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March-April 2013
2013 Ohio Holstein Convention Sale High-Selling Consignments
HIGH SELLER Pine-Tree 4233 Mogu 5523-ET From left: Rachael Steiner, Randall Kiko, Mathew J. Steiner, Pine-Tree 4233 Mogu 5523-ET with Korey Oechsle, John Hartline of Ohio River Syndicate, David Lentz
2nd-High Seller
3rd-High Seller
Donation Calf
84820 p02 Richman 4/3/13 3:46 PM Page 1
3 Exciting Additions Ashlyn f Ms Dam o and Akuna
MS Ashlyn Akuna & Jade
fl Tri-Day Ashlyn-ET EX-96 GMD DOM St-Jacob Prsus Ms Ashlyn-ET A 3-1-2012 Rainyridge Perseus X Ashlyn
MS ASHLYN was purchased at the St. Jacobs Progeny Celebration Sale 2013.
St-Jacob Destry Akuna-ET A 12-8-2011 Destry X Ashlyn AKUNA was purchased at the Mercuro & Partners Tag Sale.
Akuna ter to Full Sis
Kingsmill Ashlyns Annisa-ET VG-89 ‡ EX-MS 2-Year-Old and 4th Senior 2-Year-Old at the International Holstein Show 2012 ANNISA is also Tri-Day Ashlyn-ET’s daughter and a full sister to St-Jacob Destry Akuna-ET.
of Jade
fl Luck-E Dundee Jenna EX-95 2E Milksource Atwood Jade-ET A 6-9-2012 Atwood X Jenna JADE was purchased at the St. Jacobs Progeny Celebration Sale 2013.
If you are looking for that special one to show, give us a call —
~Richman Farms, Inc.~ The Indoe Family • Lodi, Ohio
Visitors Always Welcome
richmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com Dick 330-948-1427 Tom 330-948-1137 Bill 330-948-2259 Tyler 330-416-8891 Jim Morlock, Jr. and Martin “Bud” Yoder Fitting and Showing
84820 p03 ParadiseValley 4/3/13 3:01 PM Page 1
High Lifetime Few Problems BELLA Paradise-R BWM Bella EX-90 Recently fresh with her eighth calf
➧ And already produced
306,777 pounds of milk!
➧ Fresh 2 weeks, 118# on test
With a changing AI industry, we just want to continue to breed High Scoring, PRODUCTIVE COWS.
End-Road PVF Boliver 29H10124 In Semex’s new Disease Resistant Genetics Research Immunity +, BOLIVER sons are ranking near the top. Home of the Bell Sears Family
Bill, Brian and Michael Ramsey Families 7632 Columbus Road NE • Louisville, OH 44641 • Phone & Fax 330-875-4539
Service Age Bulls for Sale At All Times
OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013 | 3
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(USPS 404-600) (ISSN: 0899-4862) Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association
Volume 77
Number 2
MARCH-APRIL 2013 Published 5 times per year in January, March, May, September and November at Shreve, OH by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 www.ohioholstein.com dairyagendatoday – Click on Industry Links
PUBLICATION OFFICE — SHREVE, OH Subscription price in the U.S. is $15.00 per year. The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new one. Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertising forms close one month preceding date of issue. Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWS P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653 Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd. Entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Shreve, Ohio 44676. OFFICE STAFF General Manager . . . . . . Don Alexander, cell 304-376-1788 Email: alexanderdon@comcast.net Office Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diana Miley Email: oholstein@embarqmail.com Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Esther Welch Email: ewelch@embarqmail.com Webmaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Spike Email: spikeptr@aol.com
OFFICERS President . . . . Dallas Rynd, Ashville . . . . . . . 740-983-6690 Vice President . Randall Kiko, Salem. . . . . . . . 330-831-0174 Secretary . . . . Cathy Berg, Bellville . . . . . . . . 419-886-2871 Treasurer . . . . Lisa Kerr, North Fairfield. . CELL 419-606-0527
NATIONAL DIRECTOR Mike Jones 760 East 450 North, Marshall, IN 47859 . . . . 765-592-0644
BOARD MEMBERS Dist. 1 Dist. 2 Dist. 3 Dist. 4 Dist. 5 Dist. 7 Dist. 7 Dist. 8 Dist. 9 Dist. 10 Dist. 12 Dist. 11 Dist. 13 Dist. 14 Dist. 15
Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . 330-652-5694 Adam Whiteleather, Salem . . . . . . . 330-205-1738 John Hartline, Whipple . . . . . . . . . . 740-236-7240 Jen Bouton, Mt. Vernon. . . . . . . . . . 740-507-8271 Greg Conrad, New Holland . . . . . . . 740-495-5067 Lisa Mangun, Burbank . . . . . . . . . . 330-435-6520 Ted Renner, Dalton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-828-2604 Ryan Welch, Polk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419-651-5281 Matt Lawson, Bluffton . . . . . . . . . . . 937-538-7110 Laurie Menzie, Bloomdale. . . . . . . . 740-624-6367 Marvin Steinke, Wapakoneta . . . . . 419-738-7174 Kristi Ackley, East Liberty . . . . . . . . 937-935-8273 Jenny Thomas, Cable . . . . . . . . . . . 614-395-9823 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta . . . . . . . . . . 419-953-3427 Don Bickel, New Vienna . . . . . . . . . 937-218-2697
Postmaster – Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691
May-June DEADLINE April 26, 2013 4 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
The Board of Directors of the Ohio Holstein Association has adopted the following: “The Mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”
From the President, by Dallas Rynd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Western Ohio Hosts Holstein Association Annual Meeting, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Ohio Holstein Association 2013 Award Winners. . . . . . . . . . . 8-9, 11-12 Esther’s Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 The Holstein Grapevine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2012 Progressive Breeders Registry Award Recipients . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Ohio Holstein Convention Sale Averages $3,584, by Barb Lumley . . 18-20 More Convention Award Winners (photos) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 General Manager’s Views, by Don Alexander. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 From the Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 The Queen’s Corner, by Cayla Inkrott. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Ohio Holstein Women’s Annual Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Junior Jottings, by Cheri Oechsle and Matt Lawson, Advisors . . . . . . . . 36 Ohio Memorial Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Ohio Distinguished Junior Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 National Dairy Shrine Scholarship Applications Due April 15. . . . . . . . 38 From Indiana Mike Jones, National Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 From Your Regional Representative, by Glenn Sageser . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47- 48 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Coming Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
On the Cover Thank you to everyone who helped with this issue. Barb Lumley suggested the cover design and wrote the sale report and convention report. Jenny Thomas provided the sale photos and some from the convention. Others providing photos were Cheri Oechsle for the Juniors and Karen Welch for the convention awards. Also, thank you to all the columnists and presenters who furnished information.
2013 OHIO HOLSTEIN CONVENTION SALE Top-selling animal at $36,000: From left: Rachael Steiner; Randall Kiko, auctioneer; seller Mathew J. Steiner; Pine-Tree 4233 Mogu 5523-ET held by Korey Oeschle; buyer John Hartline of Ohio River Syndicate; David Lentz, pedigrees. Second-high seller at $9,000: From left: Randall Kiko, auctioneer; buyer Bob Sprunger, Raygor Farms; St-Jacobs Goldwyn Ari-ET; buyer Scott Sprunger, Raygor Farms; Korey Oechsle at the halter; buyer Mark Ostarchvic, Raygor Farms. Tied for third-high at $6,000: From left: David Lentz, pedigrees; buyer Richard Indoe, Richman Farms; seller Matthew Lund; Schugs Atwood Nancy; Randall Kiko, auctioneer; seller Courtney Lund at the halter; Bryan Lund. Calf donated by Select Sires From left: Shirley Kaltenbach and Molly McGuire of Select Sires; Randall Kiko, auctioneer; S-S-I Sprsire Brenna 8412-ET; David Lentz, pedigrees; buyer Alan Brown; Matt Oechsle at the halter; Leslie Maurice of Select Sires.
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From the President by Dallas Rynd As I write this, it is officially “Spring,” but the wind chill today is 12º. It is Ohio! And, in true Ohio fashion, tomorrow may be 70º; so hopefully, “Spring” is just around the corner. As we pray for warmer weather, I have to mention the fantastic Convention Sale we had with an incredible lineup of animals. The sale averaged $3,584. Everything went smoothly, and the folks in Western Ohio did a great job with the entire convention and should be commended. I think that everyone who attended enjoyed themselves. The annual meeting was interesting with Trans Ova presenting information about their new satellite clinic here in Ohio. The Women’s Fun Auction continues to get better every year and always has some heated bidding that ultimately benefits our Juniors. Congratulations to our All-Ohio and Junior All-Ohio winners. Congratulations, too, to the Ohio-bred and Ohio-exhibited All-American nominees and award winners. If you haven’t had a chance to read the March issue of the Holstein World, I suggest that you turn to page six and read Karen Knutsen’s column. She deserves big kudos for her column targeting our near-perfect product, milk. She focuses on avenues for future opportunities in the beverage market. If you or any Junior members you know are interested in being more involved in the association, please contact the Ohio Holstein office, your board representative or me personally, 740-207-5005. The Ohio Holstein Association has something for everyone. The national convention is closeby in Indianapolis, Indiana, this year. Mark your calendar for July 7-11, 2013, for the Race to Indy. It would be a great time to experience a national convention if you have never attended before. By the end of this week, Spring Dairy Expo will be behind us. We will be able to see some outstanding cattle, attend several sales, get reacquainted with old friends and meet new ones
Spring Update
Backed by 8 Generatio ns VG or EX
Pine-Tree Boliver Mara 1393 EX-91 2E
MARA HAS: • A December 2012 daughter by DUNDEE • 3 pregnancies by PREDESTINE • 3 transfers by PLATINUM • 2 transfers by DUNDEE
MARA’S RECORD: 1-11 365D 3X 32,190M 1,115F 1,003P 3-06 323D 3X 29,760M 1,094F 969P 6-11 365D 2X 28,635M 1,072F 875P
2 Year Progressive Genetics Herd Award Welch Family Farm since 1867 • Registered Holsteins since 1913
Come and See Us. Esther & Scott Welch 419-945-2250
U-Dean Farms
1 mile north of
Polk on SR 89 669 SR 89, Polk, Ohio 44866 Dean & Doris Welch Randy & Mike Ryan 419-945-2411 419-945-2542/2698 419-651-5281
this week. Best of luck to all exhibitors and consignors! I hail from northern Pickaway County, and I am honored to serve as the President of our state association. Previously, I served as Vice President and District 5 representative to the board and the executive committee. My wife, Judy Wolford, and I farm near Ashville where we operate Silver Mist Holsteins. In January 1992, we moved to this farm from northwest PA. This farm has been in Judy’s family for three generations, and we are proud to once again have dairy cattle graze on the fertile ground, just as Judy’s parents and grandparents did. Judy and I met while we were both working for the Holstein Association. I was working as a classifier, and she was working as a consultant. These days Judy’s off-the-farm profession is as an attorney, and her off-the-farm position is as Pickaway County Prosecutor. As we were both raised on Registered Holstein farms, it was inevitable that we, too, would own and milk Holsteins. But a good cow is a good cow no matter what her color. While we started out milking only Holsteins on our farm, we now have a mixed herd
of about 50 milking cows. Approximately 75% are Holsteins, with the balance being Ayrshires, Brown Swiss and Jerseys. It is only fitting to have multiple breeds since Judy’s grandparents started out with a mixed herd on this farm. Our farm has 400 acres, where we grow corn, soybeans, wheat and alfalfa. We have two main barns: one for our milking herd and one for our dry cows and heifers. All animals have pasture available to them. We also have an old bank barn, which we recently found to be more than 150 years old, that we use for hay and straw storage. Over the years, we have had a number of young adults who have helped on the farm and who have shown our cattle as well. We hope that we have been a positive influence in the lives of all of our “children,” and we strive to continue to support each of them in their many activities and careers.
Please visit the Ohio Holstein Website at www.ohioholstein.com OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013 | 5
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Western Ohio Hosts Holstein Association Annual Meeting by Barb Lumley In spite of a week of rain, sleet, five to ten inches of snow and extreme cold weather in the area, it was a beautiful day for the Ohio Holstein Association Annual Meeting held Saturday, March 9, 2013, at the Sidney Inn, Sidney, Ohio. The morning began with the opening of the dairy bar with plenty of milk, ice cream, cheese and crackers available for those in attendance to enjoy while visiting with old friends and meeting and greeting new ones. At 8:00 a.m., the Ohio Holstein Women held their annual meeting. They oversee the Queen contest, donate scholarships, provide items for the Holstein office in Wooster and participate in various other activities. Officers elected for 2013 are Kathy Johnson, president; Betty Whiteleather, vice-president; Sara Twining, secretary; and Lisa Mangun, treasurer. The Ohio Holstein Association business meeting began at 9:00 a.m. The meeting featured officers’ reports; numerous committee reports; election of officers; reports from Holstein USA director Mike Jones from Indiana and Glen Sageser, National Holstein Field Representative from Kentucky; old and new business. Officers elected were Dallas Rynd, president; Randall Kiko, vice-president; Cathy Berg, secretary; and Lisa Kerr, treasurer. Don Alexander is the General Manager of the Ohio Holstein Association. An Awards Luncheon was held at noon with 125 Holstein breeders and
family members, friends and associates of the Ohio Holstein Association in attendance. A buffet-style meal was enjoyed by all. Leslie Maurice was the Master of Ceremonies for the awards presentation. The newly-crowned Ohio Holstein Queen, Cayla Inkrott, was introduced. She is the daughter of David and Beverly Inkrott, Liepsic, Ohio, District 12. The runner-up was Allison Mangun, daughter of Roy and Lisa Mangun, Wooster, Ohio, District 7. Progressive Breeder Registry Awards were presented by newly-elected president Dallas Rynd. Awards for the highest-selling Holsteins in the 2012 Ohio Holstein consignment sales were presented by Don Alexander. They went to Pine-Tree Farms, Matthew Steiner and Family, Convention Sale; Victoria, Ian and Bryce Watson, Buckeye Classic Sale; Starmark Farms, Ohio Holstein Summer Sale; and Richard and Judy Wolf, Ohio Holstein Multi-Breed Fall Sale. The Buckeye Breed Builder Awards were presented by Duane Logan. The Junior Award went to Russell Kiko, R & P Kiko Family Farms, Salem, Ohio, and the Senior Award went to Mary Lou Topp, Topp-View Holsteins, Botkins, Ohio. The Distinguished Service Award was given to Julie Renner, Dalton, Ohio. Among the many other things that Julie does for the Ohio Holstein Association, she is chairman of the Annual Meeting Committee and oversees all the plans
for the conventions. The award was presented by Barb Lumley. Ohio Holstein Junior Members were recognized by co-chairman of the Youth Committee Matt Lawson. Junior members are reorganizing and have formed a board of directors, but have not elected officers yet. Juniors sold raffle tickets on a Sullivan chute donated by Beck’s Hybrids, and the winner was Steve Moff. Other prizes awarded included a family weekend at Lake Kolahari, a cane of semen from Wabash-Way Explode, a free flush and a free photo setup. It was announced that the Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship went to Colton Harstine, District 3, and Marina Cable, District 1. The Junior Memorial Award went to Mikayla Conrad, District 5. Allison Mangun, District 7, and Louis Liming, District 1, received the Ohio Distinguished Junior Member Award. The Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year Award was presented by Kathy Johnson and Betty Whiteleather to Suzann Spreng, Longacre Farms, Inc., Bucyrus, Ohio. The All-Ohio and Junior All-Ohio Awards were presented to the winners by Steve Moff. The meeting concluded with the Ohio Holstein Women’s Fun Auction with Randall Kiko calling the bids. Numerous items were donated by the District Holstein Clubs and also by various individuals. The auction raised $3,740 to be used for scholarships and other activities.
Hauling Anywhere Eileen (Hostetler) Lehman
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6 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
84820 p07 Purina 4c 4/3/13 2:44 PM Page 1
DAIRY BREEDER ADVERTISING PARTNER PROGRAM Ohio Holstein News and Purina® Animal Nutrition are co-operating with an ad promotion in the May-June 2013 Ohio Holstein News. The Ohio News will give the lowest contract rate to advertisers. This will be a cost savings of $30 for noncontract advertisers running a full-page or halfpage ad. In addition, Purina® Animal Nutriton will give FIVE bags of Ampli-Calf Warm Weather® to advertisers who mention Purina® or Ampli-Calf® in their ads. This is an $85 value! Your voucher for FIVE FREE BAGS will be delivered to you by your area Purina® representative following the distribution of the May-June issue. Please contact the Ohio Holstein office by April 26 to reserve your space, and follow with information as soon as possible.
OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013 | 7
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2013 AWARD WINNERS Senior Buckeye Breed Builder Award 2013
Mary Lou Topp Duane Logan, presenter The Senior Buckeye Breed Builder Award went to MARY LOU TOPP of Topp-View Holsteins, Shelby County, District 14. The Topp-View prefix is well-known in dairy circles. The 100% homebred herd consists of 60 cows — 30 Holsteins and the balance Brown Swiss and Jersey. The herd average is 26,800M, 705F. They have a BAA of 113.5, with 24 Excellent and 6 Very Good. They have earned the PBR award in 1986, 1987 and 1988, and the Progressive Genetics Award in 1989. Don and Mary Lou Topp were married in 1968 and began a herd of Registered Holsteins. In 1976 they purchased a farm in Botkins, Ohio, and began Topp-View. Ten years later, Don was diagnosed with cancer and passed away within three months. Mary Lou and her sons kept the farm and herd going by staying small, as the boys were still in school. Topp-View has been in the show ring for many years. In those years, they have garnered several All-American and
numerous All-Ohio recognitions. In 2004, Topp-View Rubens Exctasy won the National Holstein Futurity, and the next day she was named Intermediate Champion and also Grand Champion at the Ohio State Fair. Again in 2005, Exctasy was named Ohio State Fair Grand Champion. In 1999, Topp-View showed the Grand Champion Brown Swiss at World Dairy Expo along with a Reserve Grand Champion Brown Swiss at the 2004 World Dairy Expo. In 2012, they exhibited the Reserve Junior Champion Ayrshire and bred both the Junior and the Reserve Junior Champion Ayrshire at World Dairy Expo. Topp-View has supported state and national sales in the past years and has also sold embryos. In 1984, Mary Lou and Don Topp received the Junior Buckeye Breed Builder Award. In 1986, Mary Lou was inducted as an Honorary FFA Chapter member. In 1998, Mary Lou was named Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year. In 1998, Mary Lou was named World Dairy Expo Woman of the Year. In 2005, she was inducted into the Ohio State Fair Hall of Fame. She has been executive secretary of the National Holstein Futurity for 15 years. She has been employed as a wholesale fertilizer salesperson for 27 years at Trupointe Co-op. Mary Lou and her family attend Immaculate Conception Church, where they are very involved. She has three sons: Eric and Mary Topp with daughters Madelyn and Makenzie; Keith and Kindra Topp with children Keaton and Kinley; and Phillip and Carrie Topp with children Aubree, Aiden and Alaina.
Junior Buckeye Breed Builder Award 2013
Russell Kiko Duane Logan, presenter
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8 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
RUSSELL KIKO, III, was nominated to receive the Junior Buckeye Breed Builder Award and is a full-time farm operator-partner of R & P Kiko Family Farms, Ltd, District 2, of Columbiana County. Other partners in the farm include parents Rusty and Pam, and brothers Randall and Rudy, all of whom work full-time with the successful Kiko Auctioneers. The herd consists of 200 cows with 60% registered and a herd average of 26,000M, 950F, and 800P. They have a BAA of 104.7 with 6 EX and 32 VG. They have bred and/or developed 13 EX cows in just the last few years. The family shows at the county, district and state levels and has enjoyed great success at the District 2 Show, by earning Premier Breeder & Exhibitor in 2011 and Premier Exhibitor in 2012. They have sold groups of bred heifers and/or cows and are starting to participate more in consignment sales. They flush some of their top cows.
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Kikos used the upgrade program and have been able to develop more good cow families. They are now on the Holstein Complete program and have just started the EASY-ID program to register calves. On the application form, Russell wrote, “Our first experience dealing with Registered Holsteins was back in 1985, when Randall and I showed our first heifers at the county fair. We placed last and next-to-last. Right away we realized that we needed to start asking some questions, and a lot of them, because last and next-to-last was not where we wanted to be in the future.” Russell continues, “We had a lot of help and advice from our neighbors and fair neighbors such as the Hippley, Casper, Moff, Whiteleather, McKarns and Blickensderfer families. Their patience and support will always be remembered. Around home in the spring, our neighbor Rod Hoopes was a great help in picking out the best animals to take to the shows and gave great advice on clipping and fitting.” He then says, “As we got older, we were asked by others to help them during the fair time. We helped Dyes, the Loras, the Shoemakers and Jim Beardsly. Their letting us help was a very good learning experience. It was rewarding for us to have that responsibility at a pretty young age. May I add that we were plenty ornery at that stage of our lives. They were fun and exciting times!” Russell goes on to say, “There are so many others who have helped us along the way, such as Ernie Aegerter, Mike Schmuck, Bill McKarns and the Lang family. We will always be thankful for their advice and the help they gave us. “Most of all, we are most grateful to our parents for their teachings. We were taught to work hard and to be proud of our accomplishments. They gave us huge responsibilities with the cows and the farming at a very, very young age, while my dad was gone on most days working full-time in the family auction business. We would not be succeeding today without all our parents taught us themselves. They let us learn on our own, and they let us handle the decision making with the cows,” adds Russell. Russell concludes, “The cattle industry has led us to many great friendships, for which we are grateful. The Lord has been gracious to us and our occupation. There is not a better place to live and raise a family than on a farm.”
See page 11 for photos!
4958 U.S. 35 NORTH RICHMOND, IN 47374
Holstein Woman of the Year 2013
Suzann Spreng Kathy Whiteleather Johnson, presenter Like many Holstein women, this year’s winner has had a behind-the-scenes role in the dairy industry her entire life. At the age of 10, her father began milking cows in Hardin County after relocating his family from sunny southern California. She spent her entire childhood and young adult life helping her father, mother and brother grow the herd until her brother could take over the family farm. One year, when showing cattle at the Marion County Fair, she had a cow get loose from her, and it was caught by a fellow dairyman, John, who then became her husband in 1975. As a young newlywed, she found herself in a new milking parlor in Bucyrus, milking with her brother-in-law Jim. Over the years, as the two brothers developed their genetics and registered herd, she spent numerous hours preparing meals for the milk testers and classifiers and cleaning to make the farm ready for the farm tours that Select Sires, NOBA and World Wide Sires brought to the farm. She also enjoyed the several Young Sires trips that she took with many other Holstein breeders. During all the years of showing cattle, she mostly stayed home to cover the chores or be prepared to drive the show Award Winners – continued on page 12
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Special Thanks to Hilltop Farms for purchasing Bambina in the Quietcove Tag Sale and her +2296G MAYFIELD daughter in the Ohio Convention Sale. We wish you much success with this GREAT COW FAMILY.
MS Observer Bambina-ET +1970G Dam: Regancrest Brasilia-ET EX-92 DOM Next Dam: Regancrest PR Barbie-ET EX-92 GMD DOM
Animals currently being flushed — Inquiries Welcome/MAS Screaming-Vis-R Heaven-ET EX-91 DOM
4-07 365D 36,810M 3.6% 1,329F 3.2% 1,162P 4 daughters have sold for a total of $49,900.00 Also flushing her daughter:
MS Farnear ARM Hollywood-ET +2108G Born: 2-03-2012 Sire: RMW ARMITAGE Also flushing: Farnear GC Lite Libi-ET +2285G 4.8PL 3.04T 2.62SCS 1.0DPR Sire: MR. CHASSITY GOLD CHIP-ET Dam: Farnear O-Style Light VG-85 +2165G
We are pleased with our recent purchase of Holsteins from Buschur Dairy Farm Inc.
Announcing an AUGUST OPEN HOUSE — Details to Follow LLC
15681 SR 67, Forest, Ohio 45843-9751 10 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
84820 p08.09.11.12 award.5ads_Layout 1 4/4/13 2:45 PM Page 4
SENIOR BUCKEYE BREED BUILDER — TOPP-VIEW HOLSTEINS Front, from left: Phillip holding Aubree, Eric holding Mackenzie, Mary Lou Topp, Keith Back, from left: Mary, Madelyn, Keaton
WOMAN OF THE YEAR Front, from left: John Spreng, Suzann Spreng Back, from left: David Reece (Suzann’s brother), David’s wife Carol, Joe Cole, Anne Spreng Cole
DISTINGUISHED SERVICE From left: Julie Renner, presenter Barb Lumley
JUNIOR BUCKEYE BREED BUILDER — KIKO FAMILY Front, from left: Randall holding Ellie, Randall’s wife Becky, Jodi, Russell Back, from left: Wyatt, Elizabeth
ALL-OHIO AWARDS Front, from left: Anna Miley, Jenny Thomas, Tony Broshes, Adam Whiteleather Back, from left: Keaton Topp, Kayla King, Victoria Deam
MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP Makayla Conrad JUNIOR ALL-OHIO AWARDS Front, from left: Allison McCummons, Kayla King, Clay Hershberger, Anna Miley Back, from left: Madisen Morlock, Keaton Topp, Victoria Deam, Kris Ackley
At left: QUEEN CONTESTANTS Front, from left: 2013 Ohio Holstein Queen Cayla Inkrott, Runner-up Allison Mangun Back, from left: Morgan McDonnell, Demi Snyder, 2012 Ohio Holstein Queen Jacquelyn Sherry
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Award Winners – continued from page 9
crew at whatever hour was needed to get to the next show. The early show years did not include hiring fitters. Therefore, unfortunately, she was always stationed at the rear end of the cows getting the tails ready. Remember — with no fitters, that was also the only part of the cow that looked perfectly fitted. Holding the title of Chief Tail Engineer was also her job during picturing the cows. Like all Holstein women, no matter how many hours were spent at the farm, her family always came in to a warm, fully-cooked meal, clean home and clean white show clothes. Through the mid-80s to mid-90s, she spent her time chasing her daughter Anne through numerous Holstein activities. She never missed a Holstein Convention, heavily supported the Ohio Juniors and spent a lot of time at ringside in 1996 when Anne was Holstein Queen. Anne was either handing her mother a cow to show or a tiara and sash to keep clean. She also travelled the state that year driving her daughter to almost all the district shows. In more recent years, she continues to support her husband John’s role on the Ohio State Fair Commission and in the family grain farming operation. Finally, even though there are no cows being milked at Longacre Farms today, this Holstein Woman of the Year stands ready to run anytime her son-in-law Joe,calls with a request for Buck’s Pride. The 2013 Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year is SUZANN SPRENG.
Gehl 40 Series Skid Loaders
Tight Spots. Tough Tasks. All in a Day’s Work. • Four models offering up to 2,700 lbs. operating load (with optional weight kit) and 82 hp for big loader results • Exceptional hydraulic power for higher breakout force, fast cycle times and better attachment performance • Longer wheelbase and a low center of gravity for a smooth, stable ride
Julie Renner Barb Lumley, presenter Each year someone from our Ohio Holstein Association is chosen for the Distinguished Service Award. This is done by asking for nominations from three past presidents. If there is more than one nominee, the three presidents vote to select the recipient. The saying goes that, if you want something done, you ask a busy person. This year’s award winner is definitely a busy person. She grew up on a dairy farm that has bred Holsteins and has been active in the Ohio Holstein Association for many years. Their prefix and the kind of cattle they breed are well-known. JULIE RENNER is the daughter of Ted and Penny Renner, Renwind Farm, Dalton, Ohio D-7. She has been involved in helping with barn chores as she grew up. She has shown cattle all through her life in 4H, at the county fair, the district shows, the Ohio State Fair, the Spring Dairy Expo and others. She has won numerous ribbons and awards. She has been very active in the Ohio Holstein Association, having served on and chaired various and important committees. She has helped with sales including decorating the sale rings. She had volunteered her time and talent by helping at the Ohio Holstein office and helping the Ohio Holstein Women with their projects. A graduate of The Ohio State University, Julie loves those Ohio State Buckeyes and lets everyone know it. While doing all these activities, she also keeps a fulltime job off the farm. If you had a good time at this year’s convention and the conventions in the past years, it is because of all the time and energy she has put into making our Ohio Holstein Conventions a success. So be sure to tell her “thanks” for this great convention and for all that she does for the Ohio Holstein Association. Our 2013 Distinguished Service Award goes to Julie Renner, annual meeting committee chair.
www.ohioholstein.com KIDRON AUCTION INC. Kidron (Wayne Co.) OH
• Choice of controls: T-bar “hands-only,” dual-hand, or hand/foot
Selling all Types of Dairy Cattle & Service Bulls 1145 Cleveland Ave. Ashland, Ohio 44805 419-289-3610 Fax 419-281-7358 www.ashlandimplement.com
12 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
Distinguished Service Award 2013
EVERY THURSDAY • 11:00 a.m. Hay & Straw Sale 10:00 a.m. John E. Sprunger, Mgr.
– Serving Since 1923 –
84820 p13 Extras.Polch.3ads_Layout 1 4/4/13 9:17 AM Page 1
Esther’s Extras
The inspiration for this column came from the strong two-, three- and four-generation families in our association and from a column by David White, Executive Director of he Ohio Livestock Coalition, in the March 2013 Ohio’s Country Journal. He talked about the challenges of communication across four generations: Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Gen X and Gen Y. The Traditionalists were born before 1946. They tend to like personal contacts and conversations and print media. It should be no surprise that the largest group in active leadership is the Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964. They are sometimes called the sandwich generation, as they may be called upon to take responsibility for both their children and their parents. Many are adopting technology and using digital media, and they still value personal communication. Generation X is considered to be those individuals born between 1965 and 1979. They seem comfortable with webbased information, especially email and possibly social media. The most connected generation appears to be Generation Y born between 1980 and 2000. They have grown up with the new communication technologies. And so the challenge for Ohio Holstein is to communicate well with each of these groups. We have the print media, Ohio Holstein News, and hard copy sale catalogs. We also have our web site, for fast and widespread communication, kept up to date by webmaster Peter Spike. Most of the cow photos now come on email, although at times we delve into our hard copy files for photos. Even though sale catalogs are on line, we still have many requests for the printed catalog. Most ads now come on email. Events such as the Convention, Spring Dairy Expo, Shows and Sales provide for personal communication and fellowship.
Traditionalist Esther bracketed by Baby Boomer daughters Patricia Topa (left) and Karen Welch (right).
CERTIFIED Tye J. Henschen DVM ON-FARM EMBRYO TRANSFER EXPORT CERTIFIED 3883 Klondike Road Delaware, Ohio 43015
Phone 740-369-3931 Fax 740-369-7814
“...meeting todayʼs challenges, pursuing tomorrowʼs goals.”
e had the opportunity to purchase Pineyvale Toy Gracie EX-90 from Pineyvale Farm in New York — a true breeder’s herd.
racie is third-generation Excellent and comes from a high-component family.
STEVE VAUGHAN Nutritional Consultant 6007 Smith Kramer Hartville, OH 44632 Cell: 330-354-3407 Fax: 330-877-3830 PLEASE NOTE: NEW EMAIL ADDRESS
E-mail: healthycows@gmail.com
racie has a son in AI at Select Sires.
Certified Public Accountants
POLCHIN HOLSTEINS A 100% Registered Herd 2411 Sentinel Road • Dorset, OH 44032 John, Ruth and Tony Polchin – 440-293-7955
Ashtabula Co. A Part of District 1
2363 Eagle Pass, Suite A Wooster, Ohio 44691
Phone 330-264-7307 Fax 330-264-2339 www.meadenmoore.com
OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013 | 13
84820 p14 Grapevin.Wenger 4c_Layout 1 4/3/13 2:54 PM Page 1
accepted this award. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart. — Suzann Spreng
• CORRESPONDENCE • Dear Ohio Holstein Women, Please allow me to extend my most sincere gratitude on being selected as the 2012 Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year. You will never know how much I appreciate being considered for such an honor and how privileged I feel to join such a distinguished group of women. All of the previous honorees have given so much to our association and to the Dairy Industry, and it was with great pride that I
To the Ohio Holstein Junior Association: Thank you for the opportunity to apply and interview for the Memorial Award Scholarship. — Jake Dovin • The Convention Committee wishes to acknowledge and thank the following donors who supported the 2013 Convention: Steve Andrews; Habrun’s Insurance; Gerber Feed Service; W. G. Dairy, Inc.; ADM Alliance Nutrition; Tri-County Animal Clinic, Inc.; Loudonville Farmers Equity; Harold’s Equipment, Inc.; Millersburg Tire Service; The Commercial and Savings Bank; Mennonite Mutual Insurance Co.; Dairy Farmers of America; Spreng Capital Management Inc., Jim Spreng; Farm Credit Services; PBS; Russ Kiko Associates; IBA of Ohio, Inc.; COBA/Select Sires, Inc.; Alltech; Koenig Equipment, Inc. • Lisa Mangun, treasurer of Ohio Holstein Women, furnished the following report of the fun auction,
• NEW ARRIVALS • John Mark and Lisa Weaver, Fredericksburg, D-7, announce the arrival of Austin Neil Weaver on December 21, 2012. He weighed 8 lb. 15 oz, and was welcomed by sisters Julie and Abby and big brother Derek. Grandparents are Melvin Jr. Weaver and Fannie Weaver, and Robert and Arlene Schlabach. Chris and Nicki Deem of Burbank, D-7, announce the arrival of Lawrence James (Law) Deem, on February 23, 2013, weighing in at 5 lbs., 10 oz., 19” long.
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14 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
RETAIL STORE Blades, Clippers and Accessories
which generated $3,745 to be used for scholarships and projects. The top selling item was the “God Made a Farmer” plaque donated by Ted and Penny Renner and purchased by Greg Hardy for $1,500. Other items were a District 7 donation of a basket with Trail bologna, wine and cheese, purchased by Bill and Pauline McKarns; District 2 donation of a John Deere toy tractor, purchased by John Hartline; District 2 donation of a John Deere toy planter, purchased by Ken Janes; PBS Weaver Leather donation of show supplies and a show halter, purchased by Eric Topp; District 5 donation of wine, cheese and crackers, purchased by Don Alexander; Steve Andrews donation of an antique cow print and frame, purchased by the Twining family; Esther Welch donation of a basket with cow crocks and kitchen items, purchased by Megan Lawson. Other donations included, from Topp-View Farms, an OSU lawn stone, purchased by Ted Renner; District 10 donation of a Holstein cow and a bottle of wine, purchased by Greg Hardy; District 7 donation of a cow pillow and iron wall hanging, purchased by Duane Logan; District 7 donation of an Easter basket of goodies, purchased by Tony Menzie; District 3 donation of a large framed cow print, purchased by Matt Lawson; District 7 donation of an OSU bucket, OSU items and a cow print, purchased by Laurie Menzie; donation of Robert Mathews VanBeek, DBC Products, AriLabs and Dr. Walhers Animal Health Supplies, purchased by Betty Whiteleather. District 12 donated two bottles of wine, crackers and a stuffed cow, purchased by Cathy Berg. Jim and Nancy Kemp donated cheese and a cookbook, purchased by Mary Lou Topp. District 7 donated an OSU basket, cheese and Trail bologna, purchased by Joe Cole, and Jim and Nancy Kemp donated a John Deere basket, lights and books, purchased by Wyatt Kiko. The Ohio Holstein Women thank everyone who participated in this auction.
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84820 p16 ProgBreeder.Garver_Layout 1 4/3/13 4:02 PM Page 1
2012 Progressive Breeders Registry Award Recipients THE FOLLOWING ARE OHIO RECIPIENTS OF THE AWARD. HERD NAME
————— ME LACTATION —————
Congratulations to the 15 Ohio PBR Award recipients. In order to qualify for the Progressive Breeders’ Registy (PBR) award, a herd must qualify under the following criteria: • Herd owner must be a member of both their national and state associations, and enrolled in the Deluxe or Premier TriStar options and Herd Classification programs. • Percent B.A.A. for Herd Classification must be in the top 25% of herds classified during the 18month time period just prior to March 1 of the current calendar year. • Must have a minimum of twenty 87% RHA and higher cows in the milking herd, of which at least 75% bear the herd owner’s prefix. Automatic evaluation of all herds is done annually. The PBR recognition is given to approximately 10% of herds enrolled in the Deluxe or Premier TriStar options. TriStar Herd Mature Equivalent Lactation Averages are adjusted by each state’s average production. A milk component cutoff is based on combined fat and protein, which is calculated by multiplying the milk cutoff by 3.6% for fat and 3.1% for protein, and totaling the two components. 16 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
Attention Farmers ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆
Sell Cows and Bulls Direct Sold on a Dressed Basis Graded and Shipped Daily Representing Six Major Packers Each Animal Distributed to the Plant that will Return a Premium Price to You Transportation Available Save – No commissions Serving the Industry Over 50 Years in This Area Licensed and Bonded $200,000 for Your Protection
Merlin L. Garver, Inc. 2203 Heyl Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 OFFICE 1-800-686-6292 330-264-5275 1-800-374-6180
1/2 Mile West of Holstein Association
FARM Paul 330-264-2660 Paul’s Cell 330-466-1188 Jan 330-264-5275
84820 p17 Miley.KMBuild_Layout 1 4/3/13 4:06 PM Page 1
Selling in the Ohio Spring Sale April 20
in Wooster
Miley Atwood Best Latoya Born 6/22/11 Due 5/1/13 to COMESTAR LAUTHORITY A big fancy Junior 2-year-old prospect for 2013! Sired by the hottest bull in the breed Sire: ATWOOD Dam: Miley Best Metro Licorice VG-86 3-00 305D 26,760M 4.0% 1,065F 3.0% 815P 2nd Dam: Miley Hi Metro Leah GP-80
Miley Holstein Farms Ltd. Joe and Diana Miley Jason and Anna CATTLE FOR SALE
The Miley Family • 7234 Bates Road, West Salem, OH 44287 Ph: 330-264-2453 • Fax: 330-263-7883 • E-mail: jdjamiley@aol.com PBR: 15 YEARS BAA 107.1 31 EX 92 VG 86 GP 5 G All Homebred
Jon and Amy Miley Adam and David VISITORS WELCOME
K & M Builders, Ltd 5358 Kidron Rd, Kidron, OH 44636 Monday thru Friday 7:00am--4:30pm Saturdays by Appointment Only
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Free Estimates & Fully Insured .60 CCA Treated Square Posts Seamless Aluminum Gutters
Rafter and Truss Barns
www.kmbuilder.com OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013 | 17
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Ohio Holstein Convention Sale Averages $3,584 by Barb Lumley Carharts, sweatshirts, toboggans and mittens were the fashion of the day as the crowd gathered for the Ohio Holstein Association Convention Sale held Friday, March 8, 2013, at the Shelby County Fairgrounds, Sidney, Ohio. The cold temperature in the sale barn was soon warmed up by the large crowd and the “hot bidding,� as an outstanding group of Holstein consignments passed through the ring. When the gavel dropped on the last animal and the dust had settled, the sale had achieved an outstanding average of $3,584 on 76 live lots. First into the ring was Lot #82, S-S-I Sprsire Brenna 8412ET, consigned by Select Sires, Inc., Plain City, Ohio. The proceeds from the sale of this fall calf went to the family of Logan Krebehenne, a Select Sires employee who tragically lost his life while working with the bulls, and to the Ohio Holstein Junior Association. A daughter of Seagull-Bay Supersire-ET, her dam was by Bisside Alta Ross-ET with a GTPI of +2214. She sold for $2,600 to Lou Brown, New Bremen, Ohio. Next in the ring and topping the sale at $36,000 was the consignment that had everyone talking, Lot #3, Pine-Tree 4233 Mogu 5523-ET. With a GTPI of +2440, this fall calf was a daughter of Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET from Pine-Tree Diehard Sharla-ET, classified Very Good 88, with the fourth dam being the worldwide-known Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET, Excellent 92 3E, and she carried contract interest from many AI organizations. Consigned by Pine-Tree Farms, Matthew Steiner and Family, Rittman, Ohio, she was purchased by the Ohio River Syndicate, Hartline Valley Farms, Inc., Marietta, Ohio; Zimmerview Dairy, Marietta, Ohio; and Tim Cottrill, Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Raygor Farms LLC, the Sprunger Family, Dalton, Ohio, paid $9,000 for Lot # 2, St.-Jacob Goldwyn Ari-ET. A spring yearling sired by Braedale Goldwyn, she was a daughter of the well known Tri-Day Ashlyn-ET EX-96 2E Gold Medal Dam and Dam of Merit, International Supreme Champion 2001, and All-American Three-Year-Old in 2000 and FourYear-Old in 2001. She was the consignment of St.-Jacobs ABC, Inc. c/o Tim Abbott, Fairfield, Vermont. Schugs Atwood Nancy, Lot #41, a fancy senior two-yearold, sold to Richman Farms, Inc., Richard Indoe, Lodi, Ohio, for $6,000. Sired by Maple-Downs I G W Atwood-ET, her
18 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
dam was a Very Good 87 daughter of Markwell Ramses with 33,560 milk 1,455 fat and 1,099 protein. She was consigned by Matthew and Courtney Lund, Norwalk, Ohio. Also selling for $6,000 was Lot #6, Bremer Bookem Color-ET, consigned by Bremer Holsteins, Shelden, Wisconsin, and purchased by Embry Longacre Farm, Doyle Embry, Leitchfield, Kentucky. A spring yearling, she was sired by De-Su 521 Bookem-ET from a Very Good 86 Alpag Iron Active-ET daughter. Lot #7, MM-T Pockets Epic Betty-ET, an August 2012 calf, sold for $5,700 to Breeze Holsteins, Metcalf, Ontario, Canada. She was consigned by Michael Maloney, North Bangor, New York, and was sired by Genervations Epic-ET from a Very Good 87 daughter of Rainyridge Talent Barbara Excellent 95. Jay Ackley, East Liberty, Ohio, was the buyer of Lot #61, Midas-Touch GC Reign-ET, at $5,600. A spring yearling, she was sired by Mr. Chassity Gold Chip and from an Excellent 91 Duncan Progress dam. Jennifer King, Waddington, New York, was the consignor. Lot #1, SCD-JC Mayfield Bambina, a December calf, sold for $5,400 to Hilltop Farms, Darby Dicke, Xenia, Ohio, and was consigned by Silver Creek Dairy, Forest, Ohio. She was sired by De-Su Mayfield 893-ET; her GTPI was +2296, and she was from the Regancrest Barbi cow family. Springhill-OH AW Rachel-ET, a fresh two-year-old, sold for $5,000 to Spring Walk Farm, William Wachtel, Big Prairie, Ohio. Consigned by Tim Hochstetler, Millersburg, Ohio, she was sired by Maple-Downs I G W Atwood from the Excellent 90 Springhill-OH Onyx Rachel. Nine more consignments would sell over $4,000, and consignments sold to Canada, New York, Kentucky, Georgia, Pennsylvania and Indiana, as well as Ohio. Auctioneer for the sale was Randall Kiko, Salem, Ohio, with Dave Lentz, New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania, reading the pedigrees The sale was hosted by Ohio Districts 13 and 14 and managed by the Ohio Holstein Association, Don Alexander, General Manager. The barn crew composed of Dale Bendig, Steven Jordan, Joe Nash, Andrew Lenhart, Kelly Epperly, Scott Young and volunteers from the host districts did an excellent job of fitting and preparing the consignments in spite of difficult weather conditions that included several inches of snow.
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2013 Ohio Holstein Convention Sale Top Buyers Ohio River Syndicate, Marietta, Ohio Pine-Tree 4233 Mogu 5523-ET (10-24-12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36,000 SIRE: Mountfield SSI DCY Mogul-ET Consignor: Matthew J. Steiner, Rittman, Ohio Raygor Farms LLC, Dalton, Ohio St.-Jacob Goldwyn Ari-ET (3-20-12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,000 SIRE: Braedale Goldwyn Consignor: St.-Jacobs ABC, Inc. c/o Tim Abbott, Fairfield, Vermont Richman Farms, Inc., Richard Indoe, Lodi, Ohio Schugs Atwood Nancy (9-02-10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000 SIRE: Maple-Downs I G W Atwood-ET Consignor: Matthew & Courtney Lund, Norwalk, Ohio Embry’s Longview Farm, Doyle Embry, Leitchfield, Kentucky Bremer Bookem Color-ET (5-08-12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,000 SIRE: De-Su 521 Bookem-ET Consignor: Bremer Holsteins, Shelden, Wisconsin
From left: Auctioneer Randall Kiko, Bremer Bookem Color-ET with Korey Oechsle at the halter, Glen Sageser
Breeze Holsteins, Jason McDonald, Metcalf, Ontario, Canada MM-T Pockets Epic Betty-ET (8-10-12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,700 SIRE: Genervations Epic-ET Consignor: Michael Maloney, North Bangor, New York Jay Ackley, East Liberty, Ohio Midas-Touch GC Reign-ET (3-09-12). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,600 SIRE: Mr. Chassity Gold Chip Consignor: Jennifer King, Waddington, New York Hilltop Farm, Darby Dicke, Xenia, Ohio SCD-JC Mayfield Bambina (12-07-12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,400 SIRE: De-Su D Mayfield 893-ET Consignor: Silver Creek Dairy LLC, Forest, Ohio Southern-Hills RN Della-Red (9-10-12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,400 SIRE: Jon-Lu Reality Ron-Red-ET Consignor: Chad Griffith, Bethel, Ohio Ri-Val-Re Num Un Natalie-ET (10-17-12). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,800 Consignor: Aaron Jorgensen, Webberville, Michigan Top Buyers – continued on page 20
From left: Auctioneer Randall Kiko, Jamie Black, MM-T Pockets Epic Betty-ET with Matt Oechsle at the halter, Dave Lentz
OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013 | 19
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Top Buyers – continued from page 19
Alan Brown, New Bremen, Ohio (continued)
Spring Walk Farms, William Wachtel, Big Prairie, Ohio Springhill-OH AW Rachel-ET (9-28-10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000 SIRE: Maple Downs I G W Atwood-ET Consignor: Tim Hochstetler, Millersburg, Ohio
Jaloda Evolve Equate (12-01-10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 SIRE: Wabash-Way Evolve Consignor: Jaloda Farms, James Sheffield,Wellington, Ohio
Mike Garron, Chateugay, New York T-Triple-T Atwood LeAnn (7-17-10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,900 SIRE: Maple-Downs I G W Atwood-ET Consignor: Andy B. Thomas, North Lewisburg, Ohio Acker Dairy Farms LTD, Mark Acker, Sterling, Ohio Four-Henry Shottle Tami (8-20-09) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,600 SIRE: Picston Shottle Consignor: Henry Farms, c/o Mark Henry, West Liberty, Ohio Alan Brown, New Bremen, Ohio Whiteleather Super 1703-ET (9-26-10). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500 SIRE: Charlesdale Superstition Consignor: Whiteleather Holsteins, Minerva, Ohio Drifty-Hollow Hot Heriot-ET (8-05-12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,300 SIRE: Siemers Toy Hero 9701-ET Consignor: Dwight Victor Skidmore, West Mansfield, Ohio Southern-Hills Shrock Blush (1-15-12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,900 SIRE: Ladys-Manor PL Shamrock-ET Consignor: Chad Griffith, Bethel, Ohio
David Bush, Gouverneur, New York Ms Ava Alchemy Aodhan-ET (9-15-12). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500 SIRE: Huntsberger Alchemy-ET Consignor: Angelina Associates Syndicate, c/o John Erbsen, Lanark, Illinois Matthew Steiner, Rittman, Ohio Ri-Val-Re Lad Macy-P-Red (10-20-12) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,250 SIRE: Tiger-Lily Ladd-P-Red Consignor: Julie Jorgensen, Webberville, Michigan Dan Trbovich, Waynesburg, Ohio Budjon-JK Sanchez Endigo-ET (3-01-11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,250 SIRE: Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez Consignor: Budjon Farms & Joel Kietzman, c/o John Cull, Lomira, Wisconsin
Jenny Thomas, Associate Photographer 614-395-9823 cell jennythomas614@yahoo.com
Trio-Acres Dusk Rhianna (10-24-10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,700 SIRE: Scientific SS Dusk-ET Consignor: Trio Farms, Inc. Botkins, Ohio Ballweg Talen Maria (12-01-08) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,700 SIRE: Ladino Park Talent-Imp-ET Consignor: Douglas R. Ballweg, Botkins, Ohio
920-465-3880 • cybilfisher@hotmail.com www.cybilfisher.com
R & P Kiko Family Farms, Ltd. RHA: 212 cows 26,376M 958F 824P
Rusty & Pam, Russell, Randall, Rudy and Ryan (Russell) 28173 Winona Road, Salem, OH 44460 Asst. Herdsman Luke Hilton, 330-853-7944
Home 330-525-0302 Cell 330-853-0401 Fax 330-525-7683
Hats off to Western Ohio for a Successful Sale and a Great Convention. We are honored to receive the Junior Buckeye Breed Builder Award.
Have a safe spring and planting season!
AUCTIONEERS Leading the Auction Industry since 1945 Russ Kiko Associates Inc. 2805 Fulton Drive NW, Canton, OH 44718
www.kikoauctions.com Randall L. Kiko Res: 330-222-2220 Cell: 330-831-0174 Ext. 158
Russell T. (Rusty) Kiko, Jr. Res: 330-525-7420 Cell: 330-495-0923 Ext. 115
Rudy W. Kiko 330-540-2416 Ext. 117
Check out the Kiko Auction Website for upcoming auctions. 20 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
Available at
Your 3URÀWDELOLW\ is Our Goal. Featured Product: Cargill® Northeast Show Calf Have your calves looking their best with our Northeast Show Calf feed, a 40% protein, pelleted feed, formulated with amino acids and vitamin B, as well as selenium yeast for greater selenium retention and sulfate based trace minerals for high bio-availability. It is also medicated with Lasalocid 54.6 grams/ton as well as a combination of rumen degradable and undegradable protein sources to promote bovine health. Contact your local Cargill Dairy Focus Consultant today to learn about the programs and technologies we offer to help manage ingredients, input pricing and risk, control costs of rations, analyze diets and understand whole farm economics. Michele Burky: 419-651-2081 | Michele_Burky@cargill.com Ryan Aberle: 330-464-1951 | Ryan_Aberle@Cargill.com Bob Hostetler: 614-937-5356 | Bob_Hostetler@cargill.com Doug Hering: 314-282-0044 | Doug_Hering@cargill.com ©2012 Cargill, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013 | 21
84820 p22 TenPen.ConvPix 4c 4/4/13 9:24 AM Page 1
More Convention Award Winners! Convention Winners – continued from page 11
A “GOLD CHIP” for the Spring Sale Wooster OH 4/20/13 -Potential Project - Fall Calf for 2013 -Solid Genomic Values -Granddaughter of Goldie EX-92 2E!
Ohio Holstein
OHIO DISTINGUISHED JUNIOR MEMBERS From left: Louis Liming, Allison Mangun
Way to Go! Ri-Val-Re Abe Goldie-ET EX-92 2E 10th generation EX-VG 4-08 2 365 43040 3.9 1683 2.9 1236 LIFE 1444 129360 3.8 4892 3.0 3838
OHIO JUNIOR HOLSTEIN PRODUCTION From left: Louis Liming, Aaron Berg (accepting for his brother Collin Berg)
Ten-Penny Golden Chip
B: 9/25/12 +1891G +2.78T +2.40UDC +2.37FLC Sire: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET 2142G Dam: Ten-Penny JS Golden-ET GP-83 2-01 3 365 29160 3.5 1017 3.2 927 Dam’s Full Sibs: Ten-Penny JS Gilder-ET VG-85 2-01 3 365 31850 3.6 1133 3.2 1021 Ten-Penny JS Goalie-ET EX-90 7HO10493 +1765G +1406M +39F +30P +309$NM
OHIO FALL SALE TOP SELLER — FAMILY PRO MILLY 158 From left: Cathy Berg, Don Alexander
Ten-Penny Holsteins The “Little Spike Farm”
Peter & Jean Spike 4380 Byers Road, Delaware, OH 43015 Ph: 740-363-2184 E-mail: spikeptr@aol.com
22 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
2012 PROGRESSIVE BREEDERS REGISTRY AWARDS Front, from left: Paul Haskins, Lamar Liming Back, from left: Cathy Berg, John Lora
• #1 Type Bull! (+4.70 PTAT) • #1 Feet & Legs Bull! (+4.57 FLC)
Airlift Photo ©Lea McCullough. Source: 12/12. HA/USDA Genomic.
• From the well-known Canyon-Breeze Abigail family!
Dam: Canyon-Breeze S Auburn-ET EX-90, Dam of Merit
OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013 | 23
84820 p24 BeachWeav.ComBlend 4/3/13 4:20 PM Page 1
Looking to add COLOR to your herd? LOOK FOR:
Beach-Vale Talent Melanie-Red VG-87 Selling at the OHIO SPRING SALE April 20 at Wooster 3-09 324 D 20, 920M 3.6% 751F 33.3% 695P Fresh again March 6, 2013 She will be rescored before the sale. Melanie-Red is housed at
Beach-Vale Jacob Beachy, Jr. 5580 SR 557, Millersburg, OH 44654 jjbeachy@embarqmail.com Ph. 330-674-5854, Cell 330-231-1550
24 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
Weaverhof Holsteins John Mark and Lisa Weaver Derek, Julie, Abby and Austin 8257 CR 235, Fredericksburg, OH 44627 Ph. 330-674-2069
84820 p25.27 SpringSale 4/3/13 4:20 PM Page 1
2013 Ohio Holstein Spring Sale Saturday, April 20, 2013, 11:00 a.m. Wayne County Fairgrounds, Coliseum Building, Wooster, Ohio
— Dam —
— Dam —
— Selling —
Pine-Tree Mitten Shellie-ET VG-88 SELLING: Pine-Tree Planet Shelley-ET VG-85 +2023G; Fresh 1-01-13 125 lbs./day SCS 1, with 1-11 365D 30,841M 3.2% 946F 3.0% — Pine Tree 900P.
Brookview-E Moviestar-ET VG-86 +2123G SELLING: MS Moviestar Cascade Mom-ET +2138G, born 11-21-12; Sire: Bomaz Altacascade-ET. ALSO SELLING: +1966G Epic X Moviestar X EX-90 Carters-Corner Shot Melody DOM. — Pine Tree
Beach-Vale Talt Melanie-Red VG-87 “Sells Fresh & Fancy” 3-09 305D 20,161M 705F 664P; Dam VG-86 Comestar Leader, 2nd Dam EX-94 4E at 12-09, 3rd Dam EX94 DOM, 4th Dam EX-93, 5th Dam EX-90. — Jacob Beachy, Jr.
—Dam —
— Maternal Sister —
— 2nd Dam —
Trealayne Rudy Lucille Too VG-87 SELLING: Her 3-2-11 Freddie, due 5-05 to — Spechts McCutchen
Pine-Tree Diehard Sharla VG-88 SELLING: Pine-Tree 1937 Obser 4796-ET +2145G, Fresh 11-29-12 82 lbs./day March SCS 0; $15,000 contract with Alta with $35,000 bonus. ALSO SELLING: her +2240 11-29-12 daughter by Shamrock, Full brother to the top of March 8 Convention Sale for $36,000 A +2301G Mogul from Sharla — Pine Tree
Ri-Val-Re Abe Goldie-ET EX-92 2E SELLING: 9-25-12 +1891G Gold Chip backed by 11 generations of EX’s + VG’s — Pete Spike
— 3rd Dam —
— 2nd Dam —
— Dam —
Con-River 855 Dundee Cindy VG-88 SELLING: 9-27-12 Goldwyn; Dam: GP-82 Million; 2nd Dam: EX-90 Shottle; 3rd Dam: Pictured; 4th Dam: Ri-Val-Re Finley Carol-ET — Conrad Farms EX-91.
Diamond-Oak Blitz Alison-ET VG-88 DOM SELLING: Her 9-1-12 Hero, goes back to — Idyl Brook EX-96 Bootmaker Mandy
Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET EX-92 3E GMD DOM SELLING : +1952G VG-86 at 2-09 Shottle, Fresh 3-12-13 at 3-02; 2-03 291D 20,408M 3.9% 795F 3.0% 607P. — Trent Neuenschwander OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013 | 25
84820 p25.27 SpringSale 4/3/13 4:16 PM Page 2
— 2013 Ohio Holstein Spring Sale — — Dam —
—Dam of Embryos —
— 2nd Dam —
Pine-Tree Outside Mollie-ET EX-90 DOM SELLING: her 10-22-12 + 2065G Numero — Oseeana Holsteins Uno.
Pine-Tree Outside Melody-ET EX-92 2E DOM SELLING: 5 #1 DT Embryos by Mr. Apples Armani-ET. ALSO SELLING: 5 #1 DT Embryos by Sexed Atwood. ALSO SELLING: Another 5 #1 DT Embryos — Pine Tree by Sexed Atwood.
Hardingdale Derry Ebony EX-91 2E SELLING: Fresh Palermo; Dam VG-88 Advent, 2nd Dam Pictured, 3rd Dam EX-92 Leadoff, 4th Dam EX-92 Starbuck. — Jared Harding
— 2nd Dam —
— Dam —
— 3rd Dam —
Mors Durham Buckleader Kate EX-94 3E SELLING: Fancy Red 4-Year-Old for 2013. — Morlock Farms
— 2nd Dam —
Carrousel Talnt Rily-ET VG-90 at 2-08 All-American R&W Senior 2-Year-Old 2007 SELLING: 4-11-12 Red (Willsbro Larson-ET); Dam by Advent and topped the 2012 Ohio Summer Sale. ALSO SELLING: 6-1-12 Red (Hollandya Charger-Red); Dam VG-86 Advent, 2nd Dam Pictured, 3rd Dam EX-94 3E Renita Ranger: All-American 4 times and 2-time Champion — Starmark at Madison.
26 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
Sellcrest No Rachel EX-94 SELLING: Colt-P-Red Calf for 2013; Dam — Idyl Brook NC, then 7 EX dams.
Rosedale-L SS Rose-Red-ET VG-88 SELLING: Her Fancy 12-08-10 Destry, due 4-07-13 to Rainyridge Perseus (RC); 2nd Dam Lavender Ruby Redrose-Red EX-96 4E, 3rd Dam EX-90, 4th Dam EX-93 DOM, 5th Dam Black Rose EX-96 GMD DOM, 6th — Starmark Dam EX-93 DOM.
— 3rd Dam —
— 3rd Dam —
Ja-Bob Phideaux Hanna Red-ET EX-90 DOM SELLING: a 12-05-12 Red, Polled & Fancy Venture Proxy PP-Red-ET; Dam GP-83 at 206 Hardrock-Red,, 2nd Dam VG-89 Tribute, 3rd Dam Pictured, 4th Dam EX-91, 5th Dam EX-90 DOM, 6th Dam EX-92 Heavenly Joy, 7th Dam EX-92 Helen. — Mark Yeazel
Rising-Sun Elance Itsie EX-90 SELLING: A Fancy Alexander due to Gold Chris 4-28-13; Dam GP-83 Shottle at 3-09, 2nd Dam VG-87 Mr. Sam, then 8 EX Dams back to EX-97 5E Felicia May. — Ted Renner
84820 p25.27 SpringSale 4/3/13 4:17 PM Page 3
—T hink Spring!— — Dam —
— 2nd Dam —
— Dam —
K-Rae-K Durham Hottie EX-93 2E SELLING: Fresh Laurin; Dam VG-86 — Kurt Topp Goldwyn.
— Dam — Vital-I Integrity Anastasia EX-95 2E SELLING: her Fresh Jeeves and her 1-09-13 Richmond-FDTD Barbell-ET; Milking 122 lbs./day, 2nd Dam EX-96 Lincoln Bonnie GMD DOM, 3rd Dam EX-90. — Aaron Steiner
Morningview Shtle Madilyn EX-94 GMD DOM SELLING: her Fresh Super milking 90 lbs./day, 2nd Dam EX-92 2E GMD, 3rd Dam VG-87, 4th Dam EX-91 GMD DOM, 5th Dam EX-95 GMD DOM Lead Mae. — Matthew J. Steiner
— 3rd Dam —
— Dam — Brookview Domain Massage-ET SELLING: her September Zelgadis daughter, from the same cow family as Pine-Tree Sid. — R. & S. Lingle & E. Havens
— Also Selling — Linden-Loch Stormatic Penny EX-92 SELLING: 10-19-12 + 2074G Regancrest Paradise-ET; Dam will be scored in April, 2nd Dam VG-87, 3rd Dam Pictured, 4th Dam EX-92, 5th Dam EX-95 2E GMD DOM Promis, 6th Dam EX-94 3E Dom Pala. — Aaron Steiner
Pine-Tree Monica Planeta VG-85 DOM +2239G SELLING: 3-5-12 +2177G by RMW Armitage; Dam sold in the 2011 National Convention Sale and has 7 sons in AI, 1 Daughter at +2647G and 975 NM. ALSO SELLING from this family: a 6-17-12 Polled +1963G Bull. — Matthew J. Steiner
T hink Spring!
1375 Heyl Road, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, Ohio 44691 330-264-9088, fax 330-263-1653, oholstein@embarqmail.com www.oholstein.com
Sale Phones: Don 304-376-1788, Ken 330-464-4134, Barb 330-407-4992 Auctioneer: Steve Andrews, 330-465-8498 • Pedigrees: Ted Renner, 330-466-196 Cattle Preparation: Steven Jordan, 330-749-7089 • Night Crew: District 7 Holstein Club — Sales Staff — Don Alexander, 304-376-1788 Paul Haskins, 419-618-4028 Ken Brown, 330-465-0582 Ken Janes, 330-464-4134 Randall Kiko, 330-831-0174 Russell Kiko, 330-853-0401 Barb Lumley, 330-739-2038 Trucking: Eileen Lehman, 330-855-7004, cell 330-465-5398 HA-USA Regional Representative: Glenn Sageser, 502-321-8670
Wesley Johnson: 4 Fancy Heifers to show. Morlocks: Red Spring Yearling for 2013 from the Roxys. Kyle Graber: Spring Yearling by Dempsey. Dan Schlabach: September 2012 Milllion. Wayne Weaver: Fresh Captain milking over 100 lbs./day. Cedar Wood: Fresh Dusk. Spechts: September Larcrest Cancun and a Fresh Atwood. Springhill: 3-01-13 Dempsey for the shows, dam VG86 then 6 EX dams; also 5 more Fresh 2-Year-Olds. Mill-Stone: 3 Fresh GP-80-82 & 84 Cows all milking 92-100 lbs./day. Dovin Dairy: 2 Really Good Young Cows by Shot Al and Spearmint. Pine Tree: Also sending a Fresh GP-83 Jeeves +1914G and a Fresh Hayden +1945G, milking 126 lbs./day with a 0 SCS. Clay Hershberger: Final Cut due back in August to Aftershock. McDonnells: Fresh 2-Year-Old by Landen-Red with 5 VG or EX dams. Beware: Powerful Fancy Sanchez VG-85 with 123 lbs. in Feb., plus a Fancy 9-01-2012 Large and a Fresh Damion. Mileys: Big, Straight, Fancy Atwood due 5-1 to Lauthority. Levi Hershberger: Pontiac Fresh in February, dam VG-87 Pronto X EX-91 2E Durham. Roy Raber: Fresh Alexander from a VG-86 Air Magna — Nice! Duncans: Picolo from an EX-90 Reckless due in May, plus a VG-85 Blitz and a Fresh VG-86 Progress. Golden Briar Farms: Fresh Atwood, Jasper dam, second dam VG-88 Rubens. Raygor Farms: Milking Talent from a GP-83 Bolton, bred to Wabash-Way Explode. OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013 | 27
84820 p28 Don.Lowe.Curry.ads 4/3/13 4:22 PM Page 1
General Manager’s Views — by Don Alexander
Association has done this several times, and they have had really good participation; getting through the Canadian border has been trouble-free. I have had the opportunity to go to the Royal several times, and the last few years there have been several people from Ohio who have made the trip and watched one of the greatest cow shows in the world. Our next board meeting will be April 26. Let me or your director know if you’re interested, so we can start making plans right away. I hope to see everyone in Wooster for the Ohio Spring Sale on the April 20. Take care, Don
Ohio Holstein Website:
FARM & COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS Back on the 15th of February, I had the opportunity to assist Maggie Murphy and her team in photographing No-Fla Michelin Farah-25731 EX-90, who was First Four-Year-Old and Grand and Supreme Champion of the 2013 Florida State Fair. Farah is owned by North Florida Holsteins of Bell, Florida, and Don Bennink mentioned that she was 300 days in milk and due back in May at the time of the show. Her sire is the Accelerated bull, Wesswood-HC Michelin (Wes), the Dutch Boy son of the famous Rudy Missy from Pine Tree Dairy in Rittman, Ohio. Her dam is a Good Plus Buckaneer, and her grandam is a VG Garter.
I’m writing this column at the same time Spring Dairy Expo is in full swing. The cattle for the sales and shows look great, and I expected nothing less at Columbus. With a successful Annual Meeting and Convention Sale on March 8, a huge thanks goes to the people from western Ohio. A few people that I would like to personally thank would be Jenny, Chris, Eric, Mary Lou, Diane, Pete, and of course, the Warden (Barb) for all their efforts. I would also like to thank the consignors, the sale crew, the contenders and certainly the buyers for your continued support to the Ohio Holstein Association. On April 20 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Wooster, Ohio, will be the Ohio Spring Sale with 70 head of cattle, including animals with very large contracts and several heifers for 4-H projects, including some really fancy Red ones. Take a look at the Spring Sale ad in this issue, and mark your calendar for 11:00 a.m. on that Saturday. The Building Committee made the decision to replace some of the light fixtures and the bulbs at the office, and what a difference that has made! One particular day in March, we had five individuals here from Turkey, Esther and her daughter Karen, Diana working in her office, along with Ken Janes and myself meeting with the Turks. On occasion, this place can be very active, and what a beautiful building the Association has to do business. The National Holstein Association Annual Meeting in Indianapolis this year is an easy trip for most of the people in Ohio, and if you’ve never attended the Convention or the Convention Sale, it’s a great event and a worthwhile trip. On that note, there has been discussion at Board meetings of the possibility of putting a tour together for our members or guests, and I would like your feedback on organizing a bus trip to The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto, Canada, this November. The New York 28 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
Curry Lumber & Pole Building Co’s. SINCE 1853
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84820 p29 ADA 4/3/13 4:36 PM Page 1
OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013 | 29
84820 p30 districts.IdylBrook 4/3/13 4:18 PM Page 1
From the Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The 2013 Officers and Program Work reports are due in the office. Here is a summary of reports received before the annual meeting. This is a way to share information on district officers and activities throughout the state and to encourage other districts to share their information. DISTRICT 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State Vice-President Randall Kiko State Director Adam Whiteleather President Robert Hippely Vice-President Steve Shoemaker Secretary Kathy Whiteleather Johnson Treasurer Kathy Whiteleather Johnson Membership Chairman John Lora News Reporter Betty Whiteleather Sales Chairman Doug Dye Show Chairman Nevin L’Amoreaux Youth Chairman Steve Moff Youth Rep Lindsay L’Amoreaux Activities Held in 2012 — Jan. 28 Annual Meeting and Hoard’s Dairyman Judging Contest at Beloit, South Grange Feb. 11 NEO District Show Meeting at Perkins Restaurant July 18 Fitting and Showing, Shoemaker Dairy, 20 Youth July 21 NEO District Show and Showmanship at Canfield Fairgrounds July 22 Show Cleanup, Discussion, Pizza Party
Activities Planned for 2013 — Jan 19 Annual Meeting and Hoard’s Dairyman Judging Contest at Damascus Friends Church Feb. NEO District Show Meeting June 29 NEO District Show and Showmanship DISTRICT 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State President Dallas Rynd State Director Greg Conrad President Adam Gross Vice-President Allison Gross Secretary Judy Wolford Treasurer Dallas Rynd Show Chairmen Dallas Rynd and Dick Lewis Activities Held in 2012 — Mar. 10 Annual Meeting at Circleville June 25 District Show at Circleville Activities Planned for 2013 — Feb. 16 Annual Meeting at Circleville June 17 District Show at Circleville DISTRICT 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State Director Ryan Welch President Dave Conrad Vice-President Dave Cornish Secretary Patrick Twining Treasurer Lisa Kerr Show Chairman Ray Twining Youth Chairman Daren Sheffield Activities Held in 2012 — Jan. Annual Meeting at Huntington Grange Mar. 16 Hosted State Convention Sale at
Richland Co. Fairgrounds Mar. 17 Hosted State Annual Meeting at Bellville Aug. 21 District 8 Show at Wellington, Lorain Co. Fair Activities Planned for 2013 — Jan. 18 Annual Meeting at Huntington Grange July Barn Meeting Aug. 20 District 8 Show at Lorain Co. Fair DISTRICT 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State Director Kristy Ackley President Dwight Skidmore Vice-President Jay Ackley Secretary Nancy McGuire Treasurer Kristy Ackley Membership Chairman Nick McGuire News Reporter Nancy McGuire Show Chairman Kristy Ackley Youth Rep Ella Jackson Activities Held in 2012 — Jan. 24 District Annual Meeting July 12 District 11 Show at Logan Co. Fair July 12 District Showmanship Contest, Peewee and Junior, 15 participants July 12 Juniors’ Pizza Party Activities Planned for 2013 — Jan. 14 Annual Meeting July 13 District Show at Logan Co. Fair July 13 District Showmanship Contest July 13 Juniors’ Pizza Party DISTRICT 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . State Director Don Bickel President Curt Heger Districts – continued on page 38
RI-VAL-RE SSONIC RAPTURE-ET Purchased at the Ohio Convention Sale w w w HIGH-GENOMIC HEIFER w w w Over 100# CFP P9 9K GTPI +2287G
Ohio Spring Sale, Wooster, Ohio
A September 1, 2012 HERO From Diamond-Oak Blitz Alison VG-88 w w w ALSO w w w
A “RED” September 1, 2012 Colt X Absolute Pine-Tree Outside Mollie EX-90 w Flush Update w 17 Good PREDESTINE 3/18/13
From the Sellcrest No Rachel-Red Family Sellcrest No Rachel-Red 3E-94 is pictured at right.
6860 Snoddy Road, Shreve, OH 44676 Kevin & Kristy Spreng: 419‐651‐5198, cell or kspreng11@gmail.com, email Paul & Joann Weber: 419‐651‐4302, cell 30 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
84820 p31 OakfieldCorners 4c 4/3/13 2:42 PM Page 1
The Spring Sensation Sale OAKFIELD, NY – MAY 18, 2013
OCD Man-O-Man Fantom-ET VG-86-VV+VV at 2-04 +2197GTPI
Miss Elegant Delight-ET VG-88-VV++E-DOM (2 yrs) +2008GTPI
Lars-Acres Felices Fame-ET EX-90-VEVVE-DOM (2nd lact.) +2174GTPI
1-10 3X 174D 14,480 4.0% 586 3.1% 445 (in prog.) Her +2401GTPI Mogul sells, born July 2012. Next dam is EX-90 Shottle Forgive, then 7 VG and EX dams.
2-02 3X 305 27,850 3.4% 958 2.9% 803 Brood cow extraordinaire…a special group of Delight’s high GTPI daughters sell, as well as heifers from her daughter, EX-91 Planet Danica.
4-03 3X 74D 8,050 4.2% 340 3.3% 262 (in prog.) Fame is making the high GTPI calves that everyone wants. Offering her high GTPI Magnus, McCutchen and Mogul daughters. Next 7 dams are VG or EX.
Danville-ML Margaux-ET EX-94-EEEEE
Stony-Pillar Sharmaine-RED 2E-94-EEEEE
3-07 2X 365 31,500 4.1% 1,277 3.2% 1,012 Margaux is making super-fancy show daughters, and her September 2012 Goldwyn calf could be yours. Next 7 dams are EX.
7-00 2X 210D 17,620 3.9% 681 2.9% 513 (in prog.) A selection of Sharmaine’s daughters sells, including red heifers by Alchemy, Redburst and Fantasy, and *RC Goldwyn daughters. Next 4 dams are VG.
Lylehaven Loryssa-ET EX-90-EVEEV (2nd lact.)
Cowtown Durham Luella-ET EX-94-EEEEE (3rd lact.)
Markwell Durham Dawn-ET 2E-94-EEEEE
Miss Dundee Savannah-ET EX-91-EEEVE
4-08 2X 365 29,970 3.2% 959 3.3% 988 December 2012 Bradnick from Dawn sells. Next dam is 4E-92 Luke Rapture, then 3E-95 Raven.
4-09 2X 317 36,060 3.2% 1,144 3.2% 1,161 Savannah’s VG-87 2-yr-old Pronto sells, recently fresh in her 2nd lactation and looking to score higher. Also selling the Pronto’s December 2012 Fever. Savannah’s dam is former RAWF Grand Champion, Despointes James Sydney.
5-06 2X 221D 19,980 4.0% 792 3.1% 616 (in prog.) Luella’s sweet September 2012 Goldwyn and Sid daughters sell. Luella’s dam is Expo’s Supreme Champion 3E-95 Skybuck Lucy.
Jonathan & Alicia Lamb Oakfield Corners Dairy/Lamb Farms, Inc. 6880 Albion Road, Oakfield, NY 14125 Cell: 585-704-2501 • Fax: 585-343-4266 Email: JonathanL@lambfarmsinc.net • www.oakfieldcornersdairy.com
4-06 3X 311D 24,860 3.9% 959 3.1% 777 (in prog.) Watch for Loryssa’s stylish September 2012 Goldwyn and Atwood calves. Next dam is 3E-94 Lassie, then 5E-94 Lili.
Follow us on Facebook (Oakfield Corners Dairy) and Twitter (@OakfieldCorners) for the latest information. OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013 | 31
84820 p32 Zimmer.NewPitt 4/3/13 3:49 PM Page 1
Introducing OUR
Ruby Family
Polled Red Carrier Genomics
Ri-Val-Re Domain Ruby P-ET (Polled and Red Carrier)
Waiting to be scored
Fresh 7-10-12 at 1-11 234D 20,421M 3.46% 707F 2.92% 596P +1815 GTPI Ruby’s Daughter SSI Mogul Lyla Polled and +2337 GTPI +629 NM +1091M now tested as a Red Carrier +43F +37P +3.72T +3 83 UC DOB 7-10-12 +4.5 PL 2.77 SCC 5 CE 2 Years PGH Award
Zimmerview Dairy
Paul, Brent and Dean Zimmer 700 Zimmer Road, Marietta, OH 45750 • 740-374-7299 Ph. • 740-374-6288 Fax
32 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
84820 p33.34 women.Davis.CoMx.ads_Layout 1 4/3/13 4:09 PM Page 2
The Queen’s Corner by Cayla Inkrott
From left: Adrian, Beverly, Queen Cayla and David Inkrott
Hi, fellow dairymen and women! I am pleased and honored to be your 2013 Ohio Holstein Queen and representing such an amazing industry. I am eager to be traveling all over Ohio to fairs, district shows, sales and expos and meeting many new people. I would like to thank my family and everyone else who has supported in my journey to becoming the 2013 Ohio Holstein Queen. As you may know, my name is Cayla Inkrott, daughter of David and Beverly Inkrott. I also have an older sister, Adrian, and two younger brothers, Josh and Ralph. I grew up on a small Holstein family dairy farm in Leipsic, Ohio, milking about 100 cows. I was involved in 4-H for nine years showing horses, and I showed dairy feeders in high
school through FFA. I absolutely love being on the farm, outside and with the cows. I truly enjoy Holstein cows, and I hope to have them in my life forever. I attend The Ohio State University majoring in Animal Science (Animal Bioscience Specialization). I hope to one day attend Ohio State’s veterinary school and become a dairy cow veterinarian. I am involved in The CFAES Banquet Committee and also the Buckeye Dairy Club, where I will serve as Scarlet and Gray Ag Dairy chairman next school year. I absolutely love Ohio State and am proud to call it my second home. I am very excited to hear when fairs, shows, sales and events are. Please feel free to contact me at any time. My cell phone number is 419-969-4915, and my e-mail address is inkrott.25@buckeyemail.osu.edu. I look forward to seeing everyone at the Spring Expo!
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“As a farmer myself, I understand the risks you face every day on your farming operation.” OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013 | 33
84820 p33.34 women.Davis.CoMx.ads_Layout 1 4/3/13 4:12 PM Page 3
Ohio Holstein Women’s Annual Meeting March 9, 2013, Sidney Inn, Sidney, Ohio President Kathy Johnson called the meeting to order. She had those present introduce themselves to the group and introduced the officers and the 2013 Ohio Holstein queen, Cayla Inkrott. Runner-up was Allison Mangun. Minutes were approved as read. Lisa Mangun, treasurer, reported ending balance of $6,297.09. Comment: Julie Renner had purchased flowers for the fall sale ring and then planted them at the Ohio Holstein office in Wooster. Treasurer’s report was approved. REPORTS FROM COMMITTEES: Scholarships — There were 10 applicants this year. Julie Renner emails information to anyone who might be interested in applying with an email application going to OSU-ATI, main campus OSU and Wilmington College, as well as on the Ohio Holstein Association website. Julie suggested the scholarship recipients could be chosen earlier than the day of the convention, if someone wanted to get them from the Holstein office and read and judge them, and the recipients could know in order to attend the convention. There were various discussions. Laurie Menzie made a motion that Sara Twining and Becci Hartline look over the scholarship application and revise it to include membership of the Junior Holstein Association or the Ohio Holstein Association. Katie Lora seconded the motion. The motion was passed. Revision should be sent to President Kathy, who will get it out to those in attendance at this meeting for approval. Queen Committee — Laurie Menzie reported four contestants and encouraged them to run again next year. Committees were not complete as of the meeting. Katie Lora will probably be the chairman of the queen committee, with Jacquelyn Sherry, 2012 queen, going on the committee.
34 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
Ohio State ATI Makes $en$e! Fi een reasons to start your dairy educa on at Ohio State ATI! • Save approximately $3000 in in-state tuiƟon and $2400 in on-campus room and board per year over Columbus campus. • Experience a smaller, friendly, career-focused campus with a 17:1 student to faculty raƟo. • Learn in smaller classes: for example, 40 to 60 students at Ohio State ATI compared to as many as 500 on the Columbus campus for introductory biology. • Earn an Associate of Science (A.S.) degree in Dairy Science that can lead directly to industry employment or seamlessly transfer to the Columbus campus in the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) Animal Sciences major. • Learn in quality dairy-specific courses that emphasize industry applicaƟons starƟng the first semester of enrollment. • Enhance pracƟcal learning through lab classes at Ohio State ATI’s 1800-acre farm laboratory with a 125-cow, naƟonally recognized, registered Holstein, Jersey and Brown Swiss dairy herd. • Complete over 50% of the Animal Sciences B.S. requirements while earning the A.S. degree. • Opportunity to complete all but one general educaƟon requirement and selected minors for the B.S. degree. • With proper planning and academic preparaƟon, earn a B.S. degree by compleƟng three years at Ohio State ATI and one year at the Columbus campus. • Improve student success through excellent professional and peer tutoring, study groups, math and wriƟng labs, and disability services coordinated by Ohio State ATI’s Student Success Services. • Develop industry knowledge, skills and applicaƟons through supervised experiences at the Ohio State ATI Dairy. • Receive twice the experience in intercollegiate dairy caƩle judging, Dairy Challenge teams and dairy clubs at both Ohio State ATI and on the Columbus campus. • Obtain addiƟonal experience and $ through part-Ɵme employment on dairy farms in the largest dairy region in Ohio (Wayne and surrounding counƟes). • Easily visit and learn from industry professionals and study tours to dairy farms and dairy agribusinesses in class and extracurricular acƟviƟes. • Combine the excellence of Ohio State ATI’s dairy programs with Animal Sciences at the Columbus campus into “The Best of Both Worlds.”
Our Dairy Science and Produc on/Management programs offer technology that works for life.
Call for a personal campus visit or to a end the next Ohio State ATI Visita on Day. Ohio State ATI 1328 Dover Road Wooster, OH 44691 330-287-1331 www.ati.osu.edu
Contact: Royce Thornton Dairy Programs Coordinator 330-287-1373 thornton.5@osu.edu OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013 | 35
84820 p36.38 Jrs.Awards.Sch_Layout 1 4/3/13 4:10 PM Page 1
by Cheri Oechsle and Matt Lawson, Advisors
The Ohio Juniors enjoyed a fun-filled annual meeting weekend in Sidney recently. For those who could make it to the sale, the day was spent leading sale cattle, working the lunch stand with the Shelby County Dairy Boosters and selling raffle tickets, all before heading back to the hotel for the Queen contest.
The Juniors would like to offer a huge thank you to Select Sires and Louis Brown of New Bremen for consigning and purchasing the donated heifer that benefitted both the Ohio Junior Association and the Logan Krebehenne Memorial Fund. After the Queen contest, 25 or more youth of all ages enjoyed pizza, snacks and getting to know each other with video games of Just Dance! and Wii Bowling. For some pictures and video of the fun, check out the Ohio Junior Holstein Association Facebook page! Saturday morning started out bright and early for a few contest applicants as the Memorial Award and DJM interviews got underway. Twenty youth attended the Junior meeting and decided it was time to shake things up. The Juniors voted to make an organizational change. The association was reorganized to consist of a board of directors that is comprised of older youth who can either drive or have parents willing to assist them with transportation. Requirements for board of directors includes attending district shows to encourage activities and Junior participation, planning and executing Junior events and being role models for younger members. Eight youth
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36 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
were named to this year’s new board of directors along with the Ohio Holstein Queen. These nine youth have committed to working on activities and active membership within their areas. An organizational meeting Johnnie Johnson, Allison Jaynes and Allison Mangun served at the food stand at the Convention Sale. to elect officers will be held at a meeting at Spring Dairy Expo, prior to the regular Junior meeting. Members of the new Junior Board of Directors are Allison Janes, Allison Mangun, Anna Miley, Johnnie Johnson, Louis Liming, Jake Dovin, Morgan McDonnell, Matt Oechsle and Cayla Inkrott. The Juniors have also issued a challenge to their membership to design a logo for the Junior Association. A procedural change will be instituted this next year to submit a list of judges, along with bios, to Junior members at the State Fair meeting. Participation and attendance at this meeting will be required for all Juniors to be able to help select the judge for the 2014 State Fair Junior Show. Juniors were asked to bring their calendar to the Spring Dairy Expo meeting to try and schedule a day in June for a fun day. The Juniors at the meeting selected a day at the zoo and waterpark in Columbus as their activity. The OJHA will pay all entrance fees to both the zoo and waterpark for Ohio Junior Holstein members. Junior members will only have their meal costs and incidentals to cover. These fees are covered by the funds raised through the raffle sales, lunch stands and Junior auction/donation items. Watch for future information through emails, Facebook, the Ohio Holstein Association website and postcards for more about this fun day. National Convention was discussed and deadlines given along with encouragement for all to attend due to its close proximity this year. After this very productive meeting, the Juniors joined the adults for the Junior Awards luncheon. During this luncheon the Juniors pulled the raffle winners and auctioned off two more donated items, an Ideal Model cow donated by Ms. Ruth Elzroth in memory of Jim Elzroth and 10 Horace Backus books donated by Ken and Barb Schroer. Then the award winners were named, with Junior member Mikayla Conrad taking home the scholarship for the Ohio Memorial Award. Outstanding Youth Awards were given to Allison Mangun and Louis Liming. (For more about them, see the next page.) After production awards were given to Colin Berg and Louis Liming and the adult awards and AllOhio and Junior All-Ohios were given, the Juniors said their good-byes knowing that, in just three short weeks, they’ll all be together again at the Spring Dairy Expo. If you missed this fun-filled weekend and wish to know how you can be more involved, contact one of us or a Junior Board of Directors member to make sure we have your email, your phone number and your address: Cheri at 419-605-2838 or jacherholsteins@gmail.com, or Matt at 937-538-7110 or mlawson@beckshybrids.com.
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OHIO MEMORIAL AWARD The Ohio Memorial Award recognizes an Ohio Junior Holstein Member who exemplifies exceptional leadership, participation and dedication in the Holstein and dairy industries. It was established in honor of Holstein youth and members who lost their lives at an early age. The winner receives a $500 cash scholarship. There were three Ohio Junior Holstein members who filled out the application and interviewed with this year’s judges, Gregg and Shelley Hardy of Hardy Holsteins, Tipton, Michigan, and Bernie Heisner, General Manager of COBA, Columbus, Ohio, at the annual meeting in Sidney. This year’s Memorial Award winner is MIKAYLA CONRAD of New Holland. She is the 19-year-old daughter of Greg and Judy Conrad of Conrad Farms in District 5. A sophomore at Wilmington College, she is an Honors member and involved with the Aggies Agricultural Club, Delta Theta Sigma Fraternity, Relay for Life Committee and Our Father’s Kitchen, Sugartree Ministries, as well as a member of the Collegiate 4-H team. In high school she was involved in numerous music programs, choirs, drama and swing choir along with FFA and varsity athletics. Her leadership involvement includes offices in 4-H, FFA, school and as the 2011 Ohio Holstein Queen. She is currently a member of both the Ohio Junior Holstein Association and Ohio Junior Ayrshire Club. She plans to utilize her double major of communications and animal science to positively influence the dairy industry through marketing and public relations. JOHN (Jake) DOVIN is the 17year-old son of John and Jacquei Dovin of Wellington in District 8. A new board member of the Ohio Junior Holstein Association, he is also a Junior member of the Brown Swiss Association. Jake has been active in FFA and 4-H as well as a member of his high school wrestling team, Harvest for America Food Drive and Food For America. He is active in his farm operation helping with the 2,500-cow dairy and 3,500 acres of farm ground. He plans to apply his schooling at OSU/ATI to continue as the fourth generation on his family farm. ANNA MILEY is a freshman at Baldwin Wallace College majoring in Pre-Physical Therapy and Exercise Science and a member of the Baldwin Wallace women’s volleyball team. She is the daughter of Joe and Diana Miley, Miley Holsteins in West Salem, District 7. She is a current board member of the Ohio Junior Holstein Association, where she has also served as treasurer and vice president, helped with fundraisers and attended and competed at the National Holstein Junior Convention. A USA Junior Olympic Volleyball referee, she has also coached a Junior Olympic volleyball team. In high school she was a member of the National Honor Society, FFA, volleyball and track teams and active in 4-H.
OHIO DISTINGUISHED JUNIOR MEMBERS Two youth applied for the Ohio Distinguished Junior Member, an award given to outstanding Ohio Junior Holstein Association youth. Winners then work towards applying for the National contest the next year. This year’s Junior members filled out the applications and interviewed with a panel of judges at the annual meeting. The judges, Gregg and Shelley Hardy of Hardy Holsteins, Tipton, Michigan, and Bernie Heisner, General Manager of COBA, Columbus, awarded both applicants the Outstanding Distinguished Junior Member award, citing that both would make excellent candidates for Ohio’s entry for the National Distinguished Junior Member contest next year. The 2013 Outstanding Girl is ALLISON MANGUN, the 17-year-old daughter of Roy and Lisa Mangun of Burbank in District 7. A senior at Norwayne High School, Allison plans to attend OSU/ ATI, where she will pursue a degree in Food Science and Technologies after graduation. An active member of the Ohio Junior Holstein Association, she is a member of this year’s board of directors and has served as president and vice president in the past. She has attended numerous national conventions as a team member of Quiz Bowl and participated in Speech Contest. She is also a member of the Ohio Junior Jersey Cattle Club, where she is a district director and the current state reporter. In high school, she has held leadership positions in FFA, student government and National Honor Society and is the senior class president. She is involved in choir and drama, and is a member of the varsity soccer team. She has traveled to Haiti, Chili and around the U.S. on missions trips with her youth group, and she rings bells each year for the Salvation Army. In both 4-H and FFA, she has been on the judging teams and competed and placed in numerous FFA contests both individually and with teams. An active participant on her home farm, Allison currently owns 48 head of cattle, both homebred and purchased. She helps care for calves from feeding to tagging, vaccinations and dehorning. She also helps maintain records, milk, preparing show cattle and overall animal care. Her future goals include increasing her herd size to 60 head to help offset her college costs. The 2013 Outstanding Boy is LOUIS LIMING, the 17-year-old son of Lamar and Estell Liming of Mineral Ridge in District 1. He is currently a junior at Lordstown High School, where he is a member of the varsity boys basketball and cross country teams, National Honor Society, Student Council, SMASHTeen Driving Program, Key Club and a is cafeteria worker. He is also a Teen Volunteer at the St. Joseph Health Center, involved in his local church and the Assistant Senior Patron Leader of his Boys Scout troop. Also a board member of the Ohio Junior Holstein Association, he has served as treasurer and District Representative for Ohio DJM – continued on page 38
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Northeast Ohio. He has been a member of the Junior Quiz Bowl team at National Holstein Convention and has won several Junior Production Awards and judging contests. He has attended Dairy Palooza for several years and exhibits his cattle at the local and state levels. He is currently the president of his 4-H club and a member of the county 4-H judging team. Louis is the seventh generation to live and work on LouIda Farms. He helps with milking and feeding of the 140head dairy. Calf care, moving cattle between farms and overall cleaning and care are also part of his duties.
National Dairy Shrine Scholarship Applications Due April 15 The National Dairy Shrine is again looking for applications for its annual scholarship program. Applications must be completed by April 15. Official scholarship application award forms are available on the NDS web site, www.dairyshrine.org, under scholarships. The National Dairy Student Recognition Program recognizes and rewards graduating seniors planning a career related to dairy production. There will be a $2,000 cash award given to the winner, a $1,500 reward for second place and three to seven $1,000 cash awards depending on the number and quality of applicants. The National Dairy Shrine/Dairy Management, Inc. (DMI) Milk Marketing Scholarships are available to encourage students to pursue careers in the marketing of dairy products. The winner receives a $1,500 scholarship,
while the other winners receive $1,000 scholarships. Five to eight winners are recognized annually. DMI provides scholarship dollars for these and several other NDS scholarships. The Kildee Scholarships are offered in two categories. Graduate study applicants may include the top 25 AllAmerican contestants in one of the past three National Intercollegiate Dairy Cattle Contests plus the First- and Second-Place teams in the North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge National contests. These students are eligible to apply for two $3,000 scholarships. Undergraduate students may apply in their junior or senior year of college for one $2,000 Kildee Undergraduate scholarship. Applicants for this scholarship must have been one of the top 25 contestants at the National 4-H or FFA Dairy Judging Contests. Two NDS/McCullough scholar-ships of $2,500 and $1,000 are awarded annually to high school seniors intending to enter a four-year college or university and major in Dairy/Animal Science with a Communications emphasis or Agriculture Journalism with a Dairy/Animal Science emphasis. There will be two NDS/Iager Dairy Scholarships awarded in the amount of $1,000 to second-year college students in a two-year agricultural college. This scholarship is sponsored from a fund created by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Iager of Fulton, Maryland. There will be one NDS/Core Dairy Scholarship awarded in the amount of $1,000 to a freshman college student in a four-year agricultural college. This scholarship is sponsored from a fund created in honor of Maurice E. Core longtime industry leader and past Executive Director of National Dairy Shrine. There are four NDS/Klussendorf scholarships given in the amount of $1,500 to students in their first, second or third year at a two- or four-year college or university. Applicants need to major in Dairy or Animal Science with intentions to enter the dairy cattle field. There are three NDS/McKown scholarships given in the amount of $1,500 to students in their first, second or third year at a two- or four-year college or university. Applicants need to major in Dairy or Animal Science with intentions to enter the dairy cattle field. If you would like to apply for any of these scholarships, please visit the NDS website at www.dairyshrine.org to download the applications. If you have any questions, please contact the NDS office at info@dairyshrine.org. Winners of these awards will be announced this summer, with the presentation of awards to be held at the annual NDS awards banquet in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday September 11, 2013. Districts – continued from page 30
Vice-President Chad Griffith Secretary Don Bickel Treasurer Curt Heger Membership Chairman Don Quallen Sale and Show Chairmen Curtis Bickel and Chad Griffith Youth Chairman Cole Heger Youth Rep Cole Heger Activities Held in 2012 — Activities Planned for 2013 — Annual Meeting at Wilmington Annual Meeting at Wilmington District Show at Hamilton District Show Junior District Show at Hamilton Junior District Show 38 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
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HI, EVERYONE. I hope winter went From well for Mike everyone National Director and you are ready for spring. The spring show is just around the corner, and talking to Mr. Jones, sounds like there is a nice number entered. Good luck to all the exhibitors. On Association news, last year we registered 281,500 animals with an average cost of $7.72 per animal, which is $.60 per animal lower than last year. The association had total revenues of $18,046,875 and total expenses of $17,489,754 leaving a profit of $557,121 on HAUSA itself. Currently there are 123 employees on staff, down two from last year. As for so far in 2013, we are running behind on almost all categories by about 3%. Longtime employee of 60 years, Irma Robertson in QC, has decided to step back and retire, and we wish her the best of luck in the future. She will be missed. I want to invite everyone to Indianapolis in July for the National Convention. I am very excited with our preconvention tours and encourage you to take a couple of extra days off to attend. To learn more about the convention, visit the Indiana Holstein Association web site and click on National Convention logo. Well, got to go; hope to see you in Indy. — Indiana Jones
5107 S. Jefferson Road Wooster, OH 44691
330-262-9186 330-465-8498 Steve 330-466-5471 Seth steveandrews@sssnet.com
40 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
Here I am with Daren Sheffield who gave the National Holstein Report at the 2013 Ohio Holstein Association Convention.
Oxygen Barrier System This easy to use patented “impermeable” plastic reduces loss of silage in bunker silos to less than 5% and virtually eliminates surface mold. In combination with protective tarps, the film is protected from bird, rodent, and UV damage. To complete the system, Silostop sandbags are used on the overlaps. It is not necessary to provide weight over the entire surface so tires are effectively eliminated.
Silostop film being laid at US Dairy Forage Research Center
Sterling, Ohio at 1-800-331-2625 Ohio’s only authorized Silostop dealer
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Freestall Barns • Milking Parlors • Sand Separator Lanes Commodity Buildings • Bunk Silos 42 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
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Genomic Technology Ever Evolving to Meet the Needs of Our Members Anyone who has paid attention to Glenn Sageser genomics in the dairy industry over the past several years knows at least one thing — things are constantly changing and improvements are being made almost monthly to the tests available. Holstein Association USA works to keep stride with the evolving technology and provide the most current services available to our members. Following are a few new developments we wanted to highlight:
New Tests Available with Several Additional Tests Bundled Two primary versions of the genomic test are currently available: the GGP-LD 9K SNP Genomic Test ($45) and the new GGP-HD 77K SNP Genomic Test ($125). “GGP” stands for Geneseek® Genomic Profiler™, the official brand name of the test we offer, and “LD” indicates the Low Density test, with “HD” indicating the Higher Density Test. “9K” and “77K” indicate the number of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) evaluated with each test — approximately 9,000 and 77,000, respectively. Both tests now come with several other tests included for the base price. Bundled tests include DUMPS, BLAD, Holstein haplotypes and milk protein indicators, among
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44 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
others. Additionally, tests for other genetic conditions such as coat color, horned/polled, brachyspina and CVM can be added on for reduced fees, with all tests being done from just one DNA sample. This saves time and energy in having to submit several DNA samples with different forms to perform multiple tests on one animal, and there is also a cost savings. Finally, we want to be sure that all are aware — Holstein COMPLETE herds receive a five percent credit on all genomic tests ordered.
Update on Genomic Testing Bulls Holstein Association USA is accepting orders for genomic testing kits for males, with evaluations expected to be available starting with the April 2013 official evaluation. The Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) recently voted to charge a service fee for all animals being genomic tested, but as of the day of this writing (late February 2013) Holstein USA will not be charging any additional fees until defined mechanisms are put into place to account and collect such fees. Holstein USA will continue to charge the same fees for testing any Holstein, male or female. Be sure to visit www.holsteinusa.com for the most upto-date information.
New Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU) Available for Genetic Testing If you are interested in an efficient alternative for collecting DNA samples when genotyping your animals, we are now pleased to offer a Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU), which allows producers to take a punch of tissue from an animal’s ear quickly and easily. The TSU is ideal for dairymen testing a large volume of animals, and takes the place of submitting hair or blood samples. The units are sold in boxes of 10 for $30/box, plus shipping. A special TSU applicator must be used and can be purchased for $50; customers purchasing at least 10 boxes of TSUs in one order will receive a free applicator. For more information on the TSUs, visit www.holsteinusa.com, and click on the red Genomics banner on the homepage to view the recent Holstein Pulse article and to watch a video on how to use the TSU. For more information about your options, or to order genomic testing kits, contact Customer Service at 800.952.5200, or email genomics@holstein.com. Don’t hesitate to call me if you’re interested in learning more about Holstein programs that can help save you time and money, such as Holstein COMPLETE, EASY ID for registrations and official Holstein ear tags. If you would like assistance to answer questions or provide on-farm service, feel free to contact me at 502-321-8670. Julia Nolan Woodruff jwoodruff@agcredit.net
Stacey Dvorak sdvorak@agcredit.net
Doug Fedak WELLINGTON BRANCH 116 West Herrick Avenue Wellington, Ohio 44090 www.agcredit.net
440-647-6611 Ext. 1202 Fax: 440-647-6610
Your Provider of Financial Services for Agribusiness • Land Owners • Home Owners “We put our profits in your pockets!”
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AFTERSHOCK is affecting the industry with waves of excitement. Hundreds of first crop daughters continue to calve across North America and he is the #1 Type bull in Canada. AFTERSHOCK sons like HEZTON and DECLAN provide new options to transmit excellence in both the show string and milking line. Contact your ABS representative today to secure the AFTERSHOCK effect in your herd! Brian Good Randy Kruse Aaron Short Gary Perkins
419-217-0315 419-483-5036 330-614-5098 740-391-1648
Ray Jackson Jonathan Barnes Mark “Buck” Owen Roger Sundberg
937-585-5727 260-307-6126 330-317-7758 330-466-2588
Dam: Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah EX-92 Reserve All-American 4-Year-Old 2011 2nd 4-Year-Old Int’l Holstein Show 2011 HM Senior Champion Int’l Holstein Show 2011 All-American & All-Canadian Senior 2-Year-Old 2009 1st Senior 2-Year-Old & Intermediate Champion Int’l Holstein Show 2009
AFTERSHOCK x Goldwyn Dana Rae x Debutante Rae
Dam: Scientific Gold Dana Rae-ET EX-94 2nd 5-Year-Old International Holstein Show 2012 Full Sister to 94HO13666 DESTRY*RC
AFTERSHOCK SHOTTLE x Durham Atlee x Storm x Skychief Adeen x Starbuck Ada dtr: Stonyway Aftershock Nahana VG-85 8th Junior 2-Year-Old Canadian National Show 2012 5th Junior 2-Year-Old Expo Quebec International 2012 Owned by Deslacs Holstein, Pierre Boulet, and Ferme Fortale Holstein Inc, Victoriaville, PQ, Canada
dtr: Eastriver A Shock Nettie VG-87 8th Senior 2-Year-Old Canadian National Holstein Show 2012 4th Senior 2-Year-Old Expo Quebec International 2012 Owned by Ferme Jacobs, Nelson Eduardo Ziehlsdorff, and Claudio Aragon, Cap Sante, PQ, Canada
THE WORLD LEADER IN BOVINE GENETICS © 2 0 1 3 A B S G l o b a l , I n c . t 1 5 2 5 R i v e r R o a d , D e F o re s t , W I t 1 - 8 0 0 - A B S - S T U D t w w w. a b s g l o b a l . c o m
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— In Memoriam — LEWIS R. THORBAHN, 87, of Vickery, went home peacefully to his heavenly Father on February 2, 2013, at the Willlows in Bellevue. He was born on October 18, 1925, to Fred and Elsie (Hoffman) Thorbahn in Carroll Township, Ottawa County. He attended Carroll Township Elementary and Oak Harbor High School. On November 20, 1948, he married Janet Elaine Brockman at St. John’s Lutheran Church, Fremont. Farming was his lifelong passion. During World War II, he was asked to help farm his father’s farm in Ottawa County. Following the war, he moved to Vickery to help his uncle, Rollin Buhrow, farm. In 1954 they formed a partnership: Buhrow and Thorbahn Dairy Farm. They continued their farming operation together in Townsend and Riley townships, later including Lewis’s sons. In 1960, their new dairy facility was one of the most modern and state-of-the-art, and their dairy herd one of the largest for Sandusky County and Ohio. Their high-producing herd of Registered Holstein cattle became well known, with cattle selling to many breeders in Ohio, across the U.S. and in many foreign countries. Lewis was active in numerous farm organizations; director on Northwestern Cooperative Sales Association, delegate to Milk Marketing, Inc.; member of the Ohio Farmers Union, Sandusky County Farm Bureau, the Maumee Valley Holstein Club, the Ohio Holstein Association; and a lifetime member of Holstein Association, USA. His church was very important to him. He was a charter member of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Vickery, where he was a Church Council member and President, served on the property committee and building committee, ushered and enjoyed playing dartball with the league. An avid card player, he enjoyed his weekly games at the Riley Country Club. For the past 20+ years, he and Janet spent their winters in Fort Meyers, Florida, with all their “Snowbird” friends. A devoted family man, he followed closely his sons’, granddaughters’ and numerous nieces’ and nephews’ high school activities and sports. He loved going to the county fair and was always in the bleachers watching his family and extended family exhibiting their prized Holsteins and other livestock projects at the Sandusky and Ottawa county fairs. He is survived by his wife; sons Tom (Linda), Lewis II and Fred (Sandi), all of Vickery, and Dave (Nancy) of Plain City; granddaughters Stacey (Jeremy) Knapp, Vickery, Sarah (Tyler) McKinnon, Norwalk, Kayleah Thorbahn, Bellevue, Ashley Thorbahn, Columbus, and Jenna and Kelsey Thorbahn, Plain City. Also surviving are his brother
Richard (Ellen), Oak Harbor; sisters Ella Mae Burmeister, Marian (John) Henry and Donna Lou Fizer, all from Oak Harbor, and Helen Miller, Lindsey; sisters-in-law Mona Thorbahn and Ann Thorbahn, Oak Harbor, and Charlotte Brockman, Fredricksburg, Virginia; plus numerous nieces and nephews. Lewis was preceded in death by his parents, brothers Marvin and Willard; in-laws Wilbur and Martha Brockman; brothers-in-law Dale Burmeister, Larry Fizer, Donald Miller and Charles Brockman; along with his niece and goddaughter Rebecca Thorbahn. Memorials may be made to the Good Shepherd Building Fund or Heartland Hospice.
KAREN A. HASTINGS, 71, passed peacefully to heaven Thursday, February, 28, 2013, at her home in Wooster. She was born on April 3, 1941, to Carl and Addie (Dilyard) Zimmerman and married Larry R. Hastings on August 1, 1959. He survives. She graduated from Northwestern High School in 1959 and was an active member of Red Haw United Methodist Church, involved in mission activities and serving on multiple committees and offices. She was a Perry Township clerk for 16 years and worked at the Ohio Holstein Association for 22 years, retiring in 2003. Karen’s favorite ball team was the Red Haw Oilers. She and her husband were owners/operators of Red Haw Oiler Field and spent many summer days running the concession stand. Karen always supported her grandkids’ athletics by attending games and competitions. She enjoyed reading, crafting, sewing and golfing at her home in Lakeland, Florida, where she and Larry lived for nine years. Surviving in addition to her husband are sons Ken (Sarah), Rob (Molly) and Dan, all of Red Haw; grandchildren Stacy (Max) Cox, Ben, Jillian, Brice and Addie Hastings; brothers Larry (Theda) Zimmerman of Wooster and Tom (Sandy) Zimmerman of Midland, Michigan; sister Linda (Larry) Smucker of Lakeland, Florida; and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents. Online condolences may be made at www.fickesfuneralhome.com. In lieu of flowers, the family requests memorial gifts be made to Hospice & Palliative Care of Wayne County, 2525 Back Orrville Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691; or Red Haw United Methodist Church, 1101 County Road 175, Polk, Ohio 44866. (CATHERINE) MYRENE TUGEND, 81, (D-8) died February 28, 2013, at Brethren Care Village in Ashland. She was born February 21, 1932, in Lodi, the daughter of Carl A. and Hazel (Shank) Sprinkle. The In Memoriam – continued on page 48
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— In Memoriam — farm where she was raised had belonged to her maternal grandparents, David E. and Ruth (Breyley) Shank. This farm is now known as Sprinkle’s Serenity and is a part of the Ashland County Park District. She was a 1949 graduate of Sullivan High School. Myrene was a trailblazer for women in agriculture, taking vocational agriculture and being an FFA member when it was a “boys only” organization. She encouraged all youth to expand their horizons and shoot for the stars. She nurtured life in all things: plants, animals and people. Myrene was the 1950 Ohio Holstein Queen and the Ohio Guernsey Queen. She was a member of the Wellington Chapter of the Rainbow Girls. She was employed by Ashland Production Credit Association prior to her marriage to Richard Lee Tugend on January 27, 1952. She and Richard were advisors to Sullivan Boys and Girls 4-H Clubs, and later she advised the all-dairy 4-H Club, The Leadstrap Pack. She served on the Ashland County Extension Advisory Committee and was a member of the Hillsdale Board of Education from 1982 to 1985. Myrene was a farmer and a farmer’s wife. She was proficient in caring for dairy cows and calves and in a variety of fieldwork and chores, in addition to her homemaking duties. Her memberships included Farm Bureau and the Ohio and National Holstein Associations. She was the Ohio Holstein Woman of the Year in 2001 and received the Honorary American Farmer Degree. She served in many capacities at the Hayesville Methodist Church and helped develop its library in 1970. She enjoyed providing altar arrangements and Holy Communion bread at her present church, Jeromesville United Methodist Church. The Tugend Family hosted several exchange students through IFYE (4-H) and WEA (FFA). It was Myrene’s desire to teach others about U.S. agriculture and dairying and to cultivate the sharing of experiences among countries. She was a teacher and an employer, expecting a job well done. Myrene was a supporter of the National Wildlife Federation, Bible-a-Month, HEIFER project and Cal Farley’s Boys Ranch. She was a regular blood donor for the Red Cross until she was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, which she courageously fought for 12 years. Surviving are her son, Jim Tugend of Hayesville, and her daughter, Jeanie Britton of Jeromesville.
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FILLING TANKERS TO THE TOP FRESH AGAIN, SHE DOESN’T STOP Jaloda Marty Darcy-ETS VG-88 Over 300,000 pounds of milk Fresh again at 13 years with her 11th calf 1-09 326D 19,530M 2-09 310D 20,080M 3-09 312D 24,260M 4-09 326D 28,590M 5-09 365D 37,360M 7-00 365D 34,960M 8-05 304D 31,660M 9-05 294D 30,070M 10-04 365D 31,260M 11-06 365D 29,260M 13-01 13D 1,155M Lifetime Now — 301,037M Her Sire — RICECREST MARTY-ET — Her Dam (shown below) — JALODA ELTON DALISE-ET VG-88 DOM
PGH 22 Years PBR 4 Years Ph: 440-775-7147 • Cell: 440-935-6378 Fax: 440-775-7147 • Email: jalodafarm@yahoo.com Jim, Dan and Daren Sheffield 45555 St. Rt. 303 Wellington, OH 44090
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Index ABS Global, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accelerated Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADA Mideast, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ag Credit/Country Mortgages. . . . . . . . Agri Sales & Consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . Andrews, Steve & Seth – Auctioneers . . . Ashland Implement, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Beach-Vale/Weaverhof Holsteins . . . . . . Cargill Animal Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . COBA/Select Sires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commodity Blenders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commodity Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . ComputerMixx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Curry Lumber & Pole Building Co.’s . . . . Davis, Kim R. – Nationwide Insurance . . Embryo Transfer Services . . . . . . . . . . . First National Bank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Garver, Merlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Habrun’s Insurance Service, Inc.. . . . . . . Harold’s Equipment, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . Haudenschild Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Idyl Brook Dairy LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jaloda Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K & M Builders, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keim Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kidron Auction, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kiko Family Farms, Ltd./Kiko Auctioneers . Kliner Maintenance Service . . . . . . . . . . Lehman, Eileen – Livestock Hauling. . . . . Lowe and Young, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meaden & Moore – CPA’s . . . . . . . . . . . Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company . . Midwest Genetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Miley Holstein Farms Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . New Pittsburg Large Animal Clinic . . . . .
46 23 29 44 42 40 12 24 21 52 24 49 34 28 33 .9 43 16 .8 .9 36 30 48 17 42 12 20 44 .6 28 13 38 13 17 32
Oakfield Corners Dairy/Lamb Farms, Inc.. 31 Ohio Holstein Spring Sale . . . . . . . . 25-27 Ohio State University/ Agricultural Technical Institute . . . . . . . 35 Paradise Valley Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Polchin Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Purina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Quietcove Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Renaissance Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Richman Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Shearer Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Silver Creek Dairy LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Spike, Pete & Jean – Vacation Rental . . . 33 Springhill Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Stein-way Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Taurus Service, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Ten-Penny Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Thomas, Jenny – Photographer . . . . . . . 20 Town & Country Co-op Feed . . . . . . . . . 40 U-Dean Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Vaughan, Steve – Nutritional Consultant . 13 W. G. Dairy Supply, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Wenger’s Sharpening Service/previously New Bedford Sharpening. . . . . . . . . . 14 Zimmerview Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 This index is provided as an additional service. Publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions. CONTENT/COPY: The Ohio News has a policy to accept paid advertising unless its content may be construed as defamatory, invasive of the privacy of others, fraudulent, obscene or otherwise unlawful. In submitting copy, the advertiser represents and warrants that its content is truthful, is not defamatory, is not invasive of the privacy of others and is in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. However, the Ohio News reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising or submitted written material at any time.
Coming Events MEETINGS and EVENTS April 13 — District 3 Annual Meeting, United Methodist Church, New Philadelphia, 12:00 noon April 18 – National Holstein Association Judges Conference, Jefferson, Wisconsin April 24 – National Holstein Association Judges Conference, Merced, California July 10-11 – National Holstein Convention, Indianapolis, Indiana
SALES April 20 – Ohio Holstein Spring Sale, Wooster, Ohio May 18 – Oakfield Corners Spring Sensation Fifth Edition August 24 – Ohio Holstein Summer Sale, Wooster, Ohio November – Ohio Holstein/All-Breeds Fall Sale, Wooster, Ohio
SHOWS April 12-15 – New York Spring Dairy Carousel, Syracuse, NY June 15 — District 3 Show June 15 – District 13 Holstein Show, Urbana, Ohio, Judge Pat Conroy June 17 — District 5 Show at Circleville June 29 – Northeast Ohio Districts 1 & 2 Holstein Show and Showmanship, Canfield Farigrounds, Judge Nathan Thomas July 13 – District 7 Holstein Show, Wooster, Ohio, Judge Craig Walton July 13 — District 11 Show and Showmanship at Logan County Fair August 20 — District 8 Show at Wellington
OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013 | 49
84820 p50 Steinway_Layout 1 4/3/13 3:08 PM Page 1
Renovating or Expanding This Spring? Dual Chamber Waterbeds with Ultra Comfort Free Stalls ✔ Reduce bedding costs (DRASTICALLY) ✔ MINIMAL stall maintenance ✔ Eliminate hock abrasions ✔ Increase cow comfort to promote better milk production
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www.steinwayequipment.com 50 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2013
84820 p51 IBC Springhill 4/3/13 3:50 PM Page 1
Spring Sale Opportunities…
LANGACRES BEAUTIFUL HOLLY 3E-94 EEEEE DOM 7-04 365D 32,130M 3.8% 1,208F 3.2% 1,020P 8-09 365D 28,350M 4.8% 1,366F 3.3% 946P
A Special March 2013 DEMPSEY Calf Sells from Our Favorite Line of the Hope Family — THE HOLLY BRANCH! Also heading to Wooster — SEVERAL Exciting Fresh Cows that are freestall and parlor broke and ready to roll. A few even have their March 2013 Heifer Calves Selling!!
pringhill 7109 SR 514 • Big Prairie, OH
Chris Lang • Tom, Karen & Kendra Lang
PH: 330-378-4515 • FAX: 330-378-4390 springhill@embarqmail.com www.holsteinworld.com/springhill