September/October 2014
A Tribute To Editorial Excellence Honoring Esther Welch
Summertime Round-Up
Congratulations to our Buyers Tim Randle Greenlea Advent Maemay EX92 (pictured) 2014 Kentucky State Fair Res. Grand Champion 2014 Ohio Spring Dairy Expo Junior Show Grand Champion Cummings/Heath/Triple T Richman Atwood Shasta R11 2014 Ohio State Fair First Place Sr. 2-Year-Old And Thanks To Kiko Farms, Matt Merrick & Rusty Reid “Where would we be without Esther Welch and her devotion to our Ohio Association? She cannot be replaced and is a great example for all of us on having a passion! Thank you for all the help you have given us! We very much appreciate you!�
District Show Results t 'JSTU 1MBDF 8JOOFST t 4FDPOE 1MBDF 8JOOFST t $IBNQJPO Pintail Point B-Rhonda EX93 t 3FT $IBNQJPO Richman Braxton Sandi R1143 VG87 t 'JSTU 1MBDF #FTU PG ć SFF Jr. 2 Atwood Sr. 2 Braxton Jr. 3 Damascus All First Place Winners!
~Richman Farms, Inc.~ 5IF *OEPF 'BNJMZ t -PEJ 0IJP Dick 330-948-1427 Tom 330-948-1137 Bill 330-608-9770 Tyler 330-416-8891 Jim Morlock, Jr. Fitting and Showing
Visitors Always Welcome
Thank You Holstein International for 20 Years of Serving the Dairy Industry! EDITORIA
The first
Article published by:
rnati This year, it is 20 y ears ago of HI: 19 that we 94. That publishe was the d the ďŹ rs Canadian year in w t volume LPI rankin hich Prelu g de solidly . In whic Winnie a h Starbu led the nd Merk ck daugh ley Whitn ters Dus respectiv e y tr iu p asquier mphed in ely. In w hich AIs Madison were the reported and Toro ir most u th nto at Moun sed sires tain and the Nr.1 of sons. Prelude Paradise sire of Fra In w R Sabath hich Dom nce. And ia a run to binator w in which the worl a s M a s c d o wide “M t’ s s e c about th o nd crop ascotma e Americ daughte niaâ€? in 1 an Bell S rs were c 995. But: Paradise e a alving en rs 1994 wa family, th Valley Fa masse, ta s a e ls fa rm o mily that the year owned b king Holstein in which has been y the Ram family is H , fo I s w r e th ro y m a fa te a t n m they form y genera ily in the the Bell tions alre Sears fam a bridge US state ady, on th between of Ohio. ily was p Mathie ( e Quite sp HI’s ďŹ rst opular b Cleitus s e is e c c s ia a u l u e a se of the and that bout this on). Roe through, tw b o u f o c to k b day. The had alrea rothers P and nota n, in 199 aradise-R dy been bly both 4, sons in th active fo R s o h e o b n uck (Mark e r in Ameri e top-25 a w h il e s c in o : a n P ’s 1 ) a 9 T ra a P 94, Math nd dise-R B duo: in Ja I top-25. ie had ju ell Sears This mad pan she st broken EX-90. B also prov e their d Sherry p u t, a ided the m the on this milk rovided th successfu y Bell da ly cow w e much ughter d l Blacksta ith 2 Sailor wa u s e id not le d r son Satu Tesk son s born: a a v e rn P it a M . ra a H athie son t that dise-R Se er Rotate breeding out of Sh ars Sabe daughte didn’t hu r. And pre r Paradis erry – th rt h im u e-R And now : Sailor w cisely in s with Be 1994, Pa ould sail we fast fo ll Sears a ra u s rw d p d ise-R ouble gra till more ard the fa top type than 22,0 nd-dam! mily ďŹ lm list for ov ‌.exactl 00 daug T h erall con is in Sabathia y 20 yea hters wo formatio . He is a rs, to 20 rld-wide n PTAT. In 1 B ‌ 4 o . li A th v nd look er son o ird place Bell Sears at the in ut of an we ďŹ nd, ! Indeed ternation Outside, at +3.90 , 20 years al th of lists. It e P n T A la a T te , B the bull r, this sp W Marsh should b P e a a c ll ra ia e , d th l m is c en a Blac entioned ow famil e-R Sears blo y from O kstar, an that not od: after d then ‌ hio is sti only Sab all, Boliv ll We have a providing thia’s dam er’s mate to be ho sires at th rnal gran , but also nest: 20 dsire is M e top his sire B issue, we y e a rs ago, w athie – th o li v could no e r, g o h e e b d n a ir c t we selec k to Bell ect son o have pre But toda ted Bell dicted th f Bell Sea y we can Sears as is magniďŹ rs. conclude th e ďŹ rst co cent imp : it was th w family act in the e right ch for HI’s ďŹ slightest oice! Jan Bierm rst w a y . a
Paradise Valley Farms, Inc. 20-YEAR PROGRESSIVE GENETICS HERD AWARD Bill, Brian and Michael Ramsey Families &ROXPEXV 5RDG 1( ‡ /RXLVYLOOH 2+ ‡ 3KRQH )D[ OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 3
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(USPS 404-600) (ISSN: 0899-4862) Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association
Volume 78
The Board of Directors of the Ohio Holstein Association has adopted the following: “The Mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”
Number 4
Published 5 times per year in January, March, May, September and November at Shreve, OH by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 dairyagendatoday – Click on Industry Links
Esther’s Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
District 1-2 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Subscription price in the U.S. is $15.00 per year. The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new one. Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertising forms close one month preceding date of issue. Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWS P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653
From the President, by Dallas Rynd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2014 Ohio State Fair Open Red & White Show Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 2014 Ohio State Fair Red & White Show Sponsors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Photos from the Ohio State Fair Holstein Shows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Ohio State Fair 4-H and FFA Junior Show. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Mid-East Summer National Junior Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd. Entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Wooster, Ohio 44691.
Sponsors of 2014 Ohio State Fair Open & Junior Holstein Shows. . . . . . . . 20
Ohio Junior Holstein Production Contest Entry Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
General Manager. . . . . . . . Tom Thorbahn; CELL 419-366-8135 Office Secretary . . . Diana Miley; Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jackie Bickel; CELL 513-300-7291 Webmaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Spike;
OFFICERS President . . . . Dallas Rynd, Ashville. . . . . CELL 740-207-5005 Vice President . Randall Kiko, Salem . . . . . . . . 330-831-0174 Secretary . . . . Cathy Berg, Bellville . . . . . . . . 419-886-2871 Treasurer . . . . Lisa Kerr, North Fairfield . . CELL 419-606-0527
EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Joe Miley, Past President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-263-7814 Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-770-6206 Greg Conrad, New Holland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-495-5067
Junior All-Ohio Entry Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 District 3 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27 District 5 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Ohio Holstein Summer Extravaganza Sale, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 From Indiana Mike Jones, National Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 District 7 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35 2014 National Holstein Futurity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 District 14 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-44
Mike Jones 760 East 450 North, Marshall, IN 47859. . . . . 765-592-0644
District 15 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
From Your Regional Representative, by Glenn Sageser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Dist. 1 Dist. 2 Dist. 3 Dist. 4 Dist. 5 Dist. 7 Dist. 7 Dist. 8 Dist. 9 Dist. 10 Dist. 11 Dist. 12 Dist. 13 Dist. 14 Dist. 15
Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . . 330-770-6206 Adam Whiteleather, Salem . . . . . . . . 330-205-1738 John Hartline, Whipple . . . . . . . . . . 740-236-7240 Jen Bouton, Mt. Vernon . . . . . . . . . . 740-507-8271 Greg Conrad, New Holland. . . . . . . . 740-495-5067 Lisa Mangun, Burbank . . . . . . . . . . 330-435-6520 Paul Haskins, Butler . . . . . . . . . . . . 419-618-4028 Ryan Welch, Polk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419-651-5281 Matt Lawson, Bluffton . . . . . . . . . . . 937-538-7110 Laurie Menzie, McClure . . . . . . . . . . 740-624-6367 Kristy Ackley, East Liberty . . . . . . . . 937-666-5502 Marvin Steinke, Wapakoneta . . . . . . 419-738-7174 Jenny Thomas, Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-395-9823 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta. . . . . . . . . . . 419-953-3427 Don Bickel, New Vienna . . . . . . . . . . 937-218-2697
Honoring Esther Welch (photos). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 BarbWire, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 The Queen’s Corner, by Allison Mangun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 National Dairy Women at 2013 World Dairy Expo (photo) . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 The Holstein Grapevine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Ohio Holstein Association Adult and Junior Membership Forms . . . . . . . 52-54 Junior Jottings, by Keaton Topp, News Reporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Ohio’s Statewide 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl, by Bonnie Ayars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Postmaster – Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691
Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
November-December DEADLINE October 20, 2014
Coming Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
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Esther’s Extras Prior to being the editor of The Ohio News, you were very involved in the Ohio and National Holstein Associations. Can you tell us some of the events/ Esther Welch activities you Editor worked with prior to becoming an Ohio Holstein Association employee? I was fortunate to marry into a dedicated Registered Holstein family. My father-in-law Kent Welch graduated from The Ohio State University in 1913 from a two-year dairy course. He became a member of The Holstein-Friesian Association of America in 1924, although we can trace Registered Holsteins on this farm back to 1913. U-Dean Farms is my Holstein background. In the 1950’s Ashland County, as well as other Ohio counties, had strong county Holstein Clubs. We received The Ohio News and Holstein World as part of our memberships, and I was a voracious reader. We attended shows and sales and tours whenever we could. The reports of the National Holstein Conventions sounded so exciting. The introduction of artificial insemination broadened the base of genetics and introduced us to Holstein breeders in other areas. In the early days Ohio was divided into two co-ops, NOBA and COBA, and there seemed to be a gentleman’s agreement that dairymen dealt exclusively with the co-op serving their area. We were involved in all the usual farm organizations, dairy testing, milk co-op, Farm Bureau, Landmark co-op, and Soil and Water Conservation. Eugene and his brother Dean took their turns serving on these various boards. Both Kent Welch and Dean Welch served on the NOBA board, and we participated in NOBA sponsored sales. Eugene was the News Reporter for the Ashland County Holstein Club. Guess who got to write up the county activities for The Ohio News?
Farnear Abbie Amaretto-ET b. Sept. 30, 2013 Purchased at the 2014 National Holstein Convention Sale
Dam: VG-87 Sanchez Grandam: Miss Kingstead Chief Adeen-ET EX-94 EEEEE 2E DOM 2 Year Progressive Genetics Herd Award Welch Family Farm since 1867 • Registered Holsteins since 1913
Come and See Us. Esther, Karen & Scott Welch 419-945-2250
U-Dean Farms 669 SR 89, Polk, Ohio 44866
Dean & Doris Welch 419-945-2411
By 1952 Ashland County was participating in a sales promotion from the The Ohio News. The District would purchase a page for each issue and then sell that page by quarter or half page ads to county breeders. That was the way we first began advertising. By 1957, I was bold enough to write to The Ohio News telling them that we got our local banquet on the front page of the local paper. We contacted the paper in advance for a photographer and reporter. We gave the reporter a free banquet ticket, seated him at the head table and introduced him. The Ohio News was kind to print the reports I sent. I noticed at that time that none of the ladies had a first name. They were Mrs. Kenneth Indoe, Mrs. Paul Ramsey, Mrs. Lamar Young, Mrs. James Lewis, Mrs. Clair Jones, etc. Looking back, I see that style format continued even into the 1970’s. However, whenever I wrote, the ladies had first names, and we began to know them as Jean Timmons, Miriam McCullough, Barb Lumley, Nancy Kemp, Barb Moff, Carol Watts, Marge Lewis, Barb Osterloh, Greta Cummings and Mary Lou Topp, etc.
1 mile north of Polk on SR 89
Randy & Mike 419-945-2542/2698
Ryan 419-651-5281
We understand there is an interesting story involved in how you took on the editorship of The Ohio News. Can you relate that story for us? In 1969, I began working as an area correspondent or “Stringer” for the Ashland Times Gazette and the Wooster Daily Record. I covered at least one school board meeting a month along with community meetings and all the farm meetings. I was the Ashland County Farm Bureau Information Chairman for 15 years and also for Wayne County for a few of those years. I continued to send dairy and Holstein related articles to The Ohio News and became a member of the News Committee. Jean and Sterling Timmons, the General Chairmen for the 1977 National Holstein Convention in Ohio, asked Eugene and me and Ralph and Eloise Rigg to be chairmen of the Convention Souvenir Book, May-June 1977 issue. We accepted the challenge. Ohio Holstein Treasurer Clair Jones warned me of other states that lost money on the publication by not completing the souvenir book in time for the convention. We required Esther’s Extras – continued on page 8
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I have some to fill... Thank you, Esther Welch, for your many years of dedication and passion as Editor of Ohio News. You have created a publication that is recognized as one of the best in the nation and positioned Ohio as a leader in the Holstein industry. I am very proud (and a bit nervous) to pick up where you left off. Congratulations on your retirement! Please don’t stray too far from your phone or email during the next few issues, as I begin my journey with Ohio Holstein as their new Editor.
Jackie Bickel
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6 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
RETAIL STORE Blades, Clippers and Accessories
See you at the
Ohio Multi-Breed Fall Sale Saturday November 22, 2014 Wayne County Fairgrounds Wooster Sponsored by your Ohio Holstein Association
2 Daughters for Sale this Fall!
Lindlaur Gabor Annette-ET EX-91 EX-93 MS @ 3-3
1st Place Junior 2-Year-Old Cow 2013 Mideast Spring National 2nd Place Junior 2-Year-Old Cow 2013 Mideast Summer National 1st Place Junior 3-Year-Old Cow 2014 Mideast Spring National GTPI +2057, PTAT +2.72
First Lactation
Annette is due to Apple-RED in February 2015 for her third calf. She is milking well, and also on IVF. The Legacy of Excellence continues with two Annette daughters listed in the November 22nd Fall Sale in Wooster. Ohio. A July 22, 2014 RED Olympian GTPI +2244, PTAT+2.76. A September 7th, 2014 Goldwyn
Second Lactation
Embryos For Sale! IVF Female Embryos from Annette are also available from Windbrook and Sabathia.
Lindlaur Gabor Annette EX-91 EX-93 MS is a Red Carrier Gabor Annette’s Dam is Advent Ally EX-91
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Esther’s Extras – continued from page 5
payment at the time the ad was placed and had the souvenir book distributed well before the convention, thus making a profit of $25,000 just on the publication. By 1990 I was chairman of the News Committee, and when we changed office personnel, President Jim Spreng asked me to come in and edit the Sept-Oct 1990 issue. Both Karen Hastings and Donna Swarzwalder were in the office. Donna was especially kind and helpful as she had worked on The Ohio News for a number of years. I did that issue and said, “Whew!” Jim then asked me to edit the Nov-Dec. issue. After that he asked me to write a proposal to edit The Ohio News, which I did, and it was accepted. Esther, you have been editor of The Ohio News for 20 years now. What observations can you make related to the Ohio Holstein Association…? As women became more involved, we saw changes, which included starting the Ohio Holstein Homemakers in 1969 and 1970. This auxiliary was encouraged by Ruben
Jones, Ohio Holstein President. This organization became the Ohio Holstein Women. About this same time the Ohio Junior Association was started. Advertising at that time focused on merchandising herd bulls. We also had a period of breeder-proven bull syndicate ads. This was followed by increased A. I. advertising. In the late 1950’s Ohio instituted term limits on state board members, which opened board seats to a younger and more diverse group of breeders. We followed this precedent with term limits for officers. I think these changes have made for more vibrant and viable associations. By 1970 the National Holstein Association limited the terms for delegates. After this women became national delegates and state board members. For many years, the OHA annual meeting was held at a hotel in Columbus. In recent years, the Ohio Holstein Association has been moving the annual meeting around the state. I think that this has improved attendance at the annual meeting and allowed a showcase for different districts.
The Holstein office had been in downtown Wooster, upstairs on Liberty Street, the main street in Wooster. The 1977 National Holstein Convention and Sale in Ohio made a profit, and this made it possible to purchase land and build the present office, which was in use by the time I started working. I believe Ohio Holstein Women helped furnish the office, and I know Jane Miley was involved in choosing the barn siding and slate that were used. Within my tenure as editor, the name of the Ohio Holstein-Friesian Association was changed to the Ohio Holstein Association, paralleling the name change from Holstein-Friesian Association of America to Holstein Association USA. The 2000 National Holstein Convention and Sale also made a profit, and that was the seed money for the Ohio Holstein Dairy Education Fund, which has been used for Juniors, for promotion and for emergencies, limited to events that benefit the membership and not just an individual. I think we are on the schedule to host the national convention again, possibly in 2025, so we can hope for another profitable
Kim R. Davis, Agent 110 West Lisbon Street, Waynesburg, Ohio 44688
Our agency provides… • Farm experienced agent • Farm expertise On Your Side • Yearly On Your Side® reviews • Master Farm Certification with a team of experts to specialize in your farm coverage needs Nationwide Agribusiness is the #1 farm insurer. 8 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
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convention. Not all states make a profit on a National Convention — Ohio has a history of hosting a well planned, profitable convention. For a number of years, there was no General Manager for the Ohio Holstein Association. The office staff included Karen Hastings, Donna Swarzwalder and me. Ken Janes handled the sales and farm visits. We planned the sale dates so the sale information and ads would fit the The Ohio News distribution schedule. In the late 1990’s there was a proposal to merge the The Ohio News with the Michigan-Indiana News. The proposal did not go through, and we continued to serve our members and be profitable. And related to the Holstein Association USA…? National Association changes that came along include OC for Off Color, Red and White Holsteins, and grading up non-registered animals to registered. Changes in classification also encouraged more breeders to participate. Probably one of the biggest advances has been embryo transplants. I once asked John Snoddy what it would have been like if ET had been available for Harborcrest Rose Milly, and he just said, “Oh my, oh my.” The magazine has evolved over the years into a showcase promotion piece of the Ohio Holstein Association. What changes are you most proud of making in The Ohio News? The “Grapevine” column was instituted by Steve Mawer in 1966. I especially liked doing cover stories, finding that “Cinderella” cow, herd or breeder and putting them in the spotlight. I always said one of my goals was to have every member be on the cover. We have highlighted many families and have pictured more at sales or meeting events or as award winners. I recall District 3 members such as Jim Rowe, Hardings and Spechts suggesting we feature the Bill Burkhart Family on the cover to represent District 3, after which the Burkharts became more active in the association. I also enjoyed featuring the Doug Dye Family, who also became very active in the association. I have been proud of each one of the cover families and thank them for their participation over the years. The Ohio News Committee has always
come up with challenging ideas. Julie De Lavergne suggested we use Ohio historical sites with our Holsteins on the cover and we did that for a number of years. The Ohio News Committee also suggested offering more color options to improve The Ohio News, and this has worked well. Another suggestion was to secure a sponsor for the membership issue of The Ohio News, which has also worked well. From 1990 through 2004 we published six issues a year, Jan-Feb, March-April, May-June, July-Aug, Sept-Oct, Nov-Dec. Beginning in 2005 we dropped the July-August issue.
What are some of your fondest memories of your tenure as editor of The Ohio News? Perhaps my two favorite issues were the 1977 Convention issue and the 2000 Convention issue. In 1977 we had 2,100 members, and in 2000 we had 1,200 members. We made a profit on both issues. With the Convention issues, I count 135 magazines in my time as editor. I always had a goal of encouraging other voices in The Ohio News, thus a column by the President, Ohio Holstein Queen, National Director, Youth Reporter. Through the years we did a variety of management roundEsther’s Extras – continued on page 11
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10 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
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Esther’s Extras – continued from page 9
tables, which also brought more perspectives to The Ohio News. I focused on the goal of making a profit on the in-and-out of every issue. I did achieve this goal. The best part of being the editor was meeting the many fine Holstein breeders in Ohio, the US and other countries along with many others in the dairy industry. The people I met were the most significant part of my experience. What counsel can you provide to the next editor? As an editor I have found that results don’t happen overnight, and no one can do the job of editor alone. Remember that everyone needs recognition and needs to feel important. Be more concerned about the other person than about yourself. I would hope that The Ohio News would continue to be useful and interesting to our members and that the membership would take ownership of The Ohio News and recognize its importance as the glue that binds the statewide membership together. While we meet face to face only a few times a year, we can meet on the pages
of The Ohio News every issue. I encourage The Ohio News to continue to tell the stories of our Holstein breeder families that will emphasize our similarities and recognize our differences. Remember that when each issue is published, it is Ohio Holstein news, and later it will become Ohio Holstein history. This publication becomes the state archives for Ohio Holstein industry. My hope is that The Ohio News will continue to serve and celebrate the membership, and chronicle the success of the Holstein breed and breeders in Ohio so that the stories will resonate long after publication as honest and relevant. Changes are inevitable. Esther, can you give us your thoughts on the “then and now” changes and progressions you have observed? When I started as editor, we were using standard typewriters, black and white 5 x 7 prints of cows, snail mail and sometimes designing the ad on graph paper. The most advanced office machines were a fax and an automatic letter folder. I believe the
Ohio Holstein Women bought one or both of these items for the office. Now we work with computers, email and full-color copy machines. It is remarkable how fast we can get email photos. It is especially helpful, now that we cannot trade photos with other magazines. Each issue of The Ohio News now goes online, and our webmaster Peter Spike keeps our website updated. One big change is that sale and show results show up on line within a day, before The Ohio News can be printed and distributed. Nevertheless, I believe our members appreciate having a magazine they can hold in their hands and read. I know some of our members do not have any email access and others do not have speedy email. Final thoughts… I want to thank everyone who has helped me through the years: staff, officers and board members, committee chairs, advertisers, contributors and my family. I am so proud of the way everyone is working together to continue the success of the Ohio Holstein Association.
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From the President by Dallas Rynd What a pleasure it is to write a column about a woman who has done incredible things to advance our association and the Holstein cow. This issue of the Ohio News is a tribute to just that person, Esther Welch. Esther has given our association and our magazine much dedication, effort, and most of all, passion for the past 24 years. She has always been a promoter for Ohio Holstein, no matter what event she was at or what state she was in. Simply put, Esther’s glass was always half full and never half empty. I have always admired that. We had a great turnout for the Ohio Holstein Association summer celebration on August 16. Hopefully, you were able to be there, but if you weren’t, the day started with an open house at the office. Esther was there as the honored guest, and lots of folks attended. There were lots of stories told and memories revisited. We had a beautiful cake and refreshments. I truly believe Esther had a wonderful time and enjoyed visiting with family and friends. After the open house, the group ventured to the fairgrounds to hear John Burket speak. John is from Pennsylvania and is a newly-elected representative to the Holstein Association. John talked about the Burket Falls Farm and polled Holsteins. He also entertained questions relating to being on the national board of directors. Prior to the sale, we had a BBQ meal with great food and wonderful fellowship. As an association, we presented Esther with a bouquet of roses and a small gift for her many years of dedication to our association. Additionally, we had planted a tree at the office in her honor. The Summer Sale was next on the day’s agenda. There was a great group of cows with outstanding udders. The sale went extremely well with a $3,400 average on 44 head. A special thank you to all of the volunteers who helped make the day a great success. We had events at both the office and the fairgrounds. We had a speaker, a Junior event and a great sale. And, as always, no one person could do all of this by himself or herself. The entire day was a celebration of how far we have come and the dedicated individuals that have helped along the way. Esther, we truly appreciate everything you have done for our organization, and while we hope you enjoy your “retirement,” we all look forward to your continued promotion of the Ohio Holstein Association!
Ten-Penny Holsteins The “Little Spike Farm”
Tony Menzie, me, Don Bennink of North Florida Dairy and Esther in the Ohio Holstein booth at 2013 World Dairy Expo. photo by Karen Welch, 10-3-2013 12 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
Peter & Jean Spike 4380 Byers Road, Delaware, OH 43015 Ph: 740-363-2184 E-mail:
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86666 p14 D1.2 10/2/14 4:01 PM Page 1
District 1-2 Show Report District 1-2 Holstein Show Northeast Ohio District June 14, 2014 • Judge Chris Lang 81 Head Shown • Reported by Barb Lumley Spring Calf 1. Rolling Spring Farm; 2. (JR) Emily Deam; 3. Bryce Sanor Winter Calf 1. Renee Hershberger; 2. Lorawae Holsteins; 3. Lorawae Holsteins; 4. (JR) Victoria Deam Fall Calf 1. (JR) Victoria Deam; 2. Rolling Spring Farm; 3. Lorawae Holsteins Summer Yearling 1. (JR) Mason Mazzaro; 2. Lorawae Holsteins; 3. Jim Beardsley Spring Yearling 1. Victoria Deam; 2. Bryce Sanor; 3. Lorawae Holsteins Winter Yearling 1. (JR) Clay Hershberger, Victoria Deam, Emily Deam; 2. Bryan Whinnery Fall Yearling 1. John Winchell & Richmond; 2. (JR) Victoria Deam; 3. Cope & Beardsley Junior Champion Junior Show Fall Calf, Weaverhoff Clark Kaylene, Victoria Deam Reserve Junior Champion Summer Yearling, M-Signature Aftsk Jade, Mason Mazzaro Junior Champion Open Show Fall Calf, Weaverhof Clark Kaylene, Victoria Deam Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Spring Yearling, MS-Ray Jo Goldwyn Anabelle, Victoria Deam Junior Best Three Females 1. Lorawae Holsteins Junior Two-Year-Old 1. (JR) Mason Mazzaro; 2. Allison Rynd Senior Two-Year-Old 1. Rolling Spring Farm; 2. Whiteleather Holsteins; 3. (JR) Hannah Dye Junior Three-Year-Old 1. Breezy Knoll Farm; 2. (JR) Hannah Dye; 3. Ouric Holsteins Senior Three-Year-Old 1. Whiteleather Holsteins; 2. Eric Miller Intermediate Champion Junior Show Senior Two-Year-Old, Quality-Quest Drbl Fantasy, Hannah Dye Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Junior Two-Year-Old, M-Signature Atwood So Sexy, Mason Mazzaro Intermediate Champion Open Show Senior Two-Year-Old, Rolling-Spring Wind El-ET, Rolling Spring Farm Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show 2nd Senior Two-Year-Old, Whiteleather G Chip 2001-ET, Whiteleather Holsteins Four-Year-Old 1. Whiteleather Holsteins; 2. Bryce Sanor; 3. Lorawae Holsteins; 1. (JR) Jacob Baker
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Five-Year-Old 1. Lorawae Holsteins; 2. Whiteleather Holsteins; 3. Rolling Spring Farm; (1.JR) Dustin Campbell Aged Cow 1. Rolling Spring Farm; 2. Lorawae Holsteins; 3. Jim Beardsley; (1. JR) Madelynn Baker 125,000 Pound Cow 1. Whiteleather Holsteins Senior Champion Junior Show Aged Cow, Bakers Acres BJ Enc Julie, Madelynn Baker Reserve Senior Champion Junior Show Four-Year-Old, Chikamashing Monu Saraby, Jacob Baker Senior Champion Open Show 125,000 Pound Cow, Whiteleather S Sage 1048-ET, Whiteleather Holsteins Reserve Senior Champion Open Show Five-Year-Old, Lorawae Fortune Aimee, Lorawae Holsteins Grand Champion Junior Show Senior Two-Year-Old, Quality-Quest Drbl Fantasy, Hannah Dye
Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Junior Two-Year-Old, M-Signature Atwood So Sexy, Mason Mazzaro Grand Champion Open Show 125,000 Pound Cow, Whiteleather S Sage 1048-ET, Whiteleather Holsteins Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Senior Two-Year-Old, Rolling-Spring Wind El-ET, Rolling Spring Farm Best Bred & Owned Whiteleather S Sage 1048-ET, Whiteleather Holsteins Best Three Females 1. Whiteleather Farms Dam and Daughter 1. Ouric Holsteins; 2. Eric Miller Produce of Dam Whiteleather Holsteins Premier Breeder Whiteleather Holsteins Premier Exhibitor Whiteleather Holsteins Junior Showmanship 1. Emily Deam; 2. Jacob Baker; 3. Matt Logan Intermediate Showmanship 1. Mason Mazzaro; 2. Victoria Deam; 3. Keith Barto Senior Showmanship 1. Clay Hershberger; 2. Levi Plocher; 3. Dustin Campbell Supreme Showmanship Clay Hershberger
2014 NEO District Holstein Show Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Open Show Columbiana County Dairy Princess Sara Fraser, Trumbull County Senior Dairy Princess Lindsey Barto, Reserve Grand Champion Holstein Cow shown by the Charles Bean Family, Grand Champion Holstein Cow shown by Adam Whiteleather of Whiteleather Farms, Holstein Queen Allison Mangun, Judge Chris Lang, Mahoning County Senior Dairy Princess Cathy McCraken, Trumbull County Junior Dairy Princess Emily Hahn
2014 NEO District Holstein Show Grand Champion and Reserve Champion Junior Show Columbiana County Dairy Princess Sara Fraser, Trumbull County Senior Dairy Princess Lindsey Barto, Grand Champion Holstein Cow shown by Hannah Dye, Reserve Grand Champion Holstein Cow shown by Mason Mazzaro, Ohio Holstein Queen Allison Mangun, Mahoning County Senkor Dairy Princess Cathy McCraken, Trumbull County Junior Dairy Princess Emily Hahn
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“ Thank you to our Jr. Showmen for your hard work. We are very proud of all your accomplishments this year!� ~Don & Jackie
Emma & Maggie Mathews, Brice Walker Jessie Crawford, Marissa Williams, Melanie Ealy Mattie McConahay and Melanie Harner
6 Weeks of Cattle Shows 4 Showmanship Wins 3 Junior Female Champions 3 Junior Female Reserve Champions 3 Reserve Grand Champions 2 Senior Champions 2 Grand Champions 1 Reserve Intermediate Champion 1 Reserve Premier Breeder & Exhibitor 1 Premier Junior Exhibitor 1 Oustandstanding State Skill-a-thon Winner 1 Memorable Season with Good Cattle and Great Kids
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86666 p17 OSFRW.RWspons 10/2/14 4:08 PM Page 1
2014 OSF Open Red & White Show Spring Heifer Calf 1. Stan-Mar-Dale, Harmony-Corners KranberryRed; 2. Stan-Mar-Dale, Express-SMO CF Mary Jane-Red; 3. Future Manor, Ja-Rob Altitude Hundo-Red Winter Heifer Calf 1. Oakvale, Glad-Ray-K Sequin-Red; 2. Triple-T Holsteins, Ms Hot N Heavenly-Red-ET; 3. Days Carrollton, Redien Acres Poker-Red Fall Heifer Calf 1. Franchise, G. S., Four-Hills D Jesslyn-Red-ET; 2. Wolf, Ms Starmark Acme Raffle-Red; 3. Emma Mathews, Karebears Redburst Sasha-Red Summer Yearling 1. Gunkelman, Reyncrest Relentless-Red Spring Yearling 1. Bucks Pride, Bucks-Pride Prince Boop-Red; 2. Gunkelman, Miss Hot Tamale-Red-ET; 3. CallDel Farm South, Gerland SH Genestone-Red Winter Yearling 1. Triple-T Holsteins, Oakland View CowgirlRed-ET; 2. Call-Del Farm, Can Bing 6 Chris Sassy-Red Fall Yearling 1. Wolf, Starmark HP Regina-Red; 2. Hershberger, Rogalin Redliner M-Red; 3. StanMar-Dale, Southern-Hills Nola-Red-TW Junior Champion Female Oakvale, Glad-Ray-K Sequin-Red Reserve Junior Champion Female Bucks Pride, Bucks-Pride Prince Boop-Red Junior Two-Year-Old 1. Futurama Holsteins, Futurama Lars HavanaRed; 2. Gunkelman, Ms Kampy BRBWR Prudence-Red; 3. Emma Mathews, Cloverhill Redwire-Red-ET Senior Three-Year-Old 1. Heger, Ray-Jo Picolo Ginger-Red-ET; 2. Miley Holsteins, Miley Attitude Gloss-Red; 3. Stan-Mar-Dale, Curt-Co Advent Misty-Red
Junior Three-Year-Old 1. Breezy-Knoll, Quality - Quest Cinda-Red; 2. Wabash-Way, Wabash-Way CH Ryhan-Red Senior Three-Year-Old 1. Topp-View Farm, Oneeda Rucco Tawn-Red; 2. Conrad, Conrad Advent Gloria-Red Intermediate Champion Topp-View Farm, Oneeda Rucco Tawny-Red Reserve Intermediate Champion Heger, Ray-Jo Picolo Ginger-Red-ET Four-Year-Old 1. Yoder, Maes-Acres DY 523-Red; 2. Wabash-Way, Springhill-OH Dest Anna-Red; 3. Miley Holsteins, Miley Advent Bgemini-Red Five-Year-Old 1. Semler Advent Scarlett-Red Aged Cow 1. Oakvale, Oakvale Advent Cinnabar-Red Senior Champion Yoder, Maes-Acres DY 523-Red Reserve Senior Champion Wabash-Way, Springhill-OH Dest Anna-Red Grand Champion Topp-View Farm, Oneeda Rucco Tawny-Red Reserve Grand Champion Yoder, Maes-Acres DY 523-Red Best Udder of Show Topp-View Farm, Oneeda Rucco Tawny-Red Best Bred and Owned Yoder, Maes-Acres DY 523-Red Produce of Dam McMahan Raymond Dam and Daughter 1. McMahan; 2. Futurama Holsteins Premier Exhibitor Gunkelman Medina Premier Breeder Miley Holstein
2014 Ohio State Fair Red & White Show Sponsors Crimson Lane Farm Bickel Family Farms, Don & Jackie Bickel ABS Global – Ray Jackson COBA Mike’s Milk Hauling Topp-View Farm Miley Holsteins Davenport Hoof Care Jandi-K Farm Macabob Farm Triple-T Holsteins Del-Hollow Farm Wil-O-Rae Holsteins Terry Weiker Wabash-Way Holsteins Ja-Bob Farm Ja-Cher Farm Sprengs Long Acres Richman Farm Terra-Cotta Acres Starmark Farm Hudson Farm Call-Del Farm Bar-B-Hills Farm OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 17
86666 p18 OSF show photos 10/6/14 2:12 PM Page 3
Ohio State Fair Holstein Shows
Ohio State Fair Red & White Open Show Grand Champions From left: Judge Pat Conroy; unidentified; Reserve Grand Champion Maes-Acres DY 523-Red with Delbert Yoder on the halter; Grand Champion Oneeda Rucco Tawny-Red, exhibited by Topp View Farms with Grant, Mary and Eric Topp on the halter; Ohio Holstein Queen Allison Mangun
Mid-East Summer National Open Show Grand Champions From left: Mo Phelon of Holstein USA; Judge Steve Shaw; Grand Champion Triple-T-1 Durham Poppi, the first place four-year-old, with Nathan Thomas on the halter; Ohio Holstein Queen Allison Mangun; Reserve Grand Champion KM&EW Goldwyn Smarty Rae with John Thomas on the halter; unidentified Photo courtesy of Cheri Oechsle
Mid-East Summer National Open Show Junior Champions From left: Judge Steve Shaw, Mo Phelon of Holstein USA, Reserve Junior Champion Jacobs Sid Brilea with Jeff Brown on the halter; Emily Deam, Junior Champion Weaverhof Clark Laylene with Tori Deam on the halter, Neil Deam, Ohio Holstein Queen Allison Mangun Photo courtesy of Cheri Oechsle
Ohio State Fair Red & White Open Show Junior Champions From left: Reserve Junior Champion Bucks-Pride Prince Boop-Red with James Cole on the halter and his son holding the banner at left, Junior Champion Glad-Ray-K Sequin-Red with Liz Finke and daughter on the halter, Ohio Holstein Queen Allison Mangun
4958 U.S. 35 NORTH RICHMOND, IN 47374
18 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
PHONE 765-935-2373 FAX 765-939-0087
Mid-East Summer National Junior Show Junior Champions From left: Judge Gregg Hardy; Junior Champion TK-Plain-View Dynamite, owned by Hayden King; Reserve Junior Champion Triple-T Petunia-ET, First Fall Calf, owned by Cole Cummings; Queen Allison Mangun
86666 p19 OSF Jr Shows 10/6/14 2:13 PM Page 1
2014 Ohio State Fair Junior Show July 24, 2014 • Judge Greg Hardy, Tipton, MI
4-H and FFA Junior Show Junior Two-Year-Old 1. Highlight Titan Beauty, Olivia Finke; 2. KLand After Hours, Kristopher Ackley; 3. Brookview Fever Leapyear, Garrett Havens Senior Two-Year-Old 1. Ms Atlantic Claire, Kyle Ackley; 2. Nor-J Micah 1567, Katerri Schmitmeyer; 3. CSkidmore Braxton Charli, Chelsea Skidmore Junior Three-Year-Old 1. KMP Lheros Miley-ET, Keaton Topp; 2. GAR-RI Million Elena 3638, Greg Cornish Senior Three-Year-Old 1. Oneeda Rocco Tawny-Red, Madelyn Topp; 2. Pentuck Lightning Lea, Kinley Topp; 3. Smokey-Lane GW At Winter, Jacob Baker Intermediate Champion Highlight Titan Beauty, Olivia Finke Reserve Intermediate Champion Ms Atlantic Claire, Kyle Ackley Four-Year-Old 1. Maiz-N-Blu Atwood Allana-ET, Kyle Ackley; 2. Miley Advent BGemini-Red-ET, Adam Miley; 3. Seven Gales Zenith Tab, Allison McCummons Five-Year-Old 1. Little River Goldwyn Rida, Kristopher Ackley; 2. Mapl-Valle Advent Angel, Aprille Steinke; 3. Whiteleather Damion 1278, Emma Mathews Aged Cow 1. Cedar-Wood Damion Wendy, Austin Trbovich; 2. Oakvale Advent Cinnabar-Red, Olivia Finke; 3. Topp-View Ronelee Elle-ET, Keaton Topp 125,000 Pound Cow 1. Markers Dundee Olivia, Mickayla King Senior and Grand Champion Little River Goldwyn Rida, Kristopher Ackley Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Cedar-Wood Damion Wendy, Austin Trbovich
Senior Showmanship 1. Tanner Topp; 2. Chelsea Skidmore; 3. Shannon Akers; 4. Ella Jackson; 5. Kendra Hudson Intermediate Showmanship 1. Keenan Wolf; 2. Marissa Topp; 3. Kinley Topp; 4. Victoria Deam; 5. Brandon Sugg Junior Showmanship 1. Katie Sugg; 2. Madelyn Topp; 3. Olivia Finke; 4. Logan Topp; 5. Cora Gunkleman Spring Heifer Calf 1. K-Land Kilo Black Diamond, Ashley Hawvermale; 2. Futurama Shottle Sierra, Amy Hahn; 3. Ms Balmoral Tview San Reba, Mary Richardson Winter Heifer Calf 1. TK-Plain-View Dynamite, Hayden King; 2. Toppglen Goldwyn Want, Tanner Topp; 3. SH-SW Ashock Rosalynd, Jenna Griffith Fall Heifer Calf 1. Rockledge-TTT Lucy-ET, Kristopher Ackley; 2. Topp-View Braxton Lucky, Kinley Topp; 3. Rockledge-TTT-Luxury-ET, Kyle McGuire Summer Yearling 1. Maiz-N-Blu Atwood Hiedi, Kyle McGuire; 2. Ms Deb Gold Chip Dela-ET, Jenna Thorbahn; 3. Tex-Stein Dempsey Lolly-Pop, Alyssa Bowen Spring Yearling Heifer 1. Msrayjo Gldwyn Annabelle-ET, Victoria Deam; 2. Bucks-Pride Gold Chip Sue, John Dovin; 3. Miley Windbrook Grandslam, Adam Miley Winter Yearling Heifer 1. Velvet-View Vixen, Logan Schlauch; 2. TKPlain-View-Xandra, Mickayla King; 3. Brookview Sid Eclipse, Allison McCummons Fall Yearling Heifer 1. Weaverhof Dusk Gem , Victoria Deam; 2. Milksource Braxton Amy-ET, Brandon Sugg; 3. Velvet-View Lana H Rae, Logan Schlauch Junior Champion TK-Plain-View Dynamite, Hayden King Reserve Junior Champion Rockledge-TTT Lucy-ET, Kristopher Ackley
Ohio State Fair Junior Show Junior Champions From left: Judge Gregg Hardy; Junior Champion TK-Plain-View Dynamite, owned by Hayden King; Ohio Holstein Queen Allison Mangun; Reserve Junior Champion Rockledge-TTT LucyET, owned by Kristopher Ackley
Mid-East Summer National Junior Show Junior Two-Year-Old 1. Highlight Titan Beauty, Olivia Finke; 2. K-Land After Hours, Kristopher Ackley; 3. Brookview Fever Leapyear, Garrett Havens Senior Two-Year-Old 1. Ms Atlantic Claire, Kyle Ackley; 2. Seven Gables Atwood Elite, Olivia Cummings; 3. Nor-J Micah1567, Katerri Schmitmeyer Junior Three-Year-Old 1. Call-Del Aftershock Addie, Katelynn McDaniel; 2. KMP Lheros Miley-ET, Keaton Topp; 3. GAR-RI Million Elena 3638, Greg Cornish Senior Three-Year-Old 1. Oneeda Rocco Tawny-Red, Madelyn Topp; 2. Plainfield Atwood Spark, Ben Simpson; 3. Pentuck Lightning Lea, Kinley Topp Intermediate Champion Highlight Titan Beauty, Olivia Finke Reserve Intermediate Champion Ms Atlantic Claire, Kyle Ackley Four-Year-Old 1. Maiz-N-Blu Atwood Allana-ET, Kyle Ackley; 2. Miley Advent BGemini-Red-ET, Adam Miley; 3. Seven Gables Zenith Tab, Allison McCummons Five-Year-Old 1. Little River Goldwyn Rida, Kristopher Ackley; 2. Mapl-Valle Advent Angel-ET, Aprille Steinke; 3. Brookview-E Laramie Easter, Kyle Andrews Aged Cow 1. Cedar-Wood Damion Wendy, Austin Trbovich; 2. Oakvale Advent Cinnabar-Red, Olivia Finke; 3. Topp-View Ronelee Elle-ET, Keaton Topp 125,000 Pound Cow 1. Markers Dundee Olivia, Mickayla King Senior & Grand Champion Little River Goldwyn Rida, Kristopher Ackley Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Cedar-Wood Damion Wendy, Austin Trbovich
Mid-East Summer Junior Show and OSF Junior Show Grand Champions From left: Judge Gregg Hardy, OJHA Directors Korey Oechsle and Allison Janes, Reserve Grand Champion Cedarwood Damian Wendy with Austin Turbovich on the halter, Ohio Holstein Queen Allison Mangun, Grand Champion Little River Goldwyn Rida with Kristopher Ackley on the halter, Mo Phelon of Holstein USA Photo courtsey of Cheri Oechsle OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 19
86666 p20 OSFSpons.Menn.Ash 10/2/14 4:10 PM Page 3
A Special “Thank You” to 2014 Ohio State Fair Open & Junior Holstein Show Class Sponsors CLASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DONOR JUNIOR SHOW Spring Heifer Calf . . . . . . . . . . . Jenny Thomas/Cybil Fisher Photography Winter Heifer Calf . . . . . . . . . . . Land O’Lakes Animal Milk Fall Heifer Calf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Open-Road Holsteins Summer Yearling Heifer. . . . . . . . Steve Andrews, Auctioneer Spring Yearling Heifer. . . . . . . . . Lund View Farm Winter Yearling Heifer . . . . . . . . Broad-Vue Holsteins Fall Yearling Heifer . . . . . . . . . . . H.B. Owen & Son, Inc. Junior Champion Female . . . . . . . Mason Farms, Ltd. Res. Junior Champion Female . . . DHI Cooperatives, Inc. Junior Two-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . Lorawae Holsteins Senior Two-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . Miley Holstein Farms, Ltd. Junior Three-Year-Old Cow . . . . . Goodsons Holsteins/Buckeye ET Senior Three-Year-Old Cow . . . . . Crimson-Lane Holsteins/ Thorbahn Brothers Intermediate Champion Cow . . . . Commodity Blenders, Inc. Res. Intermediate Champion Cow . Alden Farms Four-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . . . . . . IBA of Ohio, Inc. Five-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . . . . . . Glenn Sageser Aged Cow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker’s Acres 125,000 Pound Cow . . . . . . . . . Rupp-Vue Farm Senior Champion Cow . . . . . . . . Land O’Lakes Purina Feed Res. Senior Champion Cow. . . . . Raygor Farms, LLC Grand Champion Female . . . . . . Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins Res. Grand Champion Female . . . Ack-Lee Holsteins District Group of Five . . . . . . . . . Ohio Holstein Association OPEN SHOW Spring Heifer Calf . . . . . . . . . . . Quality Quest Holsteins Winter Heifer Calf . . . . . . . . . . . Triple-T Holsteins Fall Heifer Calf. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shreve Printing Summer Yearling Heifer. . . . . . . . Richman Farms Spring Yearling Heifer. . . . . . . . . Berg Farms Ltd. Winter Yearling Heifer . . . . . . . . Toppglen Holsteins Fall Yearling Heifer . . . . . . . . . . . Call-Del Farm, Alfred L. Call & Family Junior Champion Female . . . . . . . Homerville Holstein Farms, Ltd. Res. Junior Champion Female . . . Land O’Lakes Animal Milk Junior Best Three Females . . . . . . COBA/Select Sires, Inc. Junior Two-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . Lindlaur Holsteins Nevin & Brenda L’Amoreaux Senior Two-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . Conrad Farms Junior Three-Year-Old Cow . . . . . White Light Holsteins, Menzie Family Senior Three-Year-Old Cow . . . . . Windemere, Jim & Nancy Kemp Intermediate Champion . . . . . . . . Land O’Lakes Purina Feed Res. Intermediate Champion . . . . Twining Farms Four-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . . . . . . Weikland Farms Five-Year-Old Cow . . . . . . . . . . . Spreng Longacre Farms, Inc. Aged Cow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baker’s Acres 125,000 Pound Cow . . . . . . . . . Rawn Farms Senior Champion Cow . . . . . . . . Trealayne Holsteins Res. Senior Champion Cow. . . . . Topp-View Farm Grand Champion . . . . . . . . . . . . National Holstein Futurity, Inc. Res. Grand Champion . . . . . . . . Express Show Cattle Best Bred and Owned. . . . . . . . . Genex Cooperative, Inc. Dam and Daughter . . . . . . . . . . . JR & Angie Kaverman Produce of Dam . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hardingdale Holsteins/ Larry Harding Family Best Three Females . . . . . . . . . . . Midwest Genetics Dairy Herd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ouric Holsteins
Case skid steers and compact track loaders have been known for power and productivity. Now, we’ve outdone ourselves. Twelve all-new models deliver increased performance and power for every task, from lifting bales to mucking stalls. Not to mention industry-leading hinge-pin height to help with feedlot work. No matter what’s on your list of chores, the new Case Alpha Series delivers. And they do it with a larger, roomier cab—the most comfortable on the market.
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86666 p22 JrProductionFR 10/2/14 4:30 PM Page 1
Ohio Junior Holstein Production Contest ENTRY BLANK All entries must be registered in the Junior Member’s name only by January 1, 2014. The owner must be a member of the Ohio Junior Association. The awards will be presented on the basis of 305-day actual milk, butterfat and protein production. Age divisions are Junior Two-Year-Old calved before 2 yrs. 6 mos.; Senior Two-Year-Old calved at 2 yrs. 6 mos. or older; Three-Year-Old, Four-Year-Old and Aged Cow. A photocopy of the registration paper and individual cow page with the 305D record must accompany the entry. Send entries postmarked by February 1, 2015, to: Ohio Holstein Association, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691.
JUNIOR MEMBER Name ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Age ____________ Address _____________________________________________________________________________ County _______________________ Parent’s Name __________________________________________________________________________ DHI Code No. _____________ Local Newspaper ______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________
RECORD OF LACTATION COMPLETED DURING 2014 Name _____________________________________________________________________________________
Reg. No. ________________________
Sire _______________________________________________________________________________________
Reg. No. ________________________
Dam _______________________________________________________________________________________ Reg. No. ________________________ Type of Record
Birth Date ______________________________________________
Age of animal at start of record _______________________________________
Date Fresh ________________________________________________ Actual 305 Day Record
Date Dry _________________________________________________________
_____________ Milk ___________% Butterfat _____________ Fat _____________% Protein ________________ Protein
If less than 305 days, the actual record completed: ______________ Days _____________ Milk ___________% Butterfat _____________ Fat _____________% Protein ________________ Protein
I do hereby certify that I am an Ohio Junior Holstein Association Member and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above listed information is correct and exact. Applicant’s Signature ____________________________________________________________ Date ______________________ I do hereby certify that I have conducted the testing under the _________ program on the herd in which the above animal was tested and that the record as stated above is accurate and was completed in conformity to the rules and regulations as specified for the system under which she was tested. Testing Supervisor’s Signature ____________________________________________________ Date ______________________ Parent or Guardian’s Signature ___________________________________________________ Date ______________________ DEADLINE: POSTMARKED BY FEBRUARY 1, 2015 22 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
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86666 p24 ATI.JrAllOhFR 10/2/14 4:27 PM Page 1
Scott Welch Dairy Production, 1986 Esther Welch Ohio Holstein News Editor, 1990-2014 DQG Ryan Welch Dairy Production, 2003 Ohio State ATI
1328 Dover Road Wooster, OH 44691 330-287-1331 Contact: Royce Thornton, Dairy Programs Coordinator 330-287-1373
This form, registration paper and photo must be sent to the Ohio Holstein office to be considered for Junior All-Ohio Awards. Please include a head shot or small photo of the Junior owner of the animal. Rules can be found on page 67 of the May/June 2014 issue of Ohio News and on the Ohio Holstein website at
JUNIOR ALL-OHIO To apply for Junior All-Ohio Awards, you need to fill out the following and send with a copy of the registration (both sides) and a current picture of your animal to: The Ohio Holstein Association, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 by December 1, 2014.
Exhibitor _____________________________________________ District _________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________________ Zip _____________________________ Animal _______________________________________ Class __________________________________ SHOW PLACINGS: State Show ____________ State Fair _____________ District _____________ This form may be duplicated.
24 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
Formulated by top microbiologists and veterinarians. Contains starch and fiber digesting bacteria, live yeast and specifically chosen enzymes. A superior microbial formula that maximizes cow performance, alleviates symptoms of stress and promotes overall consistency. Golden Link™ products contain a trademarked technology which utilizes a lipid based coating to ensure maximum product viability.
FEATURED SPECIALTY PRODUCTS JUMPSTART GEL TUBES For both cows and calves. Use in times of stress and/or feed changes. Boost Vitamin B production naturally, to promote increased intakes. Ideal for shows, sales or at home on the dairy.
UDDER HEALTH BOLUSES More immune-boosting bacillus bacteria than any other competing products. Ideal for combatting individual high SCC and mastitis cows. Golden Link™ is not about glossy ads and expensive marketing strategies. We strive to offer the most complete microbial products, at an affordable price. FOR ADDITIONAL PRODUCT INFORMATION, CONTACT:
Charlie Gleisner, Regional Sales Manager
Phone: 419-606-5143 • Email:
732 State Route 89 • Polk, OH 44866 • Office: 419.945.2424 • Cell: 330.591.7669 OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 25
86666 p26.27 D3.Kid.And.Cur.CM 10/2/14 4:39 PM Page 1
District 3 Show Report District 3 Holstein Show June 21, 2014 • Judge Jeff Brown 55 Head Shown • Reported by Barb Lumley Spring Calf 1. (JR) Ben Simpson; 2. (JR) Emily Deam; 3. Steele-Lane Holsteins Winter Calf 1. (JR) Hayden King; 2. (JR) Victoria Deam; 3. (JR) Eliza Days Fall Calf 1. (JR) Victoria Deam; 2. (JR) Ben Simpson; 3. (JR) Isabelle Seibert Summer Yearling 1. (JR) Evan Kiko; 2. (JR) Victoria Deam; 3. (JR) Clay Scott Spring Yearling 1. Jenneil Holsteins; 2. (JR) Lindsay L’Amoreaux; 3. (JR) Evan Kiko Winter Yearling 1. (JR) Lauren L’Amoreaux; 2. (JR) C. Hershberger, V. Deam, E. Deam; 3. (JR) Ben Simpson Fall Yearling 1. (JR) Victoria Deam; 2. (JR) Clay Hershberger; 3. (JR) Ryan Harding Junior Champion Junior Show Fall Calf, Victoria Deam
Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Winter Calf, Hayden King Junior Champion Open Show Spring Yearling, Jenneil Holsteins, Victoria & Emily Deam Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Fall Calf, Victoria Deam Junior Best Bred & Owned Winter Calf, Hayden King Junior Best Three Females 1. Lindlaur Holsteins; 2. Hardingdale Holsteins; 3. Plainfield Farms Junior Two-Year-Old 1. Steel-Lane Holsteins; 2. (JR) Ben Simpson Senior Two-Year-Old 1. (JR) Hannah Dye; 2. Trealayne Holsteins; 3. (JR) Kari Harding Junior Three-Year-Old 1. Pine Tree Dairy; 2. (JR) Hannah Dye; 3. (JR) Evan Kiko Senior Three-Year-Old 1. (JR) Ben Simpson Intermediate Champion Junior Show Senior Two Year Old, Hannah Dye Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Senior Three Year Old, Ben Simpson Intermediate Champion Open Show Junior Two-Year-Old, Steel-Lane Holsteins Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Junior Three-Year-Old, Pine Tree Dairy
Four-Year-Old 1. (JR) Dustin Campbell Aged Cow 1. Lindlaur Holsteins Senior Champion Junior Show Four-Year-Old, Dustin Campbell Senior Champion Open Show Four-Year-Old, Dustin Campbell Reserve Senior Champion Open Show Aged Cow, Lindlaur Holsteins Grand Champion Open Show Four-Year-Old, Dustin Campbell Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Junior Two-Year-Old, Steel-Lane Holsteins Grand Champion Junior Show Four-Year-Old, Dustin Campbell Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Senior Two-Year-Old, Hannah Dye Open Show Best Bred & Owned Four-Year-Old, Dustin Campbell Dam & Daughter 1. Lindlaur Holsteins; 2. Hardingdale Holsteins; 3. Plainfield Holsteins Produce of Dam Plainfield Holsteins Junior Showmanship 1. Lauren L’Amoreaux; 2. Hayden King; 3. Lindsay L’Amoreaux Senior Showmanship 1. Clay Hershberger; 2. Victoria Deam; 3. Kari Harding
5107 S. Jefferson Road Wooster, OH 44691
330-262-9186 Premier Breeder and Exhibitor Awards, Plainfield Farms From left: Judge Jeff Brown, Alisha Thompson, Tucarawas County Junior Dairy Princess Kayla Scott, Don Simpson, Ben Simpson, Ohio Holstein Queen Allison Mangun, Robert Simpson, Danette Simpson, Carroll County Dairy Princess Eliza Days
From left: Nathan Steele holding the Reserve Grand Champion Open Show, Ohio Holstein Queen Allison Mangun, Judge Jeff Brown, Tuscarawas County Junior Dairy Princess Kayla Scott, Dustin Campbell holding the Grand Champion Open Show Carroll County Dairy Princess Eliza Days 26 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
330-465-8498 Steve 330-466-5471 Seth
From left: Hannah Dye holding the Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show, Tuscarawas County Junior Dairy Princess Kayla Scott, Dustin Campbell holding the Grand Champion Junior Show
86666 p26.27 D3.Kid.And.Cur.CM 10/2/14 4:40 PM Page 2
From left: Ohio Holstein Queen Allison Mangun, Neil Deam holding the Junior Champion Open Show, Tuscarawas County Junior Dairy Princess Kayla Scott, Victoria Deam holding the Reserve Junior Champion Open Show, Hayden King holding the Honorable Mention Junior Champion Open Show, Carroll County Dairy Princess Eliza Days
Selling all Types of Dairy Cattle & Service Bulls EVERY THURSDAY • 11:00 a.m. Hay & Straw Sale 10:00 a.m. John E. Sprunger, Mgr.
– Serving Since 1923 –
From left: Ohio Holstein Queen Allison Mangun, Victoria Deam holding the Junior Champion Junior Show; Hayden King holding the Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show, Tuscarawas County Junior Dairy Princess Kayla Scott
Curry Lumber & Pole Building Co’s. SINCE 1853
150 Years of Excellence WOOSTER, OHIO 330-264-5223 331 WEST HENRY STREET WOOSTER, OH 44691
1-800-445-6724 FAX 330-263-4599
OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 27
86666 p28 D5.CommSpec 10/2/14 4:34 PM Page 1
District 5 Show Report District 5 Holstein Show June 23, 2013, Circleville, Ohio Judge John Hawvermale • 26 Head Show Reported by Judy Wolford Spring Heifer Calf (3) 1. Silver-Mist Colt O Malley-Red, Silver-Mist; 2. (JR) Ray-Jo Redburst Calfzilla, Emma Mathews; 3. (JR) Ray-Jo Absolute Lois Lee, Maggie Mathews Winter Heifer Calf (4) 1. Silver-Mist Colt Culater-Red; 2. (JR) Ray-Jo Atwood Jessie, Maggie Mathews; 3. (JR) RayJo Absolute Sequin-Red, Emma Mathews; 4. (JR) Conrad Atwood Lynx, Maylon Conrad Fall Heifer Calf (3) 1. (JR) Shenghigh Smist Atwood Wisk, Tyler Bland; 2. Silver-Mist Colt P Colbalt, SilverMist; 3. (JR) Conrad Summer Skittle, Macrae Conrad Summer Yearling (3) 1. (JR) Conrad Shotzy Yahtzee-Red, Macy Conrad; 2. (JR) Ray-Jo Redburst Saucy, Brice Walker; 3. (JR) Conrad Gold Chip Twilight Winter Yearling (1) 1. (JR) Conrad Braxton Paxie, Mikayla & Maylon Conrad Fall Yearling (2) 1. (JR) Ray-Jo Mockingbird Judy, Emma Mathews; 2. Greenlea BW Mar-Red-ET, Silver-Mist
28 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
Junior Best 3 (3) 1. Conrad Farms; 2. Bickel Family Farms; 3. Silver-Mist Junior Two-Year-Old (1) 1. (JR) Conrad Windbrook Drop, Macrae Conrad Senior Two-Year-Old (1) 1. Lawrence-Haven Destry All That, Silver-Mist Senior Three-Year-Old (1) 1. (JR) Conrad Advent Gloria-Red, Macy Conrad; 2. (JR) Conrad Gabor Misty, Mikayla & Macrae Conrad Four-Year-Old Cow (1) 1. (JR) Conrad Million Denny, Macy Conrad Five-Year-Old Cow (1) 1. Silver-Mist Advent Botox, Silver-Mist Aged Cow (1) 1. (JR) Conrad Sam Sadie, Macy Conrad Junior Show Junior Champion and Open Show Junior Champion Shenghigh Smist Atwood Wisk, Tyler Bland Junior Show Reserve Junior Champion and Open Show Reserve Junior Champion Conrad Farms Summer Skittle, Macy Conrad Junior Show Grand Champion and Open Show Grand Champion Conrad Sam Sadie, Macy Conrad Junior Show Reserve Grand Champion and Open Show Reserve Grand Champion Conrad Advent Gloria-Red, Macy Conrad Beginner Showmanship Winner Maggie Mathews
Intermediate Showmanship Winner Emma Mathews, Queen Allison Mangun
Senior Showmanship Winner Mikayla Conrad, Queen Allison Mangun
An Excellent
Classification Update “Our family would like to thank Esther for her friendship, leadership and the introductions over the years that have allowed us to promote our herd of Holsteins. We have fond memories of our trip to Reno and Lake Tahoe with Esther and Eugene and will always smile when we remember that time together.
Raygor Bolton Alexis EX 92 MS94 (pictured)
4YR 2MO 365D 37,874M 3.1% 1212F 2.9% 1,135P
Raygor Alexander Tara EX 90 2YR 310D 23,650M 4.2% 994F 3.4% 796P
Wabash Way AJ Trisha EX 90
4YR 294D 33,093M 3.4% 1098F 3.1% 990P
RAYGOR FARMS, LLC Scott Sprunger | Bob & Barb Sprunger Mark, Amy and Avery Ostarchvic 15860 Jericho Road Dalton, Ohio 44618 Farm: 330-857-7399 Scott: 330-463-0622 Bob: 330-465-1337 8 EX 22 VG
OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 29
86666 p30.31 SummerSl.Shear 10/7/14 12:28 PM Page 1
Ohio Holstein Summer Extravaganza Sale Averages $3,341 by Barb Lumley Fun, friends, food and forty-four outstanding registered Holsteins were all a part of the Ohio Holstein Summer Extravaganza Sale held Saturday, August 16, 2014, at the Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, Ohio. A large crowd was on hand to compete for the right to own 44 live consignments and nine top-pedigreed embryo packages. When the auctioneer’s gavel fell for the last time, the live lots had averaged $3,341 and the embryo packages $1,700. Topping the sale at $6,500 was Lot 9, Hermanville Casual 3481-ET, a summer yearling with a genomic score of +2392, sired by Larcrest Casual-ET and from Pine-Tree 2149 Dolc 4983ET, classified Very Good 85, and from the popular Rudy Missy cow family. Consigned by Steve Gasser, Creston, Ohio, she was purchased by Ross Russell, Russell Springs, Kentucky. Selling for $5,400 to this buyer also was Lot 5, Farnear-TBR Briteshot-ET, a three-year-old classified Very Good 86, milking 85 pounds per day and rebred to S-S-I Denim Newton-ET. Sired by
Picston Shottle, her dam was classified Excellent 91 with records to 36,690 milk 1,412 butterfat 1,083 protein and was a daughter of Regancrest-PR Barbie. She was consigned by Silver Creek Dairy LLC, Forest, Ohio. Clair Oberholtzer, Shiloh, Ohio, was the buyer of Lot 7 for $5,300. Westvale-Vu Jives Wonder-ET, a twoyear-old milking 93 pounds per day, was classified Good Plus 84 with a Very Good mammary system, sired by Berryridge Jeeves Jives-ET and from a Very Good Oman with a 31,000-pound milk record at two years, and from seven generations of Excellent dams. She was the consignment of Aaron Steiner, Burbank, Ohio. Lot 29, Farnear Al Anisa-ET, sold for $5,100 to Lou Brown, New Bremen, Ohio, and was consigned by Silver Creek Dairy LLC, Forest, Ohio. She is a three-year-old, was milking 146 pounds per day, had a two-year-old record of 30,200 pounds of milk and was classified Very Good 85. Her sire was MR Regelcreek Shot Al-ET, and she was from a Good Plus 82 Iron Active dam.
— HIGH SELLERS — Lot 9 . . . $6,500 Lot 5 . . . $5,400 Lot 7 . . . $5,300 Lot 29 . . $5,100 Lot 6 . . . $5,000
Lot 12 . . $4,900 Lot 10 . . $4,600 Lot 21 . . $4,500 Lot 11 . . $4,300 Lot 1 . . . $4,200
30 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
Lot 15 . . $4,100 Lot 22 . . $4,000 Lot 24 . . $4,000 Lot 27 . . $4,000 Lot 48 . . $4,000
Lot 28 . . $3,800 Lot 20 . . $3,700 Lot 57 . . $3,600 Lot 50 . . $3,500 Lot 4 . . . $3,300
Selling to Gary Mase, Carlton, Pennsylvania, for $5,000 was Lot 6, Pine-Tree Shmpoo Willow-ETS, an Excellent 91 four-year-old with a record at 3-01 38,415 3.9% 1,490 2.9% 1,123 and currently milking 146 pounds. Sired by Pine Tree Martha Shampoo, she was from an Excellent Laudan daughter and from nine generations of Excellent and Very Good dams. She was consigned by Michael Landers, Tiffin, Ohio. Consignments sold to Kentucky, Indiana, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Auctioneer for the sale was Steve Andrews, Wooster, Ohio, with Ted Renner, Dalton, Ohio, reading the pedigrees. Ringmen were Randall Kiko, Ken Janes and Paul Haskins. Steve Deam was in charge of cattle preparation, and he and his crew did an outstanding job.
86666 p30.31 SummerSl.Shear 10/7/14 5:18 PM Page 2
Ohio Holstein Summer Extravaganza Sale Lot 13
Ohio Holstein Summer Extravaganza Sale Lot 28
Hi, everyone, what a nice From summer we have had so far. As we Mike finish up thirdNational Director cutting hay and kids are going back to school and the Little League World Series, we know fall is coming. If you didn’t make it to Iowa, you missed a very nice convention, and I want to congratulate the Iowa Holstein Association for a job well done. The big thing to come out of Iowa was the unveiling of a new product that we have been working on for several years. That new program is named Enlight, and it is a unique tool that provides a convenient web-based access to your herd’s genetic information, and it is easily accessible on your office computer or tablet. This new program is a joint effort between Holstein Associates USA and Zoetis. To learn more about this new program, you can go on the Holstein website Enlight; log in to Holstein Genetic Dashboard, and look up the summer Holstein Pulse. Lindsey Worden does a very nice job introducing this new program. I encourage you to call Glen Sageser; he can help you get enrolled today. I want to congratulate Jeff Brown and Eric Topp for jobs well done judging at the Indiana State Fair. You both made me proud to call you fellow Holstein members. On a different note, I want to thank Esther for her many years of service to the Ohio Holstein Association. The first time I met Esther personally was in Minnesota, when I was running for director. The first thing she told me was, “If you get elected, you must write an article for the Ohio News.” I will admit, I didn’t make it easy for her. She would first e-mail me two or three times, then she would call me once or twice, and I would finally get the article to her. The other thing I have to thank Esther for is, when I wrote my first article, she said, “I want to nickname you Indiana Jones.” I tried to talk her out of that, but as you know, she is very persuasive. So thanks to Esther, now everyone says there is an Indiana Jones. Thanks! Just kidding, Esther. It was wonderful meeting you, and I thank you for a job well done and wish you the best of luck. Well, I have got to go. We are on our way to Indianapolis to get Jodi registered at the Indiana School for the Blind. Signing out — Indiana Jones
Ohio Holstein Summer Extravaganza Sale Lot 24
19 3 7
e nc
Your JOHN DEERE Headquarters
7762 Cleveland Rd. • Wooster, OH 44691 • 330-345-9023 2715 W. Fourth St. • Mansfield, OH 44906 • 419-529-6160 496 Harcourt Rd. • Mount Vernon, OH 43050 • 740-392-6160 13 Ft. Monroe Industrial Pky. • Monroeville, OH 44847 • 419-465-4622 3500 Copley Rd. • Copley, OH 44321 • 330-666-8400 999 Lafayette Rd. • Medina, OH 44256 • 330-722-1411 11204 Royalton Rd. • North Royalton, OH 44256 • 440-237-4806
OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 31
Harvest Hills
5IVSTEBZ &WFOJOH 0DUPCFS SE BU 1. t A Fancy Red Grand Daughter Sells A full-age Gold Chris Spring Calf from the Roxys $POTJHOFE CZ $IBSMFT $BNFSPO BOE %BOJFM #JOHBNPO
Scientific Daiquiri Rae-ETS 91 EEVVE 5-06
Her Grand Daughter Sells A 9-19-14 Fall Calf sired by Pine Shelter Clay Wood. Dam is a VG 86 Bowser backed by 11 generations of VG & EX tracing back to Lang Acres Elevation Hope $POTJHOFE CZ $ISJT -BOH Spring Hill-OH Iron Jeopardy 93 EEEEE 2 E 6-01
Embryo Package of 5 An offering of 5 #1 Even-Par Corey ET embryos sell x Atwood Clara. Next dam is the famous brood cow Reagancrest S Chassity-ET. 4-05 92 EEEVE $POTJHOFE CZ 4JMWFS $SFFL %BJSZ MS Chassity Atwood Clara ET
SALE DAY PHONE Jared Harding 330.243.2415 Barb Lumley 330.806.1844 Nathan Steel 330.260.0626 32 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 l
SALE MANAGED BY Harvest Hills Holstein Club SALES STAFF Jared Harding 330.243.2415 Nathan Steel 330.260.0626 Chad Griffith 513.543.5894
Her Fancy Red Fall Calf Sells GTPI +2045 -3.08 Type. Dam is Dom Mint Sharla x Outside Mint x The Great Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy $POTJHOFE CZ 0IJP 3JWFS 4ZOEJDBUF Pine-Tree 1937 Colt 5023-RC VG-87 VG-MS 24
A 3-Year-Old Gabor Daughter Due 12-05-2014 to sexed Gold Chip. Completing a 2-Year-Old Record of 23,000 milk 4.0 Fat 2.5 P $POTJHOFE CZ /BUIBO 4UFFM Steel Lane Laurin Jolle EX-90 EVVE @ 4-06
Package of 3 Shottle Embryos Sells Deb was named 2006 Reserve All American 5-Year-Old. 2nd Dam is an EX Storm. Next 7 Dams are all VG or EX. $POTJHOFE CZ $VSUJT + #JDLFM Ocean-View-Y Mandel Deb EX-93 EEEEE 2E @ 6-00
SALE CHAIRMAN Bill Burkhardt 330.413.3500 AUCTIONEER Randall Kiko 330.831.0174
ANNOUNCEMENTS & PEDIGREES Ted Renner 330.466.1196 RINGMEN Rudy Kiko 330.540.2416 Steve Cronebaugh 330.243.6574 Ken Janes 330.464.4134
OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 33
86666 p34.35 D7.NewPitt.Habr 10/6/14 2:15 PM Page 1
District 7 Show Report District 7 Holstein Show July 12, 2014 • Judge Nathan Thomas 70 Head Shown • Reported by Barb Lumley Spring Heifer Calf 1. (JR) Ashley Hawvermale; 2. (JR) Logan Topp; 3. (JR) Shannon Akers Winter Heifer Calf 1. Lingle Holstein Farms; 2. (JR) Tanner Topp; 3. Lingle Holstein Farms Fall Heifer Calf 1. Lingle Holstein Farms; 2. (JR) Marissa Topp; 3. Lingle Holstein Farms Summer Yearling 1. (JR) Anna, Adam, David Miley; 2. Brook Hollow Farm; 3. (JR) Sarah Phillips Spring Yearling 1. Anna, Adam, David Miley; 2. (JR) Tim Gunkleman; 3. (JR) Allison Mangun Winter Yearling 1. (JR) Logan & Wyatt Schlauch; 2. Lingle Holstein Farm; 3. Raygor Farms LLC Fall Yearling 1. (JR) Logan & Wyatt Schlauch; 2. (JR) Tanner Topp Junior Champion Junior Show Winter Calf, Tanner Topp Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Fall Calf, Marissa Topp Junior Champion Open Show Winter Calf, Lingle Holstein Farms
34 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Second Winter Calf, Tanner Topp Junior Best Three Females 1. Lingle Holstein Farms; 2. Toppglenn; 3. Miley Holsteins Junior Two-Year-Old 1. (JR) Miley Holsteins, Anna Miley; 2. Brook Hollow Farm Senior Two-Year-Old 1. (JR) David Miley; 2. Brook Hollow Farm; 3. Miley Holsteins Junior Three-Year-Old 1. Brook Hollow Farm; 2. Lingle Holstein Farms; 3. Brook Hollow Farms; 4. (JR) Miley Holsteins, Adam Miley Senior Three-Year-Old 1. Miley Holsteins; 2. Raygor Farm LLC; 3. Paul Haskins Intermediate Champion Junior Show Senior Two-Year-Old, David Miley Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Junior Two-Year-Old, Anna Miley Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion Junior Three-Year-Old, Adam Miley Intermediate Champion Open Show Senior Three-Year-Old, Miley Holsteins Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Junior Three-Year-Old, Brook Hollow Farm Honorable Mention Intermediate Champion Senior Two-Year-Old, David Miley
Four-Year-Old Cow 1. Brook Hollow Farm; 2. (JR) Adam Miley; 3. Lingle Holstein Farms Five-Year-Old Cow 1. Brook Hoillow Farm; 2. Brook Hollow Farm; 3. Paul Haskins Aged Cow 1. Brook Hollow Farm 125,000 Pound Cow 1. Brook Hollow Farm Senior Champion Junior Show Four-Year-Old, Adam Miley Senior Champion Open Show Four-Year-Old, Brook Hollow Farm Reserve Senior Champion Open Show Second Four-Year-Old, Adam Miley Grand Champion Junior Show Four-Year-Old, Adam Miley Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Senior Two-Year-Old, David Miley Grand Champion Open Show Four-Year-Old, Brook Hollow Farm Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Senior Three-Year-Old, Miley Holsteins Hon. Mention Grand Champion Open Show Second Four-Year-Old, Adam Miley Best Three Females 1. Miley Holsteins Produce of Dam 1. Miley Holsteins; 2. Toppglen; 3. Lingle Holstein Farms Get of Sire 1. Toppglen Premier Breeder Brook Hollow Farm Premier Exhibitor Brook Hollow Farm
86666 p34.35 D7.NewPitt.Habr 10/6/14 2:17 PM Page 2
District 7 Intermediate/Junior Showmanship Winners Marissa Topp, First Place; Logan Schlauch, Second Place
District 7 Senior Showmanship Winners Tanner Topp, First Place; Allison Mangun, Second Place
District 7 Open Show Junior Champions Lingle Holsteins, Champion; Toppglenn, Reserve Champion
District 7 Junior Show Junior Champions Shannon Ackers, Champion; Marissa Topp, Reserve Champion
District 7 Open Show Grand Champion Brook Hollow, Grand Champion; Miley Holsteins, Reserve Grand Champion
Call or visit us
Ryan Hershberger
Habrun’s Insurance Service, Inc. HOME 170 South Clay Street • PO Box 347 AUTO Millersburg, Ohio 44654 FARM 1-800-340-3767 • 330-674-9091 BUSINESS
District 7 Junior Show Grand Champion Adam Miley, Grand Champion; David Miley, Reserve Grand Champion OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 35
Wil-O-Rae Aftershock Lulu Thanks, Sarah, for showing her this year!
2nd Summer Yearling Ohio State Fair Junior Show 2nd Summer Yearling Spring Dairy Expo Junior Show 2nd Summer Yearling District 7 Junior Show
Best Wishes to Esther, who has been my neighbor for 50 years!
86666 p37 Futurity text 10/7/14 10:14 AM Page 3
2014 National Holstein Futurity
From left: National Holstein Futurity Executive Secretary Mary Lou Topp, 2014 Ohio Holstein Queen Allison Mangun, 2014 Futurity Winner Pentuck Lightning Lea exhibited by Topp-View Farm, second-place M-Riverview Destry Kalin exhibited by Wabash-Way, third-place T-TripleT Paradise exhibited by Triple-T Holsteins, fourth-place Whiteleather Gwat Wood exhibited by Bourne Ansonia, fifth-place Bingland Atwood Annie exhibited by Wabash Way, Judge Steve Shaw
Information provided by Mary Lou Topp, Executive Secretary of show: Lindsay Bowen for making the rose collar; Jenny National Holstein Futurity — Thomas of Cybil Fisher Photography; Paul Haskins and The 57th National Holstein Futurity Show was held July Lydia Rhinehart for lining up cattle; and Keaton Topp and 26, 2014, in the Coliseum at the Ohio State Fair. Steve Shaw Allison McCummons, sanitary engineers. judged the Futurity, and Leslie Maurice did the evening’s The Futurity especially thanks board members Eric announcing. To open the event, Steve Maurer sang the Havens, Keith Topp, Paul Haskins, Jason Miley, Tony Henry, National Anthem. Adam Whiteleather, Emily Seigrist and James Cole. And, all The parade into the ring included Aaron Rhoades’ twothe breeders for participating in the Futurity for the past 57 horse hitch bringing in Ohio Holstein Queen Allison years. Everyone is encouraged to continue entering in order Mangum; Judge Steve Shaw; Mary Lou Topp, Executive to keep this exciting event at the Ohio State Fair. Secretary of National Holstein Futurity; and Looking ahead, there are two opportunities for Commissioners Andy Durell, Sherry Van Tassel, Greg entering the 60th Futurity that will show in 2017. Breeders Simpson, Steve Reinhart and David Korey. have the choice to make all four payments up front in the Joe Cole drove Bob Sommers’ 1935 flatbed Chevy truck. one payment of $30.00 or to use the rate of $3.00 for Among the celebrities entering the ring were Angie each animal entered by October 20, 2014, followed by Kaverman, Dairy Show Chairperson; John Spreng, assistant payment in the second and third years. Futurity entry to Virgil Strickler; Sharon Martin, secretary to Virgil blanks can be found on page 39 of this issue or obtained Strickler; and Tom Price, Chairman of Commissioners. from Executive Secretary Mary Lou Topp, 10344 Botkins Also entering the ring were Commissioners David Road, Botkins, Ohio 45306. Madison and Doug White, as well as Moe Felling of Holstein USA. Twenty-two beautifully groomed three-year-old cows circled the ring waiting for the judge’s decision. When the lineup was completed, Pentuck Lightning Lea, exhibited by Topp-View Farm, stood in first place as the National Holstein Futurity Winner and Best Udder in the Class. Second place, and second-place Best Udder, went to M-Riverview Destry Kalin, exhibited by Wabash-Way. T-Triple-T Paradise was selected as third, exhibited by Triple-T Holsteins. Fourth place was Whiteleather Gwat Wood, exhibited by Bourne Ansonia. Bingland Atwood Annie, exhibited by WabashWay, stood in fifth place Futurity winner Pentuck Lightning Lea wore the Red Rose collar and paraded the ring to the music of “Good Feeling” by Flo Rida. The Topp Family (from left): Mary Lou Topp, Carrie Topp, Phil Topp with Aiden in The Futurity wishes to thank the following front, 2014 Futurity Winner Pentuck Lightning Lea held by Keith Topp with Aubree individuals who contributed to the success of the and Alaina in front, Kinley Topp, Kindra Topp, Madelyn Topp, Keaton Topp OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 37
38 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
Sept. 12, 2013 to Aug. 31, 2014
October 20, 2014.
Oct. 20, 2014; Jan. 20, 2016; April 20, 2017; June 20, 2017.
October 20, 2014
86666 p38.39 FuturityForm 10/3/14 11:07 AM Page 1
2017 October 20, 2014
86666 p38.39 FuturityForm 10/2/14 4:42 PM Page 2
OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 39
86666 p40 OhioBeef 10/2/14 4:37 PM Page 4
40 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
86666 p41 D14.CommBl.Leh 10/2/14 4:28 PM Page 1
District 14 Show Report District 14 Holstein Show July 20, 2014 • Judge Drew Mercer Spring Heifer Calf 1. (JR) Toppview Gold Lane Saphire, Madelyn Topp; 2. (JR) Marster Gold Chip Cher, Taylor Birkemeir; 3. Deldelight Ambo Dee Dee, Deldelight Winter Heifer Calf 1. (JR) Toppview Goldlane Amy, Madelyn Topp; 2. Topp-View Attitude Racey, ToppView Farms, 3. (JR) MSJ&S WB Addison Ashley, Jacob Borchers Fall Heifer Calf 1. (JR) Toppview Braxton Lucky, Kinley Topp; 2. (JR) Elai-Margin Langvard MK, Taylor Birkemeier; 3. Marste Atwood Dew, Marste Holsteins Summer Yearling Heifer 1. (JR) Sugar Knoll Dempsey Eva, Austin Borchers; 2. (JR) Brick Mar Shot Roxy, Jessica Colby; 3. (JR) Brick Mar Gold Chip Melody, Nicholas Colby Spring Yearling Heifer 1. (JR) Toppview Goldson Exhale, Keaton Topp Winter Yearling Heifer 1. (JR) Toppview Lauthority Mae, Keaton Topp Fall Yearling Heifer 1. (JR) NicNan Dempsey Fran, Madelyn Topp
Junior Best Three Females Topp-View Farm Junior Champion Open & Junior Show Toppview Braxton Lucky, Kinley Topp Reserve Junior Champion Open & Junior Show Toppview Goldlane Amy, Madelyn Topp Senior Three-Year-Old 1. Marste Atwood Maude, Marste Farms Four-Year-Old 1. Seven Gables Zenith Tab, Marste Farms, 2. (JR) KyBlue Allen Rachael, Madelyn Topp Aged Cow 1. (JR) Mersland Onyx Annie, Madelyn Topp Grand Champion Open Show Seven Gables Zenith Tab, Marste Holsteins Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Mersland Onyx Anne, Madelyn Topp Grand Champion Junior Show Mersland Onyx Anne, Madelyn Topp Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Toppview Lauthority Mae, Keaton Topp Best Three Females Topp-View Farms Dam & Daughter Topp-View Farms Premier Breeder & Exhibitor Topp-View Farms Best Bred & Owned Topp-View Farm
Please visit the Ohio Holstein Website at
Hauling Anywhere Eileen (Hostetler) Lehman
• Livestock Hauling •
Specializing in Show Cattle & Horses 12850 Fox Lake Road Marshallville, Ohio 44645 Phone: 330-855-7004 Cell: 330-465-5398
OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 41
86666 p42..44 obits.Mead.Midw 10/2/14 4:32 PM Page 1
In Memoriam DALE SMITH, 83, of Urbana, passed away May 15, 2014, in Sterling House of Urbana. He was born September 8, 1930, in Urbana and was a 1948 graduate of Salem High School. He was a member of Kingscreek United Methodist Church. Dale spent his life farming and later several years as an auctioneer and realtor. He was a member of and served on the board of the Ohio Holstein Association. He was a 4-H advisor, as well as belonging to 5-H, Farm Bureau, Harmony Lodge #8 F. & A. M., Scottish Rite and Antioch Shrine. Dale loved being an auctioneer, meeting new people, his farm and his cows. He also enjoyed going to cattle shows to watch his kids and grandkids show at the local, state and national levels while representing Stan-Mar-Dale Farms. His other favorite things were attending the many sporting activities throughout the years, coaching his girls' softball teams and then later watching his grandkids play sports. Dale was an OSU and a Cincinnati Reds fan and loved spending the winter months in Florida for the past 15 years. He is survived by daughters Pam (Nelson) Spellman, Deborah (Harry) Alltop, Kim (Tony) Broshes, Cheryl (Kevin) Gay, Lori (Gary) Ledford, Cinda Whaley (like another daughter); grandchildren Felicia (Matt) Arnett, Jessica (Beau) Randall, Lesley (Sam) Doria, Dustin and Jessica Alltop, Tyler and Abbey Ledford, Casey Gay; great-grandchildren Conner and Maicey Arnett, Riley and Parker Doria, Avery Randall and (soon-to-be) Brynlee Randall; sister Shirley (Roy) Keeran; sister-inlaw Lois Smith; brother- and sister-in-law Don (Jean) Russell; and several nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by his wife, Marilyn June (Russell) Smith; parents Stanley and Ethel Smith; mother- and father-in-law Lloyd and Iris Russell; and brothers Eugene “Gene” Smith, Larry Smith and John T. (Leona) Rogers. A gathering of family and friends was held May 21 in the Vernon Funeral Home, Urbana. Funeral services were held May 22 in Kingscreek United Methodist Church with Pastor David Brown officiating. Burial was at Kingscreek Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to Hospice of Miami Valley, 46 North Detroit Street, Xenia, Ohio 45385, or to Kingscreek United Methodist Church, 1362 Kennard-Kingscreek Road, Urbana, Ohio 43078. Condolences may be expressed to the family at
to his wife are daughters Valerie (Tom) Thompson and Joyce (Jim) Thompson of Wooster, sons Rudy (Barb) Maibach and Brian Maibach of Creston, 12 grandchildren, 22 great-grandchildren, brothers Joseph (Donna) Maibach of Holmesville and Dale (Dixie) Maibach of Sterling, sister Margaret Calame of Creston, and many nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; great-grandchildren Dylan and Job; brothers Frederick, Alpha, Robert and John Maibach; and sister Mary Ellen Gerber. Services were held June 3, 2014, at the Apostolic Christian Church, Rittman. Burial was in the Apostolic Cemetary in Rittman. Memorial contributions may be made to the Apostolic Christian Home, 10680 Steiner Road, Rittman, Ohio 44270, or Hospice and Palliative Care of Greater Wayne County, 2525 Back Orrville Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691.
LARRY L. MOHRFIELD, 76, of Pleasant Plain, Ohio,
ARTHUR N. MAIBACH, 91, of Creston died May 30,
born March 29, 1938, in Cincinnati, Ohio, went home to be with the Lord on Thursday, June 12, 2014. He was the beloved husband of 53 years to Shirley J. (Kattelman) Morhfield; loving father of Ginni (Mike) Sullivan, Vonda (Dan) Koopmans and Kristi (Joe) Steele; proud grandfather of Kati Sullivan, Maggi Sullivan, Kelsi Steele, Jackie Sullivan, Brandi Steele, Alex Koopmans and Grant Steele; brother of the late Milton and Jerry Mohrfield; brother-in-law of Delores (Beryl) Chandler, Sandy (Gary) Bates, Pat Mohrfield and the late Jean Mohrfield; and son the late Walter and Georgia (Thomas) Mohrfield. Larry is also survived by numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and many dear friends. Larry developed a quality herd of Holsteins and built L/M Animal Farms, a new pet products business, which was later sold to Hartz Mountain. He then began TriState Juice Dist. with his sons-in-law. Larry has been recognized for many accomplishments including induction into the Butler County Basketball Hall of Fame and the Cincinnati Entrepreneur Award. In 2010 he became a Kentucky Colonel, and the following year a Kentucky Admiral. Services were held June 19, 2014, at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Milford with entombment at Graceland Memorial Gardens, Milford, Ohio. Memorial donations may be made to the Harlan TWP Fire and Rescue, P.O .Box 155, Pleasant Plain, Ohio 45126, or to the American Cancer Society, 2808 Reading Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45206, or to St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, 5849 Buckwheat Road, Milford, Ohio 45150.
2014, at the Apostolic Christian Home in Rittman. He was born March 14, 1923, in Sterling to Joseph and Emma (Ramsier) Maibach, Sr. He graduated from Sterling High School in the class of 1941 and served in the U. S. Merchant Marines during WWII. He married Janet Schorle on October 2, 1948, and they were happily married for 65 years; she survives. Art owned and operated Jan-Ar Holsteins in Creston with his wife. He was a member of the Rittman Apostolic Christian Church for more than 60 years and enjoyed spending time with his family and farming. Surviving in addition
BETTY NEEL, 85, wife of Larry Neel, retired manager of COBA/Select Sires, died June 13, 2014, at her residence at Lancaster, Ohio. She was born on October 28, 1928, to Ernest and Grace Farver McAfee in Orrville, Ohio. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Lancaster. She is survived by her loving husband of 62 years Lawrence Neel of Lancaster, son Keith R. (Marsha) Neel of Nevada, daughter Sheryl (Gary) Johnson of Lancaster, and grandson Dustin R. (Andrea Haid) Johnson.
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In Memoriam Services took place on June 17, 2014, at the Frank E. Smith Funeral Home, officiated by Rev. Cheryl Foulk. Burial was at Floral Hills Memorial Gardens. Memorials can be made in Betty’s name to FairHoPe Hospice, 282 Sells Road, Lancaster, Ohio 43130, or The First United Methodist Church, 163 East Wheeling Street, Lancaster, Ohio 43130.
RICHARD H. RAUSCH, 87, a lifetime resident of Marysville, died unexpectedly Friday, June 13, 2014, at Memorial Hospital of Union County following a brief illness. A dairy farmer all his life, he and his wife Doris lived at the homestead where he was born. He was deeply devoted to his family, his farm and to his church, which his father Leo helped to build. He was a member of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, where he was baptized and confirmed. He served as a church usher and on the St. John’s School board. He was a former board member for Landmark for many years. He was a member of the Ohio and National Holstein Associations. He enjoyed crossword puzzles and was an avid Cincinnati Reds and Ohio State Buckeyes fan. Richard was born August 30, 1926, with his twin brother Robert to the late Leo Philip and Magdalena Wolff Rausch and was also predeceased by siblings Esta, Harold, Leona, Helen, Caroline and Lutrelle. He is survived by his loving wife of 65 years, Doris M. McCarty Rausch, whom he married May 6, 1949, at St. John’s church; five sons: Philip (Sylvia) Rausch of Pataskala, John (Aggie) Rausch of Marysville, Jed (Cindy) Rausch of Milford Center, Mark (Kristi) Rausch of Plain City and Brian (Mary Beth) Rausch of Milford Center; twelve grandchildren: Rich (Kristine), Rachel (Byron), Aaron (Holly), Adam (Laura), Angie (Bill), Casey (Marybeth), Megan, Nicholas (Dana), Nathan (Rachel), Stacy, Brian (Sara) and Justin (Jessica); stepgrandson Matt (Becky); 24 great-grandchildren; five step-great-grandchildren; brother Robert (Janice) Rausch of Plain City; sisters- and brothers-in-law Mary Burns, Betty Dodge, Arleta (Edgar) Bowersmith, Glen McCarty and Ray (Dorothy) McCarty; and many nieces, nephews and church friends. Funeral services were held at St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church with Rev. Jacob Heino officiating, and burial was at the church cemetery. Pallbearers were the deceased’s eight grandsons. Memorial contributions may be made to St. John’s Church or School. Condolences may be expressed to the family at JAMES L. TAIT, 91, of Grottoes, Virginia, passed away July 14, 2014. He was born on July 11, 1923, in Brooklyn Village, Ohio. He attended Strongsville Schools and was class President in his senior year. Upon graduation he served his country in WWII in the Asian Pacific Theater with Army combat in the Philippines, later going into Japan with the first occupational troops with General McArthur. Returning home to Ohio, he worked on numerous purebred Angus
farms in Ohio and Virginia. In 1953, he and his wife decided to start milking 12 Holstein cows. That was the start of Gloryland Holsteins, which later moved to Virginia in 1977. While in Ohio, he enjoyed serving on the Medina County Fair Board as director and President of the Board. After moving to Virginia, he became the State Holstein Show Chairman and was Co-Chairman for the National Holstein Convention in Norfolk, Virginia. He had a deep love for the Registered Holstein cow and the breeders who owned them. He treated everyone with compassion and lived his life trying to help others. He truly loved living in Virginia, especially his last 24 years near New Hope. In his later years, macular degeneration had taken a toll on his eyesight. He was unable to attend shows and activities he dearly loved. He always enjoyed listening about the cows and numerous visitors that visited the farm from around the world. James is survived by his wife, Joan, with whom he was married 64 years; daughter Melanie J. Clem of Stuarts Draft, VA; son and daughter-in-law, Dave and Annie Tait of Grottoes, VA; and a special person in his life, William Hunter McCray of Crimora, VA. Burial was planned for Ohio Western Reserve National Cemetery, Seville, Ohio, in Medina County. The family honored his wishes to be cremated with no memorial service.
JEAN M. TIMMONS, 85, passed away peacefully with her loving family by her side on August 22, 2014, at the Brethren Care Village in Ashland, Ohio. Jean first saw the light of day on October 21, 1928, in Chardon, Ohio. Born as the only child to parents Floyd and Marie (Hurlebaus) Miller, Jean’s first day of school was second grade. After graduating from Chardon High School, she spent two years at Hiram College before transferring to Ohio State, where she graduated in 1949. Shortly thereafter, on July 16, 1949, she married Sterling Timmons and began a long life of a wife, mother and partner in the family farm. Her contributions included accountant, calf feeder, maple syrup producer and salesperson, county fair show day support, egg delivery and occasional tractor driver while managing a household that included three meals a day for the farm crew, some of whom lived in the house, all while raising a family along the way. Jean was a tireless supporter of agriculture, dairy products and the Holstein cow. She was an accomplished writer, and she put her skills to use writing a weekly column that appeared in the Meadow In Memoriam – continued on page 44 OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 43
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In Memoriam – continued from page 43
In Memoriam
Mart for many years, as well as her regular column, “The Mistress Muses,” that appeared in the Ohio Holstein News. Her articles included stories of the farm and family and the triumphs and tragedies that went along with everyday life on the farm, always with a dose of humor and a poignant message in an Erma Bombeck style. If the opportunity presented itself, she could write a scathing letter to the editor or a letter of praise, if appropriate. She had very little tolerance when agriculture was not properly presented in the media and was often contacted by Cleveland reporters for her input. Jean served for many years as a 4-H advisor with clubs that included the Dairy Dolls, the Stitch Witches and the Sew-Sew Sewers. She taught adult education home economics classes to low-income mothers as well as teaching Sunday school at the Auburn Community Church, not to mention being editor of the church newsletter. She and Sterling could be found every Sunday singing praises to the Lord in the church choir. They were active in Farm Bureau and enjoyed time spent with their council friends. She was a past president of the Ohio Holstein Women’s Association, where she served on numerous committees. Jean had fond memories of the time she spent in the Ohio Holstein Association and the friends they made all over Ohio and the country. In 2000, Jean and Sterling were inducted together into the Geauga County Maple Syrup Hall of Fame. Through the years, Jean was able to use her musical and writing talents to provide entertainment at various events and banquets, usually the Geauga-Northern Portage Holstein Club. Many enjoyed the pageant she wrote and directed celebrating the sesquicentennial of Auburn Township in 1967. In 1988, she was selected by the United State Department of Agriculture to join a delegation of farm women to tour Eastern Bloc countries and meet with women in agriculture in Yugoslavia and Hungary. In 1989, after years of dealing with encroaching urbanization and facing the prospect of a new highway being constructed through the farm, and at an age when most are thinking of slowing down life and preparing for retirement, Jean and Sterling, along with the then
farm partners, son Terry and son-in-law Bob Fenton, pulled up stakes and left their beloved Geauga County and relocated the family and farm to Loudonville in the rolling hills of Ashland County, Ohio. After moving to Loudonville, Jean and Sterling became involved with a new Farm Bureau council, and Jean served as Information Coordinator for Ashland County. Jean became active in the Mohican Historical Society and Loudonville Progress Club. They also joined the Loudonville Presbyterian Church, where Jean became (no surprise here) editor of the church newsletter. In 1997 she was recognized as an “Outstanding Woman in Ohio Agriculture.” Jean was always an avid reader and read books by the dozens. Until just recently, she was still completing the Wall Street Journal’s crossword puzzles and was a formidable adversary to anyone brave enough to play her in a game of Scrabble. She loved her Buckeyes and seldom missed a Cleveland Indians game. In 2013, Jean finally decided that it was time and withdrew as a partner in the farm. Her son Terry carries on the farm today, where he still operates under the name of Sterlinglen Farms, runs 700 acres and milks 90 head of (what else?) registered Holstein cows. Jean will be sadly missed by her children Dann (Cathy) Timmons of Garrettsville, Terry (Susan) Timmons of Loudonville and Polly (Bob) Fenton of Loudonville as well as grandchildren Casey Timmons, Jason (Jess) Timmons, Adam (Maggie) Timmons, Bailey Jean (Clinton Watters) Timmons, Ryley (Jennifer) Fenton, Tyler (Serena) Fenton, Megan (Josh Hendershot) Timmons and Ian Timmons and 12 greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband Sterling, who died in 2007, and her son Tommy, who died in a farm accident in 1952. Jean was laid to rest alongside Sterling and Tommy in the Evergreen Hill Cemetery in Chagrin Falls, Ohio. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made in Jean’s memory to the Heifer Foundation, 1 World Avenue, P.O. Box 727, Little Rock, AK 72203. “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and I could say, ‘I used everything you gave me.’ ” Erma Bombeck
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44 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
Phone 740-369-3931 Fax 740-369-7814
86666 p45 D15.Vaugh.FallSale 10/2/14 4:14 PM Page 1
District 15 Show Report District 15 Holstein Show September 5, 2014 • Highland County Fair Judge Keith Topp• 68 Head of Cattle Shown 16 Junior Exhibitors • 8 Farms Exhibited Senior Showmanship Winners 1. Loren Quallen; 2. Cheyenne Rhodes; 3. Elliot Durbin; 4. Brice Walker Intermediate Showmanship Winners 1. Sarah Quallen; 2. Emma Mathews; 3. Sarah Francis; 4. Kerrigan Meeker Junior Showmanship Winners 1. Caili Baumann; 2. Maggie Mathews; 3. Natasha Davidson; 4. McKenna Schaefer Junior Heifer Calf (10) 1. Southern-Hills WB Ashlyn , Shelby & Jenna Griffith; 2. Bottom-Line Atwood Bianca, Bottom-Line Farm; 3. (JR) Maple Rey Schapel, Kerrigan Meeker; 4. Bottom-Line Winston Ally, Bottom-Line Farm Intermediate Heifer Calf (8) 1. SH-SW Ashock Rosalynd, Shelby & Jenna Griffith; 2. Southern-Hills Arm Minnow, Southern-Hills Holsteins; 3. (JR) Ray-Jo Atwood Jessie, Jessie Crawford; 4. (JR) Garlen Atwood Teal, Loren Quallen Senior Heifer Calf (7) 1. (JR) Karebears Redburst Sasha, Emma Mathews; 2. Ms Southern-Edge Lainey-ET, Shelby & Jenna Griffith; 3. Express SMD Attitude Giggles, Bottom Line Farm; 4. (JR) Ray-Jo Atwood Jasmine, Emma Mathews Summer Yearling (5) 1. Lane-Oak Atwood Melody, Whitney Jones & Chad Griffith; 2. (JR) Karebears Redburst Saucy, Brice Walker; 3. Southern-Hills WF Trina, Southern-Hills Holsteins; 4. (JR) Future Manor Brady Bree, Cole Heger Junior Yearling (6) 1. (JR) Karebears Dempsey Elegance, Emma Mathews; 2. (JR) Gar-len Durable Beauty, Loren Quallen; 3. (JR) Future Manor Dusk Peaches-Red, Cole Heger; 4. (JR) Maple Rey Sanchez Lulu, Hunter Meeker Winter Yearling (4) 1. (JR) Remmus Brady Bree, Cole Heger; 2. Southern-Hills Demp Lucille, Southern-Hills Holsteins; 3. Rubles Shot Elsie, Bottom-Line Farm
Senior Yearling (5) 1. Gusty Knoll JB Martini-ET, Jennifer McCord; 2. (JR) Ray-Jo Mockingbird Judy, Emma Mathews; 3. Gusty Knoll JD MoscatoET, Jennifer McCord; 4. Da-View Sammy Boogie, Davidson Family Junior Show Junior Champion Karebears Redburst Sasha, Emma Mathews Junior Show Reserve Junior Champion Karebears Dempsey Elegance, Emma Mathews Open Show Junior Champion Gusty Knoll JB Martini-ET, Jennifer McCord Open Show Reserve Junior Champion Southern Hills WB Ashlyn, Shelby & Jenna Griffith Junior Two-Year-Old (4) 1. (JR) Gar-len Bradnick Penny, Loren Quallen; 2. Ray-Jo Braxton Lady, Bickel Family Farm; 3. (JR) Cloverhill Farm RedwireRed, Emma Mathews; 4. Southern-Hills Guth Mouse, Southern-Hills Holsteins Senior Two-Year-Old (4) 1. Lane-Oak Advent Daisy, Whitney Jones & Chad Griffith; 2. Express SMD Duece Callie, Bottom-Line Farm; 3. Ray-Jo Contender SassRed, Bickel Family Farm Junior Three-Year-Old (2) 1. Lane-Oak Atwood Mariah, Whitney Jones & Chad Griffith; 2. (JR) Gar-len Time Cass, Loren Quallen Senior Three-Year-Old (4) 1. Southern-Hills Burny Marcy, Southern-Hills Holsteins; 2. (JR) Ray-Jo Durham Lucia, Emma Mathews; 3. (JR) Gar-len Dream Pee Wee, Sarah Quallen; 4. Express SMD Chance Ballad, Bottom-Line Farm Junior Show Intermediate Champion Gar-len Bradnick Penny, Loren Quallen Junior Show Intermediate Reserve Champion Ray-Jo Durham Lucia, Emma Mathews Open Show Intermediate Champion Lane-Oak Advent Daisy, Whitney Jones & Chad Griffith Open Show Intermediate Reserve Champion Gar-len Bradnick Penny, Loren Quallen
“...meeting today’s challenges, pursuing tomorrow’s goals.”
STEVE VAUGHAN Nutritional Consultant 6007 Smith Kramer Hartville, OH 44632 Cell: 330-354-3407 Fax: 330-877-3830 PLEASE NOTE: NEW EMAIL ADDRESS
Four-Year-Old Cow (4) 1. Quiet Cove Goldwyn Franchise, Bickel Family Farm; 2. Dickey Million Panama, Bottom-Line Farm; 3. Rubles Magic, BottomLine Farm; 4. Da-View Moscow Keely, Davidson Family Five-Year-Old Cow (3) 1. Rubles Hi-Metro Dee Dee, Bottom-Line Farm; 2. (JR) Whiteleather Damian 1278 Tillie, Emma Mathews; 3. Rubles Bolton Sabrina, Bottom Line Farm Dry Cow (1) 1. Southern-Hills Altlc Maxine, Southern-Hills Holsteins Aged Cow (1) 1. Tru-Vision Gold Famous, Southern-Hills Holsteins Junior Show Senior Champion Whiteleather Damian 1278 Tillie, Emma Mathews Open Show Senior Champion Quiet Cove Goldwyn Franchise, Bickel Family Farm Open Show Senior Reserve Champion Rubles Hi-Metro Dee Dee, Bottom-Line Farm Junior Show Grand Champion Gar-len Bradnick Penny, Loren Quallen Junior Show Reserve Grand Champion Whiteleather Damian 1278 Tillie, Emma Mathews Open Show Grand Champion Lane-Oak Advent Daisy, Whitney Jones & Chad Griffith Open Show Reserve Grand Champion Gar-len Bradnick Penny, Loren Quallen Best Udder 1. Southern Hills Holsteins; 2. Quiet Cove Goldwyn Franchise, Bickel Family Farm; 3. Southern Hills Holsteins; 4. Rubles Hi-Metro Dee Dee, Bottom Line Farm Best Herd 1. Southern Hills Holsteins; 2. Bickel Family Farm; 3. Bottom-Line Farm; 4. Southern Hills Holsteins Premier Breeder 1. Southern Hills Holsteins; 2. Bickel Family Farms Premier Exhibitor 1. Southern Hills Holsteins; 2. Bickel Family Farm Premier Junior Exhibitor 1. Emma Mathews; 2. Loren Quallen
See you at the
OHIO MULTI-BREED FALL SALE Saturday, November 22, 2014 Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster Sponsored by your Ohio Holstein Association
OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 45
86666 p46 Sageser.Shearer.Est 10/7/14 12:28 PM Page 1
FROM YOUR REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE… by Glenn Sageser Fall is going strong, and you’re all probably going full bore with little time to waste. One great timesaver for managing your genetics easily and efficiently is Enlight, a new web-based tool. Accessible on a computer or tablet, Enlight is free to any producer who is genomic testing their Holstein cattle. All genomic samples submitted by Enlight users will be analyzed using CLARIFIDE®, a DNA-marker technology for optimizing the selection and management of dairy animals. Enlight allows users to log on and view complete genetic information,
Honoring Esther Welch on August 16, 2014
including any genomic results, by simply logging onto the web site at Enlight is updated the day new genomic evaluations are available, allowing producers much quicker access to their latest information than ever before. It’s a password-protected website, so you won’t have to install or upgrade to new software — the latest version is always available online and works within your web browser. And it comes with a series of tutorial videos, user guides that will help you understand and make the best use of the program. Enlight gives you immediate access to a wide range of reporting and analytical tools, along with official animal identification, breed benchmarks and reports such as a youngstock, herd and genetic conditions. We update the website each evening with the latest information from the Holstein herdbook, so when you identify new animals with the Association, they will automatically appear in Enlight once they are enrolled in the Holstein herdbook. Enlight puts your herd’s genetic data at your fingertips, allowing you to analyze and use it in ways that are most useful to you. The tool makes the
process of getting and using your genetic data quick and efficient, and can help you make timely decisions to reach your breeding goals. Enlight is the outcome of a collaboration between Holstein Association USA and Zoetis. Look in the summer 2014 issue of the Pulse for a full description of Enlight, or visit You can also ask any of us for a demonstration of Enlight, and we’d be glad to come to your farm and show you the benefits. Also look for the changes to the TPI® coming in December. New components, fertility index and feed efficiency, will be added to the formula, along with the genetic base update that takes place every five years. The fertility index is derived from the daughter pregnancy rate (DPR), heifer conception rate (HCR) and cow conception rate (CCR). The feed efficiency index takes into account extra income and extra costs. Both will put more emphasis on traits important in a profitable herd. Give us a call if there’s anything we can do to help you get more from your Holstein Association USA membership or your herd. We can answer questions and provide on-farm service; just contact Glenn Sageser at 502-321-8670.
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From left: Dallas Rynd, Randall Kiko, Esther Welch 46 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
OFFICE 1-800-686-6292 330-264-5275 1-800-374-6180
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86666 p47.48 10/6/14 2:13 PM Page 1
BarbWire W
hen you hear the words “Ohio Holstein News,” you automatically think of Esther Welch. She began her involvement with the News twenty-five (25) years ago by helping Barb Lumley her husband, Eugene, who was News Reporter for the Ohio Holstein Association. That evolved into writing some articles and then to the position as editor. She has been editor of the News since the September-October 1990 issue. She also prepared the 1977 and 2000 National Holstein Convention Booklets for the National Holstein Conventions, which were held in Ohio. When Jean Timmons decided to retire from writing “The Mistress Muses” in the women’s section of the Ohio Holstein News, Esther called and asked if I would be interested in writing a column. My only experience was in writing a lot of stories, speeches, poems, etc. in high school speech class, writing our farm ads and writing about some of the Ohio Holstein Women’s activities. Esther assured me that I could do it, and I knew she would be there to guide me. That was twelve (12) years ago! Esther always checked over my work to make sure everything was correct, and if she felt I was a little too “opinionated” or “stepping on anyone’s toes,” she would caution me. She often made suggestions that made my writing better. Esther’s goal with the News was to keep an ad-to-text ratio that either made a profit or broke even. She worked hard to make sure the News did not lose money. Any time she attended district shows or sales, she usually came away with an ad for the News. When I would be announcing shows, I was often asked if Esther was coming. She always brought copies of the News for people who weren’t Ohio Holstein Association members and urged them to join. One of my most enjoyable experiences with Esther was when I went to Madison to the World Dairy Expo, and she invited me to sit in the Ohio-New York booth. I quickly
learned what a great promoter Esther was for Ohio Holsteins and for the Ohio Holstein News. She seemed to know everyone who came along, and if she didn’t, she quickly became acquainted with them! There were a lot of beautiful Holsteins and interesting things to enjoy at Expo, but being in the Ohio booth with Esther was the best! As I became more involved in the Ohio Holstein Association, I became more involved with the News and Esther. Traveling to Wooster to spend the day proofreading the copy, talking over ad ideas, preparing sale ads, learning what was happening in Ohio and enjoying lunch with Esther was always a day well spent. Ohio Holstein News has become one of the best state breed magazines and is enjoyed and respected. That is due to Esther’s dedication and work with our members and with people everywhere. It has been a joy for me to work with her and to become one of her many friends, a friendship that I will always treasure. Robert Browning wrote, “What joy is better than news of friends?” Thank you, Esther, for giving us so many years of news of friends in the Ohio Holstein News.
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HAROLD’S EQUIPMENT, INC. 2120 Co. Rd. 168, Dundee, OH 44624 Harold Neuenschwander, Owner Phone: 330-893-2348 w 1-800-905-0940 w Fax: 330-893-3459 w OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 47
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The Queen’s Corner by Allison Mangun It seems like only yesterday I was attending my first District Show, and I as look back, I realize my year is quickly drawing to an end. Throughout this summer it has been the neatest thing seeing and meeting fellow dairymen and women from across the state of Ohio. I always see people I know at the Ohio State Fair, but it has been cool to connect people to where they actually live. Another thing that I have enjoyed is seeing excellent cattle being exhibited by great people. It was amazing to see the grand champion cow from one district show compete against the other at the State Fair. It was so fun watching the cows change and mature throughout the show season. While at the shows I have been continually welcomed with open arms. People have been so willing to help and share in the excitement of show time. I would like to thank all everyone for their continued support. I look forward to the District Shows in the fall!
48 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
National Dairy Women at World Dairy Expo, October 2, 2013 Front, from left: Marion Barliss, WI, Doris Hetts, WI; Karen Schauf, WI; Harriet Brown, MN, Esther Welch, OH Back, from left: Ardath DeWall, IL; Liz Doornik, WI; Deborah Lee Reinhart, WI; Mary Creek, MD; Berneta Snider Gable, PA
the Holstein
Bernie Heisner, retired general manage of COBA, is receiving several top honors for his leadership in the dairy and agricultural communities. He will be inducted into the Ohio Agriculture Hall of Fame on August 1 at the Rhodes Youth Center at the Ohio State Fairgrounds. Also, he is receiving the Guest of Honor Award from the National Dairy Shrine in October 2014 at World Dairy Expo.
• Bill Ramsey, Paradise Valley Farms, D-2, received the COBA/Select Sires, Inc. Distinguished Service Award, for 22 years of service as board member, vice-president and president of the COBA board and as a six-year representative of COBA on the Select Sires, Inc. board. The award was presented at the COBA/Select Sires annual meeting in February. • Loren Elsass, D-12, won the 2014 Hoard’s Dairyman Judging Contest at COBA/Select Sires with a score of 490 out of 500 total points. Loren is a Select Sires Select Mating Service genetic consultant. • Ted Schmitmeyer, D-14, Ohio Holstein Association Junior member, was named the Star in Agricultural Placement at the 2014 Ohio FFA Convention. • Kate McGovern, D-8, Ohio Holstein Association Junior member, was recognized at the June 11th Ohio State 4-H Recognition Awards Banquet in Columbus as a winner of the 2013 Ohio State Fair Dairy Skillathon in her age group and in overall competition.
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Embryos available from Bombero
9-ET ls P-KA 491
BAA 106.3 Rolling Herd Avg. 27,335 M 986 F 843 P *ORVJSJFT BMXBZT XFMDPNF We always have bulls, cows, heifers & embryos for sale OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 49
86666 p50 Rohaven.AgriSales 4c 10/3/14 9:34 AM Page 3
SimplySUPERb... SUPERb performers in our herd by 1HO8778 Charlesdale SUPERstition-ET
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate Esther Welch on her superb performance through many successful years of service as the face of the Ohio Holstein Association while establishing the Ohio News one of the premier state publications. Best wishes in retirement—you will be missed!
Rohaven Holsteins
Robert W. Haskins and Family 17219 Mishey Road | Butler, Ohio 44822 PH: 740.694.0122 (Bob & Jan) or 419.618.4028 (Paul) Email: RHA 26,155M 3.9% 1,022F 3.2% 836P
50 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
Rohaven Super Bonita VG-85 VG-MS (Super x Dane x Emory x EX-91-2E Belltone) 691NM$ +1762M +54F +47P +5.7PL +2.68SCS +1.6DPR +1.78UDC +2187GTPI 2-1 306d 23,810M 3.8% 1,157F 3.2% 757P 3-0 333d 32,030M 3.9% 1,235F 3.3% 1,051F Bonita ha herself as d already establi all-aroun one of our best shed herd prio d performers in o 2-4 364d 33,030M 3.5% 1,143F 3.0% 992P results in r to getting genomur 3-5 249d 29,997M 3.1% 919F 2.8% 840P inc. nearly 18 July and jumping ic 0N Rohaven Super Image GP-81 GP-MS (Super x Baxter) aw aiting M$! We are no 2-1 365d 32,332M 3.4% 1095F 3.0% 960P recently frgenomic results o w and Mass esh Clark daughten her ey yearlin r g. Rohaven Super Kabot GP-82 GP-MS (Super x Colby) 2-4 307d 25,616M 3.8% 965 3.1% 787P Rohaven Super Kross GP-81 GP-MS (Super x Pronto) 2-3 365d 29,213M 4.2% 1226F 3.3% 973P
We are milking seven total SUPER daughters and believe they will continue to be SUPERb... the long-lasting and proÀtable kind of cows that we are breeding for.
Available at
Your 3URĂ€WDELOLW\ is Our Goal. Featured Product: CargillÂŽ Northeast Show Calf Have your calves looking their best with our Northeast Show Calf feed, a 40% protein, pelleted feed, formulated with amino acids and vitamin B, as well as selenium yeast for greater selenium retention and sulfate based trace minerals for high bio-availability. It is also medicated with Lasalocid 54.6 grams/ton as well as a combination of rumen degradable and undegradable protein sources to promote bovine health. Contact your local Cargill Dairy Focus Consultant today to learn about the programs and technologies we offer to help manage ingredients, input pricing and risk, control costs of rations, analyze diets and understand whole farm economics. Michele Burky: 419-651-2081 | Ryan Aberle: 330-464-1951 | Bob Hostetler: 614-937-5356 | Doug Hering: 314-282-0044 | Laura Weisz: 320-293-2184 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 51
86666 p52..54 OhHol mem forms 10/2/14 4:04 PM Page 1
OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 479, WOOSTER, OHIO 44691 PHONE 330-264-9088 • FAX 330-263-1653 • EMAIL
Office location: 1375 Heyl Road, Wooster
Holstein Breeders and Friends TO: FROM: Membership Committee Chair Ken Janes and all board members RE: Official Membership Notice For our 2015 membership drive, current members will receive membership notices beginning in October. There will be a card enclosed for updating your membership information. Please return it. You can pay from that invoice and include the invoice number on your check. Use the card at right to sign up a new member. Current cell phone numbers and email addresses help us contact you. You can also go to the Ohio Holstein website at and print the card to mail with your payment. You may deduct 10% on your adult membership if you pay by December 1, 2014. Below is a partial list of the benefits of being a member of the Ohio Holstein Association. 1. A subscription to the Ohio Holstein News, a $15.00 value. 2. Reduced fees when registering calves. Members of both the state and national associations can save up to $16.00 per calf over nonmembers, and state and national members can save $8.00 over national members only. It doesn’t take long to pay for a state membership at these savings. 3. State-sponsored consignment sales that attract buyers from all across the country. 4. Management of dispersal sales, also private sales or purchases. We can help you merchandise your Holsteins in whatever way you choose. 5. Educational programs for the entire family. Barn meetings, women’s forums and youth activities are available from local districts through the state and national level. Help us continue the progress of the Ohio Holstein Association and continue to increase the value of your Holsteins by paying your dues today.
Holstein Juniors Advisors Megan & Matt Lawson
It is time again for Ohio Holstein Junior members to renew their membership and for new members to join for 2015. Please fill out the front and back of the Junior form at right and return it with your payment to the Holstein office. Please add your email address to the form. You can also go to the Ohio Holstein website at and print the card to mail with your payment. Advantages of joining the Junior Association include: 1. Receive member rates on registrations. 2. Be eligible for Junior All-Ohio Awards. 3. Compete in the Distinguished Junior Member Contest, Memorial Award and Scholarship contests. 4. Compete in Quiz Bowls, Speaking Contest and other activities. 5. Have the opportunity to take part in Junior meetings and fun activities in Ohio at the annual meeting and throughout the year. 6. Have the opportunity to take part in Junior activities at the National Holstein Convention in June. 7. Subscribe to the Ohio Holstein News at the special rate of $7.50, which is half the price charged to adults. 8. Help decide what the Junior Association is going to do. We think our Juniors are the best assets of our Association. Plan to join now and attend the annual meeting in March. 52 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
86666 p52..54 OhHol mem forms 10/2/14 4:06 PM Page 2
2015 Ohio Holstein Association Membership Agreement
I do hereby join the Ohio Holstein Association for the period ending December 31, 2015, and agree to pay dues for the support of said Association on the basis of $45.00 per membership plus $1.00 per head for any freshened Registered Holsteins for herds up to 300 head, and $ .50 per head for over 300 head. Membership includes a subscription to the Ohio News. The filing of this agreement with the Ohio Holstein Association, Wooster, Ohio, shall entitle the signer to all rights and privileges which accompany membership in said Association.
Name ___________________________________________________ Holstein Account # _______________________ Partner and/or Spouse Name ________________________________________________________________________ Farm/Business Name ____________________________________ Prefix ____________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________ State _________ Zip _______________ District _________ Directions to Farm _________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ E-mail (print clearly) ___________________________________ Phone ____________________________ Cell ____________________________ Fax ____________________________ Signature of Member ________________________________________________ Date _________________________ $ 45.00 ________ Basic Membership @ $45.00 RETURN WITH PAYMENT TO: Ohio Holstein Association _______ Number of Registered Freshened Holsteins P.O. Box 479 (up to 300) @ $1.00 each + ___________ WOOSTER, OHIO 44691 Phone 330-264-9088 _______ Number of Registered Cows over 300 @ $ .50 each + ___________ Fax 330-263-1653 Total = ___________ Less 10% of Dues total if paid by December 1, 2014 - ___________ To help us help you, please complete reverse side.
Total Dues Paid = ___________
❑ Renewal ❑ Individual ❑ New ❑ Family ❑ Individual Lifetime
I hereby join the Ohio Junior Holstein Association for the period ending December 31, 20 ________ and agree to pay dues for the support of said Association in the amount of $2 per individual Junior member for one year, $5 per family for one year or $20 for individual Junior lifetime membership. The filing of this agreement and membership fee with the Ohio Junior Holstein Association, c/o Ohio Holstein Association, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, Ohio 44691 shall entitle the signer to all rights and privileges in said Association. For a Junior Member subscription to the Ohio Holstein News, add $7.50.
Name __________________________________________________ Age ________ Birthdate ________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________
❑ Male
❑ Female
Name __________________________________________________ Age ________ Birthdate ________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________
❑ Male
❑ Female
Name __________________________________________________ Age ________ Birthdate ________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________________________
❑ Male
❑ Female
Permanent Address ______________________________________________________________________________________ E-mail Address _________________________________________________________________________________________ District _____________________________ County ___________________ Telephone No. __________________________ Parent’s Signature _______________________________________________________________________________________
OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 53
86666 p52..54 OhHol mem forms 10/2/14 4:03 PM Page 3
Milking Herd Size:
____________ Registered + ____________ Grade = ____________ Total
Member Services
I would like to consign to Association-sponsored sales. I would like assistance in merchandising or purchasing Holsteins privately through the Ohio Holstein Association, or through management of dispersal sales.
I would like more information on advertising in the Ohio News. Yes No Would you like to serve on a committee of the Ohio Holstein Association? I do not wish for my telephone number to be printed in the Membership Directory of the Ohio Holstein Association.
I do not wish for my e-mail to be printed in the Membership Directory of the Ohio Holstein Association.
For the appropriate District Holstein Club to receive the membership rebate, dues must be paid by February 1, 2015.
Which activities sponsored by the Ohio Junior Holstein Association are you interested in participating in?
❑ Junior All-Ohio Contest ❑ Distinguished Junior Member Contest ❑ National Convention Trip ❑ District Workshops with the following topic(s)
❑ Memorial Award Contest ❑ Association Officer ❑ Association Committee _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________
❏ Other Activities
_________________________________________________________________________________________ Please Return To: Ohio Holstein Association • P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, Ohio 44691
54 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 55
86666 p56.57 Jrs.Quiz.Spi.Thom 10/2/14 3:58 PM Page 1
by Keaton Topp, News Reporter
OHIO JUNIOR HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION DIRECTORS — Officers: President Allison Mangun, phone 1-330-749-9036, is from Burbank, Ohio, District 7. She is currently attending The Ohio State University with an Agriculture Communication major and a Dairy Science minor. Vice President Korey Oechsle, phone 1-419-605-7749, is from Van Wert, Ohio, District 12. He is currently a freshman at Van Wert High School Secretary Allison Janes is from Wooster, Ohio, District 7. She is currently attending North Central State College with a major in Physical Therapy Assistant. Reporter Keaton Topp is from Botkins, Ohio, District 14. He is currently a freshman at Botkins High School. Members: Morgan McDonnell, phone 1-440-897-4255 Matt Oechsle, phone 1-419-605-2447 Louis Liming, phone 1-330-770-4876 Anna Miley, phone 1-330-749-1736 UPCOMING EVENTS — December 5,10:30 – Junior Board Meeting at Ohio Holstein Office in Wooster Junior Activities January 18 – Sky Zone March 2015 – State Convention, details to come June 2015 – National Conve,tion, St. Charles, Illinois
These T-shirts will go on sale at the 2015 Ohio Holstein Convention, or you can order them in advanced so that you are guaranteed the sizes and colors you want. If you order them in advance, you may pick them up at the Ohio Holstein Convention or you can have them shipped for a slight fee. *Infant and Toddler colors only Each year the Ohio Junior Holstein Association sends a group of Junior members to National Convention. Next year’s convention will be held in St. Charles, Illinois, June 23-26, 2015. The Juniors can participate in a number of contests, attend farm tours and even attend a medieval times dinner. WHY YOU SHOULD COME TO CONVENTION!!! Keaton “I enjoyed National Convention because of the farm tours, which are neat because you get to see how other farms work. Also there is always a chance for you to meet new people. Finally, there is an unlimited dairy bar where you can get ice cream, milk and Cheese for FREE all day and every day. I hope to see you all in Illinois.’’ Louie “Convention was fun for me because I was able to attend farm tours. I was then able to take the things I learned during the tours and utilize them on my own farm. I hope to see you in Illinois.” Allison “I enjoyed convention because I was able to meet new people and make new friends. It was also fun to compete in the competitions. I hope to see you in Illinois.”
DISTRICT SHOWS — Congratulations to all of the district show winners! As many of you know, the Ohio Junior Holstein Association has been selling T-shirts for the past few months. The cost of the T-shirts is $10.00. You may have seen the T-shirts at your district show and state fair. We are very grateful that the fundraiser was a success. Unfortunately, because of the high demand for youth sizes, we ran out fairly quickly, so we have ordered more. When we ordered more, we thought it would be a good idea to order infant and toddler sizes. Along with that we ordered more colors including Red, Sapphire, Hot Pink, Carolina Blue, Safety Orange, Safety Yellow, Purple, Heather Grey, Lime Green, Sea Green, *Turquoise, *Royal and *Raspberry.
Ohio Holstein Junior members Allison Mangun (left) and Allison Janes were asked by the American Dairy Association to conduct a cooking demonstration at the Ohio State Fair in the Taste of Ohio Building. They made Mint Cheesecake, and it was a huge success!
Stay at our place in “The Palms” – Near
Mickey’s Place – for a Minnie Price!! Luxurious 4 BR home with private screened pool, located 15 minutes from Orlando theme parks. Nonsmoking & “no pets” facility. Rents from $99/night, depending on options.
Ohio Junior Holstein members visited many of the District Shows over the summer. Pictured from left, Korey Oechsle, Keaton Topp and Queen Allison Mangun at the District 11 Show. 56 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
Contact: Pete or Jean Spike Phone: 740-363-2184
86666 p56.57 Jrs.Quiz.Spi.Thom 10/2/14 3:59 PM Page 2
Ohio’s Statewide 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl by Bonnie Ayars COLUMBUS, OH — What is the major buffer for maintaining optimum rumen pH? A clever Dairy Quiz Bowl participant presses the buzzer, is recognized by the moderator and provides the answer as saliva. That is just how a small portion of the Ohio 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl event was played this year. On June 17, coaches and team members traveled from all over the state to the Ohio and Nationwide 4-H Center to participate in this event. It includes both a Senior and a Junior division. Some are new at the competition, and others have been coming for many years. However, everyone is willing to share camaraderie and a competitive spirit with each other. After a light breakfast with milk, participants complete a test to determine brackets. It is double elimination, so everyone has an opportunity to play the game and be matched up with their rivals in a dual
Senior Division winning team: Champaign/Logan/Auglaize Counties represented by Ella Jackson, Kadey Starkey, Brennan Topp
that includes wisdom, quick recall, strategy and some fun. With 15 volunteers on hand to manage the event, there are moderators, scorekeepers, timekeepers, door monitors and bracket managers for both divisions. Each plays a special role in the successful management of the day’s activities. With more teams than in the past eight years, it was round after round of nearly 600 toss- up and team questions that are posed as bonuses. As the day progressed and between rounds, everyone took time for a pizza lunch and then an ice cream bar snack provided by the American Dairy Association and Ohio Dairy Producers. This year, the Juniors had the opportunity to observe the final Senior round that determined the champion. Then everyone relocated and watched the final Junior round! Spontaneous cheers came from the audience as the winning teams proclaimed their victories. Not only are high teams recognized, but awards are presented to individuals who earn the highest score on the pre-test and most valuable players in each division. Following are the results of this year’s event! Senior Division winning team: Champaign/Logan/ Auglaize Counties represented by Ella Jackson, Kadey Starkey and Brennan Topp Runners-up: Mahoning County team of Levi Plocher, Christina Coler, Sara Fraser and Rod Headland High Test Score (3-way tie): Nicole Walters and Kate Sherman (Delaware County) and Ella Jackson (Logan County) Most Valuable Player: Ella Jackson Junior Division winning team: Champaign/Logan represented by Heath Starkey, Sam Jackson, Mackenzie Hoewischer and Cole Pond Runners-up: Wayne County represented by Thomas Gress, David Miley, Denice Wolf, Ashley Hawvermale and Adam Wolf (alternate) High Test Score: Sam Jackson Most Valuable Player: Marissa Topp A special recognition was also named for the most original nametags, and this was earned for the Senior team from Delaware County; David Miley won the Junior division.
Jenny Thomas, Associate Photographer 614-395-9823 cell
Junior Division runner-up team: Wayne County, represented by Thomas Gress, David Miley, Ashley Hawvermale, Denice Wolf
920-465-3880 • OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 57
DAM: Seagull-Bay Snow Darling-ET VG-85 MGD: Ammon-Peachey Shauna-ET VG-87 (photos: Beth Herges)
Š2014 USDA-CDCB 08/14 gPTA/PTA MF 75% GTPI is a registered symbol of National Holstein Association USA, Inc.
2621 +949 +196
N M $
Mogul x Snowman x Planet x SHOTTLE
The ABS PrimetimeŽ lineup offers a diverse group of high ranking sires from the industry’s most sought-after cow families. Make a sterling investment with SILVER’s breed-leading components, great type and outstanding health and fertility traits. Add his exciting sire stack hailing from one of the hottest maternal families in the industry, and you’ve got the perfect investment for success. Contact your local ABS representative to add the polish of SILVER to your herd!
Š2014 " # 4 ( M P C B M * O D t 3 J W F S 3 P B E % F ' P SF T U 8 * 6 4 "
58 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
" # 4 4 5 6 % t X X X B C T H M P C B M D P N
OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 59
86666 p60 Steinway 10/8/14 12:14 PM Page 1
TIME FOR EXPANSION OR RENOVATION? Dual Chamber Waterbeds with Ultra Comfort Free Stalls ✘ Reduce bedding costs (drastically) ✘ Eliminate hock abrasions ✘ Increase cow comfort to promote better milk production ✘ Lower your SCC
Auto Release Self-Locks
✘ Save time while performing herd check, AI and vaccinations ✘ Reduce feed waste
Bale Boss Hay Saver
✘ SAVE HAY! SAVE HAY! ✘ Custom order with self-locks to easily retain cattle on pasture
Heavy Duty Barn Gates
✘ Custom fit — our gate is made to stay! ✘ Self-catching latches for ease of use and reliable latching
Thank you, Esther Welch, for assisting us with our advertising for 25 + years. You will be missed. Best wishes as you make a new transition. Stop in at our showroom located 1 mile West of Kidron, Ohio
330-857-8700 1-800-599-2040 12335 Emerson Road Apple Creek, OH 44606
60 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
86666 p61 10/7/14 5:21 PM Page 1
Index ABS Global, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Accelerated Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Ag Credit/Country Mortgages . . . . . . . . 47 Agri Sales & Consulting — Oxy Blast . . . 50 Agri-King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Andrews, Steve & Seth — Auctioneers . . . 26 Ashland Implement, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Bickel Family Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Cargill Animal Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 COBA/Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Commodity Blenders, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Commodity Specialists Company. . . . . . . 28 ComputerMixx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Crimson Lane Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Curry Lumber & Pole Building Co.‘s . . . . . 27 Davis, Kim R. — Nationwide Insurance . . . 8 Embryo Transfer Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 First National Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Garver, Merlin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Golden Link Supplements, Inc.. . . . . . . . . 25 Habrun’s Insurance Service, Inc. . . . . . . . 35 Harold’s Equipment, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Harvest Hills Holstein Sale . . . . . . . . . 32-33 K & M Builders, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Kidron Auction, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 L-G Animal Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Lehman, Eileen — Livestock Hauling . . . . 41 Lowe & Young, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Meaden & Moore — CPA’s . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company . . 20
Midwest Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Miley Holstein Farms, Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . 15 National Holstein Futurity. . . . . . . . . . 38-39 New Pittsburg Large Animal Clinic . . . . . 34 Ohio Beef Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Ohio State University/ Agricultural Technical Institute . . . . . . . . 24 Paradise Valley Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Pine Tree Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Plain-Knoll Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Raygor Farms, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Richman Farms, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Rohaven Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Shearer Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Silver-Mist Holsteins/White Light Holsteins 62 Spike, Pete & Jean — Vacation Rental . . . 56 Stan-Mar-Dale/Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Stein-way Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Taurus Services, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Ten-Penny Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Thomas, Jenny — Photographer . . . . . . . 57 Town & Country Co-op Feed . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Trent Insurance Group Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 U-Dean Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Vaughan, Steve — Nutritional Consultant . 45 W. G. Dairy Supply, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Wenger’s Sharpening Service . . . . . . . . . . 6 Wil-O-Rae Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 This index is provided as an additional service. Publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions.
Coming Events MEETINGS and EVENTS March 13-14, 2015 – Ohio Holstein Annual Meeting, Howard Johnson’s, Lima, OH June 23-26, 2015 – National Holstein Convention, St. Charles, IL June 28–July 1, 2016 – National Holstein Convention, Saratoga Springs, NY
SHOWS November 8, 2014 – Grand National Holstein Junior Show, Louisville, KY, Judge Eric Topp, OH November 8, 2014 – Mid-East Fall Red & White Junior Show, Louisville, KY November 10, 2014 – Mid-East Fall National Holstein Show, Louisville, KY, Judge Lynn Harbaugh, WI November 10, 2014 – Mid-East Fall National Red & White Show, Louisville, KY, Judge Lynn Harbaugh, WI
SALES October 23, 2014 – 7:00 p.m., Harvest Hills Holstein Sale, Dover Fairgrounds November 22, 2014 – Ohio Multi-Breed Fall Sale, Wayne Co. Fairgrounds, Wooster CONTENT/COPY: The Ohio News has a policy to accept paid advertising unless its content may be construed as defamatory, invasive of the privacy of others, fraudulent, obscene or otherwise unlawful. In submitting copy, the advertiser represents and warrants that its content is truthful, is not defamatory, is not invasive of the privacy of others and is in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. However, the Ohio News reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising or submitted written material at any time.
OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014 | 61
Building Blocks “We have always felt that Esther Welch was one of the cornerstones of Ohio Holstein. She has greatly contributed to the strength and pride of our organization. With her help we are what we are today.�
Another Cornerstone... Dreamy is now an Excellent 3-yr.-old. While we have one daughter from her, there will be more DV ZH Ă XVK KHU in the future.
Rose-Vue Real Dreamy-Red EX 90
Congratulations, Ava Budny! $YD¡V À UVW \HDU LQ + ZDV D WUHPHQGRXV VXFFHVV $W WKH +HQU\ &RXQW\ )DLU VKH ZDV DZDUGHG 1st Place in Showmanship UHFHLYHG DQ Outstanding Project Award DQG ZRQ Reserve Jr. Champion LQ WKH 'DLU\ 6KRZ ,Q DGGLWLRQ $YD DOVR ZRQ KHU GLYLVLRQ RI Skillathon DW WKH 2KLR 6WDWH )DLU DQG DQ Outstanding Achievement Award. :H DUH YHU\ SURXG RI DOO KHU DFFRPSOLVKPHQWV
Silver-Mist Holsteins
Dallas Rynd and Judy Wolford 11242 Wheeler Rd. Ashville, Ohio 43103 740-207-5005 62 | OHIO NEWS | 9-10/2014
White Light Holsteins Tony and Laurie Menzie K 121 Co. Rd. 3 McClure, Ohio 43534 419-278-0030
Thankful For Many Things At Crimson Lane Thank you Esther Welsh, for you have been the voice and a friend to Ohio Holstein Breeders for so many years by promoting Ohio Holsteins!! Our best in the years ahead! Thank you to our tremendous friends, the Indoes at Richman Farms, for your support and encouragement to Jenna; the next generation at Crimson Lane Holsteins. Without your support Jenna’s dreams would never be possible!
Dad, Uncle Luke and Uncle Tom are so proud of Jenna, shown here with her Crimson-Lane Atwood Moodles! Jenna was Premier Exhibitor at 2014 Union County Fair. Thank you Roger Mohrman of Wellington, Ohio for buying Jenna’s consignment Lil Freckle at the Ohio Holstein Summer Sale.
Thomas, Linda & Ashley 4428 Co. Rd. 247 Vickery, Ohio 43464 419/547-0795
The Thorbahns Lewis Thorbahn II RR 1, Co. Rd. 247 Vickery, Ohio 43464 419/603-8818
David, Nancy, Jenna & Kelsey 9035 Oak Ridge Lane Plain City, Ohio 43064 614/973-6946
We are thankful for all our friends in the Holstein Industry!
Select Sires, the home of breed giant PLANET, is the only place to turn when you are looking for the best PLANET sons. These sons consistently transmit moderate frames, outstanding udders with superior component yields and high production that make a more profitable cow for your herd. Contact your Select Sires representative to order the industry’s elite PLANET sons today! Elite PLANET Sons 7HO10721 BOOKEM
GTPI Milk Rel.% Type Rel.% +2319 +1,800 99 +2.55 98
+2179 +1,827 +2177 +1,490 +2164 +1,470 +2163 +1,864
7HO10723 SPUR 7HO10937 FUTURE New +2148 +1,839 7HO10690 PLAN +2144 +1,044 7HO10849 SHAMROCK +2141 +1,462 7HO10679 KID 7HO10818 CALIBRATE 7HO10543 THORNE 7HO10709 HUSKY
+2134 +2119 +2111 +2104
+1,643 +1,187 +1,091 +1,138
94 97 99 96
+2.45 +1.59 +2.79 +2.85
92 92 99 93
93 +1.93 90 97 +1.65 93 99 +2.17 98 97 95 94 94
+1.83 +2.49 +1.32 +2.18
94 92 92 92
AAllll bulls on thi thisis page page qualify quali ualif lify fy for for export exportt to Can expor Canada. ada. d USD USDA USDA-CDCB/HA A-CDCB/H CDCB/HAA Genomic Genomi Ge G nomiic EEv Evaluation aluation alua l tion 08/ 08/14 14
Photos (top to bottom): Ms Brandys Bethany-ET (VG-85), Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse, Dyersville, IA; Ron&Yvonne Calibrate 6556 (GP-82), Ronald H. and Yvonne Ziegler, Middleton, WI and Hoek-Tex Spur 14205-Grade, Gerard Hoekman, Dublin, TX