Ohio News, May/June Issue

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photo courtesy of Department of Dairy Science – Jacquelyn Sherry, photographer

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Dick Indoe, 2012 Inductee into the Ohio State University Dairy Science Hall of Service, was congratulated by Dr. Ron Kensinger, Chairman of the Department of Animal Sciences.

A sincere Thank You to the Department of Dairy Science for this honor. Also, thanks to the Ohio Holstein Association, Ohio Farm Bureau, Dave Thorbahn, Select Sires, Leadership Medina and others who supported this nomination. — Dick Indoe and Family 2012 MID-EAST SPRING DAIRY EXPO Junior Champion, Red & White Show

Junior Champion, Black & White Show

Richman Destry Dina R28

Nat124 Encore Shine

Dam: VG-88 Dante with 40,000M 4.1% 1,567F

Dam: VG-88 at 2 years Goldwyn with two Excellent Grandams

~Richman Farms, Inc.~ The Indoe Family • Lodi, Ohio

Visitors Always Welcome

richmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com Dick 330-948-1427 Tom 330-948-1137 Bill 330-948-2259 Tyler 330-416-8891 Jim Morlock, Jr. and Martin “Bud” Yoder Fitting and Showing

83630 p03 ParadiseValley_Layout 1 5/24/12 3:52 PM Page 1

EX-94 X 3 = A Breeder’s Dream

Paradise-R Lewis Stacy EX-94

Paradise-R Drew Stacy EX-94

Paradise-R Hi Metro Serenity EX-94

SIRED BY: Vital-I Durham Lewis ET 7HO7676

SIRED BY: Paradise-R Drew (Integrity Son) Son of Robthom Integrity-ET 7HO4213

SIRED BY: Sikkema-Star-W Hi Metro-ET 7HO5841


Home of the Bell Sears Family Bill, Brian and Michael Ramsey Families 7632 Columbus Road NE • Louisville, OH 44641 • Phone & Fax 330-875-4539

Service Age Bulls for Sale At All Times

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 3

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(USPS 404-600) (ISSN: 0899-4862) Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association

Volume 76

Number 3

MAY-JUNE 2012 Published 5 times per year in January, March, May, September and November at Shreve, OH by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 www.ohioholstein.com dairyagendatoday – Click on Industry Links

PUBLICATION OFFICE — SHREVE, OH Subscription price in the U.S. is $15.00 per year. The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new one. Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertising forms close one month preceding date of issue. Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWS P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653 Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd. Entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Shreve, Ohio 44676. OFFICE STAFF General Manager . . . . . . Don Alexander, cell 304-376-1788 Email: alexanderdon@comcast.net Office Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diana Miley Email: oholstein@embarqmail.com Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Esther Welch Email: ewelch@embarqmail.com


The Board of Directors of the Ohio Holstein Association has adopted the following: “The Mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”


From the President, by Joe Miley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Cooperative Leadership…Guiding COBA/Select Sires . . . . . . . 8-9, 42-43, 46 The Holstein Grapevine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Esther’s Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Ohio News Advertising Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Richard Indoe and Lynn Willett Receive 2012 OSU Dairy Science Hall of Service Award . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 2011 DHIA Top 5% Production Report for Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Ohio Holstein Association 2012-2013 Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 From the Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Alisha Thompson Is Crowned District 3 Holstein Queen, by Barb Lumley . . . 38 2012 Directory of Ohio Holstein Association Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49-70 General Manager’s Views, by Don Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 2012 Mid-East Spring National Show – Results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 2012 Mid-East Spring National Holstein Show Trophy Donors . . . . . . . . . . 82 128 Students, 32 Colleges Participate in 11th Annual Dairy Challenge® . . . 84 Junior Production Award Winners Photo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 BarbWire, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 The Queen’s Corner, by Jacquelyn Sherry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship Recipient. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Ohio Holstein Women’s News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 From Indiana Mike Jones, National Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

President . . . . Joe Miley, West Salem. . . . . . 330-263-7814 Vice President . Dallas Rynd, Ashville. . . . . . . 740-983-6690 Secretary . . . . Cathy Berg, Bellville . . . . . . . 419-886-2871 Treasurer . . . . Lisa Kerr, North Fairfield . CELL 419-264-8523

Red & White Show at 2012 Spring Dairy Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 From Your Regional Representative, by Glenn Sageser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102-103


2012 All-Ohio Recognition Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

Ken Janes, Wooster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-464-4134 Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-652-5694 Peter Spike, Delaware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-363-2184

Junior Jottings by Korey Oechsle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106


2012 Buckeye Classic Elite Holstein Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

Mike Jones 760 East 450 North, Marshall, IN 47859. . . . 765-592-0644

Junior All-Ohio Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

BOARD MEMBERS Dist. 1 Dist. 2 Dist. 3 Dist. 4 Dist. 5 Dist. 7 Dist. 7 Dist. 8 Dist. 9 Dist. 10 Dist. 12 Dist. 11 Dist. 13 Dist. 14 Dist. 15

Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . 330-652-5694 Adam Whiteleather, Salem . . . . . . . 330-205-1738 John Hartline, Whipple . . . . . . . . . 740-236-7240 Jen Bouton, Mt. Vernon . . . . . . . . . 740-507-8271 Greg Conrad, New Holland. . . . . . . 740-495-5067 Ken Janes, Wooster . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-464-4134 Ted Renner, Dalton . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-828-2604 Regina Berg, Bellville . . . . . . . . . . 419-886-4229 Tom Thorbahn, Vickery . . . . . . . . . 419-547-0795 Laurie Menzie, Bloomdale . . . . . . . 740-624-6367 Marvin Steinke, Wapakoneta . . . . . 419-738-7174 Jenny Thomas, Cable . . . . . . . . . . . 614-395-9823 Jenny Thomas, Cable . . . . . . . . . . . 614-395-9823 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta. . . . . . . . . . 419-953-3427 Don Bickel, New Vienna. . . . . . . . . 937-218-2697

Postmaster – Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691

September-October DEADLINE August 20, 2012 4 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

Ohio’s Statewide 2012 Dairy Palooza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

2012 Ohio State Fair Junior and Open Dairy Cattle Entry Forms . . . . 112-113 Coming Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

On the Cover Calling Select Sires home in Plain City, Ohio, these three elite Holstein bulls have captured the attention of registered breeders, commercial dairy producers and the show-focused. Offering a balanced group of sires in the COBA/Select Sires lineup, we can meet the needs of any of today’s dairy producers. From left to right, they are 7HO8190 Gen-Mark Stmatic SANCHEZ (EX-94), definite feet and leg improver while adding style and size; 7HO8221 Golden-Oaks ST ALEXANDER-ET (EX-94), who catches the eye of all the elite show breeders with silky black hides and picture perfect udders; and 7HO8081 Ensenada Taboo PLANET-ET (EX-90-GM), who has captured the attention of the commercial dairy producers by consistently siring outstanding, trouble-free high-milk-producing daughters with shallow well-attached udders. PLANET is the #4 TPI sire in the United States and the #1 LPI bull in Canada.

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From the President by Joe Miley Hello, again. I hope everyone is well and has gotten a good start on the summer work. Things are going well at Ohio Holstein. Spring Dairy Expo was very strong with 188 head of Holsteins representing five different states. Congratulations to all exhibitors! Congratulations also to the Buckeye Dairy Club for co-managing a very successful sale. I heard many good comments! We did have a very positive Board meeting in April with good attendance and excellent discussion. There were guests present from the Ayrshire Association, and details were discussed and worked out for the All-Breeds Sale to be held again November 17 in Wooster. Glenn Sageser was also welcomed as the new Holstein USA field rep for Ohio. He plans to spend a large amount of his time in Ohio. You should feel free to contact him with any questions or concerns regarding National Holsteins. General Manger Don Alexander is currently working on the Summer Sale scheduled for August 15 in Wooster. He is also still negotiating with exporters for an order for heifers for Turkey. Contact Don at the office for details. There was also a proposal presented to hold next year’s Annual Meeting and sale in western Ohio. Details are being worked out with the Annual Meeting Committee. The response to this proposal was very exciting! Membership numbers continue to be strong, and Ken Janes has taken on the responsibility of coordinating our membership drive with the district board representatives. Membership is our main source of income, and we need everyone working together to keep it as strong as possible. The Junior Committee is finalizing plans for their trip to National Convention. They will be competing in the Quiz Bowl, Speech and Scrapbook contests. Best of luck to them! Also, Matthew Oechsle sent

From the Alicia Family BKB Sanchez Arianna, Born 6/1/10 DURHAM pregnancies — Due to HERO Purchased at the 2011 National Convention Sale — HER SIRE —

Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez EX 7HO8190 — HER DAM —

BKB Goldwyn August-ET EX-91 5th Junior 2-Year-Old, 2010 Eastern Fall National — HER GRANDAM —

Shoremar S Alicia-ET EX-97 3E EEEEE DOM Records to 38,250M 1,650F — Life: 185,002M 7,731F Thank You to COBA for your service to the dairy industry. Top 2x DHI herd in Ashland County for milk, fat and protein 2 Year Progressive Genetics Herd Award • Registered Holsteins since 1913 Welch Family Farm since 1867 • McDanel Family Farm since 1873

Come and See Us. Esther Welch 419-945-2250

U-Dean Farms

669 SR 89, Route 1 • Polk, Ohio 44866 Dean & Doris Welch 429-945-2411

in his application and competed in the Young Distinguished Junior Member Contest. I would like to give a special Thank You to Pete Spike for his work on the Ohio Holstein website. If you haven’t checked it out lately, you need to!! Thanks to everyone who has volunteered their time to help with the committees. Without your involvement, there would be no Ohio Holstein Association. The next meeting of the Board of Directors is scheduled for June 12 at 10:30 at the Ohio Holstein office. Our board meetings are open to members, if anyone would like to attend. Please let Diana know, at the office, that you are coming. On a final note, I would like to share a few thoughts that deserve your attention. You need to be aware of the work being done by Scott Higgins and Jenny Hubble, and the staff, at the Ohio Dairy Producers Association. As a board member of the Ohio Dairy Producers Association (ODPA) and fellow dairy farmer, I strongly urge you to consider joining ODPA. Why? It’s simple. ODPA provides a united voice for Ohio dairy farmers — and that voice is needed now more than ever to

Randy & Mike Barn 419-945-2343

1 mile north of Polk on SR 89 Ryan 419-651-5281

keep our industry viable. Together through ODPA we can accomplish what individual dairy farmers can’t do alone. For example, ODPA leadership and farmer members engaged with the Ohio Livestock Care Standards Board (OLCSB) to represent dairy’s best interest and to negotiate practical dairy-specific guidelines. Today, ODPA is taking that same approach and providing farmer input on proposed rules and new agricultural techniques related to water quality issues throughout Ohio’s watershed areas to the Directors’ Agricultural Nutrients and Water Quality Working Group. The more dairy farmers ODPA represents, the stronger and more impactful our voice is when we address critical issues facing Ohio’s dairy industry. When ODPA gives testimony to support or oppose regulatory and policy proposals, the more dairy farms we can say we represent, the more legislators and regulatory staff will listen to what we have to say! So make your voice count, and join ODPA today. For more info about member benefits, visit www.odpa.org or call 1-800-292-MILK. — Joe OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 5

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Whiteleather S Sage 1048-ET EX-91 4-01 156D 24,110M 4.16% 1104F 2.78% 671P First five tests 164#, 141#, 153#, 160#, 140# Projected 305D 41,119M Sage has eight Gold Chip pregnancies due in December. Sage was Best Bred and Owned, Honorable Mention Senior Champion and First Place Four-Year-Old at the 2012 Spring Dairy Expo. Also: Whiteleather Sizzle-1440-ET was First Place Junior Three-Year-Old with three pregnancies to Mogul due October 2012

Whiteleather Outside X Select Sires Daughters and Granddaughters

Select Sired Favorites • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Zenith 738 EX-90 Advent 1026 VG-88 Dam EX-92 Hi-Metro Advent 1024 VG-87 Dam EX-92 Hi-Metro Pontiac 1092 VG-87 Dam EX-91 Hi-Metro Advent 1056 VG-87 Dam EX-93 Convincer Advent 1215 VG-86 Marsh 1165 VG-88 Lou 972 EX-90 Lou 1065 VG-88 Damion 1278 EX-90 Damion 1216 VG-85 Blade 1270 VG-85 Dam VG-87 Lead Ready Planet 1585 Heifer +2130 GTPI Due 5-18-12

• Durham 687 EX-90 – Dtr. Sanchez 1506 GP-83 • Durham 1075 VG-87 – Dtr. 10-12 Shamrock • Planet 1441 VG-85

Special thanks to our COBA

Heifers • • • • • • • •

District Sales Manager, Jim Ray. Just fresh Sanchez looking good Four 10-11 Alexanders It is always a pleasure to work Four 12-11 Gold Chips with him. We also appreciate his Two 6-11 Observers service at the Northeast District Six 4-12 Bradnicks Show and Spring Dairy Expo. Twelve Pregnancies to Atwood Seven Pregnancies to Braxton Planet daughter with three pregnancies to Mogul due December 2012.


Service Age Bulls Available VISITORS WELCOME Visit Our Website www.whiteleatherholsteins.com 6 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

8208 Bayard Road, Minerva, OH 44657 Lawrence Whiteleather: 330-904-1806 Adam Whiteleather: 330-205-1738 Fax: 330-222-1642 • ajw116@frontier.com

Herdsman Todd Unkefer: 330-831-2113 Cell

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Missy & Polled? FIVE Ways to Use In Your Herd AT LEFT —


Pine-Tree Leif Suzy-ET VG-85 GTPI + 2204 GNM$ +722 Leif X VG Shottle Suzy X VG Oman X EX Rudy Missy 2-03 229D 20,819M 3.6% 752F 3.1% 649P (inc) Full Sister to Dam of…

Pine-Tree Relief P 4954 *PO *RC Toubib X Leif X Shottle Suzy GTPI +2104 GNM$ +577 PTAT +2.16 ▲ 106H4954 ▲ Outcross to Polled & Red Lines ▲ Available Shortly from Dairybullsonline.com

Pine-Tree Study 437-ET *PO *RC


Lawn Boy X Mint Sharla X Outside Mint X Missy GTPI +2168 GNM$ +577 PTAT +2.88 ▲ 7H11722 ▲ #1 GTPI Polled Lawn Boy son! ▲ Maternal brother to Diehard Sharla (PICTURED AT LEFT) ▲ Available Shortly from Select Sires

Pine-Tree 1937 Pheno 349-ET *PO Pheno X Mint Sharla X Outside Mint X Missy GTPI +2114 GNM$ +576 PTAT +2.52 ▲ 7H11545 ▲ Maternal brother to Diehard Sharla (PICTURED AT LEFT) ▲ Available Shortly from Select Sires

Pine-Tree Diehard Sharla-ET VG-88 GTPI +2169 fl ▲ Sharla sold for $45,000 as Lot #1 in the Diehard X Mint Sharla X Outside Mint X Missy 2-03 286D 31,016M 3.4% 1,061F 2.9% 911P (inc)

Best of Rudolph Missy/Pine-Tree Dairy Sale

▲ Now owned by Barry England, PA

Pine-Tree 4161 Toubib 321 *PO Toubib X Goldwyn X Wizard X Rudy Missy GTPI +2039 GNM$ +509 PTAT +2.34 ▲ 7H11540 ▲ Available Shortly from Select Sires

Matt Steiner and Sons 11071 Easton Road, Rittman, OH 44270 Home: 330-925-8354 • Cell: 330-466-8916 Fax: 330-925-2948 E-mail: pinetreedairy@earthlink.net www.pinetreedairy.org Visitors Welcome

Pine-Tree 4233 Signif 370-ET (SOON TO BE RENAMED) Signif X Diehard Sharla (PICTURED ABOVE LEFT) X Mint Sharla X Outside Mint X Rudolph Missy GTPI +1981 GNM$ +519 PTAT +1.78 ▲ 7H11780 ▲ Unique outcross: Signif X Diehard ▲ Available Shortly from Select Sires

OHIO NEWS | 15-6/2012 | 7

&RRSHUDWLYH /HDGHUVKLS *ʦLʏʖQɒ &Ƶƥ$ 6ɰȵHFɢ 6ʖȾHɡ The year 2012 is “The International Year of Cooperatives.” A cooperative that serves Ohio dairymen is COBA/Select Sires (COBA). To get some insight regarding the priorities that guide this cooperative organization, we have asked some of their elected and hired leaders to provide answers to some questions. The participants are: 720 )/(0,1*, Harrod, Ohio, has served on the COBA board since 1985 and as the Cooperative’s President since 2004. Pictured below.

'$1 $1'5($6, Sugarcreek, Ohio, has been on the COBA board since 2002 and in 2010 was elected as 2nd Vice Chairman of the Select Sires board. Pictured below.

67(9( %86&+85, New Weston, Ohio, was elected to the COBA board in 2011 and was one of the first herds chosen to work with the Select Sires ART program. Pictured below.

%(51,( +(,61(5, COBA General Manager, has served the cooperative in this position since 1993.

'8$1( /2*$1, COBA-North Marketing Director, assumed this position at COBA in late 1994, having previously served on the COBA Board and Select Sires Holstein Sire Committee as one of the owners of Loganway Farm, Farmdale, Ohio.

)URP \RXU SHUVSHFWLYH ZKDW DUH VRPH RI WKH KLJKHVW SULRULWLHV RI &2%$" Tom: I feel COBA’s top priority is to provide top genetics and reproductive services to our dairy and beef producers at a fair and reasonable price. Dan: Listen and serve the organization’s farmer-member needs by providing them with the highest quality bovine genetics available at the lowest possible prices. Then go a step beyond this basic premise and provide each member with programs that will help them make better reproductive decisions. Steve: I believe COBA’s top priority is providing the best genetics possible to the members. It is a priority to produce the most fertile, lowest priced semen possible, all the while meeting the needs of all types of breeders. It is a priority to hire top notch employees than can make


Front Row (L to R): William Grammer, OH; DAN ANDREAS, OH; Adam Derr, PA; Chad Steinberger, TX. Middle Row (L to R): Craig Fledderjohann, OH; Todd Mason, OK; Rick Anglin, AZ; TOM FLEMING, OH: Jens Steenbeek, TX; David Hinders, TX; Back Row (L to R): Jason Goff, NM; John Greene Jr., PA; STEVE BUSCHUR, OH; and Tim Shipley, OH. Not pictured 2012-2013 board members: Chris Lang, OH; Charlie Bean, PA; and Eric Palla, NM. 8 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

the members more successful. It is also a priority to operate the way a co-op is designed to operate. Bernie: To help our memberowner-customers achieve their bovine reproductive and genetic improvement goals. As a cooperative, making a large profit is NOT our highest priority. While we want to be financially strong and stable, our first priority is to help our members make money. Duane: COBA’s highest priority is to serve our member-ownercustomers as a true cooperative. To provide them the highest quality genetics and services through talented and knowledgeable people to help them to not only survive, but to thrive in the dairy industry.

+RZ GR &2%$¶V PHPEHUV FRQWULEXWH WR WKH VXFFHVV RI WKH FRRSHUDWLYH" Tom: COBA is truly a farmer owned and controlled cooperative. The membership elects Directors and Delegates from each of 15 Districts at the district annual meeting held each winter and they are responsible for governing the cooperative. Delegates provide input to the Directors and management as to ways to better serve the industry and the Directors provide management with the support they need to operate COBA on a daily basis. Directors are responsible for hiring the General Manager, setting the budget, determining patronage, long-range planning and setting the policies that COBA follows in their daily operation. Dan: Member-owners are the voice of their co-op. COBA personnel listen to the owners’ genetic problems, desires and new ideas. COBA is a marketing arm of Select Sires. We sell semen. We must listen to what our customers want and then deliver. Steve: By being loyal to their co-op and by providing ideas to them as to what their needs are. COBA takes great pride in listening to the members’ ideas and concerns and taking appropriate action. We

contribute to their success by providing elite genetics to them to help develop the next generation of great bulls and bull mothers. Bernie: Members contribute by showing an interest and seeing that good people get nominated to serve as Directors and Delegates to guide this cooperative. Also, COBA really appreciates it when members tell their neighbors, “COBA is an OK organization and they should give COBA a try,” as it helps us increase our sales and reduce overhead costs per unit sold. Members who are involved in young sire proving programs (including getting daughters of newly proven sires photographed) and fertility trials truly assist in enhancing the quality of the product we provide. Duane: Our members own this cooperative and, in turn, own Select Sires. They contribute to our success through the input they provide to management as members, Delegates and Directors of COBA. We try hard to be very good listeners.

:KDW KDV EHHQ \RXU H[SHULHQFH ZLWK WKH 3URJUDP IRU *HQHWLF $GYDQFH PHQW 3*$ RU $GYDQFHG 5HSURGXFWLYH 7HFKQRORJLHV $57 \RXQJ VLUH SUR JUDPV RI 6HOHFW 6LUHV" Tom: We have been involved with the PGA for over 40 years. We have had first crop daughters from bulls such as Bell, Planet, Gabor and many more. We have had many Very Good daughters from the PGA program that did not even make the proven lineup. Dan: At Andreas Dairy Farms we are deeply honored to be selected as a worthy cooperating PGA member to identify and evaluate the daughters of the industry’s top new young bulls. Whether it is Select Sires or COBA personnel all have been extremely knowledgeable and professional visiting our farm. They are dedicated people who have one goal in mind and that is to provide each dairyman with the tools necessary to make intelligent breeding decisions. Steve: The ART program has

been a real opportunity for us to bring new genetics into our herd. While we are not the type of producers who go to sales looking to purchase an elite animal, this opportunity seemed like a safe investment being that the most respected stud in the world was backing it up and leading the way. Yes, it is a large investment, but it is one that I hope will pay off one day and I know it has challenged us to be better dairymen and it has certainly kept things interesting. I view this as a necessary move for Select Sires to remain a competitive co-op in the future. I believe they will always strive to treat the breeders who provide them with bulls and bull mothers fairly as we all need each other to be successful. Bernie: The PGA young sire proving program has established itself as the “gold standard” in the industry as daughters are equally scattered in all regions of the country and in all size herds. Over the years this has resulted in the most stable proofs for customers to use with confidence. The ART program has just started bringing forth bulls with some unique pedigrees for sampling in the last year. These bulls do not have royalties. Since genomics became a part of the market place, the number of young sires with royalties has expanded dramatically. As an example our current daughter proven Holstein lineup has 101 bulls and 9 of those have royalties; we also offer

100 young Holstein Super Samplers and 64 of those have royalties. The cost of the royalties affects the price COBA needs to charge per unit. Duane: The PGA is the “gold standard” of sire proving programs—yes, we still believe very much in the value of proven bulls. The proof of the quality of the PGA is verified in the Red Book on the “Daughter Proven Plus Bulls” listing, where Select Sires dominates with 37 out of the Top 100 bulls with reliabilities >97% for milk and type. The ART program is truly “cutting edge” use of genomic information, which means there is some risk involved. It allows Select Sires to reduce the generation interval while maintaining a focus on the varying genetic needs of dairymen in the future.

5DQN DQG FRPPHQW RQ WKH IROORZLQJ LWHPV DV WKH\ UHODWH WR WKH VXFFHVV RI &2%$ 7RS *HQHWLFV +LJK )HUWLOLW\ &RPSHWLWLYH 3ULFHV 2XWVWDQGLQJ 6HU YLFH DQG 0DNLQJ D 3URILW 5HWXUQLQJ 3DWURQDJH Tom: As I rank these items I refer to Woody Hayes who said “you win with people” and I believe that outstanding service is what leads the Cooperative Leadership – continued on page 42 OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 9

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the Holstein


The All-Breeds Showmanship at Spring Dairy Expo attracted 118 individuals divided into six age groups. Again this year, the American Dairy Association Mideast sponsored the contest. All participants received a rosette or ribbon and 20 dollars from Mideast. The winners were: 9-Year-Olds — Fulton Kennedy, Winchester, 9 contestants 10-Year-Olds — Marissa Topp, Wooster, 15 contestants 11- and 12-Year-Olds — Grace Hageman, Sidney, 24 contestants

13- and 14-Year-Olds — Brennan Topp, Wooster, 25 contestants 15- and 16-Year-Olds — Tanner Topp, Wooster, 26 contestants 17-Year-Olds and up — Tyler Topp, Wooster, 19 contestants • The National Holstein Association program for the 2012 National Convention in Springfield, Missouri, in June lists the following as Ohio 40Year Members: Richard T. Bardall, Tippecanoe; Howard R. Bickel, New Vienna; Conklin Dairy Farms, Inc., Plain City; Kruggel Farms, Inc., Litchfield; William J. Lund, Norwalk; John T. Polchin, Dorset; Bill Ramsey,

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Silostop film being laid at US Dairy Forage Research Center


Sterling, Ohio at 1-800-331-2625 Ohio’s only authorized Silostop dealer

Louisville; Raymond Twining, Wellington; Keith Zerkel, Urbana; Dan M. Zimmer, Vincent. • The induction of Dick Indoe into The Ohio State University Dairy Science Hall of Service in 2012 marks the second Holstein Association father and son pair to be so honored, with Dick’s father Kenneth Indoe the 1974 inductee. The other father and son pair are Lewis Jones in 2011 and his father Reuben Jones in 1989. • Former Ohio Holstein Junior Member Annie Specht designed the attractive Trealayne and Cl Hersh ads for this issue. A graduate of Ohio State, she is working as a graduate assistant at Texas A & M, and one of the classes she teaches is graphic design. Annie says she designs ads for the farm as a way of practicing what she preaches. She will be finishing her doctorate in May and hopes to move closer to home. • NEW ARRIVALS: Nathan and Megan Steel’s daughter Kylie Lynn arrived on March 6, 2012, weighing 8 lbs. 5 oz. and 20 inches long. Paula and John Steel of Steam Valley Farms, D-3, are the grandparents. Kurt and Amanda Bohlen, D-3, welcomed their first child, son Kase Gregory weighing 7 lbs. on March 27, 2012. Grandparents are Ronnie and Barb Bohlen. Lucas and Julie Harding Grove announce the arrival of their first child, daughter Aubrey Valera, on April 5, 2012, at 7 lb. 13 oz. and 203/4 inches long. Grandparents are Linda and Larry Harding, Hardingdale Farms, D-3, and Louise and Edna Harding are doting great-aunts. By the way, Grandpa Larry is recovering satisfactorily from hip surgery. Amber and Cory Morlock are the parents of a son, Case Edward, born May 7, weighing 9 lbs. 7 oz. He was welcomed by big sister Allison, 7, and big brother Brandt, 5. Grandparents are Rick and Amy Lingle, D-7, and Jim and Joni Morlock of West Salem. Ava Rose Haines, the daughter of Kim and Jeff Haines, was born April 9, 2012, in an ambulance at the Mt. Sterling exit of I-71. Kim is the Industry Communications Manager of ADA Mideast who prepares the ads for the News, and Jeff is a firefighter Grapevine – continued on page 92

10 | OHIO NEWS | 3-4/2012

83630 p11 DoughtyValley_Layout 1 5/24/12 5:25 PM Page 1

COBA works well in the Doughty-Valley

photo by Esther Welch

The Kind We Have Sold

In the 2004 Fall Quality Sale, we were fortunate to have the two top-selling consignments, both purchased by Springwalk Farms. Pictured, from left, are Doughty-Valley Durham Glory, Bill Wachtel, Tim Miller, Paul Yoder, Doughty-Valley James Martha and Kurt Wachtel.

The Kind We Continue To Breed Doughty-Valley Marshall Sara EX-92 7-02 365D 3X 45,370M 3.4% 1,555F 2.6% 1,173P Life: 1,896D 207,990M 3.3% 6,892F 2.7% 5,621P

Doughty-Valley Reagan Corine EX-92 2E 5-09 365D 3X 42,810M 2.7% 1,167F 2.9% 1,223P Life: 1,627D 137,960M 2.8% 3,899F 3.0% 4,153P

Doughty-Valley Marshall NAD EX-91 7-10 365D 3X 40,280M 3.6% 1,435F 2.9% 1,180P Life: 2,182D 192,500M 3.6% 6,932F 3.1% 5,946P

Doughty-Valley Durham Chole EX-91 2E 6-08 365D 3X 37,980M 3.9% 1,487F 3.0% 1,156P Life: 2,730D 224,560M 4.1% 9,114F 3.2% 7,088P

Doughty-Valley Rud Jetta Star EX-90 6-08 341D 3X 40,490M 3.5% 1,413F 2.7% 1,105P Life: 1,837D 169,390M 3.5% 5,901F 2.9% 4,951P

Doughty-Valley Forbidden Dina EX-90 3-04 365D 3X 39,930M 4.3% 1,707F 3.1% 1,225P Life: 1,465D 127,250M 4.2% 5,376F 3.1% 3,964P

Doughty-Valey Zenith Cora VG-88 3-06 365D 3X 38,840M 3.8% 1,462F 2.9% 1,117P Life: 1,139D 113,930M 3.7% 4,187F 2.9% 3,286P

Doughty-Valley Eland Dolly EX-90 4-08 365D 3X 24,650M 4.0% 987F 2.9% 715P Life: 1,055D 71,250M 4.1% 2,905F 3.0% 2,115P

Looking Forward… To What’s in the Heifer Pens

• • • • • • •

30 by 7HO8738 SS Deuce 18 by 7HO8165 Million 14 by 7HO8190 Sanchez 12 by 7HO7838 Glen 10 by 7HO9030 Richman 10 by 7HO8175 Pronto 9 by 7HO7615 Colby

• • • • • •

9 by 7HO9107 Durable 9 by 7HO6758 Mr Sam 8 by 7HO8221 Alexander 7 by 7HO9222 Shot 5 by 7HO8477 Gabor 5 by 7HO8743 Dusk

Tim, Renae, Bryston and Violet Miller Paul Yoder, Right-Hand Man 5547 St. Rt. 557, Millersburg, OH 44654 • 330-674-2386 2011 Top 5% DHIA Herd in Ohio for Milk and Protein 263 cows 27,853M 981F 822P

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 11

83630 p12 Extras.LandO 4c_Layout 1 5/29/12 1:54 PM Page 1

Esther’s Extras

This photo is from the 2011 World Dairy Expo National Dairy Women’s luncheon. Front, from left: Doris Hetts,WI; Daphne Holterman, WI; 2011 NDW Donna Myers, MD; 2011 International Person of the Year Anne Perchard, Isle of Jersey, Great Britain; Ardath DeWall, IL. Back, from left: Esther Welch, OH; Ann Randall, WI; Rita Kennedy, PA; Laura Beane, WI; Marion Barlass, WI; Deborah Lee Reinhart, WI; Harriet Brown, MN. Also at Expo but not pictured: Mary Lou Topp and Bonnie Jo Ayars, OH, and Liz Doornink, WI. This group congratulates and welcomes Mary Shank Creek, Hagerstown, MD, as the 2012 National Dairy Woman. photo by Karen Welch

For anyone who has reached this page, the widespread use of the COBA logo and information indicates our sponsor. This issue caught on fire with 39 full-color ads and

took on a life of its own spreading through 120 pages and more than 100 advertisers. Thank you to COBA, Bernie Heisner and staff for accepting the sponsorship responsibility. Special thanks to Julie Ziegler, who provided the majority of the COBA information and ads; to Ken Janes and Steve Deam and others, who rounded up advertisers; to the Round Table participants and to Chris Sayers for her assistance. We also thank the many designers including Leslie Maurice, Jana Mussard, Mary Angelo, Ruth Ann Cherry, Brandy Ratta, Doretta Speicher, Keri Bickel, Allison Ryan, Annie Specht, Emily Walton, and Peggy and Lisa at Shreve Printing, who used their imagination and expertise to bring these ads to life. The support of our advertisers was fantastic, and many of them provided their own layout, pictures and headlines. We appreciate our commercial advertisers and contract advertisers and welcome many first-time advertisers. With such outstanding ads, I invite readers to vote for their favorite full-color and black-and-white breeders’ ads in this issue. Tell me your first choice in each category, and I will announce the top choices in the next issue. There could be prizes! As in the past eight years, the News will have a summer break, as we do not print a July-August issue. With this break, I will not be in the office every day. See page 4 for email addresses, or call me if needed. There will be a flyer on the Summertime Sale, set for August 25. Ads for the October 27 Quality Quest Sale, the November 17 All-Breeds Sale and summer show ring successes are due in August for the September-October Esther’s Extras – continued on page 117

Ohio News

P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, Ohio 44691 Phone 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653

Advertising Rates Effective January 1, 2002 SPACE (BLACK & WHITE)





Non-Contract OPEN RATES Including Public Sale Ads



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PUBLICATION AND CLOSING DATES ISSUE The AMPLI-Calf® Program is an industry-leading feed and nutrition system that can help calves transform into cows with more profit potential. You’ve gotten great results with AMPLI-Calf® Starter, so don’t let your calf growth falter by switching to forage before their rumen is ready. Follow through with AMPLI-Calf® Grower and help your calves achieve optimal growth, rumen development and profit potential*.




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www.AMPLICALF.com * Because of factors outside of Land O'Lakes Purina Feed LLC’s control, results to be obtained, including but not limited to yields, financial performance, profits, losses or otherwise, cannot be predicted or guaranteed by Land O'Lakes Purina Feed LLC.

12 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

The information printed in the text and ads is as supplied to the News by the sources listed and by individual advertisers.

83630 p13 Neueway_Layout 1 5/24/12 5:41 PM Page 1

Renwind Angler Valiant VG-87 at 3 years • • • •

2 yr 287D 22,914M 3.7% 837F 2.9% 671P 3 yr 179D 17,692M 3.9% 679F 2.8% 493P Inc. Purchased at the 2010 Harvest Hills Sale Her Sire: Butler-Butz Sam Angler-ET 7HO9291 Her Daughter: Renwind Vowery, sired by Maple-Downs-I G W Atlantic-ET 7HO9893 Due to freshen 9-7-12 to Ronelee SS Durable (sexed) 7HO9107

Springhill-OH Observer Pat, born 3-4-11 • • • • •

3K +2141GTPI SCS 2.49 NM$+681 PL+6.2 PTAT+2.24 UDC+2.37 Her Sire: De-Su Observer-ET 7HO10606 Her Dam: Springhill-OH Cadet Pixee, by By-My Blitz Cadet 7HO7735 Purchased at the 2010 Springhill Spectacular Sale Next Dam: By Ocean-View Zenith-TW-ET 7HO6782

Coming up in our herd are daughters of Advent, Braxton, Damion, Pronto, Zenith and a very nice Mickey.

Thank you to Ken Janes and Kevin Hinds for all they do for us.

NEUEWAY HOLSTEINS Darry and May Neuenschwander Trent Neuenschwander Cell 330-465-7503

2887 West Lebanon Road South Dalton, Ohio 44618

Brad and Gail Carter BAA 105.1 1 EX 6 VG 9 GP

Visitors Welcome

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 13

83630 p14.15 Toppglen_Layout 1 5/24/12 5:44 PM Page 1

His Dam

Toppglen Leader Marquette EX-92 EX-MS

Tyler with Toppglen Debonair Della-Red,

2-11 365D 34,730M 3.7% 1,282F 3.0% 1,065P 5-04 305D 34,810M 3.7% 1,242F 2.8% 995P

Grand Champion of the Red and White Junior Show at Spring Dairy Expo 2012. Her Sire: 7HO9552 Scientific Debonair-Red-ETS

Full Sister to Marque: Pine-Tree Zenith Marquete-ET GP-83 3-03 365D 26,200M 4.0% 1,048F 3.1% 812P • Her Daughter: Toppglen Jeeves Martinque Fresh March 2, 2010 with 7H10920 Gold Chip heifer Maternal Sister to Marque: Toppglen Titanic Marquet EX-91 2E 5-03 365D 32,340M 3.7% 1,216F 3.2% 1,048P • Her January 2012 7H9264 Dempsey Bull is available. 14 | 5-6/2012 | OHIO NEWS

TOPPGLEN FARM Kurt and Rachel Topp Tyler, Tessa, Tanner, Brennan, Marissa and Logan 3954 Congress Road • Wooster, Ohio 44691 Cell: 330-464-4960

83630 p14.15 Toppglen_Layout 1 5/24/12 5:44 PM Page 2

Toppglen Alexander Whoa-ET Sire: 7HO8221 Golden Oaks Alexander Whoa: • 2nd place Fall Yearling 2012 Spring Dairy Expo • Reserve Junior All-Ohio Fall Calf 2011 • Flushed to Goldwyn with six transfers November 2011 • Two Destry sisters born December 2011 • One 7H10920 Gold Chip sister born March 2012

Her Dam

Rose-Vue Damion Wooki VG-86 at 2 yrs. 2-02 342D 20,840M 3.6% 762F 3.3% 691P • Purchased at the 2009 Spring Dairy Expo Sale • Reserve Junior All-Ohio Senior 2-Year-Old at 2011 SDE • Sire: 7HO7004 Erbacres Damion • Her Dam: Rose-Vue Astro Whoosh EX-93 2-05 365D 30,300M 3.6% 1,102F 3.1% 936P • Next Dam: Dupasquier Rudlph Winnie-ET EX-90 4-05 365D 29,700M 4.1% 1,213F 3.2.% 945P 2-05 365D 27,280M 4.4% 1,192F 3.1% 834P

4th Dam

Dupasquier Stareb Winnie EX-Can 3E *8 Star 6-07 365D 33,574M 4.0% 1,349F 3.1% 1,052P Life: 6 Lact 214,664M 4.1% 8,761F 3.3% 7,176P Three-Time All-Canadian Winner • All-Canadian 4-Year-Old, 3-Year-Old, Senior 2-Year-Old Cow • All-American Aged Cow and Senior 2-Year-Old Cow • Res. All-Canadian Mature Cow 1994 and 1995 • Res. All-Canadian 5-Year-Old Cow 1992 • HM All-Canadian Mature Cow 1993 and 1996 • Res. Grand Champion, World Dairy Expo 1993 • Grand Champion, Royal Winter Fair 1991 • HM All-American Aged Cow and Senior 3-Year-Old Cow • Nominated All-Canadian Senior Calf 1988

TOPPGLEN FARM Kurt and Rachel Topp Tyler, Tessa, Tanner, Brennan, Marissa and Logan 3954 Congress Road • Wooster, Ohio 44691 • Cell: 330-464-4960 Tyler’s cell: 330-317-9059 • Glenn Craemer: 330-464-1024 Rachel Topp: 330-317-5363

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 15

83630 p16 Indoe.ads_Layout 1 5/24/12 5:41 PM Page 1

Richard Indoe and Lynn Willett Receive 2012 OSU Dairy Science Hall of Service Award from an Ohio State University press release

Surrounded by family and friends, Dick Indoe, seated at center, holds his portrait that will be displayed in Plumb Hall at The Ohio State University Dairy Science Hall of Service. Seated with Dick are his sisters, Lois Bangert and Eva Miller. Standing, from left, are Tom Indoe, Sharon Rankin, Tyler Indoe, Mary Bowman, Bill Indoe photo by Karen Welch and presenter David Thorbahn.

Mr. Richard Indoe and Dr. Lynn Willett were awarded one of the highest honors in Ohio’s dairy industry, the Dairy Science Hall of Service Award, by The Ohio State University’s Department of Animal Sciences on Saturday, May 12, 2012. This prestigious award honors those individuals who have made a significant difference in the dairy industry. The presentation was made at the Annual Dairy Recognition Luncheon hosted by the Buckeye Dairy Club and the Department of Animal Sciences. MR. RICHARD INDOE joined his father Kenneth in the family’s farm, known as Richman Farms, upon graduation from The Ohio State University in 1959 with a Bachelor of Science in Dairy Science. Richman Farms is an all-registered herd with one of the highest breed-adjusted averages for Type (BAA) in the State and has one of the most outstanding 2X herd averages for milk production with 74 Holstein, seven Jersey and seven Brown Swiss cows of 28,705 lb. milk, 1,180 lb. fat and 894 lb. of protein. Indoe has sold cattle all over the U.S. and to other countries, including Canada, Greece, Spain and South America. Richman Farms promote their herd and the dairy industry by exhibiting at local, district and national shows, having exhibited several All-American and AllAmerican-nominated cattle. Indoe has been showing at the Ohio State Fair for over 50 years, having received five Grand Champion Holstein banners. He was enshrined in the prestigious Ohio State Fair Hall of Fame in 2010. Indoe has served the Ohio Holstein Association through involvement in committee work, as President of the Association and as a national delegate. He has represented Ohio and dairy farmers around the country by his service as a member of the Board of Directors for the National Holstein Association, USA. In 2008, he received the Ohio Holstein Association Distinguished Service Award. Indoe was a 4-H adviser for 25 years, leading to him receiving the 4-H Meritorious Service Award. He has supported the Medina County FFA chapters by allowing tours and judging contests and by providing meeting rooms 16 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

for them. He also was a member of the local Joint Vocational School Curriculum Committee and served on the Medina County Fair Board for 15 years. He always graciously provides cattle for the judging contests held during Spring Dairy Expo. He received the Honorary Chapter Farmer Degree from the Cloverleaf FFA Chapter and the FFA Outstanding Service Award. In addition, he served on The Ohio State University Dairy Science Advisory Board and is a past Boy Scout Troop committeeman. DR. LYNN WILLETT received a Bachelor of Science in Dairy Science in 1966 from Colorado State University. He received a M.S. in Dairy Management in 1968 and a Ph.D. in Animal Physiology in 1971, both degrees being from Purdue University. Following graduation, he was a National Aeronautical and Space Administration Fellow for two years at Purdue University and then became an Assistant Professor at The Ohio State University in 1971. He progressed to the rank of Professor, was Associate Chair of the Department of Dairy Science from 1986 through 1994 and retired in 2005. In 1974, the largest chemical contamination incident in the United States occurred in Michigan with the accidental incorporation of polybrominated biphenyls (PBB) into livestock feed, which subsequently was distributed throughout the state. Dr. Willett’s research results played a major role in the procedures for cleanup, risk assessment and regulations regarding this issue and for establishing the regulatory tolerances for PBB in milk and meat. In early 1982, the second biggest chemical contamination incident in US history occurred in Hawaii, when every dairy production unit, except one, was found to have concentrations of a pesticide, Heptachlor, in the milk fat. Willett worked with regulators, dairy industry representatives and legislators to bring the volatile situation under control. Later in the same year, Region V of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed that all dairy and livestock farms with feed storage silos containing polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) be listed as “Hazardous Waste Sites,” requiring a contained cleanup with all waste removed. Drs. Willett and Ting-Ting Lieu conducted research, and the findings resulted in the EPA rescinding the order. In 1993, Dr. Willett published a paper in the Journal of Dairy Science that described the transfer of soil-borne organohalogen compounds to the plant canopy by volatilization. This work discredited the long-standing theories of translocation of these residues through the root and vascular system of forage plants. Whereas this research had only moderate impact in the Midwest, it resulted in significant impact in the southern and southwestern sections of the U.S., where large tracts of land were switched from cotton production to forages for cattle. These and other scientific endeavors by Dr. Willett provide evidence of his impact on the Ohio and U.S. dairy industry. In addition to the research that he has conducted on the kinetics and toxicity of environmental chemicals on food-producing animals, he has conducted research on carbohydrate utilization in newborn dairy calves. The recognition provided as recipients of the Dairy Science Hall of Service Award acknowledges Mr. Richard Indoe’s and Dr. Lynn Willett’s many contributions to the Ohio and U.S. dairy industry.

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 17

Grand Champion, 2012 Spring Dairy Expo Red & White Show ✦ Winner 2011 National Holstein Futurity

✦ 1st 4-Year-Old, Best Udder, Senior and

2-11 305D 22,052M 4.1% 899F 3.1% 683P

7234 Bates Road, West Salem, OH 44287 Ph: 330-264-2453 • Fax: 330-263-7883 • E-mail: jdjamiley@aol.com

Miley Holstein Farms Ltd.

We have embryos by REDLINER, and Gem will be flushed to REDBURST.

Gem has a REALITY daughter due this summer and a fancy December ’11 REDLINER. Watch for her this summer!

18 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

Carmony Millow ill 3578

1-10 305D 25,703M 3.7%F 2.9%P 3-01 134D 12,063M 4.0%F 3.0%P Inc. Sire: 7HO9384 Millow Marsh X BW Marshall X Aaron

Stanley and Karen Carmony 8573 Canaan Center Road Wooster, OH 44691 carmonyfarmsltd@gmail.com 330-345-9105 Richard Bloomfield, Herdsman 330-621-1358

We will be hosting the District 7 Picnic on July 1.

PGA at work

2-00 219D 16, 769M 3.5%F 2.9%P Inc.. w Sire: 7HO9895 Air Flow Binky X Durham X BW Marshalll

Carmony Air Flow 3773 GP-84 4

2-00 153D 11,234M 3.8%F 3.1%P Inc. Sire: 7HO9964 Rocky Airraid X Juror Ito X BW Marshall

Carmony Rocky 3810 GP-81

Carmony Farms Ltd.

1-10 128D 9,964M 3.3%F 3.0%P Inc. SSire: 7HO9917 Turner Mac X Titanic X BW Marshall

Carmony Turner 3882 GP-81 C

1-10 116D 7,847M 3.4%F 2.9%P Inc. Sire: 7HO10020 Ingenuity Mac X Shottle X BW Marshall

Carmony Ingenuity 3892 GP-83

Pretty as a Picture

Sire: 7

Just fresh third lactation 3-05 305D 34,123M 2.3%F 2.7%P 1-10 305D 27,685M 3.0%F 2.8%P Sire: 7HO9173 Plato Potter X Manat X Manfred

Carmony Pl C Plato t 3295 VG VG-85 85

83630 p19 Weaverhof_Layout 1 5/24/12 6:52 PM Page 1

A Few of Our Favorite‌

COBA Daughters

Weaverhof Adv Galaxy-Red EX-92 EX-92MS 4-06 202D 16,189M 4.02%651F 3.0% 481P Inc. Her Sire: 7HO7872 KHW Kite Advent-Red-ET Dam of Galaxy

Weaverhof Jordan Gladys RC EX-91 EX-94MS 4-0 359D 29,221M 3.7% 1,073F 3.2% 938P Her Sire: Ja-Bob Jordan-Red

Weaverhof Deuce Pickle EX-91 EX-MS 3-02 324D 25,639M 3.2% 830F 3.1% 793P Her Sire: 7HO8738 Scientific SS-Deuce-ET

Weaverhof Holsteins Thank you COBA for continuing to provide elite genetics at affordable prices.

John Mark and Lisa Weaver, Derek, Julie and Abby 8257 Co. Rd. 235, Fredericksburg, OH 44627 330-674-2069 BAA 110.0 OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 19

20 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 21

83630 p22.23 Etgen.DiamondOk_Layout 1 5/24/12 5:54 PM Page 1

Etgen-Way is Here, and Weikland Sanchex JW Alexa ➜ At left

• A Fancy Sanchex x VG-85 Blitz x VG-88 Durham x EX-92 Fancy Paul • 2011 Reserve Junior All-Ohio Spring Calf • Alexa is owned by Ty Etgen, Derik Baumer and Dennis Ziegenbusch. • Watch for Alexa at State Fair and district shows this year!

Miss Mybrook Durham Royal EX-90

At right ➜ • Royal was Junior All-Indiana Senior 3 and Reserve All-Indiana Senior 3 in 2010. • 1st place 4-Year-Old and H-H-M Grand Champion at the District 12 shows in 2011 • Dam is Mybrook Roy 500 EX-90, Junior All-American and H-H-M All-American Milking Yearling in 2006. • Royal will be flushed this fall. Inquiries are Encouraged! ➜ At left

Golden-Touch ChrryBomb-Red and Rocky-Run Ima Rockstar-Red Rockstar was first place Summer Yearling in the Red & White Show at Spring Dairy Expo 2012 — Potential 11th Generation VG or EX! Sired by Advent. Dam is WKU Jet Rose-Red-EJ VG-86 2 years. 3rd dam is EX full sister to Redrose. 6th dam is Blackrose. She is an awesome individual who has a very bright future ahead of her. Watch for her at State Fair and district shows this year. She will be pictured in the next issue! ChrryBomb is sired by Gold Chris, owned by Blair Lammens and exhibited by Etgen-Way at Spring Show, where she was first place intermediate Calf.

Boarding options available at very reasonable rates for your special individuals. Call us today! 22 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

Stop by and visit anytime, Visitors always welcome! Like us on Facebook at Etgen-Way Holsteins Ty Etgen 567-204-6310 • Phil Fisher 419-302-3148

83630 p22.23 Etgen.DiamondOk_Layout 1 5/24/12 5:55 PM Page 2

Diamond-Oak is back! Diamond-Oak Alex Ann

The influence of

Wapa Bootmaker Mandy EX-96 3E GMD DOM is still going strong, as these two cows are descendants!

We have three milking Alexander daughters and couldn’t be happier with them. Come see her fancy Million daughter! Ann is due this fall to Gold Chip Sexed!

Ann’s Grandam: Diamond-Oak Blitz Alison VG-88 EX-MS

We’re still striving for a Balance of Type and Production!

K Diamond-Oak Farm Philip E. Fisher 20715 State Route 189 Ft. Jennings, OH 45844 Res. Phone 419-286-2864 Cell Phone 419-302-3148 Ty Etgen 567-204-6310

2-08 365D 34,946M 4.0% 1,391F 2.8% 980P Come see Alison’s Fall Calf sired by Braxton!

Service age bulls for sale. Visitors always welcome!

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 23

Ri-Val-Re AP Romance-Red-ET • Sire: Big Apple-Red-ET 7HO10000 • Purchased at the Ohio Convention Sale from Richman Farms

Other “APPLES” we have

L-Rae Advent Raven-ET EX-91 EX-92MS • Advent X VG-88 Sept Storm with seven EX cows behind her, back to D-R-A August EX-96 365D 22,050, 4.0% 786F 3.4% 663P Life: 57,892M 4.0% 2,323F 3.4% 1,992P

Breezy-Knob A Takara-Red-ET EX-91 • Advent X EX-91 Rubens • 30,000 lb. record 3rd Lactation with 1,000 lb. Fat • Fresh March 2012

Other COBA Favorites

L-Rae Blitz Feta GP-83 at 2 Yrs 2-01 365D 30,880M 2.9% 908F 2.5% 775P • Still milking 90 lbs. a day, 12 months fresh, 151% of herdmates • Due September 2012 to Regancrest Longtime • Her Sire: Fustead Emory Blitz-ET 7HO05708 • Her Dam: VG-85 Toystory +1833GTPI, Three Time Top 10,000 Cows Wil-O-Knoll Pontiac Pala VG-86 • 1st Lactation 305D 18,707M 3.4% 815F 2.9% 730P • Descendant of Windy-Knoll-View Ultimate Pala • Due June 2012 to Damartini Attitude-Red • Her Sire: Klumbs Durham Pontiac 7HO07463

Proud Grandparent of Drake Knoll • 2nd place Showmanship, 9-year-old division, at 2012 Spring Dairy Expo

50-Year Celebration of Falling-Star Farm 626 St. Rt. 89, Polk, OH The families of Phil and Shirley Kerr would like to extend an invitation for an open house at the farm celebrating 50 years. The open house will be August 4, 2012, starting at 1:00 in the afternoon and going until 8:00 in the evening. Food will be served starting at 3:00 p.m. Everyone is invited. Stop in and visit for a while; catch up with old friends and enjoy some refreshment, while wishing Falling-Star Farm much continued success.

Wil-O-Rae Wil ae Holsteins 24 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

35 Burras Road • North Fairfield OH 44855 • Scott Knoll, 419-685-3979 Lisa Kerr, cell 419-606-0527, email: wilorae@yahoo.com

83630 p25 BeWare 4c_Layout 1 5/24/12 4:13 PM Page 1

COBA/SELECT SIRES HAS PROVIDED QUALITY SHOW ANIMALS FOR THREE GENERATIONS… 1962 Trumbull County Fair Grand Champion Ayrshire Walter and “Pokey”

1985 Trumbull County Fair Junior Champion Peter with Be-Ware Bell Gia

2010 Morrow County Fair Champion and Reserve Champion Collin with Be-Ware Mr Sam Dahna Aaron with Be-Ware Planet Dapple

Be-Ware Holsteins 100% Homebred 100% Registered PGH – 18 Years

Berg Farms, Ltd.

Walter and Regina Berg 3114 Parsons Rd. • Bellville, OH 44813 419-886-4229 • Email: bergfarm@redbird.net

Becky, Dan, Derek & Kayla Barker Peter, Cathy, Collin & Aaron Berg 419-886-2871

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 25

83630 p26 DHIAHerds.Trail_Layout 1 5/24/12 6:00 PM Page 1

— 2011 DHIA Top 5% Production Report for Ohio — FARM NAME





Top 5% Herds for Milk ——————————————— B os s y’s Way Farm Charles & Daryl Dunc an Grac -Glen Farm R M D Dairy Farm L t d. R M D Dairy Farm L t d. Hallbrook Farm Ken & Marilyn Ruprec ht St einhurs t Farm s Put t Dairy Farm s Sm it h Vale Farm s Sharo-Dan Farm Dale L owm iller Sharo-Dan Farm Paradis e Valley Farm s Inc . Ayers Farm Inc . Hal & Rod Huns berger Hart line Valley Farm Inc . Shipley Farm s B ill Deet z Dought y Valley Farm Roy Mangun Elm er St einer Alf a-Creek Farm s Put t Dairy Farm s St an Carm ony Showalt er Farm s J erry Rohr St ef f en Farm B urky Farm L L C Conrad Farm s B lit z-Krieg Hols t eins

167 34 205 17 5 192 122 427 281 131 72 148 91 392 689 150 222 328 620 263 187 43 96 351 454 155 466 131 489 232 110

31819 31631 31174 31158 30186 30168 29949 29933 29492 29433 29135 28982 28730 28569 28437 28246 28128 28090 28073 27853 27827 27790 27761 27731 27682 27648 27647 27516 27383 27380 27222

1175 1240 1116 1120 1210 1036 1079 1028 1061 1075 1064 983 1058 1026 986 1058 997 1010 905 981 1002 980 1059 1046 911 1040 983 983 890 894 1037

1020 928 934 912 931 919 911 884 890 904 917 883 910 856 827 876 868 839 823 822 852 849 842 860 827 857 820 821 801 816 842

Top 5% Herds for Fat ——————————————— Charles & Daryl Dunc an R M D Dairy Farm L t d. St ev e Cris t B os s y’s Way Farm S & H Dairy Farm L L C Spec ht Farm s L t d. R M D Dairy Farm L t d. Grac -Glen Farm S & H Dairy Farm L L C Springwalk Farm Hols t eins Ken & Marilyn Ruprec ht Sm it h Vale Farm s Cam pbell B ros . Inc . Sharo-Dan Farm Put t Dairy Farm s Alf a-Creek Farm s Sharo-Dan Farm Hal & Rod Huns berger Put t Dairy Farm s Showalt er Farm s B lit z-Krieg Hols t eins Hallbrook Farm Ric hm an Farm s Ric hm an Farm s St einhurs t Farm s St eel-L ane Hols t eins Paradis e Valley Farm s Inc . Dav id Klingens m it h Floyd L . Zim m erm an B owm ans Dairy Farm

26 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

43 5 230 167 102 280 17 205 128 128 122 131 78 72 281 96 91 150 351 155 110 192 63 70 427 10 392 67 57 54

30,330 30,186 26,382 31,819 25,504 27,026 31,158 31,174 24,093 25,969 29,949 29,433 25,764 29,135 29,492 27,761 28,730 28,246 27,731 27,648 27,222 30,168 25,291 25,175 29,933 22,638 28,569 25,225 26,023 24,189

1,224 904 1,210 931 1,197 807 1,175 1,020 1,158 767 1,129 821 1,120 912 1,116 934 1,107 739 1,086 792 1,079 911 1,075 904 1,064 787 1,064 917 1,061 890 1,059 842 1,058 910 1,058 876 1,046 860 1,040 857 1,037 842 1,036 919 1,033 788 1,031 786 1,028 884 1,027 737 1,026 856 1,022 765 1,017 804 1,017 748

Top 5% Herds for Protein —————————————— B os s y’s Way Farm Grac -Glen Farm R M D Dairy Farm L t d. Charles & Daryl Dunc an Hallbrook Farm Sharo-Dan Farm R M D Dairy Farm L t d. Ken & Marilyn Ruprec ht Sharo-Dan Farm Sm it h Vale Farm s Put t Dairy Farm s St einhurs t Farm s Dale L owm iller Hal & Rod Huns berger Hart line Valley Farm Inc . Put t Dairy Farm s Showalt er Farm s Paradis e Valley Farm s Inc . Roy Mangun Elm er St einer B lit z-Krieg Hols t eins Alf a-Creek Farm s Shipley Farm s St an Carm ony Ayers Farm Inc . B erg Farm s L t d. B ill Deet z Dought y Valley Farm St ef f en Farm Spec ht Farm s L t d.

167 205 5 34 192 72 17 122 91 131 281 427 148 150 222 351 155 392 187 43 110 96 328 454 689 99 620 263 131 280

31,819 31,174 30,186 31,631 30,168 29,135 31,158 29,949 28,730 29,433 29,492 29,933 28,982 28,246 28,128 27,731 27,648 28,569 27,827 27,790 27,222 27,761 28,090 27,682 28,437 26,061 28,073 27,853 27,516 27,026

1,175 1,020 1,116 934 1,210 931 1,240 928 1,036 919 1,064 917 1,120 912 1,079 911 1,058 910 1,075 904 1,061 890 1,028 884 983 883 1,058 876 997 868 1,046 860 1,040 857 1,026 856 1,002 852 980 849 1,037 842 1,059 842 1,010 839 911 827 986 827 988 825 905 823 981 822 983 821 1,129 821

TRAIL FARM SUPPLY LLC Nelson B. Weaver • 3401 TR 411 Dundee, OH 44624 • Voice Mail: 330-893-3086

— Less Expensive, More Efficient — These and all products are made of 10 ga. galvanized alloyed steel tubing designed for strength and rust resistance.

Double 8 Parallel Swing Pipe-Line Parlor

Free Stalls with Neck Rails and Cushioned Cow Mats

Questions? Prices? Give us a call!

All this for cow comfort, little maintenance and clean cows.

Head Locks made with Auto Release When a cow goes down, she can drop out the bottom.

Manufacturer of Custom Horse & Dairy Barn Equipment and Tie Stalls, Head Locks, Free Stalls, Hay Feeders, Horse Barn Equipment

Many sizes and options available.

Milking Parlors

83630 p27 Hunsberger_Layout 1 5/24/12 6:00 PM Page 1


Want More MILK?

Take a look at 7HO9977 Hunsberger Bolton Kinley! ☛ KINLEY is a new April 2012 release from COBA at +2372 MILK +1.80 Type, +1.29 UDC, +2.01 FLC, 2.82SCS and +1953TPI ☛ KINLEY is a SANDY-VALLEY BOLTON son from three generations of Excellent high-producing cows.

Dam: Hunsberger O-Man Riley-ET EX-90 EX-MS

Grandam: Hunsberger Duster Dinah-ET EX-91 EEEEE

5-07 365D 38,349M 4.50% 1,726F 3.2% 1,268P 7-00 365D 34,458M 4.33% 1,492F 3.3% 1,137P

3-09 365D 42,220M 3.4% 1,454F 3.1% 1,329P

RILEY is due to calve again in July.

3rd Dam: Holmes-View Mark Tara EX-91 EX-MS 3-09 365D 42,270M 3.7% 1,571F 3.2% 1,358P

Hunsberger Holsteins, LLC Wayne & Donna Hunsberger Ph: 330-567-2789 RHA 108 Cows 23,581M 924F 728P VISITORS WELCOME

Mike, Janice, Aaron and Laney Hunsberger 8257 Aylsworth Road, Shreve, OH 44676 Cell: 330-317-3663 • Fax: 330-496-4120 hunsbergerholsteins@hotmail.com OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 27

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83630 p30 committees.Habrun_Layout 1 5/29/12 11:51 AM Page 1

Ohio Holstein Association 2012-2013 Committees Annual Meeting

❊ Julie Renner ❊ Jenny Thomas Eric Topp Chris Lahmers Katey Lora Laurie Menzie Kathy Whiteleather Johnson Chris Sayers Cheri Oechsle Megan Buechner Lisa Mangnun

Breed Improvement ❊ Jenny Thomas Tony Broshes Dick Indoe John Hartline Dean Zimmer Lamar Liming Paul Haskins Marvin Steinke

Buckeye Breed Builder ❊ Duane Logan Joe Cole Jeremy Adams

Jim Sheffield Eric Havens John Hartline Jay and Kristy Ackley John Lora Ted Renner Terry and Marcia Stammen Eric and Mary Topp


❊ James Kemp Jon Miley Steve Watts Dan Schlabach


❊ Lisa Kerr James and Nancy Kemp Anne Cole Tony Broshes Chris Sayers Barb Lumley James Spreng Julie Renner Peter Spike Tom Thorbahn Lisa Magnun Becky Barker


❊ Ken Janes John Young All Board Members


❊ Chris Sayers ❊ Cheri Oechsle Julie Renner Leslie Maurice Mary Liming Ray Twining Barb Lumley Jane Miley Bill Indoe Korey Oechsle Peter Spike Becky Barker Jenny Thomas Greg Conrad Jeremy Elsass


❊ John Spreng ❊ John Hartline Peter Spike Carl Lund Nancy Kemp Tom Thorbahn Roy Heger Dick Indoe Steve Moff

Ohio Livestock Coalition ❊ Bernie Heisner Judy Wolford James Spreng Peter Spike Jim Rowe

Program Development

❊ Dallas Rynd Regina Berg Nancy Kemp John Young William McKarns Paul Haskins Mark Seedorf Greg and Judy Conrad Brenda Eberly


Habrun’s Insurance Service, Inc. 170 South Clay Street • PO Box 347 Millersburg, Ohio 44654 1-800-340-3767 • 330-674-9091 www.habrunsinsurance.com Ryan Hershberger

Home Auto



❊ Steve Moff John Spreng Chris Lahmers Paul Haskins Eric Topp Angi Kaverman Tony Broshes


❊ Tom Thorbahn William McKarns John Hartline Peter Spike Jim Sheffield


❊ Ken Janes ❊ Barb Lumley James Kemp Ted Renner Randall Kiko Steve Deam Paul Haskins Aaron Schlauch Jason Miley John Hartline Steve Gilbert Doug Dye John Mark Weaver Peter Berg Brenda Eberly Adam Whiteleather Eric Topp


❊ Steve Moff Angi Kaverman Cindy Howman Mary Lou Topp Linda Beardsley Becky Barker Bill Indoe Heather Yoder Kristy Ackley Steve Deam Jeremy Elsass Tony Menzie Matt Andrews Dave Conrad Paul Haskins Diana Miley Charlie Henry Adam Whiteleather Jason Miley Judy Wolford Jenny Thomas Dave Cornish Matt Lawson Kurt Topp


❊ Cheri and Jim Oechsle ❊ Matt and Megan Lawson Estelle and Lamar Liming Lisa and Roy Mangun Dallas Rynd and Judy Wolford Cathy and Peter Berg Joyce Nelson Jen Bouton ❊ DENOTES CHAIR

30 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

83630 p31 HahnWay_Layout 1 5/24/12 6:13 PM Page 1

On August 8, Hahn-Way moved 30 miles north to Jim and Margie Sunbury’s. We had a smooth transition as we began to move forward. A huge change was going from tie stalls to free stalls. All our girls were quick to catch on and are enjoying their new comfy, sandy beds. The Queens of the herd — Shirley, Tempo and Trina — are all doing well and continue to make us proud daily. November 1 rolled around, and the well-known Mary Haven herd of Richard Bailey’s joined the HahnWay herd, and once again the barns at Von-Sun Farms were filled! Longtime friend Dan Christner joined us on February 3 as our assistant herdsman. In March, we began to milk 3 times a day. All is going very well, and the girls are dairy happy! We are very grateful to Jim and Margie as well as Mr. Bailey. Without them, this wouldn’t be possible. Thank you! There are no words to express the gratitude we have. Several good friends also helped us begin our new journey: Richard and Debbie Owen, Al and Evelyn Loze, Craig Criddle, Todd Plocher and Andy Butler. We believe friends are family you meet along the way. We have been blessed with a great family. Thank you all so very much.

The Mary Haven herd represents an outstanding herd of cows. They all have good udders, great feet and legs, and are well balanced. They work hard with low maintenance. The COBA sires are Advent, Glen, O-Man, Classic, R.S.V.P., LC, Laurin, Binky, Pronto and Mr. Sam. Here are a few highlights from our last testing.

Mary Haven LC 602 156.0 lbs. 3X 62 DIM Mary Haven Mr. Sam 597 132.9 lbs. 3X 185 DIM Mary Haven Classic 591 130.0 lbs. 3X 269 DIM Mary Haven R.S.V.P. 601 127.1 lbs. 3X 246 DIM Mary Haven Glen 617 121.9 lbs. 3X 112 DIM We also have a pen of promising COBA sired heifers They include Advent, Big Time, Dusk, Million and Copenhagen.

Remember... June is dairy month — Promote dairy in any way, shape or form you can!

Justin and Luv Hahn and Family

6387 Youngstown Kingsville Rd. Farmdale, OH. 44417 Stop by & say Hello. We’ll leave the barn door open for ya. 330-924-1023 • 330-233-2479

Like us on


OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 31

83630 p32 Kibler.Sunnyv.Ashl_Huntsberger 1/2 5/25/12 11:48 AM Page 1

Growing in the Dairy Business With Very Good COBA Daughters Gar-Ri O-Man Kirby VG-85 2-11 334D 30,532M 4.1% 1,265F 3.3% 1,014P Her Sire: O-Bee Manfred Justice-ET 7HO6417 Her Dam: Gar-Ri Stormy Kelly • Three times high CTPI cow for Trumbull County

Gar-Ri Damion Loralie VG-86

Gar-Ri Lou Jolena VG-88

2-11 317D 30,918M 3.4% 1,058F 3.0% 929P Her Sire: Erbacres Damion 7HO7004 Her Dam: Ms Elmvue James Lucky-TW

3-01 342D 29,189M 3.6% 1,054F 2.8% 807P Her Sire: Jenny-Lou Marshall P-149-ET 7HO7359 Her Dam: Gar-Ri Tribute Jose

In loving memory of Rita Kibler: courageous and caring wife, mother, grandmother and friend.

Kibler Dairy Farms, Inc. RHA 24,145M 3.6% 832F 3.0% 708P


Garry Kibler Garry Jr., Toni and Carter • Cory, Tanya, Cody and Abbigail 5163 Highland Avenue, Warren, OH 44481 330-399-5797 • Email: kiblerfarm@aol.com 330-770-8014 Garry Jr.'s Cell

We are pleased with the service we receive from COBA. Special thanks to Tony Menzie, Rick Ellerbrock and Jon Lengerich, who are working with us.

We are looking forward to milking daughters of 7HO8221Alexander, 7HO8165 Million, 7HO9030 Richman and 7HO8190 Sanchez. Thank you to Richard B. Jenkins, St. Paris, and Andy Dawson from Shelby, who purchased our consignments at the Ohio Convention Sale.

Sunnyville Registered Holsteins 4-614 Co. Rd. F, Deshler, Ohio 43516

James McCune, Herdsman Visitors Always Welcome! I-76 Bailey Road, Trumbull Lordstown Exit – on Highland Ave. parallel to Route 45

Gehl 40 Series Skid Loaders

Tight Spots. Tough Tasks. All in a Day’s Work. • Four models offering up to 2,700 lbs. operating load (with optional weight kit) and 82 hp for big loader results • Exceptional hydraulic power for higher breakout force, fast cycle times and better attachment performance • Longer wheelbase and a low center of gravity for a smooth, stable ride • Choice of controls: T-bar “hands-only,” dual-hand, or hand/foot

— Where the Future Looks Brighter — BREEDING STOCK FOR SALE Henry and Florence Seedorf Mark and Janet Seedorf Claire, Chloe, Callie & Will Cell 419-966-7480 seedorfmj@aol.com

32 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

Brenda, Jerry & Keith Rosebrook and Families 419-274-8165 VISITORS WELCOMED!

1145 Cleveland Ave. Ashland, Ohio 44805 419-289-3610 Fax 419-281-7358 www.ashlandimplement.com

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 33

83630 p34 Sharo.Polc.Mid.Vau_Layout 1 5/24/12 6:08 PM Page 1

Thank you to all the buyers at our sale; we wish you the best with your purchases. Also, thank you to all others who helped make our Sharo-Dan Reduction Sale a success. We are remodeling and continuing to milk.

HIGH PRODUCTION HERD for Wayne County, 2011 ★ RHA 29,160M Here are COBA-sired animals that sold well at our sale. LOT 629: Sharo-Dan Pontiac VeryCold Her Sire: Klumbs Durham Pontiac 7H007463 Purchased by David D. Yoder, Dundee LOT 668: Sharo-Dan Planet Beulah Her Sire: Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET 7HO08081 Purchased by Andy Dawson, Shelby LOT 653: Renwind Sanchez Inca Her Sire: Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez 7HO08190 Purchased by David A. Yoder, Sugarcreek LOT 692: Diamond-Oak Million Convenant Her Sire: England-Ammon Million-ET 7HO08165 Purchased by Melvin J. Miller, Fredericksburg LOT 1000: Sanorvalley Oneinamillion-ET Her Sire: England-Ammon Million-ET 7HO08165 Purchased by Maple Dell Farm, Massillon

We are very happy with the calves we have had born in the past year sired by 7HO9264 Lirr Drew Dempsey. They are very uniform. We also have great calves on the ground by 7HO10606 De-Su Observer-ET.

LOT 1681: Renwind Lou Bashful Her Sire: Jenny-Lou Marshall P149-ET 7HO07359 Purchased by Jason J. Miller, Dundee LOT 3934: Springhill-OH Sanchez Skye Her Sire: Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez 7HO08190 Purchased by Gary Quallen, Wilmington LOT 658: Pine-Tree O-Man Daisy-ET Her Sire: O-Bee Manfred Justice-ET 7HO06417 Purchased by Kenneth Weaver, Wooster LOT 627: Sharo-Dan Sensation Geneva Her Sire: Velvet-View-KJ Sensation-ET 7HO07451 Purchased by David A. Yoder, Sugarcreek

Sharo-Dan Farm, LLC 1649 Deerfield Avenue, Dalton, OH 44618 Dan and Sharon Schlabach Steve, Bob and Lynn 330-465-2082 (Dan) 330-465-3623 (Steve)

“...meeting todayʼs challenges, pursuing tomorrowʼs goals.”

STEVE VAUGHAN Nutritional Consultant 6007 Smith Kramer Hartville, OH 44632 Cell: 330-354-3407 Fax: 330-877-3830 PLEASE NOTE: NEW EMAIL ADDRESS

E-mail: healthycows@gmail.com

We appreciate the prompt service we receive from our COBA District Sales Manager, Jim Ray.


POLCHIN HOLSTEINS A 100% Registered Herd 2411 Sentinel Road • Dorset, OH 44032 John, Ruth and Tony Polchin – 440-293-7955

34 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

Ashtabula Co. A Part of District 1

3883 Klondike Road Delaware, Ohio 43015

Phone 740-369-3931 Fax 740-369-7814

83630 p35 Kiko_Layout 1 5/24/12 6:09 PM Page 1



4-00 349D 32,077M 1,163F 889P Fresh again at 5-02 milking 140#!! GRAND CHAMPION CHEESE COW, 2011 COLUMBIANA COUNTY FAIR

6-03 365D 36,120M 1,449F 1,149P Fresh again at 7-10 milking 105#

KIKO BLITZ DUVALL 447 VG-85 4-05 305D 34,155M 1,007F 912P Fresh again at 5-04 milking 120#

KIKO FORTUNE ARLENE 580 2-03 334D 27,720M 1,081F 861P Just fresh and ready for the classifier in June SUPREME AND GRAND CHAMPION, 2011 COLUMBIANA COUNTY FAIR

KIKO COLBY HATHAWAY 588 GP-83 2-00 344D 28,205M 872F 789P Fresh again at 3-01 and milking 141#!! Hathaway and daughters of Advent-Red, Canyon, Dex and Laurin are ready for the classifier.

We also have exciting COBA daughters in the heifer pens by Damion, Crown, Alexander, Braxton, Gold Chip, Million, Gabor, Observer and many more. We are on the COBA/Select PGA Program and COBA/Select Mating Program. The COBA staff members that serve our farm are super. We want to recognize the contributions of AI Technician Micah Hartong, Relief Technician Rich Boyd, Mating Steve Moff, Sales Jim Ray and neighbor and anything else needed Adam Hahlen. We would like to send a special thanks to COBA for their many donations and the time spent helping with Ohio shows, activities and sales. They are leaders in many ways!! RHA: 204 cows, 25,286M, 916F, 780P

R & P Kiko Family Farms, Ltd. Rusty & Pam, Russell, Randall, Rudy and Ryan (Russell) 28173 Winona Road, Salem, OH 44460 Home 330-525-0302, Cell 330-853-0401, Fax 330-525-7683

AUCTIONEERS Leading the Auction Industry since 1945 Russ Kiko Associates Inc. 2805 Fulton Drive NW, Canton, OH 44718 1-800-533-5456 • www.kikoauctions.com Randall L. Kiko Res: 330-222-2220 Cell: 330-831-0174 Ext. 158

Russell T. (Rusty) Kiko, Jr. Res: 330-525-7420 Cell: 330-495-0923 Ext. 115

Rudy W. Kiko 330-540-2416 Ext. 117

Check out the Kiko Auction Website for upcoming auctions. OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 35

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83630 p38 districts_Layout 1 5/24/12 6:15 PM Page 1

From the Districts . . . . The 2012 Officers and Program Work reports from each district are due at the office. Here is a summary of reports received by April 30, 2012, as a way to share information on district officers and activities throughout the state and to encourage other districts to share their information.



State Director Adam Whiteleather President Robert Hippely Vice-President Steve Shoemaker Secretary Kathy Johnson Treasurer Kathy Johnson Membership Chairman John Lora News Reporter Betty Whiteleather Show Chairman Robert Hippely Youth Chairman Steve Moff Youth Representative Heidi Moff Activities Held in 2011— February Holstein Dinner, Junior entry in Hoard’s Dairyman Judging Contest February Raffle for Junior voucher for partial payment for animal bought in State Sale July District Show at Canfield Fairgrounds July Junior Show, Junior Showmanship July Pizza Party, day after District Show for cleanup Activities Planned for 2012 — February Holstein Dinner, Entry in Hoard’s Dairyman Judging Contest February Raffle for Junior members for partial payment for animal bought in State Sale April Donation for Dairy Palooza at Wooster July 21 District Show, Junior Show, Junior Showmanship July 22 Pizza Party, day after District Show for cleanup



State Director John Hartline President Kurt Bohlen Vice-President Bill Burkhart Secretary Louise Harding Treasurer Edna Harding Membership Chairman John Hartline News Reporter Barb Lumley Sale Chairman Bill Burkhart Show Chairman Louise Harding Youth Chairman Bill Burkhart Youth Representative Clay Hershberger Activities Held in 2011— June 18 District Show at Dover June 18 Showmanship at Dover Oct. 16 Barn Meeting at Strasburg Oct. 16 Judging Contest at Strasburg Activities Planned for 2012 — Mar. 24 Annual Meeting at New Philadelphia 38 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

Mar. 24 Essay Contest for Juniors at New Philadelphia June 16 Show and Showmanship at Dover Oct. 20 Barn Meeting, location TBD Oct. 20 Judging Contest



State Director Tom Thorbahn President Joe Cole Vice-President Greg Hartschuh Secretary Terry Weiker Treasurer Terry Weiker Membership Chairman Officers c/o Joe Cole

Sale Chairman Eric Havens Show Chairmen Terry Weiker, Joe Cole Youth Chairman Brian Hartshuh Activities Held in 2011 — July 16 Junior Judging Contest at Crawford County Fair July 16 Junior Pizza Party at Crawford County Fair July 18 District Show at Crawford County Fair Activities Planned for 2012 — Date to be determined for District Show at Crawford County Fair

Alisha Thompson Is Crowned District 3 Holstein Queen by Barb Lumley Alisha Thompson, daughter of Alan and Sandy Thompson of Jewett, Ohio, was crowned the 2012 District 3 Holstein Queen by 2011 Queen Beth Zimmer of Marietta, Ohio, at the District 3 Holstein Club annual meeting and banquet held Saturday, March 24, 2012, at the First United Methodist Church in New Philadelphia, Ohio. Alisha is 18 years old and a senior at Harrison Central High School, where she is a member of the Harrison Central F.F.A. She is a member of the Germano Community 4-H Club and exhibits both dairy projects and goats at the Harrison County Fair. She helps with milking on the weekends at Plainfield Farms, owned by Don Simpson and Family, Belmont, Ohio. She Three generations of the Stewart family attended the participates in Pathway To District 3 meeting. Seated are Bob and Gwen Stewart, Teaching and assists with and standing are their daughter Sandy Thompson and granddaughter Alisha Thompson, 2012 District 3 students in elementary Holstein Queen. photo by Esther Welch classrooms during her days at Harrison Central. Recipients of the awards for exhibiting dairy projects at the Ohio State Fair included Michael Crawford, Victoria Deam, Clay Hershberger, Kara Jordan, Josh Jordan and Austin Trbovich. Receiving the Horace Stewart Memorial Award were Ben Simpson, Belmont County; Alisha Thompson, Harrison County; and Lisa Zimmer, Washington County. The Distinguished Junior Awards went to Brittany Finton, ages up to 14, and Lisa Zimmer and Ben Simpson, ages 15 to 21. John Hartline of Hartline Dairy Farms, Marietta, Ohio, was elected to the Board of Directors of the Ohio Holstein Association. William Burkhart, Jr., Magnolia, Ohio, was elected vice-president to fill the vacancy created by the Board of Directors election. Don Alexander, general manager of the Ohio Holstein Association, spoke on the upcoming sales and activities of the association. Esther Welch, editor of Ohio Holstein News, reported on plans for the News. A flush donated by Nate Steiner was won by Cliff Finton of New Philadelphia. Those present were reminded of the Daffodil Dairy Sale held March 27 at the Carroll County Fairgrounds, Carrollton; the Buckeye Classic Sale, March 30 at the Ohio State Fairgrounds, Columbus; and the Sharo-Dan Holstein Sale, April 11 at the farm near Dalton. A delicious meal was served by Louise Harding, assisted by members of the church. Following the annual business meeting, a District 3 Board Meeting was held.

Your Beef Checkoff Dollars at Work Your Beef Checkoff. Investing in Beef Safety, Nutrition and Promotion.


Taste of Beef at the Taste of Home Many of you have undoubtedly picked up and thumbed through the popular Taste of Home magazine to spark your next meal idea. You may even have one of their many cookbooks sitting in the stove-top cupboard ready for the next time you feel creative(as my mother does). What you may not know is that Taste of Home also offers numerous cooking schools across the national where Taste of Home chefs demonstrate recipes featured inside their publications. The Ohio Beef Council (OBC) joined Akron’s Taste of Home Cooking School in April taking advantage of a great opportunity to educate loyal Taste of Home fans who have the grilling season on their minds. OBC staffers were joined by Laura Schmuki, Stark County Beef Queen, who handed out flat iron steak samples. The product samples proved to be a great conversation starter with folks who overwhelmingly had never heard of this “diamond in the rough” beef cut that retails for roughly six dollars per pound. The evening was capped off when one lucky attendee received a grill kit garnished with the Healthy Beef Cookbook, steak rubs and, oh yes, two flat iron steaks for their enjoyment.

Educating Nutrition Influencers Nationally, the Checkoff’s Beef Nutrition News is providing registered dietitians and other health professionals with information about beef’s often overlooked nutritional and health benefits.

Reaching more than 4,000 recipients, Beef Nutrition News is keeping lean beef in the forefront of nutrition influencers’ minds from coast to coast. Newsletter highlights have included articles about nutrition labels in the meat case, the findings of the BOLD study, and delicious lean beef recipes. OBC works to reinforce these national efforts in Ohio by connecting with nutrition influencers at the grassroots level. OBC staffers recently visited the Ohio Dietetic Association’s Annual Conference to build connections with the more than 500 registered dieticians in attendance while extending the healthy beef message. Registered dieticians directly connect and influence consumers who make food choices everyday. With an active voice among this network, beef will continue to improve its image for our consumers.

Please Welcome Team BEEF Ohio Beef Council is proud to introduce our newest movement in promoting lean beef in a healthy diet - Team BEEF. What is Team BEEF? In short, it is a running team of beef spokespeople who understand the benefits of including lean beef in a healthy, active lifestyle and are willing to compete at various fitness events (i.e. marathons, 5k’s, triathlons) with one goal - spreading the lean beef message. Team BEEF will work to connect the fitness community with the 29 lean cuts of beef our industry has to offer each day. Mark your calendar and plan to

help cheer on Team BEEF at its firstever event on Sunday, June 17, at the Canton Marathon. Team BEEF will feature three relay teams comprised of cattle farmers, industry experts from the Certified Angus Beef ® brand and average consumers who are huge fans of lean beef. With continued effort in the Team BEEF initiative, your checkoff will prove once and for all that beef is the perfect fuel for the finish.

Mark Your Calendars for the American Grillmaster Experience

Coming to Ohio is the American Grillmaster Experience in partnership with the Beef Checkoff. For the second year, this tour will hit the road to offer beef grilling demonstrations, product samples and recipe information to Sam’s Club shoppers in 28 states around the nation. “Savvy consumers want to see, try, taste and experience products for themselves before they make purchasing decisions,” says Jane Frost, cowcalf producer from San Jon, N.M., and vice-chair of the checkoff’s Joint Retail Committee. “Connecting with consumers through promotional sampling in an environment of fun and excitement proves to be one of the best platforms for engaging our target audience and promoting our beef products.” The tour will hit Ohio by way of the Canton Sam’s Club location on Saturday, June 30.

The Ohio Beef Council and the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board are responsible for developing programs that increase the demand for beef. For more information, contact the Ohio Beef Council, 10600 U.S. Highway 42, Marysville, Ohio 43040, 614-8736736, beef@ohiobeef.org.

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 39

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40 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

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Cooperative Leadership – continued from page 9

seems farmers always appreciate a research trials. Sire Conception Rate good deal. Having quality people (SCR) has become one of, and many way in allowing COBA to rise to the calling on customers is next in times “theâ€?, most important criteria top. Secondly, I believe COBA has importance as dairymen appreciate of today’s dairymen. Select Sires been a price setter for dairy semen. knowledgeable assistance with mathas more active “+â€? SCR bulls than High fertility comes next because in ing recommendations and reproduc- anyone else in the industry. Need the registered or commercial dairy tion concerns. Making a LARGE a great clean-up bull that is > +3.0 business reproduction is the key to profit is SCR, has a very modprofit and sustainability. There are a the lowest ern pedigree, and may lot of top genetics in the A.I. induspriority graduate into the proven try and COBA competes for the top. of this colineup next year? If so— The fact that we have been profitable operative. try Fertility PRO bulls. and being a cooperative we return How1d & 2. Competitive those profits to our member-owners ever, if Prices/Making a Profit/ sets us apart from most A.I. organithe higher Returning Patronage— zations. ranking these are all tied togethDan: items are er. As a true cooperative 1. Top Genetics and High Fertility done well, that serves its member2. Outstanding Service it usuowners, it is not our 3. Competitive Prices ally results goal to make a lot of 4. Profit/Returning Patronage in good money, as it would be Duane Logan presenting Marketing Steve: profits and for a non-coop. It is our information at a customer meeting. 1. Top Genetics-Must meet the patronage goal, however, to remain needs of all breeders. Young sires checks befinancially strong and must prove their success with milking sent to customers. “in the blackâ€? to help our member/ ing daughters. Must have some Duane: owners not only survive, but also outcrosses. 1a. Outstanding Service—we pride to thrive—if they do, so will COBA. 2. High Fertility-Top genetics begins ourselves on our hard working, We try to be very competitive on with a pregnant cow! knowledgeable employees with price at all genetic levels, but not 3. Competitive Pricing-Need to hands-on experience and a passion sell below cost anywhere because continue to lead the way with the for the dairy business. someone down the road will have cheapest prices possible. 1b. Top Genetics—Select Sires has to pay more to off-set the minus. 4. Outstanding Service-What is the always provided industry leading The best part about being a successmotto . . . “Your Success/Our Pasgenetics, from ELEVATION, FOND ful cooperative is that when we end sion! MATT, BELL, MARK, BLACKSTAR to the year with a good net margin, 5. Profit/Patronage-If the first 4 BLITZ, OMAN, PLANET, MILLION, and we usually do, those dollars things are done successfully, this will ALEXANDER‌and a future that get returned to our member-owners take care of itself. includes 37 of the top 100 genomic through patronage. Bernie: young bulls. From Thankfully, show-ring type to 6LQFH 6HOHFW 0DWLQJ 6HUYLFH 606 year in and the highest NM$, we DQG 6HOHFW 5HSURGXFWLYH 6HUYLFHV 656 year out have always offered GR QRW GLUHFWO\ JHQHUDWH UHYHQXH Select Sires the best genetics to KRZ GR WKHVH VHUYLFHV ILJXUH LQ WR WKH has provided meet any dairyman’s us with top criteria and desire. RYHUDOO VXFFHVV RI &2%$" genetics and 1c. “Fertility Without Tom: Though SMS and SRS are high fertility Compromiseâ€? is our not income producing segments of semen to sell. tag-line that simply COBA, getting cows pregnant to top . . these two means the very best genetics is our goal so I hope that by rank highgenetics from bulls providing these services helps and est as they that “get ‘em bredâ€?. also encourages dairyman to use are essential Select Sires’ “Program more COBA semen and services. to build for Fertility AdvanceDan: Dairying is a business. Steve Buscher on the home dairy satisfied, mentâ€? (PFA) has evaluating the TMR. Dairymen are faced with a multitude repeat (loyal) proven invaluable of decisions every day. Almost all customers. as we have several will affect the financial foundation Competitive prices have helped cooperator herds across the country of the business. SMS and SRS proCOBA attract new customers as it ready to be involved with fertility vide expertise in areas that can/may 42 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

be overlooked by the owner or simply because he hasn’t the time to properly evaluate his reproductive situation. More eyes and more information help make better decisions. Steve: I believe these are two of the more overlooked benefits of this co-op. Both of these programs provide services to the members that will help us become more successful producers. I believe this is an even greater benefit to being a COBA member than patronage refunds. Bernie: When I began COBA/Select Sires staff at the Oklahoma City City Bombing Memorial during a recent as General Manager at staff meeting. As we focused on teamwork and building stronger internal commuCOBA in 1993 I did an nication, we took an afternoon to visit the bombing site to more fully apprecaite the analysis of the financials people we work with on a daily basis. and reported to the Board at that time that the Select goals, which is to help our memberoperatives properly directed and Mating Service (SMS) was owner-customers get cows bred as managed should be able to compete not directly bringing in enough effi ciently and profi tably as possible. with any company, private or public. money to cover its cost. The Board They have a wealth of knowledge Profits are essential for any busiquickly told me that many members from regular training—Dr. Ray Nebel ness to grow and survive but with a valued SMS as they greatly appreciheads up this group—and everyday cooperative those profits go back to ated the recommendations made hands-on experience. These guys the member-owners in relationship and it resulted in one less decision also have a competitive passion for to their use of the cooperative, not to farmers had to worry about. the job they do—helping you, the investors or shareholders. Having highly competent and dairyman. Dan: Hands down, co-ops are dedicated SMS and SRS employees more responsive to their customers’ has helped COBA attract new busineeds. They are more transparent. ness as well as retain and please :LWK EHLQJ WKH Âł,QWHUQDWLRQDO Co-ops are the foundation of agriloyal customers. <HDU RI &RRSHUDWLYHV ´ ZKDW DUH \RXU culture in this country. Dairymen Duane: SMS—no matter how WKRXJKWV DERXW FRRSHUDWLYHV DV FRP trust co-ops because as owners the good of a cowman you are, our SDUHG WR SULYDWHO\ RU SXEOLFO\ RZQHG people they hire listen more closely SMS evaluators, many of who judge to their requests, concerns and critiFRPSDQLHV LQ WKH $ , EXVLQHVV" county, state, national and internacisms. Tom: I am a fi rm believer in tional shows, have seen numerous Steve: I believe that when operfarmer owned cooperatives. Codaughters of each bull and have the ated properly, a farmer owned co-op best perspective on is in the best interest of our industry. what traits he sires. I believe that profitability is very At the very least, it important for any business, but a cois a great second op can afford to place it at a lower opinion, and it is priority as long as they can still be free! From a comsuccessful and provide their memmercial dairyman’s bers with top service. It is important standpoint, SMS is to remember, the co-op works for the best way to get us. You can’t say that about privately the most out of your owned companies. semen dollar and Bernie: I believe having a few avoid inbreeding. successful cooperatives in the A.I. Tom Fleming and his family as he was inducted SRS—these into the OSU Dairy Science Hall of Service in 2010. business helps keep everyone selling guys define one L to R: Daughter, Amy; wife, Sharon; Tom; son, semen on their toes. What if the of COBA’s main Tom Jr. and daughter in law, Bridget. seed corn, chemical or farm machinCooperative Leadership – continued on page 46 OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 43

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Cooperative Leadership – continued from page 43

other co-ops. Dairymen own Select Sires as well as COBA. It has been COBA’s mission to be the industry leader in high quality, fertile semen sold to dairymen at the lowest possible price. In addition, COBA/Select Sires continues to provide dairymen across their area with programs and service unparal2005 Ohio State University dairy judging team. leled in the A.I. L to R: Bernie Heisner, proud coach, Brian Baird, Stacey Shipley, industry. Dan Sanders, and Zach Stammen. Steve: I believe COBA ery businesses had some successful is unique in how they consider cooperatives providing strong competition? Do you think prices would the needs of all their members. They have exceptional employees be as high? that appreciate the opportunity to When dairy farmers challenge provide their services to the co-ops’ me on the cost of semen, I ask members. I believe there is no other them if they would give me 2% of co-op, not only in A.I., but in the entheir milk check to provide the setire agriculture industry, that better men they want to breed their herd. Compare that 2% to the cost of seed exemplifies the way a co-op should corn to plant an acre of corn. Strong be operated, than COBA/Select Sires! Bernie: From elected farmer cooperatives in the A.I. business are Directors and Delegates to hired a great deal for farmers. employees, COBA attempts to instill Duane: True cooperatives exist the desire of this cooperative to be for the benefit of their memberfair with all of our member-ownerowner-customers. Private or public customers whether they milk 10 owned A.I. companies exist to make cows or 20,000 cows and to consider money for their owners, who are not their well being first. usually in the dairy business. Duane: Real dairymen control and manage COBA—from our +RZ GR \RX IHHO &2%$ LV XQLTXH fifteen member Board of Directors, FRPSDUHG WR RWKHU $ , RUJDQL]DWLRQV" each with ten Delegates throughout Tom: As I view the dairy industheir geographical area, and then on try in general and the A.I. industry through management and field staff in specific, I cannot think of any with strong dairy backgrounds. We cooperative that functions any more all have a passion for this dairy busilike a true cooperative than COBA. ness and try to make good, common Farmer owned, farmer directed, sersense business decisions with our vice minded, profitable and profits member-owner-customers in mind. returned to member- owners in a timely fashion. $Q\WKLQJ HOVH \RX ZRXOG OLNH WR Dan: COBA is unique because VKDUH UHJDUGLQJ &2%$ 6HOHFW 6LUHV of many reasons. COBA is a vested Tom: Our farm has used COBA owner of Select Sires along with 8 semen and service since 1946 and it

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has been my privilege to be a small part of this cooperative. COBA/Select Sires will continue to be a leader in the A.I. industry as well as the dairy and beef communities because of the people that we have leading and working every day to provide top genetics, services and leadership in our service areas. Dan: At every opportunity I am proud to state that I am involved with numerous businesses and co-ops but it is only COBA that operates 100% of the time with the best interests of its farmer-owners at heart. Steve: As a current board member of COBA/Select Sires, I’d like to remind the members that part of our job is to listen to your ideas and concerns and bring them to the table so that we may continue to be a most successful co-op. Bernie: I have enjoyed serving as a “hired hand� of this cooperative since 1993 and being able to assemble a great team of people who like working with and for dairy farmers. Duane: PEOPLE MAKE THE DIFFERENCE—one example stamped in my memory is coming out of the show ring each year as a 4-H kid and having COBA’s Bob Wiley standing there to take a Polaroid picture of me and my calf. I could tell that he truly enjoyed doing it and I had the picture in minutes. He did this for all the kids at many fairs for many, many years—the epitome of the quality of people that are COBA/Select Sires.

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August 25, 2012 • 11:00 a.m. • Wooster, Ohio WAYNE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS SALE MANAGED BY OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION For more Ohio Summertime Sale information, contact any of the following staff. Don Alexander at 304-376-1788 or alexanderdon@comcast.net • Ken Janes 330-464-4134 Ted Renner, pedigrees, 330-828-2604 • Steve Andrews, auctioneer, 330-465-8498 Paul Haskins, 419-618-4028 • Randall Kiko, 330-831-0174 • Russell Kiko, 330-853-0401 Barb Lumley, 330-739-2038 • Kenneth Brown, 330-465-0582



Early consignments from the Missys, the Roxys and Miss America herself! Plans are underway for an enjoyable day with food, fellowship

and first-class consignments.

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Genomic Success with

COBA Pine-Tree 1937 Colt 5023-ET*RC 50K +2218GTPI +1219M +38F +35P +3.49T 3.07 cov +2.94FLC +560NM +4.7PL +.9DPR 75SCS She is the #13 RC/Red GTPI Heifer. Her Dam: Pine-Tree Mint Sharla-ET DOM Her Sire: 7HO10904 Sandy-Valley-Colt-P-RED-TW*PO GrDam: Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET EX-92 • She was purchased at the November 2011 PineTree Sale and has Contract Interest and a very nice Contract from Select Sires. • We plan to flush her soon, as she a First Choice Heifer selling in the Planet Sale at World Dairy Expo. • We plan to breed her, then do IVF aspiration on her two or three times.

Hartline Planet Janie-ET 2-03 336D 3x 32,309M 3.96% 1,280F 3.09% 999P Inc. 9/11 +2178 GTPI +2.06T +1.47UDC +1.27FLC +1726M +81F +61P +5.1PL SCS 2.76 1.5 PTAM+1697 +78F +59P NM+658 Her Dam: Hartline Duce Jewel-ET VG-87 DOM Her Sire: 7HO8081 Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET • Janie has been flushed to Olegant for a Select Sires Contract and has several other matings scheduled for AI.

North-Echo Planet 1907-ET VG-85 MS-87 2-04 284D 29,614M 4.36% 1,290F 3.23% 957P Inc. 4/12 50K +2156GTPI +969M +67F +39P +660NM +6.0PL2.83SCS +2.37T +2.1UDC +1.55FLC Her Dam: North-Fork Lynch Dina-ET Her Sire: 7HO8081 Ensenada Taboo Planet-ET • 1907 has three pregnancies and three transfers to Krunch, one pregnancy to Numero Uno, five pregnancies to Mogul and four pregnancies to Epic.

Inquiries Welcome on These Cows.

Hartline Farms and Zimmerview Farms would like to thank COBA/Select Sires for all the assistance they have given us.

— the OH-River Syndicate —

Hartline Farms, Inc. Marietta, OH 45750 740-236-7240

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Zimmerview Dairy Marietta, OH 45750 740-374-7299

Tim Cottrill Point Pleasant, WV 304-674-0209

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2012 DIRECTORY of Ohio Holstein Association Members





Lucas Ottawa Wood










Fayette Warren


















Pike Brown

Mahoning Columbiana




Hocking Vinton

Highland Clermont





Madison Greene





Licking Clark







Portage Medina









Geauga Lorain












Van Wert







6 Scioto

Washington Athens Meigs

Jackson Gallia Lawrence

photo by Steve Moff and Jenny Thomas

Ohio has been separated into 15 district areas of Holstein Club activities and programs as indicted on the map. The following pages list Ohio Holstein Association members in alphabetical order through April 2012. This list is printed in an effort to promote communication among the breeders, districts and the Ohio Holstein Association.

2012 Board of Directors and Officers

Seated, from left: Lamar Liming, Executive Committee; Lisa Kerr, Treasurer; Joe Miley, President; Dallas Rynd, Vice-President; Cathy Berg, Secretary; Don Alexander, General Manager. Back, from left: Peter Spike, Executive Committee; Ted Renner; Ken Janes, Executive Committee; John Hartline; Eric Topp; Jenny Thomas; Don Bickel; Regina Berg; Laurie Menzie; Esther Welch, Ohio News Editor. Not pictured: Jen Bouton, Marvin Steinke, Tom Thorbahn, Adam Whiteleather. 2012 Board Members D-1 Lamar Liming 3726 Austintown-Warren Road, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, 330-770-6206 D-2 Adam Whiteleather 29468 Tower Road, Salem, OH 44460, 330-205-1738 D-3 John Hartline 2100 Hartline Road, Whipple, OH 45788, Cell 740-236-7240 D-5 Jen Bouton 12138 Green Valley Road, Mt. Vernon OH 43050, 740-507-8271 D-7 Ken Janes 2519 South Jefferson Road, Wooster, OH 44691, Cell 330-464-4134 D-7 Ted Renner 17286 Old Lincoln Way, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-2604 D-8 Regina Berg 3114 Parsons Road, Bellville, OH 44813, 419-886-4229 D-9 Thomas L. Thorbahn 4428 County Road 247. Vickery, OH 43464, 419-547-0795 D-10 Laurie Menzie K121 County Road 3, McClure, OH 43534, Cell 740-624-6367 D-11/13 Jenny Thomas 6140 State Route 296, Cable, OH 43009, Cell 614-395-9823 D-12 Marvin Steinke 13505 Kettlersville Road, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-738-7174 D-14 Eric Topp 10356 Kohler Road, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-953-3427 D-15 Donald Bickel 1103 Hodson Road, New Vienna, OH 45159, 937-218-2697

2012 Officers Ohio Holstein Association Joe Miley, President 6745 Matty Road West Salem, OH 44287 Cell: 330-466-7223 Dallas Rynd, Vice-President 11242 Wheeler Road Ashville, OH 43103 Cell: 740-207-5005 Cathy Berg, Secretary 3056 Parsons Road Bellville, OH 44813 419-886-2871 Lisa Kerr, Treasurer 35 Burras Road North Fairfield, OH 44855 Cell: 419-264-4321 General Manager Don Alexander Cell: 304-376-1788

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JALODA LOU HOBAMA EX-90 EX-92 MS at 3-03 JALODA SHAMROCK TERRIFIC Born Sept. 27, 2011, PTPI +2289G 5K • Will be flushed in late summer +1623M +80F +42P 2.67SSC +8.5PL

JALODA FORBIDDEN JERUSHA EX-90 27 G W Atwood embryos from one flush • Embryos available at $350 each

—— VG-85 TWO-YEAR-OLDS —— Jaloda Sanchez Julio Jaloda Sanchez Hannah Jaloda Million Ruth Thanks to Bernie Heisner and COBA for sponsoring the Judging Contest at Bergs’ Open House during the Convention. We appreciate the service we receive from Kevin Hinds, Distributor, and Travis Mensching, Technician.

—— OLDER COBA FAVORITES —— Jaloda Artic Jacket VG-86 2-09 365D 26,337M 841F 813P Dam of Jaloda Million Ruth Jaloda Durham Jarabe EX-91 5-01 363D 36,524M 1,290F 1,089P Jaloda Teamster Halloween VG-87 4-10 365D 24,881M 971F 867P Jaloda Amateur Hande VG-87

Thanks to Andy Dawson of Shelby for purchasing our Mr Sam daughter at the Buckeye Classic Sale.

Ph: 440-775-7147 • Cell: 440-935-6378 Fax: 440-775-7147 • Email: jalodafarm@yahoo.com Jim, Dan and Daren Sheffield 45555 St. Rt. 303 Wellington, OH 44090 50 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

PGH 21 Years PBR 4 Years

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2012 Ohio Holstein Association Membership A-B Acker, Mark & Shawn, 07, Acker Dairy Farms LTD, 13280 Blough Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, Cell 330-317-6655 Ackerman, Ben, 09, Ackerman Farms, 5554 Cook Rd, New Washington, OH 44854, backerman@wavelinc.com, 419-492-2414, Cell 507-224-8388 Ackley, Merle & Dan, 11, Ackley Farms, 8968 CR 10, Zanesfield, OH 43360, 937-666-2783 Ackley, Robert & Jay, 11, Ack-Lee Holsteins, 9256 TR 141, East Liberty, OH 43319, ack-lee@embarqmail.com, 937-666-2122 Adams Jr, Anthony W, 12, A-Way Farm, 2150 St Anthony Rd, Coldwater, OH 45828, adamsa-wayfarm@bright.net, 419-942-1727 ADM Alliance Nutrition, 03, 120 Cherry Lane, Wooster, OH 44691, roger.schrader@adm.com, 330-263-6432, Cell 217-653-1373 Agland Co-op, 02, Craig A Eells, 330 S Lincoln Ave, Lisbon, OH 44432, ceells@agland.coop, 330-424-7229, Fax 330-424-8023 Alexander, Donald E, 07, 10 Greentree Drive, Morgantown, WV 26508, alexanderdon@comcast.net, Cell 304-376-1788 Alger, David W & Richard, 01, Grac-Glen Farm, 7420 SR 44, Ravenna, OH 44266, 330-297-5375 Amstutz, Alan, 07, Arlo Acres, 502 N Swinehart Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, lauralan@afo.net, 330-683-9100, Cell 330-749-8282, Fax 330-683-9100 Amstutz, J Louis, 07, Blue Crest Dairy, 14710 Church Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, Cell 330-317-1222, Fax 330-684-1459 Andreas Farms Inc, 03, Andreas Farms Inc, 446 Ragersville Road SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, dandlandreas@gmail.com, 330-852-4364, Cell 330-827-8707, Fax 330-852-4156 Andrews, Matt, 14, Dreamland Dairy, 4150 Tawawa Maplewood, Sidney, OH 45365, 937-492-1533 Andrews, Steve, 07, Steve Andrews, Auctioneer, 5107 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-9186, Cell 330-465-8498, Fax 330-262-5939 Arlosy Inc, 11, Art Loschky & Rob Bouic, 8900 SR 38, Milford Center, OH 43045, robbouic@centurylink.net, 937-349-4619, Cell 937-243-0315 Ayars, John D & Bonnie, 13, Ayars Dairy, 4381 Rosedale Rd, Mechanicsburg, OH 43044, Cell 937-609-3544 Baird, Mervin W, 03, Baird-View Farms, 63229 Salem Rd, Salesville, OH 43778 Baker, Roger, 07, Baker’s Acres, 6609 Ashland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, haymaker2@earthlink.net, 330-264-1317, Cell 330-621-1609

Ball, Philip Andrew, 04, 15956 N Liberty Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, philb@ezlinknet.com, 740-398-4992 Ballweg, Douglas R, 12, Ballweg Farms, 7500 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, 419-753-2589 Ballweg, Robert J, 12, Ballweg Farms, 7500 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, 419-753-2589 Barbee, Jr, T Richard, 11, Barbee Farm, 6950 Barror Rd, Orient, OH 43146, 614-875-5472 Bardall, Richard T, 03, Rich-Mar Farm, 26485 Norris Rd, Tippecanoe, OH 44699, 740-658-3479 Barker, Becky, 04, Berg Farm, 5510 CR 130, Edison, OH 43320, barkerfarms@redbird.net, 419-946-2469 Barkman, Mahlon, 03, May Bark, 2711 TR 166, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-7094 Ext 2 Barson, George, 08, Chuck Norton, 17704 Quarry Rd, Wellington, OH 44090 Barth, Gerald & Troy, 03, Barth Farms, 570 Handschumaker Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, bwyatt408@aol.com, 740-376-9225 Baugher Jr DVM, Robert L, 01, Countryside Veterinary Service, 4680 Mahoning Ave, Warren, OH 44483, drbob@onecom.com, 330-847-7337, Fax 330-889-3401 Bauman, Jeremy, 07, Bauman Farms, 9743 Pleasant Home Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, baumanfarms@zoominternet.net, Cell 330-208-3289 Beachy Jr, Jacob J, 07, Beach-Vale, 5580 SR 557, Millersburg, OH 44654, jjbeachy@embarqmail.com, 330-674-5854, Cell 330-465-4531 Beachy, Dale E, 07, Martins-Creek Farm, 6234 CR 203, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-9313 Beachy, Steven R, 03, Ste-Mar Holsteins, 1601 CR 168, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-893-3930 Beardsley, Jim, 02, Beardsley’s Holsteins, PO Box 217, Damascus, OH 44619, jcbeardsleys@yahoo.com, Cell 330-446-0009 Beardsley, Linda, 08, Franmar Farms, Inc, 6395 Branch Rd, Medina, OH 44256, Cell 330-618-0995 Beery, Adrian S, 07, Heritage Lane Dairy, 11154 Steiner Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, abeery07@gmail.com, Cell 330-464-0353 Benson, Richard A, 01, Rolling Maples Farm, 5937 Center Rd, Conneaut, OH 44030, 440-594-4775 Benson, Richard L, 01, Whitetail-Glen Farm, 6023 Center Rd, Conneaut, OH 44030, cowsrus@suite224.net, 440-594-1590, Cell 440-228-8128 Berg, Cathy, 08, Berg Farms, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813-9247, samecalf@aol.com, 419-886-2871, Fax 419-886-2871

Berg, Peter, 08, Berg Farms, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, 419-886-2871 Berg, Regina, 08, Berg Farms, 3114 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, bergfarm@redbird.net, 419-886-4229, Fax 419-886-4229 Berg, Walter, 08, Berg Farms, 3114 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, bergfarm@redbird.net, 419-886-4229, Fax 419-886-4229 Bernhard, Ethan, 08, 720 TR 1451, Shiloh, OH 44878, bernhard.38@buckeyemail.osu.edu, 567-203-8052 Bertke, Damon, 12, Bertke Dairy, 6356 Ft Rec-Min Rd, Maria Stein, OH 45860, bertke.32@wright.edu, 419-925-4061, Cell 419-953-8818 Besancon, Bill & Sandy, 07, Wil-San Registered Holsteins, 5693 Back Orrville Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, wilsan5693@yahoo.com, 330-264-0118, Cell 330-466-4870 Beyeler, Marion, 07, Blueberry Knoll, 10257 E Lincolnway, Orrville, OH 44667, marionbeyeler@gmail.com Bickel Family Limited Partnership, 15, Bickel Family Limited Partnership, 1103 Hodson Rd, New Vienna, OH 45159, bickeldon@gmail.com, Cell 937-218-2697 Bickel, Curtis, 15, N 6347 Searle Rd, Ripon, WI 54971, Cell 937-728-0174 Bingamon, Daniel, 13, Bingland Farms, 4223 Old Rt 35, Jamestown, OH 45335, bingamon7@aol.com, 937-675-2406, Cell 937-750-4344 Bingamon, Joshua, 13, Bingland Farms, 4339 Wolford Rd, Xenia, OH 45385, jdbingamon@gmail.com, 937-727-9468 Blair, Keith & Steven, 03, Three Knoll Farm, 52272 SR 145, Beallsville, OH 43716, 740-926-9121 Bloomfield, Richard J, 07, 1363 Fulton Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-621-1358, Cell 304-280-6604 Blue Ridge Farms, LLC, 07, Blue Ridge Farms, 1784 Jentes Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-345-7840 Blue Spring Farm LLC, 02, Blue Spring Farm LLC, 14277 Marlboro Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, skapper@neo.rr.com, Cell 330-935-2829 Bodey, Michael W, 13, Mi-Kar Farm, 5912 E SR 29, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653-8401 Boes, Eugene, 09, Gene Boes Dairy, 16132 CH 53, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, 419-273-2247, Cell 419-294-8799 Boes, Kevin, 09, West Lincoln Holsteins, 15572 US 30 W, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, westlincholsteins@gmail.com, 419-458-2005 Boggs, Robin, 01, Alfa-Creek Farm, 4012 Belden Rd, Andover, OH 44003, boggsrobin@yahoo.com, 440-293-6165 OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 51

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Bohlen, Kurt, 03, Bohlen’s Dairy Farm, 353 Cow Run Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, kabohlen@yahoo.com, 740-473-9072, Cell 740-350-4931 Bohlen, Ronald, Barb & Kurt, 03, Bohlen’s Dairy Farm, 360 Cow Run Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, kabohlen@yahoo.com, 740-473-1259, Cell 740-350-4931 Bontrager, William, 07, Bontrager Farms, 6112 TR 322, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-5353, Cell 330-763-0490 Borchers, Alan & Greg, 11, Sugar Knoll Holsteins, 5975 TR 23, Lewistown, OH 43333, gregborchers@hotmail.com, 937-596-6772 Boss Farm LLC, 07, Boss Farm LLC, 13655 Gearhart Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, bossfarm@aol.com, Cell 330-464-0373 Bouic, Frank Allen, 11, 9404 Hinton Mill Rd, Ostrander, OH 43061, 740-666-2161, Cell 740-666-2516 Bouton, Aaron, 04, Kokosing Farms, 12138 Green Valley Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, kokosingfarms@gmail.com, 740-507-8271, Cell 740-507-7772 Bowen, Steve, 12, Ren-Bow, 5934 VW Mercer County Line Rd, Rockford, OH 45882, 419-795-3500, Cell 419-203-5514 Bowers, Cecil, 07, Hi-O-Brook Farm, 11843 Church Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-682-8816 Bowman, Robert D, 02, Nordo Farms, 3999 Pigeon Run Ave SW, Massillon, OH 44647, 330-834-3522 Bowman, Terry L, 04, Bowmans Dairy Farm, 2566 Blacks Rd, Hebron, OH 43025, tbowman8@columbus.rr.com, 740-928-4139 Brehm, Lowell, Gary & Hal, 10, Sandland Farms Inc, 4397 CR EF, Swanton, OH 43558, 419-822-4474 Brenneman, Dr James W, 07, Bren-Valley, 18570 Brenneman Rd, Dundee, OH 44624 Brightbill-GEM Hill Farms LLC, 08, Brightbill-GEM Hill Farms LLC, 511 TR 3050, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-994-4502, Cell 419-651-8247

5107 S. Jefferson Road Wooster, OH 44691

330-262-9186 330-465-8498 Steve 330-466-5471 Seth steveandrews@sssnet.com

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Brill, Rick & Janice, 08, Brill-View Farms Inc, 47074 Whitney Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2445, Cell 440-773-4203 Brill, Robert, 08, 48031 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-774-3112 Britton, Jean & Richard Tugend, 08, Lincolnway View Farm, 588 CR 30A, Jeromesville, OH 44840, 419-606-7681 Broshes, Tony, 13, Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins, 3516 Flatfoot Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, broshes@ctcn.net, 937-652-3840, Fax 937-652-3363 Brown, Alan, 12, Brownhaven Farms, 08713 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, alanruth@hometowncable.net, 419-629-2146 Brown, Kenneth W, 07, 4032 E Easton Rd, Creston, OH 44217, cabrown415@gmail.com, 330-435-4130, Cell 330-465-0582 Brown, Lou, 12, Brownhaven Farm, 07535 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, dbrown7@hometowncable.net, 419-629-2570, Cell 419-953-2360 Brown, Marvin D, 03, OK Haven Farm, 3386 Henderson School Rd, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, okhaven@tusco.net, 330-343-8407 Brugler, Glenn R, 01, Ridge-Dell Farm, 7827 Hayes-Orangeville Rd, Burghill, OH 44404, gbrugler@aol.com, 330-772-5361 Brugler, Robert E, 01, Ridge-Dell Holsteins, 7827 Hayes-Orangeville Rd, Burghill, OH 44404, 330-772-5361 Bryant, Robert & Jason, 08, Bry-Lyn Holsteins, 2069 Satinwood Dr, Mansfield, OH 44903, jbryant4@neo.rr.com, 419-589-2249, Fax 419-589-7306 Buckeye Career Center, 03, Buckeye Career Center, 545 University Drive NE, New Philadelphia, OH 44663 Bucks Pride LLC, 09, Ken Kocher & Joe Cole, 6249 Ross Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, 419-284-3929 Buechner, Megan M, 11, 7830 HarrisburgLondon Rd, Orient, OH 43146, 614-877-2546 Burch Dairy Farm LLC, 02, Burch Dairy Farm LLC, 4405 SR 9, Salem, OH 44460, 330-222-1125, Cell 330-853-3300 Burkhart Jr, William J, 03, Springway Farms, 8086 Bachelor Rd NW, Magnolia, OH 44643, bill@springwayfarms.com, 330-866-5289, Fax 330-866-5289 Burkhart, Kathryn E, 03, Springway Farms, 8086 Bachelor Rd NW, Magnolia, OH 44643, 330-866-5289 Burkhart, William J, 03, Springway Farms, 8099 Bachelor Rd NW, Magnolia, OH 44643, 330-866-3376 Burkholder, Ivan, 08, Clarity-View Holsteins, 1769 Noble Rd W, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2061 Burkholder, Jason, 08, Breezy Knoll Holsteins, 1274 Lattimer Rd E, Shiloh, OH 44878-8934, 419-895-9966, Fax 419-895-9966 Burkholder, Jonas U, 03, Old Road Farms, 2699 TR 406, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-893-3195 Burky, G Chad & Michele, 03, Burky Farm LLC, 6860 Sugarcreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663-6910, michele_burky@cargill.com, Cell 419-651-2081, Fax 330-409-0225

Burky, Gary, 03, Burky Farm LLC, 7257 Sugarcreek Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, garyburky@tusco.net, 330-339-5603, Cell 330-340-5454 Buschur, Steve, 14, Buschur Dairy Farms Inc, 14272 Johnson Rd, New Weston, OH 45348, buschurdairy@gmail.com, 419-336-8812, Cell 937-423-7108

C-D Call, Alfred L, 13, Call-Del Holsteins, 11154 Huntington Rd, S Charleston, OH 45368, 937-462-7285 Call, Brian, 13, Call-Del Holsteins, 11050 Huntington Rd, S Charleston, OH 45368, Cell 937-206-1398 Campbell Bros, Inc, 02, Campbell Bros, Inc, 3821 Union Ave NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, soupfarmer@aol.com, 330-821-5696, Fax 330-821-4247 Carle, Scott, 03, J-Car Farms, 8814 Lorey Rd, East Rochester, OH 44625, stcarle22@gmail.com, 330-894-2902 Carmony, Stanley, 07, Carmony Farms Ltd, 8573 Canaan Center Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, carmonyfarmsltd@gmail.com, 330-345-9105 Carper, Merlin F, 02, Carperdale Farms, 8324 Pilot Knob Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-8907 Carrollton FFA, 03, Carrollton Vo-Ag, 252 3rd Street NE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-7606 Carter, Bradley, 07, Neueway Holsteins, 2967 SW Lebanon Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, bradgailcarter@aol.com, 330-828-0821, Cell 330-465-1439, Fax 330-828-8821 Clark, Seth, 07, Intervet, 18161 Hackett Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, seth.clark9@merck.com, Cell 330-465-2728 Clark, Thomas R, 01, Clark Farm, 7370 SR 534, West Farmington, OH 44491 Clarke, Robert D, 03, Clarkhills Farm, 10204 Blizzard Ridge Rd, Uhrichsville, OH 44683, 740-922-1283 Cline, Harold & Marie, 09, 3094 Baird Rd, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-435-5977 Cline, Mark, 09, 5453 McCutchenville Rd, Fostoria, OH 44830, macline@wcnet.org, 419-619-4559 Cline, Phillip, 09, Mawil, 5475 McCutchenville Rd, Fostoria, OH 44830, Cell 419-619-3561 Coblentz, Marvin, 07, Mar-Rose, 992 US 62, Wilmot, OH 44689, 330-359-5570 Coffman, Mike, 03, Coffman Farms Inc, 690 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-3116, Cell 740-516-6769 Cole, Anne, 09, Longacre Farms Inc & Bucks Pride, LLC, 4585 Holmes Center Rd, Bucyrus, OH 44820, Cell 419-561-0902, Fax 419-563-9989 Cole, Duane T, 01, Cole Farms, 8105 Hartford Rd, Burghill, OH 44404-9755, dtccow@yahoo.com, 440-724-1587, Fax 440-599-9170 Collett, Robert & Susan, 07, Sand Run Farm, 7629 CR 68, Millersburg, OH 44654, Cell 330-763-3002 Congleton, Mike, 03, BELHI Holsteins, 159 Emmaus Rd, Belpre, OH 45714, 740-423-9679

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Conrad, Donald L & Joyce, 05, Conrad Farm, 13205 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5124, Cell 740-572-1070 Conrad, Gregory A, 05, Conrad Farm, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, gconrad67@msn.com, 740-495-5067, Cell 740-572-1058 Conrad, Rick & Dave, 08, Conrad Farms, 19900 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton, OH 44044, rconrad@ncwcom.net, ldabj@ncwcom.net, 440-647-2104, Fax 440-647-7691 Cook, Kevin, 02, Midway-Crest Farm, 41411 SR 558, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-482-4772 Cook, Ronald R, 02, Midway-Crest Farm, 4349 Bunkerhill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-482-2390 Cope, Grant, 02, Breezy-Knoll Farm, 4675 Depot Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-222-1470, Cell 330-423-2323 Cornish Jr, David E, 08, 2572 Edwards Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, dave.cornish@wellingtonimplement.com, 419-752-6293, Cell 440-387-1251 Cox, James A, 13, Havencrest Farms, 8541 Ulery Rd, New Carlisle, OH 45344, havencrestfarms@gmail.com, 937-845-0318 Crawford, Dan & Lois, 03, Crawford Farms, 5755 North American Rd -NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-364-2923 Crilow Farms Ltd, 07, Crilow Farms, 7165 TR 571, Holmesville, OH 44633, 330-674-3190 Crist, Steve, 02, Crist Dairy Farms, 5390 Rochester Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-5155 Cromer, Amanda & Nathan, 11, Sieg Dairy, 8326 CR 121, Ridgeway, OH 43345, 937-363-2101 Crossgrove, Roger D, 10, 5J Acres, 22-139 Rd V, Rt 2, Archbold, OH 43502, 5jacres@bright.net, 419-445-6121, Cell 419-906-1201 Crutch, Kristi & Adrienne, 07, Oseeana Holsteins, 10 Greentree Dr, Morgantown, WV 26508, klcrutch@comcast.net, Cell 304-203-3849 Cummings, Tim, 14, Seven Gables Farm, 6999 Johnston Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365, 937-726-2664 Curran, Tim, 12, Quietcove Holsteins, 17930 Fryburg East Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, Cell 309-838-9777 Custer, Brian & Timothy Rohrer, 02, FloLeen Farms, 7136 Oakhill Avenue NE, Box 267, Maximo, OH 44650, 330-823-8276 Dalessandro DVM, Anthony R, 12, Nettle Creek Jerseys, 4958 US 35N, Richmond, IN 47374, IndianaETVet@aol.com, 765-935-2373, Cell 765-993-4993, Fax 765-939-0037 Damascus Livestock Auction, 02, Barry & Rhonda Pidgeon, P O Box 198, Damascus, OH 44619, 330-537-2061 Daniel, Gene, 09, 3348 S SR 231, Tiffin, OH 44883, Cell 567-207-6794 Davenport, Nathan, 10, Davenport’s Hoof Care, 4852 Middle Pike, West Jefferson, OH 43162, Cell 937-417-2589 Davidson Family, 15, Davidson Dairies LLC, 2784 Hollowton Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, davidsondairy@yahoo.com, 937-288-2208, Fax 937-288-2208

Davidson, Tim W & Lee W, 11, Ladson View Farm, 504 S Carlisle Street, Quincy, OH 43343, 937-585-6014, Cell 937-441-4304, Fax 937-585-6014 Davis, Dean, 07, 6630 E Lincoln Way, Wooster, OH 44691-7290, 330-435-5890, Fax 330-264-9846 Dawson, Andy, 08, 4430 Hazelbrush Rd, Shelby, OH 44895, Cell 419-565-6209 Deam, Neil, 03, Deam’s Hoof Care, 9843 Golf Course Rd NW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, njvdeam@yahoo.com, 330-852-3110, Cell 330-763-1405 Deam, Steven S & Deidre, 13, COBA/Select Sires Inc, 5248 Goldfield Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026, steve@cobaselect.com, 937-477-6616, Fax 937-964-8602 Deem, Chris & Nicki, 07, Deem-Pointe Holsteins, 12845 Burbank Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, 330-624-7117 Denman, Davis, 01, Denmandale Farms, 3155 Irishtown Southworth, Cortland, OH 44410, 330-638-6222 Dicke, Darby & Amy, 13, Hilltop Farms Inc, 1613 Hilltop Rd, Xenia, OH 45385, 937-376-9607, Cell 937-307-8409 Dickey, Gary, 15, Dickey’s Registered Holsteins, 7511 Fair Ridge Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, 937-927-5223 Dickey, Janet, 15, Dickey’s Registered Holsteins, 7669 Fair Ridge Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, 937-927-5498 Dickey, Kevin & Sandy, 15, Dickey’s Registered Holsteins, 7474 Fair Ridge Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, 937-927-5297 Diedrick Brothers, 08, Diedrick Bros, 45302 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, Cell 440-213-5744

Doeberiener, Kevin & Lindsay Bowen, 07, 5135 N Elyria Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, Cell 814-573-6982 Kevin, 614-309-9144 Lindsay Doria, Lesley & Sam, 13, Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins, 370 Edgewood, Perrysburg, OH 43551-1835 Dotterer, Kent, 07, G&S Dotterer Farm, 12391 Benner Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, kentdotterer@gmail.com, Cell 330-234-8233 Dotterer, Mark, 07, RMD Dairy Farm Ltd, 9757 Easton Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, Cell 330-414-7901 Dovin Dairy Farms LLC, 08, Dovin Dairy Farms LLC, 15967 Rt 58 S, Oberlin, OH 44074, 440-775-2386, Fax 440-774-1076 Duncan, Charles, 04, Duncan Farm, 42571 US 36, Warsaw, OH 43844, 740-824-4275, Fax 614-824-3672 Duncan, Daryl, 04, Duncan Farm, 42527 US 36, Warsaw, OH 43844, dsduncan1@frontier.com, 740-824-4592, Cell 740-502-4549 Dye, Douglas S, 02, Quality Quest Holsteins, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-5272, Cell 330-207-8854 Dye, Evan S, 02, Quality Quest Holsteins, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-5272, Cell 330-238-0826 Dye, Marvin, 02, Dye-Mond Farms, 23555 Buck Rd, Alliance, OH 44601-6919, 330-823-8207, Cell 352-567-6917 (FL Nov-Apr)

Attention Farmers ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

Sell Cows and Bulls Direct Sold on a Dressed Basis Graded and Shipped Daily Representing Six Major Packers Each Animal Distributed to the Plant that will Return a Premium Price to You Transportation Available Save – No commissions Serving the Industry Over 50 Years in This Area Licensed and Bonded $200,000 for Your Protection

Merlin L. Garver, Inc. 2203 Heyl Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 OFFICE 1-800-686-6292 330-264-5275 1-800-374-6180

1/2 Mile West of Holstein Association

FARM Paul 330-264-2660 Paul’s Cell 330-466-1188 Jan 330-264-5275

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 53

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E-F-G Eberhard, Ron & Bruce, 11, Business & Estate Planning Services Unlimited, PO Box 458 1531 Eber-Lea Vista, Grove City, OH 43123, bepsu@dreamweaving.net, 614-871-0114, Fax 614-871-1157 Eberly, Brenda, 07, Emerald Quest, 2234 CR 37, Jeromesville, OH 44840, emeraldquest3@gmail.com, Cell 330-317-2386 Eberly, Duane, 07, Eberly Farms, 8058 W Smithville Western, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-263-4169, Cell 330-466-6095 Ebner, Phillip, 03, Ja-Lane Farms, 4118 Arrow Rd NW, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-7008 Elsass, Jeremy & Lori, 12, Quietcove Holsteins, 17930 Fryburg East Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895-8714, qch4077@gmail.com, 419-552-0355, Fax 419-739-7522 Elsass, Johnathon, 12, Quietcove Holsteins, 1424 W Byron St #1, Chicago, IL 60613, 773-331-1914 Elshoff, Jay & Kirke, 12, Golden Hills Farm, 13110 Elshoff Dr, St Marys, OH 45885, agbag@nktelco.net, 419-753-2323, Cell 419-305-6071, Fax 419-753-2388 Emmons, Neree & Clark, 10, Emmons Farms LLC, 15584 SH 108, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-452-7761, Cell 419-466-4471 Epperly, Kelly A, 14, Dorloy K Holsteins, 501 W Main PO Box 131, Anna, OH 45302, k41883@yahoo.com Epperly, Kelly L, 14, Dorloy K Holsteins, 501 W Main PO Box 131, Anna, OH 45302, 937-394-4171 Erhardt, Bruce, 15, 2784 Van Trump Rd, Somerville, OH 45064, 937-787-3994 Etgen, Ty, 12, Etgen-Way Holsteins, 8282 Little Auglaize River Rd, Delphos, OH 45833, etgen.11@live.com, Cell 567-204-6310 Evans, David I & Mike, 03, Klami Reg Holsteins, 7163 Macaw Rd NW, Minerva, OH 44657, holsteins@ptcoh.net, 330-895-2250, Cell 330-205-4049 Express Show Cattle, 13, Express Show Cattle, 5077 S Kennard Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, expressshowcattle@yahoo.com, Cell 937-206-9890 Farm Credit Services, 07, PO Box 1006E382 W Liberty St, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-2451, Cell 330-466-0122, Fax 330-262-9325 Fawnacres Farm, 04, Fawnacres Farm, 8202 Sparta Rd, Fredericktown, OH 43019, scophil811@yahoo.com, 740-694-9636, Cell 740-507-4049 Finton, CC, 03, Carlene Farms, 1436 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5089 Firebaugh, Jay G, 07, Firetech Holstein Farm, 7827 Zimmerman Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-263-1248 First National Bank, 07, First National Bank, 112 W Market St, Orrville, OH 44691, codyutt@discoverfirstnational.com, 330-765-0602, Fax 330-682-4740 Fisher, Jennifer L, 03, Lumley Holsteins, 2301 Amsterdam Rd SE, Scio, OH 43988, 740-945-0146

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Fisher, Philip E, 12, Diamond-Oak Farm, 20715 SR 189, Ft Jennings, OH 45844, Cell 419-302-3148 Fledderjohann, Craig, Ned & Derek, 12, Canal View Farm, 04238 SR 219, St Marys, OH 45885, ckfledd@nktelco.net, 419-753-2134, Cell 419-953-3487 Fledderjohann, Mark, 12, Pleasant-Meadow Farm, 8570 CR 219A, Celina, OH 45822, 419-629-2341 Fox, Beth & Chad, 02, Never Done Dairy, 7233 Fohl Rd SW, Navarre, OH 44662, 330-879-0170, Cell 330-546-5758 Fraser, Anne Marie, 02, Buckeye-View Farm, 632 S 12th St, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-7262 Garner, James L, 15, Garner Farm, 5381 Dunwoody Rd, Hamilton, OH 45013, 513-756-9565 Garrison, Brian, 11, 4897 Common Market Place, Dublin, OH 43016, bgarrison@selectsires.com, Cell 614-264-3240 Gaskill, Terry, 03, Pine Grove Farm, 11158 Stonecreek Rd SW, Newcomerstown, OH 43832, sonyagaskill@gmail.com, 740-498-5656, Cell 330-447-8782 Gasser, Kraig, 07, 2556 E Easton Rd, Creston, OH 44217, 330-435-4160, Cell 330-317-7688 Gasser, Steve, 07, Gasser Farms, 2959 Pleasant Home Rd, Creston, OH 44217, sjgasser@juno.com, Cell 330-465-5429 Gehrig, Dave & Harry, 03, Century-Knoll Farm, 43505 Long Ridge Rd, Clarington, OH 43915, 740-483-1527 Geiselman, Jacob, 02, Geiselman Farms, 22226 Bates Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, jlions40@aol.com, 330-868-4077, Cell 330-205-7162 Gerber, Kenneth, 07, 5610 TR 353, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-9817 Gerten, Thomas & Donald, 12, Gerten Dairy, 8745 Rd 5-H, Leipsic, OH 45856, gertbro10@yahoo.com, 419-943-2867 Gilbert, Steve, 07, Broad-Vue Holsteins, 1554 TR 35, Wooster, OH 44691, 419-869-7137, Cell 330-231-8039 Gill, Ralph, 07, 7588 Back Orrville Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, ragill@landolakes.com, Cell 330-466-0498, Fax 330-682-0089 Gleisner, H K Bud, 08, 517 Parkside Reserve, Wellington, OH 44090, Cell 419-651-9388 Good, Tony, 09, Buckeye ET, 8925 Harriott Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, tgood@selectsires.com, 614-873-7140 Goodman, Merlin, Gregory & Bradley, 12, Goodman Dairy Farms, 4600 Ottawa Rd, Lima, OH 45801, 419-225-8177, Cell 419-236-6223 Gowanlock, Heather, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9160 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406-9113, 330-549-2938 Graber, Robert E, 07, Bob Graber Auctioneer, 15034 Burkhart Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, bgraberauctions@aol.com, 330-684-2123, Cell 330-466-1662 Graft, Fred J, 11, Echo Spring, 1123 Worthington Heights Blvd, Columbus, OH 43235-2132, fredgraft@aol.com, Cell 614-989-3030 Graham, Robert K, 03, Rolling Acres Dairy, 56765 Little Captina Rd, Powhatan Point, OH 43942, barngoddess75@hotmail.com,

740-795-5726, Cell 740-359-0797 Gresser, Irvin, 07, Ir-Ma-Vale Farm, 7585 Akron Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-669-3611, Cell 330-347-5171 Gross, Adam & Alison, 05, Flat-Maple Holsteins, 26465 Tarlton Adelphi Rd, Laurelville, OH 43135, fmhagross@aol.com, 740-332-0735, Cell 740-497-8354 Grove, Juli A, 03, Hardingdale Holsteins, 1010 S Broadway, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5389 Grube, Michael & Janelle, 08, 8300 ShilohNorwalk Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2897, Cell 419-564-3265 Guggenbiller, Daryl L, 12, Glacier Hill Farm, 972 Meiring Rd, Ft Recovery, OH 45846, 419-375-4650, Cell 419-852-8816 Gunkleman, Dave, 07, 14770 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, drgunkelman@yahoo.com, Cell 330-464-3259

H-I-J Habrun, Larry, 07, Habrun’s Insurance Service, PO Box 347, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-9091 Hahn, Justin, 01, Hahn-Way Holsteins, 6387 Youngstown Kingsville Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, jhahnway@neo.rr.com, 330-924-1023, Cell 330-233-2479 Hall, Charles D, 01, Hallbrook Farm, 3139 Wakefield Creek Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, hbrkfm@aol.com, 330-876-1755, Cell 330-246-0774 Hange, Donald E, 07, Accelerated Genetics, 4313 Mechanicsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, Cell 330-465-1515 Harding, Edna, 03, E-Fran-Dale Holsteins, 4364 Schilling Hill Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5490, Cell 330-243-4728 Harding, Jared, 03, Hardingdale Holsteins, 4447 Crooked Run Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5389 Harding, Larry, 03, Hardingdale Holsteins, 4447 Crooked Run Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5389 Harding, Louise, 03, Lou Har Holsteins, 4364 Schilling Hill Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5490 Harms, David & Dirk, 15, Harms Farms, 2700 Clayton Rd, Brookville, OH 45309, 937-687-2955 Harms, Shari L, 15, Har Place, 2700 Clayton Rd, Brookville, OH 45309, 937-687-2955 Harold’s Equipment, 03, 2120 CR 168, Dundee, OH 44624, haroldn@tusco.net, 330-893-2348, Fax 330-893-3459 Harpster Enterprises Ltd, 08, Harpster Enterprises Ltd, 316 US 250E, Jeromesville, OH 44840, 419-869-7451, Cell 419-651-2343 Harris, Imogene C, 13, 3211 Troy Road, Springfield, OH 45504, 937-399-1554 Harris, Paul, 01, Harris Farm, 9554 Bainbridge Rd, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023, precious3hr@windstream.net, 440-543-7587

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Hartline, Robert, Gale & John, 03, Hartline Valley Farms, Inc, 735 Wagner Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, hartlinefarms@gmail.com, 740-376-0147, Fax 740-376-0137 Hartman, Wayne E, 07, Hartman Dairy Farm Inc, 3918 Ogden Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-1710, Cell 330-465-7536 Hartschuh, Allen & Diane, 09, Dial Dairy Farm, 1401 New Washington Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, dialdairy@wavelinc.com, 419-284-3721, Cell 419-561-0024 Hartschuh, Brian, 09, 7875 Miller Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, brian.hartschuh@gmail.com, 419-561-1365 Hartschuh, Gregory S, 09, Dial Dairy Farm, 6348 Parks Rd, Sycamore, OH 44882, Cell 419-561-1364 Hartschuh, Jason, 09, Dial Dairy Farm, 1401 New Washington Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, hartschuh.11@gmail.com, Cell 419-561-1216 Hartzler, Shane, 07, Crossroads Dairy, LLC, 10721 Benner Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-925-1582 Haskins, Paul R, 07, Rohaven Holsteins, 15 Beechwood Dr, Apt 8, Tiffin, OH 44883, phaskins17199@hotmail.com, Cell 419-618-4028 Haskins, Robert W, 04, Haskins Farm, 17219 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, 740-694-0122 Hastings, Duane, 08, 107 CR 1100, West Salem, OH 44287 Havens, Eric, 09, Brookview Farms, 4293 Tiffin Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, ehbrookviewfarms@yahoo.com, 419-992-4471, Cell 419-307-3758, Fax 419-992-4471 Havens, Karl E, 09, Brookview Farms, 1758 Morrison Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, 419-334-4706 Headland, Roderick, 02, 14347 Western Reserve, Salem OH 44460, Cell 330-547-2065 Heger, Cam & Alex, 15, 5911 LesourdsvilleW Chester Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011, 513-777-1666, Cell 513-646-6904 Heger, Curt, 15, Future Manor Farm, 10131 CR 227, Camden, OH 45311, 937-452-3606 Heger, Roy, 15, Future Manor Farm, 11124 Camden Darrtown Rd, Camden, OH 45311, 513-796-2444, Cell 513-907-0522, Fax 513-796-0078

Hein, Jay, 12, Nor-J-Farms, 8109 Clover Four Rd, Celina, OH 45822, 419-925-5103, Cell 419-852-9125 Heisner, Bernard M, 11, COBA/Select Sires Inc, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Columbus, OH 43228, Bernie@cobaselect.com, 614-878-5333, Fax 614-870-2622 Hempfling, Charles J, 12, Hempfling Dairy Farm, 22161 Lincoln Hwy, Delphos, OH 45833, chempfling@woh.rr.com, Cell 419-236-6467 Henricks, Richard, 10, Cliff-Ann Holsteins, 14692 CR 16-3, Fayette, OH 43521, randshenricks@windstream.net, 419-452-7285, Fax 419-452-7285 Henry, Anton, 14, Indian Stone Holsteins, 10695 Wolf Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, indianstone1@embarqmail.com, 937-238-4960 Henry, Charlie, 14, Indian Stone Holsteins, 7581 SR 242, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-423-5293 Henry, Joe, 14, Indian Stone Holsteins, 10695 Wolf Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-238-4954 Henry, Mark W, 11, Henry Farms, 9110 SR 287, West Liberty, OH 43357, henrydairy@yahoo.com, 937-747-3575, Cell 937-539-0068, Fax 937-747-3575 Henry, Steve P, 03, Lemuel Dairy Farm, 11744 Turkey Flat Rd SE, Uhrichsville, OH 44683, 740-254-9238, Fax 740-254-4025 Henschen DVM, Tye J, 11, Midwest Genetics, 3883 Klondike Rd, Delaware, OH 43015, 740-369-3931, Cell 740-815-0076, Fax 740-369-7814 Herold, Robert L, 02, Whippoorwill Farms, 2541 Knox School Rd, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-525-7495 Hershberger, Craig, 07, Ree-Kay, 4976 CR 172, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, ehlm_chershb@tccsa.net, 330-852-4898, Cell 330-204-3317 Hershberger, Levi E L, 07, Hersh-Dale, 3765 SR 39, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-893-3263 Hershberger, Renee, 07, Ree-Kay Acres, 4976 CR 172, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, EHLM_chershb@tccsa.net, 330-852-4898 High, Darvin & Ashley, 07, High’s Holsteins, 3917 Ogden Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-5662 Hinds, Kevin C, 03, 6443 Everhart Rd, Newcomerstown, OH 43832, 740-498-6240, Cell 614-205-7173

Hippely, Fred & Susan, 02, Hipalane Farms, 5250 McCann Rd, Salem, OH 44460 Hippely, Robert, 02, Hippely Holsteins, 23675 Buck Rd, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-823-2123 Hochstetler, William J, 07, Goose-Valley Farm, 3025 TR 406, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-893-2076 Hogle, David N, 01, Hogle Farms, 290 Underridge Road, Conneaut, OH 44030, cdshogle@roadrunner.com, Cell 440-344-6168 Hohman, Michael, 02, Strouble Farm LTD, 9360 Beeson St NE, Louisville, OH 44641, Cell 330-575-7007 Holmes Ag Service, 07, Holmes Ag Service, PO Box 67, Holmesville, OH 44633, holmesag@embarqmail.com, 330-279-2501, Fax 330-279-3397 Holter, Roy, Alan, Edward & Pat, 06, Holter’s Holstein Farms, 34425 Dairy Lane, Pomeroy, OH 45769, 740-992-7261 Hoover, Dan & Connie, 09, Hoover Dairy, 2314 E SR 18, Tiffin, OH 44883, 419-447-2177 Horning, Aaron Z, 08, 1011 Crum Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-895-1183 Horning, Paul R, 08, Maple Drive Farm, 1089 Crum Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-895-1024 Horst, Raymond, 08, Horst Farms LLC, 5693 Hazelbrush Rd, Shelby, OH 44875, 419-342-2169, Fax 419-342-2168 Horst, Rodney, 07, 711 W Lebanon Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-2740, Cell 330-317-6180, Fax 330-828-2740 Hostetler, Eli A, 07, Valley-Vue Holsteins, 4658 Harrison Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627 Hostetler, Luke, 07, Hostetler Farm, 1821 Deerfield Ave NW, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-0671 Hudson, Craig, 09, Hudson Farms, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820, ckhud909@embarqmail.com, 419-563-0102, Cell 419-834-0207 Hughes, Julie, 07, Open Road Holsteins, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637-9738, hankhughes@embarqmail.com, 330-377-4156


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OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 55

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Hunsberger Holsteins LLC, 07, Wayne & Mike Hunsberger, 8257 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-2724, Cell 330-317-3663, Fax 330-496-4120 Hunsberger, Rod, 07, Gate-Way Holsteins LTD, 8817 CR 318, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-567-3776 Hupp, Josh & Jen, 04, Hupp Dairy, 15286 Fairgrounds Rd, Croton, OH 43013, 740-893-2413, Cell 740-627-1871 Idyl Wild Farms Inc, 08, Idyl Wild Farms Inc, 2536 CR 175, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-994-9152 Indoe, Richard K, 08, Richman Farms, 7833 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, richmanfrm@aol.com, 330-948-1427, Cell 330-608-8685, Fax 330-948-1404 Indoe, Thomas F, 08, Richman Farms, 7900 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, 330-948-1137, Cell 330-571-4670 Indoe, Tyler, 08, Richman Farms, 233 Blue Spruce Ct, Seville, OH 44273 Indoe, William R, 08, Richman Farms Inc, 8018 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, richmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com, Cell 330-608-9770, Fax 330-948-1404 Jackson, Raymond L, 11, Oakson South, 8961 TR 207, Degraff, OH 43318, rjack@watchtv.net, 937-585-5727, Cell 937-597-9429 Janes, Ken & Kaye, 07, 2519 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, kjanes@sssnet.com, 330-264-6445, Cell 330-465-9363 Kaye, Cell 330-464-4134 Ken Jenkins, Richard B, 13, Jenkins Farms, 5209 Dialton Rd, St Paris, OH 43072, 937-964-1446, Cell 937-244-1954 Jilbre Dairy, 13, Jilbre Dairy, 3913 St ParisNew Carlisle Rd, St Paris, OH 43072, jlokai@altagenetics.com, 937-663-5067, Cell 937-408-8216 Johnson, Allen, 07, Land O’Lakes/Purina Feed, 1191 S Wenger Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, Cell 330-466-0709, Fax 330-857-9115 Johnson, Eric C, 13, Heritage Cooperative, 304 Bloomfield Ave, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-834-2416, Fax 937-834-2419 Johnson, Kathy Whiteleather, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 2289 N Ellsworth, Salem, OH 44460, kjohnson999@sbcglobal.net, 330-332-8530, Cell 330-206-5653 Johnson, Wesley, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 7246 Lowmiller Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, Cell 330-853-6446 Jones, Lewis R, 05, 4336 Jeney Place, Grove City, OH 43123, lejones@columbus.rr.com, 614-539-5848 Jordan, Steven, 03, 8814 Lorey Rd, East Rochester, OH 44625, 330-894-2902, Cell 330-749-7089

K-L Kahl, Victor E, 08, Kimber Lane Farm, 741 TR 1904, Ashland, OH 44805, 419-368-7052 Kalin, Mark R, 02, Barn Owners & Others, PO Box 272, Uniontown, OH 44685, 330-877-7387, Cell 330-605-7603 Kaltenbach, Mike, 08, Sherma Farms, 3930 Sandhill Rd, Bellevue, OH 44811, 419-483-4737 Kampfer, Karen Ann, 02, Kampfer Farms, 14155 Benton Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-337-3584, Cell 330-428-5318 56 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

Karasiewicz, Roger L & Roger Jason, 01, Karalot Holsteins, 6233 Curtis Middlefield Rd, West Farmington, OH 44491, 440-636-2313 Karlen, Denis E, 02, Den-Bar Farms, 11676 Seacrist Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-337-9241 Kaufman, David W, 03, Auctioneer, PO Box 422, Sugarcreek, OH 44681 Kaufman, Kelly G, 07, Hallejujah Holsteins, 3024 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, emetz@sssnet.com, 330-264-3919, Cell 330-464-6982 Kaverman Jr, James R, 13, Call-Del Holsteins, 11142 Huntingon Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368-8617, kdairy@live.com, Cell 419-203-9629 J R, Cell 419-203-1782 Angi Kaverman Sr, James R, 12, Jandi-K Farm, 5854 Wolfcale Rd, Convoy, OH 45832, 419-749-2503, Cell 419-203-0555 KayeBrook Farm, 13, KayeBrook Farm, 3645 Church Road, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-652-3350 Keener, Bruce, 07, Commodity Blenders, 10510 Myers Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-846-3155 Kemp, James V, 07, Windemere Holsteins, 8669 Myers Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-263-1756, Cell 330-464-3680, Fax 330-263-1756 Kemp, Nancy, 07, Windemere Holsteins, 8669 Myers Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-263-1756, Cell 330-464-3680, Fax 330-263-1756 Kepner, Peter D, 01, Kepwood Dairy, Box 96, Hartford, OH 44424, 330-772-4321 Kerr, Lisa, 08, L-RAE Holsteins, 35 Burras Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, wilorae@yahoo.com, Cell 419-264-8523 Kibler Dairy Farms, Inc, 01, 5163 Highland Ave SW, Warren, OH 44481, kiblerfarm@aol.com, 330-399-5797, Cell 330-770-8357, Fax 330-399-5797 Kidron Auction Inc, 07, John Sprunger, Box 39, Kidron, OH 44636, 330-857-2641, Fax 330-857-2507 Kiko Jr, James R, 02, Kiko Farms PLL, 813 Fox Ave SE, Paris, OH 44669, jkikojr@frontier.com, 330-862-2134, Fax 330-862-2134 Kiko, Joseph, 03, Pleasant View Dairy, 1161 Ming Rd, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-1782 Kiko, R & P Family Farms Ltd, 02, R & P Kiko Family Farms Ltd, 28173 Winona Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-525-0302, Cell 330-853-0401, Fax 330-525-7683 Kiko, Roger L, 03, Pleasant View Dairy, 4221 Kensington Rd, Carrollton, OH 44615, rckdairy@wmconnect.com, 330-627-7098 King, Tony, 13, Plain-View Farm, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, tcking7@gmail.com, 937-465-1550, Fax 937-465-1550 Kinney, Brian, 07, Gwin Farms, 8088 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-4376, Cell 330-464-0442 Klingensmith, David, 01, Klingendale Farm, 6300 Nelson-Mosier Rd, Leavittsburg, OH 44430, 330-898-4436 Klingensmith, John, 01, Klingendale Farm, 6300 Nelson-Mosier Rd, Leavittsburg, OH 44430, 330-898-4436

Knapp, Carl L, 08, Knappway Holsteins, 570 E Herrick Ave, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2653 Knapp, Steven E, 08, Knappway Holsteins, 24228 West Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, knappsl@ncwcom.com, 440-647-6104, Cell 440-669-6686 Knight, Karl B & Nathan R, 01, Knighthaven Farm, 6744 SR 46 NE, Cortland, OH 44410, 330-638-4287 Knisely, Darrel E, 10, D-Maples Holsteins, 25050 CR M, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-2892 Knisely, David E, 10, 25210 CR M, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-3137 Knisely, Dennis & Susan, 10, 23595 CR M, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-3209 Knoll, Scott A, 08, Wil-O-Knoll, 35 Burras Road, North Fairfield, OH 44855, wilorae@yahoo.com, 419-685-3979, Cell 419-606-0527 Knoll, Troy, 08, Wil-O-Knoll, 415 Old State Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, knolltroy@yahoo.com, 419-744-2152 Knoop, Ann, 14, Futurama Farm, 8877 N Newhope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, 937-368-2430 Knoop, Hugh E, 14, Futurama Farms, 8877 N Newhope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, 937-368-2430 Knoop, Jeffery A, 14, Futurama Farms, 6750 New Hope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, 937-368-2320, Cell 937-214-2321 Knoop, Josh, 14, Futurama Holsteins, 6195 N Bollinger Rd, Conover, OH 45317, jaknoop07@yahoo.com, Cell 937-214-2322 Knoop, Kathy, 14, Futurama Farms, 6750 New Hope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, 937-368-2320, Cell 937-214-2321 Koch, Bruce & Randy, 07, 8696 W Pleasant Home Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-749-9571 Kohlmorgan, David L & Neil, 01, Elkson Dairy Farm, 6848 Corinth Crt Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, 330-924-2036 Koopmans, Daniel A, 15, Mohrfield Holsteins, 10555 Pleasant Renner Rd, Goshen, OH 45122, 513-877-2300 Kranz, Todd, 11, 7991 Tartan Fields Dr, Dublin, OH 43017, 614-789-9834, Cell 614-530-5089, Fax 614-789-9835 Krebs, Kenneth, 07, K-Land Holsteins, 2750 E Moreland Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-263-5067, Fax 330-263-5017 Krebs, Kreg, 07, K-Land Holsteins, 2542 E Moreland Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-263-6689, Fax 330-263-5017 Krieg, Marvin L, 12, Blitz-Krieg Holsteins, 07389 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, 419-629-2374, Cell 419-733-4268 Krieger, Shawn M, 10, Henricks & Krieger, 15729 CR 16, Wauseon, OH 435679692, krieger@windstream.net, 419-452-6758 Krill, Joseph S, 10, Twinlake Farms, 02578 Lake Rd, Edgerton, OH 43517, rkrill@bright.net, 419-298-2793, Cell 419-212-5985

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Kruggel Farms Inc, 08, John P & Paul Kruggel, 4720 Avon Lake Rd, Litchfield, OH 44253, jckruggel@litchfieldnetwork.com, 330-667-2534 Kruse, Randall L, 09, ABS Global Inc, 993 Monroe St, Bellevue, OH 44811, 419-483-5036, Cell 419-681-4481 Kurth, Michael & Patricia, 03, Kurth Farms, 64811 Campbell Johnson Rd, St Clairsville, OH 43950, kurthfarm@aol.com, 740-676-6468 L & R Dairy Farm LLC, 07, L & R Dairy Farm LLC, 12599 Fulton Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, 330-855-5515, Cell 330-621-6097, Fax 330-855-3407 L E Sommer Kidron Inc, 07, PO Box 230, Kidron, OH 44636, 330-857-2031 Lahmers, Christopher & Elizabeth, 13, 10540 Hinton Mill Rd, Marysville, OH 43040-9369, lahmers@copper.net, 740-666-2027, Cell 614-306-7194 Lammers, Blair, 12, Golden Touch Holsteins, 08609 Southland Rd, New Knoxville, OH 45871, blairlammers@nktelco.net, 419-753-2836, Cell 419-733-9097 Lammers, Joseph M, 12, Mersland Farm, 08117 Southland Rd, New Knoxville, OH 45871, blanchard@nktelco.net, 419-753-2439, Cell 567-644-9031 L’Amoreaux, Nevin & Brenda, 02, LindLaur Holstein, 7261 Paris Ave NE, Louisville, OH 44641, blamoreaux@neo.rr.com, 330-875-4157, Cell 330-309-6575, Fax 330-375-5484 Landers, Michael, 09, Mi-Linda, 725 E SR 18, Tiffin, OH 44883, mlanders@crinet.com, 419-448-8357 Landis, Gary H, 08, Landis Farms, 51585 New London Eastern Rd, Nova, OH 44859, 419-929-8221 Lausin Farms, 01, Lausin Farms Inc, 7243 Ledge Rd, Thompson, OH 44086, jjlausin1@windstream.net, 440-298-3171 Lautzenheiser, Dale E & Debbie, 02, Gar-Bar-Dale Farm, 3567 Parks Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-3514, Cell 330-360-2767 Lawson, Matthew & Megan, 09, 3479 CR 24, Bluffton, OH 45817, lawsonm@cory-rawson.k12.oh.us, 937-538-7110 Matt, Cell 937-638-2402 Megan Leid, Harold M, 08, Windy Ridge Farms, 6810 Olivesburg-Fitchville Rd, Greenwich, OH 44837, 419-895-2324, Fax 419-895-2311 Leininger, Lee & Cathy, 10, Cottonwood-Vale Farm, 11843 CR 23, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-3027 Lewis, Richard C & Sally, 05, Shanghigh Farms, 9510 Keplar Ford Rd, Orient, OH 43146, 614-877-4098, Cell 614-214-6365 Liming, A L, 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3840 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, myl3840@aol.com, 330-652-9092, Cell 330-770-6208, Fax 330-652-9092 Liming, Lamar L, 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3726 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, louidafarms@aol.com, Cell 330-770-6206 Liming, Mary Y, 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3840 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, myl3840@aol.com, 330-652-9092, Fax 330-652-9092

Lingle, Kevin, 07, Lingle Holstein Farms, 1766 N Reedsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, Cell 419-651-5627 Lingle, Rick & Amy, 07, Lingle Holstein Farms, 2625 N Reedsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 419-869-7689, Cell 419-651-0825 Lingle, Ryan, 07, Lingle Holstein Farms, 2278 N Reedsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 419-869-7689, Cell 419-651-8961 Logan, Duane D, 11, COBA/Select Sires Inc, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Columbus, OH 43228-9792, duane@cobaselect.com, 614-878-5333, Fax 614-870-2622 Long, John, 08, Redview Farm, 2619 Reimer Rd, Wadsworth, OH 44281, 330-335-6198

Long, Ronald, 11, 17981 Boerger Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, karensuelong@aol.com, 937-644-5824, Cell 937-645-5731 Lora, John S, 02, Lorawae Holsteins, 14094 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, lorawae@embarqmail.com, 330-537-3797, Cell 234-567-7414 Lora, Katey A, 02, Lorawae Holsteins, 13984 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, kalora3584@yahoo.com, 330-537-3797, Cell 330-692-2223 Lora, Suzanne, 02, Lorawae Holsteins, 14094 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, lorawae@embarqmail.com, 330-537-3797, Cell 330-692-2220

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Loveday, James & Jason, 03, Jim Loveday Farm, 6273 Winklepleck Rd NW, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-364-3946, Cell 330-204-3364 Lowe, Keith, 07, Lowe Holsteins, 10933 Simcox Rd, Homerville, OH 44235, 330-625-2075, Cell 330-620-0617, Fax 330-625-2048 Lowe, Onita J & James, 07, 47220 TR 218, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-4648 Lumley, Barbara R & Donald, 03, Lumley Holsteins, 5192 Alamo Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, blumley@eohio.net, 330-739-2038, Cell 330-407-4992, Fax 330-739-2038 Lumley, Mark A, 03, Lumley Holsteins, 5176 Alamo Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-739-2212, Cell 330-340-0369, Fax 330-739-2038 Lumley, Steven W, 03, Lumley Farms, LLC, 2514 Chadwell Circle NW, North Canton, OH 44720, slumley@sbcglobal.net, 330-433-0301, Cell 330-206-4585 Lund View Farms LLC, 08, Lund View Farm, 1555 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-1784 Lund, Bryan W, 08, LundView Farms LLC, 1577 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-7313

M Maibach, Rudy, 07, Maibach Tractor LLC, 13701 Eby Rd, Creston, OH 44217, maibach@embarqmail.com, 330-939-4192, Fax 330-939-4483 Mangun, Roy W & Lisa, 07, Ben-Alli Holsteins, 13693 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, mangunfarm@yahoo.com, 330-435-6520, Cell 330-466-3728 Mantey, Joseph R & Timothy, 11, Huesta Dairy Farms, 2649 Marion-Mt Gilead Rd, Marion, OH 43302, huestafarms@frontier.com, 740-389-4494, Cell 740-225-0097 Joe, Fax 740-389-4494 Marlu-Rusken Farm LLC, 07, Marlu-Rusken Farm, 930 Dalton Fox Lake Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-2968 Martig, Julie, 02, 8157 Magnet Rd NE, Minerva, OH 44657, blondemartig@hotmail.com, 330-717-3012 Martin, Jeffrey, 10, Martinline LLC, 13330 CR 23, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-2067, Cell 419-583-7117 Martin, Marvin, 08, Lilac Lane Dairy, 7535 Rome Greenwich Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2444 Marty, James, 07, Sky-Home Farm, 9825 Steiner Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-925-5701 Mason Farms Ltd, 04, Mason Farms Ltd, 1791 SR 61, Marengo, OH 43334, 419-253-6995 Mast, James C, 07, Maspring Farm, 7062 SR 241, Millersburg, OH 44654, maspring@wifi7.com, 330-674-3230, Cell 330-231-1109 Mast, Mose N, 07, Stream-Valley, 2973 TR 182, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-1394 Mattox, Jim & Lynette, 05, Ash-Lyn Farms, 1473 Pleasantville Rd NE, Pleasantville, OH 43148, Cell 740-503-8106

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Maurer, Richard, 14, Maurena Farms, 16047 McCartyville Rd, Anna, OH 45302, 937-693-3182, Cell 937-581-0376 Maurice, Leslie, 13, 5667 Kiser Lake Rd, Conover, OH 45317, 614-595-0945 Mazzaro, Thomas & Charity, 01, Signature Cattle, 7373 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, mazzaradi@aol.com, 440-667-1765, Cell 440-667-1759, Fax 440-293-8986 McCombs & Family, Tom, 03, United Dairy, R#3 Box 228A, Wheeling, WV 26003, tommccombs@uniteddairy.com, Cell 304-216-3017 McCord, Jennifer & Rod, 15, Gusty-Knoll J, 1981 Woodville Pike, Goshen, OH 45122-9441, 513-625-1032 McCort, Kenny, 03, Jenny-Bell, 1227 Dyewood Rd SW, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-5478 McCoy, Dennis, 12, Macabob Farm, 3827 Tully-Harrison Rd, Convoy, OH 45832, 419-749-2740, Cell 419-708-3972 McCracken, Daniel & Alicia, 02, 6913 Lake Dr SW, Navarre, OH 44662-9120, 330-428-5232, Cell 330-704-1376 McDonnell, Jodi & Tom, 07, 10787 Snoddy Rd, Lakeville, OH 44638, tnjmcd@live.com, 330-464-0777, Cell 330-464-7917 McDonnell, Kyle T & Becky, 08, K-Bec Holsteins, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 216-347-9574 McGuire, Nick, 11, Nic-Nan Farm, 4149 SR 287, West Liberty, OH 43357, mcguiren@benlogan.k12.oh.us, 937-465-7428 McKarns, William T, 02, 29950 Campbell Rd, Hanoverton, OH 44423, pmckarns@frontier.com, 330-223-2180 McKay, William, 05, 1710 E 7750 South Rd, Chebanse, IL 60922 McMahan, Scott & Robert, 11, McMahan Farms, 27480 SR 31, Raymond, OH 43067, tagcow@live.com, Cell 937-243-1515 McWilliams, James, 04, McWilliams Dairy Farm, 6730 TR 85, Mt Gilead, OH 43338, Cell 419-362-4828 Meier, Richard A, 14, Pat-Rich Holsteins, 1583 McFeely Petry Rd, Ft Recovery, OH 45846, 937-968-6390 Meller, Gene H, 10, V882 Rd 18, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-267-3361 Meller, Kevin L, 10, Meller Holsteins, V-882-Rd-18, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-267-3361, Cell 419-601-5183 Mennell, Roy, 08, Mennell Acres, 10532 Smith Rd, Litchfield, OH 44253-9783, 330-648-2711, Cell 330-604-6504 Mercer, John, 02, 30761 Georgetown Rd, Salem, OH 44460 Merrick, Matthew, 02, Nostaw Farms, 22386 Bowman Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, Cell 330-248-3121 Merrill, Kent, 08, 4831 Wenz Rd, Wakeman, OH 44889, 419-929-8737, Cell 419-681-7182 Metzger, Marvin L, 15, Way-Mile Farms, 4691 Wayne Trace Rd, Eaton, OH 45320, 937-456-2796, Cell 937-533-0270, Fax 937-456-4309 Meyer, Rondel, 08, 333 TR 1080, Polk, OH 44866, Cell 330-465-5791

Middleton, Gabe, 07, Orrville Veterinary Clinic Inc, 1665 N Main St, Orrville, OH 44667, gmiddletonovc@gmail.com, Cell 330-465-6154 Miklosovic, Tina, 08, 19262 Idlewood Trail, Strongsville, OH 44149, 440-846-6636 Miley, James L, 07, Miley Holsteins LTD, 7234 Bates Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-264-2453, Cell 330-464-8826, Fax 330-263-7883 Miley, Jason C, 07, Miley Holsteins LTD, 6745 Matty Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, miley.40@osu.edu, Cell 330-466-8509 Miley, Jon, 07, Miley Holsteins LTD, 8108 Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, mileyja.frontier.com, 419-846-3234, Cell 330-465-8385, Fax 330-263-7883 Miley, Joseph, 07, Miley Holsteins LTD, 6745 Matty Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, jdjamiley@aol.com, 330-263-7814, Cell 330-466-7223, Fax 330-263-7883 Miller, Tim, 07, Doughty Valley Farm, 5547 SR 557, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-2386, Fax 330-674-0374 Miller, Clyde E & Kathy A, 07, 5697 N Honeytown Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, kammille40@aol.com, 330-669-2740 Miller, David J, 07, Round View Farm, v8149 TR 551, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-567-3294, Cell 330-749-6440, Fax 330-567-0084 Miller, Delbert, 07, Beach Tree Acres, 4485 TR 368, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-893-8404 Miller, Edward J, 02, Mil-Mar, 25320 Bowman Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7092 Miller, Edwin, 03, Su-Win Holsteins, 9021 CR 186, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-359-0901, Cell 330-231-0278 Miller, Elvin S, 07, E-Mil Dairy, 8361 CR 201, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-674-0554 Miller, Ervin M, 07, Er-Ma Holsteins, 4347 Welty Rd, Apple Creek, OH 44606, 330-698-1260, Cell 330-464-1782 Miller, Firman R, 07, Narrow-Valley Farm, 2345 TR 165, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-2358 Miller, Ivan, 07, Shady Bottom Farm, 1345 TR 661, Dundee, OH 44624 Miller, John J, 10, Millacres Holsteins, 20362 CR S, Defiance, OH 43512, 419-267-3412 Miller, Julie, 07, Miley Holsteins LTD, 16485 E TR 136, Bellevue, OH 44811, Cell 419-271-3530 Miller, Kevin L & Denise, 07, 9428 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, miller.2320@osu.edu, Cell 330-201-1492 Miller, Kevin L & Toni, 10, Millacres Holsteins, 20394 CR S, Defiance, OH 43512-9506, millacres@bright.net, 419-267-5545 Miller, Marion A, 07, 2701 TR 166, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-7094 Ext 1 Miller, Mark, 02, Milka Dairy, 10061 Duck Creek Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 234-567-2061 Miller, Melvin J, 07, Miller Valley Farm, 7385 TR 569, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-695-2226

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Miller, Michael R, 02, 1429 Johnson Ave, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-2533 Miller, Mike E, 14, 131 E Smithfield St, Bradford, OH 45308, mikemiller.55@hotmail.com, 937-448-6470, Cell 937-418-3115 Miller, Richard M, 02, Richard M Miller, 11893 Stratton Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-9429 Miller, Roger L, 02, Miller-Hy, 18856 Courtney Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-938-3276 Minich, Jonathan R, 09, Mini-Haven Holsteins, 3730 Smith Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, minich@thewavz.com, 419-340-1680 Mitchell Jr, Clarence E, 04, Stone Valley Farms, 8805 Norfield Rd, Zanesville, OH 43701, stonevalley48@live.com, 740-796-3942, Cell 740-619-5015 Pam Moff, Barbara, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9135 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406, ouricmoff@aol.com, Cell 330-774-7703 Moff, Brian, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 14200 New Buffalo Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-482-9018, Cell 330-501-1351 Moff, Elizabeth, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9160 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406-9113, moff.6@osu.edu Moff, Greg, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9160 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406-9113 Moff, Howard, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9135 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406, ouricmoff@aol.com, 330-549-3509, Cell 330-519-5117, Fax 330-549-3509 Moff, Neil, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 14200 New Buffalo Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-501-1860 Moff, Steve, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 14200 New Buffalo Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, smouric@aol.com, 330-482-9018, Fax 734-939-0627 Mohler, Harold & Dale, 07, Mohler-View Holsteins, 5395 CR 314, Millersburg, OH 44654, damoh1@embarqmail.com, 330-674-3126 Monter, Edward & Robert, 02, Retnom Farm, 6356 Beechwood NE, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-823-6931 Montgomery, Richard & Susan, 01, Montgomery Dairy Farms, 3179 SR 534, Newton Falls, OH 44444, mdfholsteins@yahoo.com, 330-872-0348 Moore Farms Inc, William, 07, 4007 McKee Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, wmoore@dfamilk.com, 330-263-0478 Morlock, Dan, 10, Ro-Jo Dairy Farm, 6661 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450, Cell 419-308-7990 Morlock, John E, 07, Morlock Farm, 9946 Spencer Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, Cell 330-464-3732 Morlock, Robert, 10, Ro-Jo Dairy Farm, 6700 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450, romorjo55@gmail.com, 419-287-4445, Fax 419-287-4445 Morris, William L, 12, Morris View Holsteins, 202 Union St, Spencerville, OH 45887, 419-647-6233 Mt Eaton Elevator, 07, Mt Eaton Elevator, PO Box 195, Mt Eaton, OH 44659, mteatonelve@sssnet.com, 330-359-5028, Cell 330-464-3583, Fax 330-359-5298 Mullet, Marion, 07, Mull Acres, 1871 CR 70, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-4750

Mussard, Jana, 10, Roma J’s Dairy, 10359 Dunham Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, jananed@hotmail.com, Cell 419-438-2746 Mutti Dairy Farms, 03, Mutti Dairy Farm, 3326 Stonecreek Rd SW, Stone Creek, OH 43840, 330-339-5522

N-O-P-Q Neel, Larry, 05, 1130 Royal Court NE, Lancaster, OH 43130, 740-653-4707 Neider, John, 03, Redien Acres, 2005 Montero Rd NE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-5157 Nelson Dairy, 13, Nelson Dairy, 1751 S Dugan Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, nelsoncows4u@yahoo.com, 937-653-8041, Fax 937-484-5369 Neuenschwander, Craig, 07, 1333 W Lebanon Rd S, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-2555, Cell 330-749-6472 Neuenschwander, Trent D, 07, Neueway Holsteins, 2887 S West Lebanon Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, Cell 330-465-7503, Fax 330-828-8821 Neuenschwander, Wilfred, 07, Fredway Holsteins, 2220 Good Rd, Orrville, OH 44667-9720, 330-682-0516, Cell 330-621-1403, Fax 330-682-0515 Nicol, Mark, 11, M & J Farms, 13700 Adams Rd, Plain City, OH 43064, 614-873-3920, Cell 614-406-6265 Nolt, John, 08, Majestic Oak Dairy, 2481 US 224, Plymouth, OH 44865, v419933-6475 OARDC Krauss Dairy, 07, Kevin L. Miller, Mgr, 1680 Madison Ave, Wooster, OH 44691, 330 263-39124, Cell 330-201-1629 Oberholtzer, Calvin R, 08, Double Diamond Dairy, 6845 Amstutz Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-3930 Oberholtzer, Clair & Sheldon & Brandon, 08, Clair-Lyn Holsteins, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, clairlyn@bright.net, 419-938-3156 Oberholtzer, Clair R, 08, Clai-Mar Farms, 6790 Amstutz Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-3131 Oberholtzer, David & Pam, 08, Homerville Holstein Farms Inc, 8429 Spencer Rd, Homerville, OH 44235, 330-625-2945 Obrecht, James H, 07, Jiman Farm, 7849 Columbus Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-3121 Oechsle, Jim & Cheri, 12, JaCher Holsteins, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH 45891, jcoent@frontier.com, 419-965-2272, Cell 419-605-2838 Ogden, Georgianna, 04, Ogdendale Farms, 21800 New Castle Rd, Gambier, OH 43022, 740-427-2564 Ogden, Matthew, 04, Ogdendale Farms, 3657 Veatch Rd, Gambier, OH 43022, farmboy560@yahoo.com, 740-668-7961, Cell 740-398-3396 Oney’s Milkyway Farms, 08, Milky-Way Acres, 3272 Rome Greenwich Rd, Greenwich, OH 44837, 419-752-9411 Osterloh, Ivo H & Barbara, 12, Iv-Ann Holstein Farm, 140 Osterloh Rd, Minster, OH 45865, 419-628-2507 OSU Agricultural Tech Institute, 07, c/o Royce Thornton, 1328 Dover Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, thornton.5@osu.edu, 330-698-1315, Cell 330-287-1373

Owen & Son Inc, HB, 08, HB Owen & Son, Inc, PO Box 57, Homerville, OH 44235, 330-625-5694, Cell 330-635-9411 Owen, David, 08, HB Owen & Son, Inc, PO Box 57, Homerville, OH 44235, grando1973@yahoo.com, 330-625-5694, Cell 330-635-9411 Owen, Mark (Buck), 07, 160 Cherry Lane, Wooster, OH 44691, mark.owen@absglobal.com, Cell 330-317-7758 Oyster, Lynn, 02, Vereldo Farms Corp, 12655 Snode St NE, Alliance, OH 44601-8860, Cell 330-206-1819 Packard, Thomas L, 08, L & T Farm, 740 Wooster St, Lodi, OH 44254, 330-948-1507, Cell 330-416-3973 Parker, Jon, 07, AI Tech/COBA, 2917 Tannerville Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, jon.parker70@yahoo.com, 330-683-9939, Cell 330-704-2661 Patterson, James W, 14, 3580 Center Dr, Greenville, OH 45331, jpatterson004@woh.com, 937-548-4221 Patznick, Kevin P, 08, 333 TR 1080, Polk, OH 44866, Cell 330-465-8038 Payne, Mark, 09, 4898 CR 223, Clyde, OH 43410, 419-547-7013, Cell 419-355-4180 Perkins, Gary, 03, Downeyridge Holsteins, 62855 S CR 26, Bethesda, OH 43719, gperfarm@1st.net, 740-484-1337 Phillis, Anada R, 02, Phillisway Farms, 14704 W Middletown Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-337-8603 Phillis, Harold J, 02, Phillisway Farms, 14704 W Middletown Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-337-8603 Phillis, Rosemary & Anada R, 02, Phillisway, 14704 W Middletown Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-337-8603 Polchin, Anthony J, 01, Polchin Holsteins, 2276 Sentinel Rd, Dorset, OH 44032 Polchin, John T & Ruth V, 01, Polchin Holsteins, 2411 Sentinel Rd, Dorset, OH 44032

Hauling Anywhere Eileen (Hostetler) Lehman

• Livestock Hauling •

Specializing in Show Cattle & Horses 12850 Fox Lake Road Marshallville, Ohio 44645 Phone: 330-855-7004 Cell: 330-465-5398

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Terry & Marcia Stammen and Family 4965 St. Rt. 705 t New Weston, Ohio 45348 (937) 338-3248 t (937) 621-0107 Cell wabashway.com t wabashway@embarqmail.com


Springhill-OH Dest Anna-Red due to Gold Chris in June pregnancies by Snowman & Alchemy

RAIN Markwell-KR Bolton Rain-ET EX-90 2-00 2X 365d 35,160M 4.6% 1607F 3.6% 1382P Top 25 Red & White Cow a RED daughter by Gold Chris

HOTSTUFF One of our latest additions: a RED Hottstuff daughter HOTSTUFF X COLT-P Starmark Ad Hotstuff-Red-ET EX-92 2011 Grand Champion OH Spring Expo R&W Show Reserve all-American R & W Jr. 3 Year-Old 2010

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Gaige Outside Tootsie-ET EX-94 DOM 4.00 2X 357d 34070 M 4.9% 1674 F 3.3 1127P highest scored daughter from Gaige Highlight Tamara EX 97 Daughters by Atwood & Goldwyn

EMBER Wabash-Way Bolton Ember EX-90 2X 182d 28717 M 1043 F 854 P Last test-166lbs. 5.4% Fat 3.1% Protein daughters by Lauthority, Dempsy, & Crown


Wabash-Way Emilyann VG-88 #1 USDA Genomic Cow in the Breed 2009 #1 CTPI Cow in the Breed 2009 2-01 2X 365D 38614 M 1497 F 1251 P CTPI +2435

Check out Emilyann sons @COBA/Select Sires 7H11456 EDISON sired by Domain 7H11440 EMBRACE sired by Super 7H11455 EVIAN sired by Atwood

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Pond, James & Robin, 13, Pond Ridge Holsteins, 1319 N Parkview Rd, Woodstock, OH 43084, jrpond@ctcn.net, 937-834-2431 Preston, Gary K & Dale, 08, Preston Brothers, 18411 Hawley Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2094 Prueter, Robert & Mark, 12, Country-Corner Holsteins, 5885 Wierwille Rd, New Knoxville, OH 45871, 419-753-2443 Putt, Dale E, Todd & Scott, 03, Sunset Valley Dairy Farms, 8288 Ore Hill Road, Stonecreek, OH 43840, 330-897-3665 Quallen, Gary J, 15, Gar-Len-View Holsteins, 792 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177, 937-382-4693, Fax 937-383-1925

R Raber, Dwight & Bruce, 02, Raber Dairy Farms, 10310 State Street NE, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-821-8947, Fax 330-821-8947 Raber, Michael, 07, Raberland Dairy, 8399 CR 235, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-674-0494 Raber, Roy L, 07, Raber-View Holsteins, 7029 CR 201, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-1504 Raifsnider, Esther, 07, 1326 W Easton Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, estherraifsnider@yahoo.com, Cell 330-421-7397 Ramsey, Brian & Liz, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641-9702, paradisevalley@live.com, Cell 330-323-4380, Fax 330-875-4539 Ramsey, Micheal & Michelle, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc, 6452 Oakhill Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-821-7563, Cell 330-323-4378, Fax 330-875-4539 Ramsey, Paul & Catherine, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc, 8151 Easton St NE, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-9962 Ramsey, William & Debra, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-3346, Fax 330-875-4539 Ramsier Farms, 07, Ramsier Farms, 9472 Krabill Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-925-2723 Ramsier’s Willow Spring Farm LLC, 07, Ramsier’s Willow Spring Farm, LLC, 2477 Eastern Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-925-1248 Rankin, Sharyn L, 08, Indohio Farms, 910 Ridge Rd, Munster, IN 46321, srmanagement@earthlink.net Ratliff, James M, 15, Ravue Farms, 9768 John Woods Rd, Winchester, OH 45697, 937-690-9386 Rausch, Brian, 04, R-Style Holsteins, 2059 SR 95, Edison, OH 43320, rstyle_holsteins@yahoo.com, 419-946-9831 Rausch, Nicholas, 11, Raunic Farms, 12331 Industrial Pkway, Marysville, OH 43040, 937-642-4420, Cell 614-989-0560 Rausch, Randy, 11, Hickory Plains Holstein Farm, 8657 Axe Handle Rd, Milford Center, OH 43045, hplains@centurylink.net, 937-349-4281, Cell 937-604-1609

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Rausch, Richard & Son, 11, Richard Rausch & Son, 12219 Industrial Parkway, Marysville, OH 43040, 937-642-2117, Cell 614-989-0560 Rausch, William E & Joyce, 04, R-Style Holsteins, 2059 SR 95, Edison, OH 43320, wjrausch@bright.net, 419-946-9831 Rawn, Terry & Joyce, 11, 302 Goshen Arrabon Ln, Charles Town, WV 25414, 304-725-8855, Fax 304-728-4536 Rawn, Tim, 11, Rawn Farms, 3508 Hatter Rd, Lancaster, OH 43130, Cell 614-270-0725 Ray, Jim, 02, COBA/Select Sires, Inc, 32643 Coffee School Rd, Salem, OH 44460, rayjrr@frontier.com, 330-222-1118, Cell 614-205-7176 Raygor Farms LLC, 07, Raygor Farms LLC, 15860 Jericho Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, raygorfarms@yahoo.com, 330-857-7399, Cell 330-465-1337 B, Cell 330-465-0622 S, Fax 330-857-0399 Rennecker, Brian W & Heidi, 07, Four Winds Farms, 6764 N Honeytown Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, milkmaidhr@aol.com, 330-669-3673 Renner, Julie, 07, Renwind Farm, 17182 Old Lincoln Way, Dalton, OH 44618, buckeye_jules@yahoo.com, Cell 330-466-0338 Renner, Ted S, 07, Renwind Farm, 17286 Old Lincoln Way, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-2604, Cell 330-466-1196 Ressler, Bruce & Elaine, 07, Fleur-de-lis, 10599 Cleveland Rd, Creston, OH 44217, Cell 330-464-1957 Reutter, Fred C, 07, Reutter Farms, 14835 SR 226, Big Prairie, OH 44611, 330-496-3794 Rice, David P, 01, Riceton Farm, 4473 Wakefield Creek Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, ricetonfarm@yahoo.com, 330-876-0443 Rice, Gary, 01, Riceton Farm, 4488 Wakefield Creek Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, 330-876-1078 Rice, Jayme, 01, Riceton Farm, 4432 York St, Farmdale, OH 44417, ricetonfarm@yahoo.com, 330-876-0313, Fax 330-876-7810 Richard, David, 07, Mill-Stone Acres, 3878 Bates Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-4402 Richardson, Keith & John, 12, Balmoral Farms, 12028 Buckland Holden Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-657-6647 Rigg, H Ralph, 10, Leatherbrook Farm, 09876 CR 16, Bryan, OH 43506 Riggenbach, Bob, 07, Rigg-June Holsteins, 9377 Blough Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-669-3345 RMD Dairy Farm Ltd, 07, RMD Dairy Farm Ltd, 9757 Easton Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-925-3074, Cell 330-414-7901, Fax 330-925-3074 Robb, Evan W, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 2855 S Union Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, evan8300@netscape.net, 330-823-0605, Cell 330-614-1197 Rohrer Farms Inc, 07, Rohrer Farms Inc, 9305 Rohrer Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-669-2119, Fax 330-669-2119

Rothlisberger, Lynn, 09, Rothlisberger Dairy, 7297 TH 124, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, rothlisbergerdairy@gmail.com, 419-294-4646 Rowe, James A & Rita, 03, Jimita Holsteins, 9877 Strasburg-Bolivar Rd NW, Strasburg, OH 44680, jimitaholsteins@frontier.com, 330-878-7381, Cell 330-243-5683 Rowland, Frank, 08, 26100 SR 511, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-3939 Roy, Rian, 09, Roy Farms, 6076 CR 97, McComb, OH 45858-9438, 419-293-3882 Royer, Daniel, 02, Royer Farms Inc, 11617 Ravenna Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-877-2053, Fax 330-877-0435 Rufener, Ken, 02, Congress Lake Farms, 372 Congress Lake Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260, linkenruf@msn.com, 330-877-2710, Cell 330-353-2027, Fax 330-877-1486 Rufener, Kenneth II, 02, Congress Lake Farms, 680 Congress Lake Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260, Cell 330-353-2028 Rufener, Mike, 02, Congress Lake Farms, 1894 Swartz Rd, Mogadore, OH 44260, Cell 330-353-2029, congresslakefarms@hotmail.com Rummell, Glenn, 02, Rummell Farms Inc, 3772 Rummell Ave, Paris, OH 44669, 330-862-2963 Rupp, James R, 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 15128 Seville Rd, Seville, OH 44273, 330-769-3798, Fax 330-939-5504 Rupp, Jeffrey L, 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 7274 Sterling Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-5404, Fax 330-939-5504 Rupp, Thomas, 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 14636 Seville Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-769-2759, Fax 330-939-5504 Rupp-Vue Dairy Farms LLC, 07, Thomas Rupp, 14636 Seville Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-769-2759, Fax 330-939-5504 Ruprecht, Kenneth, 04, Ruprecht Farm, 19840 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, 740-397-2469, Cell 740-501-7625 Ruprecht, Lyle, 04, Ruprecht Dairy Farm, 20009 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, lyleruprecht@gmail.com, 740-397-2687, Cell 330-466-1382, Fax 740-397-5157 Russell, Jackie, 07, Miley Holsteins, PO Box 461, Sheldon Springs, VT 05485, 802-933-2323 Ruthrauff, Genna, 02, Ruthrauff Farms, 11860 Middletown Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-5641 Ruthrauff, Greg, 02, Ruthrauff Farms, 11860 Middletown Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-5641 Rynd, Brooks, 05, Rynd-Home Farm, 3061 Rynd Rd, Cochranton, PA 16314, 814-425-7795, Cell 814-720-4687 Rynd, Dallas R, 05, Silver Mist Holsteins, 11242 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, OH 43103, silvermistholsteins@yahoo.com, 740-983-6690 Rzeszotarski, Ronald & Raymond, 01, Rzesz Farms, 18378 Mumford Rd, Garrettsville, OH 44231, 440-834-8341

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S Saffles, Raymond J, 07, Lukeacres, 6759 Sterling Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, lukesaffles@hotmail.com, Cell 330-608-8969 Sanor, Bryce, 02, Maple Valley Farm, PO Box 106, North Georgetown, OH 44665-0106, 330-257-4171 Sanor, Larry, 02, 1050 Cider Mill Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-222-7058, Cell 330-277-6606 Sayers, Chris & Mark, 11, Cavanaugh Farms, 16591 County Home Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, csayers@selectsires.com, 937-644-1589, Cell 937-243-7477 Schaeffer, E Randall, 08, 11005 Huron Avery Rd, Milan, OH 44846, 419-499-2120 Schaub, Toby, 02, 3471 Killian Rd, Uniontown, OH 44685, tschaub@crinet.com, 330-699-2771, Cell 330-715-0256 Scheibe, Clifford E, 07, Ro-La-Sue Dairy Farm, 6601 McKee Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-4980 Scheibe, Rodney A, 07, Ro-La-Sue Dairy Farm, 3167 Maple Grove Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, rolasuedairy@aol.com, 330-264-5866 Schirm, Larry & Julie DeLavergne, 05, 15086 Long Run Rd, Laurelville, OH 43135, larry.schirm@absglobal.com, Cell 614-906-0520 Schlabach, Christian J, 07, 9051 E Lincoln Way, Orrville, OH 44667, Cell 330-982-8557 Schlabach, Daniel A, 07, Sharo-Dan Farms, 1649 Deerfield Ave, Dalton, OH 44618, dan.schlabach@att.net, 330-828-8547, Cell 330-465-2082, Fax 330-828-0278 Schlabach, Jacob, 07, J-L Schlabach, 2015 Graber Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-695-2411 Schlabach, Lavern, 07, D S Dairy, 3856 SR 93 NW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-4283 Schlabach, Lester O, 07, Hope-View Farm, 4687 TR 628, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-3209, Cell 330-231-6378 Schlabach, Myron, 07, Hope-View Farm, 4691 TR 628, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-1148, Cell 330-231-7306 Schlabach, Robert Dean, 03, Smokey Lane Farm, 279 Smokey Lane Rd NW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-0646 Schlatter, DVM, Carlton, 07, Tri-County Animal Clinic, PO Box 243, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-853-4835, Fax 419-853-3049 Schlegel, Kurt, 07, Schlegel Dairy Farms Inc, 10720 TR 526, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-567-2642, Cell 330-465-8314 Schlegel, Roy, 07, Dalroy Farms Inc, 8699 TR 553, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-567-2161 Schmitmeyer, Doug, 14, Line-View Farm, 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, lineviewfarms@gmail.com, 937-526-4226, Cell 937-621-2525, Fax 937-526-4828 Schmuki, Michael O, 02, Schmuki Dairy Farm, 8144 Stone Avenue SW, Navarre, OH 44662, 330-767-4232

Schoultheis, Arthur, 15, Windy Acres Dairy, 5366 Seamer Rd, Winchester, OH 45697, 937-442-3421 Schoultheis, Carl, 15, Corner View Farm, 5366 Seamer Rd, Winchester, OH 45697 Schramm, Rick A, 03, Schramm Farm, 5570 Sandhill Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-373-7307 Schroeder, William C, 10, 11312 CR D, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-0293, Cell 419-583-6270 Schug, Roger F, 08, Schug’s Registered Holsteins, 3309 SR 99, Monroeville, OH 44847, schugsholsteins@yahoo.com, 419-465-2022 Schulte, Debbie, 07, 201 W Center St #9, Smithville, OH 44677, Cell 785-260-1250, Fax 330-944-0020 Seedorf, Mark, 10, Sunnyville Farms LLC, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, seedorfmj@aol.com, 419-278-1124, Cell 419-966-7480 Semler, James & Roberta, 13, Semler Dairy, 4270 Snypp Rd, Yellow Springs, OH 45387, semdairy3@msn.com, 937-767-1491 Shaland Holsteins LLC, 03, Daniel & Kathy Shawver, Kevin & Kristy Tullis, 7069 Pomona Rd SE, Scio, OH 43988, kshawver@wildblue.net, 330-627-4671 Dan, 330-739-2067 Kevin, Cell 330-312-3287 Kristy Sharp, Kayanne Leininger, 10, CottonwoodVale Farm, 501 HelmBright Dr, Gahanna, OH 43230, Cell 614-940-9933 Sheffield, Daren, 08, Jaloda Farm, 44460 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090-9610 Sheffield, James H & Daniel, 08, Jaloda Farm, 45555 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, jalodafarm@yahoo.com, 440-775-7147, Cell 440-935-6378, Fax 440-775-7147 Shellabarger, Wayne, 12, Wes-Dee Farms, 6231 Mercer Rd, Mendon, OH 45862, 419-795-4893 Shipley, Adam, 04, Shipley Farms, 9309 Reynolds Rd, Newark, OH 43055, stacey.atherton@gmail.com, Cell 740-404-8839

Shockey DVM, Paul E, 06, Bridgewater Farms, 714 Crooked Run Rd, Ravenswood, WV 26164, PESDVM@gmail.com, 304-273-2848, Cell 304-532-5955, vFax 304-372-5385 Shoemaker, Steve, 02, Shoemaker Dairy Farm, 14308 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, shoemoo@embarqmail.com, 330-537-3325, Cell 330-207-5607, Fax 330-537-3325 Shoop, Dan, 09, Sugar Ridge, 7990 SR 613, McComb, OH 45858, 419-293-2355 Showalter, Daniel, 02, Showalter Farms, 121 Beeson Mill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, Cell 330-853-8073, Fax 330-482-2572 Showalter, Ward, 02, Frosty Vale Farm, 121 Beeson Mill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-482-2572, Cell 330-831-8070, Fax 330-482-2572 Showalter, Wendell, 02, Showalter Farms, 121 Beeson Mill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-482-2572, Cell 330-831-8071, Fax 330-482-2572 Siegrist, Emily, 14, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC, 4983 Buschor Rd, Coldwater, OH 45828, ersiegrist@landolakes.com, Cell 937-417-0183, Fax 419-763-1103 Sigrist, John L, 03, Oakland Dairy Farm, 10330 Kohr Rd NW, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-852-2892 Simpson, Don, 03, Plainfield Farms, 65343 Plainfield Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, 740-484-1444, Cell 740-391-3301 Sirrine, Carol A, 01, Weaver Farms/Trucking, 6225 N Ridge Rd West, Ashtabula, OH 44004, sir765@roadrunner.com, 440-969-2349, Cell 440-969-0746, Fax 440-969-2349 Skidmore DVM, Dwight, 11, Drifty Hollow Holsteins, 12243 CR 2, West Mansfield, OH 43358, 937-355-0362 Skolosh Jr, Steve, 02, Skolosh Farm, 7488 Schmucker Ave NE, Alliance, OH 44601, skol12@sbcglobal.net, 330-875-5421, Fax 330-875-1671

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Sloan, Angela, 07, Hartman Dairy Farm, 3777 N Elyria Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, angela_doc1@hotmail.com, 330-264-1710 Smith Vale Farms, 02, Smith Vale Farms, 25850 Center Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7347 Smith, Bruce & Terri, 11, 14630 Middleburg-Plain City Rd, Plain City, OH 43064, btjasmith@msn.com, 614-733-0182, Cell 614-205-7182 Smith, Charles W, 03, Smith Hills Holsteins, 42450 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, 740-483-1597 Smith, Cory & Jill, 02, Paradise Valley Farms, 7642 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, jillandcory@live.com Smith, Dale, 13, Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins, 4981 S Kennard Rd, Urbana, OH 43078-9520 Smith, David C, 03, Smith-Hills Holsteins, 42743 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, 740-483-2107 Smith, Dow, 13, Dow-View Farm, 6452 N Kennard Rd, Cable, OH 43009, www.plowboypottery@hotmail.com, 937-652-3990 Smith, James G, 03, Fernfield Farm, 19318 Grossbeak Rd, Salesville, OH 43778-9714, 740-489-5801 Smith, John M, 12, Jsmith, 306 S Willipie, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, smith.132@osu.edu, 419-739-6580, Cell 419-231-1962, Fax 419-739-6581 Smith, Sherry, 04, 12203 Midland Oil Rd, Glenford, OH 43739, sbgs82@att.net, Cell 330-465-2376, Fax 740-659-1126

Smith, Steven D, 03, Smith-Hills Holsteins, 42450 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, 740-483-1597 Snyder, Paul A, 03, Paul Snyder Farms, 55872 Orchard Dr EXT, PO Box 253, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-7761, Cell 330-401-3517 Snyder, Rachel & Jeffrey, 07, Circle J Farms, 1444 W Pleasant Home Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, Cell 330-635-8228 Solt, Dale & Matt Hertlein, 05, S & H Dairy Farm LLC, 11147 SR 13, Thornville, OH 43076, Cell 614-348-9051, Fax 740-242-5015 Southern-Hills Holsteins, 15, Southern Hills Holsteins, 12146 Dairy Lane, Bethel, OH 45106, 513-543-5894, Cell 513-543-2315 Specht, Adam, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 332 State St, Apt BR, Albany, NY 12210, specht.22@osu.edu Specht, Allison, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 920 Eudora St, Unit 102, Denver, CO 80220-4377, allison.specht@gmail.com, Cell 330-204-1529 Specht, Annie, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 3780 Copperfield Dr, Apt 625, Bryan, TX 77802, annie.specht@gmail.com, Cell 330-204-1796 Specht, Steven L & Michele, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 3727 Bair Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-343-1158, Fax 330-343-1158 Specht, Tim & Brian, 03, Specht Farms Ltd, 1828 Ragersville Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-897-5753, Fax 330-897-6193

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64 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

Specht, Wayne E, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 3680 Bair Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-343-2708 Spike, Peter W, 11, Ten-Penny Holsteins, 4380 Byers Rd, Delaware, OH 43015, spikeptr@aol.com, 740-363-2184, Cell 740-360-1505 Spreng, James, 09, Spreng Capital Management, Inc, Box 47, Bucyrus, OH 44820, jspreng@sprengcapital.com, 419-563-0084 Spreng, John, 09, Longacre Farms Inc, PO Box 621, Bucyrus, OH 44820, 419-562-7602, Cell 419-563-6633, Fax 419-563-9989 Spreng, Kevin M, 07, Willow Brook Farms, 6860 Snoddy Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, kspreng11@gmail.com, 419-651-5198 Spring Hill Farm Inc, 07, Spring Hill Farms Inc, 7109 SR 514, Big Prairie, OH 44611, springhill@embarqmail.com, 330-378-4515, Cell 330-473-9660, Fax 330-378-4390 Stammen, Terrence L, 14, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC, 4965 SR 705, New Weston, OH 45348, 937-338-3248 Steel, John & Terry, 03, Steam Valley Farms, 2700 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-343-1307, Cell 330-340-8618 Steel, Nathan, 03, Steel-Lane Holsteins, 2899 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, nathansteel08@gmail.com, Cell 330-260-0626 Steiner, Carl, 07, Steiner Farm, 12357 Seville Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-2716 Steiner, Elmer, 07, 4548 S Wenger Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-857-5672, Cell 330-605-1992, Fax 330-857-5676 Steiner, Kurt D, 07, Steinhurst Farms, 14043 Eby Rd, Creston, OH 44217, kdsdairy1@aol.com, Cell 330-464-1219, Fax 330-769-4256 Steiner, Matthew, 07, Pine Tree Dairy Ltd, 11071 Easton Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, pinetreedairy@earthlink.net, 330-925-8354, Cell 330-466-1896, Fax 330-925-2948 Steiner, Nathan, 07, Fulton Road Genetics, 10369 Fulton Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, nateandanita@embarqmail.com, 330-855-4500, Cell 330-465-5825 Steiner, Roger, 07, Chet-Len Holsteins, PO Box 84, Kidron, OH 44636, 330-857-8181, Cell 330-464-4446 Steinke, Marvin L, 12, Maple Tree Holsteins, 13505 Kettlersville Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, matmapletree@bright.net, 419-738-7174 Steinke, Richard L, 12, Mapl-Valle, 15431 Fox Ranch Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, maplmilk@bright.net, 419-738-7136, Cell 419-233-7136 Steinke, Steven M, 14, Marste Holstein Farms, 13915 Fey Rd, Anna, OH 45302, 937-394-7657 Sterling Farm Equipment Inc, 07, Sterling Farm Equipment Inc, 13893 Kauffman Rd, PO Box 69, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-2561, Fax 330-939-5841 Sterlinglen Farms, 08, T Timmons, J Timmons, 2474 TR 457, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-368-6200, Fax 419-368-6200

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Stewart, Robert, 03, Sunnydale Farms, 88740 Fairview Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, 740-946-4291, Cell 740-381-2441 Stitzlein, Earl, Kathi & Andy, 07, Stitzlein Family, 8777 TR 461, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-994-5284 Stockert, Carolyn, 02, Norwescor Holsteins Inc, 15274 Warwick Dr NW, Canal Fulton, OH 44614, 330-854-2698, Cell 330-418-3351 Stockert, James P & Mary, 02, Norwescor Holsteins Inc, 15240 Warwick Dr NW, Canal Fulton, OH 44614, 330-854-6455 (MILK), Cell 330-607-2003 Stocksdale, Thomas R & Constance M, 07, Stocksdale Family Farms, 1989 Blachleyville Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-8482, Cell 330-464-7596 Stoller, Arthur L, 07, 2782 N Elyria Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, astoller@embarqmail.com, 330-264-5750, Cell 330-347-7046 Stoller, Trent, 10, Van Erk Dairy LLC, 8789 SR 114, Haviland, OH 45851, tstoller@gmail.com, 419-576-7176, Fax 419-263-2358 Stoltzfus, John K, 15, Golden Dell, 8846 SW Morris Rd, Sabina, OH 45169, 937-584-5569 Strasburg, Tom & Bev, 12, Wakefield Farms, 15377 Townline-Kossuth Rd, Saint Marys, OH 45885, 419-394-4343 Strouble Farm LTD, 02, Strouble Farm LTD, 5466 Werner Church Rd NE, North Canton, OH 44721, 330-877-2532 Strouble, Thomas, 02, Strouble Farm LTD, 5466 Werner Church Rd NE, North Canton, OH 44721, 330-877-2532 Struna, Andrea, 01, Maplewood Farms, 7580 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, Cell 440-645-9195 Struna, Anthony, 01, Struna Holsteins, 7045 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-7647, Cell 440-645-3328 Struna, John & Beverly, 01, Maplewood Farm, 7472 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, jstruna@centurylink.net, 440-293-7530, Cell 440-226-0594 Struna,Katie, 01, Maplewood Farm, 7472 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-7530, Cell 440-645-8801 Stuckey, Kara, 03, 3097 Paris Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, Cell 330-428-4377 Stull, Brad & Molly, 07, Stull Hamp Farm, 9304 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, stullfarm@sssnet.com, 330-263-0037 Such Jr, W Windell, 01, Suchdale Farm, 6223 Creek Rd, Andover, OH 44003, 440-293-7630 Such, W Windell, 01, Suchdale Farm, 6223 Creek Rd, Andover, OH 44003, 440-293-7630 Sunnyville Farms LLC, 10, Sunnyville Farms LLC, 5203 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-274-8165 Sutliff, Jr, Frank, 01, 3687 SR 82, Newton Falls, OH 44444, frank@ohio.commercecenter.com, 330-898-4565, Cell 330-856-0119 Sutliff, Zachary, 01, Sutliff Farms, 3687 SR 82, Newton Falls, OH 44444, Cell 330-883-7306

T-U-V Thomas, Andy, 13, Triple-T Holsteins, 6948 Brush Lake Rd, North Lewisburg, OH 43060, 937-747-2344 Thomas, Jay & Angie, 13, Triple-T Holsteins, 5548 CR 168, West Liberty, OH 43357, jathomas1@embarqmail.com, 937-465-0825 Thomas, John & Mary, 13, Triple-T Holsteins, 6948 Brush Lake Rd, North Lewisburg, OH 43060, jmthomas@embarqmail.com, 937-747-2344 Thomas, Nathan & Jenny, 13, Triple-T Holsteins, 6140 SR 296, Cable, OH 43009, jennythomas614@yahoo.com, Cell 614-395-9823 Thomas, William R, 11, Bi-An Farm, 1012 TR 190 E, Bellefontaine, OH 43311, 937-592-0132 Thomas, William R Jr, 11, Bi-An Farm, 410 Pickrelltown Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-0536 Thompson, Alan, 03, Thompson Family Farm, 42225 Jewett-Scio Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, 740-946-2805 Thorbahn II, Lewis R, 09, Thorbahn Bros, 4763 CR 247, Vickery, OH 43464, 419-603-8818 Thorbahn, Thomas L, 09, Crimson-Lane Ltd, 4428 CR 247, Vickery, OH 43464, crimsonswissrus@aol.com, 419-547-0795, Cell 419-366-8135 Topp, Gregg, 12, Toppacres Farm, 05158 Kettler Rd, Minster, OH 45865, gtopp262@frontier.com, 419-629-3749, Cell 419-852-0164, Fax 419-547-0795 Topp, Kurt & Rachel, 07, Toppglen Holsteins, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, kurtandfam@aol.com, Cell 330-464-4960 Kurt, Cell 330-317-5363, Fax 419-629-3752 Topp, Marvin, 12, Toppation, 05170 Lock Two Rd, New Bremen, OH 45869, topper@watchtv.net, 419-629-2875, Cell 419-733-5994 Topp-View, 14, Topp-View Holsteins, 10344 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, mtopp@trupointe.com, 937-693-3113, Cell 419-733-5602 Town & Country Co-Op, 08, Town & Country Co-Op, 813 Clark Ave, Ashland, OH 44805, 419-281-2153, Fax 937-693-2887 Trammell, Jeff, 08, Galaxy-Valley Holsteins, 27679 Royalton Rd, Columbia Station, OH 44028-9073, 440-236-8286 Trbovich, Daniel, 03, 7222 Waynesburg Rd, Waynesburg, OH 44688, 330-866-5438 Trio Farms Inc, 14, Trio Farms, Inc, 11511 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, 937-693-8065, Cell 937-622-2259 Troyer, Andrew R, 07, 6230 Moreland Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627 Troyer, Gregg A, 07, 13752 Bair Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, gtrica@gmail.com, Cell 330-466-6615 Troyer, Merlin E, 03, Hickory Spring, 909 Hickory Drive, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-3227 Troyer, Robert A, 07, Hickory Spring, 3557 CR 141, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-3462 Tugend, Jim & Myrene, 08, Lincolnway View Farm, 1910 CR 655, Ashland, OH 44805, 419-368-7101, Cell 419-908-3337

Turon, Joseph, 01, Creepin Creek Farm, 5432 Greenville Rd, West Farmington, OH 44491, gotmilk1012@yahoo.com, 440-548-5979, Cell 440-487-2330 Twining, Patrick, 08, Twining Farm, 47140 Griggs Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2795 Twining, Raymond, 08, Twining Farm, 47140 Griggs Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2795 Union Local FFA, 03, Rt 1, Belmont, OH 43718 Van Gorden, Morris M, 15, Van G Farms, 5550 Princeton Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011, 513-779-4550 VanPelt, Michael L, 02, Van Pelt Farms, 14600 Van Pelt Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-482-9364, Cell 330-853-8004 Vecchio, Melanie, 01, 5246 SR 5, Cortland, OH 44410, 330-638-8010, Fax 330-482-9364 Velvet-View Farms, 07, Velvet-View Farms, 6887 TR 505, Big Prairie, OH 44611, vvf48@earthlink.net, 330-231-2111 Viney, Richard C, 01, Viney Hill Farms, 2432 Kinsman Rd NW, N Bloomfield, OH 44450, 440-685-4490

W-X-Y-Z W G Dairy Supply Inc, 07, 12993 Cleveland Rd, PO Box 2224, Creston, OH 44217, 330-435-6522 Wachtel, William, 07, Spring Walk Farm, 13079 TR 503, Big Prairie, OH 44611, 330-378-2273, Cell 330-763-0323 Wagner, Kelly, 01, 8300 Parker Rd, Orwell, OH 44076, kwagne10@kent.edu, Cell 440-313-1018, Fax 330-378-2913 Walters DVM, John W, 03, 1050 Steubenville Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-5711, Cell 330-205-1344 Walton, Craig & Emily Thornburg, 15, Tower Vue Jerseys & Holsteins, 10279 SR 132, Pleasant Plain, OH 45162, ethornburg@hotmail.com, Cell 717-226-2660, Fax 330-627-5631 Watson, Bob, 09, Weikland Farms, 11944 E TR 122, Republic, OH 44867, 419-426-8514, Cell 419-618-1136 Watson, Rod, 09, Weikland Farms, 1100 S TR 77, Republic, OH 44867, rodnancy@frontier.com, 419-585-6001, Cell 419-618-7054 Watts, Steven D, Carol, Kevin & Kyle, 07, Open Road Farm, 14363 CR 75, Brinkhaven, OH 43006, 330-377-4987, Cell 330-231-3314 Weaver, David N, 03, D-R Valley Farms, 2261 TR 414, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-893-2356 Weaver, Douglas, 02, Jaylen Holsteins, 12430 Green Beaver Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-702-1464, Cell 330-831-6184 Weaver, John Mark, 07, 8257 CR 235, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-674-2069 Weaver, Kenneth & Rachel, 07, We-Mar Holsteins, 5138 N Firestone Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-6893, Cell 330-201-6893

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Webb, D Scott, 11, Angelina Farms, 210 Bridgewater Dr, Marysville, OH 43040, dswebb1@columbus.rr.com, 937-738-7574, Fax 330-264-6893 Webster, Troyce G, 08, Jenn-Stone, 43505 Parsons Rd, Oberlin, OH 44074, jenn-stonefarm@verizon.net, 440-775-9945 Weeman, Brian, 07, Weeman & Sons Farm, 304 N Kansas Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-683-6771, Cell 330-317-1285 Weiker, Terry, 09, Genex Co-op Inc, 9900 E SR 162, Republic, OH 44867, 419-585-3563 Weisgarber, Robert, 02, Weisgarber Farm, 13789 Millersburg Rd SW, Massillon, OH 44647, roberted@wildblue.net, 330-837-8575, Cell 330-704-4359 Welch, Dean, Randy D & Michael E, 08, U-Dean Farms, 456 TR 700, Polk, OH 44866, 419-945-2411 Welch, Esther & Scott E, 08, U-Dean Farms, 669 SR 89, Polk, OH 44866, 419-945-2250 Welch, Ryan, 08, U-Dean Farms, 684 SR 89, Polk, OH 44866, 419-945-2343 Barn, Cell 419-651-5281 Wenger, Clair, 07, Regnew Farms, 439 Overlook Circle, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-8253 Wenger, Dr Melvin D, 07, Orrville Veterinary Clinic Inc, 1665 N Main St, Orrville, OH 44667 Wenger, Kenneth & Lester, 07, Wenger Farms LLC, 13332 Church Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-683-7383 Wenning, Dennis, 12, Wennings Dairy, 3555 Siegrist Jutte Rd, Coldwater, OH 45828-9718, dpwenning@gmail.com West, Richard, 07, 8953 Five Points Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, Cell 330-201-1100 Whinnery, Bryan, 02, Whin-Way Holsteins, 11900 S Range Rd, Salem, OH 44460, bryanwhinnery@yahoo.com, 330-831-3989 White, Shaun W, 01, Whitelawn Holsteins, 3140 Cook Rd, Rootstown, OH 44272, Cell 330-206-6580 Whiteleather Farms, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Adam, 02, Iron Gate Farms, 29468 Tower Rd, Salem, OH 444609523, ajw116@frontier.com, 330-222-1642, Cell 330-205-1738 Whiteleather, Alex, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250, Fax 330-222-1642 Whiteleather, Andrew, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 10310 Stump Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-205-1350 Whiteleather, Betty & Thomas Hagan, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 451 East Milton St, Alliance, OH 44460, 330-821-6916, Cell 330-704-3911 Whiteleather, Esther, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 2855 S Union Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-823-0605, Cell 330-206-3288 Whiteleather, Eve, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8008 Essick Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-894-2138, Fax 330-823-0605 Whiteleather, Glenn, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250

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Whiteleather, Jason & Gretl, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 22499 Bates Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, gwhiteleather@gmail.com, 330-868-5175, Cell 330-205-1535 Whiteleather, Jill A, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8008 Essick Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-894-2138, Cell 330-206-2075 Whiteleather, Lauren, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 7804 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, laurengail0104@aol.com, 330-894-2421 Whiteleather, Lawrence, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 7804 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657-9426, 330-894-2421, Cell 330-904-1806 Whiteleather, Marjorie, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 2289 N Ellsworth Ave, Salem, OH 44460 White-Light Holsteins, 10, Tony & Laurie Menzie, K121 CR 3, McClure, OH 43534, whitelightholsteins@gmail.com, 419-278-0030, Cell 740-624-6003 Tony, Cell 740-624-6367 Laurie Wilcox, Cal, 07, 10407 West Easton Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-846-3612, Fax 419-454-3686 Wildermuth, Rodney, 11, Wildermuth Farms, 4131 Brice Rd, Canal Winchester, OH 43110, 614-837-7381, Cell 614-446-4158 Wiley, Dr Richard E, 07, New Pittsburg Veterinary Clinic, 1436 W Old Lincoln Way, Wooster, OH 44691, npvc@bright.net, 330-264-7787, Cell 330-465-8670 Will, Charles A, 11, Select Sires Inc, 17837 Brown School Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, cwill@selectsires.com, Cell 614-579-4268, Fax 330-262-5251 Wilson, John, 04, JoJan Holsteins, 16646 Nashville Rd, Danville, OH 43014, 740-599-6502, Cell 740-504-2395 Winchell, Dave, 01, Winchell Farm, 7507 Hankee Rd, Garrettsville, OH 44231, whitehill1@verizon.net, 330-527-5296, Fax 740-599-6514 Winchell, John, 01, Fusion Holsteins, 1429 Sodom-Hutchings Rd NE, Vienna, OH 44473, 716-548-4755, Fax 330-527-5047 Winchell, Stacy & Jessica, 07, 192 S Main St, Creston, OH 44217 Wolboldt, Dean F, 07, 9157 CR 245, Holmesville, OH 44633, deandeb1@gmail.com, 330-279-3813 Wolf, Chad & Amy, 07, Starmark Farm, 5801 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, starmarkfarm@aol.com, Cell 330-466-8380 Wolf, Richard, 07, Wolf Family Farm, 13040 Canaan Center Rd, Creston, OH 44217, wolf.108@osu.edu, 330-435-4279 Wolf, Thomas, 10, Shadow-W Holsteins, B678 Rd 17B, New Bavaria, OH 43548, bbwolf@henry-net.com, 419-653-4216 Wolfe, John A & Ann, 02, 6508 Bentler Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, awolfe@suarez.com, 330-492-5254, Cell 330-904-7729 Wolff, Justin L, 08, Wolff FF Farms LLC, 6294 Wolff Rd, Medina, OH 44256, Cell 330-635-4981 Wolford, Judy C, 05, Silver Mist Holsteins, 11242 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, OH 43103, silvermistholsteins@yahoo.com, 740-983-6690

Wyler, Kurt, 04, Wylerview Farms, 55581 TR 176, Fresno, OH 43824, 740-545-7125, Cell 740-502-5606 Yarosh, Marie, 08, Yarsons Holsteins, 20651 Whitehead Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-3572 Yarosh, Matthew, 08, YaRose Ltd, 92 TR 1031, Nova, OH 44859, 419-652-2427, Cell 440-823-0163 Yeazel, Mark, 15, Ja-Bob Holsteins, 1495 Wolverton Rd, Eaton, OH 45320, y2kows@gmail.com, Cell 937-533-0557 Yeazel, Robert, 15, Ja-Bob Holsteins, 6792 S Slateline Rd, Richmond, IN 47374, 765-965-5246 Yoder, Crist J A, 07, Mead-Val Farm, 2081 TR 180, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-5059 Yoder, Delbert & Heather, 07, Brook Hollow Farm, 8820 Camp Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, brookhollowfarms@aol.com, 419-846-4006, Cell 216-496-8819 Yoder, Jacob L, 07, 5894 TR 606, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-695-2261 Yoder, Jeremy, 02, Yoder Farms, 4750 W Garfield, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-482-2074, Cell 330-831-7705 Yoder, Martin, 07, 8743 N Elyria Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-749-9597 Yoder, Owen C, 07, Mead-Val Farm, 2079 TR 180, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-5059 Yoder, Reuben D, 07, RN-Acres, 2519 CR 114, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-0346 Yoder, Robert J, 07, Yoder Dairy, 4622 TR 403, Millersburg, OH 44654, Cell 330-204-3824 Yoder, Roy L.S, 07, Sharp-Line Dairy Farm, 2291 SR 557, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-0405 Young, John J & Ruth, 03, Sharon Valley Farms, 3120 Ragersville Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-897-1036 Zaebst, Chris & Cindy, 01, Bossy’s Way Inc, 4586 Rt 46 S, Jefferson, OH 44047, bossysway94@centurylink.net, 440-294-3614 Zerkle, Keith, 13, White Crown Farm, 1362 N Dugan, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653-8520 Zerkle, Ruth, 13, White Crown Farm, 1362 N Dugan, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653-7088 Zimmerman, Benjamin R, 07, 5075 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-345-6748 Zimmerman, Floyd L, 08, Zimmeracres, 617 Noble Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-3018 Zimmerman, Ralph W, 08, Sunrise Farm, 251 Adario W Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2795 Zimmerman, Walter & Joanna, 02, Harmony Echo Holsteins, 2741 SR 60, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-994-3491 Zimmerview Dairy Farm, LLC, 03, Zimmerview Dairy Farm, 700 Zimmer Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, zimmerview@gmail.com, 740-374-7299, Cell 740-516-8329 Zwick, Michael E, 02, Zwick Farm, 25100 US Rt 30, East Rochester, OH 44625-9710, Fax 740-374-6288

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2012 Ohio Holstein Junior Membership A-B-C Ackley, Hayden, 11, 3284 Hamilton St, East Liberty, OH 43319, 937-666-2783 Ackley, Katelyn, 11, 3284 Hamilton St, East Liberty, OH 43319, 937-666-2783 Ackley, Kristopher, 11, 9738 Rd 141, East Liberty, OH 43319, 937-666-5502 Ackley, Kyle, 11, 9738 Rd 141, East Liberty, OH 43319, ack-lee@embarqmail.com, 937-666-5502 Anderson, D J, 02, PO Box 217, Damascus, OH 44619, 330-277-7181 Anderson, Grayson, 02, PO Box 217, Damascus, OH 44619, 330-277-7181 Andrews, Kyle, 14, 4150 Tawawa Maplewood Rd, Sidney, OH 45365-9740, mandrews2@woh.rr.com, 937-492-1537 Arcuri, Antoni, 08, 434 S Professor St, Oberlin, OH 44074, dukescheer2013@aol.com, New Hope 440-309-6369 Baker, Mary, 07, 6609 Ashland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, haymaker2@earthlink.net, 330-264-1317 Barker, Derek, 04, 5510 CR 130, Edison, OH 43320, barkerfarms@redbird.net, 419-946-2469 Barker, Kayla, 04, 5510 CR 130, Edison, OH 43320, 419-946-2469 Barth, Wyatt, 03, 570 Handschumaker Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-376-9225 Barto, Lindsay, 01, 4272 Custer-Orangeville Rd, Burghill, OH 44404, bartolaser@embarqmail.com, 330-772-9313 Baumer, Amber, 14, 14391 Santa-Fe-New Knoxville Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 937-638-5920 Begg, Tyler, 12, 9610 N Napoleon Rd, Columbus Grove, OH 45830, 419-358-2606 Berg, Aaron, 08, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, samecalf@aol.com, 419-886-2871 Berg, Colin, 08, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, 419-886-2871 Bishop, Luke, 13, 1751 S Dugan Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, bishoplukas98@yahoo.com, 937-653-8041 Blackburn, Kathy, 02, 8157 Magnet Rd NE, Minerva, OH 44657, blackburn.171@osu.edu, 330-853-4696 Bogan, Brock William, 01, 525 Fairway Dr NE, Warren, OH 44483, bbhouse1@centurylink.net, 330-306-5082 Borchers, Austen, 11, 13540 CR 60, Jackson Center, OH 45334, gregborchers@hotmail.com, 937-596-6772 Bouic, Matt, 11, 8900 SR 38, Milford Center, OH 43045, 937-349-4619 Bowen, Alyssa, 12, PO Box 55, Ohio City, OH 45874, jbbowen3@frontier.com, 419-965-2362 Brehm, Nathan, 10, 6235 CR 5, Delta, OH 43515, gjbrehm@windstream.net, 419-822-3824 Burkhart, Nathan, 03, 8086 Bachelor Rd, Magnolia, OH 44643, 330-866-5289 Burky, Clayton, 03, 6860 Sugarcreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663-6910, michele_burky@cargill.com, 419-651-2081 Campbell, Dustin, 02, 4150 Mahoning Ave NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, soupfarmer1@aol.com, 330-821-5696 Campbell, Jacob, 02, 3399 Union Ave NE, Minerva, OH 44657, soupfarmer2@frontier.com, 330-862-2028

Campbell, Lindsey, 02, 3399 Union Ave NE, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-862-2028 Campbell, Taylor, 02, 4150 Mahoning Ave NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-821-5696 Carle, Aaron, 03, 8814 Lorey Rd, East Rochester, OH 44625, 330-894-2902 Clarke, Caitlin, 03, 10204 Blizzard Ridge Rd, Uhrichville, OH 44683, 740-922-1283 Clarke, Dallas, 03, 10204 Blizzard Ridge Rd, Uhrichville, OH 44683, 740-922-1283 Cline, Jessica, 09, 5453 SR 199, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-288-3650 Cline, Matthew, 09, 5453 SR 199, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-288-3650 Coffman, Alexis, 03, 690 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-3116 Coffman, Garett, 03, 690 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-3116 Coffman, Katlyn, 03, 690 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-3116 Colby, Brandon, 14, 6336 Fessler-Buxton Rd, Houston, OH 45333-9773, clbyfrms@hughes.net, 937-773-0853 Colby, Jessica, 14, 6336 Fessler-Buxton Rd, Houston, OH 45333-9773, 937-773-0853 Colby, Nick, 14, 6336 Fessler-Buxton Rd, Houston, OH 45333-9773, 937-773-0853 Coleman, Regan, 15, 2871 Nichols Rd, Hamilton, OH 45013, rcbasketballgirl3@gmail.com, 513-523-6258 Congleton, Levi, 03, 195 Emmaus Rd, Belpre, OH 45714, 740-423-9679 Congleton, Trace, 03, 195 Emmaus Rd, Belpre, OH 45714, 740-423-9679 Conrad, Andrew, 08, 19850 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton, OH 44044, 216-924-0657 Conrad, Bradley, 08, 19850 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton, OH 44044, 216-924-0657 Conrad, Jeffrey, 08, 19850 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton, OH 44044, 216-924-0657 Conrad, Macrae, 05, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5067 Conrad, Macy, 05, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5067 Conrad, Maylon, 05, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5067 Conrad, Mikayla, 05, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, gconrad67@msn.com, 740-495-5067 Conrad, Rebecca, 08, 19800 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton, OH 44044, 440-647-6113 Cordy, Adam, 08, 42041 Biggs Rd, LaGrange, OH 44050, 440-355-5565 Cornish, Greg, 08, 2572 Edwards Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 419-752-6293 Cornish, Megan, 08, 2572 Edwards Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 419-752-6293 Cox, Levi, 03, 7875 SR 26, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-473-2789 Cox, Lucas, 03, 7875 SR 26, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-473-2789 Crawford, Lori, 03, 5755 N American Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-364-2923 Crawford, Michael, 03, 5755 N American Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-364-2923 Cummings, Cole, 14, 6999 Johnston Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365, 937-726-2664 Cummings, Olivia, 14, 6999 Johnston Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365, 937-726-2664 Cupps, Ally, 13, 9093 SR 55, St Paris, OH 43072, bcupps@windstream.net, 937-663-5467

D-E-F-G Davidson, Caitlin, 15, 2664 Edwards Rd, Sardinia, OH 45171, ddavidson1072@yahoo.com, 937-442-2038 Davidson, Zachary, 15, 2664 Edwards Rd, Sardinia, OH 45171, 937-442-2038 Deam, Bryson M, 13, 5248 Goldfield Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026, 937-477-6616 Deam, Emily, 03, 9843 Golf Course Rd, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-3110 Deam, Madison L, 13, 5248 Goldfield Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026, 937-477-6616 Deam, Nicole E, 13, 5248 Goldfield Hilliard, OH 43026, steve@cobaselect.com, 937-477-6616 Deam, Trevor S, 13, 5248 Goldfield Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026, 937-477-6616 Deam, Victoria, 03, 9843 Golf Course Rd, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, njvdeam@yahoo.com, 330-852-3110 Dickey, Ethan, 15, 7474 Fair Ridge Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, 937-927-5297 Doehr, Sarah, 08, 549 E Herrick Ave, Wellington, OH 44090, fourdoehrs@fronier.com, 440-647-2458 Dovin, Demi, 08, 48090 SR 303 W, Wellington, OH 44090, dovindairyfarms@ncwcom.net, 440-775-2386 Dovin, John, 08, 48090 SR 303 W, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-775-2386 Dudash, Emily, 13, 5015 Terre Haute Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, dudash.17@osu.edu, 937-638-4192 Duncan, Drew, 04, 42527 US 36, Warsaw, OH 43844, dsduncan1@frontier.com, 740-824-8592 Duncan, Rachel, 04, 42527 US 36, Warsaw, OH 43844, 740-824-8592 Dye, Hannah M, 02, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-5272 Dye, Jonathan T, 02, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-5272 Dye, Michah James, 02, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-5272 Elsea, Braden, 01, 6059 King Graves Rd, Fowler, OH 44418, 330-448-4899 Elsea, Brock, 01, 6059 King Graves Rd, Fowler, OH 44418, elsea5family@yahoo.com, 330-448-4899 Elsea, Troy, 01, 6059 King Graves Rd, Fowler, OH 44418, 330-448-4899 Ervin, Ryan, 03, 7347 N Blackburn Rd, Athens, OH 45701, 740-818-9557 Finton, Brittany, 03, 1442 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-4981 Finton, Chris, 03, 1442 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, mooman1442@roadrunner.com, 330-339-4981 Finton, Kurt, 03, 1442 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-4981 Flores, Lydia, 11, 8900 SR 38, Milford Center, OH 43045, 937-707-5846 Fraser, Sara Marie, 02, 632 S 12th St, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-7262 Garner, Austin, 15, 5381 Dunwoody Rd, Hamilton, OH 45013, lrgkritterdoc@aol.com, 513-756-9565 Gaskill, Shane, 03, 11158 Stonecreek Rd SW, Newcomerstown, OH 43832, 740-498-5656

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Gaskill, Tyler, 03, 11158 Stonecreek Rd SW, Newcomerstown, OH 43832, sonyagaskill@gmail.com, 740-498-5656 Gilbert, Jacoby, 07, 11200 Hiner Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-231-8039 Gilbert, Jamison, 07, 11200 Hiner Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-231-8039 Gilbert, Katherine Marie, 08, 16665 Rt 58 South, Oberlin, OH 44074, dovindairyfarms@ncwcom.net, 440-775-2386 Goines, Hannah, 07, 7930 TR 470, Lakeville, OH 44638, chgoines@gmail.com, 330-674-8379 Goines, Tanner, 07, 7930 TR 470, Lakeville, OH 44638, 330-674-8379 Good, Jeremy, 09, 8925 Harriott Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, tgood@selectsires.com, 614-873-7140 Good, Sydney, 09, 8925 Harriott Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, 614-873-7140 Good, Trey, 09, 8925 Harriott Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, 614-873-7140 Gunkelman, Tim, 07, 14770 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, drgunkelman@yahoo.com, 330-464-3259

H-I-J-K Harding, Erica, 03, 5159 Evanscreek Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-897-7979 Harding, Kari, 03, 5159 Evanscreek Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-897-7979 Harding, Ryan, 03, 5159 Evanscreek Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-897-7979 Harpster, Madyson, 08, 316 B US 250E, Jeromesville, OH 44840, 419-651-5336 Hastings, Addie, 07, Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, adaline99@aol.com, 419-869-7167 Hawvermale, Ashley, 07, 703 Barnard Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, hawver4u@juno.com, 330-264-9817 Hawvermale, Kelly, 07, 703 Barnard Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-9817 Heger, Cole, 15, 10131 CR 227, Camden, OH 45311, 937-452-3606 Heger, Lauren, 15, 5911 Lesourdsville-W Chester Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011, cheger1@fuse.net, 513-777-1666 Heiby, Bethany J, 08, 2188 TR 757, Perrysville, OH 44864, 419-368-4238 Heiby, Tiffany, 08, 2188 TR 757, Perrysville, OH 44864, elheiby@gmail.com, 419-368-4238 Hershberger, Clay, 03, 9668 Golf Course Rd, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, mhersh1@frontier.com, 330-852-4091

Hershberger, Katelyn, 07, 4976 CR 172, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, EHLM_chersb@tccsa.net, 330-852-4898 Hudson, Kendra, 09, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820, 419-563-0102 Hudson, Kyle, 09, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820, ckhud909@embarqmail.com, 419-563-0102 Hughes, Amy, 07, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637, 330-377-4156 Hughes, John, 07, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637, 330-377-4156 Hughes, William, 07, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637, hankhughes@embarqmail.com, 330-377-4156 Hunsberger, Aaron, 07, 8257 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-2134 Jackson, Ella G, 11, 8961 TR 207, DeGraff, OH 43318, 937-585-5727 Jackson, Hillary A, 11, 8961 TR 207, DeGraff, OH 43318, rjack@watchtv.net, 937-585-5727 Jackson, Luke A, 11, 8961 TR 207, DeGraff, OH 43318, 937-585-5727 Jackson, Samuel L, 11, 8961 TR 207, DeGraff, OH 43318, 937-585-5727 Janes, Allison, 07, 2519 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, kjanes@sssnet.com, 330-264-6445 Johnson, Johnnie, 05, 11681 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, OH 43103, johnnieboy35@gmail.com, 740-237-8998 Jordan, Joshua, 03, 8814 Lorey Rd, East Rochester, OH 44625, 330-894-2902 Kaverman, Korbin J, 13, 11142 Huntington Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368, 419-203-9629 Kaverman, Lydia M, 13, 11142 Huntington Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368, kdairy@live.com, 419-203-9629 Kiko, Abigail, 03, 6220 Andora Rd, Mechanicstown, OH 44651, 330-627-0321 Kiko, Evan, 02, 813 Fox Ave SE, Paris, OH 44669, jkikojr@frontier.com, 330-862-2134 Kiko, Isabella Tess, 03, 6220 Andora Rd, Mechanicstown, OH 44651, 330-627-0321 King, Garret, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, tcking7@gmail.com, 937-465-1550 King, Hayden, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550 King, Mickayla, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550 King, Samantha, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550 King, Silas, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550

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68 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

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Kinney, Nathaniel, 07, 8088 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-4376 Kinney, Zachary, 07, 8088 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-4376 Klier, Ben, 08, 18456 Pitts Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, benplkier@yahoo.com, 440-647-4402 Klier, Emily, 08, 18456 Pitts Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, egklier@yahoo.com, 440-647-4402 Klier, Rachel, 08, 18456 Pitts Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, rachelklier3@yahoo.com, 440-647-4402 Kliner, Kaleb, 07, 9164 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 419-651-2650 Kliner, Kourtney, 07, 9164 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 419-651-2650 Knapp, Jacob, 08, 24228 West Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, knappsl@ncwcom.com, 440-647-6104 Knisely, Katie, 10, 25210 CR M, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-3137 Koopmans, Alex, 15, 10555 Pleasant Renner Rd, Goshen, OH 45122, dkoopmans@tds.net, 513-877-2300

L-M-N L’Amoreaux, Lauren, 02, 7261 Paris Ave NE, Louisville, OH 44641, blamoreaux@neo.rr.com, 330-875-4157 L’Amoreaux, Lindsay, 02, 7261 Paris Ave NE, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-4157 Liming, Louis, 01, 3726 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, 330-652-5694 Liming, Marlena, 01, 3726 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, louidafarms@aol.com, 330-652-5694 Lund, Courtney, 08, 1577 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-7313 Lund, Matthew, 08, 1577 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-7313 Mangun, Allison, 07, 13693 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, 330-435-6520 Mangun, Ben, 07, 13693 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, mangunfarm@yahoo.com, 330-435-6520 Martin, Kalley, 10, 13330 CR 23, Fayette, OH 43521, martin.2126@osu.edu, 419-237-2067 Martin, Riley, 10, 13330 CR 23, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-2067 Mazzaro, Bailee, 01, 7373 Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, mazzaradi@aol.com, 440-293-5573 Mazzaro, Calla, 01, 7373 Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-5573

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Mazzaro, Mason, 01, 7373 Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-5573 Mazzaro, Matthew, 01, 7373 Stanhope Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-5573 McCummons, Allison, 14, 13499 Meranda Rd, Anna, OH 45302, 937-394-2837 McDaniel, Katelynn E, 13, 2140 Boda St, Springfield, OH 45503, vmcdaniel.1@hotmail.com, 937-390-2273 McDonald, Michael, 08, 46690 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 2abrahamangels@gmail.com, 440-315-4854 McDonnell, Miranda, 08, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-774-3113 McDonnell, Morgan, 08, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, mx198@newcom.net, 440-774-3113 McGovern, Kate, 08, 1567 TR 355, Jeromesville, OH 44840, 419-368-3485 McGuire, Deven, 11, 1740 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, mcguiren@benlogan.k12.oh.us, 937-465-8150 McGuire, Kyle, 11, 1740 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-8150 McKay, Josh, 05, 6240 Miami Trace Rd, Washington Court House, OH 43160 Miley, Adam, 07, 8108 Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, miley.adam@gmail.com, 419-846-3234 Miley, Anna, 07, 6745 Matty Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, jdjamiley@aol.com, 330-263-7814 Miley, David, 07, 8108 Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-846-3234 Miller, Ben, 07, 9428 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-7870 Miller, Hallie, 07, 16485 E TR 136, Bellevue, OH 44811, 419-271-3530 Miller, Kennady, 07, 3545 CR 25, Glenmont, OH 44628, 330-377-9817 Miller, Leah, 07, 16485 E TR 136, Bellevue, OH 44811, 419-271-3530 Miller, Sage, 07, 3545 CR 25, Glenmont, OH 44628, 330-377-9817 Miller, Shelby, 07, 9428 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-7870 Moff, Heidi, 02, 14200 New Buffalo Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, moff.9@osu.edu, 330-482-9018 Montgomery, Daniel, 01, 3179 SR 534, Newton Falls, OH 44444, mdfholsteins@yahoo.com, 330-872-0348 Montgomery, Shannon, 01, 3179 SR 534, Newton Falls, OH 44444, 330-872-0348 Morlock, James, 10, 6661 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450, shellimorlock@yahoo.com, 419-308-7990 Morlock, Madisen, 10, 6661 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450, 419-308-7990 Moyer, Allison, 08, 1577 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-7313 Mudgett, Garrett, 13, 5248 Goldfield Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026, 937-477-6616 Nelson, JD, 13, 1751 S Dugan Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, nelsoncows4u@yahoo.com, 937-653-8041

O-P-Q-R Oberholtzer, Brandon S, 08, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156 Oberholtzer, Brittany R, 08, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156 Oberholtzer, Gordon N, 08, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156

Oberholtzer, Landon C, 08, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156 Oberholtzer, Waldon K, 08, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156 Oechsle, Harrison, 12, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH 45891, jcoent@frontier.com, 419-965-2272 Oechsle, Korey, 12, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH 45891, 419-965-2272 Oechsle, Matthew, 12, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH 45891, 419-965-2272 Parker, Evan, 01, 10538 Washington St, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023-2616, 440-543-8297 Parker, Lauren, 01, 10538 Washington St, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023-2616, 440-543-8297 Parker, Rebecca, 01, 10538 Washington St, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023-2616, dnparker@juno.com, 440-543-8297 Paul, Amber, 12, 05633 E Shelby Rd, Minster, OH 45865, tkpaul@watchtv.net, 419-629-2782 Paul, Cody, 12, 05633 E Shelby Rd, Minster, OH 45865, 419-629-2782 Pennington, Abby, 10, 14286 US 20, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-7026 Pennington, Noah, 10, 14286 US 20, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-7026 Phillips, Sarah, 08, 4836 SR 598, Plymouth, OH 44865, 419-687-2521 Pond, Cole, 13, 1319 N Parkview Rd, Woodstock, OH 43084, 937-834-2431 Pond, P Shem, 13, 1319 N Parkview Rd, Woodstock, OH 43084, jrpond@ctcn.net, 937-834-2431 Quallen, Emily, 15, 1123 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45122, 937-383-0692 Quallen, Loren, 15, 1123 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177, 937-383-0693 Quallen, Sarah, 15, 1123 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177, 937-383-0693 Ramsey, Brice, 02, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-0236 Ramsey, Colleen, 02, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-0236 Ramsey, Emma, 02, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-0236 Ramsey, Haley, 02, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-0236 Ramsey, Meredith, 02, 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-0236 Rennecker, Benjamin, 07, 6764 N Honeytown Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, 330-669-3673 Rennecker, Hannah, 07, 6764 N Honeytown Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, 330-669-3673 Reynolds, Rachil, 07, 11200 Hiner Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-231-8039 Riggenbach, Micah, 07, 10331 Frick Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-317-1619 Riggenbach, Noah, 07, 4425 Egypt Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, 330-669-3094 Riggenbach, Owen, 07, 10690 Parr Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, 330-855-9998

S-T Sayers, John, 11, 16591 County Home Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, mcsayers@columbus.rr.com, 937-644-1589 Sayers, Max, 11, 16591 County Home Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, 937-644-1589 Schlabach, Christopher, 7, 4691 TR 628, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-1148 Schlabach, Joshua, 07, 4691 TR 628, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-1148 Schlabach, Molly, 07, 4691 TR 628, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-1148

Schlauch, Logan, 07, 12809 TR 503, Big Prairie, OH 44611, vvf48@earthlink.net, 330-378-2024 Schlauch, Wyatt, 07, 12809 TR 503, Big Prairie, OH 44611, 330-378-2024 Schmitmeyer, Clair, 14, 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-526-4226 Schmitmeyer, Katerri, 14, 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-526-4226 Schmitmeyer, Ted, 14, 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, lvfarms@directv.net, 937-526-4226 Schroeder, Travis, 10, 11312 CR D, Wauseon, OH 43567, brendas20@embarqmail.com, 419-335-0293 Schroeder, Trent, 10, 11312 CR D, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-0293 Schroeder, Trey, 10, 11312 CR D, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-0293 Seedorf, Callie, 10, 4-512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-278-1124 Seedorf, Chloe, 10, 4-512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-278-1124 Seedorf, Claire, 10, 4-512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, seedorfmj@aol.com, 419-278-1124 Sherry, Colton, 14, 5295 Hogpath Rd, Greenville, OH 45331, 937-459-5321 Sherry, Jacquelyn, 14, 5295 Hogpath Rd, Greenville, OH 45331, 937-459-5321 Sherry, Nicole, 14, 5295 Hogpath Rd, Greenville, OH 45331, 937-459-5321 Shockey, Abigail, 03, 142 Leatherberry Rd, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-9071 Shoemaker, Austen, 02, 14308 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, shoemaker.3@osu.edu, 330-537-3325 Shoemaker, Ben, 02, 14308 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-537-3325 Simpson, Ben, 03, 65343 Plainfield Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, 740-484-1444 Simpson, Emily, 03, 65343 Plainfield Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, 740-484-1444 Simpson, Robert, 03, 65343 Plainfield Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, 740-484-1444 Sloan, Miranda R, 01, 6652 Kingsville Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417 Smith, Alexia, 11, 14630 Middleburg Plain City Rd, Plain City, OH 43064, 614-733-0182 Smith, Emily, 03, 42743 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, 740-483-2107 Smith, Jared, 11, 14630 Middleburg Plain City Rd, Plain City, OH 43064, btjasmith@msn.com, 614-733-0182 Smith, Nerissa, 03, 42743 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, smithhills@gmn4u.com, 740-483-2107 Snyder, Mallory, 03, PO Box 253, 55872 Orchard Dr Ext, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-987-7761 Steel, Clinton, 03, 2705 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, jpnc@wilkshire.net, 330-364-5243 Steel, Jaden, 03, 2843 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-343-1307 Steel, Stacie, 03, 2843 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, daybyday@wilkshire.net, 330-343-1307 Steel, Stephanie, 03, 2843 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-343-1307 Steiner, Christian, 07, 13939 Eby Rd, Creston, OH 44217, kdsdairy1@aol.com, 330-464-1219 Steiner, Zach, 07, 13939 Eby Rd, Creston, OH 44217, 330-464-1219

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Steinke, Aprille, 12, 15431 Fox Ranch, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-738-7136 Steinke, Lee Ann, 12, 15431 Fox Ranch, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-738-7136 Steinke, Luke, 12, 15431 Fox Ranch, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-738-7136 Stevens, Jessica, 07, 4660 W Smithville-Western Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-749-8633 Stuart, Savanah, 08, 2462 Crum Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, sstuartmomof3@gmail.com, 419-606-5005 Stuart, Shiloh, 08, 2462 Crum Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-606-5005 Stull, Katie, 07, 9304 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-263-0037 Stull, Riley, 07, 9304 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-263-0037 Sutton, Marissa, 01, 9347 SR 45, North Bloomfield, OH 44450 Thompson, Alisha, 03, 42225 Jewett-Scio Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, 740-946-2805 Thompson, James, 03, 42225 Jewett-Scio Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, 740-946-2805 Thorbahn, Ashley, 09, 4428 CR 247, Vickery, OH 43464, glossygirl63@aol.com, 419-547-0795 Thorbahn, Jenna, 11, 9035 Oak Ridge Lane, Plain City, OH 43064, 614-873-6946 Timmons, Ian, 08, 334 TR 2422, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-368-6300 Topp, Brennan, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-4960 Topp, Keaton, 14, 8986 SR 274, Kettlersville, OH 45336, kktopp@aol.com, 937-693-4400 Topp, Kinley, 14, 8986 SR 274, Kettlersville, OH 45336, 937-693-4400

Topp, Logan, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-4960 Topp, Madelyn, 14, 10356 Kohler Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, metopp@watchtv.net Topp, Marissa, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-4960 Topp, Tanner, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-4960 Topp, Tessa, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-4960 Topp, Tyler, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, KurtAndFam@aol.com, 330-464-4960 Trbovich, Austin, 03, 7222 Waynesburg Rd, Waynesburg, OH 44688, 330-866-5438 Trbovich, Logan, 03, 7222 Waynesburg Rd, Waynesburg, OH 44688, 330-866-5438 Tullis, Kelsie, 03, 2039 Aster Rd, Scio, OH 43988, tullis@tusco.net, 330-739-2067 Tullis, Kolby, 03, 2039 Aster Rd, Scio, OH 43988, 330-739-2067

U-V-W-X-Y-Z Uris, Brandon, 08, 37357 Butternut Ridge Rd, North Ridgeville, OH 44039, brandonscott@live.com, 440-327-4874 Wallace, Alexis, 15, 103 Boulder Dr, Mt Orab, OH 45154, drewgill.10@yahoo.com, 513-309-3782 Watson, Bryce, 09, 1100 S TR 77, Republic, OH 44867, 419-585-6001 Watson, Ian, 09, 1100 S TR 77, Republic, OH 44867, 419-585-6001 Watson, Victoria, 09, 1100 S TR 77, Republic, OH 44867, rodnancy@frontier.com, 419-585-6001 Weeman, Sam, 07, 304 N Kansas Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, lttlguy12@gmail.com, 330-683-6771

Wertenberger, Briley, 12, 640 Davis St, Delphos, OH 45833, 419-203-9629 Wertenberger, Zane, 12, 640 Davis St, Delphos, OH 45833, 419-203-9629 Weyant, Faith, 03, 1071 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, snfcoffman3@yahoo.com, 740-373-3744 Whiteleather, Andre, 02, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Autumn, 02, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-858-5250 Whiteleather, Hagan, 02, 451 E Milton Rd, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-868-5250 Wolf, Keenan, 07, 5801 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-345-3264 Wolfe, Daniel, 02, 6508 Bentler Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-492-5254 Wolfe, Katherine, 02, 6508 Bentler Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-492-5254 Wolfe, Robert, 02, 6508 Bentler Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, ahungrywolfe@suarez.com, 330-492-5254 Wolff, Anna L, 08, 6395 Branch Rd, Medina, OH 44256 Wyler, Kurt, 03, 5558 TR 176, Fresno, OH 43874, 740-545-7125 Zimmer, Beth, 03, 80 Zimmer Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, zimmerview@ee.net, 740-374-7299 Zimmer, Eric, 03, 80 Zimmer Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-7299 Zimmer, Lisa, 03, 80 Zimmer Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-7299

Ohio State ATI Building Leaders for the Dairy Industry! ATI is a great place to go for a career path. It is a perfect fit for students who want to get out and work in the industry. Students who complete the two-year degree have a good education in nutrition, genetics, reproduction and management. They have the hands-on experience needed to work with cattle. There is a need for highly skilled cattle people. Adam Hahlen OSU-ATI 85-86 Reproduction Supervisor/Technical Coordinator, COBA/Select Sires


70 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

Ohio State ATI 1328 Dover Road Wooster, OH 44691 330-287-1331 www.ati.osu.edu

Contact: Royce Thornton Dairy Programs Coordinator 330-287-1373 thornton.5@osu.edu

83630 p71 Raygor_Layout 1 5/24/12 6:34 PM Page 1

COBA Girls at

Raygor Farms, LLC Raygor Mr Sam Faith VG-88 EX-MS 3-00 2x 312D 29,928M 3.5% 1,036F 2.9% 857P Sire: 7HO6758 Regancrest-Mr Drham Sam-ET

Quality-Quest Lou Juice VG-88 EX-MS 2-00 2x 365D 26,525M 2.8% 738F 2.9% 788P • Purchased at the October 2011 Quality Quest Sale • Sire: 7HO7359 Jenny-Lou Marshall P149-ET

Renwind Lou Bedazzl VG-88

L-Rae Eland Sage EX-91 2E EX-MS

3-03 2x-3x 365D 43,131M 3.3% 1,462F 2.9% 1,299P • Sire: 7HO7359 Jenny-Lou Marshall P149-ET

3-11 2x 365D 32,613M 3.2% 1,058F 2.7% 885P 5-01 2x 365D 37,517M 3.3% 1,255F 2.7% 1,008P • Purchased at the 2005 Ohio Fall Quality Sale • Sire: 7HO6352 Four-of-A-Kind Eland-ET • Sage has a December 2011 Sanchez heifer.

Renwind Sanchez Chill GP-84 • • • •

Purchased at the 2011 Ohio Fall Sale Fresh in December – Milking over 100# per day Sire: 7HO8190 Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez Chill is due in November to Shottle.

We are looking forward to working with COBA on contracted cows.

Raygor Million Rita VG-85 MS-VG • Fresh in February – Milking over 100# per day • Sire: 7HO8165 England-Ammon Million-ET

Raygor Farms, LLC Scott Sprunger • Bob and Barb Sprunger Mark and Amy Ostarchvic 15860 Jericho Road • Dalton, OH 44618 Farm 330-857-7399 • Email: raygorgirls@yahoo.com Scott 330-465-0622 • Bob 330-465-1337 BAA 103.5

Thank you to all the breeders we have purchased animals from in the past year.

2 EX 12 VG 30 GP

We will be a stop on the Wayne County Farm Foliage Tour October 13-14. OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 71

83630 p72 Congress Lake_Layout 1 5/24/12 6:32 PM Page 1

Building on Family Tradition… …Making her Own Legacy Kingsmill Ashlyns Arpana-ET VG-87

Fresh in November 2011, she has 13,506 pounds of milk in 166 days.

HER SIRE: Regancrest Elton Durham

Calves by STORMATIC, FEVER and GOLDWYN Planning to flush her to ALEXANDER and GOLD CHIP A special thanks to Gene Iager for buying Arpana’s daughter at the Ohio Convention Sale. Thank you to Don Alexander for help in picturing and marketing her and to the fitting crew for their excellent care of our consignment at the Convention Sale. We appreciate the support of the Ohio Holstein Association. BA for the DURHAMS, DAMIO to CO NS s k and an h T AD V EN TS th at

ll fo are milking exceptionally we

4-09 365D 43,090M 4.8% 2,079F 3.5% 1,503P All-Time All-American 4-Year-Old Cow All-American and All-Canadian 4-Year-Old Cow 2001 Supreme Champion, World Dairy Expo 2001 Voted All-World 2001 by Holstein International

. r us

We would like to invite everyone to visit us at the Portage County Randolph Fair, August 21st through the 25th. We have modern open barns, a milking parlor and generous premiums, and we would welcome any new exhibitors. Call us for information. 72 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012


Tri-Day Ashlyn-ET EX-96 EEEEE 2E GMD DOM

372 Congress Lake Road Suffield, OH 44260 Farm Phone: 330-877-2710 Kenny and Linda Rufener 330-353-2027 • congresslakefarms@hotmail.com Mike and Carol Rufener • 330-353-2029 Kenny and Melanie Rufener • 330-353-2028

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 73

83630 p74 WindyRidge_Layout 1 5/24/12 6:27 PM Page 1

The Future is Polled at Windy Ridge Windy-Ridge Mitey Lavender *RC*P 50K GTPI +1975G PTA+279M PTA+378NM +.07%F +.04%P PTA+3.0PL 2.69SCS 6%DCE PTA +2.83T +2.22UDC +2.96FLC • Potential 14th-Generation VG or EX

Dam of Lavender

Windy-Ridge Shotle Lucious VG-85 at 2-02 3K GTPI +2156G PTA +482M +45F +24P PTA +606NM +.10%F +.04%P PTA +5.8PL 2.66SCS +1.7DPR 6%DCE PTA +2.62T +2.14UDC +1.85FLC • Fresh in November, averaging 84# a day 2x • Due in November to Windbrook • Next Dam: Windy-Ridge Ryme Lollipop EX-90 at 4-06 PTA +6.1PL 2.68 SCS +2.9 DPR 6%DCE • Next 11 dams VG or EX

Comfortable Leid’s and Washable Calf Blankets

Windy Ridge Farm Harold and Lillian Leid and Family 6810 Olivesburg-Fitchville Road Greenwich, OH 44837 PH 419-895-2324 Fax 419-895-2311 74 | 5-6/2012 | OHIO NEWS

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 75

83630 p76 Don.Keim 4c.ads_Layout 1 5/24/12 5:04 PM Page 1

General Manager’s Views

— Don Alexander

We managed or co-managed four successful sales this spring, and we are in the process of making selections for the Ohio Summer Sale, which will be August 25, 2012, at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Wooster, Ohio. The Summer Sale in 2011 averaged over $3,000, and early consignments are expected to surpass last year’s sale average. Mark your calendar, and make plans to attend. Thank You from the Ohio Holstein Association to the sellers and buyers for your continued support. I’ve had phone calls within the last month of cows from our sales that have scored Excellent and also cows and heifers that have since been contracted for AI. Ohio has always been and will continue to be a leader and source of exceptional cows and genetics. We are in the process of organizing a large group of short bred registered Holstein heifers photo by Esther Welch for export to Turkey, which will consist of Set t ing up f or t he f orm al Board of Direct ors phot o. multiple shipments and will continue through the end of the year. We will acquire as many heifers from Ohio as possible, and they will also come from surrounding states. Contact me at 304-376-1788 or by email at alexanderdon@comcast.net for more information. A special Thank You to COBA/Select Sires for sponsoring this directory issue. The Ohio Holstein Association appreciates your continued support and the quality employees on your staff in Ohio and throughout the U.S. that allow Ohio-bred Holsteins to be the leader in genetics that we are today. District Shows, National Holstein Convention and Ohio State Fair will all take place within the next two months, and having the opportunity to see great people and quality cattle will always be one of the high points of working with The Ohio Holstein Association. See you soon. Take care. — Don Visit your Ohio Holstein Website at www.ohioholstein.com

Freestall Barns • Milking Parlors • Sand Separator Lanes Commodity Buildings • Bunk Silos 76 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 77

83630 p78.82 MidEast.trophies_Layout 1 5/29/12 10:30 AM Page 1

2012 Mid-East Spring National Show — Results March 30-31 • Columbus, Ohio • Judge Dennis Patrick, MD • 188 Shown 0Winter Heifer Calf (16) 1. (JR) Miss Fever Bailey, Victoria Deam 2. Redcarpet KB Brx Twitter-ET, Lillian Finke 3. Wabash-Way Atwood Evette, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC 4. Rupp-Vue Freckles Flirt, Rupp-Vue Farm 5. Express SWD Jenessa, Express/Stan-Mar-Dale Fall Heifer Calf (37) 1. Fusion Passions Poison, Duane Cole & John Winchell 2. T-Triple-T Possibility-ET, Triple-T Holsteins 3. Savage Leigh Fever Lori, Lauren Heger 4. (JR) Brookview Sid Cutie Pie, A. McCummons & Kyle Andrews 5. Fradon Braxton Mary-ET, Lauren Heger Summer Yearling (19) 1. Richman Goldwyn Jade, Richman Farms 2. T-Triple-T Paradise, Triple-T Holsteins 3. Express SMD Kira, Kyle & Kristopher Ackley 4. Budjon-JU-RS Atwood Eavie, John Lora 5. Heaths Got Potential, Todd Watts & Aaron Lamoreaux, MI Spring Yearling (18) 1. Headwater Lheroes Juliet, Franchise, Price, Myer & Lynch 2. Loraware Shottle Flora-ET, John & Katey Lora 3. Wabash-Way Dundee Fancy, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC 4. T-Triple-T Illusion, Triple-T Holsteins 5. Mihsu Tee Off Bubble, T & H Dairy, MI Winter Yearling (16) 1. Nat024 Encore Shine, Richman Farms & Penick Dairy 2. M-Signature Sanchez Siri, K. Doeberiener, D. Cole, & B. Mazarro 3. (JR) Trealayne Aftershock Gracie, Victoria Deam and Clay Hershberger 4. (JR) Con-River 1419 Gold Jill-ET, Andrew, Becca, Brad, & Jeffery Conrad 5. Express SMD Braxton Devin, Express/Stan-Mar-Dale

Reserve Junior Champion Open Show M-Signature Sanchez Siri, K. Doebreriener, D. Cole & B. Mazarro Junior Champion Junior Show Honorable Mention Open Show Trealayne Aftershock Gracie, Clay Hershberger, Victoria Deam Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Nic-Nan Dundee Maria, Kyle McGuire Honorable Mention Junior Show Toppglen Alexander Whoa-ET, Tyler Topp Junior Best Three Females (4) 1. Triple-T Holsteins, 2. Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC 3. Engleking, IN, 4. Brookview Junior Two-Year-Old (8) 1. Quietcove-W Futurity-ET, Quietcove Holsteins 2. Express SMD Asteroid Vegas, Express Stan-Mar-Dale 3. Ky-Blue Allen Rachel, Madelyn Topp 4. Richman Asteroid Dotie R1103, Richman Farms 5. (JR) Kingsmill Goldwyn Jewel, Marshall Overholt Senior Two-Year-Old (13) 1. (JR) Rose-Vue Pure Gold Foxy, Cole & Olivia Cummings 2. Q-oveW-JMK Curran Dolly-ET, Quietcove,W, T. Curran & J. Kosten 3. Indian Stone San Valerie-ET, Charlie & Tony Henry 4. Glen Robert Gold Rose, TripleT, Conroy & Hardy 5. White-Light Golden Kolor-ET, White-Light Holsteins

Junior Three-Year-Old (6) 1. Whiteleather Sizzle 1440-ET, Whiteleather Holsteins 2. Express SMD Pagewire JC, Express Stan-Mar-Dale 3. ToppView Asteroid Ebony, Keaton, Kinley & Madelyn Topp 4. Kingsmill Ashlyns ArpanaET, Congress Lake Farms 5. Diamond-Oak Alex Ann, Etgen-Way Holsteins Senior Three-Year-Old (8) 1. Androscroggin-I Advent Redlight-Red, Van Exel & Triple-T Holsteins 2. (JR) Wilanna Damion Carol, Daniel Montgomery 3. MS J&S Stac Advent Sara-ET, Springbrook Farms & J&S Holsteins, IN 4. (JR) Hardys Aspen Trinity-ET, Austin Trbovich 5. (JR) Miley Jasper LL Brooklyn, Anna Miley Intermediate Champion Open Show Androscroggin-I Advent Redlight-Red, Van Exel and Triple-T Holsteins Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Rose-Vue Pure Gold Foxy, Cole & Olivia Cummings Honorable Mention Open Show Q-ove-W-JMK Curran Dolly-ET, Quietcove, W. T. Curran and J. Kasteen Intermediate Champion Junior Show Rose-Vue Pure Gold Foxy, Cole & Olivia Cummings Mid-East National – continued on page 82

Fall Yearling (17) 1. (JR) Nic-Nan Dundee Maria, Kyle McGuire 2. (JR) Toppglen Alexander WhoaET, Tyler Topp 3. T-Triple-T Platinum-ET, Triple-T Holsteins 4. (JR) Pentuck Lightning Lea, Keaton Topp 5. Brook Hollow Sanchez Panini, Delbert & Heather Yoder Junior Champion Open Show Nat024 Encore Shine, Richman Farms and Penick Dairy

Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Stan-Mar-Dale, Jeremy Adams and Cindy Howman with banner; Stan-Mar-Dale Best Three Females with leaders Dustin Alltop, Jeremy Roberts and Leslie Maurice; Ohio Holstein Queen Jacquelyn Sherry

Ohio Holstein Queen Jacquelyn Sherry; Nat024 Encore Shine, Junior Champion Open Show, First Winter Yearling held by Pat Conroy; M Signature Sanchez Siri, Reserve Junior Champion Open Show held by Lindsay Bowen; Judge Dennis Patrick; Lindsay Worden of Holstein Association USA 78 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

Judge Dennis Patrick; Lindsey Worden of Holstein Association USA; Raizels James Rosita-ET, Grand Champion Holstein and Supreme Champion, First Aged Cow held by Nathan Thomas; Ms Leafy Lane Durham Trudy, Reserve Grand and Reserve Senior Champion, First 125,000 Pound Cow held by Pat Conroy; Ohio Holstein Queen Jacquelyn Sherry photos by Megan Herberg, Holstein World

83630 p79 Seven Gables_Layout 1 5/24/12 6:23 PM Page 1

Foxy and Rosita... ...Had Great Days at Spring Dairy Expo Rose-Vue Pure Gold Foxy VG-87 VG-MS w First Place Senior Two-Year-Old Open and Junior Show w Intermediate Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show w Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show w Entered in the 2013 National Holstein Futurity

Raizels James Rosita-ET EX-91 EX-MS w First Place Aged Cow w Senior and Grand Champion Open Show w Supreme Champion at Spring Dairy Expo w Second Place Aged Cow New York Spring Show w 10 Excellent Dams Behind Her, Back to Roxy Rosita is owned with Colton Thomas.

Thanks to Nathan Thomas and his crew — they are unbelievable! As a Junior at Fairlawn High School, Olivia leads the state in Division 3 shot put with a throw of 42’5”.

SEVEN GABLES FARM Tim Cummings – Olivia and Cole 6999 Johnston-Slagle Road • Sidney, OH 45365 • 937-726-2664

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Mid-East National – continued from page 78

Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Wilanna Damion Carol, Daniel Montgomery Honorable Mention Junior Show Hardys Aspen Trinity-ET, Austin Trbovich Four-Year-Old (13) 1. Whiteleather S Sage 1048-ET, Whiteleather Holsteins 2. Express SMD Ace Layla-ET, Express/Stan-Mar-Dale 3. Express SMD Velvet Tara-ET, Express/Stan-Mar-Dale 4. (JR) Ack-Lee Roy Krispy, Kyle & Kristopher Ackley 5. (JR) Florbil Fireworks GiGI, Lauren Heger Five-Year-Old (9) 1. Cedar-Wood Damion Wendy, QuietcoveW Holsteins 2. Mersland Onyx Annie, ToppView Farms 3. Oakvale Pro Patty, Ack-Lee Holsteins 4. (JR) Finn Finley Bash Cassie, Marlee Lloyd 5. Brook-Hollow Miss Rubee Sky, Delbert & Heather Yoder Aged Cow (4) 1. Raizels James Rosita-ET, Triple-T, Cole & Olivia Cummings 2. (JR) Markers Dundee Olivia, Kayla King 3. No-Fla Buckaneer 21335-ET, Richman Farms 4. (JR) Lund View Durham Babe, Courtney & Matt Lund & Allison Moyer 125,000 Pound Cow (4) 1. Ms-Leafy Lane Durham Trudy, Conroy, Entourage, Fisher, Keene, IN 2. Shadeline Mariah, Delbert & Heather Yoder 3. Express SMD Linjet Tori-ET, Express Stan-Mar-Dale 4. Mersland Canyon Dolly-Red, Topp-View Farms Senior and Grand Champion and Supreme Champion Open Show Raizels James Rosita-ET, Triple-T, Cole & Olivia Cummings Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Ms-Leafy Lane Durham Trudy, Conroy, Entourage, Fisher, Keene, IN Honorable Mention Senior Champion and Best Bred and Owned Whiteleather S Sage 1048-ET, Whiteleather Holsteins Senior and Grand Champion Junior Show Finn Finley Bash Cassie, Marlee Lloyd Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Rose-Vue Pure Gold Foxy, Cole & Olivia Cummings Reserve Senior Champion Junior Show Markers Dundee Olivia, Kayla King Honorable Mention Ack-Lee Roy Krispy, Kyle & Kristopher Ackley Best Three Females Express Stan-Mar-Dale Best Bred and Owned Junior Show Lund-View Durham Babe, Courtney & Matt Lund and Allison Moyer Premier Breeder and Exhibitor Express Stan-Mar-Dale

82 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

2012 Mid-East Spring National Holstein Show Trophy Donors Class Open Show Winter Heifer Calf Fall Heifer Calf Summer Yearling Heifer Spring Yearling Heifer Winter Yearling Heifer Fall Yearling Heifer Junior Champion Female Res. Junior Champion Female Junior Best Three Females Junior Two-Year-Old Cow Senior Two-Year-Old Cow Junior Three-Year-Old Cow Senior Three-Year-Old Cow Intermediate Champion Reserve Intermediate Champion Four-Year-Old Cow Five-Year-Old Cow Aged Cow 125,000 Pound Cow Dry Three- to Four-Year-Old Cow Dry Aged Cow Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion Best Three Females Produce of Dam Dam and Daughter Best Bred and Owned Premier Exhibitor Premier Breeder Junior Show Winter Heifer Calf Fall Heifer Calf Summer Yearling Heifer Spring Yearling Heifer Winter Yearling Heifer Fall Yearling Heifer Junior Two-Year-Old Cow Senior Two-Year-Old Cow Junior Three-Year-Old Cow Senior Three-Year-Old Cow Four-Year-Old Cow Five-Year-Old Cow Aged Cow 125,000 Pound Cow Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female Intermediate Champion Female Reserve Intermediate Champion Female Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female Key Chains for Juniors

Donor District Three Holstein Club District Ten Holstein Club District One Holstein Club Don Alexander District Seven Holstein Club District Eight Holstein Club ABS Global Brook Hollow Farm In Memory of Ludwig Whiteleather Peter Spike District Nine Holstein Club Silver-Mist Holsteins Weaver Shoe Shop Land O’Lakes Feeds Moulton Embryos District Eleven Holstein Club District Twelve Holstein Club Four Henry Holsteins Miley Holstein Farm District Fourteen Holstein Club District Fifteen Holstein Club Farm Credit Services, Wooster, OH Habrun’s Insurance Priority One – Bill Indoe Berg Farms, Bellville Topp-View Holsteins/ Mary Lou Topp & Sons COBA/Select Sires, Inc. Oseeana Holsteins Advanced Agri-Solutions Co-op Raygor Farms, LLC, Dalton, OH Hickory Plains Farm Open Road Holsteins Starmark Farms, Wooster, OH Crooked Run Monogramming District 2 Holstein Club Ouric Farms, Canfield, OH Wil-O-Rae Farm, North Fairfield, OH District Thirteen Holstein Club Bucks Pride, LLC, Bloomville, OH District Five Holstein Club Crimson Lane Holsteins, Thorbahn Brothers Tri-County Animal Clinic Cargill Animal Nutrition Rohaven Holsteins, Butler, OH Tim and Dale Rawn and Family Habrun’s Insurance Service Steve Andrews, Auctioneer, LLC Land O’Lakes Feed Trealayne Holsteins Gerber Feed Service Martin Yoder Hoof Care Hartline Valley Farms, Marietta, OH Pleasant View Dairy Holstein Association USA

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83630 p84 Polen1.NAIDC.ads_Layout 1 5/24/12 4:30 PM Page 1

128 Students, 32 Colleges Participate in 11th Annual Dairy Challenge® ledge to the ultimate test — consulting for an actual dairy. In addition to this consulting competition, students have ample networking and educational opportunities. Saturday’s keynote speaker was Matt Lohr, Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS). Lohr inspired students with his callto-action for service and leadership in agriculture. Lohr is a native of Rockingham County, VA, former

national FFA vice president and representative in Virginia’s House of Delegates from 2005-2010 before appointment as VDACS Commissioner. The two-day competition began with a walk-through of an operating dairy, analysis of farm data and question-answer session with farm owners. Then each team developed recommendations for nutrition, reproduction, milking procedures, animal health, housing and financial NAIDC – continued on page 86

A 2 for 1 Deal! The Ohio State team of Kevin Jacque, Melinda Miller, Emily Stayduhar, Kati Stevens, coached by Maurice Eastridge, took first place at the 2012 North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge in Roanoke.

ROANOKE, VA, March 31, 2012 — Gracious dairy farm hosts and warm, sunny weather welcomed 128 students to southern Virginia for the 11th annual Dairy Challenge®. The 2012 contest attracted dairy students from 32 colleges across the United States and Canada and was hosted by Virginia Tech and North Carolina State University. This innovative educational program — North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge® (NAIDC) — has helped prepare 3,500 students for careers in the dairy industry, dairy production and veterinary medicine. “Students hone their ability to work as a team and improve their time management, critical thinking and public speaking skills through participation in Dairy Challenge,” explained David R. Winston, coordinator of the 2012 contest and Extension Dairy Scientist-Youth at Virginia Tech. “Employers in today’s dairy job market seek to hire employees with excellent communication and dairy management skills, and NAIDC is a prime opportunity to advance these skills.” At Dairy Challenge, each team of four students puts textbook know84 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

Ted T ed ed and Rake Machine! With ONE O Machine! + Uniformly fluf fluffs f wet cr fs crops ops for fast drying drrying han picku + Gentle crop crop handling ndling and clean pickup up nd raking + Quickly converts and convertts between tedding an + Economical, du dual-purpose ual-purpose operation + Merge windrows windrow ws in multiple raking passes p

HayBob 300 and 360 tedder/rake combination co ombination 9' 10" – 19' 8" raking widthss 9' 10" 10 0" tedding widths Keep Rollin Rollin’ n’’ with Polen! 42255 Oberlin n Elyria Rd Elyria, Ohio 44035 4 1 440-322-8821 www .polenim mplement.com www.polenimplement.com

83630 p85 DriftyHollow 4c_Layout 1 5/24/12 4:22 PM Page 1

Drifty-Hollow Goldshot-ET VG-87 at 2-07 50K GTPI +1963G +881M +71F +41P 2.66SCS +2.65T +2.02UDC +1.78FLC A Goldwyn daughter, Goldshot is the newest milking member from our Ivan Shotty family. Her present offspring include an October 2011 McCormick heifer, and she also has a July 2011 Iota bull at ABS. Goldshot’s full brother, Drifty-Hollow Showboat-ET, is also in AI with breeding age daughters. Another noted daughter of Shotty is Drifty-Hollow Hot Shot Bolt. Hot Shot is the #3 GTPI Bolton daughter in the U. S. with an April 2012 GTPI of +2217.

Goldshot’s Dam

Drifty-Hollow Ivan Shotty VG-88 EX-MS

We are eagerly awaiting ET calves by Iota, Snowman, Levi, Hero, Olegant, and Numero Uno, plus a few others.


3-09 365D 2X 365D 32,331M 5.1% 1,668F 3.1% 1,008P Next Dam:

Drifty-Hollow Ivanhoe Taboo VG-87 4-08 365D 2X 34,757FM 4.8% 1,625F 3.0% 1,070P

Dr. Dwight V. Skidmore DVM FARM ACE: wife Sondra 12243 Co. Rd 2 • West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home Phone: 937-355-0362 Cell Phone: 937-935-3137 Fax: 937-593-9104

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 85

83630 p86 Lorawae.JrProd,jmp_Layout 1 5/24/12 6:10 PM Page 1

A Lineup of Our COBA Daughters Dinah EX-93 3E at 9-01 by DURHAM Cheda EX-90 at 6-02 by DURHAM Lida EX-90 at 3-ll by DURHAM Pepperran-Red EX-90 at 4-02 by ADVENT Popcorn VG-88 at 4-01 by LOU Helen VG-87 at 3-02 by PRONTO Marcy VG-86 at 5-08 by DURHAM Tweety VG-86 at 3-05 by DURHAM Loretta VG-85 at 2-11 by PRONTO

Kate McGovern and Louis Liming received Junior Production Awards at the Ohio Holstein Convention March 17.

Meg VG-85 at 5 -02 by ADVENT Bonnett GP-84 at 3-08 by LAURIN Kayla GP-84 at 4-08 by DAMION Promise GP-84 at 3-01 by PRONTO Amiee GP-83 at 2-05 by FORTUNE Princess-Red GP-83 at 2-02 by DEBONAIR Apricot GP-81 at 2-07 by GLENN Bingo GP-81 at 2-05 by GLENN Lucy GP-80 at 2-11 by DEBONAIR

NONE LOWER… WE ARE VERY HAPPY… with the COBA/Select Sires influence in our herd and the support staff on our farm.

WE ARE VERY APPRECIATIVE… of the support COBA/Select Sires provides for the local county fairs, district shows and national shows.

LORAWAE HOLSTEINS John, Suzanne & Katey Lora 14094 Garfield Road, Salem, Ohio 44460 330-537-3797 RHA 25,379M 901F 770P – 45 Cows, BAA 109.8 PBR 16 years – NO BST – District 2 Members

Visitors Always Welcome

86 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

NAIDC – continued from page 84

management. The teams presented their recommendations to owners, while being evaluated by a panel of five judges — dairy producers, veterinarians, farm finance specialists and industry personnel. In the 2012 Dairy Challenge, First Place awards were earned by THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY, Cornell University, University of Guelph and University of Wisconsin-Platteville. Each first-place team member received a $200 scholarship. The Ohio State team included Kevin Jacque, Melinda Miller, Emily Stayduhar, Kati Stevens and coach Maurice Eastridge. Members of Second Place teams each earned a $100 scholarship. Four dairies opened up every aspect of their farms for analysis by student-teams. In exchange, they received a wealth of ideas to fine-tune management, from the students as well as the judges panel. Host dairies for the 2012 Dairy Challenge were Hammock Dairy Inc., Chatham, VA; Hodges View Farms, Rocky Mount, VA; Hoha Dairy, Rocky Mount, VA; Jareco Farms, LLC, Penhook, VA. Over 70 representatives from 40 dairy companies and organizations volunteered as contest judges and assistants. NAIDC — with one national and four regional contests — is fully funded through generous support by 125 agribusinesses and dairy producers, and programs are coordinated by a volunteer board of directors. The 2013 national contest will be April 4-6 in Fort Wayne, Indiana, hosted by Michigan State University, Ohio State University and Purdue University. Four regional contests will be held in late fall 2012 and winter 2013; details are at www.dairychallenge.org/calendar_news.php.



83630 p87 JaBob_Layout 1 5/24/12 6:11 PM Page 1

Red, Polled and from the Sky-Hi Mars Helen Family

Ja-Bob Wunder Hollie-P-Red VG-88 EX-MS 1-11 329D 22,290M 4.8% 1,066F 3.7% 828P Her Sire: Aggravation Wunder P-Red Her Dam: Ja-Bob Origin Helena-Red EX-91 2E EX-MS Life: 1,618D 105,470M 5.0% 5,286F 3.9% 4,160P Next Dam: Ja-Bob Phideau Hanna-Red-ET EX-90 VEEEE DOM 1-10 365D 30,190M 4.1% 1,224F 3.5% 1,044P 3-10 365D 34,420M 4.1% 1,413F 3.4% 1,175P Full sister to Ja-Bob Jordan-Red Fifth generation Excellent back to Sky-Hi Mars Helen-ET RC EX-92 4E EX-MS Helen now has 134 Excellent maternal female descendants in eight countries worldwide. She is second only to Queen of the Breed Roxy. HOLLIE HAS: • A Red Polled Pembroke daughter due in October to Venture Motive-P RC • A Polled Colt-P-Red calf at the farm • Ladd-P-Red embryos being exported to Ireland • Six grade #1 embryos from Ladd-P-Red also available!


JA-BOB HOLSTEINS Mark Yeazel • 937-533-0557 • y2kows@gmail.com www.ja-bobholsteins.com • Ja-Bob Holsteins now a friend OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 87

Quality-Quest Fancifire-ET VG-87 Firestrike EX-90 x Jeeves

Quality-Quest Firestar-ET VG-88 Firestrike EX-90 x Lou

Selling with Show Honors & 2 Full Sisters!

Selling 3 Milking 100% Blood Sisters & Her Milking Alan Daughter!

Quality-Quest Stingray-ET EX-92 Spitfire EX-93 x Rudolph

Quality-Quest Fireworks EX-92 Firepower EX-90 x Finley

Selling 3 Milking Daughters by Spearmint, Laurin & Fortune!

Selling 2 Milking Daughters by Spearmint & one by Shottle! Plus one Granddaughter by Encino!

We would like to thank Clair Oberholtzer, Shiloh, for purchasing our cow at the Ohio Convention Sale and Jake Hein for purchasing our heifer at the Buckeye Classic Sale. THANK YOU! Other Outstanding Individuals: ✦ Milking Alexander Daughter — Dam VG-89 from the Roxys! ✦ Milking Aftershock Daughter — Dam EX-92 2E from the Justine Family! ✦ Milking Diehard Daughter — Dam is Firepower EX-90! ✦ 2 Milking Bolton ET’s — Dam EX-90! ✦ 2 Lou ET’s, 1 due in Sept., other due 11-09-12 to Jammer — Dam EX-90, PLUS Selling 3 GrDaughters by Redman-Red, Raid-Red & Bond! ✦ Milking Dundee Daughter, 2011 Canfield Fair 4-H Show Junior Champion, Doug and Marty Dye – Evan, Jon, Hannah & Micah 27863 Shoemaker Road, Beloit, OH 44609 — Dam GP! 330-525-5272 mddye@live.com ✦ And Many Others! If you bought an animal at our last sale, Genesis 1:1 RHA 25,554M 861F 748P HER DAUGHTER MAY BE SELLING! 88 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

83630 p89.91 women.Menn.Spk.ads_Layout 1 5/25/12 11:48 AM Page 1

BarbWire SHATTO MILK COMPANY The National Holstein Convention will be held June 27-30, 2012, in Springfield, Missouri. There are Barb Lumley numerous outings planned, as well as tours to well-known Holstein farms, and business meetings and banquets. While in Missouri you just might want to take a little side trip to a small town called Osborn, population 434 (10 farm, 424 nonfarm). There you will find the Shatto Milk Company, a small family-owned and operated dairy farm located just north of the Kansas City metropolitan areas. Barb and Leroy Shatto and their family have been farming for more than 100 years and began their dairy farm 60 years ago. In June 2003 the family began processing their own milk on the farm for the purpose of providing customers with the freshest and best-tasting products possible. Their motto is “Milk At Its Finest.” They farm 400 acres, and the milk comes from their herd of 120 Holstein cows that receive no BST. Milk can be from the cow to the store in as little as twelve (12) hours. The Shatto Milk Company provides their milk in glass bottles. Their reasons for that decision are very simple. Glass bottles keep milk colder, and colder milk is more desirable. Glass bottles are environmentally friendly and can be returned and reused, thus lowering the amount of material in landfills. Unlike paper or plastic, glass imparts no foreign odor or flavor. Glass bottles are most notable in history for containing farm-fresh milk. Shatto milk is available in all sizes of glass containers: half gallon, quart and pint, and there are the usual flavors: white and chocolate; however they also have several other interesting flavors: orange crème (tastes just like Creamsicles), strawberry, eggnog, banana, root beer, and a recently new flavor, cotton candy. They also sell ice cream, and cheese curds are available in cajun, cheddar and dill flavors. Not only do they deliver to numerous large stores in the Kansas City area, they also have their own store on the farm, where they sell their milk, ice cream, cheese curds, butter, tee shirts advertising their different flavors of milk, and Shatto Milk Soap in Peppermint, Green Tea, Lily of the Valley and Lavender scents and Oatmeal. They also host farm tours and picnics and publish a monthly newsletter. They made their decision to start bottling their own milk because of low milk prices and the economic difficulty that comes with just milking the cows and selling milk. Perhaps dairy farmers today should consider ideas to change their income from milking cows — and especially the small dairy farmers, who do not want to milk large numbers of cows.

A recent article in the newspaper stated that stores cannot keep up with the demand for organic milk. With the HSUS constantly in the media causing consumers to question how dairy cows are treated, perhaps dairy farmers could bottle and sell their own milk from “Peaceful Pastures,” where dairy cows roam free and graze on choice green grasses. Consumers will pay the price if it makes them feel better, and they think it is healthier for them! How about making and selling ice cream right on the farm in your own “Dairy Dream” store? Look how people flock to the ice cream stands when they open in the spring. Other items could be included in your menu. During the colder months, lattes and hot chocolate could be featured with various ideas to attract the attention of consumers. How about “Peppermint Hot Chocolate,” a big mug of hot chocolate made with real milk, topped with real whipped cream and sprinkled with peppermint candy bits; or “Strawberry Hot Chocolate,” a mug of hot chocolate topped with whipped cream with a large chocolate-covered strawberry on top; or “S’mores Hot Chocolate,” hot chocolate topped with whipped cream and sprinkled with graham cracker crumbs? Available to enjoy with your drink could be cookies and pastries made with real milk, cream pies or even hot soups made with milk and cream. Or how about letting consumers visit the farm, look over the cows and select the cow that they would like to have their milk come from. The opportunity to buy milk from a Grand Champion cow could be quite appealing. Of course, since this would involve more time and work, the milk would have to cost more. However, there is no doubt in my mind that there are people out there that would pay the price for that privilege. Look at the prices people pay for a certain bottle of wine or designer clothes! Any milk left over from their orders would go into the tank and be sold as usual. And I am sure there is some genius out there who could figure out how to do this efficiently! And what if, in looking over the cattle, the children in the family fall in love with a certain baby calf and would like milk from it? The family could put down a “deposit” to hold that calf for their milk when it becomes a cow. When you buy a truck, piece of machinery or farm, don’t you put down a deposit to hold it until the transaction is complete? What about a quiet dairy farm complete with a spa, where consumers could enjoy warm milk baths to rejuvenate and condition their bodies and skin. Milk baths were popular in ancient times. The spa would provide massages and rubdowns with products made from butter and cream to soften the skin and help with wrinkles. And when they are all done, they can take home some scented milk soap for bathing. With all those Hollywood women willing to pay any price to stay beautiful, I can’t believe that no California dairyman has thought of a dairy spa! These are wild ideas you say? Once upon a time so were milking machines, artificial insemination, pizza, a man on the moon, computers, texting, botox………!! OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 89

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The Queen’s Corner by Jacquelyn Sherry HELLO, EVERYONE! Whether you are out in the fields or playing baseball in the evening, I hope everyone has had a chance to go out and enjoy this beautiful spring weather! It was great seeing everyone at Spring Dairy Expo. I would like to congratulate all of the winners and extend my appreciation to all who exhibited for the hard work and dedication that was put into working with your animals. It was also great to see all of you at the Buckeye Classic Sale. Congratulations to the buyers who got to take home new additions to their herds. It’s crazy to think that summer will soon be upon us, and the shows will be in full swing. I am very excited to start my journey attending them. It will be great to meet new people and see old friends, as well as cattle from all over the state. Please feel free to contact me with show information; I would be glad to attend! You can contact me by phone at 937-459-8980 or by email at sherry.38@osu.edu. Good luck to everyone at the summer shows, and I hope everyone has a safe planting season!

Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship Recipient Kara Uhlenhake is the recipient of the 2012 Ohio Holstein Women’s scholarship, as announced at the Ohio Holstein Convention on March 17. She is the daughter of Barb and the late Gary Uhlenhake of Coldwater, Ohio, and a 2010 graduate of Coldwater High School. Miss Uhlenhake grew up working on her family’s dairy farm with her four brothers, learning tasks such as milking, feeding, artificial insemination, bedding, hauling manure, grinding feed, working ground, planting, harvesting, cutting alfalfa, baling hay, etc. Kara also works at Buschur Dairy Farm, where she performs similar tasks. She was a 10-year member of the Philothea Hustlers, where she held the offices of Reporter, Treasurer, Secretary, Vice President and President. In 2009 Kara won the title of Mercer County Dairy Princess. She also was involved in the CYO (Catholic Youth Organization) through her church, where she has held several officer positions along with organizing charity events. Kara has completed six quarters as an Animal Science major at The Ohio State University, where she is working on completing the Dairy Certificate Program. She is a member of the Buckeye Dairy Club and continues to get more involved in other activities while at OSU. Kara says, “Once I graduate, I’d like to attain a job related to my major, and more specifically a job that contributes to the dairy industry. My aspiration is to put my knowledge and experiences to the test in order to achieve the best that is in me and provide success for my employer, myself and the overall agriculture industry.”

Visit the Ohio Holstein Association website at www.ohioholstein.com

Stay at our place in “The Palms” – Near

Mickey’s Place – for a Minnie Price!! Luxurious 4 BR home with private screened pool, located 15 minutes from Orlando theme parks. Nonsmoking & “no pets” facility. Rents from $99/night, depending on options. Contact: Pete or Jean Spike Phone: 740-363-2184

90 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

83630 p89.91 women.Menn.Spk.ads_Layout 1 5/24/12 6:04 PM Page 1

Ohio Holstein Women’s News The Ohio Holstein Women’s Committee annual meeting was held at 8:00 a.m. on March 17, 2012, at the state convention. A big thank you goes to District 8 for planning the convention and to the Berg family who hosted Friday’s barn meeting open house. Great food, entertainment, cattle judging and positive morale of all who were present made for a fun time. To quote President Joe Miley in the previous issue of the Ohio News, “you missed a wonderful opportunity” if you were not present. The meeting portion followed its regular order of segments. The meeting was called to order, and the minutes were read by Sara Twining. Treasurer Lisa Mangun reported a balance of $5,712.56 before 2012 meeting expenses. The Queen’s Committee consisted of Laurie Menzie, Megan Buechner and Tammie Carle. Congratulations to Queen Jacquelyn Sherry, first runner-up Kalley Martin and honorable mention Katelynn McDaniel. Queen Jacquelyn of Greenville, the daughter of Bill and Stephanie Sherry, is a sophomore at The Ohio State University. She is studying Animal Science and Agricultural Communications. Kalley is the daughter of Jeffrey and Kay Martin. Katelynn is the daughter of John and Vickie McDaniel. Thanks to the contestants for taking the time and effort to make the contest a success. From the field of seven distinguished applicants, chair Julie Renner and members from the Scholarship Committee selected Kara Uhlenhake as the scholarship winner. Kara is the daughter of Barb and the late Gary

Uhlenhake of Coldwater, Ohio, in Mercer County. Kara is a junior at The Ohio State University and is involved in the Buckeye Dairy Club at OSU. She was the Dairy Princess for Mercer County. In addition to her school life, she finds time to work on the Uhlenhake Farm, the Buscher Dairy and the Dues Dairy Farms. Laurie Menzie, Greta Call and Kaye Janes made up the Woman of the Year Committee. The 2012 Woman of the Year honor was awarded to Regina Berg. Regina was involved with Holsteins in District 1 (Trumbull County) before she moved to District 8. She is married to Walter Berg and mother to daughter Becky and son Peter. The Woman of the Year is active in producing the success of Be-Ware Holsteins. Regina completes such chores as raising newborn calves, feeding heifers, registering the cattle, milking — and the list goes on. Outside the farm, she accomplished being part of various community boards, PTO, historical societies, Farm Bureau and serving as an election poll worker. She truly represents Ohio Woman of the Year well, and we wish her continued success. The Fun Auction had many nice items (see below). Much gratitude is given to the donors and buyers for a great sale. Steve Moff was the auctioneer. Max Dunseth and Don Alexander helped get the bids. Be thinking throughout the year of what your district can donate for 2013. Collect ideas, money and items to represent your district. The Ohio Holstein Women appreciate your efforts in making the auction a success. $1,545.00 was collected from the Fun Auction.




Ohio Holstein Gifts Egg Goodies Basket/Wine Jenny Thomas Photoshoot Goodies Basket/Picture Signed Bengals Helmet Goodies Basket Holstein Tie Halter Sleigh & OSU birdbath Cheese Basket Bonnie Mohr Print Local Items Basket

Ohio Holstein District 2 Jenny Thomas District 8 DFA District 7 Wesley & Kathy Johnson District 2 DFA District 3 District 8

John Hartline Don Alexander Lisa Kerr Ray Twining Ted & Julie Renner Max Dunseth Eric Topp Betty Whiteleather Lewis Jones Joe Miley Family Steve Moff

The Holstein Women’s Committee election results were to retain Kathy Johnson as president and Betty Whiteleather as vice president. Lisa Mangun is the treasurer, and Sara Twining is the secretary. The meeting closed with a very informative presentation on Estate Planning and Agriculture given by attorney Kathryn Frombaugh from Lorain County. It is important that everyone should get their affairs in order,

so that the next generation can carry on the family tradition. It is a matter that should not be put off. In an ever-changing world, it is a topic that might well be revisited if a plan is presently in effect. Give it some meaningful thought. Attorney Frombaugh may be reached at www.frombaughlaw.com, if you would care to speak with her about estate planning. Respectfully submitted, Kathy Johnson

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National Director

HELLO, everyone. What a spring! Here it is the middle of May in west-central Indiana, and we have corn two feet tall. We started cutting second-cutting alfalfa, and all in all, this year’s crop is off to a great start.

I hope many of you got to make it to the Spring Expo. I thought it was another great show in Ohio with tremendous quality throughout. Congratulations to all the winners. I know many of the 4-Hers are getting out of school and getting ready for summer county fairs. It sure is getting busy around Springbrook with nine boys and girls in 4-H this year. If you get a chance, try to make it to Missouri for the Nartional Convention, and be with other breeders and get some ideas that might help you with your herd and dairy at home.

Here in Indiana, we are getting excited and nervous for preparing next year’s National Convention. It sure does take a lot of work! On May 9, Brian Engleking, an Indiana friend and also a classifier for HAUSA, was working in Wisconsin when he got T-boned by a cement truck. They had to use the jaws of life to get him out of his car. Brian is home now and mending slowly. He said next time he makes a cow 89, he will make sure the owner doesn't own a cement truck (ha ha). Well, I’ve got to get back to work. Hope to see you at convention. — Indiana Jones Grapevine – continued from page 10

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92 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

and a paramedic who stays calm in all situations. Everyone is doing well, and big sister Emily, 5, and big brother Andrew, 2-1/2, are very pleased and proud of their new baby sister. • Congratulations to Jenny Thomas, D-13, named as one of the eight Holstein World’s 2011 Most Influential Women in the May 2012 edition of Holstein World. Jenny’s recognition for this award cited her background at Richman Farms and Triple-T Holsteins, her work with farm organizations including manager of Ohio Holstein Association, her show ring and judging experience, and her expertise as a professional dairy photographer with Cybil Fisher Photography. • Also congratulations to Patsy Gifford, Executive Manager and Junior Activities Coordinator for the New York Holstein Association, who was also named as one of the 2011 Most Influential Women. The Ohio Holstein Association appreciates Patsy’s knowledge, experience and friendship as we share a booth in the coliseum at World Dairy Expo with the New York Association. • In May, Dean and Doris Welch, D8, U-Dean Farms, celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary and the wedding of granddaughter Courtney Rogers to Zachary Zarnstorff, and welcomed their 20th great-grandchild, Bentleigh Grace, daughter of Adam and Jill Welch and granddaughter of Randy and Sandy Welch.

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Red & White Show at 2012 Spring Dairy Expo Judge Denny Patrick, Woodbine, Maryland • 41 Open and Junior Show Entries Winter Heifer Calf (4) 1. Golden Touch Chrry Bomb-Red, Etgen-Way and Blair Lammers 2. Ray-Jo Ctendr Sass-Red-ET, Curtis & Keri Bickel 3. (JR) Miss Hot CakesRed-ET, Clay, Cora, Curtis & Carlie Gunkleman 4. (JR) Canon Paxton Red Calico-Red, Lauren Almaoy Fall Heifer Calf (7) 1. Saybrook-Mrk C Cori-Red-ET, Keenan Wolf 2. (JR) Remember-You CTD Mini-Red, Clay, Cora, Curtis & Carlie Gunkleman 3. KA-Geo Destrys Rose, Tyler Buckley, KY 4. Steel-Lane Attitude Jazzy-Red, Nathan Steel 5. Wabash-Way Ch Meg-Red-ET, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC Summer Yearling Heifer (4) 1. Rocky-Run Ima Rockstar-Red, Etgen-Way Holsteins 2. Wabash-Way CH Ryhan-Red-ET, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC 3. Ri-Val-Re AP Romance-Red-ET, Lisa Kerr 4. Ray-Jo Ctender-Sue-Red-ET, Curtis & Kerry Bickel Spring Yearling Heifer (6) 1. Richman Destry Dina R28-Red, Richman Farms 2. (JR) Co-Vale Dusk TYA 3845-Red, Clay, Cora, Curtis, & Carlie Gunkleman 3. Liddleholme Ad Cara-Red, Kelly Epperly & Dusty Schirm 4. SouthernHills DR March-Red, Chad Griffith 5. Engleking Rimshot Netta-Red, Engleking Holsteins, Sabra Jackson, IN Winter Yearling Heifer (5) 1. Mor-Ja Con Ginger-Red-ET, Colby Morlock 2. Ms Glad Ray SemperFi-Red, Andrew Chlus 3. Engleking RS Passion-Red, Alex, Sabra, Rachel, Hayley Jackson, IN 4. (JR) CL-Hersh Debonair DD P-Red, Clay Hershberger 5. Bucks-Pride Bookman Bety-Red, Bucks-Pride, LLC Fall Yearling Heifer (7) 1. Buckmeadow Rock Elanor-Red , Tyler Buckley, KY 2. (JR) SouhernHills Pic Magi-Red, Clay, Cora, Curtis & Carlie Gunkleman 3. (JR) Oneeda Rocco Tawny-Red, Austin Wood 4. Rose-Vue Real DreamyRed, White-Light & Silver Mist Holsteins 5. (JR) Camerin-Ridge Christmas-Red, Sydney & Trey Good Junior Champion Open Show Richman Destry Dina R28-Red, Richman Farms Reserve Junior Champion Open Show and Junior Champion Junior Show Co-Vale Dusk TYA 3845-Red, Clay, Cora, Curtis & Carlie Gunkleman Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Southern-Hills Pic Magi-Red, Clay, Cora, Curtis & Carlie Gunkleman Junior Two-Year-Old (2) 1. Ms Starmark Con Racy-Red-ET, Starmark & Mark Rueth 2. (JR) Miley Advent B Gemini-Red-ET, Adam Miley Junior Three-Year-Old 1. (JR) Toppglen Debonair Della-Red, Tyler Topp Senior Three-Year-Old (1) 1. Semler Advent Scarlett-Red, James Semler Intermediate Champion Open Show Semler Advent Scarlett-Red, James Semler Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Ms Starmark Con Racy-Red-ET, Starmark & Mark Rueth

Intermediate Champion Junior Show Toppglen Debonair Della-Red, Tyler Topp Four-Year-Old (3) 1. Miley Advent B Gem-Red, Anna Miley 2. (JR) Garstlyn Redl Riki-Red, Hannah Rhoades 3. Catalpa-Creek Advent JT-Red, Julie Schrader Senior Champion and Grand Champion Open Show Miley Advent B Gem-Red, Adam Miley Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Semler Advent Scarlett-Red, James Semler Grand Champion Junior Show Toppglen Debonair Della-Red, Tyler Topp Reserve Grand Champion and Senior Champion Junior Show Garstlyn Redl Riki-Red, Hannah Rhoades Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor Miley Holsteins

THANK YOU TO THESE SPONSORS OF THE RED & WHITE SHOW Call-Del Farms Chris Lahmers and Family Spreng LongAcre Farm – John Spreng Family Franchise Farm – Dusty Schirm and Family Miley Holsteins Genex – Terry Weiker Jandi-K Farm Lisa Kerr

Semler Advent Scarlett-Red, Reserve Grand Champion, Intermediate Champion, First Three-Year-Old Red & White held by James Semler; Miley Advent B Gem-Red, Grand Champion, Senior Champion, First Four-Year-Old held by Jason Miley; Judge Dennis Patrick; Ohio Holstein Queen Jacquelyn Sherry

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Ms Starmark Con Racy-Red-ET, Reserve Intermediate Champion, First Junior Two-Year-Old Red & White held by Jeremy Elsass; Semler Advent Scarlett-ET, Intermediate Champion, First Senior Three-Year-Old held by James Semler; Judge Dennis Patrick; Queen Jacquelyn Sherry

photos by Megan Herberg, Holstein World

94 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

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96 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

Apple Creek 7227 East Lincoln Way Apple Creek, OH 44606 (330) 264-8070

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K & M Builders, Ltd. 5358 Kidron Road, Kidron, OH 44636 • Dan J. Miller, Owner 330-857-0471 • Post Frame Construction

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www.kmbuilder.com 98 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

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FROM YOUR REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE… by Glenn Sageser As some of you may have already heard, our regional representative territories have been slightly realigned, and I will now be Glenn Sageser covering the entire state of Ohio. Some of you I have had the pleasure of working with for years, and I am looking forward to meeting those of you whom I have not met yet. Holstein Association USA has some new products and options for members that we are eager to share with you! Our most exciting announcement this year is the new Dairy Rhythms Herd Management Software. This is a program that allows breeders to manage your herd’s traditional health and reproductive data, right alongside genetic, pedigree, classification and production record information, in one convenient program. Dairy Rhythms is able to store, query and build reports on the essential information you use every day to help make decisions and manage your herd. It includes unique features, which make it perfectly suited for Holstein breeders who want to handle their information even more efficiently... • Syncs directly with the Holstein Association USA database for complete genetic, pedigree and classification information, as soon as it is available. Access your animal’s PTAs and linear breakdowns as easily as looking up when she was last bred. • Stores Official Holstein Pedigrees and provides family tree information with the touch of a button. • Syncs with AgriTech Analytics (ATA) for complete production record information. • Includes a module to manage your embryo transfer program, including tracking embryo inventory and status. • Generates custom reports quickly and easily with flexible query functions. • Easy to navigate, with wellorganized menus and clearly labeled data. 100 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

The program is billed on a subscription basis, with herds participating in Holstein COMPLETE and processing their DHI records with AgriTech Analytics, the DRPC owned by Holstein Association USA, receiving special $25 per month pricing. Holstein COMPLETE herds also now receive volume discounts for tests done throughout your enrollment year. Tests 1 through 14 are billed at standard pricing; tests 15-50 are discounted 3%, and tests 51 and over are discounted 7%. Savings are applied at the end of your COMPLETE

enrollment year, as a credit to your Holstein account. If you are not yet a Holstein COMPLETE herd, the time has never been better to see if it can help you save. In 2011, COMPLETE herds saved an average of 10 percent compared to what they would have spent if purchasing the services individually! On a final note, the Holstein Foundation graduated its seventh class of the renowned Young Dairy Leaders Institute (YDLI) in March. This program brings together young people from around the U.S., and Regional Rep – continued on page 106

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— In Memoriam — HARRY S. MYKRANTZ, 85, of Wooster, died March 25, 2012, at the Cleveland Clinic. He was born November 10, 1926, in Wayne County, the son of Benny Silver and Bertha Edna Sigrist Mykrantz. He married Mary Annetta Stults on December 18, 1955. She preceded him in death on March 22, 1997. He married Rachel M. Sper on September 26, 1998; she survives. Harry was a Jersey farmer all of his life. He was a member of the Oak Chapel United Methodist Church, a 48-year member of the Wayne County Fair Board, a 50-year member of West Salem Masonic Lodge #398 and a member of Tadmore Shrine. In addition to his wife, he is survived by children Stuart (Cindy) of Wooster, Rita (Tom) Trivette of Hoover, Alabama, Jon (Christine) of Wooster and Rex (Diane) of Hilliard; daughter-in-law Anita Mykrantz of Wooster; step-children Louise Henry of Chardon and Stefanie (Allen) Wass of Hudson; grandchildren Hallie Beth, Andy, Meg, Katie, Jessica and Sara Mykrantz, Thad Boughton, Rachel Henry, Emily and Julia Wass; brother Thomas S. (Elsie) Mykrantz of Wooster; and several nieces and nephews. In addition to his first wife, Harry was preceded in death by his parents and a son, Scott. Those who wish may make memorial contributions to Oak Chapel United Methodist Church, 4203 West Old Lincoln Way, Wooster, Ohio 44691, Attention: Memorial Committee. ROBERT E. BENDER, 49, of Shreve, passed away March 29, 2012, at his home, following a two-year, battle with a rare cancer. He was born August 5, 1962, in St. Marys to Robert Lee and Claudia (Goldenetz) Bender and graduated from St. Marys Memorial High School in 1981. He attended Ohio State University-ATI in Wooster. While in the Wooster area, he met Christine Unkel Bender; they were married in June 1983. Robert worked for a 1,100-acre, 200-cow dairy farm in Sidney. While there, he and his wife also had their own Jersey dairy farm. Robert then moved back to the Wayne County area and worked for OSU-ATI as an assistant herdsman. He then worked for Kidron Supply Inc. in Kidron for almost 14 years, where he was service manager, and also for Schmid Service Now for three years. He excelled at whatever he did. He enjoyed being in the agricultural area and working with farmers. He was a member of Shreve United Methodist Church and served as Shreve Village Council President. He was chairman of the Parks Committee, where worked to develop Harold D. Miller Memorial Park. Robert loved golfing and bowling with family and friends, woodworking and attending his daughters’ soccer games and Cleveland Indians games. Surviving in addition to his wife are daughters Alyssa Bender (Mike) Eikleberry and Teresa Bender, both of Shreve, and his mother, Claudia Bender of St.

102 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

Marys. He was preceded in death by his father in 1999. Memorial contributions may be made to Cancer Treatment Center of America, 2520 Elisha Avenue, Zion, IL 60099-2676; or to Harold D. Miller Memorial Park, c/o Shreve Village Hall, 150 West McConkey Street, Shreve, OH 44676.

BETTY J. JAMES, 76, of rural Lakeville died May 3, 2012 at OSU Medical Center, Columbus, after a brief illness. She was born on July 27, 1935, in Wayne County and was the daughter of Lloyd and Emma Ethel (nee Young) Priest. She married Lloyd A. James on September 22, 1957, and together they developed the Lochevale herd of Registered Holsteins along with farming in Ashland and Wayne counties. She was a member of the Loudonville United Methodist Church, the Farm Bureau, former member of the Holstein Association, former 4-H advisor and former member of the Kettering Hospital Board, the Ashland County TB Board and the Mohican Area Community Board. She was a member of Buckeye Dairy Boosters and an award winning pie baker. She enjoyed attending fairs and farm events and following the activities of her children and grandchildren. Betty is survived by her son Steven James of rural Shreve; daughters Sandra (Cary) Kaplan of Grandville and Angela (Paul) Schmidt of Saline, Michigan; grandchildren Amanda Kaplan, Jordan and Jessica James, Sarah and Rachel Schmidt; and one sister, Dorothy Priest of Wooster. She was preceded in death by her husband Lloyd, in 2001, and her parents, nine brothers and one sister. Memorial contributions may be made to the Loudonville Fire Department, EMS Inc., 200 North Market Street, Loudonville, Ohio 44824, or Lakeville Fire Department, P.O. Box 27, Lakeville, Ohio 44638.

FROM OTHER AREAS —— NEAL R. TURLEY, 74, of Rolling Lawns Farm, Greenville, Illinois, passed away March 10, 2012. He was a renowned Holstein breeder and recognized at the Illinois State Fair for showing in Illinois and nationally for 50 years. Neal was in 4-H and FFA and followed his father into farming on the family farm. He served in the United States Air Force Reserve in the early 1960’s. He was a member of Holstein Association USA, a delegate to National Holstein Conventions, served as Director and an Executive Committee member of the Illinois Holstein Association, Past President of the Illinois Purebred Livestock Association and a member of Dairy Shrine. In November 1961, he married Connie E. Williams in the Greenville First Methodist Church, which they attended for their 50 years of marriage. He is survived by his wife Connie; son Michael (Jennifer) Turley; grandchildren Casey, Hayden and Lauren; sister Doreen (Maurice) Elmore; and brother Kent “Sam”

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— In Memoriam, continued — (Suzy) Turley. He was preceded in death by his parents; son Craig in 1982 at age 16; and a brother, Max, in infancy. Memorials can be made to the Illinois Holstein Association.

R. PETER HEFFERING, 80, of Hanover Hill Holsteins, Port Perry, Ontario, died March 3, 2012, in Florida. Few breeders of Holsteins have been as successful in the show ring and sale ring. He developed Hanover Hill Starbuck, his son Raider and grandson Mirage as the only three-generation line of Excellent Class Extra bulls in the breed. Hanover Hill earned multiple All-American nominations and All-Canadian nominations resulting in 31 All-Americans, 34 Reserve All-Americans, 24 All-Canadians and 18 Reserve AllCanadians. From 1983 thru 1988, they were Premier Breeder at World Dairy Expo and Royal Winter Fair. One of the most notable champions was the Havens Family Ohio-bred Brookview Tony Charity, five time All-Canadian and four time All-American. She was the only Holstein to be Grand Champion three times at the Royal and Grand and Supreme Campion four times at WDE. In 1982, she was the first cow to be Grand Champion of all three US National Shows in the same

year. Charity sold in the 1985 Canadian Hanover Hill Sale for $1,450,000 — the first dairy animal ever to sell for over $1 million at a public auction in Canada, which remains a Canadian record 27 years later. Among other top selling animals in his career were Tara-Hills Pride Lucky Barb at $122,000 and her son Hanover-Hill Triple-Threat-Red for $60,000 at the New York Hanover-Hill Dispersal in 1972. In 1989, Heffering turned to Standardbred horses and harness racing, where he was equally successful. In 1996, he and his son David opened Tara Hills stud at Port Perry, which is regarded as one of North America’s premier Standardbred breeding operations. Heffering received the Klussendorf Trophy at WDE in 1985 and was inducted into the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame in 2009 and Canadian Horse Racing Hall of Fame in 2010. Peter Heffering is survived by his wife Apryll, son David and his wife Nora, and granddaughters Taylor and Abbie. He was predeceased by his son Richard in 2011. (Additional information, written by Bonnie E. Cooper, editor of the Canadian Journal, was printed in the April 2012 Holstein World.)

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2012 All-Ohio Recognition 1. A point system will be used to determine All-Ohio winners for the 2012 show season. Red & White and Black & White Holsteins registered with the Holstein Association USA, Inc. at 87% RHA or greater are eligible for recognition.

used for the Junior Three-Year-Old, Senior Three-Year-Old and Four-Year-Old photo. If taken as a five-year-old, this photo can be used for the Five-Year-Old, Aged and 125,000 Pound Cow. For group classes, pictures are accepted, but not required.

2. Points are awarded for the following shows: A) Spring Dairy Expo; B) Ohio State Fair; C) A District Show; D) All National Shows. In order to substitute points, the animal must have been shown at either the Ohio State Fair or the Spring Dairy Expo.

Example: If you exhibited “Bessie” at Spring Dairy Expo and she was first place and received 20 points and then received 10 points at a district show, but was not shown at the Ohio State Fair, and if Bessie’s owner exhibited at the Ohio State Fair and then took Bessie to Harrisburg where she stood fifth, those 12 points could be substituted for the Ohio State Fair. But if “Bessie” did not go to the Spring Dairy Expo or the Ohio State Fair, she is not eligible for All-Ohio.

3. Point system is as follows: A. Spring Dairy Expo, Ohio State Fair and National Shows except the International Holstein Show (Madison, WI): Top ten (10) placings – 1st-20, 2nd-18, 3rd-16, 4th-14, 5th-12, 6th-10, 7th-8; 8th-6, 9th-4, 10th-2. B. District Shows: All animals shown at any district show will get a one-time 10-point score toward All-Ohio. C. International Holstein Show (Madison, WI): Top fifteen (15) placing – 1st-30, 2nd-28, 3rd-26, 4th-24, 5th-22, 6th20, 7th-18, 8th-16, 9th-14, 10th-12, 11th-10, 12th-8, 13th6, 14th-4, 15th-2. For the three-year-old classes, only the Junior Three-Year-Old and Senior Three-Year-Old placings (not Futurity placings) can be used. D. For Red & White Holsteins, the Grand International Red & White Show at Madison: Top twelve (12) placings – 1st-25, 2nd-23, 3rd-21, 4th-19, 5th-17, 6th-15, 7th-13, 8th-11, 9th9, 10th-7, 11th-5, 12th-3. E. For Red & White Holsteins, all other National Red & White Shows: Top ten (10) placings – 1st-10, 2nd-9, 3rd-8, 4th-7, 5th-6, 6th-5, 7th-4, 8th-3, 9th-2, 10th-1. 4. Points can be counted from a District Show and two other shows. See Rule 2 for a listing of shows that may be used. 5. Points at a National Show can be substituted for the Spring Dairy Expo or State Fair points, but the exhibitor must have exhibited at the show in order to substitute for that particular show. No points from any shows can be substituted for your district points. Dry cows have been eliminated from Spring Dairy Expo and State Fair but will continue at the District level, because no points can be substituted at the District level. No dry cow points from any National shows can be substituted for any milking cow classes.

Type Production Awards — The Ohio Purebred Dairy Cattle Association will present a banner to the high-producing cow in each breed. This award will be based upon the combined total for protein and fat yields of the last actual completed record of the individual, adjusted to a 305 day, 2X age corrected basis. The record must be coded as test type 00 through 3 (formerly official DHI or official DHIR), and the record will be taken from the DRPC individual cow report furnished by the owner of the animal. To qualify, the animal must place in the top five places of her respective class at the current State Fair. The record must have been completed within 12 months prior to the date of the show to be considered. Bred and Owned — An award will be given to the top-placing animal bred and owned by exhibitor in each class. These animals will then be considered for Champion bred and owned by exhibitor.

CANFIELD FAIR Wednesday through Labor Day Annually

Don’t Miss the Big One

6. An exhibitor must show one or more animals at a District Show to have any animals eligible for All-Ohio. Animals can be shown in only one class in any show. 7. To be eligible for All-Ohio honors, exhibitor must be a member of the Ohio Holstein Association as of April 1, 2012. An animal whose ownership is transferred outside of the state during the course of the show season can still compete for All-Ohio under previous ownership but must meet this condition and all other rules listed. Eligible points follow the animal for calculation. 8. No All-Ohio points will be given at the Spring Dairy Expo for Spring Heifer calves. 9. A professional 5 x 7 photograph must be on file with the Ohio Holstein Association for an animal to be considered for AllOhio honors. All photos of heifers must be current year photos. If you have taken a photo of a two-year-old cow, this photo can be used for the Junior Two-Year-Old, Senior Two-Year-Old, and Junior Three-Year-Old, and Senior Three-Year-Old cows. If you have the photo taken as a three-year-old, then this photo can be

HOLSTEIN SHOW DAY August 31, 2012 Judge Terry Rawn

Canfield Fair P.O. Box 250 – Canfield, OH 44406 OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 105

83630 p106 TenPen.Jrs,jmp_Layout 1 5/24/12 5:47 PM Page 1

Genetics, OUR passion! “USDA Elite Cow, Locator List-Genomic” COBA/Select sired daughters 4/2012

Marcie Family: (sired by VELVET-VIEW-KJ SOCRATES-ET) Ten-Penny SOCRATES MARCIA- GTPI +2053G +159M +18F +4P 73%R +$693NM +.05%F +.00%P +8.7PL 2.25SCS +2.7DPR 6%DCE +1.27T +1.33UDC +1.99FLC 75%R

(sired by DE-SU OBSERVER-ET) Ten-Penny OBSERVER MACY- GTPI +2293G +1023M +48F +39P 67%R +$770NM +.04%F +.03%P +7.7PL 2.72SCS +3.6DPR 6%DCE +2.02T +2.32UDC +.30FLC 67%R

(sired by DREAM-PRAIRIE SHADOW BOXER) Ten-Penny BOXER MERCY- GTPI +1962G +223M +78F +36P 66%R +$507NM +.27%F +.11%P +2.0PL 2.79SCS -.10DPR 9%DCE +1.26T +1.42UDC +1.39FLC 67%R

Genie Family: (sired by PINE-TREE SPEARMINT-ET) Ten-Penny MINT GENTEEL- GTPI +2057G +383M +75F +16P 74%R +$705NM +.23%F +.02%P +6.6PL 2.68SCS +3.5DPR 6%DCE +.65T +.52UDC +.63FLC 74%R

Mint Family: (sired by MR REGELCREEK SHOT AL-ET) Ten-Penny AL MINDY-ET- GTPI +1963G +273M +49F +16P 70%R +$469NM +.15%F +.03%P +4.1PL 2.81SCS +1.0DPR 6%DCE +1.92T +1.82UDC +1.87FLC 69%R

Goldie Family: (sired by MR REGELCREEK SHOT AL-ET) Ten-Penny AL GILDA- GTPI +2193G +1344M +80F +46P 73%R +$584NM +.11%F +.02%P 3.4PL 2.93SCS -.2DPR 7%DCE +2.73T +2.56UDC +2.10FLC 72%R

Plus 3 more of 8 on 4/2012 “Locator List-Genomic” 28 genomic tested females with 11 more pending in herd of 59

Ten-Penny Holsteins The “Little Spike Farm”

Peter & Jean Spike 4380 Byers Road, Delaware, OH 43015 Ph: 740-363-2184 E-mail: spikeptr@aol.com

106 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

by Korey Oechsle, Reporter

Hey, Juniors! Summer is right around the corner, and with it comes the end of school, fieldwork, summer ball, and most of all, National Convention and summer shows! So this is not going to be very long — just a couple of housekeeping things. First: Good luck to our Junior and Senior Quiz Bowl teams heading to National Convention in Missouri the end of June! Anna Miley and I Second: The raffle tickets are now available for Ohio Juniors to sell at at the Ohio Holstein Convention district and county shows for the AWESOME donations that our new advisor, Matt Lawson, has coordinated — a Sullivan chute again from Becks Hybrids, a Kalahari family weekend from Cargill and Michelle Burky, a cane of Wabash-Way Explode donated by Terry Stammen and family, one free flush courtesy of Nate Steiner and one free photo setup cosponsored by Jenny Thomas and Cybil-Fisher Photography. Thanks to all these great people and organizations for supporting the Juniors! So, Juniors, SELL THOSE TICKETS! If you didn’t get any sent to you, please contact the Ohio Holstein office to get some, or ask an advisor when you see them at the show. Third: Welcome to our new advisory committee adults! Co-chairs with my mom and dad now are Matt and Megan Lawson. Also coming in with fresh ideas are Dallas Rynd and Judy Wolford, Peter and Cathy Berg and Jen Bouton. They join existing committe advisors, Lamar and Estelle Liming, Roy and Lisa Mangun and Joyce Nelson. Fourth and final and REALLY EXCITING: The Juniors are using some of the funds raised from last year’s chute raffle, donated by Beck’s Hybrids, to host a dance/activity fun night at the Ohio State Fair on Friday night, July 27, in Cooper Arena for all dairy Junior members after the Junior Show and judging contests that day. Watch for details in your mailbox and, hopefully, state fair entries. There will be a DJ, corn hole, food and fun, so plan on sticking around for that Friday night!! Good luck at the shows this summer!! If you have questions or ideas, message the Ohio Junior Holstein Association Facebook page or email my mom at jacherholsteins@gmail.com! Regional Rep – continued from page 100

even internationally, to learn valuable leadership, communication and advocacy skills. Plans are already underway for the next class; if you are between the ages of 22 and 45 and looking for some excellent personal development training specific to the dairy industry, visit www.holsteinfoundation.org to learn more. If you would like to receive an application when they become available, or have further questions about YDLI, call Jodi Hoynoski, Holstein Foundation programs manager, at 800.-952-5200, ext. 4261, or email jhoynoski@holstein.com. If you have questions about any of the Association’s products and services or need on-farm service, don’t hesitate to give me a call at 502-321-8670.

83630 p107 Palooza.Harold.ETS_Layout 1 5/24/12 5:50 PM Page 1

— Ohio’s Statewide 2012 Dairy Palooza —

from an article by Bonnie Ayars

Although the term “palooza” has not yet entered most dictionaries, it is a slang word referring to a multitude of events that are superior or unusual! If that is the definition, Ohio’s Dairy Palooza lived up to everyone’s expectations. Held on April 28 at the Wayne County Fairgrounds, nearly 275 attendees representing 30 Ohio counties traveled to this event hosted by a volunteer committee working with 4-H dairy youth specialist Bonnie Ayars. Although Mother Nature was having a mood swing outside with a variety of chilly weather, the atmosphere inside was filled with enthusiasm! Dairy Palooza 2012 was a one-day educational program for dairy youth enthusiasts and leaders interested in learning more about dairy projects with hands-on activities that related to current topics of concern. Printed resources and informational items were carefully bound in notebooks and distributed at the registration table. These were connected to each of the workshop sessions. Preregistered participants received more free items than an Oprah Winfrey show! There was a red bucket that became

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the tote for a rope halter, a feed scoop, the binder of resources and all the items from the career fair. The day included four separate sessions, and within each of these, four workshops were offered with suggested levels of experience ranging from Cloverbuds and beginners to intermediates and seniors. Demonstrations, skits, roleplaying, mock scenarios, live cattle and hands-on activities were methods used to teach. From bovine laundry to an actual herd display set up for viewing, from selecting projects on the hoof and on paper to communication techniques with consumers, from Skillathon stations to showmanship best practices and a career fair ongoing, everyone left with improved skills and a broader base of knowledge. The day was not without elegant “cow cuisine” and real dairy products. Cow cookies with all breeds represented set the pace at the registration table, and there were cheesy pizzas accompanied by donated milk beverages. However, the specially designed and theme decorated cake with butter cream frosting was an absolute crowd pleaser as a sweet treat to the day’s conclusion. The ice cream bars and sandwiches were also welcome additions. This remarkable event could not have taken place without an army of dedicated volunteers and presenters. Key sponsors donated more than their time, giving other resources and financial support to enrich the program. It took weeks and months of planning, and all deserve a round of applause for their efforts. So if you are feeling remorse at missing our 2012 rendition, the good news is that there WILL be another version in 2013. The date is yet to be determined. New topics, new updates and a promise of more to see and do will be the goals of the committee. Sponsor Link: www.4hansci.osu.edu/dairy. Photos are posted on Facebook, Ohio 4-H Dairy Program.



4958 U.S. 35 NORTH RICHMOND, IN 47374

CERTIFIED PHONE 765-935-2373 FAX 765-939-0087

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 107

83630 p108 BuckClas.Lowe.Haud_Layout 1 5/24/12 5:42 PM Page 1

2012 Buckeye Classic Elite Holstein Sale The 32nd annual Buckeye Classic Holstein Sale was held on March 30, 2012, during the Spring Dairy Expo at Columbus, Ohio. The first lot stepped into the ring at 12:50 p.m. to continue the tradition of this student activity begun on May 16, 1981, in the Plumb Hall Arena at The Ohio State University. The stylish two-year-old Zenith daughter (Pine-Tree Zenith Allstar) was already scored VG-87 and milking 93 lbs. on her most recent test. She was consigned by Matthew Steiner of Rittman, Ohio, and sold to Wachtel’s Spring Walk Dairy of Big Prairie, Ohio, at $4,000. When the gavel fell on the last lot of the sale, 47 head of cows, mostly heifers, had been sold for an average of $2,287 in addition to one lot of five embryos, which brought $2,375. The sale was co-managed with the Ohio Holstein Association with Laura Gordon and Matthew Borchers as student co-chairs. Commanding the top bid of $5,100 from Kurt Wyler of Fresno, Ohio, was Lot 21, Weikland Lou JW Rae, an EX-90 consignment from Victoria, Ian and Bryce Watson of Republic, Ohio. A four-year-old, she was fresh two weeks and milking 130 lbs. on her first test day. She was the 2010 Reserve All-Ohio and Junior All-Ohio Senior Two-Year-Old. Also struck off at $5,100 was Lot 1, Pierstein Goldwyn Delta-ET, on the bid from Chuck Curtiss of Ballston Spa, New York. She was carrying a Windhammer ultrasound heifer and scored VG-86 at three years of age. Her dam was scored EX-2E in Canada and had been nominated AllCanadian Three-Year-Old in 2002. A pair of high genome (GTPI over +2000) yearling heifers from outstanding pedigrees with EX dams and

by Pete Spike

High sellers Weikland Lou JW Rae, with purchaser Kurt Wyler at the halter, and Pierson Goldwyn Delta-ET, with Laura Gordon at photo by Karen Welch the halter, and Don Alexander.

grandams were sold for $4,100 and $4,000, respectively. Quality-Quest D Mainfire, a daughter of Domain from Doug Dye of Beloit, Ohio, was sold to Jake Hein of Celina, Ohio. Her dams were EX-90 3E and EX-93 3E with lifetime production well over 200,000 lb. milk. Bringing $4,000 on the bid from Emerald Quest of Jeromeville, Ohio, and Brett Besancon of Wooster, Ohio, was Golden-Oaks Obsrvr ParisET, an Observer daughter consigned by Golden Oaks Farm of Wauconda Illinois. She was backed by seven generations of EX dams, six of them DOM and/or GMD and tracing from Roxy herself. Five more lots sold from $3,000 to $3,500 as follows: Weikland Sanchez Carmen, b. 6/10/10 . . . . . $3,500 B: Kenneth Graves, Urbana, Ohio C: Victoria, Ian and Bryce Watson, Republic, Ohio Pine-Tree Sprmt Billie-E-ET, b. 8/18/09. . . . . $3,350 B: Alan Brown, New Bremen, Ohio C: Matther Steiner, Rittman, Ohio Weikland Sanchez JW Alexa, b. 3/1/11 . . . . . $3,300 B: Derik Baumer, Dennis Ziegenbusch and Ty Etgen, Wapakoneta, Ohio C: Victoria, Ian and Bryce Watson, Republic, Ohio Pine-Tree Super Melly-ET, b. 2/25/10. . . . . . . $3,050 B: Alan Brown, New Bremen, Ohio C: Matther Steiner, Rittman, Ohio Entourage-LC Quietcove Tia, b. 12/9/09 . . . . $3,000 B: Clay, Cora, Curtis & Carlie Gunkelman, Burbank, Ohio C: Entourage-LC c/o Kathy Stiles-Iager, Gaithersburg, Maryland

Sales with Integrity & Service with Confidence

Matt Stewart




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108 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

15162 SR 39 Loudonville, OH 44842 Tel: 419-994-5555 Fax: 419-994-5558 Toll Free: 888-305-5555 Cell Phone: 419-631-6855 E-mail: matts@haudenschildagency.com

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 109

83630 p110 Kidr.JrAllOH Rules_Layout 1 5/24/12 5:25 PM Page 1

Junior All-Ohio Rules The Junior All-Ohio winners are featured in the All-Ohio Calendar and owners receive a special award at the Annual Meeting. To be eligible for Junior All Ohio Awards, youth should be members of the Ohio Junior Holstein Association by May 1 of the current year. The awards are selected by a point system under the following rules: I. OWNERSHIP A. Animals must be owned and registered in the name(s) of one or more Ohio Junior Holstein Association members. For animals owned in partnership, all owners must be members of their Junior Holstein Association. All animals must stand on the Association records in the individual name of the exhibitor. Adult-Junior partnerships are not acceptable, unless all members are Junior members and listed on the registration paper. Multiple Junior exhibitors may own an animal in partnership if the animal is exhibited by the partnership throughout the entire show season. B. Registrations or transfers to the Ohio Junior Member(s) must be made by June 1, 2012 for cows two years or older and for calves and yearlings. II. ELIGIBLE ANIMALS A. Animals must meet the ownership requirements listed above. B. To be eligible for points from placings at the District, State and National shows, the animal must have been shown by one of the Ohio Junior member-owners. C. Junior exhibitors must show their own animals to be considered for Junior awards. Exceptions will be made for exhibitors who may be physically impaired, have two animals showing in the same class or must be absent on show day due to other commitments. In case of these exceptions, another boy or girl who meets the age requirements of the respective breed may show the animal with the authorization of the breed superintendent. Such authorization must be sought in writing, prior to the show and verified by a signed notice by the person in charge of the conflicting activity. III. POINT SYSTEM A. Spring Expo Show and Ohio State Fair Junior Show — 20 points for first place through two points for tenth place. Note: Ohio Junior Holstein Association members too old to show in the Junior show at the Ohio State Fair may use open class placings against Juniors’ animals owned and shown by Juniors. Juniors must be under 21 as of January 1, 2012. B. Points from placings from any National Junior Show, designated by the National Junior Advisory Committee, can be substituted in place of a lower point total received from placing at either the Ohio State Fair or the Spring Dairy Expo. The animal must be exhibited by one of the Junior owners to be eligible for points. If the animal is not shown by one of the Junior owners at a show, it cannot earn Junior All-Ohio points, and points from placings at the National Junior Show cannot be substituted. C. District Shows – Ten points for any animal shown. Note: It is recommended that districts report placings of all District Juniors showing. Dry cows have been eliminated from Spring Dairy Expo and State Fair but will continue at the District level, because no points can be substituted at the District level. No dry cow points from any National shows can be substituted for any milking cow class. D. In case of ties, two awards will be given. IV. HOW TO ENTER A. Submit a 5 x 7 professional photograph of the animal. All photos of heifers must be current year photos. If you have taken a photo of a two-year-old cow, this photo can be used for Junior Two-Year-Old, Senior Two-Year-Old, Junior Three-Year-Old and 110 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012


Senior Three-Year-Old cows. If you have the photo taken as a threeyear-old, then this photo can be used for the Three-Year-Old and the Four-Year-Old photo. If taken at four years, the photo can be used for the Four- and Five-Year-Old photo. If taken as a five year old, this photo can be used for the Five-Year-Old, Aged and 125,000 Pound Cow. (These photo changes are also used in the All-Ohio rules.) B: Submit a copy of both sides of the animal’s registration certificate showing ownership of the animal and transfer dates. Photo, certificate and completed application must be received by the Ohio Holstein Association Office, Wooster, Ohio, by December 1, 2012. C. The application forms will be available from the Ohio Holstein office and will be printed in the September/October News. EXAMPLES: Joe Junior owns Bessie. He exhibits other animals at the Spring Expo but does not show Bessie at the Spring Expo. He shows her in her class at his district show and places first. He shows her at the state fair and places fourth. He now has: 10 points from the district show and 14 points from the state fair. That is a total of 24 points. He then shows her at the National Junior Show and places second. The points earned at the National Junior Show may be substituted for the state fair points. He cannot substitute the placing at the National Junior Show for the Spring Expo points he missed by not showing Bessie there. After the substitution, Joe and Bessie have 10 points from the district and 18 points from the National Junior Show for a total of 28. Jane Junior owns Bossie. She has to attend a school function during the Spring Expo Show. She contacts the show management ahead of time and asks permission to have her heifer shown by another Junior member. Jane’s Junior friend and Bossie place fifth at the Spring Expo Show. Jane does show her heifer at the State Fair and at the National Junior Show and places second at each. She also showed Bossie at her District Show and placed first. Jane’s points from the Spring Expo Show (she is eligible because she asked permission and had another Junior show Bossie), from the State Fair and from the District are: 12+18+10=40. However, Jane CAN substitute her National Junior Show placing for the Spring Expo Show. Her new total is: 18+18+10=46. Dick Junior owns Flo. He enters her in the Spring Expo, but Dick’s dad shows Flo in her class. Dick shows Flo at the state fair and at his district show. He places third at each. He then takes her to the National Junior Show and Dick shows her there to third place. After the state fair and the district show, Dick and Flo have 16+10=26. Dick cannot substitute the National Junior Show placing for the placing Flo and his dad earned at the Spring Expo. Because Dick did not show his own animal or ask permission to have another Junior show, his animal at the Spring Expo Show, he cannot receive any points for the Spring Expo Show and placings from another show cannot be used in place of the Spring Expo Show.


Selling all Types of Dairy Cattle & Service Bulls EVERY THURSDAY • 11:00 a.m. Hay & Straw Sale 10:00 a.m. John E. Sprunger, Mgr.


– Serving Since 1923 –

83630 p111 Renaissance_Layout 1 5/25/12 11:45 AM Page 1

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 111

Birth Date Mo.

112 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

Social Security No.



Telephone w/area code (



< <

1 1



[ HDFK x $ 6 each.................. [ HDFK [ HDFK








7RWDO 1XPEHU RI 'DLU\ &DWWOH Advance Single Day Admission Pass..................... 'D\ $GPLVVLRQ 3DVV 'D\ $GPLVVLRQ 3DVV RQH SHUVRQ XVDJH




Junior Holstein Exhibitors DJHV DV RI -DQ DFFRUGLQJ WR 1DWLRQDO VKRZ JXLGHOLQHV RQH LQ FODVV substitution meeting junior ownership requirements will be allowed per exhibitor.

Holstein Show

Please check if you are making entry into the Regional National Junior

Is animal registered in exhibitor's name or as a partnership? If partnership, list name of partnership This is to certify (exhibitor) is a member of the above stated partnership Signed (parent/guardian)





ALL (175,(6 0867 +$9( 3267$*( 67$036 METERED ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED




1. Parent



IMPORTANT: Please read carefully Junior Livestock General Rules and Regulations

Entry blank may be Photocopied

The Ohio Expositions Commission is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Service Provider

1. By signing this entry, I hereby certify that the entries made in the Junior Livestock Competition meets the rules and regulations under which they will exhibit, that all of the information on the entry is truthful, complete and accurate that my child has had sole cus WRG\ DQG FRQWURO RI WKH DQLPDO VLQFH WKH GDWH RI WKH DQLPDO V ELUWK RU VLQFH WKH GDWH WKH DQLPDO ZDV SXUFKDVHG RU DFTXLUHG E\ P\ FKLOG DQG WKDW WKH DQLPDO KDV QRW EHHQ WDPSHUHG ZLWK RU ÂżWWHG LQ DQ\ XQHWKLFDO PDQQHU 7KH H[KLELWRU KHUHE\ DJUHHV WR EH ERXQG by the Rules and Regulations of the Junior Livestock Department, and further agrees to be bound by the decision of the Ohio Expositions Commission in case of any dispute arising from the interpretation or application thereof. Premiums will not be paid if Social 6HFXULW\ 1XPEHU LV QRW JLYHQ RU LI WKH HQWU\ EODQN LV QRW VLJQHG , FHUWLI\ WKDW WKH QXPEHU VKRZQ RQ WKLV IRUP LV P\ FRUUHFW WD[SD\HU LGHQWLÂżFDWLRQ QXPEHU 7KH + DQG ))$ $GYLVRU DUH YHULI\LQJ WKDW WKH + DQG ))$ PHPEHU LV D PHPEHU LQ JRRG VWDQGLQJ RI WKH FRXQW\ DQG DUH HQUROOHG LQ WKH SURMHFW LQ ZKLFK WKH\ KDYH HQWHUHG 7KH &RXQW\ ([WHQVLRQ (GXFDWRU LV YHULI\LQJ WKDW WKH + PHPEHU LV D PHPEHU LQ JRRG VWDQGLQJ RI WKH FRXQW\ DQG DUH HQUROOHG LQ WKH SURMHFW LQ ZKLFK WKH\ KDYH HQWHUHG $Q\ SKRWRJUDSKV WDNHQ of me or of anyone over whom I am legal guardian become the sole property of the Ohio Expositions Commission. Such photographs may be used at the Commission's discretion without compensation to or prior approval from me.



Section No. and Breed, please circle:


Zip Code

Instructor/Advisor Telephone w/area code (


(Please circle one)


E-mail Adress


Complete Address

If entered in Open Show, what name entered under

Name of Exhibitor

Exhibitor's Age (as of Jan. 1)

All junior exhibitors must provide registration information to "pre-enter animals". One wild card animal substitution and one in class substitution will be honored. Those substitutions can be declared at check-in time at the fair.


83630 p112 OSF Jr entry FR_Layout 1 5/24/12 5:39 PM Page 1



Work Telephone (





Please note that when entering more than one department of the Fair (i.e. Horse Show, Ag & Hort., etc.) a separate entry blank is required for that department. All entries must EH LQ WKH ERQD ÂżGH RZQHU QDPH 0DLO HQWU\ IRUP WR WKH (QWU\ 'HSDUWPHQW 2KLR 6WDWH Fair, 717 East 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43211-2657. All entries must bear a postDJH VWDPS DQG KDYH D OHJLEOH FDQFHOODWLRQ GDWH 0HWHUHG HQWULHV ZLOO NOT be accepted.

Please complete separate entry blanks for animals to be entered and recognized for all partners. If entry is not completed correctly only the individual entering (who must be listed on registration paper) will be recognized on show program.

To be eligible for competition, whether single or in groups, animals must be entered exactly as ownerships appears on the registration papers.



x $28 each................ x $50 each............... x $6 each.................. x $40 each................ x $75 each................


x $15.........................

Total No. of Dairy Cattle.................................... 6-Day Advance Admission Ticket (Optional)...... 12-Day Advance Admission Ticket (Optional)..... Single Advance Admission Ticket (Optional)...... *6-Day Parking Permit (Optional) only one....... All Additional Parking Permits (12-Day) each...

Please Print Clearly

Social Security No.

The undersigned hereby agrees to be bound by the Rules and Regulations of the Open Livestock Department and further agrees to be bound by the decision of the Ohio Expositions Commission in case of any dispute arising from the interpretation of application thereof. Premiums cannot be paid if Social Security Number is not given or if entry blank is not signed. I certify WKDW WKH QXPEHU VKRZQ RQ WKLV IRUP LV P\ FRUUHFW WD[SD\HU LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ QXPEHU 3OHDVH LQGLFDWH LI WKLV LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ QXPEHU LV \RXU LQGLYLGXDO QXPEHU RU IDUP WD[ LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ QXPEHU Any photographs taken of me or of anyone over whom I am legal guardian become the sole property of the Ohio Expositions Commission. Such photographs may be used at the Commission’s discretion without compensation to or prior approval from me. Signature

Section No. and Breed: $\UVKLUH %URZQ 6ZLVV *XHUQVH\ +ROVWHLQ -HUVH\ 0LONLQJ 6KRUWKRUQ 5HG :KLWH Section No of Breed No. Animals

<RX PXVW SLFN XS HQWU\ FDUGV IURP WKH 'DLU\ &DWWOH 2IÂżFH upon arrival at the fair.


Zip Code

If Entered in Junior Show; entered under what name?

Home Telephone (

E-mail Address





Please check if you are making entry into the Regional National Junior Holstein Show

Did you enter in 2011? Has your address changed since 2011?


83630 p113 OSF open entry FR_Layout 1 5/24/12 5:38 PM Page 1

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 113

Your 3URÀWDELOLW\ is Our Goal. Featured Product: Cargill Northeast Show Calf ®

Have your calves looking their best with our Northeast Show Calf feed, a 40% protein, pelleted feed, formulated with amino acids and vitamin B, as well as selenium yeast for greater selenium retention and sulfate based trace minerals for high bio-availability. It is also medicated with Lasalocid 54.6 grams/ton as well as a combination of rumen degradable and undegradable protein sources to promote bovine health. Contact your local Cargill Dairy Focus Consultant today to learn about the programs and technologies we offer to help manage ingredients, input pricing and risk, control costs of rations, analyze diets and understand whole farm economics. Michele Burky: 419-651-2081 | Michele_Burky@cargill.com Ryan Aberle: 330-464-1951 | Ryan_Aberle@Cargill.com Bob Hostetler: 614-937-5356 | Bob_Hostetler@cargill.com Doug Hering: 314-282-0044 | Doug_Hering@cargill.com ©2012 Cargill, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. 114 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 115

83630 p116 Steinway_Layout 1 5/29/12 10:25 AM Page 1

Check Out What’s New! DCC Waterbeds for HEIFERS!! ™ Smaller sizes for heifer barns ™ NO bedding needed ™ MINIMAL stall maintenance ™ SIMPLIFY your manure


Hot-dipped Galvanized Pasture Gates NOW IN STOCK Bale Boss II for LARGE SQUARE BALES ™ Holds one large square bale

or two 4 x 5 round bales ™ EASY CLEANOUT! ™ Save hay and feed grain

SCHAEFFER BARN KOOLERS 24” and 36” — NOW IN STOCK Stop in at our showroom located 1 mile West of Kidron, Ohio

330-857-8700 1-800-599-2040 12335 Emerson Road, Apple Creek, OH 44606

www.steinwayequipment.com 116 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012

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Index ABS Global, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accelerated Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . ADA Mideast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ag Credit/Country Mortgages . . . . . Agri Sales & Consulting . . . . . . . . . . Agri-Graphics, Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andreas Farms Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Andrews, Steve & Seth – Auctioneers. Ashland Implement Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . Be-Ware Holsteins/Berg Farms, Ltd. . . Ben-Alli Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brownhaven Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canfield Fair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cargill Animal Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . Carmony Farms Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Catalpadale Dairy, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . CL Hersh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COBA/Select Sires . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commodity Blenders, Inc. . . . . . . . . . Commodity Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . ComputerMixx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Congress Lake Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . Cope Farm Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . Curry Lumber & Pole Building Co’s. . . Diamond-Oak Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . Doughty Valley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Drifty-Hollow Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . Embryo Transfer Services . . . . . . . . . Etgen-Way Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . First National Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . Garver, Merlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gasser Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Genex Cooperative, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . Habrun’s Insurance Service, Inc. . . . . Hahn-Way Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. 97 115 . 83 . 55 . 92 . 68 . 33 . 52 . 32 . 25 . 29 . 28 105 114 . 18 . 21 . 41 120 . 98 103 . 99 . 72 . 95 . 68 . 23 . 11 . 85 107 . 22 . 96 . 53 . 77 104 . 30 . 31

Harold’s Equipment, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Haudenschild Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Hunsberger Holsteins LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Ja-Bob Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Jaloda Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 K & M Builders, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Keim Concrete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Kibler Dairy Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Kidron Auction, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Kiko Family Farms, Ltd./Kiko Auctioneers . 35 Land O’Lakes Purina Feed. . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Lehman, Eileen – Livestock Hauling . . . . . 59 Lorawae Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Lowe and Young, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Meaden & Moore – CPA’s . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company. . . 90 Midwest Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Miley Holstein Farms Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Neueway Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 New Bedford Sharpening Service . . . . . . 64 New Pittsburg Large Animal Clinic. . . . . . 99 North Florida Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 OH-River Syndicate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Ohio Beef Council . . . . . . . . . . . . 39, insert Ohio State University/ Agricultural Tech Inst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Ohio Summertime Sale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Paradise Valley Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Pine Tree Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Polchin Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Polen Implement . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 84, 100 Priority Int’l Animal Concepts . . . . . . . . . 40 Quality Quest Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Quietcove Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Coming Events Meetings and Events

June – District 12 Dairy Tour, Auglaize Co. June 12 – Ohio Holstein Association Board Meeting at the Holstein office, Wooster, 10:30 a.m. June 18 – Ohio 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl at Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center at OSU. Preregistration due by June 11. Contact Bonnie Ayars at ayars.5@osu.edu. June 29-30 – National Holstein Convention Delegate Meetings, Springfield, MO July 1 – District 7 Picnic at Carmony Farms July 9 – District 10 Picnic July 27 – Holstein Juniors hosting a dance activity fun night at the Ohio State Fair August 4 – 50-Year Celebration at Falling Star Farms, Polk October 2-6 – World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI October 13-14 – Wayne County Farm Foliage Tour


June 29 – National Convention Sale, Springfield, MO August 25 – Ohio Holstein Association Summer Sale, Wooster October 4 – Planet Holstein Sale, Madison, WI October 27 – The Best of Quality Quest 2012, at the farm, Beloit November 17 – Ohio Holstein/All-Breeds Sale, Wooster April 4-6, 2013 – North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge at Ft. Wayne, IN, hosted by Ohio State, Purdue and Michigan State


June 16 – District 3 Show open to all adults and Juniors, Judge Matt Lawrence, Dover June 16 – District 13 Show at Urbana June 18 – District 5 Show at Pickaway County Fairgrounds July – District 15 Show at Hamilton July 12 – District 11 Show at Logan County Fairgrounds July 14 – District 7 Show at Wayne County Fairgrounds July – District 9 Show at Crawford County Fair July 21 –Districts 1 and 2, Northeast Ohio District Show at Canfield July 30 – District 12 Show at Wapakoneta August 21-25 – Portage County Randolph Fair August 22 – District 8 Show at Lorain County Fair September 12 – District 10 Show at Fulton County Fairgrounds September 17 – Premier National Junior Holstein Show, Harrisburg, PA September 19 – All-American Red & White Show, Judge Chad Ryan, Harrisburg, PA September 19-20 – Eastern Fall National Holstein Show, Judge Mark Reuth, Harrisburg, PA October 2 – International Junior Holstein Show, Judge Chris Lahmers, Madison, WI October 4-5 – Grand International Red & White Show, Judge Justin Burdette, Madison, WI October 5-6 – International Holstein Show, Judge Michael Heath, Madison WI

Ratta Applied Construction . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Ray-Jo Meadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Raygor Farms LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Renaissance Nutrition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Richman Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Rosedale Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Semler Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Seven Gables Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Sharo-Dan Farm, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Shearer Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Signature Cattle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Spike, Pete & Jean – Vacation Rental . . . . 90 Spring Walk Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Springhill Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Stan-Mar-Dale/Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Stein-way Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Sunnyville Registered Holsteins . . . . . . . . 32 Taurus Service, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Ten-Penny Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Thomas, Jenny – Photographer . . . . . . . . 55 Toppglen Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 Town & Country Co-op Feed . . . . . . . . . . 10 Trail Farm Supply LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Trealayne Registered Holsteins. . . . . . . . . 37 U-Dean Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Vaughn, Steve – Nutritional Consultant . . . 34 W. G. Dairy Supply, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Wabash-Way Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . 60-61 Walton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Weaverhof Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Whiteleather Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Wil-O-Rae Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Windy Ridge Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 This index is provided as an additional service. Publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions.

OHIO STATE FAIR SCHEDULE July 24 – Holsteins to be in place by 6 p.m. July 27 – Junior Holstein Show and Mid-East Summer National Junior Holstein Show, Judge Terry Rawn, 10 a.m. July 27 – Red & White Holsteins in place by noon July 28 – Holstein Heifer Classes, Judge Mark Reuth, 9:30 a.m. July 28 – National Holstein Futurity, Judge Mark Reuth, 7 p.m. July 29 – Red & White Holstein judging, Judge Matt Lawrence, 9 a.m. July 29 – Holstein Cow Classes, Judge Mark Reuth, 10 a.m. Esther’s Extras – continued from page 12

issue, which will go to World Dairy Expo. Plan ahead by having photos taken over the summer for future ads and All-Ohio. Tell us when and where the photos were taken, the name of the photographer and if they are being sent to the office. Thank you to MEGAN HERBERG for providing the Spring Dairy Expo photos. Contact her today to see how advertising through Holstein World in both print and internet can add to your bottom line. 507-380-1832 mherberg@dairybusiness.com www.holsteinworld.com OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2012 | 117

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Thank You, COBA/Select Sires, for giving us and a whole LOT MORE! HOPE…

LANGACRES ELEVATION HOPE 2E-91 GMD-DOM by ELEVATION And 37 years later, over 80% of our herd STILL traces to HOPE, and 90 Excellent Females sired by COBA BULLS have been bred at SPRINGHILL!


pringhill 7109 SR 514 • Big Prairie, OH

Chris Lang • Tom, Karen & Kendra Lang

PH: 330-378-4515 • FAX: 330-378-4390 springhill@embarqmail.com www.holsteinworld.com/springhill

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