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Summary Part 1 AT Survey

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Figure 24. AT is Critical to Mission.

16. Do you know of AT lending libraries in your area? If so, please provide names and

contact information. (N=61) This final question was an open-ended question used to collect data for the “Identification of Assistive Technology Lending Programs in Ohio” a DD Council grant being implemented concurrently with this grant. The purpose of the question was to locate AT lending libraries across the state that could be surveyed for the other grant. Responses included 19 unique entries of AT lending libraries in Ohio. This information was transferred to the list of lending programs developed for the Lending Programs grant if the agency’s ability to provide AT loans could be verified.

Summary of AT Survey Findings

Summary – Part 1 – AT Survey

Part 1 of this project set forth to answer the following questions: ● (Part 1: AT Survey) What is the self-reported prevalence of relevant practices for providing AT services and supports? ● (Part 1: AT Survey) What are the self-reported supports available within the CBDD system to allow for AT provision?

What is the self-reported prevalence of relevant practices for providing AT services and supports?

To determine the extent to which certain AT practices are being employed, specific questions about the AT assessment process including AT consideration, decision-making, equipment trials, implementation, and follow-up were asked. On a positive note, the majority of County Boards reported using a team approach to make AT related decisions and most have a good understanding of the best practice components of the AT assessment process. Only ⅓ of the CBDDs indicated they are using a formal process for AT assessment. Within the AT

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