Ohio Holstein News Jan/Feb 2013

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January-February 2013

o t e m o Welc tern Ohio! Wes


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Selling at the Ohio Convention Sale, March 8, 2013, Sidney, Ohio Selling: Richman Shocking Sheila 12, “Following the family footsteps” • Born: 6-2-2010 • Fresh: 12-3-2012 • 72# on her December test

Grandam: Ocean-View Durham Shene-ET EX-90

Sire: MS Atlees Sht Aftershock-ET Dam: Ocean-View Gold Schene-ET VG-87 2nd Dam: Ocean-View Durham Shene-ET EX-90 (pictured) 3rd Dam: Ocean-View Lindy Sheen EX-94 GMD-DOM (pictured) 4th Dam: Ocean-View Thor Sheen EX-92 GMD-DOM 5th Dam: Ocean–View ROK Sheena VG-85 6th Dam: Ocean-View Tempo Sheena VG-86 7th Dam: Ocean-View Elevation Suzette EX-90 GMD 8th Dam: Ocean-View Posch Sue-TW VG-86 9th Dam: Ideograph Burkgov Steps EX 90 GMD 10th Dam: Ideograph Tidy Stars EX-91 11th Dam: Twelvelms Hartog Segis EX-92

Great-grandam: Ocean-View Lindy Sheen EX-94 GMD-DOM

~Richman Farms, Inc.~ The Indoe Family • Lodi, Ohio

richmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com Dick 330-948-1427 Tom 330-948-1137 Bill 330-948-2259 Tyler 330-416-8891 Jim Morlock, Jr. and Martin “Bud” Yoder Fitting and Showing

Visitors Always Welcome


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No-Fla Sailor Lucy 22653 EX-92 at 5-08

(photo taken 12-08-2012)

Over 800 cows were presented to the classifier at North Florida Holsteins’ December 2012 classification.


Paradise Valley

4-02 346D 28,591M 3.7% 1,036F 3.2% 753P Her Sire: Paradise-R Sailor 95-ET EX-95 GMS His Sire: Paradise-R Cleitus Mathie EX-96 GMS


At the Ohio Holstein Barn Meeting on December 15, 1012, guest speaker Don Bennink said, “I see my good friend Bill Ramsey in the crowd, and there are three Paradise Valley sires that have had a significant positive health trait impact at North Florida Holsteins. They are MATHIE, SAILOR and BOLIVER.”


Home of the Bell Sears Family Bill, Brian and Michael Ramsey Families 7632 Columbus Road NE • Louisville, OH 44641 • Phone & Fax 330-875-4539

Service Age Bulls for Sale At All Times

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The Board of Directors of the Ohio Holstein Association has adopted the following: “The Mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”

(USPS 404-600) (ISSN: 0899-4862) Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association

Volume 77

Number 6



Published 5 times per year in January, March, May, September and November at Shreve, OH by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 www.ohioholstein.com dairyagendatoday – Click on Industry Links

From the President, by Joe Miley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

PUBLICATION OFFICE — SHREVE, OH Subscription price in the U.S. is $15.00 per year. The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new one.

Western Ohio Holstein Breeder Profiles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9, 11-12

Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertising forms close one month preceding date of issue.

Horace Backus Books to Be Auctioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Ohio Holstein Association 93rd Convention and Annual Meeting Schedule of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The Holstein Grapevine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 General Manager’s Views, by Don Alexander. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Bernard Heisner Announces Retirement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 From Your Regional Representative, by Glenn Sageser . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWS P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653

Nominating Committee Report, January 2013. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd. Entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Shreve, Ohio 44676.

Minutes of the January 4, 2013, Ohio Holstein Board of Directors Regular Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-43

OFFICE STAFF General Manager . . . . . . Don Alexander, cell 304-376-1788 Email: alexanderdon@comcast.net Office Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diana Miley Email: oholstein@embarqmail.com Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Esther Welch Email: ewelch@embarqmail.com Webmaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Spike Email: spikeptr@aol.com

OFFICERS President . . . . Joe Miley, West Salem . . . . . . 330-263-7814 Vice President . Dallas Rynd, Ashville . . . . . . . 740-983-6690 Secretary . . . . Cathy Berg, Bellville . . . . . . . . 419-886-2871 Treasurer . . . . Lisa Kerr, North Fairfield. . CELL 419-606-0527


From Indiana Mike Jones, National Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Ohio Holstein Women’s News: BarbWire, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . 45 The Queen’s Corner, by Jacquelyn Sherry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Ohio 4-H Dairy Program Dates for 2013… Connecting our 4-H Dairy “Teams” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl at North American International in 2012, Teams from 19 States Compete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Junior Jottings, by Korey Oechsle and Matt Oechsle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Spring Dairy Expo Information and Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-55 In Memoriam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58, 60

Ken Janes, Wooster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-464-4134 Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-652-5694 Peter Spike, Delaware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-363-2184

Esther’s Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65


Coming Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

Mike Jones 760 East 450 North, Marshall, IN 47859 . . . . 765-592-0644

BOARD MEMBERS Dist. 1 Dist. 2 Dist. 3 Dist. 4 Dist. 5 Dist. 7 Dist. 7 Dist. 8 Dist. 9 Dist. 10 Dist. 12 Dist. 11 Dist. 13 Dist. 14 Dist. 15

Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . 330-652-5694 Adam Whiteleather, Salem . . . . . . . 330-205-1738 John Hartline, Whipple . . . . . . . . . . 740-236-7240 Jen Bouton, Mt. Vernon. . . . . . . . . . 740-507-8271 Greg Conrad, New Holland . . . . . . . 740-495-5067 Ken Janes, Wooster. . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-464-4134 Ted Renner, Dalton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-828-2604 Regina Berg, Bellville . . . . . . . . . . . 419-886-4229 Tom Thorbahn, Vickery . . . . . . . . . . 419-547-0795 Laurie Menzie, Bloomdale. . . . . . . . 740-624-6367 Marvin Steinke, Wapakoneta . . . . . 419-738-7174 Jenny Thomas, Cable . . . . . . . . . . . 614-395-9823 Jenny Thomas, Cable . . . . . . . . . . . 614-395-9823 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta . . . . . . . . . . 419-953-3427 Don Bickel, New Vienna . . . . . . . . . 937-218-2697

Postmaster – Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691

March-April DEADLINE February 20, 2013 4 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

On the Cover Thank you to JENNY THOMAS for the cover photo of Topp-View Rubens Exctasy, a favorite cow in the Topp-View herd in western Ohio. This area is hosting the Convention Sale at the Sidney Fairgrounds on March 8 and the annual meeting on March 9 at the Sidney Inn & Conference Center. Topp-View Rubens Exctasy EX-94 2E 9-12-00 to 12-27-12 1st, National Holstein Futurity, 2004 Intermediate Champion, OSF, 2004 • Grand Champion, OSF, 2004 1st 4-Year-Old, OSF, 2005 • Grand Champion, OSF, 2005 1st Aged Cow, Mid-East Summer National, 2007 1st 125,000 Lb., Mid-East Fall National, 2007 1st 125,000 Lb., Mid-East Spring National, 2008 1st 125,000 Lb., Mid-East Summer National, 2008 Exctasy has eight Goldsun IVF females due in March.

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From the President by Joe Miley As my time as President of the Ohio Holstein Association comes to a close, I thought it would be beneficial to give everyone some insight into just what has been occurring within our organization. I felt we had a very productive board meeting in January with some new and intriguing input, so I would encourage everyone to read the enclosed minutes from that meeting. I am also enclosing some membership and financial information below. As most of you are aware, it has been a challenging time to balance the budget, but with increasingly successful sales, improving membership and the always-profitable Ohio Holstein News, I believe the future looks very positive. Once again, if you have any questions or concerns about anything you are about to read, please contact me anytime at 330-466-7223. Thank you, Joe

Sending a BRED HEIFER to the

BUCKEYE CLASSIC SALE March 29, Ohio State Fairgrounds, Columbus

SELLING: U-Dean S S Deuce Athena Due April 1 to DEMPSEY Her Dam: U-Dean Lou Alexus GP-81 2-00 333D 25,551M 934F 752P 3-00 365D 26,866M 954F 816P

2nd Dam: Applouis Duce Amber-ET GP-80 2-01 365D 29,453M 1,097F 841P

3rd Dam: Ladys-Manor Amelia-ET GP-83 4th Dam: LADYS-MANOR AUTUMN Ladys-Manor Autumn Heifer Selling is from the VG-89 GMD DOM same maternal family as bulls Followed by 6 gen. VG/EX Dams SHAMROCK and MAN-O-SHAN. 2 Year Progressive Genetics Herd Award Welch Family Farm since 1867 • Registered Holsteins since 1913

Come and See Us. Esther & Scott Welch 419-945-2250

U-Dean Farms 669 SR 89, Polk, Ohio 44866

Dean & Doris Welch 419-945-2411

1 mile north of Polk on SR 89

Randy & Mike 419-945-2542/2698

Ryan 419-651-5281

Please see the minutes of the January 4, 2013, Ohio Holstein Board of Directors regular meeting on the next two pages. Here are the balances on the investment accounts, not including the variable amount in the operating funds checking account.


$ 9,993.82 . . . Balance 1/16/13 $130,610.72 . . . Balance 12/31/12 Ohio Holstein Association $ 10,916.42 . . . Investment gain 12/31/11 to 12/31/12 $ 67,127.25 . . . Balance 12/31/12 Education Fund $ 5,712.28 . . Investment gain 12/31/11 to 12/31/12 HUNTINGTON BANK $ 22,484.57 . . . Balance 12/31/12 Education Fund MEMBERSHIP as of 1/24/13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687 paid members, of which, 23 are new, for a total of $51,139.65 109 who were members in 2012 are unpaid as of this date.

ATTENTION! Ten Horace Backus books have been donated by Ken and Barb Schroer to be auctioned off at the Annual Meeting in Sidney, Ohio, March 9, during the Saturday Junior Luncheon. Eight of these books are autographed by the author! The books include the history of the Dunloggin, Mt. Victoria, Seedstock Books, Scatterings and Milestones — all highlighting the history of great breeding and farms and the era of legends as only Mr. Horace Backus himself can tell! A great opportunity, and the funds will benefit the Junior Association! Contact Matt or Cheri Oechsle at 419-6052447/419-605-2838 or Don Alexander or Ken Janes to place a bid on this historical offering.

Please visit the Ohio Holstein website at www.ohioholstein.com

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Ohio Holstein Association, Inc. 93rd Convention & Annual Meeting Schedule of Events March 8 & 9, 2013 • Sidney, Ohio FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2013 11:00 a.m. . . . . Ohio Convention Sale, Shelby County Fairgrounds, 655 South Highland Avenue, Sidney. From I-75, take Exit 90 and go east 1.2 miles to the fairgrounds. Food Stand, provided by Shelby County Dairy Promoters. 2:00 p.m. . . . . Queen’s Contest Interviews, Sidney Inn & Conference Center, Rooms 104 and 109. 5-6:00 p.m. . . . . Holstein USA Regional 3 Meeting, Sidney Inn & Conference Center, Sir Sidney Room. 6:30 p.m. . . . . Queen’s Reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres and cocktails, sponsored by Alltech, Beck’s Hybrids and Trans Ova Genetics. Dairy Bar, sponsored by the Ohio Holstein Women’s Association. 7:00 p.m. . . . . Queen’s Contest, Sir Sidney Room. 8:00 p.m. . . . . Fundraising Auction for Ohio Holstein Junior Association, Sir Sidney Room. ITEMS: OSU vs. Illinois basketball tickets (12 rows off floor), OSU planter, OSU fire ring. 9:00 p.m. . . . . Ohio Junior Holstein Junior’s Pizza & Game Night, Atrium Room. (competitive games using X-Box and Wii, and other fun activities) 9:00 p.m. . . . . Karaoke & Social Gathering, Sidney Inn & Conference Center, The Bar Room. SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 2013 6:30-9:30 a.m. . . . . Continental Breakfast, Sidney Inn & Conference Center (for hotel guests only). 7:30 a.m. . . . . Dairy Bar Opens, hallway outside Sir Sidney Room. 8:00 a.m. . . . . Show Committee Meeting, The Bar Room. 8:00 a.m. . . . . Ohio Holstein Women’s Association Annual Meeting, Room 104. 8:00 a.m. . . . . Memorial Award Interviews, Atrium Room. 8:00 a.m. . . . . Outstanding Junior Member Interviews, Room 109. 8:00 a.m. . . . . Resolutions Committee Meeting, Sir Sidney Room. 8:30 a.m. . . . . National Holstein Futurity Board of Directors Meeting, The Bar Room. 9:00 a.m. . . . . Ohio Holstein Association Annual Meeting, Sir Sidney Room. 9:30 a.m. . . . . Ohio Holstein Junior Association Annual Meeting, Atrium Room. 12:00 noon . . . . Awards Luncheon, Junior’s Raffle Drawing and Ohio Holstein Women’s Fun Auction, Sir Sidney Room. 3:00 p.m. . . . . Ohio Holstein Board of Directors Reorganizational Meeting, Room 104.

HOTEL HEADQUARTERS Sidney Inn & Conference Center 400 Folkerth Avenue, Sidney, Ohio 45365-9002 (off I-75 Exit 92, behind Bob Evans) Toll Free 1-866-905-4410, Fax 937-498-4655 www.sidneyinnhotel.com • stayinsidneyathotmail.com $49.99/night plus tax Mention Ohio Holstein Association to receive the discounted rate.

SATURDAY LUNCHEON MENU $20.00/adults • $15.00/under 21 Ohio Junior Holstein Association will pay $5.00 toward meal for current Junior members. ALL YOU CAN EAT! Pot Roast Beef, Fried Chicken, Red Skin Potatoes, Noodles, Green Beans, Tossed Salad, Rolls & Butter, Slice of Pie and Beverage


21 & Over, $20.00 each __________

Under 21, $15.00 each ___________

Total $ ____________________

Ohio Junior Holstein Association will pay $5.00 toward the meal for each CURRENT JUNIOR MEMBER. PLEASE PAY IN ADVANCE. Send this form BY FEBRUARY 25 to Ohio Holstein Association, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, Ohio 44691. 6 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

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Western Ohio Holstein Breeder Profiles MARSTE HOLSTEIN FARM is owned and operated by Steve and Marlene Steinke. The farm is located near Anna at 13915 Fey Road in Shelby County, Ohio, District 14. They have been there since 1990 and milk both registered and grade Holsteins. On average, they milk 50 to 60 head twice a day. Steve has consigned an Atwood out of Blitz from their sixth generation Excellent and Very Good cow family to the Convention Sale at Sidney on March 8. The consignment is bred to Sanchez sexed semen Steve has worked for COBA Select Sires for 24 years. Marlene worked in the school system for 17 years and now subs for Anna Local. They have five children and six grandchildren and hopefully more on the way. All the family enjoyed showing at the county fair, and now the grandchildren are continuing that tradition. PLAIN-KNOLL HOLSTEINS is located in western Darke County, District 14, and is owned by Pat, Jake, Jim, Steve, and nephews Ryan and Andy Buschur. The dairy farm was started by our parents, Robert and Rita, who still reside on the original farmstead. We farm around 1,250 acres, raising corn, wheat and hay for our herd; we milk around 680 Registered Holsteins and have always been big believers in using the top genetics available. We believe that using top genetics helps us to increase production and type as well as making more efficient cows. We still believe in breeding for the high-type, well-balanced cow with an eye on health traits, as it is very easy to see the

difference between daughters of high and low bulls on these traits, especially on DPR and SCS. We also believe that using top genetics plays an imMIRA portant role in allowing us to sell 40% to 45% of our herd each year for dairy purposes without the use of sexed semen. We began using the Holstein Complete program in 2008 and have been classifying every seven months since that time. For us, the main benefit of classifying has been using it as a tool to breed better animals and to measure the progress we are making. It is clearly a necessary part of marketing breeding stock and has been helpful in selling extra animals to other dairy producers. A few years ago, we had the opportunity to invest in some top genetics through the Select Sires ART program. This opportunity has brought such cows as Mindy, Mira, Tapanga, M&M and Faye into the herd and has given us added incentive to improve our management skills along the way. We hope to start marketing from some of these top cow families in the near future. Please feel free to stop by and visit if you ever get to western Ohio. We would love to have you!

TRIO FARMS is located in northern Shelby County, District 14. The farm was established in 1963 and is owned by brother and sister Rick Geyer and Anita Ambos and their family. Marvin Steinke is the full-time herdsman with parttime help rounding out the labor force. The farm has been active in the local district show and various sales throughout the years. They are currently milking about 140 Holsteins, of which about 80% are registered. The farm raises all replacements, so the herd is 100% homebred. All feedstuffs are grown from the 525 acres that are farmed. Visitors are always welcome.


Jenny Thomas, Associate Photographer 614-395-9823 cell jennythomas614@yahoo.com


920-465-3880 • cybilfisher@hotmail.com www.cybilfisher.com 8 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

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WABASH-WAY HOLSTEIN FARM is located in west central Ohio, D-14, and is owned and operated by Terry Stammen and family. Terry began dairying with 50 head of grade Holsteins in 1974. He and wife Marcia have four children. All of the children grew up helping with the daily farm chores; all are graduates of The Ohio State University, and all are actively involved in the dairy industry. The eldest, Elizabeth, is employed as a veterinarian with Select Sires, and her husband, Chris Lahmers, is a dairy program specialist for COBA, Select Sires. Emily is a calf and heifer specialist for Land O’Lakes. Her husband, Joe Siegrist, works as a farm consultant and nutritionist and is also involved in his family’s farming operation. Zach is an independent dairy nutritionist with Barton & Kiefer Associates, and Allison is an industry relations coordinator for American Dairy, Mideast. Her husband, Shawn Ryan, is a veterinarian with the Sugarcreek Vet Clinic in Sugarcreek, Ohio. Although all are employed off the farm, they all are vital contributors to the operation, whether it be helping with daily chores, balancing rations, calf care, herd health, breeding, advertising, or preparing and caring for the show string. The dairy now consists of 400 acres and 300 milking Holsteins. Most animals are registered, with grades used as recipients for embryos produced. The cows are currently housed in a drive-through freestall building and are milked in a double-12 parallel parlor. Both facilities were constructed in 2011. The herd is fed a TMR that utilizes the corn and hay produced on the farm. In October 2012, the switch was made from milking twice daily to three times per day. The current RHA is 25,200 lbs. milk, 3.7% fat and 3.2% protein. The goal at Wabash-Way has been to develop an elite herd of profitable cattle that excel in production, type and longevity. A focus is to produce animals that possess traits and genomic numbers that are desired for A.I. bulls and bull mothers with the type needed for longevity, and success in the show ring. Two outstanding individuals carrying the Wabash-Way prefix that continue to be influential in the herd, as well as the Holstein breed, are Shottle daughters Wabash-Way Emilyann VG-88 and Wabash-Way Andreanna VG-87. Emilyann was ranked the number one CTPI and GTPI cow of the breed in August 2008, and Andreanna was ranked second. Several animals in the herd can be traced back to these high genomic bull mothers. Three bulls from Emilyann’s family can be found on the recent top 100 CTPI bull list: her full brother, Elite, and her Bolton sons, Evolve and Explode, Explode being the youngest sire to date to be awarded the Gold Medal Sire Award. Another favorite making an impact on the herd through her offspriing is Dam of Merit Gaige Outside Tootsie EX-94. Tootsie is the highest-scored daughter of the popular tanbark cow Gaige Highlight Tamara EX-97. Tootsie has produced several VG and EX daughters sired by Advent, Atwood and Goldwyn. Some new and exciting RED additions being developed at Wabash-Way include Springhill-OH Dest Anna-Red VG86 and her June 2012 daughter sired by Chris. Another is a March 2012 Colt P daughter from the recently nominated R&W cow of the year, Starmark Ad Hotstuff Red-ET EX-92, first 5-Year-Old and Reserve Grand Champion at 2012 World Dairy Expo.

The Wabash-Way herd has been a recipient of both the Progressive Breeders Registry Award and Progressive Genetics Herd Award. Terry was honored to receive the Ohio Senior Buckeye Breed Builder Award in 2012. Several Wabash-Way cattle have been marketed throughout the U.S. and Canada, and embryos to the UK, Japan, France, Italy, Argentina, Holland and Germany, allowing Wabash-Way genetics to become a worldwide commodity.

LINE-VIEW FARMS is owned and operated by Doug and Brenda Schmitmeyer and their children — Ted, 17; Katerri, 16; Clair, 14; Shelbie, 12; Renea, 10; James, 6; Shawna, 5; Theresa, 3; and expecting their ninth child the beginning of March. They milk 260 cows with a herd average of 26,000 lbs. of milk, farm 1,200 acres and have 220 steers on feed in northeast Darke County, District 14. Line-View Farms is a first-generation farm that Doug and Brenda started in 1993. Over the first couple of years, they added quality Registered Holsteins from NorJay Farms, Springhill, Hartschuh, Brooke-View, Pine Tree, Bushur Dairy and some from private sales with assistance from Don Alexander. Loren Elsass has been mating their herd for quite a few years. They are currently using Sanchez, Alexander, Guthrie, Demphsey, Atwood and Braxton. The children have really been taking hold of the farm. Last couple of years, they have been doing more classifying with Ted taking that over. Katerri helps with more of the milking chores, and the others take pride in feeding the calves. The five oldest are in 4-H and enjoy showing at the county fair. The last four years, Ted has had the opportunity to show at the District, Mideast and State, stalling with Walbash-Way and Chris Lahmers. He has also learned a lot about grooming and showmanship, which he has brought back to his sisters for the county shows. Schmitmeyers always welcome guests to come and visit. If you would like to stop by, just shoot them an email at lineviewfarms@gmail.com. Western Ohio Breeders – continued on page 11

Stay at our place in “The Palms” – Near

Mickey’s Place – for a Minnie Price!! Luxurious 4 BR home with private screened pool, located 15 minutes from Orlando theme parks. Nonsmoking & “no pets” facility. Rents from $99/night, depending on options. Contact: Pete or Jean Spike Phone: 740-363-2184 www.flipkey.com/p279536 OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013 | 9


Flushing now!

4-10 365D 31,136M 3.3 1015F 3.4 1045P LifeƟme: 1,716D 148,225M Dam: PLAIN-KNOLL APPLE SAUCE (VG-86)

7-02 365D 32,105M 3.7 1190F 3.2 1013P LifeƟme: Over 200,000M and sƟll going! Daughter


Currently flushing Dainty to GUTHRIE Watch for future consignments!

Calves available!

MELARRY ZENITH M&M-ET (VG-85) 2-03 365D 31,313M 3.9 1206F 3.2 988P 12/12 GTPI +2104 PTA +2.33T +2.12UDC +579NM$ +1123M +35F +37P +4.8PL Dam of

PLAIN-KNOLL PARISH 5534-ET 7Ho11452 12/12 GTPI +2323 +739NM$ +2.53PTAT +1531M +71F +51P +5.3PL +2.15UDC Milking full sisters to PARISH available! M&M calves available by OLEGANT, UNO, MAYFIELD, O DADDY, MORGAN Flushing now!




12/12 GTPI +2307 +2.80T +2.37UDC +728NM$ +1403M +67F +44P 5.8PL

12/12 GTPI +2216 +1.96T +2.12UDC +669NM$ +1652M +69F +51F +5.2PL


Mayfield, Mogul, Akram, Large

Dam: PLAIN-KNOLL OMAN 3128 (VG-87) GTPI +2081 PTA +676M +50F +43P 507NM$ 6-06 365D 31,386 3.8 1180 3.5 1100 SONS AT SELECT SIRES

THE BUSCHUR FAMILY WISHES EVERYONE A HAPPY NEW YEAR! 14393 Johnson Road · New Weston Ohio 45348 Steve Buschur CELL: 937-423-7108 EMAIL: buschurdairy@gmail.com Pat, Jake, Jim, Steve, Ryan & Andy BAA 104.8 · ROLLING HERD AVG 29,039M 938F 865P Inquiries always welcome. We have Bulls, Cows, Heifers & Embryos for sale.

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Western Ohio Breeders – continued from page 9

TOPP-VIEW FARM began in 1976 when Don and Mary Lou Topp purchased the farm at Botkins, Ohio, District 14. Ten years later, Don was stricken with cancer and passed away within three months. Topp-View is made up of Mary Lou, Eric and Mary, Keith and Kindra, and Phillip and Carrie, and seven wonderful grandchildren, of which three of this next generation are now showing in 4-H and exhibiting at district, state and national shows. The family members are all employed off the farm, also. Mary Lou is employed by Trupointe Co-op and is a wholesale fertilizer salesperson. Eric is a dairy nutrionist for Maria Stein Grain, and his wife Mary teaches school for the St. Mary’s City Schools. They have two daughters: Madelyn, nine, and Mackenzie, one. Keith is a fabricator for P and T

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LLC, and Kindra is employed by Walmart as a manager in the Vision Center; Keaton, 13, and Kinley, 11, are their children. Phillip is the co-owner of P and T LLC, a fabricating business located in Sidney, Ohio. Carrie is a radiation therapist for St. Rita’s Hospital and also owns Topp-Notch Photograpy Studio. They are the parents of Aubree, six; Aiden, four; and Alaina, two. All are members of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Botkins and are very involved. Topp-View consists of 120 Registered Holsteins, Brown Swiss and Jerseys, with a BAA of 113.5 on the Holsteins. The cows are housed in a tie stall barn, box stall barn, and some loose housing and milked in a flat parlor. Topp-View is extensively doing flushing and IVF using such bulls as Atwood, Sanchez, Alexander, Goldson and Gold Chip. Exctasy is one of the cows that has been IVF and has eight heifers coming in March. Heifers are raised down the road at Phillip’s farm. Dry cows are at Eric’s farm, and the show heifers are at Keith’s. Topp-View has garnered several All-American awards and numerous All-Ohio Awards over the years. Visitors are always welcome; please feel free to stop in.

SEVEN GABLES FARM in Sidney, District 14, owned by Tim Cummings, has been located on the same corner for almost 70 years. The Cummings family has had hard times and good times. Tim’s parents, Frank and Greta, raised Registered Holsteins, children and grandchildren. Tim is raising his own, who are also involved with Registered Holsteins. The family is proud to be in District 14 and to host the State Convention Sale. Western Ohio Breeders – continued on page 12

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Western Ohio Breeders – continued from page 11

AT INDIAN STONE FARMS, the Henry Family has milked at this location in Versailles, District 14, since the 1950’s. In 1987, the first registered female was purchased, and today the farm is all registered. Currently the farm consists of 170 milking cows and 183 heifers and farms 650 acres. The main cow family that we are currently flushing are decedents of an EX-93 cow named Sunny-Da Ultimate Vanna, who was All-Ohio and had milk records over 45,000 pounds. Her most well-known daughter, sired by Durham, Indian-Stone Dur Vanna EX-94, won the 2008 National Holstein Futurity and placed seventh at the 2008 World Dairy Expo while making 43,000 pounds of milk. Vanna has daughters and granddaughters sired by Alexander, Atwood, Durable, Jerrick, Jordan, Lauthority, Million, Pagewire Pronto, Sanchez, Spectrum and Talent. She is transmitting her show appeal as her two oldest daughters have placed second the last two years in the Senior TwoYear-Old Class at the Mid-East Summer National. Indian-Stone Advent Lucille is consigned to the Ohio Convention Sale on March 8, 2013. She is a promising young Senior Two-Year-Old entered in the 2014 National Holstein Futurity. Her third dam is Acme Star Lily EX-94, the 1998 WDE Supreme Champion and a three-time Royal Grand Champion.

AT FUTURAMA, the Knoop family has been registering cattle under that prefix since 1964. Prior to that, animals carried the Jon-Vel prefix dating back to mid-1947. Today it is still a family-run operation milking 60 head, and all young stock are raised on the farm. As well as the dairy, there is also 700 acres of farmland. Knoops are active in local and state shows and have

shown at Louisville in the past, though it’s been several years since attending that show. Most recently, Futurama Talent Lindeen was the fifth place Futurity cow at the 2012 National Holstein Futurity at the Ohio State Fair. Lindeen comes from the family of the highest-scored animal on the farm, Futurama Bond Lindsey EX-94. This family has continued to produce quality, high-type individuals. Other family members that trace to Lindsey include an EX-92 Morty and an EX-90 Allen, as well as a just-fresh and eyeappealing Dusk heifer, a maternal sister to Lindeen, who has yet to be scored and has produced 95 and 97 pounds on her first two tests. Other show successes from the past include Futurama Highlight Skyler, who several times topped her class in the Junior Show at the Ohio State Fair. Although Skyler never left a daughter in the herd, Knoops do have many family members still from that maternal line that show promise, including Contrast and Hero heifers, as well as several nice milking Damions. They also have several Red and Whites on the farm, including a red Larson GTPI 1980, and they have begun to try to develop their numbers on the farm. Knoops tend to focus more on maintaining quality type in the herd and try to breed cows that will score Excellent, be quality producers and will last for multiple lactations. Currently they continue to classify, and from the last whole herd classification in 2011, the official herd BAA was 109.3%, which was in the top 200 herds across the country. In addition, the RHA is 21,000M with 4.0%F and 3.1%P. Current sires being used include Atwood, Aftershock, Dempsey, Alchemy, Larson, Mogul and Fever. Check out Futurama Holsteins on Facebook and at www.futuramaholsteins.com.

A World of OpportuniƟes Awaits

Students at at Ohio Ohio State State ATI! ATI! Students Our Dairy Production/Management and Dairy Science Programs offer technology that works for life!

• Hands-on experience, small classes, and individual attention • 10-week, full-time, paid internship • Dairy specific curriculum emphasizing nutrition, genetics, herd health, herd records, facilities, reproduction, and business management Ohio State ATI Dairy Challenge Team 2012 Ohio Dairy Challenge Contest Ohio State ATI 1328 Dover Road Wooster, OH 44691 330-287-1331 www.ati.osu.edu AGRICULTURAL TECHNICAL INSTITUTE

12 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

Contact: Royce Thornton Dairy Programs Coordinator 330-287-1373 thornton.5@osu.edu

• 125 high-producing Jersey, Holstein and Brown Swiss cows • 1,800 acre farm laboratory with state-of-the-art dairy facility • Faculty and staff members with experience as dairy farm owners and operators • Associate of Applied Science and Associate of Science (transfer program) Degrees

84595 p13 SilverCreek 4c_Layout 1 2/3/13 5:35 PM Page 1

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the Holstein


Cheri Oechsle of Van Wert, District 12, has accepted the position of lead editor of Purebred Publishing, Columbus, Ohio, which publishes the Guernsey Breeders’ Journal, Brown Swiss Bulletin, Milking Shorthorn Journal and the Ayrshire Digest. Cheri has been the co-chair of the Ohio Holstein News Committee and an advisor for the Ohio Junior Holstein Association. • The January 10, 2013, issue of Hoard’s Dairyman lists the Best of the Best…National Dairy Quality Award Winners. Among them are Ohio Holstein members Ty Etgen and Phil Fisher, Fort Jennings, and Jim, Jeff and Mark Rupp families of Sterling, both Silver Division Winners. Other Ohio herds mentioned are Edward Rau, Winchester, Silver Division Winner and Mark Boehm, Rawson, Gold Division Winner. • From nearly 200 applicants, these operations stood out for having produced high quality milk consistently. Applications were evaluated for measures of quality, systems of monitoring udder health, milking routine, protocols for detection and treatment of clinical and subclinical case, and strategies for overall herd health and welfare. • Announcing: A son, Jamison Matthew Jentes, was born November 5, 2012, to Anna and Brian Jentes. He was welcomed by big sister Brianna. Grandparents are Jim and Sharon Rupp and Earl and Robin Jentes. This makes six grandchildren for Jim and Sharon, D-7. • The newest addition at Lingle Holstein Farms, Ltd., D-7, is Aubri Kay Lingle, born December 11, 2012, to Ryan and Chelsi Lingle. Grandparents are Rick and Amy Lingle. • The National Holstein Women’s Scholarship Organization announced a new format for the 2013 NHWSO application. In an effort to streamline the scholarship, judges judged and prescreened all applications, inviting a select group to the 2013 National Convention in Indiana for a personal interview. Finalists selected for the interview have been notified. Applications are posted online at www.nhwso.com, or check out the 14 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

National Holstein Women’s Scholarship Organization Facebook page for updates. Contact Alicia Lamb, NHWSO Scholarship Chairperson, at 585-993-8026 or JLLACC@rochester.rr.com for more information. The National Holstein Women’s Scholarship organization was founded with the purpose of providing financial assistance in the form of scholarships to deserving young men and women in furthering their college education. The first scholarship was awarded in 1980, and since that time, NHWSO has been able to provide 145 scholarships totaling $165,000. In 2012, the NHWSO awarded three $2,000 scholarships and two $1,000 scholarships. The NHWSO is a 501(c)3 nonprofit, taxexempt organization. Funds generated at the NSWSO silent auction during the National Convention, as well as personal and corporate donations, enable the efforts of the organization. • United Producers Inc. serves more than 35,000 livestock producers in the Midwest United States offering marketing services to farmer members. United Producers Inc. is a farmer-owned cooperative headquar-

tered in Columbus, Ohio. United Producers Inc. is excited to support the future generation of agriculture through its scholarship program. UPI is offering two $1,000 scholarships in each of its 16 districts to deserving high school and post-high school students pursuing agriculture degrees. “The future of agriculture depends on those who are currently considering and pursuing a career in this critical industry,” says Dennis Bolling, President and CEO, United Producers, Inc. “We want to do all we can to encourage students who have an interest in agribusiness, farming, veterinary medicine or other agriculture-based industries to pursue their careers, and this is our way of helping them do so.” Applicants must be a Preferred Member of UPI or a child or granchild of a Preferred Member and a 2013 graduating high school senior, or a student currently attending a college or technical school studying an agriculture-related field. Completed applications and essays must be postmarked by April 1, 2013. Visit www.uproducers.com for more information and to download an application form.

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1/2 Mile West of Holstein Association

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OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013 | 15

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General Manager’s Views ———————————— by Don Alexander

The Temple family at North Florida Holsteins: from left, Gina, daughters Sarah and Emma with me, and Dave Temple. Note: Gina graduated from Ohio State School of Veterinary Medicine and met Dave while they both did internships at North Florida Holsteins, which currently milks over 4,000 registered Holsteins. Dave is the farm manager, and Gina is in charge of the heifer program; they are part-owners.

There are a lot of good things happening at the Ohio Holstein Association! Throughout this issue, you will find several ads leading up to the Annual Meeting in Sidney, Ohio, on March 8-9, 2013. The members from Western Ohio have pulled out all the stops in planning the Convention, and it promises to be an exciting two days. The Convention Sale on March 8 at 11:00 may be the best lineup of cattle offered for sale here in Ohio in several years — this is a Don’t-Miss Opportunity. Friday evening will consist of National Holstein Regional Meeting at 5:00, followed by the Queen contest and COO from Trans Ova, Harry Groenendyk, to talk about the opportunities available with In-Vitro Fertilization. The evening of food, drinks and hospitality is sponsored by Alltech, Beck’s Hybrids and Trans Ova. The Juniors also have an exciting evening planned, so be sure not to miss all the events on Friday. On Saturday, after the Annual Meeting and banquet, the fun auction is always an entertaining event, and the money raised will be used primarily for scholarships and various other Ohio Holstein Women’s Association activities. A special thank you to the Women’s Association for their purchase of new office chairs for Esther and Diana! The Buckeye Classic Sale on March 29 during the Spring Dairy Expo, comanaged with the Buckeye Dairy Club, is coming together with several 16 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

top consignments from in and out of the state. The opportunity we have to work with the students who put in endless hours of their time to make the sale a success is encouraging for the future of this industry. Look for the Buckeye Classic ad in this issue, and contact them or me with your outstanding individual to consign to the sale. The Ohio Holstein Association Spring Sale will be April 20 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Wooster, Ohio, at 11:00 am. Once again, there will be over 60 head of Holsteins with a lot of production selling — and some

fancy show calves too. The Membership Committee is on track to surpass last year’s numbers, and for those involved, thank you for all the effort that goes into assuring the Ohio Holstein Association membership continues to grow. Ohio Holstein Association members and their support through sales and advertising in this magazine are encouraging, profitable to you and your organization, and vital to our continued success. I look forward to seeing everyone at the Annual Meeting. Take care, Don



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84595 p17 Miley_Layout 1 2/5/13 9:20 AM Page 1

Rolling Out the “RED CARPET” SELLING at the Ohio Convention Sale • March 8, 2013 • Sidney, OH

She is fancy and will show as a Summer Yearling!

MILEY REALITY GIOVANNA-RED Born 6/28/12 S: Hurtgen-Vue Reality-RED D: Miley Debonair DD Gusty GP-83 at 2 Years 2-03 195D 13,413M 3.6% 480F 3.0% 404P (record in progress) 2nd D: Miley Dundee Storm Grateful GP-82 4-05 365D 30,118M 3.6% 1081F 2.9% 862P 3rd D: Miley Storm Ldr Glare VG-85 4th D: Miley Leader LM Glamour-ET VG-88 5th D: Miley Leadman NB Glimmer-ET EX-93 Next 5 Dams: ALL EXCELLENT — ALL HOMEBRED! GLIMMER (pictured at right) has proven to be the matriarch of MILEY LEADMAN NB GLIMMER-ET EX-93 our Red & White herd. In the past few years, names such as Gucci, Gem, Glitter, Gisele, Gemini and Goldrush have anchored our show string, between them amassing 13 class wins, 3 Grand Champions, 2 Reserve Grand Champions, 1 Junior Champion and 4 Jim and Jane Miley • 7234 Bates Road, West Salem, OH 44287 Ph: 330-264-2453 • Fax: 330-263-7883 Premier Breeder & Premier Exhibitor banners at Ohio Red & White E-mail: jdjamiley@aol.com Shows. ALL of these individuals trace back to GLIMMER.

Miley Holstein Farms Ltd.

Could GIOVANNA be the next one to carry on this tradition??

Don’t miss out on your “red carpet” opportunity!

Joe and Diana Miley Jason and Anna CATTLE FOR SALE


Jon and Amy Miley Adam and David VISITORS WELCOME

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84595 p19 SevenGables 2/3/13 5:49 PM Page 1

All-Ohio Winter Yearling & All-American Nomination Springway Sassy Rae ➜ 1st Winter Yearling & Junior Champion, Mid-East Summer National Show 1st & Reserve Junior Champion, Eastern National Fall Show 3rd, Royal Winter Fair ➜ Sire: SANCHEZ ➜ Dam: KM&EW Goldwyn Smarty Rae-ET EX-92 Reserve Grand Champion Mid-East National Summer Show ➜ Then 7 more EXCELLENT dams back to the “QUEEN OF THE BREED ROXY” ➜ Owned with Triple-T Holsteins and Michael Heath (now owned by West Coast Holsteins, Chilliwack, BC)

Junior All-Ohio & Reserve All-Ohio Senior 2-Year-Old Rose-Vue Pure Gold Foxy VG-87 ➜ 1st Senior 2-Year-Old, Intermediate Champion & Reserve Grand Champion, Mid-East National Junior Show ➜ Sire: WEDGEWOOD PURE GOLD ➜ Dam: VG-88 Durham X EX-90 Eland X EX-92 Rudolph X EX-95 Markwell Bstar E Raven


OHIO CONVENTION SALE March 8 in Sidney, Ohio

— SELLING — Beach-Vale Advent Lauren VG-87 Due 6-3-2013 to Patience Sholine Contender-Red 3-02 305D 24,678M 3.9% 952F 3.2% 823P


SEVEN GABLES FARM Tim Cummings – Olivia and Cole 6999 Johnston-Slagle Road Sidney, OH 45365 • 937-726-2664 OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013 | 19

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Bernard Heisner Announces Retirement COLUMBUS, OHIO, JANUARY 2013 — Bernie Heisner, an integral part of the continuing success of the COBA/Select Sires cooperative, has announced his impending retirement. Bernard (Bernie) Heisner has served as General Manager of COBA/Select Sires in Columbus, Ohio, since April 1, 1993. He will turn over the reins of the cooperative on August 31, 2013. The COBA/Select Sires board of directors will begin the search for a new manager early in 2013. With Bernie’s leadership, COBA has had fifteen of the last sixteen record-setting years in unit sales. This level of growth does not happen by accident — it takes leadership, vision, coaching and people who like what they do. Heisner has served on search committees for college deans, general managers and executive directors for the dairy industry and other agricultural-related organizations. He actively serves the Ohio Dairy Producers Association, Ohio Purebred Dairy Cattle Association, Ohio Livestock Coalition, Ohio Holstein Association, Ohio Cattleman’s Association, National Dairy Shrine and the Hilliard Chamber of Commerce. Heisner has been recognized by The Ohio State University, National Dairy Shrine, Red and White Dairy Cattle Association, Ohio PDCA and Ohio Holstein for his leadership and contributions to the industry. Judging dairy cattle is a true passion for Heisner. He shares this passion and knowledge with the youth of Ohio on a regular basis. He is involved with OSU’s dairy judging programs as well as

20 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

the Ohio 4-H programs. He enjoys watching the students grow in their knowledge and experience. He takes great interest in their future and loves to see them succeed in dairy judging and in life. COBA/Select Sires, Inc., one of the founding members of Select Sires, Inc., has become widely respected for its clearly demonstrated ability to provide the finest service and bovine genetics available in the world. COBA/Select Sires, Inc., operates as a true cooperative by encouraging member input and allowing members to share in profits through patronage refunds. The General Manager position announcement is available at request from info@cobaselect.com or 614-8785333.

Certified Public Accountants

2363 Eagle Pass, Suite A Wooster, Ohio 44691

Phone 330-264-7307 Fax 330-264-2339 www.meadenmoore.com

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013 | 21

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Flushing Update ´ PINE TREE OUTSIDE MOLLIE‐ET EX‐90 flushing success continues…December 2012, she added 9 good Shottle eggs to her record. Ready to flush the end of January to PREDESTINE ´ ALEXANDER Daughter of Diamond Oak Blitz Alison‐ET VG‐88…December 2012, 2 sexed ET pregnancies by ATWOOD ´ Scheduled to flush in January: a fresh, beautiful‐uddered DORCY and a VG‐86 TOUCHDOWN‐RED pictured below

Purchasing Opportunities ´ Look for a FANCY SEPTEMBER 1, 2012, HERO out of Diamond‐Oak Blitz Alison‐ET VG‐88 at the OHIO SPRING SALE, APRIL 20, WOOSTER! Diamond‐Oak Blitz Alison‐ET VG‐88

Red‐Point HP‐TD Mia‐Red‐ET VG‐86

6860 Snoddy Road, Shreve, OH 44676 Kevin & Kristy Spreng, 419‐651‐5198 or Email: kspreng11@gmail.com Paul & Joann Weber, 419‐651‐4302 ´ Fresh 1st and 2nd Lactation grade cows for sale ´


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22 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

6007 Smith Kramer Hartville, OH 44632 Cell: 330-354-3407 Fax: 330-877-3830 PLEASE NOTE: NEW EMAIL ADDRESS

E-mail: healthycows@gmail.com

84595 p23 Wolf 2/3/13 6:04 PM Page 1


GRANDCHILDREN — THE NEXT GENERATION Front, from left: Maddy Kate Wolf, Kennedy Wolf Center, from left: Kyia Wolf, Grace Wolf, A. J. Wolf Back, from left: Landon Wolf seated on the lap of Collin Berg, Nik Wolf, Aaron Berg

To the Convention Sale

To the Buckeye Classic Sale

Sidney, Ohio — March 8, 2013 An “AFTERSHOCK” Fresh 12-14-12

Columbus, Ohio — March 29, 2013

Family Aftershock Mesa 196 SHE’S FANCY! Dam: VG-85 DRAKE

Family GW Atwood Cocoa Born 9-27-12 Dam: BOULDER 2nd Dam: VG-86 TALENT 3rd Dam: GP-84 MORTY

Thank You to Springwalk Farms, Bill Wachtel Family; Rosedale Farms LLC, Paul Keener; and Steven Beachy for their recent purchases of Wolf Family Holsteins.

WOLF FAMILY FARM Peter, Cathy, Collin and Aaron Berg Josh, Katie, Grace and A. J. Wolf


Kevin, Tara, Kyia

13040 Canaan Center Road Landon and Kennedy Wolf Creston, Ohio 44217 wolfoct@aol.com — 330-435-4279 Greg, Sara, Nik and RHA: 57 cows 26,722M 929F 818P — BAA: 105.6 Maddy Kate Wolf OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013 | 23

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TWO FOR THE SALES To the Ohio Convention Sale March 8 • Sidney, Ohio

SELLING Jaloda Evolve Equate A YOUNG COW WITH A GREAT FUTURE Fresh 11-17-12 with 76# on January test Sire: WABASH-WAY EVOLVE-ET Dam: GP-82 DANE 2nd Dam: VG-85 APPROVAL 3rd Dam: EX-90 EMORY 4th Dam: EX-90 MARK-O-POLO 5th Dam: VG-87 PONTIAC 6th Dam: GP-83 ENCHANTMENT 7th Dam: EX-90 DOM CHAIRMAN 8th Dam: VG-87 DOM Jaloda Elevation Jenny 9th Dam: VG-85 DOM ASTRONAUT 10th Dam: VG-87 PACLAMAR CITATION M ————————

To the Buckeye Classic Sale March 29 • Ohio State Fairgrounds, Columbus

SELLING Jaloda Brokaw Rita-ET Born 6-1-2012 • Big, Black and Fancy Dam: Fresh in December and will score well We liked her enough to flush her as a heifer. 2nd Dam: EX-90 RUDY 3rd Dam: GP-81 MORTY 4th Dam: VG-85 DURHAM 5th Dam: EX-90 GMD DOM Jaloda Leadman Janell




7058 E. Lincoln Way, Wooster, OH 44691 Phone 330-262-6111 • Fax 330-262-1822 www.loweandyoung.com


Selling all Types of Dairy Cattle & Service Bulls EVERY THURSDAY • 11:00 a.m. Hay & Straw Sale 10:00 a.m. Jaloda Leadman Janell EX-90 GMD DOM Pictured at 8 years 6th Dam: EX-90 GMD DOM MARK 7th Dam: VG-86 BELL DOM 8th Dam: VG-87 DOM Jaloda Elevation Jenny 9th Dam: VG-85 ASTRONAUT 10th Dam: VG-87 PACLAMAR CITATION M

John E. Sprunger, Mgr.


– Serving Since 1923 –


PGH 22 Years PBR 4 Years Ph: 440-775-7147 • Cell: 440-935-6378 Fax: 440-775-7147 • Email: jalodafarm@yahoo.com Jim, Dan and Daren Sheffield 45555 St. Rt. 303 Wellington, OH 44090

24 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

Tye J. Henschen DVM ON-FARM EMBRYO TRANSFER EXPORT CERTIFIED 3883 Klondike Road Delaware, Ohio 43015

Phone 740-369-3931 Fax 740-369-7814

84595 p25 BeWare _Layout 1 2/4/13 9:38 AM Page 1

3 Sales — 3 Good Ones Selling • • • Ohio Convention Sale, March 8, 2013 • • • Sidney, Ohio Selling: Be-Ware Million Jillian 927 Born: 4-3-2011 Due: 3-23-2013 to Regancrest S Braxton-ET (SEXED) Dam: VG-85 FBI, 3-00 365D 32,650M 4.5% 1,463F 3.2% 1,030P

• • • Buckeye Classic Sale, March 29, 2013 • • • Ohio State Fairgrounds Selling:

Be-Ware Bogart Desma 901

Sells fresh in January Dam: Be-Ware Zenith Duncan 805 VG-88 1-11 349D 29,900M 4.2% 1,253F 3.2% 971P 2nd Dam: GP-82, Marion 3-05 363D 25,270M 3.7% 936F 3.0% 748P 3rd Dam: Be-Ware Capri Dawne 555-ET VG-88 GMD (pictured below) 4-00 365D 37,210M 4.7% 1,732F 2.8% 1,060P

Be-Ware Capri Dawne 555-ET VG-88 GMD

• • • Ohio Spring Sale, April 20, 2013 • • • Wooster, Ohio Selling:

Be-Ware Sanchez Dangle 881 VG-85 at 2-09 1-11 305D 19,650M 3.1% 601F 3.0% 587P

This cow could be a 50 in rear udder Height and Width. Fresh again at 3-00 on 12-15-2012 and had 99# and 114# on December and January test. She is a must see!

Be-Ware Holsteins 100% Homebred 100% Registered PGH – 20 Years

Berg Farms, Ltd.

Walter and Regina Berg 3114 Parsons Rd. • Bellville, OH 44813 419-886-4229 • Email: bergfarm@redbird.net

Becky, Dan, Derek & Kayla Barker Peter, Cathy, Collin & Aaron Berg 419-886-2871 OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013 | 25

26 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013 | 27

C: Heger, OH

28 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

Hyde Park Freddie 3588

Fustead Massey Style-ET, VG-85

Hartford Lotta-Hill 940, VG-87

Bosside O-Style Dharma-ET, VG-85, VG-MS



©2012 CRI


OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013 | 29

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Recognizing Achievements of Our Members Holstein Association USA recognizes the achievements of our members Glenn Sageser and their elite Registered Holstein cattle in a variety of ways. With awards given to individuals, herds and animals, chances are that you or someone you know has been honored in some way. Most of these awards are given automatically to qualifying herds and cattle, with no application process necessary. The Holstein Association USA web site makes it easy to search for current and past award winners; visit www.holsteinusa.com, and click on Awards in the main menu to view descriptions of each award, as well as a list of current and past honorees. • The Star of the Breed award recognizes one cow each year who has excelled in both the show ring and milk production. The first Star of the Breed award was given in 2008 to an Ohio-owned cow, Ms Crockettacres Monique-ET, owned by Allison Stammen. • The Gold Medal Dam recognition honors cows who are top performers themselves, as well as superior brood cows, having offspring that classify well and produce large volumes of milk. In 2012, three Ohio cows were designated as Gold Medal Dams.

Gehl 40 Series Skid Loaders

Tight Spots. Tough Tasks. All in a Day’s Work. • Four models offering up to 2,700 lbs. operating load (with optional weight kit) and 82 hp for big loader results • Exceptional hydraulic power for higher breakout force, fast cycle times and better attachment performance • Longer wheelbase and a low center of gravity for a smooth, stable ride • Choice of controls: T-bar “hands-only,” dual-hand, or hand/foot

1145 Cleveland Ave. Ashland, Ohio 44805 419-289-3610 Fax 419-281-7358 www.ashlandimplement.com

30 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

• The Dam of Merit honor identifies cows with high TPI values and who transmit those elite values to their progeny. Nineteen Ohio cows were named Dams of Merit in 2012. • The Herd of Excellence recognition honors the most elite Registered Holstein dairy producers each year, who have breed and developed excellent herds made up of cows with superior type and production. Given the stringent criteria for this award, only a handful of herds are recognized with this award each year. In 2010, Duncan Farm of Warsaw, Ohio, was named a Herd of Excellence. • The Progressive Breeders’ Registry designation recognizes herds with outstanding type and production from homebred cattle. Approximately 10 percent of herds in the Premier or Deluxe options of TriStar are recognized with the PBR award each year. In 2012, Ohio was home to 15 PBR recipients. • The Progressive Genetics Herd award is given annually to herds with a high level of genetic value based on average CTPI and PTPI values, which lead toward continual breed progress. Twenty-seven Ohio Registered Holstein breeders were given the PGH award in 2012, and two, Jaloda Farms and Springhill, have received the honor all 22 years it has been given.

Annual Award Nominations Due February 28 While the above awards are evaluated automatically each year, there is also a series of awards presented each year for which an application must be submitted. We encourage all members to consider nominating a role model of yours, or other notable individual, for one of the following awards. Applications must be received at Holstein Association USA by February 28 and are available at www.holsteinusa.com/awards/individuals.html. The Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder Award recognizes young Registered Holstein breeders, ages 21 to 40. Applicants may nominate themselves or be nominated and may apply as individuals, a couple or business partners. The winning applicant receives travel and lodging expenses for two to the National Convention and a $2,000 cash award. The Elite Breeder Award honors a living member, family, partnership or corporation who has bred outstanding animals and thereby made a notable contribution to the advancement of U.S. Registered Holsteins. The applicant must have been a member of Holstein Association USA for at least five years. The Distinguished Leadership Award is given to an individual who has provided outstanding and unselfish leadership that has contributed to the improvement of the Holstein Association and/or dairy industry. This is a unique award, as the recipient does not necessarily have to be a member of Holstein Association USA. William T. McKarns of Hanoverton, Ohio, was the recipient of the 2007 Distinguished Leadership Award. Thank you for your business in 2012, and I look forward to meeting more of you and continuing to be of service in 2013! Don’t hesitate to call me if you’re interested in learning more about Holstein programs that can help save you time and money, such as Holstein COMPLETE, EASY ID for registrations and official Holstein ear tags. If you would like assistance to answer questions or provide onfarm service, feel free to contact me at 502-321-8670.

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WHITELEATHER DAMION 1278 EX-91 Fancy 4-Year-Old for the 2013 Shows 2-00 306D 24,824M 3.1% 779F 3.0% 733P 3-00 323D 28,793M 3.3% 964F 3.0% 876P 4-00 Fresh again on 11-22-12 • Milked 112# on December test

WHITELEATHER SUPER 1704-ET VG-86 Fresh 11-15-12 • Milked 92# on December test 2-00 62D 4,278M 3.7% 157F 2.8% 118P Bred 12-21-12 to Sudan 1H9321 Dam: Whiteleather Outside 367 EX-91 2E GMD DOM Sire: Charlesdale Superstition

Also Selling WHITELEATHER TOYSTORY 1559 VG-86 Fresh 12-1-12 • Milked 130# on December test, 5 days in milk 1-11 286D 20,306M 3.6% 768F 3.1% 636P “Incredible Udder”

WHITELEATHER HOLSTEINS VISITORS WELCOME Visit Our Website www.whiteleatherholsteins.com

8208 Bayard Road, Minerva, OH 44657 Lawrence Whiteleather: 330-904-1806 Adam Whiteleather: 330-205-1738 Fax: 330-222-1642 • ajw116@verizon.net

Wesley Johnson: 330-853-6446 Herdsman Todd Unkefer: 330-831-2113 Cell

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to the Convention Sale, March 8, 2013, at Sidney, Ohio with an udder that looks like it was painted on.

Selling Lingle Sanchez Shelley Fresh 10-28-12, 98# December Test

Our September 2012 Classification Results • 11 New EX • 30 New VG • 20 Total EX

Aubri Kay Lingle Born December 11, 2012 To Ryan and Chelsi Lingle Grandparents Rick and Amy Lingle D-7

Lingle Holstein Farms Ltd. 2625 N. Reedsburg Road • Wooster, OH 44691 • Ph: 419-869-7689 • lingleholsteins@aol.com Rick and Amy Cell 419-651-0825

32 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

Kevin Cell 419-651-5627 Visitors Welcome

Ryan and Chelsi Cell 419-651-8961

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— From the Rudy Missy Family — Selling at the Ohio Convention Sale, March 8, 2013, Sidney, Ohio

Carters-Corner Shot Melody EX-90 DOM • Top 10,000 Locater List • 2 Granddaughters Selling • Multiple sons in AI 2-03 365D 32,615M 4.6% 1,496F 3.2% 1,045P Daughter Selling

Daughter Selling

Brookview Domain Massage-ET Selling: MS Brookview P Macey-ET GTPI 2117 Born: 10-17-2012 Sire: Welcome Super Petrone-ET Her Dam, sired by Ronelee Toystory Domain-ET, was pictured on 1-20-2013 and should classify real well in April. Owned with Ryan & Chelsi Lingle

2nd Dam: 3rd Dam: 4th Dam: 5th Dam: 6th Dam: 7th Dam: 8th Dam:

Carters-Corner Shot Melody EX-90, pictured above Pine-Tree Missy Melinda-ET VG-85 Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET EX-92 GMD-DOM Wesswood Elton Mimi EX-90 GMD-DOM Wesswood Mandingo Ivy VG-87 Wesswood Astro Matt Ester VG-87 GMD-DOM Wesswood Bell Claudette VG-87 GMD-DOM

Brookview-E Bol Masquerade VG-86 2-01 365D 25,018M 4.4% 1,103F 3.2% 806P • Multiple sons in AI Selling: Brookview Mixed Up-ET, Born 9-3-2012 Sire: VA-Early-Dawn Sudan-ET Her Dam (pictured) is sired by Boliver. Maternal brother by Dorcy at Semex: Brookview Masterpiece GTPI 2276

Invest In Your Future On March 8

Brookview Farms 4293 Tiffin Road, Fremont Ohio 43420 Email: ehbrookviewfarms@yahoo.com

Eric J. Havens

Top Quality Genetics For Sale — Give Us A Call —

Cell Phone: 419-307-3758 Home Phone/Fax: 419-992-4471

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Nominating Committee Report, January 2013


PRESIDENT — The Committee has nominated current vice-president Dallas Rynd to be the candidate for President. Dallas has served two terms as vicepresident and also served as District 5 representative on the board and on various committees. Dallas and his wife Judy Wolford own and operate Silver Mist Holsteins near Ashville, Ohio, District 5. Dallas and Judy moved their 45-cow herd to Ohio in 1992. Prior to that time, Dallas was in a partnership with his brothers at Rynd Home Farm near Cochranton, Pennsylvania. Dallas has served in numerous offices for District 5. He has served several years on the Pickaway County Farm Bureau Board and has been a member of the township zoning committee.

Dallas enjoys showing cattle and participates at the local, state and national level. The herd has been very successful and has had multiple AllOhio winners and several All-American nominations. Dallas is especially proud of the many youth activities in which the Silver Mist herd has been able to participate in over the years. It has hosted the district FFA dairy judging contest on several occasions, along with hosting numerous farm tours for youth from kindergartners to college students. Additionally, many nonfarm youth have been given the opportunity to work on the farm and to participate in 4-H and FFA by showing Silver Mist animals. (Dallas and Judy were featured on the cover of the November-December 2011 Ohio News with an article on page 8 and their ad on page 9.) VICE-PRESIDENT — The committee has nominated Randall Kiko for the position of vice-president of the Ohio Holstein Association. In response to the nomination, Randall has replied as follows:



The 63rd Annual Meeting of the Ohio Holstein Association will be held March 9, 2013, at the Sidney Inn and Conference Center, 400 Folkerth Avenue, Sidney, Ohio. John Spreng, Chairman of the Nominating Committee, presented the following slate of candidates.

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34 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013


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“I am very honored to be nominated as a candidate for vice-president, from District 2. I reside in Salem, Ohio, with my wife Rebekah and our children Grant, Grace and Ellie. I am an auctioneer/realtor with Kiko Company based in Canton, Ohio, since 1995. I am also part owner of R & P Kiko Family Farms, Ltd., located in Columbiana County, with my parents and three brothers. “We milk 200 Holsteins and raise an additional 200 head of heifers; approximately half are registered. We farm a total of 1,600 acres raising corn, soybeans, alfalfa and wheat. We enjoy showing cows at our district show, county fairs, and occasionally, the Ohio State Fair. “My involvement with the Ohio Holstein Association has been working annual sales such as the Buckeye Classic and Ohio Convention, along with the Spring, Summer and Fall Sales. I’ve had the pleasure of auctioneering, as well as working the ring. My family and I enjoy farm life. I’ve learned a great deal about the Holstein industry along the way and value the friendships this lifestyle has created. Thank you for your consideration, and I hope to see everyone at the Ohio Holstein Annual Meeting and Convention Sale at Sidney, Ohio. “Sincerely, Randall Kiko” The Kiko Farm and Auction Service are advertisers in the Ohio News. The positions of secretary and treasurer are not up for election this year, as last year Cathy Wolf Berg was elected to a three-year term as secretary and Lisa Kerr was elected to a three-year term as treasurer. The Nominating Committee submits these names as candidates and will also entertain additional nominations from the floor at the annual meeting.

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National Director

WELCOME TO 2013! As I write this, we have enjoyed a nice winter so far but are expecting single digits next week. Coming soon is spring 2013. As you prepare your time and financial budgets for this year, don’t forget to plan time for the Ohio State Convention in early March. Ohio will also be the site for our regional meeting, and I encourage you to attend and express your views, as we have an opportunity to just visit. Make sure to attend the State Sale and get an opportunity to interject some new genetics into your herd. I encourage you to look at a just-fresh Dusk daughter out of a VG-87 Goldywn sister to Kamps Hallow Allttitude (nothing like free advertisement — ha-ha). Seriously, we are also looking for some great consignments for the 2013 National Convention Sale. Burton and Associates will be conducting the sale, and we are looking for 80-100 live animals and approximately 40-50 futures animals. If you have something that you would consider

consigning, please notify me at jsholsteins@yahoo.com or dallasburton@dairyagenda.com. I will talk more about the convention and preconvention in the next issue. The Association ended the year right at expected budget with a small profit. It appears to be a challenge in the dairy industry for the upcoming year, but hopefully we can work through some of the issues we have facing us and come out as a unified

industry. It will be a challenge working with seven-dollar corn and four-hundred-dollar soybean meal. So far early in 2013, we have sent dairy cattle to slaughter at a record pace, helping to lower production. I hope to see many of you next month at your state convention and sale along with regional meetings. Thank you, Mike Jones


www.ohioholstein.com How’s Your Dairy Cows’

Health? Local Testimonials: I’ve been using Oxy Blast for only 3 months and my SCC is the lowest it’s been in 25 years. I just had 65 cows bred in 2 months, out of a herd of 110. At herd check, 75% checked positive for pregnancy, What a difference! B.J. — Wayne County I am paying for the Oxy Blast by the extra bonus we are getting from the lower SCC. The milk production went up 3 lbs. Just better overall health. J.R. — Henry County We put Oxy Blast in to clean the iron out of the plugged water lines going to the free stall barns. The slime bacteria in the water lines and water fountains were cleaned out. Extra benefits: the milk production increased, the SCC went down, the conception rate improved, the herd health just got better. D.F. — Wayne County

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36 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

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84595 p38 Polch.Har.CommBlen_Layout 1 2/3/13 6:17 PM Page 1

“ONE OF OUR BEST” Selling at the Buckeye Classic Sale March 29, 2013 • Columbus, Ohio

— SELLING — Polchin Goldchip Lil Lacey Her Dam: 2nd Dam: 3rd Dam: 4th Dam:

5th Dam: 6th Dam: 7th Dam: 8th Dam:

Born: Sept. 30, 2012 Polchin Shottle Lisa Lil-ET VG-87 Krull Dundee Easter Lisa-ET VG-88 Krull Skychief Easter-ET EX-90 Krull Broker Elegance EX-96 2E GMD DOM All-American Aged Cow 1999 and 2000 Krull Starbuck Excellency EX-90 GMD DOM Krull TT Excellency EX-90 Krull Boot Mark Excellency EX-92 2E GMD Krull Kingstead Excellency EX-92 4E GMD

38 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013


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Minutes of the January 4, 2013 Ohio Holstein Board of Directors Regular Meeting The Ohio Holstein Board of Directors held a regular business meeting on January 4, 2013, at the Ohio Holstein office, Wooster, Ohio. Board Members present were President Joe Miley; Vice President Dallas Rynd; Secretary Cathy Berg; Treasurer Lisa Kerr; Executive Board Members Ken Janes, Peter Spike and Lamar Liming; District 2, Adam Whiteleather; District 4, Jen Bouton; District 5, Greg Conrad; District 8, Regina Berg; District 9, Tom Thornbahn; District 10, Laurie Menzie; District 11/13, Jenny Thomas; District 12, Marvin Steinke; District 14, Eric Topp; and District 15, Don Bickel. Board members not present were District 3, John Hartline, and District 7, Ted Renner. Staff present were Don Alexander, General Manager, and Esther Welch, Editor. Guests present were Steve Moff and Barb Lumley. President Joe Miley called the meeting to order at 11:01 a.m. MINUTES Tom moved to accept the minutes from the September board meeting with minor spelling corrections. Seconded by Lamar. Motion carried. TREASURER’S REPORT Lisa reviewed the financial information. The year end did not close as well as hoped. Total loss was $11,797; the budgeted loss was $6,140. The cash loss is slightly less due to $2,175 depreciation figured into the budget. Private treaty sales did not come through as expected. There was lengthy discussion on the format of the financial report. Many questions were raised as to what is included within individual line items. The spreadsheet format can be very difficult to follow. Joe indicated that the committee will look into other ways to present the financial information. Greg moved to accept the financial report. Motion seconded by Pete. Motion carried. 2013 BUDGET Due to the budget being presented late and the board not meeting in December, the budget was discussed. Pete moved to accept the submitted 2013 budget. Motion seconded by Greg. Motion carried. Many board members expressed concern over the continuous budgeted negative balance. The idea was brought up of leasing out office space in the building. Joe indicated that the board had looked into this in 2010, and it was not going to be profitable due to the modifications/improvements that would be necessary, as well as the increased liability. Cathy indicated the need for a long-range plan. Joe indicated the challenge is having a balanced budget while allowing for the Association to have hired staff to operate. Jenny wondered if, down the road, anyone has ever thought of selling the office property. General consensus was that this would only be a band-aid fix to the real budget issues that exist. Don indicated the pride that members have in the building and that we have one of — if not the — best buildings around. Cathy made note to the fact that, if the Association did not have the building, you would still have to rent space for all of the archived documents and files that would need to be kept, as well as the financial data. Somewhere would have to be “home base.” Jen questioned committee functions and assignments. Joe explained how committees are assigned and that there are defined committee functions. It was decided that committees need to function better. Joe said his take from the discussion is that committees need to perform better; the goal of the board will be to revitalize the committees and to better inform members of the committee descriptions. Joe suggested that the board help with committee assignments for 2013, rather than just the executive committee performing this task. 42 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

Steve suggested that all committee members be provided with a copy of the constitution as well as the by-laws of the association. Cathy suggested that this information be put on the website as well. Additional action items are: 1. Create a mass email to all members monthly of upcoming events or important issues. 2. Notify membership that we will be doing this, so they are not surprised when these emails begin to show up. 3. Find and/or define committee tasks and create standard operating procedures for each committee. 4. Put the responsibility on the committee chairs to make the committees function and also to report to the board. 5. Members should be able to submit information that they want in these emails. The Association should look into doing long-range planning. Ken indicated the need to include all parts of the state, so as to not revert back to the old “east vs. west” mentality of years ago. There needs to be better communication within the state, especially to the west side. NEWS REPORT Esther expressed that she needs more information from Districts and/or committees including meeting dates, etc. Members need to be timely in submitting information. The last issue made $2,588 due to advertising. Esther suggested that if every board member would advertise in the News, it would help the bottom line even more. There are many local businesses that submit commercial ads. She noted that if the office were not there, she might not be able to get many of these advertisers. The large infrastructure in the Wooster area helps to draw advertising. Advertising saves the Association money and also helps to put more money into our account. Purina Nutrition will be sponsoring the June issue of the News. They will be issuing payment of $1,500 up front. We should make around $5,000 off of this issue. DON’S REPORT Don reported that the fall sale was a success. Working with the colored breeds on this sale definitely helps improve our bottom line. Don suggested we continue to partner with them on this sale in the future. The meeting held in conjunction with the Lang Tag Sale went well. Don Bennink spoke to at least 130 people. Even better is the fact that most all of these individuals did go to the sale as well. Langs will pay for the cost of the catalog, while all other expenses, including the cost of the meal and speaker, will be paid by the Association. Dairy Agenda Today has great photos and has been showing great success in promotion of Ohio. Don noted that there had been a small leak in the roof of the building. Don and Jim Kemp spent $19 and were able to fix it themselves. The Women’s Association recently bought Diana and Esther new office chairs upon Don’s request. Annual Meeting is moving along and will be a good function. SHOW COMMITTEE Steve reported that the state fair/PDCA meeting was held. Spring Expo judges were announced. Tim Abbot will be judging the Ayrshire, Holstein and Red and White Holstein shows. Steve Hendress will be judging the Swiss, Guernsey and Jerseys. Steve said that the Spring Expo will possibly be a four-day event in 2014. They are looking into this because they would like to eliminate the night shows and have a fitting/judging contest, since there will be no PDGA judging conference in 2014. The Expo dairy shows will not be held in Cooper this year; we will be showing in Voinovich. There was going to be a $7,000 fee to use Cooper, and we already pay for Voinovich, so that is where we will be showing. There has been a change to the State Fair Judges. Barkley Phoenix

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will be judging in place of Justin Burdette. There have been no entries made in several of the classes for Junior All-Ohio honors. Red and Whites will be able to show in both open shows if they enter both shows and have registration papers through both associations. The Red and White Association makes the decision as to when or where this is allowed. Steve also brought up that there was interest at National Holstein to raise the 125,000 lb. class to 150,000 lbs. The Ohio State Fair will be staying with the 125,000 lb. class requirement at this time. SALES COMMITTEE Barb reported that the sales are going well. The colored breeds were not as organized as she world like, but they did carry through and do their job. It is a good thing working with them. She noted that there were Jerseys in the sale this year and wondered if perhaps we should try to expand on that for next year. The barn crew did well. Barb brought up the issue of vet bills. Who pays for them? Joe indicated that the Association has always paid those as part of the service we provide. The board believed it should remain that way.

be held on March 9 immediately following the conclusion of the Annual Meeting. Districts that will need to find representation are District 7, District 8 and District 9, as these members are term-limited out. These include Ken Janes, Regina Berg and Tom Thorbahn. Barb mentioned that, if members would provide her with emails for the local papers, she would be glad to send reports to them as well. Don mentioned that there are a couple of Ohio producers recognized in the most recent issue of Hoard’s Dairyman. Please acknowledge this to those individuals. ADJOURN Eric moved to adjourn the meeting at 2:32 p.m. Adam seconded the motion. Motion carried.Submitted by Cathy Berg, Ohio Holstein Secretary

Sales with Integrity & Service with Confidence

JUNIORS COMMITTEE — No report given. ANNUAL MEETING Jenny reported that the planning committee met on December 1 at the hotel in Sidney. They met with the manager, toured the facility and went over meeting room requirements. The hotel is being very cooperative and accommodating. The hotel will allow us to bring in an outside caterer and offer the dairy bar. Rooms will be at a low cost of $50 per night, and meals will be very good and cost effective. Friday night activities will include the regional Holstein meeting, followed by a reception with light refreshments. This will allow time for people to mingle. The Queen contest will follow. There will be an auction of donated items during deliberation of the Queen contest with the proceeds, hopefully, going to benefit the Juniors. The Juniors will be doing a gaming night with a projection screen and a pizza party. Adults are welcome to attend a casual reception, where there will be hors d’oeuvres served, as well as a variety of complimentary drinks. Saturday will be the meetings as usual. Consignments for the sale are coming in well. There are consignments from multiple states. The committee is looking to catalog between 70 and 75 animals. They are made up of show-aged calves, genomics, good fresh cows,and springers. There are not too many open heifers. Animals will arrive Tuesday for the Friday sale. People are working well with the committee. The first lot of the sale will be a calf donated by Select Sires. One half of the proceeds will go to the Juniors, and the other half will go to the family of the young man recently killed while working at Select Sires. Barb asked about ring men. Jenny indicated the ring men will be sales staff people; our only cost will be their hotel room. Jenny and Eric requested that they be able to proof all sale ads before they print. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE Membership updates are included in the board member packets. BUS TRIP Don reported that there are a husband and wife that coordinate the New York bus trip and have done so for years. They go to the Royal Winter Fair in Canada. Don suggested perhaps we should consider this instead of the World Dairy Expo trip. It will be very difficult to get any commitment from Don, Jenny or Eric to help with an Expo trip, due to the conflict with them being heavily involved at Expo. Don indicated that Jim Sheffield is interested in a bus trip and would like to see this move forward. Don said he would begin working on a trip. NEW BUSINESS The next meeting will be the reorganization meeting, which will

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Introducing Barbara from Bamboo Rockypath-HO MW Barbara-ET GP-84 VG-MS at 2-10 GTPI 2097 NM$522 +.5 DPR 2-00 323D 26,727M 4.6% 1,297F 3.5% 932P, 100.9# of milk on her 10th test Nov. 28, 2012 Sire: LONG-LANGS OMAN OMAN-ET Barbara has: • Two heifers and two bulls by CHARLESDALE SUPERSTITION-ET • Pregnancies by DONATELLO, MORGAN, MERIDIAN, RELIEF-P and DOLO-P • Maternal brothers at Accelerated: w E-Longview CM-ET 14H5639, +2059 GTPI Sire: SHARKY w OH-River-Syc BKM Timothy-ET 14H7022, +2157 GTPI, 5.6 PL, NM$ 647 Sire: BOOKMAN Barbara’s Dam: Autumn-Ridge OTSD Bamboo-ET EX-91 2E GMD DOM Next Dam: VG-87 DOM Rudolph

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BarbWire Remembering Hopalong Cassidy and Our First Holstein by Barb Lumley Okay, you can stop chuckling now. Yes, that is me in the picture, wearing my Hopalong Cassidy hat and holding those Guernsey calves. For any of you “younger” people who never heard of Hopalong Cassidy, he was a popular hero in Western movies. He wore a black outfit, a black hat and rode a white horse named “Topper.” He was a fictional cowboy created in 1904 and was portrayed in the movies by William Boyd. He only drank sarsaparilla, never anything alcoholic! On Saturday nights, the milking was done early, and then Dad, Mom and I would be on our way to Carrollton. Everybody went to town on Saturday night! The streets would be filled with cars, and if you weren’t early, you had a hard time finding a place to park. People would be lined up on the sidewalks talking, the men about crops, the weather, livestock, and the women usually gossiping. The first stop would be the grocery store to get needed supplies, sugar, flour, yeast, matches, salt — the basic needs, and if I was lucky, a poke of candy. Then it was off to the local movie theater for the late movie. There was always an early showing of the movie, then a newsreel and a showing of the titles of next week’s movies, and then the same movie would run again. On Saturday nights the movies were usually Westerns, with stars such as Roy Rogers, Gene Autry, Tim Holt, Randolph Scott, Rex Allen, Hopalong Cassidy, and one of my favorites, Lash Larue. He dressed in black, wore a white hat, rode a beautiful big black horse and corralled the bad guys with a huge blacksnake whip. I always wished I could learn how to crack one of those whips! Of course, Hoppy was a favorite — hence the hat — and I toted one of his gun sets for awhile! Our first Holstein was a bull calf. Dad bought him from a dairyman who had a well-known herd of good Holsteins. We brought him home in the trunk of our Chrysler coupe with Dad holding him, Mom driving and me being thrilled to be bringing home a full-blooded Holstein. There were no registration papers. At that time we didn’t even know what a registration paper was. We didn’t know a lot about Holsteins; we just knew that Guernsey and Jersey breeders were constantly saying, “If you drop a quarter in the bottom of a full pail of Holstein milk, you can still read In God We Trust on it!” Our herd was such a mixture of Guernseys, Milking Shorthorns, Brown Swiss and even a couple of half Hereford crosses, we could hardly wait until we had some cows with that Holstein blood milking in our barn. Eventually Dad heard about “artificial insemination” and

signed up to have our cows bred by the COBA technician. At that time, the technician would start out the day with semen from two or three bulls, and if he came late in the day to breed a cow, he might only have semen left from one of them. So you didn’t always have a choice. We bought our first Holstein cow at a farm auction. She was sold as being registered, however we never received the paper. She was a very nice cow with a beautiful udder, and she gave us some really good grade heifers. Changes were on the way, and after purchasing my first Registered Holstein in 1953, we would eventually reach our goal of owning a complete herd of Registered Holsteins. Like the movies, the breeding of Holsteins has constantly been changing. Today we have numerous AI studs in the business of selling semen to breed our cows. We have the option of collecting young bulls of our own and using them. Semen is available from other countries. We can use sexed semen. The opportunity to flush top cows is available to everyone. In-vitro fertilization is becoming popular. There are a multitude of bulls and bloodlines we can choose from. Holstein breeders have learned how to breed their own cows and implant the embryos. We have records and information of all kinds to help us do a better job in mating our cows. Genomic testing and information are available to us. There are classifiers to help us learn more about our cows and mating specialists to help make breeding decisions. We have learned how to better feed and care for our cows, and in return, they give two to three times, or more, the pounds of milk they gave in the past. There is so much information and knowledge out there — all we have to do is use it! I have no idea what ever became of my Hopalong Cassidy hat, but Western movies kept improving, and I still enjoy them. Today’s Westerns are nothing like those old time movies, and they are no longer just in black and white. Just like the movies, today’s Holsteins have kept improving, and they are no longer just in black and white either! OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013 | 45

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The Queen’s Corner by Jacquelyn Sherry HELLO ONCE AGAIN! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and you’re all off to a good start on those New Year’s resolutions! I can’t believe this is my last time writing to you all as Ohio Holstein Queen. It has been an amazing experience, and I feel very blessed to have had this opportunity. I enjoyed traveling to all of the shows, meeting new people, and of course, making Don cookies for each show! Thank you to everyone whom I made contact with over the past year, making sure I was informed of all the dates, times and directions to the shows. Without everyone’s help to guide me, I wouldn’t have been able to make it to all of the shows on time. I also would like to thank my friends who traveled with me to some of the shows. Living in Columbus over the summer, I did not have the chance to travel with my mom or family like some of the past queens, however I have great friends who were happy to accompany me to many of the shows and fairs. Though I haven’t been to any shows recently, I would like to congratulate those who showed in Louisville. I enjoyed my time there watching shows and competing in

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the dairy judging contest, where Jared Smith, Robin Alden, Ashlee Dietz and myself placed third overall. We are looking forward to another great year next year! I would like to say good luck to those of you showing at Spring Dairy Expo; I know it’s a couple of months away, but it will be here before you know it. I can’t wait to see you all there! I will be helping with the Buckeye Classic Sale, so feel free to stop by and say hello. If you are interested in consigning for the sale, please contact one of our sale chairs. Jeneva Auble is handling the Holstein sale and can be contacted at auble.8@osu.edu, and Marc Bolen is heading up the Jersey sale and can be contacted at bolen.39@osu.edu. If you would like to advertise in the Buckeye Dairy Club Yearbook, please let me know; my contact information is listed below. I encourage all of you young ladies out there who are eligible to apply for this year’s queen! It is a blast, and you’ll be glad that you were part of something so special. This experience has only increased my passion for the dairy industry. If you are interested and have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me! You can email me at sherry.38@osu.edu, or call me at 937-459-8980. Thank you, everyone, for a wonderful year. I have many memories that I will keep with me, and I enjoyed getting to know many of you. Thank you to Esther, Don and the Ohio Holstein Association for helping me with many of the questions I had and for keeping me up to date. Have a fun show season, as I’m sure I will see you all around the shows and in the parlor. God Bless!

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013 | 47



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Dam: Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah EX-92 Reserve All-American 4-Year-Old 2011 2nd 4-Year-Old Int’l Holstein Show 2011 HM Senior Champion Int’l Holstein Show 2011 All-American & All-Canadian Senior 2-Year-Old 2009 1st Senior 2-Year-Old & Intermediate Champion Int’l Holstein Show 2009




AFTERSHOCK x Goldwyn Dana Rae x Debutante Rae

Dam: Scientific Gold Dana Rae-ET EX-94 2nd 5-Year-Old International Holstein Show 2012 Full Sister to 94HO13666 DESTRY*RC

AFTERSHOCK SHOTTLE x Durham Atlee x Storm x Skychief Adeen x Starbuck Ada dtr: Stonyway Aftershock Nahana VG-85 8th Junior 2-Year-Old Canadian National Show 2012 5th Junior 2-Year-Old Expo Quebec International 2012 Owned by Deslacs Holstein, Pierre Boulet, and Ferme Fortale Holstein Inc, Victoriaville, PQ, Canada

dtr: Eastriver A Shock Nettie VG-87 8th Senior 2-Year-Old Canadian National Holstein Show 2012 4th Senior 2-Year-Old Expo Quebec International 2012 Owned by Ferme Jacobs, Nelson Eduardo Ziehlsdorff, and Claudio Aragon, Cap Sante, PQ, Canada

THE WORLD LEADER IN BOVINE GENETICS © 2 0 1 A B S G l o b a l , I n c . t 1 5 2 5 R i v e r R o a d , D e F o re s t , W I t 1 - 8 0 0 - A B S - S T U D t w w w. a b s g l o b a l . c o m

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Ohio 4-H Dairy Program Dates for 2013 2013…Connecting our 4-H Dairy “Teams”! submitted by Bonnie Ayars

January. . . . . . . . . . Ohio 4-H Achievement Forms due. Check with your 4-H educator for due dates. January 5 . . . . . . . . Ohio Milking Shorthorn Breeders Annual Meeting, Der Dutchman, Plain City. January 21 . . . . . . . Ohio PDCA Annual Meeting, Der Dutchman, Plain City. January 26 . . . . . . . Ohio Jersey Breeders Annual Meeting, Der Dutchman, Plain City. February 16 . . . . . . Ohio Brown Swiss Breeders Annual Meeting, Der Dutchman, Plain City. February 23 . . . . . . Ohio Ayrshire Breeders Annual Meeting, Der Dutchman, Plain City. February 23 . . . . . . Coaches/Experienced Youth Judges Workshop following ATI Invitational Dairy Judging Contest in the Armstrong Building at Wayne County Fairgrounds. Come to develop skills writing and presenting a better set of reasons. Sample sets from an expert will be given on 2-3 of the day’s classes. Space is limited, so register online at 4hansci.osu.edu/dairy by February 22. March 2 . . . . . . . . . Ohio Guernsey Breeders Annual Meeting, All Occasions, Waldo, Ohio. March 8-9 . . . . . . . Ohio Holstein Association Annual Meeting, Sidney, Ohio. March 16 . . . . . . . . Beginners/Intermediate Judging Clinic at OSU: planned for beginning and aspiring judges. Come and judge some live classes, learn how to take notes on the class, and then organize and present a set of reasons. Officials will also be participating, so you can actually HEAR what good reasons should sound like. Please preregister by March 15. March 28, 29, 30. . Spring Dairy Expo, Ohio State Fairgrounds. March 30 . . . . . . . . State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest: This event is held in conjunction with Spring Dairy Expo at the Ohio State Fairgrounds. Registration will be in the Voinovich Building as usual, however, the actual contest will once again be in Cooper Arena. There are three separate divisions: Junior (8-11), Intermediate (12-14) and Senior (15 and up). The Intermediate division will give two sets of reasons with notes, and Seniors will present two sets of reasons without notes. Added awards will be the highest team and individual in placings. NEW: Junior, Intermediate and Senior Divisions will answer two questions. Please preregister by March 29. May 4 . . . . . . . . . . . Dairy Palooza, Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, Ohio. This event will be similar to previous years with changes and updated workshops on new topics, such as dairy foods and public relations. There will continue to be hands-on training in a wide variety of dairy interests. Kids AND parents are welcome to attend this event. Quality assurance training will be available. June 18. . . . . . . . . . Ohio 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl, OSU, Ohio 4-H Center. Preregistration due by June 11. This is a team event for Junior competition and Dairy Jeopardy for the Senior portion of Quiz Bowl. July 1 . . . . . . . . . . . Ohio State Fair Scholarship deadline: multiple opportunities for Junior exhibitors and Ohio State incoming freshmen. Following is the 2012 link that will be updated in March 2013. ohiostatefair.com/osf/downloadbooks/gm/2012scholarships.pdf

OHIO STATE FAIR Thu., July 25 . . . Dairy Skillathon, 2-5 p.m. Fri., July 26 . . . . Judging Clinic following Holstein Junior Show, approximately 3:30 p.m. Wed., July 31 . . . Dairy Skillathon, 2-5 p.m. All Breeds Corn Hole Tournament Fri., August 2. . . Second Judging Clinic, approximately 3:30 p.m. August 30 to September 2: Labor Day Weekend . . . 4-H Dairy Judging “Boot Camp” at the Maryland State Fair for invited individuals. September 9 . . . . . Pennsylvania All-American 4-H Dairy Judging Contest. September 30: . . . . National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest at World Dairy Expo. November 10 . . . . . NAILE 4-H Dairy Judging Contest. November 16. . . . . 4-H Dairy Advisory Meeting (location to be announced). 50 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

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For updates on the Ohio 4-H calendar at left, contact Bonnie Ayars at ayars.5@osu.edu or 614.688.3143. Go to 4hansci.osu.edu/dairy.htm and the Ohio 4-H Dairy Program Facebook page for all program details — PLUS — check out Bonnie’s Buckeye “Moos” newsletter or request to be added to our expanding list of emails for interested volunteers, advisors and parents.

4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl at North American International in 2012 Teams from 19 States Compete submitted by Bonnie Ayars

LOUISVILLE, KY (November 2012) — The Invitational 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl was the first major youth contest to be held at the 39th annual North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE) in Louisville, Kentucky. Competition took place on November 3, and winners were announced at a banquet later that day. The event features young people who have set their sights on a career in the dairy business or in some other aspect of agriculture. This year marks the 33rd year for the Dairy Quiz Bowl. Shown here are members of the Invitational Ohio’s Quiz Dairy Quiz Bowl team from Ohio. Front, Bowl Team mem- from left: coach Lisa Gress, Shreve; Mark bers have been Gordon, Shreve. Back, from left: Diane working together Gress, Shreve; Julie Gress, Shreve; Rebekah for over six years. Schonauer, Killbuck. Rebekah Schonauer placed fourth out of over 80 contestants on the Quiz Bowl test, the best showing Ohio has ever had! Teams of knowledgeable young people from 19 states competed for top honors by testing their knowledge on many levels of the dairy business at the November exposition. Dr. Donna M. Amaral-Phillips, Extension Professor and Extension Dairy Nutritionist at the University of Kentucky, has been the contest superintendent for 24 years, and she views the Dairy Quiz Bowl experience as extremely valuable for young people. “Participation in the Dairy Quiz Bowl broadens educational horizons and expands potential industry opportunities for young people who are involved,” observed Dr. Amaral-Phillips. The North American International Livestock Exposition encourages youth training through participation. The NAILE hosted seven major youth judging contests in 2012.

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by Korey Oechsle, Reporter, and Matt Oechsle, President

Happy New Year! I hope you are looking forward to 2013. This is going to be short and sweet and ALL about the upcoming Annual Meeting in Sidney, Ohio. We want YOU to join us for the weekend. FIRST — the Junior Association is going to pick up part of the tab on Saturday’s luncheon for all current Junior members, so GET your memberships in if you haven’t already! The Juniors will be covering $5 of every Junior member meal for the luncheon after the Junior meeting on Saturday. SECOND — we know there is school on Friday, but if your parents are letting you come to the sale, plan on helping out for just a bit with the fundraisers. There are two: Tickets for the raffle that will be drawn at Saturday’s luncheon will be available to sell, AND we are working with the area dairy group to help with a lunch for the sale and will need a couple of Junior volunteers to help with that, if you are there. FRIDAY NIGHT — after the queen contest, the Juniors will get together for video games and a movie at the hotel. We have our own Junior room to set up with Wii and maybe even a dance-off competition? Who knows, but we’ll have food and pop as well…and it is FREE for Juniors! SATURDAY MORNING — will be the DJM and Memorial Scholarship interviews followed by the Junior business meeting. This meeting is where we determine what activities to do at State Fair, like last year’s activity night, as well as talk about National Convention in Indy this year and other stuff. We might even have some entertainment surprises for you that morning! We end the weekend with the Junior Awards Luncheon, which we want all of you to attend, too. It will be a fun week, so come JOIN US! And remember — GET THOSE MEMBERSHIPS IN!!


www.ohioholstein.com 52 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013



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Freestall Barns • Milking Parlors • Sand Separator Lanes Commodity Buildings • Bunk Silos

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— In Memoriam — SANDRA L. SCHLAUCH of Big Prairie passed away at her home, December 12, 2012. She was born November 7, 1949, in Akron to Edmond Taillon and Rose (Sylvester) Motz. A 1967 graduate of West Holmes High School, Sandy married David L. Schlauch on August 7, 1968. They started in the dairy business and created VelvetView Farm. Recently she helped create and operated Velvet-View Farmstead Yogurt. As a 4-H advisor for the Ripley Ringleaders, she spent many hours helping members with their dairy projects. She shared her faith and talents with the congregation of Ripley Church of Christ. Her roles included teaching the little ones for many years, decorating the church for holidays and adding insights to the renovation projects. Her greatest contribution was the design and creation of the new preschool wing known as “Down on Jesus’ Farm.” By far her most important role in life and what brought her the most joy was taking care of her family. She will be ever loved and missed by her survivors: husband David Schlauch; children Debra (Steve) Gilbert and Aaron (Brandi) Schlauch; grandchildren Ethan and Rachil Reynolds, Jacoby and Jamison Gilbert, and Logan and Wyatt Schlauch; brothers Gordon Taillon and William (Louise) Taillon; and sister Mary (Tom) Bulger. Her parents and a brother, Eddie Taillon, preceded her in death. The family suggests memorial contributions be made to Ripley Church of Christ, “Down On the Farm Fund,” 12298 Co. Rd. 330, Big Prairie, Ohio 44611.

JAMES L. MILEY, 77, of West Salem passed away December 17, 2012, at Wooster Community Hospital, Wooster, Ohio. He was born January 1, 1935, to Carl and Helen Miley. He lived most of his life in Chester Township, Wayne County. He graduated from Northwestern High School in 1953 and from The Ohio State University in 1958 with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. While at Ohio State, he was a member of the Alpha Gamma Sigma Fraternity and came home every spring to help farm. He was a member of St. Peter Lutheran Church in New Pittsburg. On March 24, 1959, he married Jane Whitmore, and together they began a lifetime of dairy farming on his home farm, where they continued as Miley Holstein Farms, Ltd., now including their family. Jim was a long-time member of Northwestern Ruritan, District 7 Holstein Club, Ohio and National Holstein Associations, Farm Bureau, and Northwestern FFA Alumni and Friends. He served on the boards for Town & Country Co-op, West Salem Equity, Ohio DHIA, District 7 Holstein Club and Panda Preschool of New Pittsburg. He was a Chester Township Trustee and served many years on the Wayne County ASCS Committee.

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He is survived by his wife Jane; sons Joe (Diana) and Jon (Amy) of West Salem; and daughters Julie (Shawn) Miller of Bellevue and Jackie (Wayne) Russell of Sheldon Springs, Vermont. He enjoyed spending time with his eight grandchildren: Jason and Anna Miley, Adam and David Miley, Leah and Hallie Miller, and Shayley and Ben Russell. Also surviving are his sisters, Kathy Purdy of Glen Ellyn, Illinois; Betty Chavis of Fullerton, California; and Jean (Phil) Keener of West Salem. Other survivors are brother-in-law and sister-inlaw Tom and Jeanette Loy of West Salem and several nieces and nephews. He was a good person. Memorial gifts may be sent to Northwestern Ruritan, c/o Laura Boreman, 7307 Camp Road, West Salem, Ohio 44287.

JACK E. CARLE, 69, of East Rochester, died December 30, 2012, in his home. He was born February 16, 1943, in Canton, to the late William and Florence (Powell) Carle. He retired from farming, where he owned the J-Car Farms, and had worked at TRW in Minerva and Diebold in Canton. He was a member of the New Alexander Christian Church and the Columbiana County Farm Bureau. Jack is survived by his wife, Judy (Hafner) Carle, whom he married May 27, 1962; two daughters, Lori Carle of Canton and Kelli (Alan) Hughes of Ravenna; son Scott (Tammy) Carle of East Rochester, D-3; grandson Aaron Carle; four step-grandchildren, David, Steven, Kara and Josh; two sisters-in-law, Gayle Carle and Carol Carle. He was preceded in death by two brothers, William and Robert Carle. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Heart Association or American Diabetes Association.

JIMMY “JIM” LEE LUCAS, 55, a resident of Forest Grove, died December 31, 2012, at the Tuality Community Hospital in Hillsboro. Jim was born March 10, 1957, in Canton, Ohio. He was one of two childen born to Robert and Sadie (Russell) Lucas. He was reared in Carrollton Ohio, and attended Carrollton High School, graduating with the Class of 1975. He attended The Ohio State University and received a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Agriculture in 1979, and later attended Virginia Tech and received a Master’s degree in Science in1981. He also received a law degree from Willamette University in 1993. He met his wife, June Frick, by a chance meeting with a friend, and they were married on April 31, 1990, in Madison, Wisconsin. Following their marriage, they made their home in Salem, Oregon. They moved to Forest Grove, Oregon, in 1993 and have lived there ever since. In Memoriam – continued on page 60

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In Memoriam – continued from page 58

— In Memoriam, continued — Jim practiced law in the Banks and Forest Grove area since 1994. Before 1990 he had worked in the dairy industry at Select Sires and then as a sire analyst, traveling through the United Stated for Tri-State Breeders (now Accelerated Genetics). Among his interests, he enjoyed camping, fishing and the outdoors. He was very fond of the dairy industry and showed dairy cows at the local fairs; he also helped his childen in their 4-H dairy projects. Jim sang when he was younger, was an avid spots fan and followed the Cleveland Indians. He was preceded in death by his father, Robert Lucas. Survivors include his loving wife June of the family home; two children, Claire and Jess Lucas, both of Forest Grove, Oregon; his mother Sadie Lucas of Carrollton, Ohio; a sister Glenda Wiggins, of Scio, Ohio; and a niece Brittani Wiggins of Scio, Ohio. The family suggests memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society.

HAROLD J. WEYGANDT, 82, of Wooster passed away January 7, 2013, at Majora Lane Care Center in Millersburg. He was born July 13, 1930, in Wayne County, the son of O. L. and Edith (Webner) Weygandt and married Marilyn R. Keener on October 24, 1954. She survives. Harold was a 1948 graduate of Chester High School, where he was a letterman in both basketball and baseball. He was a dairy farmer for many years and enjoyed exhibiting Brown Swiss cows at local, state and national shows. He then worked as an inspector for ODOT, retiring in 2000 after 19 years. Harold was an active member of Emanuel Old Stone Church, where he served as a Sunday school

teacher, elder and deacon; he was also a member of Northwestern Ruritan, Ohio Brown Swiss Association, Farm Bureau Council and Wayne County Democratic Party, which allowed him to proudly host the family of Jimmy Carter at his farm during the 1976 Presidential campaign. He had been involved in Ohio Young Farmers, Northwestern Athletic Boosters and Northwestern Music Boosters and coached youth softball. Harold passionately followed his children’s and grandchildren’s sporting events and enjoyed working outside and barbecuing chicken on a wood fire for family gatherings. Surviving in addition to his wife, are children Thomas (Elaine) Weygandt of Wooster, Joy Weygandt of Columbus, Linda (Ken) Bowers of Tiffin, Amy (Gary) Nuhfer of Willard, David Weygandt of Gahanna and Carrie (Andy) Becker of Wooster, along with his exchange student daughter Maria Maia of Brazil; grandchildren Matt (Melissa) Weygandt, Michelle (Dan) Kliner, Ezekiel, Jacob, Cleo, Margaret and Kristan Bowers, Jason (Brandy) Nuhfer, Colby (Jessica Garcia) Nuhfer, Brock (Tiffany McKinney) Nuhfer, Austin Weygandt and Avery, Drew and Paige Becker; great-grandchildren Michael and Madeline Weygandt, Kaleb, Kourtney and Kolton Kliner, and Gracie Nuhfer; brothers James (Susie) Weygandt of Sheboygen Falls, Wisconsin, and Dale (Nancy) Weygandt of Medina; along with many brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews and cousins. Harold was preceded in death by his parents and by an infant son, Richard Weygandt, in 1962 and a brother, Alfred Weygandt. Memorial contributions may be made to Emanuel Old Stone Church, 6000 Congress Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691.

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62 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

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Mt. Eaton 15974 E. Main Street Mt. Eaton, OH 44659 (330) 857-4301 (330) 359-5476 Salem 1070 E. State Street Salem, OH 44460 (330) 277-4363

Seville 4885 Atlantic Drive Seville, OH 44273 (330) 769-3105

Wooster 4192 Burbank Road Wooster, OH 44691 (330) 263-5303

Smithville 153 E. Main Street Smithville, OH 44677 (330) 669-2611

1725 Cleveland Road Wooster, OH 44691 (330) 263-1725

• #1 Type Bull! (+4.70 PTAT) • #1 Feet & Legs Bull! (+4.57 FLC)

Airlift Photo ©Lea McCullough. Source: 12/12. HA/USDA Genomic.

• From the well-known Canyon-Breeze Abigail family!

Dam: Canyon-Breeze S Auburn-ET EX-90, Dam of Merit




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Kim R. Davis, Agent 110 West Lisbon Street, Waynesburg, Ohio 44688

330.866.3344 davisk7@nationwide.com

Our agency provides… • Farm experienced agent • Farm expertise On Your Side • Yearly On Your Side® reviews • Master Farm Certification with a team of experts to specialize in your farm coverage needs Nationwide Agribusiness is the #1 farm insurer. 64 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013


“As a farmer myself, I understand the risks you face every day on your farming operation.”

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Esther’s Extras

by Esther Welch

I had a great opportunity to exchange editorial ideas with Laura and Heidi when they visited Mike McCaffrey, New York News editor for five years, and me at the New York and Ohio Holstein booth at the 2012 World Dairy Expo. In the picture are Laura Wackershauser, editor of the Wisconsin Holstein News, who spent two days working with me in Ohio back in 2001 and has now been Wisconsin editor for 11-1/2 years; and Heidi Anderson, editor of the Minnesota Holstein News for four years. A total of 41 years of experienced is represented in this photo. photo by Karen Welch

When I don’t have much space for my comments, it is a good sign that this issue contains lots of news. Thanks to everyone for their help with the Jan.-Feb. News. This issue brings you the All-Ohio Calendar, and once again we thank Bernie Heisner and COBA/Select Sires for sponsoring the calendar. Also, thank you to advertisers from District 13 and 14, sale consignors, All-Ohio winners, businesses, contract advertisers and everyone who supported this issue with the ads that make the text possible. Looking ahead: advertisers, contributors, breeders and businesses, this is your ad invitation for the next issue. We set the deadline for the 20th of February and would like to hear from you by that time. For the March-April issue, I already have space reservations in addition to contract ads. In March-April we will have reports from the convention and the announcement of the industry sponsor for the May-June membership issue. The Ohio Spring Sale will be held April 20, 2013, at the Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster. Consignors will want to advertise their animals that are selling in this issue. If you have photos, be sure to include them or tell us where to get them. District secretaries and news reporters, send information from your annual meetings, new officers, award winners and interesting GRAPEVINE news. Please share show dates, times and places, and any activities scheduled after April and throughout the summer.

Index ABS Global, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Accelerated Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 ADA Mideast, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Ag Credit/Country Mortgages . . . . . . . . . . 11 Agri Sales & Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Andrews, Steve & Seth – Auctioneers . . . . . 36 Ashland Implement, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Be-Ware Holsteins/Berg Farms, Ltd.. . . . . . . 25 Brookview Farms/Lingle Holstein Farms Ltd. . 33 Buckeye Classic Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Cargill Animal Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 COBA/Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Commodity Blenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Commodity Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ComputerMixx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Curry Lumber & Pole Building Co.’s. . . . . . . 22 Davis, Kim R. – Nationwide Insurance . . . . . 64 Embryo Transfer Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 First National Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Garver, Merlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Genex Cooperative, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Habrun’s Insurance service, Inc. . . . . . . . . . 51 Harold’s Equipment, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Harrison Ford, Wellington . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Haudenschild Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Idyl Brook Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Jaloda Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 K & M Builders, Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Keim Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Kidron Auction, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Kiko Family Farms, Ltd./Kiko Auctioneers . . 60 Kliner Maintenance Service . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Land O’Lakes Purina Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Lehman, Eileen – Livestock Hauling . . . . . . . 65

Coming Events February 15-18 – Tampa Florida, Florida State Fair February 16 – District 5 Annual Meeting, JR Hooks Restaurant, Circleville, Ohio February 28-March 2 – Pennsylvania Holstein Convention, Cranberry Twp., PA March 2 – Pennsylvania Holstein Convention Sale, Butler, PA March 8 – Ohio Convention Sale, Shelby County Fairgrounds, Sidney, Ohio March 8-9 – Ohio Holstein Association Annual Convention, Sidney, Ohio March 16 – District 3 Annual Meeting, First United Methodist Church, New Philadelphia April 9-14 – Holstein Canada National Convention, Niagara Falls, Ontario April 11 – Ontario Spring Discovery Show, Ancaster, Ontario, Canada April 12-15 – New York Spring Dairy Carousel, Syracuse, NY April 18 – National Holstein Association Judges Conference and Wisconsin Spring Show April 20 – Ohio Holstein Spring Sale, Wooster, Ohio April 24 – National Holstein Association Judges Conference May 18 – Oakfield Corners Spring Sensation Fifth Edition June 15 – District 13 Holstein Show, Urbana, Ohio, Judge Pat Conroy June 29 – District 1 & 2 Holstein Show, Canfield Farigrounds, Judge Nathan Thomas July 10-11 – National Holstein Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana July 13 – District 7 Holstein Show, Wooster, Ohio, Judge Craig Walton August 24 – Ohio Holstein Summer Sale, Wooster, Ohio

Lingle Holstein Farms Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Lowe and Young, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Meaden & Moore – CPA’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company . . . . . 8 Midwest Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Miley Holstein Farms Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 New Bedford Sharpening/ now Wenger’s Sharpening Service. . . . . . 34 New Pittsburg Large Animal Clinic . . . . . . . 56 Ohio Beef Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Ohio Holstein Convention Sale . . . . . . . 26-28 Ohio State University/ Agricultural Technical Institute . . . . . . . . . 12 Paradise Valley Farms, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Pine Tree Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Plain-Knoll Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Polchin Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Quietcove Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Ratta Applied Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Ray-Jo Meadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Renaissance Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Richman Farms, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Salford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Seven Gables Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Shearer Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Silver Creek Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Spike, Pete & Jean – Vacation Rental. . . . . . . 9 Springhill Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Stan-Mar-Dale/Express. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Stein-way Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Taurus Service, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Thomas, Jenny – Photographer . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Trans Ova . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Trealayne Registered Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . 41 Triple-T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 U-Dean Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Vaughn, Steve – Nutritional Consultant . . . . 22 W. G. Dairy Supply, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Wabash-Way Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Wenger’s Sharpening Service/ previously New Bedford Sharpening . . . . 34 Whiteleather Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Wolf Family Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Zimmerview Dairy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 This index is provided as an additional service. Publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions.

Hauling Anywhere Eileen (Hostetler) Lehman

• Livestock Hauling •

Specializing in Show Cattle & Horses 12850 Fox Lake Road Marshallville, Ohio 44645 Phone: 330-855-7004 Cell: 330-465-5398 OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013 | 65

84595 p66 Steinway_Layout 1 2/3/13 5:13 PM Page 1

For QUALITY You Won’t Regret … Dual Chamber Waterbeds with Ultra Comfort Free Stalls ✘ ✘ ✘ ✘

Reduce bedding costs (DRASTICALLY) MINIMAL stall maintenance Eliminate hock abrasions Increase cow comfort to promote better milk production ✘ Lower your SCC ✘ Smaller sizes for heifer barns

Auto Release Self-Locks ✘ Save time while performing herd check, AI and vaccinations ✘ Reduce feed waste

Bale Boss Hay Saver ✘ SAVE HAY! SAVE HAY! ✘ Custom order with self-locks to easily retain cattle on pasture

Heavy Duty Barn Gates ✘ Custom fit — our gate is made to stay! ✘ Self-catching latches for ease of use and reliable latching

Stop in at our showroom located 1 mile West of Kidron, Ohio

330-857-8700 1-800-599-2040 12335 Emerson Road, Apple Creek, OH 44606

www.steinwayequipment.com 66 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2013

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Springhill-OH Brass Minne 2E-94 EEEEE 7-11 365D 34,110M 3.6% 1,239F 3.0% 1,028P 9-02 354D 33,640M 3.7% 1,234F 3.1% 1,032P 10-05 122D 11,885M 3.6% 426F 3.0% 360P Inc. Minne is nearing 200,000 lifetime and is our most recent homebred cow to score EX-94. Her sire stack is full of some of our favorite bulls: Brass X Winchester X Jolt X Blackstar X Big Time X Mars Tony X Valiant, in which all of those bulls left us daughters over time that were scored Excellent. Furthermore, her fifth dam, Ro-Dene Mars Maid VG-88 EXMS, was purchased from our longtime friends Bob and Lois Schlabach and family!


pringhill 7109 SR 514 • Big Prairie, OH

Chris Lang • Tom, Karen & Kendra Lang

PH: 330-378-4515 • FAX: 330-378-4390 springhill@embarqmail.com www.holsteinworld.com/springhill

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