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November-December 2013

Sunnyville Holsteins 5th Generation Dairy Farm Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor 2013 D-10 Holstein Show


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Oakfield Atwood Horizon-ET EX-91 EEVVE 2-03 304D 20,840M 4.5% 947F 3.6% 755P Fresh in June — Bred to Armani Her Dam: VG-87 Advent Her Grandam: EX-96 All-American Hazel We are very excited to add Horizon to our herd along with her September Goldwyn and September Windbrook and her IVF Armani, due in June. Our Barns are Full! We would like to Sell 20-30 Head of Registered Holsteins AI sired and AI bred — Barn Cows to Show Cows!

Thank you to Everyone who has helped us throughout the Year.


Happy s! Go, Buck

~Richman Farms, Inc.~ The Indoe Family • Lodi, Ohio

richmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com Dick 330-948-1427 Tom 330-948-1137 Bill 330-948-2259 Tyler 330-416-8891 Jim Morlock, Jr. and Martin “Bud” Yoder Fitting and Showing

Visitors Always Welcome

85729 p03 ParadiseValley 11/7/13 1:11 PM Page 1



Paradise-R Ramsi 4416-ET VG-85 By RAMOS 3-03 365D 39,869M 3.5% 1,395F 2.9% 1,151P



Paradise-R OS Marcie 75-ET VG-88 2-02 365D 35,567M 3.2% 1,148F 2.9% 1,056P

From the World-Renowned SEARS FAMILY — the Family that has THREE 94-point cows to its credit — WITHOUT Goldwin, Shottle or Durham in his Pedigree! QUESTION OF THE DAY:

What are we going to use Sabathia on? NEVIN’S QUOTE: “Any cow in heat.” Home of the Bell Sears Family


Bill, Brian and Michael Ramsey Families 7632 Columbus Road NE • Louisville, OH 44641 • Phone & Fax 330-875-4539

Service Age Bulls for Sale At All Times

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 3


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(USPS 404-600) (ISSN: 0899-4862) Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association

Volume 77

Number 4

NOVEMBER-DECEMBER 2013 Published 5 times per year in January, March, May, September and November at Shreve, OH by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 www.ohioholstein.com dairyagendatoday – Click on Industry Links

PUBLICATION OFFICE — SHREVE, OH Subscription price in the U.S. is $15.00 per year. The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new one. Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertising forms close one month preceding date of issue. Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWS P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653 Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd. Entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Shreve, Ohio 44676. OFFICE STAFF Office Secretary . . . Diana Miley; oholstein@embarqmail.com Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . Esther Welch; ewelch@embarqmail.com Webmaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Spike; spikeptr@aol.com

OFFICERS President . . . . Dallas Rynd, Ashville. . . . . . . . 740-983-6690 Vice President . Randall Kiko, Salem . . . . . . . . 330-831-0174 Secretary . . . . Cathy Berg, Bellville . . . . . . . . 419-886-2871 Treasurer . . . . Lisa Kerr, North Fairfield . . CELL 419-606-0527

EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Joe Miley, Past President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-263-7814 Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-770-6206 Greg Conrad, New Holland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-495-5067

NATIONAL DIRECTOR Mike Jones 760 East 450 North, Marshall, IN 47859. . . . . 765-592-0644

BOARD MEMBERS Dist. 1 Dist. 2 Dist. 3 Dist. 4 Dist. 5 Dist. 7 Dist. 7 Dist. 8 Dist. 9 Dist. 10 Dist. 11 Dist. 12 Dist. 13 Dist. 14 Dist. 15

Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . . 330-770-6206 Adam Whiteleather, Salem . . . . . . . . 330-205-1738 John Hartline, Whipple . . . . . . . . . . 740-236-7240 Jen Bouton, Mt. Vernon . . . . . . . . . . 740-507-8271 Greg Conrad, New Holland. . . . . . . . 740-495-5067 Lisa Mangun, Burbank . . . . . . . . . . 330-435-6520 Ted Renner, Dalton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-828-2604 Ryan Welch, Polk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419-651-5281 Matt Lawson, Bluffton . . . . . . . . . . . 937-538-7110 Laurie Menzie, McClure . . . . . . . . . . 740-624-6367 Kristy Ackley, East Liberty . . . . . . . . 937-666-5502 Marvin Steinke, Wapakoneta . . . . . . 419-738-7174 Jenny Thomas, Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . 614-395-9823 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta. . . . . . . . . . . 419-953-3427 Don Bickel, New Vienna . . . . . . . . . . 937-218-2697

The Board of Directors of the Ohio Holstein Association has adopted the following: “The Mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”


From the President, by Dallas Rynd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 OHA 94th Convention and Annual Meeting Tentative Schedule of Events. . . . 6 The Holstein Grapevine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sunnyville Registered Holsteins, info provided by Janet Seedorf . . . . . . . 10-13 Esther’s Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Ohio News Advertising Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Kristy Ackley — New Board Member for District 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26-27 District 8 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 From Your Regional Representative, by Glenn Sageser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Ohio Holstein Women’s News, by Kathy Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year Application Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 The Queen’s Corner, by Cayla Inkrott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 2014 Ohio Holstein Queen Contest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 District 10 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 District 14 Show Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Junior Jottings, by Matt Lawson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2013 4-H Dairy Judging, by Bonnie Ayars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2013 Collegiate Dairy Judging, by Bonnie Ayars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 ATI-OSU Dairy Cattle Judging Team, info provided by Royce Thornton. . . . . 43 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Coming Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

On the Cover

SUNNYVILLE HOLSTEINS — The Seedorf and Rosebrook Families at the District 10 Holstein Show, August 13, 2013 Front, from left: Taryn Hoops, Lani Rosebrook, Molly Rosebrook, Grahm Rosebrook, Jake Bostelman, Carston Hoops, Luke Rosebrook, Kendel Rosebrook. Second row, from left: Ohio Holstein Queen Kayla Inkrott, C. J. Parker holding Bristol Parker, Ashley Hoops, Laura Parker holding Breale Parker, Zac Rosebrook, Callie Seedorf, Will Seedorf, Brooke Bostelman, Chloe Seedorf, Lana Bostleman holding Blake Bostelman. Third row, from left: Judge Steve Moff, Ann Michealis, Mallory Michealis, Florence Seedorf, Henry Seedorf, Jami Rosebrook, Lisa Hoops, Benjamen Bostelman. Back, from left: Jerry Rosebrook, Brad Michealis, Adam Hoops holding Adeline Beth Hoops, Greg Rosebrook, Keith Rosebrook, Mark Seedorf. Not pictured: Janet Seedorf, Claire Seedorf.

Postmaster – Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691

Banners, from left: Grand Champion Female, Premier Breeder, Premier Exhibitor, Reserve Grand Champion Female, Senior Champion, Intermediate Champion.

January-February DEADLINE December 21, 2013

For more on the Seedorf Family, see the cover story beginning on page 10 and the Sunnyville ad on page 12. photo by Patricia Weinken

4 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

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From the President by Dallas Rynd It’s hard to believe that we are through with summer shows, World Dairy Expo and part of harvest. Our Fall Sale is quickly approaching. It will be held Saturday, November 23, at the Wayne County Fairgrounds. By the time you read this, the sale may be over, but I wanted to tell you that the sale committee planned something different for this particular sale. This will be a non-tie-up sale. The committee felt that it would be safer and easier for everyone to deal with the animals that are not halter broke. Another advantage of this concept would be that cows should adapt better to the environment. Time will tell how this idea works out. Notices have been sent out for membership renewal. I would encourage you to send your renewals to the office as soon as possible so you can take advantage of the early pay discount. Also, if there is a particular committee you would like to serve on, let us know, and mark it down on your renewal. I was really glad to be able to attend World Dairy Expo this year. Every time I go, I think the exact same thing: What an incredible show! It doesn’t matter what breed you have or follow, the animals continue to get better and better every year. It is a great tribute to the breeders and exhibitors to bring out such fantastic animals. Special congratulations to all the Ohio exhibitors. A number of Ohio animals were at the top of their classes. If you have never had the opportunity to attend Expo, or if you haven’t been there recently, I would highly recommend putting it on your calendar for 2014. The Ohio Holstein board has even discussed the possibility of planning a bus trip to Expo. If this is something you would be interested in, please let us know. I was also pleased to see the Ohio Holstein Association booth at Expo. This year, we once again shared the display area with New York Holstein Association. Esther was there sharing magazines and information about our

Our Junior Crew At The 2013 Ashland County Fair

Photo by Trish Topa

Brady Welch, Kadin Schmitz, Brynn Welch, Brooke Durbin, Sloan Welch

Holiday Greetings to All Our Holstein Friends 2 Year Progressive Genetics Herd Award Welch Family Farm since 1867 • Registered Holsteins since 1913

Come and See Us. Esther & Scott Welch 419-945-2250

U-Dean Farms 669 SR 89, Polk, Ohio 44866 Dean & Doris Welch 419-945-2411

organization to everyone who stopped by the booth. It is also time to mark your calendar for the 2014 annual meeting. In 2014, the convention will be held in District 2 near Alliance. The meeting is scheduled for March 7-8 with an Ohio Holstein sale that will be hosted by the Kiko Family. I had my column almost completely written when I received some really good news for our Association. Our attorneys notified us on October 31 that our CNA Ritchey Barrett insurance claim had been paid in the amount of $100,000. This is great news for the Association and should let us focus on the normal course of

1 mile north of Polk on SR 89

Randy & Mike 419-945-2542/2698

Ryan 419-651-5281

business. This will help us tremendously to get our association back on track and heading forward. We do have another policy with Ohio Mutual Insurance, and our attorneys are still working on that claim. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and although this year has been a bit stressful for our Association, we have much to be thankful for. I am thankful for the board members and all those who have spent countless hours working toward a solution for the difficulties we have faced this past year. So, have a Happy Thanksgiving and a Blessed Christmas! — Dallas

Ohio Multi-Breed Fall Sale

Saturday, November 23, 2014 Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, Ohio Holsteins at 10:30 a.m. Ayrshires and Milking Shorthorns at 1:00 p.m.

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 5

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Like the Brits, we lost OUR “IRON LADY” too! LADSON O-MAN O-DART (8/11/04 to 10/14/13) VG-86 at 8-08 DOM (GTPI +1760G 10/13) 2-01 2x 365D 25,877M 4.1% 1,060F 3.1% 831P 3-05 2x 365D 36,829M 4.1% 1,467F 3.3% 1215P 4-10 2x 365D 37,974M 3.7% 1,388F 3.3% 1241P 6-02 3x 313D 29,175M 4.1% 1,203F 3.2% 927P 7-02 3x 312D 29,497M 4.4% 1,310F 3.3% 960P 8-02 3x 321D 28,251M 4.4% 1,245F 3.3% 924P LIFETIME 2,313D 203,758M 4.2% 8,495F 3.3% 6,722P

BUT her presence continues through these daughters in our herd: ➡ TEN-PENNY BOLTON DART VG-88 at 5-02 (CTPI +1909) 4-08 3x 325D 41,155M 3.8% 1,590F 3.0% 1,232P LIFETIME (to date) 1,214D 112,228M 3.7% 4,139F 3.1% 3,441P (DUE 11/6/13 at 5-08 to SHAN)

➡ TEN-PENNY PONTIAC DARTA-ET VG-88 at 5-05 (GTPI +1670G) 4-09 3x 358D 31,398M 3.7% 1,159F 3.0% 934P LIFETIME (to date) 1,138D 91,080M 3.8% 3,468F 3.1% 2,842P (DUE 11/22 to SHAMROCK) Granddaughter: Ten-Penny Dbl Dart GP-78 at 3-00 2-04 3x 365D 31,549M 3.2% 1,009F 2.7% 851P (DUE 4/28 to SHAN)

➡ TEN-PENNY PONTIAC DARVA-ET VG-85 at 5-05 (CTPI +1702) 4-00 3x 334D 28,828M 3.6% 1,025F 2.7% 775P LIFETIME (to date) 1,180D 95,535M 3.5% 3,302F 2.8% 2,722P (DUE 2/10 to SHAMROCK)

➡ TEN-PENNY MAKER DARY-ET GP-82 at 2-08 (GTPI +1846G) 1-11 3x 365D 22,049M 4.4% 962F 3.4% 749P (DUE 12/10 to SHAMROCK)

➡ TEN-PENNY MAKER DARBY-ET NC (GTPI +1897G) 2-00 3x 295D 17,580M 4.1% 726F 3.2% 570P (FRESH 7/16 at 2-11 3x 73D 5,965M 4.3% 258F 3.3% 194P Inc. (DUE 6/20 to Mogul)

➡ TEN-PENNY ATWOOD DARLEEN GP-84 at 2-06 (GTPI +1866G) 2-00 3x 248D 18,212M 4.2% 764F 3.2% 576P (DUE 11/2 to SHAMROCK)

AND O-Dart’s YOUNGER Granddaughters: Yearlings…GALLON DARVITA (GTPI +2052G) (DUE 4/17 to EPIC)…SHAMROCK DARCY (GTPI +1889G)…LGE DARLA (GPTI +2072G) and Calves…SHAMROCK DARLIN (GTPI +2062G)… SHAMROCK DARVINA (GTPI +1889G)

Ten-Penny Holsteins The “Little Spike Farm” Peter & Jean Spike 4380 Byers Road, Delaware, OH 43015 Ph: 740-363-2184 E-mail: spikeptr@aol.com

6 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013


94th Convention and Annual Meeting TENTATIVE Schedule of Events Friday & Saturday, March 7 & 8, 2014 Comfort Inn, Alliance, Ohio FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2014 11:00 a.m. . . Ohio Convention Sale at R & P Kiko Family Farms, LTD., 28173 Winona Road, Salem, OH 44460-9539 2-5:00 p.m. . . Farm Tours with Judging Contest, sponsor TBD WHITELEATHER HOLSTEINS, 8208 Bayard Road, Minerva, OH 44657-9224 CAMPBELL BROTHERS, 3821 Union Avenue NE, Homeworth, OH 44634-9602 3:00 p.m. . . . Queen’s Interviews, Comfort Inn 7:00 p.m. . . . Queen’s Reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres and beverages, sponsor TBD Dairy Bar sponsored by the Ohio Holstein Women’s Association, Meeting Room, Carnation Mall 7:30 p.m. . . . Queen’s Contest, Meeting Room, Carnation Mall 9:00 p.m. . . . Ohio Junior Holstein Junior Activity, Comfort Inn/Carnation Mall 9:00 p.m. . . . Social Gathering at South Beach Restaurant & Lounge, Carnation Mall Food

SATURDAY, MARCH 8, 2014 6-10:00 a.m. . Continental Breakfast at Comfort Inn (for hotel guests only) 8:00 a.m. . . . Dairy Bar Opens, hallway off lobby of Comfort Inn 8:00 a.m. . . . Ohio Holstein Women’s Association Annual Meeting, Meeting Room, Comfort Inn 8:00 a.m. . . . Memorial Award Interviews, Comfort Inn 8:00 a.m. . . . Outstanding Junior Member Interviews, Comfort Inn 8:00 a.m. . . . Resolutions Committee Meeting, Meeting Room, Carnation Mall 9:00 a.m. . . . Ohio Holstein Association Annual Meeting, Meeting Room, Carnation Mall 9:30 a.m. . . . Ohio Holstein Junior Association Annual Meeting, Meeting Room, Comfort Inn 12:00 noon . . Awards Luncheon, Ohio Holstein Women’s Fun Auction, Juniors’ Raffle Drawing, Meeting Room, Carnation Mall 3:00 p.m. . . . Ohio Holstein Board of Directors Reorganizational Meeting, Meeting Room, Carnation Mall

HOTEL HEADQUARTERS Comfort Inn Alliance 2500 West State Street Phone 330-821-5555 Fax 330-821-4919 www.comfortinn.com/hotel/oh082 $89.99/night plus tax

Mention Ohio Holstein Association to receive the discounted rate by February 7, 2014.

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EMBRYOS FOR SALE Visitors Welcome

11071 Easton Road, Rittman, Ohio 44270 Home: 330-925-8354 • Cell: 330-466-1896 • Fax: 330-925-2948 E-mail: pinetreedairy@earthlink.net •  www.pinetreedairy.org

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 7

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the Holstein


NEW ARRIVALS — Dial Dairy (Sycamore, D9) was blessed with two new, little farmhands this spring. Dwight Owen (5 lb., 12 oz.) and Jordan Scott (5 lb., 6 oz.) were welcomed into the world by parents Greg and Rose Hartschuh on April 7. Paternal grandparents are Allen and Diane Hartschuh. Mya Jean Siegrist, daughter of Joe and Emily (Stammen) Siegrist, born August 13 at 12:55 p.m., 7 lbs. 4oz., 19 inches long was welcomed home by sisters Kennley, 5, and Grace, 3. Grandparents are Terry and Marcia Stammen, New Weston, and Roger Siegrist and the late Jean Siegrist, Coldwater. Joe and Anne Cole (District 9), Spreng Longacre Farms and Bucks Pride, along with their parents John and Suzanne Spreng and Bill and Jane Cole, welcome their first child/grandson on October 17. William Spreng Cole weighed 6 lb.15.7 oz. and was 20 inches long. He

7058 E. LINCOLN WAY WOOSTER, OH 44691 Phone 330-262-6111 • Fax 330-262-1822 www.loweandyoung.com

8 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

will be called Will, and on his second day of life got to watch his first OSU Buckeyes game. GO, BUCKS!! • Barb Lumley, D-3, is recuperating at home following double knee surgery in September. • Macy Conrad of D-5 received the 2013 4-H Achievement Award for Dairy at the Awards and Scholarship banquet held in Columbus. She also attended the National 4-H Dairy Conference in Madison, Wisconsin, during World Dairy Expo. This award was sponsored by Dairy Farmers of America Mid-East Council and COBA/Select Sires. • Rosedale Farms, LLC, Bruce and Paul Keener, was a popular stop on the Ashland County Drive-It-Yourself Farm Tour in September. This new operation, which has expanded this year, has 240 dairy cows and 100 replacements, mostly Holsteins. • Town and County Co-op has announced recipients of the 2013 Patron Scholarship Awards. One

award went to Anna Miley, a student at Baldwin Wallace University with a major in exercise science. She has spent numerous years in 4-H and FFA and has worked in the milking parlor to earn money for school. Anna is the daughter of Joe and Diana Miley, D-7. Grapevine – continued on page 44

Hauling Anywhere Eileen (Hostetler) Lehman

• Livestock Hauling •

Specializing in Show Cattle & Horses 12850 Fox Lake Road Marshallville, Ohio 44645 Phone: 330-855-7004 Cell: 330-465-5398

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 9

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Sunnyville Registered Holsteins

unnyville is a fifth-generation dairy farm located near Deshler, Ohio. William and Meta Seedorf started with a few cows milking by hand, as was done by all in the early1900’s. Their son Henry Seedorf continued in the dairy business after graduation in 1948. In 1950 he married his sweetheart, Florence Drewes, and they began their family, being blessed with eight children between 1951-1968: six daughters and twin boys. In 1970 at age 40, tragedy struck when Henry fell 50’ feet down the silo chute, seriously injuring his back, legs and feet. At that time, family friends and neighbors stepped up to help out and keep the farm running. Henry and Florence’s oldest daughter, Brenda, was to be married to Jerry Rosebrook. After the wedding, Henry and Jerry decided to expand the herd by buying out the Sworden herd near Swanton, Ohio. They also built a new free-stall barn, hay barn and manure facility and began farming together. At this time, Henry would still be recovering from his fall, but doing better. In the spring of 1982, Henry’s sons Matt and Mark would graduate from high school. Although both boys had interest in farming and did their share of helping out, Matt joined the Navy and began his own career. Mark was always very interested in the cows more than anything else. And began working on the farm on a daily basis. In1995 when Henry was ready to retire, Jerry and Mark formed a partnership and continue to work under that partnership today. During that same year, Mark married Janet Griffith; they moved to Hamler and started their family. They have since built a house and moved out to the farm, so their kids Claire, Chloe, Callie and Will could grow up on the farm. All are involved with school sports and active at St. John’s Church and 4-H, through which they show their dairy project at the county fair, district show and at the state fair this year. Janet works at General Motors in Defiance and gives the farm a lot of support with the finances and other tasks.

Information provided by Mark and Janet Seedorf

Florence and Henry Seedorf

Jerry and Brenda’s family have all grown up on the farm and have always been willing to help out whenever needed. They have three sons: Brad, Greg and Keith and a daughter, Lana. All were in 4-H and showed their dairy projects each year at the county fair and a few times at Spring Dairy Expo. Their son Keith has now built a home at the farm along with a building for his Pioneer Seed business. He spends a lot of time helping out on the farm, and his wife Jami and their kids enjoy spending time at the farm too! They have a daughter, Lani, and three sons: Grahm, Ryder and Broxton. In 1960, Henry and his girls came up with the Prefix Sunnyville when Brenda’s first 4-H project, Rettig Madcap Molly, had a registered heifer calf and needed a name. That was the start of the registered herd at Sunnyville — and there are few cows that can be traced back to the Molly family. Currently 99% of the cows are registered animals with the Holstein Association. We continue to milk around 100 cows and don’t have a real interest in expanding, but plan on concentrating on cow comfort and improving the genetics of the current herd. We presently have a herd average of 21,900M 725F 680P. Cows are milked in a

Julia Nolan Woodruff



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10 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

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85729 p10.13 feat.Wen.Hab.WG_Layout 1 11/7/13 12:37 PM Page 2

double-8 parabone with automatic takeoffs. Jerry, Mark and Keith do the majority of the work around the farm. Brenda is in charge of the calves, and we have Mary Wilhelm and Henk helping with the evening milkings. Jerry oversees the crops and machinery, and Mark is in charge of the cows and finances and also works for CSX Transportation. In 2003, we built a 1.8-millon gallon manure lagoon to handle all the manure and wastewater produced on the dairy. The manure is pumped out once a year and put on our farm ground or the neighbors’ that would like to have some put on their ground. The solid manure is hauled out of the barns as needed. In 2007, we upgraded our freestalls from solid rubber mats in the concrete to the DC waterbeds and added 16 more stalls. We now have capacity for 107 stalls, so if needed, we could add a few more cows. The waterbeds have cut down on our bedding cost, and our somatic cell count usually runs around the 180,000 mark. At the same time, we added an addition on to an existing hay barn and turned the whole thing into a dry cow facility with headlocks for easy handling of dry cows and breeding age heifers. We used to bale around 10,000 small square bales a year, but now do most of our bales into large square bales and really like the ease of handling these bales. In 2011, we moved an existing machinery shed and turned it into a heifer raising facility. We moved it close to the manure pit, which really helps with manure handling problem, and now we can keep a close eye on these younger heifers and get them to the breeding pen quicker. Before we were having the heifers raised off the farm and did not see them for a year. Now we have better control on the heifers’ growth, and the heifer

pens are full of top genetic animals. They are the future of Sunnyville, and the faster we get them in the milking herd, the better. As far as future plans for the next year or two, we think the robotic milking station has a place here at the farm. I used to think that the whole robotic thing was crazy! But it’s here and doing some really great things for the herds we’ve talked to that are using them. I believe that this kind of investment in technology is what will keep the next generation interested in dairying in the future and could help save the family farm!


e have a couple of cow families that are starting to sort themselves out to the top of the herd. Our favorite cow right now is Sunnyville Flo Jackson Fire, a Jackson daughter out a VG Mr Sam daughter, out of an 83point Bosside Ruebens. She is scored VG-88 with an EX mammary; she will be seeing the classifier again in November, and we hope to get a few more points on her. She was Grand Champion at this year’s district show and has three daughters in our herd: a very nice young cow out of Pagewire, a breeding age Goldchip and a June calf out of Super. Her best record to date is at 3-01 365D 28,592M 3.5% 1,047F 3.0% 858P. She is currently bred to Explode. Another cow we are excited about is Sunnyville Kat Super Kool GP-83 at 1-10. She calved at 1-08 and had a nice record of 337D 24,610M 3.3% 817F 3.0% 735P. We had her Genomic tested and were very pleased with the results of our first Genomic test. She came back at 1955 GTPI, which landed her on the Top 5,000 Cow Locator List. She has a June Atwood that looks very promising, and we will also be Sunnyville – continued on page 12

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OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 11

85729 p10.13 feat.Wen.Hab.WG_Layout 1 11/7/13 12:34 PM Page 3

Sunnyville – continued from page 11




he future of registered Holsteins at Sunnyville is bright; as we say in our logo, “Where the future looks brighter,” as we are always striving for better production through better feeds and better management practices. We are also focusing on improving the herd through the use of top-of-theline bulls for both production and type, always trying to improve udders, feet and legs, and longevity. We want to breed a cow that will produce 200,000 pounds of milk in her

lifetime and be that no-problem cow, and also be that pretty cow that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning and greets you at the gate and can compete in the ring. COBA Select Sires is currently doing the breeding at the farm. Tony Menzie, Rick Ellerbrock and crew do a great job of getting the cows bred, but it truly is a team effort when it comes to finding those cows in heat — the more eyes the better! We are starting to see the hutches and breeding pens full of calves out of some really good bulls such as Atwood, Gabor, Atlantic, Guthrie, Dempsey, Toystory, Super and Sanchez and using some top genomic bulls like Brokaw, Supersire, Lithium and Hill. The herd is on official test with DHI, and Shirley Swickrath does a wonderful job of getting us tested and sampled every month. We also use the PC Dart computer program to keep records on each and every cow. The simplicity of PC Dart is great, and we have so much information at our fingertips, and the breeder never has a question of where a cow is at in her lactation. Being involved with registered Holsteins gives you camaraderie with

other breeders like no other, because if you think about it, who else in the world would understand why we do what we do and why we love what we love!! We started using Holstein Complete in 2012 and will start seeing the benefits of this program. I love being able to go to the Holstein website and study pedigrees of, not only your cows, but a cow family you may be interested in. All calves are registered through the EASY program, which is so easy I would like to turn over the job of registering calves to my kids, which is something they can do to be involved. How fun is that, to think up names for calves, and with the EASY program, send it off to Holstein with a click of a mouse.? We are very active in the District 10 Holstein Club with Brenda being cosecretary with Shelli Morlock and Mark the treasurer for the club. District 10 is a great group of people to work with, and we have built many friendships over the years. We always follow the District 10 show; even though it’s not a real big show, we hope it’s a quality show and feel it’s important to represent the Holstein breed in a positive way when you are in the eye of the public at these events.



testing her. We have bred her back to Brokaw. Her dam is an 86-point StanMar-Dale Quentin daughter with a record of 4-02 28,862M 3.6% 1,034F 3.2% 918P. The highest milk cow in the herd right now is Sunnyvillville PL Baxter Pride VG-85. Her best record so far was at 3-10 365D 35,066M 3.5% 1,307F 2.8% 1,030P. She is out of a VG Zenith dam. We are trying to get a few more solid maternal families with deep pedigrees and longevity started in our herd, so this spring, we did our first ET work at the farm. We transferred five embryos, and it resulted in three pregnancies; they are Alexanders out of RDC Crawf Outside Rachel EX-90, and behind her an EX-91 Astre daughter at 10-03, and the second dam a 90-point Enhancer. We also plan on putting in five more in December ;they are Armanis out of the Missy family.

• See us for ALL your sharpening needs •




Just nor OCATION th of Da lton!



Sunnyville KAT Super Kool VG-87 EX MAMM at 3 yr. 1 mo. Our 2-year-old cow GTPI +1926 +900M +2.69T Top 10,000 COW LOCATER LIST Her Daughter: Sunnyville KAT Atwood Knolos, born 6-17-13



Factory Equipment for Factory Results

Our first EMBRYO TRANSFER resulted in 3 pregnancies! Due March 2014 2 Outside Rachel EX-91 x Alexander 1 Spearment x Krayon

EXCITED ABOUT — Sunnyville FLO JACKSON FIRE EX-90 EX MAMM Our 5-year-old Cow 3-00 305D 25,511M 3.5% 896F 3.0% 739P 365D 28,592M 1,047F 858P 3 daughters in the herd by Paigewire, GoldChip and Super!

Sunnyville Reg. Holsteins 4-614 Co. Rd F, Deshler, OH 43516

12 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013



Blades, Clippers and Accessories

Clipper Blades: Pet Grooming, Barber, Horse, Cattle, Sheep Scissors: Barber, Fabric, Pinking, Pet Grooming & Industrial Medical & Dental Instruments Knives, Cutlery & Hand Tools Hoof Knives/Hoof Trimmers Hand Sheep Shears

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Jerry & Brenda Mark & Janet Seedorf Rosebrook and family Claire, Chloe, Callie & Will 5-230 Co. Rd. F, Deshler, OH 4-512 Co. Rd. F, Deshler, OH 419-274-8165 419-278-1124 Henry & Florence Seedorf seedorfmj@aol.com 419-278-3506, hws@speednet.com


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Fencing, Lambing & Sheep Supplies


and we think it’s pretty KOOL!

85729 p10.13 feat.Wen.Hab.WG_Layout 1 11/7/13 1:17 PM Page 4

For the first time in many years, we showed a few head at the state fair this past summer. Callie and Will enjoyed that experience and hope to continue in the future. We will classify on a regular basis through the Holstein Complete program. It has helped us in the past, resulting in several EX cows such as Sunnyville An Kleaver Avona EX-91, Sunnyville James Darling EX-90 and Sunnyville Mo Dukie Minnie-Tri EX91 EX Mammary. She was one of a set of triplets born on a hot summer day in July of 2001 to Sunnyville Mo Wade Magic VG-85. We are still milking some direct descendants of these triplets. At the time, Fox 36 news came out and did a story on the triplets and how rare it was to have three live females born at the same time. You just never know where being involved with Holsteins will get you!


n 2005, our farm was recognized as a centennial farm, since our farm had been in the family for over 100 years, founded in 1895. After building our lagoon and new manure handling system, the conservation office of natural resources recognized the farm as the Conservation Farm of the Year in Henry County; that was a nice recognition from them and showed that the dairy cares about the environment and keeping the water safe for future generations. For the past several years, the farm has hosted the District FFA Dairy Judging Contest in October each year. This gives us the opportunity to get the kids involved in the FFA to get out to the farm and see a dairy operation first-hand; a lot of the kids have never been to a dairy farm, or for that matter, seen a real cow. This year our home school, Patrick Henry High School, took first place, and a couple of the kids that have showed our cattle in the past did very well and placed high. Once again, we try to present a positive image for the dairy industry through hosting 4-H and school groups to the farm. This year was the 53rd consecutive year of showing our dairy cows at the Henry County Fair. All of the kids and a lot of the grandkids and now greatgrandkids have carried on a longstanding tradition, which will continue for many more years. Mark is a 4-H advisor with the Marion Express 4H Club, and Jerry and Mark are members of the Henry

County Dairy Producers, which does a lot of dairy promotions in the county including running the milkshake stand at the county fair. Many say that the milkshakes are their favorite part of the fair!


he whole Seedorf and Rosebrook families are involved in their church, St. John Lutheran Church of Deshler, which is thankfully right around the corner from the farm. Henry, Jerry, Mark and Keith have held offices in the church, and Florence and Brenda are involved with the women’s group.

We are so thankful for our large family, totaling 73 at Christmas this year. We can always count on someone being there to help if needed, or there is always someone visiting “Gramma and Grandpa” underneath the shade tree out their back door. Their door is always open to grandkids wanting a snack or someone in the field needing a quick lunch or a ride somewhere. Family has gotten us where we are today, through good times and bad, and family will take us into the future. And at Sunnyville, “The future looks brighter!”




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OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 13

85729 p14 Extras.Vaughan 2c_Layout 1 11/7/13 2:00 PM Page 1

Esther’s Extras

Tony Menzie, OHA President Dallas Rynd and Don Bennink of North Florida Dairy dropped by the Ohio Holstein booth at World Dairy Expo at the same time. photo by Karen Welch

I appreciated the opportunity to distribute copies of the Ohio Holstein News from the booth shared by the Ohio and New York Holstein Associations at the 2013 World Dairy Expo. The magazines went near and far. Many went to Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Vermont and New York. Others went across Lake Erie to Ontario and across the Atlantic Ocean to the United Kingdom and Sweden, and others went south to Bolivia. Copies also went to a nine-month Ag Tech program in Wisconsin and to the Kentucky Department of Development. I especially enjoy seeing Ohio Holstein members having a good time and stopping by the booth. Among them were Ken and Mike Ruffner, Lewis Jones, Dallas Rynd and Tony Menzie, Terry and Ian Timmons, Dick and Bill Indoe, Scott Sprunger, Edna Harding, Don and Lois Crawford, Dr. Nate Steiner, Don and Jackie Bickel, Curtis Bickel, Junior Beachy and John Mark Weaver, Ty Etgen and his wife, Cheri Oechsle, Mark Yeazel, Steve and Carol Watts, Joe and Diana Miley, Rick and Amy Lingle, Clair and Linda Oberholtzer. Congratulations to all the Ohioans who were showing. Janice Keene, editor of the Ohio Holstein News in the 1980’s, stopped by to renew her subscription to the News. Art Nesbitt of NASCO and Dairy Shrine also renewed his subscription to the News. There were a few mild inquiries

“...meeting today’s challenges, pursuing tomorrow’s goals.”


Nutritional Consultant 6007 Smith Kramer Hartville, OH 44632 Cell: 330-354-3407 Fax: 330-877-3830

E-mail: healthycows@gmail.com PLEASE NOTE: NEW EMAIL ADDRESS

14 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

about the state of the Ohio Association, and it was good to be able to reply that the Association is functioning and moving on with the Board and Committees, with sales and an annual meeting planned. I thanked Dick Ritter in the neighboring Taurus booth for their donation of semen to the Ohio Summer Sale, and he said he was glad the sale went well. I talked with Maxine Glasshof of Wisconsin, who formerly printed our sale catalogs, and to the 2013 Alice in Dairyland, Kristen Olson, formerly the advertising contact person at Accelerated Genetics. Looking ahead to the January-February issue, there are many reasons to advertise. This issue will include the AllOhio Calendar, thanks to the sponsorship of COBA/Select Sires. You can double the impact by using the All-Ohio photo in an ad. A reminder to Junior All-Ohio entrants: We want a headshot or small photo of you to go with the Holstein picture. Districts 1 and 2 in Northeast Ohio are hosting the Annual Meeting on March 8, and the Convention sale on March 7 at Kiko Family Farm, Salem. We need the ads for the Convention Sale in this issue. All-Ohio photos are due December 1 at the Wooster office. The deadline for the January-February 2014 issue of the News is December 21 for your ads, columns and text. Thank you to everyone for your consideration this year, and thank you to the cover families for their cooperation.

Ohio News

P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, Ohio 44691 Phone 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653

Black & White Advertising Rates CONTRACT RATES

Non-Contract OPEN RATES Including Public Sale Ads

SPACE 1 Page

1/2 Page





$ 70

$ 60



1/3 Page

$ 100

Per Inch

$ 20

1/4 Page


$ 80

$ 80

$ 18

$160 $ 70

$ 15

For FULL COLOR, add $175 for Breeder Ads, or add $225 for Commercial Ads. Please contact the Ohio Holstein office with questions on color ad pricing.

There is a $5 additional charge per ad for Internet posting.




February 15

March 25

April 15

May 25


August 15

September 25


October 15

November 25

January-February March-April May-June

(Membership Directory)

December 15

January 25

The information printed in the text and ads is as supplied to the News by the sources listed and by individual advertisers.



Contact: Brian Good Randy Kruse Aaron Short Gary Perkins Ray Jackson Jonathan Barnes Mark “Buck� Owen Roger Sundberg

419-217-0315 419-483-5036 330-614-5098 740-391-1648 937-585-5727 260-307-6126 330-317-7758 330-466-2588

dtr: Sco-Lo Cancun Cheers GP-82, Sco-Lo Holsteins, West Union, IA (photo: Beth Herges)

USDA-CDCB/HA gPTA 08/13, Rel 93%







Planet x SHOTTLE x Outside x Juror CANCUN is no stranger to the industry. He was a popular ABS Primetime™ sire due to his elite genomic values. With daughters now calving, he is surpassing all expectations. CANCUN is the product of the outstanding transmitting ability and genetics of Larcrest Cosmopolitan; one of the most inuential cow families in the industry. Debuting at #10 on the TPI list, look to CANCUN to fulďŹ ll your breeding goals!

ÂŞ "#4 (MPCBM *OD t 3JWFS 3PBE %F'PSFTU 8* 64" " # 4 4 5 6 % t X X X B C T H M P C B M D P N

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 15

85729 p16 Zimmer.NewPitt 11/7/13 1:18 PM Page 1

a Y e h e r t a w p e t i u Z v m g e i r m n i d n i W Zimmerview Domain Doris-ET GP-84 GTPI+2105

2-04 254D 24,869M 4.05% 1,008F 3.15% 784P • Has a Mogul son at Select • Has a Sympatico (Red Carrier) son at Semex • Her Sire: Domain • Her Dam: North-Fork Garrison Dana-ET VG-87

Thank you to buyers of Zimmerview cattle this year — Select Sires, Semex, Genex, Accelerated Genetics, Kenny Brown, Ken Rider, Shaw Farms, Russ Carmichael and Bovine Genomic Partners, who purchased Zimmerview Pardise Sully-ET at the Stars of the Universe Sale in Wisconsin in October.

2 Years PGH Award

16 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

Zimmerview Dairy

Paul, Brent and Dean Zimmer 700 Zimmer Road, Marietta, OH 45750 740-374-7299 Ph. • 740-374-6288 Fax

H Happy olidays

[ [ [ [ [

4 New Excellents Reality 3-year-old EX-90 — out of EX-93 Advent Gem Pronto 4-year-old EX-90 Spirte 3-year-old EX-90 Pagewire 5-year-old EX-90 — owned by Mike Howman

ve ry o ne a Wishing E appy Safe and H eason Holiday S Miley Racer D Gisella EX-91 Her dam by Dundee, Now EX-92

[ [ [

16 New VG Scores 6 New VG 2-year-olds

Miley Debonair Glitter-Red EX-91

Pine-Tree 1825 Super 4863-ET VG-86 ,Dam 87 Shottle from Missy Family Super x VG-88 Planet VG-85 — Bull being tested for Accelerated Henna’s last daughter by Atlantic-VG-85

Watch for our 2 consignments to the Ohio Holstein Association Multi-Breed Fall Sale Nov. 23


Both Bred Heifers due in December

THANKS TO Rondel Hall, Ross Russell, Hartman Dairy Farm, David Hershberger, Sigel Cattle Company, Wolf FF Farms LLC, Glenn Zimmerman, RECENT BUYERS: Grac-Glen Farms, Jonas Burkholder, Earl Stitzlein, Ro-La-Sue Dairy, Kohler Farms, Adrian Beery, Cynthia & Charlotte Yoder

Miley Holstein Farms Ltd. Joe and Diana Miley Jason and Anna CATTLE FOR SALE

The Miley Family • 7234 Bates Road, West Salem, OH 44287 Ph: 330-264-2453 • Fax: 330-263-7883 • E-mail: jdjamiley@aol.com PBR: 15 Years

Jon and Amy Miley Adam and David VISITORS WELCOME

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 17

18 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

Wil-O-Rae Holsteins OCD Atwood Lacy-ET • Atwood out of EX-90 Terrason x EX-94 Lylehaven Lassie x EX-94 Thiersant Lili Starbuck • Same family as Lila Z • 3rd Fall Calf at Ohio State Fair Junior Show


Wil-O-Rae RL Rhaspberry-Red • Reality x VG-85 Revenge x VG-88 Talent x VG-87 Rubens x EX-94 Red-Marker RizzRed (1st Place World Dairy Expo) • Fresh 08/13 • Bontz-Vic Tlnt Rosie-Red-ET (Grandam) of Rhaspberry-Red


Wil-O-Knoll Aftershock Helen • Due Early December 2013 to Chelios • Aftershock x Pontiac x Dramatic x EX-91 2E Leader x EX-91 3E Harmony Corner Duke x VG-85

Bontz-Vic Tlnt Rosie-Red-ET Scott Knoll and Lisa Kerr 35 Burras Road • North Fairfield OH 44855 wilorae@yahoo.com Scott’s Cell: 419-685-3979 • Lisa’s Cell: 419-606-0527

Wil-O-Rae Holsteins OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 19

KRISTY ACKLEY — New Board Member for District 11

Photo by Karen Welch

Kristy Ackley is the new board member for District 11. Kristy, along with her husband Jay and father-inlaw Robert, own Ack-Lee Registered Holsteins in East Liberty. The herd consists of 100 registered Holsteins along with 120 head of young stock. They also farm 2,800 acres of corn,

20 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

soybeans, wheat and hay. Kristy is responsible for the dairy herd, milking, herd health, mating and raising the baby calves. Jay helps with the morning routine in the barn, but also runs the cropping operation. Robert advises all of them and runs errands. Jay and Kristy have two boys: Kyle, 17, and Kris, 14. Both boys are involved in football, and Kyle also completes in basketball and track, while Kris plays baseball. They both enjoy exhibiting market animals and dairy cattle at the county and state fairs. They have been awarded Grand and Reserve Grand Championships in Market Gilt, Market Barrow, Dairy Beef Feeder and Dairy Steer over their 4-H careers at the county fair. They have now moved into the T-Bone Steer Project to try their hand at that. Kristy is involved with the football Touchdown Club and is a 4-H advisor, chairman of the District 11 Show Committee, and member of the Middleburg United Methodist Church. She also bakes and decorates

cakes for close family and friends. In her spare time, she enjoys gardening, baking and relaxing with the family.

5107 S. Jefferson Road Wooster, OH 44691

330-262-9186 330-465-8498 Steve 330-466-5471 Seth steveandrews@sssnet.com



DeLaval just exceeded the 10,000 global robot mark and sold its 10,000th VMS in North America!


OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 21

RED..RED..RED…and Polled Idyl Brook Introduces Romona and Silver

Kulp-Dale Adv Romona-RedPOVG-88

MS LB Silver P-Red VG-86

*Ramona is a grandaughter of Golden Oaks PerkRae and the dam of ROKEYROAD ROKSTAR-ET PP RED, and a maternal sister to the dam of 106HO03109 KULP-DALE GOLDEN PP-RED.

*Silver is the dam of AltaHYDRO 011HO11251 and is the #1 red, polled cow in the breed at 1924GTPI.

Look for offspring in the future from our latest acquisitions!!

22 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

6860 Snoddy Road, Shreve, OH 44676 Kevin & Kristy Spreng: C: 419-651-5198 or E: kspreng11@gmail.com Paul & Joanne Weber: C: 419-651-4302

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 23

24 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013


Kevin Hershberger

The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer. Psa.18:2

Clifford E Ratta 330-465-3354


We are a full service and new construction, agricultural building company.

Lois Is Back Home Fairmore Red-Mark Loni Lois (EX-93) 4-time All-Ohio Winner, Ohio State Fair Champion, Ohio State Fair Reserve Champion, and more! Her daughters are due to arrive Spring and Summer 2014 by Advent, Atwood, Damion, Destry, Goldwyn and Redburst. Female-Sorted IVF Embryos for Sale. Call today for pricing and delivery options.

Family Additions In June, the Bickels added new girls to the Showstring

In The Red

2013 Fall Heifers from the daughters of Ray-Jo Jordan Sassy (EX92) Ray-Jo Ladd-P Silantro-Red Ray-Jo Redliner Salsa-Red ET x Ladd-P

ad by Bovine Designs | moocows@fuse.net | 513.300.7291

pictured Donald and Jackie Bickel Curtis and Keri Bickel Maggie and Emma Mathews Thanks for welcoming Jackie and the girls into the Holstein community!

Ray-Jo Redburst Sasha-Red Ray-Jo Picolo Shangri-Red ET x Redburst st Ray-Jo Redburst Saucy-Red Ray-Jo SStorm Sizzle-ET x Redburst Ray-Jo Redburst Spicy-Red ET Ray-Jo S Sassy Spice x Redburst

Family Farms

Ray-Jo Redburst Sage-Red ET Ray-Jo S Sassy Spice x Redburst

Contact Us For A Complete List of Bulls and Embryos os For Sale

New Vienna, Ohio

Howard & Donald Bickel Ray-Jo Meadows Registered Holsteins 937.218.2697 | bickeldon@gmail.com OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 25

85729 p26.27 obits.Mead.Spike 11/7/13 1:24 PM Page 1

— In Memoriam — BERT P. CAMPBELL, 82, District 2, Homeworth, Ohio, died Saturday, September 7, 2013. He was born December 23, 1930, in Germano to Jesse James and Mary Neva (Smith) Campbell. He was the owner and operator of Campbell Brothers Farms. He graduated from Minerva High School in 1948, was a member of the Stark County Farm Bureau and had attended the Canton Baptist Temple. He is survived by his wife Lona Jane (Groves) Campbell, with whom he would have celebrated 50 years of marriage on September 14; three sons: Randy (Karen) Campbell of Homeworth, Rodney (Cindy) Campbell of Minerva and Rick (Sheila) Campbell of Homeworth; brother Dale (Joan) Campbell of Alliance; seven grandchildren: Dustin Neal and Taylor Lee Campbell, Lindsey Marie, Jacob Alan and Morgan Marie Campbell, Bailey Charlene and Alex Patterson Campbell; and many nieces and nephews. He is preceded in death by two sisters: Anna Betz and Betty Campbell; and four brothers: Neal, Eugene, Bryce and Bruce Campbell. Memorial contributions may be made to Copeland Oaks or the Alzheimer’s Association. THOMAS R. STROUBLE, 60, of North Canton, D-2, passed away Tuesday, September 10, 2013. He was born January 27, 1953, in Canton to the late Wayne and Jane (Young) Strouble. Thomas was an active dairy farmer. He was a member of Werner United Methodist Church, the Farm Bureau and the Ohio Holstein Association. Thomas is survived by sister Karen (Dale) Hohman, brother, David (Barbara) Strouble and sister-in-law Pamela Strouble, all of Louisville; five nieces: Denise Fiegenschuh, Lisa Strouble, Melissa MacBenn, Jennifer Weaver and Lauren Sluss; three nephews: Jeffrey Strouble, Matthew Hohman and Michael Hohman; and his best buddy, his dog Buford. He was also preceded in death by a brother, Larry Strouble, and a niece, Sharon (Strouble) Kehl. ROBERT L. BUSCHUR, 89, of North Star, passed away October 22, 2013, at his home. He was born March 13, 1924, in Cincinnati to the late Edward and Josephine (Brinker) Buschur. On August 23, 1947, he married Rita (Meyer) in North Star, where she survives. He is also survived by 12 children: Nicholas and Joy Buschur of St. Marys, Patrick and Bonnie Buschur of North Star, Joseph and Rosie Buschur of Dayton, Laura and Stan Kollars of Lima, John and Margie Buschur of Cassella, Michael and Joan Buschur of North Star, Jennifer and Ronald Thieman of Burkettsville, Nancy and Steve Broering of St. Sebastian, Jacob and Linda Buschur of North Star, Paul and Gina Buschur of San Luis Obispo, California, James and Krista Buschur of North Star, and Steve and Vicki Buschur of North Star,

26 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

Buschur Farm Dairy, LLC, District 14; 56 grandchildren; 71 great-grandchildren; and a sister, Mary Barga of Walla Walla, Washington. He was preceded in death by a granddaughter, Rachel Lynn Buschur, and two sisters, Sr. Ruth Buschur and Lucille Mundey. He was a World War II veteran serving in the South Pacific, 6th Army, 40th Calvary Recon Unit and had advanced training as an Alamo Scout. He was a member of St. Louis Catholic Church, North Star American Legion Post #174 and the Coldwater V.F.W. He was a past board member of Darke County Rural Electric and was a Wabash Township Trustee for 40 years. He showed his love for God through his love of his family, his country and his work. Memorials may be made to State of the Heart Hospice. Condolences may be left at hogenkampfh.com.

VILAS A. LEHMAN, 84, of Marshallville, passed away on Tuesday, October 22, 2013, at his home after a period of declining health. He was born November 13, 1928, in Apple Creek, the son of Simon S. and Ida (Sommer) Lehman, and was united in marriage to Marie Sommer on July 26,1958, in Huron. She died September 3, 1980. Following her death, Vilas was united in marriage to Eileen Butzer Hostetler on September 22, 1992, in Orrville. She survives. Vilas served in the U.S. Army during the Korean War as a corporal, and was a former truck driver for Hofstetter Trucking, Orrville Products Company and Wellman Lehman. Together, Vilas and Eileen operated a cross-country cattle trucking business from 1997 to the present. He was a member of Christian & Missionary Alliance Church in Orrville, and was a volunteer for Transport for Christ at the Brenn-Field Nursing Center. Vilas enjoyed driving truck and bowling. In 1989 he was chosen the Wayne County Citizen of the Year. Surviving in addition to his wife are sons Rick and Ronald Hostetler of Marshallville; daughters Cindy (Dennis) Begert of Neillsville, Wisconsin, Linda (James) Everett of Boise, Idaho, and Cheryl (James) Caskey of Orrville; 15 grandchildren; 28 greatgrandchildren; a daughter-in-law, Debra (Ronald) Smith of Orrville; and nieces and nephews In addition to his first wife, Marie, he was preceded in death by his parents; a son, Dennis Hostetler; one grandchild; brothers Marvin, John and Marion Lehman; a sister, Florence Schumacher; and an infant sister. Memorial contributions may be made to Christian & Missionary Alliance Church, 306 South Walnut Street, Orrville, OH 44667.

85729 p26.27 obits.Mead.Spike 11/7/13 1:25 PM Page 2

— In Memoriam — IDA WENGER, 90, of Orrville, died Tuesday, October 22, 2013, at Shady Lawn Health Care Community in Dalton, after a period of declining health. Ida was born December 17, 1922, in Orrville to the late Ira and Elizabeth (Martin) Eberly and married Leroy Wenger on December 25, 1945, in Ida’s home in Orrville. Leroy survives. She graduated from Dalton High School, class of 1940, and was a homemaker most of her life. Ida was a member of the Chestnut Ridge Mennonite Church, where she served as custodian and was active in the WMSC. She also enjoyed gardening and quilting. Surviving in addition to her husband are children David (Esther) Wenger of Shipshewana, Indiana, Kenneth (Rita) Wenger and Lester (Nadine) Wenger, both of Orrville, Marilyn (Kenneth) Pridemore of Windham, Doyle (Cindy) Wenger of Apple Creek, Lowell (Aimee) Wenger of Martinsburg, Pennsylvania, and Laverne (Kelly) Wenger of Dalton; 17 grandchildren; 13 great-grandchildren; one step-greatgrandchild; a sister, Clara Showalter of Leetonia; a brother, Willis (Mary Ellen) Eberly of Orrville; and numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents and sisters Martha Eberly, Bertha Good and Edith Horst. Memorials may be made to Chestnut Ridge Mennonite Church, 14366 Church Road, Orrville, OH 44667; or LifeCare Hospice, 2525 Back Orrville Road, Wooster, OH 44691. ELIZABETH ANN (BEACH) SOMMERS, 80, of London, died October 26, 2013, at Sisters on Elm Nursing Home. Born June 24, 1933, in London, Ohio, she was a daughter of Downing and Hazel (Hamilton) Beach. Elizabeth was married to Bob Sommers, who has been a longtime Ohio State Fair Dairy cattle exhibitor and supporter. Most recently, Bob has provided his 1935 flatbed Chevy truck for the National

Holstein Futurity Parade at the Ohio State Fair. Elizabeth had worked with her husband Bob on Cogniac Farms with the cows and bookkeeping and had also worked as a seamstress at C.J.’s Boutique of London. A member of the First United Methodist Church of London, she served as a kindergarten and Sunday school teacher as well as on various committees and church council. Elizabeth had also belonged to the Areme Club; Rotary Anns; Guernsey Breeders Association; Order of the Eastern Star, Chapter #386, serving in many offices in the London Chapter including Worthy Matron and secretary for many years, 70 Group (OES), OES Grand Representative to New Jersey (1970); and the Madison County Historical Society. She also had been a poll worker and served as presiding judge on the Madison County Board of Elections and helped with 4-H Club sewing projects and the Madison County Fashion Board. Elizabeth enjoyed her family and friends, her church, OES and the Guernsey Breeders friends she made over the years. She is survived by her husband of 61 years, Robert D. “Bob” Sommers; son Robert (Denise) Sommers of Middletown; daughter,Jane Brock of South Solon; grandchildren Susan (Tom) Green of Oswego, Illinois, Bridget (Jon) McMillen of Lewis Center, Brian (Savannah) Brock of South Solon, Lorraine (Adrian) Terry of Lawrenceville, Georgia, Rob (Chelsea) Sommers of Atlanta, Georgia, Jessica Riley of Middletown and Lauren (Gary) Caudill of Carlisle, Ohio; 10 great-grandchildren; close friend Ruth Price; cousin Louine Hamilton; and caregiver and special friend Michaele Budd. She was preceded in death by her parents, sister and brother-in-law Rebecca and Wilbur France, son-in-law Stephen E. Brock and dear friend Dorothy Stout. Memorials may be made to the First United Methodist Church in London, Ohio

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Contact: Pete or Jean Spike Phone: 740-363-2184 OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 27

28 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

85729 p29.39.40 D8.D10.D14_Layout 1 11/8/13 11:19 AM Page 1

District 8 Show Report District 8 Holstein Show August 20, 2013, at Lorain County Fair 98 Head Shown • Judge John Ayars

Fair board member Brian Twining presented a clock to his brother, Ray Twining, for 25 years of service to the District 8 Holstein Show. Spring Heifer Calf (7) 1. (JR) Cornish Olympian Carolyn, Megan Cornish; 2. (JR) Do-Ra-Me Braxton Maybe-ET, Gunkleman; 3. Mors JA Redliner Ritz, James Morlock Winter Heifer Calf (10) 1. Fran-Mar-Inc Braxton Jewel, Linda Beardsly; 2. (JR) Cornish Final Cut Ariel, Greg Cornish; 3. Auburnhills C- Chip Meadow, Jane Webster Fall Heifer Calf (10) 1. Milksource Braxton Amy, Richman Farm; 2. Windy-Knoll-View Malo-Red, Richman Farm; 3. Mors Atwood Lollipop, Sugg Wood Summer Yearling Heifer (5) 1. Starmark HP Razzle-Red-ET, Richman Farm; 2. (JR) Knappway Gold Sprinkles-Red, Jacob Knapp; 3. (JR) JoGeorge SS Duece 2588, Kathrine Gilbert Spring Yearling Heifer (8) 1. St-Jacob Perseus Aswga, Richman Farm; 2. (JR) Lundview Amos Petunia, Courtney and Matthew Lund; 3. (JR) DayDreamer Deuce Claire-Red, Gunkleman Winter Yearling Heifer (8) 1. Mors Contender Bess, Sugg Wood; 2. (JR) Lundview Atwood Samantha, Courtney and Matthew Lund; 3. (JR)Cornish Aspen Avery, Greg Cornish Fall Yearling Heifer (4) 1. Schug Atwood Nellie, Charlie Gleisner; 2. (JR) Remember-You CTD Minnie, Clay Gunkleman; 3. ( JR) Lundview Braxton Paula, Courtney and Matthew Lund

Junior Best Three Females 1. Cornish; 2. Lund; 3. Jaloda Junior Champion Open Show St-Jacobs Perseus Aswga, Richman Farm Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Mors Contender Bess, Sugg Wood Junior Champion Junior Show Cornish Olympian Carolyn, Megan Cornish Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Greenlea Pic Sassy-Red-ET, Gunkleman Junior Two-Year-Old (4) 1. (JR) Quality-Quest Palermo Mist, Ian Timmons; 2. (JR) Jaloda Sanchez Eleanor, Emily Klier; 3. Headwater Lheros Juliet, Patrick Twining Senior Two-Year-Old (6) 1. Schug Atwood Nancy, Richman Farm; 2. (JR) Con-River 1419 Gold Jill-ET, Andrew, Bradley and Rebecca Conrad; 3. (JR) Jaloda Bogart Belinda, Adam Cordy Junior Three-Year-Old (6) 1. Savage-Leigh Aspen Loren, Richman Farm; 2. (JR) Con-River 1329 Molly-ET, Andrew, Bradly, Rebecca Conrad; 3. (JR) QualityQuest Spearfire-TW, Ian Timmons Senior Three-Year-Old (1) 1. Jaloda Sanchez Hannah-TW, Ben Klier Intermediate Champion Open Show Schug Atwood Nancy, Richman Farm Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Savage Leigh Aspen Loren, Richman Farm Intermediate Champion Junior Show Con-River 1419 Gold Jill-ET, Jeffery Conrad Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Con-River 1329 Molly-ET, Jeffery Conrad Four-Year-Old (4) 1. Greenlea Advent May Mae-Red, Richman Farm; 2. (JR) Knappway Redliner Ruby-Red, Jacob Knapp; 3. (JR) Jaloda Sanchez Julip, Adam Cordy

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Five-Year-Old (3) 1. Pine-Tree Wizard Leah, Richman Farm; 2. (JR) Con-River entry, Andrew Conrad; 3. (JR) W-Johnson Affirm 1066, Courtney and Matthew Lund Aged Cow (1) 1. Merrill Rolex Girl Gigi, Kent Merrill 125,000 lb. Cow (2) 1. (JR) Shultz Shottle Krisp-ET, Ben Klier; 2. Pine-Tree Zade Bloom Bunny, Tom and Jodi McDonnell Best Three Females 1. Conrad; 2. Lund; 3. Knapp Dam and Daughter 1. Tobin; 2. Knapp; 3. Lund Produce of Dam 1. Conrad; 2. Lund Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Open and Supreme Champion Pine-Tree Wizard Leah, Richman Farm Reserve Senior Champion Open Show Greenlea Advent May Mae-Red, Richman Farm Senior Champion Junior Show Shultz Shottle Krisp-ET, Ben Klier Reserve Senior Champion Junior Show W-Johnson Affirm 1066, Courtney and Matthew Lund Grand Champion Open Show Schug Atwood Nancy, Richman Farm Grand Champion Junior Show Con-River 1419 Gold Jill-ET, Jeffery Conrad Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Con-River 1329 Molly-ET, Jeffery Conrad Premier Exhibitor Richman Farms Premier Breeder Jaloda Farms

Special thanks to Showmanship Trophy donor Conrad Farms!

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920-465-3880 • cybilfisher@hotmail.com www.cybilfisher.com OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 29

85729 p30 AgriSales.Keim 4c 11/7/13 12:54 PM Page 1

Freestall Barns • Milking Parlors • Sand Separator Lanes Commodity Buildings • Bunk Silos 30 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

e c u d o r t n I t u H a z z i P s p l e H ff o a k z c z e i P Ch e s e e h C 3 New ®

important consumer insights during

pizza product added to the chain’s menu in nearly two decades.

Dairy Management Inc. provided ed Pizza Pizzza Hut Pi Hu ut consumer trend analysis related ed d to to “millennials” “mililille “m lenn le niaalss” (those born between the early 1980s 1 80 19 8 s and mid-1990s) and consumer preferences on cheese blends. cheddar, mozzarella and provolone cheeses. serve as a resource to Pizza more dairy-friendly products. e Crust Pizza is another example ways to use dairy products. This his strategy provides resources and nd ani n es es insights to partner with companies such as Pizza Hut to help drive e sa ssales. sale ale es. s available in October across thee cou country. ou untry.


OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 31

85729 p32 RegRep.Menn.Ash.ETS 11/8/13 11:37 AM Page 1


Gehl 40 Series Skid Loaders

by Glenn Sageser As summer turns to fall, there is no shortage of work to do around the farm. Finishing up the fall harvest, preparing the barns for the cold of winter and keeping machinery up and running are Glenn Sageser all things that demand a farmer’s time on a daily basis this time of year. Let me just take a few minutes to remind you of some Holstein USA services to help save you time and money. • Ensure you are getting your calves registered by three months of age for the best prices. Holstein COMPLETE includes registrations of calves up to three months of age, but costs will be incurred for older calves. • Don’t have time to take photos or do sketches of your calves to get them registered? Our Tag ID program allows you to skip that process and simply tag your calf with two Official Holstein tags, one in each ear, to meet ID requirements for registration. • An added benefit of using Tag ID is that, if you use tags and submit your registrations through our free EASY ID software, you receive a $1.00 credit for each registration. • Holstein COMPLETE continues to provide outstanding value to herds that are using the services included. As an added benefit, this year all COMPLETE herds receive a 5% discount on all genomic tests ordered. This is also a good time of year to reflect back on your accomplishments over the past several months, and Ohio breeders have a lot to be proud of. The 2013 Progressive Breeders Registry award and Progressive Genetics Herd honorees were recently published. Fourteen Ohio herds were recognized as Progressive Breeders Registry herds, and another 25 breeders were recognized with Progressive Genetics Herd honors. Congratulations to each and every one of you who works hard to improve our great breed with each new generation of calves. You can view a complete list of this year’s PBR and PGH award recipients at www.holsteinusa.com under Awards, and then Herds, in the main menu. If there is anything I can do to help you get more from you Holstein USA membership or cattle in 2013, please don’t hesitate to give me a call. If you would like assistance to answer questions or provide on-farm service, I can be reached at 502-834-7868.




32 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

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OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 33

85729 p34.36 women.Davis 2c.ads 11/7/13 1:58 PM Page 1

Ohio Holstein Women’s News

On behalf of the Ohio Holstein Women, we would like to give our sympathy to Barb Lumley, who lost her husband Don this past August 16. Barb and Don were always present at many Holstein activities. I often look back at previous Ohio News articles. Ironically, I turned to page 41 of the November-December 2011 issue and began reading the “Tribute to Granny and All Dairy Cows Everywhere,” a tribute to the Lumleys’ 18-year-old cow, written by Barb Lumley. As I read the article I thought of it also as a tribute to all the senior Holstein members. Using some of the same words of the article, our senior members “may not be famous…their names don't appear in the Ohio News or the Holstein World, but day in and day out they give of themselves creating a livelihood for their next generation family.” They pass on unbelievable amount of knowledge to everyone they meet. “They are indeed the backbone of the registered Holstein business and the dairy industry in so many ways.” Tell that senior member that you appreciate them for all they do and have done in the past. To all those who have gone before us, they too deserve to be remembered. Congratulations to our Ohio Women’s treasurer Lisa Mangun, who is the new District 7 board member. We appreciate Lisa, who is so involved in the association in so

many different aspects. The year 2014 will soon be here. Now is the time for you to begin making plans for the upcoming Ohio Holstein convention on March 7 and 8, 2014. Districts 1 and 2 are hosting the convention, to be held at the Comfort Inn at 2500 West State Street in Alliance, Ohio. The phone number is 330-821-5555. The Friday sale will be held at the Kiko Farm starting at 11:00. The women's meeting will be held at 8:00 on Saturday morning at the Comfort Inn. In this issue, there is information for Woman of the Year, the Queen contest and the Ohio Women's Scholarship. Please read the qualifications for each application and encourage those you know who would be great applicants for the various categories. This is also the year for election of president and vice president for the Holstein women. If you would like to serve or know of someone, please contact nomination chair Sara Twining. If there is anything you would like to put on the agenda for the March 8th meeting, please call or email me. I look forward to seeing you at the convention; let’s have a great turnout. Submitted by President Kathy Johnson 330-206-5653, Email: kwj5653@yahoo.com 330-332-8530, 330-206-5653 cell

Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year Please look around at the women close to you. Who have fed calves, registered calves, milked the cows, made hay, made sure everyone was fed in the field, at the table and at the shows? You get the picture. Use the form below to nominate that indispensable woman at your farm for the Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year. ————————————————————— Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year Application Name of woman to be nominated: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name of person nominating and contact phone #: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of farm, operation or business, if applicable: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Please write a brief description of the nominee’s involvement in Holsteins at the family operation, county, district and/or state level. Please attach additional pages if needed. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please submit to: Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year Committee, c/o Kaye James 2519S Jefferson Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 or email to her at kjames@sssnet.com. Applications must be received by February 14, 2014. 34 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

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The Queen’s Corner by Cayla Inkrott

Here I am with former Ohio Holstein Queens Jacquelyn Sherry, (left) and Megan Buechner (right) at the 2013 Ohio State Fair, just before the Futurity.

Hello again! I hope all is going well, as the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons come and go. I wish all a happy New Year, and good luck in next year’s show season. I am excited as my first semester of my junior year at Ohio State is ending and coming closer to graduating. Thank you for everyone who has given me contact information to make connections to help me enhance my education and future career in Animal Science and, hopefully, Veterinary Medicine.

My last show I attended was in September at the Wayne County Fair. It was nice to get away from school and the city to see some great Holsteins at the fair. I was disappointed I could not make it to the Harrison Show and World Dairy Expo, but I am sure all the showmen did a fantastic job. Congratulations to everyone that won an award. I was planning on attending North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, but it turns out it will not fit into my schedule, so good luck showing. Again, I would like to thank all who got in contact with me to inform me of shows, sales and other events. I would have never been able to attend all the events without your help. I am truly grateful for this experience as the Ohio Holstein Queen. I would do it all over again if I had the opportunity. I would encourage any girls who are eligible to apply. It is totally worth the time you put into it. I would like to thank Jacqueline Sherry for introducing me to this wonderful opportunity. As always, don’t be afraid to contact me anytime, and I look forward to seeing everyone at the annual meeting next year! Cell: 419-969-4915 Email: inkrott.25@buckeyemail.osu.edu




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2014 Ohio Holstein Queen Contest


1. Contestants must be at least 16 years old on January 1, 2014. 2. Contestants must be single, not married, throughout their reign. 3. Contestants must be members of the Ohio Junior Holstein Association, unless the contestant is ineligible to be a Junior member, in which case she should be a member of the Ohio Holstein Association. 4. Contestants must be able to attend the 2014 Ohio Holstein Convention, 2014 Ohio Spring Dairy Expo, 2014 Ohio State Fair Holstein shows in Columbus, District Holstein Shows, and she must submit an article to the Ohio Holstein News for each edition throughout her reign.

PREFERRED CONTACT — Email to misslora35@gmail.com


5. The 2014 Queen will be required to dress in a professional manner at all Ohio Holstein functions. 6. 2014 applicants will be requested to submit 8x10 photos of themselves in family/farm experiences with Holsteins. Email to misslora35@gmail.com. 7. Applications must be e-mailed or mailed by February 21, 2014. 8. The contest will be held Friday, March 7, 2014, at the convention hotel, Comfort Inn, Alliance, Ohio. Tentatively, the interviews of applicants will begin at 3:00 p.m. The contest in front of an audience will begin at 7:00 p.m. 9. In the evening pageant portion of the contest, the applicants will be expected to be in formal dress and have an escort (often a male family member).

Mail to — Katey Lora, 13984 Garfield Road, Salem, OH 44460 Call Katey at 330-692-2223 if you have a question.

TO APPLY — Visit www.ohioholstein.com for the 2014 Ohio Holstein Queen Application. If you have questions specific to the application, please email Katey at misslora35@gmail.com. Contact any member of the Queen’s Committee with questions: Chair Katey Lora, Jacquelyn Sherry, Mikayla Conrad (pending).

— CONTESTANTS WILL BE JUDGED ON — Dairy Knowledge Personal Appearance and Poise Public Speaking The Queen is expected to represent the Ohio Holstein Association in a respectable manner. Any questionable circumstances that should occur during the Queen’s reign will be handled by the Queen’s Committee.

Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship 2014 — PURPOSE STATEMENT — The Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship is dedicated to the encouragement of deserving and qualified persons with a high school degree and with a dairy background, to obtain an Associate, Bachelor or Master’s degree, or to start up and continue in the dairy business.

I. ELIGIBILITY: A. Applicant ➤ Shall be a male or female high school graduate and may be up to 25 years of age. ➤ Must come from a Holstein dairy background. (Active in dairy projects, 4-H, FFA, Junior Breed Association or work on a dairy farm.) ➤ Must use for further education. ➤ Shall be second semester/quarter freshman or any other level. ➤ Shall maintain at least a 2.25 accumulative grade point average and be in good standing with university or mentoring representative. B. Past recipients may apply. C. Final discretion lies with the Ohio Holstein Women’s Association. 36 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

II. SELECTION: A. Applications will be available from: Ohio Holstein Women, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, Ohio, 44691, or online at www.ohioholstein.com. Due by February 14, 2014. B. The Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship Committee will make selections each year. C. Applicants shall be interviewed if requested by the OHW Scholarship Committee. D. Scholarship does not have to be awarded every year. More than one scholarship may be given if funds permit. III. SCHOLARSHIP AWARD: A minimum scholarship of $650 will be awarded. Payment will be made upon the receiving an official transcript from the previous semester/quarter. A grade report

is required for payment. The recipient must also be enrolled for the next semester/quarter to remain eligible. ➤ The mentoring scholarship will be awarded in one lump sum of $650 with a required report, personal interview and presentation to the Ohio Holstein Women at their annual meeting. The recipient will need to be available for his or her project or educational report. IV. DUTIES OF RECIPIENT: A. Maintain at least a 2.25 accumulative grade point average and send a copy of transcript to the Ohio Holstein Office for proof of enrollment. B. Stay in good standing with the university. C. Report to the OHW if called upon to do so. D. Failure to comply with the above stated causes forfeiture of the scholarship.

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Fairlawn 3085 W. Market Street Fairlawn, OH 44333 (330) 836-2600

Kidron 4950 Kidron Road Kidron, OH 44636 (330) 857-3101

Massillon 211 Lincoln Way East Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 832-7441

1320 W. High Street Orrville, OH 44667 (330) 682-2881

Dalton 12 W. Main Street Dalton, OH 44618 (330) 828-2227

Lodi 106 Ainsworth Street Lodi, OH 44254 (330) 948-1414

2312 Lincoln Way NW. Massillon, OH 44647 (330) 833-1622 Apple Creek 7227 East Lincoln Way Apple Creek, OH 44606 (330) 264-8070

Mt. Eaton 15974 E. Main Street Mt. Eaton, OH 44659 (330) 857-4301 (330) 359-5476 Salem 1070 E. State Street Salem, OH 44460 (330) 277-4363

Seville 4885 Atlantic Drive Seville, OH 44273 (330) 769-3105

Wooster 4192 Burbank Road Wooster, OH 44691 (330) 263-5303

Smithville 153 E. Main Street Smithville, OH 44677 (330) 669-2611

1725 Cleveland Road Wooster, OH 44691 (330) 263-1725

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 37

85729 p38 FuturFR.CommSpec_Layout 1 11/7/13 12:38 PM Page 1

No. 58 The National Holstein Futurity, Inc. LATE ENTRY OPTION To Be Shown in 2015 at the Ohio State Fair Calves born Sept. 1, 2011, to Aug. 31, 2012, are eligible for the National Holstein Futurity, Inc., No. 58, as a late entry with a fee of $25.00 per head. Payment is due January 20, 2014. Name of Animal

Reg. No.

Signature __________________________________ Make checks payable to: The National Holstein Futurity, Inc.

38 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013




Address __________________________________ Mail to:

Mary Lou Topp, Executive Secretary 10344 Botkins Road Botkins, Ohio 45306 Phone 937-693-3113 • Fax 937-693-2887

85729 p29.39.40 D8.D10.D14_Layout 1 11/8/13 11:19 AM Page 2

District 10 Show Report Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (1) 1. (JR) Sunnyville Kat Super Kool, Claire, Chloe, Callie and Will Seedorf, Sunnyville Holsteins Junior Three-Year Old-Cow (1) 1. (JR) Caline 1545, Trent Schroeder/Triple-T Senior Three-Year-Old Cow (1) 1. Sunnyville WH Gold Woopsy, Sunnyville Holsteins Intermediate Champion Open Show Sunnyville WH Gold Woopsy, Sunnyville Holsteins Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show and Intermediate Champion Junior Show Sunnyville Kat Super Kool, Claire, Chloe, Callie and Will Seedorf, Sunnyville Holsteins Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Caline 1545, Trent Schroeder/Triple-T Four-Year-Old Cow (2) 1. Mellers Happy Durm Pronto, Kevin Meller; 2. Sunnyville AN Airraid Armi, Sunnyville Holsteins Five-Year-Old Cow (2) 1. (JR) Sunnyville Flo Jackson Fire, Claire, Chloe, Callie and Will Seedorf, Sunnyville Holsteins; 2. (JR) Mersland Dale Lola, Travis Schroeder

e nc

19 3


August 13, 2013 • 29 Head Shown Judge Steve Moff Reported by Brenda Rosebrook Spring Heifer Calf (5) 1. (JR) Ro-Jo-Ma Braxton Delta, Madisen Morlock; 2. White-Light Braxton Kabbage, White-Light Holsteins; 3. White-Light Braxton Knipshin, White-Light Holsteins Winter Heifer Calf (1) 1. Sunnyville JN Alex Jordan, Sunnyville Holsteins Fall Heifer Calf (6) 1. (JR) Sunnyville Lo Planet Lunar, Will Seedorf/Sunnyville Holsteins; 2. White-Light Guthrie Lunatic, White-Light Holsteins; 3. (JR) Ri-Val-Re-Ar Sweetie-Red, Callie Seedorf Summer Yearling Heifer (2) 1. (JR) Sunnyville Toystory Reece Claire, Chloe, Callie, Will Seedorf; 2. White-Light Trump Lira, White-Light Holsteins Spring Yearling Heifer (3) 1. (JR) Ro-Jo-Ja Alexander Willa, Madisen Morlock; 2. (JR) Pine-Tree 1706 Toubi, Trent Schroder; 3. Sunnyville Richman Dollar, Sunnyville Holsteins Winter Yearling (1) 1. (JR) Sunnyville PL Alex Petra, Claire, Chloe, Callie and Will Seedorf Fall Yearling Heifer (2) 1. (JR) Sunnyville FL Seaver Foxy, Claire, Chloe, Callie and Will Seedorf; 2. (JR) Mawill Shottle Terri, Trent Schroeder/Triple T Junior Champion Open Show and Junior Show Ro-Jo-Ma Braxton Delta, Madisen Morlock Reserve Junior Champion Open Show and Junior Show Sunnyville Lo Planet Lunar, Claire, Chloe, Callie and Will Seedorf, Sunnyville Holsteins Junior Best Three Females (4) 1. Sunnyville Holsteins; 2. Madisen Morlock; 3. White-Light Holsteins Junior Two-Year Old-Cow (1) 1. Sunnyville MidGavor Marble, Sunnyville Holsteins


District 10 Holstein Show

Aged Cow (1) 1. (JR) Elm-Park Tart-Red-ET, Travis Schroeder Best Three Females (2) 1. Sunnyville Holsteins; 2. Schroeder/Triple-T Senior Champion Open Show and Junior Show Sunnyville Flo Jackson Fire, Claire, Chloe, Callie and Will Seedorf, Sunnyville Holsteins Reserve Senior Champion Open Show Mellers Happy Durm Pronto, Kevin Meller Reserve Senior Champion Junior Show Elm-Park Tart-Red, Travis Schroeder Grand Champion Open Show Sunnyville WH Gold Woopsy, Sunnyville Holsteins Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Sunnyville AN Airraid Armi, Sunnyville Holsteins Grand Champion Junior Show Sunnyville Flo Jackson Fire, Claire, Chloe, Callie and Will Seedorf, Sunnyville Holsteins Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Sunnyville Kat Super Kool, Claire, Chloe, Callie and Will Seedorf, Sunnyville Holsteins Premier Exhibitor and Premier Breeder Sunnyville Holsteins, Deshler, Ohio Junior Showmanship 1. Chloe Seedorf Senior Showmanship 1. Mallory Michaelis

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7762 Cleveland Rd. • Wooster, OH 44691 • 330-345-9023 2715 W. Fourth St. • Mansfield, OH 44906 • 419-529-6160 496 Harcourt Rd. • Mount Vernon, OH 43050 • 740-392-6160 13 Ft. Monroe Industrial Pky. • Monroeville, OH 44847 • 419-465-4622 3500 Copley Rd. • Copley, OH 44321 • 330-666-8400 999 Lafayette Rd. • Medina, OH 44256 • 330-722-1411 11204 Royalton Rd. • North Royalton, OH 44256 • 440-237-4806 OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 39

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District 14 Show Report District 14 Holstein Show July 21, 2013 • Judge Josh Gordon 28 Head • Reported by Diane Andrews Spring Heifer Calf (4) 1. (JR) Topp-View Advent Vi-Red, no name recorded; 2. Topp-View Goldson Exhale, Topp-View; 3. Trio Acres Braxton Mindy, TrioFarms-Heath Winter Heifer Calf (4) 1. (JR) Nic-Nan Dempsy, Miki, Madelyn Topp; 2. (JR) Topp-View Lathority May, Kinley Topp; 3. Futurama Gutherie Nicine, Futurama Holsteins Fall Heifer Calf (3) 1. (JR) Seven-Gables Brocaw Ginny, Olivia Cummings; 2. (JR) Nic-Nan Dempsey Fran, Madelyn Topp; 3. Topp-View Freemont Jalo, Keaton Topp Summer Yearling Heifer (3) 1. (JR) Maiz-N-Blu Adve Scarlet-Red, Kyle McGuire and Zane Williams; 2. Futurama Sid Syber, Futurama Holsteins; 3. (JR) Balmoral Avrinna, Madelynn Topp Spring Yearling Heifer (4) 1. (JR) Brookview Winbrooke Lady A, Kyle Andrews; 2. (JR) Brookview Fever Leapyear, Allison McCummons; 3 Futurama entry, Futurama Holsteins

40 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

Winter Yearling Heifer (2) 1. (JR) Seven-Gables Atwood Allie, Cole Cummings; 2. (JR) Brickmar Colby Mercea, Nick Colby Fall Yearling (4) 1. (JR) Brookview Sid Lindey, Kyle Andrews; 2. Trio Braxton Melodie, Trio Farms; 3. Futurama Braxton Georgia, Futurama Holsteins Junior Best Three Females 1. Topp-View Farms 2. Futurama Holsteins Junior Champion Open and Junior Show Maiz-N-Blu Adve Scarlet-Red, Kyle McGuire/Zane Wilkins Reserve Junior Champion Open and Junior Show Nic-Nan Dempsy Miki, Madelyn Topp Junior Two Year Old Cow (1) 1. (JR) Q-Cove-W Koster Heath Rae, Jessica Colby Senior Two-Year-Old Cow (1) 1. Marste Awaterwood Maude, Marste Farms Junior Three-Year-Old (1) 1. Seven-Gables Zenith Tab, Marste Farms NO Senior Three-Year-Old Intermediate Champion Open Show Seven-Gables Zenith Tab, Marste Farms, Marste Farms

Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Marste Awaterwood Maude, Marste Farms Intermediate Champion Junior Show Q-Cove-W Koster Heath Rae, Jessica Colby Four-Year-Old Cow (1) 1. (JR) Topp-View Mr. Sam Elle, Keaton Topp Senior Champion Open and Junior Show and Grand Champion Open and Junior Show Topp-View Mr. Sam Elle, Keaton Topp Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Q-Cove-W Koster Heath Rae, Jessica Colby Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Seven-Gables Zenith Tab, MarsteFarms Premier Exhibior and Premier Breeder Topp-View

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by Matt Lawson, Advisor

What Makes A GREAT One? There you are in the sale barn walking around trying to determine which animal you are going to make a run at so that you can be the proud new owner of that animal at end of the day. You have done your HOMEWORK looking at PEDIGREES, watching FEET and LEGS as the animals are moved around in preparation for the sale, asking others their opinions, but ultimately it comes down to your decision on which animal to INVEST in. Now at this point, you may be thinking that I am going to try to tell you how to select a GREAT one at upcoming sales — but I’ll leave that for you to decide. What I am talking about is “what makes a GREAT young individual?” I believe it isn’t all that different than selecting good animals! First you have to do your homework — obviously in today’s world we need well-educated young men and women with the ability to make sound decisions on their own. With my wife being a teacher, I know all too well that some teachers can assign a great deal of homework. However, I promise you that there is a method to their madness, and it will pay off in time. The second element is your pedigree — and I am not talking about having an All-American linebacker as your dad! I am, however, suggesting that it takes someone who is willing to invest the time and knowledge of good sound decision-making processes in you. Making good decisions, in turn, results in your reputation, and we all know that in the agricultural community, your reputation goes a long way. I promise you that each and every one of us reading this article have made mistakes along the way; just remember it is how we react to those mistakes that forms our character. Just like a great pedigree on a calf, this great lineage of knowing right from wrong — and choosing to do so — will definitely increase the “value” of your pedigree when it comes time to finding a job in an increasingly difficult market. So when I said FEET and LEGS in the opening paragraph, I was literally talking about the animals’ feet and legs, but with you I am referring to people that are willing

to do the groundwork. Sometimes we sit back and let others do the first step in a project that we know needs done, but just aren’t very motivated to do it for whatever reason. A “great” one will take the initiative to do those things that they see need done and not necessarily expect any recognition in return. The next time you are faced with a situation in which you may not want to do what you know needs doing, just take the first step and starting the project — you may be surprised how many others jump on the bandwagon because you took the “first step” in the process. I am a firm believer in forming your own opinions on any decision that needs to be made, however try to make sure that you make those opinions based on reliable, honest and factual evidence. One great way to stay informed with reliable information is to become more involved in the Junior Holstein Association. This process is called Networking. This is a fancy word that basically means to surround yourself with people of good, sound judgment that may be able to point you in the right way when it comes to decision making and potentially even refer you for a job opening one day. The Junior Association has some pretty cool things in store this next year, and there is no better time to get involved than now! Now it comes down to your decision: Will you INVEST in your future? I know some of you reading this article today may be thinking that you are too young for this to pertain to you, but I promise you, it is never too early to be thinking about your future! It starts today with every decision that we make. So, the next time you are looking for that “great” one at the sale, just remember that we too have an opportunity to be GREAT in our own rights!


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• Simple, trouble-free design • Large capacity, yet compact and easy to handle • Single or double auger available • Various sizes available • Fluffy, consistent mixed feed

HAROLD’S EQUIPMENT, INC. 2120 Co. Rd. 168, Dundee, OH 44624 Harold Neuenschwander, Owner Phone: 330-893-2348 w 1-800-905-0940 w Fax: 330-893-3459 www.haroldsequipment.com w haroldn@haroldsequipment.com OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 41

2013 4-H Dairy Judging

2013 Collegiate Dairy Judging

by Bonnie Ayars

by Bonnie Ayars

The Ohio 4-H team brought home several honors from the National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest at World Dairy Expo! Although they did not earn the first place award for high team overall, they were the high team in placings, beating out the second-place group by 25 points. That was an accomplishment that should be recognized. Long before reasons, the ability to see cattle is of the upmost importance. Team members included Heath Geyer (Shelby County), Colton Harstine (Tuscarawas County), and Cody Jodrey and Cory Jodrey (Brown County). The team was high in Holsteins, third in Guernseys and finished seventh overall out of 26 teams competing. Colton was eighth in placings and Cory was second in placings. They finished 14th and 19th, respectively, over all. Heath was ninth in the Jersey division, and Cody was second in Holsteins with Colton in sixth place. Way to go boys — the only all-male team at the contest!

PENNSYLVANIA ALL-AMERICAN The Ohio State University Dairy Judging Team brought home a victory at the Pennsylvania All-American contest held in September. The team was composed of Robin Alden, Jared Smith, Lara Staples and Jacquelyn Sherry. As a team, they won by 14 points over second-place Michigan. They also earned the second-place rank in reasons. Individually, Lara finished seventh overall and third in reasons, Jared third overall and Robin second with a fifth place in reasons. In Ayrshires, Jacquelyn was third, and the team was fifth. For the Brown Swiss breed, Robin was second, as was the team. With Guernseys, the team was second. Holstein honors went to Robin as the high individual, and again the team was in a second-place finish. Rounding out the breeds, Jerseys brought Lara a third place, Jared fourth and the second-high team. As the excitement mounted during the results, it was good to look around the room and see so many familiar and supportive faces from Ohio. You could nearly hear the chant, “Go, Bucks!”

4-H Dairy Judging Team at World Dairy Expo From left: Coach Bonnie Ayars, Cody Jodrey, Corey Jodrey, Colton Harstine, Heath Geyer. OSU Dairy Judging Team at the PA All-American From left: Lara Staples, Jacquelyn Sherry, Coach Bonnie Ayars, Robin Alden, Jared Smith.


Presentation of the Maurice Core Scholarships at the Dairy Shrine Banquet at PA All-American Show From left: Alicia Lamb, former Ohio Holstein Queen Mikayla Conrad, Shannon Rodeffer, Maurice Core.

42 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

The Dairy Judging Team competed in the National Collegiate Dairy Judging Contest at Madison, Wisconsin, on September 30 during World Dairy Expo. Team members included Robin Alden, Jared Smith, Lara Staples and Hillary Hayman. Team results were as follows: fourth team overall, thirdhigh team in Ayrshires, second-high team in Red and White, sixth-high team in Milking Shorthorn, sixth-high team in reasons. In overall individual reasons, Lara was seventh, and Robin finished tenth. For the top 25 overall and All-American status, Lara was 13th and Robin was 11th. This was the 93rd contest, and it was one of the closest on record.

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Individually, Dan was fourth overall, eighth in Ayrshires, third in Brown Swiss, third in Guernseys, fourth in Holsteins and ninth in oral reasons; Meghan was 14th overall, sixth in Ayrshires and eighth in Jerseys. Marshall did not judge at the PA All-American contest — he was showing the Grand Champion Guernsey cow in the National Junior Guernsey Show that day. The next contest is on November 10 at the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky.

OSU Dairy Judging Team at World Dairy Expo From left: Jared Smith, Lara Staples, Hilary Hayman, Robin Alden, Coach Bonnie Ayars. All of these OSU students judged on 4-H teams.

ATI-OSU Dairy Cattle Judging Team from information provided by Royce Thornton, OSU-ATI The Ohio State ATI Dairy Cattle Judging Team had a very successful September. As a result of placing as one of the top three teams at World Dairy Expo, the team has received an invitation to participate in the International Dairy Judging Tour with competitions in Scotland and Ireland from June 18 to July 2, 2014. The team participated in contests at World Dairy Expo (Madison, Wisconsin, September 30) and the Pennsylvania All-American Dairy Show (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, September 9). Team members are Laura Bond, Dan Grim, Marshall Overholt and Meghan Thurston. The contest at World Dairy Expo is considered the “national contest” for two-year colleges and other similar post-secondary institutions. Results for the Traditional Contest (13 teams, 52 individuals) at World Dairy Expo: third overall team in the contest, first in Red and Whites, second in Holsteins, second in Jerseys, fourth in Guernseys, fourth in Brown Swiss, fifth in Milking Shorthorns, fifth in Ayrshires and fifth in oral reasons. Meghan and Marshall received “AllAmerican” status with top-ten finishes. Individually, Meghan was fifth overall, first in Red and Whites, second in placings, third in Holsteins, fourth in Ayrshires, eighth in oral reasons and ninth in Brown Swiss; Marshall was third in placings, sixth in Milking Shorthorns, seventh in Brown Swiss and tenth in Red and Whites; Dan was 16th overall and eighth in Jerseys; and Laura was 18th overall and seventh in Guernseys. Results for the Practical Contest (11 teams) at World Dairy Expo were as follows: sixth team overall, third team in linear evaluation, fourth in commercial heifers, and seventh in registered heifers. Laura Bond was first in linear evaluation. Results for the PA All-American Contest (6 teams, 23 individuals) were as follows: fourth team overall, third in Ayrshires, fourth in Brown Swiss, third in Holsteins.

ATI-OSU Dairy Judging Team at World Dairy Expo From left: Coach Royce Thornton, Marshal Overholt, Dan Grim, Laura Bond, Meghan Thurston.

“Best Wishes to all our Holstein Friends.” “Our condolences to Eileen Lehman and her family on the passing of Vilas. He was always cheerful and pleasant to talk with, even through his health issues in his later years. “He will be missed.” POLCHIN HOLSTEINS A 100% Registered Herd 2411 Sentinel Road • Dorset, OH 44032 John, Ruth and Tony Polchin – 440-293-7955

Ashtabula Co. A Part of District 1

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 43

85729 p44 OSU.GrapeJump_Layout 1 11/8/13 1:15 PM Page 1

O Ohio State St tate AT ATI TI

Building Build ding Leade Leaders ers Through h Internships! ips! Kira Andre` Bruinsma Dairy, Morenci, MI

Sydney Rasp asp Den-Be Farm, Enon n Valley, Valley ey, P PA A

Katie Laugesen Franmar Farm, Medina, OH

Jerad White Melanie Tipton

Russ & Julie Stocals, Nova, OH

Rick & Judy Wolf, Creston, OH

Ethan Schafer

Whitney Specht

Molly Heilman Rosedale Dairy Farm, Jeromesville, OH

L & R Farm, Marshallville, OH

Leonard Otte & Sons, Maria Stein, OH Leona

Dan Grim Springhill Farms, Big Prairie, OH

Sam Weingart

Shane Simons

Witmers Feed & Grain, Columbiana, biana, OH

Wabash-Way W abash-W abash Holsteins, New Weston, OH

Reed Hostetler Ree Fitzgerald D Dairy, Duchesne, UT

Kenny Schmuki Kenn Coral Hill D Dairy, Glasgow, KY


Ohio State ATI 1328 Dover D Road Wooster r, OH 44691 Wooster, 330-2 287-1331 330-287-1331 www.a ati.osu.edu www.ati.osu.edu

Grapevine – continued from page 12

Holstein Association USA has reported the five Ohio delegates to the National Holstein Convention in Dubuque, Iowa, June 27-28, 2014: Joseph Miley, Randall Kiko, Ted Renner, Steve Moff and Bill Ramsey. Alternates, if needed, will be asked to serve in the following order: Paul Haskins, Christopher Lahmers, Ryan Welch, Eric Topp, Adam Whiteleather ahd Dallas Rynd. • Ohio Holstein Association office secretary, Diana Miley, plans to be in the office Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Thursday and Friday, call to see if Diana is in the office; she will not be in the office on

44 | OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013

Contact: Royce Th Thornton hornton Dairy Programs Coordinator Coo ordinator 330-287-1373 3 thornton.5@osu thornton.5@osu.edu u.edu

Mondays. Editor Esther Welch is working from home and can be reached at 419-945-2250 and by email at ewelch4@frontier.com. • Robin Starkenberg, marketing and communications manger of Digi-Star-Precison, makers of scales for feed wagons and ag equipment, announced that the company will offer a paid internship for the summer of 2014 at Ft. Atkinson, Wisconsin, for college students interested in communications. Contact Digi-Star, W5527 Hwy 106, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538, or call Robin directly at 920-5686231 or 608-449-3271, or FAX 920-563-9721, or email robinstarkenberg@digi-star.com.

85729 p45 index.cal.Garver 11/8/13 1:33 PM Page 1

Index ABS Global, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Accelerated Genetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 ADA Mid-East, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Ag Credit/Country Mortgages . . . . . . . . . 10 Agri Sales & Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Agri-King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Andrews, Steve & Seth — Auctioneers . . . 20 Ashland Implement, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Bickel Family Farms/Ray-Jo Meadows. . . . 25 Cargill Animal Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 COBA/Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Commodity Blenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Commodity Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 ComputerMixx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Curry Lumber & Pole Building Co.’s. . . . . . 29 Davis, Kim R. — Nationwide Insurance . . . 35 DeLaval Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Embryo Transfer Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 First National Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Garver, Merlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Genex Cooperative, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Habrun’s Insurance Service, Inc. . . . . . . . . 11 Harold’s Equipment, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Haudenschild Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Idyl Brook Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 K & M Builders, Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Keim Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Kidron Auction, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Lehman, Eileen — Livestock Hauling . . . . . . 8 Lowe & Young, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Meaden & Moore — CPA’s . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company . . . 32 Midwest Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Miley Holstein Farms, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 National Holstein Futurity, Inc. . . . . . . . . . 38 New Pittsburg Large Animal Clinic . . . . . . 16 Ohio Beef Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Ohio State University/ Ag Technical Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Paradise Valley Farms, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Pine Tree Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Polchin Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Purina Animal Nutrition, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . 13 Ratta Applied Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Renaissance Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Richman Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Shearer Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Spike, Pete & Jean — Vacation Rental . . . . 27 Stein-way Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Sunnyville Registered Holsteins . . . . . . . . . 12 Taurus Service, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Ten-Penny Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Thomas, Jenny — Photographer . . . . . . . . 29 U-Dean Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Vaughan, Steve — Nutritional Consultant. . 14 W. G. Dairy Supply, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Wenger’s Sharpening Service. . . . . . . . . . 12 Wil-O-Rae Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Zimmerview Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 This index is provided as an additional service. Publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions. CONTENT/COPY: The Ohio News has a policy to accept paid advertising unless its content may be construed as defamatory, invasive of the privacy of others, fraudulent, obscene or otherwise unlawful. In submitting copy, the advertiser represents and warrants that its content is truthful, is not defamatory, is not invasive of the privacy of others and is in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. However, the Ohio News reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising or submitted written material at any time.

Coming Events

Attention Farmers

MEETINGS and EVENTS March 7, 2014 — Ohio Holstein Convention: Farm Tours, Queen Contest March 8, 2014 — Ohio Holstein Association Annual Meeting, Comfort Inn, Carnation Mall, Alliance, Ohio June 25-28, 2014 — National Holstein Convention, Dubuque, Iowa June 27-30, 2015 — National Holstein Convention, St. Charles, Illinois June 25 – July 2, 2016 — National Holstein

SALES November 23 — Ohio Holstein Association Multi-Breed Sale, Wooster, OH March 7, 2014 — Ohio Convention Sale at Kiko Family Farm, Salem, OH March 27, 2014 — The Best of Triple-T and Heath, Columbus, OH April 2014 — Ohio Spring Sale, Wooster, OH

SHOWS March 27-28-29, 2014 — Spring Dairy Expo, Columbus, OH

DEADLINES December 1 — Pay memberships by this date for a 10% discount. December 1 — All-Ohio photos should be at the Ohio Holstein office in Wooster, OH. December 1 — Junior All-Ohio entries, cow photos and Junior exhibitor photos should be at the Ohio Holstein office in Wooster, OH. December 21 — Deadline for Jan.-Feb. 2014 Ohio News ads and articles February 7, 2014 — Annual meeting reservations to Comfort Inn, Alliance, Ohio for discounted rate February 14, 2014 — Ohio Holstein Queen Contest entries to the Ohio Holstein office in Wooster, OH Check Women’s pages for scholarship and Women of the Year deadlines.

◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

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1/2 Mile West of Holstein Association

FARM Paul 330-264-2660 Paul’s Cell 330-466-1188 Jan 330-264-5275


(Act of August 12, 1970; Section 3685. Title 39. United States Code.) September 22, 2005. The Ohio News, published 5 times per year. Publisher: Maher H. Wahba, P.O. Box 605, Shreve, Ohio 44676; Editor: Esther Welch, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, Ohio 44691; Managing Editor: Esther Welch, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, Ohio 44691. Owner: Ohio Holstein Association, Joseph Miley, President, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, Ohio 44691. The average number of copies each issue during the preceding 12 months: Total printed 1,972; sales through newsstands, etc. None; Mail subscriptions, 1,501. Total Paid Circulation, 1,501. Free Distribution, 92. Total Distribution, 1,740. Office use and spoils 379.

OHIO NEWS | 11-12/2013 | 45

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85729 p47 IBC Steinway_Layout 1 11/7/13 12:40 PM Page 1

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