Ohio News

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May-June 2013

In this issue 2013 Membership Directory sponsored by


85056 p02 Richman 5/23/13 2:27 PM Page 1

GRAND CHAMPION Red & White at 2013 Spring Dairy Expo

Greenlea Adv MaeMay-Red EX-91 365D 25,070M 4.2% 1,059F 3.5% 876P Dam EX-94 3X All-American Nominee

FIRST-PLACE Aged Cow 2013 Spring Dairy Expo Blessing Bonanza Francie EX-93 365D 32,700M 4.2% 1,375F 3.3% 1,080P All-American Junior 3-Year-Old Reserve All-American Junior 2-Year-Old Owned with Starmark Farm, Wooster

~Richman Farms, Inc.~ The Indoe Family • Lodi, Ohio

richmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com Dick 330-948-1427 Tom 330-948-1137 Bill 330-948-2259 Tyler 330-416-8891 Jim Morlock, Jr. and Martin “Bud” Yoder Fitting and Showing

Visitors Always Welcome

85056 p03 ParadiseValley 4c 5/22/13 1:16 PM Page 1

THANK YOU, Bernie, for spending most of your career in Ohio on behalf of Ohio dairymen.

THANK YOU for making the hard decisions that will keep COBA a great co-op well into the future.

THANK YOU for the concept of buying semen at the same price regardless of size.

THANK YOU for your time and involvement in Ohio and National dairy organizations; your leadership has been and will continue to be very important.

THANK YOU for making room for Ohio DHI in the Columbus office.

Bernie Heisner, General Manager

THANK YOU for your dedication to our youth, 4-H, FFA and collegiate judging, shows, trips and meetings. You always made sure the important projects were funded.

COBA/Select Sires Cooperative Inc. April 1, 1993 – August 31, 2013 As you and Sue enjoy your family and retirement, ALL THE BEST from your friends in Ohio’s dairy industry.

From the crew of Paradise Valley Farms, Louisville, Ohio

Congratulations to Duane Logan; we look forward to more Great Leadership.

Home of the Bell Sears Family

Service Age Bulls for Sale At All Times


Bill, Brian and Michael Ramsey Families 7632 Columbus Road NE • Louisville, OH 44641 • Phone & Fax 330-875-4539 OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 3

85056 p04 contents 5/23/13 9:28 AM Page 1



(USPS 404-600) (ISSN: 0899-4862) Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association

Volume 77

Number 3

MAY-JUNE 2013 Published 5 times per year in January, March, May, September and November at Shreve, OH by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 www.ohioholstein.com dairyagendatoday – Click on Industry Links

PUBLICATION OFFICE — SHREVE, OH Subscription price in the U.S. is $15.00 per year. The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new one. Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertising forms close one month preceding date of issue. Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWS P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653 Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd. Entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Shreve, Ohio 44676. OFFICE STAFF General Manager . . . . . . Don Alexander, cell 304-376-1788 alexanderdon@comcast.net Office Secretary. . Diana Miley; oholstein@embarqmail.com Editor. . . . . . . . . . . Esther Welch; ewelch@embarqmail.com Webmaster. . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Spike; spikeptr@aol.com

OFFICERS President . . . . Dallas Rynd, Ashville . . . . . . . 740-983-6690 Vice President . Randall Kiko, Salem. . . . . . . . 330-831-0174 Secretary . . . . Cathy Berg, Bellville . . . . . . . . 419-886-2871 Treasurer . . . . Lisa Kerr, North Fairfield. . CELL 419-606-0527

EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Joe Miley, Past President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-263-7814 Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-770-6206 Peter Spike, Delaware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-363-2184

The Board of Directors of the Ohio Holstein Association has adopted the following: “The Mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”


From the President, by Dallas Rynd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 From Indiana Mike Jones, National Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Spotlight on Raygor Farms, LLC: Herd Fed by Purina® Animal Nutrition . . 8-9 The Holstein Grapevine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Esther’s Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Ohio News Subscription Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Ohio News Advertising Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2013 Ohio DairyPalooza a Resounding Success. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Purina Animal Nutrition Introduces New Data on Rally® Dairy Feed. . . . 16 Mid-East Spring National Show at 2013 Spring Dairy Expo. . . . . . . . . 20 2013 Mid-East Spring National Holstein Show Class Sponsors . . . . . . . 22 Thank You to Donors to the Red & White Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 General Manager’s Views, by Don Alexander. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 District 3 Holstein Club Holds Annual Meeting, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . 28 District 3 Junior Holstein Winners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 2013 Directory of Ohio Holstein Association Members . . . . . . . . . . 31-52 In Memoriam. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 From the Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 From Your Regional Representative, by Glenn Sageser . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 BarbWire, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 The Queen’s Corner, by Cayla Inkrott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 2013 Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship Recipients . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Ohio Holstein Association 2013-2014 Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Ohio Holstein Association Spring Sale Results, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . 68 COBA/Select Sires Names Duane Logan General Manager . . . . . . . . 72 Ohio Buckeye Classic Holstein Sale Averages $1,822, by Barb Lumley. . 74 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Coming Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

NATIONAL DIRECTOR Mike Jones 760 East 450 North, Marshall, IN 47859 . . . . 765-592-0644

BOARD MEMBERS Dist. 1 Dist. 2 Dist. 3 Dist. 4 Dist. 5 Dist. 7 Dist. 7 Dist. 8 Dist. 9 Dist. 10 Dist. 11 Dist. 12 Dist. 13 Dist. 14 Dist. 15

Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . 330-770-6206 Adam Whiteleather, Salem . . . . . . . 330-205-1738 John Hartline, Whipple . . . . . . . . . . 740-236-7240 Jen Bouton, Mt. Vernon. . . . . . . . . . 740-507-8271 Greg Conrad, New Holland . . . . . . . 740-495-5067 Lisa Mangun, Burbank . . . . . . . . . . 330-435-6520 Ted Renner, Dalton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-828-2604 Ryan Welch, Polk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419-651-5281 Matt Lawson, Bluffton . . . . . . . . . . . 937-538-7110 Laurie Menzie, McClure. . . . . . . . . . 740-624-6367 Kristy Ackley, East Liberty . . . . . . . . 937-666-5502 Marvin Steinke, Wapakoneta. . . . . . 419-738-7174 Jenny Thomas, Cable . . . . . . . . . . . 614-395-9823 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta . . . . . . . . . . 419-953-3427 Don Bickel, New Vienna . . . . . . . . . 937-218-2697

Postmaster – Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691

September-October DEADLINE August 23, 2013 4 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

On the Cover Purina Animal Nutrition, sponsor of this Membership Directory of the News, chose the Sprunger Family of Raygor Holsteins, Dalton, as representative of herds using Purina Feeds. Thank you to Jenny Thomas for taking the photo. From left to right in the photo are Barb and Bob Sprunger; Raygor Bolton Alexis EX-91 EX-94MS with Scott Sprunger at the halter; and Amy, Avery and Mark Ostarchvic. In the background is the milking herd free-stall barn. The focus is on family and farm in this successful operation. For more on the Sprungers, see their Spotlight feature on pages 8-9 and their ad on page 10.

SAVE THE DATES! Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ohio Holstein Summer Sale Saturday, November 23, 2013


85056 p05 UDean.prez 5/22/13 3:39 PM Page 1

From the President by Dallas Rynd As warmer days arrive, I have been thinking about “kicking it into gear” here at Silver Mist. I look around and see manure to haul, ground to work and corn to plant. Throw in classification and first-cutting hay, all between now and the end of May, and you know what we are facing: the same as every other Ohio Holstein member this time of year. What I didn’t anticipate was a kick myself. Her name is Poledancer (and, yes I have heard all the strip club jokes!). She is a threeyear-old Colby daughter who is making a big record but loves — not likes — to kick. This time her foot and my arm met, and now I am nursing a fractured elbow, so “kicking it into gear” may not have been the best way to look at the month ahead. And, as you might imagine, I am needing a little help to milk and to write this column. On the Ohio Holstein front, I was glad to be able to watch the cow show at Spring Dairy Expo. The classes were outstanding and had great cows from the winners on down. It was especially heartwarming to see an Ohio bred and owned cow win the champion banner at the end of the show. Congratulations to all who brought out such an outstanding group of cows to parade before Judge Tim Abbott. We had a great Spring Sale. Held April 20 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds, the top-selling animal was Pine-Tree Planet Shelly-ET. A Planet daughter, Shelly was VG-86 and was bred to De-Su Alta Jackman. She topped the sale at $12,000 and found a new home with Mark Acker, Acker Dairy Farms, Sterling, Ohio. Sixty-six other lots graced the sale ring, and at the end of the day, the 67 lots averaged $2,613. One week later, we had our first board meeting since the Ohio Convention. One of the main topics was the appointment of committees to help run the various aspects of our Association. In an effort to revitalize the committees, the entire board had the opportunity to suggest names for the committees. It is, however, a part of

~ CLASSIFICATION UPDATE ~ U-Dean Debonair Beatnik RC Raised in score to VG-87 EX-MS 2-10 331D 22,402M 854F 734P

She has a Colt P Polled Red Daughter.

U-Dean Pronto Belair Raised in score to VG-87 2-00 365D 25,224M 873F 757P

She has a Caruso Daughter. Thank you to Dexter Graham, Washington, WV, for purchasing U-Dean SS Deuce Athena at the 2013 Buckeye Classic Sale. We like giving our calves a healthy start with Land O’Lakes® Cow’s Match® milk replacer. 2 Year Progressive Genetics Herd Award Welch Family Farm since 1867 • Registered Holsteins since 1913

Come and See Us. Esther & Scott Welch 419-945-2250

U-Dean Farms

1 mile north of

Polk on SR 89 669 SR 89, Polk, Ohio 44866 Dean & Doris Welch Randy & Mike Ryan 419-945-2411 419-945-2542/2698 419-651-5281

the bylaws that the committees are appointed by the executive committee. That feat was accomplished, and a complete list of all committees and their members is found elsewhere in this edition of the Ohio News. We are also working on descriptions for each committee to help it function better in the future. Because the Junior members have worked hard at raising money during the past year, the cost for these members to attend the National Convention will be kept to a minimum this year. As you probably already are aware, the National Convention is just a short drive to Indianapolis, and I encourage anyone who can to attend the annual event. We are already taking topic suggestions for this year’s barn meeting. If you have an idea for discussion, contact your district representative or myself, so we can pass those ideas along. As we all gear up for longer, warmer days and long hours of planting, cutting hay, working ground and the regular chores we all do 365 days a year, be safe and take your time. And, one last suggestion…stay away from Poledancer!



National Director

Welcome to spring 2013! As I sit here on the porch of our family cabin over looking our pond this last week of April (wearing my sock hat and long johns), I think back to last year when it was 80 degrees and dry. Again we are often reminded that we are not in charge. I do encourage you to be patient and be very safe once we get to putting this years crop in. On HAUSA news to this point in the year, we find revenues down about two percent. This year we will be selecting a new vice president, and there are five candidates running for that position. They are John Bierbaun from Minnesota, Gordie Cook from Massachusetts, John Kalmey from Kentucky, Robert Nigh from Wisconsin and Hank Van Excel from Indiana Jones – continued on page 76 OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 5

Proud to Work Together to Feed Ohio Dairies Please contact our Purina CerƟfied Expert Dealers for any of your feeding needs! Agland CooperaƟve

Purina Animal NutriƟon Paul Colley


KaƟe Mason


Doug Phillips


Dr. Kevin Dill


Dr. Dwight Roseler


Charlie Ellington


Miranda Simon


Tayler Ardrey


Green Valley CooperaƟve ScoƩ Bauerbach

Heritage CooperaƟve KaƟe Esselburn


Loudonville Equity Todd Ardrey

Purina Animal Nutrition Center We feed over 3,000 animals every day on our 1,200-acre farm to help us learn more about animal nutriƟon every day. We bring you quality, and an uncompromising commitment to animal excellence.



Mercer Landmark Daren Fogle


MaƩ McVey


Randy Seeger


Emily Siegrist


Joe Siegrist


John Wenning


Sunrise CooperaƟve Dave Hawk


Town and Country CooperaƟve Allen Johnson


Andy Kniesly


Amy Ostarchvic


Ryan Schroer


Trupointe CooperaƟve

6 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

Ryan Bapst


Jay CluƩer


Kevin Knight


Kevin Pease


Emily Siegrist


r C A L L ofor EM AIL E P R IC

Signif Si i if X Pine-Tree Pi T Missy Mi Mi Miranda d VG G ((pictured i t d below b l lleft) f ) X Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy EX (pictured below right)


LL Fresh 12/24/2012 — First Lactation EM AIL or GTPI +1789 GNM$ +358 POLLED! fo P R IC E r 1-10 113D 8,594M 4.2% 359F 3.3% 285P • 83 lbs, SCS 0 • Flushed once — produced 10 Embryos — resulting in 10 pregnancies • Outcross Polled, Proven Cow Family, Daughter of Proven Sire, Flush Record DAM


MATT STEINER & SONS 10071 Easton Rd., Rittman, OH 44270 Home: 330-925-8354 • Cell: 330-466-1896 • Fax: 330-925-2948 E-mail: pinetreedairy@earthlink.net • www.pinetreedairy.org

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 7

85056 p08.09 PurTx.Pur1.Sals 5/22/13 2:32 PM Page 1

Spotlight on Raygor Farms, LLC HERD FED BY PURINA® ANIMAL NUTRITION Information provided by the Sprunger family, edited by Katie Esselburn

improved udders, feet and legs, and milk production. The herd is currently milking 95 lbs. a day with 3.5% butterfat and 3.0% protein with a rolling herd average of 29,000 lbs. Bob, Scott and Mark with one full-time employee, Harry Miller, and one part-time employee share At left: Bob, Barb and Scott Sprunger. At right: Amy, the milking chores and field work. holding baby Avery, and Mark Ostarchvic. PURINA® ANIMAL NUTRITION is taking an inside look at Raygor Farms, LLC, a family-owned dairy farm that includes Bob and Barb Sprunger, their son Scott, and daughter and son-in-law Amy and Mark Ostarchvic and their daughter Avery. Scott, Amy and Mark are the fifth generation and part owners to be actively involved in the daily management of the farm. The original 60 acres of the farm were purchased in 1838 by Bob’s great-great-grandfather. The registered herd was started in 1945 by Bob’s grandfather, Raymond Graber, and his father, Gordon Sprunger. When Bob graduated from high school in 1969, he bought out his grandfather’s half of the partnership and joined his father in the family business. The partnership with his father continued until the late 1980’s, at which time Bob and Barb became the sole owners. In 2009 Scott joined the partnership, with Amy and Mark becoming partners in 2013. Bob and Barb are very proud and honored that their children and son-inlaw have decided to be a part of the family farm. Bob and his Dad began with 25 cows in a tie-stall barn with bucket milkers and farming 110 acres of hay, corn, oats and wheat. They are currently milking 175 cows, three times a day, in a parallel double-eight parlor and farm 500 acres planted to hay, corn, soybeans and wheat. They continue with registered Holsteins and are very proud of their homebred Excellent 91-point Raygor Bolton Alexis with a 94-point mammary system and her daughter, Raygor Shottle Abigail. Sprungers are also looking forward to working with St. Jacobs Goldwyn Amberlin in the future and seeing what she can add to the herd. They are proud of the genetics they have achieved and continue to focus their breeding on 8 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

Bob focuses on herd nutrition and mixing TMR; Scott’s focus is breeding and herd health, and Mark focuses on calf nutrition and health. Amy is a full-time employee with Town & Country Co-op as a calf and heifer specialist, and Barb is the chief financial officer. Both fill in as needed for milking and fieldwork.





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85056 p08.09 PurTx.Pur1.Sals 5/22/13 2:32 PM Page 2

Sprungers attribute their success to good management, teamwork and good communication. In addition to working with Purina® Feeds and utilizing DHI records, Raygor’s management team consists of their veterinarian, hoof trimmer, agronomists, nutritionist Allen Johnson, their calf and heifer specialist Amy Ostarchvic of Town & Country Co-op, Katie Mason of Purina® Feeds, and the bull selection team of Ken Janes and Buck Owen. In the calf program, they are feeding Cows Match® Warm Front and AMPLICalf ® Warm Weather 22% starter. They feed 3.5 quarts of milk replacer in individual pens and wean around seven weeks of age. Calves are then moved to group pens, where at 12 weeks of age they are transitioned to AMPLI-Calf ® 18% Grower and remain on this program until six to seven months of age. Heifers are fed a grain mix, dry hay, corn silage, haylage and heifer mineral. Dry cows are housed in a separate free-stall facility and are fed corn silage, dry first cutting hay and TransCow® RRR Dry Cow Supplement, which incorporates Rally®, Rumensin® and Reashure®, which help improve fresh

cow performance. Lactating cows are fed a one-group TMR of corn silage, haylage, dry hay, high-moisture corn and a custom supplement made by Purina® Animal Nutrition. The herd is split into three groups: post-fresh, mature cow and two-year-olds. Fresh cows will remain separate for 30 days and then move to their respective groups. The diet is balanced for most efficient protein usage by the MetaPro® model from Purina® utilizing Calibrate® technology, which measures starch and fiber digestibility of all their farm ingredients. This program allows Raygor to maximize forage digestion while maintaining a very high level of energy. Dave Geitgy, agronomist from Town & Country Co-op, works closely with Allen Johnson to decide which forages and hybrids fit into the total farm plan most effectively. For a fat source, they add the Propel ® Energy Nugget, an extruded fat source that is very palatable for the cows. Cows are housed in a sand bedded free-stall barn, which has enabled them to keep the somatic cell count at 130,000. Herd checks are conducted every two weeks with the hoof trimmer coming every other month.

Save these dates… Ohio Holstein Summer Sale

O , Wooster Wayne County Fairgrounds

Plan now to be there!

One of the more difficult challenges faced by dairy farmers is financial planning. It is especially difficult in the current economy with fluctuating milk prices, high feed costs and constantly changing fuel prices and other input costs. They also strive to produce and market high quality milk, be good stewards of the earth, provide a good standard of living for family and employees, have long-term financial security and preserve the farm heritage for future generations. Family is very important at Raygor and has enabled them to be the success they are today. All work very hard, and each brings something different to the table when making decisions. They are grateful for what Bob’s grandfather, Raymond Graber, and his father, Gordon Sprunger, have passed down to the family and all future generations. Without their vision of what the family farm should be, they wouldn’t be where they are today. They have also been blessed by friends Ted Renner, Bill Ramsey, Nevin L’Amoreaux, Esther Welch and the late Eugene Welch, whose knowledge, advice and contacts over the years have been immeasurable. Raygor owes them a big “Thank You.”

Ohio Multi-Breed Fall Sale

O Wayne County Fairgrounds , Wooster

Something for everyone!

Call Don Alexander at cell 304-376-1788 or at the office at 330-264-9088 or email to alexanderdon@comcast.net to consign to these sales.

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 9

85056 p10 Raygor 4c_Layout 1 5/22/13 1:24 PM Page 1

Raygor Bolton Alexis EX-91 EX-94 MS 3-00 360D 35,354M 2.7% 968F 2.9% 1,045P Fresh again at 4-02 milking 120# a day Alexis has a Shottle daughter.

Quality-Quest Lou Juice EX-90 EX-92MS 3-09 365D 34,922M 2.3% 816F 2.8% 985P • Fresh again at 4-10 milking 130# a day • Juice has a Heztry daughter.

Home-bred Excellent

Raygor Affirm Josephine EX-90 EX-90MS 3-01 355D 37,813M 2.8% 1,087F 2.8% 1,054P • Fresh again at 4-02 milking 140# a day • Josephine has a daughter by Fever.

L-Rae Eland Sage EX-91 3E EX-90MS 8-03 358D 32,984M 3.1% 1,023F 2.6% 870P • Fresh again at 9-05 milking 115# a day • Sage has daughters by Shottle, Atlanta, Million and Sanchez. • Sage was purchased at the 2005 Fall Quality Sale.

Thanks to Amy Ostarchvic, Allen Johnson and Katie Mason, our Purina Feed reps.

Raygor Farms, LLC Scott Sprunger • Bob and Barb Sprunger Mark, Amy and Avery Ostarchvic 15860 Jericho Road • Dalton, OH 44618 Farm 330-857-7399 • Scott 330-465-062 • Bob 330-465-1337 Scott’s email: RaygorFarms@yahoo.com 6 EX 20 VG

10 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

85056 p11 Grapevine 5/23/13 2:33 PM Page 1

the Holstein


MILESTONES — Florence Parsons, Lorain County observed her 90th birthday in April 2013. Robert and Lois Schlabach, Holmes County celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on April 28, 2013. Pete and Jean Spike are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on June 15, 2013, with an open house from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. featuring a short program at 2:00, at William Street United Methodist Church, 28 West William Street Delaware, Ohio. William Street is US 36. They request no gifts, but please consider doing a random act of kindness or charity in their honor. RSVP the number attending to katespike@mac.com by June 5. • NEW ARRIVAL — Adam and Jessica Whiteleather welcomed their daughter Stella Jane Whiteleather, born March 27, 2013, at 6lb. 14 oz. • The National Holstein Association has announced the 2013 list of 40year members. The Ohio list includes Alfred L. Call, South Charleston; Daniel D. and David Denman, Cortland; William J. Hochstetler, Millersburg; Larry W. Harding, New Philadelphia; Dean Hartzler, Rittman; Gary K. and Dale Preston, Wellington; Rummell Farms, Inc., Paris; James A. Spreng, Bucyrus; Eugene Randall Schaeffer, Milan; James G. Smith, Salesville; Lewis R. Thorbahn ll (deceased), Vickery; and Terry Weiker, Republic. • The Showmanship Contest at Spring Dairy Expo was sponsored by the American Dairy Association Mideast. There were 130 participants in the 2013 contest with the following winners. 9-10 year olds (22 participants): Tim Gunkleman, Medina 10-11 year olds (19 participants): Logan Schlauch, Big Prairie 12-13 year olds (24 participants): Keaton Topp, Botkins 14-15year olds (23 participants): Will Hughes, Killbuck 15-16 year olds (17 participants): Marlee Lloyd, Springfield 17 and up (25 participants): Tanner Topp, Wooster

• Dr. K. Larry Smith, professor emeritus at The Ohio State University, has won the National Mastitis Council (NMC) Award of Excellence for Mastitis Prevention and Control. • Pete and Jean Spike’s daughter Kate, an assistant professor of English at Bluffton University, left May 8 for Botswana with eight Bluffton University students and their eightyear-old granddaughter Molly. They are on one of their every-other-year mission trips to the town of Pitseng, about 45 miles from the capital city of Gaborone answering a specific request from the village elders for internet

connection. The group raised about $4,000 to finance taking three computers and getting the required support items to be used in the village that does not have electric power. Local children at the third grade level must switch from their native tongue to English if they have any hope to continue their schooling. Molly has just completed third grade and says she has a mission to help the children with their English; it is her second trip to the village, which lies just north of South Africa. Molly, who is a member of the Ohio and National Junior Holstein associations, would be considered a Grapevine – continued on page 81

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Silostop film being laid at US Dairy Forage Research Center


Sterling, Ohio at 1-800-331-2625 Ohio’s only authorized Silostop dealer OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 11

12 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

85056 p13 Steinway 5/22/13 2:35 PM Page 1

Time to Update Your Facilities? Dual Chamber Waterbeds with Ultra Comfort Free Stalls ✔ Reduce bedding costs (DRASTICALLY) ✔ MINIMAL stall maintenance ✔ Eliminate hock abrasions ✔ Increase cow comfort to promote better milk production ✔ Lower your SCC ✔ Smaller sizes for heifer barns

Auto Release Self-Locks ✔ Save time while performing herd check, AI and vaccinations ✔ Reduce feed waste

Bale Boss Hay Saver II ✔ Especially for LARGE, SQUARE BALES ✔ Gates on each end ✔ Cage lies flat for super-easy cleaning

Heavy Duty Barn Gates ✔ Custom fit — our gate is made to stay! ✔ Self-catching latches for ease of use and reliable latching

Stop in at our showroom located 1 mile West of Kidron, Ohio

330-857-8700 1-800-599-2040 12335 Emerson Road Apple Creek, OH 44606

www.steinwayequipment.com OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 13

85056 p14 Extras_Layout 1 5/22/13 2:36 PM Page 1

Esther’s Extras

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Ohio News

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____________________________________________________ Esther talking with Dean Zimmer and Gregg Topp at the dinner and program at Nashville, Ohio, on December 15, 2012, in conjunction with the Springhill Barn Meeting and Tag Sale.

This meeting reminded me of the quotation, “Make new friends but keep the old; one is silver, the other gold.” Holstein events such as this are a great opportunity to make new friends and reconnect with longtime friends. We also do this through the pages of the Ohio Holstein News. Thank you to Purina Animal Nutrition for sponsoring this 2013 Membership issue of the News. Special thanks to Katie Esselburn, who co-coordinated the project. Other Purina personnel mentioned in text and ads are Allen Johnson, Amy Ostarchvic and Katie Mason. This issue of the News goes to the National Holstein Convention in Indianapolis in July. As in the past nine years, the News will have a summer break, as we do not print a July-August issue. The next issue will be the September-October issue with ads and text due by August 20, and distribution scheduled for the end of September. September-October will be the issue featuring ads for the Ohio Multi-Breed Sale on November 23, and also ads for success in the show ring during the summer. Remember, full-color ads are attention getters. Take photos over the summer for future ads and All-Ohio. Tell us where and when the photos were taken, the name of the photographer and how the photos are being sent to the office. Early ads and text are appreciated! This allows time to collect photos and information to distribute the News on time

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One Year (5 issues) – $15.00 Canada – One Year (5 issues) – $20.00 Foreign – One Year (5 issues) – $33.00

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P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, Ohio 44691 Phone 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653

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For FULL COLOR, add $175 for Breeder Ads, or add $225 for Commercial Ads. Please contact the Ohio Holstein office with questions on color ad pricing. There is a $5 additional charge per ad for Internet posting.


Bill Indoe came to the Ohio Holstein office in May to work on his ad.

14 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013




December 15

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(Membership Directory)

The information printed in the text and ads is as supplied to the News by the sources listed and by individual advertisers.

85056 p15 Miley 4c_Layout 1 5/22/13 1:31 PM Page 1

a l y t y o ” … R “ Four of our Favorites — All Sired by


Miley Roy Lee Maisie EX-94 3E 6-02 365D 32,860M 4.1% 1,380F 3.0% 944P Life to date: 162,176M 6,903F 5,009P • Fresh in March, milking 121# per day • 5th-Generation Homebred Excellent • Daughters by DURHAM (EX-92), FEVER, GOLD CHIP. • Sons available by FEVER, DESTRY, ALEXANDER • Grand Champion Ohio State Fair Junior Show 2009

Miley Roy Select Excitement EX-94 2E 5-08 365D 33,608M 3.9% 1,284F 3.0% 988P Life to date: 131,623M 5,227F 3,984P • Due in June to ATWOOD • Grand Champion Ohio State Fair Junior Show 2012

Miley Roy Exbt Corona EX-93 2E 5-02 360D 31,265M 3.9% 1,204F 2.8% 886P • Due in November to GUTHRIE • Daughters by ALEXANDER (VG-85), BEACON

Miley Roy Bumblebee EX-93 2E 4-04 365D 25,233M 5.1% 1,293F 3.5% 871P • 5th-Generation Homebred Excellent • Daughters by JORDAN, FEVER


Miley Holstein Farms Ltd. Joe and Diana Miley Jason and Anna CATTLE FOR SALE

The Miley Family • 7234 Bates Road, West Salem, OH 44287 Ph: 330-264-2453 • Fax: 330-263-7883 • E-mail: jdjamiley@aol.com PBR: 15 YEARS BAA 107.3 31 EX 92 VG 86 GP 5 G All Homebred

Jon and Amy Miley Adam and David VISITORS WELCOME OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 15

85056 p16 PurText2.Palooza 5/22/13 2:39 PM Page 1

2013 Ohio DairyPalooza a Resounding Success

WOOSTER, OHIO — Founded in 2011 as a way to bring more 4-H youth to participate in dairy events, DairyPalooza has quickly grown to be the premier event in the state of Ohio when it comes to 4-H dairy programs. With a turnout of over 300 youth and adults, the 2013 DairyPalooza was the best year yet. The May 4 event boasted a state-certified dairy quality assurance program, new for 2013, which fulfilled the state 4-H program requirements for quality assurance and those of many Ohio counties as well. Separate sessions for Cloverbuds were held all day, to allow parents and advisors the chance to attend educational sessions with their older youth. Sessions on nutrition, reproductive physiology, sire selection and mating, pedigrees, selecting dairy projects, fitting and cheese science

were among the many offered throughout the all-day program. A pizza lunch, cake and ice cream were also highlights of the event, as well as a career expo featuring area businesses, job opportunities and scholarships for adults and older youth to peruse. The day concluded with door prizes, among which were gift cards, T-shirts and a custom-made wooden showbox. All preregistered youth also received event T-shirts, goodie bags and resource packets. The date for the 2014 DairyPalooza is yet to be set, but details about this year’s event as well as registration information, forms and resources are available at the event website, www.ohiodairypalooza.com.

Purina Animal Nutrition introduces new research data on Rally ® Dairy Feed that shows milk production benefits during heat stress. SHOREVIEW, MN, May 20, 2013 — As a nutritional heat stress abatement measure, patented Rally® feed technology allows the delivery of more glucose and energy to cows than a typical diet when intakes are challenged and she needs it the most. Research highlights that Rally® Dairy Feed, a costeffective feed technology, provides benefits for transition and lactating cows during times of heat stress to: · Address energy needs · Maintain feed intake · Deliver more milk during times of heat stress “The side-effects of heat stress cost individual dairy producers and the dairy industry as a whole millions, if not billions, of dollars every year,” says Elena Lindemann, lactating livestock marketing director with Purina Animal Nutrition LLC. “We are very excited to bring the new research data forward. This new research shows how this feed technology can help cows mitigate the stresses of heat from the inside out and improve bottom line potential of the farm.” Research results, including two field demonstrations, show that incorporating Rally® Dairy Feed into transition and lactating cow rations has benefits that may protect profitability potential, feed intake and milk production. In field Demonstration A, cows fed Rally® Dairy Feed during heat stress showed [1]: · 3.5-pound increase in dry matter intake · 7% improvement in feed efficiency In field Demonstration B, Rally® Dairy Feed delivered a 16 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

milk production benefit of eight pounds per day during the first 15 weeks of lactation during heat stress conditions [2]. Transition cow studies conducted at the Purina Animal Nutrition Center have also shown that, when this group was fed Rally®, it delivered [3]: · Higher peaks in milk production · Higher total milk yield over lactation · Reduced nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA) levels by 15% · 27.6% reduction in beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) At the farm level, heat stress and an associated 10% to 35% milk production loss [4] may cost $1.60 to $5.60 per cow per day [5]. But the overview of all research conducted by Purina Animal Nutrition shows that feeding Rally® Dairy Feed before and during warm weather can lessen the impact of heat stress on productivity and herd performance. In addition to these research findings, Purina Animal Nutrition has launched an additional tool to aid in the montoring of heat stress conditions on farm — the Cool Cow™ mobile app. The mobile app features an easy-to-use heat stress calculator for inputting the current temperature and humidity readings. The temperature and humidity is then translated into a THI reading that shows the severity of heat stress, ranging from mild to extreme risk, providing dairy producers insight on the current conditions inside their barn. In addition to the heat stress calculator, the mobile app offers tips on mitigating heat stress from management to nutrition. ® Rally Dairy Feed – continued on page 24

85056 p17 SevenGables 5/22/13 2:40 PM Page 1

New Year — New Faces

Success at Spring Dairy Expo ROCKY-MOUNT SANCHEZ FINESSE VG-89 Supreme Champion Spring Dairy Expo Junior Show • 3rd at the New York Spring Show Owned by Cole and Olivia Cummings Cole Cummings is at the halter of Rocky-Mount Sanchez Finesse, the Holstein named Junior Show Supreme Champion. Kinley Topp exhibited the Milking Shorthorn named Junior Show Supreme Junior Champion. Others in the photo are, at left, Ohio Guernsey Queen, Ohio Holstein Queen Cayla Inkrott, Judge Tim Abbott and, at far right, Judge Steve Hendress.

CAMERON RIDGE ATWOOD BEAUTY Supreme Junior Champion Spring Dairy Expo and Junior Champion of the Open Show Owned by Triple-T, Heath and Cummings Joel Bourne is at the halter of the Supreme Champion Jersey, and Mike Heath is holding Cameron Ridge Atwood Beauty, Supreme Champion Holstein. Others in the photo are, at left, Judge Steve Hendress, Ohio Guernsey Queen, Ohio Holstein Queen Cayla Inkrott and, at right, Judge Tim Abbott and Julie DeLavergne, presenting the Supreme Champion plaque.

— Thanks to Nathan Thomas and the entire crew at Spring Dairy Expo! —


Tim Cummings – Olivia and Cole 6999 Johnston-Slagle Road • Sidney, OH 45365 • 937-726-2664 OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 17

18 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

Your Beef Checkoff Dollars at Work Your Beef Checkoff: Investing in Beef Safety, Nutrition and Promotion


Department of Education and it has been put into Family and Consumer Science class curriculum around the state. Several Mother’s Day – Make it Memorable. teachers have requested a BEEFonomics Make it Veal. presentation. The Ohio Beef Council is The beef checkoff is gearing up for looking for beef producers to present to another holiday-themed veal retail promo- classes about beef from pasture to plate. tion designed The demonstration includes the “Bovine for Mother’s Timeline,” covering everything from Day, May 12, conception to consumer and features the 2013. The preparation of a beef dish for the students “Make it Memoto sample. The Ohio Beef Council will rable. Make it provide presenters with all supplies needVeal” Mother’s ed for the demonstration and a stipend Day promotion for your time spent doing the presentasupports retailers, veal packers and protion. Help teach young adults about the cessors, and state beef councils by provid- importance of beef in their diet. ing in-store flyers and corner recipe labels If you’re interested in being a presenter for Grilled Veal Chops. The recipe for the or would like more information, please Grilled Veal Chops is being developed by contact the Ohio Beef Council. the checkoff-funded Culinary Center Innovations team. Who is purchasing veal? The veal consumer profile today is one who: Protein at Breakfast s ,OVES ALL TYPES OF PROTEINS BEEF The Ohio Beef Council was on hand to pork, lamb and veal) showcase “Beef for Breakfast” as the feas ,IKES VARIETY tured cooking demonstration at the 2013 s 6ALUES TASTE Columbus Women’s Expo. Attendees had s .UTRITION PLAYS AND KEY FACTOR IN the opportunity to sample “Beefy Sweet their buying decision Potato Hash,” a simple recipe that can utiWhy target retailers to help increase lize leftover steak or pot-roast and reminds veal consumption? As an example of how families to keep beef at the center of the promotions help boost sales, a 300-unit plate for every meal. CHAIN IN THE .ORTHEAST SHARED NUMBERS Protein is a powerful nutrient that is from the 2012 Columbus Day promotion. important not just at dinner, but throughTheir sales were up 4.7 percent while out the day. Recent research published in industry sales were down 7.5 percent in THE !MERICAN *OURNAL OF #LINICAL .UTRIthat same region. tion suggests that eating a protein-rich So make Mother’s Day memorable and breakfast, including high-quality proteins make it veal. like beef and eggs, leads to improved apFor more information about veal, visit petite control and satisfaction throughout VealMadeEasy.com. the day, which could help combat obesity. For example, study participants who consumed a high-protein breakfast experienced a significant reduction in unhealthy BEEFonomics to Promote the Benevening snacking. efits of BEEF ,EAN BEEF IS ALSO A NATURALLY RICH SOURCE The Ohio Beef Council has presented of 10 essential nutrients and is a perfect the BEEFonomics program to the Ohio partner for everyday breakfast favorites

like whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy, making it a simple way to start your day in a balanced way. Breakfast recipes including “Beefy Sweet Potato Hash” are available on the checkoff-funded BeefItsWhatsForDinner.com.

2013 Spring Dairy Expo Sampling The Ohio Beef Ambassador team along with the newly formed Ohio State University Meat Science Club were on hand at this year’s Spring Dairy Expo held in Columbus, Ohio. The sampling event was an opportunity to provide Expo attendees the opportunity to taste the popular valuedadded Flat Iron Steak. Both groups also enjoyed visiting with producers, answering questions and promoting the value of all beef producers’ contributions. Y



Ohio Beef Ambassador Sierra Jepson offers samples to hungry attendees at the 2013 Spring Dairy Expo.

The Ohio Beef Council and the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board are responsible for developing programs that increase the demand for beef. For more information, contact the Ohio Beef Council at 614-873-6736, beef@ohiobeef.org or visit www.ohiobeef.org. Late Fall Issue 2012 [ Ohio Cattleman [ 1

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 19

85056 p20..22 Pur2.SDEResults_Layout 1 5/22/13 2:50 PM Page 1

Mid-East Spring National Show at 2013 Spring Dairy Expo BLACK & WHITE HOLSTEIN SHOW March 29, 2013 • Columbus, OH 193 head shown Winter Calf (14) 1. Damestar Alexander Magic-ET, Doeberiener, Bowen & Heath, OH; 2. Hankansons Black I Peas, Bucks Pride LLC, OH; 3. (Jr) McGuires Dempsey Miki, Madelyn Topp; 4. Wabash-Way Braxton Twinkle, Wabash-Way Holsteins LLC, OH; 5. Greenlea H. Fredrica-ET, Oakvale, OH Fall Calf (25) 1. Muranda Spear Shedaisy, Triple-T, Eaton & Conroy, OH; 2. Ms Triple-T Rock LegendET, Triple-T Holsteins, OH; 3. Wabash-Way Dempsey Finesse, Wabash-Way Holsteins LLC, OH; 4. Salem Goldwyn Treasure, Doeberiener, Bowen, Hodglynn, Phoenix, OH & ON; 5. (Jr) Golden-Touch Fremont JLOET, Keaton Topp Summer Yearling (12) 1. Colstein Lauthority Crowecus-ET, Doeberiener, Bowen, Purplefever, Heath, OH, NY, MD; 2. T-Triple-T Atwood Leaf, Triple-T Holsteins, OH; 3. Hankansons Clark Jewel, Bucks Pride LLC, OH; 4. Ben-Alli Shottle 1232 Abbey, Ben-Alli Holsteins, OH; 5. (Jr) Seven-Gables Sanchez Sally, Cole and Olivia Cummings

Open Show Grand and Senior Champions From left: Laurie Menzie, Judge Tim Abbott, Jodi Hoynoski of Holstein USA, Grand Champion Open Show Whitelight Gold Kolor-ET with Jeremy Elsass at the halter, Tony Menzie, Senior Champion Open Show Smith Oak Glwyn Mint-ET with Nathan Thomas at the halter, Loren Elsass, Ohio Holstein Queen Cayla Inkrott

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Matt Stewart 15162 SR 39 Loudonville, OH 44842 Tel: 419-994-5555 Fax: 419-994-5558 Toll Free: 888-305-5555 Cell Phone: 419-631-6855 E-mail: matts@haudenschildagency.com

20 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

Curran Deb, Parker Hardy, MI; 3. Milksource Damion Betty, Gingerich/Partners, Sunrose Holsteins, IN; 4. Indian-Stone Sanchz Fantasy, Indian Stone Farms LLC, OH; 5. Stan-Mar-Dale Quota, Stan-Mar-Dale/ Express, OH Senior 2-Year-Old 1. Arglenda Sanchez Kris,Triple-T, Heath, Cummings & C&O, OH; 2. Whiteleather GW Atwood, Whiteleather Holsteins, OH; 3. Whiteleather Alexand, Whiteleather Holsteins, OH; 4. D-K-Silk Atwood Satin-ET, Gingerich/Partners, Sunrose Holsteins, IN; 5. M-River-View Destry Kailin, WabashWay Holsteins LLC, OH Junior 3-Year-Old 1. (Jr) Rocky-Mount Sanchez Finesse, Cole & Olivia Cummings, OH; 2. Lorawae Sanchez Heather, John Lora, OH; 3. Maiz-N-Blu Atwood Alegra-ET, Todd Case, OH; 4. Savage-Leigh Aspen Lorna-ET, Richman Farms, OH; 5. Star-Mar-Dale Chance Vivi, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express, OH Senior 3-Year-Old 1. White-Light Gold Kolor-ET, Menzie, Quietcove, Curran & Koster, OH; 2. Klingensmith Sanchez Affirm, Nevin & Brenda L’Amoreaux, OH; 3. Fluerry Goldwyn Catou, Triple-T and Pat Conroy, OH; 4. Indian-Stone Explode Gentry, Indian

Spring Yearling (32) 1. Cameron-Ridge Atwood Beauty, Triple-T, Heath and Cummings, OH; 2. Miss Triple-T ENT Lexus, Triple-T, Richard Green & Heath, OH & MD; 3. Rokey Road Atwood Renew, Doeberiener, Bowen, Estaban, Posada, OH; 4. Miss Highlight Windemere , Doeberiener, Bowen, Kemp & Brown, OH; 5. Ehrhardt Destry Locket-ET, Doeberiener, Bowen, Phoenix & Heath, OH, MD, OH Winter Yearling (21) 1. Cobequid Goldwyn Bayonet, Doeberiener, Bowen, Boulet and Cole, OC, OH; (Jr) 2. Brookvilla Redliner Legend, Elijah Dobay; 3. Stan-Mar-Dale Ast Evett, Stan-MarDale; 4. (Jr) Miley Attitude Gloss, David Miley; 5. Rupp-Vue Freckles Flirt, Rupp-Vue Farms, OH Fall Yearling (15) 1. T-Triple-T Posibility-ET, Triple-T, EntourageLC, OH; 2. Stan-Mar-Dale Maxwell Quinn, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express, OH; 3. Raleon Goldwyn Pearl, Doeberiener, & Bowen, & Cole, OH; 4. (Jr) Ree-Kay Aftershock Coco, Katie & Clay Hershberger; 5. (Jr) Brookview Sid Lindee, Kyle Andrews and Allison McCummons Junior 2-Year-Old 1. LindLaur Gabor Annette, Nevin & Brenda L’Amoreaux, OH; 2. Q Cove-W Koster

Open Show Intermediate Champions From left: Judge Tim Abbott, Jodi Hoynoski of Holstein USA, Open Show Intermediate Champion Whitelight Gold Kolor-ET with Jeremy Elsass at the halter, Reserve Intermediate Champion Arglenda Sanchez Kris with Nathan Thomas at the halter, Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion Klingensmith Sanchez Affirm with Brenda L’Amoreaux at the halter, Ohio Holstein Queen Cayla Inkrott photos by Parker Hardy



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CERTIFIED PHONE 765-935-2373 FAX 765-939-0087

85056 p20..22 Pur2.SDEResults 5/22/13 2:56 PM Page 2

Stone Farms, LLC, OH; 5. Whiteleather Schez 1506, Whiteleather Holsteins, OH 4-Year-Old 1. Whiteleather Sizzle 1440-ET, Whiteleather Holsteins, OH; 2. Q-Cove-W JMK Curran Divine-ET, Quietcove, Koster & Curran, OH; 3. Doubletree Effort Kate, Larry & Jared Harding, OH; 4. Greenlea Advent MaeMay-Red, Richman Farms, OH; 5. Oardc Damion Black Betty, Stan-Mar-Dale/ Express, OH 5-Year-Old 1. Smith-Oak Glwyn Mint-ET, Triple-T, SmithOak & Michael Heath, OH; 2. Deste Deuce Sasy, Gingerich/Partners, IN; 3. Kingsmill Ashlyns Amanda-ET, Nelson Dairy, OH; 4. (Jr) Southern Hills Dami Melrose, Kyle Andrews, OH; 5. Express SMD Ross Josie, Stan-Mar-Dale/Express, OH Aged Cow Dirigo-Conant Gold Rissa-ET, Legendholm, IL; 2. Cedar-Wood Damion Wendy, Quietcove-Wapa, OH; 3. Brookview-E Barely Legal Brookview Farms, OH; (Jr) 4. Sunrose Delaney, Gingerich/Partners, IN, Renee Gingerich; 5. (Jr) Topp-View Ronelee Elle-ET, Keaton, Kinley & Madelyn Topp, OH 150,000 Pound Cow 1. Ronelee Mr Sam Delft-ET, Quietcove, Garrison, Zeigler, OH Junior Champion Open Show Cameron-Ridge Atwood Beauty, Triple-T, Heath & Cummings, OH Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Colstein Lauthority Crowecus-ET, Doeberiener, Bowen, Purplefever, Heath, OH, NY, MD Junior Champion Junior Show Brookvilla Redliner Legend, Elijah Dobay Intermediate Champion Open Show White-Light Gold Kolor-ET, Menzie, Quietcove, Curran and Koster, OH Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Arglenda Sanchez Kris, Triple-T, Heath and Cummings, OH HM Intermediate Champion Open Show Klingensmith Sanchez Affirm (Sanchez), Nevin & Brenda L’Amoreaux, OH Intermediate Champion Junior Show Rocky-Mount Sanchez Finesse, Cole & Olivia Cummings, OH Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Toppglen Alexander Whoa-ET, Tyler Topp, OH Grand Champion Open Show White-Light Gold Kolor-ET, Menzie, Quietcove, Curran and Koster, OH Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Smith-Oak Glwyn Mint-ET, Triple-T, Smith-Oak and Michael Heath, OH Reserve Senior Champion Open Show Dirigo-Conant Gold Rissa-ET, Legendholm, IL Senior Champion Junior Show Sunrose Delaney, Renee Gingerich, IN Grand Champion Junior Show Rocky Mount Sanchez Finesse, Cole & Olivia Cummings, OH Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Sunrose Delaney, Renee Gingerich, IN Reserve Senior Champion Junior Show Topp-View Ronelee Elle-ET, Keaton, Kinley & Madelyn Topp, Botkins, OH

Premier Breeder Whiteleather Holsteins Premier Exhibitor Sunrose Holsteins, Gingerich, IN

RED & WHITE HOLSTEIN SHOW March 30, 2013 • Columbus, OH 54 head shown Winter Calf (2) 1. Lah-Dale Acme Samoa-Red, Chris Lahmers, OH; 2. Leip Ches Picolo Go-Red, Gunkleman Farm, OH Fall Calf (8) 1. Starmark HP Ry Ry-Red-ET, Starmark, OH; 2. Windy-Knoll-View Malo-Red, Richman Farms, OH; 3. Starmark HP ReginaRed-ET, Starmark, OH

Summer Yearling (10) 1. Starmark HP Razzle-Red-ET, Starmark, OH; 2. Maiz-Blu Advent Scarlett-Red, McGuire Holsteins & Jerseys, OH; 3. Wabash-Way Chris Asti-Red, Wabash Way Holsteins LLC, OH Spring Yearling (5) 1. Daydreamer Deuce Claire-Red, Gunkelman Farms, OH; 2. Wabash-Way Chris Harlee-Red, Wabash Way Holsteins LLC, OH; 3. Toppglen Destry Marquit-Red, Toppglenn, OH Winter Yearling (11) 1. Carhol Redliner Karypee-Red, Doeberierner, Bown, Heath and Davis, MD; 2. Miley Attitude Gloss-Red-ET, Miley Holstein Farms, OH; 3. Ray-Jo CTendr SassRed ET, Razors Edge Holsteins, WI Mid-East National – continued on page 22




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OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 21

85056 p20..22 Pur2.SDEResults 5/22/13 2:57 PM Page 3

Mid-East National – continued from page 21

Fall Yearling (3) 1. Curt-Co Advent Misty-Red, Stan-Mar-Dale/ Express, OH; 2. Miss Hot Date-Red-ET, Signature Cattle, OH; 3. Remember-You CTD Minnie-Red, Gunkelman Farms Senior 2-Year-Old (4) 1. Ray-Jo Advent Selest-Red-ET, Bickel Family Farms, OH; 2. Oneeda Rocco Tawny-Red, Topp-View Farms, OH; 3. CL-Hersh Debonair DD-Red, CL-Hersh Holsteins, OH Senior 3-Year-Old (2) 1. Macs-Acres Dy 523-Red, McMahan Farms/Brookhollow Farms, OH; 2. Pineybrook Riunite-Red, Pineybrook LLC, PA 4-Year-Old (5) 1. Greenlea Advent Maemsy-Red, Richman Farms, OH; 2. Semler Advent Scarlett Red, James Semler, OH; 3. Minor-Acres ChildsPlay Red, Mike & Vanessa Uber, OH 5-Year-Old (2) 1. Pineybrook Cupid-Red-ET, Pineybrook LLC, PA; 2. Elm Park Sofine-Red, Cotton Spring Farm, PA Aged Cow (1) 1. Macabob Jazi Bookman-Red, Call-Del, OH Junior Champion Open Show Carhol Redliner Karypee-Red, Doeberierner, Bown, Heath and Davis, MD Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Starmark HP Ry Ry-Red-ET, Starmark, OH Junior Champion Junior Show Miley Attitude Gloss-Red-ET, David Miley Intermediate Champion Open Show Macs-Acres Dy 523-Red, Senior 3-Year-Old, McMahan Farms/Brookhollow Farms, OH Reserve Intermediate Champion Ray-Jo Advent Selest-Red-ET, Senior 2-Year-Old, Bickel Family Farms, OH Intermediate Champion and Grand Champion Junior Show Oneeda Rocco Twany-Red, Keaton, Kinley & Madelyn Topp Senior Champion Open Show Greenlea Advent Maemsy-Red, Richman Farms, OH Reserve Senior Champion Macabob Jazi Bookman-Red, Call-Del Senior Champion Junior Show Semler Advent Scarlett-Red, Kayla King and Anna Semler Grand Champion Open Show Greenlea Advent Maemsy-Red (Advent), 4-Year-Old, Richman Farms, OH Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Macs-Acres Dy 523-Red (Destry), Senior 3-Year-Old, McMahan Farms/Brookhollow Farms, OH

THANK YOU TO DONORS TO THE RED & WHITE SHOW! Sprengs Longacre Farm Chris Lahmers & Family Call-Del Farm Wil-O-Rae Holsteins Jandy-K Farm Terry Weiker Miley Holsteins

22 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013




85056 p23 Hartline 4c_Layout 1 5/22/13 1:33 PM Page 1

Update on Gloryland-LB Linette Rae-ET

2-04 287D 29,827M 3.3% 988F 3.05% 909P

AFTER AN EXTENSIVE FLUSH HISTORY, LINETTE IS FRESH AGAIN AND DOING WELL.. ✦ At 2 weeks fresh, she milked 142# for the tester. ✦ At 3 weeks fresh, she classified EX-91 EX-91MS. ✦ The only milking daughter to date of Linette Rae is HARTLINE MILLION LORI, scored for the first time at VG-86 VG-88 MS.

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

Her Sire: Goldwyn Her Dam: Gloryland Lakota Rae-ET Next Dam: Gloryland Lana Rae EX-94 We have more heifers coming from Linette from 14 different sires.

1-11 356D 28,210M 3.3% 968F 3.15% 890P

We plan to offer a SUPERSIRE daughter of LINETTE at the National Holstein Convention Sale, July 10 in Indianapolis, pending genomic information.

National Holstein Convention Indianapolis, Indiana July 7-11, 2013 www.indianaholstein.com

Our calves do well on Ampli-Calf calf feed. ~ Inquiries Welcome ~ 740-373-6820 (Bob) 740-373-0031 (John) 740-373-1806 (Gale) Barn: 740-376-0147 Fax: 740-376-0137 hartlinejohn@gmail.com

Hartline Farms, Inc. 512 Wagner Rd. • Marietta, OH 45750

Directions: I-77 to Marietta, Exit 6 – right on SR 821 one mile then left on CR 375 four miles to Sherry Drive – right on Wagner Road to end 12 Year PGH Award • 1 Year PBR Award • 220 cows 105.1 BAA

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 23

85056 p24 LoweYng.Don.jump 5/22/13 3:01 PM Page 1

Rally ® Dairy Feed – continued from page 16

General Manager’s Views — by Don Alexander We have received several good reports on classifications here in Ohio the last two months. Several cows that went through the Convention Sale on March 8 have gone Excellent and Very Good. There are also a couple of Committee cows, one for 96 and another for 95. Hard work, dedication and a passion for good cows create success stories throughout this state. District Shows will begin on June 15 in Dover and continue into early fall. Remember to get a photo when a photographer is there, so you’ll have a picture to send in for the All-Ohio awards. The sale committee co-chair people and I really like hearing the new scores and stories on animals that have gone through our sales. We’re thinking about starting a page in the magazine each issue to highlight new details and stories. Don’t hesitate to call or email new information to the office, and also we have a place on our website to pass on good news and updates. The National Holstein Convention is in Indianapolis, July 7-11, and it’s just a short trip from Ohio. This is a great opportunity to meet breeders from around the country we’ve all read about and never had the opportunity to meet. The National Convention Sale on July 10 will be a great experience and a chance to see some of the industry’s finest at public auction. Our Summer Sale will be held August 24 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Wooster. Selections are underway, and we are planning to make this our best sale this year. We General Manager – continued on page 81

In Stock — — NOW

718, 720 828, 933

7058 E. LINCOLN WAY WOOSTER, OH 44691 Phone 330-262-6111 • Fax 330-262-1822 www.loweandyoung.com

24 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

The Cool Cow™ mobile app is available to download for Android phones at: http://bit.ly/AndriodCoolCow and for iPhones at: http://bit.ly/iPhoneCoolCow. To learn more about incorporating nutritional heat stress strategies into the herd or how Rally® Dairy Feed can help cows beat the summer heat, contact your local Purina Animal Nutrition representative or visit www.feedrally.com. Purina Animal Nutrition LLC (www.purinamills.com) is a national organization serving producers, animal owners and their families through more than 4,700 local cooperatives, independent dealers and other large retailers across the United States. Driven by an uncompromising commitment to animal excellence, Purina Animal Nutrition is an industry innovator, offering America’s leading brands of complete feeds, supplements, premixes, ingredients and specialty technologies for the livestock and lifestyle animal markets. Headquartered in Shoreview, Minn., Purina Animal Nutrition LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Land O’Lakes, Inc. [1] Purina Animal Nutrition, Rally ® Feed Field Demonstration, Kentucky, 2011 [2] Purina Animal Nutrition, Rally ® Feed Field Demonstration, Missouri, 2010 [3] Purina Animal Nutrition Center Studies DC525, 2010 and DC537, 2011 [4] Rhodes, et al, 2009 JDS Collier, et al, 2012 Ruminant Nutrition Symposium [5] Assumed a 1,000-lb. cow at stated lost milk production assuming $16/cwt milk price. Because of factors outside of Purina Animal Nutrition LLC’s control, individual results to be obtained, including but not limited to financial performance, animal condition, health or performance, cannot be predicted or guaranteed by Purina.

85056 p25 ZimmMeadKidVauThom 5/22/13 3:02 PM Page 1

#3 RC-Polled

April 2013 SSI MOGUL LYLA +2307G 1141M +4.3PL +3.53PTAT +3.74U +3.16Fl Dam of the heifer pictured is

Ri-Val-Re Domain Ruby P-ET 1-11 290D 26,406M 3.4% 921F 2.9% 783P SELLING a Pick of Flush from Lyla by ALAMPCO SHANOSBER PO RC or MR ROLLEN-NS CAMR LONG P RC at the National Holstein Convention Sale, July 10, Indianapolis, Indiana We feed the whole herd — baby calves, heifers, dry cows and cows — with Purina Feed. We appreciate our nutritionist, Allen Johnson, for his knowledge and honesty. Lyla is the #3 Polled Heifer in the World AND #1 Polled AND Red Carrier!

2 Years PGH Award

Zimmerview Dairy

Paul, Brent and Dean Zimmer 700 Zimmer Road, Marietta, OH 45750 • 740-374-7299 Ph. • 740-374-6288 Fax

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STEVE VAUGHAN Nutritional Consultant

Certified Public Accountants

2363 Eagle Pass, Suite A Wooster, Ohio 44691

Phone 330-264-7307 Fax 330-264-2339 www.meadenmoore.com


Selling all Types of Dairy Cattle & Service Bulls

6007 Smith Kramer Hartville, OH 44632 Cell: 330-354-3407 Fax: 330-877-3830 PLEASE NOTE: NEW EMAIL ADDRESS

E-mail: healthycows@gmail.com


Jenny Thomas, Associate Photographer 614-395-9823 cell jennythomas614@yahoo.com

EVERY THURSDAY • 11:00 a.m. Hay & Straw Sale 10:00 a.m. John E. Sprunger, Mgr.


– Serving Since 1923 –


920-465-3880 • cybilfisher@hotmail.com www.cybilfisher.com OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 25

OF ROBOT COMPATIBLE COWS More and more dairy herd owners are determining robotic milking systems are the right solution for them. Now there’s an option for dairy owners to make more profitable sire selection decisions for this specific business model. Genex introduces the Robot Compatibility Index (RC$).


1HO08778 SUPER


RC$ identifies bulls with the desired mobility and leg placement, optimal teat size and shape, and improved milking speed for ideal performance in a robotic milking system. No sacrifice is made in genetic progress for yield, cow health, longevity or feed efficiency! Robot Compatib









RC $

LNM$ Rel.






Robot Traits

Robot Compati










Rel. MS




389 754 93 866 27 0.08 99 202 80 %-I 388 778 0.28 1468/436 73 853 44 5 99 6.9 0.05 77 1053 %-I 2.55 2.3 1.23 63 0.09 373 779 95 1HO10696 YOVANI 1.28 0.82 0.28 G 822 43 0.02 7 98 6.4 Pedigree 93 100 63 100 99 1236 54 2.60 3.3 0.87 372 789 68 0.03 4589/1051 61 1.0 1HO10817 JAMES -0.59 -0.75 0.37 902 53 0.08 O MAN X ZADE 5 99 6.4 77 101 62 *CV %-I 73 1029 73 2.70 2.8 2.71 98 60 1.8 367 776 70 20 0.13 1HO10456 JAGUAR 0.92 0.32 0.03 G 828 59 0.01 FREDDIE X WIZARD 6 57 5.9 98 108 91 102 74 1795 81 2.67 0.3 1.20 %-I 352 717 40 90 -0.6 0.06 1HO10389 COOPER 0.87 1.04 -0.42 72 780 26 G O MAN X DIE-HARD 6 58 4.1 0.03 76 566 72 103 53 102 *B/R 2.53 1.3 1.38 %-I 340 711 51 0.11 60 51 0.0 1HO10816 BANKS 1.16 1.22 -0.12 67 766 38 G ROBUST X BOLIVER 5 84 6.9 0.03 72 971 74 101 52 2.57 2.2 2.37 %-I 339 707 98 49 0.0 57 0.08 32 1HO10288 JAKE -0.23 -0.26 0.92 67 748 32 G ALTAIOTA X 6 58 6.7 0.02 72 903 76 105 60 101 MASSEY 2.74 1.3 2.59 %-I 339 681 55 0.08 28 58 -0.7 1HO10175 MARCELON 0.77 0.75 0.59 72 786 51 G FREDDIE X RAMOS 5 57 5.9 0.07 76 1065 71 104 56 108 2.65 1.7 1.69 %-I 336 674 68 0.11 22 54 -1.0 1HO10422 DEMPSEY 1.40 1.10 0.08 73 711 36 G CLARK X PLANET 7 86 4.4 0.01 77 1111 71 105 51 105 2.55 -0.4 2.12 %-I 331 683 65 0.09 28 49 0.0 1HO10296 BOYOBOY -0.57 -0.52 0.93 72 685 36 G YUENGLING 8 93 5.1 -0.01 75 1280 76 107 54 105 X TRES 2.57 %-I 329 680 64 1.5 32 52 3.3 0.07 2.58 0.95 0.97 1HO10602 ACTUAL 73 768 50 G MASSEY X RAMOS 7 84 5.2 0.44 77 104 0.07 76 1085 2.82 2.5 2.20 61 106 60 %-I 327 706 65 0.09 35 1HO10254 LEBRON 3.1 0.65 0.58 0.42 70 755 24 G FREDDIE X SHOTTLE 7 98 4.5 0.03 74 540 75 104 61 100 2.74 1.0 2.08 %-I 317 654 69 0.18 32 60 0.4 1HO10226 PERRY 0.86 0.55 -0.34 71 643 38 G FREDDIE 8 76 5.6 -0.04 75 1591 X PRONTO 76 107 60 108 2.73 2.4 2.09 35 -0.09 316 653 72 20 58 0.4 MAN-O-MAN 1HO10247 GERVASE 1.29 0.81 -0.17 G 762 41 0.08 8 91 5.7 74 102 60 105 X RAMOS 76 661 47 2.57 2.1 2.53 %-I 312 670 38 58 0.6 0.09 1HO10318 SABLE 0.98 0.71 -0.15 72 737 38 G FREDDIE X ARMSTEAD 6 98 5.0 0.04 75 882 75 107 61 103 2.60 1.9 1.71 67 0.13 310 632 71 22 60 1.9 1HO10406 MEL 0.44 0.21 -0.14 G 708 41 0.05 FREDDIE X SHOTTLE 5 99 3.8 75 102 53 103 75 879 95 2.70 1.5 2.80 %-I 309 660 30 0.24 51 1.0 1HO10458 DAY 0.96 0.31 -0.11 72 761 44 G AL X SHARKY 7 57 3.0 0.07 75 839 75 103 59 103 2.73 -0.3 1.73 63 0.13 300 651 72 32 57 2.2 1HO09853 SOBIESKI 0.32 -0.03 -0.05 G 685 41 0.01 FREDDIE X GOLDWYN 7 92 4.4 75 101 51 75 1235 47 2.58 0.3 1.62 %-I 293 623 98 49 1.6 35 0.01 1HO09192 HILL 1.20 0.72 0.81 71 696 27 G RUSSELL X 9 92 5.8 0.05 75 420 75 101 52 108 AUDEN 2.72 1.0 2.01 44 0.11 287 649 93 18 50 2.4 1HO10525 RIDOTT 1.32 1.23 0.35 G 607 41 -0.06 SEQUOIA X 5 97 5.2 76 103 62 107 SHOTTLE 99 1900 65 2.76 2.6 2.16 287 610 70 32 -0.02 1797/536 60 0.8 1HO10434 ANDY 1.14 1.06 0.16 668 40 0.03 SUPER X BOLTON 8 99 4.2 74 100 60 104 74 1047 29 2.70 0.5 1.01 35 287 594 73 -0.03 58 2.2 1HO10421 CHIP 0.93 0.94 0.79 G 619 35 0.01 FREDDIE X LYNCH 7 56 4.8 95 104 76 101 76 1089 56 2.67 3.2 1.21 285 583 72 25 75 2.4 SHOTTLE 0.06 1HO10469 KANE 1.01 0.39 0.32 G 597 37 0.01 8 82 4.5 X BW MARSHALL 74 102 58 102 76 1172 59 2.79 %-I 278 572 0.6 2.03 1.09 60 56 1.4 0.06 1HO09085 LARIAT 72 629 37 G 0.63 0.00 76 SUPER X SHARKY 6 71 5.2 0.03 76 910 106 57 103 2.92 0.9 1.87 56 0.08 269 548 87 24 56 1.6 SPEARMINT 1HO08778 SUPER -0.20 0.18 0.74 G 546 36 -0.01 7 83 4.2 X GOLDWYN 76 102 56 103 92 1325 65 2.74 0.7 2.17 265 575 95 24 0.06 88/45 54 1.4 1HO10235 SOUTHERN 0.95 0.22 -0.23 597 41 0.00 AL X BAXTER 7 97 3.7 75 106 59 101 99 1379 4 2.81 -0.2 0.88 259 509 71 25 -0.17 4827/1500 57 0.1 1HO02849 STU 0.31 0.36 -0.13 560 23 0.02 FREDDIE X SHOTTLE 7 99 6.1 90 102 58 101 75 569 65 2.63 2.4 0.63 257 521 78 18 0.17 56 1.0 1HO10483 NEWT 1.31 0.70 0.53 G 541 36 0.00 DUCE X BOONE 8 94 3.0 99 103 89 103 81 1206 41 2.53 -0.3 2.56 251 528 72 12 -0.01 12/10 88 2.9 1HO09875 ALMOND 0.04 -0.61 0.44 625 32 0.07 BOLIVER X O 7 98 5.1 74 104 64 100 76 482 47 MAN 2.71 -0.2 1.61 250 517 72 50 62 2.6 0.12 1HO10034 JUNO -0.76 -0.44 0.86 G 528 38 0.00 ARBOR X GOLDWYN 9 76 2.9 77 101 64 107 75 1260 17 2.59 0.9 2.91 %-I 243 500 18 -0.11 63 1.2 1HO10465 EMPIRE 1.31 0.99 0.46 73 546 38 G SHOTTLE X O 8 98 5.1 0.03 76 948 75 101 57 102 MAN 2.86 1.6 2.52 61 0.11 238 517 72 15 55 2.0 1HO09390 PADLOCK 0.84 0.26 0.72 G 575 26 0.05 DORCY X SHOTTLE 8 98 3.0 75 103 60 106 76 452 45 2.90 1.1 0.85 237 480 86 24 0.11 58 3.7 1HO09728 CARCAJOU -0.04 -0.22 -0.48 G 536 42 0.04 SUPER X SHOTTLE 5 82 3.3 76 101 63 104 92 1118 47 2.92 2.6 2.35 235 446 89 32 61 0.03 1HO10066 HARVEY 1.6 0.62 0.70 0.50 90/51 489 24 0.04 JET STREAM 6 91 2.7 76 103 57 X RAMOS 96 428 82 2.66 -0.4 1.09 97 55 2.2 231 467 73 14 0.26 335/115 1HO07127 SHARKY 0.31 0.37 0.91 SEBASTIAN 531 39 0.05 9 98 1.7 X GOLDWYN 89 103 65 100 76 862 27 3.05 1.0 1.94 231 418 99 26 -0.02 64 3.7 1HO02789 SASON 1.24 1.35 0.15 G 466 65 0.03 MARION X RUDOLPH 6 98 3.3 86 104 63 99 1843 61 2.83 0.8 1.78 98 61 3.1 228 485 84 32 -0.02 24671/4676 1HO10022 APPLE 1.03 1.07 0.64 547 41 0.04 TRES X O MAN 8 99 0.0 BOY 75 102 65 101 91 990 24 2.95 -0.2 0.65 223 436 73 16 -0.05 107/41 64 2.3 0.19 0.06 -0.29 432 29 -0.03 DIE-HARD X 5 99 3.7 99 102 92 101 MASCOL 76 1155 30 2.77 0.8 0.60 20 -0.04 91 0.6 1.40 1.45 -0.21 G BRETT X EMERY 6 99 3.3 75 102 60 101 2.71 0.9 1.68 24 59 4.9 0.24 0.45 -0.20 BOLIVER X O 73 101 65 MAN 98 63 3.1 35 MOSCOW X O MAN 26


The Robot Compati bility Index identifies mobility and bulls with the leg placement, desired optimal teat improved milking size and shape Health speed for ideal and performance milking system. in a robotic No sacrifice is made in genetic yield, cow health, progress for longevity or feed Size ity efficiency. Body il ab ilk M




Protein Milk lbs.

Lifetime Net Merit

Code Name 1HO08777 AWESOME 1HO10218 DENIM 1HO08784 FREDDIE


4-13 HA-USA/12-12

©2013 CRI


©2013 CRI

26 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013


85056 p27 Whiteleather 4c 5/23/13 1:22 PM Page 1

A Special Spring Expo Week in Many Ways!! A special thanks to Paul Colley, our Purina Premier Breeder Nutritionist. He does a great job!

The Whiteleather Family — Premier Breeder Award, 2013 Spring Dairy Expo

‡ Whiteleather Sizzle 1440-ET EX-91 ‡ • 1st place Junior 3-year-old, 2012 Spring Dairy Expo • 4th place National Holstein Futurity, 2012 Ohio State Fair • 1st place 4-year-old, 2013 Spring Dairy Expo • 2 daughters by Mogul • Pregnant to Atwood — plan to IVF to Goldwyn

fl Whiteleather Atwood VG-86 fl • • • •

2nd place Senior 2-year-old, 2013 Spring Dairy Expo Pregnant to Explode Dam is an 83-pt Advent. Congratulations to Todd Unkefer, her new owner!

‡ Whiteleather Alexand 1693 VG-87 ‡ • 3rd place Senior 2-year-old, 2013 Spring Dairy Expo • Pregnant to Performer • Dam is an 83-pt. James.

Stella Jane Whiteleather, daughter of Adam and Jessica Whiteleather — Born March 27, 2013 — 6lb., 14 oz. Visitors Always Welcome Breeding Age Bulls Available

A very special thanks to Todd Unkefer, Rudy Kiko and the Henry Family! The Success of this week could not have happened without their dedication.


Visit our website: www.whiteleatherholsteins.com

8208 Bayard Road, Minerva, OH 44657 Lawrence Whiteleather: 330-904-1806 • Adam Whiteleather: 330-205-1738 Fax: 330-222-1642 • ajw116@frontier.com • Herdsman Todd Unkefer: 330-831-2113 Cell

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 27

85056 p28.29 D3.Harold.Spike 5/22/13 3:12 PM Page 1

District 3 Holstein Club Holds Annual Meeting by Barb Lumley The 40th annual meeting of the Ohio District 3 Holstein Club was held Saturday, April 13, 2013, at the First United Methodist Church at New Philadelphia, Ohio. Approximately 70 Holstein breeders, their families and friends attended the meeting. Following a noon luncheon, which was enjoyed by all, the meeting was called to order by president Kurt Bohlen. The minutes of the last meeting were presented by secretary Louise Harding, and Edna Harding gave the treasurer’s report. The membership and state director reports were given by Ohio Holstein Association state director John Hartline. The membership quota for 2013 was surpassed, and the district received the full rebate from the membership drive. A new district member, Chris Scott, who was in attendance, was introduced. The Ohio Convention Sale average was reported to be $3,584, and the Ohio Buckeye Classic Holstein Sale average was $1,822. The Ohio Holstein Spring Sale will be held Saturday, April 20, 2013, 11:00 a.m. at the Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster. Approximately 75 registered Holsteins — cows in milk, bred heifers, yearlings and show age calves — will sell. Also selling will be two outstanding young bulls from Pine Tree Dairy, Matthew Steiner’s herd at Rittman. One of the bulls selling is a full brother to the $36,000 top-selling heifer at the Ohio Convention Sale. Steve Andrews will be the auctioneer, and Ted Renner will read pedigrees. The Ohio Summer Sale will be held Saturday, August 24, 2013, at the Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, Ohio. Consignments are currently being taken. The Ohio Multi-

HAROLD’S EQUIPMENT, INC. PROVEN PERFORMANCE! Patz A1™ Single Auger Silo Unloader: Reliable, high volume unloading!

Breed Fall Sale is being planned for November. For information, contact Don Alexander, general manager of the Ohio Holstein Association, 304-376-1788 or 330-264-9088. Seventeen Junior members were recognized as being in attendance and were given questions for their participation in the District 3 Distinguished Junior Contest. Larry Harding was in charge of the contest. Participants 13 years and under were asked to “Describe the feeding program and show techniques you would use for a calf born in March to have her ready for the District 3 Holstein Show in June.” Junior members over 13 were asked to respond to “What would be the key points you would look for if you were interested in purchasing an animal?” The participants had to give a written answer and were given a period of time to do so. Victoria Deam, Sugarcreek, was the winner in the age 13-and-under division, and Ben Simpson, Belmont, was the winner in the over-13 division. Junior members who exhibited at the 2012 Ohio State Fair received monetary awards. They were Michael Crawford, Austin Trbovich, Victoria Deam, Colton Harstine, Logan Trbovich and Clay Hershberger. Allison Dawson was crowned as the District 3 Holstein Queen. Allison is from Harrison County, the daughter of Neil and Joan Dawson. She is a member of the Germano Community 4-H Club and exhibits her Holsteins at the Harrison County Fair. Winners of the judging contest held in conjunction with the barn meeting at Plainfield Holsteins, owned by Don Simpson and Family, Belmont, Ohio, were Juniors 13 and under, Brittany Finton; Juniors over 13, Michael Crawford; and adults, Dean Zimmer. The 2012 Horace Stewart Memorial Award winners were as follows: Belmont County, Ben Simpson; Carroll County, Austin Trbovich; Guernsey County, Katie Combs; Harrison County, Alisha Thompson; Jefferson County, Duayne Wetherell; Monroe County, Nerissa Smith; Noble County, Samantha Goodhart; Tuscarawas County, Clay Hershberger; and Washington County, Alisha Cisler. The President’s report was given by retiring president Kurt Bohlen. It was announced that the District 3 Holstein Show would be held June 15, 2013, at the Tuscarawas County Fairgrounds, Dover, Ohio. Kathy DeBruin will be asked to be available to take professional pictures. Officers elected for the district are Jared Harding, president; Mark Bardall, vice-president; Louise Harding, secretary; Scott Carle, treasurer; and Barb Lumley, news reporter.

Stay at our place in “The Palms” – Patz Model 1100 Single Screw Vertical Mixer: Delivers 300 – 690 cubic feet of mixing capacity!

Long life, low maintenance, handles all feedstuffs!

HAROLD’S EQUIPMENT, INC. 2120 Co. Rd. 168, Dundee, OH 44624 Harold Neuenschwander, Owner Phone: 330-893-2348 w 1-800-905-0940 w Fax: 330-893-3459 www.haroldsequipment.com w haroldn@haroldsequipment.com 28 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013


Mickey’s Place – for a Minnie Price!! Luxurious 4 BR home with private screened pool, located 15 minutes from Orlando theme parks. Nonsmoking & “no pets” facility. Rents from $99/night, depending on options. Contact: Pete or Jean Spike Phone: 740-363-2184

85056 p28.29 D3.Harold.Spike 5/22/13 3:13 PM Page 2

District 3 Junior Holstein W I N N E R S !

ABOVE: 2012 Ohio State Fair Exhibitors —

From left: Austin Trbovich, Victoria Deam, Clay Hershberger, Michael Crawford TOP RIGHT: 2013 District 3 Holstein Queen —

Allison Dawson MIDDLE RIGHT: 2012 District 3 Judging Contest

Winners — From left: Brittany Finton, Michael Crawford BELOW: 2012 Horace Stewart Memorial Award Winners — Front, from left: Duayne Wetherell, Nerissa Smith; Back, from left: Austin Trbovich, Ben Simpson, Clay Hershberger BOTTOM RIGHT: 2013 District 3 Distinguished

Junior Award Winners — From left: Victoria Deam, Ben Simpson

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 29

Off to a Great Start


HENDEL OBSV TRINITY 3274-ET GP-81 1-11 1 11 183D 14,529M 14 529M 4.2% 4 2% 616F 3.0% 3 0% 434P 04/13 GTPI +2157 PTA +2.76T +3.02UDC +595NM$ +795M +61F +33P +4.5PL Dam: HENDEL-VATLAND SH TISH 2488 88 (EX-90) (E

1 11 174D 14,230M 1-11 14 230M 3 3.3% 3% 464F 3 3.0% 0% 430P 04/13 GTPI +2076 PTA +2.69T +2.78UDC +509NM$ +1108M +36F +39P +4.0PL Dam: APPLOUIS TOYSTORY ANNIE (VG-86)

Sending our Best to Indy Mindy’s +2420 GTPII Akram daughter r will sell in Indy! y!

National Holstein Convention Indianapolis, Indiana July 7-11, 2013 www.indianaholstein.com

ROYLANE SOCRA MIRA 1760-ET EX-90 2-2 365D 34,589M 4.3% 1,480F 3.3% 1,148P 3-11 149D 21,139M 4.5% 951F 2.9% 623P Dam: SEAGULL-BAY OMAN MIRROR-ET VG-86 Mira is now EX-90 and off to a great 2nd lactation!

ROYLANE SHOT MINDY 2079-ET VG-86 2-2 365D 34,589M 4.3% 1,480F 3.3% 1,148P 04/13 GTPI +2409 PTA +2.87T +2.69UDC +792NM$ +1040M +72F +48P +6.3PL Dam: SEAGULL-BAY OMAN MIRROR-ET VG-86 ͳͶ͵ͻ͵ Ȉ ǡ Ͷͷ͵Ͷͺ Steve Buschur Cell 937-423-7108 Email: buschurdairy@gmail.com Pat, Jake, Jim, Steve, Ryan & Andy BAA 104.8 Rolling Herd Avg 29,101M 986F 861P Inquiries always welcome We have Bulls, Cows, Heifers & Embryos for sale.

30 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

85056 p31 OhHol board 5/22/13 3:18 PM Page 1

2013 Directory of Ohio Holstein Association Members





Lucas Ottawa Wood




13 Fayette






Mahoning Columbiana

Carroll Jefferson

Tuscarawas Harrison





Muskingum Fairfield














Hocking Vinton

Washington Athens Meigs

Pike Brown




Highland Clermont




Madison Greene



Ashland Richland

Licking Clark


Portage Medina




Montgomery Preble






Geauga Lorain











Van Wert









Jackson Gallia Lawrence

photo by Steve Moff

2013 Board of Directors & Officers Front, from left: Marvin Steinke, President Dallas Rynd, Vice President Randall Kiko, Secretary Cathy Berg, Treasurer Lisa Kerr, General Manager Don Alexander Middle, from left: Lisa Mangun, Ted Renner, John Hartline, Don Bickel, Laurie Menzie Back, from left: Jen Bouton, Lamar Liming, Greg Conrad, Eric Topp, Joe Miley, Matt Lawson, Ryan Welch Not pictured: Kristy Ackley, Jenny Thomas, Adam Whiteleather

2013 BOARD MEMBERS D-1 Lamar Liming 3726 Austintown-Warren Road, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, 330-770-6206 D-2 Adam Whiteleather 29468 Tower Road, Salem, OH 44460, 330-205-1738 D-3 John Hartline 2100 Hartline Road, Whipple, OH 45788, Cell 740-236-7240 D-4 Jen Bouton 12138 Green Valley Road, Mt. Vernon OH 43050, 740-507-8271 D-5 Greg Conrad 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5067 D-7 Lisa Mangun 13693 Friendsville Road, Burbank, OH 44214, 330-435-6520 D-7 Ted Renner 17286 Old Lincoln Way, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-2604 D-8 Ryan Welch 684 State Route 89, Polk, OH 44866, 419-651-5281 D-9 Matt Lawson 3479 County Road 24, Bluffton, OH 45817, 937-538-7110 D-10 Laurie Menzie K121 County Road 3, McClure, OH 43534, Cell 740-624-6367, Res. 419-278-0030 D-11 Kristy Ackley 9738 Road 141, East Liberty, OH 43319, 937-666-5502 D-12 Marvin Steinke 13505 Kettlersville Road, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-738-7174 D-13 Jenny Thomas 6140 State Route 296, Cable OH 43009, 614-395-9823 D-14 Eric Topp 10356 Kohler Road, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-953-3427 D-15 Donald Bickel 1103 Hodson Road, New Vienna, OH 45159, 937-218-2697

Ohio has been separated into 15 district areas of Holstein Club activities and programs as indicted on the map. The following pages list Ohio Holstein Association mem-bers in alphabetical order through April 2013. This list is printed in an effort to promote communication among the breeders, districts and the Ohio Holstein Association. 2013 OFFICERS OF OHA Dallas Rynd, President 11242 Wheeler Road, Ashville, OH 43103 Cell: 740-207-5005 Randall Kiko, Vice-President 4729 Butler Grange Road, Salem, OH 44460 Cell: 330-831-0174 Cathy Berg, Secretary 3056 Parsons Road, Bellville, OH 44813 419-886-2871 Lisa Kerr, Treasurer 35 Burras Road, North Fairfield, OH 44855 Cell: 419-606-0527 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Joe Miley, Past President Lamar Liming Greg Conrad General Manager Don Alexander Cell: 304-376-1788

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 31

WORKING HER WAY TO THE TOPP TOPPGLEN ALEXANDER WHOA-ET WHOA’S PEDIGREE: Dam: Rose-Vue Damion Wooki EX-90 GrDam: Rose-Vue Astro Whoosh-ET EX-93 3rd Dam: Dupasquier Ru dlph Winnie-ET EX-90 4th Dam: Dupasquier Starb Winnie EX-Can

Whoa has a September GOLDWYN calf for the 2013 shows and a January 31st GOLDSUN heifer calf, also.


1 t Senior 1st S i 2, 2 SDE Junior J i Show Sh Res. Int. Champion, SDE Junior Show Best Bred and Owned, SDE Junior Show

FALL YEARLING 2012 Junior All-Ohio Fall Yearling 2 2nd Fall Yearling, SDE 2 1st Fall Yearling & Junior Champion, District 7 Show 2nd Fall Yearling, OSF Junior Show 2 1st Fall Yearling & Junior Champion, Wayne County Fair 9th Fall Yearling, World Dairy Expo 9 Junior Show


WHOA’S SISTERS: Toppglen Alexandr Woowee-ET VG-85 at 2-06 Toppglen WS Alxdr Wonka-ET VG-85 at 2-07 Toppglen Goldchip Wanton-ET Toppglen Goldchip Wazoo-ET — Sold in 2013 private sale to Dan Bingamon Toppglen Destry Why Not-ET Toppglen Wicked Intent-ET GOLDWYN, GUTHRIE and ATWOOD sisters are due this year. We are pleased with our Purina nutritionist, Amy Ostarchvic, and the way our Toppglen calves grow on Ampli-Calf.

2011 Junior All-Ohio Fall C Calf O 1st Fall Calf & HM Junior Champion, District 7 Show 1st Fall Calf, OSF Junior Show 1st Fall Calf, Wayne County Fair 32 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

Toppglen Farm Kurt and Rachel Topp Tyler, Tessa, Tanner, Brennan, Marissa and Logan 3954 Congress Road • Wooster, Ohio 44691 • Cell: 330-464-4960 Tyler’s cell: 330-317-9059 • Glenn Craemer: 330-464-1024 Rachel Topp: 330-317-5363

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2013 Ohio Holstein Association Membership A–C Acker, Mark & Shawn, 07, Acker Dairy Farms LTD, 13280 Blough Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-5095, 330-317-6655 Cell, 330-939-5095 Fax Ackerman, Ben, 09, Ackerman Farms, 5554 Cook Rd, New Washington, OH 44854, backerman@wavelinc.com, 419-492-2414 Ackley, Robert & Jay, 11, Ack-Lee Holsteins, 9256 TR 141, East Liberty, OH 43319, ack-lee@embarqmail.com, 937-666-2122 Adams Jr, Anthony W, 12, A-Way Farm, 2150 St Anthony Rd, Coldwater, OH 45828 Agland Co-op, 02, Craig A Eells, 330 S Lincoln Ave, Lisbon, OH 44432, ceells@agland.coop, 330-424-7229, 330-314-6818 Cell, 330-424-8023 Fax Alden, Noel & Kate, 04, Alden Farms, 24499 Colopy Rd, Danville, OH 43014, nalden13@msn.com, 740-599-9866 Alexander, Donald E, 07, 10 Greentree Dr, Morgantown, WV 26508, alexanderdon@comcast.net, 304-376-1788 Cell Alger, David W & Richard, 01, Grac-Glen Farm, 7420 SR 44, Ravenna, OH 44266, 330-297-5375 Amstutz, Alan, 07, Arlo Acres, 502 N Swinehart Rd, Orrville, OH 44667 Amstutz, J Louis, 07, Blue Crest Dairy, 14710 Church Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-684-1459, 330-317-1222 Cell, 330-684-1459 Fax Andreas Farms Inc, 03, Andreas Farms Inc, 446 Ragersville Road SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-4364, 330-827-8707 Cell, 330-852-4156 Fax Andrews, Matt, 14, Dreamland Farms, 4150 Tawawa Maplewood, Sidney, OH 45365, diane.andrews@staffmark.com, 937-492-1533 Andrews, Steve, 07, Steve Andrews, Auctioneer, 5107 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-9186, 330-465-8498 Cell, 330-262-5939 Fax Ayars, John D & Bonnie, 13, Ayars Dairy, 4381 Rosedale Rd, Mechanicsburg, OH 43044, 937-609-3544 Cell Baird, Mervin W, 03, Baird-View Farms, 63229 Salem Rd, Salesville, OH 43778 Baker, Roger, 07, Baker’s Acres, 6609 Ashland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, haymaker2@earthlink.net, 330-264-1317, 330-621-1609 Cell Ball, Philip Andrew, 04, 15956 N Liberty Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, philb@ezlinknet.com, 740-398-4992 Ballweg, Douglas R, 12, Ballweg Farms, 7500 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, eballweg@hotmail.com, 419-753-2589 Ballweg, Robert J, 12, Ballweg Farms, 7500 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, eballweg@hotmail.com, 419-753-2589

Barbee, Jr, T Richard, 11, Barbee Farm, 6950 Barror Rd, Orient, OH 43146, 614-875-5472 Bardall, Mark & Sandra, 03, San-Mar Holsteins, 6348 SR 342, Tippecanoe, OH 44699, sanmarholstein@peoplepc.com Bardall, Richard T, 03, Rich-Mar Farm, 26485 Norris Rd, Tippecanoe, OH 44699, 740-658-3479 Barker, Becky, 04, Berg Farm, 5510 CR 130, Edison, OH 43320, barkerfarms@redbird.net, 419-946-2469 Barkman, Mahlon, 03, May Bark, 2711 TR 166, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-7094 Barth, Gerald & Troy, 03, Barth Farms, 570 Handschumaker Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, bwyatt408@aol.com, 740-376-9225 Baugher, Jr DVM, Robert L, 01, Countryside Veterinary Service, 4680 Mahoning Ave, Warren, OH 44483, drbob@onecom.com, 330-847-7337, 330-889-3401 Fax Bauman, Jeremy, 07, Bauman Farms, 9743 Pleasant Home Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, baumanfarms@zoominternet.net, 330-208-3289 Cell Baumann, Andrew, 15, Botton Line, 3056 Schefsky Rd, Blanchester, OH 45107 Beachy, Jr, Jacob J, 07, Beach-Vale, 5580 SR 557, Millersburg, OH 44654, jjbeachy@embarqmail.com, 330-674-5854, 330-465-4531 Cell Beachy, Dale E, 07, Martins-Creek Farm, 6234 CR 203, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-9313 Beachy, Steven R, 03, Ste-Mar Holsteins, 1601 CR 168, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-893-3930 Beardsley, Jim, 02, Beardsley’s Holsteins, PO Box 217, Damascus, OH 44619, jcbeardsleys@yahoo.com, 330-446-0009 Cell Beardsley, Linda L, 08, Wolff Franmar LLC, 6395 Branch Rd, Medina, OH 44256, 330-618-0995 Cell Beery, Adrian S, 07, Heritage Lane Dairy, 11154 Steiner Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, abeery07@gmail.com, 330-464-0353, 330-464-2448 Cell Benson, Richard A, 01, Rolling Maples Farm, 5937 Center Rd, Conneaut, OH 44030, 440-593-4775 Benson, Richard L, 01, Whitetail-Glen Farm, 6023 Center Rd, Conneaut, OH 44030, cowsrus@suite224.net, 440-594-1590, 440-228-8128 Cell Berg, Cathy, 08, Berg Farms, 3056 Parsons Rd, Belleville, OH 44813, samecalf@aol.com, 419-886-2871 Berg, Peter, 08, Berg Farms, 3056 Parsons Rd, Belleville, OH 44813, samecalf@aol.com, 419-886-2871

Berg, Regina, 08, Berg Farms, 3114 Parsons Rd, Belleville, OH 44813, bergfarm@redbird.net, 419-886-4229 Berg, Walter, 08, Berg Farms, 3114 Parsons Rd, Belleville, OH 44813, bergfarm@redbird.net, 419-886-4229 Bernhard, Ethan, 08, 720 TR 1451, Shiloh, OH 44878, bernhard.38@buckeyemail.osu.edu, 567-203-8052 Bertke, Damon, 12, Bertke Dairy, 6356 Ft Rec-Min Rd, Maria Stein, OH 45860, damon.bertke07@yahoo.com, 419-925-4061, 419-953-8818 Cell Besancon, Bill & Sandy, 07, Wil-San Registered Holsteins, 5693 Back Orrville Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-0118, 330-466-4870 Cell Beyeler, Marion, 07, Blueberry Knoll, 10257 E Lincolnway, Orrville, OH 44667, marionbeyeler@gmail.com, 330-683-2863, 330-347-3988 Cell Bickel Family Limited Partnership, 15, Bickel Family Limited Partnership, 1103 Hodson Road, New Vienna, OH 45159, bickeldon@gmail.com, 937-218-2697 Cell Bickel, Curtis, 15, 937-728-0174 Cell Bingamon, Daniel, 13, Bingland Farms, 4223 Old Rt 35, Jamestown, OH 45335, bingamon7@aol.com, 937-675-2406, 937-750-4344 Cell Bingamon, Joshua, 13, Bingland Farms, 4339 Wolford Rd, Xenia, OH 45385 Blair, Keith & Steven, 03, Three Knoll Farm, 52272 SR 145, Beallsville, OH 43716, 740-926-9121 Blanchard, John, 14, Blanchard Farm LLP, 17878 Staley Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, 937-693-3345, 419-953-9638 Cell Bloomfield, Richard J, 07, 1363 Fulton Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-621-1358, 304-280-6604 Cell Blue Ridge Farms, LLC, 07, Blue Ridge Farms, 1784 Jentes Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-345-7840 Blue Spring Farm LLC, 02, Blue Spring Farm LLC, 14277 Marlboro Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, skapper@neo.rr.com Bodey, Michael W, 13, Mi-Kar Farm, 5912 E SR 29, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653-8401 Boes, Eugene, 09, Gene Boes Dairy, 16132 CH 53, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, 419-273-2247, 419-294-8799 Cell Boes, Kevin, 09, West Lincoln Holsteins, 15572 US 30 W, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, westlincholstein@gmail.com, 419-458-2005 Boggs, Robin, 01, Alfa-Creek Farm, 4012 Belden Rd, Andover, OH 44003, boggsrobin@yahoo.com Bohlen, Kurt, 03, Bohlen’s Dairy Farm, 353 Cow Run Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, kabohlen@yahoo.com, 740-473-9072, 740-350-4931 Cell OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 33

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Bohlen, Ronald, Barb & Kurt, 03, Bohlen’s Dairy Farm, 360 Cow Run Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, kabohlen@yahoo.com, 740-473-1259 Bontrager, William, 07, Bontrager Farms, 6112 TR 322, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-5353 Borchers, Alan and Greg, 11, Sugar Knoll Holsteins, 5975 TR 23, Lewistown, OH 43333, gregborchers@hotmail.com, 937-596-6772 Boss Farm LLC, 07, Boss Farm LLC, 13655 Gearhart Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, 330-464-0373 Cell Bouic, Frank Allen, 11, 9404 Hinton Mill Rd, Ostrander, OH 43061, babouic@aol.com, 740-666-2161, 740-666-2516 Cell Bouic, Rob & Art Loschky, 11, Arlosy Inc, 8900 SR 38, Milford Center, OH 43045, robbouic@centurylink.net, 937-349-4619, 937-243-0315 Cell Bouton, Aaron, 04, Kokosing Farms LLC, 12138 Green Valley Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, kokosingfarms@gmail.com, 740-507-8271, 740-507-7772 Cell Bowen, Lindsay & Kevin Doberiener, 07, 5135 N Elyria Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 614-309-9144 Lindsey Cell, 814-573-6982 Kevin Cell Bowen, Steve, 12, Ren-Bow, 5934 VW Mercer Co Line Rd, Rockford, OH 45882, 419-795-3500, 419-203-5514 Cell Bowman, Robert D, 02, Nordo Farms, 3999 Pigeon Run Rd, Massillon, OH 44647, 330-834-3522, 330-904-2276 Cell Bowman, Terry L, 04, Bowmans Dairy Farm, 2566 Blacks Rd, Hebron, OH 43025, bowmd@earthlink.net, 740-928-4139 Brehm, Gary & Hal, 10, Sandland Farms Inc, 4397 CR EF, Swanton, OH 43558, 419-822-4474 Bricker, Todd, 02, 16122 W South Range Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, toddbricker67@yahoo.com, 330-692-2877 Cell

5107 S. Jefferson Road Wooster, OH 44691

330-262-9186 330-465-8498 Steve 330-466-5471 Seth steveandrews@sssnet.com

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Brightbill-Gem Hill, 08, Brightbill-Gem-Hill, 511 TR 3050, Loudonville, OH 44842, g-bills@frontier.com, 419-651-8247 Cell Brill, Richard, 08, Brill-View Frms, 47074 Whitney Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2445, 440-773-4203 Cell Brill, Robert, 08, 48031 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-774-3112 Broshes, Tony, 13, Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins, 3516 Flatfoot Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, broshes@ctcn.net, 937-652-3840, 937-652-3363 Fax Brown, Alan, 12, Brownhaven Farms, 08713 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, alanruth@hometowncable.net, 419-629-2146 Brown, Kenneth W, 07, 4032 E Easton Rd, Creston, OH 44217, 330-435-4130 Brown, Lou, 12, Brownhaven Farm, 07535 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, dbrown7@hometowncable.net, 419-629-2570, 419-953-6414 Cell Brown, Marvin D, 03, OK Haven Farm, 3386 Henderson School Rd, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, okhaven@tusco.net, 330-343-8407 Brugler, Glenn R, 01, Ridge-Dell Farm, 7827 Hayes-Orangeville Rd, Burghill, OH 44404, gbrugler@aol.com, 330-772-5361, 330-306-8306 Cell Brugler, Robert E, 01, Ridge-Dell Holsteins, 7827 Hayes-Orangeville Rd, Burghill, OH 44404, 330-772-5361 Bryant, Bob, 08, Bry Lyn Holsteins, 2069 Satinwood Dr, Mansfield, OH 44903, jbryant4@neo.rr.com, 419-564-9624 Cell, 419-589-7306 Fax Buckeye Career Center, 03, Buckeye Career Center, 545 University Drive NE, New Philadelphia, OH 44663 Bucks Pride LLC, 09, Ken Kocher & Joe Cole, 6249 Ross Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, 419-563-6100 Budny, Abby, 10, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534 Burch Dairy Farm LLC, 02, Burch Dairy Farm LLC, 4405 Newgarden Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-222-1125, 330-853-3300 Cell Burkholder, Ivan W, 08, 1769 Noble Rd W, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2061 Burkholder, Jason B, 08, Breezy Knoll Holsteins, 1274 Lattimer Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-895-9966, 419-895-9966 Fax Burkholder, Jonas U, 03, Old Road Farms, 2699 TR 406, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-893-3195 Burky, G Chad & Michele, 03, Burky Farm LLC, 6860 Sugarcreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663-6910, michele_burky@cargill.com, 419-651-2081 Cell Burky, Gary, 03, Burky Farm LLC, 7257 Sugarcreek Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, garyburky@tusco.net, 330-340-5454 Cell Buschur, Steve, 14, Buschur Dairy Farms Inc, 14272 Johnson Rd, New Weston, OH 45348, buschurdairy@gmail.com, 937-423-7108 Cell Call, Alfred L, 13, Call-Del Holsteins, 11154 Huntington Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368, 937-462-7285

Call, Brian, 13, Call-Del Holsteins, 11050 Huntington Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368, bcall@sels.us, 937-206-1398 Cell Campbell Bros, Inc, 02, Campbell Bros, Inc, 3821 Union Ave NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, soupfarmer@aol.com, 330-821-5696, 330-257-8308 Cell Carle, Scott, 03, J-Car Farms, 8814 Lorey Rd, East Rochester, OH 44625, scottcarle515@yahoo.com, 330-894-2902, 330-428-3576 Cell Carmony, Stanley, 07, Carmony Farms Ltd, 8573 Canaan Center Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, carmonyfarmsltd@gmail.com, 330-345-9105, 330-345-9405 Fax Carper, Merlin F, 02, Carperdale Farms, 8324 Pilot Knob Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-8907 Carrollton FFA, 03, Carrollton Vo-Ag, 252 3rd St NE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-7606 Carter, Bradley, 07, Neueway Holsteins, 2967 SW Lebanon Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, bradgailcarter@aol.com, 330-828-0821, 330-465-1439 Cell, 330-828-8821 Fax Clark, Seth, 07, Merck Animal Health, 18161 Hackett Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, seth.clark9@merck.com, 330-465-2728 Cell Clark, Thomas R, 01, Clark Farm, 7370 SR 534, West Farmington, OH 44491 Clarke, Robert D, 03, Clarkhills Farm, 10204 Blizzard Ridge Rd, Uhrichsville, OH 44683, 740-922-1283 Cline, Harold & Marie, 09, 3094 Baird Rd, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-435-5977 Cline, Mark, 09, 5453 McCutchenville Rd, Fostoria, OH 44830, macline@wcnet.org, 419-619-4559 Cline, Phillip, 09, Mawil, 5475 McCutchenville Rd, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-619-3561 Cell Coblentz, Marvin, 07, Mar-Rose, 992 US 62, Wilmot, OH 44689, 330-359-5570 Coffman, Mike, 03, Coffman Farms Inc, 1067 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-3116, 740-516-6769 Cell Cole, Anne, 09, Longacre Farms Inc & Bucks Pride, LLC, 4585 Holmes Center Rd, Bucyrus, OH 44820, aspreng@wavelinc.com, 419-561-0902 Cell Cole, Duane T, 01, Cole Farms, 8105 Hartford Rd, Burghill, OH 44404-9755, dtccow@yahoo.com, 440-724-1587, 440-599-9170 Fax Collett, Robert & Susan, 07, Sand Run Farm, 7629 CR 68, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-763-3002 Cell Congleton, Mike, 03, BELHI Holsteins, 159 Emmaus Rd, Belpre, OH 45714, 740-423-9679, 740-336-4484 Cell Connor, DVM, MS, Dr Joseph, 09, Silver Creek Dairy, LLC, 15681 SR 67, Forest, OH 45843, scd@psmdairy.com, 419-673-0069, 419-673-2223 Fax Conrad, Donald L & Joyce, 05, Conrad Farm, 13205 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5124, 740-572-1070 Cell

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Conrad, Gregory A, 05, Conrad Farm, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, gconrad67@msn.com, 740-495-5067, 740-572-1058 Cell Conrad, Rick & Dave, 08, Conrad Farms, 19900 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton, OH 44044 Cook, Kevin, 02, Midway-Crest Farm, 41411 SR 558, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-482-4772 Cook, Ronald R, 02, Midway-Crest Farm, 4349 Bunkerhill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-482-2390 Cope, Grant, 02, Breezy-Knoll Farm, 4675 Depot Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-222-1470, 330-423-2323 Cell Cornish, Jr, David, 08, Cornish Family, 2572 Edwards Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 419-752-6293, 440-387-1251 Cell Cox, James A, 13, Havencrest Farms, 8541 Ulery Rd, New Carlisle, OH 45344, havencrestfarms@gmail.com, 937-845-0318, 937-405-7095 Cell Crawford, Dan & Lois, 03, Crawford Farms, 5755 North American Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-364-2923 Crilow Farms Ltd, 07, Crilow Farms, 7165 TR 571, Holmesville, OH 44633, 330-674-3190 Crist, Steve, 02, Crist Dairy Farms, 5390 Rochester Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-5155 Cromer, Amanda & Nathan, 11, Sieg Dairy, 8326 CR 121, Ridgeway, OH 43345, siegdairy@gmail.com, 937-935-3003, 937-935-3031 Cell Crossgrove, Roger D, 10, 5J Acres, 22-139 Rd V, Rt 2, Archbold, OH 43502, 419-445-6121, 419-906-1201 Cell Crutch, Kristi & Adrienne, 07, Oseeana Holsteins, 10 Greentree Dr, Morgantown, WV 26508, klcrutch@comcast.net, 304-203-3849 Cell Cummings, Tim, 14, Seven Gables Farm, 6999 Johnston Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365, 937-726-2664 Curran, Tim, 12, Quietcove Holsteins, 17932 Fryburg East Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 309-838-9777 Cell, 419-710-0054 Fax Custer, Brian & Timothy Rohrer, 02, FloLeen Farms, 7136 Oakhill Ave NE, Box 267, Maximo, OH 44650, 330-823-8276

D–G Dalessandro, DVM, Anthony R, 12, Nettle Creek Jerseys, 4958 US 35N, Richmond, IN, 47374, IndianaETVet@aol.com, 765-935-2373, 765-993-4993 Cell, 765-939-0037 Fax Damascus Livestock Auction, 02, Barry & Rhonda Pidgeon, PO Box 198, Damascus, OH 44619, 330-537-2061 Daniel, Richard, 09, Wolf-Tale, 4016 TH 10, Sycamore, OH 44882, kdaniel05@yahoo.com, 419-957-5265, 419-957-0623 Cell Davenport, Nathan, 13, Davenport’s Hoof Care, 4852 Middle Pike, West Jefferson, OH 43162, 937-417-2589 Cell Davidson Family, 15, Davidson Dairies LLC, 2784 Hollowton Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, davidsondairy@yahoo.com, 937-288-2208, 937-288-2208 Fax

Davidson, Tim W & Lee W, 11, Ladson View Farm, 504 S Carlisle St, Quincy, OH 43343, 937-585-6014, 937-441-4304 Cell, 937-585-6014 Fax Davies, Kristen, 15, 1443 E Moreland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, davies.312@gmail.com, 330-466-2500 Cell Davis, Dean, 07, 6630 E Lincoln Way, Wooster, OH 44691-7290, 330-435-5890, 330-264-9846 Fax Dawson, Andy, 08, 4430 Hazelbrush Rd, Shelby, OH 44875 Dawson, Neal, 03, Myron Dawson & Sons, 48217 Annapolis Rd, Hopedale, OH 43976, jedawson@netscape.com Deam, Neil, 03, Deam’s Hoof Care, 9843 Golf Course Rd NW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, njvdeam@yahoo.com, 330-852-3110, 330-763-1405 Cell Deam, Steven S & Deidre, 13, COBA/Select Sires Inc, 5644 Jennybrook Ln, Hilliard, OH 43026, steve@cobaselect.com, 937-477-6616 Cell, 937-964-8602 Fax Deem, Chris & Nicki, 07, Deem-Pointe Holsteins, 12845 Burbank Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, 330-624-7117, 330-321-6374 Cell Denham, Ray, 08, Denham Farms, 19601 Vermont Street, Grafton, OH 44044, 216-513-4013 Cell Denman, Davis, 01, Denmandale Farms, 3155 Irishtown Southworth, Cortland, OH 44410, 330-638-6222 Dicke, Darby & Amy, 13, Hilltop Farms Inc, 1613 Hilltop Rd., Xenia, OH 45385, 937-372-3872, 937-307-8409 Cell

Dickey, Gary, 15, Dickey’s Registered Holsteins, 7511 Fair Ridge Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, 937-927-5223, 937-403-1603 Cell Dickey, Janet, 15, Dickey’s Registered Holsteins, 7669 Fair Ridge Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, 937-927-5498 Diedrick, Robert, 08, Diedrick Brothers, 45302 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-213-5744 Cell Doria, Lesley & Sam, 13, Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins, 370 Edgewood, Perrysburg, OH 43551-1835 Dotterer, Kent, 07, G&S Dotterer Farm, 62 West Hill Ave, Rittman, OH 44270, kentdotterer@gmail.com, 330-234-8233 Cell Dotterer, Mark, 07, RMD Dairy Farm Ltd, 9757 Easton Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-414-7901 Cell Douglass, John, 07, Catalpadale Dairy/Bristol Dairy, 14981 Fox Lake Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, catdairy@earthlink.net, 330-855-2623 Dovin Dairy Farms LLC, 08, Dovin Dairy Farms LLC, 15967 SR 585, Oberlin, OH 44074 Duncan, Charles, 04, Duncan Farm, 42571 US 36, Warsaw, OH 43844, 740-824-4275

Attention Farmers ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

Sell Cows and Bulls Direct Sold on a Dressed Basis Graded and Shipped Daily Representing Six Major Packers Each Animal Distributed to the Plant that will Return a Premium Price to You Transportation Available Save – No commissions Serving the Industry Over 50 Years in This Area Licensed and Bonded $200,000 for Your Protection

Merlin L. Garver, Inc. 2203 Heyl Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 OFFICE 1-800-686-6292 330-264-5275 1-800-374-6180

1/2 Mile West of Holstein Association

FARM Paul 330-264-2660 Paul’s Cell 330-466-1188 Jan 330-264-5275

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 35

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Duncan, Daryl, 04, Duncan Farm, 42527 US 36, Warsaw, OH 43844, dsduncan1@frontier.com, 740-824-4592, 740-502-4549 Cell, 740-824-3672 Fax Dye, Douglas S, 02, Quality Quest Holsteins, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-5272, 330-207-8854 Cell Dye, Evan S, 02, Quality Quest Holsteins, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-5272, 330-238-0826 Cell Dye, Marvin, 02, Dyemond Tree Farm, 23555 Buck Rd, Alliance, OH 44601-6919, mjdyemond@aol.com, 330-823-8207, 352-567-6917 Cell (FL Nov-Apr) Eberhard, Ron & Bruce, 11, Business & Estate Planning Services Unlimited, PO Box 458, 1531 Eber-Lea Vista, Grove City, OH 43123, 614-871-0114, 614-871-1157 Fax Eberly, Brenda, 07, Emerald Quest, 2234 CR 37, Jeromesville, OH 44840, emeraldquest3@gmail.com, 330-317-2386 Cell Eberly, Duane, 07, Eberly Farms, 8058 W Smithville Western, Wooster, OH 44691, dreberly@embarqmail.com, 330-262-7403, 330-466-6095 Cell Ebner, Phillip, 03, Ebner Farms, 4118 Arrow Rd NW, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-7008 Elsass, Jeremy & Lori, 12, Quietcove-W, 17932 Fryburg East Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895-8714, quietcoveholsteins@gmail.com, 419-552-0355 Cell, 419-710-0054 Fax Elshoff, Kirke & Jay, 12, Golden Hills Farm, 13110 Elshoff Dr, St Marys, OH 45885, agbag@nktelco.net, 419-753-2323, 419-753-2388 Fax Emmons, Neree & Clark, 10, Emmons Farms LLC, 15584 SH 108, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-452-7761, 419-466-4471 Cell Epperly, Kelly L, 14, Dorloy K Holsteins, 501 W Main, PO Box 131, Anna, OH 45302, 937-394-4171 Epperly, Kelly A, 14, Dorloy K Holsteins, 501 W Main, PO Box 131, Anna, OH 45302, 937-658-3896 Erhardt, Bruce, 15, 2784 Van Trump Rd, Somerville, OH 45064, 937-787-3994 Etgen, Ty, 12, Etgen-Way Holsteins, 8282 Little Auglaize River Rd, Delphos, OH 45833, etgen.11@live.com, 567-204-6310 Cell Evans, David I & Mike, 03, Klami Reg Holsteins, 7163 Macaw Rd NW, Minerva, OH 44657, holsteins@ptcoh.net, 330-895-2250, 330-205-4049 Cell, 330-895-2250 Fax Express Show Cattle, 13, Express Show Cattle, 5077 S Kennard Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, expressshowcattle@yahoo.com, 937-206-9890, 937-206-8402 Cell, 937-652-3363 Fax Farm Credit Services, 07, 382 W Liberty St, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-2451, 330-262-9325 Fax Finton, CC, 03, Carlene Farms, 1436 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-340-2693 Cell Firebaugh, Jay G, 07, Firetech Holstein Farm, 7827 Zimmerman Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-263-1248

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First National Bank, 07, First National Bank, 112 W Market St, Orrville, OH 44691, codyutt@discoverfirstnational.com, 330-765-0602, 330-682-4740 Fax Fisher, Philip E, 12, Diamond-Oak Farm, 20715 SR 189, Ft Jennings, OH 45844, 419-286-2864, 419-302-3148 Cell Fledderjohann, Craig, Ned & Derek, 12, Canal View Farm, 04238 SR 219, St Marys, OH 45885, ckfledd@nktelco.net, 419-753-2134, 419-953-3487 Cell Fledderjohann, Mark, 12, Pleasant-Meadow Farm, 8570 CR 219A, Celina, OH 45822, 419-394-5351 Fox, Beth and Chad, 02, Never Done Dairy, 7233 Fohl Rd SW, Navarre, OH 44662, 330-879-0170, 330-546-5758 Cell Fraser, Anne Marie, 02, Buckeye-View Farm, 632 S 12th St, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-7262 Garrison, Brian, 11, 4897 Common Market Place, Dublin, OH 43016, bgarrison@selectsires.com, 614-264-3240 Cell Garrison, Jennifer, 03, Lumley Holsteins, 5151 Pinto Rd, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-324-5135 Cell Garrison, Richard & Kenneth Rupp, 07, Rupp Dale Farm, 10277 Sterling Rd, Seville, OH 44273, 330-769-3952 Gasser, Kraig, 07, 2556 E Easton Rd, Creston, OH 44217, dgasser7@frontier.com, 330-317-7688 Cell, 330-435-4160 Fax Gasser, Steve, 07, Gasser Farms, 2959 Pleasant Home Rd, Creston, OH 44217, sjgasser@juno.com, 330-435-0262, 330-465-5429 Cell, 330-435-0262 Fax Gehrig, Dave & Harry, 03, Century-Knoll Farm, 43505 Long Ridge Rd, Clarington, OH 43915, 740-483-1527 Geiselman, Jacob, 02, Geiselman Farms, 22226 Bates Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, jlions40@aol.com Gerber, Kenneth, 07, 5610 TR 353, Millersburg, OH 44654, kwmgerber@yahoo.com, 330-674-9817 Gerten, Thomas, 12, Gerten Dairy, 8745 Rd 5-H, Leipsic, OH 45856, 419-943-2867 Gilbert, Steve, 07, Broad-Vue Holsteins, 11200 Hiner Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 419-869-7137, 330-231-8039 Cell Gill, Ralph, 07, 7588 Back Orrville Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, ragill@landolakes.com, 330-466-0498 Cell, 330-682-4455 Fax Gleisner, Bud, 08, 517 Parkside Reserve, Wellington, OH 44090, 419-651-9388 Good, Tony, 09, Buckeye ET, 8925 Harriott Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, tgood@selectsires.com, 614-873-7140 Goodman, Merlin, Gregory & Bradley, 12, Goodman Dairy Farms, 4600 Ottawa Rd, Lima, OH 45801, 419-225-8177, 419-204-2083 Cell Gowanlock, Heather, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9160 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406-9113, 330-549-2938 Graber, Robert E, 07, Bob Graber Auctioneer, 15034 Burkhart Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, bgraberauctions@aol.com, 330-684-2123, 330-466-1662 Cell Graft, Fred J, 11, 1123 Worthington Hts Blvd, Columbus, OH 43235-2132, fredgraft@aol.com, 614-989-3030 Cell

Graham, Robert K, 03, Rolling Acres Dairy, 56765 Little Captina Rd, Powhatan Point, OH 43942, 740-795-5726 Grassy-Vu Farms LLC, 02, Grassy-Vu Farms, 35026 SR 30, Lisbon, OH 44432, 330-692-1797 Cell Gresser, Irvin, 07, Ir-Ma-Vale Farm, 7585 Akron Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-669-3611, 330-347-5171 Cell Griffith, Larry & Chad, 15, Southern Hills Holsteins, 12146 Dairy Lane, Bethel, OH 45106, 513-543-2315, 513-543-5894 Cell Gross, Adam, 05, 26465 Tarlton Adelphi Rd, Laurelville, OH 43135, fmhagross@aol.com, 740-332-0735, 740-497-8354 Cell Grove, Juli A, 03, Hardingdale Holsteins, 1010 S Broadway, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5389 Grube, Mike, 08, 8300 Shiloh-Norwalk Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2897 Guggenbiller, Daryl L, 12, Glacier Hill Farm, 972 Meiring Rd, Ft Recovery, OH 45846, 419-375-4650, 419-852-8816 Cell Gunkleman, Dave, 07, 747 SR 39, Perrysville, OH 44864, drgunkelman@yahoo.com, 330-464-3259 Cell

H–K Habrun, Larry, 07, Habrun’s Insurance Service, PO Box 347, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-9091 Hallelujah Holsteins LLC, 07, Hallejujah Holsteins, 3024 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, emetz@sssnet.com, 330-264-3919, 330-464-6982 Cell Hange, Donald E, 07, Accelerated Genetics, 4313 Mechanicsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, dhange@accelgen.com, 330-465-1515 Cell Harding, Edna, 03, E-Fran-Dale Holsteins, 4364 Schilling Hill Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5490, 330-243-4728 Cell Harding, Jared, 03, Hardingdale Holsteins, 4447 Crooked Run Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5389 Harding, Larry, 03, Hardingdale Holsteins, 4447 Crooked Run Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5389 Harding, Louise, 03, Lou Har Holsteins, 4364 Schilling Hill Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5490, 330-432-7430 Cell Harms, David & Dirk, 15, Harms Farms, 2700 Clayton Rd, Brookville, OH 45309, 937-687-2955 Harms, Shari L, 15, Har Place, 2700 Clayton Rd, Brookville, OH 45309, 937-687-2955 Harold’s Equipment, 03, 2120 CR 168, Dundee, OH 44624, haroldn@tusco.net, 330-893-2348, 330-231-1634 Cell, 330-893-3459 Fax Harpster Enterprises Ltd, 08, 316 US 250 E, Jeromesville, OH 44840, 419-869-7451, 419-651-2343 Cell

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Harris, Imogene C, 13, 3211 Troy Rd, Springfield, OH 45504, 937-399-1554, 937-244-1989 Cell Harris, Paul, 01, Harris Farm, 9554 Bainbridge Rd, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023, precious3hr@windstream.net, 440-543-7587 Hartline, Robert, Gale, John, 03, Hartline Valley Farms, Inc, 735 Wagner Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, hartlinefarms@gmail.com, 740-376-0147, 740-376-0137 Fax Hartman, Wayne E, 07, Hartman Dairy Farm Inc, 3918 Ogden Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-465-7536 Cell Hartschuh, Allen & Diane, 09, Dial Dairy Farm, 1401 New Washington Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, dialdairy@wavelinc.com, 419-284-3721 Hartschuh, Brian, 09, 7875 Miller Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, brian.hartschuh@gmail.com, 419-835-4170 Cell Hartschuh, Gregory S, 09, Dial Dairy Farm, 6348 Parks Rd, Sycamore, OH 44882, 419-284-0025, 419-561-1364 Cell, 419-284-0025 Fax Hartschuh, Jason, 09, Dial Dairy Farm, 1401 New Washington Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, hartschuh.11@gmail.com, 419-561-1216 Cell Hartzler, Shane, 07, Crossroads Dairy, LLC, 10721 Benner Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-925-1588, 330-925-1588 Fax Haskins, Paul R, 07, Rohaven Holsteins, 16998 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, phaskins17199@hotmail.com, 419-618-4028 Cell

Haskins, Robert W, 04, Haskins Farm, 17219 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, 740-694-0122 Hastings, Duane, 08, 107 CR 1100, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-869-7360, 419-606-0996 Cell Havens, Eric, 09, Brookview Farms, 4293 Tiffin Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, ehbrookviewfarms@yahoo.com, 419-992-4471, 419-307-3758 Cell Havens, Karl E, 09, Brookview Farms, 1758 Morrison Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, 419-334-4706 HB Owen & Son Inc, 08, HB Owen & Son Inc, PO Box 57, Homerville, OH 44235, grando1973@yahoo.com, 330-625-5694, 330-635-9411 Cell Heger, Cam & Alex, 15, 5911 LesourdsvilleW Chester Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011, 513-646-6904 Cell Heger, Curt, 15, Future Manor Farm, 10131 CR 227, Camden, OH 45311, 937-452-3606, 513-907-0515 Cell Heger, Roy, 15, Future Manor Farm, 11124 Camden Darrtown Rd, Camden, OH 45311, 513-796-2444, 513-907-0522 Cell, 513-796-0078 Fax Hein, Jay, 12, Nor-J-Farms, 8109 Clover Four Rd, Celina, OH 45822, 419-925-5103, 419-852-9125 Cell Heisner, Bernard M, 11, COBA/Select Sires Inc, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Columbus, OH 43228, Bernie@cobaselect.com, 614-878-5333, 614-870-2622 Fax Hempfling, Charles J, 12, Hempfling Dairy Farm, 22161 Lincoln Hwy, Delphos, OH 45833, 419-236-6467 Cell

Henricks, Richard, 10, Cliff-Ann Holsteins, 14692 CR 16-3, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-452-7285, 517-463-2897 Cell, 419-452-7285 Fax Henry, Anton, 14, Indian Stone Holsteins, 10695 Wolf Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, indianstone1@embarqmail.com, 937-238-4960 Henry, Charlie, 14, Indian Stone Holsteins, 7581 SR 242, Versailles, OH 45380, indianstone1@embarqmail.com, 937-423-5293 Henry, Joe, 14, Indian Stone Holsteins, 10695 Wolf Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-238-4954 Henry, Mark W, 11, Henry Farms, 9110 SR 287, West Liberty, OH 43357, henrydairy@gmail.com, 937-747-3575, 937-539-0068 Cell, 937-747-3575 Fax Henry, Steve P, 03, Lemuel Dairy Farm, 11744 Turkey Flat Rd SE, Uhrichsville, OH 44683, 740-254-9238, 740-254-4025 Fax Henschen, DVM, Tye J, 11, Midwest Genetics, 3883 Klondike Rd, Delaware, OH 43015, 740-369-3931, 740-815-0076 Cell, 740-369-7814 Fax Herold, Robert L, 02, Whippoorwill Farms, 2541 Knox School Rd, Alliance, OH 44601

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Hershberger, Craig, 07, Ree-Kay Acres, 4976 CR 172, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, ehlm_chershb@tccsa.net, 330-852-4898, 330-204-3317 Cell Hershberger, Levi E L, 07, Hersh-Dale, 3765 SR 39, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-893-3263 Hershberger, Renee, 07, Ree-Kay Acres, 4976 CR 172, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, EHLM_chershb@tccsa.net, 330-852-4898 High, Darvin & Ashley, 07, High’s Holsteins, 3917 Ogden Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-5662 Cell Hinds, Kevin C, 03, 6443 Everhart Rd, Newcomerstown, OH 43832, 740-498-6240, 614-205-7173 Cell Hippely, Fred and Susan, 02, Hipalane Farms, 5250 McCann Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-222-1328 Hippely, Robert, 02, Hippely Holsteins, 23675 Buck Rd, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-823-2123 Hochstetler, Tim & William, 07, GooseValley Farm, 3025 TR 406, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-893-2076 Hogle, David N, 01, Hogle Farms, 290 Underridge Road, Conneaut, OH 44030, cdshogle@roadrunner.com, 440-344-6168 Cell Hohman, Michael, 02, Strouble Farm LTD, 9360 Beeson St NE, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-575-7007 Cell Holmes Ag Service, 07, Holmes Ag Service, PO Box 67, Holmesville, OH 44633, holmesag@embarqmail.com, 330-279-2501, 330-279-3397 Fax Holter, Roy, Alan, Edward, Pat, 06, Holter’s Holstein Farms, 34425 Dairy Lane, Pomeroy, OH 45769, 740-992-7261 Homerville Holstein Farms, 08, Homerville Holsteins, 8429 Spencer Rd, Homerville, OH 44235, ober@ohio.net, 330-625-2945, 330-242-4056 Cell Hoover, Dan & Connie, 09, Hoover Dairy, 2314 E SR 18, Tiffin, OH 44883, 419-447-2177 Horning, Aaron Z, 08, 1011 Crum Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-895-1183 Horning, Paul, 08, Maple Drive Farm, 1089 Crum Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-895-1024 Horst, Rodney, 07, 711 W Lebanon Rd N, Dalton, OH 44618, rodhorst@abcmailbox.net, 330-828-2740, 330-317-6180 Cell, 330-828-2740 Fax Hostetler, Luke, 07, Hostetler Farm, 1821 Deerfield Ave NW, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-0671, 330-495-0198 Cell Howman, Mike & Sara, 07, 10333 Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-846-0152, 330-201-2572 Cell Hudson, Craig, 09, Hudson Farms, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820, ckhud909@embarqmail.com, 419-563-0102 Hughes, Julie, 07, Open Road Holsteins, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637-9738, hankhughes@embarqmail.com, 330-377-4156 Hunsberger Holsteins LLC, 07, Hunsberger Holsteins LLC, 8257 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-2724 Barn, 330-317-3663 Mike Cell, 330-496-4120 Fax

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Hunsberger, Rod, 07, Gate-Way Holsteins LTD, 8817 CR 318, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-567-3776 Hupp, Josh & Jen, 04, Hupp Dairy, 15286 Fairgrounds Rd, Croton, OH 43013, huppjj@embarqmail.com, 740-893-2413, 740-627-1871 Cell Indoe, Richard K, 08, Richman Farms, 7833 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, richmanfrm@aol.com, 330-948-1427, 330-948-1404 Fax Indoe, Tom, 08, 7900 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, 330-948-1137, 330-571-4670 Cell Indoe, Tyler, 08, 233 Blue Spruce Ct, Seville, OH 44273 Indoe, William, 08, Richman Farms, 8018 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, 330-608-9770 Cell Janes, Ken & Kaye, 07, 2519 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, kjanes@sssnet.com, 330-264-6445 Jenkins, Richard B, 13, Jenkins Farms, 5209 Dialton Rd, St Paris, OH 43072 Johnson, Allen, 07, Land O’ Lakes/Purina Feed, 1191 S Wenger Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-466-0709 Cell Johnson, Eric C, 13, Heritage Cooperative, 304 Bloomfield Ave, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-834-2416, 937-834-2419 Fax Johnson, Kathy Whiteleather, 02, Johnson Family Farm, 28240 Gilson Rd, Salem, OH 44460, kjohnson5653@gmail.com, 330-332-8530, 330-206-5653 Cell Johnson, Wesley, 02, Johnson Family Farm, 6424 Lowmiller Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-853-6446 Cell Jones, Lewis R, 05, 4336 Jeney Place, Grove City, OH 43123, 614-539-5848, 614-580-0031 Cell Jordan, Steven, 03, 8814 Lorey Rd, East Rochester, OH 44625, 330-894-2902, 330-749-7089 Cell Kahl, Vic, 08, 741 TR 1904, Ashland, OH 44805, 419-368-7052 Kalin, Mark R, 02, Barn Owners and Others, PO Box 272, Uniontown, OH 44685, 330-877-7387 Kaltenbach, Mike, 08, Sherma Farm, 3930 Sandhill Rd, Bellevue, OH 44811, 419-483-4737 Kampfer, Karen Ann, 02, Kampfer Farms, 14155 Benton Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-337-3584, 330-428-5318 Cell Kaufman Realty & Auctions, 03, Auctioneer, 1047 W Main St, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, dave@kaufmanrealty.com, 330-852-4111, 330-204-6514 Cell, 330-852-4099 Fax Kaverman, Jr, James R, 13, Call-Del Holsteins, 11142 Huntingon Rd, South Charleston, OH 45360, kdairy@live.com, 419-203-9629 JR Cell Kaverman, Sr, James R, 12, Jandi-K Farm, 5854 Wolfcale Rd, Convoy, OH 45832, 419-749-2503, 419-203-0555 Cell KayeBrook Farm, 13, KayeBrook Farm, 3645 Church Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-652-3350 Keener, Bruce, 07, Commodity Blenders, 10077 W Easton Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, keenercbi@hughes.net, 419-846-3566, 330-466-2929 Cell Keener, Paul, 07, Rosedale Farms LLC, 2039 TR 405, Jeromesville, OH 44840, rosedalefarms@gmail.com, 330-988-0139 Cell

Kemp, James V, 07, Windemere Holsteins, 8669 Myers Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, jnwindemere@me.com, 330-263-1756, 330-464-3680 Cell, 330-263-1756 Fax Kemp, Nancy, 07, Windemere Holsteins, 8669 Myers Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, jnwindemere@me.com, 330-263-1756, 330-464-3680 Cell, 330-263-1756 Fax Kepner, Peter D, 01, Kepwood Dairy, Box 96, Hartford, OH 44424, 330-772-4321 Kerr, Lisa, 08, Wil-O-Rae, 35 Burras Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, wilorae@yahoo.com, 419-606-0527 Cell Kibler Dairy Farms Inc, 01, Kibler Dairy Farms Inc, 5163 Highland Ave, Warren, OH 44481, 330-399-5797 Kidron Auction Inc, 07, John Sprunger, Box 39, Kidron, OH 44636, 330-857-2641, 330-857-2507 Fax Kiko, Jr, James R, 02, Kiko Farms PLL, 813 Fox Ave SE, Paris, OH 44669, jkikojr@frontier.com, 330-862-2134, 330-862-2134 Fax Kiko, Joseph, 03, Pleasant View Dairy, 1161 Ming Rd, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-1782 Kiko, Randall, 02, R & P Kiko Family Farms Ltd, 4729 Butler Grange Rd, Salem, OH 44460, randallkiko@kikocompany.com, 330-831-0174 Cell Kiko, Roger L, 03, Pleasant View Dairy, 4221 Kensington Rd, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-7098 Kiko, Rudy, 02, Kiko Farm, 5760 McCann Rd, Salem, OH 44460, rudykiko@kikocompany.com, 330-540-2416 Cell King, Tony, 13, Plain-View Farm, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550, 937-465-1550 Fax Kinney, Brian, 07, Gwin Farms, 8088 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, bkinney26@centurylink.net, 330-496-4376, 330-464-0442 Cell Klingensmith, David, 01, Klingendale Farm, 6300 Nelson-Mosier Rd, Leavittsburg, OH 44430, 330-898-4436 Klingensmith, John, 01, Klingendale Farm, 6300 Nelson-Mosier Rd, Leavittsburg, OH 44430, 330-898-4436 Knapp, Carl L, 08, 570 E Herrick, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2653 Knapp, Steve, 08, Knappway Holsteins, 24228 West Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, knappsl@ncwcom.com, 440-647-6104, 440-669-6686 Cell Knight, Karl B & Nathan R, 01, Knighthaven Farm, 6744 SR 46 NE, Cortland, OH 44410, 330-638-4287 Knisely, Darrel E, 10, D-Maples Holsteins, 25050 CR M, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-2892 Knisely, David E, 10, 25210 CR M, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-3137 Knisely, Dennis & Susan, 10, 23595 CR M, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-3209 Knoll, Scott, 08, Wil-O-Rae, 35 Burras Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 419-685-3979 Cell

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L & R Dairy Farm LLC, 07, L & R Dairy Farm LLC, 12599 Fulton Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, 330-855-5515, 330-234-1653 Cell, 330-855-3407 Fax L E Sommer Kidron Inc, 07, PO Box 230, Kidron, OH 44636, 330-857-2031 Lahmers, Christopher & Elizabeth, 13, Lah-Dale, 10540 Hinton Mill Rd, Marysville, OH 43040-9369, lahmers@copper.net, 740-666-2027, 614-306-7194 Cell Lammers, Blair, 12, Golden Touch Holsteins, 08609 Southland Rd, New Knoxville, OH 45871, blairlammers@nktelco.net, 419-753-2836, 419-733-9097 Cell

Leid, Harold M, 08, Windy Ridge, 6810 Olivesburg-Fitchville Rd, Greenwich, OH 44837, 419-895-2324, 419-895-2311 Fax Leininger, Alan, 10, Cottonwood-Vale Farm, 11781 CR 23, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-822-1776 Cell Leininger, Lee & Cathy, 10, Cottonwood-Vale Farm, 11843 CR 23, Fayette, OH 43521, leininger2@fulton-net.com, 419-237-3027 Leslie, Tim & Todd, 02, Tim & Todd Leslie, 11876 Leslie Rd, Lisbon, OH 44432, 330-692-0305, 330-692-1346 Cell Lewis, Richard C & Sally, 05, Shanghigh Farms, 9510 Keplar Ford Rd, Orient, OH 43146, 614-877-4098, 614-214-6365 Cell, 614-877-9907 Fax Liming, A L, 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3840 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, 330-652-9092 Liming, Lamar L, 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3726 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, louidafarms@aol.com, 330-770-6206 Cell Liming, Mary Y, 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3840 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, myl3840@aol.com, 330-652-9092, 330-652-9092 Fax Lingle, Kevin, 07, Lingle Holstein Farms, 1766 N Reedsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 419-651-5627 Cell


Lammers, Joseph M, 12, Mersland Farm, 08117 Southland Rd, New Knoxville, OH 45871, blanchard@nktelco.net, 419-753-2439, 567-644-9031 Cell L’Amoreaux, Nevin & Brenda, 02, LindLaur Holstein, 7261 Paris Ave NE, Louisville, OH 44641, blamoreaux@neo.rr.com, 330-875-4157, 330-309-6575 Cell, 330-375-5484 Fax Landers, Michael, 09, Mi-Linda, 725 E SR 18, Tiffin, OH 44883, mlanders@crinet.com, 419-448-8357 Landis, Gary, 08, Landis Farms, 51585 New London Eastern Rd, Nova, OH 44859, 419-929-8221 Lang, Chris & Tom, 07, Spring Hill Farm Inc, 7109 SR 514, Big Prairie, OH 44611, springhill@embarqmail.com, 330-378-4515, 330-473-9660 Cell, 330-378-4390 Fax Lausin Farms, 01, Lausin Farms Inc, 7243 Ledge Rd, Thompson, OH 44086 Lautzenheiser, Dale E & Debbie, 02, Gar-Bar-Dale Farm, 3567 Parks Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-3514, 330-360-2767 Cell Lawson, Matthew & Megan, 09, 3479 CR 24, Bluffton, OH 45817, lawsonm@coryrawson.k12.oh.us (Megan), mlawson@beckshybrids.com (Matt), 937-538-7110 Matt, 937-638-2402 Megan Cell Layman Dairy, Inc, 04, Layman Dairy, Inc, 2868 Lake Fork Rd, Utica, OH 43080, laymandairy@embarqmail.com, 740-404-0003, 740-892-3187 Fax


Knoll, Troy, 08, 415 Old State Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 419-744-2152 Knoop, Ann, 14, Futurama Farm, 8877 N Newhope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, 937-368-2430 Knoop, Hugh E, 14, Futurama Farms, 8877 N Newhope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, udderman1960@att.net, 937-368-2430 Knoop, Jeffery A, 14, Futurama Farms, 6750 New Hope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, 937-368-2320, 937-214-2321 Cell Knoop, Josh, 14, Futurama Holsteins, 6195 N Bollinger Rd, Conover, OH 45317, jaknoop07@yahoo.com, 937-214-2322 Cell Knoop, Kathy, 14, Futurama Farms, 6750 New Hope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, 937-368-2320, 937-214-2321 Cell Koch, Bruce & Randy, 07, 8696 W Pleasant Home Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, cbskoch@msn.com, 330-749-9571 Cell Kohler, Lee, 05, Marodore Farm, 5745 Burchey Rd, Baltimore, OH 43105, 1kohler@avolve.net, 740-756-4533, 740-808-0592 Cell Koopmans, Daniel A, 15, Mohrfield Holsteins, 10555 Pleasant Renner Rd, Goshen, OH 45122, 513-877-2300 Kranz, Todd, 11, Select Sires Inc, 7991 Tartan Fields Dr, Dublin, OH 43017, tkranz@selectsires.com, 614-530-5089 Cell Krebs, Kenneth, 07, K-Land Holsteins, 2750 E Moreland Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-263-5067, 330-263-5017 Fax Krebs, Kreg, 07, K-Land Holsteins, 2542 E Moreland Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-263-6689, 330-263-5017 Fax Krieg, Marvin L, 12, Blitz-Krieg Holsteins, 07389 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, 419-629-2374, 419-733-4268 Cell, 419-629-2821 Fax Krieger, Shawn M, 10, Henrick & Krieger, 15729 CR 16, Wauseon, OH 43567-9692, krieger@windstream.net, 419-452-6758 Krill, Joseph S, 10, Twinlake Farms, 02578 Lake Rd, Edgerton, OH 43517, 419-298-2793, 419-212-5985 Cell Kruggel Farms, Inc, 08, 4720 Avon Lake Rd, Litchfield, OH 44253 Kruse, Randall L, 09, ABS Global Inc, 993 Monroe St, Bellevue, OH 44811, rkruse@absglobal.com, 419-483-5036, 419-681-4481 Cell Kurth, Michael & Patricia, 03, Kurth Farms, 64811 Campbell Johnson Rd, St Clairsville, OH 43950, kurthfarm@aol.com, 740-676-6468

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Lingle, Rick & Amy, 07, Lingle Holstein Farms, 2625 N Reedsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 419-869-7689, 419-651-0825 Cell Lingle, Ryan, 07, Lingle Holstein Farms, 2278 N Reedsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 419-651-8961 Cell Logan, Duane D, 11, COBA/Select Sires Inc, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Columbus, OH 43228-9792, duane@cobaselect.com, 614-878-5333, 614-870-2622 Fax Long, John W, 08, John Long, 2619 Reimer Rd, Wadsworth, OH 44281, 330-335-6198 Long, Ronald, 11, 17981 Boerger Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, karensuelong@aol.com, 937-644-5824, 937-645-5731 Cell Lora, John S, 02, Lorawae Holsteins, 14094 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, lorawae@embarqmail.com, 330-537-3797, 234-567-7414 Cell Lora, Katey A, 02, Lorawae Holsteins, 13984 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, kalora3584@yahoo.com, 330-692-2223 Cell Lora, Suzanne, 02, Lorawae Holsteins, 14094 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, lorawae@embarqmail.com, 330-537-3797, 330-692-2220 Cell Loveday, James & Jason, 03, James Loveday Farm, 6273 Winklepleck Rd NW, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-364-3946, 330-204-3364 Cell, 330-364-3946 Fax Lowe, Keith, 07, Lowe Holsteins, 10933 Simcox Rd, Homerville, OH 44235, 330-625-2075, 330-620-0617 Cell, 330-625-2048 Fax Lowe, Onita J & James, 07, 47220 TR 218, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-4648 Lumley, Barbara R & Donald, 03, Lumley Holsteins, 5192 Alamo Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, blumley@eohio.net, 330-739-2038, 330-806-1844 Cell, 330-739-2038 Fax Lumley, Mark A, 03, Lumley Holsteins, 5176 Alamo Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-739-2212, 330-340-0369 Cell, 330-739-2038 Fax Lumley, Steven W, 03, Lumley Farms, LLC, 2514 Chadwell Circle NW, North Canton, OH 44720, slumley@sbcglobal.net, 330-433-0301, 330-206-4585 Cell Lund View Farms, LLC, 08, Lund View, 1555 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-1784, 419-668-1784 Fax Lund, Bryan W, 08, Lund View, 1577 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-7313, 419-681-0713 Cell, 419-668-1784 Fax Maibach, Rudy, 07, Maibach Tractor LLC, 13701 Eby Rd, Creston, OH 44217, maibach@embarqmail.com, 330-939-4192, 330-939-4483 Fax Mangun, Roy W & Lisa, 07, Ben-Alli Holsteins, 13693 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, mangunfarm@yahoo.com, 330-435-6520, 330-466-3728 Cell Mantey, Joseph R & Timothy, 11, Huesta Farm, 2649 Marion-Mt Gilead Rd, Marion, OH 43302, huestafarms@frontier.com, 740-389-4494, 740-225-0097 Joe Cell 40 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

Marlu-Rusken Farm LLC, 07, Marlu-Rusken Farm, 930 Dalton Fox Lake Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-2968 Martig, Crist, 02, M&M Dairy Farms LLC, 14816 Benton Rd, Salem, OH 44460, cristmartig@yahoo.com, 330-537-2345, 330-501-7176 Cell, 330-537-4228 Fax Martin, Andrew, 08, Coniferous Crest Holsteins, 2695 Barnes Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2868 Martin, Jeffrey, 10, Martinline LLC, 13330 CR 23, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-2067, 419-583-7117 Cell Marty, James, 07, Sky-Home Farm, 9825 Steiner Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-925-5701, 330-201-3114 Cell Mason Farms Ltd, 04, Mason Farms Ltd, 1791 SR 61, Marengo, OH 43334, 419-253-6995 Mast, James C, 07, Maspring Farm, 7062 SR 241, Millersburg, OH 44654, maspring@wifi7.com, 330-674-3230, 330-231-1109 Cell Mast, Mose N, 07, Stream-Valley, 2973 TR 182, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-1394 Mattox, Jim & Lynette, 05, Ash-Lyn Farms, 1473 Pleasantville Rd NE, Pleasantville, OH 43148, 740-503-8106 Cell Maurer, Brian, 14, Maurland Farms, 15766 Lucan Geib Rd, Anna, OH 45302, maurland@watchtv.net, 937-693-7540 Maurer, Richard, 14, Maurena Farms, 16047 McCartyville Rd, Anna, OH 45302, 937-693-3182, 937-581-0376 Cell Maurice, Leslie, 13, 5271 Kiser Lake Rd, Conover, OH 45317, 614-595-0945 Mazzaro, Thomas & Charity, 01, M-Signature, 7373 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, mazzaradi@aol.com, 440-293-5573, 440-667-1759 Cell, 440-667-1765 Fax McCombs & Family, Tom, 03, United Dairy, R#3 Box 228A, Wheeling, WV 26003, tommccombs@uniteddairy.com, 304-216-3017 Cell, 740-633-0496 Fax McCord, Jennifer & Rod, 15, Gusty-Knoll J, 1981 Woodville Pike, Goshen, OH 45122-9441, 513-625-1032 McCort, Kenny, 03, Jenny-Bell, 1227 Dyewood Rd SW, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-5478 McCoy, Dennis, 12, Macabob Farm, 3827 Tully-Harrison Rd, Convoy, OH 45832, 419-749-2740, 419-708-3972 Cell McCracken, Daniel & Alicia, 02, 6913 Lake Dr SW, Navarre, OH 44662-9120, alicia.broadview@yahoo.com McDonnell, Jodi & Tom, 07, 10787 Snoddy Rd, Lakeville, OH 44638, tnjmcd@live.com, 330-464-0777, 330-464-7917 Cell McDonnell, Kyle, 08, K-Bec Holsteins, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, kbec@newcom.net, 216-347-9574 Cell McGuire, Nick, 11, Nic-Nan Holsteins, 4149 SR 287, West Liberty, OH 43357, aredg6@yahoo.com, 937-465-7428 McKarns, William T, 02, 29950 Campbell Rd, Hanoverton, OH 44423, 330-223-2180 McKay, William, 05, 11242 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, OH 43103 McMahan, Scott & Robert, 11, McMahan Farms, 27480 SR 31, Raymond, OH 43067, tagcow@live.com, 937-243-1515 Cell

McWilliams, James, 04, McWilliams Dairy Farm, 6730 TR 85, Mt Gilead, OH 43338, 419-362-4828 Cell Meier, Richard A, 14, Pat-Rich Holsteins, 1583 McFeely Petry Rd, Ft Recovery, OH 45846, 937-968-6390 Meller, Gene H, 10, V882 Rd 18, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-267-3361 Meller, Kevin L, 10, Meller Holsteins, V-882-Rd-18, Wauseon, OH 43567, meller@bright.net, 419-267-3361, 419-601-5183 Cell Mennell, Roy, 08, Mennell Acres, 10532 Smith Rd, Litchfield, OH 44253, rmennellacres@hotmail.com, 330-648-2711, 330-604-6504 Cell Mercer, John, 02, 15979 Freed St, Minerva, OH 44657 Merrick, Matthew, 02, Nostaw Farms, 22386 Bowman Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634 Merrill, Kent, 08, 4831 Wenz Rd, Wakeman, OH 44889, 419-929-8737, 419-681-7182 Cell Metzger, Marvin L, 15, Way-Mile Farms, 4691 Wayne Trace Rd, Eaton, OH 45320, 937-456-2796, 937-533-0270 Cell, 937-456-4309 Fax Meyer, Rondel, 08, 333 TR 1080, Polk, OH 44866, ponygirl333@yahoo.com, 330-465-5791 Cell Middleton, Gabe, 07, Orrville Veterinary Clinic Inc, 1665 N Main St, Orrville, OH 44667, gmiddletonovc@gmail.com, 330-465-6154 Cell Miklosovic, Tina, 08, 19262 Idlewood Trl, Strongsville, OH 44149 Miley, Jane, 07, Miley Holsteins LTD, 7234 Bates Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-264-2453, 330-464-8826 Cell, 330-263-7883 Fax Miley, Jason C, 07, Miley Holsteins LTD, 6745 Matty Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, jasonmiley11@gmail.com, 330-466-8509 Cell, 330-263-7883 Fax Miley, Jon, 07, Miley Holsteins LTD, 8108 Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, mileyja.frontier.com, 419-846-3234, 330-465-8385 Cell, 330-263-7883 Fax Miley, Joseph, 07, Miley Holsteins LTD, 6745 Matty Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, jdjamiley@aol.com, 330-263-7814, 330-466-7223 Cell, 330-263-7883 Fax Miller, Tim, 07, Doughty Valley Farm, 5547 SR 557, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-2386 Miller, Clyde E & Kathy A, 07, 5697 N Honeytown Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, kammille40@aol.com, 330-669-2740 Miller, David J, 07, Round View Farm, 8149 TR 551, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-567-3294, 330-749-6440 Cell, 330-567-0084 Fax Miller, Edward J, 02, Mil-Mar, 25320 Bowman Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7092 Miller, Edwin, 03, Su-Win Holsteins, 9021 CR 186, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-359-0901, 330-231-0278 Cell

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Miller, Elvin S, 07, E-Mil Dairy, 8361 CR 201, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-674-0554 Miller, Eric, 02, Miller-Hy Farm, 18360 South Range Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, miller03wb@yahoo.com, 330-257-0710 Cell Miller, Ervin M, 07, Er-Ma Holsteins, 4347 Welty Rd, Apple Creek, OH 44606, 330-698-1260 Miller, Firman R, 07, Narrow-Valley Farm, 2345 TR 165, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-2358 Miller, Ivan, 07, Shady Bottom Farm, 1345 TR 661, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-359-5757 Miller, John J, 10, Millacres Holsteins, 20362 CR S, Defiance, OH 43512, 419-267-3412 Miller, Jr, Pete, 07, Pe-Ru Farm, 7940 CR 235, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-3138 Miller, Julie, 07, Miley Holsteins LTD, 16485 E TR 136, Bellevue, OH 44811, 419-271-3530 Cell Miller, Kevin L & Denise, 07, Millspring Holsteins, 9428 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, miller.2714@osu.edu, 330-201-1492 Cell Miller, Kevin L & Toni, 10, Millacres Holsteins, 20394 CR S, Defiance, OH 43512-9506, millacres@bright.net, 419-267-5545 Miller, Marion A, 07, 2701 TR 166, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-7094 ext 1 Miller, Mark, 02, Richard Miller Farm, 10061 Duck Creek Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 234-567-2061, 330-429-0061 Cell Miller, Melvin J, 07, Miller Valley Farm, 7385 TR 569, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-695-2226 Miller, Michael R, 02, Mill-Ka Dairy Farm, 1429 Johnson Ave, Salem, OH 44460 Miller, Mike E, 14, 131 E Smithfield St, Bradford, OH 45308, mikemiller.55@hotmail.com, 937-418-3115 Cell Miller, Richard M, 02, Richard M Miller, 11893 Stratton Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-9429 Miller, Roger L, 02, Miller-Hy Holsteins, 18856 Courtney Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-938-3276, 330-771-2759 Cell Minich, Jonathan R, 09, Mini-Haven Holsteins, 3730 Smith Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, minich@thewavz.com, 419-340-1680 Mitchell, Jr, Clarence E, 04, Stone Valley Farms, 8805 Norfield Rd, Zanesville, OH 43701 Moff, Barbara, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9135 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406, ouricmoff@aol.com, 330-774-7703 Cell Moff, Brian, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 14200 New Buffalo Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-482-9018, 330-501-1351 Cell Moff, Elizabeth, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9160 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406-9113, moff.6@osu.edu Moff, Greg, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9160 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406-9113 Moff, Heidi, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 14200 New Buffalo Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408

Moff, Howard, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9135 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406, ouricmoff@aol.com, 330-549-3509, 330-519-5117 Cell, 330-549-3509 Fax Moff, Neil, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 14200 New Buffalo Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-501-1860 Moff, Steve, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 14200 New Buffalo Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, smouric@aol.com, 330-482-9018, 734-939-0627 Fax Mohler, Harold & Dale, 07, Mohler-View Holsteins, 5395 CR 314, Millersburg, OH 44654, damoh1@embarqmail.com, 330-674-3126, 330-231-0477 Cell Monter, Edward & Robert, 02, Retnom Farm, 6356 Beechwood NE, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-823-6931, 330-206-2250 Ed Cell Montgomery, Richard & Susan, 01, Montgomery Dairy Farms, 3179 SR 534, Newton Falls, OH 44444, mdfholsteins@yahoo.com, 330-872-0348, 330-716-3712 Cell Moore Farms Inc, William, 07, 4007 McKee Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, wmoore@dfamilk.com, 330-263-0478, 330-466-4285 Cell Morlock, Dan, 10, Ro-Jo Dairy Farm, 6661 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450, 419-308-7990 Cell Morlock, James, 10, Ro-Jo Dairy Farm, 6661 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450 Morlock, John E, 07, Morlock Farm, 9946 Spencer Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-464-3732 Cell Morlock, Robert, 10, Ro-Jo Dairy Farm, 6700 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450, romorjo55@gmail.com, 419-287-4445, 419-265-1555 Cell, 419-287-4445 Fax Mt Eaton Elevator, 07, Mt Eaton Elevator, PO Box 195, Mt Eaton, OH 44659, mteatonelev@sssnet.com, 330-359-5028, 330-464-3583 Cell, 330-359-5298 Fax Mullet, Marion, 07, Mull Acres, 1871 CR 70, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-4750 Mussard, Jana, 10, Roma J’s Dairy, 10359 Dunham Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, jananed@hotmail.com, 419-438-2746 Cell Mutti Dairy Farms, 03, Mutti Dairy Farm, 3326 Stonecreek Rd SW, Stone Creek, OH 43840, 330-339-5522 Neel, Larry, 05, 1130 Royal Court NE, Lancaster, OH 43130, 740-653-4707 Neider, John, 03, Redien Acres, 2005 Montero Rd NE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-5157, 330-323-8484 Cell Nelson Dairy, 13, Nelson Dairy, 1751 S Dugan Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, nelsoncows4u@yahoo.com, 937-653-8041 Neuenschwander, Trent D, 07, Neueway Holsteins, 2887 SW Lebanon Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-8821, 330-465-7503 Cell, 330-828-8821 Fax Neuenschwander, Wilfred, 07, Bluecrest Dairy, 2220 Good Rd, Orrville, OH 44667-9720, 330-621-1403 Cell Nicol, Mark, 11, M & J Farms, 13700 Adams Rd, Plain City, OH 43064, 614-873-3920, 614-406-6265 Cell

Nolt, John, 08, Majestic Oak Dairy, 2481 US 224, Plymouth, OH 44865, 419-933-6475 Nolt, Kervin Z, 08, KN-Delphi, 1015 US 224 W, Willard, OH 44890, 419-935-1723 Norton, Chuck, 08, 18891 Pitts Rd, Wellington, OH 44090 OARDC Krauss Dairy, 07, OARDC Krauss Dairy, 2250 Oil City Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, miller.2320@osu.edu, 330-263-3924, 330-201-1629 Cell Oberholtzer, Calvin R, 08, Double Diamond Dairy, 6845 Amstutz Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-3930 Oberholtzer, Clair, Brandon & Sheldon, 08, Clair-Lyn Holsteins, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, clairlyn@bright.net, 419-938-3156 Obrecht, James H, 07, Jiman Farm, 7849 Columbus Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-3121 Oechsle, Jim & Cheri, 12, JaCher Holsteins, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH 45891, jacherholsteins@gmail.com, 419-605-2838 Cell Ogden, Georgianna, 04, Ogdendale Farms, 21800 New Castle Rd, Gambier, OH 43022, 740-427-2564 Ogden, Matthew, 04, Ogdendale Farms, 17301 Murray Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, farmboy560@yahoo.com, 740-393-0088, 740-398-3396 Cell Oneys Milkyway Farm, 08, Oneys Milkyway Farm, 3272 Rome Greenwich Rd, Greenwich, OH 44837, 419-752-9411 Ostarchvic, Mark & Amy, 07, Raygor Farms LLC, 15873 Jericho Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-857-0222, 330-465-0513 Amy Cell, 330-277-9400 Mark Cell Osterloh, Ivo H & Barbara, 12, Iv-Ann Holstein Farm, 140 Osterloh Rd, Minster, OH 45865, 419-628-2507

Hauling Anywhere Eileen (Hostetler) Lehman

• Livestock Hauling •

Specializing in Show Cattle & Horses 12850 Fox Lake Road Marshallville, Ohio 44645 Phone: 330-855-7004 Cell: 330-465-5398

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Anna A

Hali Springhill-OH Dest Anna-Red VG-87 2-1 282d 22,684M 4.0% 916f 3.5% 798P Top 100 GTPI Red or RC Cow, Due in June to ACME Pregnancies by ABSOLUTE due in September

MS Colt Hali-Red-ET

1st Spring Calf Ohio State Fair R &W Show Due in December to sexed Ladd-P


Starmark Ad Hotstuff-Red-ET EX-94

Res. Grand Champion WDE R &W Show ‘12 Grand Champion New York Spring R&W Show ’13 owned by: Triple-T Holsteins, Michael Heath & Entourage

42 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

Wabash-Way calves beat the heat with Ampli-Calf Warm Weather Starter

& Elite Genetics!



Markwell-KR Bolton Rain-ET EX-90 365d 28,297M 5.16% 1459F 3.64% 1031P Top 100 GTPI Red or RC Cow, RED daughter by Gold Chris 1st Summer Yrl. Ohio State Fair R&W Show ‘12

Wabash-Way Planet Ariel-ET VG-85


Planet X Wabash-Way Andreana-ET VG-88 365d 35,393M 3.67% 1299F 3.24% 1145P Currently using invitro on Ariel & her full sister Ariana

MS Wabash-Way Jet Elite-ET VG-86 2-03 305d 30,370M 3.4% 1026F 3.8% 1146P

Currrently Flushing Elite’s Grandaughters: Wabash-Way Mogul Eloisa-ET +2372 GTPI Wabash-Way Mogul Eryn-ET +2290 GTPI

Terry & Marcia Stammen and Family 4965 St. Rt. 705 New Weston, Ohio 45348 (937) 338-3248 (937) 621-0107 Cell wabashway.com wabashway@embarqmail.com OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 43

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OSU-Agricultural Tech Institute, 07, c/o Royce Thornton, 1328 Dover Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, thornton.5@osu.edu, 330-698-1315, 330-287-1373 Cell Owen, David E, 08, HB Owen & Son Inc, PO Box 43, Homerville, OH 44235, grando1973@yahoo.com, 330-625-5694, 330-635-9411 Cell Owen, Mark (Buck), 07, 160 Cherry Lane, Wooster, OH 44691, mark.owen@absglobal.com, 330-317-7758 Cell Oyster, Lynn, 02, Vereldo Farms Corp, 12655 Snode St NE, Alliance, OH 44601-8860, 330-206-1819 Cell

P–S Packard, Thomas L, 08, L & T Farm, 740 Wooster St, Lodi, OH 44254, 330-948-1507, 330-416-3973 Cell Parker, Jon, 07, AI Tech/COBA, 2917 Tannerville Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, jep1002@yahoo.com, 330-683-9939, 330-464-7370 Cell Patterson, James W, 14, 3580 Center Dr, Greenville, OH 45331, jpatterson004@woh.rr.com, 937-548-4221 Payne, Mark, 09, Margail Farms, 4898 CR 223, Clyde, OH 43410, 419-547-7013 Perkins, Gary, 03, Downeyridge Holsteins, 62855 S CR 26, Bethesda, OH 43719, 740-484-1337 Phillips, Scott & Chris, 04, Fawnacres Farm, 8158 Sparta Rd, Fredericktown, OH 43019, 740-507-4049 Scott, 740-507-2539 Chris Cell Phillis, Anada R, 02, Phillisway Farms, 14704 W Middletown Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-337-8603 Phillis, Harold J, 02, Phillisway Farms, 14704 W Middletown Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-337-8603, 330-402-6142 Cell Phillis, Rosemary, 02, Phillisway Farms, 14704 W Middletown Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-337-8603 Polchin, Anthony J, 01, Polchin Holsteins, 2276 Sentinel Rd, Dorset, OH 44032 Polchin, John T & Ruth V, 01, Polchin Holsteins, 2411 Sentinel Rd, Dorset, OH 44032, 440-293-7055 Pond, James & Robin, 13, Pond Ridge Holsteins, 1319 N Parkview Rd, Woodstock, OH 43084, 937-834-2431, 614-403-7367 Cell Preston, Gary & Dale, 08, Preston Bros Farms, 18411 Hawley Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2094 Prueter, Mark, 12, Country-Corner Holsteins, 5885 Wierwille Rd, New Knoxville, OH 45871, 419-753-2443, 567-644-6053 Cell Putt, Dale E, Todd, Scott, 03, Sunset Valley Dairy Farms, 8288 Ore Hill Rd, Stonecreek, OH 43840, 330-897-3665 Quallen, Gary J, 15, Gar-Len-View Holsteins, 792 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177, 937-382-4693, 937-383-1925 Fax R & P Kiko Family Farms Ltd, 02, R&P Kiko Family Farms Ltd, 4245 McCann Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-525-0302, 330-853-0401 Cell, 330-525-7683 Fax

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Raber, Dwight & Bruce, 02, Raber Dairy Farms, 10310 State St NE, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-821-8947, 330-821-8947 Fax Raber, Michael, 07, Raberland Dairy, 8399 CR 235, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-674-0494 Raber, Roy L, 07, Raber-View Holsteins, 7029 CR 201, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-1504 Raifsnider, Esther, 07, 1326 W Easton Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, 330-421-7397 Cell Ramsey, Brian & Liz, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641-9702, paradisevalley@live.com, 330-323-4380 Cell, 330-875-4539 Fax Ramsey, Micheal & Michelle, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc, 6452 Oakhill Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, mboliver86@live.com, 330-821-7563, 330-323-4378 Cell, 330-875-4539 Fax Ramsey, Paul & Catherine, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc, 8151 Easton St NE, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-9962 Ramsey, William and Debra, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-3346 Ramsier Farms, 07, Ramsier Farms, 9561 Krabill Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-925-2723 Ramsier’s Willow Spring Farm LLC, 07, Ramsier’s Willow Spring Farm, LLC, 2477 Eastern Rd, Rittman, OH 44270 Rankin, Sharyn, 08, Indohio Farms, 910 Ridge Rd #404, Munster, IN, 46321, 219-937-8950 Ratliff, James M, 15, Ravue Farms, 9768 John Woods Rd, Winchester, OH 45697, 937-690-9386 Cell Rausch, Brian, 04, R-Style Holsteins, 2059 SR 95, Edison, OH 43320, rstyle_holsteins@yahoo.com, 419-946-9831 Rausch, Nicholas, 11, Mark Rausch Dairy, 12331 Industrial Pkwy, Marysville, OH 43040, 614-989-0560 Cell Rausch, Randy, 11, Hickory Plains Holstein Farm, 8657 Axe Handle Rd, Milford Center, OH 43045, hplains@centurylink.net, 937-349-4781 Rausch, William E & Joyce, 04, R-Style Holsteins, 2059 SR 95, Edison, OH 43320, wjrausch@bright.net, 419-946-9831 Rawn, Terry & Joyce, 11, Rawn Farms, 302 Goshen Arrabon Lane, Charles Town, WV 25414, terawn@gmail.com, 304-725-8855, 301-788-5532 Cell Rawn, Tim, 11, Rawn Farms, 3508 Hatter Rd, Lancaster, OH 43130, 614-270-0725 Cell Ray, Jim, 02, Coba Select Sires, Inc, 32643 Coffee School Rd, Salem, OH 44460, jim@cobaselect.com, 330-222-1118, 614-205-7176 Cell Raygor Farms LLC, 07, Raygor Farms LLC, 15860 Jericho Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, raygorgirls@yahoo.com, 330-857-7399, 330-465-1337 B Cell, 330-465-0622 S Cell, 330-857-0399 Fax Rennecker, Brian W & Heidi, 07, Four Winds Farms, 6764 N Honeytown Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, milkmaidhr@aol.com, 330-669-3673

Renner, Julie, 07, Renwind Farm, 17182 Old Lincoln Way, Dalton, OH 44618, buckeye_jules@yahoo.com, 330-466-0338 Cell Renner, Ted S, 07, Renwind Farm, 17286 Old Lincoln Way, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-2604, 330-466-1196 Cell Ressler, Bruce & Elaine, 07, Fleur-de-lis, 10599 Cleveland Rd, Creston, OH 44217, 330-464-1957 Cell Rice, David P, 01, Riceton Farm, 4473 Wakefield Creek Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, ricetonfarm@yahoo.com, 330-876-0443 Rice, Gary, 01, Riceton Farm, 4488 Wakefield Creek Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, 330-876-1078 Rice, Jayme, 01, Riceton Farm, 4432 York St, Farmdale, OH 44417, ricetonfarm@yahoo.com, 330-876-0313, 330-876-7810 Fax Richard, David, 07, Mill-Stone Acres, 3878 Bates Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-4402 Richardson, Keith & John, 12, Balmoral Farms, 12028 Buckland Holden Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-657-6647, 567-204-1388 Cell Riggenbach, Bob, 07, Rigg-June Holsteins, 9377 Blough Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-464-7111 Cell RMD Dairy Farm Ltd, 07, RMD Dairy Farm Ltd, 9757 Easton Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-925-3074, 330-414-7901 Cell, 330-925-3074 Fax Robb, Evan W, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 2855 S Union Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, evan8300@netscape.net, 330-823-0605, 330-614-1197 Cell Rohrer Farms Inc, 07, Rohrer Farms Inc, 9305 Rohrer Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-669-2119, 330-669-2119 Fax Rothlisberger, Lynn, 09, Rothlisberger Dairy, 7297 TH 124, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, 419-294-4646 Rowe, James A & Rita, 03, Jimita Holsteins, 9877 Strasburg-Bolivar Rd NW, Strasburg, OH 44680, 330-878-7381, 330-243-5687 Cell Rowland, Frank, 08, 26100 SR 511, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-3939 Roy, Rian, 09, Roy Farms, 6076 CR 97, McComb, OH 45858-9438, 419-293-3882 Royer Farms Inc, 02, Royer Farms Inc, 11617 Ravenna Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, royerfarms@msn.com, 330-877-2053, 330-877-0435 Fax Rufener, Ken, 02, Congress Lake Farms, 372 Congress Lake Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260, 330-877-2710, 330-353-2027 Cell, 330-877-1486 Fax Rufener, Kenneth II, 02, Congress Lake Farms, 680 Congress Lake Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260, 330-594-7202, 330-353-2028 Cell Rufener, Mike, 02, Congress Lake Farms, 1894 Swartz Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260, 330-625-9105, 330-353-2029 Cell Rummell, Glenn, 02, Rummell Farms Inc, 3772 Rummell Ave, Paris, OH 44669, 330-862-2963

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Rupp, James R, 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 15128 Seville Rd, Seville, OH 44273, 330-769-3798, 330-939-5504 Fax Rupp, Jeffrey L, 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 7274 Sterling Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-5404, 330-939-5504 Fax Rupp, Thomas, 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 14636 Seville Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-769-2758, 330-939-5504 Fax Rupp-Vue Dairy Farms LLC, 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 14636 Seville Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-769-2759, 330-939-5504 Fax Ruprecht, Kenneth, 04, Ruprecht Farm, 19840 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, 740-397-2469, 740-501-7625 Cell Ruprecht, Lyle, 04, Ruprecht Dairy Farm, 20009 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, lyleruprecht@gmail.com, 740-397-1382, 330-466-1382 Cell, 740-397-5157 Fax Russell, Jackie, 07, Miley Holsteins, PO Box 461, Sheldon Springs, VT, 05485, 802-933-2323 Ruthrauff, Genna, 02, Ruthrauff Farms, 11860 Middletown Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-5641 Ruthrauff, Greg, 02, Ruthrauff Farms, 11860 Middletown Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-5641 Rynd, Brooks, 05, Rynd-Home Farm, 3061 Rynd Rd, Cochranton, PA 16314, 814-425-7795, 814-720-4687 Cell Rynd, Dallas R, 05, Silver Mist Holsteins, 11242 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, OH 43103, silvermistholsteins@yahoo.com, 740-983-6690, 740-477-7475 Fax Rzeszotarski, Ronald & Raymond, 01, Rzesz Farms, 18378 Mumford Rd, Garrettsville, OH 44231, 440-834-8341 Saffles, Raymond J, 07, Lukeacres, 6759 Sterling Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-608-8969 Cell Sanor, Bryce, 02, Maple Valley Farm, PO Box 1106, North Georgetown, OH 44665-0106, 330-257-4171 Sanor, Larry, 02, 1050 Cider Mill Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-222-7058, 330-277-6606 Cell Sayers, Chris & Mark, 11, Cavanaugh Farms, 16591 County Home Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, csayers@selectsires.com, 937-644-1589, 937-243-7477 Cell Schaeffer, E Randall, 08, 11005 HuronAvery Rd, Milan, OH 44846, 419-499-2120 Schaub, Toby, 02, 3471 Killian Rd, Uniontown, OH 44685, tobyjayosu@yahoo.com, 330-699-2771, 330-715-0256 Cell Scheibe, Clifford E, 07, Ro-La-Sue Dairy Farm, 6601 McKee Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-4980 Scheibe, Rodney A, 07, Ro-La-Sue Dairy Farm, 3167 Maple Grove Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-5866 Schirm, Larry & Julie DeLavergne, 05, 15086 Long Run Rd, Laurelville, OH 43135, larry.schirm@absglobal.com, 614-906-0520 Cell Schlabach, Christian J, 07, 9051 E Lincoln Way, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-682-8557, 330-347-0938 Cell Schlabach, Daniel A, 07, Sharo-Dan Farms, 1649 Deerfield Ave, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-8547, 330-465-2082 Cell, 330-828-0278 Fax

Schlabach, Jacob, 07, J-L Schlabach, 2015 Graber Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-695-2411 Schlabach, Lavern, 07, D S Dairy, 3856 SR 93 NW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681 Schlabach, Lester O, 07, Hope-View Farm, 4687 TR 628, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-231-6378 Cell Schlabach, Myron, 07, Hope-View Farm, 4691 TR 628, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-1148, 330-231-7306 Cell, 330-674-1148 Fax Schlabach, Robert Dean, 03, Smokey Lane Farm, 279 Smokey Lane Rd NW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-0646 Schlabach, Robert J, 07, 2934 Durstine Rd, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-359-2532 Schlatter, DVM, Carlton, 07, Tri-County Animal Clinic, PO Box 243, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-853-4835, 419-853-3049 Fax Schlegel, Kurt, 07, Schlegel Dairy Farms Inc, 10720 TR 526, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-465-8314 Cell Schmitmeyer, Doug, 14, Line-View Farm, 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, lineviewfarms@gmail.com, 937-526-4226, 937-621-2525 Cell, 937-526-4828 Fax Schmuki, Michael O, 02, Schmuki Dairy Farm, 8144 Stone Ave SW, Navarre, OH 44662, schmukidairy1@gmail.com, 330-767-4232 Schoultheis, Arthur & Connie, 15, Windy Acres Dairy, 5366 Seamer Rd, Winchester, OH 45697, 937-442-3421 Schoultheis, Carl, 15, Corner View Frm, 5366 Seamer Rd, Winchester, OH 45697 Schrader, Roger, 03, ADM Alliance Nutrition, 120 Cherry Lane, Wooster, OH 44691, roger.schrader@adm.com, 330-263-6432, 217-653-1373 Cell Schramm, Rick A, 03, Schramm Farm, 5570 Sandhill Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, tschramm2@wildblue.net, 740-373-7307, 740-350-3372 Cell Schroeder, William C, 10, 11312 CR D, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-0293, 419-583-6270 Cell Schug, Roger F, 08, Schug’s Holsteins, 3309 SR 99, Monroeville, OH 44847, schugsholsteins@yahoo.com, 419-465-2022, 401-451-4711 Cell Schulte, Debbie, 07, 201 W Center St, #9, Smithville, OH 44677, rdschulte@sssnet.com, 785-260-1250 Cell Scott, Chris, 03, 8334 Bailey Rd NE, Mineral City, OH 44656, buckgrunt@frontier.com, 330-859-9069, 330-260-0709 Cell Seedorf, Mark, 10, Sunnyville Farms LLC, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, seedorfmj@aol.com, 419-278-1124, 419-966-7480 Cell Semler, James & Roberta, 13, Semler Dairy, 4270 Snypp Rd, Yellow Springs, OH 45387, semdairy3@msn.com, 937-767-1491 Shaland Holsteins LLC, 03, Daniel & Kathy Shawver/Kevin & Kristy Tullis, 7069 Pomona Rd SE, Scio, OH 43988, kshawver@wildblue.net, 330-627-4671 Dan, 330-739-2067 Kevin, 330-312-3287 Kristy Cell Sharp, Kayanne Leininger, 10, CottonwoodVale Farm, 501 Helmbright Dr, Gahanna, OH 43230, 614-940-9933 Cell

Sheffield, Daren M, 08, 44460 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-774-4107, 614-309-0132 Cell Sheffield, James H, 08, Jaloda Farm LLC, 45555 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, jalodafarm@yahoo.com, 440-775-7147, 440-935-6378 Cell, 440-775-7147 Fax Shellabarger, Wayne, 12, Wes-Dee Farms, 6231 Mercer Rd, Mendon, OH 45862, 419-795-4893 Shipley, Adam, 04, Shipley Farms, 9309 Reynolds Rd, Newark, OH 43055, shipleyfarm@gmail.com, 740-892-3770, 740-892-3777 Fax Shockey, DVM, Paul E, 06, Bridgewater Farms, 714 Crooked Run Rd, Ravenswood, WV 26164, 304-273-2848, 304-532-5955 Cell, 304-372-5385 Fax Shoemaker, Steve, 02, Shoemaker Dairy Farm, 14308 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, shoemoo@embarqmail.com, 330-537-3325, 330-207-5607 Cell, 330-537-3325 Fax Shoop, Dan, 09, Sugar Ridge, 7990 SR 613, McComb, OH 45858, 419-293-2355 Showalter, Daniel, 02, Showalter Farms, 121 Beeson Mill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-853-8073, 330-482-2572 Fax Showalter, Ward, 02, Frosty Vale Farm, 121 Beeson Mill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-482-2572, 330-831-8070 Cell, 330-482-2572 Fax Showalter, Wendell, 02, Showalter Farms, 121 Beeson Mill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-482-2572, 330-831-8071 Cell, 330-482-2572 Fax Siegrist, Emily, 14, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC, 4983 Buschor Rd, Coldwater, OH 45828, ersiegrist@landolakes.com, 419-763-1103, 937-417-0183 Cell Sigrist, John L, 03, Oakland Dairy Farm, 10330 Kohr Rd NW, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-852-2892 Simpson, Don, 03, Plainfield Farms, 65343 Plainfield Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, 740-484-1444, 740-391-3301 Cell Sirrine, Carol A, 01, Weaver Farms/Trucking, 6225 N Ridge Rd West, Ashtabula, OH 44004, sir@roadrunner.com, 440-969-2349, 440-969-0746 Cell, 440-969-2349 Fax Skidmore, DVM, Dwight, 11, Drifty Hollow Holsteins, 12243 CR 2, West Mansfield, OH 43358, 937-355-0362, 937-935-3137 Cell, 937-593-9104 Fax Skolosh, Jr, Steve, 02, Skolosh Farm, 7488 Schmucker Ave NE, Alliance, OH 44601, skol12@sbcglobal.net, 330-875-5421, 330-875-1671 Fax Sloan, Angela, 07, Hartman Dairy Farm, 3777 N Elyria Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, angela_doc1@hotmail.com, 330-466-4560 Cell Smith Vale Farms, 02, Smith Vale Farms, 25850 Center Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7347 Smith, Bruce & Terri, 11, 14630 Middleburg-Plain City Rd, Plain City, OH 43064, btjasmith@msn.com, 614-733-0182, 614-205-7182 Cell

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Smith, Charles W, 03, Smith Hills Holsteins, 42450 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, 740-472-1597 Smith, Cory & Jill, 02, Paradise Valley Farms, 7642 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, jillandcory@live.com Smith, D Dale, 13, Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins, 609 E Water, Apt 113, Urbana, OH 43078-9520, 937-652-3378 Smith, David C, 03, Smith-Hills Holsteins, 42743 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, 740-483-2107 Smith, Dow, 13, Dow-View Farm, 6452 N Kennard Rd, Cable, OH 43009, plowboypottery@hotmail.com, 937-652-3990 Smith, James G, 03, Fernfield Farm, 19318 Grossbeak Rd, Salesville, OH 43778-9714, 740-489-5801 Smith, John M, 12, 306 S Willipie, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-739-6580 Smith, Sherry, 04, 12203 Midland Oil Rd, Glenford, OH 43739, sbgs82@att.net, 740-659-1126, 330-465-2376 Cell, 740-659-1126 Fax Smith, Steven D, 03, Smith-Hills Holsteins, 42450 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, 740-472-1597 Snyder, Paul A, 03, Paul Snyder Farms, PO Box 253, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-7761 Snyder, Rachel & Jeffrey, 07, Circle J Farms, 1444 W Pleasant Home Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-465-6587, 330-635-8228 Cell Specht, Adam, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 191 Vine St, Apt 231, Columbus, OH 43215, specht.22@osu.edu Specht, Allison, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 920 Eudora St, Unit 102, Denver, CO 80220-4377, allison.specht@gmail.com, 330-204-1529 Cell Specht, Annie, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 3780 Copperfield Dr, Apt 625, Bryan, TX 77802, annie.specht@gmail.com, 330-204-1796 Cell Specht, Steven L and Michele, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 3727 Bair Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-343-1158, 330-343-1158 Fax Specht, Tim & Brian, 03, Specht Farms Ltd, 1828 Ragersville Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-401-7446 Cell, 330-897-6193 Fax Specht, Wayne E, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 119 Oakmont Dr, Dover, OH 4 4622-3200, 330-343-2708 Spike, Peter W, 11, Ten-Penny Holsteins, 4380 Byers Rd, Delaware, OH 43015, spikeptr@aol.com, 740-363-2184, 740-360-1505 Cell Spreng, James, 09, Spreng Capital Management, Inc, Box 47, Bucyrus, OH 44820, jspreng@sprengcapital.com, 419-563-0084 Spreng, John, 09, Longacre Farms Inc, 3245 Bruce Ct, Bucyrus, OH 44820, 419-563-6633 Cell, 419-563-9989 Fax Spreng, Kevin M, 07, 6860 Snoddy Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, kspreng11@gmail.com, 419-651-5198 Cell Springway Farms, 03, Springway Farms, 8086 Bachelor Rd NW, Magnolia, OH 44643, bill@springwayfarms.com, 330-866-5289, 330-866-5289 Fax

Stalder, Dave, Sherri & Matthew, 03, Swiss Heritage Farm, 48812 SR 536, Sardis, OH 43946, sherrie.stalder@gmail.com, 740-483-1579, 740-213-0063 Cell, 740-483-1579 Fax Stammen, Terrence L, 14, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC, 4965 SR 705, New Weston, OH 45348, 937-338-3248 Steel, John, 03, Steam Valley Farms, 2705 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, jpcsteel@aol.com, 330-364-5243, 330-987-4590 Cell Steel, Nathan, 03, Steel-Lane Holsteins, 2899 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, nathansteel08@gmail.com, 330-260-0626 Cell Steiner, Carl, 07, Steiner Farm, 12357 Seville Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-2716 Steiner, Elmer, 07, 4548 S Wenger Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-857-5672, 330-605-1996 Cell, 330-857-5676 Fax Steiner, Hannah & Sara, 07, 13181 Seville Rd, Sterling, OH 44276-9612, 330-641-2501 Steiner, Kurt D, 07, Steinhurst Farms, 14043 Eby Rd, Creston, OH 44217, kdsdairy1@aol.com, 330-464-1219 Cell, 330-769-4256 Fax Steiner, Matthew, 07, Pine Tree Dairy Ltd, 8586 Benner Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, pinetreedairy@earthlink.net, 330-925-8354, 330-466-1896 Cell Steiner, Nathan, 07, Fulton Road Genetics, 8586 Benner Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, 330-855-4500, 330-465-5825 Cell Steiner, Roger, 07, Chet-Len Holsteins, PO Box 84, Kidron, OH 44636, 330-857-8181, 330-464-4446 Cell Steinke, Marvin L, 12, Maple Tree Holsteins, 13505 Kettlersville Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, matmapletree@bright.net, 419-738-7174 Steinke, Richard L, 12, Mapl-Valle, 15431 Fox Ranch Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-738-7136, 419-233-7136 Cell Steinke, Steven M, 14, Marste Holstein Farms, 13915 Fey Rd, Anna, OH 45302, 937-394-7657 Sterling Farm Equipment Inc, 07, Sterling Farm Equipment Inc, 13893 Kauffman Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-2561, 330-939-5841 Fax Sterlinglen Farms, 08, 2474 TR 457, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-651-5347 Terry Cell, 419-368-6200 Fax Stewart, Robert, 03, Sunnydale Farms, 88740 Fairview Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, gwenfive@yahoo.com, 740-946-4291 Stitzlein, Earl & Kathi, 07, Stitzlein Family, 8777 TR 461, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-994-5284 Stockert, Carolyn, 02, Norwescor Holsteins Inc, 15274 Warwick Dr NW, Canal Fulton, OH 44614, carolynstockert@att.net, 330-854-2698 Stockert, James P & Mary, 02, Norwescor Holsteins Inc, 15240 Warwick Dr NW, Canal Fulton, OH 44614, jimandmarystockert@att.net, 330-854-6455 (MILK), 330-607-2003 Cell Stocksdale, Thomas R & Constance M, 07, Stocksdale Family Farms, 1989 Blachleyville Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, stocks1977@hotmail.com, 330-264-8482, 330-464-7596 Cell

Stoller, Arthur L, 07, 2782 N Elyria Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, astoller@embarqmail.com, 330-264-5750, 330-347-7046 Cell Stoller, Trent, 10, Van Erk Dairy LLC, 8789 SR 114, Haviland, OH 45851, tstoller@gmail.com, 419-576-7176, 419-263-2358 Fax Stoltzfus, John K, 15, Golden Dell, 8846 SW Morris Rd, Sabina, OH 45169, 937-584-5569 Strasburg, Tom & Bev, 12, Wakefield Farms, 15377 Townline-Kossuth Rd, Saint Marys, OH 45885, 419-394-4343 Strouble Farm LTD, 02, Strouble Farm LTD, 5466 Werner Church Rd NE, North Canton, OH 44721, 330-877-2532 Strouble, Thomas, 02, Strouble Farm LTD, 5466 Werner Church Rd NE, North Canton, OH 44721, 330-877-2532 Struna, Andrea, 01, Maplewood Farms, 7580 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-645-9195 Cell Struna, Anthony, 01, Struna Holsteins, 7045 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-7647, 440-645-3328 Cell Struna, John & Beverly, 01, Maplewood Farm, 7472 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, jstruna@centurylink.net, 440-293-7530, 440-226-0594 Cell Struna, Katie, 01, Maplewood Farm, 7472 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-7530, 440-645-8801 Cell Stuckey, Kara, 03, 3097 Paris Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, shortcake44625@yahoo.com, 330-428-4377 Cell Stull, Brad & Molly, 07, Stull Hamp Farm, 9304 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, stullfarm@sssnet.com, 330-263-0037 Such, Jr, W Windell, 01, Suchdale Farm, 6223 Creek Rd, Andover, OH 44003, 440-293-7630 Such, W Windell, 01, Suchdale Farm, 6223 Creek Rd, Andover, OH 44003, 440-293-7630 Sunnyville Farms LLC, 10, Sunnyville Farms LLC, 5203 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, seedorfmj@aol.com, 419-278-3506, 419-966-7480 Cell Sutliff, Jr, Frank, 01, 3687 SR 82, Newton Falls, OH 44444, frank@ohiocommercecenter.com, 330-898-4565, 330-856-0119 Cell

T–Z Thomas, Andy, 13, Triple-T Holsteins, 6948 Brush Lake Rd, North Lewisburg, OH 43060, 937-747-2344 Thomas, Jay and Angie, 13, Triple-T Holsteins, 5548 CR 168, West Liberty, OH 43357, jathomas1@embarqmail.com, 937-465-0825 Thomas, John & Mary, 13, Triple-T Holsteins, 6948 Brush Lake Rd, North Lewisburg, OH 43060, jmthomas@embarqmail.com, 937-747-2344

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Thomas, Nathan & Jenny, 13, Triple-T Holsteins, 6140 SR 296, Cable, OH 43009, jennythomas614@yahoo.com, 614-395-9823 Cell Thomas, William R, 11, Bi-An Farm, 1012 TR 190 E, Bellefontaine, OH 43311, 937-592-0132 Thomas, William R Jr, 11, Bi-An Farm, 410 Pickrelltown Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, rkthomas@embarqmail.com, 937-465-0536 Thompson, Alan, 03, Thompson Family Farm, 42225 Jewett-Scio Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, 740-946-2805 Thorbahn, II, Lewis R, 09, Thorbahn Bros, 4787 CR 247, Vickery, OH 43464, 419-603-8818 Thorbahn, Ashley, 09, 700 Sheridan Ave, Apt A, Columbus, OH 43209, glossygirl63@aol.com, 419-603-8629 Cell Thorbahn, David, 11, 9035 Oakridge Ln, Plain City, OH 43064 Thorbahn, Thomas L, 09, Crimson-Lane Ltd, 4428 CR 247, Vickery, OH 43464, crimsonswissrus@aol.com, 419-547-0795, 419-366-8135 Cell, 419-547-0795 Fax Topp, Gregg, 12, Toppacres Farm, 05158 Kettler Rd, Minster, OH 45865, 4 19-629-3749 Topp, Kurt & Rachel, 07, Toppglen Holsteins, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, kurtandfam@aol.com, 330-464-4960 Kurt Cell, 330-317-5363 Rachel Cell Topp, Marvin, 12, Toppation, 05170 Lock Two Rd, New Bremen, OH 45869, topper@watchtv.net, 419-629-2875 Topp-View, 14, Topp-View Holsteins, 10344 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, 937-693-3113, 419-733-5602 Cell, 937-693-2887 Fax Town & Country Co-Op, 08, 813 Clark Ave, Ashland, OH 44805, 419-281-2153 Trammell, Jeff, 08, 27679 Royalton Rd, Columbia Station, OH 44028, 440-236-8286, 440-334-4541 Cell Trbovich, Daniel, 03, 7222 Waynesburg Rd, Waynesburg, OH 44688, 330-866-5438 Trio Farms Inc, 14, Trio Farms, Inc, 11511 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, 937-693-6562 Troyer, Andrew R, 07, 6230 Moreland Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-698-0460 Troyer, Gregg A, 07, 13752 Bair Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, gtrica@gmail.com, 330-466-6615 Cell Troyer, Merlin E, 03, Hickory Spring, 909 Hickory Dr, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-3227 Troyer, Robert A, 07, 3557 CR 141, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-3462 Turon, Joseph, 01, Creepin Creek Farm, 5432 Greenville Rd, West Farmington, OH 44491, gotmilk1013@yahoo.com, 440-548-5979, 440-487-2330 Cell Twining, Patrick, 08, Twining Farm LLC, 47140 Griggs Rd, Wellington, OH 44090 Twining, Raymond, 08, Twining Farm LLC, 47140 Griggs Rd, Wellington, OH 44090 Union Local FFA, 03, 66859 Belmont Morristown Rd, Belmont, OH 43718

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Van Gorden, Morris M, 15, Van G Farms, 5550 Princeton Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011, 513-779-4550 VanPelt, Michael L, 02, Van Pelt Farms, 14600 Van Pelt Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-482-9364, 330-853-8004 Cell, 330-482-9364 Fax Vecchio, Melanie, 01, 181 Maplewood Dr, #5, Cortland, OH 44410 Velvet-View Farms, 07, Velvet-View Farms, 6887 TR 505, Big Prairie, OH 44611, vvf48@earthlink.net, 330-231-2111 Viney, Richard C, 01, Viney Hill Farms, 2432 Kinsman Rd NW, North Bloomfield, OH 44450, 440-685-4490 W G Dairy Supply Inc, 07, 12993 Cleveland Rd, PO Box 2224, Creston, OH 44217, 330-435-6522 Wachtel, William, 07, Spring Walk Farm, 13079 TR 503, Big Prairie, OH 44611, 330-763-0323 Cell, 330-378-2913 Fax Walters, DVM, John W, 03, 1050 Steubenville Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-5711, 330-205-1344 Cell, 330-627-5631 Fax Watson, Bob, 09, Weikland Farms, 11944 E TR 122, Republic, OH 44867, bobjudywatson@gmail.com, 419-426-8514, 419-618-1136 Cell Watts, Steven D, Carol, Kevin & Kyle, 07, Open Road Farm, 14363 CR 75, Brinkhaven, OH 43006, 330-377-4987, 330-231-3314 Cell Weaver, David N, 07, D-R Valley Farms, 2261 TR 414, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-893-2356, 330-763-3958 Cell Weaver, Douglas, 02, Jaylen Holsteins, 12983 Green Beaver Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-482-9230 Weaver, John Mark, 07, 8257 CR 235, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-674-2069 Weaver, Kenneth & Rachel, 07, We-Mar Holsteins, 5138 N Firestone Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, kweaver63@gmx.com, 330-264-6893, 330-201-6893 Cell, 330-264-6893 Fax Weaver, Wayne, 07, 9183 CR 77, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-473-2416 Webb, D Scott, 11, 210 Bridgewater Dr, Marysville, OH 43040, dswebb1@columbus.rr.com, 937-738-7574 Webster, Troyce, 08, 43505 Parsons Rd, Oberlin, OH 44074 Weeman, Brian, 07, Weeman & Sons Farm, 304 N Kansas Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-683-6771, 330-317-1285 Cell Weiker, Terry, 09, Genex Co-op Inc, 9900 E SR 162, Republic, OH 44867, 419-585-3563 Weisgarber, Edward & Christine, 02, 13516 Stanwood St SW, Massillon, OH 44647, 330-417-7868 Weisgarber, Robert, 02, Weisgarber Farm, 13771 Millersburg Rd SW, Massillon, OH 44647, roberted75@gmail.com, 330-837-8575, 330-704-4102 Cell Welch, Dean, Randy D & Michael E, 08, U-Dean Farms, 456 TR 700, Polk, OH 44866, 419-945-2411 Welch, Esther & Scott E, 08, U-Dean Farms, 669 SR 89, Polk, OH 44866, 419-945-2250 Welch, Karen, 08, U-Dean Farms, 448 CR 620, Polk, OH 44866, 419-945-1414

Welch, Ryan A, 08, U-Dean Farms, 684 SR 89, Polk, OH 44866, 419-651-5281 Cell Wenger, Clair, 07, Regnew Farms, 439 Overlook Circle, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-8253 Wenger, Dr Melvin D, 07, Orrville Veterinary Clinic Inc, 1665 N Main St, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-682-2971 Wenger, Kenneth & Lester, 07, Wenger Farms LLC, 13332 Church Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-683-7383 Wenning, Dennis, 12, Wennings Dairy, 3555 Siegrist Jutte Rd, Coldwater, OH 45828-9718, dpwenning@gmail.com, 419-678-8123 West, Richard, 07, 8953 Five Points Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-201-1100 Cell Whinnery, Bryan, 02, Whin-Way Holsteins, 11900 S Range Rd, Salem, OH 44460, bryanwhinnery@yahoo.com, 330-831-3989 Whiteleather Farms, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Adam, 02, Iron Gate Farms, 29468 Tower Rd, Salem, OH 444609523, ajw116@frontier.com, 330-222-1642, 330-205-1738 Cell, 330-222-1642 Fax Whiteleather, Alex, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Andrew, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 10310 Stump Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-205-1350 Whiteleather, Betty & Thomas Hagan, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 451 East Milton St, Alliance, OH 44460, 330-821-6916, 330-704-3911 Cell Whiteleather, Esther, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 2855 S Union Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-823-0605, 330-206-3288 Cell, 330-823-0605 Fax Whiteleather, Glenn, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Hagan, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 451 East Milton St, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Jason & Gretl, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 22499 Bates Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, gwhiteleather@gmail.com, 330-868-5175, 330-205-1535 Cell Whiteleather, Jessica, 02, Iron Gate Farms, 29468 Tower Rd, Salem, OH 44460, ajw116@frontier.com, 330-222-1642 Whiteleather, Jill A, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8008 Essick Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-894-2138 Whiteleather, Lauren, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 7804 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, laurengail0104@aol.com, 330-894-2421 Whiteleather, Lawrence, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 7804 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657-9426, 330-894-2421, 330-904-1806 Cell Whiteleather, Marjorie, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 28240 Gilson Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-8530, 234-567-7398 Cell

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White-Light Holsteins, 10, Tony & Laurie Menzie, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534, whitelightholsteins@gmail.com, 419-278-0030, 740-624-6367 Cell, 419-278-0030 Fax Wildermuth, Rodney, 11, Wildermuth Farms, 4131 Brice Rd, Canal Winchester, OH 43110, 614-837-7381, 446-4158 Cell Wiley, Dr Richard E, 07, New Pittsburg Veterinary Clinic, 1436 W Old Lincoln Way, Wooster, OH 44691, npvc@bright.net, 330-264-7787, 330-465-8670 Cell, 330-262-5251 Fax Will, Charles A, 11, Select Sires Inc, 17837 Brown School Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, cwill@selectsires.com, 614-579-4268 Cell Wilson, John, 04, JoJan Holsteins, 16646 Nashville Rd, Danville, OH 43014, 740-599-6502, 740-504-2395 Cell, 740-599-6514 Fax Winchell, Dave, 01, Winchell Farm, 7507 Hankee Rd, Garrettsville, OH 44231, 330-527-5296 Winchell, Stacy & Jessica, 07, 192 S Main St, Creston, OH 44217 Winkler, Jeffrey A, 07, 13597 Kauffman Ave, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-9970 Wolboldt, Dean F, 07, 9157 CR 245, Holmesville, OH 44633 Wolf, Chad & Amy, 07, Starmark Farm, 5801 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-466-8380 Cell Wolf, Richard, 07, Wolf Family Farm, 13040 Canaan Center Rd, Creston, OH 44217, 330-435-4279 Wolf, Thomas, 10, Shadow-W Holsteins, B678 Rd 17B, New Bavaria, OH 43548, 419-653-4216, 419-956-1066 Cell


Wolfe, John A & Ann, 02, 6508 Bentler Ave NE, Louisville, OH 44641, awolfepak@gmail.com, 330-492-5254, 330-904-7729 Cell Wolff, Justin L, 08, Wolff Franmar LLC, 6294 Wolff Rd, Medina, OH 44256 Wolford, Judy C, 05, Silver Mist Holsteins, 11242 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, OH 43103, silvermistholsteins@yahoo.com, 740-983-6690 Wyler, Kurt, 04, Wylerview Farms, 55581 TR 176, Fresno, OH 43824, wylerviewfarms@earthlink.net, 740-545-7458, 740-502-5606 Cell, 740-502-3455 Cell Yarosh, Marie B, 08, 20651 Whitehead Rd, Wellington, OH 44090 Yeazel, Mark, 15, Ja-Bob Holsteins, 1495 Wolverton Rd, Eaton, OH 45320, y2kows@gmail.com, 937-533-0557 Cell Yeazel, Robert, 15, Ja-Bob Holsteins, 6792 S Slateline Rd, Richmond, IN, 47374, 765-965-5246, 765-259-1305 Cell Yoder, Crist J A, 07, Mead-Val Farm, 2081 TR 180, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-5059 Yoder, Jacob L, 07, 5894 TR 606, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-695-2261 Yoder, Jeremy, 02, Yoder Farms, 4750 W Garfield, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-482-2074 Yoder, Martin, 07, 8743 N Elyria Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-749-9597 Yoder, Owen C, 07, Mead-Val Farm, 2079 TR 180, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-5059 Yoder, Reuben D, 07, RN-Acres, 2519 CR 114, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-0346

Yoder, Robert J, 07, Yoder Dairy, 4622 TR 403, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-852-3535, 330-204-3824 Cell Yoder, Roy L S, 07, Sharp-Line Dairy Farm, 2291 SR 557, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-0405 Young, John J & Ruth, 03, Sharon Valley Farms, 3120 Ragersville Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-897-1036 Zaebst, Chris & Cindy, 01, Bossy’s Way Inc, 4586 Rt 46 S, Jefferson, OH 44047, 440-294-3614 Zerkle, Keith, 13, White Crown Farm, 1362 N Dugan, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653-8520 Zerkle, Ruth, 13, White Crown Farm, 1362 N Dugan, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653-8520 Zimmerman, Benjamin R, 07, 5075 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-345-6748 Zimmerman, Floyd L, 08, 617 Noble Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-3018 Zimmerman, Ralph W, 08, Sunrise Farm, 251 Adario W Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2795 Zimmerman, Walter, 08, Harmony Echo Holstein, 2741 SR 60, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-994-3491 Zimmerview Dairy Farm, LLC, 03, Zimmerview Dairy Farm, 700 Zimmer Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, zimmerview@gmail.com, 740-374-7299, 740-516-8329 Cell, 740-374-6288 Fax

Holstein Junior Membership A–E

Ackley, Kristopher, 11, 9738 Rd 141, East Liberty, OH 43319, 937-666-5502 Ackley, Kyle, 11, 9738 Rd 141, East Liberty, OH 43319, ack-lee@embarqmail.com, 937-666-5502 Alden, Daniel, 04, 24499 Colopy Rd, Danville, OH 43014, nalden13@msn.com, 740-501-8451 Alden, David, 04, 24499 Colopy Rd, Danville, OH 43014, 740-501-8451 Alden, Robin, 04, 24499 Colopy Rd, Danville, OH 43014, 740-501-8451 Alden, Russell, 04, 24499 Colopy Rd, Danville, OH 43014, 740-501-8451 Anderson, DJ, 02, PO Box 217, Damascus, OH 44619, 330-277-7181 Anderson, Grayson, 02, PO Box 217, Damascus, OH 44619, 330-277-7181 Andrews, Kyle, 14, 4150 Tawawa Maplewood Rd, Sidney, OH 45365-9740, mandrews2@woh.rr.com, 937-492-1537 Barker, Derek, 04, 5510 CR 130, Edison, OH 43320, barkerfarms@redbird.net, 419-946-2469 Barker, Kayla, 04, 5510 CR 130, Edison, OH 43320, 419-946-2469

Barth, Wyatt, 03, 570 Handschumaker Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-376-9225 Baumann, Caili, 15, 3056 Schefsky Rd, Blanchester, OH 45107, askl8er80@yahoo.com, 513-313-6979 Baumer, Amber, 14, 14391 Santa-Fe-New Knoxville Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 937-638-5920 Berg, Aaron, 08, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, samecalf@aol.com, 419-886-2871 Berg, Collin, 08, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, 419-886-2871 Bishop, Kenzie, 13, 1751 S Dugan Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653-8041 Bishop, Luke, 13, 1751 S Dugan Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, bishoplukas98@yahoo.com, 937-653-8041 Bogan, Brock William, 01, 525 Fairway Dr NE, Warren, OH 44483, bbhouse1@centurylink.net, 330-306-5082 Borchers, Austin, 11, 13540 CR 60, Jackson Center, OH 45334, gregborchers@hotmail.com, 937-596-6772 Bouic, Matt, 11, 8900 SR 38, Milford Center, OH 43045, 937-707-4579

Bouton, Audrey, 04, 12138 Green Valley Rd, Mt. Vernon, OH 43050, kokosingfarms@gmail.com, 740-507-8271 Bowen, Alyssa, 12, PO Box 55, Ohio City, OH 45874, jbbowen3@frontier.com, 419-965-2362 Campbell, Bailey, 02, 346 Kehner Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260, 330-603-1485 Campbell, Bailey, 02, 22243 Georgetown St NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, soupfarmer@aol.com, 330-206-6308 Campbell, Dustin, 02, 4150 Mahoning Ave NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7093 Campbell, Jacob, 02, 3399 Union Ave NE, Minerva, OH 44657, soupfarmer@aol.com, 330-862-2028 Campbell, Lindsey, 02, 3399 Union Ave NE, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-862-2028 Campbell, Mollie, 02, 346 Kehner Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260, 330-603-1485 Campbell, Morgan, 02, 3399 Union Ave NE, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-862-2028 Campbell, Taylor, 02, 4150 Mahoning Ave NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-821-5696

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Carle, Aaron, 03, 8814 Lorey Rd, East Rochester, OH 44625, scottcarle515@yahoo.com, 330-894-2902 Clarke, Caitlin, 03, 10204 Blizzard Ridge Rd, Uhrichville, OH 44683, 740-922-1283 Clarke, Dallas, 03, 10204 Blizzard Ridge Rd, Uhrichville, OH 44683, 740-922-1283 Cline, Jessica, 09, 5453 SR 199, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-288-3650 Cline, Matthew, 09, 5453 SR 199, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-288-3650 Coffman, Alexis, 03, 690 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-3116 Coffman, Garett, 03, 690 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-3116 Coffman, Katlyn, 03, 690 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-3116 Colby, Jessica, 14, 6336 Fessler-Buxton Rd, Houston, OH 45333-9773, 937-773-0853 Colby, Nick, 14, 6336 Fessler-Buxton Rd, Houston, OH 45333-9773, clbyfrms@sbcglobal.net, 937-773-0853 Coleman, Regan, 15, 2871 Nichols Rd, Hamilton, OH 45013, 513-309-1108 Congleton, Levi, 03, 195 Emmaus Rd, Belpre, OH 45714, 740-423-9679 Congleton, Trace, 03, 195 Emmaus Rd, Belpre, OH 45714, 740-423-9679 Conrad, Bradley, 08, 19850 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton, OH 44044, 216-924-0657 Conrad, Jeffrey, 08, 19850 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton, OH 44044, 216-924-0657 Conrad, Macrae, 05, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5067 Conrad, Macy, 05, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5067 Conrad, Maylon, 05, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5067 Conrad, Mikayla, 05, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, gconrad67@msn.com, 740-495-5067 Cornish, Greg, 08, 2572 Edwards Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 419-752-6293 Cornish, Megan, 08, 2572 Edwards Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 419-752-6293 Cox, Levi, 03, 7875 SR 26, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-473-2789 Cox, Lucas, 03, 7875 SR 26, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-473-2789 Crawford, Michael, 03, 5755 N American Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-364-2923 Cummings, Cole, 14, 6999 Johnston Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365, 937-726-2664 Cummings, Olivia, 14, 6999 Johnston Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365, 937-726-2664 Cupps, Ally, 13, 9093 SR 55, St Paris, OH 43072, bcupps@windstream.net, 937-663-5467 Davidson, Caitlin, 15, 2664 Edwards Rd, Sardinia, OH 45171, davidsondairy@yahoo.com, 937-205-2767 Davidson, Natasha, 15, 2664 Edwards Rd, Sardinia, OH 45171, 937-205-2767

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Davidson, Zachary, 15, 2664 Edwards Rd, Sardinia, OH 45171, 937-205-2767 Davis, Lilly, 07, 474 Leatha Ln, Cleveland, TN 37312, 423-599-3327 Dawson, Allison, 03, 48217 Annapolis Rd, Hopedale, OH 43976, allisondawson272@icloud.com, 740-946-2115 Deam, Bryson M, 13, 5644 Jennybrook Ln, Hilliard, OH 43026, 937-477-6616 Deam, Emily, 03, 9843 Golf Course Rd, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-3110 Deam, Madison L, 13, 5644 Jennybrook Ln, Hilliard, OH 43026, 937-477-6616 Deam, Nicole E, 13, 5644 Jennybrook Ln, Hilliard, OH 43026, steve@cobaselect.com, 937-477-6616 Deam, Trevor S, 13, 5644 Jennybrook Ln, Hilliard, OH 43026, 937-477-6616 Deam, Victoria, 03, 9843 Golf Course Rd, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, njvdeam@yahoo.com, 330-852-3110 Dobay, Elijah, 1, 7267 Kingsville Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, mapleviewholsteins@vzwblackberry.net, 330-717-7366 Doehr, Sarah, 08, 549 E Herrick Ave, Wellington, OH 44090, fourdoehrs@frontier.com, 440-647-2458 Dovin, Demi, 08, 48090 SR 303 W, Wellington, OH 44090, dovindairyfarms@ncwcom.net, 440-775-2386 Dovin, John, 08, 48090 SR 303 W, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-775-2386 Duncan, Rachel, 04, 42527 US 36, Warsaw, OH 43844, dsduncan1@frontier.com, 740-824-8592 Dvorak, Oren, 08, 52055 New LondonEastern Rd, Nova, OH 44859 Dye, Hannah M, 02, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-5272 Dye, Jonathan T, 02, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-5272 Dye, Michah James, 02, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, mddye@live.com, 330-525-5272 Elsea, Braden, 1, 6059 King Graves Rd, Fowler, OH 44418, 330-448-4899 Elsea, Troy, 1, 6059 King Graves Rd, Fowler, OH 44418, 330-448-4899

F窶適 Finton, Brittany, 03, 1442 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-4981 Finton, Chris, 03, 1442 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, mooman1442@roadrunner.com, 330-339-4981 Finton, Kurt, 03, 1442 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-4981 Flores, Lydia, 11, 8900 SR 38, Milford Center, OH 43045, 937-707-5846 Fraser, Sara Marie, 02, 632 S 12th St, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-7262 Gaskill, Shane, 03, 11158 Stonecreek Rd SW, Newcomerstown, OH 43832, 740-498-5656 Gilbert, Jacoby, 07, 11200 Hiner Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-231-8039 Gilbert, Jamison, 07, 11200 Hiner Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-231-8039

Gilbert, Katherine Marie, 08, 16665 Rt 58 South, Oberlin, OH 44074, dovindairyfarms@ncwcom.net, 440-775-2386 Goines, Hannah, 07, 7930 TR 470, Lakeville, OH 44638, chgoines@gmail.com, 330-674-8379 Goines, Tanner, 07, 7930 TR 470, Lakeville, OH 44638, 330-674-8379 Good, Jeremy, 09, 8925 Harriott Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, tgood@selectsires.com, 614-873-7140 Good, Sydney, 09, 8925 Harriott Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, 614-873-7140 Good, Trey, 09, 8925 Harriott Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, 614-873-7140 Graham, Ashley, 07, 50 S Schultz Rd, Washington, WV 26181, farmgirl411@gmail.com, 304-803-5429 Gunkelman, Grace, 07, 747 SR 39, Perrysville, OH 44864, drgunkelman@yahoo.com, 330-464-3259 Gunkelman, Tim, 07, 747 SR 39, Perrysville, OH 44864, drgunkelman@yahoo.com, 330-464-3259 Harding, Erica, 03, 5159 Evanscreek Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-8977979 Harding, Kari, 03, 5159 Evanscreek Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-897-7979 Harding, Ryan, 03, 5159 Evanscreek Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-897-7979 Harpster, Madyson, 08, 316 B US 250E, Jeromesville, OH 44840, 419-651-5336 Havens, J. Garrett, 09, 4293 Tiffin Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, 419-992-4471 Hawvermale, Ashley, 07, 703 Barnard Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, hawver4u@juno.com, 330-264-9817 Hawvermale, Kelly, 07, 703 Barnard Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-9817 Heger, Cole, 15, 10131 CR 227, Camden, OH 45311, 937-452-3606 Heger, Lauren, 15, 5911 Lesourdsville-W Chester Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011, cheger1@fuse.net, 513-777-1666 Heiby, Bethany J, 08, 2188 TR 757, Perrysville, OH 44864, elheiby@gmail.com, 419-368-4238 Hershberger, Clay, 03, 9668 Golf Course Rd, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, hersh.dairyman@gmail.com, 330-852-4091 Hershberger, Katelyn, 07, 4976 CR 172, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, EHLM_chersb@tccsa.net, 330-852-4898 Hess, Olivia, 13, 1751 S Dugan Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653-8041 Hornack, Katelyn, 02, 680 Congress Lake Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260 Hornack, Nathan, 02, 680 Congress Lake Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260 Hudson, Kendra, 09, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820, 419-563-0102 Hudson, Kyle, 09, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820, ckhud909@embarqmail.com, 419-563-0102 Hughes, Amy, 07, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637, 330-377-4156 Hughes, John, 07, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637, 330-377-4156

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Hughes, William, 07, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637, hankhughes@embarqmail.com, 330-377-4156 Hunsberger, Aaron, 07, 8257 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-2134 Hunsberger, Laney, 07, 8257 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-2134 Inkrott, Cayla, 12, 10326 Rd E, Leipsic, OH 45856, inkrott.25@buckeyemail.osu.edu, 419-969-4915 Janes, Allison, 07, 2519 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, kjanes@sssnet.com, 330-264-6445 Johnson, Johnnie, 05, 11681 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, OH 43103, johnnieboy35@gmail.com, 740-237-8998 Jordan, Joshua, 03, 8814 Lorey Rd, East Rochester, OH 44625, 330-894-2902 Kaverman, Korbin J, 13, 11142 Huntington Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368, 419-203-9629 Kaverman, Lydia M, 13, 11142 Huntington Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368, kdairy@live.com, 419-203-9629 Kiko, Abigail, 03, 6220 Andora Rd, Mechanicstown, OH 44651, 330-627-0321 Kiko, Elizabeth S, 02, 28173 Winona Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-525-0302 Kiko, Evan, 02, 813 Fox Ave SE, Paris, OH 44669, jkikojr@frontier.com, 330-862-2134 Kiko, Isabella Tess, 03, 6220 Andora Rd, Mechanicstown, OH 44651, 330-627-0321 Kiko, Ward W, 02, 28173 Winona Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-525-0302 Kiko, Wyatt R, 02, 28173 Winona Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-525-0302 King, Garret, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, tcking7@gmail.com, 937-465-1550 King, Hayden, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550 King, Mickayla, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550 King, Samantha, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550 King, Silas, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550 Kinney, Nathaniel, 07, 8088 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-4376 Kinney, Zachary, 07, 8088 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-4376 Klier, Ben, 08, 18456 Pitts Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-4402 Klier, Emily, 08, 18456 Pitts Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, thekliers@ncwcom.com, 440-647-4402 Kliner, Kaleb, 07, 9164 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 419-651-2650 Kliner, Kourtney, 07, 9164 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 419-651-2650 Knapp, Jacob, 08, 24228 West Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, knappsl@ncwcom.com, 440-647-6104 Koopmans, Alex, 15, 10555 Pleasant Renner Rd, Goshen, OH 45122, dkoopmans@tds.net, 513-877-2300

L–Q L’Amoreaux, Lauren, 02, 7261 Paris Ave NE, Louisville, OH 44641, blamoreaux@neo.rr.com, 330-875-4157 L’Amoreaux, Lindsay, 02, 7261 Paris Ave NE, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-4157 Liming, Louis, 01, 3726 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, 330-652-5694 Liming, Marlena, 01, 3726 AustintownWarren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, louidafarms@aol.com, 330-652-5694 Lloyd, Marlee, 13, 5363 Dialton Rd, Springfield, OH 45502, 937-206-1942 Lulfs, Tara, 10, 3200 CR 4, Swanton, OH 43558, mmlulfs@windstream.net, 419-822-3221 Lund, Courtney, 08, 1577 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-7313 Lund, Matthew, 08, 1577 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-7313 Mangun, Allison, 07, 13693 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, mangunfarm@yahoo.com, 330-435-6520 Mathews, Emma, 15, 1506 Hodson Rd, New Vienna, OH 45159, moocows@fuse.net, 513-300-7291 Mathews, Maggie, 15, 1506 Hodson Rd, New Vienna, OH 45159, 513-300-7291 Mazzaro, Bailee, 01, 7373 Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, mazzaradi@aol.com, 440-293-5573 Mazzaro, Calla, 01, 7373 Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-5573 Mazzaro, Mason, 01, 7373 Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-5573 Mazzaro, Matthew, 01, 7373 Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-5573 McCummons, Allison, 14, 13499 Meranda Rd, Anna, OH 45302, cmmccumons@watchtv.net, 937-394-2537 McCummons, Brady, 14, 13499 Meranda Rd, Anna, OH 45302, 937-394-2837 McDaniel, Katelynn E, 13, 2140 Boda St, Springfield, OH 45503, vmcdaniel.1@hotmail.com, 937-390-2273 McDonald, Michael, 08, 46690 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, jdsheffield430@gmail.com, 440-315-4854 McDonnell, Miranda, 08, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-774-3113 McDonnell, Morgan, 08, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-774-3113 McGovern, Kate, 08, 1567 TR 355, Jeromesville, OH 44840, 419-368-3485 McGuire, Deven, 11, 1740 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, mcguiren@benlogan.k12.oh.us, 937-465-8150 McGuire, Kyle, 11, 1740 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-8150 McKay, Josh, 05, 6240 Miami Trace Rd, Washington Court House, OH 43160 Miley, Adam, 07, 8108 Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, miley.adam@gmail.com, 419-846-3234

Miley, Anna, 07, 6745 Matty Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, jdjamiley@aol.com, 330-263-7814 Miley, David, 07, 8108 Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, mileyja@frontier.com, 419-846-3234 Miller, Hallie, 07, 16485 E TR 136, Bellevue, OH 44811, 419-271-3530 Miller, Leah, 07, 16485 E TR 136, Bellevue, OH 44811, 419-271-3530 Miller, Shelby, 07, 9428 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, miller.2714@osu.edu, 330-201-1492 Montgomery, Daniel, 01, 3179 SR 534, Newton Falls, OH 44444, mdfholsteins@yahoo.com, 330-716-3712 Montgomery, Shannon, 01, 3179 SR 534, Newton Falls, OH 44444, 330-716-3712 Morlock, Madisen, 10, 6661 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450, v419-308-7990 Moyer, Allison, 08, 1577 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-7313 Mudgett, Garrett, 13, 5644 Jennybrook Ln, Hilliard, OH 43026, 937-477-6616 Nelson, JD, 13, 1751 S Dugan Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, nelsoncows4u@yahoo.com, 937-653-8041 Oberholtzer, Brittany R, 08, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156 Oberholtzer, Gordon N, 08, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156 Oberholtzer, Landon C, 08, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156 Oberholtzer, Waldon K, 08, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, clairlyn@bright.net, 419-938-3156 Oechsle, Harrison, 12, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH 45891, jacherholsteins@gmail.com, 419-605-2546 Oechsle, Korey, 12, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH 45891, 419-605-2838 Oechsle, Matthew, 12, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH 45891, 419-605-2447 Parker, Evan, 01, 10538 Washington St, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023-2616, 440-543-8297 Parker, Lauren, 01, 10538 Washington St, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023-2616, 440-543-8297 Parker, Rebecca, 01, 10538 Washington St, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023-2616, dnparker@juno.com, 440-543-8297 Pennington, Abby, 10, 14286 US 20, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-7026 Pennington, Evan, 10, 14286 US 20, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-7026 Pennington, Noah, 10, 14286 US 20, Wauseon, OH 43567, tkpenn@live.com, 419-335-7026 Plocher, Levi, 02, 11784 West Calla Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-337-1849 Pond, Cole, 13, 1319 N Parkview Rd, Woodstock, OH 43084, 937-834-2431 Pond, P. Shem, 13, 1319 N Parkview Rd, Woodstock, OH 43084, jrpond@ctcn.net, 937-834-2431

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Quallen, Emily, 15, 1123 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177, 937-383-0693 Quallen, Loren, 15, 1123 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177, 937-383-0693 Quallen, Sarah, 15, 1123 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177, 513-309-3782

R–Z Rennecker, Benjamin, 07, 6764 N Honeytown Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, 330-669-3673 Rennecker, Hannah, 07, 6764 N Honeytown Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, 330-669-3673 Riggenbach, Micah, 07, 10331 Frick Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-317-1619 Riggenbach, Noah, 07, 4425 Egypt Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, 330-669-3094 Riggenbach, Owen, 07, 10690 Parr Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, 330-855-9998 Rufener, Cole, 02, 1894 Swartz Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260 Rufener, Sarah, 02, 680 Congress Lake Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260 Sayers, John, 11, 16591 County Home Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, mcsayers@columbus.rr.com, 937-644-1589 Sayers, Max, 11, 16591 County Home Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, 937-644-1589 Schlauch, Logan, 07, 12809 TR 503, Big Priarie, OH 44611, vvf48@earthlink.net, 330-378-2024 Schlauch, Wyatt, 07, 12809 TR 503, Big Priarie, OH 44611, 330-378-2024 Schmitmeyer, Clair, 14, 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-526-4226 Schmitmeyer, Katerri, 14, 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, lineviewfarms@gmail.com, 937-526-4226 Schmitmeyer, Ted, 14, 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-526-4226 Schroeder, Travis, 10, 11312 CR D, Wauseon, OH 43567, brendas20@embarqmail.com, 419-335-0293 Schroeder, Trent, 10, 11312 CR D, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-0293 Schroeder, Trey, 10, 11312 CR D, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-0293 Scott, Clay, 03, 8334 Bailey Rd, Mineral City, OH 44656, buckgrunt@frontier.com, 330-260-0709 Scott, Kayla, 03, 8334 Bailey Rd, Mineral City, OH 44656, 330-260-0709 Seedorf, Callie, 10, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-278-1124 Seedorf, Chloe, 10, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-278-1124 Seedorf, Claire, 10, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, seedorfmj@aol.com, 419-278-1124 Seedorf, Will, 10, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-278-1124 Sheets, Molly A, 11, 931 Christopher Circle, Ada, OH 45810, spikeptr@aol.com, 740-363-2184 Sherry, Nicole, 14, 5295 Hogpath Rd, Greenville, OH 45331, 937-459-5321 Shock, Rachel, 08, 619 TR 2104, Loudonville, OH 44842, shockfamilyfarms@yahoo.com, 419-368-4430 Shockey, Abigail, 03, 142 Leatherberry Rd, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-9071

52 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

Shoemaker, Austen, 02, 14308 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, shoemaker.3@osu.edu, 330-537-3325 Shoemaker, Ben, 02, 14308 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-537-3325 Simpson, Ben, 03, 65343 Plainfield Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, 740-484-1444 Simpson, Robert, 03, 65343 Plainfield Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, 740-484-1444 Sloan, Miranda R, 01, 6652 Kingsville Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417 Smith, Alexia, 11, 14630 Middleburg Plain City Rd, Plain City, OH 43064, 614-733-0182 Smith, Emily, 03, 42743 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, 740-483-2107 Smith, Jared, 11, 14630 Middleburg Plain City Rd, Plain City, OH 43064, btjasmith@msn.com, 614-733-0182 Smith, Nerissa, 03, 42743 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, smithhills@gmn4u.com, 740-483-2107 Snider, Demi, 11, 9877 TR 120, Kenton, OH 43326, snid-a@bluffton.edu, 419-675-5164 Steel, Clinton, 03, 2705 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, jpcsteel@aol.com, 330-364-5243 Steel, Jaden, 03, 2843 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-343-1307 Steel, Stacie, 03, 2843 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, daybyday@wilkshire.net, 330-343-1307 Steel, Stephanie, 03, 2843 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-343-1307 Steiner, Christian, 07, 13939 Eby Rd, Creston, OH 44217, kdsdairy1@aol.com, 330-464-1219 Steiner, Zach, 07, 13939 Eby Rd, Creston, OH 44217, 330-464-1219 Steinke, Aprille, 12, 15431 Fox Ranch, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-738-7136 Steinke, Lee Ann, 12, 15431 Fox Ranch, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, maplmilk@bright.net, 419-738-7136 Steinke, Luke, 12, 15431 Fox Ranch, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-738-7136 Stevens, Jessica, 07, 4660 W SmithvilleWestern, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-749-8633 Stewart, Clayton, 03, 308 North St, Jewett, OH 43986, baker.1971@yahoo.com, 740-946-1680 Stewart, Melinda, 03, 308 North St, Jewett, OH 43986, 740-946-1680 Stull, Katie, 07, 9304 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-263-0037 Stull, Riley, 07, 9304 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-263-0037 Sugg, Brandon, 07, 5789 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, suggblastaway@aol.com, 330-317-0861 Sugg, Kaitlyn, 07, 5789 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-317-0861 Sugg, Kiersten, 07, 5789 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-317-0861 Sutton, Marissa, 01, 9347 SR 45, North Bloomfield, OH 44450 Thomas, Colton, 13, 6140 SR 296, Cable, OH 43009 Thompson, Alisha, 03, 42225 Jewett-Scio Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, 740-946-2805 Thompson, James, 03, 42225 Jewett-Scio Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, 740-946-2805

Thorbahn, Jenna, 11, 9035 Oak Ridge Lane, Plain City, OH 43064, 614-873-6946 Timmons, Ian, 08, 334 TR 2422, Loudonville, OH 44842, tbear4430@aol.com, 419-368-6300 Topp, Brennan, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-4960 Topp, Keaton, 14, 8986 SR 274, Kettlersville, OH 45336, kkktopp@aol.com, 937-693-4400 Topp, Kinley, 14, 8986 SR 274, Kettlersville, OH 45336 Topp, Logan, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-4960 Topp, Madelyn, 14, 10356 Kohler Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, metopp@watchtv.net Topp, Marissa, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-4960 Topp, Tanner, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-4960 Topp, Tessa, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-4960 Topp, Tyler, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, KurtAndFam@aol.com, 330-464-4960 Trbovich, Austin, 03, 7222 Waynesburg Rd, Waynesburg, OH 44688, 330-866-5438 Trbovich, Logan, 03, 7222 Waynesburg Rd, Waynesburg, OH 44688, 330-866-5438 Tullis, Kelsie, 03, 2039 Aster Rd, Scio, OH 43988, kshawver@wildblue.net, 330-739-2067 Tullis, Kolby, 03, 2039 Aster Rd, Scio, OH 43988, kshawver@wildblue.net, 330-739-2067 Turner, Tiffany, 08 Turon, Colby, 01, 5432 Greenville Rd, West Farmington, OH 44491, gotmilk1013@yahoo.com, 440-548-5979 Turon, Steve, 01, 5432 Greenville Rd, West Farmington, OH 44491 440-548-5979 Weeman, Sam, 07, 304 N Kansas Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, lttlguy12@gmail.com, 330-683-6771 Weyant, Faith, 03, 1071 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, snfcoffman3@yahoo.com, 740-373-3744 Whiteleather, Andre, 02, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Wolf, Keenan, 07, 5801 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-345-3264 Wolfe, Daniel, 02, 6508 Bentler Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-492-5254 Wolfe, Katherine, 02, 6508 Bentler Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-492-5254 Wolfe, Robert, 02, 6508 Bentler Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, awolfepak@gmail.com, 330-492-5254 Wolff, Anna L, 08, 6395 Branch Rd, Medina, OH 44256 Wyler, Kurt, 03, 5558 TR 176, Fresno, OH 43874, 740-545-7125 Zimmer, Beth, 03, 80 Zimmer Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, zimmerview@gmail.com, 740-374-5978 Zimmer, Eric, 03, 80 Zimmer Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-5978 Zimmer, Lisa, 03, 80 Zimmer Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-5978

85056 p53 Kiko 5/22/13 3:25 PM Page 1

Springhill-OH PS Jewel-ET VG-85 +1922G 2-07 365D 27,550M 4.2% 1,166F 3.9% 921P DAUGHTERS: +2109G March 2012 DE-SU OBSERVER-ET ALSO: 5 April ET’s by SEAGULL-BAY SUPERSIRE-ET (2 pictured below)

At right:

Kiko Fortune Arlene 580 VG-87 3-04 342D 32,903M 3.9% 1,287F 3.1% 1,041P

More Exciting VG 2-Year-Olds: w Kiko Gabor Rapture 685 VG-87 w Kiko Damion Vina 663 VG-87 w Kiko Gabor Wanita 710 VG-86 w Kiko Dex Avon 638 VG-85 We are pleased with the way our calves respond and grow on AMPLI-Calf ®.

R & P Kiko Family Farms, Ltd. RHA: 212 cows 26,376M 958F 824P

Rusty & Pam, Russell, Randall, Rudy and Ryan (Russell) 28173 Winona Road, Salem, OH 44460 Asst. Herdsman Luke Hilton, 330-853-7944

Home 330-525-0302 Cell 330-853-0401 Fax 330-525-7683

AUCTIONEERS Leading the Auction Industry since 1945 Russ Kiko Associates Inc. 2805 Fulton Drive NW, Canton, OH 44718

www.kikoauctions.com Randall L. Kiko Res: 330-222-2220 Cell: 330-831-0174 Ext. 158

Russell T. (Rusty) Kiko, Jr. Res: 330-525-7420 Cell: 330-495-0923 Ext. 115

Rudy W. Kiko 330-540-2416 Ext. 117

Check out the Kiko Auction Website for upcoming auctions. OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 53

85056 p54 Purina3.KM 5/22/13 3:22 PM Page 1


for weather, heat stress in Ohio starts as early as March and averages 150 days of mild to severe heat stress per year (68 THI and above).5 Heat and humidity can wreak havoc on feed intakes and milk components. These losses often cannot be recovered until well into the fall (if at all). Martha Baker, dairy nutrition specialist with Purina Animal Nutrition LLC shares that when cows are heat stressed, intake levels drop.

In the dairy industry, losses in milk production due to heat stress are estimated at $900 million each year.1 At the farm level, heat stress and an associated 10 percent to 35 percent milk production loss2 may cost $1.60 to $5.60 per cow per day.3 These losses continue to mount when reductions in reproductive performance and increased days open are added into the equation.

“To support production, the cow needs to eat the same pounds of nutrients as she would in cooler weather. Therefore, the challenge is to provide the same level of nutrients in a smaller package”, says Baker.

According to the Temperature Humidity Index (THI), cows can begin to show the effects of mild heat stress at 68 THI.4 Unfortunately, producers often underestimate how early in the season their cows are feeling heat stressed. Chances are your cows may already be experiencing the negative effects of heat stress. Looking at a 5 year average

One such way producers can limit the impact of heat stress in their herds is to more efficiently deliver glucose and energy to cows when intakes are challenged and she needs them the most. The nutrition technology in Rally® Dairy Feed, when fed early in the warm season, can help maintain milk production throughout the year — regardless of the

1 St-Pierre, N.R., B. Cobanov, and G. Schnitkey. 2003. Economic losses from heat stress by U.S livestock industry. J. Dairy Sci. 86:E52.

3 Assumed a cow milking 100 pounds per day at stated lost milk production assuming $16/cwt milk price.

2 Rhodes et al, 2009 JDS Collier et al, 2012 Ruminant Nutrition Symposium

4 R. J. Collier, L. W. Hall, S. Rungruang and R. B. Zimbleman, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Arizona, Quantifying Heat Stress and Its Impact on Metabolism and Performance

weather. Rally® Dairy Feed fed in lactating diets prior to and during heat stress has shown to6: · Increase milk production (+5.5 to 7.5 lbs.) · Improve feed efficiency (+5%) · Increase dry matter intake (+3.5 lbs.) · Lower postpartum NEFA (-15%) Ultimately, maintaining profitability through the summer is all about being proactive before the heat and humidity hits.

To learn more about incorporating nutritional heat stress strategies into your herd or how Rally® Dairy Feed can help your cows beat the summer heat, contact your local Purina Animal Nutrition representative: www.FEEDRALLY.com www.DAIRY.PURINAMILLS.com 1-800-227-8941 5 Based on historical and projected AccuWeather® data. 2013. 6 Purina Animal Nutrition feeding trials DC 516 (2009), DC525 (2010), DC 537 (2011) Rally is a registered trademark of Purina Animal Nutrition LLC.

K & M Builders, Ltd 5358 Kidron Rd, Kidron, OH 44636 Monday thru Friday 7:00am--4:30pm Saturdays by Appointment Only

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OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 55

85056 p56 TenPen.obit.AgCr 5/22/13 3:12 PM Page 1

— In Memoriam — WILLIAM J. “BILL” TYZNIK, 86, died on Friday, May 3, 2013, from an aortic aneurysm. Born in Milwaukee on April 26, 1927, Bill grew up on the family dairy farm in Thorp, Wisconsin. He studied in a one-room schoolhouse on the family property and graduated from Thorp High School in 1944. He attended the University of Wisconsin, where he received his Bachelor’s (1948), Master’s (1949) and Ph.D. (1951) degrees in the College of Agriculture. He joined the Ohio State University faculty in 1951 (the same year as Woody Hayes) for an annual salary of $4,500. He became a full professor of Animal Science in 1959 and retired in 1992 after 41 years of service. Teaching was his joy and his passion. Every quarter he would memorize the names of his 150 students, startling many when he called upon them in class. He was a student favorite, winning numerous teaching awards. Many OSU graduates had Bill as their professor for Animal Science Nutrition Classes. Bill also taught dairy nutrition through Extension. He was a pioneer in horse nutrition research, invented the Tizwhiz line of premium horse feeds and Frosty Paws dog treats, lectured around the world, and greeted friends and admirers every year at the Quarter Horse Congress and Equine Affaire expositions in Columbus. He was an active member of the Grandview Community and Saint Christopher parish. Bill was preceded in death by parents John and Anna Tyznik, brother Joe Tyznik and great-grandson Anders Noggle. He is survived by Bette, his beloved wife of 62 years; big brother Tony; children Melissa (Clum) Hill, Lori (Paul) Speakman, Patty (Chuck) Roboski, John (Jude) and Jim Tyznik; grandchildren Heather (Shawn) Walrath, Meghan (Brendan) Noggle, Chelsi (Sean) Lemaster, Katherine, Patrick, Michael, Thomas, Colin and Chloe Tyznik, Andrew and Amy Speakman, Claire, Will, Rose, Annie, John and Joe Roboski; great-grandchildren Jack and Sam Walrath and Drew Noggle; and a multitude of nieces, nephews and dear friends. A funeral mass was held May 9 at Saint Christopher Church in Columbus. Memorial donations may be send to Saint Christopher Church, 1420 Grandview Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43212.

Julia Nolan Woodruff jwoodruff@agcredit.net

Stacey Dvorak sdvorak@agcredit.net

Doug Fedak WELLINGTON BRANCH 116 West Herrick Avenue Wellington, Ohio 44090 www.agcredit.net


440-647-6611 Ext. 1202 Fax: 440-647-6610

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104 PTAF #2 Holstein April ’13

Bolton’s #1 PTAF daughter

PLAINFIELD BOLTON REGAN VG-86 +1998G 3-05 365D 28,187M 6.1% 1,735F 3.9% 1,114P 1.91TYPE 1.86UDC 1.90FLC Backed by 83-pt. Allegro, 86-pt. Magna, 87-pt. Aaron, 85-pt. Rudolph, 85-pt. Leadman and 87-pt. Bell





REGAN has a March 18 MOGUL son available, waiting on Genomics, and a very correct BRAXTON due in November to DONATELLO. REGAN will be flushed soon! Inquiries welcome.

Registered Holsteins Orville and Betty Simpson Since 1944 65343 Plainfield Road, Belmont, Ohio 43718 Ben 740-312-5865 House 740-484-1444 plainfieldholsteins@gmail.com 13-Year PBR Award

Don and Danette Simpson Emily, Ben and Robert Don 740-391-3301

Visitors always welcome! Just minutes off of I-70 in the heart of Belmont County.

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85056 p60 districts.AgriKing 5/22/13 3:03 PM Page 1

From the Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The 2013 Officers and Program Work reports are due in the office. Here is a summary of reports received recently. This is a way to share information on district officers and activities throughout the state and to encourage other districts to share their information. DISTRICT 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State Vice-President Randall Kiko State Director Lamar Liming President Jayme Rice Vice-President Ed Struna Secretary John Winchell Treasurer Carol A. Sirrine Show Chair Mary Liming Activities Held in 2012 — July 12 Annual Meeting July 21 Showmanship at District 1 and 2 Show at Canfield Fairgrounds Activities Planned for 2013 — June 29 Showmanship at District 1 and 2 Show at Canfield Fairgrounds July 6 Annual Meeting

DISTRICT 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State Director John Hartline President Jared Harding Vice-President Mark Bardall Secretary Louise Harding Treasurer Scott Carle Membership Chairman John Young News Reporter Barb Lumley Sale Chairman Jared Harding Show Chairman Kurt Bohlen Youth Chairman Bill Burkhart Youth Rep Clay Hershberger

DISTRICT 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State Director Marvin Steinke President Alan Brown Vice-President Richard Steinke Secretary Lou Brown Treasurer Lou Brown Membership Chair Tom Strasburg News Reporter Lou Brown Sale Chair John Smith Show Chair Lou Brown Youth Chair Cheri Oechsle Youth Rep Matt Oechsle

Activities Held in 2012 — Mar. 24 Annual Meeting in New Philadelphia June 16 Holstein Show in Dover June 16 Showmanship in Dover Nov. 4 Barn Meeting in Belmont Nov. 4 Judging Contest in Belmont

Activities Held in 2012 — Jan. 14 Membership Meeting at New Bremen July 30 District 12 Show and Junior Show at Wapakoneta July 30 District 12 Junior Showmanship at Wapakoneta Sep. 9 Farm Tour at Brownhaven Farm

Activities Planned for 2013 — Apr. 13 Annual Meeting in New Philadelphia June 15 Holstein Show in Dover June 15 Showmanship in Dover Oct. Barn Meeting Oct. Judging Contest

Please visit the Ohio Holstein Website at www.ohioholstein.com

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Activities Planned for 2013 — Jan. 16 Membership Meeting at New Bremen June Homan’s New Drive-through Barn and Manure Press at New Bremen July 29 District 12 Show and Junior Show at Auglaize Fairgrounds, Wapakoneta July 29 District 12 Junior Showmanship at Wapakoneta

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Is Your ID System Up-to-Date with New Requirements? In December 2012, USDA announced it would be publishing a Glenn Sageser new rule for enhancing livestock traceability in the US. This new rule, titled “Animal Disease Traceability” or “ADT,” provides all 50 states, territories and tribes with the framework for which they will construct and manage their own programs. With respect to dairy cattle, ADT will initially recognize four numbering systems and any device that can utilize these numbers. The first is the National Uniform Eartagging System (NUES), more commonly known as the USDA metal tag, available through each state’s agricultural department. These nine character numbers include either a numeric state code (13ABC1234) or the alpha state code (VTABC1234). The second approved number system is the Animal Identification Number (AIN), commonly known as an 840 number. These numbers can be printed on either an RFID tag or a visual ID tag. The third and fourth option will only be acceptable for ADT until March of 2015. They are the American ID number, commonly seen on Holstein USA tags (61234567), and the manufacturers coded RFID tag (982000123456789). Although there is a two-year transition period for the use of these tags, we urge dairy producers to switch to the 840 AIN well before March 2015.

Keep Cows Cool and Comfortable This Summer Schaefer Circular Fans

All Types of Fans Available All Sealed Fans Cooled Motors We Also Have All Types of Fly Control. Box 2224, 12993 Cleveland Rd. Creston, OH 44217 1 1/2 miles south of Creston on State Route 3 330-435-6522 or 435-4440 or 1-800-821-3952

Additionally, the ADT allows the use of either a Premises Identification number (PIN) or a Location Identification Number (LID) to identify animal housing locations. The PIN is a seven character alphanumeric number (00MTB27) and is issued to the states through a national premises number repository. The LID is a state-based number that can be six or eight characters (MN4321 or CA654321). One of these numbers is required to purchase tags with 840 numbers printed on them; at this time, Holstein USA requires a Premises Identification number. In addition to the requirement of tags and location ID, the ADT also emphasizes the need for documentation of health records when animals travel across state lines. The Interstate Certificate of Veterinary Inspection is the most common of these movement documents. The difference between the traditional use of the certificate, and under the ADT, is the official ID listed has to be either the NUES, AIN or American ID numbers. In the past, other forms of ID such as tattoos and other ID were acceptable on these forms. Holstein Association USA Offers Tags to Help You Become Compliant Holstein Association USA has provided 840 RFID tags for our customers since 2007. We have seen many customers already make the switch to the use of 840 tags for registration with the Tag ID method; existing 840 herds will not have to modify their tag ordering. However, our line of 840 ear tags will have to expand in order to meet the demands of the ADT. Holstein Association USA has plans to add a visual 840 tag, which is an approved device, in the near future, ensuring we can provide any 840 tag our customers desire. The goal is to offer an official option for the current visual tags we offer now (mini round, junior, large and maxi). Remember, to be ADT compliant, only one tag in the animal has be official. These new tags will also satisfy the requirement for the Holstein Tag ID program, which still requires one Holstein tag in each ear. If your animals already have Holstein tags and are registered, but an 840 AIN is required for a program other than ADT (i.e. a show, sale or fair requirement), the registration number of the animal will remain the same. The supplementary 840 tag you are ordering is being used solely for the purpose of moving your animal to another location. It is not necessary to cross-reference the 840 tag to the registration. When ordering tags, you will be asked to provide the current registration number for the animals you are ordering tags for. For those herds not currently using a breed association American ID or a NUES tag, we recommend that producers buy a stock of blank 840 AIN’s they can have on hand to tag animals with when they are leaving the farm. As each state is responsible for regulating its own system, there are many questions yet to be answered. With further questions, contact your state department of agriculture, or call Holstein Customer Service at 800-9525200. Don’t hesitate to call me if you’re interested in learning more about Holstein programs that can help save you time and money, such as Holstein COMPLETE, EASY ID for registrations, and official Holstein ear tags. If you would like assistance to answer questions or provide on-farm service, feel free to contact me at 502-321-8670.

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BarbWire Milk Doesn’t Always Come From a Cow When consumers walk up to the dairy case in their local grocery store, Barb Lumley milk that comes from cows isn’t the only kind they see on display. Sitting right along side the cow’s milk are several alternative kinds of so-called “milk.” SILK is one of the more popular ones, and it is a beverage made from soybeans. It is produced by soaking dry soybeans and grinding them with water. According to advertisements, SILK contains zero cholesterol, lactose or dairy. It contains about the same proportion of protein as cow’s milk. Soy products contain high levels of phytic acid, which is known to inhibit the absorption of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Soy milk contains very little digestible calcium. There is no medical benefit to using soy milk instead of cow’s milk or human breast milk for babies. Despite the terminology used by consumers, it is illegal to sell soy milk under that name in the European Union, where — with certain exceptions — EC Regulation (1898/87) has restricted the term “milk” to mammary secretions since 1987; in such countries, the term “soy drink” is commonly used. Too bad the United States hasn’t passed such a law! Fortified Rice “milk” is a safe alternative for anyone who is lactose intolerant. It is low in fat and contains no saturated fat or cholesterol. However, just one cup contains 25 grams of carbs (cow’s milk has about 12, so it isn’t waistline-friendly). It is very low in protein — just one gram per serving compared with eight grams of protein in cow’s milk. It is light and watery with a subtle sweetness. Manufacturers and suppliers of rice milk are listed from China. Hemp “milk” is thicker and creamier than skim cow’s milk, with an earthy taste. It is cholesterol-free, low in saturated fat and a vegan’s delight because it is rich in antiinflammatory omega-3 fatty acids. The amount of protein in hemp milk varies; some brands have four grams per cup while others have less. Hemp seeds are high in fat, so servings should be limited. The biggest drawback is the funky taste! The hemp plant, even for culinary purposes, is illegal to grow in the United States. Almond “milk” is another option for the lactose intolerant. It has no saturated fat or cholesterol and just 40 calories in an unsweetened cup. But do not expect to get the

same benefits you would get from eating raw almonds. Almond milk loses many of the nut’s nutrients in production, so it offers hardly any protein and must be fortified in calcium to reach the levels found in cow’s milk, and popular sweetened options are loaded with sugar. It is thin and watery with a nutty flavor. Goat’s milk is good at protecting bones and muscle, is high in calcium and potassium and provides nearly 39% of the RDA for phosphorus, which helps build strong bones. It contains less lactose than cow’s milk, but is still a no-go for anyone with more than a mild intolerance. It contains 6.5 grams of saturated fat and nearly 170 calories per cup (over 80 more than found in one cup of skim cow’s milk). Today these alternative “milks” sit in the dairy case right beside our cow’s milk, competing for the consumer’s attention and dollars. They are widely advertised. Vegans promote them, and some doctors recommend them. It is very important that consumers know the facts about the “milk” they are purchasing. Cow’s milk is a standout source of calcium and protein, and cow’s milk still does a body good. The word “milk” implies that a product is good and healthy for consumers. We know that is so, when the milk comes from dairy cows!

You don’t need an 800 number to get a great farm insurance rate! Call a local agent you already know and trust! Habrun’s Insurance Service Ohio Mutual Insurance Group Habrun’s Insurance Service, Inc. 170 South Clay Street • PO Box 347 Millersburg, Ohio 44654 1-800-340-3767 • 330-674-9091 www.habrunsinsurance.com



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The Queen’s Corner by Cayla Inkrott Hello again to the Ohio Holstein Community! It is great to see that spring is finally here, and it is quite a good time to get those cows out in full throttle for show season. I had such a great time at Spring Dairy Expo. It was great to see everyone participating in the Junior and Open shows. There was such a great turnout, including over 100 Juniors. Congratulations to all those who won; your hard work truly paid off. I could not believe how many great cows were out in the ring. Being involved in Buckeye Dairy Club with the sale also made the experience quite enjoyable. I was disappointed I was not able to attend Spring Sale, due to a work conflict. I am sure there were some great sales and purchases. I am very much looking forward to the upcoming district shows that I will be attending. Keep up all the hard work, and have a great summer! Please feel free to contact me for upcoming events. My cell phone number is 419-969-4915, and my e-mail address is inkrott.25@buckeyemail.osu.edu.

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2013 Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship Recipients


olton Harstine is the recipient of the $650 2013 Ohio Holstein Women’s scholarship as announced at the Ohio Holstein Convention on March 9. He is the son of Richard and Catherine Harstine of Dundee, Ohio (D-3) and a 2012 graduate of Dover High School, Dover, Ohio. Mr. Harstine grew up working on Harstine Dairy, where his responsibilities “with regards to the farm have greatly evolved over time.” He managed 50-60 Holstein heifers and helped in the fields with planting and harvesting, along with daily chores of milking and cleaning the milking herd barn. Colton was a nine-year member of the Milkmakers 4-H Club. While in high school he also participated in the Dover High School String Orchestra and Science Olympiad. Colton has completed two semesters at The Ohio State University with his major being Animal Science/ preveterinarian. While at OSU, he has participated in two work studies programs, where he has prepared organ and tissue samples, also organizing a lab and helping with research. Colton’s plans are to be a large animal veterinarian. He feels “the role of a veterinarian is changing; it is no longer a case-by-case situation, but more of a preventative care and consulting-based job.” He also says “the modern veterinarian helps the American dairy farmer accommodate to the new ideals of society.”


arina Cable is the recipient of the $500 2013 Ohio Holstein Women’s scholarship as announced at the Ohio Holstein Convention on March 9. She is the daughter of Jerry and Nancy Cable of Flemington, New Jersey, and a 2006 graduate of Hunterdon Central Regional High School, also Flemington, New Jersey. Ms. Cable has had many work experiences in a wide range of agricultural industries, from a milking assistant with various other responsibilities on four different dairy farms to an equine trainer at a riding stable. She has also been a breeding tutor at OSU-ATI, a veterinarian nurse and technician at a couple veterinarian hospitals, a farm assistant at the OSU Swine Farm and a veterinarian assistant to the Ohio State Racing Commission Veterinarian at Scioto Downs in Columbus, Ohio. One of her current activities is working as an intern on her late grandfather’s dairy farm. Marina has completed four quarters and two semesters at The Ohio State University with a major in Animal Science. Her goal after graduating is to “give back to the field that has shaped my childhood, and in return, shape a great future for others. I want people to know that they need agriculture in their lives for so many reasons. Agriculture is a voice that needs to heard; I plan to be that voice.”

Here’s What’s Blooming at Lorawae HEATHER

3 BUDDING YOUNG COWS 1. Lorawae Shottle Fauna-ET VG-85 at 2-04, full sister to…

2. Lorawae Shottle Flora-ET, not yet scored, fresh 4-3-13 with a Red Destry heifer

3. Lorawae Sanchez Heather VG-87 VG-88MS at 2-10, 2nd-place Junior 3-Year-Old at Spring Dairy Expo — PICTURED AT LEFT Our congratulations to RANDALL KIKO for being elected Vice-President of the Ohio Holstein Association and to RUSSELL KIKO III for being named Junior Buckeye Breed Builder at the 2013 Ohio Holstein Annual Meeting.

LORAWAE HOLSTEINS Visitors Always Welcome

John, Suzanne & Katey Lora 14094 Garfield Road, Salem, Ohio 44460 w 330-537-3797 RHA 25,379M 888F 770P w 45 Cows, BAA 110.5 w PBR 17 years – NO BST

District 2 Members

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Ohio Holstein Association 2013-2014 Committees Annual Meeting

Buckeye Breed Builder



❈ Julie Renner ❈ Russell Kiko III

❈ Duane Logan

❈ Lisa Kerr

❈ Tom Thorbahn

Pam Kiko Betty Whiteleather Kathy Johnson Matt Lawson Rod Campbell Katy Lora Jim Ray Nevin & Brenda L’Amoreaux Jessica Whiteleather

Breed Improvement ❈ Tony Broshes Lamar Liming Lisa Mangun Paul Haskins Jen Bouton

Jim Sheffield Eric Havens John Hartline Jay & Kristy Ackley John Lora Ted Renner Terry & Marcia Stammen Eric & Mary Topp Mary Lou Topp Russell Kiko III

Building ❈ James Kemp Jon Miley Steve Watts Dan Schlabach

Nancy Kemp Judy Wolford Anne Cole Lisa Mangun Pete Spike Julie Renner Barb Lumley Matt Lawson Chris Sayers Steve Moff Jim Spreng Tom Thorbahn

Membership ❈ Ken Janes Eric Topp John Young All board members


Please visit the Ohio Holstein Website at

www.ohioholstein.com Gehl 40 Series Skid Loaders

Tight Spots. Tough Tasks. All in a Day’s Work. • Four models offering up to 2,700 lbs. operating load (with optional weight kit) and 82 hp for big loader results • Exceptional hydraulic power for higher breakout force, fast cycle times and better attachment performance • Longer wheelbase and a low center of gravity for a smooth, stable ride • Choice of controls: T-bar “hands-only,” dual-hand, or hand/foot

❈ Chris Sayers ❈ Cheri Oechsle Leslie Maurice Mary Liming Ray Twining Bill Indoe Barb Lumley Jane Miley Pete Spike Greg Conrad Jenny Thomas

Nominating ❈ John Hartline ❈ Nancy Kemp Joe Miley Terry Stammen John Spreng Ted Renner

Program Development ❈ Randall Kiko Regina Berg Jason Whiteleather All committee chairs

PDCA ❈ Steve Moff 1145 Cleveland Ave. Ashland, Ohio 44805 419-289-3610 Fax 419-281-7358 www.ashlandimplement.com

66 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

John Spreng Angi Kaverman

John Hartline Pete Spike Jim Sheffield Barb Lumley

Sales ❈ Ken Janes ❈ Barb Lumley ❈ Steve Deam Randall Kiko Ted Renner Paul Haskins Curtis Bickel Jason Miley Brenda Eberly Rudy Kiko Adam Whiteleather Eric Topp Nevin L’Amoreaux Pete Spike

Shows ❈ Steve Moff Angi Kaverman Paul Haskins Jeremy Adams Cindy Howman Linda Beardsley Becky Barker Jeremy Elsass Mary Lou Topp Adam Whiteleather Jason Miley Matt Andrews Tony Menzie Dave Conrad Dave Cornish Matt Lawson Charlie Henry Rudy Kiko Jenny & Nathan Thomas

Youth ❈ Matt & Megan Lawson Cheri & Jim Oechsle Estell & Lamar Liming Lisa & Roy Mangun Dallas Rynd & Judy Wolford Cathy & Peter Berg Joyce Nelson Jen Bouton


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920-682-0264 | forhealthycows.com OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 67


85056 p68 OhSprSale.Canfield 5/22/13 2:41 PM Page 1

Ohio Holstein Association Spring Sale Results by Barb Lumley A nice crowd was on hand for the Ohio Spring Sale held Saturday, April 20, 2013, at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Wooster, Ohio. The sale was managed by the Ohio Holstein Association, Don Alexander, General Manager. Steve Andrews handled the auctioneer’s duties, with Ted Renner reading the pedigrees. A total of 67 full lots averaged $2,613, three embryo lots averaged $2,250 and two bulls averaged $950. The first consignment into the ring was Pine-Tree Jeeves Sheila, a sharp, dairy, three-year-old daughter of Ked Outside Jeeves. With a lovely udder, she had recently been classified Very Good 86, was milking 121 pounds and was from five generations of Very Good and Excellent dams. When the gavel fell at $6,200, her new owner was Mark Acker of Acker Dairy Farms, Sterling, Ohio, who would also purchase the top-selling consignment, Pine-Tree Planet Shelly-ET, for $12,000. Shelly is a daughter of Ensenada Taboo Planet from the Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy family, had been rescored Very Good 86, was milking 117 pounds, was bred to De-Su Alta Jackman and carried a contract. Both were consigned by Pine Tree Dairy of Rittman, Ohio. Beach-Vale Talt Melanie-Red consigned by Jacob Beachy, Jr., Millersburg, Ohio, sold for $5,900 to RMD Dairy, Mark Dotterer of Sterling, Ohio. Recently classified Excellent 90, this lovely-uddered red and white cow was milking 95 pounds per day, was sired by Ladino Park Talent and came from seven generations of Excellent and Very Good Dams.

CANFIELD FAIR Wednesday through Labor Day Annually

Don’t Miss the Big One

Kevin Dotterer of Sterling, Ohio, made the final bid of $5,200 for Pine-Tree 1937 OBSER 4796, classified Good Plus 84, a daughter of De-Su Observer with a GTPI of +2155, milking 85 pounds, rebred to De-Su Alta Jackman and carrying a contract. She was consigned by Pine-Tree Dairy and was also from the Rudy Missy cow family. Spring Walk Farm, William Wachtel, Big Prairie, Ohio, chose Neuview Shottle 443 for $5,000. Classified Very Good 87, she was sired by Picston Shottle-ET and was milking 97 pounds, and her dam was Pine-Tree Missy Matty-ET, classified Very Good 86 from the Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy cow family. She was consigned by Trent Neuenschwander of Dalton, Ohio. Volume buyer in the sale was Ross Russell of Russell Springs, Kentucky, who purchased six consignments for a total of $19,400. Cattle sold to Kentucky, West Virginia and Ohio. The consignments were presented in top form by Steven Jordan and his fitting crew. Working the sale ring were Russell Kiko, Paul Haskins, Ken Janes, Kenneth Brown and Don Alexander.

Ohio Holstein Association Spring Sale Top Buyers Mark Acker, Acker Dairy Farms, Sterling, Ohio Lot 1, Pine-Tree Planet Shelly-ET (8/11/09) . . . . $12,000 SIRE: Ensenada Taboo Planet Consignor: Pine Tree Dairy, Matthew J. Steiner, Rittman, Ohio Lot 31, Pine-Tree Jeeves Sheila (11/15/09) . . . . . $6,200 SIRE: Ked Outside Jeeves Consignor: Pine Tree Dairy, Matthew J. Steiner, Rittman, Ohio RMD Dairy, Mark Dotterer, Rittman, Ohio Lot 7, Beach-Vale Talt Melanie-Red (5/03/08) . . . $5,900 SIRE: Ladino Park Talent Consignor: Jacob J. Beachy, Jr., Millersburg, Ohio Kevin Dotterer, Rittman, Ohio Lot 4, Pine-Tree 1937 OBSER 4796 (1/18/11) . . $5,200 SIRE: De-Su Observer-ET Consignor: Pine Tree Dairy, Matthew J. Steiner, Rittman, Ohio Spring Walk Farm, William Wachtel, Big Prairie, Ohio Lot 6, Neuview Shottle 443 (12/15/09) . . . . . . . $5,000 SIRE: Picston Shottle-ET Consignor: Trent Neuenschwander, Dalton, Ohio

HOLSTEIN SHOW DAY August 30, 2013 Judge Alta Mae Core

Canfield Fair P.O. Box 250 – Canfield, OH 44406 68 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

Ross Russell, Russell Springs, Kentucky Lot 30, Morningview Super Molly (9/05/10) . . . $4,200 SIRE: Charlesdale Superstition Consignor: Pine Tree Dairy, Matthew J. Steiner, Rittman, Ohio Rondel Meyer, Polk, Ohio Lot 21, Ja-Bob Proxy Hardrox-P-Red (12/05/12) . $4,000 SIRE: Venture Proxy PP-Red-ET Consignor: Mark T. Yeazel, Eaton, Ohio Lot Lot Lot Lot

5 . 44 35 57

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$3,800 $3,500 $3,400 $3,200

Lot Lot Lot Lot

26 51 47 50

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$3,100 $3,100 $3,100 $3,000

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Callihan & Noah Spreng

April Classification Yields Great Results! • 14 new VG cows, 7 first lactation • 2 new Excellent cows, both sired by Darlawn Mtoto Hosea ➤ Idyl Brook Hosea 3194 EX-92 ➤ Idyl Brook Hosea 3457 EX-90 Diamond Oak Jr Alejandra (pictured left) continues her success! Now VG-85 with VG-MS and just completed her 1st lactation: 305D with 30,381M!

Alejandra was grown on Amplicalf Calf Starter.

6860 Snoddy Road, Shreve, OH 44676 Kevin & Kristy Spreng: C: 419­651­5198 or E: kspreng11@gmail.com Paul & Joanne Weber: C: 419­651­4302

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A World of Opportunities Awaits

Students at Ohio State ATI!

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 71

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COBA/Select Sires Names Duane Logan General Manager COLUMBUS, OHIO, April 15, 2013 — Tom Fleming, COBA/Select Sires board president, is pleased to announce that Duane Logan will lead the organization as general manager beginning in September of 2013. Logan currently serves as the Marketing Director-North for COBA/Select Sires. “Duane has helped set the course for the organization over the past 18 years. His straight-forward leadership style and thinking of the member-ownercustomer first will continue to benefit all producers in the cooperative,” according to Fleming. Current general manager Bernard Heisner will retire on August 31, 2013. “I have had the privilege of working with Duane since he joined COBA as North Marketing Director in 1994 and can honestly say that he is one of the most honest, sincere, dedicated and hard working employees in the COBA organization. He works many long hours to ensure that COBA member-owners receive the best of both products and services available while placing a high priority on promoting sound working relationships with fellow COBA employees. I’m excited to continue working with Duane in his new role as COBA’s general manager,” says Norman Hoff, COBA Marketing Director-Southwest. Logan has been a part of the leadership team that has helped COBA/Select Sires grow to over 1.9 million units of semen sales. Responsible for the sales and service personnel and

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programs, Logan has worked with the COBA team to grow market share, increase customer loyalty and develop incentive-based employee compensation programs. In addition, Logan has been responsible for the oversight of the marketing program in Mexico. With his leadership, the relationships with COBA’s Mexican business partners continue to grow and prove profitable. Logan’s experience with COBA/Select Sires started long before his employment. As a partner, owner and operator of Loganway Farms in Farmdale, Ohio, Duane has benefited from the very programs that he strives now to lead and improve. His 200-cow registered Holstein herd was a longtime member-owner-customer that helped develop genetic lines that were made available through the Select Sires federation. In addition, Duane served on the COBA/Select Sires board as a member-owner representative. He was a member of the board when the previous two general managers were hired. Duane still owns farmland in Farmdale and has called Plain City, Ohio, home for almost two decades. He resides there with his wife Chris. They have two grown daughters; Jenna resides in the Columbus area, and Leah in the Cleveland area. COBA/Select Sires, Inc., one of the founding members of Select Sires, Inc., has become widely respected for its clearly demonstrated ability to provide the finest service and bovine genetics available in the world. COBA/Select Sires, Inc., operates as a true cooperative by encouraging member input and allowing members to share in profits through patronage refunds.


Inquiries iries Welcome — Looking for a special young youn cow?? WABASH-WAY EXTRA SPECIAL-ET +2043G Fresh in March, 83 lbs/day PL +2.4 DPR +.05 es h s u l Type +2.68 F lable UDC +2.75 Avai NM +443 Sire: De-Su Observer-ET Dam: Wabash-Way GLDWN Eve-ET +2005G 2nd Dam: Wabash-Way Emilyann-ET VG-88 +2009G and the dam of Wabash-Way Explode-ET at Taurus

Join us on August 17th for our “Open House” and see our Recycled Manure Solids (one of the few presses in the area). Look for our flyers for more details in early August.



Fresh in March, 109 lbs/day Milk +2036 es h s Fat +61 u Fl le b a l i Protein +60 Ava NM +493 Type +2.2 PL +1.4 Sire: Schillview Garrett-ET Dam: Charpentier FBE Sierra-ETS VG-89 +1940G 2nd Dam: Gen-I-Beg Talent Spectra-Red VG-85 3rd Dam: Glen Drummond Spendor-ET VG-86

Fresh 5-12-2013 Milk +1286 es h s NM +400 u Fl le b a l i PL +4.1 Ava DPR +.3 Type +2.71 UDC +2.26 Sire: Ronelee Toystory Domain-ET Dam: Appealing Planet Histia-ET VG-87 +1945G 2nd Dam: Appealing Shottle Hannah-ET VG-86 DOM +1778G 3rd Dam: Ladys-Manor Hadara-ET VG-88 DOM

FARNEAR-REGAN M TILLI-ET +1936G Fresh 2-5-2013 100 lbs/day Milk +1136 PL + 3.6 DPR +.1 Type +1.9 UDC +2.0 NM +421 Sire: Sully Altameteor-ET Dam: Regancrest-BP Bolvr Tab-ET EX-92 GMD-DOM +2007G 2nd Dam: Regancrest-JB Tabitha-ET VG-88 GMD-DOM 3rd Dam: Regancrest Tesk Della EX-90 GMD-DOM 4th Dam: Snow-N Denises Dellia EX-95 GMD-DOM


MISS MAC RITA VG-87 3-YEAR-OLD Fresh in January 126 lbs/day, ME 27,170 Milk Type +2.02 UDC +2.04 PL +2.4 DPR +1.4 Dam: Miss Reggie Manda-ET VG-85 2nd Dam: Miss Maui Miracle-ET EX-91 GMD-DOM 3rd Dam: Miss Mark Maui EX-95 GMD-DOM, All-American Junior-2, 1994

15681 SR 67, Forest, Ohio 45843-9751 419-673-0069 • scd@psmdairy.com OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 73

85056 p74 BuckSale.Midw 5/22/13 2:30 PM Page 1

Ohio Buckeye Classic Holstein Sale Averages $1,822 by Barb Lumley Pine-Tree 1258 Larg 5474-ET, Lot #7, was the top seller at the Buckeye Classic Holstein Sale held Friday, March 29, 2013, at the Spring Dairy Expo in Columbus, Ohio. When the gavel fell at $4,600, she had been purchased by Lou Brown, New Bremen, Ohio. A summer yearling, she was sired by Glen-Toctin Super Large-ET from a Very Good 86 daughter of the well-known Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy and carried a GTPI of +2259. She was consigned by Matthew J. Steiner of Rittman, Ohio.

Ohio Buckeye Classic Holstein Sale Top Buyers

Michael Crawford, Dover, Ohio, selected Lot #30, Duncan Spearmint Candy-ET for $3,150. Consigned by Drew and Rachel Duncan of Warsaw, Ohio, she was a daughter of Pine-Tree Spearmint from the Excellent 90 Cavalier Finley Aspen-ET with a record of 3-05 365D 53,286M 4.4% 2,353F 3.3% 1,758P.

Ms Brookview P Moolah-ET (10-12-12) . . . . . . . . $1,700 SIRE: Welcome Super Petrone-ET Consignors: Ryan & Chelsea Lingle and Eric Havens, Wooster, Ohio

Selling for $3,000 to Patrick Twining, Wellington, Ohio, was Lot #67, Headwater Lheros Juliet, a recently fresh twoyear-old sired by Comestar Lheros from a Very Good 88 daughter of Lance, and consigned by Miles Price and Caitlyn and Blake Meyer of Chebanse, Illinois. She had been nominated Junior All-American Junior Yearling in 2012. Also selling for $3,000 was Lot #22, Ri-Val-Ri Arn SallyRed, a fall calf consigned by Aaron and Jerry Jorgensen, Webberville, Michigan, and purchased by Chelsea Skidmore of Union City, Ohio. She was sired by Ladinodale AaronRed-ET from a Very Good 88 Jenny-Lu Mrshl Toystory dam. Steve Gasser, Creston, Ohio, paid $3,000 for Lot #4, PineTree 2149 Colt 5092-ET-RC, a fall yearling daughter of Sandy-Valley Colt-P-Red-TW consigned by Matthew Steiner of Rittman, Ohio. Her Very Good 87 dam was by Zenith and from the Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy cow family, and her GTPI was + 2201. The sale averaged $1,822 on 56 live lots. Two embryo lots averaged $875. Cattle sold to Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Illinois and Indiana, as well as Ohio. Auctioneer for the sale was Randall Kiko, with Ted Renner reading the pedigrees. The sale was managed by the Buckeye Dairy Club from the Ohio State University, assisted by the Ohio Holstein Association, Don Alexander, general manager. Co-chairmen for the sale were students and Buckeye Dairy Club members Jeneva Auble and Marc Bolen.

CERTIFIED Tye J. Henschen DVM ON-FARM EMBRYO TRANSFER EXPORT CERTIFIED 3883 Klondike Road Delaware, Ohio 43015

74 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

Phone 740-369-3931 Fax 740-369-7814

Lou Brown, New Bremen, Ohio Pine-Tree 1258 Larg 5475-ET (7-19-12). . . . . . . . $4,600 SIRE: Glen-Toctin Super Large-ET Consignor: Matthew J. Steiner, Rittman, Ohio Brookview Maui-ET (9-03-12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,400 SIRE: VA-Early-Dawn Sudan Cri-ET Consignor: Eric J. Havens LLC, Fremont, Ohio

Michael Crawford, Dover, Ohio Duncan Spearmint Candy-ET (9-04-09) . . . . . . . . $3,150 SIRE: Pine-Tree Spearmint Consignors: Drew & Rachel Duncan, Warsaw, Ohio Patrick Twining, Wellington, Ohio Headwater Lheros Juliet (3-01-11). . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 SIRE: Comestar Lheros Consignors: Miles Price and Caitlyn & Blake Meyer, Chebanse, Illinois Steve Gasser, Creston, Ohio Pine-Tree 2149 Colt 5092-ET RC (10-13-11) . . . . $3,000 SIRE: Sandy-Valley Colt P-Red-TW Consignor: Matthew Steiner, Rittman, Ohio Cotton Springs Farms, Mt. Pleasant, Pennsylvania Trealayne Aftershock Sage (1-12-11) . . . . . . . . . $2,700 SIRE: MS Atlees Aftershock-ET Consignors: Wayne & Steve Specht, Dover, Ohio Dexter Graham, Washington, West Virginia U-Dean SS Deuce Athena (1-01-11) . . . . . . . . . . $2,600 SIRE: Scientific SS Deuce Consignor: Ryan Welch, Polk, Ohio Will-O-Rae Reality Luna-ET (12-06-10) . . . . . . . . . $1,800 SIRE: Hurtgen-Vu Reality-Red Consignors: Scott Knoll and Lisa Kerr, North Fairfield, Ohio Smith-Hills Kyle Patricia (12-01-10) . . . . . . . . . . . $1,600 SIRE: Smith-Hills Jordan Kyle Consignor: Eric Schaefer, Hillsboro, Ohio Kenneth Graves, Urbana, Ohio Ms Eskdale Atwood Rayon-ET (8-11-12) . . . . . . . $2,600 SIRE: Maple-Downs I G W Atwood-ET Consignor: Lora Raye Syndicate c/o John Conrad, Garrison, Utah Pete Spike, Deleware, Ohio Golden-Oaks GC Relish (5-11-12) . . . . . . . . . . . $2,600 SIRE: MR Chassity Gold Chip-ET Consignor: Golden Oaks Farm, Wauconda, Illinois Blaine Showalter, Leetonia, Ohio Golden Touch Illusion-ET (4-10-11) . . . . . . . . . . . $2,600 SIRE: Picston Shottle Consignor: Blair Lammers, New Knoxville, Ohio

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 75

85056 p76 Kliner.JonesJump 5/22/13 2:33 PM Page 1

Indiana Jones – continued from page 5

California. Also, in Region Six there will be four candidates vying for that postion. They are Gale Haese, Phil Specht, Chuck Will and Mark Kerndt. Region One incumbent Peter Waterman is running unopposed; Region Four has Gayle Carson unopposed, and director at large Corey Geiger, currently unopposed, but any candidate failing to win in other regions can be nominated from the floor to run for director at large. I would like to take this time to invite you to the 2013 National Convention to be held in Indianapolis in July. I hope you can take a couple of extra days and make it to the preconvention tours held Sunday and Monday. The committee has done a very nice job putting together tours that have a very nice variety of things to do and see, from a tour at Lucas Oil Stadium to visiting the Duesenberg Museum, also visiting dairy farms from 30 to 30,000 cows (Fair Oaks Dairy and museum), from rotary parlors that milk 72 cows at a time to robotic milkers. Probably my favorite will be touring one of the Eli Lilly animal health production plants, where you will watch the process of making such products such as Tylan, Rumensin and Micatil from the start of the germ process to the completed product. To learn more about the preconvention tours, check out the 2013 Indiana National Holstein Convention website. Monday night, July 8, we will be having the Futures Sale at the convention center, and on Wednesday, July 10, we will have the National Convention Sale. We have a lineup that will fit everyone from the highest GTPI animals to the animals from extremely deep pedigrees, show animals to animals that will work in your everyday working conditions.

Kliner Maintenance Service “Maintaining Your Building’s Future”

Dan Kliner, Owner 9164 Finley Road Wooster, OH 44691 Cell 419-651-2650 dankliner@embarqmail.com


Providing service for your farm needs: 4 Building Maintenance and Repair 4 New and Repair Carpentry 4 New Buildings from Masonry to Post Frame 4 New and Replacement Concrete 4 In Barn Maintenance: 4 Gates 4 Fans 4 Electrical

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No Job Too Large or Too Small!

76 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

I would like to take this time to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be on the HAUSA board of directors. I am just finishing my second year, and for the most part it has been very rewarding. There have been some difficult times but, trust me, I am trying to make the right decisions for our members and families from all areas of our industry. I was visiting a friend from southern Indiana a few weeks ago, and he asked me what was the most-asked question I have gotten not pertaining to HAUSA or the Holstein cow. I thought for awhile, and I would have to say the most-asked question not pertaining to anything related to our industry is “what is it like to raise a child with a disability on a farm.” Short answer is “wonderful, fulfilling, blessed and rewarding.” I would like to share with you a story that was sent to Bobbi and I when Jodi was born. It goes like this. WELCOME TO HOLLAND I am often asked to describe the experience of raising a child with a disability…to try to help people who have not shared the unique experience to understand it, to imagine how it would feel. It’s like this…When you’re going to have a baby it’s like planning a fabulous vacation trip — to Italy. You buy a bunch of guidebooks and make your wonderful plans: the Coliseum, the Michelangelo, David, the gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It’s all very exciting. After months of eager anticipation the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, “Welcome To Holland.” “Holland?” you say. “What do you mean Holland? I signed up for Italy! I’m supposed to be in Italy. All my life I’ve dreamed of going to Italy.” But there’s been a change in the flight plan. They’ve landed in Holland, and there you must stay. The important thing is that they haven’t taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place full of pestilence, famine and disease. It’s just a different place. So you must go out and buy new guidebooks, and you must learn a whole new language, and you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met. It’s just a different place. It’s slower-paced than Italy; you look around, and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills; Holland has tulips; Holland even has Rembrandts. But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy, and they’re all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life you will say, “Yes, that’s where I was supposed to go. That’s what I had planned.” The pain of that will never, ever go away, because the loss of the dream is a very significant loss. But if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn’t get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, very lovely things about Holland. (author unknown) I respond to people that not only is this story true for you if you have challenges in life, it is true if everything in your life goes perfect. If you have the right attitude, no matter what challenges God gives, you have the opportunity to become a better person and enjoy all the wonderful things that God gives us. Again, I want to thank you for the opportunity to work with many great leaders of our industry and especially the chance to meet so many wonderful families that the Holstein cow has given me the opportunity to meet. As my kids often said when they were growing up, “Dad, you have preached long enough!” So hope to see you in Indianapolis. Indiana Jones — out!

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Your 3URĂ€WDELOLW\ is Our Goal. Featured Product: CargillÂŽ Northeast Show Calf Have your calves looking their best with our Northeast Show Calf feed, a 40% protein, pelleted feed, formulated with amino acids and vitamin B, as well as selenium yeast for greater selenium retention and sulfate based trace minerals for high bio-availability. It is also medicated with Lasalocid 54.6 grams/ton as well as a combination of rumen degradable and undegradable protein sources to promote bovine health. Contact your local Cargill Dairy Focus Consultant today to learn about the programs and technologies we offer to help manage ingredients, input pricing and risk, control costs of rations, analyze diets and understand whole farm economics. Michele Burky: 419-651-2081 | Michele_Burky@cargill.com Ryan Aberle: 330-464-1951 | Ryan_Aberle@Cargill.com Bob Hostetler: 614-937-5356 | Bob_Hostetler@cargill.com Doug Hering: 314-282-0044 | Doug_Hering@cargill.com Laura Weisz: 320-293-2184 | Laura_Weisz@cargill.com OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 77

For dependable agricultural lending, quick response and decisions made locally... Contact your nearest First National Bank for all of your agricultural business needs.

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Orrville 112 W. Market Street Orrville, OH 44667 (330) 682-1010

Fairlawn 3085 W. Market Street Fairlawn, OH 44333 (330) 836-2600

Kidron 4950 Kidron Road Kidron, OH 44636 (330) 857-3101

Massillon 211 Lincoln Way East Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 832-7441

1320 W. High Street Orrville, OH 44667 (330) 682-2881

Dalton 12 W. Main Street Dalton, OH 44618 (330) 828-2227

Lodi 106 Ainsworth Street Lodi, OH 44254 (330) 948-1414

2312 Lincoln Way NW. Massillon, OH 44647 (330) 833-1622

78 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

Apple Creek 7227 East Lincoln Way Apple Creek, OH 44606 (330) 264-8070

Mt. Eaton 15974 E. Main Street Mt. Eaton, OH 44659 (330) 857-4301 (330) 359-5476 Salem 1070 E. State Street Salem, OH 44460 (330) 277-4363

Seville 4885 Atlantic Drive Seville, OH 44273 (330) 769-3105

Wooster 4192 Burbank Road Wooster, OH 44691 (330) 263-5303

Smithville 153 E. Main Street Smithville, OH 44677 (330) 669-2611

1725 Cleveland Road Wooster, OH 44691 (330) 263-1725

Export Council Boosts Dairy Sales Internationally Nearly 1 of every 7 milk tankers that roll out of your driveway MOVES OVERSEAS!

The U.S. Dairy Export Council® — established ďLJ ƉƌŽĚƵĐĞƌƐ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚ ƚŚĞ ĐŚĞĐŬŽī Ͷ ƵŶŝƚĞƐ Ăůů industry segments to grow the volume and value of U.S. exports. The U.S. dairy industry sold more than 13 percent ŽĨ ŝƚƐ ŵŝůŬ ƐŽůŝĚƐ ŝŶƚĞƌŶĂƟŽŶĂůůLJ ĨŽƌ ƚŚĞ ƐĞĐŽŶĚ ĐŽŶƐĞĐƵƟǀĞ LJĞĂƌ ŝŶ 2012. Export value hit a record $5.2 billion, and U.S. exporters sent more than 3 billion pounds of total milk solids into export channels. 1 2

3 5


8 4 2



3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Mexico: $1.23 Billion Southeast Asia: $921 Million Canada: $554 Million China/Hong Kong: $443 Million Middle East/North Africa: $431 Million Japan: $284 Million South America: $256 Million South Korea: $227 Million

Drink-Milk.com OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 79

85056 p80 Melling.Polc.Shear 5/22/13 3:39 PM Page 1

Have you … ➧ been hearing about Toc-Farm GOLDSON, but didn’t know where to get it? ➧ been wondering where to buy the Red Carrier ACME bull you keep hearing about? ➧ been looking to buy the #3 genomic bull CASHCOIN, but didn’t know who to call?


➧ been wishing you had good-uddered 2-yearolds by DOMAIN, hot yearlings by CAMERON?

Spungold-MVU Lou Alexis-Red EX-90

➧ been wondering if anybody still has CONTENDER-RED semen, or ADVENT, or HERO, or Ja-Bob JORDAN, or REDMARKER, RUBENS, SEPT STORM, LINJET, OUTSIDE or almost anybody else?

4-02 365D 26,477M 4.3% 1,127F 3.32% 880P

Do you … ➧ wish you could get that CUPID bull with the 6-5-1-4 aAa code, but don’t know who to call? ➧ need a 4-6-2, POLLED RC young sire from a 93-3E cow with 200,000 lifetime 4.9% fat? ➧ have interest in a MICHael Storm Avalanche son that’s EX-92 at 3 years from a 96-4E DURHAM 6-1-5 aAa?


CALL TOLL FREE: 1-877-530-2687!!

RAINYRIDGE PERSEUS POLCHIN HOLSTEINS A 100% Registered Herd 2411 Sentinel Road • Dorset, OH 44032 John, Ruth and Tony Polchin – 440-293-7955

e nc

Ashtabula Co. A Part of District 1

19 3 7

➧ want to get Kulp-Dale GOLDEN PP-Red, or COLT 45, SHANOSBER, LONG, OUTDONE, Milk-and-Honey Destry MOSES-RED or any other POLLED or RED bull that you see advertised, but only have 3 or 4 big AI stud guys stopping?

Due the end of July to


CALL TOLL FREE: 1-877-530-2687!!

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If you want something off-the-wall or hard-to-get, or Old All-Time Breed Greats, or from Field of Dreams Genetics, Dairy Bulls Online, TAG, Jet Stream Genetics, CRV, TWG-Sexing Technologies, or any privately-owned bulls you see advertised, then


TOLL FREE at 1-877-530-2687!! YOUR ONE-STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR AI NEEDS Richard Mellinger, Lancaster, PA Email address: NewLife4JC@aol.com

80 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

7762 Cleveland Rd. • Wooster, OH 44691 • 330-345-9023 2715 W. Fourth St. • Mansfield, OH 44906 • 419-529-6160 496 Harcourt Rd. • Mount Vernon, OH 43050 • 740-392-6160 13 Ft. Monroe Industrial Pky. • Monroeville, OH 44847 • 419-465-4622 3500 Copley Rd. • Copley, OH 44321 • 330-666-8400 999 Lafayette Rd. • Medina, OH 44256 • 330-722-1411 11204 Royalton Rd. • North Royalton, OH 44256 • 440-237-4806

85056 p81 index.cal.jumps 5/23/13 9:28 AM Page 1

Index ABS Global, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 ADA Mideast, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Ag Credit/Country Mortgages . . . 56 Agri Sales & Consulting . . . . . . . . 82 Agri-King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Andrews, Steve & Seth — Auctioneers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Ashland Implement, Inc. . . . . . . . . 66 Canfield Fair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Cargill Animal Nutrition . . . . . . . . 77 COBA /Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Commodity Blenders . . . . . . . . . . 72 Commodity Specialists . . . . . . . . . 71 ComputerMixx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Curry Lumber & Pole Building Co.’s. 46 Davis, Kim R. — Nationwide Insurance . . . . . . . . 37 Embryo Transfer Services . . . . . . . 20 First National Bank . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Garver, Merlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Genex Cooperative, Inc. . . . . . . . 26 Habrun’s Insurance Service, Inc. . . 63 Harold’s Equipment, Inc. . . . . . . . 28 Hartline Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Haudenschild Agency . . . . . . . . . 20 Idyl Brook Dairy LLC . . . . . . . . . . 69 K & M Builders, Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . 54 Keim Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Kidron Auction, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . 25 Kiko Family Farms, Ltd./ Kiko Auctioneers . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Kliner Maintenance Service . . . . . 76 Lehman, Eileen — Livestock Hauling . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Lorawae Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Lowe & Young, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Meaden & Moore — CPA’s . . . . . . 25 Mellinger, Richard . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Midwest Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Miley Holstein Farms Ltd. . . . . . . . 15 New Pittsburg Large Animal Clinic . 69 North Florida Holsteins . . . . . . . . 70 Ohio Beef Council . . . . . . . 19, insert Ohio Holstein Summer & Fall Sales . 9 Ohio State University/ Ag Technical Institute . . . . . . . . . 71 Paradise Valley Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . 3 Pine Tree Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Plain-Knoll Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Plainfield Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Polchin Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Priority Int’l Animal Concepts . . . . 67 Purina Animal Nutrition, LLC . . . . . . . 6, 8, 21, 54

Ratta Applied Construction . . . . . . 62 Ray-Jo Meadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Raygor Farms, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Razors Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Renaissance Nutrition . . . . . . . . . 57 Richman Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Seven Gables Farm . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Shearer Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Silver Creek Dairy LLC . . . . . . . . . 73 Spike, Pete & Jean — Vacation Rental. . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Springhill Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Stan-Mar-Dale/Express . . . . . . . . 12 Stein-way Equipment . . . . . . . . . . 13 Taurus Service, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Ten-Penny Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Thomas, Jenny — Photographer . . 25 Toppglen Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Town & Country Co-op Feed. . . . . 11 U-Dean Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Vaughan, Steve — Nutritional Consultant . . . . . . . . 25 W. G. Dairy Supply, Inc.. . . . . . . . 61 Wabash-Way Holsteins . . . . . . 42-43 Wenger’s Sharpening Service . . . . 39 Whiteleather Holsteins . . . . . . . . . 27 Zimmerview Dairy. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 This index is provided as an additional service. Publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions. CONTENT/COPY: The Ohio News has a policy to accept paid advertising unless its content may be construed as defamatory, invasive of the privacy of others, fraudulent, obscene or otherwise unlawful. In submitting copy, the advertiser represents and warrants that its content is truthful, is not defamatory, is not invasive of the privacy of others and is in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. However, the Ohio News reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising or submitted written material at any time.

Grapevine – continued from page 11

very rich little girl there, since she owns two cows and one calf already, and the traditional measure of wealth in Botswana is the number of cattle owned. • Doug Baird of Salesville, Ohio, won honorable mention in the Senior Division of the Hoard’s Dairyman Judging Contest. Honorable mention in the FFA AG-ED Division went to Norwyne FFA; Aaron Arnold of Creston, Ohio; and Edon Norhwest Schools, Edon, Ohio. • On April 13, Tanner Topp was second-high individual in the State FFA Dairy Judging Contest, and the Northwestern High School team placed second. All four on the team are members of the Ohio Holstein Junior Association.

Coming Events MEETINGS and EVENTS July 8-11 – National Holstein Convention, Indianapolis, IN

SALES July 10 – National Holstein Convention Sale, Indianapolis, IN August 24 – Ohio Holstein Summer Sale, Wooster November 23 – Ohio Fall Multi-Breed Sale, Wooster

SHOWS June 15 – District 3 Show, Judge Sherry Smith June 15 – District 13 Show, Urbana, Judge Pat Conroy June 17 – District 5 Show, Circleville June 29 – Northeast Ohio Districts 1 and 2 Show and Showmanship, Canfield Fair-grounds, Judge Nathan Thomas July 13 – District 7 Show and Showmanship, Wooster, Judge Craig Walton July 13 – District 11 Show and Showmanship, Logan County Fair OHIO STATE FAIR July 26 – Junior Holstein Show July 27-28 – MId-East Summer National Show, Judge Barklay Phoenix July 29 – District 12 Show and Junior Show, Auglaize Fairgrounds, Wapakoneta August 8 – District 4 Show, location pending August 13 – District 10 Show, Napoleon August 20 – District 8 Show at Lorain County Fair, Wellington August 30 – Holstein Show at Canfield Fair, Judge Alta Mae Core September 7-12 – 50th Anniversary All-American Dairy Show, Harrisburg, PA October 1-5 – World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI General Manager – continued from page 26

are looking for your best for this sale; nothing creates more enthusiasm than a great lineup of cattle and a big crowd for a sale. Good luck at the shows, and have a safe summer. Take care, Don OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013 | 81

85056 p82 AgriSales.Keim 4c 5/22/13 1:21 PM Page 1

Freestall Barns • Milking Parlors • Sand Separator Lanes Commodity Buildings • Bunk Silos 82 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2013

85056 p83 IBC Springhill 5/22/13 2:30 PM Page 1



SPRINGHILL-OH WISDOM-RED-ET EX-90 EX-MS *POLLED* 3-08 36,640M 3.1% 1,138F 3.0% 1,109P

WISDOM is by LAWN BOY and has four POLLED daughters at Springhill with more pregnancies on the way! Her dam is a VG SEPTEMBER STORM X JOLT WHITNEY (pictured at right) and from the HOPE FAMILY!

Springhill-OH Jolt Whitney 2E-93 GMD-DOM 4-02 365D 32,710M 4.3% 1,415F 3.5% 1,135P


pringhill 7109 SR 514 • Big Prairie, OH

Chris Lang • Tom, Karen & Kendra Lang

PH: 330-378-4515 • FAX: 330-378-4390 springhill@embarqmail.com www.holsteinworld.com/springhill

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