Ohio News-Nov/Dec Issue

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November-December 2011

Silver Mist Holsteins • Dallas and Judy and friends


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To All of You, Merry Christmas and ~Richman Farms, Inc.~ Happy New Year From All of Us The Indoe Family • Lodi, Ohio

richmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com Dick 330-948-1427 Tom 330-948-1137 Bill 330-948-2259 Tyler 330-416-8891

ryone Happy Holidays a e v E g nd a h in s i m O o u r r F F r a a W mily to Ye w e N Y ou p py rs a H

Bill and Debra

Shelley, Mike, Will and Anna

Brian, Liz Emma, Haley, Meredith, Brice and Colleen

Thank you to all our Bull Buyers. Thank you to all Channel Seed Buyers.

Nevin, Brenda, Lindsay and Lauren


Cory, Jill, Cora, Sydney, Tapanga and Wyatt


Paradise-R Lewis Stacy NOW EX-94

Home of the Bell Sears Family Bill, Brian and Michael Ramsey Families • 7632 Columbus Road NE Louisville, OH 44641 • Phone & Fax 330-875-4539 OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011 | 3

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(USPS 404-600) (ISSN: 0899-4862) Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association

Volume 75

Number 5

NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2011 Published 5 times per year in January, March, May, September and November at Shreve, OH by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 www.ohioholstein.com dairyagendatoday – Click on Industry Links

PUBLICATION OFFICE — SHREVE, OH Subscription price in the U.S. is $15.00 per year. The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new one. Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertising forms close one month preceding date of issue. Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWS P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653 Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd. Entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Shreve, Ohio 44676. OFFICE STAFF General Manager . . . . . . Don Alexander, cell 304-376-1788 Email: alexanderdon@comcast.net Office Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diana Miley Email: oholstein@embarqmail.com Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Esther Welch Email: ewelch@embarqmail.com

OFFICERS President . . . . . Joe Miley, West Salem . . . . . 330-263-7814 Vice President . . Dallas Rynd, Ashville . . . . . . 740-983-6690 Secretary . . . . . Michele Burky, New Philadelphia 419-651-2081 Treasurer . . . . . Steve Gilbert, Big Prairie . . . 330-231-8039

EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Ken Janes, Wooster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-464-4134 Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-652-5694 Peter Spike, Delaware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-363-2184

NATIONAL DIRECTOR Mike Jones 760 East 450 North, Marshall, IN 47859. . . . 765-592-0644

BOARD MEMBERS Dist. 1 Dist. 2 Dist. 3 Dist. 4 Dist. 5 Dist. 7 Dist. 7 Dist. 8 Dist. 9 Dist. 10 Dist. 12 Dist. 11 Dist. 13 Dist. 14 Dist. 15

Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . 330-652-5694 Adam Whiteleather, Salem. . . . . . . 330-205-1738 William Burkhart, Jr., Magnolia . . . 330-866-5289 Jen Bouton, Mt. Vernon . . . . . . . . . 740-507-8271 Greg Conrad, New Holland. . . . . . . 740-495-5067 Ken Janes, Wooster . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-464-4134 Ted Renner, Dalton . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-828-2604 Regina Berg, Bellville . . . . . . . . . . 419-886-4229 Tom Thorbahn, Vickery . . . . . . . . . 419-547-0795 Laurie Menzie, Bloomdale . . . . . . . 740-624-6367 Marvin Steinke, Wapakoneta . . . . . 419-738-7174 Jenny Thomas, Cable. . . . . . . . . . . 614-395-9823 Jenny Thomas, Cable. . . . . . . . . . . 614-395-9823 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta . . . . . . . . . 419-953-3427 Don Bickel, New Vienna. . . . . . . . . 937-218-2697

Postmaster – Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691

January-February DEADLINE December 20, 2011 4 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

The Board of Directors of the Ohio Holstein Association has adopted the following:

“The Mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”


From the President, by Joe Miley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 From Indiana Mike Jones, National Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Dallas Rynd of Silver Mist Holsteins, Ohio Holstein Vice-President — Dairyman and Youth Mentor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 The Holstein Grapevine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Esther’s Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Ohio News Advertising Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 General Manager’s Views, by Don Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Districts 1 & 2 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-19 Ohio Holstein Association 92nd Convention and Annual Meeting Tentative Schedule of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 District 3 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 District 5 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 District 7 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Jen Bouton, New Board Member from D-4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 District 8 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 District 9 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 District 10 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Districts 11 & 13 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35-36 District 12 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 District 14 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 BarbWire, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 The Queen’s Corner, by Mikayla Conrad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Ohio Holstein Women’s News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year Applicaion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship 2012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2012 Ohio Holstein Queen Contest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 District 15 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 OSU Netherlands Study Abroad Trip, by Dr. Maurice Eastridge . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Dairy Endowment Reaches Goal, by Dr. Maurice Eastridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Junior Jottings by Korey Oechsle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Ohio Holstein Association Adult and Junior Membership Forms . . . . . . . . . 53-54 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Coming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

On the Cover This cover photo features Silver Mist Holsteins, Dallas Rynd and Judy Wolford, at Ashville, District 5. Dallas is serving his first year as Vice-President of the Ohio Holstein Association and has been a board member since 2006 and on the Executive Committee since 2007. While Dallas and Judy are the main work force at the farm, they have been mentors to many youth who were interested in working on the farm and with dairy cattle, and they credit the youth with helping the farm run smoothly. This photo taken on a beautiful autumn day includes several of their youthful helpers. From left are Lauren Dumm; Paul Loar; Robby O’Brian; Johnny Johnson; Dallas at the halter of Silver-Mist Advent Botox VG-87; Judy holding Botox’s July calf, Silver-Mist WM Brite-Red, by Durham-Red; Tierra Fliger; Katie Henson; and Wayne Gregory. For more on Silver Mist Holsteins, see their cover story on page 8 and their ad on page 9. Special thanks to Don Alexander who helped with the setup and took the photo.

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From the President by Joe Miley Hello again. I hope by the time you receive this issue of the News, the fall harvest is nearing completion and everyone has enough feed stored away for the winter. It Joe Miley certainly has been a challenging fall. There are many things happening at the Ohio Holstein Association. I am pleased to report that, thanks to the diligent work of our employees and committees, we finished our fiscal year in the black. This year’s member-ship dues have been coming in at a very encouraging rate, so we are getting a good start on next year also. Remember that you may take a 10% discount on memberships paid by December 1 and that your district receives a rebate on all memberships paid by February 3. The Multi-Breed Fall Sale will be over by the time you get this, but the sale appears to be a popular event, and it has been a very positive move to unite with other breeds and breeders to expand markets and profits by working together. Plans are being completed for the Annual Meeting, which will be held March 16-17 in Bellville, Ohio. Activities include the Ohio Convention Sale, to be held at 11:00 at the Richland County Fairgrounds, and an Open House at Berg Farms with a judging contest and refreshments sponsored by District 8. Junior activities are being planned for Friday evening, and the Junior Annual Meeting will be Saturday morning at 9:30. The Ohio Holstein Association Annual Meeting, Queen Contest and Awards Luncheon will be held on Saturday. There will be a reorganization board meeting at 3:00 on Saturday afternoon. I would encourage everyone to attend all or part of the weekend activities. Contact Don if you would like to consign to the sale, or the office if you have any other questions on details. Don is also finalizing details for working with the Buckeye Dairy Club at Spring Dairy Expo on the Buckeye Classic Sale. These are exciting times

ay Gr e etings d i l o H to All Our Holstein Friends!

2 Year Progressive Genetics Herd Award • Registered Holsteins since 1913 Welch Family Farm since 1867 • McDanel Family Farm since 1873

Come and See Us. Esther Welch 419-945-2250

U-Dean Farms

1 mile north of

Polk on SR 89 669 SR 89, Route 1 • Polk, Ohio 44866 Dean & Doris Welch Randy & Mike Ryan 429-945-2411 Barn 419-945-2343 419-651-5281

for the Ohio Holstein Association, and we continue to encourage everyone to become involved. In closing, please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns, and I would like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday season.



National Director It’s the day before the Grand National Junior Show, and I hope everyone is ready. I hope everyone is having a good and safe harvest. Here at Springbrook, we are two-thirds done with corn. Our corn crop is a little below average due to the hot, dry summer. Last week I went to Chicago for a Genetic Advancement Committee (GAC) meeting, and concern over foot



and mobility issues was a hot topic. We are hoping that genomics can find a trait to help with this issue. Also, concern over cows getting too big was an issue with many of the commercial dairies. I just got back from a Junior Advisory Committee (JAC) meeting and was very impressed with the young men and women on the committee. They proposed some changes in the Distinguished Junior Member (DJM) application book, to help make it a little easier to fill out, with the goal of getting more applications. Well, time to load up for Louisville. Hope to see you at your winter meetings. — Mike Jones, Area 2 National Holstein Director OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011 | 5

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HUNSBERGER ALCHEMY*RC: #1 GTPI RC Bull in the Breed at +2418 +1374M +55F +55P +3.27 PTAT +3.01 UDC and Great Plus Health Traits

His Sire: Scientific Destry*RC

His Dam: Hunsberger Shottle Alexis EX-90 EEEVE 4-05 346D 34,797M 4.49% 1,561F 3.12% 1,085P Inc.

Grandam: Hunsberger Oman Riley-ET EX-90 EX-MS 5-07 365D 38,349M 4.5% 1,726F 3.2% 1,268P 7-00 219D 23,539M 4.2% 989F 3.04% 716P Inc. 3rd Dam: Hunsberger Duster Dinah-ET EX-91 EEEEE 3-09 365D 42,220M 3.4% 1,454F 3.1% 1,329P 4th Dam: Holmes-View Mark Tara EX-91 EX-MS GMD DOM 3-09 365D 42,270M 3.7% 1,571F 3.2% 1,358P

200H2713 Hunsberger Alchemy-ET*RC is available from Semex.

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Hunsberger Holsteins, LLC Wayne & Donna Hunsberger Ph: 330-567-2789 RHA 108 Cows 23,581M 924F 728P 6 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

Mike, Janice, Aaron and Laney Hunsberger 8257 Aylsworth Road, Shreve, OH 44676 Cell: 330-317-3663 • Fax: 330-496-4120

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Dallas Rynd of Silver Mist Holsteins Ohio Holstein Vice-President — Dairyman and Youth Mentor Greetings from northern Pickaway County! I am honored to serve as the Vice President of our state association. Previously, I served as the District 5 representative to the board and the executive committee. My wife, Judy Wolford, and I farm near Ashville where we operate Silver Mist Holsteins. In January 1992, we moved to this farm from northwest PA. This farm has been in Judy’s family for three generations, and we are proud to once again have dairy cattle graze on the fertile ground, just as Judy’s parents and grandparents did. Judy and I met while we were both working for the Holstein Association. I was working as a classifier, and she was working as a consultant. These days Judy’s off-the-farm profession is as an attorney and her off-the-farm position is as Pickaway County Prosecutor. As we were both raised on Reg. Holstein farms, it was inevitable that we, too, would own and milk Holsteins. But a good cow is a good cow no matter what her color. While we started out milking only Holsteins on our farm, we now have a mixed herd of about 50 milking cows. Approximately 75% are Holsteins, with the balance being Ayrshires, Brown Swiss and Jerseys. It is only fitting to have multiple breeds since Judy’s grandparents started out with a mixed herd on this farm. Our farm has 400 acres where we grow corn, soybeans, wheat and alfalfa. We have two main barns: one for our milking herd and one for our dry cows and heifers. All animals have pasture available to them. We also have an old bank barn, which we recently found to be more than 150 years old, that we use for hay and straw storage. Our breeding program focuses on high type, components and longevity. Currently in our 50-cow herd, we have 12 Excellent cows. We also have ten cows that have more than 100,000 lbs. of milk out and are still producing. We are working to breed more red and red factor animals, so we are using bulls that carry the red gene. We have several favorite cow families, but one of the most notable families traces back to Rynd-Home Valiant Cutie EX-91. Cutie was the dam of Cubby, Endeavor and Curious. We are currently milking five Excellent 8 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

cows that trace maternally to Cutie, a cow that was bred by my family. Sprucemist Juror Mascara is a cow that many of you may know that we, along with Steve Fried, are proud to have bred. Mascara was All-Ohio for us as a calf and went on to California, where the Teixeira family developed her into a 95point cow that was twice Junior All-American and a seven-time Junior AllAmerican nominee. We still have members of this family in our herd including an Excellent red carrier Kite daughter from Mascara’s full sister. We like to show at our district show as well as Spring Show, State Fair, and occasionally, World Dairy Expo. We have exhibited several AllOhio animals over the years as well as some All-American nominees. We have been out for champion at either Spring Show or State Fair in three different breeds. In 2010, along with our good friends Keith and Betty Ferrand, we were thrilled to have bred and exhibited the winning Brown Swiss Fall Yearling at World Dairy Expo. Ferrand-Smist PS Fern went on to be unanimous All-American for the Ferrands, Willy McKay and us. While we are the main labor force at Silver Mist, it is the youth who have worked at our farm that deserve lots of credit for keeping everything running smoothly. Currently, we have five part-time employees. Four of those attend Teays Valley, our local high school. Three of those, Wayne Gregory, Tierra Fliger and Robby O’Bryan, are seniors. John Johnson is a junior. All of these young adults exhibit our animals through FFA and 4-H. This year, they each had a dairy beef feeder project as well. As well as these four, Paul Loar helps out at the farm on Mondays and Fridays. Paul is now married with a daughter of his own, but he started out at the age of ten feeding milk to the calves each evening after school. He is a graduate of the University of Northwestern Ohio with an associate’s degree in Diesel Technology and currently works on the dairy farm at Pickaway Correctional Institution.

Dallas and Judy and friends

Katie Henson is another face that may greet you at our farm. Many of you may know Katie as the editor of the Brown Swiss Bulletin. Like Paul, she has been a part of Silver Mist since before she was old enough to drive. After high school, Katie attended Wilmington College, where she graduated with a degree in Agriculture. She still lives in a house on our farm, helps with our show string and still milks on occasion. Willy McKay, another valuable member of our team, got his very first clipping job at Silver Mist. He was not yet old enough to drive, and his dad was worried that he wasn’t ready to start clipping for anyone. But he did a great job, and over the years, Willy has spent summers with us and has helped with all aspects of our farm from milking to baling hay to designing a new barn and, yes, to taking care of our show string. Currently he is the herdsman for Butlerview Farm in Chebanse, Illinois. Over the years, we have had a number of young adults who have helped on the farm and who have shown our cattle as well. More than a dozen individuals have worked at Silver Mist. Others, like Lauren Dumm, a registered nurse, and Damien Clark, a high school teacher, have jobs unrelated to agriculture. Others, like Paul, Katie and Willy, still work with production agriculture. No matter their current occupations, all these former employees still spend time at the farm whenever they can. We hope that we have been a positive influence in the lives of all of our “children,” and we strive to continue to support each of them in their many activities and careers.

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Heartfelt Thanks‌ to each of our customers for a successful 2011!

Expanding to Serve You Better!

A Blessed Christmas and Happy New Year to Each of You! Stop in at our showroom located 1 mile West of Kidron, Ohio



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the Holstein


Cover story family Judy Wolford and Dallas Rynd are also innovators in record keeping according to an article and photo in the September 22, 2011, issue of Progressive Dairyman. At the 2010 World Dairy Expo, Judy found the company Rite in the Rain that produces paper that can get wet and not fall apart and can be used for writing while or after being immersed in water. Liquid beads on the paper and words written with regular pencils or ballpoint pens will not smear. Judy gave Dallas an 8-1/2” x 11” notebook to use for dairy animal treatment and a pocket size dairy calving record book for his birthday. Both use the treated paper. The J. L. Darling Corporation originally produced the paper for the logging industry in the state of Washington. • NEW ARRIVALS Clara Blanche Mussard was born September 19, 2011, to Jana and Martin Mussard. She weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. and was 19.5 inches long. She has two older siblings that adore her: Lane, 4, and Phoebe, 2. Grandparents are Roger and Mabelann Crossgrove, D-10. It’s a boy for Angi and J. R. Kaverman, D-13, with the arrival of Korbin James, weighing in at 9 lbs. 8 oz. on October 10. Korbin was welcomed by big sister Lydia and grandparents Albert and Greta Call, D13, and James and Darlene Kaverman, D-12. • Sarah Doehr, a member of the Wellington FFA Team that won the Sweepstakes at the Big E in Springfield, MA, placed first in the Dairy Handler Contest at that event. Sarah is the granddaughter of Florence and the late Clarence Parsons. • Five Ohioans served as judges or associate judges at World Dairy Expo. For the International Brown Swiss Show, Chris Lahmers, Marysville, was the judge and Jeff Brown, Jackson Center, was the associate judge. Blaine Crosser, Marysville, was the judge of the International Guernsey Show, and Chris Lang, Big Prairie, was the associate judge. Nathan Thomas, Cable, was the associate judge for the Central National Jersey Show. At World Dairy Expo, Tanner Topp,

Wooster, exhibited Conebella Sarge’s Wendy, the Grand Champion of the International Ayrshire Junior Show and first-place Four-Year-Old. Tanner received the $500 Udder Comfort Grand Champion Cash Award, and he was also named the total performance winner of the Junior show. Other Ohio class winners in the Ayrshire breed at Expo were Ashley and Kelly Hawvermale, Wooster; Fenton Bros. and K. T. C. C. Jodrey, Winchester; and Keaton, Kinley and Madelyn Topp, Botkins. • The November-December issue of Our Ohio, Ohio Farm Bureau’s magazine, had a friendly discussion on the merits of Jersey vs. Holstein dairy cows. Ken Ruprecht, Butler, spoke up for the black and whites, while Kristin Taylor, daughter of Paul and Dawn Schirm, Wooster, made the case for the more petite brown cow. A photo of the Celebrating Season’s Harvest Grow & Know banquet, held in a wooded area of Richman Farms, was also in this issue. • Debbie Indoe will be attending the American Farm Bureau Annual Meeting in Hawaii for her involvement

in the Richman Farms banquet. • Ohio delegates elected for the 127th Holstein Association USA Annual Meeting to be held June 29-30 in Springfield, Missouri, are Joseph Miley, Julie Renner, Esther Welch, Steve Moff and Thomas Thorbahn. Next alternates are Eric Topp, Peter Spike, John O. Spreng, Paul Haskins, Nevin L’Amoreaux and Ryan Welch. Future conventions are scheduled for Indiana in 2013, Iowa in 2014 and Illinois in 2015. Ohio has asked to be put into the rotation as soon as possible. • Select Sires, Inc. has announced plans to offer two summer internships at its headquarters facility in Plain City during the summer of 2012. Positions are available within the sales and marketing department, with applications due by January 1, 2012. College students pursuing a bachelor’s degree in dairy science, agricultural economics, agricultural communications or related fields may apply for these internships. For information visit www.selectsires.com/aboutus/ summer_internship.html or email tsmith@selectsires.com.

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OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011 | 11

Better diets. Healthier cattle. Profitable practices.

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You’ll also receive our newsletter, interact with our dairy teams, get the latest commodity pricing information and receive a wealth of overall support to help maximize your dairy profits.

Join us today See what your neighbors are talking about by becoming a member of the Cargill Dairy Exchange. For more information, contact your local Cargill Dairy Focus Consultant . Check us out on the Web at www.CargillDairyExchange.com. Michele Burky 419-651-2081

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12 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

Ryan Aberle 330-464-1951

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011 | 13

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Esther’s Extras

Think Holiday Season — Think Family Time. Daughter Patricia and I visited my granddaughters Maddie and Riley at their dance recital in Orlando.

Thanks to all the breeder advertisers who supported this issue. I know it was a busy harvest, and we have a number of Holiday ads that are always appreciated. Looking forward to the January-February issue, there are many reasons to advertise. The All-Ohio and Junior All-Ohio Calendar will be part of the News due to the sponsorship by COBA/Select Sires. You can double the impact of the award with an ad using the photo we already have for the calendar. A reminder to Junior All-Ohio entrants: we also want a headshot or small photo of the exhibitor. District 8 is hosting the Annual Meeting on March 16 and

17, and we are planning for an emphasis on District 8 ads in this issue. We need ads for the Convention Sale in District 8 on March 16, the Daffodil Sale on March 27 and the Buckeye Classic Sale on March 30. If you ever wonder about the reach of ads in the Ohio News, consider that we distributed more than 400 copies at World Dairy Expo. These went all across the country, many to Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and New York. The News also went to Canada, Ireland, Germany and New Zealand. For specific examples, Bonnie Cooper, editor of the Canadian Journal told Don that she reads every bit of the Ohio News. Jeff Stephens of Canada commented that our May-June issue was “quite a magazine for a state magazine.” Jim Copper of GenElite told me he reads every issue and especially looks at the ads, hence his calls to set up appointments at Ohio farms. Never doubt the importance of agriculture and dairy farming. We made a poster for the dairy barn at the Ashland County Fair featuring color photos of cows, crops and harvest at U-Dean Farms and these captions: Feeding Future Families; World Population 2011 — 7 Billion, 2046 — 9 Billion; Agriculture Provides Food, Fiber, Energy, Jobs; We are: Dedicated stewards of the land and water, Compassionate caretakers of the animals. We also had a poster listing five generations of the family that had shown at the fair. In an article in the January 2011 Eastern Dairy Business, Tom Gallagher pointed out that it is America’s Dairy Producers who Feed the World, Fight childhood obesity, Address hunger and malnutrition, Bring jobs to local communities, Provide a path to energy independence, Assure food security for America, Care for their land and animals. Thank you to everyone for the consideration you have shown me this year, and I look forward to working with you in 2012.

Ohio News

P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, Ohio 44691 Phone 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653

Advertising Rates Effective January 1, 2002

We would like to thank all who helped in the construction of our new parlor and free stall barn. What a great group of people to work with! W. G. Dairy, Inc.; Boumatic; Curry Lumber; Stein-way Equipment; and General Concrete. Also, we thank our employees, family and friends for their patience and hard work. We appreciate all who attended our Open House on November 3rd. Visitors are Always Welcome!

Kenny and Linda Rufener • 330-353-2027 • linkenruf@msn.com Mike and Carol Rufener • 330-353-2029 Kenny and Melanie Rufener • 330-353-2028

14 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011



1 Page




1/2 Page




1/3 Page

$ 100

$ 80

$ 70

1/4 Page

$ 80

$ 70

$ 60

Per Inch

$ 20

$ 18

$ 15





December 15

January 25


February 15

March 25

April 15

May 25


August 15

September 25


October 15

November 25

May-June 372 Congress Lake Road Suffield, OH 44260 • Farm Phone: 330-877-2710


Non-Contract OPEN RATES Including Public Sale Ads


(Membership Directory)

The information printed in the text and ads is as supplied to the News by the sources listed and by individual advertisers.

The World may see the birthplace of our Savior as a lowly stable whereas we, who have been charged with the care of God’s most productive creatures, find our barns to be a place of warmth and refuge. Perhaps Our Lord feels the same. Therefore, we consider it an honor to care for such a special place. During this Christmas Season, may your cattle nestle peacefully in your stable and your family enjoy the Blessings of each other gathered in the comfort of your home. God Bless.

Doug and Marty Dye Evan, Jon, Hannah & Micah 27863 Shoemaker Road Beloit, OH 44609 330-525-5272 mddye@live.com

Luke 24:13-49

March 2011 BAA 108.1 44 cows

RHA 25,430M 832F 748P OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011 | 15

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General Manager’s Views — Don Alexander

The photo I used for my column this month was taken at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto, Canada, with Bonnie Cooper, editor of the Canadian Holstein Journal, and Paul Ekstein of Quality Holsteins and the owner of Pine-Tree Finley Minnie-ET, who is the dam of the popular Semex bull Pine-Tree Sid-ET. The Ohio Holstein Association ended the fiscal year September 30 with a profit, thanks to a successful

membership drive, profitable sales and the dedication from the editor of the Ohio News who continues to publish a first class, money-making magazine. Also, without the support from the officers and the board of directors, the office manager and the countless volunteers, this would not have been possible. As 2011 comes to an end, 2012 promises to be another good year. Mark your calendar now for the Ohio State Holstein Convention hosted by District 8 in Bellville, Ohio, March 16 and 17, which will also include the Ohio Spring Sale in Mansfield at the Richland County Fairgrounds on Friday the 16th. Two weeks later, the Spring Dairy Expo begins, which will include the Buckeye Classic Sale on Friday the 30th of March. Once again we will comanage the sale with the Buckeye Dairy Club. Genomics continue to be an important factor in today’s economic environment; don’t miss the opportunity to increase the earning potential along with the value of your herd. There are countless success stories throughout Ohio, and several of them are the direct result of animals purchased in Ohio Holstein-managed sales. As 2011 comes to a successful close, thank you again for the support by our members. I would like to wish everyone a safe and healthy Holiday Season. Take care, Don



Freestall Barns • Milking Parlors • Sand Separator Lanes Commodity Buildings • Bunk Silos 16 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

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A Time for Thanks Miley Roy Exbt Corona EX-91 EX-MS • • • •

2nd Four-Year-Old, 2011 District 7 Show 290D 23,368M 4.0% 933F 3.0% 694P Inc. Dam: Miley Exhibit Atley Cupcake VG-88 2nd Dam: Miley Atley Jolt Candy Cane EX-91 3E

• Corona has daughters by Atlas and Alexander and is due to Beacon in April.

Special thanks to our recent buyers: Leroy J. Burkholder, Robert and Mark Deidrick, Alvin O. Zimmerman, Brad Sooy, Jonas Burkholder, Thompson Dairy, Jim Tegtmeier, Paul Burkholder, Rod Schiebe, Roger E. Fulk, Dave Sigel, Zacharias Farms, Roger Kohler, Mike Howman; Paul Harris, Gordon Farms, Roger Mohrman, Long Life Replacements, Russ and Julie Stocols, Kurt Wyler, John Wenger and D & R Valley Farms.

Season’s Greetings and Blessings

Also a big THANK YOU to all who helped us with the shows and classifications this year: Addie Hastings, Laura Gordon, Mike Howman, Jeneva Auble, Jackie King, Andrew Nicol and Ben Mangun.

Miley Holstein Farms Ltd. Joe and Diana Miley Jason and Anna

Jim and Jane Miley • 7234 Bates Rd., West Salem, OH 44287 Ph: 330-264-2453 • Fax: 330-263-7883 • E-mail: jdjamiley@aol.com PBR: 15 YEARS BAA 107.1 31 EX 92 VG 86 GP 5 G All Homebred

Jon and Amy Miley Adam and David

No. 56 The National Holstein Futurity, Inc. LATE ENTRY OPTION To Be Shown in 2013 at the Ohio State Fair Calves born Sept. 1, 2009, to Aug. 31, 2010, are eligible for the National Holstein Futurity, Inc., No. 56, as a late entry with a fee of $25.00 per head. Payment is due January 20, 2012. Name of Animal

Reg. No.

Signature _________________________________ Make checks payable to: The National Holstein Futurity, Inc.




Address __________________________________ Mail to:

Mary Lou Topp, Executive Secretary 10344 Botkins Road Botkins, Ohio 45306 Phone 937-693-3113 • Fax 937-693-2887

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011 | 17

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Districts 1-2 Show Report Northeast Ohio District 1 & 2

July 9, 2011 • Judge Sherry Smith 99 head shown • reported by Robert Hippely Spring Heifer Calf (12) 1. (JR) Lou-Ida Sovereign Winnie V, Louis Liming 2. (JR) Miss Damion Jade-ET, Mason Mazzaro 3. Lorawae Shottle Flora-ET, Lorawae Holsteins 4. Breezy Knoll Dusk, Grant Cope 5. (JR) Lindlaur Gabor Annette, Lauren L’Amoreaux Winter Heifer Calf (11) 1. Sanorvalley Bolivia Kenzie, Bryce Sanor 2. (JR) Hersh-Dale Lou Prism, Emily Smallsreed 3. (JR) Kiko No Name Given Lightning, Wyatt Kiko 4. Ubercrest Atlantic Juliet, Tom & Erin Uber, Ubercrest, PA 5. (JR) Lou-Ida Aspen Rose, Louis Liming Fall Heifer Calf (10) 1. Ms Duckett Jasper Magic, Tom & Erin Uber 2. M-W Triumph Madeline, Maplewood Farm 3. Lorawae Shottle Fauna-ET, Lorawae Holsteins 4. Struna Atwood Royal Rose, Tony Struna 5. Whiteleather Alexand 1693, Whiteleather Holsteins Summer Yearling (6) 1. Lorawae Finest Mona, Lorawae Holstins 2. (JR) M-Signature Guinevere-Red, Bailee Mazzaro 3. (JR) Lou-Ida Grabil Annie, Miranda Sloan 4. (JR) Ouric Pronto Sizzle, Elizabeth & Heidi Moff 5. (JR) QualityL Bazooka-ET, Hannah Dye

Spring Yearling (5) 1. (JR) Quality-Quest DD Aviator, Hannah Dye 2. (JR) Ouric Laurin Delly, Elizabeth & Heidi Moff 3. Lindlaur Mill’n Little T-ET, Nevin & Brenda L-Amoreaux 4. Whin-Way Shottle Olivia, Brian Whinnery 5. (JR) Lou-Ida Terlin Winnie V, Louis Liming Winter Yearling (5) 1. Budjon-JK Laurin Lady-ET, Kiko Farms 2. (JR) Express-SMD Lightning Trish, Lindsay L’Amoreaux 3. Whin-Way Juror O-Face, Brian Whinnery 4. Loraway Lillie Lou, Lorawae Holsteins 5. (JR) Lou-Ida Kite Wendy, Louis Liming Fall Yearling (7) 1. (JR) Brookview E Valedictoria, Bailee Mazzaro 2. (JR) Kiko Dundee Margie, Ryan Kiko 3. Whiteleather Sanchez 1470-ET, Whiteleather Farms 4. (JR) Quietcove-W Moscow Febe, Elijah Dobay 5. (JR) Lou-Ida Primetime Missy, Marlena Liming Junior Champion Open Show Sanorvalley Bolivia Kenzie, Bryce Sanor Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Ms Duckett Jasper Magic, Tom & Erin Uber Junior Champion Junior Show Brookview-E Valedictoria, Bailee Mazzaro Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Hersh-Dale Lou Prism, Emily Smallsreed Honorable Mention Junior Show Kiko No Name Given Lightning, Wyatt Kiko

Thank You to All Our Buyers This Year. Best Wishes to All Our Holstein Friends. Enjoy the Holidays with Your Family!

Junior Best Three Females (3) 1. Lorawae Holsteins 2. Lou-Ida 3. QualityQuest Junior Two-Year-Old (7) 1. (JR) Quality-Quest Fancifire-ET, Hannah Dye 2. (JR) Ouric Million Danae, Heidi Moff 3. Whiteleather Lou 1404, Whiteleather Holsteins 4. Beardsley Morty Gladis, Jim Beardsley 5. (JR) Ouric Mr Sam Devon, Elizabeth & Heidi Moff Senior Two-Year-Old (8) 1. Lorawae Pronto Helen, Lorawae Holsteins 2. Breezy Knoll Damion, Grant Cope 3. (JR) Kiko Fortune Ailene, Ryan Kiko 4. Kiko Talent Rashine, Kiko Farms 5. Lindlaur Lou Anita, Nevin & Brenda L’Amoreaux Junior Three-Year-Old (2) 1. Kiko Dundee Donna, Kiko Farms 2. (JR) Ouric Laurin Haddie, Elizabeth & Heidi Moff Senior Three-Year-Old (5) 1. Beardsley Advent Gingersnap, Jim Beardsley 2. Lindlaur Advent Ally, Nevin & Brenda L’Amoreaux 3. Lorawae Advent Pepper An-Red, Lorawae Holsteins 4. Lindlaur Strmatic Taylor, Whiteleather Holsteins 5. Whiteleather S Sage 1048, Whiteleather Farms Intermediate Champion Open Show Lorawae Pronto Helen, Lorawae Holsteins Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Beardsley Advent Gingersnap, Jim Beardsley Intermediate Champion Junior Show Quality-Quest Fancifire-ET, Hannah Dye Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Kiko Fortune Ailene, Ryan Kiko Honorable Mention Heidi Moff Four-Year-Old (10) 1. (JR) Maview Lynn Damion, Bailee Mazzaro & Elijah Dobay 2. Whiteleather Talent 932, Whiteleather Holsteins 3. Beardsley Dundee




Does Your Water Have Odors, Iron, Sulfates, Bacteria, Black Deposits, E. Coli or Water Line and Pump Problems Due to Iron and Sulfates? NSF AND ORGANIC APPROVED Ask How…OXY BLAST PLUS…May Benefit You Hydrogen Peroxide base with over 40 natural herbs and 70 trace minerals. Residential, Livestock, Swine & Poultry



POLCHIN HOLSTEINS A 100% Registered Herd 2411 Sentinel Road • Dorset, OH 44032 John, Ruth and Tony Polchin – 440-293-7955

18 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

Ashtabula Co. A Part of District 1

Gerald Stair, Dealer 3971 Blachleyville Road, Wooster, OH 44691 Ph: 330-749-4792 Fax: 330-264-0903 gnstair@sssnet.com

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Cal, Jim Beardsley 4 (JR) Marbri Dundee Sienna-ET, Bailee Mazzaro 5. (JR) Ouric Ready Durango, Elizabeth & Heidi Moff Five-Year-Old (3) 1. Lorawae Dundee Fancee, Lorawae Holsteins, 2. Kiko Zenith Janetta, Kiko Farms 3. Whiteleather Durh Lee 740, Whiteleather Holsteins Aged Cow (2) 1. Kiko Derry Marlene, Kiko Farms 2. Paradise-R Linjet Anhizier, Nevin & Brenda L’Amoreaux 125,000 Cow (3) 1. Paradise-R Lewis Stacy, Paradise Valley Farms, 2. (JR) Quality-Quest Bond Angel, Hannah Dye 3. (JR) Ouric Durham Anita, Heidi Moff Dry 3- and 4-Year-Old (1) 1. (JR) Ouric Artic Auris, Elizabeth & Heidi Moff Dry Aged Cow (2) 1. (JR) Ked Stormatic Julexxa, Hannah Dye 2. (JR) Lou-Ida Terrason Winnie, Louis Liming Senior Champion and Grand Champion Open Show Paradise-R Lewis Stacy, Paradise Valley Farms Reserve Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Lorawae Dundee Fancee, Lorawae Holsteins Honorable Mention Mayview Lynn Damion, Bailee Mazzaro & Elijah Dobay Honorable Mention Lorawae Pronto Helen, Lorawae Holsteins Senior Champion and Grand Champion Junior Show Maview Lynn Damion, Bailee Mazzaro & Elijah Dobay Reserve Senior Champion Junior Show Mabrie Dundee Sienna, Bailee Mazzaro

Honorable Mention Quality-Quest Bond Angel, Hannah Dye Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Quality-Quest Fancifire-ET, Hannah Dye Honorable Mention Ouric Laurin Haddie, Elizabeth & Heidi Moff Best Three Females (6) 1.Lorawae Holsteins, 2. Kiko Farms 3. Jim Beardsley, 4. Whiteleather Holsteins 5. Ouric Holsteins Dam and Daughter (5) 1. Kiko Farms 2. Nevin & Brenda L’Amoreaux 3. Lorawae Holsteins 4. Ouric Holsteins 5. Nevin & Brenda L’Amoreaux Produce of Dam (3) 1. Lorawae Holsteins 2. Ouric Holsteins 3. LouIda Farms Best Bred & Owned and Best Uddered Open Show Paradise-R Lewis Stacy, Paradise Valley Farms Premier Exhibitor & Premier Breeder Russ Kiko Family Farm Junior Showmanship 1. Mason Mazzaro 2. Lindsay L’Amoreaux

D-1,2 Premier Breeder/Premier Exhibitor, Kiko Farms Jennifer Hall, Lauren Almasy, Mikayla Conrad, Premier Breeder & Exhibitor Kiko Farms, Jaclyn Kiko, Katherine Wolfe, Mary Jo Brown, Judge Sherry Smith

Intermediate Showmanship 1. Elijah Dobay 2. Bailee Mazzaro Senior Showmanship 1. Heidi Moff 2. Shannon Montgomery The following young ladies were the dairy royalty that helped hand out ribbons and were pictured with the winners: Ashtabula Co. Dairy Princess Jennifer Hall Columbiana Co. Dairy Princess Mary Jo Brown Mahoning Co. Jr. Dairy Princess Anna McCracken Mahoning Co. Sr. Dairy Princess Hannah Dye Ohio Holstein Queen Mikayla Conrad Stark Co. Dairy Princess Katherine Wolfe Stark Co. Dairy Sweetheart Jaclyn Kiko Trumbull Co. Jr. Dairy Princess Lauren Almasy Trumbull Co. Sr. Dairy Princess Samantha Sizemore

D-1,2 Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Lauren Almasy, Mikayla Conrad, Reserve Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Lorawa Dundee Fancee shown by Katy Lora, Senior Champion and Grand Champion Paradise-R Lewis Stacy shown by Brenda L’Amoreaux, Jaclyn Kiko, Katherine Wolfe, Mary Jo Brown, Jennifer Hall

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Talented 2-Year-Old at FUTURAMA


92nd Convention and Annual Meeting Tentative Schedule of Events March 16 & 17, 2012 • Bellville, Ohio FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2012 11:00 a.m. . . . . . . . Ohio Convention Sale at Richland County Fairgrounds, Mansfield 4:00 p.m. . . . . . . . . Open House at Berg Farms w/Judging Contest/Food & Refreshments by District 8 8:00 p.m. . . . . . . . . Junior Activity 9:00 p.m. . . . . . . . . Social Gathering at KC’s Steak & Rib House, 844 St. Rt.97, Bellville


Futurama Talent Secellia VG-87 VVV+E SECELLIA was one of the highlights of our August classification. She is a potential 3rd-generation EX: Damion X Hi Metro X VG-87 Eland. We are looking forward to a bright future for this young cow. • She is bred back, due in April to ATWOOD, with an ultrasounded heifer! • 1st Junior 2-Year-Old, Intermediate Champion and Reserve Grand Champion, District 14 • Entered in 2012 Futurity Other Highlights of our August Classification: • 3 New EX Cows — Futurama Talent Maxim EX-91 EX-92MS, Futurama Damion Sescie and Futurama Damion Lee, both EX-90 with EX-MS • 7 VG 2-Year-Olds — 3 by TALENT, 2 by LOU, a PRONTO and a PONTIAC • In Total: 60 head classified, 13 EX, 36 VG, 8GP — Official BAA of 109.3 Be sure to check out our Facebook page for photos and other updates: www.facebook.com/pages/Futurama-Holsteins/157839537601987


Jeff and Kathy Josh and Jake Hugh and Ann jaksknoop@goinx.com 8877 New Hope Road 6750 New Hope Road Fletcher, OH 45326 Fletcher, OH 45326 937-368-2430 937-368-2320 www.futuramaholsteins.com

20 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

6:00-10:00 a.m. . Continental Breakfast at Quality Inn & Suites (for hotel guests only) 8:00 a.m. . . . . . . . . Dairy Bar Opens 8:00 a.m. . . . . . . . . Ohio Holstein Women’s Association Annual Meeting, Vintage Room 8:00 a.m. . . . . . . . . Memorial Award Interviews, Super Cycle Room 8:00 a.m. . . . . . . . . Outstanding Junior Member Interviews, Indy Room 8:00 a.m. . . . . . . . . Resolutions Committee Meeting, Grand Prix Room 9:00 a.m. . . . . . . . . Queen’s Breakfast and Interviews, Super Cycle Room 9:00 a.m. . . . . . . . . Ohio Holstein Association Annual Meeting, Grand Prix Room 9:30 a.m. . . . . . . . . Ohio Holstein Junior Association Annual Meeting, Indy Room 12:00 noon . . . . . Awards Luncheon/Queen’s Finale/Fun Auction, Dutch Heritage Restaurant 3:00 p.m.. . . . . . . . Ohio Holstein Board of Directors Reorganizational Meeting, Dutch Heritage Restaurant

HOTEL HEADQUARTERS Quality Inn & Suites 1000 Comfort Plaza, Bellville, Ohio 44813 Phone 419-886-7000, Fax 419-886-9943 www.quailtyinnbellville.com $73/night plus tax for double or queen $83/night plus tax for king

ALTERNATIVE HOTEL Comfort Inn & Suites/Splash Harbor Indoor Water Park 855 Comfort Plaza Drive, Bellville, Ohio 44813 Phone 419-886-4000, Fax 419-886-3813 www.comfortinnbellville.com or www.splashharbor.com $110/night plus tax for double or queen Mention Ohio Holstein Association to receive the discounted rate. Reservation deadline for discount is March 3, 2011.

DUTCH HERITAGE RESTAURANT MENU — Saturday Luncheon — $20.00/adult, $10.00/under 12 Family Style Dinner/All You Can Eat Roast Beef, Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Dressing, Gravy, Green Beans, Tossed Salad, Homemade Bread, Slice of Pie, Beverage

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011 | 21

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District 3 Show Report District 3 Show

June 18, 2011 • Judge Nathan Thomas 65 head shown • reposted by Louise Harding Spring Heifer Calf (11) 1. (JR) Harstine Zenith Maraland, Colton Harstine 2. Hardingdale Light Athena, Hardingdale Holsteins 3. Hardingdale Sanchez Maze, Hardingdale Holsteins 4. (JR) Springway Blueberry-TW, Abigail Shockey 5. (JR) CL-Hersh Dundee Daisy Duke, Clay Hershberger Winter Heifer Calf (10) 1. (JR) CL-Hersh Debonair DD-Red, Clay Hershberger 2. (JR) Open-Road Dusk Becca, Sage Miller 3. (JR) Trealayne Aftershock Gracie, Tori Deam 4. (JR) Express SMD Braxton Maggie, Hannah Dye 5. (JR) Open Road Million Marie, Amy Hughes Fall Heifer Calf (4) 1. (JR) Trealayne Gabor Liesl, Tori Deam 2. (JR) Quality-Quest Mickey McFire, Hannah Dye 3. (JR) Open Road Marion Bloom, Sarah Schonauer 4. (JR) Plainfield Atwood Spark, Ben Simpson Summer Yearling Heifer (6) 1. (JR) Quality-Quest L Bazooka-ET, Hannah Dye 2. Stonefront Sanchez Vixen, Steel-Lane Holsteins 3. (JR) Hickory-Spring Juliana, Caitlyn Clarke 4. (JR) Plainfield Debonar Grace-Red, Ben Simpson 5. (JR) Red-View Croc Kate 115-Red, Kennedy Miller

Spring Yearling Heifer (2) 1. Hardingdale Adv Scarlet, Hardingdale Holsteins 2. (JR) Quality-Quest DD Aviator, Hannah Dye Winter Yearling Heifer (1) 1. (JR) Harstine Morty Tory, Colton Harstine Fall Yearling Heifer (6) 1. (JR) TK-LT Rebecca, Tori Deam 2. Steel-Lane Laurin Joelle, Steel-Lane Holsteins 3. (JR) Open Road Socrates Leeann, Tyler Schonauer 4. Deams Stylish Minnie May, Jenneil Holsteins 5. (JR) Ervins Kite Trina, Ryan Ervin Junior Champion Open Show and Junior Show CL-Hersh Debonair DD-Red, Clay Hershberger Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Hardingdale Adv Scarlet, Hardingdale Holsteins Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show TK-LT Rebecca, Tori Deam Junior Best Three Females (3) 1. Quality-Quest Holsteins 2. Open Road Farms 3. Hardingdale Holsteins Junior Two-Year-Old (2) 1.Quality-Quest FanciFire-ET, Quality-Quest Holsteins 2. Nostaw Fagan Maggie, Nostaw Farms Senior Two-Year-Old (6) 1. Duncan Goldwyn Addie-ET, Steel-Lane Holsteins 2. Trealayne Roy Georgiana-ET, Trealayne Holsteins 3. Springway Damion

Attention Farmers ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

Sell Cows and Bulls Direct Sold on a Dressed Basis Graded and Shipped Daily Representing Six Major Packers Each Animal Distributed to the Plant that will Return a Premium Price to You Transportation Available Save – No commissions Serving the Industry Over 50 Years in This Area Licensed and Bonded $200,000 for Your Protection

Merlin L. Garver, Inc. 2203 Heyl Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 OFFICE 1-800-686-6292 330-264-5275 1-800-374-6180

22 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

1/2 Mile West of Holstein Association

FARM Paul 330-264-2660 Paul’s Cell 330-466-1188 Jan 330-264-5275

Violet, Springway Farm 4. (JR) Alcroft Rubens Joyness-ET, Robin Alden 5. (JR) Clarkehills Damion Saphire, Caitlyn Clarke District 3 Futurity for Three-Year-Old Cows (2) 1. $500 Award, Springway Affirmed Vanilla, Springway Farms 2. $300 Award, Zimmeracres Aspen Michelle, Hardingdale Holsteins Junior Three-Year-Old (1) 1. Hardingdale Toy Emerald, Hardingdale Holsteins Senior Three-Year-Old (3) 1. Schugs Lydon Olady-TW, Hardingdale Holsteins 2. (JR) Windy-Ridge Mr Sam Darling, Clay Hershberger 3. (JR) Broad-View Armstrong Beppi, Kurt Wyler Intermediate Champion Open Show Schugs Lydon Olady-TW, Hardingdale Holsteins Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Duncan Goldwyn Addie, Steel-Lane Holsteins Intermediate Champion Junior Show Alcroft Rubens Joyness, Robin Alden Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Windy-Ridge Mr Sam Darling, Clay Hershberger Four-Year-Old (3) 1. Hardingdale Promotion Syrup, Hardingdale Holsteins 2. (JR) Springhill-OH Stream Jetta, Dan Alden 3. (JR) Quality-Quest Zenith Optimum, Kurt Wyler Five-Year-Old (1) 1. Rogalin Damion Mary-Lou, Pleasant View Farm Aged Cow (3) 1. (JR) H-H-Vu Derry Sasaha-ET, Austin Trbovich 2. (JR) Springhill-Oh Emory Jadea, Robin Alden 3. Hardingdale Dramatic Kris, Hardingdale Holsteins 125,00 Pound Cow (1) 1. (JR) Ked Stormatic Julexxa, Hannah Dye Senior Champion and Grand Champion Open and Junior Shows H-H-Vu Derry Sasaha-ET, Austin Trbovich Reserve Senior Champion Open Show Hardingdale Promotion Syrup, Hardingdale Holsteins Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Schugs Lydon Olady-TW, Hardingdale Holsteins Reserve Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Springhill-Oh Emory Jadea, Robin Alden Best Three Females 1.Hardingdale Holsteins 2. Quality-Quest Holsteins Dam & Daughter 1. Alden Farms 2. Quality-Quest Holsteins Produce of Dam 1. Springway Farms 2. Quality-Quest Holsteins 3. Nostaw Farms Senior Best Bred and Owned Hardingdale Promotion Syrup, Hardingdale Holsteins Junior Best Bred and Owned CL-Hersh Debonair DD-Red, Clay Hershberger Premier Breeder & Exhibitor Hardingdale Holsteins Junior Showmanship 1. Sarah Schonauer 2. Tori Deam 3. Amy Hughes Senior Showmanship 1. Clay Hershberger 2. Tyler Schonauer 3. Hannah Dye

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District 5 Show Report District 5 Show

June 20, 2011 • Judge Lee Kohler reported by Judy Wolford Spring Heifer Calf 1. (JR) Conrad FBI CIA, Maylon Conrad Winter Heifer Calf 1. Flat-Maple Dundee Shelly, Flat Maple Holsteins 2. Silver-Mist Chopin Creamer, Silver Mist Holsteins 3. (JR) Conrad Pontiac Honor, Macrae Conrad 4. Conrad Gabor Misty, Mikayla Conrad Fall Heifer Calf 1. Rose-Vue Real Dreamy-Red, Silver Mist Holsteins & White Light Holsteins 2. (JR) SilverMist Rubens Vodka, John Johnson 3. (JR) Conrad Summer Stormy, Macrae Conrad Summer Yearling 1. Silver-Mist Shaq Danica, Silver Mist Holsteins 2. (JR) Conrad Mr Burns Dakota, Macy Conrad Spring Yearling 1. (JR) Silver-Mist Lit Cheerleader, Tierra Fliger Junior Champion Open Show Silver-Mist Shaq Danica, Silver-Mist Holsteins Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Flat Maple Dundee Shelly, Flat Maple Holsteins Junior Champion Junior Show Silver-Mist Rubens Vodka, John Johnson Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Silver-Mist Lit Cheerleader, Tierra Fliger

Junior Best Three Female 1. Silver Mist Holsteins 2. Conrad Farms Senior Two-Year-Old 1. (JR) Conrad Lou Dew, Mikayla Conrad Senior Three-Year-Old 1. Conrad Rudy Layla, Macy Conrad Intermediate Champion Open and Junior Show Conrad Rudy Layla, Macy Conrad Reserve Intermediate Champion Open and Junior Show Conrad Lou Dew, Miakyla Conrad Four-Year-Old 1. (JR) Conrad Lou, Mikayla Conrad 125,000 Pound Cow 1. (JR) Conrad Finley Liz, Macy Conrad Senior Champion Open and Junior Show Conrad Lou, Mikayla Conrad Reserve Senior Champion Open and Junior Show Conrad Finley Liz, Macy Conrad Grand Champion Open and Junior Show, Supreme Champion Pickaway County Fair Conrad Rudy Layla, Macy Conrad Reserve Grand Champion Open and Junior Show Conrad Lou, Mikayla Conrad Best Udder 1. Conrad Rudy Layla, Macy Conrad 2. Conrad Lou, Mikayla Conrad

Senior Best Three Females 1. Conrad Farms Dairy Herd Conrad Farms Premier Breeder & Exhibitor Conrad Farms Junior Showmanship Allison McCummons Intermediate Showmanship Macrae Conrad Senior Showmanship Mikayla Conrad

D-5 Grand Champion Open & Junior Show and Supreme Champion at Pickaway County Fair Senior Three-Year-Old Conrad Rudy Layla with exhibitor Macy Conrad and Ohio Holstein Queen Mikayla Conrad. Photo by Judy Conrad

SOLID COW FAMILY PLUS GENOMICS Dam: North-Fork Lynch Dina-ET EX-90 EEVVE DOM 4-07 365D 36,440M 3.8% 1,382F 3.0% 1,111P GrDam: Kings-Ransom DB Digital-ET EX-92 EEEVE 2E GMD DOM 4-04 365D 40,020M 4.1% 1,651F 2.9% 1,161P 3rd Dam: VG-88 MToto GMD DOM 4th Dam: EX-91 Commotion GMD DOM 5th Dam: EX-91 Mascot GMD DOM 6th Dam: VG-87 Cleitus GMD DOM

This Planet has an outcross pedigree with lots of AI interest.

Thank you to Jim and Rita Rowe and family at Jimita Holsteins for hosting the District 3 Barn Meeting and Picnic on October 23.

Best Wishes & Happy Holidays! North Echo Planet 1907-ET GP-84 VG-87MS GTPI+2114 PTA+646 NM +6.3PL +.2DPR PTA+2.30T +2.32UDC +1.37FLC PTA+703M +63F +.14% +30P +.03% 2-04 102D 10,627M 4,24% 451F 2.71% 288P

Zimmerview Dairy

Paul, Brent and Dean Zimmer 700 Zimmer Road, Marietta, OH 45750 740-374-7299 Ph. • 740-374-6288 Fax 2 Year PGH Award OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011 | 23

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District 7 Show Report District 7 Show

July 9, 2011 • Judge Eric Topp 63 head shown • reported by Lisa Mangun Spring Heifer Calf (10) 1. Brook Hollow Twizzler, Delbert & Heather Yoder 2. (JR) Toppglen Laurin Hotlegs, Brennan Topp 3. Brook Hollow Rodee Rose, Delbert & Heather Yoder 4. (JR) Be-Ware Beacon Dasher 925, Aaron Berg 5. (JR) Be-Ware Goldwyn Desi 923-ET, Collin Berg Winter Heifer Calf (9) 1. Brook Hollow Noelle, Delbert & Heather Yoder 2. (JR) Ben-Alli 643 Fabulous 1096, Allison Mangun 3. Hunsberger Domain Mandy, Hunsberger Holsteins 4. Brook Hollow Jezebel Rose, Delbert & Heather Yoder 5. (JR) Miley Sanchez LL Bella-ET, Anna Miley Fall Heifer Calf (6) 1. Brook Hollow Panini, Delbert & Heather Yoder 2. (JR) Toppglen Alexander Whoa-ET, Tyler Topp 3. Rupp-Vue Atwood Faith-ET, RuppVue Farms 4. (JR) Fawnacres Essie Talent, Tanner Goines 5. (JR) Miley Atlantic DD Ginelle, Caleb Kliner Summer Yearling Heifer (4) 1. (JR) Ben-Alli Alex Glamour Girl, Allison Mangun 2. Brook Hollow Blue Bonny Sky, Delbert & Heather Yoder 3. (JR) Toppglen Roadtrip Calista, Tyler Topp 5. (JR) Starmark Sky Peyton, Allison and Ben Mangun Spring Yearling Heifer (5) 1. (JR) Glen-Paul Aspen Bayonet, Tyler Topp 2. Brook Hollow Apricot Rose, Delbert & Heather Yoder 3. (JR) Miley Advent B Gemini Red-ET, Adam Miley 4. Brook Hollow Sangria Sky, Delbert & Heather Yoder 5. Mini-Haven Reflection-Red, Jeffrey & Rachel Snyder Winter Yearling Heifer (1) 1. (JR) Miley Reality Gisele-Red, Anna Miley Fall Yearling Heifer (1) 1. (JR) Miley Spirte DD Saturn, Adam Miley Junior Champion Open Show Brook Hollow Noelle, Delbert & Heather Yoder Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Brook Hollow Panini, Delbert & Heather Yoder Junior Champion Junior Show Toppglen Alexander Whoa-ET, Tyler Topp Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Ben-Alli Glamour Girl, Allison Mangun Junior Best Three Females 1. Delbert & Heather Yoder 2. Miley Holsteins

Junior Two-Year-Old (5) 1. Brook Hollow Baby Blue Sky, Delbert & Heather Yoder 2. (JR) Miley Debonair GlitterRed, Anna Miley 3. (JR) Be-Ware Goldwyn Duque 834, Collin Berg 4. Brook Hollow Miss Skywhy, Delbert & Heather Yoder 5. (JR) Topkiss Aspen Hotcakes-ET, Tanner Topp Senior Two-Year-Old (6) 1. Rupp-Vue Grit Mint, Rupp-Vue Farms 2. Brook Hollow Sienna Sky-ET, Delbert & Heather Yoder 3. Be-Ware Shottle Daut 821, Berg Farms 4. (JR) Topkiss Aspen Hotstuff-ET, Tyler Topp 5. Rupp-Vue Advent Loud RC, Rupp-Vue Farms Junior Three-Year-Old (4) 1. Brook Hollow Vernique-ET, Delbert & Heather Yoder 2. Rupp-Vue Medford Forever, Rupp-Vue Farms 3. (JR) Toppglen Pronto Pixiestick, Tyler Topp 4. Brook Hollow Tequila Sky, Delbert & Heather Yoder Senior Three-Year-Old (3) 1. Miley Advent B Gem-Red, Miley Holsteins 2. Rohaven Outside Out, Rohaven Holsteins 3. Brook Hollow Action Rose, Delbert & Heather Yoder Intermediate Champion Open Show Brook Hollow Baby Blue Sky, Delbert & Heather Yoder Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Miley Advent B Gem-Red, Miley Holsteins Intermediate Champion Junior Show Miley Debonair Glitter-Red, Anna Miley Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Be-Ware Goldwyn Duque 834, Collin Berg Four-Year-Old (3) 1. Brook Hollow Miss Rubee Sky, Delbert & Heather Yoder 2. Miley Roy Exbt Corona, Miley Holsteins 3. Brook Hollow Linjet Licorice, Delbert & Heather Yoder Five-Year-Old (2) 1. Miley Durham March Madness, Miley Holsteins 2. (JR) Miley Dundee Georgette, Anna Miley Aged Cow (1) 1. Brook Hollow Peek A Boo, Delbert & Heather Yoder 125,000 Pound Cow (2) 1. Shadeline Mariah, Delbert & Heather Yoder and Charlie Gleisner 2. (JR) Miley Roy Lee Maisie, Anna Miley Dry 3- and 4-Year-Old (1) 1. (JR) Toppglen Damion Destination, Tyler Topp


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26 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

Senior Champion Open Show Miley Durham March Madness, Miley Holsteins Reserve Senior Champion Open Show Shadeline Marian, Delbert & Heather Yoder and Charlie Gleisner Grand Champion Open Show Brook Hollow Baby Blue Sky, Delbert & Heather Yoder Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Miley Advent B Gem-Red, Miley Holsteins Senior Champion and Grand Champion Junior Show Miley Dundee Georgette, Anna Miley Reserve Senior Champion Junior Show Toppglen Damion Destination, Tyler Topp Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Miley Debonair Glitter-Red, Anna Miley Best Three Females 1. Miley Holsteins 2. Delbert & Heather Yoder 3. Rupp-Vue Farms Dam and Daughter 1. Berg Farms 2. Delbert & Heather Yoder Produce of Dam 1. Delbert & Heather Yoder 2. Tessa Topp Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Delbert & Heather Yoder Junior Showmanship 1. Marissa Topp 2. Brennan Topp 3. Aaron Berg 4. Collin Berg 5. Katie Stull Senior Showmanship 1. Allison Mangun 2. Tanner Topp 3. Morgan McDonnell 4. Allison Janes

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New Board Member from D-4 Hi! I am Jen (Timmons) Bouton, and I am representing District 4. My husband Aaron and I own and operate Kokosing Farms LLC in Mount Vernon, Knox County, with our three daughters, Audrey (8), Jillian (6) and Ella (3-1/2). We run 300 acres of corn, wheat and hay and milk 70 Holsteins in a tie-stall barn with pipeline. The original farm of M.C. Bouton and Sons had Guernseys; in 1975, these were sold, and the farm was reestablished with Holsteins. Many of

the original herd came from the John Snoddy Harborcrest herd. Currently we have gotten back into the show ring and are excited about our red and whites. I have a master’s degree in Ruminant Nutrition and previously worked for Land O’Lakes Purina Feed/Town & Country Co-op before returning home to farm with Aaron and raise our girls. I keep busy with daily calf, heifer and dry cow chores, as well as keeping up on EASY

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Jen Bouton and family

registrations, vaccinations and Quickbooks bookkeeping. Our girls keep me hopping with school and a few activities, and of course, we must have meals too!! I prefer to be outside in the barn or in the field making hay or helping plant and harvest — anywhere I can be helpful. I am eager to get involved with the Ohio Holstein board. I look forward to networking with Ohio’s unique farms. Being a member, I will be able to expand my horizons and explore future opportunities to showcase our district’s herds. I will offer a new perspective and provide a voice for any comments, concerns or questions you may have. I can be contacted at Kokosingfarms@gmail.com or 740507-8271. I look forward to working with you all.

Hauling Anywhere Eileen (Hostetler) Lehman

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Specializing in Show Cattle & Horses 12850 Fox Lake Road Marshallville, Ohio 44645 Phone: 330-855-7004 Cell: 330-465-5398

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District 8 Show Report District 8 Show

August 23, 2011 • Judge Sherry Smith reported by Jim Tugend Bull Calf (1) 1. Ternes Chief Darcy Leonidas, Jordan Ternes Yearling Bull (1) 1, Entry, Terrell Timmons Grand Champion Bull Ternes Chief Darcy Leonidas, Jordan Ternes Reserve Champion Bull Entry, Terrell Timmons Spring Heifer Calf (10) 1. Richman Destry Dina R28, Richman Farms 2. (JR) Cornish Final Cut Cheerio, Greg or Megan Cornish 3. (JR) Jaloda Trigger Buttermilk, Antoni Arcuri 4. (JR) Entry, Jake Dovin 5. Entry Troyce Webster Winter Heifer Calf (10) 1. (JR) Con-River 1419 Gold Jill-ET, Rebecca, Bradley, Jeffrey Conrad 2. (JR) Jaloda Bogart Belinda, Rachel Klier 3. (JR) Entry Jordan Kastl 4. Karebears Atwood Salitisa, Gunkelman Farms 5. (JR)Lundview KL Mia, Michael Lund Fall Heifer Calf (9) 1. Entry, Austin Wood 2. (JR) Con-River 1389ET, Rebecca, Bradley & Jeffrey Conrad 3. (JR) Schugs Atwood Nancy, Courtney Lund 4. (JR) Sch-Ger Atlantic Jingle, Morgan McDonnell 5. Entry, Jerry Jackson Summer Yearling Heifer (4) 1. Krall MB Dreamsicle-Red-ET, Richman Farms 2. (JR) McWilliams Acme Amanda-Red, Sarah

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Doehr 3. (JR) Jaloda Explode Roma, Brandon Urig 4. Entry, Troyce Webster Spring Yearling Heifer (9) 1. (JR) Rupp-Vue Dundee Tink-ET, Kate McGovern 2. Richman Astroid Dotie R1130, Richman Farms 3. Entry, Troyce Webster 4. (JR) Cornish FBI Spy, Greg Cornish 5. (JR) Cornish FBI Nellie, Megan Cornish Winter Yearling Heifer (5) 1. (JR) Starmark Hot Chocolate, Gunkelman 2. (JR) Jaloda Sanchez Hannah-TW, Ben Klier 3. (JR) Cornish Magot Cameo, Megan Cornish 4. (JR) Entry, Demi Dovin 5. (JR) Entry, Katherine Gilbert Fall Yearling Heifer (7) 1. Richman Astro Nitra R 1087, Richman Farms 2. Indohio KA Jubilia 1083, Richman Farms 3. (JR) Lundview Lheroes Stardust, Courtney Lund 4. (JR) Starmark Laurin Enchanted, Gunkelman 5. (JR) Cornish Blaze Alice, Greg Cornish Junior Champion Open Show Richman Astro Nitra R1087, Richman Farms Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Indohio KA Jubilia 1093, Richman Farms Junior Champion Junior Show Con-River 1419 Gold Jill-ET, Rebecca Bradley, Jeffrey Conrad Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Rupp-View Dundee Tink-ET, Kate McGovern Junior Best Three Females (4) 1. Richman Farms 2. Cornish Family 3. Troyce Webster 4. Jaloda Farm

Junior Two-Year-Old (5) 1. (JR) Con-River 1217 Ramos Lis-ET, Rebecca, Bradley, Jeffrey Conrad 2. (JR) Cornish Affirmed Myra, Megan Cornish 3. (JR) K-BEC Redman Flash Lollipop, Morgan McDonnell 4. Entry, Tom McDonnell 5. (JR) Jaloda Jayz Jeece, Rachel Klier Senior Two-Year-Old (4) 1. Twining Marconi Melanie, Patrick Twining, Twining Farms 2. Twining TD Omega-Red, Patrick Twining, Twining Farms 3. Ms R+L Advent Abby, Lundview LLC 4. Knappway Redman Ruby-Red, Steve Knapp Junior Three-Year-Old (2) 1. (JR) Con-River Zenith Ashley-ET, Rebecca, Bradley, Jeffrey Conrad 2. (JR) Entry, Ian Timmons Senior Three-Year-Old (5) 1.Denham Zicostar Marlane, Ray Denham 2. (JR) W-Johnson Affirm 1066, Matthew Lund 3. Entry, Tom McDonnell 4. (JR) Jaloda Artic Jacket, Emily Klier 4. (JR) Entry, Kate McGovern Intermediate Champion Open and Junior Shows Con-River Zenith Ashley-ET, Rebecca, Bradley, Jeffrey Conrad Reserve Intermediate Champion Open and Junior Shows Con-River 1217 Ramos Lis-ET, Rebecca, Bradley, Jeffrey Conrad Four-Year-Old (2) 1. (JR) Entry, Ian Timmons 2. (JR) Mors Roller Royalty Bynder, Jordan Ternes Five-Year-Old (3) 1. No-Fla Buckaneer 21335-ET, Richman Farms 2. (JR) Schultz Shottle Krisp-ET, Ben Klier 3. (JR) Ri-Val-Re Shottle Desirae-ET, Rebecca, Bradley, Jeff Conrad

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Aged Cows (2) 1. Salstein Lily 329, Richman Farms 2. (JR) Lundview Sad Beauty, Courtney Lund 125,000 Pound Cow (1) 1. Mors Durham Buckleader Kate, Richman Farms Dry 3- and 4-Year-Old (3) 1. Merrill Rolex Girl Gia, Kent Merrill 2. (JR) Whiteleather L Heroes 989, Allison Moyer, Courtney and Matthew Lund 3. (JR) Knappway Zenith Aliyah, Steve Knapp Dry Aged Cow (1) 1. Lundview Durham Baloe, Lundview LLC Senior Champion and Grand Champion Open Show Salstein Lily 329, Richman Farms Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Open Show No-Fla Buckaneer 21335-ET, Richman Farms Hon. Men. Senior Champion and Hon. Men. Grand Champion Open Show Mors Durham Buckleader Kate, Richman Farms Senior Champion Junior Show Schultz Shottle Krisp-ET, Ben Klier Reserve Senior Champion Junior Show Entry, Ian Timmons Grand Champion Junior Show Con-River Zenith Ashley-ET, Rebecca, Bradley, Jeffrey Conrad Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Con-River 1217 Ramos Lis-ET, Rebecca, Bradley & Jeffrey Conrad Best Three Females (3) 1. Conrad Farms 2. Jaloda Farms 3. Lundview LLC Dam & Daughter (4) 1. Conrad Farms 2. Jaloda Farm 3. Patrick Twining, Twining Farms, 4. Steve Knapp Produce of Dam (2) 1. Conrad Farms 2. Troyce Webster Premier Breeder — Jaloda Farm Premier Exhibitor — Richman Farms

District 9 Show Report District 9 Show

July 21, 2011 • Judge John Hawvermale 30 head shown • reported by Paul Haskins Spring Heifer Calf (5) 1. (JR) Kocher Aftershock Gypsy, Megan Parker 2. (JR) Weikland Sanchez Alexia, Tori Watson 3. Bucks-Pride Doug Meow, Bucks-Pride 4. (JR) Kocher SS Deuce Fireball, Zach Parker 5. (JR) Weikland Alan Tara, Hannah Chaffee Winter Heifer Calf (4) 1. Bucks-Pride Bookman Betty-Red, Bucks Pride 2. Bucks-Pride Alex Sally Sue, Bucks-Pride 3. (JR) Lundview KL Mia, Matthew Lund 4. (JR) Stumps Lheros Tinsel, Kourtney Durnwald Fall Heifer Calf (2) 1. (JR) Kocher SS Deuce RJ, Phillip Collere 2. (JR) Schugs Atwood Nancy, Courtney Lund Summer Yearling Heifer (3) 1. Bucks-Pride Toystory Tigger, Bucks Pride 2. Bucks-Pride Buck Cherry-Red, Bucks Pride 3. (JR) Weikland Sanchez Carmen, Bryce Watson Spring Yearling Heifer (3) 1. (JR) Bingland Redliner Dixie, Kyle Hudson 2. (JR) Stumps Lou Tawny, David Durnwald 3. Lundview Skylar Suzann, Lund View, LLC Winter Yearling Heifer (1) 1. (JR) Kocher Million Heir, Zach Parker Fall Yearling Heifer (2) 1. (JR) Lundview Lheros Stardust, Courtney

Lund 2. (JR) KK Hudson Debonair Ella, Kendra Hudson Junior Champion Open Show Bucks-Pride Toystory Tigger, Bucks-Pride Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Bucks-Pride Bookman Betty-Red, Bucks-Pride Junior Champion Junior Show Kocher Million Heir, Zach Parker Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Bingland Redliner Dixie, Kyle Hudson Junior Two-Year-Old (1) 1. Weikland DundeeRachel, Terry Weiker Senior Two-Year-Old (3) 1.Donkerdale Paramount Ray, Bucks-Pride 2. (JR) Ms R&L Advent Abby, Courtney Lund 3. (JR) Hardingdale Final Cut Shine, Kyle Hudson Junior Three-Year-Old (1) 1. (JR) Hankansons Affirmed Molly, Megan Parker Senior Three-Year-Old (3) 1. (JR) Weikland Lou JW Rae, Tori Watson 2. (JR) Weikland Lou Emma, Ian Watson 3. KK Hudson Damion Daphne, Kendra Hudson Intermediate Champion Open and Junior Show Weikland Lou JW Rae, Tori Watson Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Donkerdale Paramount Ray, Bucks-Pride Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Hankansons Affirmed Molly, Megan Parker District 9 – continued on page 32

K & M Builders, Ltd 5358 Kidron Rd., Kidron OH 44636 Dan J. Miller, Owner www.kmbuilder.com

330-857-0471 Commercial, Residential and Agricultural Custom Built Since 1988 Free Estimates and Fully Insured Rafter and Truss Barns Reroof, Reside and Repairs .60 CCA Treated Square Posts Ohio and Surrounding States

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M-Signature Sanchez Siri Sire: Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez EX-94 Dam: Mabri Dundee Sienna-ET VG-88 EX-MS 2-03 305D 28,040M 3.0% 851F 3.1% 871P 2nd Dam: Glen Drummond J Samantha-TW VG-87 9-06 365D 34,043M 3.6% 1,234F 3.0% 1,035P 3rd Dam: Carrousel Aline Bridget-ET EX-93 2E 7-09 305D 35,740 2.6% 922F 2.8% 985P 4th Dam: Dixie-Lee Blizzard-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 2-02 365D 34,180M 4.0% 1,369F 3.5%1,204P 5th Dam: Prices Melwood Betsy EX-91 GMD DOM 2-01 365D 32,140M 3.0% 1,246F 3.1% 990P

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— SIRI’S PLACINGS — 1st Winter Calf & Junior Champion, Eastern National 1st Winter Calf & HM Junior Champion, Mid-East Summer National 1st Winter Calf & HM Junior Champion, Mid-East Spring National 1st Winter Calf, NY International Spring Show 4th Winter Calf, International Holstein Show Now owned by Cole, Mazzaro and Doeberiener Previously shown by Bailee, Calla, Mason & Matthew Mazzaro

— JUNIOR SHOW PLACINGS — 1st Winter Calf & Junior Champion, Mid-East Summer National Junior Show 1st Winter Calf & Res. Junior Champion, Ohio State Fair Junior Show 2nd Winter Calf, Premier National Junior Show

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BAILEE MAZZARO — standing fifth from right in this photo of the top ten showmen in the Intermediate Division at Harrisburg ➜ 3rd Place (out of 144) Intermediate Showmen, Premier National Junior Show ➜ Supreme Showman, Ashtabula County Fair At left:

CALLA MAZZARO ➜ 1st Spring Yearling and Junior Champion, Premier National Junior Jersey Show ➜ Grand Champion Cheese Basket, Ashtabula County Fair

ELIJAH DOBAY — also showed Signature cattle ➜ Supreme Showman, North East Ohio District Show

— OTHER JUNIOR PLACINGS — Maview Linn Damion EX-90 1st 4-Year-Old and Res. Grand Champion, Mid-East Summer National Junior Show 1st 4-Year-Old and HM Grand Campion, Ohio State Fair 1st 4-Year-Old and Grand Champion, Northeast Ohio District Junior Show Owned by Bailee Mazzaro & Elijah Dobay

Brookview E Valedictoria 1st Fall Yearling and Junior Champion, Northeast Ohio District Junior Show 2nd Fall Yearling, Mid-East Summer National Junior Show 5th Fall Yearling, Premier National Junior Show Owned by Bailee, Calla, Mason & Matthew Mazzaro

Miss Damion Jade-ET 1st Spring Calf and Res. Junior Champion, Mid-East Summer National Junior Show 1st Spring Calf and HM Junior Champion, Ohio State Fair Junior Show 5th Spring Calf, Premier National Junior Show Owned by Bailee, Calla, Mason & Matthew Mazzaro


MASON MAZZARO ➜ 1st place (out of 107) Junior Showmanship, Premier National Junior Show ➜ 1st place Junior Holstein Showmanship, Ohio State Fair ➜ Reserve Supreme Showman, Ashtabula County Fair

Signature Cattle www.SignatureCattle.Com Duane Cole 8105 Hartford Road Burghill, OH 44404 440-724-1587 dtccow@yahoo.com

Tom and Charity Mazzaro & Family 7373 Stanhope-Kellogsville Road Williamsfield, OH 44093 440-667-1765 mazzaradi@aol.com OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011 | 31

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District 10 Show Report District 10 Show

August 16, 2011 • Judge Don Alexander 35 head shown • reported by Brenda Rosebrook & Shellie Morlock Spring Heifer Calf (2) 1. (JR) Sunnyville Stallion Winfrey, Callie Seedorf 2. (JR) RoJo Sam Micki, Madisen Morlock Winter Heifer Calf (4) 1. (JR) Sunnyville JD Pic Jumbalia, Will Seedorf 2. Hy-Tower Stratus Dusk, RoJo Dairy 3. (JR) Hy-Tower Stratus Paris, Madisen Morlock 4. (JR) Cottonwood-Vale Brindle-Red, Trent Schroeder Fall Heifer Calf (8) 1. Rose-Vue Real Dreamy-Red, WhiteLight/Tony and Laurie Menzie 2. (JR) Sunnyville Kat Super Kool, Claire Seedorf 3. (JR) Sunnyville Net Super Nova, Chloe Seedorf 4. (JR) Meller Alexis LP Glen, Luke Meller 5. HyTower Stratus Soulbreaker, RoJo Dairy Summer Yearling Heifer (2) 1. (JR) Welk-Shade Sanchez Kayla, Madisen Morlock 2. (JR) Cottonwood-Vale Treat-Red, Travis Schroeder Spring Yearling Heifer (4) 1. (JR) Sunnyville Jo Gold Jem, Brock Michaelis 2. (JR) Cottonwood-Vale Bundle-Red, Travis Schroeder 3. (JR) Cottonwood-Vale SimoneRed, Trey Schroeder 4. (JR) Cottonwood-Vale To Patches, Trent Schroeder

Winter Yearling Heifer (2) 1. White Light Laurin Kashew-ET White Light/ Tony and Laurie Menzie 2. Cottonwood-Vale A Rouge-Red, Cottonwood-Vale/Leininger Fall Yearling Heifer (2) 1. White-Light Golden Kolor-ET, White Light/Tony and Laurie Menzie 2. CottonwoodVale T Josie-Red, Cottonwood-Vale/Leininger Junior Champion Open Show White Light Golden Kolor-ET, White Light/ Tony and Laurie Menzie Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Rose-Vue Real Dreamy-Red, White Light/Tony and Laurie Menzie Junior Champion Junior Show Sunnyville JD Pic Jumbalia, Will Seedorf Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Welk Shade Sanchez Kayla, Madisen Morlock Junior Best Three Females (2) 1. Sunnyville, Seedorf/Rosebrook 2. Cottonwood-Vale Junior Two-Year-Old (1) 1. Sunnyville Mo Damion Moola, Sunnyville, Seedorf/Rosebrook Senior Two-Year-Old (2) 1. (JR) Sunnyville Jean High Jami, Megan Michaelis, 2. Elm-Park Renaissance-Red, Cottonwood-Vale/Leininger

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32 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

Senior Three-Year-Old (2) 2. Sunnyville PL Jackson Prime, Sunnyville, Seedorf/Rosebrook 2. (JR) Sunnyville Jo Ace Jacky, Mallory Michaelis Intermediate Champion Open Show Sunnyville Jean High Jami, Sunnyville, Seedorf/Rosebrook Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Sunnyville PL Jackson Prime, Sunnyville, Seedorf/Rosebrook Intermediate Champion Junior Show Sunnyville Jean High Jami, Megan Michaelis Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Sunnyville Jo Ace Jacky, Mallory Michaelis Four-Year-Old (5) 1. Cottonwood-Vale Venisa, Cottonwood/ Leininger 2. (JR) Mellers Lady Sam, Luke Meller 3. (JR) RoJoJa Terrason Jade, Madisen Morlock 4. Elm Park Tart-Red, CottonwoodVale/Leininger 5. Cottonwood-Vale JoJute, Cottonwood-Vale/Leininger Aged Cow (1) 1. Sunnyville James Darling, Sunnyville, Seedorf/Rosebrook Senior Champion and Grand Champion Open Show Cottonwood-Vale Venisa, Cottonwood-Vale/Leininger Reserve Senior Champion Open Show Sunnyville James Darling, Sunnyville Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Sunnyville Jean High Jami, Sunnyville Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Mellers Lady Sam, Luke Meller Grand Champion Junior Show Sunnyville Jean High Jami, Megan Michaelis Reserve Senior Champion Junior Show Ro JoJa Terrason Jade, Madisen Morlock Best Three Females (1) 1. Sunnyville, Seedorf/Rosebrook Dam and Daughter (1) 1. Cottonwood-Vale, Leininger Produce of Dam (1) 1. White Light/Tony and Laurie Menzie Junior Showmanship 1. Madisen Morlock 2. Callie Seedorf 3. Trey Schroeder 4. Claire Seedorf 5. Trent Schroeder Senior Showmanship 1. Travis Schroeder 2. Luke Meller Premier Exhibitor and Premier Breeder Sunnyville Holsteins, Seedorf/Rosebrook Families District 9 – continued from page 29

Four-Year-Old (1) 1. Bucks-Pride Kitty Kats Kit-ET, Bucks-Pride Aged Cow (1) 1. (JR) Lundview Saul Beauty, Courtney Lund Senior Champion and Grand Champion Open Show Bucks-Pride Kitty Kats Kit-ET, Bucks-Pride Reserve Senior Champion Open Show Lundview Saul Beauty, Courtney Lund Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Weikland Lou JW Rae, Tori Watson Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Lundview Saul Beauty, Courtney Lund Grand Champion Junior Show Weikland Lou JW Rae, Tori Watson Best Bred and Owned Open Show Bucks-Pride Kitty Kats Kit-ET, Bucks Pride Premier Exhibitor Weikland Farms Premier Breeder Bucks-Pride

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District 11-13 Show Report Districts 11 and 13 Show

June 11, 2011 • Judge Greg Hardy 60 head shown • reported by Nancy McGuire Spring Heifer Calf (9) 1. Stan-Mar-Dale Victoria, Stan-MarDale/Express 2.T-Triple-T Illusion, Triple-T Holsteins 3. Oakvale Goldwyn Darby, Oakvale 4. ATH-Mor ZG Atwood Puma, Bryce Piwtorak 5. (JR) Nic-Nan Dundee Party, Kyle McGuire Winter Heifer Calf (9) 1. Miss Lasting Impression, Triple-T & Rockledge 2. Bingland Atwood Annie, Wabash-Way Holsteins 3. (JR) Ky-Blue Jaspar Cassie, Kyle & Kristopher Ackley 4. Express SMD Devan, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express 5. LahDale Sec Sparkle-Red, Lah-Dale Holsteins Fall Heifer Calf (10) 1. T-Triple-T Platinum-ET, Triple-T Holsteins 2. (JR) Nic-Nan Dundee Maria, Kyle & Deven McGuire 3. Starmark DD McKayla, Derek Baumer & Dennis Ziegenbusch 4. Stan-MarDale Aspen Bree, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express 5. Peachy AvedzaTanza, Matt & Megan Lawson Summer Yearling Heifer (4) 1. (JR) Maiz-N-Blu Atwood Allana-ET, Kyle & Kristopher Ackley 2. Express SMD Adyssey, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express 3. (JR) Nic-Nan Advent Melody, Kyle & Deven McGuire 4. (JR) JAX Advent Buttercup, Alexia Smith

Spring Yearling Heifer (5) 1. Express SMD Asteroid Vegas, Stan-MarDale/Express 2. (JR) Line-View Sanchez 490, Ted Schmitmeyer 3. (JR) Bohoniks Adv BettyRed. Allison McCummons 4. (JR) Jilbre Stormatic Winnie, Ian Lokai 5. (JR) Finn Talent Amy, Marlee Lloyd Winter Yearling Heifer (4) 1. Kingsmill Ashlyns Annisa, Gene Iager & Triple-T Holsteins 2. (JR) Dundee Dewdrop, Kyle Andrews 3. Express SMD Kelsey, Stan-MarDale/Express 4. (JR) Jilbre Jayz Emma, Donnie Russell Fall Yearling Heifer (1) 1. Springhill-OH Kaliedoscope, Stan-MarDale/Express Junior Champion Open Show Kingsmill Ashlyns Annisa, Gene Iager & Triple-T Holsteins Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Express SMD Asteriod Vegas, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Junior Champion Junior Show Dundee Dew Drop, Kyle Andrews Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Maize-N-Blu Atwood Allana-ET, Kyle & Kristopher Ackley Junior Best Three Females (1) 1. Stan-Mar-Dale/Express

Junior Two-Year-Old (5) 1. (JR) Dreamland Dundee Clarabelle, Kyle Andrews 2. (JR) Topp-View Goldwyn Emma, Keaton Topp 3. Express SMD Black Velvet, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express 4. Topp-View Asteroid May, Topp-View 5. (JR) JAX Damion Buckeye, Emily Dudash Senior Two-Year-Old (1) 1. Topp-View Final Cut Riley, Topp-View Junior Three-Year-Old (1) 1. Express SMD Velvet Tara, Stan-MarDale/Express Senior Three-Year-Old (3) 1. Pineybrook Spice-Red, Lah-Dale Holsteins 2. (JR) Line-View Damion 269, Ted Schmitmeyer 3. (JR) Ackley Roy Krispy, Kyle & Kristopher Ackley Intermediate Champion Open Show Express SMD Velvet Tara, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Pineybrook Spice-Red, Lah-Dale Holsteins Intermediate Champion Junior Show Line-View Damion 269, Ted Schmitmeyer Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Dreamland Dundee Clarabelle, Kyle Andrews Four-Year-Old (2) 1. Express SMD Silver Bordeaux-ET, Stan-MarDale/Express 2. (JR) Oakson-S Mr Motel Jump Shot, Hillary Jackson Five-Year-Old (3) 1. (JR) Mersland Aaron Annabell, Keaton Topp 2. Harvue OCS Elmo Cora, Stan-MarDale/Express 3. Topp-View Cousteau Vi, ToppView Holsteins Aged Cow (1) 1. Mersland Canyon Dolly, Topp-View Holsteins District 11 & 13 – continued on page 38

Unto you is born this day a Savior, Christ the Lord. May God continue to bless us as a nation and as individuals. Drifty-Hollow Ivan Shott and her Goldwyn daughter Gold Shot are both recently fresh and looking good!

Dr. Dwight V. Skidmore DVM FARM ACE: wife Sondra 12243 Co. Rd 2 • West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home Phone: 937-355-0362 • Cell Phone: 937-935-3137 Fax: 937-593-9104

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011 | 33

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34 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011 | 00 nää°{x£° ÓÇxÊÊUÊÊÜÜÜ°>VVi }i °V nää°{x£° ÓÇxÊÊUÊÊÜÜÜ°>VVi }i °V

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— In Memoriam — WESLEY M. BARKMAN, 4, son of Mahlon D. and Lizzie May (Mast) Barkman, Sugarcreek, D-3, died September 22, 2011, of injuries received in a farming accident at his home. He was born April 1, 2007, in Holmes County and his parents are members of the Amish Church. In addition to his parents, he is survived by two sisters, Mary Esta and Elsie Marie, and two brothers, Myron and Joel, of the home; grandparents Willis and Mattie Mast of Sugarcreek and David and Verna Barkman of Fresno; and a great-grandmother, Lizzie Ann Mast of Baltic.

C. B. SMITH, JR., Williamston, Michigan, died October 2, 2011. Sonny, as his family called him, was born in 1925 to Clarence (C. B.) and Edith Alexander Smith in Shelbyville, Kentucky. His family moved to Michigan when he was an infant. He grew up in Pinconning and graduated from high school in 1943. His friends knew him as a student leader and also a daredevil. After graduation, he enlisted in the U. S. Army and served his country for the remaining months of WWll. He was wounded in Belgium and received the Purple Heart. When he returned, he enrolled in MSU and completed his bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Economics. In 1948 he married Grace Klein, and they reared their family on their farm near Williamston, MI. C. B. created his own business as a cattle fitter, preparing fancy Holsteins for shows and sales. He became known as a master of his craft and traveled to dairy farms throughout the U.S. During the early 1970s, both his wife Grace and his son Steve preceded him in death. C. B. remained on the family farm, and in 1986 he married Beth Bogue. Sonny was known to his family and friends as a very kind and generous man, and his great sense of humor carried him through many illnesses. He is survived by his wife Beth, daughters Patricia Smith (Garry Goolsby) and Lori (Paul) Dinger, stepdaughter Nila Staudt, grandsons Ricky Dinger and Nicholas Staudt, brother John (Norma) Smith and many

beloved nieces and nephews. A sister, Jean Wolf, preceded him in death. Memorial gifts can be made to the Heartland Hospice, 865 South Cedar Street, Mason, MI. JENEVEE JONES, 94, passed away October 18, 2011,

surrounded by her family. She was born in Lawrence County, Ohio, May 10, 1917, to the late Charles and Zella (Calloway) Keels. Mrs. Jones married her former husband, the late Reuben Jones, on August 3, 1939, and they had five children: Marvin (Yvonne) Jones, Hutchins, Texas; Inez Simmons, Cincinnati; Eunice (John) Lowe, Frankfort; Lewis (Carol) Jones, Sr., Grove City; and Raymond (Diana) Jones, Reynoldsburg. She is also survived by grandchildren: Myra (Wesley) Watson, Carvel “Pat” Simmons, Michael (Carla) Foster, Timothy (Gloria) Foster, Jeffrey (Lisa) Foster, Catherine (Michael) Madison, Lewis Jones, Jr., Nathan Jones, Trevor Jones, Molly (Arthur) Murphy and Melissa (Edward) Butts; five step grandchildren; 23 great-grandchildren; many nieces, nephews, cousins, friends and longtime close friend Kathleen Ragland. In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by three brothers and two sisters-in law, four sisters and four brothers-in-law, and an infant sister. Mrs. Jones was the “Jen” in Reu-Jen Holstein Farms, which earned several Progressive Breeders awards in the 1960s, All-Ohio Awards and the 1968 National Holstein Futurity. During this time when her husband Reuben was a board member and president of the Ohio Holstein Association, the state was divided into the present 15 districts, and both the Junior Holstein Association and Holstein Homemakers were started. Mrs. Jones was a charter member and first treasurer of the Ohio Holstein Homemakers, now Ohio Holstein Women. She was a lifetime homemaker who loved caring for the Holstein calves and heifers, gardening and raising chickens on the family’s farms in Ross and Pickaway Counties She was a member of the First Baptist Church 645W 4th Street, Chillicothe. The family suggests memorial contributions be made to the Westmoreland Place In Memoriam – continued on page 36

Your Local Dealer for Batch

MILK PASTEURIZERS 1436 West Old Lincoln Way Wooster, Ohio 44691 330-264-7787 or 800-262-9509 Fax 330-262-5251 OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011 | 35

82900 p35.36 obit.NP.TnP.Har_Layout 1 11/22/11 4:17 PM Page 2

In Memoriam – continued from page 35

— In Memoriam, continued — Residents’ Fund, 230 Cherry Street, Chillicothe, Ohio 45601 for the many years of care, love, laugher and devotion to Mrs. Jones from the staff and management.

DR. HERBERT C. TOPP, 72, of Mechanicsburg, passed away October 27, 2011, due to an automobile accident. He was born August 1, 1939, in New Bremen and was a 1958 graduate of New Bremen High School. On June 17, 1964, he graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at The Ohio State University and that evening he opened the Mechanicsburg Veterinary Clinic, which he owned and operated for more than 47 years. He was a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and the Ohio Veterinary Medical Association. He was inducted into the American Veterinary Medical Association’s Honor Roll in 2010. Dr. Topp was a dedicated, community-minded person. He volunteered and served on many boards in Champaign County, such as the Champaign County Agriculture Society, for more than 30 years, and most recently was the Champaign County Fair’s veterinarian. He was also a member of the Ohio Fairs Managers, Champaign County Farm Bureau, Goshen Township Trustees and the Maple Grove Cemetery Board; past president of the Champaign County Township Association; and served on the Mechanicsburg Board of Education for 16 years.


No news of cattle this issue, just lots of heart-felt wishes to all for a…

blessed Thanksgiving

Dr. Topp was a member of the Mechanicsburg United Methodist Church, serving on several committees, and a member of the Mechanicsburg Lodge #112 F. & A. M., Mechanicsburg Lions Club and Mechanicsburg Eagles #3974. He enjoyed farming, listening to country music, singing in the church choir, playing music in the family dance band and calling square dances. He thoroughly enjoyed any community event; high school, college and professional sports, especially OSU football; and Cincinnati Reds baseball. Dr. Topp is survived by his wife of 50 years, Helen (Klopfenstein) Topp; son Douglas A. (Barbara) Topp of New Bremen; daughter DiAnn (William) McMillen of Plain City; grandchildren Madison, Jane and Matthew William McMillen; step-grandchildren Stacy and Jonathan Walterbusch; brothers Marvin (Linda) Topp and Thomas Topp, both of New Bremen; sisters Martha (Paul) Ewing of Williamsport and Doris (Jerry) Carr of Kansas City, Missouri; sister-in-law Mary Lou Topp of Botkins; and several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, Walter Carl and Angela Catherine (Berning) Topp, and his brother, Donald Topp. Memorial contributions, may be made to the Mechanicsburg United Methodist Church, 42 North Main Street, Mechanicsburg, Ohio 43044.

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with family and friends, the

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OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011 | 37

82900 p18...48 shows_Layout 1 11/22/11 4:11 PM Page 10

District 11 & 13 – continued from page 33

125,000 Pound Cow (1) 1. Topp-View Rubens Fancy, Topp-View Holsteins Senior Champion and Grand Champion Open Show Express SMD Silver Bordeaux, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Reserve Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Mersland Aaron Annabell, Topp-View Holsteins Senior Champion and Grand Champion Junior Show Mersland Aaron Annabell, Keaton Topp Reserve Senior Champion Junior Show Oakson-S Mr Motel Jump Shot, Hillary Jackson Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Line-View Damion 269, Ted Schmitmeyer Senior Best Three Females (2) 1. Stan-Mar-Dale/Express 2. Topp-View Holsteins Best Udder Express SMD Silver Bordeaux, Stan-MarDale/Express Junior Showmanship 1. Allison McCummons 2. Keaton Topp 3. Brandon Russell, 4. Rachel Lokai 5. Allie Cupps Senior Showmanship 1. Kyle Andrews 2. Marlee Lloyd 3. Emily Dudash

D-12 Junior Show Grand Champion Junior 2-Year-Old Mapl-Valle Advent Angel shown by Lee Anne Steinke

District 12 Show Report District 12 Show

August 1, 2011 • Judge Steve Deam 49 head shown • reported by Lou Brown Spring Heifer Calf (4) 1. (JR) Balmoral A J Weasley, Mary Richardson 2. (JR) Balmoral Sanchez Wanda, Dillon Lord 3. (JR) Frankenberg Planet, JoAnna Frankenberg 4. (JR) Iv-Ann Idea Ivan Dilly, Cody Schlater Winter Heifer Calf (5) 1. (JR) Ms Balmoral Tview Lara Cher, Alex Richardson 2. (JR) Bremencrest Advent Rosey, Abigail Sneigowski 3, (JR) Mapl-Valle Shottle Naula, Lee Ann Steinke 4. (JR) Mapl-Valle Shottle Tulip, Aprille Steinke 5. (JR) IV-Ann Platte Pride P-78, Theo Schlater Fall Heifer Calf (8) 1. Starmark Dundee Makayla, Derek Baumer & Dennis Zigenbusch 2. Wakefield Ross Fidget, Wakefield 3. (JR) Wakefield Ross Flirt, Carter Liette 4. (JR) Ms Balmoral Tview Brax Alibi, Thomas DiGiovanni 5. Quietcove-W Fancy, Quietcove-W Summer Yearling Heifer (4) 1. Quietcove-W JMK Tm Franchize, QuietcoveW & Thomas Maurice 2. (JR) Balmoral Marico Fiji, Thomas DiGiovanni 3. (JR) Springhill-OH Aspen Cleo, Lee Ann Steinke 4. (JR) L-Rae Marconi Jade, Debbie Paul

Spring Yearling Heifer (2) 1 (JR) Mapl-Valle Morocco Jennie, Luke Steinke 2. (JR) Toppglen Pronto Rihanna, Amber Paul Winter Yearling Heifer (5) 1. (JR) Quietcove-W Foxy Lady, Colton Clark 2. (JR) Quietcove-W JMK Curran Diane, Nathan Clark 3. TWD Springhill Asp Pansy-ET. Ty Etgen 4. (JR) Bremencrest Suzanne, Cody Paul 5. (JR) Iv-Ann Maltby Prime-P 45, Theo Schlater Fall Yearling Heifer (4) 1. (JR) Mapl-Valle Ares Zoey, Luke Steinke 2. Quietcove-W JMK Curran Dilly, Quietcove-W & Tim Curran 3. (JR) Lah-Dale Apple Reba, Amber Paul 4. (JR) Mapl-Valle Elmo Wendy, Aprille Steinke Junior Champion Open Show Quietcove-W Foxy Lady, Quietcove-W Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Quietcove-W JMK Curran Diane, Quietcove-W & Tim Curran Junior Champion Junior Show Quietcove-W Foxy Lady, Colton Clark Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Quietcove-W JMK Curran Diane, Nathan Clark Junior Two-Year-Old (2) 1. (JR) Mapl-Valle Advent Angel, Lee Anne Steinke 2. (JR) Topkiss Goldwyn Hotshot, Cody Paul

Comfortable Leid’s and Washable Calf Blankets Fax: 419-895-2311 Ph.: 419-895-2324 6810 Olivesburg-Fitchville Rd. Greenwich, Ohio 44837

Harold -n- Lillian Leid

CERTIFIED Tye J. Henschen DVM ON-FARM EMBRYO TRANSFER EXPORT CERTIFIED 3883 Klondike Road Delaware, Ohio 43015

38 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

Phone 740-369-3931 Fax 740-369-7814

82900 p18...48 shows_Layout 1 11/22/11 4:11 PM Page 11

Senior Two-Year-Old (4) 1. Quietcove-W JMK Curran Divine, Quietcove-W & Tim Curran 2. (JR) Mapl-Valle Aspen Jessica, Aprille, Steinke 3. (JR) MaplValle Socrates Kit, Lee Ann Steinke 4. WK-Jet Rose-Red-ET, Ty Etgen Senior Three-Year-Old (2) 1. (JR) Bremencrest Saphire, Cody Paul 2. (JR) Mapl-Valle Blitz Nadie, Lee Ann Steinke Four-Year-Old (4) 1. Miss Mybrook Durham Royal, Ty Etgen 2. (JR) Maple-Valle Pontiac Penny, Lee Ann Steinke 3. (JR) Bremencrest Angel, Debbie Paul 4. (JR) Mapl-Valle Rcvain Kindle, Aprille Steinke Five-Year-Old (2) 1. Ronelee Mr Sam Delft, Quietcove-W 2. (JR) Mapl-Valle Modest Riddle, Aprille Steinke Aged Cow (1) 1. (JR) Bremencrest Renee, Amber Paul 125,000 Pound Cow (1) 1. Quietcove-W A Blessing, Quietcove-W Dry 3- and 4-Year-Old Cow (1) 1. Cedar-Wood Damion Wendy, Quietcove-W Senior Champion and Grand Champion Open Show Ronelee Mr Sam Delft, Quietcove-W Reserve Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Quietcove-W JMK Curran Divine, Quietcove-W &Tim Curran Senior Champion and Grand Champion Junior Show Mapl-Valle Advent Angel, Lee Ann Steinke Reserve Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Topkiss Goldwyn Hot Shot, Cody Paul Junior Showmanship 1. Alex Richardson 2. Mary Richardson 3. Ryan Paul 4. Abigail Sneigowski Intermediate Showmanship 1. Luke Steinke 2. Nathan Clark 3. Colton Clark Senior Showmanship 1. Kaylee Fisher 2. Aprille Steinke 3. David DiGiovanni Premier Exhibitor Quietcove-W Premier Breeder Mapl-Valle, Richard Steinke


District 14 Show Report District 14 Show

July 24, 2011 • Judge Brady Core 37 head shown • reported by Diane Andrews Spring Heifer Calf (7) 1. Kuk-Lan Dusk Salena, Topp-View Holsteins 2. (JR) NicNan Dundee Party, Kyle McGuire 3. (JR) Dreamland Alantic Cricket, Allison McCummons 4. Futurama Advent Shamraia, Futuramna Holsteins 5. Dell-Delight Scar Bery, Dell-Delight Winter Heifer Calf (5) 1. (JR) Topp-Vview Vincent Exit, Keaton Topp 2. (JR) My T Fine SS Fergie, Kinley Topp 3. Futurama Lavenguard Nicola, Futurama Holsteins 4. Dell-Delight Duke Barbie, DellDelight 5. (JR) Brick Mar Colby Madison, Nicholas Colby Fall Heifer Calf (4) 1. Futurama Destry Nifty, Futurama Holsteins 2. (JR) Lawrence-Haven Red Man Sam-Red, Kyle Andrews 3. Starmark DD McKayla, Dereik Baumer/Dennis Ziegenbush 4. Peachey Hvezda Tanza, Megan & Matt Lawson Summer Yearling Heifer (2) 1. (JR) Topp-View Spirte Ezra Kera, Keaton Topp 2. (JR) Brick Mar Sanchez, Brandon Colby Spring Yearling Heifer (4) 1. Ky-Blue Allen Rachel, Topp-View Holsteins 2. (JR) Koneta SG Lauren, Olivia Cummings 3. (JR) Bohoniks Adv Betty-Red, Allison McCummons 4. (JR) Brick Mar Million Miracle, Nicholas Colby Winter Yearling Heifer (2) 1. (JR) EFI Dundee Dewdrop, Kyle Andrews 2. (JR) Brick Mar Sanchez Ava, Brandon Colby Fall Yearling Heifer (3) 1. (JR) Rose-Vue Pure Gold Foxy, Cole Cummings 2. Futurama Alexander Nickette-ET, Futurama Holsteins 3. Topp-View Lheros Kindra, Topp-View Holsteins Junior Champion Open Show Topp-View Vincent Exit, Keaton Topp, Topp-View Holsteins Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Ky Blue Allen Rachel, Keaton Topp, Topp-View Holsteins Junior Champion Junior Show Topp-View Vincent Exit, Keaton Topp Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Rose-Vue Pure Gold Foxy, Cole Cummings

Junior Best Three Female (2) 1. Topp-View Holsteins 2. Futurama Holsteins Junior Two-Year-Old (1) 1. Futurama Talent Secellia, Futurama Holsteins Senior Two-Year-Old (3) 1. Futurama Pontiac Nautaree, Futurama Holsteins 2. (JR) Brick Mar HHF Arizona, Brandon Colby 3. Rose-Vue Talent Winie-ET Rob Watecutter Junior Three-Year-Old (1) 1. (JR) Brick Mar Blitz Mayberry, Nicholas Colby Senior Three-Year-Old (1) 1. Kuk-Lan Fran Robin, Topp-View Holsteins Intermediate Champion Open Show Futurama Talent Secellia. Futurama Holsteins Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Kuk-Lan Fran Robin, Topp-View Holstins Intermediate Champion Junior Show Brick Mar HHF Arizona, Brandon Colby Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Brick Mar Blitz MS Mayberry, Nicholas Colby Four-Year-Old (2) 1. Futurama Talent Maxim, Futurama Holsteins 2. D Maples Honey-Red, Del Delight Aged Cow (1) 1. (JR) My T Fine Rusty Faithful, Kinley Topp Senior Champion and Grand Champion Open Show Futurama Talent Maxim, Futurama Holsteins Reserve Senior Champion Open Show My T Fine Rusty Faithful, Kinley Topp, Topp-View Holsteins Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Futurama Talent Secellia, Futurama Holsteins Senior Champion and Grand Champion Junior Show My T Fine Rusty Faithful, Kinley Topp Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Brick Mar HHF Arizona, Brandon Colby Best Three Females (1) 1. Futurama Holsteins Dam and Daughter (2) 1. Topp-View Holsteins, 2. Colby Holsteins Intermediate Showmanship 1. Allison McCummons Senior Showmanship 1. Kyle Andrews Premier Exhibitor Topp-View Holsteins Premier Breeder Futurama Holsteins


4958 U.S. 35 NORTH RICHMOND, IN 47374

CERTIFIED PHONE 765-935-2373 FAX 765-939-0087

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011 | 39

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40 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

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BarbWire A Tribute to “Granny” and All Dairy Cows Everywhere by Barb Lumley We laid “Granny” to rest on a beautiful, sunny Sunday in October, beneath a favorite walnut tree. She was 18 years, 1 month and 29 days old. Her registered name was Bar-B-Hills Jacobs Glitter-RC. Her dam was what is known as a “black-red,” which is a Holstein that is born red but turns black later on. Her dam was born red and white, and as I registered my baby calves right away, she was registered with the suffix “Red” in her name. When she was a year old, the red hair turned black. Granny’s sire was Ja-Bob Jacob-Red. Granny was born black and white, but when I sent the application in to Holstein Association USA, they refused to register her, telling me that there was no way that I could have a black and white calf from the mating of two reds. Even though I insisted that my breeding records were correct, she had to be blood tested to prove that I hadn’t made a mistake. Glitter, as we called her then, grew up and calved in as a nice two-year-old and became one of the herd. She milked well, making several records over 30,000 pounds of milk, always bred back and proved to be trouble-free. Mastitis was never a problem; her udder was always sound right up to the day she died. She was pleasant to work with and just “did her thing” day after day. She had to wait until she was twelve years old for the classifiers to make her an Excellent cow. As she aged and became the oldest cow in the herd, we started referring to her as “Granny.” When the herd was sold, she was too old to go along, so we kept her and her two-year-old red and white daughter, who had a badly injured foot. We milked both cows, drank a lot of milk, made cream pies and gave gallons and gallons away! We continued to have the DHIR tester come to test both cows, so we would have a record on the daughter, Ringafire. Even with a severely injured hoof that took over a year to heal, helped by a great hoof trimmer named “Smitty” and a lot of soaking in warm Epsom salts water, she still produced over 20,000 pounds of milk. When Ringafire had completed her record and needed time to get ready for her next calving, we dried both cows off. Granny was still milking 50 pounds a day. Her lifetime production was 312,248 pounds of milk, which is approximately 39,000 gallons. We hadn’t bred her back, as we felt she had earned the right to retire. Ringafire joined the rest of the herd, leaving Granny to spend her days doing exactly as she pleased. There was no way I could send her to slaughter. She

had earned her lifetime right to a place on the farm. Granny will never be famous like Brookview Tony Charity, Harborcrest Rose Milly, Quietcove Valiant Fawn or Lavender Ruby Redrose-Red. Although she had several bull calves, she never attracted any interest from the bull studs. She was not a numbers cow — she was just one of the herd. Just like Granny, dairy barns all over this country are full of cows who, day in and day out, give of themselves to fill the bulk tanks and create a livelihood for dairy farmers. Bull studs won’t be looking for them to be bull mothers, and I think many good cows are missed. They aren’t chosen to go to county fairs, All-American Dairy Shows or World Dairy Expo. They will never be primped and pampered, washed and clipped, pictured or win trophies. Their names won’t appear in the Ohio Holstein News, Holstein World, or Holstein International. When they are no longer able to contribute to a profit, they will be headed for McDonald’s. But just like Granny, they are the backbone of the registered Holstein business, and the dairy industry in many ways. So as you milk every one of those cows, be it twice a day or three times a day, be grateful for the “Grannys” in your herd, who help to prove the outstanding bulls you are breeding to today, who contribute to the milk check and keep you in business, and who are patiently waiting every morning for you to get to the barn so they can fill the bulk tank. Appreciate what they do for you and the dairy industry a little more. Just like Granny, they deserve to be remembered. “Rest in peace, Granny; you earned it!”


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Mickey’s Place – for a Minnie Price!! Luxurious 4 BR home with private screened pool, located 15 minutes from Orlando theme parks. Nonsmoking & “no pets” facility. Rents from $99/night, depending on options. Contact: Pete or Jean Spike Phone: 740-363-2184 OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011 | 41

82900 p41..44.45 women.Habr_Layout 1 11/22/11 4:07 PM Page 2

The Queen’sby Mikayla Corner Conrad Hello once again, Dairy Friends! I am excited to write this edition of the queen’s column after having just spent the weekend in Louisville, Kentucky, at the North American International Livestock Exposition. I was so glad that the Grand National Junior Holstein show was held on a Saturday, so that I could attend the show without missing any more school. I have had people tell me over and over that I needed to go to Louisville, but between my siblings and me running cross country in the fall, basketball season starting for my siblings, fall choir shows kicking in high gear, and then this little time of year on the farm called “harvest,” we have never been able to make the trip, with or without cows. I was pleased when we contacted Holstein USA and found that they would welcome my help to work the Junior show. I was received very well and appreciate the warm hospitality from the show committee. I wish I could have attended the Open Holstein show too, but I needed to be in school. I have been busy with various dairy activities this fall and continue to be impressed with such a vibrant industry. I finished the season of district shows at the Lorain County Fair and then attended other late season fairs including Canfield, Brown County and Fairfield County, my mom’s home county fair, of which I have heard numerous tales. I attended the Big E Eastern Region FFA Dairy Handlers competition in Springfield, Massachusetts, and was so lucky to represent my FFA chapter with my sister. The Ohio team ended up bringing home first place! I was also fortunate


Jenny Thomas, Associate Photographer 614-395-9823 cell jennythomas614@yahoo.com

enough to be one of two delegates from Ohio to the National 4-H Dairy Conference in Madison, Wisconsin. I was exposed to so many different aspects of the dairy industry and really thrilled my family and friends back home when I described to them my experience of sticking my hand in a cow’s rumen! My next planned adventure is to attend National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Georgia, at the end of November as Ohio’s 4-H Dairy Achievement winner. Having had the opportunity to represent Holsteins and the dairy industry in so many different settings over the last few months has been amazing. I am so grateful for the experience. Probably the most frequent question I have been asked at the shows has to do with my future plans. I can honestly say that serving as the 2011 Ohio Holstein Queen has helped clarify those future plans. I really enjoy working with people who are as hard working, dedicated and sincere as those in the dairy industry. I have always enjoyed public speaking activities and promoting positive causes. During my reign as queen, I have come to the conclusion that I really want to work with the dairy industry in some form of public relations and promotion. I thank each and every person I have met along this journey who shared their story and their passion for the dairy industry and who encouraged me to pursue what I truly enjoy. Now that the active show season has come to a close, I am still willing to be involved in any of your Holstein activities as I am able. Feel free to contact me by email at dairygirl94@msn.com or by phone at 740-495-5067 if you have any events or activities related to Holsteins, the dairy industry or agriculture where you feel I would be able to contribute.

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Ohio Holstein Women’s News The various women’s committees are in full swing preparing for the upcoming Ohio Holstein convention. Now is the time for you to begin making plans to attend the convention. Mark your calendar for March 16 and 17, 2012. District 8 is hosting the convention. The annual Holstein Women’s meeting will be on Saturday, March 17, at 8:00 a.m. in the Vintage Room of the Quality Inn & Suites, located in Bellville, Ohio. In this issue, there is an application for Woman of the Year, below, and information on the Queen contest and the Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship on the following pages. Please read the qualifications for each application, and encourage those you know who would be great applicants for the various three categories. I am in the process of compiling an address, email and phone number list for the Ohio Holstein women. I have the information from those of you who attended the 2011 annual meeting. If any other woman would like to be included on the list, please email me at kjohnson999@sbcglobal.net. The list will be sent out only to those who appear on it. The scholarship committee recently compiled a purpose statement, eligibility, selection process, award description and duties of the recipient. At one time there was a guideline booklet for the queen’s committee. It was very detailed; however, it has been misplaced. If you previously served on the queen’s committee, please search for it or ask someone you think may have the booklet. It would be much appreciated. If found, please contact Megan Buechner or Kathy Johnson. We are in need of one or two people to take responsibility for the dairy bar at the convention. It would be great to have some younger women involved. Please let me know if you would like to run the dairy bar. There will be a round table discussion about estate planning presented by Sara and Ray Twining’s daughter, Kathy Frombaugh, at the convention. This is the year for the election of the president and vice president. If you would like to serve or know of anyone, please forward the name to Kathy Johnson. If there is anything you would like to put on the agenda for the March 17th meeting, please email or call me. I look forward to seeing you at the convention; let’s have a great turnout. Submitted by President Kathy Johnson kjohnson999@sbcglobal.net, 330-206-5653

Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year Please look around at the women close to you. Who has fed calves, registered calves, milked the cows, made hay, made sure everyone was fed in the field, at the table and at the shows? You get the picture. Use the form below to nominate that indispensable woman at your farm for the Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year. ————————————————————— Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year Application Name of woman to be nominated: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of person nominating and contact phone #: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of farm, operation or business, if applicable: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Please write a brief description of the nominee’s involvement in Holsteins at the family operation, county, district and/or state level. Please attach additional pages if needed. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please submit to: Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year Committee, c/o Laurie Menzie, 4403 Emerson Road, Bloomdale, Ohio 44817 or send via e-mail to jmouric@aol.com. Applications must be received by February 1, 2012.

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Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship 2012 Purpose Statement: The Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship is dedicated to the encouragement of deserving and qualified persons with a high school degree and with a dairy background, to obtain an Associate, Bachelor or Master’s degree, or to start up and continue in the dairy business.

I. ELIGIBILITY: A. Applicant ➤ Shall be a high school graduate and may be up to 25 years of age. ➤ Must come from a Holstein dairy background. (Active in dairy projects, 4-H, FFA, Junior Breed Association or work on a dairy farm.) ➤ Must use for further education. ➤ Shall be second semester/quarter freshman or any other level. ➤ Shall maintain at least a 2.25 accumulative grade point average and be in good standing with university or mentoring representative. B. Past recipients may apply. C. Final discretion lies with the Ohio Holstein Women’s Association.

II. SELECTION: A. Applications will be available from: Ohio Holstein Women, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, Ohio, 44691. Due by February 24, 2012. B. The Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship Committee will make selections each year. C. Applicants shall be interviewed if requested by the OHW Scholarship Committee. D. Scholarship does not have to be awarded every year. More than one scholarship may be given if funds permit. III. SCHOLARSHIP AWARD: A minimum scholarship of $650 will be awarded. Payment will be made upon the receiving an official transcript from the previous semester/quarter. A grade report is required for payment. The recipient must also be enrolled for the next semester/quarter to remain eligible. ➤ The mentoring scholarship will be awarded in one lump sum of $650 with a required report, personal interview and presentation to the Ohio Holstein Women at their annual meeting. The recipient will need to be available for his or her project or educational report. IV. DUTIES OF RECIPIENT: A. Maintain at least a 2.25 accumulative grade point average and send a copy of transcript to the Ohio Holstein Office for proof of enrollment. B. Stay in good standing with the university. C. Report to the OHW if called upon to do so. D. Failure to comply with the above stated causes forfeiture of the scholarship.

Wishing everybody a Happy Holiday and a Safe and Prosperous New Year LORAWAE HOLSTEINS

John, Suzanne & Katey Lora 14094 Garfield Road, Salem, Ohio 44460 – 330-537-3797 RHA 26,596M 930F 770P – BAA 40 Cows 109.7 PBR 16 years – NO BST – District 2 Members

Visitors Always Welcome

44 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011



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46 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011






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District 15 Show Report District 15 Show

July 25, 2011 • Judge Brian Call reported by Don Bickel Spring Heifer Calf (3) 1. (JR) Ray-Jo Sanchez Larissa Lacy, Keri Bickel 2. (JR) Ray-Jo Pic Shangri-Red-ET, Keri Bickel 3. (JR) Da-View Forbidden Bonnet Be, Zachary Davidson Winter Heifer Calf (3) 1. (JR) Future Manor Atlantic Myesh, Keri Bickel 2. Ray-Jo Advent Sugar-Red-ET, Keri Bickel 3. (JR) Wilsondale Debonair Brook, Cole Heger Fall Heifer Calf (5) 1. (JR) Ray-Jo Durham Lucia-ET, Keri Bickel 2. (JR) Ray-Jo Advent Selest-Red-ET, Keri Bickel 3. (JR) Da-View Rocky Boogie Bow, Caitlin Davidson 4. (JR) Dale-Lyn Absolute Bird, Austin Garner 5. (JR) Studys Geno Brandy, Regan Coleman Summer Yearling Heifer (2) 1. (JR) Future Manor Reality Apricot-Red, Cole Heger 2. (JR) Studys Marshall Andrea, Regan Coleman Spring Yearling Heifer (1) 1. (JR) Dale-Lyn Advent Candy Austin Garner Winter Yearling Heifer (2) 1. (JR) Dale-Lyn Advent Ruby-Red, Austin Garner 2. (JR) Da-View Moscow Sandy Sahara, Tyler Davidson

48 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

Fall Yearling Heifer (2) 1. (JR) Weikland Lou Silk Saleena, Keri Bickel 2. (JR) Rose-Vue Dundee KayLynn, Keri Bickel/Loren Quallen Junior Champion Open and Junior Show Weikland Lou Silk Saleena, Keri Bickel Reserve Junior Champion Open and Junior Show Ray-Jo Sanchez Larissa Lacy, Keri Bickel Junior Best Three Females (4) 1, Bickel Family 2. Austin Garner 3 Heger Family 4. Davidson Family Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (2) 1. (JR) Ray-Jo Blitz Sexy Sassy, Keri Bickel & Sarah Quallen 2. (JR) Da-View Kite Meg Matilda, Caitlin Davidson Senior Three-Year-Old (1) 1. (JR) Da-View Crave Boop Boogie, Tyler Davidson Five-Year-Old (1) 1. (JR) Ray-Jo Smatic Bird Storm-ET, Taylor Rudda Senior Champion Open and Junior Shows Ray-Jo Blitz Sexy Sassy, Keri Bickel and Sarah Quallen Reserve Senior Champion Open and Junior Shows Ray-Jo Smatic Bird Storm-ET, Taylor Rudda Dam and Daughter (1) 1. Austin Garner

Produce of Dam (1) 1. Keri Bickel Showmanship Age 9-11 Sarah Quallen Showmanship Age 12-15 Caitlin Davidson Showmanship Age 16 and older Tyler Davidson

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het land van de Friese koeien en paarden (THE LAND OF FRIESIAN COWS AND HORSES) by Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Dairy Extension Specialist, The Ohio State University

The OSU students who participated in the Netherlands Study Abroad Trip are, from left, Kristen Wright, Patrick Twining, Kevin Crest, Krista Melendez, Katie Cole, Amelia Newhart, Sarah Finney, Sabrina Eyck, Brooke Barley and Victoria Dawson.

The land is spotted with Friesian dairy cattle and horses, sheep and green grass pastures. The Netherlands is a country with about 25% of its land below sea level and with dairy cattle and milk products deeply rooted into its culture and food system. Kaas (cheese) and yoghurt (yogurt) are staples for every meal of the day. The Friesian dairy cattle and horses originated in the Netherlands and continue to dot the landscape, grazing the lush green pastures. Ten OSU students and my wife and I left for The Netherlands on Monday, June 13, and returned on Saturday, June 25, focusing on the dairy industry within the country. We visited four privately-owned dairy farms totaling about 1,000 cows, one of which was an organic farm. We also visited two dairy research facilities (one industry-based and one university-owned), totaling about 700 cows. The price for milk was equiva-lent to about $0.23 per pound with the organic milk valued about $0.04 per pound higher. We visited a goat dairy farm with about 650 does. The does averaged about eight pounds per day, 4.3 % fat, 3.2% protein and 2.3 kids per year. The does were milked in a rotary parlor. During our visit to the Terschelling Island, we toured a sheep dairy that was milking about 94 ewes, yielding about 4.5 pounds per day. This farm was making cheese from the milk and selling it at the farm and at some retail outlets. Utrecht University provides the only veterinary program in the country, accepting about 225 students into the veterinary program each year. It also is the only university outside the U. S. that is accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association. Wageningen University 50 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

provides one of the country’s leading agricultural programs. We also visited one of its dairy research facilities, Waiboerhoeve, especially focusing on nutritional, animal welfare and environmental research. One of the environmental projects included the installation of flaps in the cracks of slatted floors so that manure could fall into the pit, but the flaps would flex back in place to reduce the escape of ammonia into the atmosphere (results inconclusive at the time of our visit). There is a lot of automation used on dairy farms in The Netherlands, driven much by the high cost of labor and the labor laws. Several of the dairy facilities we visited used robotic milkers, automated feeding of milk replacers to calves and automated delivery of bedding (straw or sawdust) into animal pens. Because of the extent of automation, we scheduled a visit to the manufacturing facility of the Lely Dairy Equipment Company in Rotterdam. We observed the assembling and testing of robotic milking units (about 60 to 65 robots built per week), including a system for pasture herds, and learned that Lely either currently sells or has prototypes for animal activity monitors, milk feeding systems for calves, in-line milk composition assessment, TMR pusher, computer grain feeders for cows and an automated manure scraper for slatted floors. The Netherlands is a major supplier of cheese, especially in the European Union. The highest amounts of exports are for Gouda cheese. The number of cows per farm and

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production per cow are increasing. The costs of production are rising, and the quota system is planned for a phaseout by 2015. So, lots of changes are occurring in the dairy industry, with the industry also being shaped by the environmental and animal welfare regulations and the public’s push for preserving the pastoral setting. ———————————————————————

Dairy Endowment Reaches Goal by Dr. Maurice Eastridge, OSU Dairy Extension Specialist The Peter W. Spike Dairy Judging Endowment Fund was established in 2005 in honor of Dr. Peter W. Spike, Professor Emeritus in the Department of Animal Sciences, to honor his career at The Ohio State University. Dr. Spike served as a leader, mentor, coach and friend for Ohio’s dairy youth for 30 years before retiring from the University in 2005. He coached numerous successful 4-H and collegiate dairy judging teams and spent countless hours of dedicated service to dairy youth programs at the local, state and national levels. Given the generous gifts from alumni and friends, donations from artificial insemination organizations to the semen sale held during several years of the Spring Dairy Expo, and contributions by the Buckeye Dairy Club, the endowment reached its base level of $25,000 in May 2011. The annual distribution from this fund will be used to support the collegiate dairy judging program in the Department of Animal Sciences at The Ohio State University. Funds also may be used to support the Ohio 4-H dairy program. THANKS to all of those who have contributed to this program and for support to educational programs for Ohio’s dairy youth.

by Korey Oechsle, Reporter

The Ohio Juniors have been very busy throughout October with school, fundraisers and sports. November will also be a busy month with the distribution of cheese, Fall Sale lunch stand and getting ready for some turkey! The OJHA would like to remind all members to look at the dates in the newsletter sent out with the membership mailing. Get your memberships in, and be a part of all the fun! On December 4, the OJHA will be going to the Columbus Zoo to see all the lights and to spend time with friends. All Juniors and families are invited, and remember, Juniors only pay $7; adults and others are $13. Meet at 5:00 p.m. at the front entrance of the zoo. Backup date if weather is bad is December 10. Various applications for Junior Awards, scholarships and more are available on the ohioholstein.com website, and join us on Facebook. The OJHA Officers would like to remind you to put the annual meeting on the calendar for March 16-17. We’re planning a fun weekend! Happy Holidays!



It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again! — Yogi Berra, manager, New York Yankees

After placing second in the International Postsecondary Traditional Contest at the 2010 World Dairy Expo, the Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging Team, represented by Ethan Bernhard, Jeneva Auble and coach Royce Thornton, was once again invited to attend the Royal Highland Show in Edinburgh, Scotland, and the National Luxembourg Show and Sale in Ettelbruck, Luxembourg, from June 22 to July 5.

Ethan Bernhard, Shiloh, OH; Jeneva Auble, Wellington, OH OHIO STATE ATI 1328 Dover Road Wooster, OH 44691 330-287-1331 www.ati.osu.edu

Contact: Royce Thornton Dairy Programs Coordinator 330-287-1373 thornton.5@osu.edu

Thank you to everyone who supported the team. Without your assistance, this trip would not have been possible.


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Fuel Up to Play 60


Working in Schools for YOU!

On behalf of Ohio and West Virginia dairy farmers, ADA Mideast awarded $250,000 to 116 local schools to support Fuel Up to Play 60 during this past year. Fuel Up to Play 60 is an in-school nutrition and physical activity program from the National Dairy Council and the National Football League in cooperation with USDA empowering youth to improve nutrition and physical activity at their school and for their own health. ADA Mideast works with the Cleveland Browns and the Cincinnati Bengals to deliver the program to more than 3,200 schools in Ohio and West Virginia. The program encourages students to work with adults to implement schoolwide healthy eating and physical activity “plays�– strategies that help students “fuel up� with nutrient-rich foods, such as low fat and fat-free dairy foods, fruits, vegetables and whole grains and “get up and play� for at least 60 minutes every day. Students use customizable program tools and resources to create activities before, during or after school, such as a schoolwide walking club to get students moving or a grab ‘n’ go breakfast cart to encourage students to eat a nutritious breakfast. The ultimate goal is to ensure changes made at school are sustainable so children have more access to nutrient-rich foods and more opportunities for physical activity throughout the school campus.

52 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

Making a Difference! Fuel Up to Play 60 is making a difference in schools throughout Ohio and West Virginia. For example, ADA Mideast recently awarded the Cincinnati Public School

District a grant to purchase food service equipment to expand their breakfast program outside the cafeteria. 0@ELLIP�ÄKA�QE>Q�TEBK�QEBV�Q>HB�?OB>HC>PQ�QL� students, instead of expecting the student to come to the cafeteria, more students eat breakfast and perform better on tests, improve daily attendance and participate more in class. And because milk is offered with school breakfast, increasing school breakfast participation increases milk sales! Fuel Up to Play 60 also presents an opportunity for schools to expand their menus, giving students healthier choices. By ADA Mideast working with the Cincinnati Public School District Food Service Department, more than 33,000 students in their school system now have access to yogurt. This new menu item, which is being offered one day per week in the District’s K-8 schools and every day at lunch in their high schools, is proving to be quite popular.

During September 2011, LNQDçSG@Mç ç NYç servings of strawberry yogurt were served in the Cincinnati Public School District’s 55 RBGNNKR çDPT@SHMFçSNç ç@CCHSHNM@KçONTMCRç of milk being sold. This initial success sets the stage for ADA Mideast to assist the Cincinnati Public School District in adding other dairy items, such as cheese, to their menu and will serve as a model as the checkoff program works with other schools to implement Fuel Up to Play 60.

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2012 Ohio Holstein Association Membership Agreement



I do hereby join the Ohio Holstein Association for the period ending December 31, 2012, and agree to pay dues for the support of said Association on the basis of $45.00 per membership plus $1.00 per head for any freshened % RHA Registered Holstein for herds up to 300 head, and $ .50 per head for over 300 head. Membership includes a subscription to the Ohio Holstein News. The filing of this agreement with the Ohio Holstein Association, Wooster, Ohio, shall entitle the signer to all rights and privileges which accompany membership in said Association.

Name ___________________________________________________ Holstein Account # _______________________ Partner and/or Spouse Name ________________________________________________________________________ Farm/Business Name ____________________________________ Prefix ____________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________ State _________ Zip _______________ District _________ Directions to Farm _________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ E-mail (print clearly) ___________________________________ Phone __________________________ Cell ____________________________ FAX ____________________________ Signature of Member ________________________________________________ Date _________________________ Basic Membership @ $45.00 RETURN WITH PAYMENT TO: Ohio Holstein Association _______ Number of any % RHA (Registered) Freshened Holsteins P.O. Box 479 WOOSTER, OHIO 44691 (up to 300) @ $1.00 each + Phone 330-264-9088 _______ Number of Registered Cows over 300 @ $ .50 each + Fax 330-263-1653 oholstein@embarqmail.com Total = www.ohioholstein.com Less 10% of Dues total if paid by December 1, 2011 To help us help you, please complete reverse side.

$45.00 ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

Total Dues Paid = ___________



❑ Renewal ❑ Individual ❑ New ❑ Family ❑ Individual Lifetime

I hereby join the Ohio Junior Holstein Association for the period ending December 31, 20 ________ and agree to pay dues for the support of said Association in the amount of $2 per individual Junior member for one year, $5 per family for one year or $20 for individual Junior lifetime membership. The filing of this agreement and membership fee with the Ohio Junior Holstein Association, c/o Ohio Holstein Association, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, Ohio 44691 shall entitle the signer to all rights and privileges in said Association. For a Junior Member subscription to the Ohio Holstein News, add $7.50.

Name __________________________________________________ Age ________ Birthdate _________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________

❑ Male

❑ Female

Name __________________________________________________ Age ________ Birthdate _________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________

❑ Male

❑ Female

Name __________________________________________________ Age ________ Birthdate _________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________

❑ Male

❑ Female

Permanent Address________________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________ District _____________________________ County ___________________ Telephone No. ___________________________ Parent’s Signature _________________________________________________________________________________________

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Milking Herd Size:

____________ Registered + ____________ Grade = ____________ Total

Member Services

❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

I would like to consign to Association-sponsored sales. I would like assistance in merchandising or purchasing Holsteins privately through the Ohio Holstein Association, or through management of dispersal sales. I would like more information on advertising in the Ohio Holstein News. Yes

❑ No

Would you like to serve on a committee of the Ohio Holstein Association?

I do not wish for my telephone number to be printed in the Membership Directory of the Ohio Holstein Association. I do not wish for my e-mail to be printed in the Membership Directory of the Ohio Holstein Association.

For the appropriate District Holstein Club to receive the membership rebate, dues must be paid by February 1, 2012.


Which activities sponsored by the Ohio Junior Holstein Association are you interested in participating in?

❑ Junior All-Ohio Contest ❑ Distinguished Junior Member Contest ❑ National Convention Trip

❑ Memorial Award Contest ❑ Association Officer ❑ Association Committee

❑ District Workshops with the following topic(s)


___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

❏ Other Activities


___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please Return To: Ohio Holstein Association • P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, Ohio 44691

54 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

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Milking Parlors 56 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2011

Phone 330-264-7307 Fax 330-264-2339 www.meadenmoore.com

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Index ABS Global, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Accelerated Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 ADA Mideast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Agri Sales & Consulting . . . . . . . . . . 18 Agri-Graphics, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Andrews, Steve & Seth – Auctioneers 26 Ashland Implement Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 32 Cargill Animal Nutrition. . . . . . . . . . 12 COBA/Select Sires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Commodity Blenders, Inc. . . . . . . . . . 28 Commodity Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . 19 ComputerMixx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Congress Lake Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Cope Farm Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Curry Lumber & Pole Building Co’s.. . 26 Drifty-Hollow Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . 33 Embryo Transfer Services. . . . . . . . . 39 Futurama Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Garver, Merlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Habrun’s Insurance Service, Inc. . . . 42 Harold’s Equipment, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 36 Haudenschild Agency. . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Holstein Association USA . . . . . . . . . 56 Hunsberger Holsteins, LLC. . . . . . . . . . 6 K & M Builders, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Keim Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Kidron Auction, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Land O’Lakes Purina Feed . . . . . . . . 50 Lehman, Eileen – Livestock Hauling . . 27 Leid’s Calf Blankets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Lorawae Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Meaden & Moore – CPA’s . . . . . . . . 56 Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company. . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Coming Events

Midwest Genetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Miley Holstein Farms Ltd. . . . . . . . . . 17 National Holstein Futurity, Inc. . . . . . 17 New Bedford Sharpening Service . . . 11 New Pittsburg Large Animal Clinic . . 35 Ohio Beef Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Ohio State University/ Agricultural Technical Institute. . . . . 51 Paradise Valley Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . 3 Polchin Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Polen Implement. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27, 55 Quality Quest Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . 15 Quietcove Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Ratta Applied Construction . . . . . . . 24 Ray-Jo Meadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Renaissance Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Richman Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Shearer Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Signature Cattle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 Silver Mist Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Spike, Pete & Jean – Vacation Rental . . 41 Springhill Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Stan-Mar-Dale/Express . . . . . . . . . . 13 Stein-way Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Taurus Service, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Ten-Penny Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Thomas, Jenny – Photographer . . . . 42 Tower Vue Holsteins & Jerseys. . . . . . 58 Trail Farm Supply LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . 56 U-Dean Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Vaughan, Steve – Nutritional Consultant . . . . . . . . . . 56 W. G. Dairy Supply, Inc. . . . . . . . . . 56 Zimmerview Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 This index is provided as an additional service. Publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions.

CONTENT/COPY: The Ohio News has a policy to accept paid advertising unless its content may be construed as defamatory, invasive of the privacy of others, fraudulent, obscene or otherwise unlawful. In submitting copy, the advertiser represents and warrants that its content is truthful, is not defamatory, is not invasive of the privacy of others and is in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. However, the Ohio News reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising or submitted written material at any time.

MEETINGS and EVENTS December 4 — Wildlights at the Zoo for Juniors, Columbus Zoo (weather date Dec. 10) December 6 — Official Sire Evaluation Release December 13 — Ohio Holstein Association Board Meeting at Select Sires March 16-17, 2012 — Ohio Holstein Annual Meeting, Ohio Holstein Women Annual Meeting, Ohio Junior Holstein Annual Meeting, Quality Inn, Bellville March 16, 2012 — Open House at Berg Farms with Judging Contest, Food and Refreshments by District 8, beginning at 4 p.m.

SHOWS March 29-30-31, 2012 — Spring Dairy Expo, Columbus, OH

SALES March 16, 2012 — Ohio Convention Sale, Richland County Fairground, 11 a.m. March 27, 2012 — Daffodil Sale, Carrollton, 7 p.m. March 30, 2012 — Buckeye Classic Sale, Columbus

DEADLINES December 1 — Last day for discount on 2012 membership December 1 — Junior All-Ohio completed entry forms, both sides of registration paper and 5 X 7 photo, due at the office December 1 — All-Ohio entry photos due at the office. February 1, 2012 — Last day for credit to districts for 2012 memberships February 1, 2012 — Ohio Junior Holstein Production entries due at Holstein office February 1, 2012 — Ohio Holstein Woman of the year entries due to Laurie Menzie February 24, 2012 — Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship entries due at Holstein office March 3, 2012 — Hotel reservations due for Annual Meeting


from Your Friends at Ohio Holstein Association

(Act of August 12, 1970; Section 3685. Title 39. United States Code.) September 22, 2005. The Ohio News, published 5 times per year. Publisher: Maher H. Wahba, P.O. Box 605, Shreve, Ohio 44676; Editor: Esther Welch, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, Ohio 44691; Managing Editor: Esther Welch, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, Ohio 44691. Owner: Ohio Holstein Association, Peter Spike, Presimdent, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, Ohio 44691. The average number of copies each issue during the preceding 12 months: Total printed 1,960; sales through newsstands, etc. None; Mail subscriptions, 1,456. Total Paid Circulation, 1,385. Free Distribution, 375. Total Distribution, 1,760. Office use and spoils 200.

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Hope Family Tradition...

Merry Christmas From Springhill

Springhill-OH Oman Anett EX-90 EXMS 3-00 365D 33,340M 3.7% 1,237F 3.2% 1,058P

— ANETT’S AL SON — Springhill-OH Firebird-ET 7H11060 8/11 Genomic Evaluation GTPI+2178 +1256M +42F +50P +$624NM +2.19T +2.07UDC +2.29FLC SCS2.70 PL+5.2 DPR+0.5 CE5%

These exciting young sires are available from your COBA/SelectSires rep and are backed by generations of family tradition…time tested with deep roots of “HOPE.”

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