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January-February 2014

Welcome to DISTRICT



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at the Ohio Convention Sale, March 7, at R & P Kiko Family Farms, Ltd, Salem, Ohio

D CHAMPION N A R G 2013 Red & White Ohio Spring Show!

g Sellin

Greenlea Adv Maemay-Red EX-91 — Looks Fantastic! ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷ ✷

Fresh 1-10 with an Armani Heifer 4-02 365D 28,457M 4.55% 1,295F 3.43% 976P Maemay’s Dam: Creek-Knoll Mae Distrig-Red EX-94 3-time All-American Nominee 2-time All-American



Con River 1145 Shottle-ET EX-90

Richman L Man Mitzi 1190-P, Born 6-14-13

✷ ✷ ✷ ✷

Fresh Mid-December, 1st Test 113 Lbs. Shottle X Dundee X Finley Carol Owned with Conrad Farms, Grafton, Ohio 4-04 320D 29,441M 4.6% 1,347F 3.4% 994P

✷ A Rare Polled Lovely Man! ✷ Dam: a Red Carrier Lawnboy from Pine Tree ✷ Next 3 Dams Excellent!

~Richman Farms, Inc.~ The Indoe Family • Lodi, Ohio

Visitors Always Welcome

richmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com Dick 330-948-1427 Tom 330-948-1137 Bill 330-948-2259 Tyler 330-416-8891 Jim Morlock, Jr. and Martin “Bud” Yoder Fitting and Showing

85917 p03 ParadiseValley 1/26/14 2:16 PM Page 1

Roput Goldwyn Miah EX-93 2E 4-07 365D 31,558M 4.1% 1,291F 3.1% 1011P Currently on IVF Schedule

Congratulations to Nevin, Brenda, Lindsay and Lauren L’Amoreaux For their All-Ohio Selections • All-Ohio Junior 2-Year-Old Lindlaur Gabor Annette VG-88 • All-Ohio Senior 3-Year-Old Klingendale Sanchez Affirm EX-91

December updates: • 7H10484 Sabathia is now the #2 Bull For Type 3.92+ • Paradise-R BWM Bella 3180 is now AT 341,000 Lifetime Milk and still milking 100# a day.

Hope to see you at the Convention Sale District 2

Home of the Bell Sears Family


Bill, Brian and Michael Ramsey Families 7632 Columbus Road NE • Louisville, OH 44641 • Phone & Fax 330-875-4539 Visitors Welcome

Service Age Bulls for Sale At All Times

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 3

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The Board of Directors of the Ohio Holstein Association has adopted the following: “The Mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”

(USPS 404-600) (ISSN: 0899-4862) Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association

Volume 78

Number 1



Published 5 times per year in January, March, May, September and November at Shreve, OH by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 www.ohioholstein.com dairyagendatoday – Click on Industry Links

From the President, by Dallas Rynd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


The Holstein Grapevine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Subscription price in the U.S. is $15.00 per year. The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new one. Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertising forms close one month preceding date of issue.

Esther’s Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWS P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653

Ohio Holstein Women’s News: Annual Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd. Entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Shreve, Ohio 44676.

From Indiana Mike Jones, National Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 OHA 94th Convention & Annual Meeting Schedule of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Spotlight on District 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9, 11-12

Ohio News Subscription Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 From Your Regional Representative, by Glenn Sageser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 BarbWire, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 The Queen’s Corner, by Cayla Inkrott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 2014 Ohio Holstein Queen Contest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year Application Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Office Secretary . . . Diana Miley; oholstein@embarqmail.com Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Esther Welch; ewelch@embarqmail.com Webmaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Spike; spikeptr@aol.com

Ohio Multi-Breed Fall Sale Report, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40


Syngenta Agricultural Scholarship Essay Contest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

President . . . . Dallas Rynd, Ashville. . . . . . . . 740-983-6690 Vice President . Randall Kiko, Salem . . . . . . . . 330-831-0174 Secretary . . . . Cathy Berg, Bellville . . . . . . . . 419-886-2871 Treasurer . . . . Lisa Kerr, North Fairfield . . CELL 419-606-0527

Ohio State ATI Dairy Judging Team Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43


District 13 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Joe Miley, Past President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-263-7814 Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-770-6206 Greg Conrad, New Holland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-495-5067

NATIONAL DIRECTOR Mike Jones 760 East 450 North, Marshall, IN 47859. . . . . 765-592-0644

Junior Jottings, by Matt Lawson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Ohio Holstein Breeders Win Ribbons at the NAILE, by Barb Lumley. . . . . . . 50 District 9 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 District 15 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 In Memoriam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Coming Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

BOARD MEMBERS Dist. 1 Dist. 2 Dist. 3 Dist. 4 Dist. 5 Dist. 7 Dist. 7 Dist. 8 Dist. 9 Dist. 10 Dist. 11 Dist. 12 Dist. 13 Dist. 14 Dist. 15

Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . . 330-770-6206 Adam Whiteleather, Salem . . . . . . . . 330-205-1738 John Hartline, Whipple . . . . . . . . . . 740-236-7240 Jen Bouton, Mt. Vernon . . . . . . . . . . 740-507-8271 Greg Conrad, New Holland. . . . . . . . 740-495-5067 Lisa Mangun, Burbank . . . . . . . . . . 330-435-6520 Ted Renner, Dalton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-828-2604 Ryan Welch, Polk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419-651-5281 Matt Lawson, Bluffton . . . . . . . . . . . 937-538-7110 Laurie Menzie, McClure . . . . . . . . . . 740-624-6367 Kristy Ackley, East Liberty . . . . . . . . 937-666-5502 Marvin Steinke, Wapakoneta . . . . . . 419-738-7174 Jenny Thomas, Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-395-9823 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta. . . . . . . . . . . 419-953-3427 Don Bickel, New Vienna . . . . . . . . . . 937-218-2697

Postmaster – Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691

March-April DEADLINE February 20, 2014 4 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

On the Cover All roads lead to District 2 in Northeast Ohio for the 2014 Ohio Holstein Convention, Convention Sale and Farm Tour on March 7 and 8. The top photo is the R & P Kiko Family Farm at 28173 Winona Road, Salem, Ohio 44460, the site for the Convention Sale on March 7 at 11:00 a.m. For more information about the farm, see the Spotlight on District 2 section on page 8. The center photo is Whiteleather Outside 367 EX-91 2E, the Miss America at Whiteleather Holsteins 8208 Bayard Road, Minerva, Ohio 44657. Whiteleather Farms is hosting a farm tour with a heifer-judging contest on Friday, March 7, 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. Their Miss America cow, daughters and granddaughters will be featured. For more information about Whiteleather Holsteins, refer to the Spotlight on District 2 on page 11. The bottom photo is of the Campbell Brothers Farm 3821 Union Avenue NE, Homeworth, Ohio 44634, also a March 7th farm tour stop. Information about the farm is on the Spotlight on District 2 section on page 8. Thank you to the host farms for providing the cover photos.

85917 p05 UDean.prez.Jones 1/26/14 3:52 PM Page 1

From the President by Dallas Rynd It is hard to believe that 2014 is already here. I know that I am really looking forward to this year and the new challenges ahead. I am happy to report that at our December board meeting, the board elected to pay off our loan at Commercial Savings Bank. I am glad to report that has been done and that our bank accounts are similar to where they were this time last year. It seems that we are making great strides to return Ohio Holstein back to where we started. Our Fall Sale was held on November 23. It went well and had a sale average of about $2,300. We realized a profit of more than $9,000. Many thanks to all those who worked hard to make this a successful sale. Overall, I heard many positive comments on the no-tie-up sale. In all likelihood, we will do this again at our Fall Sale this year. We are currently in the process of having a committee review the needs of our membership. This will help us plan for the future and try to serve the members in a better way. I hope you have the state convention on your calendar and plan to attend. It is scheduled for March 7-8 in District 2. I am getting a real sense of energy and excitement from the folks in that area. Randall Kiko, our vicepresident, has been working diligently to put on a great sale that weekend. Look through the ads in this issue of the News to see some of the consignments. I have been intrigued by the number of people I talk to who already have Spring Show marked on their calendars. They are really excited about this event. If you don’t already have it marked down, Spring Show is scheduled for March 27-29. Justin Burdette will be lining up the Holsteins, the Red & Whites and the Ayrshires. Kevin Lutz of North Carolina will be judging the Jersey, the Swiss, the Guernsey and the Milking Shorthorn classes. For more information, go to www.springdairyexpo.com. As always, should you have

CLASSIFICATION UPDATE Two Full Sisters ] U-Dean Sanchez Glee VG-85 ] U-Dean Sanchez Glisten VG-88 EX-MS 1-11 364D 24,847M 920F 781P Currently being flushed She has a Crown daughter and Five Transfers by Corvette. Their Dam: U-Dean Durham Galore GP-83 Next Dam: Hidden View Outside Giselle VG-86 Then: EX-92 3E, thenVG-85 2 Year Progressive Genetics Herd Award Welch Family Farm since 1867 • Registered Holsteins since 1913

U-Dean Farms

Come and See Us.

669 SR 89, Polk, Ohio 44866

Esther & Scott Welch 419-945-2250

Dean & Doris Welch 419-945-2411

questions or suggestions about your association, please contact one of the



National Director

Hi, everyone; welcome to winter. Here the first week of December we are in single digits. Sorry I missed the last issue, but we were very busy in the field — but what a crop year. We went from our worst crop in history to our best in just one year. I hope everyone had a safe harvest and you’re ready for the long winter of bedding, feeding and hauling off your bedding and feed. Ha! Ha! In milk marketing news, U.S. milk production in October was 16.4 billion pounds, up 1% from September. U.S. dairy cow numbers last month totaled 9.2 million head, down 3,000 from the month before.

1 mile north of Polk on SR 89

Randy & Mike 419-945-2542/2698

officers or your representative.

Ryan 419-651-5281



In Association news, Holstein Complete has an enrollment of 280,523 animals in 1,839 herds at the end of October. This is 167 more animals and 22 more herds as compared to a year ago. Registration activity is slightly less than last year at this time, with 290,931 animals registered, which is 1% less than last year. The average registration fee is $7.72, which is 16 cents less than last year. Classification activity through October is 190,339 animals in 3,913 herds. This is a 2% increase in animals and a 3% decrease in herds. In the set program, we have scored 65,902 animals in 4,349 herds. This is an 11% decrease as compared to last year at this time. I would like to welcome Mark Kerndt to the board, and I know his knowledge and experience will be a great asset to the board. I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year and hope you get to spend lots of time with family and friends. — Mike Well, it’s time to go. OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 5

85917 p06 ConvSked 2c K.185 1/26/14 2:22 PM Page 1

Ohio Holstein Association, Inc. 94th Convention & Annual Meeting Schedule of Events March 7 & 8, 2014 • Alliance, Ohio FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2014 11:00 a.m. . . . Ohio Convention Sale, R & P Kiko Family Farms, LTD., 28173 Winona Road, Salem, OH 44460-9539. 2:00 -5:00 p.m. . . . Farm Tours, with Judging Contest sponsored by ABS Global at Whiteleather Holsteins, 8208 Bayard Road, Minerva, OH 44657-9224; and Campbell Brothers, 3821 Union Avenue NE, Homeworth, OH 44634-9602. 3:00 p.m. . . . Queen’s Contest Interviews, Comfort Inn. 7:00 p.m. . . . Queen’s Reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres and beverages sponsored by Cope Farm Equipment, Hill’s Supply, Farm Credit Service Mid-America and Harold’s Equipment; and Dairy Bar, sponsored by Ohio Holstein Women’s Association, Meeting Room, Carnation Mall. 7:30 p.m. . . . Queen’s Contest, Meeting Room, Carnation Mall. 9:00 p.m. . . . Ohio Junior Holstein Junior Activity, Comfort Inn/Carnation Mall. 9:00 p.m. . . . Social Gathering, South Beach Restaurant & Lounge, Carnation Mall Food Court. SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 2014 6:00 -10:00 a.m. . . . Continental Breakfast, Comfort Inn (for hotel guests only). 8:00 a.m. . . . Dairy Bar Opens, hallway off lobby of Comfort Inn. 8:00 a.m. . . . Ohio Holstein Women’s Association Annual Meeting, Meeting Room, Comfort Inn. 8:00 a.m. . . . Memorial Award Interviews, Comfort Inn. 8:00 a.m. . . . Outstanding Junior Member Interviews, Comfort Inn. 8:00 a.m. . . . Resolutions Committee Meeting, Meeting Room, Carnation Mall. 9:00 a.m. . . . Ohio Holstein Association Annual Meeting, Meeting Room, Carnation Mall. 9:30 a.m. . . . Ohio Holstein Junior Association Annual Meeting, Meeting Room, Comfort Inn. 12:00 noon . . . Awards Luncheon, Ohio Holstein Women’s Fun Auction and Juniors’ Raffle Drawing, Meeting Room, Carnation Mall. 3:00 p.m. . . . Ohio Holstein Board of Directors Reorganizational Meeting, Meeting Room, Carnation Mall.

HOTEL HEADQUARTERS Comfort Inn Alliance 2500 West State Street Phone 330-821-5555, Fax 330-821-4919 www.comfortinn.com/hotel/oh082 $89.99/night plus tax Mention Ohio Holstein Association to receive the discounted rate. The hotel has a swimming pool.

SATURDAY AWARDS LUNCHEON MENU ALL YOU CAN EAT! $20/adults, $15/age 5-10, $9/age 2-4, under 2 free Ohio Junior Holstein Association will pay $5.00 towards the meal of any PAID Junior member. Roast Beef, Stuffed Chicken, Redskin Potatoes, Noodles, Green Beans, Salad, Roll & Butter, Pie, Coffee/Tea/Water

SATURDAY LUNCHEON RESERVATIONS, PLEASE INDICATE NUMBER OF EACH: $20.00 Adults ______, $15.00 ages 5-10 ______, $9.00 ages 2-4 ______, under 2 free ______, TOTAL $ ________________________

Ohio Junior Holstein Association will pay $5.00 towards the meal of any PAID Junior member. NAME __________________________________________________________________________ PHONE____________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please pay in advance. Send this form by February 21 to Ohio Holstein Association, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, Ohio 44691. 6 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

-Tree Consignments PineSelling at the Ohio Convention Sale March 7, at Kiko Family Farm, Salem, Ohio



RED MILKING GUTHRIE DAUGHTER! Jas-K Guth Treasure-RED-ET GTPI +1898 • Fresh 11-25-13 • Will be Classified! • Dam: VG-86 Shottle • GrDam: VG-88

TREASURE (above) is a Red Holstein, thanks to the Variant Red Gene. This gene produces Red Holsteins, like our traditional red gene. What’s different about this “Variant” Red Gene? It is dominant! That means that 50% of Guthrie Treasure’s calves will be RED, even if sired by Black & White bulls! For example, she has a female pregnancy, sired by GILLETTE WINDBROOK, due right before the sale. There is a 50% chance this baby calf will be RED! This Windbrook heifer is slated to be sold at the sale, too. Also selling is her natural calf, a RED POLLED heifer sired by IVAN-PP. Treasure is a very nice-looking fresh two-year-old.

Daughter Sells SELLING: GTPI +2373 AltaOak PINE-TREE DASHE OAK 5770-ET, b. 5/23/13 GNM$ +673 PTAT +3.36T UDC +3.17 UDC Dam: Regancrest S Dashe-ET VG-86 (Sire: Shottle) MGD: Premier-RCF G Dasie-ET EX-92 (Sire: Goldwyn) 3rd Dam: Ernlo Daisy Jane EX-93 (Sire: Durham) 4th Dam: Kerndtway Jolt Daisy EX-94 (Sire: Jolt) 5th Dam: Kerndtway Bstar Dime EX-90 (Sire: Blackstar)

MATT STEINER & SONS 10071 Easton Rd., Rittman, OH 44270 Home: 330-925-8354 • Cell: 330-466-1896 • Fax: 330-925-2948 E-mail: pinetreedairy@earthlink.net • www.pinetreedairy.org OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 7

85917 p08.11 feat.Lora.Pur 1/26/14 2:31 PM Page 1

Spotlight on District 2 Campbell Brothers, Inc. ——————————

R&P Kiko Family Farms, Ltd. ——————

…is located in eastern Stark County. In 1944, the family moved from Harrison County to its present location in Homeworth. The farm was originally operated by three brothers: Eugene, Bert and Dale. Currently, the farm is operated by Bert’s sons Randy, Rodney and Rick. Their mother Jane and their families also contribute. Their children participate in the dairy shows at the Columbiana and Stark county fairs.

…is located seven miles southwest of Salem, Ohio, in District Two. The Kiko farm will be the host of the 2014 Ohio Holstein Association Convention Sale. The original 163-acre farm was founded by Rusty and Pam in 1976, when they purchased the farm, cattle, equipment and a whole lot of work. Over the next few years, they made many improvements with the farm and cattle. Rusty’s involvement in the family auction business led them to sell the milking cows to a neighbor, while they continued to raise heifers and crops. They would start milking cows again off and on for the next 15 years as they raised eight children on the farm: four sons and four daughters. All eight children had responsibilities around the farm and household. All were also involved in 4-H, showing Holsteins. The herd today was started with a group of heifers back in 1996, when oldest son Russell returned from OSU-ATI. They continued to grow and filled that 40-cow tie stall barn in no time. They were becoming overcrowded and needed to find a solution. In the summer of 1999, Kikos were able to purchase a 160-acre farm just two miles from the home place. The farm had a double-4 parlor and 50-cow free-stall barn with plenty of room to expand. Rusty and younger boys Rudy and Ryan continued to milk 25 cows at the home place for about a year until Rudy was out of high school. In 2000, the rest of the cows were moved to the other farm, and a 50cow free-stall barn was added, soon bringing the farm to 100 cows in milk. In 2001, R&P Family Farms partnership was formed, including Rusty and Pam along with sons Russell, Randall,

The Campbell Brothers Farm

Campbell Brothers milks 70 Registered Holsteins in a sand-bedded tie-stall barn. The current herd average is 28,100 pounds of milk. The current BAA is 108.5 with nine EX, 47 VG, and 22 G+ cows. The herd has received the PBR award for 27 years and the PGH award for 20 years. In addition, they farm 3,000 acres of wheat, soybeans and corn.

Rusty and Pam Kiko, Children and Grandchildren 8 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

85917 p08.11 feat.Lora.Pur 1/26/14 2:32 PM Page 2

Rudy and Ryan. Rusty, Randall, Rudy and Ryan work fulltime in the Kiko family auction business while staying involved with farm operations, helping on a daily basis. Russell is the full-time manager of the farm. He and wife Jodi live at the main dairy facility with their seven children. Randall cares for heifers at his farm with wife Becky and their four children. Rudy and his wife Allison also tend to heifers at their farm. Seven of the eight children are married, and there are currently 14 grandchildren. All members of the family are involved as needed. Today the farm has grown to a herd of 225 Holsteins with more than half of the adult cows registered. There are 1,500 acres of cropland; 350 acres are rented, and the balance is owned by the family. There are also 130 acres of pastureland at the farms where heifers are raised. In 2009, a 200-cow free stall barn and manure storage were built. Two years later, a double-12 milking parlor and a calving area were added. Kikos purchased a small herd of 25 cows in 2010 from a retiring neighbor. A few cattle have been purchased at sales, but most of the herd growth has been from within. In the last 12 years, Kikos have often used the upgrade program to get cow families registered. They have always been on DHI test and kept excellent records, using mostly AI to improve the herd. As a result, the upgrade program enabled Registration and was very rewarding for them. They have been on the Complete Program for several years now, and in the past two years have begun using the EASY ID system to register calves. They like the custom tag program because they can get information easily as they work with the cattle.

Don’t forget ➽

In recent years, Kikos have made some key purchases at the Morhrfield and Springhill sales and at a few others. The two young heifers purchased at Mohrfield’s both went excellent. Springhill-OH PS Jewel-ET, purchased at the Langs’ sale, has flushed very well. She is recently fresh again and scored 86 points in her first lactation. They have 12 daughters from her by Observer, Supersire, Lithium, Dempsey and Sanchez. Jewel is currently on Locator List at +1973 GTPI. The Supersire daughters came back as high as +2320 GTPI. Another cow currently on Locator List is Kiko Gabor Wanita 710. She went 86 as a two-year-old and is +2087 GTPI. At 1-10 she made 334D 29,558M 1,132F 984P. Her dam, an 82 pt. OMAN, is also on Locator List and has a record of 3-0 365D 30,094M 1,480F 1,220P. In recent years, Kikos were honored to receive Premier Breeder and Exhibitor at our NE Ohio District 1 and 2 Show. In 2013, they received the Junior Buckeye Builder Award. Also in 2013, for the first time they qualified for Progressive Breeders Registry Award. Kikos truly enjoy working on the farm with their families. It’s very rewarding to watch the children grow and learn how to do the many things on the farm. It’s great to see them take pride in their achievements at the farm or in the show ring. They feel that the future is bright with Registered Holsteins and agriculture. There is absolutely no better place to raise a family.

OHIO CONVENTION SALE March 7 • 11:00 • R & P Kiko Family Farms 28173 Winona Road, Salem, Ohio

Two consignments to the Ohio Convention Sale March 7 at Kiko Family Farm, Salem, Ohio Selling: LORAWAE DEMPSEY MISSY Fresh one month Her Dam: Lorawae Outside Moonlight EX-91 2E at 6 years Next Dam: Lorawae Ice Midnight VG-88

Also Selling: LORAWAE SANCHEZ VERA Born 3-2-13 • A Spring Yearling Heifer Her Dam: Lorawae Lightning Venus VG-85

District 2

Visitors Always Welcome

LORAWAE HOLSTEINS John, Suzanne & Katey Lora 14094 Garfield Road, Salem, Ohio 44460 330-537-3797 RHA 23,991M 1,005F 854P 45 Cows, BAA 110.0 PBR 16 years – NO BST

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 9

85917 p10 Whiteleather 4c_Layout 1 1/26/14 2:26 PM Page 1

They are Beauties; They are

Queens They are our “ Miss America’s” Teens

4 GREAT OPPORTUNITIES TO OWN OFF-SPRINGS FROM “MISS AMERICA” Selling in the Convention Sale March 7th • Bradnick heifer due to Atwood April 4, 2014 • Just-fresh Goldchip ready for the show ring from Miss America

merica” A s s i M Our “

Selling in the Convention Sale March 7th • October 2012 Hero heifer service to Golden Dreams • Just fresh Senior 2-Year-Old Jordan from Silk — Looks very good!

gh Dau

Whiteleather Outside 367 EX-91 2E GMD DOM ★ Miss America has IVF transfers to Armani,

merica” A s s i M “ t er o f

Whiteleather Stormatic Silk 1040-ET EX-90 ★ Silk has IVF transfers to Corvette.

Goldchip, and Corvette.

Whiteleather Sizzle 1440 NOW EX-91 EX-MS • • • • •

All-Ohio 4-Year-Old, 2013 Maternal Sister to the Jordan and Hero in the sale 3 pregnancies to Atwood and 1 to Goldwyn, due March 2014 3 November 2013 Predestine heifers on the ground IVF Transfers to Golden Dreams and Armani

Whiteleather GW Atwood 1733 VG-86 • All-Ohio Senior 2-Year-Old, 2013 • Congratulations to her new owners: Unkefer, Boyce, Bourne, Francis

Be sure to visit us on March 7 directly after the sale! We are just 15 minutes away, and we look forward to your participation in our heifer judging contest. Under the big top and show lights, we will be displaying several daughters and granddaughters out of our own “Miss America” — milking daughters ranging from Goldchip, Planet, Shottle, Goldwyn, Stormatic, Observer, Jordan and Sanchez (just to name a few). You don’t want to miss this exciting display! Service Age Bulls Available


Visit Our Website www.whiteleatherholsteins.com

10 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

8208 Bayard Road, Minerva, OH 44657 Lawrence Whiteleather: 330-904-1806 Adam Whiteleather: 330-205-1738 Fax: 330-222-1642 • ajw116@frontier.com


We are currently seeking a herdsman.

85917 p08.11 feat.Lora.Pur 1/26/14 2:59 PM Page 3

Spotlight on D-2 – continued from page 9

Lorawae ———————————————————

Whiteleather Holsteins ——————————

…John, Suzanne, and Katey Lora milk 45 cows in District 2 in Mahoning County. They milk in a tie-stall barn on John’s home farm. The farm consists of 160 acres, and they rent another 100 acres. Loras produce corn, alfalfa hay and a few small grains. Katey, the 2006 Ohio Holstein Queen, is a language arts teacher at the Mahoning County Career and Tech Center and helps on the farm when not teaching.

…a family-operated farm, is located at 8208 Bayard Road, Minerva, Ohio 44657, in District 2. They look forward to the Convention’s tour and welcome all visitors on March 7 from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m. for the Ohio Holstein Convention. The farm will play host to a Holstein heifer judging contest. During the tour, various operations and herd management will be highlighted. The farm was founded in 1922 by Walter and Birdie (Summer) Whiteleather. Ludwig and Marjorie (Lowmiller) Whiteleather raised two sons and seven daughters on the farm. Today there are 23 grandchildren and 19 greatgrandchildren. The farm is now operated by the third (Glenn Whiteleather, Betty Whiteleather and Lawrence Whiteleather) and fourth generation (Jason Whiteleather, Adam Whiteleather and Andrew Whiteleather). The younger fifth generation is active in 4-H. A goal of Whiteleather Farms is to maintain a solid pedigree of registered Holsteins, working towards breeding increasingly excellent cows for the herd as well as for purchase. Recently a grain facility was constructed to purchase, dry, store and sell grain. The grain facility offers extended hours for the agriculturalists in the area. Today, the lactating herd consists of 500 registered Holsteins with a rolling herd average of 26,127 pounds of milk, 964 pounds of fat and 807 pounds of protein. The cows are milked in a double-12 pregnant herringbone parlor. An addition of two free-stall barns, followed by a third freestall barn, was built to house 300 cows. Originally, the barn used mattresses and then later converted to sand. Presently, one of the outstanding cows in the herd is Whiteleather Outside 367 (Miss America), EX-91 2E, CTPI1840. In 2008, Miss America was tested over 365 days with 44,637 pounds of milk, 1,661 pounds of fat and 1,387 pounds of protein. She is an outstanding flush cow who has 128 offspring, sired most notably by Shottle, Talent, Goldwyn, Goldchip, Stormatic and Durham. Some of the 128 are not presently in the herd and have been purchased

John and Suzanne Lora with Katey (back) at the 2010 Ohio Holstein Convention, where John received the Senior Buckeye Breed Builder Award

Some of their favorite cows are Lorawae Sanchez Heather, Reserve All-Ohio Junior 3-Year-Old; Lorawae Pronto Helen EX-90; Lorawae Durham Lida EX-92; Lorawae Dundee Fancee EX-93 due in January; and Lorawae Outside Moonlight EX-91 2E, dam of their consignment to the Ohio Convention Sale. Heather has a yearling Gold Calvin, and Lida and Helen have yearling Dempseys in the heifer barn. They are also currently milking three nice Atwood daughters.

Spotlight on D-2 – continued on page 12

The Whiteleather Family OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 11

85917 p08.09.11.12 fea.Lo.Pu 1/26/14 3:04 PM Page 4

Spotlight on D-2 – continued from page 11

by other farms. Miss America has four excellent daughters and two excellent granddaughters presently in the herd. The three Goldchip cows (2000, 2001 and 2003) recently freshened and are anticipating great classification numbers. 2001 milked 90 pounds on her first test and made 20 oocytes. Another offspring of Miss America, Stormatic Silk 1040-ET EX-90, has a great-looking Jordan heifer and five October 2012 daughters sired by Hero. Sizzle 1440-ET, a 1040 daughter, classified EX-91, EX-MS. She was Junior Three-Year-Old All-Ohio in 2012. Planet 1794 VG-86, daughter of 367, is a classy two-year-old with three transfers by Halogen due in April 2014. Thanks go to Dr. Nate Steiner of Fulton Road Genetics in Marshallville, Ohio, who does an excellent job with the embryo transfers. Selling in the Ohio Convention Sale are two maternal sisters of Silk 1440: 2212, an October heifer born in 2012 and sired by Hero, and 1984, who was fresh December 26 and is sired by Jordan. Also selling are two of Miss America’s daughters: 2085, sired by Bradnick and bred to Atwood, is due shortly after the sale, and 2000, sired by Goldchip, was fresh December 1, 2013. Whiteleathers are very appreciative of their longtime hard-working employees. They would like to recognize Kathy Johnson Whiteleather for her years of dedication to maintaining the Registered Holstein papers. Their most recent herdsman, Todd Unkefer, did an excellent job in helping to improve the quality of the herd. They wish him considerable success in all of his future ventures. Contributions like these keep the farm advancing in today’s fast-moving industry. Currently, Whiteleathers are accepting résumés for a full-time herdsman position. They also offer breeding-age bulls, show-age heifers and milk cows for purchase. If interested, please contact Lawrence Whiteleather at 330-9041806 or Adam Whiteleather at ajw116@frontier.com. Whiteleathers hope that your experience touring their facility is a pleasant one, as they are incredibly pleased and humbled to have you as their guests.

12 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014



District 2 would like to thank the following for supporting the

2014 Ohio Holstein Convention • ABS Global, Inc., for sponsoring the Judging Contest at the Whiteleather Farms tour stop on March 7 • Cope Equipment, Hill’s Supply, Farm Credit Service Mid-America and Harold’s Equipment for hors d’oeuvres and beverages for the Queen’s Reception • Ohio Holstein Women’s Organization for the Dairy Bar • Thank you to Farm and Dairy for sponsoring the Queen contestants’ lunch and snacks during the interviews.


Your calves are off to a great start, so don’t stop now, there’s still room to grow. Research shows the reformulated AMPLI-Calf® Grower feed can further improve weight gains and feed efficiency when compared to the original formula of AMPLI-Calf® Grower feed.1

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Guatam, K.K., et al. 2012. ADSA/ASAS.T291.

© 2013 Purina Animal Nutrition LLC. AMPLI-Calf is a registered trademark of Purina Animal Nutrition LLC.

85917 p13 Grape.LGWell 1/26/14 3:08 PM Page 1

the Holstein


New baby at Topp-View! A son, Grant Donald Topp, born to Mary and Eric Topp on December 18, 2013, 6 lb. 19 inches, was welcomed home by big sisters Madelyn, ten, and Mackenzie, two. Grandparents are Mary Lou Topp and Roger and Sue Doseck. • Jeni (Hartline) Bauerbach has a new baby girl. Jeni and Jeff have three children now: Collin, Kail and now Kyndyl Mae Bauerbach, born November 20, 2013, 7 lb. 3 oz. Both big brothers love her to pieces so far, but she doesn’t get into their stuff yet! Grandparents are John and Becci Hartline and Jim and Judy Bauerbach. Jeni and her family live in Lowell, Ohio. Now John and Becci Hartline have six grandchildren: two girls and four boys. • David and Kay Evans, 7163 Macaw Road NE, Minerva, Ohio, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on December 19, 2013. They are the breeders of Klami Holsteins and members of the District 3 Holstein Club, where Dave serves on the board of directors. • John and Ruth Polchin, (D-1), Dorset, Ohio, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on January 11, 2014. • Ben Simpson, a member of the Union Local FFA chapter in Belmont, Ohio, was awarded the American FFA Degree at the 2013 National FFA Convention and Expo held October 30–November 2 in Louisville, Kentucky. Ben’s FFA advisor was Mr. Jon Jones. Each year, the National FFA Organization honors FFA members who show the utmost dedication to the organization through their personal growth and career success through agricultural education. The American FFA Degree is bestowed upon a select group of students in recognition of their years of academic and professional excellence. Each of the recipients of the American FFA Degree received a gold American FFA Degree key and a certificate after being recognized at the national convention. Ben is the son of Don and Danette

Simpson, Plainfield Holsteins, Belmont, Ohio, and is a Junior member of the Ohio Holstein Association and the District 3 Holstein Club. • Two Ohio youth were recognized in the Jan. 10, 2014, Hoard’s Dairyman. Ted Schmitmeyer of the Versailles FFA Chapter took home the 2013 Dairy Placement Proficiency Award at the National FFA Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. Chelsea Skimore of the Mississinawa Valley FFA, received the Dairy Entrepreneurship Proficiency Award at the 86th National FFA Convention. • Robert Yeazel, D-15, sent a Christmas note reminiscing about his term as President of the Ohio Association and saying he is recovering nicely from a broken hip, due to a fall from a stationary ladder in the hay mow. • Barb Lumley, D-3, is back in action after double knee surgery September 9. • Nancy Kemp, D-7, is also well on the road to recovery after knee surgery on December 16. • Florence and Henry Seedorf sent a note of appreciation for featuring

their family in the NovemberDecember 2013 Ohio Holstein News. • The Hillsdale FFA (Ashland County) chapter’s dairy foods team went to Madison, Wisconsin, to compete in a career development event. The dairy foods team had placed third in Ohio, qualifying it to compete at World Dairy Expo. Agricultural education career development events are activities to prepare students for future careers in the dairy industry. In the contest, the students tested their knowledge of dairy products through tasting and identifying cheeses, tasting milk defects while also scoring them for the severity of the defect, and by taking an exam on general dairy knowledge. The contestants also tasted different dairy products to determine the percent of fat content. The Hillsdale team placed 11th of 83 teams. Team members were Dexter Rogers, placing ninth individually; Chloe Krebs, 31st; and Logan Garber, 180th of about 300 participants. • COBA/Select Sires names Chris Lahmers Dairy Program Coordinator Chris Lahmers, Marysville, Ohio, has accepted the promotion to Dairy Program Coordinator for COBA/ Grapevine – continued on page 56

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 13

85917 p14 Extr.Hab.Mead_Layout 1 1/26/14 3:00 PM Page 1

Esther’s Extras With the good Holstein folks in District 2 working to put together the Ohio Holstein Convention, Convention Sale and farm tour, I am reminded of the interesting and enjoyable conventions we have had in various districts. Since we have been moving the convention around the state, we have given districts the opportunity to be involved and to showcase their area. Esther Welch Convention goers get to see a different Editor area of the state, visit farms they have known only by name or farms that are new to them. Local planners get involved in hosting the meeting and have an interest in seeing what another district will do the next year. Looking back a few years, I can remember the District 7 sale near Millersburg in 2010 enjoyed almost 70-degree weather after a previous cold and snowy week, and the District 8 barn meeting at Bergs’ in Richland County in 2012 had weather that encouraged sitting at outside picnic tables in the late afternoon. In 2011, District 15 put together an impressive Mideast Impact Sale at Wilmington. In 2009, District 13 hosted a sumptuous progressive dinner and impressive cows. The National Holstein Winter Forum was held with this convention, and I recall the president of the Michigan Holstein Association said he couldn’t stay for the tour, but after the first stop or two, he was so impressed his carload did stay for the entire tour. Every District hosting the convention has had unique opportunities for Holstein fellowship, and this year’s District 2-hosted convention will follow the pattern.

If you are looking for a book for winter reading, I have been interested in dipping into Salt, Sugar, and Fat by Michael Moss, a Pulitzer Prize winning investigative author. The topic is the emerging epidemic of obesity, especially in children, and how we got here. He deals with the most recognizable companies and brands in the last half century and the processed foods that hook us. At the very least, it may encourage you to look at the products in the grocery aisles and read the food labels. Food processors come off as loading products with salt, sugar or fat to encourage consumption ,and even our Beef and Dairy checkoffs are cited as encouraging more consumption. Home cooking with homegrown fresh food comes off as the preferred diet. Thank you to all the advertisers in this issue. The Convention and Convention Sale and All-Ohio sparked many ads. We have many first-time advertisers and nearlynew advertisers. Thank you to Karen Welch for all your help with the News, especially this issue.

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14 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

2363 Eagle Pass, Suite A Wooster, Ohio 44691

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85917 p15 BuckeyeView 1/26/14 2:07 PM Page 1

4-H Dairy Showman of Showmen 2013 Columbiana County Fair

3rd Place Ohio 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Senior Division

Outstanding Sophomore Award West Branch FFA



1st Place Senior Dairy Showmanship

Secretary of West Branch FFA



Intermediate Dairy Herdsman Award

Vice-President of Circle 62 4-H Club

Sara Fraser, age 16 and

Danda-Rae Rollex Maze 3-01 365D 28,390M 4.65% 1,319F 3.79% 1,076P

Proud of her accomplishments and achievements! District 2 welcomes the Ohio Holstein Convention

Buckeye View Farm Anne Marie Fraser 632 South 12th Street, Beloit, Ohio 44609 330-525-7262

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 15

85917 p16 Kiko 4c 1/28/14 9:55 AM Page 1

We are Pleased to Host the Ohio Holstein Convention Sale March 7, 2014 • 11:00 a.m. • R and P Kiko Family Farm Dam of Consignment District 2

Kiko Colby Hathaway 88 pts. 3-07 356D 38,318M 1,160F 1,037P 5-01 237D 30,015M 895F 790P Selling a Daughter:

A 3-07-12 Crown Daughter Bred Heifer due in April to Lincoln Hill Shot Laser-ET 3 VG Dams • 4th Dam EX Linjet

Dam of Consignment

Springhill-OH PS Jewel-ET 86 pts. +1,973GTPI 2-07 365D 27,550M 1,166F 921P A Shottle fresh again and milking 111#M 4.3%F Selling a Daughter:

A 4-05-13 Supersire Daughter +2,320GTPI 2nd Dam: Ocean View Durham Jewel EX-91 EX-91 2E GMD and DOM 8 Dams VG or EX, back to Hope

R & P Kiko Family Farms, Ltd. RHA: 220 cows 26,860M 978F 843P

Rusty & Pam, Russell, Randall, Rudy and Ryan (Russell) 28173 Winona Road, Salem, OH 44460 Asst. Herdsman Luke Hilton, 330-853-7944

Home 330-525-0302 Cell 330-853-0401 Fax 330-525-7683

AUCTIONEERS Leading the Auction Industry since 1945 Russ Kiko Associates Inc. 2722 Fulton Drive NW, Canton, OH 44718

www.kikoauctions.com Randall L. Kiko Res: 330-222-2220 Cell: 330-831-0174 Ext. 158

Russell T. (Rusty) Kiko, Jr. Res: 330-525-7420 Cell: 330-495-0923 Ext. 115


Rudy W. Kiko 330-540-2416 Ext. 117

330-853-0401 Give me a ring! Thanks, Russell, hope you have a good day!

85917 p17 Miley.NewPitt 1/26/14 3:11 PM Page 1

Selling in the Ohio Convention Sale, March 7, 11:00 a.m. at R & P Kiko Family Farms, LTD, Salem, Ohio

She’s RED, and she will show as a Senior 2-Year-Old!

Miley Secure Tinsley-Red Born: 12/9/11 Fresh: 12/12/13 Sire: Crackholm Secure-Red Dam: Miley Advent D Tahiti-Red GP-80 at 2 years 2-00 365D 20,275M 4.2% 859F 3.2% 668P 2nd Dam: Miley Design SS Thistle VG-87 4th Dam: Miley Betty Elevation Tassie EX-90 GMD DOM 9-01 352D 27,101M 3.9% 1,060F 3.0% 804P Life: 150,493M 3.9% 5,881F 3.0% 4,501P 3rd Dam: Miley Supersire Milu Tassie VG-85

5th Dam: Miley Elevation Star Tessie VG-85 GMD DOM 6th Dam: VG-88 GMD DOM 7th Dam: VG-88

Miley Holstein Farms Ltd. Joe and Diana Miley Jason and Anna CATTLE FOR SALE

The Miley Family • 7234 Bates Road, West Salem, OH 44287 Ph: 330-264-2453 • Fax: 330-263-7883 • E-mail: jdjamiley@aol.com PBR: 15 YEARS

Jon and Amy Miley Adam and David VISITORS WELCOME

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 17

85917 p18 Congress Lake 4c_Layout 1 1/26/14 3:15 PM Page 1

Two Opportunities to Take Home the Gold Selling in the Ohio Convention Sale, March 7 TWO SEPTEMBER 2013 GOLDWYNS

Dam of Consignments Kingsmill Ashlyns Arpana-ET VG-87 Her Sire: Regancrest Elton Durham

Her Famous Dam

Tri-Day Ashlyn-ET EX-96 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM 4-09 365D 43,090M 4.8% 2,078F 3.5% 1,503P • Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2001 • Voted All-World 2001 by Holstein International

• All-Time All-American 4-Year-Old Cow • All-American and All-Canadian 4-Year-Old Cow 2001

Mike and Carol Rufener 330-353-2029 18 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

372 Congress Lake Road Suffield, OH 44260 Farm Phone: 330-877-2710 Kenny and Linda Rufener Kenny and Melanie Rufener 330-353-2027 • congresslakefarms@hotmail.com 330-353-2028

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 19

20 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

Inquiries Welcome

Directions: I-77 to Marietta, Exit 6 – right on SR 821 one mile then left on CR 375 four miles to Sherry Drive – right on Wagner Road to end 12 Year PGH Award • 1 Year PBR Award 220 cows 105.1 BAA 740-373-6820 (Bob) • 740-373-0031 (John) 740-373-1806 (Gale) • Barn: 740-376-0147 Fax: 740-376-0137 • hartlinejohn@gmail.com

Hartline Farms, Inc. 512 Wagner Rd. • Marietta, OH 45750

➤ A heifer with +3.61 type +3.54 udder and +2.26 fl +2.3pl +1.0dpr GTPI +2142 — VERY FANCY!

➤ Milk record 2X 263D 31,866M 3.3% 1,045F 3.0 % 965P Inc.

➤ Born May 5, 2013, a De/Su BKM McCutcheon 1174-ET

First offering from Gloryland-LB Linette Rae-ET EX-92 HARTLINE McCUTCHEON LACEY-ET

Dam of Consignment

DAM is Sandy-Valley Atwood Barbie-ET, an Atwood that is 67 inches tall. ➤ Her dam is a Shottle Regancrest Brynna-ET EX- 91. ➤ Barbie’s milk record: 365D 32,124M 3.48% 1,118F 3.14% 1,010P NEXT DAM is Regancrest PP Barbie EX-92 by Durham. ➤ This heifer has a full brother at Semex, which is the #2 type bull in the world.

SIRE: Sully Hart Meridian-ET, a high type bull at 3.55t


Dam of MRDN Bliss

Marietta, OH 45750 740-236-7240

Hartline Farms, Inc.

Tim Cottrill Point Pleasant, WV 304-674-0209

Zimmerview Dairy Marietta, OH 45750 740-374-7299

— the OH-River Syndicate —

The next heifer is out of PINE-TREE 1937 COLT 5023-ET VG-85. 3X 90D 8,207M 3.5% 286F 2.9% 239P Inc. DAM is Pine-Tree Mint Sharla-ET, a Shottle. NEXT DAM is Pine-Tree Outside Mint-ET, an Outside. NEXT DAM is Westwood HC Rudy Missy, a Rudolph. SIRE is April-Day Valentine-Red-ET. ➤ This heifer is red and white and fancy! GTPI +1896 +1202M +239 type +232 ud and +118 fl


Sending good ones from some of our best to the Convention Sale, March 7 in Salem, OH


85917 p20 Hartline 1/26/14 3:13 PM Page 1


Klingendale Final Cut Amy EX-91 EX-MS

3-04 2x 361D 32,313M 1,470F 932P 1st 4-Year-Old, Senior and Grand Champion, 2013 Northeast Ohio District Show Best Bred and Owned and Best Udder 5th 4-Year-Old, 2013 PA All-American Show DAM: Klingendale Linjet Ajax EX-90 2E Our Iron Lady with over 245,000#M Lifetime Calved in at 11-02 with an Atwood heifer

Amy’s Maternal Sister: Klingendale Sanchez Affirm EX-91 EX-MS 1st Senior 3-Year-Old, 2013 Ohio State Fair, and 2013 All-Ohio Owned and Exhibited by Nevin and Brenda L’Amoreaux Thanks to our friends who helped get Amy out this year and to Nevin & Brenda for their confidence in Affirm.

EX-tra Special Consignments to the 2014 Ohio Convention Sale, March 7 at Salem, Ohio • September Goldfish Calf from an 87-pt. Fortune Dam She’s long, tall and lookin’ to show! • Fresh Seaver Senior 2-Year-Old, Dam 89-pt. BKB Affirmed Calved 11-25-13 with a real sweet udder August 2013 Classification: BAA 111.0, 20 EX, 32 VG, 3 GP December RHA: 65 cows 2X 26,801M 1,051F 802P • 10-Year PBR Herd

KđĎēČĊēĉĆđĊ FĆėĒ 6300 Nelson-Mosier Road Leavittsburg, OH 44430 Dave, Lucille, Lisa and John Klingensmith Home: 330-898-4436 • Dave’s cell: 330-975-7685 OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 21

85917 p22 TenPen.Polch.Menn 1/26/14 3:24 PM Page 1


2014 Ohio Convention Sale SALEM, OHIO — MARCH 7 A high-indexing MOGUL yearling!! (among the top 3,060 females of the breed, 12/2013)

With +114lb combined Fat & Protein

Ready to take home and FLUSH!!

“Thank you, DISTRICT 2, for hosting the 2014 Ohio Holstein Convention, Convention Sale and Barn Meetings.”

Ten-Penny Mogul Wiz-ET BORN: 1/19/ 13

GTPI +2301G +1182M +72F +42P +.11%F +.02%P +0.6DPR +673NM +3.9PL +6.8%DCE +3.19T +3.07UDC +2.16FLC (12/2013)

— DAM —

Pine-Tree Shottle Winnie-ET VG-89 (EVE+E) 4-03 3x 305D 34,220M 3.9% 1,348 3.0% 1,025 (after twins and calving again at 5-03) ❉ Five Maternal Brothers and One Son in AI ❉ — GRANDAM —

Pine-Tree Missy Winnie-ET VG-87 (VV+VV) (Wizard X Rudy Missy) 2-08 3x 360D 26,830M 4.0% 1,075 3.2% 850 BELOW: Wiz’s full sister sold at the

2013 Summer Sale for $4,200!

Ten-Penny Holsteins The “Little Spike Farm”

Peter & Jean Spike 4380 Byers Road, Delaware, OH 43015 Ph: 740-363-2184 E-mail: spikeptr@aol.com

22 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

“Looking forward to spring. . . ” POLCHIN HOLSTEINS A 100% Registered Herd 2411 Sentinel Road • Dorset, OH 44032 John, Ruth and Tony Polchin – 440-293-7955

Ashtabula Co. A Part of District 1

85917 p23 Taurus 1/26/14 3:25 PM Page 1

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 23

85917 p24 BreezyKnoll 4c 1/26/14 3:22 PM Page 1

Great Results at Breezy-Knoll Farm Miss Comerica Georgous Nominated 2013 All-American Spring Calf Dam: Beardsleys Tequila Glee EX-91 Max Score Glee is owned with Beardsley’s Holsteins. Georgous is owned by Shelby Rader. Congratulations, Shelby, on the successful 2013 Show Season!

Breezy Knoll Emory Envey EX-91 3rd at 2009 Mid-East National Holstein Show 2nd Best Udder and Best Bred and Owned, 2009 Mid-East National Show Envey has two Goldwyn daughters and two Linjet eggs due in March.

Breezy Knoll JW Missy EX-94 Max Score 1st Aged Cow, Honorable Mention Senior Champion, 2013 Ohio State Fair 3rd Aged Cow and Best Bred & Owned, 2012 All-American Dairy Show 1st 4-Year Old, Reserve Senior Champion and Honorable Mention Grand Champion, 2010 Spring Dairy Expo

Watch for our Consignment to the Convention Sale, March 7th We would like to thank our partner, Beardsley’s Holsteins. We would like to thank Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Holsteins and Morgan Jerseys for their help at the shows.

Breezy-Knoll Farm 4675 Depot Rd, Salem, OH Tom and Luanne Cope • Grant, Ann and Cam Cope 330 423-2323 cell • 330- 222-1470 farm

24 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

District 2

85917 p25 RegRep.Harold 1/26/14 3:33 PM Page 1

FROM YOUR REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE… by Glenn Sageser As the year comes to a close, now is a great time to reflect on what worked well for you and your dairy in 2013, and make plans for the new year. Rest assured that the team at Holstein Glenn Sageser Association USA will be working to provide information, products and services to help you make the most of your Registered Holstein investment. Here are some helpful items you might want to consider when making your plans for 2014. • Are you enrolled in Holstein COMPLETE yet? If you aren’t yet taking advantage of the savings opportunity that is available with Holstein COMPLETE, I encourage you to contact me for an estimate. Last year, COMPLETE herds saved an average of over 10% on their Holstein Association USA expenses, compared to purchasing items individually. COMPLETE bundles together membership, registrations, classification, Internet pedigrees, TriStar™ production records and the Red Book or Red Book Plus/MultiMate software for one flat, annual fee. COMPLETE herds also receive a 5% discount on all genomic tests ordered. Learn more on the web at www.holsteinusa.com by clicking on Products & Services in the main menu, then Holstein COMPLETE. • Consider switching to 840 ear tags (RFID or the new visible options) for official animal identification. Holstein Association USA now offers a variety of new options for official 840 ear tags. Official 840 tags are now available in most of the same sizes as traditional Holstein tags — Junior, Large and Maxi — as alternatives or complementary to the 840 RFID button. These tags will ensure your herd is compliant for all animal movement purposes, including taking animals across state lines for shows and sales. You will need your Premises ID number handy before ordering (available from the state Department of Agriculture); simply call Customer Service at 800-952-5200 when you are ready to order your next set of ear tags, and let them know you would like to switch to official 840 tags. • Don’t miss your area classification deadlines! The 2014 Classification Schedule can be found on the web site by clicking on Products & Services in the main menu, then Classification. You can even enroll for your classification right on the web site!

ANNUAL AWARD NOMINATIONS DUE FEBRUARY 28 Holstein Association USA recognizes a group of notable members each summer at the National Holstein Convention. We encourage all members to consider nominating a role model of yours or other distinguished individual for one of the following awards. Applications must be received at Holstein Association USA by February 28, and are available at www.holsteinusa.com/awards/ individuals.html.

The Distinguished Young Holstein Breeder Award recognizes young Registered Holstein breeders, ages 21 to 40. Applicants may nominate themselves or be nominated, and may apply as individuals, a couple or business partners. The winning applicant receives travel and lodging expenses for two to the National Convention and a $2,000 cash award. The Elite Breeder Award honors a living member, family, partnership or corporation who has bred outstanding animals and thereby made a notable contribution to the advancement of U.S. Registered Holsteins. The applicant must have been a member of Holstein Association USA for at least five years. The Distinguished Leadership Award is given to an individual who has provided outstanding and unselfish leadership that has contributed to the improvement of the Holstein Association and/or dairy industry. This is a unique award, as the recipient does not necessarily have to be a member of Holstein Association USA. William T. McKarns of Hanoverton, Ohio, was the recipient of the 2007 Distinguished Leadership Award. Thank you for your business in 2013, and I look forward to continuing to be of service in the new year! Don’t hesitate to call me if you’re interested in learning more about Holstein programs that can help save you time and money, such as Holstein COMPLETE, EASY ID for registrations and official Holstein ear tags. If you would like assistance to answer questions or provide on-farm service, feel free to contact me at 502-321-8670.


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85917 p26.28 ConvSale 1/26/14 3:38 PM Page 1

hio Convention Sale

March 7, 2014 s 11:00 s R & P Kiko Family Farms, Ltd. s Salem, Ohio

Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah EX-92 Springhill-OH Dorcy Wanda VG-85 Res. All-American 4-Yr-Old 2011. 1st From the Heart of the Hope Family. A Int. Sr. 2 & Int. Sr. Champion 2009. Heavily Contracted 2nd Calf Dorcy 2nd Int. 4-Yr-Old 2011. Spring with Unlimited Potential! – Springhill Yearling Gold Chip direct from Hez SELLS – St. Jacobs

Springhill-OH PS Jewel ET VG-86 by Shottle +2317 GTPI 4-13 Supersire SELLS from JEWEL! GrDam Ocean View Durham Jewel EX-91 2E DOM GMD. Back to Hope! – R & P Kiko

Regancrest S Dashe-ET VG-86 by Shottle +2373 GTPI Alta Oak daughter SELLS. This 5-13 heifer is backed by 86 pt. Shottle, 92 Goldwyn, 93 Durham, 94 Jolt, EX-90 Blackstar!! – Pine Tree

North-Echo Planet 1907-ET VG-86 DOM A 7/13 2334 GTPI Snowmobil GrDaughter SELLS. Her dam 2295 GTPI 85-pt. Minos, then 13 gen. VG, EX, DOM & GMD back this heifer. – Zimmerview

Sandy-Valley-ATWD Barbie-ET VG-87 Ri-Val-Re Finley Carol-ET EX-91 Wabash-Way Explode Alisa-ET VG-85 A Meridian Dec. Yearling SELLS. HM All-American Sr. Milking YR HFR A fancy Dec. Calf by Chelios from +2057 GTPI +3.54T from the Great 2005. Her EX-90 GrDaughter by Alisa, 11 Gen. VG or EX! 92-pt. GMD DOM Regancrest-PR Shottle SELLS fresh. 12 Gen. VG or EX! – Wabash-Way Barbie Family. – OH-River Syndicate – Conrad and Richman

Screaming-Vis-R Heaven-ET EX-91 DOM by Ramos +2153 GTPI RC by Magenta-Red SELLS from Early Snowman out of Heaven. – Silver Creek Dairy

M-Signature Sanchez Siri VG-88 Pine-Tree Outside Mollie EX-90 DOM Vandyk-K Zenith Pippy EX-91 2E 4th-place Winter Calf WDE 2011. A A polled Lovely Man GrDaughter of Polled RC Opportunity from the Pippys, 9/13 sister by Absolute SELLS. This Mollie from the Missy Family. sired by Relief-P. Open and Ready to – Richman Farms Flush. – Silver Creek Dairy fancy calf is backed by 5 gen. VG & EX! – Mazzaro

Whiteleather Stormatic Silk 1040 Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET EX-90 EX-92 3E GMD DOM Silk’s Fresh 2-Yr-Old Jordan and Fall A +2301 GTPI 1-13 Mogul SELLS with Yearling by Hero SELL. Ready for the +114# combined Fat & Protein and shavings! – Whiteleather +673 NM$ from 89-pt. Shottle GrDaughter of Missy. – Ten-Penny 26 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

Fusion Dempsey Pandora Indian-Stone Dur Vanna-ET This Fancy Winter Yearling SELLS. 1st EX-94 2E GMD DOM Winter Calf Canfield. 2nd Winter Calf 1st-place MID-EAST SUMMER NATL Premier Nat. Jr. 3rd Winter Calf Mid- FUTURITY & RES GR. CH. 2008. Her East Summer – Cole & Winchell fancy 2-Yr-Old by Jordan SELLS. – Indian Stone

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hio Convention Sale

SALE SITE: 28173 Winona Rd., Salem, OH s From Canton, take SR 172 east apx. 23 miles to CR 402 (Rochester Rd.), then north 3 miles to Winona Rd., then east one mile to R & P KIKO FAMILY FARMS

Kingsmill Ashlyns Arpana-ET Whiteleather Outside 367 Gloryland-LB Linette Rae-ET VG-87 (Durham) EX-91 2E GMD DOM EX-92 DOM (Goldwyn) Her two 9-13 Goldwyns SELL. Next Her milking Goldchip and a Bradnick A 5-13 McCutchen Daughter SELLS. Dam Ashlyn herself EX-96 2E, 2-time due in April both SELL from this Great +2142 GTPI +3.61T from the Great All-American! – Congress Lake Brood Cow. – Whiteleather 94-pt. Gloryland Lana Rae Family. – Hartline Valley

Greenlea ADV MaeMay-Red EX-91 Grand Champ at 2013 Mid-East Spr. Nat! Next Dam EX-94 2-time AllAmerican R&W MaeMay. SELLS Fresh 1-14. – Richman Farms

Lavender Ruby Red Rose-Red EX-96 4E Springhill-OH Megan-Red GP-83 Red Destry 3-Yr-Old GrDaughter GP-83 Red, Fancy Dec. Armani Calf from SELLS from the renowned Blackrose Megan Red SELLS. Pedigree Full of AllFamily. – Hellandbrand & Starmark Time Great Canadian Sires. – Springhill

Jas-K Guth Treasure-Red Fresh Red Guthrie SELLS. She’s Red thanks to the Rare “Variant Red” Gene. Very Nice 2-Yr-Old. Her 11-13 calf by Ivan PP also SELLS. She’s Red & Polled! A very – Pine Tree rare opportunity.

Express-SMD Black Velvet-ET VG-86 SELLING Her GP RC Maxwell Daughter due late March to Bradnick. 10 Dams VG or EX Back to the Great Mark Dellia EX-95! – Stan-Mar-Dale/Express

Pine-Tree Outside Mint-ET VG-87 DOM A Red Valentine Red May 2013 Heifer SELLS from the Rudolph Missy Family. Dam VG-85 Colt-P. – OH-River Syndicate

Brookview-E HHS Valentine EX-93 3E Sanor Valley Go 4 Gold-ET VG-87 Plum-Line BLK Jack Frankie A fancy Alexander Summer Yearling This Goldwyn’s Fresh 2-Yr-Old Shottle EX-94 3E GMD GrDaughter SELLS. 5 VG and EX Dams SELLS. Loads of Potential. Next Dam 90 SELLING a 12-13 Stylish Fever Calf – Brookview 2E DOM Durham. – Bryce Sanor backed by Generations of VG and EX. back this heifer. From Frankie. – Plum-Line Holsteins

Sonnek Rudolph Thrill EX-90 DOM Lu-Jado Algonquin James EX-92 2E Stouder Rudolph Emily-ET VG-86 Quietcove-W Gold Flower-ET EX-90 Big and Fancy Sid due in April to Big Spring Yearling by GoldChris. Show-age 12-13 Mac DTR SELLS from Alexander Sept. Calf for the Shows out Atwood. GrDaughter of Thrill. 3 EX Ready for the shows. Generations of Emily. Backed by 3 more VG DOM of Flower from Valiant Fawn Family. 6 – Jim Kemp VG and EX anchored by 92-pt. James. and GMD. – Phillip Topp EX Dams! – Quietcove Dams: 93, 90, 90. – Alfacreek OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 27

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hio Convention Sale

For a catalog, contact Russell Kiko at 330-853-0401, or phone the Holstein office at 330-264-9088.

Ray-Jo Jordan Sassy-Red EX-92 Maiz-N-Blu ADVE Scarlet-Red Weaverhoff Advent Galaxy-Red C Glenalcomb Miss Angel SELLING a Big Apple Red Heifer due 1st Summer Yearling Int. R&W 2013. EX-92 2E EX-93 4E DOM GMD end of March to Magenta. From the Her 6-13 Redburst Sister SELLS backed Red Dec. Calf by Absolute. 5 VG or EX Full-age Summer Yearling for the shows Sassy Family. – Bickel by Carlow Leader EX-96 3E All- Dams back this Fancy Red Calf. Her by Bradnick SELLS. Dam VG-88 Finley, American! – Todd Case maternal sister by Dusk was Res. Jr. All- 88 LeDuc, then 93-pt. Angel. Ohio. – John Mark Weaver – Stan-Mar-Dale/Express

Winterfield Treni-Red-ET EX-91 Kiko Colby Hathaway VG-88 Kingsmill Domain Amilia VG-87 Morning View Shtle Madilyn A Red Picolo Winter Yearling. Potential Her 3-12 Crown daughter SELLS due 4- Her Goldsun Yrlg SELLS. Next dam 94 EX-94 GMD DOM 14 to Laser. This fancy heifer is backed 3E Rubens Amy, then 94 2E Chief +2100 PTPI Headliner SELLS from VG- 12th Generation EX! The Red & White by 3 VG Dams, then an EX-90 Linjet. Adeen, then 94 2E Starbuck Ada. 85 Observer Daughter of Madilyn. Side of Wilson-Dale “T” Family. – Richard Soldner – R & P Kiko – Marburger Dairy Backed by 92 2E GMD, 87 GMD DOM, 91 2E GMD DOM, then 95 3E GMD DOM! – Silver Creek Dairy

COWS AND BRED HEIFERS ________________________________________ YEARLINGS ___________________________________________________________ Red Fancy Secure Senior 2 for the Shows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miley Just Fresh Dempsey X 2E 91 Outside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lorawae 2nd Calf 86-pt. Bolivia X 88-pt. Gibson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kiko Alexander Fresh 2-Year-Old X VG Pronto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OARDC Just-Fresh Allan 2-Year-Old X VG Pronto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OARDC Fresh Senior 2-Year-Old by Attitude Red . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Berg Fresh Junior 2-Year-Old for 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillip Topp Junior 3-Year-Old, Fresh November, Show Prospect . . . . . . . Bryce Sanor 3-Year-Old Fresh Destry backed by 85-pt. SS Devon . . . . . . . . Skidmore Fancy Seaver Fresh 2-Year-Old by 89-pt. Affirmed, then 5 gen. VG or EX — Klingensmith Brokaw due in June to sexed Mogul X 85-pt. Shottle, then EX Rudy . Renner Guthrie due in April to Atwood X 88-pt. Marshall . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moff Sid due in June to Alta Caliber X 88-pt. Baxter . . . . . . . . . . . Showalter Braxton due 3-21 to Sexed Atwood, 2nd Dam 91-pt. Roy . . . . . . . Etgen Very Nice Senior Yearling by a Durham Son, due Sept. to Absolute — McCord Tall, Fancy Sanchez due Sept., from Gen. VG or EX . . . . . . . . . . . Uber Bred for Fall Milking Yearling by Atwood Dam 88-pt. . . . . . . Jeff Brown Anigma Bred Heifer, GrDam 85-pt. AstroJet . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeff Brown Barbwire-Red due 4-14 to Absolute-Red, by 88 Redliner, then EX-93 Advent — Soldner The Ohio Holstein Convention Sale catalog will also be available on the Ohio Holstein website: www.ohioholstein.com. 28 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

Red Acme Junior Yearling X 88-pt. GrDam, Next Dam EX. . . . . . Soldner Sanchez Junior Yearling X 85 pt. Lightning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lorawae Dempsey Summer Yearling X EX Canyon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OARDC RED Redburst Summer Yearling from 87-pt. Dam . . . . . . . . . . . McMahn Dempsey Winter Yearling from 92-pt. Damion GrDam . . . . . . . . . . Uber

SHOW CALVES _______________________________________________________ Goldfish Sept. Calf from 87-pt. Fortune for the Shows. . . . . Klingensmith Red Sept. Calf by Apple out of 85-pt. Advent, then 87-pt. Stormatic . Etgen GWATWOOD Sept. Calf X VG-88 Talent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Quietcove Elmo December Calf from 85-pt. Aspen, Ready for the Fair . . Breezyknoll Sid 9-13 show prospect X VG Alexander, dam’s full sister VG-89 2-year-old — Tyler Topp

SALES FORCE Randall Kiko, Auctioneer 330-831-0174 Ted Renner, Pedigrees 330-466-1196 Nevin L’Amoreaux 330-309-6575 Steve Deam 937-477-6616

Russell Kiko 330-853-0401 Rudy Kiko 330-540-2416 Ken Janes 330-464-4134 Chris Lahmers 614-306-7194 Paul Haskins 419-618-4028

David Lentz 717-329-9202 Chad Griffith 513-543-2315 Brian Garrison 614-264-3240 Glenn Sageser, Holstein USA Rep 502-321-8670

WATCH FOR OUR CONSIGNMENTS IN THESE UPCOMING COMING SALES: Ohio Convention Sale: A Fancy Alexander Summer Yearling with 5 gen. VG & EX The Best of Triple-T and Heath: An Awesome Junior 2-Year-Old prospect for 2014 by Windbrook, due in June with a Stellar pedigree back to the Chief Adeens!!!

Brookview Farms

Eric, Carrie, Garrett, Grant and Aniston Havens 4293 Tiffin Road, Fremont Ohio 43420 Top Quality Genetics For Sale Email: ehbrookviewfarms@yahoo.com — Give Us A Call —

Cell Phone: 419-307-3758 Home Phone/Fax: 419-992-4471 OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 29

85917 p30 Zimmer.CompMixx 1/26/14 3:48 PM Page 1

S-S-I Minos Eden VG-85 VG-MS +2295G 2-07 189D 17,130M 4.5% 764F 3.2% 542P Her Sire: Pine-Tree Bret Minos-ET VG-88 +2063G Her Dam: North-Echo Planet 1907-ET VG-86 +2087G • Outcross pedigree • Dam of Merit • USDA Elite Cow • Locator List Cow • Top 10,000 Cows • Has Two High Genomic Sons in the Young Sire at COBA/Select Sires • Has One High Genomic Daughter

Watch for our consignment to the Ohio Holstein Convention Sale, March 7 at Salem, Ohio.

Zimmerview Dairy

Paul, Brent and Dean Zimmer 700 Zimmer Road, Marietta, OH 45750 • 740-374-7299 Ph. • 740-374-6288 Fax

30 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

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OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 31

FRESH FRESH AGAIN AGAIN AND AND FILLING FILLING INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL ORDERS! ORDERS! B-HIDDENHILLS P-K A 4919-ET VG-85 at 2-06 +V++V 3-00 343D 32,895M 4.3% 1,412F 3.1% 1,028P Fresh at 4-00 – First test 117# 5.7% Fat! Her +2242 MACK son is available. 12/13 GTPI +1966 PTA +2.98T +1.93UDC +414NM$ +979M +76F +27P +2.87FLC Sire: ALEXANDER Dam: B-HIDDENHILLS O MAN 338-ET (VG-88-DOM) 3-05 365D 36,040M 5.1% 1,831f 3.4% 1,224P Dam of 7Ho10606 PLAN 2nd Dam: B-HIDDENHILLS MARSHAL 93-ET (VG-88-DOM) 2-03 365D 27,710M 4.2% 1,166F 3.4% 953P 4919’s Spearmint sister: B-HIDDENHILLS PK SP 5OOO-ET (VG-88) 3-02 292D 32,479M 3.0% 965F 3.0% 973P

BOSSIDE SOUL SISTER-ET 3-02 85 VVGV+ 2-06 362D 33,934 3.9% 1,307F 2.9% 958P Fresh 10/30/13 – Currently milking 124# with 5.3% 12/13 GTPI +2079 PTA +3.03T +2.55UDC +501NM$ +1063M +49F +22P +2.23FLC Sire: O-STYLE Dam: MATT-DARI ELEGANT DOLLY-ET (EX-90-EX MS) 4-03 365D 34,690M 4.2% 1,473F 2.8% 986P 2nd Dam: DEV-LIN DANA OUT DAISY-ET (EX-90-GMD-DOM) 3-10 365D 37,390M 3.9% 1,444F 2.8% 1,059P • Soul Sister is ready to flush! • Flushing her +2301 GTPI SHAN daughter now.

JK-GOLD SSI DORCYPIE 7042-ET 3-02 85 +V+VV DOM 2-01 365D 34,934M 3.2% 1,106F 2.9% 1013P 12/13 GTPI +2150 PTA +2.57T +2.00UDC +601NM$ +1789M +56F +47P +2.37FLC Dam: RABUR TOY PAST-ET (VG-85) 2-04 365D 31,920M 3.5% 1,113F 2.7% 865P 2nd Dam: RABUR OUTSIDE PANDORA (EX-91-3E-EX-MS-GMD-DOM) 2-11 362D 37,330M 3.6% 1,344F 3.1% 1,152P Planet, Shottle, Oman and Goldwyn free pedigree! Dorcypie is the dam of 007HO11928 PARTYROCK GTPI +2394 Her GTPI +2359 McCUTCHEN son is available. Ready to flush — embryos will be available.

The three cows above, as well as several others, AND the new website are coming together for a very exciting 2014 at Plain-Knoll! 14393 Johnson Road • New Weston, OH 45348 Steve Buschur Cell: 937-423-7108 • Email: buschurdairy@gmail.com www.plainknollholsteins.com Pat, Jake, Jim, Steve, Ryan & Andy BAA 104.8 Rolling Herd Avg. 29,101M 986F 861P Inquiries always welcome • We have Bulls, Cows, Heifers & Embryos for sale. 32 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

85917 p33 Plainfield 4c_Layout 1 1/26/14 3:46 PM Page 1

Highlighting Our Year All-Ohio Spring Yearling! Also: Plainfield Debonr Grace-Red VG-87

First Junior 3-Year-Old and Reserve Intermediate Champion, Junior Show District 3 Holstein Show Dam VG-88 Rubens GRD EX-90 Storm

Congratulations to Ben for receiving his American FFA degree in November at Louisville, Kentucky. We are very proud of your achievement!

Miss Highlight Windemere We are very proud to have exhibited our first All-Ohio, MISS HIGHLIGHT WINDEMERE, owned and exhibited by Plainfield Farms, Ben Simpson and Alisha Thompson. We would like to thank Jim and Nancy Kemp for the opportunity to own Windemere. A special thank you to Steven, Adam, Jason and Erica for all your help during this year’s show season. Windemere is a Sanchez X VG-87 Goldwyn, then 12 EX dams leading back to Gray-View B-D-Crissy. She is due the beginning of March to Brokaw.

New Addition in August:

Harvue Windhammer Frankie

Dam VG-87 2-year-old Goldwyn Grdam EX-92 Dundee, then EX-97 Harvue Roy Frosty Frankie Will be a Winter Yearling — flushing soon!

Don, Danette, Emily and Robert Simpson Ben Simpson and Alisha Thompson

Registered Holsteins

Orville and Betty Simpson Since 1944 65343 Plainfield Road Belmont, Ohio 43718 Don 740-391-3301 Ben 740-312-5865 House 740-484-1444 plainfieldholsteins@gmail.com 13-Year PBR Award Visitors always welcome! Just minutes off of I-70 in the heart of Belmont County. OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 33

34 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 35

Put Your Mind and Her Mind…

at ease

Profitability & Calving Ease

Number of Bulls t +$750 Lifetime Net Merit and ≤ 6.0% Sire Calving Ease

12 10








Number of Bulls




8 6 4 2 0

36 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

Based on December 2013 Active Holstein Lineups

USDA-CDCB/12-13, IB-M/USA/12-13

©2013 CRI


85917 p37.39 women.Spke.AgCr.ads 1/26/14 3:36 PM Page 1

BarbWire Good Feet and Legs! The importance of good feet and legs has definitely been imprinted in my mind during the last few months. Barb Lumley This has been emphasized, not only to Holstein breeders, but to all breeders of dairy cows for quite some time. The day sometimes comes when we realize just how important good feet and legs are to people, also. Our feet and leg problems are no different than those of our cows. When our feet and legs hurt, we are less productive. Housework or chores are neglected because it hurts too much to do them, or we are unable to do them. And so it is with cows. If it hurts to get up, walk to the feed bunk and to stand and eat, they are going to lie around more and produce less. Heat cycles are missed, and reproduction is affected. Just as we have orthopaedic surgeons to replace knees and hip joints and doctors to take care of our feet, we have hoof trimmers and veterinarians to help relieve the feet and leg problems in our cows. Regardless if it is people or cows, the treatment costs money. Hopefully the cows have relief from their pain in the form of box stalls or a place to get out on grass and dirt until they recover. People are fortunate to have therapists and rehabilitation centers to go to and exercises that can be done after surgery. There are many types of pain medication available, if you can take them. I can’t, and my pain from surgery on my knees had to be relieved with ice packs, Bio-freeze and pure “grit.” Whether cows or people, genetics play an important part. My Dad in his later years walked on knees that were bone on bone. Replacements were not available in his lifetime. My aunt spent her last years just sitting in a chair watching television, as she could barely walk or stand. Don worked on the railroad 33 years, climbing up and down the railroad cars and walking miles and miles in the railroad yards, yet he never had any problems with his legs and knees. Obviously, his family had better genetics in that area than mine! I bred cows for many years, and if a cow had legs that were too straight or badly hocked in, there was always the chance the daughters would have the same problem. Breeding cows for correct feet and legs is one of the most important things a dairyman can do. With cows and growing heifers housed on cement, as they usually are today, it should be one of the first things checked out when selecting sires to breed to. I am sure Russell Kiko would agree with me on the importance of healthy feet and legs. Being laid up and unable to do things for yourself or take care of usual chores is very frustrating. But we both are very grateful for the kind and caring people who took care of us and got us back on

the road to recovery. We are looking forward to the Convention Sale and the Annual Meeting in March. By that time, we both hope to be walking on good feet and legs! By the way, Russell and I are available if you need motivational speakers on subjects such as “The Battle of Wounded Knee” or “The Comfort and Joys of Hospital Beds and Bedpans.” Just give us a call! ——————————

Ohio Holstein Women’s News ANNUAL MEETING — The Ohio Holstein Women will meet at 8:00 a.m. on March 7, 2014, at the Comfort Inn in Alliance, Ohio 44601. There are many exciting things to do: the Convention Sale at Kiko Family Farms, farm tours at Whiteleathers’ and Campbell Brothers’ and all the other activities back at the hotel. We look forward to hosting the annual fun action, too. We would encourage each district and individuals to participate to make the auction a great success. The auction funds are used for the Holstein Women’s Scholarship Award. Last year, the contestants were so outstanding that two awards of $650 were given. Thank you in advance to both the donors and the buyers who make this event such a great success. In the last issue of the News and also in this issue, you will fiind the information for the Women of the Year, Queen’s Contest and Scholarship Awards. Please read the qualifications, and encourage yourself or someone you know to participate. The deadlines are quickly approaching. It is always fun and exciting to congratulate the recipients. One item of new business will be the election for the offices of President and Vice-President of the Holstein Women’s Organization. Contact the nominating chair, Sara Twining, at 440-647-2795 for nominations. If there is anything you would like to put on the agenda for the meeting, please call or email me at 330-332-8530 or cell 330-206-5653 or kwj5653@yahoo.com. I look forward to seeing you at the 94th annual convention.

Stay at our place in “The Palms” – Near

Mickey’s Place – for a Minnie Price!! Luxurious 4 BR home with private screened pool, located 15 minutes from Orlando theme parks. Nonsmoking & “no pets” facility. Rents from $99/night, depending on options. Contact: Pete or Jean Spike Phone: 740-363-2184 OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 37

85917 p37.39 women.Spke.AgCr.ads 1/26/14 3:39 PM Page 2

The Queen’s Corner by Cayla Inkrott Happy New Year, Dairymen and -women! It is that time of year to put those New Year resolutions to the test. This is the last time I will be writing, and soon enough my reign will be over and a new queen will be taking over. I will have to admit that I am sad my time is coming to an end. I had so much fun being queen and would do it again in a heartbeat! I have learned so much and met so many wonderful people, I would encourage all that can to apply for the Queen position to do so, even if you think it is not your thing. A sash and crown were definitely a step out of the box for me, but I loved every second of wearing them! As for school, I have decided to change my career path slightly. I am no longer choosing to pursue a career in Veterinary Medicine, but picking up a minor to Ag Business with my major remaining Animal Science-Biosciences. I am excited for this new path and hope to work in feed sales, government inspection services or even take over the family farm (only with the installation of robotic milkers). I hope my love for cows will take me somewhere in life that I can be happy and successful. Again, I would like to thank everyone who has helped me throughout the year with show dates and also getting all

the awards in order. Everything was quite overwhelming, but with everyone’s kindness and help, I really got the hang of the show routines. Thanks to all the men and women at the front tables/announcer stands who helped keep everything in line. Also, a special thanks to Mary Lou Topp, Steve Moff, Matt and Megan Lawson, Jacquelyn Sherry, the Oechsle family and anyone else I may have missed! I would like to say thank you to the entire Ohio Holstein Association for having the position of Ohio Holstein Queen available to young women. It is truly life changing, filled with eye-opening experiences. I think it is great to have the opportunity to meet people with same interests, hobbies, beliefs and lifestyles. THANK YOU!! Always feel free to contact me on my cell at 419-9694915 or by email at inkrott.25@buckeyemail.osu.edu.

Julia Nolan Woodruff jwoodruff@agcredit.net

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440-647-6611 Ext. 1202 Fax: 440-647-6610

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2014 Ohio Holstein Queen Contest ELIGIBILITY — 1. Contestants must be at least 16 years old on January 1, 2014. 2. Contestants must be single, not married, throughout their reign. 3. Contestants must be members of the Ohio Junior Holstein Association, unless the contestant is ineligible to be a Junior member, in which case she should be a member of the Ohio Holstein Association. 4. Contestants must be able to attend the 2014 Ohio Holstein Convention, 2014 Ohio Spring Dairy Expo, 2014 Ohio State Fair Holstein shows in Columbus, District Holstein Shows, and she must submit an article to the Ohio Holstein News for each edition throughout her reign.

PREFERRED CONTACT — Email to misslora35@gmail.com


5. The 2014 Queen will be required to dress in a professional manner at all Ohio Holstein functions. 6. 2014 applicants will be requested to submit 8 to 10 photos of themselves in family/farm experiences with Holsteins. Email to misslora35@gmail.com. 7. Applications must be e-mailed or mailed by February 21, 2014. 8. The contest will be held Friday, March 7, 2014, at the convention hotel, Comfort Inn, Alliance, Ohio. Tentatively, the interviews of applicants will begin at 3:00 p.m. The contest in front of an audience will begin at 7:00 p.m. 9. In the evening pageant portion of the contest, the applicants will be expected to be in formal dress and have an escort (often a male family member).

Mail to — Katey Lora, 13984 Garfield Road, Salem, OH 44460 Call Katey at 330-692-2223 if you have a question.

TO APPLY — Visit www.ohioholstein.com for the 2014 Ohio Holstein Queen Application. If you have questions specific to the application, please email Katey at misslora35@gmail.com. Contact any member of the Queen’s Committee with questions: Chair Katey Lora, Jacquelyn Sherry, Mikayla Conrad (pending). 38 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

— CONTESTANTS WILL BE JUDGED ON — Dairy Knowledge Personal Appearance and Poise Public Speaking The Queen is expected to represent the Ohio Holstein Association in a respectable manner. Any questionable circumstances that should occur during the Queen’s reign will be handled by the Queen’s Committee.

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Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship 2014 — PURPOSE STATEMENT — The Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship is dedicated to the encouragement of deserving and qualified persons with a high school degree and with a dairy background, to obtain an Associate, Bachelor or Master’s degree, or to start up and continue in the dairy business.

I. ELIGIBILITY: A. Applicant ➤ Shall be a male or female high school graduate and may be up to 25 years of age. ➤ Must come from a Holstein dairy background. (Active in dairy projects, 4-H, FFA, Junior Breed Association or work on a dairy farm.) ➤ Must use for further education. ➤ Shall be second semester/quarter freshman or any other level. ➤ Shall maintain at least a 2.25 accumulative grade point average and be in good standing with university or mentoring representative. B. Past recipients may apply. C. Final discretion lies with the Ohio Holstein Women’s Association.

II. SELECTION: A. Applications will be available from: Ohio Holstein Women, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, Ohio, 44691, or online at www.ohioholstein.com. Due by February 14, 2014. B. The Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship Committee will make selections each year. C. Applicants shall be interviewed if requested by the OHW Scholarship Committee. D. Scholarship does not have to be awarded every year. More than one scholarship may be given if funds permit. III. SCHOLARSHIP AWARD: A minimum scholarship of $650 will be awarded. Payment will be made upon the receiving an official transcript from the previous semester/quarter. A grade report

is required for payment. The recipient must also be enrolled for the next semester/quarter to remain eligible. ➤ The mentoring scholarship will be awarded in one lump sum of $650 with a required report, personal interview and presentation to the Ohio Holstein Women at their annual meeting. The recipient will need to be available for his or her project or educational report. IV. DUTIES OF RECIPIENT: A. Maintain at least a 2.25 accumulative grade point average and send a copy of transcript to the Ohio Holstein Office for proof of enrollment. B. Stay in good standing with the university. C. Report to the OHW if called upon to do so. D. Failure to comply with the above stated causes forfeiture of the scholarship.

\ Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year Please look around at the women close to you. Who have fed calves, registered calves, milked the cows, made hay, made sure everyone was fed in the field, at the table and at the shows? You get the picture. Use the form below to nominate that indispensable woman at your farm for the Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year. ————————————————————— Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year Application Name of woman to be nominated: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of person nominating and contact phone #: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of farm, operation or business, if applicable: ___________________________________________________________________________________

Please write a brief description of the nominee’s involvement in Holsteins at the family operation, county, district and/or state level. Please attach additional pages if needed. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please submit to: Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year Committee, c/o Kaye James 2519S Jefferson Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 or email to her at kjames@sssnet.com. Applications must be received by February 14, 2014.

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 39

85917 p40 FallSale 1/26/14 3:36 PM Page 1

The Bidding Was Hot on a Cold Windy Day in Wooster Ohio by Barb Lumley A large crowd was on hand for the Ohio Multi-Breed Fall Sale held November 23, 2013, at the Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, Ohio. The Registered Holsteins entered the sale ring first with Steve Andrews, Wooster, handling the auctioneer duties, and Ted Renner, Dalton, reading the pedigrees. A total of 55 full lots averaged $2,355. Embryo lots averaged $1,556. “She is already classified Excellent 91, and there are more points in her,� was the comment from Ted Renner, as Lot 17, L&T Farm Toystory Sadie paraded the sale ring. Consigned by Rosedale Farms, LLC, Paul Keener, Jeromesville, Ohio,

this three-year-old sired by Jenny Lou Mrshl Toystory-ET, was milking 119 pounds and bred back to Massey 2960. When the gavel fell at $6,100, her new owners were Springwalk Farms, William Wachtel and Family, Big Prairie, Ohio. Selling for $5,700 was Lot 5, Pine-Tree Jeeves Sue-ET, a three-year-old consigned by Matthew Steiner, Marshallville, Ohio. Classified Very Good 87 and with contract interest, she is sired by Ked Outside Jeeves and from the popular Rudy Missy Family at Pine-Tree. She was also added to the herd at Springwalk Farms, Big Prairie, Ohio.

Lot # Price



Lot # Price




Springwalk Farms

Rosedale Farms, LLC, Jeromesville, OH



Springwalk Farms

Marion Mullet, Sugarcreek, OH



Springwalk Farms

Doughty-Valley Holstein, LLC, Millersburg, OH



Darren Jentes

Matthew J. Steiner, Marshallville, OH



Nick Minnich

John D. Sommer, Southside, WV




Springwalk Farms

Matthew J. Steiner, Jeromesville, OH



Darren Jentes

Koenen Dairy, Inc. & Dan Kaufman, Sioux Falls, SD



Springwalk Farms

Matthew J. Steiner, Marshallville, OH



Brian Jentes

Ted Renner, Dalton, OH



Dan Harpster

Miley Holstein Farms, LTD, West Salem, OH



Austin Trbovich

Koenen Dairy, Inc. & Dan Kaufman, Sioux Falls, SD



Diane Snyder

Tim Cottrill, Point Pleasant, WV



Pete Spike

Matthew J. Steiner, Marshallville, OH

40 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014



Wayne Hartmann

Drew Duncan, Warsaw, OH



Scott Zimmerman

Wayne & Steven Specht, Dover, OH



Myron Schlabach

Marion Mullet, Sugarcreek, OH



Dan Harpster

Matthew J. Steiner, Marshallville, OH



Dan Harpster

Matthew J. Steiner, Marshallville, OH



Dale Mohler

Wayne & Steven Specht, Dover, OH

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 41

85917 p42 Jrs.essay.Shear 1/26/14 3:26 PM Page 1

by Matt Lawson, Advisor

A New Year Full of Opportunities As the New Year rings in, there are many resolutions that were made on January 1st. These may come in the form of weight loss programs, money saving plans, to get better grades in school this next year or even to spend more time working with that special heifer to end up at the top of the class at the next show you plan to attend. No matter what it is, seize the Opportunity of a New Year, because it truly is an Opportunity to start a new season with a fresh start. We have the privilege with the Ohio Junior Holstein Association to offer lots of Opportunities this year. The first one comes on March 7 and 8 in Alliance, Ohio. This is the annual Ohio Holstein Junior and Senior Convention, where the 2014 Ohio Holstein Queen is selected, and the winners of the Distinguished Junior Member and the Junior Memorial Award are announced. If you are interested in participating in one of these competitions, please contact Diana Miley at the Holstein office. We plan to have a great time discussing future Junior events, different means of communication and upcoming shows. If at all possible, please plan on attending, and if you need a ride, please contact Matt Lawson to try to assist you with transportation. Another great opportunity, not just for the Juniors, but


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42 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

adults as well, is the Junior Raffle. We were really fortunate to have Topp-View Farms donate a Sullivan’s Cadillac Show Box. Hill’s Farm Supply donated a 36” hanging barn fan; Ohio Valley Show Supply donated a $250.00 voucher; Jenny Thomas & Cybil Fisher donated one free photo setup, and Beck’s Superior Hybrids donated a $250.00 show supply voucher. The tickets are being sold by Junior members as a fundraiser to support the Junior Organization at a price of one for $5.00 or five tickets for $20.00. If you see any of the donors, please make sure and give them a big thank you for their support! In addition, please make sure that you have all money and extra tickets from the Junior Fundraiser turned in to either Diana or Matt before the raffle takes place at the Ohio Holstein Association Annual Meeting in March in Alliance. As always, we have lots of opportunities to show, which happen at the Spring Show, District Shows and State Fair right here in the great state of Ohio. Please make sure and pay your dues before May 1 in order to be eligible to compete for the Junior All-Ohio Awards. Please make sure to “like” the Junior web page on Facebook, as we plan to start using Survey Monkey to help see who can attend certain dates of meetings, get shirt sizes and other cool Opportunities. So with the New Year comes great Opportunity to get involved with the Ohio Junior Holstein Association. However, we all know the reality of how busy life is today! Therefore, we are all faced with choices of how we will spend our time this next year. I hope to see you at the Ohio Holstein Convention, so we can show you what Opportunities await with the Juniors.

Syngenta Agricultural Scholarship Essay Contest Scholarship essay addresses current agricultural issues. $20,000 in total awards available Application deadline April 15, 2014

GREENSBORO, N.C., January 15, 2014 — Syngenta is proud to announce the new national Syngenta Agricultural Scholarship essay contest. Student essays will cover the topic of how to educate the public on timely agricultural issues. “Syngenta is excited to identify college students who have a passion to educate the public on current agricultural issues and dream of being tomorrow’s agriculture industry leaders,” said Mary Streett DeMers, senior communications lead, Syngenta. “We look forward to receiving applications and learning more about the next generation of ag.” College students enrolled as of spring 2014 in an accredited agriculture program at a U.S. land grant university will be eligible to compete for $20,000 in scholarship awards. For additional information, including how to apply for the scholarship online, please visit www.Syngenta-US.com/Scholarships. The scholarship will be awarded and presented to the winners in November 2014. For more information about Syngenta, visit www.syngenta.com.

85917 p43 OSUATI.ATIjudg 1/26/14 3:27 PM Page 1

Ohio State ATI Building Leaders for the Dairy Industry! 2013 Ohio State ATI Dairy Judging Team Team Highlights: 2nd Place Team, North American International Livestock Exposition, Louisville, KY 3rd Place Team, Traditional Contest, World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI 4th Place Team, Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show, Harrisburg, PA 6th Place Team, Practical Contest World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI The team has been invited to participate in the International Dairy Judging Tour in Scotland and Ireland, June 18 – July 2, 2014. If you would like to make a donation to the team, please contact Royce Thornton at 330-287-1373.

2013 Ohio State ATI Dairy Judging Team Royce Thornton, coach; Marshall Overholt, Dan Grim, Laura Bond, Meghan Thurston Ohio State ATI Wooster, OH 44691


1328 Dover Road www.ati.osu.edu

Contact Royce Thornton, Dairy Programs Coordinator 330-287-1373 thornton.5@osu.edu

Ohio State ATI Dairy Judging Team Results The Ohio State ATI Dairy Judging Team wrapped up a very successful season after placing in the top five in three different contests. The team traveled to Madison Wisconsin, where they placed third overall at the World Dairy Expo. This contest is considered the national contest for two-year colleges and other similar post-secondary institutions. The students wrapped up their season on November 10 by placing second at the North American International Livestock Exposition. The team placed first in Ayrshires; fourth in Brown Swiss, Guernseys and Holsteins; and second in Jerseys and oral reasons. Individually, Meghan Thurston was second; Laura Bond was fifth; Dan Grim was 12th; and Marshall Overholt was 14th. Meghan was first in Ayrshires, fifth in Brown Swiss, tenth in Holsteins, third in Jerseys and seventh in Oral reasons. Laura Bond was third in Ayrshires, seventh in Brown Swiss and Guernseys, ninth in Jerseys and sixth in oral reasons. Dan Grim was fourth in Ayrshires and ninth in Holsteins. One interesting piece of trivia is that the top six teams competed in the all three contests and placed in the top six in each of the three contests. Only one team placed higher than Ohio State ATI in all three contests. In other words, the Ohio State ATI team defeated every team at least once (sometimes twice) during the judging season except the team from Kaskaskia College. Kaskaskia was third at the PA All-American and first at both World Dairy Expo and the

North American. The other four teams are Modesto Junior College, Michigan State University Ag Tech, SUNY Cobleskill and (SUNY) Morrisville State College. As a result of placing among the top three teams at the World Dairy Expo contest, the Ohio State ATI judging team received an invitation to participate in the International Dairy Judging Tour with competitions in Scotland and Ireland from June 18 to July 2, 2014. If you are interested in making a contribution to help support their participation in the International Judging Tour, please contact Royce Thornton at 330-287-1331. Your support is greatly appreciated.


Selling all Types of Dairy Cattle & Service Bulls EVERY THURSDAY • 11:00 a.m. Hay & Straw Sale 10:00 a.m. John E. Sprunger, Mgr.


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OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 43

85917 p44 Cope 4c 1/26/14 3:23 PM Page 1

44 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

Save Today on Promote 速 Forage Inoculants with Early Order Booking Cargill offers a full line up of forage inoculants, and you can lock in savings today by booking through February 28th. Delivery dates are determined by you and payment is at delivery. You can increase your order in season at the early discount price and decrease your order in season with no penalty. Let our expertise in logistics and our winning products be your forage solution next season!

Contact your local Cargill consultant today to learn about forage inoculants and the other programs and technologies we offer. Working together, we can help manage ingredients, evaluate input pricing and risk, and analyze costs of rations. Ryan Aberle: 330-464-1951 | ryan_aberle@cargill.com Michele Burky: 419-651-2081 | michele_burky@cargill.com Doug Hering: 314-282-0044 | doug_hering@cargill.com Brent Hostettler: 330-465-1747 | brent_hostettler@cargill.com Bob Hostetler: 614-937-5356 | bob_hostetler@cargill.com Laura Weisz: 320-293-2184 | laura_weisz@cargill.com

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 45




85917 p46 Weng.Agri.And 4c 1/26/14 3:18 PM Page 1

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46 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014


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85917 p47 ADA 4c 1/26/14 3:19 PM Page 1

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 47

85917 p48 WolfT.WGD.ETS.Thom 1/26/14 3:14 PM Page 1

FOR SALE: 30 Milking Holstein Cows, Located in Sycamore, Ohio •

Herd has been closed for 25 years ✓ Johnes and hairy foot wart free

Tractor Driven Katolight Alternators Available All sizes to fit your needs We will be celebrating our 50th Anniversary at our Open House on March 18, 2014!

Component fed • Broke to use locking head gates • Milked 3X in a 4-stall side-open parlor ✓ ground corn fed in parlor •

Majority are sired by Genex bulls, such as Toystory, Plate, Everett ✓ herd has been AI bred for 20 years • 27 cows are third lactation or under Medium-sized cows with good bone and excellent feet and legs ✓ have never trimmed hooves •

Good udder attachment and good temperament

Fully vaccinated under Pfizer vaccination program ✓ details available upon request

Official DHI tested since 2010 ✓ DHI and pcDART records available upon request

RHA 28,957 lbs. milk, 1,007 lbs. fat, 835 lbs protein as of 11/21/13

59,000 yearly average SCC as of 11/21/13 • 13.0-month calving interval (60 day VWP) •

Box 2224, 12993 Cleveland Rd. Creston, OH 44217 1 1/2 miles south of Creston on State Route 3 330-435-6522 or 435-4440 or 1-800-821-3952



4958 U.S. 35 NORTH RICHMOND, IN 47374

Contact Rick Daniel at 419-957-0623 or Kim Daniel at 419-957-5265.

CERTIFIED PHONE 765-935-2373 FAX 765-939-0087


Jenny Thomas, Associate Photographer 614-395-9823 cell jennythomas614@yahoo.com

Wolf Tale Holsteins 4016 Township Highway 10 Sycamore, Ohio 44882

48 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014


920-465-3880 • cybilfisher@hotmail.com www.cybilfisher.com

85917 p49 Ratta 4c 1/26/14 1:57 PM Page 1

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 49

85917 p50 NAILE.Ash.Cur.Midw 1/26/14 2:12 PM Page 1

Ohio Holstein Breeders Win Ribbons at the North American International Livestock Exhibition Case skid steers and compact track loaders have been known for power and productivity. Now, we’ve outdone ourselves. Twelve all-new models deliver increased performance and power for every task, from lifting bales to mucking stalls. Not to mention industry-leading hinge-pin height to help with feedlot work. No matter what’s on your list of chores, the new Case Alpha Series delivers. And they do it with a larger, roomier cab—the most comfortable on the market.

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CERTIFIED Tye J. Henschen DVM ON-FARM EMBRYO TRANSFER EXPORT CERTIFIED 3883 Klondike Road Delaware, Ohio 43015

50 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

Phone 740-369-3931 Fax 740-369-7814

by Barb Lumley, from info on the NAILE website Ohio was well represented, as Holstein breeders paraded their best at the North American International Livestock Exhibition held November 8 through November 12, 2013, at Louisville, Kentucky. Judge for the show was Gus Swartzbeck, Union Bridge, Maryland. Classes, placings and exhibitors in the Open Show are as follows. SPRING HEIFER CALF: 2. Bucks Pride, Bucyrus; 5. Victoria and Emily Deam, Sugarcreek; 6. Express/San-MarDale, Urbana. WINTER HEIFER CALF: 1. Gene Iager, Pleasant Plain; 4. Bryan Whinnery, Salem; 5. Logan Schlauch, Big Prairie; 8. Matt Lawson, Bluffton; 9. Victoria & Emily Deam, Sugarcreek. FALL HEIFER CALF: 1. Logan Schlauch, Big Prairie; 2. Starmark, Wooster; 3. Stan-Mar-Dale, Urbana; 4. Bucks Pride, Bucyrus; 9. Bickel Family, New Vienna. SUMMER YEARLING HEIFER: 9. Bickel Family, New Vienna. SPRING YEARLING HEIFER: 10. Bryce Sanor, North Georgetown. WINTER YEARLING HEIFER: 1. Matt Lawson, Bluffton. FALL YEARLING HEIFER: 1. Stan-Mar-Dale, Urbana. JUNIOR CHAMPION: Winter Calf, Jacobs Goldwyn Lenny, Gene Iager, Pleasant Plain. MILKING FALL YEARLING: 3. Matt Lawson, Bluffton. JUNIOR TWO-YEAR-OLD: 7. Stan-Mar-Dale, Urbana. SENIOR TWO-YEAR-OLD: 1. Shelley Radar & Gene Iager, Pleasant Plain. INTERMEDIATE CHAMPION: Senior Two-Year-Old, Claquato RH Elicit, Shelley Radar & Gene Iager. FOUR-YEAR-OLD COW: 3. Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Holsteins, Urbana. FIVE-YEAR-OLD COW: 4. Brett Morris, Ninnekah. AGED COW: 1. Gene Iager, Pleasant Plain. SENIOR & GRAND CHAMPION: Whitaker Stormatic Rae-ET, Gene Iager, Pleasant Plain. In the Junior Holstein Show, Junior Showmanship was won by Logan Schlauch, Big Prairie. Classes, placings and Junior Exhibitors are as follows. SPRING HEIFER CALF: 7. Victoria & Emily Deam, Sugarcreek; 8. Greg & Megan Cornish, North Fairfield. WINTER HEIFER CALF: 2. Logan Schlauch, Big Prairie; 3. Victoria & Emily Deam, Sugercreek. FALL HEIFER CALF: 2. Keenan & Kiersten Wolf, Brandon & Katie Sugg, Wooster; 3. Drake Knoll, North Fairfield; 4. Victoria & Emily Deam, Sugarcreek; 7. Logan Schlauch, Big Prairie. SPRING YEARLING HEIFER: 3. Greg & Megan Cornish, North Fairfield. FOUR-YEAR-OLD COW: 7. Robin Alden, Danville. AGED COW: 1. Mickayla King, West Liberty. Congratulations to all the Ohio Holstein Breeders who took part in the North American International Livestock Exhibition!

85917 p51 DiamondOak.KM 1/26/14 3:02 PM Page 1

Diamond-Oak Holsteins 00 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

Tribute to Dad (Paul Fisher, 1921-2014) Dad holding Fisher-Place M Amanda-ET EX-94 “His Pride and Joy” DIAMOND-OAK Holsteins Phil and Alice Fisher 20715 SR 189 Ft. Jennings, OH 45844 419-302-3148 FOR SALE BY PRIVATE TREATY:

Diamond-Oak Gold Chip Amber Born March 1, 2013 — Show Prospect — A Descendant of AMANDA HER DAM: Diamond-Oak Alex Amber VG-85 VG-MS, Sold in the 2013 Buckeye Classic Sale 2-Yr 305D 20,899M 3.3% 692F 2.8% 581P

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 51

85917 p52.54 D9.13.15.3ads 1/26/14 3:08 PM Page 1

District 9 Show Report District 9 Holstein Show July 18, 2013 • Judge Delbert Yoder 31 Head Shown • Reported by Terry Weiker Spring Heifer Calf (5) 1. (JR) Brookview Amazing Grace, J. Garrett Havens; 2. Bucks-Pride Mayfield Pidge, Bucks Pride; 3. Bucks-Pride Gold Chip Sue, Bucks Pride Winter Heifer Calf (5) 1. Hankansons Black I Peas, Bucks Pride; 2. Duckeh Acme Teasian Vanish, Matt and Megan Lawson; 3. (JR) Cornish Final Cut Ariel, Megan and Greg Cornish Fall Heifer Calf (5) 1. Bucks-Pride Clark Krista, Bucks Pride; 2. Brookview Sanchez Vanish, Matt and Megan Lawson; 3. (JR) Cornish Masterpiece Adrian, Megan and Greg Cornish Summer Yearling Heifer (5) 1. (JR) Brookview Braxton Layla, J. Garrett Havens; 2. Hankansons Clark Jewel, Bucks Pride; 3. Brookview Atwood Hopscotch, Matt and Megan Lawson Spring Yearling Heifer (1) 1. (JR) Cornish Sanchez Addie, Megan and Greg Cornish

Winter Yearling Heifer (2) 1. Kuk-Lan Damion Chandra, Matt and Megan Lawson; 2. (JR) Weikland Sanchez Sofia, Kendra Hudson Fall Yearling Heifer (1) 1. Rose Vue Phoenix Rita, Matt and Megan Lawson Junior Champion Open Show Kuk-Lan Damion Chandra, Matt and Megan Lawson Junior Champion Junior Show and Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Brookview Braxton Layla, J. Garrett Havens Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Brookview Amazing Grace, J. Garrett Havens Junior Two-Year-Old (1) 1. Hankansons Legend Tara, Bucks Pride Senior Two-Year-Old (1) 1. HyWay View Ross Mable, HyWay View Farms Junior Three-Year-Old (2) 1. Brookview E Destry Ritzy, Matt and Megan Lawson; 2. (JR) BingLand Redlinder Dixie, Kendra Hudson Senior Three-Year-Old (2) 1. Hardys Goldwyn Magenta, Matt and Megan Lawson; 2. KK-Hudson Jake Alli, Kyle Hudson

Intermediate Champion Open Show Hardys Goldwyn Magenta, Matt and Megan Lawson Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Brookview E Destry Ritzy, Matt and Megan Lawson Intermediate Champion Junior Show KK-Hudson Jake Alli, Kyle Hudson Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show BingLand Redlinder Dixie , Kendra Hudson Four-Year-Old Cow (1) 1. DonKerdale Paramount Ray, Bucks Pride Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Open Show DonKerdale Paramount Ray, Bucks Pride Grand Champion Open Show Hardys Goldwyn Magenta, Matt and Megan Lawson Grand Champion Junior Show KK-Hudson Jake Alli, Kyle Hudson Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show BingLand Redlinder Dixie , Kendra Hudson Premier Exhibitor Matt and Megan Lawson Premier Breeder Brookview Farms

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52 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

85917 p52.54 D9.13.15.3ads 1/26/14 3:09 PM Page 2

District 13 Show Report District 13 Holstein Show June 2013 • Judge Eddie Bue, Illinois 54 Head Shown • Urbana, Ohio Reported by Jenny Thomas Spring Calf (10) 1. (JR) Ren-Bow Anigma Ladybug, Alyssa Bowen; 2. Wabash-Way Atwood Demi, Wabash Way; 3. Express-SMD Carina, StanMar-Dale/Express Winter Calf (9) 1. Wabash-Way Braxton Twinkle, WabashWay; 2. Stan-Mar-Dale Dempsey Brisk, StanMar-Dale/Express; 3. (JR) Stookeyholm Golden Milly, Alyssa Bowen Fall Calf (8) 1. Wabash-Way Dempsey Finesse, WabashWay; 2. (JR) Muranda Spear Shedaisy, Bailee Mazzaro & Colton Thomas; 3. StanMar-Dale Dempsey Viviana, Stan-Mar-Dale/ Express Summer Yearling (3) 1. T-Triple-T Atwood Leaf, Jay Thomas; 2. Wabash-Way Chris Asti-Red, Wabash-Way; 3. (JR) JAX Chris Bugsy, Austin Lokai Spring Yearling (6) 1. Highlight Titan Beauty, Oakvale; 2. Wabash-Way Chris Harley-Red, WabashWay; 3. (JR) Brookview Fever Leapyear, Allison McCummons

Winter Yearling (3) 1. Kuk-Lan Damion Chandra, Matt and Megan Lawson; 2. Stan-Mar-Dale Evett, StanMar-Dale/Express; 3. (JR) Brookview Polkadot, Kyle Andrews Fall Yearling (3) 1. Stan-Mar-Dale Maxwell Quinn, Stan-MarDale/Express; 2. T-Triple-T Posibility-ET, TripleT Holsteins & Entourage; 3. (JR) Brookview Sid Cutiepie, Allison McCummons Junior Champion Open Show T-Triple-T Atwoood Leaf, Jay Thomas Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Wabash-Way Dempsey Finesse, Wabash-Way Junior Champion Junior Show Ren-Bow Anigma Ladybug, Alyssa Bowen Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Brookview Fever Leapyear, Allison McCummons Junior Best Three Females Wabash-Way Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (4) 1. Stan-Mar-Dale Victoria-ET, Stan-MarDale/Express; 2. (JR) Topp-View Bryon Boxanne, Keaton Topp; 3. (JR) Oakvale Goldwyn Darby, Alexandra Runyon

Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (5) 1. M-Riverview Destry Kalin, Wabash-Way; 2. (JR) Pentuck Lightning Leah, Keaton Topp; 3. (JR) Lingle Sanchez Shelly, Ted Schmitmeyer Junior Three-Year-Old Cow (1) 1. Stan-Mar-Dale Astroid Vegas, Stan-MarDale/Express Intermediate Champion Open Show Stan-Mar-Dale Victoria-ET, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show M-Riverview Destry Kalin, Wabash-Way No Intermediate Champion or Reserve reported for Junior Show Four-Year-Old Cow (1) 1. OARDC Damion Black Betty, Stan-MarDale/Express Five-Year-Old Cow (1) 1. (JR) Southern Hills Dami Melrose, Kyle Andrews Senior Champion Junior and Open Show and Grand Champion Open and Junior Show Southern-Hills Dami Melrose, Kyle Andrews Reserve Senior Champion Open Show OARDC Damion Black Betty, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Reserve Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Chapion Junior Show Pentuck Lightning Leah, Keaton Topp Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Stan-Mar-Dale Victoria-ET, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Senior Best Three Females Stan-Mar-Dale/Express Dam & Daughter Stan-Mar-Dale/Express

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“As a farmer myself, I understand the risks you face every day on your farming operation.” OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 53

85917 p52.54 D9.13.15.3ads 1/26/14 3:03 PM Page 3

District 15 Show Report District 15 Holstein Show September 6, 2013 • Judge Eric Topp 75 Cattle Shown • Reported by Jackie Bickel Spring Heifer Calf (7) 1. (JR) Ray-Jo Chris Sparkle-Red, Emma Mathews; 2. (JR) Gar-Len Durable Adore, Loren Quallen; 3. Gar-Len Durable Beauty, Gar-Len View Farm Winter Heifer Calf (10) 1. (JR) Gar-Len Bradnick Piper, Sarah Quallen; 2. (JR) Karebears Hero Greta, Maggie Mathews; 3. Southern Hills Hero Remedy, Southern Hills Fall Heifer Calf (7) 1. Tri-Koebel M-Bird Judy, Bickel Family Farm; 2. (JR) Karebears Time Greta, Maggie Mathews; 3. Gusty-Knoll JB Martini-ET, Gusty Knoll Summer Yearling (3) 1. Ray-Jo Braxton Lady, Bickel Family Farm; 2. Da-View Sammy Violet Vicky, Davidson Family; 3. Bottom-Line Emerson Ella, BottomLine Farm Spring Yearling Heifer (5) 1. (JR) Budjon Braxton Elysheeba, Maggie Mathews; 2. Southern-Hills Guthrie Mouse, Southern Hills; 3. Rubles Ross Diamond, Adnrew Baumann

Winter Yearling Heifer (4) 1. (JR) Ray-Jo Braxton Rema Sprinkles, Wyatt Meeker; 2. Ray-Jo Durham Lonni, Bickel Family Farm; 3. (JR) Gar-Len Time Bailey, Popsie Houck Fall Yearling Heifer (7) 1. Gusty-Knoll JG Mojave-ET, Gusty Knoll; 2. Ray-Jo Redliner Salsa, Bickel Family Farm; 3. (JR) Gar-Len Time Mocha, Sarah Quallen Junior Best Three Females 1. Bickel Family Farm; 2. Southern Hills; 3. Andrew Baumann Junior Champion Open Show Ray-Jo Braxton Lady, Bickel Family Farm Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Tri-Koebel M-Bird Judy, Bickel Family Farm Junior Champion Junior Show Ray-Jo Braxton Rema Sprinkles, Wyatt Meeker Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Karebears Time Greta, Maggie Mathews Junior Two-Year-Old Cow (4) 1. Southern-Hills Burns Sauce, Southern Hills; 2. Ray-Jo Contender Sue, Bickel Family Farm; 3. Plain-Knoll Marquess Vicky, Rex Ruble Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (7) 1. (JR) Ray-Jo Advent Selest, Emma Mathews; 2. (JR) Ray-Jo Durham Lucia, Emma Mathews; 3. (JR) Rubles Sanchez Amy, Loren Quallen

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54 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

1/2 Mile West of Holstein Association

FARM Paul 330-264-2660 Paul’s Cell 330-466-1188 Jan 330-264-5275

Junior Three-Year-Old Cow (4) 1. Quietcove Goldwyn Franchize, Bickel Family Farm; 2. MS Kayes Thad Kayann, Southern Hills; 3. Springhill-OH Planet Circus, Davidson Family Senior Three-Year-Old Cow (2) 1. Southern-Hills Atlantic Maxine, Southern Hills; 2. Be-Ware Sanchez Dangle, Bickel Family Farm Intermediate Champion Open Show Quietcove Goldwyn Franchize, Bickel Family Farm Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Southern-Hills Burns Sauce, Southern Hills Intermediate Champion Junior Show Ray-Jo Advent Selest-Red, Emma Mathews Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Ray-Jo Durham Lucia, Emma Mathews Four-Year-Old Cow (2) 1. Davidsonview Jet Carol-Red, Davidson Family; 2. (JR) Whiteleather Damion 1278, Emma Mathews Five-Year-Old Cow (1) 1. Rubles Hi Metro DeeDee, Andrew Baumann Aged Cow (2) 1. Southern-Hills Advent Madison, Southern Hills; 2. (JR) Gar-Len Pentuck Merchant, Sarah Quallen 125,000 lb. Cow (1) 1. Gusty-Knoll J Gold Monica, Gusty Knoll Best Three Females 1. Bickel Family Farm; 2. Southern Hills; 3. Andrew Bauman Dam and Daughter (1) 1. Bickel Family Farm, Emma Mathews Senior Champion Open Show and Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Rubles Hi Metro DeeDee, Andrew Baumann Reserve Senior Champion Open Show Southern-Hills Advent Madison, Southern Hills Grand Champion Open Show Quietcove Goldwyn Franchize, Bickel Family Farm Senior Champion Junior Show and Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Whiteleather Damion 1278, Emma Mathews Reserve Senior Champion Junior Show Gar-Len Pentuck Merchant, Sarah Quallen Grand Champion Junior Show Ray-Jo Advent Selest-Red, Emma Mathews Reserve Grand Champion of Junior Show Whiteleather Damion 1278, Emma Mathews Premier Exhibitor and Premier Breeder Bickel Family Farm Junior Showmanship 1. Joe Rudy; 2. Maggie Mathews; 3. Jenna Griffith; 4. Caili Baumann; 5. Natasha Davidson Intermediate Showmanship 1. Sarah Quallen; 2. Zach Davidson; 3. Caitlyn Davidson; 4. Shelby Griffith; 5. Emma Mathews Senior Showmanship 1. Popsie Houch; 2. Loren Quallen; 3. Haillee Lewis

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Orrville 112 W. Market Street Orrville, OH 44667 (330) 682-1010

Salem 2424 E. State Street Salem, OH 44460 (330) 337-7756

Kidron 4950 Kidron Road Kidron, OH 44636 (330) 857-3101

Massillon 211 Lincoln Way East Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 832-7441

1320 W. High Street Orrville, OH 44667 (330) 682-2881

Dalton 12 W. Main Street Dalton, OH 44618 (330) 828-2227

Lodi 106 Ainsworth Street Lodi, OH 44254 (330) 948-1414

2312 Lincoln Way NW. Massillon, OH 44647 (330) 833-1622

00 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2012

Mt. Eaton 15974 E. Main Street Mt. Eaton, OH 44659 (330) 857-4301 (330) 359-5476 Apple Creek 7227 East Lincoln Way Apple Creek, OH 44606 (330) 264-8070

Seville 4885 Atlantic Drive Seville, OH 44273 (330) 769-3105

Wooster 4192 Burbank Road Wooster, OH 44691 (330) 263-5303

Smithville 153 E. Main Street Smithville, OH 44677 (330) 669-2611

1725 Cleveland Road Wooster, OH 44691 (330) 263-1725

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 55

85917 p56 GrapeJp.Leh.LoweYg 1/26/14 2:34 PM Page 1

Grapevine – continued from page 13

Select Sires-North. General Manager Duane Logan is excited about Lahmers steering the genetic programs of the northern COBA territory. Lahmers’ appreciation of cow families and knowledge of pedigrees and the industry make him a great fit for the job. He will be able to focus on the genetic offerings and programs available through the Select Sires federation to help the field staff work with their member-owner-customers to reach their genetic goals. A graduate of The Ohio State University, Lahmers is an accomplished dairy cattle judge. He had a very successful college judging career and continues to judge at all the major dairy shows in the Unites States including World Dairy Expo, Pennsylvania All-American and North American International Livestock Expo. He has also represented the Select Sires federation as the official judge for shows in Japan. He is the owner of the very successful Brown Velvet Swiss herd and Lah-Dale Holsteins with his dad and brother. He and his wife, Dr. Elizabeth Lahmers, DVM, reside in Marysville,

7058 E. LINCOLN WAY WOOSTER, OH 44691 Phone 330-262-6111 • Fax 330-262-1822 www.loweandyoung.com

56 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

Ohio, with three young daughters. • McDonald’s Thanks the Nation’s Early Risers: Dairy Farmers You have to get up pretty early to provide the milk that allows McDonald’s® to have cheese for its breakfast sandwiches, milk for its coffee drinks and yogurt in its smoothies. Recognizing this commitment, McDonald’s showed its appreciation for the nation’s early risers — America’s dairy farm families — in a video shown at the 2013 Joint Annual Meeting of the National Dairy Board, National Milk Producers Federation and United Dairy Industry Association. The video is posted at the Checkoff’s www.dairygood.org website, which provides an online forum to help reconnect consumers with dairy farming, so they better understand “where good comes from.” Ohio dairy farmers Jay and Kristy Ackley, along with their sons Kyle and Kris, of Logan County are one of the featured farm families in the video. You can see the Ackley family on

this video: http://dairygood.org/ category/farmer-profiles/ • For the updated information on the National Holstein Women’s Scholarship Organization (NHWSO) go to the Ohio Holstein website at http://www.ohioholstein.com.

Hauling Anywhere Eileen (Hostetler) Lehman

• Livestock Hauling •

Specializing in Show Cattle & Horses 12850 Fox Lake Road Marshallville, Ohio 44645 Phone: 330-855-7004 Cell: 330-465-5398

85917 p57 OhioBeef 1/26/14 2:34 PM Page 1

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 57

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Freestall Barns • Milking Parlors • Sand Separator Lanes Commodity Buildings • Bunk Silos 58 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

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— In Memoriam — ELAINE KAYE RESSLER, 52, of Creston, died peacefully on November 12, 2013, at home surrounded by her family after a brief illness. Elaine was born December 29, 1960, in Goshen, Indiana, to James and June (Miller) Nettleton and married Bruce Ressler in Wooster on November 3, 1984. He survives. She was a 1979 graduate of Hillsdale High School and attended Grace College and A.T.I. She had worked at the O.A.R.D.C. in the REAL Lab and in the entomology department for 11 years. For the past 28 years, she was a partner with her husband in the Fleurde-Lis Dairy on Cleveland Road near Creston. She was a member of Pleasant Hill Baptist Church and the Women’s Bible Study. She enjoyed gardening, doing crafts and her pets. Surviving in addition to her husband are her parents of Wooster; sisters and a brother, Colleen Nettleton of Wooster, Edward (Susie) Nettleton of Sterling and Sara (Ralph) Waggoner of Norton; her father-in-law, Howard Ressler of Wooster; sisters-inlaw, Beverly Rose and Paula (Thomas) Wenger, both of Belding, Michigan, and Bonnie (Greg) Deusenberry of Dalton; a brother-in-law, Jon (Judy) Ressler of Lorain; and 15 nieces and nephews.

Memorials may be made to LifeCare Hospice, 2525 Back Orrville Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691; or Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, P.O. Box 426, Smithville, Ohio 44677.

PAUL EDWARD FISHER, 92, died January 2, 2014, at the Meadows of Kalida in Kalida, Ohio. He was born June 16, 1921, in Putnam County to Albert H. and Genevieve Mescher Fisher, who preceded him in death. In April 1945, he married Theresa Kiene, who died January 3, 2010. Paul had been a farmer and hauled livestock. He was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Fort Jennings. He enjoyed livestock, dairy cattle and going to livestock sales. He loved the Lawrence Welk Show. Survivors include two sons, Philip (Alice) Fisher of Fort Jennings and John (Carol) Fisher of Columbus Grove; two daughters, Dorothy (Tom) Mershman of Columbus Grove and Jane (Tom) Niedzwiecki,of Beavercreek; eight grandchildren and 16 greatgrandchildren. He was preceded in death by a son, Thomas Fisher, and a sister, Margaret Askins. Memorial contributions may be made to the St. Joseph Catholic Church.

OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 59

85917 p60 Renaissance 1/26/14 3:52 PM Page 1

REN YIELD-Dry - a custom-formulated seed treatment designed to enhance forage yield, growth and quality. It is a unique blend of bacteria and fungi, including endomycorrhizae, promoting vigorous growth at planting and throughout the growing season. It also helps to enhance soil, root and overall plant health. CONTACT OUR OFFICE FOR MORE DETAILS & TO LOCATE OUR NEAREST CONSULTANT.

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GROWING RESULTS‌ naturally! Ask About Our Line of Organic Products 60 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

85917 p61 index.cal.Haud.Vaugh 1/27/14 9:30 AM Page 1

Index ABS Global, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Accelerated Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ADA Mid-East, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Ag Credit/Country Mortgages. . . . . . . . 38 Agri Sales & Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Agri-King. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Andrews, Steve & Seth — Auctioneers . . 46 Ashland Implement, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Breezy-Knoll Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Brookview Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Buckeye View Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Cargill Animal Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 COBA/Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Commodity Blenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Commodity Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 ComputerMixx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Congress Lake Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Cope Farm Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Curry Lumber & Pole Building Co.’s . . . . 50 Davis, Kim R. — Nationwide Insurance . . 53 Diamond-Oak Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Embryo Transfer Services . . . . . . . . . . . 48 First National Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Garver, Merlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Genex Cooperative, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Habrun’s Insurance Service, Inc. . . . . . . . 14 Harold’s Equipment, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Hartline Farms, Inc./OH-River Synd.. . . . 20 Haudenschild Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 K & M Builders, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Keim Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Kidron Auction, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Kiko Family Farms, Ltd./Kiko Auctioneers . 16 Klingendale Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 L-G Animal Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Lehman, Eileen — Livestock Hauling . . . . 56 Lorawae Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Lowe & Young, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Meaden & Moore — CPA’s. . . . . . . . . . . 14 Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company . . 22 Midwest Genetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Miley Holstein Farms, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . 17 New Pittsburg Large Animal Clinic . . . . . 17 Ohio Beef Council. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Ohio Convention Sale . . . . . . . . . . . 26-28 Ohio State University/ATI . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Paradise Valley Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Pine Tree Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Plain-Knoll Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Plainfield Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Polchin Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Purina Animal Nutrition, LLC . . . . . . . . . 12 Ratta Applied Construction . . . . . . . . . . 49


2:30 p.m. – Midwest Review Brown Swiss Sale 3:00 p.m. – Silent Auction opens 3:00 p.m. – Midwest Revue Brown Swiss Sale, managed by Modern Associates, 937-663-4645 6:00 p.m. – The Best of Triple-T and Heath Sale 7:00 p.m. – Spring Dairy Expo Guernsey Show 7:00 p.m. – Spring Dairy Expo Red & White Show Friday, March 28 7:30 a.m. – National Mid-East Spring Holstein Show 9:30 a.m. – Buckeye Dairy Club Ayrshire, Guernsey and Jersey Sales 10:30 a.m. – Buckeye Dairy Club Guernsey Sale 11:30 a.m. – Spring Dairy Expo Jersey Show (beginning with cows) 11:45 a.m. – BDC/Ohio Ayrshire Co-hosted Sale, managed by BDC, 614-688-3059, buckeyedairyclub.osu.edu

March 7 – Ohio Holstein Convention, Farm Tour, Queen Contest March 8 – Ohio Holstein Association Annual Meeting, Junior Meeting, Women’s Meeting, Awards Luncheon, Fun Auction, Board of Directors Reorganization Meeting, Meeting Room, Carnation Mall June 15-28 – National Holstein Asso-ciation Convention, Dubuque, Iowa

SALES March 7 – Ohio Convention Sale, Kiko Family Farm, Salem, OH March 27 – The Best of Triple-T and Heath, Columbus, OH April 19 – Ohio Spring Sale, Wooster, OH

SPRING DAIRY EXPO SCHEDULE All shows and sales in the Voinovich Bldg. Thursday, March 27 8:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. – Holstein USA Judging Conference

Renaissance Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Richman Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Shearer Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Silver Creek Dairy, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Spike, Pete & Jean — Vacation Rental . . 37 Stein-way Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Taurus Service, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Ten-Penny Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Thomas, Jenny — Photographer . . . . . . . 48 Three Knoll Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Triple-T/Heath Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . 34-35 U-Dean Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Vaughan, Steve — Nutritional Consultant . 61 W. G. Dairy Supply, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Wenger’s Sharpening Service . . . . . . . . 46 Whiteleather Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Wolf Tale Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Zimmerview Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 This index is provided as an additional service. Publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions. CONTENT/COPY: The Ohio News has a policy to accept paid advertising unless its content may be construed as defamatory, invasive of the privacy of others, fraudulent, obscene or otherwise unlawful. In submitting copy, the advertiser represents and warrants that its content is truthful, is not defamatory, is not invasive of the privacy of others and is in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. However, the Ohio News reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising or submitted written material at any time.

Coming Events 4:00 p.m. – All-Breed Youth Showman-ship Contest 4-7:00 p.m. – ADA Mideast Dinner 7:00 p.m. – Spring Dairy Expo Brown Swiss Show 7:00 p.m. – Spring Dairy Expo National Ayrshire Show 7:00 p.m. – Buckeye Classic Spring Explosion Sale featuring the Best of Goff Dairy Saturday, March 29 8:00-9:30 a.m. – Spring Dairy Expo Breakfast, Gilligan North Wall 8:30 a.m.-noon – All Youth, 4-H & FFA Judging Contest 12:00 noon – National Mid-East Holstein Show (milking classes) 12:00 noon – Spring Dairy Expo Milking Shorthorn Show 1:00 p.m. – Silent Auction closes 3:00 p.m. – Supreme Champion selec-tions 4:00 p.m. – Closing of the 2014 Spring Dairy Expo

Sales with Integrity & Service with Confidence “...meeting today’s challenges, pursuing tomorrow’s goals.”

Matt Stewart 15162 SR 39 Loudonville, OH 44842 Tel: 419-994-5555 Fax: 419-994-5558 Toll Free: 888-305-5555 Cell Phone: 419-631-6855 E-mail: matts@haudenschildagency.com

STEVE VAUGHAN Nutritional Consultant 6007 Smith Kramer Hartville, OH 44632 Cell: 330-354-3407 Fax: 330-877-3830 PLEASE NOTE: NEW EMAIL ADDRESS

E-mail: healthycows@gmail.com OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014 | 61




(left to right)

BALISTO dam: De-Su 199-ET VG-85 (photo: Beth Herges) BELUGA dam: Vision-Gen Super Bonnie-ET VG-86 (photo: Billy Heath - reversed)

29HO16714 De-Su 11236


B o o ke m x Wa t s o n x O M an x Ru d olp h

29HO16698 Pen-Col


O - S t y le x Su p e r x Gi v e n ch y x BW M ar s h all

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©2014 ABS Global, Inc. • 1525 River Road, DeForest, WI, USA

62 | OHIO NEWS | 1-2/2014

1 . 8 0 0 . A B S . S T U D • w w w. a b s g l o b a l . c o m

85917 p63 IBC Steinway_Layout 1 1/26/14 2:13 PM Page 1

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