585-2598 CCD — Certified Cooperative Director BL — Board Leadership
Jeff Triplett
Technical Scholarships Available For adult and high school consumer-members
Rules and applications are available at www.ohioec.org/TechnicalScholarship APPLICATION DEADLINE: April 30
through the
The most common type of squirrel in Ohio is one most of its citizens have never seen
e’re accustomed to sharing our outdoors with gray squirrels and fox squirrels, but the most common type of squirrel in Ohio is one you’ve probably never seen — the southern flying squirrel. While other squirrels will boldly venture among humans, southern flying squirrels are both shy and nocturnal, making them difficult to spot. Smaller than gray squirrels, with big, black eyes and a tail that’s flat and furry rather than bushy, the southern flying squirrel has a wide flap of skin from its wrist down to its ankle on each side. These nighttime critters are awkward on the ground, making them vulnerable to predators, because that flap of skin is sort of like having ropes tied from their front to their hind feet. However, once those squirrels are airborne (they actually glide rather than fly), their maneuverability is amazing, says Don Althoff, a professor of wildlife conservation at the University of Rio Grande. Althoff is doing a long-
term research project looking at population trends of southern flying squirrels. “I’ve seen these squirrels not only travel 50 yards in the air, sometimes without losing any altitude, but I’ve seen them take 90-degree turns between a set of trees, come up to that tree, and like a hovercraft, turn at a 90-degree angle and do the perfect landing on the tree,” Althoff says. A couple of times a week in winter, in the snow and ice, Althoff and a cluster of students from the University of Rio Grande and Hocking College trek through the Hocking County hills to check southern flying squirrel nest boxes. They check each of 14 box sites every winter — about 340 boxes in all. The students eagerly volunteer to participate in the project. “Every box has always had some use within a year,” Althoff says. “The squirrels may not nest in it, but they’ll turn it into a cafeteria. They’ll eat nuts and leave the shells there. Once in a while they may use it as a latrine, but most of the time, it is either as a nesting box, rest site, or as a place to feed.
I find very few uncut, unopened acorns or hickory nuts.” Althoff and the students record what they find inside. If it’s a squirrel — or maybe as many as seven to 10 — they ear-tag it and determine its sex and weight. When the critter is released, it zips away to find a tree to climb. “Flying squirrels want to go up,” Althoff says. “If you put them on the ground, they are looking for the highest spot to launch from.”
Flying squirrels will eat almost anything, but their favorite is hickory nuts — they nibble a hole through the shell to get to the nutmeat. They also eat acorns, buckeyes, and walnuts. When available, buds, insects, mushrooms, and eggs are on the menu. If you’d like to feed a flying squirrel, stash some treats up in the branches of a tree, since they won’t venture down on the ground unless they have to. CELESTE BAUMGARTNER is a freelance writer from Concinnati. A couple of times per week during the winter, University of Rio Grande Professor Don Althoff (above right, on ladder) takes a group of students from Rio Grande and nearby Hocking College to nearby wooded areas to check nesting boxes and study the habits of the resident flying squirrels.
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Ashland Ashland Comfort Control (419) 281-0144
Dresden Federal Htg & Clg (740) 754-4328
Mansfield Eberts Energy Center (419) 589-2000
Sardis Brian’s Refrigeration (740) 934-2013
Bowling Green United Home Comfort (419) 352-7092
East Liberty Reliant Mechanical (937) 666-5800
Marion Wenig’s Inc. (740) 383-5012
Sidney Lochard Inc. (937) 492-8811
Findlay Knueve & Sons Inc. (419) 420-7638
Medina Sisler Heating (330) 722-7101
Springfield Danco Enterprises (937) 969-8440
Groveport Patriot Air (614) 577-1577
Mt. Vernon Cosby Htg & Clg (740) 393-4328
Holgate Holgate Hardware (419) 264-3012
New Knoxville New Knoxville Supply (419) 753-2444
Coldwater Ray’s Refrigeration (419) 678-8711
Kalida Knueve & Sons Inc. (419) 420-7638
Columbus Geo Source One (614) 873-1140
Sarka Electric (419) 532-3492
Lancaster Fairfield Heating (740) 653-6421
Canal Winchester Kessler Htg & Clg (614) 837-9961 kesslerheating.com
Chillicothe Accurate Htg & Clg (740) 775-5005 accurategeothermal.com
Cincinnati Bill Spade Htg & Clg (513) 941-0075
Defiance Schlatters Plbg & Htg (419) 393-4690
Tipp City Ed’s HVAC Plbg Electric (937) 667-6713
Newark Hottinger Geothermal (740) 323-2330 hottingergeothermal.com
Portsmouth Accurate Htg & Clg (740) 353-4328 accurategeothermal.com
Toledo Overcashier & Horst (419) 841-3333 ohcomfort.com
Waverly Combs Htg & A/C (740) 947-4061 combsgeopro.com
Wellington Wellington Indoor Comfort (440) 647-3421 Westerville Westin Air (614) 794-1259 geothermalcentralohio.com
EASY Eggplant
The easy way to great-tasting eggplant with no bitterness is to grow your own. BY KRIS WETHERBEE; PHOTOS BY RICK WETHERBEE
ears ago, I discovered that there is a lot to like about eggplant. Aesthetically captivating, the plant’s gorgeous lavender flowers, followed by a glistening display of purple to purplish-black fruit, are a striking addition to the garden. Additional fruit color options include pearly white, soft orchid, and bright orange. Some varieties also produce fruits in various interesting shapes, from the classic oval to an elongated teardrop to long and slender or curved like a banana and even round balls that are the perfect size for shish kebabs.
This 2- to 4-foot-tall warm-season annual is easy to grow where summers are long and warm. For gardeners whose summers are a bit shorter, there are also varieties that mature quickly or are well-suited to growing in containers. Eggplant excels with two to three months of warm summer days and nighttime temperatures that frequently remain above 60 degrees.
Getting started Wait until the weather has warmed and all danger of frost has passed before planting. Ideally, it’s best to wait a couple of weeks after tomatoes have been planted before putting eggplant in the ground. Starting with 8- to 10-week-old transplants will give you a jump on the season, or you can start plants indoors from seed about eight weeks in advance of planting. For best success, choose a sunny, well-drained site with fertile soil rich in organic matter. To help reduce disease, be sure
to choose an area where tomatoes, peppers, and other nightshade members did not grow the previous year — preferably the previous two years.
Planting Eggplant is a heavy feeder, so rich soil is imperative to growing healthy plants and tasty fruit. Start by digging in a 1- to 2-inch layer of rotted manure or compost into the growing area or to each hole before planting, then water well. Plants also flourish in soil rich in minerals, which can easily be added to the planting hole via rock dust and/or greensand. Space transplants 18 to 24 inches between plants, depending on the variety, and 2 to 3 feet between rows. For gardeners growing in raised beds or using the squarefoot method, plant 18 to 24 inches apart in all directions. Be sure to place transplants slightly deeper in the ground than they were in the pot. Then stake or cage plants so they have support as they grow to prevent them from falling over when laden with fruit.
Growing guide Feed plants lightly with composted animal manure or a complete organic fertilizer suitable for tomatoes about six weeks after planting, then side-dress with additional fertilizer after the first fruits form. Water deeply and always keep the soil evenly moist but not wet, for best-quality fruits. Using a soaker hose or drip system at ground level is ideal. Also, be sure to add a layer of mulch, such as straw or compost, once plants become established. The mulch will keep soil moisture levels more even and help suppress weeds.
Harvest tips While warm, rich soil and uniform moisture along with warm air temperatures are all necessary for growing bitter-free fruit and quality yields, all can be lost if the fruits are overdeveloped when harvested. The texture can easily become spongy, pithy, and bitter once the fruit is too mature. This is one case where smaller is better, as young fruits usually have the best texture and flavor. As such, harvest fruits while young and firm and after they develop their color, but before they lose their shine. Fruits are too bitter once the skin turns dull. Glossy and richly colored is best. Be gentle when harvesting to avoid bruising fruits. Use heavy-duty shears, hand pruners, or a sharp knife and cut about an inch above the calyx (cap) so that a short piece of the stem remains intact. Most varieties are prickly on the stems, but you can easily avoid irritation by wearing gloves or long sleeves when picking fruit. KRIS WETHERBEE is a master gardener who lives in Oregon.
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mission to preserve Arc of Appalachia saves Ohio’s precious natural areas — one parcel at a time
sk Nancy Stranahan, “What’s the point of preserving plain old woods?” and you’re certain to get an earful.
“I’d say guilty as charged, except for the word ‘plain,’” Stranahan says, explaining that southern Ohio’s hardwood forests are the last best chance
to save an ecosystem that has one of the highest levels of biodiversity in the world. “The fact that 100,000 multicellular native organisms are at stake takes ‘plain’ out of the discussion.” By the way, they’re not “woods,” either, as Stranahan also points out — call them “eastern deciduous forest.” Her more important point, though: Whatever you call them, they’re a mighty precious commodity. Because of that, she’s been latching onto and saving them, acre by acre, for more than two decades since founding Arc of Appalachia in 1995. Arc of Appalachia’s land holdings are ever-expanding as the group, mostly volunteers, works to acquire crucial parcels, with all the stunning views, massive old-growth trees, and forest floors and canopies teeming with life that come with them.
Inspiring natural beauty Few are as deeply connected to Arc of Appalachia as Jean Farkas, the current board president. A decade ago, she read a friend’s email referencing a hike at an Arc site. “I saw a reference to a land stewardship program and immediately knew I was going to do that,” she says. “I placed a phone call and that weekend drove down. I was smitten.” Farkas said she hikes Arc trails often. Just because. Who wouldn’t? They are tracts of intractably wild land, lush with the sounds, smells, sights, and feels of all things not modern world: leaves, bark, water, lichens and mosses, fungi, stone in all its forms, and the gravity that comes from
Jean Farkas, president of Arc of Appalachia’s board of directors, says she was smitten with the program from the first time she heard about it.
being up close and personal with a system of life so much more immense than us. They are also brimming with exquisite wildlife: elusive bobcats, threatened bat colonies, an army of tiny, delicate frogs and toads, slippery salamanders and newts, and rare timber rattlesnakes. There are flocks of visiting warblers, waterfowl, and regal birds of prey like hawks, owls, and eagles. “We place a priority on purchasing land contiguous to already-owned properties,” Farkas says. “It’s more friendly to plants and wildlife. We’re a small, nimble organization and can make quick decisions.”
Ready to pounce Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks Resource Manager John Watts can attest to that ability. “In Hocking County, a piece known as Fern Gully came available adjacent to Clear Creek’s 5,000 acres of mostly wilderness,” he says. “It was probably only going to be on the market for 48 to 72 hours. Arc was able to jump right in and buy it, or that land might have gone to someone not as interested in preserving it.” The parcel is home to deep ravines awash with hemlocks and rare (believe it or not) tropical ferns. It is flush with towering stone outcrops, truck-sized boulders, and the pristine waters of meandering Clear Creek. “Fern Gully’s met on three sides by Metro Parks’ Clear Creek, so it’s great that Arc was able to move quickly to secure and preserve the land,” Watts says. Arc turned the Continued on page 35
Nancy Stranahan, co-founder and director of Arc of Appalachia, cultivates a statewide citizen advocacy network to support the purchase and, therefore, preservation of natural areas around the state.
Artistic impression While acquisition and education are front and center at Arc of Appalachia, so is art. “What a dream!” exclaims Wendy Vickers, a poet who spent a couple weeks at an Arc artist-in-residence program. “Our task was to make art and share our experience and skills with local schoolchildren.” A free room at Arc meant free rein to write. “The Highlands residency experience brought me back to my roots, revitalized me in ways I could never have foreseen,” Vickers says.
“Maude’s Cedar Narrows”
Just beyond the woods, we hear water calling. What does it have to say to us today? The old song: passage and presence; moving on and staying attuned. Heraclitus told us you cannot step twice into the same river. The river keeps moving, you keep changing. A few days ago, this creek roared its power to the top of the bluff and beyond, to the sky. Engorged with rain, it tore through its banks, snapping at grasses and trees. It said: look, don’t touch. It said: you can come to my door, but you’d better not enter. It tossed out a dare we were too wise to take. — written by Wendy Vickers during her Highlands residency 34 OHIO COOPERATIVE LIVING • MARCH 2019
Continued from page 33
land over to Metro Parks and was recompensated and will use those funds in turn to buy up even more forest, or perhaps some bit of centuries-old Native American earthworks — another frequent target of Arc acquisition.
Where and how it all happens Arc’s home base is the 2,600-acre Highlands Nature Sanctuary, the largest of its 18 properties, straddling Rocky Fork Creek. There, visitors can take in all things Arc: shiver-good nature, caves and grottos, natural springs, and all the accouterments of nature in the wild. During spring months, a brief just-weeks-long window affords legions of wildflowers just enough time to soak up sunshine and bloom before the forest’s dense canopy steals the light. Spring wildflowers and autumn foliage make for the busiest times at Highlands, where folks can visit for a hike or they can stay; a handful of cottages and homes owned by Arc offer perfect retreats without a commercial, touristy theme — just real “plain” woods and their associated residents. Not all of the land Arc acquires is purchased — some is gifted, free-and-clear, such as the 75-acre farm in Pike County, donated by the Samson family in 2005, and an adjacent 70 acres donated by Marjorie Obrist a decade later. Both parcels had been in the respective families since the 1800s, and interestingly, throughout the Samson family’s history, not a single owner had ever timbered the land — they’d only farmed the open fields.
The continuing mission Of course, they’re not making land anymore, at least in Ohio, and land donors don’t just appear every day, so buying what’s there can be pricey. Arc raises money mostly from private donors, whose generosity is often motivated by a deep and abiding love of nature and all its immeasurable qualities. Then, utilizing the Clean Ohio Fund, Arc also gets $3 in return for each $1 it raises. The program was approved by Ohio voters in 2000 and helps fund a number of projects, including preservation of stream corridors and ecologically sensitive areas. That puts Arc in good position when it comes to loving and saving Ohio lands. Since its inception, Arc has raised more than $13 million and preserved 6,200 acres at 18 sites. It also offers a woody menu of forest-oriented programs, including wildflower and other guided hikes, live music, holistic forest events, birding, butterfly and firefly gatherings, and plant and insect identification workshops, among others. “What we are doing is very much for humanity,” Stranahan says. “It’s not just for the sake of all of those living things that call the forests home. It’s for our own sakes, too.” JAMES PROFFITT is a freelance writer from Marblehead.
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and food items to benefit Toledo SeaGate Food Bank. 419-842-1925 or www.toledocraftsmansguild.org/shows.html. MAR. 16 – Camp Creek Poultry Show, Allen Co. Fgds., 2750 Harding Hwy., Lima www.poultryshowcentral.com/Ohio.html. MAR. 16 – Lima Irish Parade, downtown Lima, noon–1 p.m. Starts at Robb Ave. near St. Gerard School and travels south on Main St. to the Town Square. To participate in the parade, register by calling Kim Finn at 419-860-0072 or Kelly Stolly at 419-905-6652. MAR. 16 – Maple Syrup Festival, Indian Lake State Park, 12774 St. Rte. 235 N., Lakeview. See a demonstration of the process by which sap is transformed into maple syrup. Enjoy a pancake and sausage breakfast, and purchase pure maple syrup. 937-843-2717 or http:// parks.ohiodnr.gov/indianlake.
THROUGH APR. 28 – “Expanded Views: Native American Art in Focus,” Toledo Museum of Art, 2445 Monroe St., Toledo. Both historical and contemporary Native American art is featured, including new acquisitions and a large-scale work by the artist James Lavadour, on loan for this exhibition. 419-255-8000 or www. toledomuseum.org. MAR. 7 – Toledo Symphony Concert, Sauder Village, Founder’s Hall, 22611 St. Rte. 2, Archbold, 7:30 p.m. Advance tickets recommended. 800-590-9755 or www.saudervillage.org. MAR. 7–10, 14–17 – The Sunshine Boys, Van Wert Civic Theatre, 118 S. Race St., Van Wert, Thur.–Sat. 8 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m. $13. 419-2389689 or www.vwct.org. MAR. 8–10, 15–17 – Miracle on South Division Street, Encore Theater, 991 N. Shore Dr., Lima, Fri./Sat. 8 p.m., Sun. 2 p.m. A heartfelt and hilarious comedy. www.amiltellers.org. MAR. 9 – Spring Festival of Crafts, Stranahan Great Hall, 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd., Toledo, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. Free admission and parking. See the new crafts, gifts, and decorating ideas that our crafters and artists have made just for you. Drop off your household
MAR. 16 – St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, 109 S. Ohio Ave., Sidney. Time to be determined. 937-658-6945 or www.sidneyalive.org. MAR. 22–24 – PRO Home and Garden Show, SeaGate Convention Ctr., 401 Jefferson Ave., Toledo, Fri. 4-8 p.m., Sat.10 a.m.–8 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Interior and exterior products for your new or ready home, plus the latest in home design. 419-4710101 or www.hireaprotoday.com. MAR. 23 – Maple Syrup Festival, Williams Co. Fgds., 619 E. Main St., Montpelier, 8 a.m.–noon . Contact the Williams SWCD at 419636-9395 ext. 3, or email amichaels@williamsswcd.org. MAR. 23 – Market Day and Fiber Fair, Junior Fair Building, Wood Co. Fgds., 13800 W. Poe Rd., Bowling Green, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $1 admission. Demonstrations, roving, fleeces, exotic fibers, handcrafted items, homespun yarns, books, dyes, spinning and weaving equipment and supplies. www.facebook.com/ BlackSwampSpinnersGuild or www.blackswampspinnersguild.org. MAR. 24 – Flag City Model Train Show, Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation Inc., 12505 Co. Rd. 99, Findlay, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $4, under 13 free (must be accompanied by an adult). Model trains, toy trains,
throughout history to make this tasty treat. Meet at the Naturalist Cabin located behind the Old Man’s Cave Visitor Center. 740-3856842 or http://parks.ohiodnr.gov/hockinghills. MAR. 9–SEPT. 15 – “Blooms and Butterflies,” Franklin Park Conservatory, 1777 E. Broad St., Columbus, daily 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $12–$19, under 3 free. Hundreds of colorful butterflies fly freely in the Pacific Island Water Garden, a tropical haven filled with bright nectar blooms. Daily butterfly releases at 1 and 3 p.m. 614-7158000 or www.fpconservatory.org. MAR. 10 – Columbus Wedding Show, Renaissance WestervillePolaris, 409 Altair Parkway, Westerville, 11 a.m.–4 p.m. Meet with wedding professionals, taste cake and catering samples, see fashion shows, and register for door prizes. http://ohioweddingshows.com.
MAR. 8 – Golden Dragon Acrobats, Marion Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, 7 p.m. $12–$30. This must-see spellbinding production combines award-winning acrobatics, traditional dance, spectacular costumes, ancient and contemporary music, and theatrical techniques. 740-383-2101 or www.marionpalace.org. MAR. 8–10 – All American Columbus Pet Expo, Ohio Expo Ctr., 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, Fri. 1–8 p.m., Sat. 10 a.m.–7 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–5 p.m. Admission $6–$10 daily; $12–$20 weekend pass. $5 parking/day; $14 weekend pass. Includes the Pet Expo, the All About Cats Expo, and the Mega Pet Adoption. www. allaboutcatsexpo.com. MAR. 8–10 – New Albany Symphony Orchestra: Sleeping Beauty, 100 W. Dublin-Granville Rd., New Albany, Fri./Sat. 7 p.m., Sun. 3 p.m. Sensory-friendly performance, Sat. 2 p.m. Featuring the dancers of the New Albany Children’s Ballet Theatre. www. newalbanysymphony.net. MAR. 9–10 – Maple Sugaring, Hocking Hills State Park, 19852 St. Rte. 664 S., Logan, 12–4 p.m. Savor the taste of the season as we boil down our local maple sap. Discover the many methods used
MAR. 10 – Maple Tapping Festival and Pancake Breakfast, Charles Alley Nature Park, 2805 Old Logan Rd. SE, Lancaster. Breakfast served 8–11 a.m. ($5). Festival 8 a.m.–noon (free). www. ci.lancaster.oh.us/551/Calendar-of-Events. MAR. 15–17 – Outdoor Life/Field & Stream Expo, Ohio Expo Ctr., Bricker Bldg., 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, Fri. 2–9 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–7 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $5–$15, under 6 free. Formerly Ohio Deer and Turkey Expo. Hundreds of exhibitors, demos and displays, trophy contests, free seminars, gear and equipment, shooting ranges, and more. www.deerinfo.com/ohio. MAR. 16 – St. Patrick’s Day Celebration and Parade, downtown Dublin, 7 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Free. Events take place throughout the city, starting around 7 a.m. with a pancake breakfast, followed by the parade at 11 a.m. 800-245-8387 or www. irishisanattitude.com. MAR. 16–SEPT. 8 – “It Started with Pencil and Paper,” Ohio Glass Museum’s Gallery, 124 W. Main St., Lancaster, Tues.–Sun. 1–4 p.m. and by appointment. $6, Srs. $5, C. (6–18) $3, under 6 free. The exhibition will feature the ideas of the designers of established, well-known manufactured glass patterns. Sketches and/or patents
MAR. 9 – Hodgesville Lions Club’s “Eat a Bite for Sight,” Pancake & Sausage/Sausage, Gravy & Biscuit Day, Warren District Community Ctr., Hodgesville (7 miles north of Buckhannon on Rte. 20), 7 a.m.–1 p.m. Pancakes, regular and buckwheat; sausage; sausage gravy; biscuit; and drinks. Please bring your old eyeglasses for recycling. Brooms for sale. 304-472-3455. MAR. 17 – St. Patrick’s Day Buffet, North Bend State Park, 202 North Bend Park Rd., Cairo, 11 a.m.–2 p.m. $12.95. Includes sauerkraut and pork. 304-643-2931 or www.northbendsp.com. APR. 6 – Wheeling Jamboree Anniversary Show, Capitol Theatre, 1015 Main St., Wheeling, 7–10 p.m. $20–$65. This annual event celebrates the occasion when Wheeling’s legendary country music program left the radio studio to become the second-oldest country broadcast stage show in history. 304-243-4470 or www. capitoltheatrewheeling.com.
and railroad memorabilia on display and for purchase. Quarter-scale train rides will be available for additional cost: $3 Adults, $2 Children. 419-423-2995, www.nworrp.org, or www.facebook.com/nworrp. MAR. 24 – Church Basement Ladies: Rise Up, O Men, Niswonger Performing Arts Ctr., 10700 St. Rte. 118 S., Van Wert, 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. $25–$40. An all-new musical comedy, the sixth in the popular Church Basement Ladies series. 419-238-6722 or www.npacvw.org. MAR. 30 – Spring Crafter’s Showcase, Tam O’ Shanter Exhibition Building, 7060 Sylvania Ave. (1/2 mile west of McCord Rd.), Sylvania, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Free admission and parking. Fill your Mother’s Day, graduation, or spring decorating needs. Win gift certificates and look for Balloon Bonanza show specials! 419-842-1925 or www. toledocraftsmansguild.org/shows.html. APR. 6 – Lima Symphony Concert: Triumph and Farewell to Crafton Beck, Veterans Memorial Civic and Convention Ctr., 7 Town Square, Lima, 7:30 p.m. $15–$30. Featured work is Mahler’s “Resurrection” Symphony. 419-222-5701 or www.limasymphony.com. APR. 6 – On Holy Ground: Lima Church Choir Invitational, St. John Catholic Church, 777 S. Main St., Lima, 7–10:30 p.m. Free. Introducing Christian singer/songwriter — and Lima St. John’s own — MaryBlanche. 419-236-1484. APR. 6–7 – Spring Thaw Sale of Treasures, sponsored by Williams County Agricultural Society, Williams Co. Fgds., Montpelier, Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–3 p.m. More than 150 booths. Household, antiques, crafts, bric-a-brac, tools, and many other treasures for sale! 419-630-6388, 419-551-0950, or www.wcofair.com. APR. 6–7 – Tri-State Gun Show, Allen Co. Fgds., 2750 Harding Hwy., Lima (2 miles east of Lima on St. Rte. 309), Sat. 8:30 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 8:30 a.m.–3 p.m. $6, free for members, under 18 free if accompanied by adult. Over 400 tables of modern and antique guns, edged weapons, and sporting equipment. 419-647-0067 or www. tristategunshow.org.
and blueprints will accompany finished examples of glassware produced. 740-687-0101 or www.ohioglassmuseum.org. MAR. 17 – Columbus Toy and Collectible Show, Ohio Expo Ctr., Lausche Bldg., 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $7 (cash only), under 11 free. Early admission, 8–9 a.m., $10 (cash only). Buy, sell, and trade new and used toys, video games, and collectibles at Ohio’s largest gathering of vintage collectors and dealers. Cosplayers get $1 off admission! www.ctspromotions.com. MAR. 17 – Lancaster Community Band Concert. Faith Memorial Church, 2610 W. Fair Ave., Lancaster, 2 p.m. Free admission. 740-856-4430. MAR. 17 – St. Paddy’s Day with Dave Greer’s Classic Jazz Stompers, Clintonville Woman’s Club, 3951 N. High St., Columbus, 2–5 p.m. Sponsored by the Central Ohio Hot Jazz Society. 614-558-2212 or www.cohjs.org. MAR. 19 – Reynoldsburg KidsFest, Reynoldsburg Methodist Church, 1636 Graham Rd., Reynoldburg, 5–8 p.m. Great familyfriendly event featuring camp options from throughout central Ohio, family activities, and much more. 877-543-7801 or www. kidslinked.com. APR. 4–6 – Dinner Theatre: Twelve Angry Men, Marion Palace Theatre, 276 W. Center St., Marion, 6:30 p.m. $40. The Emmyaward winning classic drama comes to life in the May Pavilion. Rated PG-13. 740-383-2101 or www.marionpalace.org. APR. 11–14 – Equine Affaire, Ohio Expo Ctr., 717 E. 17th Ave., Columbus. $8–$15, under 6 free. Experience the nation’s premier equine exposition, featuring an impressive educational program, the largest horse-related trade show in North America, top equine entertainment and competition, and endless opportunities to experience, buy, and sell horses of all types. 740-845-0085 or www. equineaffaire.com.
PLEASE NOTE: Ohio Cooperative Living strives for accuracy but urges readers to confirm dates and times before traveling long distances to events. Submit listings AT LEAST 90 DAYS prior to the event to Ohio Cooperative Living, 6677 Busch Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229 or events@ohioec.org. Ohio Cooperative Living will not publish listings that don’t include a complete address or a number/ website for more information.
MAR. 9 – “Opening the Door to Family History,” Cleveland History Ctr., 10825 East Blvd., Cleveland, noon–3 p.m. $15. Presented by the Western Reserve Historical Society’s Genealogical Committee. A class designed for the beginning family researcher. www.wrhs.org/events. MAR. 9–10 – Chagrin Fall’s Spring Avant-Garde Art and Craft Show, Federated Church – Family Life Ctr., 16349 Chillicothe Rd., Chagrin Falls, Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–5 p.m. $3, under 12 free. Features a variety of local artists and crafters selling their original handmade items. Full concession stand on site. 440-2278794 or www.avantgardeshows.com. MAR. 9–10 – Maple Syrup Festival, Malabar Farm State Park, 4050 Bromfield Rd., Lucas, 12–4 p.m. Free. Experience sugar camp with live historical demonstrations. Enjoy horse-drawn wagon rides. Food and maple products for sale. Donations to the horse group appreciated. Bringing cash is recommended. 419-892-2784 or www.malabarfarm.org. MAR. 9–10 – Ohio Decoy Collectors andCarvers Association Show and Sale, Holiday Inn, 15471 Royalton Rd., Strongsville, Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $5, under 17 free. A venue
for decoy collectors, competitive carvers, and wildlife/waterfowl artists. Competition entries will include over 1,200 beautifully carved and painted duck decoys, shorebirds, fish decoys, songbirds, and more. Members-only events begin Fri., March 8. 419-874-3671 or www.odcca.net.
MAR. 23 – Mt. Hope Train and Toy Show, 8076 St. Rte. 241, Mt. Hope, 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $5, under 13 free. Over 600 dealer tables. All gauges and parts, running layouts, farm and vintage toys, die-cast models, and much more. Food catered by Mrs. Yoder’s Kitchen. 330262-7488, cathijon@sssnet.com, or www.cjtrains.com.
MAR. 9–10 – Olde Stark Antique Faire, Stark Co. Fgds., 305 Wertz Ave. NW, Canton, Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. Come and explore the wide choice of antiques offered by over 100 select dealers and collectors. 330-794-9100 or find us on Facebook.
MAR. 23–24 – Rocky River Spring Avant-Garde Art and Craft Show, Rocky River Memorial Hall, 21016 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River, Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–5 p.m. $3, under 12 free. Features artists and crafters selling their original handmade items. Full concession stand on site. 440-227-8794 or www. avantgardeshows.com.
MAR. 9–10, 16–17 – Maple Sugar Festival and Pancake Breakfast, Hale Farm and Village, 2686 Oak Hill Rd., Bath, Adults $15, C. (3–12) $10, Members $5. Enjoy a hearty breakfast and then head out into the Sugaring Camp to learn about tree tapping and the maple sugar process. See oxen demonstrations and view period arts and crafts demonstrations such as glassblowing, blacksmithing, spinning, and weaving. Breakfast served 10 a.m.–3 p.m. www.wrhs.org/events. MAR. 16 – Annual Campbell-Dickinson St. Patrick’s Run Bike Walk and Kids’ 1K Fun Run, 201 S. 4th St., Toronto. Proceeds benefit cancer research. 740-317-3947 or www.thegemcity.org. MAR. 17 – Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Renaissance Theatre, 138 Park Ave. W., Mansfield, 3 p.m. $5. The classic film starring Gene Wilder. 419-522-2726 or www.mansfieldtickets.com. MAR. 22 – Adult Swim: Ohio Beer and Wine, Greater Cleveland Aquarium, 2000 Sycamore St., Cleveland, 7–10 p.m. $40 admission ($30 for GCA passholders) includes light hors d’oeuvres, 20 tasting tickets, and a souvenir tasting glass. $20 non-drinking “designated driver” option also available. This tasting spotlights local wineries and breweries. 216-862-8803 or www.greaterclevelandaquarium.com. MAR. 22–23 – Militaria/Police/Fire EMS Collectors Show, Lakeland Community College, Athletic and Fitness Center Main Gym, 7700 Clocktower Dr., Kirtland (Rt. 306 and I-90 exit 193), Fri. 5–9 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–3 p.m. $5, Stds. $3; veterans and active military with ID, $3. 440-525-7529, lakelandmilitariashow@gmail.com, or www.facebook.com/lakeland.militaria.show.
MAR. 15–16 – River City Blues and Jazz Festival, Lafayette Hotel, 101 Front St., Marietta. The festival brings together some of the most talented blues and jazz performers from around the country to perform in front of a longtime and loyal fan base. http:// bjfm.org/blues-festival/. MAR. 16 – The Leprechaun Chase: St. Patrick’s Day Run, 9:30 a.m. $30–$35. Two distances: 2-mile run/walk (1 loop) and 4-mile run/walk (2 loops). https://runsignup.com/Race/OH/Chillicothe/ MuddyLeprechaun4MileRunWalk. MAR. 16 – Runa, Peoples Bank Theatre, 222 Putnam St., Marietta, 8 p.m. $22–$38. Interweaving the haunting melodies and exuberant tunes of Ireland and Scotland with the lush harmonies and intoxicating rhythms of jazz, bluegrass, flamenco and blues, Luna offers a thrilling and redefining take on traditional music. www. peoplesbanktheatre.com.
MAR. 8–10 – Home, Garden, and Business Expo, Pritchard Laughlin Civic Ctr., 7033 Glenn Hwy., Cambridge, Fri. 11 a.m.– 8 p.m., Sat. 11 a.m.–7 p.m., Sun. noon–5 p.m. 740-439-6688 or www. cambridgeohiochamber.com.
MAR. 22–23 – 10th Annual Writers at the Crossroads Conference, Crossroads Branch Library, 63500 Byesville Rd., Cambridge, 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Free and open to the public. 740-4327536 or www.guernseycountylibrary.org.
MAR. 9– Golden Dragon Acrobats, Peoples Bank Theatre, 222 Putnam St., Marietta, 12 p.m. and 7 p.m. $22–$42. This must-see spellbinding production combines award-winning acrobatics, traditional dance, spectacular costumes, ancient and contemporary music, and theatrical techniques. www.peoplesbanktheatre.com.
MAR. 23 – National Cambridge Glass Collectors “All Cambridge Benefit Auction,” St. Benedict’s Gym, 233 N. Seventh St., Cambridge, preview at 8:30 a.m., auction at 9:30 a.m. $2 admission. 740-432-4245 or www.cambridgeglass.org.
MAR. 24 – Southeastern Ohio Symphony Orchestra Children’s MAR. 15 – Living Word Banquet and Auction, Pritchard Laughlin Concert, Pritchard Laughlin Civic Ctr., 7033 Glenn Hwy., Cambridge, 3:30 p.m. 740-826-8197 or www.seoso.org. Civic Ctr., 7033 Glenn Hwy., Cambridge, doors open at 5 p.m. 740439-2761 or www.livingworddrama.org.
Fairgrove Ave., Hamilton, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. $5 online, $7 at door. Free parking. Quilts, quilting and craft supplies, patterns, fabrics, vintage textiles, and more. 513-932-1817 or www.wchsmuseum.org. MAR. 9 – Cabin Fever Arts Festival, Southern State Community College, Patriot Ctr., 100 Hobart Dr., Hillsboro, 10 a.m.–5 p.m. Free admission. Over 60 artisans exhibiting their handcrafted work, with most items available for purchase. Live music by Steve Free. Food truck on site. cabinfeverartsfestival@gmail.com or www.appartguild.com.
THROUGH MAR. 17 – Around the World in 80 Days, Loft Theater, 126 N. Main St., Dayton. Jules Verne’s classic tale springs to life in this clever, fast-paced comedy for the whole family. www. humanracetheatre.org. MAR. 6, 13, 20, 27 – Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, Vinoklet Winery, 11069 Colerain Ave., Cincinnati, 6:30–8:30 p.m. Free admission. Enjoy dinner and an evening of lively bluegrass music. Reservations recommended. 513-385-9309 or www. vinokletwines.com. MAR. 8–9 – Quilt and Fabric Arts Show, Butler Co. Fgds., 1715
MAR. 29–APR. 22 – I-X Indoor Amusement Park, IX Center, One I-X Dr., Cleveland. Annual spring event offers a full day of family fun at a budget-friendly price! Over 20 acres of rides, games, food, and attractions, all under one roof. 216-265-2586 or www. ixamusementpark.com. MAR. 31 – North Coast Military Collectors’ Spring Show, MAPS Air Museum, 2260 International Parkway, North Canton, 9 a.m.–4 p.m. $5, under 13 free. Admission to show gives full access to museum. More than 250 tables of field gear, patches, insignia, ephemera, weapons, uniforms, and more from all eras and numerous countries. Meet collectors, authors, artists, and local veterans. 330-546-3085, northcoastmilitary@att.net, or www. facebook.com/NCMCUSA. MAR. 31 – Teddy Bear Concert: “The Science of Sound,” Renaissance Theatre, 138 Park Ave. W., Mansfield, 2:30 p.m. $5. In partnership with Little Buckeye Children’s Museum. See, hear, and feel sound waves with this interactive concert featuring members of the Mansfield Symphony Orchestra. 419-522-2726 or www. mansfieldtickets.com. APR. 6–7 – Strongsville Spring Avant-Garde Art and Craft Show, Strongsville Ehrnfelt Recreation Ctr., 18100 Royalton Rd., Strongsville, Sat. 10 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. 11 a.m.–5 p.m. $3, under 12 free. Features artists and crafters selling their original handmade items. Full concession stand on site. 440-227-8794 or www. avantgardeshows.com. MAR. 27 – To Kill a Mockingbird, Athena Grand, 1008 E. State St., Athens, 7 p.m. $12.50. 740-593-8800 or www.athenagrand.com. MAR. 28–30 – Cambridge Lions Club Variety Show, Scottish Rite Auditorium, 941 Wheeling Ave., Cambridge, 7:30 p.m. $10. 740260-1149 or www.cambridgelions.com. MAR. 30 – Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association Show, Washington Co. Fgds., 922 Front St., Marietta. www. poultryshowcentral.com/Ohio.html. MAR. 31 – Guided Hike at Gladys Riley Preserve, Tick Ridge-Koenig Hill Rd., Otway. The preserve is the first refuge specifically created for the protection of the Golden Star Lily, an extremely rare and endangered early spring wildflower that is sheltered inside the preserve. Join naturalists John Jaeger and Dave Kuehner for a guided hike to catch these rare wildflowers in peak bloom. Space is limited and registration is required. http:// arcofappalachia.org/gladys-riley-guided-hike. APR. 6 – Guernsey County Ducks Unlimited Banquet, Pritchard Laughlin Civic Ctr., 7033 Glenn Hwy., Cambridge. 740-439-7009 or www.pritchardlaughlin.com. APR. 6 – The Shawshank Redemption, Majestic Theatre, 45 E. Second St., Chillicothe, 7 p.m. $5. 740-772-2041 or www. majesticchillicothe.net. APR. 9 – Hayes Carll, Stuart’s Opera House, 52 Public Square, Nelsonville, 7:30 p.m. $24–$32. 740-753-1924 or www. stuartsoperahouse.org.
MAR. 24 – Spring Bling Dayton Women’s Shopping Expo, Wright State University’s Nutter Center, McLin Gym, 3640 Colonel Glen Hwy., Dayton, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. www.facebook.com/ events/199479367322534/. MAR. 29–30 – Southern Ohio Indoor Music Festival, Roberts Ctr., 123 Gano Rd., Wilmington. Doors open at 10 a.m. $35–$65. Award-winning bluegrass, old-time, and gospel music combined with family fun and educational opportunities. 800-965-9324 or http://somusicfest.com/index.html.
MAR. 9 – Vernon McIntyre’s Appalachian Grass, Haddix Hall (next to Hunter’s Pizzeria), 4165 St. Rte. 122, Franklin, 6–8 p.m. $5. Enjoy an evening of lively bluegrass music with lightning-fast instrumentals, close harmonies, and entertaining novelty songs. 937-746-5415, haddixmusic@yahoo.com, or www.facebook.com/HaddixHall.
MAR. 30 – Queen City Beautiful Doll Club: Fashion Doll Show and Sale, EnterTRAINment Junction Expo Room, 7379 Squire Ct., West Chester, 10 a.m.–3 p.m. $5, under 12 free. Free parking. Fashion dolls, clothes, and accessories from all eras. Many other dolls and toys too. Free 1:6 scale “Let’s Play” exhibit in the lobby. 513-2078409, askmargie@aol.com, or find us on Facebook.
MAR. 16 – G-Scale Swap Meet, EnterTRAINment Junction, 7379 Squire Ct., West Chester, 10 a.m.–2 p.m. Free admission. The perfect time to find all those hard-to-find items for your Garden Railway. Presented by the Greater Cincinnati Garden Railway Society. https://entertrainmentjunction.com/calendar.
MAR. 30–31 – Ruffles and Rust Expo, Butler Co. Fgds., 1715 Fairgrove Ave., Hamilton, Sat. 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Sun. 10 a.m.–4 p.m. $6 admission (good both days), under 13 free. Vintage items, home decor, handmade items, gourmet food, and boutique items. www. rufflesandrustexpo.com/ohio.
MAR. 23–24 – Scale Model Expo, EnterTRAINment Junction, 7379 Squire Ct., West Chester, Sat. 10 a.m.–6 p.m., Sun. noon–4 p.m. Free. Operating steam and gas engines, 1/6-scale figures and dioramas, live steam locomotives, models, military items, and more. https://entertrainmentjunction.com/calendar.
APR. 6–7 – Dollhouse and Miniatures Show and Sale, EnterTRAINment Junction Expo Room, 7379 Squire Ct., West Chester, Sat. 11 a.m.–5 p.m., Sun. noon–4 p.m. $5, C. (4–12) $3, under 4 free. https://entertrainmentjunction.com/calendar.
Change in the weather 1
1. Our grandson, Wyatt, takes advantage of a change in the weather to go fly his kite. Dawn Heath South Central Power Company member
2. Shelf cloud over the F.A. Seiberling Nature Realm in Akron, Ohio. Donald Weyrick Carroll Electric Cooperative member
Send us your picture! For June, send “Creature Comfort” (animals, but not pets) by March 15; for July, send “Load Up the Car” by April 15. Upload your photos at www.ohioec.org/memberinteractive and remember to include your co-op name and to identify everyone in your photos.
3. My father, Ted Neptune, on a cool, crisp autumn morning. Every time I see this picture, it brings back so many good memories of growing up on a farm. Dad is a hard-working, honest man who has always loved farming. Pamela Davis Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative member
4. Brady Ann, best dog ever, loves the feeling that she’s flying on a windy day! Jamie Anderson Holmes-Wayne Electric Cooperative member
before you dig
to locate underground electric or other utility lines. This is a free service and it’s the law!
Before you buy a tree, look up and around. See any power lines? That’s your cue to plant far away — use the chart below as a guide. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS Avoid planting shrubs and flowers around green transformer boxes and electric meters. Your co-op needs access for meters, and it’s safer to keep the space clear.
Tree Planting Guide 50' 40' 30'
20' 10' 0'
Small-tree zone: Less than 25' in height and spread; at least 25' from lines.
50' Medium-tree zone: 25'-40' in height and spread; at least 40' from lines.
70' Large-tree zone: Larger than 40' in height and spread; at least 60' from lines.