Ohio News May/June Issue

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82030 p01 FRONT 4c


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May-June 2011


In this issue 2011 Membership Directory sponsored by

82030 p02 Richman 2c 347


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At the Spring Show… Richman Dundee Mini-Mim • 2nd Place 1st Ohio Fall Yearling, 2011 Mid-East Spring National Show • 2010 All-Ohio Fall Heifer Calf • A Dundee out of a VG Storm 305D 30,258M 3.8% 1,125F • Grandam “Jay Lynn” All-American

Krull MB Dreamsicle-Red-ET • 1st Place Summer Yearling, 2011 Red & White Spring Show • A Dudoc Mr Burns daughter out of a VG-88 at 2-10 Advent 2-01 353D 24,220M 4.6% 1,106F 3.5% 854P • Next two dams are EX-92 with over 30,000 pounds of milk

Also: H 1st Place Junior Best Three Females H 2nd Place 1st Ohio Spring Yearling with an Asteroid daughter

Visitors Always Welcome

~Richman Farms, Inc.~ The Indoe Family • Lodi, Ohio

richmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com Dick 330-948-1427 Tom 330-948-1137 Bill 330-948-2259 Tyler 330-416-8891 Jim Morlock, Jr. and Martin “Bud” Yoder Fitting and Showing

82030 p03 ParadiseValley


2:05 PM

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Paradise-R Tesk Sherie-ET VG-88 GMD DOM Dam of Paradise-R Duster Stetson-ET 1H02278 The Genex influence in our milking herd includes: Bond, Lynch, Toystory, Tres, Wizard and Orion.

Paradise-R Orion Star-ET, a granddaughter of Tesk Sherie, is a Genex daughter with a Lifetime Record of 231,925M 3.8% 9,215F 3.2% 7,510P. We are looking forward to working with our Genex heifers from Deann, Encino, Les, Ping and Super, and we are currently breeding to Clark, Hill and O-Style.

Thank you, Genex, for your continued interest in our Sears Family. Thank you, Paul Haskins, for your expertise; you are great to work with.

Paradise Valley Farms, Inc.

Bulls for Sale


Home of the Bell Sears Family Bill, Brian and Michael Ramsey Families • 7632 Columbus Road NE • Louisville, OH 44641 • Phone & Fax 330-875-4539

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 3

82030 p04 contents


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The Board of Directors of the Ohio Holstein Association has adopted the following:


(USPS 404-600) (ISSN: 0899-4862) Official Publication of the Ohio Holstein Association

Volume 75

Number 3

MAY-JUNE 2011 Published 5 times per year in January, March, May, September and November at Shreve, OH by the OHIO HOLSTEIN ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691 www.ohioholstein.com dairyagendatoday – Click on Industry Links

PUBLICATION OFFICE — SHREVE, OH Subscription price in the U.S. is $15.00 per year. The NEWS subscription list is filed geographically by town and state. When you change your address, please be sure to give us your old address as well as the new one. Advertising rates available upon request. News and advertising forms close one month preceding date of issue. Address all mail to the: OHIO NEWS P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, OH 44691 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653 Send UPS or Fed Ex to 1375 Heyl Rd. Entered as periodical matter at the Post Office at Shreve, Ohio 44676. OFFICE STAFF General Manager . . . . . . Don Alexander, cell 304-376-1788 Email: alexanderdon@comcast.net Office Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diana Miley Email: oholstein@embarqmail.com Editor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Esther Welch Email: ewelch@embarqmail.com

OFFICERS President . . . . . Joe Miley, West Salem . . . . . 330-263-7814 Vice President . . Dallas Rynd, Ashville . . . . . . 740-983-6690 Secretary . . . . . Michele Burky, New Philadelphia 419-651-2081 Treasurer . . . . . Steve Gilbert, Big Prairie . . . 330-231-8039

“The Mission of the Ohio Holstein Association is to provide services and programs to its members and young people so that they might attain a better living from their involvement with Holsteins.”


From the President, by Joe Miley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 The Holstein Grapevine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Esther’s Extras. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Ohio News Advertising Rates and Subscription Order Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2010 DHIA Top 5% Production Report for Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Roy Daughter Tops Annual Daffodil Dairy Sale, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . . 26 General Manager’s Views, by Don Alexander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Laurie Menzie, New Board Member from D-10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Genex Cooperative Inc., Your Profit Partner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 2011 Directory of Ohio Holstein Association Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43-64 Charles Moellendick Receives COBA/Select Sires Distinguished Service Award. . 72 BarbWire, by Barb Lumley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 The Queen’s Corner, by Mikayla Conrad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Ohio Holstein Queen First Runner-up, Renee Hershberger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Priorities, by Cheri Oeschsle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Junior Jottings, by Korey Oechsle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Red & White Show at 2011 Spring Dairy Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 At Spring Dairy Expo – Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 2011 Mid-East Spring National Holstein Show – Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 2011 Mid-East Spring National Holstein Show – Trophy Donors . . . . . . . . . . . 86 From the Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Registered Holsteins Sell at Wooster, Ohio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Lewis Jones Receives 2011 OSU Dairy Science Hall of Service Award . . . . . . . 93 Buckeye Classic Holstein Sale Held at Spring Dairy Expo, by Barb Lumley . . . . . 95 Ohio Holstein Association Membership Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Ohio Holstein Association 2011-2012 Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Ohio’s Statewide 2011 4-H Dairy Judging Contest at Spring Dairy Expo. . . . . . 98 Staubus and Higgins Honored at Ohio State . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 2011 Ohio State Fair Junior and Open Dairy Cattle Entry Forms . . . . . . 100-101 In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Coming Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBERS Ken Janes, Wooster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-464-4134 Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-652-5694 Peter Spike, Delaware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740-363-2184

NATIONAL DIRECTOR Ron Fuhrmann 17715 Brunson Rd., Hoagland, IN 46745 . . . 260-639-6682

BOARD MEMBERS Dist. 1 Dist. 2 Dist. 3 Dist. 5 Dist. 7 Dist. 7 Dist. 8 Dist. 9 Dist. 10 Dist. 12 Dist. 11 Dist. 13 Dist. 14 Dist. 15

Lamar Liming, Mineral Ridge . . . . . 330-652-5694 Adam Whiteleather, Salem . . . . . . . 330-205-1738 William Burkhart, Jr., Magnolia . . . 330-866-5289 Greg Conrad, New Holland. . . . . . . 740-495-5067 Ken Janes, Wooster . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-464-4134 Ted Renner, Dalton . . . . . . . . . . . . 330-828-2604 Regina Berg, Bellville . . . . . . . . . . 419-886-4229 Tom Thorbahn, Vickery . . . . . . . . . 419-547-0795 Laurie Menzie, Bloomdale . . . . . . . 740-624-6367 Marvin Steinke, Wapakoneta . . . . . 419-738-7174 Jenny Thomas, Cable . . . . . . . . . . . 614-395-9823 Jenny Thomas, Cable . . . . . . . . . . . 614-395-9823 Eric Topp, Wapakoneta. . . . . . . . . . 419-953-3427 Don Bickel, New Vienna. . . . . . . . . 937-218-2697

Postmaster – Send address changes to: Ohio News, P.O. Box 479, Wooster, OH 44691

September-October DEADLINE August 15, 2011 4 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

On the Cover

Genex Cooperative Inc., sponsor of this Membership Directory of the News, provided the cover with the photo taken by Kathy De Bruin of Agri Graphics. On the front cover is Jiman Obrian 562 in front of Jim and Ann Obrecht’s 1880 farm home near Shreve, Ohio. Jim and Ann started farming in 1974 by renting ground and borrowing equipment while working full-time as a machinist and a teacher. Jiman Farm began when the Obrechts purchased their first farm of 87 acres in 1978 in southwestern Wayne County. They began dairying with 45 cows, with some of the original heifers coming from Matt Steiner, Pine Tree Dairy Farm. They are currently milking 270 cows with a herd average 26,554 milk, 1,053 fat and 818 protein. To achieve this average, Jim has focused on sound genetics, excellent cow care and producing high-quality feeds. The Obrechts raise all their bull calves for steers. They farm 1,300 acres in Wayne and Ashland counties. The Obrechts want to thank the professionals who have helped make Jiman Farm profitable: Brad Garrison, veterinarian, who they worked with for over 25 years; Tim Hanzie, nutritionist; and Josh Keplar, Genex Tech Specialist. Most importantly, Jim and Ann thank all their employees, whose hard work and dedication have been essential in making Jiman Farm successful. The Obrechts believe that farmers need to be engaged in their local community and in government; Ann is serving her third term as Wayne County Commissioner. The Obrecht’s have three children and three grandchildren. Their daughter Katie is the bookkeeper for Jiman Farm. She and her husband Doug Foxx have one son, Carter. Their daughter Elizabeth lives in Michigan with her husband Kyle Hulewat and their two daughters, Leah and Hannah. Their son David and his wife Sarah live in the Akron area.

82030 p05 Prez.UDean.JrShirt


12:11 PM

From the President by Joe Miley Greetings from Wayne County! I hope by the time this reaches, you the crops are planted, the hay is made, and the milk price is in Joe Miley balance with the price of feed. It certainly has been a challenging spring so far. It’s been a busy time for the Ohio Holstein Association. Spring Dairy Expo is over and was quite successful. The quality of the cattle and the depth of the classes were especially impressive. The Buckeye Classic Sale sold 53 lots, averaging $1,996 for live lots and $2,000 for embryos. Ohio Holstein co-managed the sale once again with the Buckeye Dairy Club. The Ohio Spring Sale/SchugGerber Dispersal Sale was held on April 16 in Wooster. Thirty-one lots sold in the Schug-Gerber Dispersal for an average of $2,129, and 43 lots sold in the Ohio Spring Sale for an average of $2,329. A large crowd was present, and the Juniors were working at the lunch stand to earn money for their trip to the National Convention in Virginia. The Board of Directors met April 11

Page 1

Genex Girls U-Dean Toystory Buzz-ET VG-87

2-10 365D 24,732M 4.3% 1,062M 3.2% 808P 3-03 201D 16,124M 4.4% 734F 2.28% 527P Inc. • Milked 115 Pounds First Test • Due in November to Shamrock • Buzz completes 9 generations VG or EX. • She has a Baxter daughter. Springhill-OH Shampoo Gift PTPI+1757

• Purchased at the Springhill Spectacular in December 2010 • From the Hope family • We look forward to working with her. We appreciate Paul Haskins for the expertise and friendly service he provides to dairy families.

Thank you to Allison Janes for purchasing U-Dean Aftershock Betty PTPI+1842 at the Buckeye Classic Sale.We wish you the best of luck with her.

2 Year Progressive Genetics Herd Award Welch Family Farm since 1867 • McDanel Family Farm since 1873 Registered Holsteins since 1913

Come and See Us. Esther Welch 419-945-2250

U-Dean Farms

1 mile north of

Polk on SR 89 669 SR 89, Route 1 • Polk, Ohio 44866 Dean & Doris Welch Randy & Mike Ryan 429-945-2411 Barn 419-945-2343 419-651-5281

at the office. We have an excellent board, and I really look forward to working with them. Committee reports presented at the meeting include the sale committee, show committee, news committee, membership committee (751 paid members currently, compared to 777 in 2010) and a report from the youth committee. The Junior advisors are trying some new things, so please encourage your Juniors to attend some activities and see what is happening. General Manager Don Alexander is still working on an export order to go to Turkey. He is also working on plans to have a sale this summer. Details are being worked out with the sale committee; questions should be addressed to Don or sale committee co-chairmen Barb Lumley and Ken Janes. The Fall Quality Sale is scheduled for November 19, 2011, in Wooster. Regina Berg also reported that District 8 is interested in

hosting the 2012 Annual Meeting and Convention. A committee has been formed to work out the details. Tentative dates are March 9-10, 2012. Ohio has five delegates for the National Convention in June. They are Tom Thorbahn, Esther Welch, Julie Renner, Ken Janes and Richard Indoe. Contact your delegates with any national concerns. Next meeting for the Board of Directors is scheduled for Thursday, June 16, 10:30, at the Ohio Holstein office in Wooster. As you can see, there is a lot going on, and it takes a lot of people to make everything come together. We always encourage new people to become involved. That is what makes Ohio Holstein strong. In closing, I encourage you to contact your board representatives with any questions, comments or concerns. They are listed in the front of this magazine. I also encourage you to contact me with any issues you feel should be discussed. I can be contacted through the office, on my cell phone 330-466-7223 or by e-mail at jdjamiley@aol.com. I will respond to your calls as quickly as possible. Thanks, Joe. OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 5


# 1HO09167


#1 Lifetime Net Merit sire: +$776 Lifetime Net Merit

#1 TPISM sire: +2239 TPI

? P O T E H T R O F G N I K O O L ! t s e B s ’ y r t s u x for the Ind

Look to Gene



#2 Lifetime Net Merit sire: +$752 Lifetime Net Merit





#2 TPISM sire: +2203 TPI This popular sire is an Ohio resident – housed at the Genex Tiffin facility! Your Source for Genex Genetics in Ohio: James Cole: 419-722-9524 Toby Schaub: 330-715-0256 Ben Hickerson: 937-726-7241 Josh Keplar: 330-464-2586

6 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

©2011 CRI


82030 p07 PineTree


9:24 AM

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PINE-TREE MISSY WANDA-ET VG-87, fresh 3rd lactation

1H06360 Wizard x Wesswood-HC Rudy Missy-ET EX-92


4-2 365 36,544M 3.4% 1258F 3.0% 1104P GTPI+1833 GNM$+497 PL+5.5 DPR+2.2 SCC2.70 Missy Wanda now has 10 sons in AI, with more contracted ~ FLUSHING SOON ~ CALL FOR AVAILABILITY ~


Missy Wanda’s Active Daughter

1H10070 Pine-Tree Active Wilton-ET at Genex GTPI+2173 GNM$+688 ~ Sire of sons & Outcross, with DPR+4.0 ~ He is a son of Missy Wanda’s full sister Pine-Tree Missy Winnie-ET VG-87

PINE-TREE ACTIVE WAND-ET VG-85, VG-MS GTPI+2098 GNM$+687 PL+5.5 DPR+2.3 ~ FLUSHING NOW ~ 11071 Easton Rd. Rittman, OH 44270 Home: 330-925-8354 Cell: 330-466-8916

Fax: 330-925-2948 E-mail: pinetreedairy@earthlink.net www.pinetreedairy.org Visitors Welcome

Matt Steiner and Sons OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 7

Proud to Partner with Genex




Genex has supplied the genetics for our herd for over 20 years, and we couldn’t be happier with the quality and selection they offer. Today, we are utilizing sires like TORNADO, GARNETT, LIESL and DELPHINO. It has been a pleasure to work with Genex representative Josh Keplar as our breeder for the past five years. His perspective and input are always appreciated.

RO-LA-SUE DAIRY Scheibe Family 6601 McKee Rd Wooster, Ohio

8 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011


Cooperative, Inc. A Subsidiary of Cooperative Resources International

82030 p09 GemHill


9:35 AM

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Proud to Have Bred:

1H06738 Gem-Hill Amel Don-ET A lot has changed in the past six years since we were featured in the last Genex issue of the Ohio News. In May 2005, Amel Don was on the Top 100 TPI list and had received mating sire use. With the April 2011 summaries, he has added lots of second crop daughter information (over 4,000 milking daughters) and is still very respectable with +1027PTAM, +3.0PL, +1.47PTAT, +1.31UDC and +1728GTPI. In addition, his influence has extended through progeny-proven Amel Don sons 1H09225 Don Juan (another mating and Top 100 TPI sire) and 1H09109 Handyman. Our breeding program has grown and expanded as well. Two grandsons of 1H0967 Zebo daughter Gem-Hill Troy Zebo were sampled by Genex: 1H09207 Hayden (Amel Don x Gem-Hill Marshall Troy) and 1H09269 Mutch (Ramos x Gem-Hill Troy Addison). Pagewire embryos from this cow family were exported to Genex’s partner Amelis in France, resulting in two promising heifers that are genomic tested, contracted and ready to freshen this summer. In addition, in November 2008 we combined the Brightbill and Mutchler herds after building a new freestall facility and have internally grown to 400 cows. Meanwhile, the next generation of dairy cattle enthusiasts is growing up too!

Our Thanks to Paul Haskins and Genex for working with us.

Brightbill GEM-Hill Farms LLC

Front, from left: Hannah, Peyton, Caleb, Hayden and Matthew Brightbill, Lois Mutchler Back, from left, Jean, Mark, Marci, Carly and Greg Brightbill

Owners: Robert, Sue, Mark and Greg Brightbill 511 TR 3050, Loudonville OH 44842 Greg’s cell: 419-651-8247 Email: g-bills@frontier.com 5/11 RHA: 399 Cows 3X 25,441M 1,000F 763P

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 9

82030 p10 RMD.BlueRidge


9:26 AM

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We Love Our Super Daughters Like This One Normilway Super 1284-TW GP-82 3-00 311 D 28,139M 767F 840P Having calved at 2-00, 3-00 and 4-00, the Productive Life and DPR advantage continues –1284 has recently been confirmed pregnant again and is due back at Christmas time at 4-11. She has a January 2011daughter by 1H07235 Toystory. This completes three generations of Genex breeding: Toystory X Super X Eddie.

Another Genex daughter we like #1273, sired by 1H05903 Co-op F3 Convincer Mo 2-10 314D 29,961M 979F 897P

R M D Dairy Farm Ltd. Robert, Richard, Mark and Matthew Dotterer 10052 Easton Road Rittman, Ohio 44270 330-414-7901

Also, we look forward to milking our 10 Toystory daughters.

Genex Favorites #522 BJ Ridge Glenwood Loopy Our Top cow on test at 103 pounds of milk 2-10 365D 22,437M 3.7% 826F 3.1% 685P Her Sire: 1H06248 Mr Shipsholm Glenwood Her Dam: #375 BJ Ridge Cubby Loopy Grandam: #243 Sterling Juror Loop Lifetime to Date: 220,230M 3.5% 7,669F 3.0% 6,579P

#570 BJ-Ridge Wizard Stacy Sired by 1H06360 Norz Hill Form Wizard-ET Milked 102 pounds a day 2-04 365D 23,474M 3.2% 752F 2.8% 660P She has daughters by 1H07169 Lotto and 1H06959 Satire.

Loop has a December 2010 1H07235 Toystory, which is Calf #9 on her 10th lactation.


Breeding Bulls For Sale

Robert Jentes 1784 Jentes Road Wooster, OH 44691 330-345-7840

Bred Heifers For Sale

10 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

82030 p11 Grapevine


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the Holstein


Lewis Jones, D-5, who was inducted into the Ohio State University Dairy Science Hall of Service on May 7, follows in his father’s footsteps, as Reuben Jones was a 1989 inductee. Lewis reminisced that his father was president of the Ohio Holstein Association in 1969 and organized the Ohio Holstein Homemakers as a Women’s Auxiliary; and his mother, Mrs. Jenevee Jones, now 94, was one of the first officers of that organization, which is now known as Ohio Holstein Women. • Ray and Sara Twining, D-8, attended the May 9 ceremony at the Ohio Supreme Court in Columbus, as their daughter Kathy Frombaugh was sworn in as an attorney-atlaw. Kathy completed her education at Akron University and has passed the bar exam. She will be opening an office in the New London area and is interested in farm issues and estate planning. • Congratulations to Anne Spreng and Joe Cole, D-9, who were married on May 7. • NEW ARRIVALS: Gary and Tristan Rice announce the arrival of Brinley Raelle on January 26. She was welcomed at Riceton Farm, D-1, by big sister Avery, two years old; grandparents Dave and Shirley Rice; uncle and aunt Jayme and Amanda Rice; and cousins Hudson, five, and Ainsley, three. Jay and Angie Thomas of Triple-T Holsteins, D-13, announce the arrival of Savannah Grace, born May 5. She weighed 7 lb. 9 oz. and was 19 inches long. Older siblings are Brandee and Jamie. • We want to recognize the Genex employees at the Tiffin location who are pictured on page 36. Front row, from left: Craig Spitler, Clint Lease, Dave Kuzma, Ray Lease, Nicole Mehling, Doug Sauer, Cassandra Gurney, Ryan Weaver, Denny Sowards. Back row, from left: Ron Wise, Paul Haskins, Greg Parrish, Alan Wagner, Judy Beard, Kraig Lease, Marty Kingseed, Jerry Hutchison, Marc Baugher, Aimee Blevins, Leonard Bayer, Mike Landers, Nita Doran, Matt Kiesel. Not pictured: Brenda Marquis, Robert Daniel. • Genex Cooperative, Inc.’s Jenny-Lou Mrshl Toystory-ET is now the world’s most prolific bull. He has assumed the honorary title of world leader for semen produced and sold, surpassing the official record of 1.767 million units held by the Dutch sire Sunny Boy. • The program for the Ohio Junior Association Annual Meeting announced the following Junior Holstein Production Awards: Junior Two-Year-Old (Milk Fat, Protein) Weikland Lou Emma, 3.0% 965F 3.1% 984P, Ian Watson; Senior Two-Year-Old (Milk Fat, Protein) Rogalin Rosita, 29,895M 3.9% 1,165F 3.1% 935P, Louis A. Liming; Three-Year-Old (Milk, Fat, Protein) Polchin Leduc Do Little, 25,722M 4.8% 1,222F 3.4% 878P, Louis A. Liming.

• Thank yous were received at the office from Keri Bickel, Chairman of the 2011 Ohio Holstein Queen Contest, for the support of this contest and the opportunity for youth, and from the Eugene Welch Family. • Thank yous were sent by the Ohio Holstein Junior Holstein Association for contributions to the Joyce Mason Memorial, and by the Eugene Welch Family for contributions to the Ohio Dairy & Holstein Education Fund. • The report in the May 10, 2011, Hoard’s Dairyman recognized the following Ohioans placing in the 81st Year of the Hoard’s Dairyman Cow Judging Contest. John Winchell, D-1, Kent Nutrition Group, captured first place for Agri-Marketers. He received a specially-aged block of Hoard’s Dairyman sharp white cheddar cheese, an attractive walnut wall plaque and national publicity. Other Ohioans recognized were Hon. Mention Family Entry, Brent Lokai, D-13; Hon. Mention Ag Ed Instruction, Robert Reed, Berlin; 2nd FFA Ag Ed Division, Mississinawa Valley High School, Stephanie Conway, Union City; Hon. Mention FFA Ag Ed Division, Fairbanks FFA, Rob Riddle, Milford Center, Hon. Mention 4-H Club Dairy, Champaign Co. Dairy Judging Team, Jill Lokai; Hon. Mention 4-H Club Division, Lorain Co. Dairy Judging Team, Jim Sheffield; Hon. Mention Co-op Ag Board Division, COBA/Select Sires, Team 2, Columbus. • Welcome to one of the newest herds in Ohio and one of the newest advertisers. Tower Vue Holsteins has recently relocated to Mohrfield Farms at Pleasant Plain. Refer to their ad on Page 106. • Membership Update — Additional Adult Members: Ackley, Merle & Dan, 11 Ackley Farms, 8968 CR 10, Zanesfield, OH 43360 Bodey, Michael W., Mi-Kay Farm, 5912E SR 29, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653 8401 Bricker, Todd, 02, Bricker Farms, 1648 N Lincoln Ave, Salem, OH 44460, 330-692-2877 Buechner, Megan M., 05, 7830 Harrisburg-London Rd, Orient, OH 43145, 614-877-2546, buechner.14@osu.edu Geiser, Roland, 07, Kidron Supply, Inc., 12341 Emerson Rd, Apple Creek, OH, 44606, kidron@kidronsupply.com, 330-857-6955 Grube, Michael & Janelle, 08, 8300 Shiloh-Norwalk Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2897 Steinke, Steven M., 14, Marste Holstein Farms, 13915 Fey Rd, Anna, OH 45302, 937-394-7657 Strasburg, Tom & Bev, 12, Wakefield Farms, 15377 Townline-Kossuth Rd, St. Marys, OH 45885, 419-394-4343

• Membership Update — Additional Junior Members Ackley, Hayden, 11, 3284 Hamilton St, East Liberty, OH 43319, 937-666-5402 Ackley, Katelyn, 11, 3284 Hamilton St, East Liberty, OH 43319, 937-666-5402

• Please send Grapevine items and District Show Reports by August 15, so they can be included in the next issue, the September-October issue, scheduled to be distributed at the end of September. OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 11

82030 p12 Steinway


10:05 AM

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For Your N ew

HEIFER BARN Hot Dip Galvinized ◆

GATES ◆ SELF-LOCKS ◆ FREE STALLS 330-857-8700 1-800-599-2040 Stop in at our showroom located 1 mile West of Kidron, Ohio

www.steinwayequipment.com 12 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

82030 p13 QualityQuest


10:06 AM

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Bonded and Secure Time-Tested Genetics from Genex

Quality-Quest Bond Angel EX-92 2E at 6-11 Lifetime to Date: 134,543M 4,949F 3,915P Angel is one of the foundation cows of our herd and our show string. She is one of five Excellent Regancrest Juror Bonds bred here at Quality Quest. Upcoming: Angel has a beautiful Alexander granddaughter due in September to Super.

For Sale: Half of our 60 beautiful two-year-olds and bred heifers. Give us a call!

Doug and Marty Dye – Evan, Jon, Hannah & Micah 27863 Shoemaker Road, Beloit, OH 44609 330-525-5272 mddye@live.com Luke 24:13-49

March 2011 BAA 108.1 44 cows RHA 25,430M 832F 748P OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 13

82030 p14 Esther.rates.form


12:06 PM

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Esther’s Extras

Ohio News

P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, Ohio 44691 Phone 330-264-9088 • Fax 330-263-1653

Advertising Rates Effective January 1, 2002

Photo by Karen Welch

This photo was taken at the 2010 World Dairy Expo. Can you identify this group and any of its members? Answer at the bottom of this page.

Welcome to anyone who may be reading this issue through the wider-than-usual distribution to herds on test in Ohio, at the National Holstein Convention, through Genex Cooperative, Inc., from the Ohio State Fair or from World Dairy Expo. Thank you to Genex Cooperative, Inc., for accepting the sponsorship challenge for this issue as evidenced by the cover, widespread use of the Genex logo and many ads and articles. Special thanks to Angi Kringle at the Shawano office for following through to make this promotion happen and for the ads, text and advice; to Paul Haskins at the Tiffin office for setting up photos, providing specific information and for proofreading; to Josh Keplar for his onthe-farm visits encouraging advertisers, helping wherever possible and checking on the progress of this issue; to all others on the Genex staff who helped in any way. Breeder support for this promotion helped make this the largest issue we have produced for several years. Here in the Holstein office, Diana Miley provided the current membership list, and Don checked information and surfaced new advertisers. At Shreve Printing, Peggy and Lisa arranged and rearranged ads and text. As in the past seven years, the News will have a summer break, as we do not print a July-August issue. With this summer break, I will not be in the office on a regular schedule. See page 4 for email addresses, or call me if needed. Ads for the Fall Sale on November 19 and your summer show ring successes are due in August for the September-October issue, which will also go to World Dairy Expo. I am always looking for advertisers, both breeders and businesses, and welcome suggestions for contacts. Enjoy the summer shows and our Association Summertime Sale July 21 at Wooster, and make sure you have photos taken over the summer for future ads. Esther’s Extras – continued on page 105

These are National Dairy Women alumni who attended a welcome luncheon for the 2010 NDW honoree. Front row from left: Cris Peterson, WI; 2010 Honoree Liz Doornink, Wi; Deborah Lee Reinhart, WI; Joann Hartman, IL. Back row from left: Doris Hetts, WI; Esther Welch, OH; Harriet Brown, MN; Mary Lou Topp, OH; Daphne Holderman, WI; Linda Keene Hodorff, WI; Ardath DeWall, IL. (Bonnie Ayars, OH, was also at WDE but was involved with the Guernsey Show at the time of the photo.) This group congratulates and welcomes Donna Myers, New Windsor, MD, as the 2011 National Dairy Woman. 14 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011


Non-Contract OPEN RATES Including Public Sale Ads




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(Membership Directory)


The information printed in the text and ads is as supplied to the News by the sources listed and by individual advertisers.

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Ohio News P.O. Box 479 • Wooster, Ohio 44691 • 330-264-9088 Please enter my subscription to the Ohio News for one year, beginning with the next issue. Remittance for $15.00 is enclosed. (PLEASE PRINT)

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One Year (5 issues) – $15.00 Canada – One Year (5 issues) – $20.00 Foreign – One Year (5 issues) – $33.00

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I n s t a l l a t i o n a n d s e r v i c e o f R a m s i e r ’s t w o L e l y A s t r o n a u t s i s p r o v i d e d b y W. G . D a i r y.

A Genex registered herd for generations, Ramsier’s 120-cow herd is milking daughters of Genex sires LOGAN, LES and O-STYLE.

Ramsier’s Willow Spring Farm Marvin, Terri and Joe Ramsier 2477 Eastern Rd Rittman, Ohio 330-925-1248


Cooperative, Inc. 12993 Cleveland Rd PO Box 2224 Creson, Ohio 44217 330-435-6522 16 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

A Subsidiary of Cooperative Resources International

Shawano, WI t Phone 888/333-1783 www.crinet.com

©2011 CRI


82030 p17 Miley.KM


11:15 AM

Page 1

Red-Hot Results

From the 2011 Spring Dairy Expo Red & White Show MILEY ADVENT B GEM-RED • VG-87 VG-88 MS (ADVENT X EX BACCULUM) • 1-11 315D 18,550M 4.0% 740F 3.1% 571P • 1st Sr. Three-Year-Old & Best Udder • Reserve Sr. & Reserve Grand Champion • Due in December to REDLINER • Her RED 12/10 CONTENDER son is available! • 11th Generation Very Good or Excellent

• MILEY ADVENT B GEMINI-RED-ET (FULL SISTER TO GEM) • 4th Spring Yearling (Open) & 1st Jr. • Reserve Jr. Champion Jr. Show • MILEY ADVENT D TAHITI-RED • MILEY REALITY GISELE-RED (ADVENT X VG-87 DESIGN) (REALITY X GEM) • 2nd Fall Yearling (Open) • 2010 Jr. All-Ohio Winter Calf • 3rd Winter Yearling (Open) & 1st Jr. • Due in December to SECURE • HM Jr. Champion, Junior Show

BLACK & WHITE RESULTS MILEY ASTEROID DD GLAMOUR (Asteroid X VG-85 Dundee X EX Lee) • 4th Summer Yearling

• 1st Jr. Best 3 Females (Gemini, Gisele & Tahiti) • 1st Produce of Dam (Gem & Gemini) • PREMIER BREEDER

Miley Holstein Farms Ltd. Joe and Diana Miley Jason and Anna

Jim and Jane Miley • 7234 Bates Rd., West Salem, OH 44287 Ph: 330-264-2453 • Fax: 330-263-7883 • E-mail: mileyholsteins@aol.com PBR: 15 YEARS BAA 107.1 31 EX 92 VG 86 GP 5 G All Homebred

Jon and Amy Miley Adam and David

K & M Builders, Ltd 5358 Kidron Rd., Kidron OH 44636 Dan J. Miller, Owner www.kmbuilder.com

330-857-0471 Commercial, Residential and Agricultural Custom Built Since 1988

Free Estimates and Fully Insured Rafter and Truss Barns Reroof, Reside and Repairs

.60 CCA Treated Square Posts Ohio and Surrounding States

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 17

82030 p18 CrimsonLane


10:13 AM

Page 1

ers of the To the Memb Association Ohio Holstein ch of you for a e k n a th to e I would like guished Servic n ti is D e th h e wit presenting m in March. It g n ti e e M l a u Ann Award at the ked with the n a r e b to r o hon was truly an dmire and a I m o h w , ts ien previous recip ch. respect so mu eveloped the d I fe li y m Very early in but meeting , w o c in te ls o eH passion for th u, who also o y f o h c a e h wit e. and working een a joy to m b ly u tr s a h , ssion have that pa of Holsteins, d r e h a e v a h I no longer involved with e b to e u n ti con but I plan to ders of our e e r b in te ls o io H the great Oh u. Association. to each of yo s g in ss le b t n May God gra Yours, n Tom Thorbah

Tom, Linda and Ashley Thorbahn 4428 CR 247 • Vickery, Ohio 43464 • 419-547-0795

18 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 19

Making the Most of

THE GENEX ADVANTAGE “There are a lot of things going right for us now,” shares Jim Obrecht of Jiman Farms in Shreve, Ohio. Jim has relied on Genex for breeding service for over 10 years. In that time, he has worked closely with Genex Tech Specialist Josh Keplar to accomplish multiple herd goals. As a productive dairyman, Obrecht has remained open-minded and welcomed new technologies as they have come.

Numerous Advantages With an initial herd size of 45 cows, Obrechts have expanded to top out at 270 cows, milking in a double-six parolor and farming 1300 acres. “We use GenChoice™ sexed semen for first service on all heifers. The biggest benefit of anything with sexed semen has been the calving ease advantage on the heifers,” explains Obrecht. About half of the breedings occur through Ovsynch® and Presynch® protocols. “It’s pretty economical to have Josh breed for us. He takes care of everything,” confirms Obrecht. On the flip side, Keplar enjoys his visits to the Obrecht herd - “It’s fun to come to a herd like this!”

Trusting Genomics When asked about his breeding philosophy, Obrecht is firm in his beliefs regarding genetic level, “You gain the most by using the very best genetics, so we tend to be pretty aggressive. Over half of the breedings are to genomic sires and we had FREDDIE calves on the ground as soon as we could!” To make the most of their breeding program, the Obrechts use an assortment of sires and change the group every few months. Today, top sires like 1HO10085 YANO, 1HO09800 ERDMAN, 1HO02848 PARKER, 1HO08658 LOGAN and 1HO08784 FREDDIE %-I are in the herd’s mating program. Genex is proud to work with forward-thinking producers like the Obrechts.

20 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

Jiman 231 Obrian 562

Genex-sired for


The cover cow from this issue, Jiman Obrian 562, is among the sucessful Genex-sired cows at Jiman Farms. Check out a few of our other favorite cows:

t Jiman 231 Obrian 562 (pictured above and front cover) 2-00 3X 305d 33,006m 1405f 1014p Last test day (174 DIM, third lactation): 95 pounds milk, 4.7%f 3.2%p

JIMAN FARMS Jim and Ann Obrecht 6437 South Funk Road Shreve, Ohio 330-496-3121

t Jiman Toystory 555 — 305d 3X 37,143m 1350f 1052p t Jiman Sharky 752 — Fresh 38 days and averaging 152 pounds per day


Cooperative, Inc. A Subsidiary of Cooperative Resources International

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 21

82030 p22 BeWare.TopHerds


10:30 AM

Page 1

— 2010 DHIA Top 5% Production Report for Ohio — FARM NAME





Top 5% Herds for Milk ——————————————— Bossy’s Way Farm Putt Dairy Farms Smith Vale Farms Hal & Rod Hunsberger Ken & Marilyn Ruprecht Ken & Marilyn Ruprecht Dale Lowmiller Paradise Valley Farms Inc. Elmer Steiner Charles & Daryl Duncan Richman Farms Ken & Marilyn Ruprecht Sharo-Dan Farm Sharo-Dan Farm Putt Dairy Farms Charles & Daryl Duncan Steve Crist Roy Mangun Ayers Farm Inc. Acker Dairy Farms Ltd.

164 276 131 140 104 120 150 397 47 38 65 16 89 101 343 45 234 174 685 56

31515 30624 30383 30236 30208 30094 29621 29611 29481 29443 29362 29308 29139 28923 28886 28874 28834 28759 28657 28392

1174 1085 1088 1089 1010 1013 1016 1067 985 1248 1203 1035 1016 1022 1069 1225 1131 1003 969 987

992 923 928 920 917 913 925 888 920 910 910 882 903 903 895 892 869 867 837 862

Top 5% Herds for Fat ——————————————— Charles & Daryl Duncan Charles & Daryl Duncan Richman Farms Bossy’s Way Farm Campbell Bros. Inc. Steve Crist S&H Dairy Farm LLC Martig Farms Inc. Hal & Rod Hunsberger Smith Vale Farms

38 45 65 164 81 234 85 1296 140 131

29443 28874 29362 31515 25351 28834 27409 26499 30236 30383

1248 1225 1203 1174 1134 1131 1104 1097 1089 1088

910 892 910 992 776 869 843 769 920 928

Putt Dairy Farms S&H Dairy Farm LLC Jay Thomas Springwalk Farm Holsteins Putt Dairy Farms Paradise Valley Farms Inc. Jiman Farm Gary Dotterer Bowmans Dairy Farm Jay Thomas

276 105 19 130 343 397 280 71 50 26

30624 26329 25277 26090 28886 29611 26642 28225 25574 22773

1085 1084 1081 1071 1069 1067 1055 1049 1042 1039

923 822 751 785 895 888 822 856 789 700

Top 5% Herds for Protein —————————————— Bossy’s Way Farm Smith Vale Farms Dale Lowmiller Putt Dairy Farms Elmer Steiner Hal & Rod Hunsberger Ken & Marilyn Ruprecht Ken & Marilyn Ruprecht Richman Farms Charles & Daryl Duncan Sharo-Dan Farm Sharo-Dan Farm Putt Dairy Farms Charles & Daryl Duncan Paradise Valley Farms Inc. Ken & Marilyn Ruprecht Berg Farms, Ltd. Steve Crist Roy Mangun Showalter Farms

164 131 150 276 47 140 104 120 65 38 101 89 343 45 397 16 94 234 174 146

31515 30383 29621 30624 29481 30236 30208 30094 29362 29443 28923 29139 28886 28874 29611 29308 27327 28834 28759 28125

1174 1088 1016 1085 985 1089 1010 1013 1203 1248 1022 1016 1069 1225 1067 1035 1028 1131 1003 1003

992 928 925 923 920 920 917 913 910 910 903 903 895 892 888 882 873 869 867 866

Red & White Top 5% Herd for Milk, Fat & Protein ——— Redien Acres-W





FROM OUR STRONGEST COW FAMILY… Be-Ware Mac Glacier 782-ET GP-82 Elite Cow – Locator List – Genomic Tested 1-11 365D 26,044M 4.09% 1,054F 3.12% 812P • Six Generations VG or EX behind her • Her first calf by Shottle • Her second calf due June 16 is to 1H08778 Charlesdale Superstition-ET Glacier was flushed to 1H10000 Co-op Goldwyn Frank-ET resulting in five pregnancies for Genex. The first two of the flush were males: • Be-Ware Frank Detail-ET, born March 25, 2011 • Be-Ware Frank Daandre-ET, born February 22, 2011 The third pregnancy was a heifer, and there are two more pregnancies due in June. The Genomic test results will come out in June! We are hoping for the best.

Be-Ware Holsteins Becky, Dan, Derek & Kayla Barker

A big “thank you” to the buyers of our spring sale consignments — To the Hartschuh Family for buying all three of our consignments to the Buckeye Classic Sale — To Lou Brown, Julie Hughes and Calvin Oberholtzer for buying our consignments to the Ohio Spring Sale

Berg Farms, Ltd.

Walter and Regina Berg 3114 Parsons Rd. • Bellville, OH 44813 419-886-4229 • Email: bergfarm@redbird.net

22 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

We appreciate working with Genex through Paul Haskins.

Peter, Cathy, Collin & Aaron Berg 419-886-2871

100% Homebred 100% Registered PGH – 18 Years

82030 p23 MapleValley


10:37 AM

Page 1

Sanorvalley Terrason Gem EX-90 2-00 277D 21,591M 790F 691P • Bred back to Jasper • 1st Senior Three-Year-Old and Best Bred and Owned, 2011 Mid-East National Spring Holstein Show • Entered in the 2011 National Holstein Futurity

Whin-Way Juror O-Face Juror X Aspen X Eland

Cold Run MVP Fannie MVP X Iatola X Duaiseoir • 1st Spring Yearling and Reserve Junior Champion, 2011 Spring Dairy Expo • 2010 All-Ohio Spring Calf • Currently being flushed – we have full sibling embryos available. • Owned with James Herron and Todd Bricker

• 10th Winter Yearling, 2011 Mid-East National Spring Holstein Show • Owned by Bryan Whinnery

We brought Genex into our herd with the purchase of Springhill-OH Super Rylee at the 2010 Springhill Spectacular Sale. Rylee is sired by 1H08778 Charlesdale Superstition-ET.

April Classification Update: Breezy-Knoll Prelude Lindy now EX-90 Sanorvalley Gibson Katie now VG-88 Special thanks to all who are involved with our success: Adam Deckerd, Bryan Whinnery, Autumn Smith, James and Tara Herron, Todd Bricker, and the Ron Rhodes Family

Maple Valley Farm Harold, Grant and Bryce Sanor 5271 Rochester Road Homeworth, OH 44634 Phone: 330-525-7424 • Bryce’s cell: 330-257-4171

Whin-Way Holsteins Bryan Whinnery Salem, OH 44460 330-831-3989 OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 23

24 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

82030 p25 Haudenschild


10:55 AM

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OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 25

82030 p26 TenPen.DaffSale


10:19 AM

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April Genomic (and other) Updates GENEX-sired by WIZARD and a future GENEX Bull-Mother to boot** (actually 3 generations) Ladys-Manor Wiz Marcie-ET GP-83 GTPI +1922G Sired by WIZARD USDA Elite Cow, Locator List-G (+5.9PL, +3.6DPR) LTD: 1,178D 110,167M 3.05% 3,356F 3.04% 3,345P Due 6/23/11 to Observer (under Contract to GENEX )** • Her Daughter: Ten-Penny JS Merci-ET GP-82 GTPI +1866G Locator List-G (+5.1PL, +3.0DPR) LTD: 743D 59,932M 3.59% 2,153F 3.22% 1,930P Due 12/15/11 to Robust (under contract to GENEX )** • And Her Granddaughter: Ten-Penny Boxer Mercy GTPI +2069G USDA Elite Cow, Locator List-G (under contract to GENEX )**

GENEX-sired: a promising 1st Lactation heifer — Ten-Penny TS Mika GP-81 (a TOYSTORY) 1-11 254D 20,574M 3.2% 652F 3.2% 660P Inc.

The “Queen Mother” at Ten-Penny — Ladson O-Man O-Dart-ET VG-85 DOM IM GTPI +1741G LTD: 1,514D 132,353M 4.02% 5,327F 3.32% 4,369P Due 10/28/11 to Shamrock She has 11 daughters with USDA evaluations — All rank 93rd percentile or higher, including Ten-Penny Olive CRI-ET GTPI +1597 in Genesis Cooperative Herd. Highlights: Ten-Penny Bolton Dart GP-83 CTPI +1885 USDA Elite Cow, Locator List, Top 10,000 — Due 10/8/11 to Al Ten-Penny Atwood Darleen GTPI +2052G USDA Elite Cow, Locator List-G Ten-Penny Maker Darby-ET GTPI +1863G USDA Elite Cow, Locator List-G Ten-Penny Pontiac Darta-ET VG-85 GTPI +1854G Locator List-G — Due 7/29/11 to Bookem

OTHER CURRENT NOTABLES: Pine-Tree Zenith Mint-ET GP-80 GTPI +1871G USDA Elite Cow, Locator List-G, Top 10,000 Life to Date: 708D 44,971M 4.01% 1,804F 3.52% 1,581P ET Pregnancies by Bookem — Due 11/3/11 to Man-O-Man • Her Daughter: Ten-Penny Time Mint I-ET GTPI +1982G Locator List-G Ten-Penny Planet Madalyn GTPI +1866G USDA Elite Cow, Locator List-G

Ten-Penny Holsteins The “Little Spike Farm”

Peter & Jean Spike 4380 Byers Road, Delaware, OH 43015 Ph: 740-363-2184 E-mail: spikeptr@aol.com 26 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

Roy Daughter Tops Annual Daffodil Dairy Sale by Barb Lumley The 37th Annual Daffodil Dairy Sale was held Tuesday evening, March 31, 2011, at the Carroll County Fairgrounds, Carrollton, Ohio. Topping the sale at $4,200 was the bred heifer consigned by Ted Renner, Dalton, Ohio. Renwind Roy Vivica was sired by Roylane Jordan from a daughter of Comestar Lheros, and she is due to calve to Willow Marsh Gabor. She was purchased by Raygor Farms, Dalton, Ohio. Selling at $3,700 was Wilanna Damion Carol, consigned by William and Diana Richeson, Minerva, Ohio. Having recently calved, she was ready to go to work for her buyer, Daniel Montgomery, Newton Falls, Ohio. She was sired by Erbacres Damion and is from an Excellent-91 daughter of Fustead Emory Blitz, with a long string of records. The Holstein milking cows averaged $2,136, Holstein bred heifers $1,829, Holstein open heifers $1,298. The colored breed and crossbred consignments averaged $1,055. Four March baby calves averaged $656. Cattle sold into Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Prior to the start of the sale, several donated items were auctioned and raised a total of $995 for the Carroll County Dairy Promotion Board Scholarship Fund. Auctioneer for the sale was Steve Andrews, Wooster, Ohio. Pedigrees were read by Mike Schmuck, Louisville, Ohio. Ringmen were Lennie Milano, Randall Kiko and Wayne Falb. The sale was managed by the Daffodil Dairy Committee, which is a group of dairymen and dairywomen who volunteer their time each year to make the sale a success. William Burkhart, Jr., Magnolia, Ohio, served as chairman for the sale. Raygor Farms, Dalton, Ohio Renwind Roy Vivica (10/01/08) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,200 Sire: Roylane Jordan Consigner: Ted Renner, Dalton, Ohio Daniel Montgomery, Newton Falls, Ohio Wilanna Damion Carol (11/11/08) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,700 Sire: Erbacres Damion Consigners: William & Diana Richeson, Minerva, Ohio William Timmons, Chagrin Falls, Ohio Sanorvalley Kite Naomi-ET (1/08/09) . . . . . . . . . . $2,700 Sire: Markwell Kite Consigner: Five Points Farm, Smithville, Ohio James Henderson, Henderson, West Virginia Duncan Picolo Desire (12/02/10) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,500 Sire: La Presentation Picolo-Red-ET Consigner: Daryl Duncan, Warsaw, Ohio Dave Evans, Minerva, Ohio Shaland Aladdin Ashley 1417 (1/24/09) . . . . . . . . $2,400 Sire: Wallaceview Aladdin-ET Consigner: Shaland Holsteins, Scio, Ohio Alvin J Swantz, Sugarcreek, Ohio Buckeye-View Binky Madison (1/26/09) . . . . . . . . $2,325 Sire: Jafral Marsh Binky-ET Consigner: Anne Marie Fraser, Beloit, Ohio Troy Barth, Marietta, Ohio H-H-Vu Louie Kelowie (7/20/08) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,250 Sire: Flo-An Kite Louie Consigner: Brian Scharver, Magnolia, Ohio

82030 p27 Rohaven


10:22 AM

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Reaching New Heights with Genex

Rohaven Plateau Knettie (NC) 2-4 157D 14,374M 3.6% 513F 2.7% 389P Inc. Sire: 1H09188 All-Riehl PLATEau-ET MGS: 1H03390 Weaverline Bench EDDIE-ET

We purchased 10 units of Goldwyn son 1H09188 Plate as a Genex Gem nearly 4 years ago to use as cleanup on some problem breeders, and he was subsequently fully activated with Genex’s initial offering of genomic-proven sires in January 2009. Plate began adding milking daughters last summer and remains in the lineup today as a fertility specialist (+2.8SCR) with solid type (+1.80PTAT). Although our purchase only yielded one heifer, as you can see we are extremely pleased with the end result! We are using genomics as a tool for continued success in our breeding program.

Other Other Rohaven Rohaven bred bred Genex Genex Gems Gems .. .. .. Katy EX-91-2E EX-91-MS by 1H06020 Orion 7-00 365D 28,460M 4.6% 1316F 3.5% 1005P Lifetime totals to date: 168,258M 4.6% 7,784F 3.5% 5,877P Dynamite EX-90 EX-91-MS by 1H06360 Wizard 5-01 365D 28,620M 3.8% 1083F 3.3% 942P Kassia GP-84 VG-86-MS by 1H06827 Deann 2-11 365D 21,779M 3.8% 826F 3.5% 757P Fresh again at 4-05, 116# last test and needs to see the classifier in August!

Two Exceptional 1HO7154 Encino daughters: Ice Cream VG-86 VG-85-MS 2-01 354D 26,195M 3.6% 937F 3.0% 782P Deloras VG-86 VG-86-MS 2-01 323D 24,138M 3.6% 878F 3.1% 753P

SUPERfantastic — We have seven 1H08778 SUPER heifers in our calf and heifer barns and they look great!

Robert W. Haskins & Family 17219 Mishey Road, Butler, OH 44822 PH: 740/694-0122 (farm) or Paul at 419/618-4028 or phaskins17199@hotmail.com

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 27

82030 p28 Farriss.Schlegel


10:56 AM

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Looking to the Future Farriss Dairy We’re looking forward to our first FREDDIE calves.


Cooperative, Inc. A Subsidiary of Cooperative Resources International

Shawano, WI t Phone 888/333-1783 www.crinet.com

We appreciate the great selection of quality, calving ease sires offered by Genex. We’re also excited to see the calves of CASSINO, LOGAN, MONTA, DENIM and TUCK.

FARRISS DAIRY 1373 Eckard Rd Dalton, Ohio 330-828-2162 ©2011 CRI


We have a SUPER daughter! Our #961 daughter of 1H08778 Charlesdale Superstition-ET Milked up to 114 Pounds per day. 3-00 305D 26,503M 729F 771P At Schlegel Dairy Farms, Inc., we like the service we get from GENEX, and we like the amount of milk we get from GENEX DAUGHTERS!

Schlegel Dairy Farms, Inc. making people healthier with milk

Kurt and Pam Schlegel 10720 Twp. Rd. 526, Shreve, Ohio 44676 Home: 330-567-2642 • Cell: 330-465-8314 Fax: 330-567-2156

28 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011


82030 p29 Hartline 4c


7:16 PM

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One of the Best Heifers Ever at Hartline’s

Gloryland–LB Linette Rae-ET VG-88 EX-MS Linette Rae is the number 8 GTPI Cow of the Breed! GTPI+2270 +3.88T +3.59 UDC +2.56 FL +375M +25F +24P +5.8PL SCS 2.60 +1.9 DPR +592NM$ 2-04 163D 16,417M 3.55% 582F 3.0% 493P Inc. Linette Rae is a GOLDWYN daughter from Gloryland Lakota Rae-ET VG-88 as a two-year-old. The next dam is Gloryland Lana Rae-EX-94 with 16 of 21 daughters scored Excellent, and all 16 Excellent daughters are Excellent in the udder. Linette Rae has been contracted for many bulls and embryos around the world. Her first choice O-Style daughter sells in the Memorial Day Spectacular Sale, May 30 at Chebanse, IL, hosted by Butlerview Farms. We have a young 1H08778 Super son at Genex from Hartline Duce Jewel-ET.

1H010454 Hartline Super Jacob-ET We are very fortunate to have Paul Haskins here in Ohio as our sire analyst for Genex.


His May 2011 genomic information:

+2250 GTPI +750 NM$ +782 CM$ +7.1 PL +2.34 PTAT +1244 PTAM +.2 DPR +2.56 UDC +50 PTAF 2.60 SCS +2.20 FLC +39 PTAP 6% SCE

For Sale 740-373-6820 (Bob) 740-373-0031 (John) 740-373-1806 (Gale) Barn: 740-376-0147 Fax: 740-376-0137 hartline@hughes.net

Hartline Farms, Inc. 512 Wagner Rd. • Marietta, OH 45750

Directions: I-77 to Marietta, Exit 6 – right on SR 821 one mile then left on CR 375 four miles to Sherry Drive – right on Wagner Road to end 12 Year PGH Award • 1 Year PBR Award • 220 cows 105.1 BAA

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 29

82030 p30 Don.Polc.CanFair 4c


10:03 AM

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General Manager’s Views — Don Alexander Everyone’s busy here at the Ohio Holstein office. Diana is keeping the books for the sales, membership, billing and receiving; preparing for board and committee meetings, Junior activities and reservations for the Convention; doing chores at home (Miley Holsteins) and being the wife of Joe Miley, president of the Ohio Holstein Association. Esther has put countless hours into this issue of the News with a lot of support from Genex and Peggy at Shreve Printing. Great job, everyone, especially the breeders and businesses that support your association. This impressive issue of the News will be available at the National Holstein Convention in Richmond, Virginia, and World Dairy Expo this fall. It sounds like I’m bragging, and that’s right, I am; great job, everyone! We have just completed the sale of 241 Holstein bred heifers to Turkey from 10 different breeders in Ohio. We’ve had a long time planning for this, then a short time to get it done. I’d like to thank the breeders that worked with us and Ken Janes, who helped locate, test and even load cattle on the day I couldn’t be there. I would also like to thank Jim and Nancy Kemp for all the breakfast meetings, support and the use of their equipment. Selections are underway for the Ohio Summertime Sale on July 21 at 7:00 p.m. in Wooster, Ohio, at the Wayne County Fairgrounds. Cattle with high genomics, potential show winners and a lot of milk will be available for what I plan to be the sale of the year here in Ohio. The ad says Food Fellowship & First Class Consignments; make your plans to attend, and I look forward to seeing everyone there. Ohio’s first District show will be in Urbana on June 11 to kick off another series of great shows. I hope to see everyone at the Summertime Sale and the shows throughout the summer.

Thank you to recent buyers… … Terry Stammen for purchasing our consignment to the Buckeye Classic Sale. … Aaron Telescz and Alyssa Proper, both of Pennsylvania, for private treaty purchases. We have available… … A Toystory heifer due in July and a Pronto heifer due in August out of high VG dams and EX grandams.

POLCHIN HOLSTEINS A 100% Registered Herd 2411 Sentinel Road • Dorset, OH 44032 John, Ruth and Tony Polchin – 440-293-7955

Ashtabula Co. A Part of District 1

CANFIELD FAIR Wednesday noon through Labor Day Annually

Don’t Miss the Big One

Take care, Don

HOLSTEIN SHOW DAY September 2, 2011 Judge Brian Garrison

Canfield Fair P.O. Box 250 – Canfield, OH 44406 30 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 31

82030 p32 Polen1.Menzie 4c


7:20 PM

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New Board Member from D-10 My name is Laurie Menzie, and I’m the new board member from District 10. My husband Tony and I currently reside in Bloomdale, which is between Findlay and Bowling Green. We have been married for 35 years and have three married children, and eight perfect grandchildren, who are all under the age of six. I have been selfemployed for the past three years doing medical insurance billing and follow-up work, and making decisions about our small herd of Holsteins. Tony is a large herd technician for COBA/Select Sires in northwestern Ohio. I grew up on a Holstein farm in Licking County, where I began showing in 4-H in my home county and at District 4 shows at the age of 10. As my three brothers and I grew up, we expanded our show schedule to include fairs in Fairfield, Franklin, Delaware and Knox counties, and finally the Ohio State Fair. When Dad sold our herd in 1988, Tony quit his job with COBA, and we began managing herds on other dairy farms. We slowly built our own herd with our White-Light prefix, which still exists. We currently have a total of 39 head, our most recent addition being a red September calf owned in partnership with Dallas Rynd and Judy Wolford that topped the Buckeye Classic Sale. The majority of our herd is at Layman Dairy, LLC, in Utica, Ohio. We greatly appreciate the friendship and interest in our cows from Dave and Bret Layman and everyone at the farm. They have provided a comfortable home for our cows, when it seemed hard to find. We have bred and developed several excellent cows, the most notable being White-Light Mathie B Kriket, who was EX-93 DOM. Kriket was wonderful for our kids. All three of them showed her with great success, with the highlight being Honorable Mention Junior AllAmerican as a Senior Three-year-old. Descendants of Kriket are still with us today. We had an EX-92 three-year-old Adolph granddaughter of Kriket that has produced two Goldwyn daughters that we’ve been having fun with for the past year, and two Laurin daughters that also look good. We still have eggs in the tank out of the Adolph, and we can’t wait to see what else we get. 32 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

We were also fortunate enough to purchase Ri-Val-Re Moe Laura-ET from the Ohio Expo Sale. She was a two-year-old that was bred back when we bought her, and then her sire took a big jump in the Select Sires lineup. We had purchased a contract cow, and no one knew it at the time. Laura ended up at EX-90 DOM with bulls at Select and Accelerated. Contracts at Alta didn’t get filled due to complications, but we sold daughters Laurie Menzie – continued on page 34

Tony and Laurie Menzie

Your Hay-Drying Solution

Accelerate dry-down times with uniform tedding Bale earlier with a Kuhn GF Gyrotedder that features the Digidrive® coupler for unsurpassed reliability and compact transport and storage. Features such as large diameter tine arm support discs, 4-coil tines, adjustable wheel settings and a heavy-duty frame assure uniform tedding and long life.

GF Gyrotedders 16 models from 8' 6" – 56' 5" tedding widths 42255 Oberlin Elyria Rd Elyria, OH 44035 877-286-3197 www.polenimplement.com

82030 p33 Circle J


3:26 PM

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Circle J Farms

Shown here are the dairy and the heart-shaped setting in the cornfield where Jeffrey Snyder and Rachel Rupp were married In October 2010.

Genex provides us with excellent service and quality semen that has greatly improved our herd. On two-times-a-day milking, the herd averages 74 pounds of milk, 3.8% butterfat and 3.1% protein. Special thanks to our AI technician,Josh Keplar!

Here is Gavin with a calf we really like, a KOLTON out of one of our TOYSTORY cows.

Circle J Farms The Snyder Family 2505 Armstrong Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 Jamie and Jody Snyder 330-345-5177 Josh and Candace Snyder Russ and Julie Stocals Jaci Snyder Jeffrey and Rachel Snyder Gavin, Marley and Mia Emilee OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 33

82030 p34 Congress.Menzie jp


3:58 PM

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Featuring Our Ashlyn Heifer

ARPANA has 28 confirmed pregnancies by FEVER, STORMATIC and GOLDWYN due to calve starting in June 2011, and she is confirmed bred to SHOTTLE. ☛ Arpana has been a great flush heifer and we are very excited to bring her offspring into our herd.

Our thanks to Nate Steiner for his top embryo work. We welcome Exhibitors and Guests to attend the Portage County Randolph Fair, August 23-28 this year. The 4-H dairy show is at 2:00 p.m., Wednesday the 24th, and the open show is at 9:30 a.m., Friday the 26th. Deadline for open show entries is August 8. For further information, call the fair office at 330-325-7476.

Watch for information about the Portage County Farm-City Tour in September.

Kingsmill Ashlyns Arpana-ET Sire: Regancrest Elton Durham-ET Dam: Tri-Day Ashlyn-ET EX-96 EEEE 2E GMD DOM 4-09 365D 43,090M 4.8% 2,079F 3.5% 1,503P ☛ All-Time All-American 4-Year-Old ☛ Supreme Champion, 2001 World Dairy Expo

372 Congress Lake Road Suffield, OH 44260 Farm Phone: 330-877-2710 Kenny and Linda Rufener 330-353-2027 • linkenruf@msn.com Mike and Carol Rufener • 330-353-2029 Kenny and Melanie Rufener • 330-353-2028

Laurie Menzie – continued from page 32

from her that more than made up the difference. We currently have two Damion daughters that are VG-88 and a Dundee that is VG-87 with Million, Pronto and Planet daughters from them in our herd. The other cow that we are excited about is a Toystory, which is owned in partnership with Denny Patrick and housed in Maryland. She is a Locator List cow and goes back to Kingstead Chief Adeen. From the Toystory, we have a Mac daughter who is just fresh, and while we haven’t seen her yet, we have high hopes for her. Our current RHA is 24,854M, 853 F, 780 P. It’s not huge, but neither are our cow numbers. We are able to take our time choosing bulls for our cows, because we don’t have

Certified Public Accountants

2363 Eagle Pass, Suite A Wooster, Ohio 44691

34 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

Phone 330-264-7307 Fax 330-264-2339 www.meadenmoore.com

very many, and we take pride in knowing how our cow families tend to breed and develop. As you may have gathered, I’m extremely excited about Holstein cows, and not just ours. As a young person, I thought the greatest job in the world would be as a classifier, because I wanted to see all the cows I could and would get especially excited when I saw the good or even great ones. While I never became a classifier, I did judge on local and state 4-H judging teams and at national contests. I have judged various county fairs, coached several winning 4-H and FFA dairy judging teams and have also coached 4H and Holstein Association Quiz Bowl teams. Teams I have coached have won state competitions and ranked in the top three nationally. That being said, I think one of the biggest challenges to the dairy industry today is keeping young people excited and interested. It’s such a demanding industry, both physically and mentally, that it can seem overwhelming at times. The only way we can keep going is to instill passion and understanding of the cows and what they can provide to the next generation. Our youth are also the messengers that we need to convey what our industry is really providing to their urban classmates and friends. I know we have a very important job as board members, and I’m excited to contribute in any way possible. If there are issues you would like addressed or ideas you’d like to share, you can reach me by email at whitelightholsteins@gmail.com, by phone at 419-4543686 or by cell phone at 740-624-6367.

82030 p35 Jaloda


4:03 PM

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Jasiel… …Our Favorite


Jaloda Encino Jasiel EX-90 at 3 years 1 month 1-10 308D 21,380 4.3% 911F 3.4% 732P • Her Sire: BDGGenetics Encino-ET • Her Dam: Jaloda Mr Sam Jamitt EX-90 1-09 344D 24,030M 4.3% 1,045F 2.0% 723P

We are milking eight Encino daughters. We consider him to be the best Bellwood Marshall Son. Jaloda Shottle Jimena VG-87 EX-MS 2-05 365D 29,248M 1,140F 933P We are looking forward to working with these three daughters of Jimena sired by 1H02683 Wa-Del Sebastian-ET: • Jaloda Sebastian Shelby-ET GTPI+2150 • Jaloda Sebastian Sarah-ET GTPI+1900 • Jaloda Sebastian Sherry-ET GTPI+1873

We appreciate working with Paul Haskins and James Cole of Genex. Thank you to buyers at the Ohio Spring Sale: Sold in the 2007 Expo Sale to Sprungers at Raygor Farm: Jalodo Encino Jobina VG-88 3-06 365D 30,545M 3.3% 996F 3.3% 999P

We still have Heifers for Sale.

Jim McWilliams for purchasing Jaloda Bogart Humphrey and Calvin Oberholtzer for purchasing Jaloda Pontiac Daffy-TW. Ph: 440-775-7147 • Cell: 440-935-6378 Fax: 440-775-7147 • Email: jalodafarm@yahoo.com Jim, Dan and Daren Sheffield 45555 St. Rt. 303 Wellington, OH 44090

PGH 20 Years PBR 3 Years

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 35

Genex Cooperative Inc. YOUR PROFIT PARTNER


service and programs throughout the United States and Canada while CRI’s International Division serves producers across the globe.

c The Genex facility in Tiffin, Ohio, is an integral operation housing bulls and shipping semen worldwide. Pictured above are employees from the Tiffin location. Noba, Inc., a name rooted in Ohio’s A.I. industry history, is a predecessor of today’s Genex. In the early 1990s, Noba (based in Tiffin, Ohio) and 21st Century Genetics (based in Shawano, Wis.) announced a marketing agreement. In 1995, Noba joined 21st Century Genetics as part of Cooperative Resources International

(CRI). Soon after, the Ithaca, N.Y.based Federated Genetics which underwent a name change to Genex Cooperative, Inc. also joined CRI. In 1999, CRI consolidated the three A.I. subsidiaries into one organization called Genex Cooperative, Inc. Since, Genex has provided semen,

Today, the Genex facility in Tiffin remains a vital part of the cooperative’s business. The Tiffin facility is one of three major dairy bull housing and semen collection facilities. In fact, familiar Holstein sires such as 1HO08778 SUPER and 1HO08777 AWESOME are Tiffin residents. In addition, the Tiffin facility is the gateway for distributing Genex genetics. It is the international hub where semen is gathered and packaged for shipping to CRI distributors in over 65 countries worldwide.

WHO’S THAT CO-OP PREFIX? YOU ARE! “Co-op” adorns the name of many of today’s high genetic merit bulls, cows and heifers. This prefix signifies the animal is a member of Genex’s GENESIS program and, as Genex is a cooperative, Genex members are the proud owners of these elite animals. GENESIS was initiated as a pilot project in 1989 with the goal of producing pathogen-free bull calves to enter the cooperative’s bull facilities. Today’s GENESIS program has progressed into a herd of some of the industry’s most elite genetics. “GENESIS has truly evolved. Today, we are not just raising bull calves but working with and developing genetically superior females to calve 36 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

the next generation of A.I. bulls and bull dams,” explains Steve DeWall, Genex GENESIS Program Specialist. Those elite females are identified through genomic testing and proven through performance testing in nucleus herds. Nucleus herds are large, unbiased commercial herds. Today, there are 12 nucleus herds across the United States and Canada. The owners of these herds work diligently with Genex staff to genomic test, mate and flush GENESIS females. In return, these producers utilize GENESIS genetics to broaden the genetic base of their herds. As mentioned, the Co-op prefix is included in the names of many high

genetic merit bulls, cows and heifers. Currently, the most notable GENESIS female is Co-op Boliver Yoyo-ET, VG-85, VG-MS. She ranks atop the industry’s GTPISM and Lifetime Net Merit (LNM) rankings, and has been worked with extensively in effort to produce an elite calf crop.

cCo-op Boliver Yoyo-ET, VG-85, VG-MS

Genex is proud to serve Ohio Holstein producers! This cooperative has history in Ohio - employing skilled farm service representatives as well as talented personnel at our Tiffin facility, providing elite sires, performing reproductive service, and promoting profitability through genetic progress.

CO-OP MEANS MEMBER OWNED Genex is a cooperative owned by cattle producers throughout the 48 contiguous U.S. states, and therefore Ohio producers have the opportunity to become Genex members. Membership means taking part in the grassroots governance of the cooperative by exercising voting privileges, participating in district and member appreciation meetings, and earning equity in the cooperative. Members are encouraged to provide input into the governance of the cooperation; opinions are shared at local membership meetings and through the election of cooperative representatives. Each year, members elect a delegate for their district. These delegates, who each represent approximately 100 members, attend a fall delegate input meeting and the cooperative’s annual meeting. Delegates also elect a Genex board member to represent their membership region. Board members from 13 regions comprise the Genex board of directors.

In total, 32 bulls in the Genex lineup possess the Co-op prefix. A few highlights ‌ Yoyo’s son 1HO10097 Co-op Cassino YUENGLING debuted in the Genex lineup in April at +$733 LNM. 1HO09167 Co-op O-STYLE Oman Just-ET, the industry’s #1 LNM bull with milking daughters and #1 TPISM bull, is also a GENESIS graduate. Why is GENESIS an important avenue for producing A.I. sires? GENESIS maximizes genetic progress through a shortened generation interval. The GENESIS herd is a population of elite females accessible for mating and flushing at a young age. The sooner an elite animal is identified and adapted into the process, the shorter the generation

Ohio Resident on Genex Board of Directors Ohio producer Jim Crocker is a longtime member of the Genex board of directors. Like many of today’s dairymen, Crocker was born into farming. While growing up, he assisted his father, and for the past 32 years has run that same operation with his wife Sheila. Today, their children and grandchildren are also involved in the family farm. The Crocker’s 100-cow dairy is located in Valley City. “Genex is a farmer-owned, farmer-controlled organization that makes business decisions centered on increasing the profitability of members,� states Crocker. Growing up in a family where his father and uncle both served on the Noba board of directors, Crocker fully believes in the cooperative spirit and grassroots governance. “If you are doing business with a cooperative, you may as well get involved – be a member. You are going to gain knowledge in return. It’s a real learning experience.� Your sources for Genex news and genetics ... James Cole: 419-722-9524 Toby Schaub: 330-715-0256 Ben Hickerson: 937-726-7241 Josh Keplar: 330-464-2586 $VTUPNFS 4FSWJDF t XXX DSJOFU DPN t XXX GBDFCPPL DPN (FOFY$3*

c1HO10097 YUENGLING interval becomes and the faster genetic progress can be made. Genomics has played its part in shortening the generation interval too. All GENESIS calves are genomic tested at birth, and their genetic potential is known within months. Then males and females of known genetic abilities can be mated at puberty. 1HO02565 CASSINO %-I is a prime example of a bull utilized as a mating sire at a young age. Currently, at 3.5 years of age, he has five sons in the Genex

c1HO09167 O-STYLE lineup; his proof remains derived from genomic data as milking daughters have not yet contributed to his proof. Over 20 years of calculated breedings in the GENESIS program has resulted in deeply rooted generations of elite genetics. The Genex board of directors recognizes this genetic advantage and, in 2010, approved plans to expand the program. In addition to facility upgrades and renovations, the number of GENESIS calves to be produced annually will increase. OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 37

82030 p38 Zimmerview


3:42 PM

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Living Up to Her Genomic Promise Potters-Field Socr L9627-ET GTPI+1842 Just Fresh February 1, 2011 at 2-02 — 50D 4,162M 156F 129P Inc. — Not Yet Scored

• Adding a Touch of GENEX TOYSTORY with offspring from RONELEE TOYSTORY DOMAIN • DOMAIN son GTPI+2246 +2.53T +2.52UDC Going to Select Sires, Inc. • TWO DOMAIN HEIFERS on the farm • Now flushing Socr to GOLD CHIP

Her Sire: Velvet-View KJ Socrates-ET EX-94 GM Her Dam by SHOTTLE: Potters-Field PS Lulu-ET VG-86 DOM GTPI+1801 2-00 305D 29,110M 3.5% 1,045F 3.2% 926P Next Dam: Muranda Rudolf Lily VG-88 GMD DOM GTPI+1433 4-10 365D 35,950M 3.6% 1,297F 3.2% 1,144P Life: 151,690M 5,362P 4,933P

Additional Promises Delivered at Genex w/Zimmerview Progeny Proofs: ✘ 1HO8927 Zimmerview Britt VARSity-ET

Progeny-proven & something different: Britt x VG-86 Tugolo x 1HO4480 Metro +6.1PL +3.1%DPR 608NM$ +1945GTPI

Coming Attraction:

✘ 1H10290 Zimmerview JOSIAH-RED-ET

1HO9951 Pembroke x Lawn Boy +4.4PL +1.78PTAT +2.11UDC +1909GTPI +458NM$

✘ 1HO9123 Zimmerview Shottle JT-ET

Shottle x EX-90 1HO3906 Granger x 3 more generations of EX dams Production & Reproduction combined: +1455PTAM & +1.4%DPR

740-374-7299 Phone 740-374-6288 Fax

38 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

Zimmerview Dairy

Paul, Brent and Dean Zimmer 700 Zimmer Road, Marietta, OH 45750

4 Years PGH Award

82030 p39 Weikland


4:11 PM

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Spreng Weiker Kitty Kayla EX-91 2-02 365D 27,855M 3.8% 1,046F 3.2% 878P 3-06 292D 28,787M 3.5% 1,002F 3.1% 880P 4-06 281D 26,725M 3.5% 926F 3.0% 808P

• Sire: 1H05306 Regancrest Juror Bond-ET • Dam: Spreng LA Highlight Kitty EX-95 Reserve All-American Aged Cow 2000


Meet the future of Weikland Farms, Blake Ruffing and a two-day-old calf out of 1H02700 LEGEND. Blake is our five-year-old grandson, who lives in Ostrander, Ohio, with his parents Tracy and Mark. We hope this young boy has the same kind of fun and makes great memories just like his mother and Aunt Lindsey had with Kayla’s dam, Kitty.

9900 East St. Rt. 162, Republic, Ohio 44867 419-585-3563

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 39

Beauty From All Angles Oakfield TOysTOry addie eX-91 eeVVe

2Y 365 28,880 3.3 957 3.3 966 3Y 197 18,582 3.4 628 3.2 595 Inc. Addie comes from the famous Atlee family. Addie has one of the best udders at Quietcove. Her Explode son, Atkins is waiting for the Select Sires truck to pick him up. We have pregnancies by Sanchez and Windbrook. Addie has six #1 embryos by Windbrook available. Addie is owned with W W Associates of Madison WI. Contact us for your piece of this outstanding family!

Ad Design - Angelo Images 417-880-5732 Addie & Delft - Kathy Debruin, Fizz - Jenny Thomas


Jeremy Elsass ~ 419-552-0355 • Loren Elsass ~ 419-235-9198 Tim Curran ~ 309-838-9777 • quietcoveholsteins@gmail.com Wapakoneta, OH Check out

40 | Ohio News | 5-6/2011

Quietcove Holsteins

“The Place to Be”!

on Facebook for daily updates on

Spring Show Highlights aVOnlea JacinTO fizz VG-88

2Y 192 11,102 4.7 526 3.9 433 Inc. 1st Sr. 2-Year-Old and Intermediate Champion at the Mid-East Spring National Show 2011 Her Dam is Hautpre Sultan Fame VG-87 ~ 1-10 2x 365 20,042 4.9 977 3.6 714 2nd Dam: Hautpre Jade Farinelli VG-86 ~ 6-09 2x 365 28,444 5.2 1464 3.9 1102 3rd Dam: Responses Farren EX-91 ~ 4-08 2x 320 27,408 5.4 1479 4.0 1111 Fizz has developed very well in her first lactation and we look forward to her calving again in October. She is bred to Colton. Fizz is owned with Jeff and Melanie Zeigler and Mike Hellenbrand.

rOnelee Mr saM delfT eX-92 eeeVe

2Y 365 27,730 3.5 974 3.1 852 3Y 365 37,700 3.3 1246 3.1 1152 1st 5-Year-Old and Res. Grand Champion Mid-East Spring National Show 2011 Delft comes from the famous Dabble family. Her dam is a EX-93 Rudolph Dimple with 2 records over 44,000 milk 1500 fat and 1300 protein. Her grand dam is Mark Dolly EX-95 with 2 records over 40,000 and over 1800 fat. Delft’s first show was a very successful one. This silky dairy cow really caught the eye of the judge and the many people who gave her compliments before and after the show. Delft will be entering an extensive flush program. She will be flushed to Braxton and Wildthing. Delft is owned with the Garrison Brothers and Jeff and Melanie Ziegler.

Our first visit to the Ohio Spring Show in a few years also included Quietcove-W A Blessing EX-93, winning the125, 000 Lb. Cow Class. Quietcove-W JMK Curran Divine was 1st Sr. 2-Year-Old. Divine’s dam is none other than Blue-Gene Durham Dooley EX-93 the Reserve All-American 3-Year-Old 2006. We feel Divine has a big future. We would like to thank the many people that complimented our string both before and after the show. It was nice to see many of our friends. We would like to congratulate Lindale Holsteins on their Grand Champion win and nice string of cows. We support anybody that comes from out of state to make the show stronger. Kevin Doeberiener, thank you for your help and congratulations on your great string of heifers tied in our string. Lindsey you are doing a great job! Ohio News | 5-6/2011 | 41

(8 80 04 41 Sm1 N Eb ww w. 33 ith . Suy Ro mo 0 vi mm ad rr -66 lle it iso 9- , O St nf 38 H .) ar 15 ms ll c.c om

Buy your Tractors from Morrison and your Genetics from Genex!


Cooperative, Inc. A Subsidiary of Cooperative Resources International

The milking herd at Morrison Farms is proud to utilize Genex genetics. We are currently milking daughters of TOYSTORY, HOSEA and SHARKY.

42 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 Š2011 CRI


82030 p43 2011 board


3:18 PM

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2011 DIRECTORY of Ohio Holstein Association Members




Lucas Ottawa Wood



12Auglaize 14


13 Fayette







Carroll Jefferson Harrison







Muskingum Fairfield








Hocking Vinton

Washington Athens Meigs

Pike Adams

Mahoning Columbiana













Madison Greene



8 Ashland

Licking Clark

Trumbull Portage






















Van Wert


Geauga Cuyahoga






Jackson Gallia Lawrence

Photo by Esther Welch

Ohio has been separated into 15 district areas of Holstein Club activities and programs as indicted on the map. The following pages list Ohio Holstein Association members in alphabetical order through April 2011. This list is printed in an effort to promote communication among the breeders, districts and the Ohio Holstein Association.



Seated, from left: Peter Spike, Executive Committee; Ken Janes, Executive Committee; Dallas Rynd, Vice-President; Joe Miley, President; Steve Gilbert, Treasurer; Lamar Liming, Executive Committee. Back, from left: Don Alexander, General Manager; Laurie Menzie; William Burkhart, Jr.; Ted Renner; Tom Thorbahn; Eric Topp; Greg Conrad; Regina Berg; Marvin Steinke. Not pictured: Don Bickel; Michele Burky, Secretary; Jenny Thomas; Adam Whiteleather 2011 Board Members D-1 Lamar Liming 3726 Austintown-Warren Road, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, 330-770-6206 D-2 Adam Whiteleather 29468 Tower Road, Salem, OH 44460, 330-205-1738 D-3 William Burkhart, Jr. 8086 Bachelor Road NW, Magnolia, OH 44643, 330-866-5289 D-5 Greg Conrad 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-572-1058 D-7 Ken Janes 2519 South Jefferson Road, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-4134 D-7 Ted Renner 17286 Old Lincoln Way, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-2604 D-8 Regina Berg 3114 Parsons Road, Bellville, OH 44813, 419-886-4229 D-9 Thomas L. Thorbahn 4428 County Road 247, Vickery, OH 43464, 419-547-0795 D-10 Laurie Menzie 4403 Emerson Road, Bloomdale, OH 44817, 740-624-6367 D-11/13 Jenny Thomas 6140 St. Rt. 296, Cable, OH 43009, 614-395-9823 D-12 Marvin Steinke 13505 Kettlersville Road, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-738-7174 D-14 Eric Topp 10356, Kohler Road, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-953-3427 D-15 Donald Bickel 1103 Hodson Road, New Vienna, OH 45159, 937-218-2697

2011 Officers Ohio Holstein Association Joe Miley, President 6745 Matty Road West Salem, OH 44287 330-263-7814 Dallas Rynd, Vice-President 11242 Wheeler Road Ashville, OH 43103 740-207-5005 Michele Burky, Secretary 6860 Sugarcreek Road SW New Philadelphia, OH 44663 419-651-2081 Steve Gilbert, Treasurer 1554 Twp. Rd. 35 Wooster, OH 44691 330-231-8039 419-869-7137 General Manager Don Alexander 304-376-1788 OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 43

In the world of A.I., one organization has alwaqs Zeen Úrst



… U.S. agricultural holding cooperative … to conduct calving ease research and provide the industry’s first calving ease summary … to research and launch the 50-point linear scoring system … in the world to conduct research and publish a herdlife evaluation … to publish a total economic sire index … to offer a commercially available mating system in the U.S. (MAP) … in the U.S. to develop and maintain a nucleus herd (GENESIS) … to offer semen with Pocket Thaw™ capabilities … to evaluate sires for SynchSmart™ … to offer a 75 percent sexed semen product … to strongly believe in the power of genomics … to offer a mating program (MAP) that incorporates female genomic evaluations Our ingenuity and leadership has made us number one; our commitment to our members and customers has kept us number one. Genex is yourProfitpartner! Your Source for Genex Genetics in Ohio: James Cole: 419-722-9524 Toby Schaub: 330-715-0256 Ben Hickerson: 937-726-7241 Josh Keplar: 330-464-2586

44 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011


Cooperative, Inc. A Subsidiary of Cooperative Resources International

82030 p45.64 mem.Ren.CarK.4c


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2011 Ohio Holstein Association Membership A-B Acker, Mark & Shawn, 07, Acker Dairy Farms LTD., 13280 Blough Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, Cell 330-317-6655 Ackerman, Ben, 09, Ackerman Farms, 5554 Cook Rd, New Washington, OH 44854, ackfarms@ncool.net, 419-492-2414 Ackley, Robert & Jay, 11, Ack-Lee Holsteins, 9256 TR 141, East Liberty, OH 43319, ack-lee@embarqmail.com, 937-666-2122 Adams Jr., Anthony W., 12, A-Way Farm, 2150 St Anthony Rd, Coldwater, OH 45828, 419-942-1727 ADM Alliance Nutrition, 03, 120 Cherry Lane, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-852-3025 Agland Co-op, 02, Craig A. Eells, 330 S Lincoln Ave, Lisbon, OH 44432, ceells@agland.coop, 330-424-7229, Fax 330-424-8023 Alexander, Donald E., 07, Cell 304-376-1788 Alger, David W. & Richard, 01, Grac-Glen Farm, 7420 SR 44, Ravenna, OH 44266, 330-297-5375 Amstutz, Alan, 07, Arlo Acres, 502 N Swinehart Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, lauralan@afo.net, 330-683-9100, Cell 330-749-8282, Fax 330-683-9100 Amstutz, J. Louis, 07, B&W Dairy, 14710 Church Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-684-1459, Cell 330-317-1222, Fax 330-684-1459 Andreas Farms Inc., 03, Andreas Farms Inc., 446 Ragersville Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, dandlandreas@gmail.com, 330-852-4364, Cell 330-827-8907, Fax 330-852-4156 Andrews, Matt, 14, Dreamland Dairy, 4150 Tawawa Maplewood, Sidney, OH 45365, mandrews2@woh.rr.com, 937-538-6811 Andrews, Steve, 07, Steve Andrews, Auctioneer, 5107 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-9186, Cell 330-465-8498, Fax 330-262-5939 Arlosy Inc., 11, Art Loschky & Rob Bouic, 8900 SR 38, Milford Center, OH 43045, rbouic@aol.com, 937-349-4619, Cell 937-243-0315 Ayars, John D. & Bonnie, 13, Ayars Dairy, 4381 Rosedale Rd, Mechanicsburg, OH 43044, 740-857-1273, Fax 740-857-1229 Baer, Larry E., 07, 12599 Fulton Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, 330-855-5515 Baird, Mervin W., 03, Baird-View Farms, 63229 Salem Rd, Salesville, OH 43778, 740-679-2056 Baker, Roger, 07, Baker’s Acres, 6609 Ashland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, haymaker2@earthlink.net, 330-264-1317, Cell 330-621-1609 Ball, G. Andrew, 04, Mardrew Holsteins, 15367 N Liberty Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, www.philb@ezlinknet.com, 740-397-5715 Ballweg, Douglas R., 12, Ballweg Farms, 7500 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, eballweg@hotmail.com, 419-753-2589 Ballweg, Robert J., 12, Ballweg Farms, 7500 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, 419-753-2589 Barbee, Jr., T. Richard, 11, Barbee Farm, 6950 Barror Rd, Orient, OH 43146, 614-875-5472

Bardall, Mark & Sandra, 03, San-Mar Holsteins, 6348 SR 342, Tippecanoe, OH 44699, sanmarholstein@peoplepc.com, 740-658-1133 Bardall, Richard T., 03, Rich-Mar Farm, 26485 Norris Rd, Tippecanoe, OH 44699, 740-658-3479 Barker, Becky, 04, Berg Farm, 5510 CR 130, Edison, OH 43320, barkerfarms@redbird.net, 419-946-2469 Barkman, Mahlon, 03, May Bark, 2711 TR 166, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-7094 Ext 2 Barson, George, 08, Chuck Norton, 17704 Quarry Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-775-4211 Barth, Gerald & Troy, 03, Barth Farms, 570 Handschumaker Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, bwyatt408@aol.com, 740-376-9225 Baugher Jr., DVM, Robert L., 01, Countryside Veterinary Service, 4680 Mahoning Ave, Warren, OH 44483, drbob@onecom.com, 330-847-7337, Fax 330-889-3401 Bauman, Jeremy, 07, Bauman Farms, 9743 Pleasant Home Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, jbauman7791@netzero.net, 330-927-9445, Cell 330-208-3289 Beachy Jr., Jacob J., 07, Beach-Vale, 5580 SR 557, Millersburg, OH 44654, jjbeachy@embarqmail.com, 330-674-5854, Cell 330-465-4531 Beachy, Dale E., 07, Martins-Creek Farm, 6234 CR 203, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-9313 Beardsley, Jim, 02, Beardsley’s Holsteins, Box 217, Damascus, OH 44619, 330-446-0009 Beardsley, Linda, 08, Franmar Farms, Inc., 6395 Branch Rd, Medina, OH 44256, Cell 330-618-0995 Bedebe Farms Inc., 08, Bedebe Farms Inc., 19415 Hawley Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-5941, Cell 440-823-4832 Beery, Adrian S., 07, Heritage Lane Dairy, 11154 Steiner Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, abeery07@gmail.com, Cell 330-464-0353 Bennett, Todd, 02, Bennett-View, 24192 Georgetown Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7902 Benson, Richard A., 01, Rolling Maples Farm, 5937 Center Rd, Conneaut, OH 44030, 440-594-4775 Benson, Richard L., 01, Whitetail-Glen Farm, 6023 Center Rd, Conneaut, OH 44030, cowsrus@suite224.net, 440-594-1590, Cell 440-228-8128 Beran, Joseph W. & Karen, 01, Shady Maple Farms, 9590 Plank Rd, N Bloomfield, OH 44450, 440-685-4231, Fax 440-685-4231 Berg, Cathy, 08, Berg Farms, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813-9247, samecalf@aol.com, 419-886-2871, Fax 419-886-2871 Berg, Peter, 08, Berg Farms, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, 419-886-2871 Berg, Regina, 08, Berg Farms, 3114 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, bergfarm@redbird.net, 419-886-4229, Fax 419-886-4229 Berg, Walter, 08, Berg Farms, 3114 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, bergfarm@redbird.net, 419-886-4229, Fax 419-886-4229

Bernhard, Ethan, 08, 720 TR 1451, Shiloh, OH 44878, bernhard.38@buckeyemail.osu.edu, 567-203-8052 Bertke, Damon, 12, Bertke Dairy, 6353 Ft Rec-Min Rd, Maria Stein, OH 45860, bertke.32@wright.edu, 419-925-4061, Cell 419-753-8818 Besancon, Bill & Sandy, 07, Wil-San Registered Holsteins, 5693 Back Orrville Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, wilsan5693@yahoo.com, 330-264-0118, Cell 330-466-4870 Beyeler, Marion, 07, Blueberry Knoll, 10257 E Lincolnway, Orrville, OH 44667, mjbeyeler@gmail.com, 330-683-2863 Bickel Family Limited Partnership, 15, Bickel Family Limited Partnership, 1103 Hodson Rd, New Vienna, OH 45159, bickeldon@gmail.com, 907-987-2524 Bingamon, Daniel, 13, Bingland Farms, 4223 Old Rt 35, Jamestown, OH 45335, bingamon7@aol.com, 937-675-2406, Cell 937-750-4344 Bingamon, Joshua, 13, Bingland Farms, 4339 Wolford Rd, Xenia, OH 45385 Blanchard, John, 14, 17878 Staley Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, 937-693-3345 Bloomfield, Richard J., 07, 1363 Fulton Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, richardbloomfield@hotmail.com, 330-621-1358, Cell 330-280-6604 Blue Ridge Farms, LLC, 07, Blue Ridge Farms, 1784 Jentes Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-345-7840 Boes, Eugene, 09, Gene Boes Dairy, 16132 CH 53, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, 419-273-2247 Boes, Kevin, 09, West Lincoln Holsteins, 15572 US 30 W, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, 419-458-2005 Bohlen, Kurt, 03, Bohlen’s Dairy Farm, 353 Cow Run Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, kabohlen@yahoo.com, 740-473-1259 Bohlen, Ronald, Barb & Kurt, 03, Bohlen’s Dairy Farm, 360 Cow Run Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, kabohlen@yahoo.com, 740-473-1259 Bontrager, William, 07, Bontrager Farms, 6112 TR 322, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-5353 Borchers, Alan and Greg, 11, Sugar Knoll Holsteins, 5975 TR 23, Lewistown, OH 43333, gregborchers@hotmail.com, 937-596-6772 Boss Farm LLC, 07, Boss Farm LLC, 13655 Gearhart Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, bossfarm@aol.com, 330-624-7402, Fax 330-624-7402 Bouic, Frank Allen, 11, 9404 Hinton Mill Rd, Ostrander, OH 43061, fabouic@midohio.net, 740-666-2161, Cell 740-666-2516 Bouton, Aaron, 04, Kokosing Farms, 12138 Green Valley Rd, Mt Vernon, OH 43050, kokosingfarms@gmail.com, 740-507-8271, Cell 740-507-7772 Bowers, Cecil, 07, Hi-O-Brook Farm, 11843 Church Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-682-8816 Bowman, Robert D., 02, Nordo Farms, 3999 Pigeon Run Rd, Massillon, OH 44647, beebow@jblc.com, 330-834-3522, Cell 330-904-2276 OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 45

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Bowman, Terry L., 04, Bowmans Dairy Farm, 2566 Blacks Rd, Hebron, OH 43025, tbowman8@columbus.rr.com, 740-928-4139 Box, Beverly & George, 04, Dogwood Dairy Farm, 3234 SR 13, Lexington, OH 44904, dogwood@ecr.net, 419-709-9093 Brehm, Lowell, Gary & Hal, 10, Sandland Farms Inc., 4397 County Rd EF, Swanton, OH 43558, 419-822-4474 Brenneman, Dr. James W., 07, Bren-Valley, 18570 Brenneman Rd, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-359-5023 Brightbill-GEM Hill Farms LLC, 08, Brightbill-GEM Hill Farms LLC, 511 TR 3050, Loudonville, OH 44842, g-bills@frontier.com, 419-994-4502, Cell 419-651-8247 Brill, Rick & Janice, 08, Brill-View Farms Inc., 47074 Whitney Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2445 Brill, Robert, 08, 48031 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-774-3112 Broshes, Tony, 13, Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins, 3516 Flatfoot Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, broshes@ctcn.net, 937-652-3840, Fax 937-652-3363 Brown, Alan, 12, Brownhaven Farms, 8713 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, 419-629-2146 Brown, Kenneth W., 07, 4032 E Easton Rd, Creston, OH 44217, cabrown415@gmail.com, 330-435-4130, Cell 330-465-0582 Brown, Lou, 12, Brownhaven Farm, 07535 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, 419-629-2570, Cell 419-953-2360 Brown, Marvin D., 03, OK Haven Farm, 3386 Henderson School Rd, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, okhaven@tusco.net, 330-343-8407 Brugler, Glenn R., 01, Ridge-Dell Farm, 7827 Hayes-Orangeville Rd, Burghill, OH 44404, gbrugler@aol.com, 330-772-5361, Cell 330-306-8306 Brugler, Robert E., 01, Ridge-Dell Holsteins, 7827 Hayes-Orangeville Rd, Burghill, OH 44404, 330-772-5361 Bryant, Robert & Jason, 08, Bry-Lyn Holsteins, 2069 Satinwood Dr, Mansfield, OH 44903, jbryant4@neo.rr.com, 419-589-2249, Fax 419-589-7306

5107 S. Jefferson Road Wooster, OH 44691

330-262-9186 330-465-8498 Steve 330-466-5471 Seth steveandrews@sssnet.com

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Buckeye Career Center, 03, Buckeye Career Center, 545 University Dr NE, New Philadelphia, OH 44663 Bucks Pride LLC, 09, Ken Kocher & Joe Cole, 6249 Ross Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, 419-284-3929 Burch Dairy Farm LLC, 02, Burch Dairy Farm LLC, 4405 SR 9, Salem, OH 44460, albx3mom@gmail.com, 330-222-1125, Cell 330-853-4839 Burkhart Jr., William J., 03, Springway Farms, 8086 Bachelor Rd NW, Magnolia, OH 44643, bill@springwayfarms.com, 330-866-5289, Fax 330-866-5289 Burkhart, Kathryn E., 03, Springway Farms, 8086 Bachelor Rd NW, Magnolia, OH 44643, 330-866-5289 Burkhart, William J., 03, Springway Farms, 8099 Bachelor Rd NW, Magnolia, OH 44643, 330-866-3376 Burkholder, Ivan, 08, Clarity-View Holsteins, 1769 Noble Rd W, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2061 Burkholder, Jason, 08, Breezy Knoll Holsteins, 1274 Lattimer Rd E, Shiloh, OH 44878-8934, 419-895-9966, Fax 419-895-9966 Burkholder, Jonas U., 03, Old Rd Farms, 2699 TR 406, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-893-3195 Burky, G. Chad & Michele, 03, Burky Farm LLC, 6860 Sugarcreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663-6910, michele_burky@cargill.com, Cell 419-651-2081, Fax 330-409-0225 Burky, Gary, 03, Burky Farm LLC, 7257 Sugarcreek Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, garyburky@tusco.net, 330-339-5603, Fax 330-339-5603 Buschur, Steve, 14, Buschur Dairy Farms Inc., 14272 Johnson Rd, New Weston, OH 45348, bushurdairy@gmail.com, Cell 937-423-7108

C-D Call, Alfred L., 13, Call-Del Holsteins, 11154 Huntington Rd, S. Charleston, OH 45368, 937-462-7285 Call, Brian, 13, Call-Del Holsteins, 11050 Huntington Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368, bcall@sels.us, 937-462-7271 Campbell, Bert, 02, Campbell Bros, Inc., 3821 Union Ave NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, soupfarmer@aol.com, 330-821-5696, Fax 330-821-4247 Carle, Scott, 03, J-Car Farms, 8814 Lorey Rd, East Rochester, OH 44625, stcarle@frontier.com, 330-894-2902 Carmony, Stanley, 07, Carmony Farms Ltd., 8573 Canaan Center Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, carmonyfarmsltd@gmail.com, 330-345-9105 Carpenter-Rex, Leanne, 04, Moon Meadow Holsteins, 959 Newark Granville Rd, Granville, OH 43023, rmoonmeadow@netscape.net, 740-587-0721 Carper, Merlin F., 02, Carperdale Farms, 8324 Pilot Knob Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-8907 Carrollton FFA, 03, Carrollton Vo-Ag, 252 3rd St NE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-7606 Carter, Bradley, 07, Neueway Holsteins, 2967 S W Lebanon Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, bradgailcarter@aol.com, 330-828-0821, Cell 330-465-1439, Fax 330-828-8821 Clark, Seth, 07, Intervet, 18161 Hackett Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, seth.clark@spintervet.com, 330-465-2728 Clarke, Robert D., 03, Clarkhills Farm, 10204 Blizzard Ridge Rd, Uhrichsville, OH 44683, 740-922-1283 Cline, Harold & Marie, 09, 3094 Baird Rd, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-435-5977

Cline, Mark, 09, 5453 McCutchenville Rd, Fostoria, OH 44830, macline@wcnet.org, 419-619-4559 Cline, Phillip, 09, Mawil, 3094 Baird Rd, Fostoria, OH 44830, Cell 419-619-3561 Coblentz, Marvin, 07, Mar-Rose, 992 US 62, Wilmot, OH 44689, 330-359-5570 Coffman, Mike, 03, Coffman Farms Inc., 690 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, hdcoffman@yahoo.com, 740-374-3116 Cole, Duane T., 01, Cole Farms, 8105 Hartford Rd, Burghill, OH 44404-9755, dtccow@yahoo.com, 440-724-1587, Fax 440-599-9170 Collett, Robert & Susan, 07, Sand Run Farm, 7629 CR 68, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-9376, Cell 330-763-3002 Congleton, Mike, 03, BELHI Holsteins, 159 Emmaus Rd, Belpre, OH 45714, 740-423-9679, Cell 740-336-4484 Conrad, Donald L. & Joyce, 05, Conrad Farm, 13205 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5124 Conrad, Gregory A., 05, Conrad Farm, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, conrads67@msn.com, 740-495-5067, Cell 740-572-1058 Conrad, Rick & Dave, 08, Conrad Farms, 19900 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton, OH 44044, rconrad@ncwcom.net, ldabj@ncwcom.net, 440-647-2104, Fax 440-647-7691 Cook, Kevin, 02, 41411 SR 558, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-482-4772 Cook, Ronald R., 02, Midway-Crest Farm, 4349 Bunkerhill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-482-2390 Cope, Grant, 02, Breezy-Knoll Farm, 4675 Depot Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-222-1470, Cell 330-423-2323 Cornish Jr., David E., 08, 2572 Edwards Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 419-752-6293 Cox, James A., 13, Havencrest Farms, 8541 Ulery Rd, New Carlisle, OH 45344, havencrestfarms@gmail.com, 937-845-0318, Cell 937-405-7095, Fax 937-845-0501 Craemer, Paul & Glenn, 07, Paul & Glenn Craemer, 8470 Five Points Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, 330-988-0529 Crawford, Dan & Lois, 03, Crawford Farms, 5755 North American Rd-NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-364-2923 Crilow Farms Ltd., 07, 7165 TR 571, Holmesville, OH 44633 Crist, Steve, 02, Crist Dairy Farms, 5390 Rochester Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-5155 Cromer, Amanda & Nathan, 11, Sieg Dairy, 8326 CR 121, Ridgeway, OH 43345, cromer1@embarqmail.com, 937-363-2101 Crossgrove, Roger D., 10, 5J Acres, 22-139 Rd V, Rt 2, Archbold, OH 43502, 5jacres@bright.net, 419-445-6121, Fax 419-445-6121 Croucher, Kenneth, 15, Croucher Farms, 2250 Bunkerhill Woods Rd, Oxford, OH 45056, 513-757-4846 Crutch, Kristi & Adrienne, 07, Oseeana Holsteins, 10 Greentree Dr, Morgantown, WV, 26508, klcrutch@comcast.net, 304-203-3849 Cummings, Tim, 14, Seven Gables Farm, 6999 Johnston Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365, 937-726-2664 Curran, Tim, 12, 17930 Fryburg East Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, Cell 309-838-9777, Fax 419-739-7522

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Custer, Brian & Timothy Rohrer, 02, FloLeen Farms, 7136 Oakhill Ave NE, Box 267, Maximo, OH 44650, 330-823-8276 Dalessandro, DVM, Anthony R., 12, Embryo Transfer Services, 4958 US 35N, Richmond, IN, 47374, IndianaETVet@aol.com, 765-935-2373, Fax 765-939-0087 Damascus Livestock Auction, 02, Barry & Rhonda Pidgeon, PO Box 198, Damascus, OH 44619, 330-537-2061 Daniel, Gene, 09, 3348 S SR 231, Tiffin, OH 44883, 419-447-3947, Cell 567-207-6794 Davidson & Sons, Louis A., 11, Ladson View Farm, 504 S Carlisle St, Quincy, OH 43343, 937-585-6014, Cell 937-441-4304, Fax 937-585-6014 Davidson Family, 15, Davidson Dairies, 2784 Hollowton Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, 937-288-2208, Fax 937-288-2208 Davis, Dean, 07, 6630 E Lincoln Way, Wooster, OH 44691-7290, 330-435-5890, Fax 330-264-9846 Deam, Neil, 03, Deam’s Hoof Care, 9843 Golf Course Rd NW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, njvdeam@yahoo.com, 330-852-3110 Deam, Steven S. & Deidre, 13, COBA/Select Sires Inc., 5248 Goldfield Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026, steve@cobaselect.com, 937-477-6616, Fax 937-964-8602 Deem, Chris & Nicki, 07, Deem-Pointe Holsteins, 12845 Burbank Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, 330-624-7117, Fax 330-624-7117 Denman, Davis, 01, Denmandale Farms, 3155 Irishtown Southworth, Cortland, OH 44410, 330-638-6222 Dicke, Darby & Amy, 13, Hilltop Farms Inc., 1613 Hilltop Rd, Xenia, OH 45385, darb1611@aol.com, 937-376-9607, Cell 937-307-8409 Dickey, Gary, 15, Dickey’s Registered Holsteins, 7511 Fair Ridge Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, 937-927-5223 Dickey, Kevin & Sandy, 15, Dickey’s Reg. Holsteins, 7474 Fair Ridge Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, 937-927-5297 Dickey, Lowell, 15, Dickey Holsteins, 7669 Fair Ridge Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, 937-927-5498 Diedrick, Robert, 08, Diedrick Bros., 45302 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, Cell 440-315-3572 Doria, Lesley & Sam, 13, Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins, 370 Edgewood, Perrysburg, OH 43551-1835 Dotterer, Kent, 07, G&S Dotterer Farm, 12391 Benner Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, kentdotterer@gmail.com, Cell 330-201-2246 Dotterer, Mark, 07, RMD Dairy Farm Ltd., 9757 Easton Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, markdotterer@embarqmail.com, 330-925-1889, Cell 330-414-7901, Fax 330-925-3074 Dovin Dairy Farms LLC, 08, Dovin Dairy Farms LLC, 15967 Route 58S, Oberlin, OH 44074, 440-775-2386, Fax 440-774-1076 Dues, Daniel, 12, Dues Acres Holsteins, 4300 Siegrist-Jutte Rd, Coldwater, OH 45828, dddues@watchtv.net, 419-678-3743, Fax 419-678-3743 *99 Duncan, Charles, 04, Duncan Farm, 42571 US 36, Warsaw, OH 43844, 740-824-4275, Fax 614-824-3672 Duncan, Daryl, 04, Duncan Farm, 42527 US 36, Warsaw, OH 43844, dsduncan1@frontier.com, 740-824-4592, Fax 740-824-3672 Dye, Douglas S., 02, Quality Quest Holsteins, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, mddye@live.com, 330-525-5272, Fax 330-525-5272

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Dye, Marvin, 02, Dye-Mond Farms, 23555 Buck Rd, Alliance, OH 44601-6919, 330-823-8207, Cell 352-567-6917, FL Nov-Apr

E-F-G Eberhard, Ron & Bruce, 11, Business & Estate Planning Services Unlimited, P.O. Box 458 1531 Eber-Lea Vista, Grove City, OH 43123, bepsu@dreamweaving.net, 614-871-0114, Fax 614-871-1157 Eberly, Brenda, 07, Emerald Quest, 2234 CR 37, Jeromesville, OH 44840, beberly@ashland.edu, Cell 330-317-2386 Eberly, Duane, 07, Eberly Farms, 8058 W Smithville Western, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-7403, Cell 330-466-6095 Ebner, Phillip, 03, Ebner Farms, 4118 Arrow Rd NW, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-7008 Ehrman, Franklin C., 08, Franmar Farms, Inc., 6949 Branch Rd, Medina, OH 44256, 330-723-3578

Elsass, Jeremy & Lori, 12, Quietcove Holsteins, 17930 Fryburg East Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895-8714, jwc_38@yahoo.com, Cell 419-552-0355, Fax 419-739-7522 Elshoff, Jay & Kirke, 12, Golden Hills Farm, 13110 Elshoff Dr, St Marys, OH 45885, agbag@nktelco.net, 419-753-2323, Cell 419-305-4756, Fax 419-753-2388 Emmons, Neree & Clark, 10, Emmons Farms LLC, 15584 SH 108, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-452-7768, Fax 419-452-7768 Epperly, Kelly L., 14, Dorloy K Holsteins, 501 W Main PO Box 131, Anna, OH 45302, 937-394-4171, Cell 937-597-4737 Epperly. Kelly A., 14, Dorloy K Holsteins, 501 W Main PO Box 131, Anna, OH 45302, Cell 937-658-3896

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Erbsen, Wendy, 13258 Center Dr, Lanark, IL, 61046, werbsen@dairybusiness.com, 855-775-4470 Erhardt, Bruce, 15, 2784 Van Trump Rd, Somerville, OH 45064, 937-787-3994 Etgen, Ty, 12, Etgen-Way Holsteins, 113 N Rauthland Ave, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, etgen.11@live.com, Cell 567-204-6310 Evans, David I. & Mike, 03, Klami Reg Holsteins, 7163 Macaw Rd NW, Minerva, OH 44657, holsteins@peoplepc.com, 330-895-2250, Cell 330-205-4049 Express Show Cattle, 13, Express Show Cattle, 5077 S Kennard Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, expressshowcattle@yahoo.com, 937-653-7096, Cell 937-206-9890 Farm Credit Services, 07, PO Box 1006E-382 W Liberty St, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-2451, Fax 330-262-9325 Fawnacres Farm, 04, Fawnacres Farm, 8202 Sparta Rd, Fredericktown, OH 43019, scophil811@yahoo.com, 740-694-9636, Cell 740-507-4049 Finton, C. C., 03, Carlene Farms, 1436 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5089 Firebaugh, Jay G., 07, Firetech Holstein Farm, 7827 Zimmerman Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-263-1248 Fisher, Jennifer L., 03, Lumley Holsteins, 2301 Amsterdam Rd SE, Scio, OH 43988, 740-945-0146 Fisher, Philip E., 12, Diamond-Oak Farm, 20715 SR 189, Ft Jennings, OH 45844, Cell 419-302-3148 Fledderjohann, Craig, Ned & Derek, 12, Canal View Farm, 04238 SR 219, St Marys, OH 45885, ckfledd@nktelco.net, 419-753-2134 Fledderjohann, Mark, 12, Pleasant-Meadow Farm, 8570 Co Rd 219A, Celina, OH 45822, 419-305-8076 Fox, Beth & Chad, 02, Never Done Dairy, 7233 Fohl Rd SW, Navarre, OH 44662, 330-879-0170, Cell 330-546-5758 Fraser, Anne Marie, 02, Buckeye-View Farm, 632 S 12th St, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-7262, Fax 330-525-7262 Garner, James L., 15, Garner Farm, 5381 Dunwoody Rd, Hamilton, OH 45013, 513-756-9565, Fax 513-756-0520 Garrison, Brian, 11, 11740 US 42, Plain City, OH 43064, bgarrison@selectsires.com, 614-733-3415, Fax 614-733-3496 Gaskill, Terry, 03, Pine Grove Farm, 11158 Stonecreek Rd SW, Newcomerstown, OH 43832, tasr@localnet.com, 740-498-5656 Gasser, Kraig, 07, 2556 E Easton Rd, Creston, OH 44217, 330-317-7688, Cell 330-435-4160 Gasser, Steve, 07, Gasser Farms, 2959 Pleasant Home Rd, Creston, OH 44217, sjgasser@juno.com, 330-435-0262, Cell 330-465-5429 Gearheart, Julie Takacs, 08, Green Roof Holsteins, 49233 SR 18, Wellington, OH 44090, greenroofholsteins@yahoo.com, 440-647-3312 Gehrig, Dave & Harry, 03, Century-Knoll Farm, 43505 Long Ridge Rd, Clarington, OH 43915, 740-483-1527 Gerber, Kenneth, 07, 5610 Township Rd 353, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-9817 Gerten, Thomas & Donald, 12, Gerten Dairy, 8745 Rd 5-H, Leipsic, OH 45856, gertbro10@yahoo.com, 419-943-2867 Geyer, Richard & Anita Ambos, 14, Trio Farms, Inc., 11511 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, 937-693-8065

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Gilbert, Steve, 07, Broad-Vue Holsteins, 1554 TR 35, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-231-8039 Gill, Ralph, 07, 7588 Back Orrville Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, ragill@landolakes.com, Cell 330-466-0498, Fax 330-682-0089 Gleisner, H. K. Bud, 08, 517 Parkside Reserve, Wellington, OH 44090, 419-651-9388 Glen-Art Farms, Inc., 01, Gary Smallsreed, 5224 Price West Rd NW, Newton Falls, OH 44444, msmallsreed@yahoo.com, 330-898-8123, Fax 330-898-8119 Glenellen Farm, 07, Glenellen Farm, 12762 Fox Lake Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, 330-317-1184 Good, Tony, 09, Buckeye ET, 8925 Harriott Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, tgood@selectsires.com, 614-873-7140 Goodman, Merlin, Gregory & Bradley, 12, Goodman Dairy Farms, 4600 Ottawa Rd, Lima, OH 45801, 419-225-8177, Cell 419-236-6223 Graft, Fred J., 11, Echo Spring, 1123 Worthington Heights Boulevard, Columbus, OH 43235-2132, fredgraft@aol.com, Cell 614-989-3030 Graham, Robert K., 03, Rolling Acres Dairy, 56765 Little Captina Rd, Powhatan Point, OH 43942, 740-795-5726, Cell 740-359-1931 Gress, Lisa, 07, Spring-Run Farms, 9010 Critchfield Rd, Shreve, OH 44676 Gresser, Irvin, 07, Ir-Ma-Vale Farm, 7585 Akron Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-669-3611, Cell 330-347-5171 Griffith Family, 15, Southern Hills Holsteins, 12146 Dairy Lane, Bethel, OH 45106, xavier12146@yahoo.com, 937-444-4142, Fax 937-444-4142 Gross, Adam & Alison, 05, Flat-Maple Holsteins, 26465 Tarlton Adelphi Rd, Laurelville, OH 43135, fmhagross@aol.com, 740-332-0735, Cell 740-497-8354 Grove, Juli A., 03, Hardingdale Holsteins, 1010 S Broadway, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5389 Guggenbiller, Daryl L., 12, Glacier Hill Farm, 972 Meiring Rd, Ft Recovery, OH 45846, 419-375-4650 Gunkleman, Dave, 07, 14770 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, drgunkelman@yahoo.com, Cell 330-464-3259

H-I-J Habrun, Larry, 07, Habrun’s Insurance Service, P.O. Box 347, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-9091, Fax 330-674-3847 Hahn, Justin, 01, Hahn-Way Holsteins, 3548 Radtka Dr, Lordstown, OH 44481, jhahnway@neo.rr.com, 330-824-3805, Cell 330-233-2479, Fax 330-824-3805 Hall, Charles D., 01, Hallbrook Farm, 3139 Wakefield Creek Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, hbrkfm@aol.com, 330-876-1755, Fax 330-876-0462 Hange, Donald E., 07, Accelerated Genetics, 4313 Mechanicsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, dshange@sssnet.com, Cell 330-465-1515 Harding, Edna, 03, E-Fran-Dale Holsteins, 4364 Schilling Hill Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5490 Harding, Jared, 03, Hardingdale Holsteins, 4447 Crooked Run Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5389 Harding, Larry, 03, Hardingdale Holsteins, 4447 Crooked Run Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5389 Harding, Louise, 03, Lou Har Holsteins, 4364 Schilling Hill Rd NW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-5490

Harms, David & Dirk, 15, Harms Farms, 2700 Clayton Rd, Brookville, OH 45309, 937-687-2955 Harms, Shari L., 15, Har Place, 2700 Clayton Rd, Brookville, OH 45309, 937-687-2955, Fax 937-687-2955 Harold’s Equipment, 03, 2120 CR 168, Dundee, OH 44624, haroldn@tusco.net, 330-893-2348, Fax 330-893-3459 Harpster Enterprises Ltd., 08, Harpster Enterprises Ltd., 316 US Route 250E, Jeromesville, OH 44840, 419-869-7451, Cell 419-651-2343, Fax 419-869-7451 Harris, Imogene C., 13, 3211 Troy Rd, Springfield, OH 45504, 937-399-1554 Harris, Paul, 01, Harris Farm, 9554 Bainbridge Rd, Chagrin Falls, OH 44023, precious3hr@windstream.net, 440-543-7587 Harstine, Richard, 03, Harstine Dairy, 6689 Angel Rd NW, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-364-5957 Hartline, Robert, Gale & John, 03, Hartline Valley Farms, Inc., 735 Wagner Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, hartline@hughes.net, 740-376-0147, Fax 740-376-0137 Hartman, Wayne E., 07, Hartman Dairy Farm, 3918 Ogden Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-1710, Cell 330-465-7536 Hartschuh, Allen & Diane, 09, Dial Dairy Farm, 1401 New Washington Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, dialdairy@wavelinc.com, 419-284-3721 Hartschuh, Brian, 09, Dial Dairy Farm, 1401 New Washington Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, brian.hartschuh@gmail.com, Cell 419-561-1365 Hartschuh, Gregory S., 09, Dial Dairy Farm, 6348 Parks Rd, Sycamore, OH 44882, Cell 419-561-1364 Hartschuh, Jason, 09, Dial Dairy Farm, 1401 New Washington Rd, Bloomville, OH 44818, Cell 419-561-1216 Hartzler, Dean, 07, 10721 Benner Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-925-1582 Haskins, Paul R., 07, Rohaven Holsteins, 15 Beechwood Dr Apt 8, Tiffin, OH 44883, phaskins17199@hotmail.com, Cell 419-618-4028 Haskins, Robert W., 04, Rohaven Holsteins, 17219 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, 740-694-0122 Hasseman, Russ & Marilyn, 07, Marlu-Rusken Farm, 930 Dalton Fox Lake Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-2968 Hastings, Duane, 08, 107 CR 1100, West Salem, OH 44287 Havens, Eric, 09, Brookview Farms, 4293 Tiffin Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, 419-992-4471 Havens, Karl E., 09, Brookview Farms, 1758 Morrison Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, 419-334-4706 Headland, Roderick, 02, Headland Farms, 14347 Western Reserve Rd, Salem, OH 44460, Cell 330-547-2065 Heger, Cam, 15, 5911 Lesourdsville-W Chester Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011, cheger1@fuse.net, 513-777-1666 Heger, Curt, 15, Future Manor Farm, 10131 CR 227, Camden, OH 45311, 937-452-3606 Heger, Roy, 15, Future Manor Farm, 11124 Camden Darrtown Rd, Camden, OH 45311, 513-796-2444, Cell 513-907-0522, Fax 513-796-0078 Hein, Jay, 12, Nor-J-Farms, 8109 Clover Four Rd, Celina, OH 45822, 419-925-5103, Fax 419-925-0510

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Heisner, Bernard M., 11, COBA/Select Sires Inc., 1224 Alton Darby Rd, Columbus, OH 43228, Bernie@cobaselect.com, 614-878-5333, Cell 614-205-7172, Fax 614-870-2622 Hempfling, Charles J., 12, Hempfling Dairy Farm, 22161 Lincoln Hwy, Delphos, OH 45833, chempfling@woh.rr.com, 419-695-5440 Henricks, Richard, 10, Henricks & Krieger, 14692 CR 16-3, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-452-7285, Cell 517-403-2897, Fax 419-452-7285 Henry, Anton, 14, Indian Stone Holsteins, 10695 Wolf Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, indianstone1@embarqmail.com, 937-238-4960 Henry, Charlie, 14, Indian Stone Holsteins, 7581 SR 242, Versailles, OH 45380, charliehenry54@yahoo.com, 937-423-5293 Henry, Joe, 14, Indian Stone Holsteins, 10695 Wolf Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, indianstone1@embarqmail.com, 937-526-4954 Henry, Larry, 14, La-Syl Haven, 9542 Stonerock Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, 419-582-3622 Henry, Mark W., 11, Henry Farms, 9110 SR 287, West Liberty, OH 43357, mkhenry@embarqmail.com, 937-747-3576, Fax 937-747-3575 Henry, Steve P., 03, Lemuel Dairy Farm, 11744 Turkey Flat Rd SE, Uhrichsville, OH 44683, 740-254-9238, Fax 740-254-4025 Henschen, DVM, Tye J., 11, Midwest Genetics, 3883 Klondike Rd, Delaware, OH 43015, 740-369-3931, Cell 740-815-0076, Fax 740-369-7814 Henson, Katie, 05, Silver Mist Holsteins, Duvall Rd, Ashville, OH 43103, khenson@usguernsey.com, 614-496-4860 Herold, Robert L., 02, Whippoorwill Farms, 2541 Knox School Rd, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-525-7495 Hershberger, Craig, 07, Ree-Kay, 4976 CR 172, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, ehlm_chershb@tccsa.net, 330-852-4898, Cell 330-204-3317 Hershberger, Levi E. L., 07, Hersh-Dale, 3765 SR 39, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-893-3263 Hershberger, Renee, 07, Ree-Kay Acres, 4976 CR 172, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, EHLM_chershb@tccsa.net, 330-852-4898 High, Darvin & Ashley, 07, High’s Holsteins, 3917 Ogden Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-464-5662

Hauling Anywhere Eileen (Hostetler) Lehman

• Livestock Hauling •

Specializing in Show Cattle & Horses 12850 Fox Lake Road Marshallville, Ohio 44645 Phone: 330-855-7004 Cell: 330-465-5398

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Hinds, Kevin C., 03, 6443 Everhart Rd, Newcomerstown, OH 43832, kevin@cobaselect.com, 740-498-6240, Cell 614-205-7173 Hippely, Fred & Susan, 02, Hipalane Farms, 5250 McCann Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-222-1328 Hippely, Robert, 02, Hippely Holsteins, 23675 Buck Rd, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-823-2123 Hochstetler, William J., 07, Goose-Valley Farm, 3025 TR 406, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-893-2076 Hogle, David N., 01, Hogle Farms, 290 Underridge Rd, Conneaut, OH 44030, cdshogle@roadrunner.com, Cell 440-344-6168 Hohman, Michael, 02, Strouble Farm Ltd., 9360 Beeson St NE, Louisville, OH 44641, Cell 330-575-7007 Holmes Ag Service, 07, Bob Nussbaum, PO Box 67, Holmesville, OH 44633, holmesag@embarqmail.com, 330-279-2501, Fax 330-279-3397 Holter, Roy, Alan, Edward & Pat, 06, Holter’s Holstein Farms, 34425 Dairy Lane, Pomeroy, OH 45769, 740-992-7261 Hoover, Dan & Connie, 09, Hoover Dairy, 2314 E SR 18, Tiffin, OH 44883, 419-447-2177 Horning, Aaron Z., 08, 1011 Crum Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-895-1183 Horning, Paul R., 08, Maple Drive Farm, 1089 Crum Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-895-1024 Horst, Raymond, 08, Horst Farms LLC, 5693 Hazelbrush Rd, Shelby, OH 44875, 419-342-2169, Fax 419-342-2168 Horst, Rodney, 07, 711 W Lebanon Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-2740, Cell 330-317-6180, Fax 330-828-2740 Hostetler, Eli A., 07, Valley-Vue Holsteins, 4658 Harrison Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-695-3755, Cell 330-466-0057, Fax 330-695-2479 Hostetler, Levi, 08, Plum Creek Dairy, 2540 TR 457, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-994-0907, Cell 419-651-4691 Hostetler, Luke, 07, Hostetler Farm, 1821 Deerfield Ave NW, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-0671 Hudson, Craig, 09, Hudson Farms, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820, ckhud909@embarqmail.com, 419-563-0102 Hughes, Julie, 07, Open Rd Holsteins, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637-9738, hankhughes@embarqmail.com, 330-377-4156 Hunsberger Holsteins LLC, 07, Wayne and Mike Hunsberger, 8257 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-2724, Cell 330-317-3663, Cell 330-317-3934, Fax 330-496-4120 Hunsberger, M. H. & Rod, 07, Gate-Way Holsteins Ltd., 8817 CR 318, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-567-3776, Cell 330-317-4777 Hupp, Josh & Jen, 04, Hupp Dairy, 15286 Fairgrounds Rd, Croton, OH 43013, 740-893-2413 Indoe, Richard K., 08, Richman Farms, 7833 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, richmanfrm@aol.com, 330-948-1427, Cell 330-608-8685, Fax 330-948-1404 Indoe, Thomas F., 08, Richman Farms, 7900 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, richmanfrm@aol.com, 330-948-1137, Cell 330-571-4670 Indoe, Tyler, 08, Richman Farms, 8018 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, 330-948-2259 Indoe, William R., 08, Richman Farms Inc., 8018 Richman Rd, Lodi, OH 44254, richmanfarmsinc@yahoo.com, 330-948-2259, Cell 330-608-9770, Fax 330-948-1404

Jackson, Raymond L., 11, Oakson South, 8961 TR 207, Degraff, OH 43318, rjackson@absglobal.com, 937-585-5727, Cell 937-597-9429, Fax 937-585-4868 Janes, Ken & Kaye, 07, 2519 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, kjanes@sssnet.com, 330-264-6445, Cell 330-465-9363 Kaye, Cell 330-464-4134 Ken Jenkins, Richard B., 13, Jenkins Farms, 5209 Dialton Rd, St Paris, OH 43072, 937-564-1446, Cell 937-244-1954 Jilbre Dairy, 13, Jilbre Dairy, 3913 St Paris-New Carlisle Rd, St Paris, OH 43072, jlokai@altagenetics.com, 937-663-5067 Johnson, Allen, 07, 1191 S Wenger Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, afjohnson@landolakes.com, Cell 330-466-0709 Johnson, Eric C., 13, Champaign Landmark, 304 Bloomfield Ave, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-834-2416, Fax 937-834-2419 Johnson, Kathy Whiteleather, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 2289 N Ellsworth, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-8530 Johnson, Wesley, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 7246 Lowmiller Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, kjohnson999@sbcglobal.net, 330-853-6446 Jones, Lewis R., 05, 4336 Jeney Place, Grove City, OH 43123, lejones@columbus.rr.com, 614-539-5848

K-L Kahl, Victor E., 08, Kimber Lane Farm, 741 Township Rd 1904, Ashland, OH 44805, 419-368-7052 Kalin, Mark R., 02, Barn Owners and Others, PO Box 272, Uniontown, OH 44685, 330-877-7387 Kaltenbach, Mike, 08, Sherma Farms, 3930 Sandhill Rd, Bellevue, OH 44811, 419-483-4737 Kampfer, Karen Ann, 02, Kampfer Farms, 14155 Benton Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-337-3584, Cell 330-428-5318 Kapper, Dennis, 02, Bluespring, 14277 Marlboro Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, skapper@neo.rr.com, Cell 330-935-2829 Karasiewicz, Rachael, 01, Karalot Holsteins, 158 Diamond Way, Cortland, OH 44410, soccerfreek@aol.com, 330-638-8332 Karlen, Denis E., 02, Den-Bar Farms, 11676 Seacrist Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-337-9241 Kaufman, David W., 03, Auctioneer, PO Box 422, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, dave@kaufmanrealty.com, 330-852-4111, Fax 330-852-4099 Kaufman, Kelly G., 07, Hallejujah Holsteins, 3024 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, emetz@sssnet.com, 330-264-3919, Cell 330-464-6982 Kaverman Jr., James R., 13, Call-Del Holsteins, 11142 Huntingon Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368-8617, kdairy@live.com, jkaverman@benjaminsteel.com, akaverman@sels.us, Cell 419-203-9629 Kaverman Sr., James R., 12, Jandi-K Farm, 5854 Wolfcale Rd, Convoy, OH 45832, 419-749-2503, Cell 419-203-0555 KayeBrook Farm, 13, KayeBrook Farm, 3645 Church Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-652-3350 Keener, Bruce, 07, Commodity Blenders, 10510 Myers Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-846-3155

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Kemp, James V., 07, Windemere Holsteins, 8669 Myers Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-263-1756, Cell 330-464-3680, Fax 330-263-1756 Kemp, Nancy, 07, Windemere Holsteins, 8669 Myers Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-263-1756, Cell 330-464-3680, Fax 330-263-1756 Kepner, Peter D., 01, Kepwood Dairy, Box 96, Hartford, OH 44424, 330-772-4321 Kerr, Lisa, 08, L-RAE Holsteins, 35 Burras Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, wilorae@yahoo.com, 419-744-2878, Cell 419-264-8523 Kibler, Garry & Rita, 01, Kibler Dairy Farms Inc., 5163 Highland Ave, Warren, OH 44481, kiblerfarm@aol.com, 330-399-5797, Fax 330-399-5797 Kidron Auction Inc., 07, John Sprunger, Box 39, Kidron, OH 44636, 330-857-2641, Fax 330-857-2507 Kiko, Roger L., 03, Pleasant View Dairy, 4221 Kensington Rd, Carrollton, OH 44615, rckdairy@wmconnect.com, 330-627-7098 King, Tony, 13, Plain-View Farm, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, tcking7@gmail.com, 937-465-1550, Fax 937-465-1550 Kinney, Brian, 07, Gwin Farms, 8088 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-4376, Cell 330-464-0442 Klingensmith, David, 01, Klingendale Farm, 6300 Nelson-Mosier Rd, Leavittsburg, OH 44430, 330-898-4436 Klingensmith, John, 01, Klingendale Farm, 6300 Nelson-Mosier Rd, Leavittsburg, OH 44430, 330-898-4436

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Knapp, Carl L., 08, Knappway Holsteins, 570 E Herrick Ave, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2653 Knapp, Steven E., 08, Knappway Holsteins, 24228 West Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, knappsl@nowcom.com, 440-647-6104 Knight, Karl B. & Nathan R., 01, Knighthaven Farm, 6744 SR 46 NE, Cortland, OH 44410, 330-638-4287 Knisely, Darrel E., 10, D-Maples Holsteins, 25050 CR M, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-2892 Knisely, David E., 10, 25210 CR M, Fayette, OH 43521, dmaples@peoplepc.com, 419-237-3137 Knisely, Dennis & Susan, 10, 23595 CR M, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-3209 Knoll, Scott A., 08, Wil-O-Knoll, 35 Burras Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, wilorae@yahoo.com, 419-685-3979, Cell 419-606-0527 Knoll, Troy, 08, Wil-O-Knoll, 415 Old State Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, knolltroy@yahoo.com, 419-744-2152 Knoop, Ann, 14, Futurama Farm, 8877 N Newhope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, 937-368-2430, Fax 937-368-2430 Knoop, Hugh E., 14, Futurama Farms, 8877 N Newhope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, 937-368-2430 Knoop, Jeffery A., 14, Futurama Farms, 6750 N Newhope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, jaksknoop@gdinx.com, 937-368-2320, Cell 937-214-2321 Knoop, Josh, 14, Futurama Farms, 6195 N Bollinger Rd, Conover, OH 45317, jaknoop07@yahoo.com, Cell 937-214-2322

Knoop, Kathy, 14, Futurama Farms, 6750 N Newhope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, jaksknoop@gdinx.com, 937-368-2320, Cell 937-214-2321 Knoop, Kyle, 14, Futurama Farms, 6750 N Newhope Rd, Fletcher, OH 45326, 937-368-2320 Koch, Bruce & Randy, 07, 8696 W Pleasant Home Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-749-9571 Kohlmorgan, David L. & Neil, 01, Elkson Dairy Farm, 6848 Corinth Crt Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, 330-924-2036 Koopmans, Daniel A., 15, Mohrfield Holsteins, 10555 Pleasant Renner Rd, Goshen, OH 45122, dkoopmans@tds.net, 513-877-2300 Kranz, Todd, 11, 7991 Tartan Fields Dr, Dublin, OH 43017, 614-789-9834, Cell 614-530-5089, Fax 614-789-9835 Krebs, Kenneth, 07, K-Land Holsteins, 2750 E Moreland Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-263-5067, Fax 330-263-5017 Krebs, Kreg, 07, K-Land Holsteins, 2542 E Moreland Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-263-6689, Fax 330-263-5017 Krieg, Marvin L., 12, Blitz-Krieg Holsteins, 07389 SR 364, New Bremen, OH 45869, 419-629-2374, Fax 419-629-2821 Krieger, Shawn M., 10, Henricks & Krieger, 15377 CR 16-3, Fayette, OH 43521, krieger@windstream.net, 419-452-6758 Krill, Joseph S., 10, Twinlake Farms, 02578 Lake Rd, Edgerton, OH 43517, rkrill@bright.net, 419-298-2793

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Kruggel Farms Inc., 08, John P & Paul Kruggel, 4720 Avon Lake Rd, Litchfield, OH 44253, jckruggel@litchfieldnetwork.com, 330-667-2534 Kruse, Randall L., 09, ABS Global Inc., 993 Monroe St, Bellevue, OH 44811, Cell 419-681-4481 Kurth, Michael & Patricia, 03, Kurth Farms, 64811 Campbell Johnson Rd, St Clairsville, OH 43950, kurthfarm@aol.com, 740-676-6468 L. E. Sommer Kidron Inc., 07, Box 230, Kidron, OH 44636, 330-857-2031, Fax 330-857-6841 L’Amoreaux, Nevin & Brenda, 02, LindLaur Holstein, 7261 Paris Ave NE, Louisville, OH 44641, blamoreaux@neo.rr.com, 330-875-4157 Lahmers, Christopher & Elizabeth, 13, 10540 Hinton Mill Rd, Marysville, OH 43040-9369, lahmers@copper.net, 740-246-4219 Lammers, Blair, 12, Golden Touch Holsteins, 08609 Southland Rd, New Knoxville, OH 45871, blairlammers@nktelco.net, 419-733-9097 Lammers, Joseph M. & Ted, 12, Mersland Farm, 08117 Southland Rd, New Knoxville, OH 45871, blanchard@nktelco.net, 419-753-2439, Cell 567-644-9031 Joe Landers, Michael, 09, Mi-Linda, 725 E SR 18, Tiffin, OH 44883, mlanders@crinet.com, 419-448-8357 Landis, Gary H., 08, Landis Farms, 51585 New London Eastern Rd, Nova, OH 44859, 419-929-8221 Lausin Farms, 01, Lausin Farms, 7243 Ledge Rd, Thompson, OH 44086, jjlausin1@windstream.net, 440-298-3171, Fax 440-298-3171 Lautzenheiser, Dale E. & Debbie, 02, Gar-Bar-Dale Farm, 3567 Parks Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, Cell 330-360-2767 Leid, Harold M., 08, Windy Ridge Farms, 6810 Olivesburg-Fitchville Rd, Greenwich, OH 44837, 419-895-2324, Fax 419-895-2311 Leininger, Kayanne, 10, Cottonwood-Vale Farm, 11843 CR 23, Fayette, OH 43521, 614-940-9930 Leininger, Lee & Cathy, 10, Cottonwood-Vale Farm, 11843 CR 23, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-3027 Lewis, Richard C. & Sally, 05, Shanghigh Farms, 9510 Keplar Ford Rd, Orient, OH 43146, 614-877-4098, Cell 614-214-6365 Liming, A. L., 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3840 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, myl3840@aol.com, 330-652-9092, Cell 330-770-6208, Fax 330-652-9092 Liming, Lamar L., 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3726 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, louidafarms@aol.com, Cell 330-770-6206 Liming, Mary Y., 01, Lou-Ida Farms, 3840 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, myl3840@aol.com, 330-652-9092, Fax 330-652-9092 Lingle, Kevin, 07, Lingle Holstein Farms, 1766 N Reedsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, Cell 419-651-5627 Lingle, Rick & Amy, 07, Lingle Holstein Farms, 2625 N Reedsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 419-869-7689, Cell 419-651-0825 Lingle, Ryan, 07, Lingle Holstein Farms, 2278 N Reedsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 419-869-7689, Cell 419-651-8961 Logan, Duane D., 11, COBA/Select Sires Inc., 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Columbus, OH 43228-9792, duane@cobaselect.com, 614-878-5333, Fax 614-870-2622 Long, John, 08, Redview Farm, 2619 Reimer Rd, Wadsworth, OH 44281, 330-335-6198

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Long, Ronald, 11, 17981 Boerger Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, rlong@selectsires.com, 937-644-5824, Fax 614-873-5751 Lora, John S., 02, Lorawae Holsteins, 14094 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, lorawae@embarqmail.com, 330-537-3797, Cell 234-567-7414 Lora, Katey A., 02, Lorawae Holsteins, 14094 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, kalora3584@yahoo.com, 330-537-3797 Lora, Suzanne, 02, Lorawae Holsteins, 14094 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, lorawae@embarqmail.com, 330-537-3797, Cell 330-692-2220 Loveday, James & Jason, 03, Jim Loveday Farm, 6273 Winklepleck Rd NW, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-364-3946 Lowe, Keith, 07, Lowe Holsteins, 10933 Simcox Rd, Homerville, OH 44235, 330-625-2075, Cell 330-620-0617, Fax 330-625-2048 Lowe, Onita J. & James, 07, 47220 TR 218, Millersburg, OH 44654, sadsongs48@yahoo.com, 330-674-4648 Lumley, Barbara R. & Donald, 03, Lumley Holsteins, 5192 Alamo Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, blumley@eohio.net, 330-739-2038, Cell 330-407-4992, Fax 330-739-2038 Lumley, Mark A., 03, Lumley Holsteins, 5176 Alamo Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-739-2212, Cell 330-340-0369, Fax 330-739-2038 Lund View Farms LLC, 08, Lund View Farm, 1555 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-1784 Lund, Bryan W., 08, LundView Farms LLC, 1577 New State Rd, Norwalk, OH 44857, 419-668-7313

M Maibach, Rudy, 07, Maibach Tractor LLC, 13701 Eby Rd, Creston, OH 44217, maibach@embarqmail.com, 330-939-4192, Fax 330-939-4483 Mangun, Roy W. & Lisa, 07, Ben-Alli Holsteins, 13693 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, mangunfarm@yahoo.com, 330-435-6520, Cell 330-466-3728 Mantey, Joseph R. & Timothy, 11, Huesta Farms, 2649 Marion-Mt Gilead Rd, Marion, OH 43302, huestafarm@frontier.net, 740-389-4494, Cell 740-225-0097 Joe Martig, Julie, 02, 14834 W Pine Lake Rd, Salem, OH 44460, blondemartig@hotmail.com, 330-717-3012 Martin, Jeffrey, 10, Martin Dairy Farm, 13330 CR 23, Fayette, OH 43521, jkaymartin@frontier.com, 419-237-2067, Cell 419-583-7117 Martin, Marvin, 08, Lilac Lane Dairy, 7535 Rome Greenwich Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2444 Marty, James, 07, Sky-Home Farm, 9825 Steiner Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-925-5701 Marty, Tanya R., 07, Sky-Home Farm, 6396 Pleasant Home Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-1402, Cell 330-201-3012 Mason Farms Ltd., 04, Mason Farms Ltd., 1791 SR 61, Marengo, OH 43334, terrimiller59@gmail.com, 419-253-6995, Fax 419-253-4121 Mast, James C., 07, Maspring Farm, 7062 SR 241, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-3230, Cell 330-231-1109 Mast, Mose N., 07, Stream-Valley, 2973 TR 182, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-1394

Matthews, DVM, Gregory L., 09, Countryside Vet Clinic, 2818 N TR 175, Republic, OH 44867, 419-585-5545 Maurer, Richard, 14, Maurena Farms, 16047 McCartyville Rd, Anna, OH 45302, 937-693-3513, Cell 937-581-0376 Maurice, Leslie, 13, 5667 Kiser Lake Rd, Conover, OH 45317, 614-595-0945 Mazzaro, Thomas & Charity, 01, Signature Cattle, 7373 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, mazzaradi@aol.com, 440-293-5573, Cell 440-667-1759 McCombs & Family, Tom, 03, United Dairy, R#3 Box 228A, Wheeling, WV, 26003, tommccombs@uniteddairy.com, 304-233-7743, Fax 740-633-0496 McCord, Jennifer & Rod, 15, Gusty-Knoll J, 1981 Woodville Pike, Goshen, OH 45122-9441, 513-625-1032 McCort, Kenny, 03, Jenny-Bell, 1227 Dyewood Rd SW, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-5478 McCoy, Dennis, 12, Macabob Farm, 3827 TullyHarrison Rd, Convoy, OH 45832, 419-749-2740 McCracken, Daniel & Alicia, 02, Triple D Farms, 6913 Lake Dr SW #53B, Navarre, OH 44662-9120, alicia_broadview@yahoo.com, 330-428-5232, Cell 330-714-1376 McDonnell, Jodi & Tom, 07, 10787 Snoddy Rd, Lakeville, OH 44638, trijmcd@live.com, 330-464-0777 McDonnell, Kyle T. & Becky, 08, K-Bec Holsteins, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, blmktm@ncwcom.net, 216-347-9574, Fax 440-774-7152 McGuire, Nick, 11, Nic-Nan Farm, 4149 SR 287, West Liberty, OH 43357, mcguiren@benlogan.k12.oh.us, 937-465-7428 McKarns, William T., 02, 29950 Campbell Rd, Hanoverton, OH 44423, pmckarns@frontier.com, 330-223-2180 McKay, William, 05, 1710 E 7750 South Rd, Chebanse, IL, 60922 McMahan, Scott & Robert, 11, McMahan Farms, 27480 SR 31, Raymond, OH 43067, tagcow@live.com, 740-943-2275, Cell 937-243-1515 McWilliams, James, 04, McWilliams Dairy Farm, 6730 TR 85, Mt Gilead, OH 43338, 419-362-4828 Meier, Richard A., 14, Pat-Rich Holsteins, 1583 McFeely Petry Rd, Ft Recovery, OH 45846, 937-968-6390 Meller, Gene H., 10, V882 Rd 18, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-267-3361 Meller, Kevin L., 10, Meller Holsteins, V-882-Rd-18, Wauseon, OH 43567, meller@bright.net, 419-267-3361, Cell 419-601-5183 Mennell, Roy, 08, Mennell Acres, 10532 Smith Rd, Litchfield, OH 44253-9783, 330-604-6504 Merrick, Matthew, 02, Nostaw Farms, 22386 Bowman Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-248-3121 Merrill, Kent, 08, 4831 Wenz Rd, Wakeman, OH 44889, ‘419-929-8737, Cell 419-681-7182 Metzger, Marvin L., 15, Way-Mile Farms, 4691 Wayne Trace Rd, Eaton, OH 45320, 937-456-2796, Cell 937-533-0270, Fax 937-456-4309 Miklosovic, Tina, 08, 19262 Idlewood Trail, Strongsville, OH 44149, tinamiklosovic@gmail.com, 440-846-6636

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Miley, James L., 07, Miley Holsteins Ltd., 7234 Bates Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 330-264-2453, Cell 330-464-8826, Fax 330-263-7883 Miley, Jason C., 07, Miley Holsteins Ltd., 6745 Matty Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, miley.40@osu.edu, Cell 330-466-8509 Miley, Jon, 07, Miley Holsteins Ltd., 8108 Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, mileyja.frontier.com, 419-846-3234, Cell 330-465-8385, Fax 330-263-7883 Miley, Joseph, 07, Miley Holsteins Ltd., 6745 Matty Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, jdjamiley@aol.com, 330-263-7814, Cell 330-466-7223, Fax 330-263-7883 Miller, Clyde E. & Kathy A., 07, 5697 N Honeytown Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, kammille40@aol.com, 330-669-2740 Miller, David J., 07, Round View Farm, 8149 TR 551, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-567-3294, Cell 330-749-6440, Fax 330-567-0084 Miller, Edward J., 02, Mil-Mar, 25320 Bowman Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7092 Miller, Edwin, 03, Su-Win Holsteins, 9021 CR 186, Dundee, OH 44624, edwinm929@gmail.com, 330-359-0901, Cell 330-231-0278 Miller, Elvin S., 07, E-Mil Dairy, 8361 CR 201, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-674-0554 Miller, Ervin M., 07, Er-Ma Holsteins, 4347 Welty Rd, Apple Creek, OH 44606, 330-698-1260, Cell 330-464-1782 Miller, Firman R., 07, Narrow-Valley Farm, 2345 TR 165, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-2358 Miller, Ivan, 07, Shady Bottom Farm, 1345 TR 661, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-359-5757 Miller, John J., 10, Millacres Holsteins, 20362 CR S, Defiance, OH 43512, 419-267-3412, Fax 419-267-5744 Miller, Julie, 07, Miley Holsteins Ltd., 16485 E Township Rd 136, Bellevue, OH 44811, Cell 419-271-3530 Miller, Kevin L. & Denise, 07, 9428 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, miller.2320@osu.edu, 330-262-7870 Miller, Kevin L. & Toni, 10, Millacres Holsteins, 20394 CR S, Defiance, OH 43512-9506, millacres@bright.net, 419-267-5545 Miller, Marion A., 07, 2701 TR 166, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-7094 ext 1 Miller, Mark, 02, Richard Miller, 11893 Stratton Rd, Salem, OH 44460, gotchyasum@yahoo.com, 234-567-2061 Miller, Melvin J., 07, 7385 TR 569, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-695-2276 Miller, Michael R., 02, 1429 Johnson Ave, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-9429 Miller, Mike E., 14, Carmik Holsteins, 131 E Smithfield St, Bradford, OH 45308, 937-448-6470, Cell 937-418-3115 Miller, Richard M., 02, Richard M Miller, 11893 Stratton Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-9429 Miller, Roger L., 02, Miller-Hy, 18856 Courtney Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-938-3276, Cell 330-771-2759 Miller, Tim, 07, Doughty Valley Farm, 5547 SR 557, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-2386, Fax 330-674-0374 Minich, Jonathan R., 09, Mini-Haven Holsteins, 3730 Smith Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, minich@thewavz.com, 419-639-3790, 419-340-1680 Mitchell Jr., Clarence E., 04, Stone Valley Farms, 8805 Norfield Rd, Zanesville, OH 43701, stonevalley48@live.com, 740-796-3942, Cell 740-619-5015 Pam

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Moff, Barbara, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9135 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406, ouricmoff@aol.com, Cell 330-774-7703 Moff, Brian, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 14200 New Buffalo Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-482-9018 Moff, Greg, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9160 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406-9113, 330-549-2938 Moff, Heather, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9160 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406-9113, 330-549-2938 Moff, Howard, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 9135 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406, ouricmoff@aol.com, 330-549-3509, Cell 330-519-5117, Fax 330-549-3509 Moff, Neil, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 14200 New Buffalo Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-501-1860 Moff, Steve, 02, Ouric Holsteins, 14200 New Buffalo Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, smouric@aol.com, 330-482-9018, Fax 734-939-0627 Mohler, Harold & Dale, 07, Mohler-View Holsteins, 5395 CR 314, Millersburg, OH 44654, damoh1@embarqmail.com, 330-674-3126, Cell 330-231-0477 Mohrfield, Larry & Shirley, 15, Mohrfield Holsteins, 10279 SR 132, Pleasant Plain, OH 45162, mohrfield@live.com, 513-877-2300, Cell 513-315-1496, Fax 513-877-2304 Monter, Edward & Robert, 02, Retnom Farm, 6356 Beechwood NE, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-823-6931, Cell 330-206-2250 Ed Montgomery, Richard & Susan, 01, Montgomery Dairy Farms, 3179 SR 534 SW, Newton Falls, OH 44444, mdfholsteins@yahoo.com, 330-872-0348

Moore Farms Inc., William, 07, 4007 McKee Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, wmoore@dfamilk.com, 330-263-0478 Morlock, Dan, 10, Ro-Jo Dairy Farm, 6661 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450, 419-265-5771, Cell 419-308-7990 Morlock, John E., 07, Morlock Farm, 9946 Spencer Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-853-4406, Cell 330-464-3732 Morlock, Robert, 10, Ro-Jo Dairy Farm, 6700 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450, rojomor@wcnet.org, 419-287-4445, Fax 419-287-4445 Mt. Eaton Elevator, 07, Mt Eaton Elevator, Box 195, Mt. Eaton, OH 44659, mteatonelve@sssnet.com, 330-359-5028, Fax 330-359-5298 Mullet, Marion, 07, Mull Acres, 1871 CR 70, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-4750 Mussard, Jana, 10, Roma J’s Dairy, 3318 Hyatts Rd, Powell, OH 43065, jananed@hotmail.com, Cell 419-438-2746 Mutti Dairy Farms, 03, Mutti Dairy Farm, 3326 Stonecreek Rd SW, Stone Creek, OH 43840, 330-339-5522

N-O-P-Q Neel, Larry, 05, 1130 Royal Court NE, Lancaster, OH 43130, 740-653-4707 Neider, John, 03, Redien Acres, 2005 Montero Rd NE, Carrollton, OH 44615, neider@eohio.net, 330-627-5157 Nelson Dairy, 13, Nelson Dairy, 1751 S Dugan Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, nelsoncows4u@yahoo.com, 937-653-8041, Fax 937-484-5369

Attention Farmers ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

Sell Cows and Bulls Direct Sold on a Dressed Basis Graded and Shipped Daily Representing Six Major Packers Each Animal Distributed to the Plant that will Return a Premium Price to You Transportation Available Save – No commissions Serving the Industry Over 50 Years in This Area Licensed and Bonded $200,000 for Your Protection

Merlin L. Garver, Inc. 2203 Heyl Road, Wooster, Ohio 44691 OFFICE 1-800-686-6292 330-264-5275 1-800-374-6180

1/2 Mile West of Holstein Association

FARM Paul 330-264-2660 Paul’s Cell 330-466-1188 Jan 330-264-5275

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 53

Wabash-Way Emilyann-ET VG-88 2-01 365d 38,610 3.9% 1,497 3.2% 1,251

Wabash-Way Shot Ellisa-ET VG 87

MS Wabash-Way Jet Elite-ET VG 86

full sister of Emilyann

maternal sister of Emilyann 2-03 188d 19,888M 3.59% 684 F 3.83% 750 P GTPI +2203

2-03 180d 19,060M 3.89% 742 F 3.58% 686 P Her daughter by Charlesdale Superstition-ET Wabash-Way Super Ellena-ET GTPI +2176

54 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

Her daughters by Charlesdale Superstition-ET MS Wabash-Way Supr Este-ET GTPI +2331 MS Wabash-Way Supr Edisa-ET GTPI +2257 MS Wabash-Way Supr Edelia-ET GTPI +2112

Her daughter by Ronelee Toystory Domain-ET Wabash-Way Domain Adena GTPI +2253

Wabash-Way Bolton Ayla-ET VG-88 2-02 182d 18,485M 3.70% 684 F 3.2% 591P

A special thanks to Genex for bringing us Charlesdale Superstition-ET

Springhill-OH Dest Anna-RED GTPI 2203

Terry & Marcia Stammen and Family New Weston, Ohio (937) 338-3248 XBCBTIXBZ!FNCBSRNBJM DPN t XXX XBCBTIXBZ DPN OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 55 00

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Neuenschwander, Craig, 07, 1333 W Lebanon Rd S, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-2555, Cell 330-749-6472 Neuenschwander, Trent D., 07, Neueway Holsteins, 2887 W Lebanon Rd S, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-8821, Cell 330-465-7503, Fax 330-828-8821 Neuenschwander, Wilfred, 07, B&W Dairy, 2220 Good Rd, Orrville, OH 44667-9720, 330-682-0516, Cell 330-621-1403, Fax 330-682-0516 Nicol, Mark, 11, M & J Farms, 13700 Adams Rd, Plain City, OH 43064, 614-873-3920, Cell 614-406-6265 Nolt, John, 08, 2481 US 224, Plymouth, OH 44865, 419-933-6475 Oberholtzer, Calvin R., 08, Double Diamond Dairy, 6845 Amstutz Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-3930 Oberholtzer, Clair & Sheldon, 08, Clair-Lyn Holsteins, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156 Oberholtzer, David & Pam, 08, Homerville Holstein Farms Inc., 8429 Spencer Rd, Homerville, OH 44235, 330-625-2945, Fax 330-625-2901 Obrecht, James H., 07, Jiman Farm, 6437 S Funk Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-3121 Oechsle, Jim & Cheri, 12, JCO Enterprises, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH 45891, jcoent@frontier.com, 419-965-2272 Ogden, James, 04, Ogdendale Farms, 21800 New Castle Rd, Gambier, OH 43022, 740-427-2564, Cell 740-504-8336 Ogden, Matthew, 04, Ogdendale Farms, 3657 Veatch Rd, Gambier, OH 43022, farmboy560@yahoo.com, 740-668-7961, Cell 740-398-3396 Oney’s Milkyway Farms, 08, Milky-Way Acres, 3496 Rome-Greenwich Rd, Greenwich, OH 44837, 419-752-9411, Fax 419-752-6514 Osterloh, Ivo H. & Barbara, 12, Iv-Ann Holstein Farm, 140 Osterloh Rd, Minster, OH 45865, 419-628-8507, Fax 419-628-2507 OSU Agricultural Tech Institute, 07, c/o Royce Thornton, 1328 Dover Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, thornton.5@osu.edu, 330-698-1315, Fax 330-264-0137 Owen & Son Inc., HB, 08, HB Owen & Son, Inc., PO Box 57, Homerville, OH 44235, 330-625-5694 Owen, David, 08, HB Owen & Son, Inc., PO Box 43, Homerville, OH 44235, 330-625-5694 Owen, Mark Buck, 07, 160 Cherry Lane, Wooster, OH 44691, mark.owen@absglobal.com, Cell 330-317-7758

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Oyster, Lynn, 02, Vereldo Farms Corp, 12655 Snode St NE, Alliance, OH 44601-8860, loyster@neo.rr.com, 330-206-1819 Packard, Thomas L., 08, L & T Farm, 740 Wooster St, Lodi, OH 44254, 330-948-1507, Cell 330-416-3973 Parker, Jon, 07, 2917 Tannerville Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, jon.parker70@yahoo.com, 330-683-9939, Cell 330-464-7370 Parsons, Clarence E. & Florence, 08, Pardale Farms, 45350 Merriam Rd, Wellington, OH 44090-9409, 440-225-7560 Patterson, James W., 14, 3580 Center Dr, Greenville, OH 45331, jpatterson004@woh.rr.com, 937-548-4221 Payne, Mark, 09, 4898 CR 223, Clyde, OH 43410, 419-547-7013, Cell 419-355-4180 Perkins, Gary, 03, Downeyridge Holsteins, 62855 S CR 26, Bethesda, OH 43719, gperfarm@1st.net, 740-484-1337 Phillis, Anada R., 02, Phillisway Farms, 14704 W Middletown Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-337-8603 Phillis, Harold J., 02, Phillisway Farms, 14704 W Middletown Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-337-8603 Phillis, Rosemary & Anada R., 02, Phillisway, 14704 W Middletown Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-337-8603 PNC Bank, 07, PNC Bank, Tom Stocksdale, 1776 Beall Ave, Wooster, OH 44691, thomas.stocksdale@nationalcity.com, 330-202-5414, Fax 330-202-5447 Polchin, Anthony J., 01, Polchin Holsteins, 2276 Sentinel Rd, Dorset, OH 44032, 440-293-7721 Polchin, John T. & Ruth V., 01, Polchin Holsteins, 2411 Sentinel Rd, Dorset, OH 44032, 440-293-7955 Pond, James & Robin, 13, Pond Ridge Holsteins, 1319 N. Parkview Rd, Woodstock, OH 43084, jrpond@ctcn.net, 937-834-2431, Fax 937-834-1436 Preston, Gary K. & Dale, 08, Preston Brothers, 18411 Hawley Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2094 Prueter, Robert & Mark, 12, Country-Corner Holsteins, 5885 Wierwille Rd, New Knoxville, OH 45871, 419-753-2443 Putt, Dale E., Todd & Scott, 03, Sunset Valley Dairy Farms, 8288 Ore Hill Rd SW, Stonecreek, OH 43840, 330-897-3665 Quallen, Gary J., 15, Gar-Len-View Holsteins, 792 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177, gjquallen@live.com, 937-382-4693, Cell 937-725-5740, Fax 937-383-1925

“...meeting today’s challenges, pursuing tomorrow’s goals.”

STEVE VAUGHAN Nutritional Consultant 6007 Smith Kramer Hartville, OH 44632 Cell: 330-354-3407 Fax: 330-877-3830 PLEASE NOTE: NEW EMAIL ADDRESS

E-mail: healthycows@gmail.com

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R R & P Kiko Family Farms Ltd., 02, R&P Kiko Family Farms Ltd., 28173 Winona Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-853-0401, Fax 330-525-7683 Raber, Dwight & Bruce, 02, Raber Dairy Farms, 10310 State St NE, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-821-8947, Fax 330-821-8947 Raber, Michael, 07, Raberland Dairy, 8399 CR 235, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-674-0494 Raber, Roy L., 07, Raber-View Holsteins, 7029 CR 201, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-1504 Raifsnider, Esther, 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 1326 W Easton Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, estherrupp@yahoo.com, Cell 330-421-7397 Ramsey, Brian & Liz, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc., 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641-9702, paradisevalley@live.com, Cell 330-323-4380, Fax 330-875-4539 Ramsey, Michael & Michelle, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc., 6452 Oakhill Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-821-7563, Cell 330-323-4378, Fax 330-875-4539 Ramsey, Paul & Catherine, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc., 8151 Easton St NE, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-9962 Ramsey, William & Debra, 02, Paradise Valley Farms Inc., 7632 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-3346, Fax 330-875-4539 Ramsier Farms, 07, Ramsier Farms, 9472 Krabill Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-925-2723 Ramsier’s Willow Spring Farm LLC, 07, Ramsier’s Willow Spring Farm, LLC, 2477 Eastern Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-925-1248 Rankin, Sharyn L., 08, Indohio Holsteins, 1745 165th St, Hammond, IN, 46320, srmanagement@earthlink.net, 219-937-8950 Ratliff, James M., 15, Ravue Farms, 9768 John Woods Rd, Winchester, OH 45697, 937-690-9386 Rausch, Brian, 04, R-Style Holsteins, 2059 SR 95, Edison, OH 43320, rstyle_holsteins@yahoo.com, 419-946-9831 Rausch, Nicholas, 11, Raunic Farms, 12331 Industrial Pkway, Marysville, OH 43040, 937-642-4420, Cell 614-989-0560 Rausch, Randy, 11, Hickory Plains Holstein Farm, 8657 Axe Handle Rd, Milford Center, OH 43045, hplains@centurylink.net, 937-349-4781, Cell 937-604-1609 Rausch, Richard & Son, 11, Richard Rausch & Son, 12219 Industrial Parkway, Marysville, OH 43040, 937-642-2117

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Rausch, William E. & Joyce, 04, R-Style Holsteins, 2059 SR 95, Edison, OH 43320, wjrausch@bright.net, 419-946-9831 Rawn, Tim, 11, Rawn Farms, 3508 Hatter Rd, Lancaster, OH 43130, tdrawn@aol.com, 614-834-1456 Ray, Jim, 02, COBA Select Sirec Inc., 32643 Coffee School Rd, Salem, OH 44460, rayjrr@frontier.com, 330-222-1118, Cell 614-205-7176 Raygor Farms LLC, 07, Raygor Farms LLC, 15860 Jericho Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, raygorfarms@yahoo.com, 330-857-7399, Cell 330-465-1337 B., Cell 330-465-0622 S., Fax 330-857-0399 Reid, Rusty, 03, Reid Family Farm, 19623 Sugartree Rd, Freeport, OH 43973, 740-498-7772 Rennecker, Brian W. & Heidi, 07, Four Winds Farms, 6764 N Honeytown Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, milkmaidhr@aol.com, 330-669-3673 Renner, Julie, 07, Renwind Farm, 17182 Old Lincoln Way, Dalton, OH 44618, buckeye_jules@yahoo.com, Cell 330-466-0338 Renner, Ted S., 07, Renwind Farm, 17286 Old Lincoln Way, Dalton, OH 44618, renwind@sbcglobal.net, 330-828-2604 Ressler, Bruce & Elaine, 07, Fleur-de-lis, 10599 Cleveland Rd, Creston, OH 44217, 330-435-4751, Cell 330-464-1957 Reutter, Fred C., 07, Fred Reutter Farms, 14835 SR 226, Big Prairie, OH 44611, 330-496-3794 Rice, David P., 01, Riceton Farm, 4473 Wakefield Creek Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, ricetonfarm@yahoo.com, 330-876-0443 Rice, Gary, 01, Riceton Farm, 4488 Wakefield Creek Rd, Farmdale, OH 44417, 330-876-1078 Rice, Jayme, 01, Riceton Farm, 4432 York St, Farmdale, OH 44417, ricetonfarm@yahoo.com, 330-876-0313, Fax 330-876-7810 Richard, David, 07, Mill-Stone Acres, 3878 Bates Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-4402, Cell 330-201-0055 Richardson, Keith & John, 12, Balmoral Farms, 12028 Buckland Holden Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, balmoral@ohiolink.net, 419-657-6647, Cell 567-204-1388 Richeson, William & Diana, 02, Wilanna Holsteins, 10510 Stump Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, wilannaholstein@aol.com, 330-868-4455, Cell 330-205-3811 Rigg, H. Ralph & Richard A., 10, Leatherbrook Farm, 09876 CR 16, Bryan, OH 43506, 419-636-4098 R M D Dairy Farm Ltd., 07, RMD Dairy Farm Ltd., 9757 Easton Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, 330-925-3074, Cell 330-414-7901, Fax 330-925-3074

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Robb, Evan W., 02, Whiteleather Farms, 2855 S Union Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, evan8300@netscape.net, 330-823-0605, Cell 330-614-1197 Rohrer Farms Inc., 07, Rohrer Farms Inc., 9305 Rohrer Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-669-2119, Fax 330-669-2119 Rothlisberger, Lynn, 09, Rothlisberger Dairy, 7297 TH 124, Upper Sandusky, OH 43351, rothlisbergerdairy@gmail.com, 419-294-4646 Rowe, James A. & Rita, 03, Jimita Holsteins, 9877 Strasburg-Bolivar Rd NW, Strasburg, OH 44680, jimitaholsteins@frontier.com, 330-878-7381, Cell 330-243-5683 Rowland, Frank, 08, 26100 SR 511, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-3939 Roy, Rian, 09, Roy Farms, 6076 CR 97, McComb, OH 45858-9438, 419-293-3882 Royer, Daniel, 02, Royer Farms Inc., 11617 Ravenna Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-877-2053, Fax 330-877-0435 Rufener, Ken, 02, Congress Lake Farms, 372 Congress Lake Rd, Suffield, OH 44260, linkenruf@msn.com, 330-877-2710, Cell 330-353-2027, Fax 330-877-1486 Rufener, Kenneth II, 02, Congress Lake Farms, 680 Congress Lake Rd, Suffield, OH 44260, 330-594-7202, Cell 330-353-2028, Fax 330-877-1486 Rufener, Mike, 02, Congress Lake Farms, 1894 Swartz Rd, Suffield, OH 44260, 330-628-9105, Cell 330-353-2029, Fax 330-877-1486 Rummell, Glenn, 02, Rummell Farms Inc., 3772 Rummell Ave, Paris, OH 44669, rummell@juno.com, 330-862-2963 Rupp, James R., 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 15128 Seville Rd, Seville, OH 44273, 330-769-3798, Fax 330-939-5504 Rupp, Jeffrey L., 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 7274 Sterling Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-5404, Fax 330-939-5504 Rupp, Thomas, 07, Rupp-Vue Farm, 14636 Seville Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-769-2759, Fax 330-939-5504 Rupp-Vue Dairy Farms LLC, 07, Thomas Rupp, 14636 Seville Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-769-2759, Fax 330-939-5504 Ruprecht, Kenneth, 04, Ruprecht Farm, 19840 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, 740-397-2469, Cell 740-501-7625 Ruprecht, Lyle, 04, Ruprecht Dairy Farm, 20009 Mishey Rd, Butler, OH 44822, lyleruprecht@gmail.com, 740-397-2687, Cell 330-466-1382, Fax 740-397-5157 Russell, Jackie, 07, Miley Holsteins, PO Box 461, Sheldon Springs, VT, 05485, 802-933-2323

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Ruthrauff, Genna, 02, Ruthrauff Farms, 11860 Middletown Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-5641 Ruthrauff, Greg, 02, Ruthrauff Farms, 11860 Middletown Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-5641 Rynd, Dallas R., 05, Silver Mist Holsteins, 11242 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, OH 43103, silvermistholsteins@yahoo.com, 740-983-6690, Fax 740-474-6114 Rzeszotarski, Ronald & Raymond, 01, Rzesz Farms, 18378 Mumford Rd, Garrettsville, OH 44231, 440-834-8341

S Saffles, Raymond J., 07, Lukeacres, 6759 Sterling Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, lukesaffles@hotmail.com, Cell 330-608-8969 Sanor, Bryce, 02, Maple Valley Farm, PO Box 106, North Georgetown, OH 44665-0106, 330-257-4171 Sanor, Larry, 02, 1050 Cider Mill Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-332-0673, Cell 330-277-6066 Sayers, Chris & Mark, 11, Cavanaugh Farms, 16591 County Home Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, csayers@selectsires.com, 937-243-7477, Cell 614-873-5751 Schaeffer, E. Randall, 08, 11005 Huron Avery Rd, Milan, OH 44846, 419-499-2120 Schaub, Toby, 02, 3471 Killian Rd, Uniontown, OH 44685, tobyjayosu@yahoo.com, Cell 330-715-0256 Scheibe, Clifford E., 07, Ro-La-Sue Dairy Farm, 6601 McKee Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, cliffsch106@aol.com, 330-264-4980 Scheibe, Rodney A., 07, Ro-La-Sue Dairy Farm, 3167 Maple Grove Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, rolasuedairy@aol.com, 330-264-5866 Schlabach, Daniel A., 07, Sharo-Dan Farms, 1649 Deerfield Ave, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-8547, Fax 330-828-0278 Schlabach, Jacob, 07, J-L Schlabach, 2015 Graber Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-695-2411 Schlabach, Lavern, 07, D S Dairy, 3856 SR 93 NW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-4283 Schlabach, Lester O., 07, Hope-View Farm, 4687 Township Rd 628, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-3209 Schlabach, Myron, 07, Hope-View Farm, 4691 TR 628, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-1148, Cell 330-231-7306, Fax 330-674-1148 Schlabach, Robert Dean, 07, Smokey Lane Farm, 279 Smokey Lane Rd NW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-0646



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Schlatter, DVM, Carlton, 07, Tri-County Animal Clinic, PO Box 243, West Salem, OH 44287, tcacine@sssnet.com, 419-853-4835, Cell 330-466-1567, Fax 419-853-3049 Schlegel Dairy Farms Inc., 07, Schlegel Dairy Farms Inc., 10720 Township Rd 526, Shreve, OH 44676, schlegel@valkyrie.net, 330-567-2642, Fax 330-567-2642 Schlegel, Roy, 07, Dalroy Farms Inc., 8699 TR 553, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-567-3729 Schmitmeyer, Doug, 14, Line-View Farm, 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-526-4226, Fax 937-526-4828 Schmuki, Michael O., 02, Schmuki Dairy Farm, 8144 Stone Ave SW, Navarre, OH 44662, 330-767-4232 Schoultheis, Arthur, 15, Windy Acres Dairy, 5366 Seamer Rd, Winchester, OH 45697, 937-442-3421 Schoultheis, Carl, 15, Corner View Frm, 5366 Seamer Rd, Winchester, OH 45697 Schramm, Rick A., 03, Schramm Farm, 5570 Sandhill Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, tschramm2@wildblue.net, 740-373-7307, Cell 740-350-3372, Fax 740-373-0627 Schroeder, William C., 10, 11312 CR D, Wauseon, OH 43567, brendas20@embarqmail.com, 419-335-0293, Cell 419-583-6270 Schug, Roger F., 08, Schug’s Registered Holsteins, 3309 SR 99, Monroeville, OH 44847, schugsholsteins@yahoo.com, 419-465-2022 Seedorf, Mark, 10, Sunnyville Farms LLC, 4512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, seedorfmj@aol.com, 419-966-7480 Semler, James & Roberta, 13, Semler Dairy, 4270 Snypp Rd, Yellow Springs, OH 45387, semdairy3@msn.com, 937-767-1491

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Shaland Holsteins LLC, 03, Daniel & Kathy Shawver, Kevin & Kristy Tullis, 7069 Pomona Rd SE, Scio, OH 43988, kshawver@wildblue.net, 330-627-4671 Dan, 330-739-2067 Kevin, Cell 330-312-3287 Kristy Sheffield, Daren, 08, Jaloda Farm, 44460 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090-9610, dsheffield@holstein.com, 440-774-4107 Sheffield, James H. & Daniel, 08, Jaloda Farm, 45555 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, jalodafarm@yahoo.com, 440-775-7147, Cell 440-935-6378, Fax 440-775-7147 Shellabarger, Wayne, 12, Wes-Dee Farms, 6231 Mercer Rd, Mendon, OH 45862, 419-795-4893 Shipley, Adam, 04, Shipley Farms, 9309 Reynolds Rd, Newark, OH 43055, stacey.atherton@gmail.com, Cell 740-404-8839 Shockey, DVM, Paul E., 06, Bridgewater Farms, 714 Crooked Run Rd, Ravenswood, WV, 26164, bridgewaterfarm@earthlink.net, 304-273-2848, Fax 304-273-5385 Shoemaker, Steve, 02, Shoemaker Dairy Farm, 14308 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, shoemoo@embarqmail.com, 330-537-3325, Cell 330-207-5607, Fax 330-537-3325 Shoop, Dan, 09, Shoop Farms, 7990 SR 613, McComb, OH 45858, 419-293-2355 Showalter, Daniel, 02, Showalter Farms, 121 Beeson Mill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, Cell 330-853-8073, Fax 330-482-2572 Showalter, Ward, 02, Frosty Vale Farm, 121 Beeson Mill Rd, Leetonia, OH 44431, 330-482-2572x, Cell 330-831-8070, Fax 330-482-2572

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Siegrist, Emily, 14, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC, 4983 Buschor Rd, Coldwater, OH 45828, ersiegrist@landolakes.com, Cell 937-417-0183 Sigrist, John L., 03, Oakland Dairy Farm, 10330 Kohr Rd NW, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-852-2892 Simpson, Don, 03, Plainfield Farms, 65343 Plainfield Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, 740-484-1444, Fax 740-484-1444 Sirrine, Carol A., 01, Weaver Farms/Trucking, 6225 N Ridge Rd West, Ashtabula, OH 44004, carols35@windstream.net, 440-969-2349, Cell 440-223-3295, Fax 440-969-2349 Skidmore, DVM, Dwight, 11, Drifty Hollow Holsteins, 12243 CR 2, West Mansfield, OH 43358, 937-355-0362, Cell 937-935-3137, Fax 937-593-9104 Skolosh Jr., Steve, 02, Skolosh Farm, 7488 Schmucker Ave NE, Alliance, OH 44601, skol12@sbcglobal.net X, 330-875-5421, Fax 330-875-1671 Sloan, Angela, 07, Hartman Dairy Farm, 3777 N Elyria Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, angela_doc1@hotmail.com, 330-264-1710 Smith Vale Farms, 02, Smith Vale Farms, 25850 Center Rd, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7347, Fax 330-525-7347 Smith, Bruce, 11, 14630 Middleburg-Plain City Rd, Plain City, OH 43064, btjasmith@msn.com, 614-733-0182, Cell 614-205-7182 Smith, Charles W., 03, Smith Hills Holsteins, 42450 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, 740-483-1597 Smith, Cory & Jill, 02, Paradise Valley Farms, 7642 Columbus Rd, Louisville, OH 44641, jillandcory@live.com Smith, Dale, 13, Stan-Mar-Dale Holsteins, 5826 Madison Rd, Venice, FL, 34293 Smith, David C., 03, Smith-Hills Holsteins, 42743 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, smithhills@gmn4u.com, 740-483-2107 Smith, Dow, 13, Dow-View Farm, 6452 N Kennard Rd, Cable, OH 43009, www.plowboypottery@hotmail.com, 937-652-3990 Smith, James G., 03, Fernfield Farm, 19318 Grossbeak Rd, Salesville, OH 437789714, 740-489-5801 Smith, John M., 12, Jsmith, 306 S Willipie, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-738-9091 Smith, Sherry, 04, 12203 Midland Oil Rd, Glenford, OH 43739, sbgs82@att.net, 740-659-1126, Cell 330-465-2376, Fax 740-659-1126 Smith, Steven D., 03, Smith-Hills Holsteins, 42450 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, 740-483-1597 Snyder, Paul A., 03, Paul Snyder Farms, 55872 Orchard Dr EXT, PO Box 253, Baltic, OH 43804, pc_snyder@roadrunner.com, Cell 330-401-3517 Snyder, Rachel, 07, Circle J Farms, 1444 W Pleasant Home Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-635-8228 Specht, Adam, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 332 State St, Apt BR, Albany, NY, 12210, specht.22@osu.edu Specht, Allison, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 1625 Larimer St, Apt 808, Denver, CO, 80202, allison.specht@gmail.com, Cell 330-204-1529 Specht, Annie, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 1811 George Bush Dr E, Apt 223, College Station, TX, 77840, annie.specht@gmail.com, Cell 330-204-1796

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Specht, Steven L. and Michele, 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 3727 Bair Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-343-1158, Fax 330-343-1158 Specht, Tim & Brian, 03, Specht Farms Ltd., 1828 Ragersville Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-897-5753, Cell 330-401-7446 Specht, Wayne E., 03, Trealayne Holsteins, 3680 Bair Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-343-2708 Spike, Peter W., 11, Ten-Penny Holsteins, 4380 Byers Rd, Delaware, OH 43015, spikeptr@aol.com, 740-363-2184, Cell 740-360-1505 Spreng, Anne K., 09, Longacre Farms Inc., 3245 Bruce Ct., Bucyrus, OH 44820, aspreng@wavelinc.com, 419-562-7602, Cell 419-561-0902, Fax 419-563-9989 Spreng, James, 09, Spreng Capital Management, Inc., Box 47, Bucyrus, OH 44820, jspreng@sprengcapital.com, 419-562-1318 Spreng, John, 09, Longacre Farms Inc., 4174 Lincoln Hwy, Bucyrus, OH 44820, aspreng@wavelinc.com, 419-562-7602, Cell 419-563-6633, Fax 419-563-9989 Spreng, Kevin M., 07, Willow Brook Farms, 6860 Snoddy Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, spreng.15@osu.edu, Cell 419-651-5198, Fax 419-827-2145 Spring Hill Farm, Inc., 07, Spring Hill Farms Inc., 7109 SR 514, Big Prairie, OH 44611, springhill@embarqmail.com, 330-378-4515, Cell 330-473-9660, Fax 330-378-4390 Stammen, Terrence L., 14, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC, 4965 SR 705, New Weston, OH 45348, 937-338-3248, Cell 937-621-0107, Fax 937-338-0052 Steel, John & Terry, 03, Steam Valley Farms, 2700 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-364-5243, Cell 330-260-0626 Steiner, Carl, Alan & Jim, 07, Steiner Farm, 12357 Seville Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-2716 Steiner, Kurt D., 07, Steinhurst Farms, 14043 Eby Rd, Creston, OH 44217, kdsdairy1@aol.com, Cell 330-464-1219, Fax 330-769-4256 Steiner, Matthew, 07, Pine Tree Dairy, 11071 Easton Rd, Rittman, OH 44270, pinetreedairy@earthlink.net, 330-925-8354, Cell 330-466-1896, Fax 330-927-2948 Steiner, Nathan, 07, Country Rd Vet Service, 10369 Fulton Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, 330-855-4500, Cell 330-465-5825 Steiner, Roger, 07, P.O. Box 84, Kidron, OH 44636, 330-857-8181, Cell 330-464-4446 Steinke, Marvin L., 12, Maple Tree Holsteins, 13505 Kettlersville Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, matmapletree@bright.net, 419-738-7174 Steinke, Richard L., 12, Mapl-Valle, 15431 Fox Ranch Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, maplmilk@bright.net, 419-738-7136 Sterling Farm Equipment Inc., 07, Sterling Farm Equipment Inc., 13893 Kauffman Rd, PO Box 69, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-939-2561, Fax 330-939-5841 Sterlinglen Farms, 08, T Timmons/J Timmons, 2474 Township Rd 457, Loudonville, OH 44842, sterlinglen@aol.com, 419-368-6200, Fax 419-368-6200 Stewart, Robert, 03, Sunnydale Farms, 88740 Fairview Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, gwenfive@yahoo.com, 740-946-4291 Stitzlein, Earl, Kathi & Andy, 07, Stitzlein Family, 8777 TR 461, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-994-5284

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Stockert, Carolyn, 02, Norwescor Holsteins Inc., 15274 Warwick Dr NW, Canal Fulton, OH 44614, carolynstockert@att.net, 330-854-2698 Stockert, James P. & Mary, 02, Norwescor Holsteins Inc., 15240 Warwick Dr NW, Canal Fulton, OH 44614, jimandmarystockert@att.net, 330-854-6455 (MILK), Cell 330-607-2003 Stocksdale, Thomas R. & Constance M., 07, Stocksdale Farms, 1989 Blachleyville Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, thomas.stocksdale@pnc.com, 330-264-8482, Fax 330-202-5447 Stoller, Arthur L., 07, 2782 N Elyria Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, astoller@embarqmail.com, 330-264-5750, Cell 330-347-7046 Stoller, Trent, 10, Van Erk Dairy LLC, 8789 SR 114, Haviland, OH 45851, tstoller@gmail.com, 419-576-7176, Fax 419-263-2358 Stoltzfus, John K., 15, Golden Dell, 8846 SW Morris Rd, Sabina, OH 45169, 937-584-5569 Strouble Farm Ltd., 02, Strouble Farm Ltd., 5466 Werner Church Rd, North Canton, OH 44721, 330-877-2532 Strouble, Thomas, 02, Strouble Farm Ltd., 5466 Werner Church Rd NE, North Canton, OH 44721, 330-877-2532 Struna, Andrea, 01, Maplewood Farms, 7580 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-2490 Struna, Anthony, 01, Struna Farms, 7045 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-7647 Struna, John & Beverly, 01, Maplewood Farm, 7472 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, Cell 440-226-0594 Struna, Katie, 01, Maplewood Farm, 7472 Stanhope-Kelloggsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, Cell 440-645-8801 Stull, Brad & Molly, 07, Stull Hamp Farm, 9304 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-263-0037 Such Jr., W. Windell, 01, Suchdale Farm, 6223 Creek Rd, Andover, OH 44003, 440-293-7630 Such, W. Windell, 01, Suchdale Farm, 6223 Creek Rd, Andover, OH 44003, 440-293-7630 Sunbury, James & Marjorie, 01, Von-Sun Farm, 6374 Kingsville Rd NE, Farmdale, OH 44417, 330-924-3943 Sunnyville Farms LLC, 10, Sunnyville Farms LLC, 4614 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, seedorfmj@aol.com, 419-278-1124, Cell 419-966-7480 Sutliff, Jr., Frank, 01, 3687 SR 82, Newton Falls, OH 44444, fsutliff@embarqmail.com, 330-898-4565, Cell 330-856-0119 Sutliff, Zachary, 01, Sutliff Farms, 3687 SR 82, Newton Falls, OH 44444, znsutliff@gmail.com, 330-898-4565, Cell 330-883-7306 Suttle, Mark & Laura, 07, 16356 Back Massillon Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-749-4430 Swiss Heritage Farm, 03, Swiss Heritage Farm, 48812 SR 536, Sardis, OH 43946, 740-483-1579, Fax 740-483-1579

T-U-V Takacs, Marlene, 08, Mar And Meadow Farm, 49233 SR 18, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-3312 Thomas, Andy, 13, Triple-T Holsteins, 6948 Brush Lake Rd, North Lewisburg, OH 43060, 937-747-2344 Thomas, Jay and Angie, 13, Triple-T Holsteins, 5548 CR 168, West Liberty, OH 43357, jathomas1@embarqmail.com, 937-465-0825 Thomas, John & Mary, 13, Triple-T Holsteins, 6948 Brush Lake Rd, North Lewisburg, OH 43060, jmthomas@embarqmail.com, 937-747-2344

Thomas, Nathan & Jenny, 13, Triple-T Holsteins, 6140 SR 296, Cable, OH 43009, jennythomas614@yahoo.com, 937-747-2110, Cell 614-395-9823 Thomas, William R., 11, Bi-An Farm, 1012 Twp. Rd 190 E, Bellefontaine, OH 43311, 937-592-0132 Thompson, Alan, 03, Thompson Family Farm, 42225 Jewett-Scio Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, 740-946-2805 Thorbahn II, Lewis R., 09, Thorbahn Bros, 4304 County Rd 247, Vickery, OH 43464, 419-603-8818 Thorbahn, Thomas L., 09, Crimson-Lane Ltd., 4428 CR 247, Vickery, OH 43464, crimsonswissrus@aol.com, 419-547-0795, Cell 419-366-8135, Fax 419-547-0795 Three Knoll Farm, 03, Three Knoll Farm, 52272 SR 145, Beallsville, OH 43716, 740-926-9121 Topp & Sons, Mary Lou, 14, Topp-View Holsteins, 10344 Botkins Rd, Botkins, OH 45306, mtopp@trypointe.com, 937-693-3113, Fax 937-693-2887 Topp, Gregg, 12, Toppacres Farm, 05158 Kettler Rd, Minster, OH 45865, gtopp262@frontier.com, 419-629-3749, Cell 419-852-0164, Fax 419-629-3752 Topp, Kurt & Rachel, 07, Toppglen Holsteins, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, kurtandfam@aol.com, 330-262-5562, Cell 330-464-4960 Kurt Topp, Marvin, 12, Toppation, 05170 Lock Two Rd, New Bremen, OH 45869, topper@watchtv.net, 419-629-2875, Cell 419-733-5994 Trammell, Jeff, 08, Galaxy-Valley Holsteins, 27679 Royalton Rd, Columbia Station, OH 44028, trammeljeff@aol.com, 440-236-8286 Trbovich, Daniel, 02, 7222 Waynesburg Rd, Waynesburg, OH 44688, 330-866-5438 Troyer, Andrew R., 07, 6230 Moreland Rd, Fredericksburg, OH 44627 Troyer, Gregg A., 07, 13752 Bair Rd, Dalton, OH 44618, gtrica@gmail.com, 330-682-8259 Troyer, Mark W., 07, 5501 TR 605, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-3138 Troyer, Merlin E., 03, Hickory Spring, 909 Hickory Dr, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-3227 Troyer, Robert A., 07, Hickory Spring, 3557 CR 141, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-3462 Twining, Patrick, 08, Twining Farm, 47140 Griggs Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2795 Twining, Raymond, 08, Twining Farm, 47140 Griggs Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2795 Union Local FFA, 03, Rt 1, Belmont, OH 43718 Van Gorden, Marty, 15, Van Gorden Holsteins, 2860 W Florence Campbellstown Rd, Eaton, OH 45320-9630, 937-456-3580, Cell 513-383-9151 Van Gorden, Morris M., 15, Van G Farms, 5550 Princeton Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011, 513-779-4550 VanPelt, Michael L., 02, Van Pelt Farms, 14600 Van Pelt Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-482-9364, Fax 330-482-9364 Vecchio, Melanie, 01, 5246 SR 5, Cortland, OH 44410 Velvet-View Farms, 07, Velvet-View Farms, 6887 TR 505, Big Prairie, OH 44611, vvf48@earthlink.net, 330-231-2111 Viney, Richard C., 01, Viney Hill Farms, 2432 Kinsman Rd NW, N Bloomfield, OH 44450, 440-685-4490

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W-X-Y-Z W. G. Dairy Supply Inc., 07, 12996 Cleveland Rd PO Box 2224, Creston, OH 44217, wgdairy@voyager.net, 330-435-6522, Fax 330-435-6102 Wachtel, William, 07, Spring Walk Farm, 13079 TR 503, Big Prairie, OH 44611, 330-378-2273, Cell 330-231-1667, Fax 330-378-2913 Walters, DVM, John W., 03, 1050 Steubenville Rd SE, Carrollton, OH 44615, 330-627-5711 Walton Craig & Emily Thornburg, 15, 10279 SR 132, Pleasant Plain, OH 45162, ethornburg@hotmail.com, 717-226-2660 Warner, Ned E., 10, Maumee-Acres Farm, 17707 CR 156, Paulding, OH 45879, 419-203-8084 Watson, Bob, 09, Weikland Farms, 11944 E TR 122, Republic, OH 44867, 419-426-8514, Cell 419-618-1136 Watson, Rod, 09, Weikland Farms, 1100 S TR 77, Republic, OH 44867, rodnancy@frontier.com, 419-585-6001 Watts Family, Steve & Carol, 07, Open Rd Holsteins, 14363 CR 75, Brinkhaven, OH 43006, 330-377-4987, Cell 330-231-3314 Weaver, David N., 03, D-R Valley Farms, 2261 TR 414, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-893-2356 Weaver, Douglas, 02, Jaylen Holsteins, 12430 Green Beaver Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-702-1464, Cell 330-831-6184, Fax 330-482-5188 Weaver, John Mark, 07, 8257 CR 235, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-674-2069 Weaver, Kenneth & Rachel, 07, We-Mar Holsteins, 5138 N Firestone Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-264-6893, Cell 330-201-6893, Fax 330-264-6893 Webb, D. Scott, 14, Angelina Farms, 2845 W Kennedy Rd, Peotone, IL, 64068-9380, 419-586-3627 Webster, Troyce G., 08, Jenn-Stone, 43505 Parsons Rd, Oberlin, OH 44074, jenn-stonefarm@verizon.net, 440-775-9945 Weeman, Brian, 07, Weeman & Sons Farm, 304 North Kansas Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-683-6771, Cell 330-317-1285 Weiker, Terry, 09, Genex Co-op Inc., 9900 E SR 162, Republic, OH 44867, tweiker@crinet.com, 419-585-3563, Cell 419-618-0834 Weisgarber Jr., Robert, 02, Weisgarber Farm, 13789 Millersburg Rd SW, Massillon, OH 44647, weisgarber.6@gmail.com, Cell 330-704-5097 Weisgarber, Robert, 02, Weisgarber Farm, 13789 Millersburg Rd SW, Massillon, OH 44647, roberted@wildblue.net, 330-837-8575, Cell 330-704-4359 Welch, Dean, Randy D. & Michael E., 08, U-Dean Farms, 456 Twp. Rd 700, Polk, OH 44866, 419-945-2411 Welch, Esther, 08, U-Dean Farms, 669 SR 89, Polk, OH 44866, 419-945-2250 Welch, Ryan, 08, U-Dean Farms, 684 SR 89, Polk, OH 44866, 419-651-5281 Welch, Scott E., 08, U-Dean Farms, 669 SR 89, Polk, OH 44866, 419-945-2250/2343 Wenger, Clair, 07, Regnew Farms, 439 Overlook Circle, Dalton, OH 44618, 330-828-8253 Wenger, Dr. Melvin D., 07, Orrville Veterinary Clinic Inc., 1665 N Main St, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-682-2971 Wenger, Kenneth & Lester, 07, Wenger Farms LLC, 13332 Church Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, 330-683-7383 Wenning, Dennis, 12, Wennings Dairy, 3555 Siegrist Jutte Rd, Coldwater, OH 45828-9718, dpwenning@gmail.com, 419-678-8123 60 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

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West, Richard, 07, 8953 Five Points Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, Cell 330-201-1100 Whinnery, Bryan, 02, Whin-Way Holsteins, 11900 S Range Rd, Salem, OH 44460, bryanwhinnery@yahoo.com, 330-831-3989 Whiteleather Farms, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Adam, 02, Iron Gate Farms, 29468 Tower Rd, Salem, OH 44460-9523, ajw116@frontier.com, 330-222-1642, Cell 330-205-1738, Fax 330-222-1642 Whiteleather, Andrew, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 10310 Stump Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-205-1350 Whiteleather, Betty & Thomas Hagan, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 451 East Milton St, Alliance, OH 44460, 330-821-6916, Cell 330-704-3911 Whiteleather, Esther, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 2855 S Union Ave, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-823-0605, Cell 330-206-3288, Fax 330-823-0605 Whiteleather, Eve, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8008 Essick Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-894-2138 Whiteleather, Glenn, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Jason & Gretl, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 22499 Bates Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, gwhiteleather@gmail.com, 330-868-5175, Cell 330-205-1535 Whiteleather, Jill A., 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8008 Essick Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-894-2138, Cell 330-206-2075 Whiteleather, Lauren, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 7804 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, laurengail0104@aol.com, 330-894-2421 Whiteleather, Lawrence, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 7804 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657-9426, 330-894-2421, Cell 330-904-1806 Whiteleather, Marjorie, 02, Whiteleather Farms, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-7009 White-Light Holsteins, 10, Tony & Laurie Menzie, 4403 Emerson Rd, Bloomdale, OH 44817, whitelightholsteins@gmail.com, 419-454-3686, Cell 740-624-6003, Cell 740-624-6367, Fax 419-454-3686 Wilcox, Cal, 07, 10407 West Easton Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-846-3612 Wildermuth, Rodney, 11, Wildermuth Farms, 4131 Brice Rd, Canal Winchester, OH 43110, 614-837-7381, Cell 614-446-4158 Wiley, Dr. Richard E., 07, New Pittsburg Veterinary Clinic, 1436 W Old Lincoln Way, Wooster, OH 44691, npvc@bright.net, 330-264-7787, Cell 330-465-8670, Fax 330-262-5251 Will, Charles A., 11, Select Sires Inc., 12837 Brown School Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, cwill@selectsires.com, 614-733-3439 Wilson, John, 04, JoJan Holsteins, 16646 Nashville Rd, Danville, OH 43014, 740-599-6502, Cell 740-504-2395, Fax 740-599-6514 Wilson, Larry, Sue & Kevin, 05, Kelemar Farms, 3820 Stringtown Rd, Lancaster, OH 43130, kelemar2@hotmail.com, 740-756-4555 Winchell, John, 01, Fusion Holsteins, 1429 Sodom-Hutchings Rd NE, Vienna, OH 44473, john.winchell@blueseal.com, 716-548-4755 Wolboldt, Dean F., 07, 9157 CR 245, Holmesville, OH 44633, deandeb@bright.net, 330-473-3203 Wolf, Chad & Amy, 07, Starmark Farm, 5801 Cleveland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, starmarkfarm@aol.com, Cell 330-466-8380 Wolf, Richard, 07, Wolf Family Farm, 13040 Canaan Center Rd, Creston, OH 44217, 330-435-4279

Wolfe, John A. & Ann, 02, 6508 Bentler Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, awolfe@suarez.com, 330-492-5254 Wolff, Justin L., 08, Wolff FF Farms LLC, 6294 Wolff Rd, Medina, OH 44256, Cell 330-635-4981 Wolford, Judy C., 05, Silver Mist Holsteins, 11242 Wheeler Rd, Ashville, OH 43103, silvermistholsteins@yahoo.com, 740-983-6690, Fax 740-474-6114 Wyler, Kurt, 04, Wylerview Farms, 5558 TR 176, Fresno, OH 43824, 740-545-7459 Yarosh, Marie, 08, Yarsons Holsteins, 20651 Whitehead Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-3572 Yarosh, Matthew, 08, YaRose Ltd., 92 TR 1031, Nova, OH 44859, 419-652-2427, Cell 440-823-0163 Yeazel, Mark, 15, Ja-Bob Holsteins, 1495 Wolverton Rd, Eaton, OH 45320, y2kows@gmail.com, Cell 937-533-0557 Yeazel, Robert, 15, Ja-Bob Holsteins, 6792 S Slateline Rd, Richmond, IN, 47374, 765-965-5246 Yoder, Crist J. A., 07, Mead-Val Farm, 2081 TR 180, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-5059 Yoder, Delbert & Heather, 07, Brook Hollow Farm, 8820 Camp Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, brookhollowfarms@aol.com Yoder, Jacob L., 07, 5894 TR 606, Fredericksburg, OH 44627, 330-695-2261 Yoder, Jeremy, 02, Yoder Farms, 4750 W Garfield, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-482-2074, Cell 330-831-7705 Yoder, Martin, 07, 8743 N Elyria Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, ybudwin@vzw.blackberry.net, 330-749-9597 Yoder, Owen C., 07, Mead-Val Farm, 2079 TR 180, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-5059 Yoder, Robert J., 07, Yoder Dairy, 4622 TR 403, Millersburg, OH 44654, Cell 330-204-3824 Yoder, Roy L. S., 07, Roycrest Dairy Farm, 2291 SR 557, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-0405 Young, James & Sandra, 03, Sharon Valley Farms, 9615 Eckert Rd SW, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-1302, Cell 330-401-8384 Young, John J. & Ruth, 03, Sharon Valley Farms, 3120 Ragersville Rd SW, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-897-1036 Zaebst, Chris & Cindy, 01, Bossy’s Way Inc., 4586 Rt 46 S, Jefferson, OH 44047, bossysvaw94@centurylink.net, 440-294-3614 Zerkle, Keith, 13, White Crown Farm, 1362 N Dugan, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653-8520 Zerkle, Ruth, 13, White Crown Farm, 1362 N Dugan, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653-7088 Zimmer, Dean & Brent, 03, Zimmerview Dairy Farm, 700 Zimmer Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, zimmerview@ee.net, 740-374-7299, Cell 740-516-8329, Fax 740-374-6288 Zimmerman, Benjamin R., 07, 6130 Canaan Center Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-345-6748 Zimmerman, Floyd L., 08, Zimmeracres, 617 Noble Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-3018 Zimmerman, Ralph W., 08, Sunrise Farm, 251 Adario W Rd, Shiloh, OH 44878, 419-896-2795 Zimmerman, Walter & Joanna, 02, Harmony Echo Holsteins, 2741 SR 60, Loudonville, OH 44842, 330-833-4897 Zwick, Michael E., 02, Zwick Farm, 25100 US Rt 30, East Rochester, OH 44625-9710

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Better diets. Healthier cattle. Profitable practices.

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You’ll also receive our newsletter, interact with our dairy teams, get the latest commodity pricing information and receive a wealth of overall support to help maximize your dairy profits.

Join us today See what your neighbors are talking about by becoming a member of the Cargill Dairy Exchange. For more information, contact your local Cargill Dairy Focus Consultant . Check us out on the Web at www.CargillDairyExchange.com. Michele Burky 419-651-2081

Paul Colley 412-736-8286

Ryan Aberle 330-464-1951

Customer Service 800-887-4758 OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 61

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2011 Ohio Holstein Junior Membership A-B-C Ackley, Kristopher, 11, 9738 Rd 141, East Liberty, OH 43319, 937-666-5502 Ackley, Kyle, 11, 9738 Rd 141, East Liberty, OH 43319, ack-lee@embarqmail.com, 937-666-5502 Anderson, D. J., 02, PO Box 217, Damascus, OH 44619, 330-277-7181 Anderson, Grayson, 02, PO Box 217, Damascus, OH 44619, 330-277-7181 Andrews, Kyle, 14, 4150 Tawawa Maplewood Rd, Sidney, OH 45365-9740, mandrews2@woh.rr.com, 937-492-1537 Baker, Mary, 07, 6609 Ashland Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, haymaker2@earthlink.net, 330-264-1317 Barker, Derek, 04, 5510 CR 130, Edison, OH 43320, barkerfarms@redbird.net, 419-946-2469 Barker, Kayla, 04, 5510 CR 130, Edison, OH 43320, 419-946-2469 Barth, Wyatt, 03, 570 Handschumaker Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-376-9225 Barto, Lindsay, 01, 4272 Custer-Orangeville Rd, Burghill, OH 44404, bartolaser@embarqmail.com, 330-772-9313 Baumer, Amber, 14, 14391 Santa-Fe-New Knoxville Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 937-638-5920 Begg, Tyler, 12, 9610 N Napoleon Rd, Columbus Grove, OH 45830, 419-358-2606 Berg, Aaron, 08, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, samecalf@aol.com, 419-886-2871 Berg, Colin, 08, 3056 Parsons Rd, Bellville, OH 44813, 419-886-2871 Beverly, Alison, 09, 3877 TR 136, McComb, OH 45858, 419-293-2481 Bickel, Keri, 15, 1506 Hodson Rd, New Vienna, OH 45159, keribickel@gmail.com, 937-987-2887 Bishop, Luke, 13, 1751 S Dugan Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653-8041 Blackburn, Kathy, 02, 14834 W Pine Lake Rd, Salem, OH 44460, blackburn.171@osu.edu, 330-717-3012 Borchers, Austen, 11, 13540 CR 60, Jackson Center, OH 45334, gregborchers@hotmail.com, 937-596-6772 Brehm, Andrew, 10, 6235 CR 5, Delta, OH 43515, 419-822-3824 Brehm, Nathan, 10, 6235 CR 5, Delta, OH 43515, 419-822-3824 Burkhart, Nathan, 03, 8086 Bachelor Rd, Magnolia, OH 44643, 330-866-5289 Campbell, Dustin, 02, 4150 Mahoning Ave NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, soupfarmer1@aol.com, 330-525-7093 Campbell, Jacob, 02, 3399 Union Ave, Minerva, OH 44657, soupfarmer2@frontier.com, 330-862-2028 Campbell, Lindsey, 02, 3399 Union Ave, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-862-2028 Campbell, Taylor, 02, 4150 Mahoning Ave NE, Homeworth, OH 44634, 330-525-7093 Carle, Aaron, 03, 8814 Lorey Rd, East Rochester, OH 44625, stcarle@frontier.com, 330-894-2902 Clarke, Caitlin, 03, 10204 Blizzard Ridge Rd, Uhrichville, OH 44683, 740-922-1283 Clarke, Dallas, 03, 10204 Blizzard Ridge Rd, Uhrichville, OH 44683, 740-922-1283 Cline, Jessica, 09, 5453 SR 199, Fostoria, OH 44830, macline@wcnet.org, 419-288-3650 62 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

Cline, Matthew, 09, 5453 SR 199, Fostoria, OH 44830, 419-288-3650 Coffman, Alexis, 03, 690 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 44406, 740-374-3116 Coffman, Katlyn, 03, 690 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 44406, 740-374-3116 Colby, Brandon, 14, 6336 Fessler-Buxton Rd, Houston, OH 45333-9773, clbyfrms@hughes.net, 937-773-0853 Colby, Jessica, 14, 6336 Fessler-Buxton Rd, Houston, OH 45333-9773, 937-773-0853 Colby, Nick, 14, 6336 Fessler-Buxton Rd, Houston, OH 45333-9773, 937-773-0853 Cole, Katie, 09, 21895 TR 60, Jenera, OH 45841, cole.537@buckeyemail.osu.edu, 419-721-8604 Coleman, Regan, 15, 2871 Nichols Rd, Hamilton, OH 45013, dlc@brecnet.com, 513-523-6258 Congleton, Levi, 03, 195 Emmaus Rd, Belpre, OH 45714, 740-423-9679 Congleton, Trace, 03, 195 Emmaus Rd, Belpre, OH 45714, 740-423-9679 Conrad, Bradley, 08, 19850 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton, OH 44044, 216-924-0657 Conrad, Jeffrey, 08, 19850 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton, OH 44044, 216-924-0657 Conrad, Macrae, 05, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5067 Conrad, Macy, 05, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5067 Conrad, Maylon, 05, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, 740-495-5067 Conrad, Mikayla, 05, 13080 Clarksburg Pike, New Holland, OH 43145, dairygirl94@msn.com, 740-495-5067 Conrad, Rebecca, 08, 19800 Indian Hollow Rd, Grafton, OH 44044, volleyball_becca@yahoo.com, 440-647-6113 Cornish, Greg, 08, 2572 Edwards Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 419-752-6293 Cornish, Megan, 08, 2572 Edwards Rd, North Fairfield, OH 44855, 419-752-6293 Cox, Levi, 03, 7875 SR 26, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-473-2789 Cox, Lucas, 03, 7875 SR 26, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-473-2789 Crawford, Lori, 03, 5755 N American Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-364-2923 Crawford, Michael, 03, 5755 N American Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-364-2923 Cummings, Cole, 14, 6999 Johnston Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365, 937-726-2664 Cummings, Olivia, 14, 6999 Johnston Slagle Rd, Sidney, OH 45365, 937-726-2664 Cupps, Ally, 13, 9093 SR 55, St Paris, OH 43072, bcupps@windstream.net, 937-663-5467

D-E-F-G Davidson, Caitlin, 15, 2664 Edwards Rd, Sardinia, OH 45171, ddavidson1072@yahoo.com, 937-442-2038 Davidson, Zachary, 15, 2664 Edwards Rd, Sardinia, OH 45171, 937-442-2038 Deam, Bryson M., 13, 5248 Goldfield Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026, 937-477-6616 Deam, Emily, 03, 9843 Golf Course Rd, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, 330-852-3110 Deam, Madison L., 13, 5248 Goldfield Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026, 937-477-6616 Deam, Nicole E., 13, 5248 Goldfield Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026, steve@cobaselect.com, 937-477-6616 Deam, Trevor S., 13, 5248 Goldfield Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026, 937-477-6616

Deam, Victoria, 03, 9843 Golf Course Rd, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, njvdeam@yahoo.com, 330-852-3110 Dickey, Ethan, 15, 7474 Fair Ridge Rd, Hillsboro, OH 45133, 937-927-5297 Doehr, Bryan A., 08, 549 E Herrick Ave, Wellington, OH 44090, fourdoehrs@frontier.com, 440-647-2458 Doehr, Sarah, 08, 549 E Herrick Ave, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-2458 Dovin, Demi, 08, 48090 SR 303 W, Wellington, OH 44090, dovindairyfarms@ncwcom.net, 440-775-2386 Dovin, John, 08, 48090 SR 303 W, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-775-2386 Duncan, Drew, 04, 42527 US 36, Warsaw, OH 43844, dsduncan1@frontier.com, 740-824-8592 Duncan, Rachel, 04, 42527 US 36, Warsaw, OH 43844, 740-824-8592 Dye, Evan S., 02, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, mddye@live.com, 330-525-5272 Dye, Hannah M., 02, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-5272 Dye, Jonathan T., 02, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-5272 Dye, Michah James, 02, 27863 Shoemaker Rd, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-5272 Elsea, Braden, 01, 6059 King Graves Rd, Fowler, OH 44418, 330-448-4899 Elsea, Brock, 01, 6059 King Graves Rd, Fowler, OH 44418, elsea5family@yahoo.com, 330-448-4899 Elsea, Troy, 01, 6059 King Graves Rd, Fowler, OH 44418, 330-448-4899 Finton, Brittany, 03, 1442 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-4981 Finton, Chris, 03, 1442 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, mooman1442@roadrunner.com, 330-339-4981 Finton, Kurt, 03, 1442 Stonecreek Rd SW, New Philadelphia, OH 44663, 330-339-4981 Fraser, Sara Marie, 02, 632 S 12th St, Beloit, OH 44609, 330-525-7262 Garner, Austin, 15, 5381 Dunwoody Rd, Hamilton, OH 45013, lrgkritterdoc@aol.com, 513-756-9565 Gaskill, Shane, 03, 11158 Stonecreek Rd SW, Newcomerstown, OH 43832, 740-498-5656 Gaskill, Tyler, 03, 11158 Stonecreek Rd SW, Newcomerstown, OH 43832, sonyagaskill@gmail.com, 740-498-5656 Gearheart, Devin, 08, 49233 SR 18, Wellington, OH 44090, greenroofholsteins@yahoo.com, 440-647-3312 Gilbert, Jacoby, 07, 1554 TR 35, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-231-8039 Gilbert, Jamison, 07, 1554 TR 35, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-231-8039 Gilbert, Katherine Marie, 08, 16665 Rt 58 South, Oberlin, OH 44074, dovindairyfarms@ncwcom.net, 440-775-2386 Good, Jeremy, 09, 8925 Harriott Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, tgood@selectsires.com, 614-873-7140 Good, Sydney, 09, 8925 Harriott Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, 614-873-7140 Good, Trey, 09, 8925 Harriott Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, 614-873-7140 Gress, Diane, 07, 9010 Critchfield Rd, Shreve, OH 44676 Gress, Julie, 07, 9010 Critchfield Rd, Shreve, OH 44676

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Gress, Thomas, 07, 9010 Critchfield Rd, Shreve, OH 44676 Gress. Eileen, 07, 9010 Critchfield Rd, Shreve, OH 44676

H-I-J-K Harstine, Colton, 03, 6689 Angel Rd NW, Dundee, OH 44624, mooboy123@wildblue.net, 330-364-5957 Harstine, Tyler, 03, 6689 Angel Rd NW, Dundee, OH 44624, 330-364-5957 Hastings, Addie, 07, Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, adaline99@aol.com, 419-869-7167 Heger, Cole, 15, 10131 CR 227, Camden, OH 45311, 937-452-3606 Heger, Lauren, 15, 5911 Lesourdsville-W Chester Rd, Hamilton, OH 45011, cheger1@fuse.net, 513-777-1666 Heiby, Bethany J., 08, 2188 TR 757, Perrysville, OH 44864, 419-368-4238 Heiby, Tiffany, 08, 2188 TR 757, Perrysville, OH 44864, elheiby@gmail.com, 419-368-4238 Hein, Jake, 12, 8109 Clover Four Rd, Celina, OH 45822, 419-925-5103 Hein, Loren, 12, 8109 Clover Four Rd, Celina, OH 45822, 419-925-5103 Hein, Marlene, 12, 8109 Clover Four Rd, Celina, OH 45822, 419-925-5103 Hershberger, Clay, 03, 9668 Golf Course Rd, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, mhersh1@frontier.com, 330-852-4091 Hershberger, Katelyn, 07, 4976 CR 172, Sugarcreek, OH 44681, EHLM_chershb@tccsa.net, 330-852-4898 Hudson, Kendra, 09, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820, 419-563-0102 Hudson, Kyle, 09, 1627 SR 100, Bucyrus, OH 44820, ckhud909@embarqmail.com, 419-563-0102 Hughes, Amy, 07, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637, 330-377-4156 Hughes, John, 07, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637, 330-377-4156 Hughes, William, 07, 1920 TR 26, Killbuck, OH 44637, hankhughes@embarqmail.com, 330-377-4156 Jackson, Ella G., 11, 8961 TR 207, DeGraff, OH 43318, 937-585-5727 Jackson, Hillary A., 11, 8961 TR 207, DeGraff, OH 43318, rjackson@absglobal.com, 937-585-5727 Jackson, Luke A., 11, 8961 TR 207, DeGraff, OH 43318, 937-585-5727 Jackson, Samuel L., 11, 8961 TR 207, DeGraff, OH 43318, 937-585-5727 Janes, Allison, 07, 2519 S Jefferson Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, kjanes@sssnet.com, 330-264-6445

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Jordan, Joshua, 03, 8814 Lorey Rd, East Rochester, OH 44625, 330-894-2902 Jordan, Kara, 03, 8814 Lorey Rd, East Rochester, OH 44625, 330-894-2902 Kaverman, Lydia M., 13, 11142 Huntington Rd, South Charleston, OH 45368, 419-203-9629 King, Garret, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, tcking7@gmail.com, 937-465-1550 King, Hayden, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550 King, Mickayla, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550 King, Samantha, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550 King, Silas, 13, 1102 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-1550 Kinney, Nathaniel, 07, 8088 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-4376 Kinney, Zachary, 07, 8088 Aylsworth Rd, Shreve, OH 44676, 330-496-4376 Klier, Ben, 08, 18456 Pitts Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-4402 Klier, Emily, 08, 18456 Pitts Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-4402 Klier, Rachel, 08, 18456 Pitts Rd, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-647-4402 Knisely, Katie, 10, 25210 CR M, Fayette, OH 43521, 419-237-3137 Koopmans, Alex, 15, 10555 Pleasant Renner Rd, Goshen, OH 45122, dkoopmans@tds.net, 513-877-2300 Kryling, Jena, 09, 3877 TR 136, McComb, OH 45858, kryling1@mb.noacsc.org, 419-293-2481 Kryling, Mike, 09, 3877 TR 136, McComb, OH 45858, 419-293-2481

L-M-N L’Amoreaux, Lauren, 02, 7261 Paris Ave NE, Louisville, OH 44641, blamoreaux@neo.rr.com, 330-875-4157 L’Amoreaux, Lindsay, 02, 7261 Paris Ave NE, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-875-4157 Liming, Louis, 01, 3726 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, 330-652-5694 Liming, Marlena, 01, 3726 Austintown-Warren Rd, Mineral Ridge, OH 44440, louidafarms@aol.com, 330-652-5694 Mangun, Allison, 07, 13693 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, 330-435-6520 Mangun, Ben, 07, 13693 Friendsville Rd, Burbank, OH 44214, mangunfarm@yahoo.com, 330-435-6520 Martin, Kalley, 10, 13330 CR 23, Fayette, OH 43521, sugar_plum_2009@hotmail.com, 419-237-2067

Comfortable Leid’s and Washable Calf Blankets Fax: 419-895-2311 Ph.: 419-895-2324 6810 Olivesburg-Fitchville Rd. Greenwich, Ohio 44837

Harold -n- Lillian Leid

Mazzaro, Bailee, Calla and Mason, 01, 7373 Stanhope Kellogsville Rd, Williamsfield, OH 44093, 440-293-5573, mazzaradi@aol.com McDonnell, Miranda, 08, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, 440-774-3113 McDonnell, Morgan, 08, 48199 SR 303, Wellington, OH 44090, mx198@newcom.net, 440-774-3113 McGovern, Kate, 08, 1567 TR 355, Jeromesville, OH 44840, 419-368-3485 McGuire, Deven, 11, 1740 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, mcguiren@benlogan.k12.oh.us, 937-465-8150 McGuire, Kyle, 11, 1740 Mennonite Church Rd, West Liberty, OH 43357, 937-465-8150 McKay, Josh, 05, 6240 Miami Trace Rd, Washington Court House, OH 43160 Miley, Adam, 07, 8108 Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, mileyja@frontier.com, 419-846-3234 Miley, Anna, 07, 6745 Matty Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, jdjamiley@aol.com, 330-263-7814 Miley, David, 07, 8108 Martin Rd, West Salem, OH 44287, 419-846-3234 Miller, Ben, 07, 9428 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-7870 Miller, Hallie, 07, 16485 E TR 136, Bellevue, OH 44811, 419-271-3530 Miller, Leah, 07, 16485 E TR 136, Bellevue, OH 44811, 419-271-3530 Miller, Shelby, 07, 9428 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-7870 Minich, Frances Riley, 09, 3730 Smith Rd, Fremont, OH 43420, minich@thewavz.com, 419-639-3790 Moff, Elizabeth, 02, 9160 New Buffalo Rd, Canfield, OH 44406, Moff, Heidi, 02, 14200 New Buffalo Rd, Columbiana, OH 44408, 330-482-9018 Morlock, James, 10, 6661 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450, shellimorlock@yahoo.com, 419-308-7990 Morlock, Madisen, 10, 6661 Housekeeper Rd, Pemberville, OH 43450, 419-308-7990 Mudgett, Garrett, 13, 5248 Goldfield Dr, Hilliard, OH 43026, 937-477-6616 Nelson, J. D., 13, 1751 S Dugan Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653-8041 Nelson, Tad, 13, 1751 S Dugan Rd, Urbana, OH 43078, 937-653-8041

O-P-Q-R Oberholtzer, Brandon S., 08, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, clairlyn@bright.net, 419-938-3156

CERTIFIED Tye J. Henschen DVM ON-FARM EMBRYO TRANSFER EXPORT CERTIFIED 3883 Klondike Road Delaware, Ohio 43015

Phone 740-369-3931 Fax 740-369-7814

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 63

82030 p45.64 mem.Ren.CarK.4c


10:44 AM

Oberholtzer, Brittany R., 08, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156 Oberholtzer, Gordon N., 08, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156 Oberholtzer, Landon C., 08, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156 Oberholtzer, Waldon K., 08, 727 CR 2404, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-938-3156 Oechsle, Harrison, 12, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH 45891, jcoent@frontier.com, 419-965-2272 Oechsle, Korey, 12, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH 45891, 419-965-2272 Oechsle, Matthew, 12, 11247 Wren Landeck Rd, Van Wert, OH 45891, 419-965-2272 Patterson, Krista, 07, 4789 Blachleyville Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-8200 Pennington, Abby, 10, 14286 US 20, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-7026 Pennington, Noah, 10, 14286 US 20, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-7026 Pond, P. Shem, 13, 1319 N Parkview Rd, Woodstock, OH 43084, jrpond@ctcn.net, 937-834-2431 Quallen, Emily, 15, 1123 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45122, 937-877-2300 Quallen, Loren, 15, 1123 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177, 937-383-0693 Quallen, Sarah, 15, 1123 Brown Rd, Wilmington, OH 45177, 937-383-0693 Reid, Sawyer, 03, 19623 Sugartree Rd, Freeport, OH 45973, 740-498-7772 Reid, Skyler, 03, 19623 Sugartree Rd, Freeport, OH 45973, 740-498-7772 Reid, Somer, 03, 19623 Sugartree Rd, Freeport, OH 45973, 740-498-7772 Reynolds, Ethan, 07, 1554 TR 35, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-231-8039 Reynolds, Rachil, 07, 1554 TR 35, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-231-8039 Riggenbach, Micah, 07, 10331 Frick Rd, Sterling, OH 44276, 330-317-1619 Riggenbach, Noah, 07, 4425 Egypt Rd, Smithville, OH 44677, 330-669-3094 Riggenbach, Owen, 07, 10690 Parr Rd, Marshallville, OH 44645, 330-855-9998

S-T Sayers, John, 11, 16591 County Home Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, csayers@selectsires.com, 937-243-7477 Sayers, Max, 11, 16591 County Home Rd, Marysville, OH 43040, 937-243-7477 Schlabach, Christopher,0 7, 4691 TR 628, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-1148 Schlabach, Joshua, 07, 4691 TR 628, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-1148 Schlabach, Molly, 07, 4691 TR 628, Millersburg, OH 44654, 330-674-1148 Schlauch, Logan, 07, 12809 TR 503, Big Prairie, OH 44611, vvf48@earthlink.net, 330-378-2024 Schlauch, Wyatt, 07, 12809 TR 503, Big Prairie, OH 44611, 330-378-2024 Schmitmeyer, Clair, 14, 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-526-4226 Schmitmeyer, Katerri, 14, 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, 937-526-4226 Schmitmeyer, Ted, 14, 11811 Marshall Rd, Versailles, OH 45380, lvfarms@directv.net, 937-526-4226 Schonauer, Tyler, 07, 5721 TR 273, Millersburg, OH 44654, tschonauer@gmail.com, 330-674-0165 Schroeder, Travis, 10, 11312 CR D, Wauseon, OH 43567, brendas20@embarqmail.com, 419-335-0293 Schroeder, Trent, 10, 11312 CR D, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-0293 64 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

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Schroeder, Trey, 10, 11312 CR D, Wauseon, OH 43567, 419-335-0293 Seedorf, Callie, 10, 4-512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-278-1124 Seedorf, Chloe, 10, 4-512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, 419-278-1124 Seedorf, Claire, 10, 4-512 CR F, Deshler, OH 43516, seedorfmj@aol.com, 419-278-1124 Shoemaker, Austen, 02, 14308 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, shoemaker.3@osu.edu, 330-537-3325 Shoemaker, Ben, 02, 14308 Garfield Rd, Salem, OH 44460, 330-537-3325 Simpson, Ben, 03, 65343 Plainfield Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, 740-484-1444 Simpson, Emily, 03, 65343 Plainfield Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, 740-484-1444 Simpson, Robert, 03, 65343 Plainfield Rd, Belmont, OH 43718, 740-484-1444 Smith, Alexia, 11, 14630 Middleburg Plain City Rd, Plain City, OH 43064, 614-233-0182 Smith, Jared, 11, 14630 Middleburg Plain City Rd, Plain City, OH 43064, btjasmith@msn.com, 614-233-0182 Smith, Nerissa, 03, 42743 Mule Ridge Rd, Sardis, OH 43946, Snyder, Courtney, 03, PO Box 253, 55872 Orchard Dr Ext, Baltic, OH 43804, pc_snyder@roadrunner.com, 330-897-7761 Snyder, Mallory, 03, PO Box 253, 55872 Orchard Dr Ext, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-987-7761 Snyder, Nicole, 03, PO Box 253, 55872 Orchard Dr Ext, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-987-7761 Stalder, Matt, 03, 48812 SR 536, Sardis, OH 43946, sherrie.stalder@gmail.com, 740-483-1579 Steel, Clinton, 03, 2705 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, jpnc@wilkshire.net, 330-364-5243 Steel, Jaden, 03, 2843 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-343-1307 Steel, Stacie, 03, 2843 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, daybyday@wilkshire.net, 330-343-1307 Steel, Stephanie, 03, 2843 Steel Rd NW, Dover, OH 44622, 330-343-1307 Steinke, Aprille, 12, 15431 Fox Ranch, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-738-7136 Steinke, Lee Ann, 12, 15431 Fox Ranch, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, maplmilk@bright.net, 419-738-7136 Steinke, Luke, 12, 15431 Fox Ranch, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, 419-738-7136 Stevens, Jessica, 07, 4660 W Smithville-Western, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-749-8633 Stull, Katie, 07, 9304 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-263-0037 Stull, Riley, 07, 9304 Finley Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-263-0037 Sullivan, Jackie, 15, 6219 Greenbudd Dr, Goshen, OH 45122, 513-625-6167 Sullivan, Katie, 15, 6219 Greenbudd Dr, Goshen, OH 45122, ginnsull@aol.com, 513-625-6167 Sullivan, Maggie, 15, 6219 Greenbudd Dr, Goshen, OH 45122, 513-625-6167 Thompson, Alisha, 03, 42225 Jewett-Scio Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, 740-946-2805 Thompson, James, 03, 42225 Jewett-Scio Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, 740-946-2805 Thompson, LeeAnna, 03, 42225 Jewett-Scio Rd, Jewett, OH 43986, 740-946-2805 Thorbahn, Ashley, 09, 4428 CR 247, Vickery, OH 43464, glossygirl63@aol.com, 419-547-0795 Timmons, Ian, 08, 334 TR 2422, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-368-6300 Timmons, Megan, 08, 334 TR 2422, Loudonville, OH 44842, 419-368-6300 Topp, Brennan, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-5562

Topp, Keaton, 14, 8986 SR 274, Kettlersville, OH 45336, kktopp@aol.com, 937-693-4400 Topp, Kinley, 14, 8986 SR 274, Kettlersville, OH 45336, 937-693-4400 Topp, Logan, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-5562 Topp, Madelyn, 14, 10356 Kohler Rd, Wapakoneta, OH 45895, metopp@watchtv.net, Topp, Marissa, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-5562 Topp, Tanner, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-5562 Topp, Tessa, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-5562 Topp, Tyler, 07, 3954 Congress Rd, Wooster, OH 44691, 330-262-5562 Trbovich, Austin, 02, 7222 Waynesburg Rd, Waynesburg, OH 44688, 330-866-5438 Trbovich, Logan, 02, 7222 Waynesburg Rd, Waynesburg, OH 44688, 330-866-5438 Tullis, Kelsie, 03, 2039 Aster Rd, Scio, OH 43988, tullis@tusco.net, 330-739-2067 Tullis, Kolby, 03, 2039 Aster Rd, Scio, OH 43988, 330-739-2067

U-V-W-X-Y-Z Wagner, Kelly, 01, 8300 Parker Rd, Orwell, OH 44076, kwagne10@kent.edu, 440-437-8384 Wallace, Alexis, 15, 103 Boulder Dr, Mt Orab, OH 45154, drewgill.10@yahoo.com, 513-309-3782 Watson, Bryce, 09, 1100 S TR 77, Republic, OH 44867, 419-585-6001 Watson, Ian, 09, 1100 S TR 77, Republic, OH 44867, 419-585-6001 Watson, Victoria, 09, 1100 S TR 77, Republic, OH 44867, rodnancy@frontier.com, 419-585-6001 Weeman, Sam, 07, 304 N Kansas Rd, Orrville, OH 44667, lttlguy12@gmail.com, 330-683-6771 Weisgarber, Ed, 02, 13789 Millersburg Rd SW, Massillon, OH 44647, weisgarber_ed@yahoo.com, 330-417-7868 Weyant, Faith, 03, 1071 Coffman Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, snfcoffman3@yahoo.com, 740-373-3744 Whertenberger, Briley, 12, 640 Davis St, Delphos, OH 45833, 419-203-9629 Whertenberger, Zane, 12, 640 Davis St, Delphos, OH 45833, 419-203-9629 Whiteleather, Alex, 02, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Andre, 02, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-868-5250 Whiteleather, Autumn, 02, 8208 Bayard Rd, Minerva, OH 44657, 330-858-5250 Whiteleather, Hagan, 02, 451 E Milton Rd, Alliance, OH 44601, 330-868-5250 Wolfe, Daniel, 02, 6508 Bentler Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-492-5254 Wolfe, Katherine, 02, 6508 Bentler Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, 330-492-5254 Wolfe, Robert, 02, 6508 Bentler Ave, Louisville, OH 44641, ahungrywolfe@suarez.com, 330-492-5254 Wolff, Anna L., 08, 6395 Branch Rd, Medina, OH 44256, Young, Holly, 03, 9615 Eckert Rd, Baltic, OH 43804, 330-897-1302 Zimmer, Beth, 03, 80 Zimmer Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, zimmerview@ee.net, 740-374-7299 Zimmer, Eric, 03, 80 Zimmer Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-7299 Zimmer, Lisa, 03, 80 Zimmer Rd, Marietta, OH 45750, 740-374-7299

82030 p65 Conrad


10:38 AM

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Genex is our profit partner! We expect full efforts from our herd and the Genex-sired cows have responded – these top twenty average 123% relative value!

Cow 1063 946 1161 1165 1028 1013 1192 1179 736 959

Sire 1H06959 Satire 1H08597 Gack 1H05903 F3 1H07154 Encino 1H06721 Hosea 1H07235 Toystory 1H07235 Toystory 1H06987 Pomeroy 1H06342 Jeter 1H08268 Hauser

Lact# 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 3

RV% 138 133 129 129 128 124 124 123 122 122

Cow 1130 975 671 947 808 1149 1045 1078 769 1014

Sire 1H07235 Toystory 1H06671 Murphy 1H07077 Macbeth 1H06671 Murphy 1H06517 Capitol 1H07235 Toystory 1H08943 Dine 1H06802 Judd 1H05433 Cosmo 1H07154 Encino

Lact# 1 2 5 2 4 1 2 1 4 2

RV% 121 120 119 119 118 118 117 117 116 116

Other Genex-sired cows giving the full 110% (or more) include daughters of 1H05306 Bond, 1H06827 Deann, and 1H06666 Pop.

Ri-Val-Re Shottle Desirae-ET EX-91 EEVEE DOM Desirae completes 11 generations of Excellent or Very Good. 2-00 365D 33,222M 3.6% 1,200F 3.1% 1,017P 3-05 305D 30,920M 3.7% 1,150F 3.2% 978P

Desirae has a Zenith son that was sampled by Genex and numerous other genomic-tested Genex-sired sons and daughters: • 2 heifers by 1H08778 Super (1 @ +2.39PTAT & +2006GTPI) • 1 heifer by 1H08784 Freddie @ +2.47PTAT & +2069GTPI • 1 bull by 1H08784 Freddie for Genex @ +2136GTPI and awaiting 50K results We also have 5 more ET pregnancies coming from Desirae by 1H08778 Super and 1H02683 Sebastian.

Conrad Farms Rick & Sue Conrad Cell: 216-396-7015 Email: rconrad@ncwcom.com

Visitors Welcome

Holsteins and Custom Forage Harvesting 19900 Indian Hollow Rd., Grafton, Ohio 44044-9601 5/11 RHA 220 Cows 3X 27,250M 934F 781P

Dave and Laurie Conrad Cell: 216-924-0657 OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 65

82030 p66 Whiteleather


3:21 PM

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Whiteleather Lou 1065 VG-87 Her Dam: Whiteleather Zenith 738 EX-90 Grandam: Whiteleather Revenue 392 VG-85 GMD Lou has two sisters and two brothers by 1H08778 Charlesdale Superstition-ET.

Whiteleather S Sage 1048-ET EX-90 Her Dam: Whiteleather Outside 367 EX-91 GMD DOM Her Sire: Comestar Stormatic-ET Sage has two pregnancies by Superstition.

Whiteleather Silk 1040-ET VG-87 Her Dam: Whiteleather Outside 367 EX-91 GMD DOM Her Sire: Comestar Stormatic-ET Silk has four Toystory sisters and six Superstition sisters. THEIR GENOMICS — Whiteleather Super: Other Genex Favorites

Whiteleather Toystory 1034 VG-86 Whiteleather Marc 1001 VG-85 Whiteleather Marc 1017 GP-84 Whiteleather Marc 1038 VG-87 Whiteleather Marc 1141 VG-85 Whiteleather Marc 1185 GP-82 Whiteleather Marc 1257 GP-82 Whiteleather Bond 430 VG-88 Whiteleather Tres 856 GP-83

Visitors Always Welcome

1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706

+2.70T +2.93T +2.58T +2.16T +2.74T +2.29T

+1.63U +2.54U +2.09U +2.11U +1.89U +1.49U

+1.50FL +1.28FL +2.11FL +1.24FL +1.86FL +0.76FL

+1975GTPI +2046GTPI +2009GTPI +1841GTPI +1895GTPI +1875GTPI

We also have three full brothers to these!


Service Age Bulls — Available — Inquiries Welcome

Betty, Glenn, Lawrence & Jason Whiteleather Adam Whiteleather RHA 462 Cows 25,939M 923F 800P 8208 Bayard Road, Minerva, OH 44657 29468 Tower Road, Salem, OH 44460 BAA 104.5 Phone: 330-868-5250, Lawrence’s Cell: 330-904-1806 Home Phone & Fax: 330-222-1642 Wesley Johnson’s Cell: 330-853-6446 Cell: 330-205-1738, Email: ajw116@frontier.com 66 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

82030 p67 Hunsberger


4:09 PM

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Genomic testing is in progress on Hunsberger Super Darci-ET and Hunsberger Super Denise-ET. Their Dam

Hunsberger Dazzle-ET EX-91 DOM 1-10 365D 31,630M 4.8% 1,511F 3.0% 980P 4-09 205 24,808M 4.3% 1,067F 2.8% 695P Inc. • Heavily contracted to AI and embryos sold to Japan • Her Sire: Goldwyn 2nd Dam Hunsberger Manfred Salsa-ET EX-91 3E DOM 7-04 365D 38,970M 4.3% 1,681F 3.0% 1,174P Life: 202,850M 4.12% 8,324F 3.2% 6,406P

3rd Dam Hunsberger Elton Tracy-ET EX-91 EEEEE GMD DOM 5-01 365D 44,270M 3.9% 1,736F 3.3% 1,461P Tracy is a full sister to 1H02194 Hunsberger Elton Copper-ET.

4th Dam Holmes-View Mark Tara-EX-91GMD DOM 3-09 365D 42,270M 3.7% 1,572F 3.2% 1,358P

Hunsberger Sabrina-ET, a Million maternal sister to the Super calves, is currently under contract to Genex. Sabrina is on the USDA Elite Cow List. A special thank you to Paul Haskins and Toby Schaub for their valuable insight and for being such a pleasure to work with.

Hunsberger Holsteins, LLC Wayne & Donna Hunsberger Ph: 330-567-2789 RHA 108 Cows 23,042M 906F 719P

8257 Aylsworth Road, Shreve, OH 44676 Mike, Janice, Aaron and Laney Hunsberger Ph: 330-496-2134 • Fax: 330-496-4120

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 67

82030 p68.69 Allstar 4c


68 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

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“3” Cash Awards at the National Holstein Show in August 2012 at the Ohio State Fair These awards will be paid to three Brock Calves in the Open March Calf class. The Calf must be sired by

Mr Crockett-Acres Brock-ET The first prize is $500.00 paid to the highest-placing Brock calf

The second prize is $250.00 paid to the second-highest-placing Brock calf

The third prize is $100.00 paid to the third-highest-placing Brock calf Semen is available from Jack Meyer, Marketing Dir. TOLL FREE:

866-810-BULL (2855),



OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 69

Your Beef Checkoff Dollars at Work Your Beef Checkoff. Investing in Beef Safety, Nutrition and Promotion.


Another reason to love beef

The Beef Checkoff Program is proud to announce that the American Heart Association has listed three beef cuts as part of its Food Certification Program. This program helps healthy consumers over the age of two identify foods that meet criteria for saturated fat and cholesterol when labeled with the association’s heart-check mark. The three beef cuts that met the American Heart Association’s criteria for extra lean, and are now certified to display the heart-check mark include Boneless Top Sirloin Petite Roast, Top Sirloin Filet and Top Sirloin Kabob. The American Heart Association’s heart-check mark is one of the most trusted icons on food packaging today – and it continues to resonate with healthconscious shoppers, even in today’s challenging economy.


Ninth annual Beef Industry Safety Summit

Safety Summit, funded in part, by the Beef Checkoff Program. Throughout the event, attendees were enlightened with food safety research information and solutions for improving beef safety systems industry-wide. Dr. Elisabeth Hagen (pictured below at left), USDA Undersecretary for Food Safety, was on hand to address attendees, “Food safety is something we need to tackle together,” Hagen said, “Science, data and research are the best tools we have to protect consumers.” With the wide range of summit attendees, as well as, industry experts like Dr. Hagen joining in the discussion, checkoff representative are always provided with new beef safety messages to increase consumer confidence


The Checkoff’s gone social


OBC visits foodservice pros In March, the Ohio Beef Council joined more than 500 foodservice industry professionals at the Northeast American Culinary Federation Trade Show in Columbus for a day of industry news, networking and education. OBC staff spent the day interacting with all who attended in hopes of providing a key resource outlet for everything beef foodservice. Attendees were introduced to numerous materials including; foodservice recipe cards and brochures, cut charts, I Heart Beef cutting boards, spice packs and were also invited to navigate through the checkoff funded beeffoodservice.org Website for an opportunity to see how the checkoff could help their operation.

Consumer Information In early March, state and national checkoff representatives, scientists, public agencies and representatives from every link to the beef industry joined in Dallas for the 9th Annual Beef Industry

meat case. Whether you’re in search of a new recipe or simply want to study-up on a cut that you are not sure of, the Interactive Meat Case is the place to be. This checkoff funded Web tool is equipped with cut descriptions, recipes, cooking tips, recommended cooking methods, nutrition information and much more. To visit the Interactive Meat Case head to www.beefitswhatsfordinner.com/meatcase.aspx and check out all it has to offer.

Have you visited the interactive meat case?

With grilling season just around the corner, what better time to learn all there is to know about the options at today’s

Beef producers are talking about their beef checkoff investment – and they’re taking it to the masses. In addition to testimonials and audio interviews found online, visit the MyBeefCheckoff YouTube channel to watch videos of ranchers as they talk about the checkoff, straight from their farms! And don’t forget about Facebook, where you can start or follow a checkoff question or conversation. If you haven’t “liked” the MyBeefCheckoff page on Facebook, sign on and be part of the conversation! Also, join the conversation on a local level by “liking” the Ohio Beef Council page on Facebook and following us on Twitter @OHIOBEEF. We’ll see you there! Y

The Ohio Beef Council and the Cattlemen’s Beef Promotion and Research Board are responsible for developing programs that increase the demand for beef. For more information, contact the Ohio Beef Council, 10600 U.S. Highway 42, Marysville, Ohio 43040, 614-873-6736, beef@ohiobeef.org. Spring Issue 2011 [ Ohio Cattleman [ 41

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82030 p72 COBAnews.CommBl


3:48 PM

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Charles Moellendick Receives COBA/ Select Sires Distinguished Service Award Charles Moellendick, Lancaster, Ohio, recently received a Distinguished Service Award from COBA/ Select Sires during the cooperative’s annual meetings. He was presented with a plaque, which read, “For Your Calm & Effective Service and Leadership 1980-2011.” Moellendick thus became the first person to receive this prestigious recognition since 1996. Moellendick also served as a Director of Select Sires representing COBA members during the same 31-year period. In making the presentation to Charles Moellendick, current COBA/Select Sires President Tom Fleming noted that it was during Moellendick’s term as President of COBA/Select Sires that current General Manager Bernie Heisner was hired in 1992. When Moellendick started as a Director of COBA in 1980, the cooperative sold 473,043 units of semen in its service area, which remarkably grew to 1,764,136 units in 2010 with no change in the geography

served. Fleming further observed Moellendick’s demeanor as a board member was generally quiet with good humor, but when Charles spoke, people listened attentively to what he had to say. A true believer in what a cooperative could and should accomplish for its member-owner-customers, Moellendick was effective in speaking up and offering ideas and opinions when he thought another course of action would better serve the cooperative’s members. While Charles served as President of Select Sires, in 1999, David Thorbahn was hired to lead Select Sires and replace Dick Chichester; in 2000, Sire Power from Tunkhannock, Pennsylvania, became a part of the Select Sires federation of cooperatives, and in 2001, Select Sires purchased World Wide Sires jointly with Accelerated Genetics. It is interesting to note that it was Charles Moellendick’s father who, as the farmer President of a West Virginia A.I. cooperative, hired Dick Chichester for his first job with an A.I. organization. Charles was President of Select Sires when Chichester retired in 1999. COBA/Select Sires of Columbus, Ohio, is a leader in the bovine artificial insemination field that operates as a true cooperative to provide superior genetics and service to benefit its member-customers.


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82030 p73.75 women.Menn.ATI


3:28 PM

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BarbWire According to the calendar, spring has arrived. In spite of the cold weather and recent snowflakes, we all know what that means — it’s time for Spring Cleaning! While we can’t Barb Lumley throw open the doors and windows to air things out and start washing down and painting, we can begin going through drawers, closets and cupboards and considering the Goodwill Store or a yard sale. When it comes to spring cleaning, one of the handicaps in my life is being the daughter of parents who lived through the “Great Depression.” When I was a child, spring cleaning was a bit different from what it is today. As soon as the weather was warm enough, the doors and windows were thrown open to get rid of the smell of a winter’s worth of coal and wood smoke throughout the house. The smell of lilacs and clove bushes would waft through the house giving it that fresh smell that only spring can bring. No fancy plug-ins or spray in a can, just Mother Nature at her best. In those days, very little was thrown away, and no one had even thought about such a thing as a “yard sale.” Closets and drawers would be emptied and clothing sorted. Items in good condition, but too small for family members, would be passed on to relatives or friends with growing children. Clothes that were still wearable but needed repairs were put in the “mending basket,” and often Grandma was the one who resurrected those by patching, sewing on buttons or rehemming. Anything that couldn’t be mended was cut into quilt patches, and any rags left over were cut into strips for rag rugs or to tie up tomato plants in the garden, or they were used for cleaning or as grease rags in the garage. From the kitchen came empty coffee cans to be used for dipping feed and seed, or used to feed and water various animals. Pans with holes in them often became feed pans or flowerpots, and chipped plates and dishes were often found under those flower pots. Or they might find their way to the garage to hold nuts, bolts, nails and small parts. Small glass jars that couldn’t be used for jams or jellies held pins, buttons or sometimes even earrings and jewelry. If you were lucky enough to have a few pennies left over after paying the bills, they might become savings banks. Even cardboard and paper was used as insulation in houses and barns. Many a paper feedbag helped to plug cracks and keep the cold wind out of our barn in the wintertime. Chicken feed came in colored cloth bags made of nice material. After they were emptied, they were washed up and served many purposes. If you were lucky enough to get several of the same color and pattern, dresses were made from them. Some were white with pretty colored patterns on the ends and could be sewed into pillowcases. The odd ones that you couldn’t get a match for were usually made

into dishtowels. When the feed truck came, you never knew what color or pattern your feed sacks would be, so it was always interesting to see what your next new dress might look like! Several of those feed sacks are still in my closet, and my dishtowels made from them wear like iron! When spring cleaning was done in those days, no one needed a truck to haul what was left to the landfills! Since the weather isn’t cooperating, I am going to start my spring cleaning with the “junk drawer” in the kitchen. Doesn’t everyone have one? Now let’s see, batteries and flashlight bulbs — wonder if any of those work? Nails; hair clasps; scotch tape; a package of corks (might need those); a ping pong ball (where did that come from?); baby food jars full of bolts, pins and stuff. Wow, those jars have been around awhile, since our youngest is over forty! Packages of brown shoestrings; I don’t think anyone here wears brown shoes. Whoops, can’t throw those away; I used some of them to tie up my hummingbird feeder last spring. There is my antique noodle cutter! I wondered where it disappeared to! A small dog collar that definitely won’t fit my Border Collie or the St. Bernard! A couple of cheese cutters — better not throw those away; we eat a lot of cheese. Looks like my “better keep” pile is getting much bigger than my “get rid of” pile! So much for spring cleaning!

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82030 p73.75 women.Menn.ATI


3:55 PM

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The Queen’sby Mikayla Corner Conrad HELLO AGAIN! It doesn’t seem like it should be time for me to be writing to all of you for the May/June issue of Ohio News. There hasn’t been enough sunshine and warm weather for it to be May already! Since I last wrote, I have had the opportunity to spend a wonderful weekend at the Spring Dairy Expo. I was busy assisting with the shows and staying active, but I think Mom discovered that the seats in Cooper Arena are much warmer during the State Fair in August! I was so amazed to see the dedication of the dairy exhibitors as they braved the cool — okay, downright cold — weather to prepare their animals for show. I am always impressed by the camaraderie that is shared by those involved in the dairy industry and was delighted to see so many Junior members participating in the Spring Dairy Expo, knowing they were missing school to share in the experience.

Besides assisting with the shows and being ringside for the sale, I appreciated the opportunity to meet and speak with Dale Minyo from Ohio AgNet, allowing me to speak on behalf of the Holstein exhibitors and to promote the Spring Dairy Expo to radio listeners. Friday evening was a fun time to visit with people and help the American Dairy Association Mideast with their Domino’s Pizza promotion. We are very lucky to have such an active organization working on our behalf. On Saturday morning of the Expo, I had the opportunity to represent my FFA chapter to participate in the Dairy Handlers competition. The dairy judging event was well coordinated, and it seemed those competing had an enjoyable time. I would like to thank the Buckeye Dairy Club, the Ohio Holstein Association, ADA Mideast and the show volunteers for being so active throughout the weekend, making sure that events ran smoothly. I have several dates of Holstein events already on the family calendar for the upcoming year and look forward to working with you as we begin the busy county fair season. While I am winding down the school year and beginning to kick my own dairy cattle projects into high gear, I am excited to hear from anyone involved in the dairy industry who would like me to attend their events. If there are shows, promotions or special events that you would like me to attend, you may contact me via email or phone. My email address is dairygirl94@msn.com, and my home phone number is 740-495-5067.

Ohio State ATI Building Leaders for the Dairy Industry!

“The Select Detect gives us a higher heat detection rate and a better timing of insemination. It allows students to see the latest in technology, decreases labor and does away with tail painting.” Andy Remillard, Asst. Dairy Herd Mgr.

Ohio State ATI 1328 Dover Road Wooster, OH 44691 330-287-1331 www.ati.osu.edu

74 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

“The new parlor has reduced our milking time and lowered our Somatic Cell Count. The Animat floor mats prevent the cows from slipping when they exit the parlor.” Gary Crocker, Dairy Herd Manager


Contact: Royce Thornton Dairy Programs Coordinator 330-287-1373 thornton.5@osu.edu

82030 p73.75 women.Menn.ATI


3:44 PM

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Ohio Holstein Queen First Runner-up, Renee Hershberger

Renee, 21, is the daughter of Craig and Deb Hershberger. She is currently a junior at Kent State University-Tuscarawas majoring in accounting technology and business management. Renee lives on a small farm between Sugarcreek and Walnut Creek, Ohio. She has been showing at our county fair, district shows and state fair since she was 10 years old. In 2006, Renee had the opportunity to show at the World Dairy Expo. While in school, Renee has been working part-time at Der Dutchman Bakery in Walnut Creek. Renee and Queen Mikayla Conrad will coordinate their summer schedules to attend as many shows and activities as possible.


by Cheri Oechsle

Sometimes the priorities we place on ourselves, or others, or organizations can tend to get blurry. It’s not always easy to try and step back and look at the bigger picture. Sometimes that bigger picture Cheri with sons Matthew, Korey and Harrison is a little blurry or cannot be envisioned. But it is there, and we must sift through the blurriness or distance to find it. And our lives are a constant juggle of priorities as we try to balance the demands, yet keep the bigger picture in view. I am a part of the Junior advisory committee. The committee is continually striving to develop that bigger picture for the Ohio Junior Holstein youth. The big picture goal is to guide the youth to develop state programs and activities that will further develop their leadership skills, Holstein dairy knowledge and networking capabilities; grow membership and further develop the Holstein breed; and have fun doing it. The youth of our dairy industry today have many more functions pulling them in a variety of directions than ever before. School activities, sports and other commitments are now seven days a week. The Junior advisory committee and Junior officers are attempting to work on ways to create more opportunities for participation in a variety of ways. The overall strength of the future OJHA lies in the youth and the parents who juggle and sacrifice to make it a priority. As a past Junior member, I can personally attest to the influence that the Ohio Junior Holstein Association and advisors had on my decisions, growth and choices. Dad took the time to get me to meetings in Columbus and take us to annual meetings and shows. We, too, have made it a priority to be a part of this organization today. As a parent, I see the value of my children’s involvement in the organization with their career visions, industry networking and leadership development. The bigger picture as parents is what direction our children will take as they leave the nest and venture into their own careers and families. I do not envision all of my children staying in the agriculture field, but they may. The dairy youth organization participation that we made a priority has been, and is, developing their leadership skills, speaking abilities, confidence and knowledge. The friends that they have made, both statewide and nationally, will be with them for a lifetime, just as mine have. If you haven’t already, check out the “Junior Jottings” to see what the Ohio Holstein youth are up to these days. The Juniors have scheduled a family fun day at Magic Mountain-Polaris in Columbus on July 17. For more information, contact the Ohio Holstein Office or me at jcoent@frontier.com, and come join the fun!

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82030 p76 Kiko.Jrs


3:32 PM

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by Korey Oechsle

Kiko Derry Marlene 276 p Now EX-91 at 8 years 4 months,

6th Lactation. p Her Dam EX-90 2E. p Has an 83-point Aspen due this summer. Looks great! p Has an Advent Red Heifer due anytime.

Kiko Durham Rossaline 476 p Now VG-87 at 4 years 4 months,

3rd lactation. p Has a Talent daughter VG-85 at 2 years 3 months. p Great Dam and Daughter for 2011!

Mors Blitz Hi Metro Joann p 1st Score EX-90 at 5 years 3 months,

3rd lactation. p 1st two tests 122 pounds and 160 pounds of milk. p Her Dam EX-92 Hi-Metro.

Have a Great Summer RHA 185 cows 25,477M 939F 786P

R & P Kiko Family Farms, Ltd. Rusty & Pam, Russell, Randall, Rudy and Ryan (Russell) 28173 Winona Road, Salem, OH 44460 Home 330-525-0302, Cell 330-853-0401, Fax 330-525-7683

AUCTIONEERS Leading the Auction Industry since 1945 Russ Kiko Associates Inc. 2805 Fulton Drive NW, Canton, OH 44718 1-800-533-5456 • www.kikoauctions.com

Randall L. Kiko Res: 330-222-2220 Cell: 330-831-0174 Ext. 158 Russell T. (Rusty) Kiko, Jr. Res: 330-525-7420 Cell: 330-495-0923 Ext. 115

Rudy W. Kiko 330-540-2416 Ext. 117

Check out the Kiko Auction Website for upcoming auctions. 76 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

OJHA Officers at SDE, Allison Mangun, President; Korey Oechsle, Reporter; Louis Liming, Treasurer; Anna Miley, Vice President. Not pictured: Allison Janes, Secretary.

It’s that time again — break out the show supplies and work with those animals! Friday, April 1, 2011, the Ohio Juniors held a meeting at 7:30 at Spring Dairy Expo. The meeting had 14 Juniors from all over Ohio there. The Ohio Juniors decided to go to Magic Mountain in Columbus on Sunday, July 17. It’s a family activity, so any one can come and have fun with friends and family (See the ad on the previous page for more details). The Juniors discussed our plans for the upcoming spring sale and approved the design for T-shirts to be sold for $10 apiece all summer long. On May 15, the Juniors are going to have a meeting to work on the stuff that still needs done for National Convention at the Kellgren Center in Plain City. The Juniors had a lunch stand again at the Spring Sale on April 16. They also cleaned off seats, sold T-shirts and had a silent auction for some donated gift baskets. The Juniors would like to thank those that donated, including ADA-Mideast and Smith Dairy. I asked some of the Junior officers, “What is your favorite thing about Spring Dairy Expo?” Here’s what they answered. President Allison Mangun said, “Having fun exhibiting my animals while encouraging Holstein Juniors to become active members.” Treasurer Louis Liming likes to see his friends and learn more about the Holstein breed. Anna Miley, Vice President, enjoys showing cows and seeing different people. My favorite things are watching the shows and sales and hanging with the Juniors. Hope to see you at our May meeting, at National Convention or at Magic Mountain on July 17! Allison Mangun and Allison Janes finished cleaning seats at spring sale and headed to set up the lunch stand.

82030 p77 DriftyHollow 4c


7:23 PM

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100% Registered Holstein Ancestry (RHA-NA) DRIFTY-HOLLOW HOT SHOT BOLT USA 65314586 100%RHA-NA 2-09 82 +++FV PTA PTA PTA PTA ***

+1512M +76F +59P +611NM +.08%F +.05%P +3.5PL 2.67SCS -1.8DPR +3.44T +2.83UDC +2.58FLC AGE X DAYS MILK DCRM % 2-00 2 305 21880 99 4.2


+2275 G

77%R 4/2011

04/01/2008 DWIGHT VICTOR SKIDMORE 12243 CO RD 2 WEST MANSFIELD, OH 43358 513/355-0362

8%DCE 75%R 4/2011

FAT % 912 3.2

PRT DCRC 699 99


Hot Shot has AI interest, including


LEXVOLD LUKE HERSHEL-ET +1330 G USA 2294436 100%RHA-NA TV TL GM 8/04 07/30/1995 PTA PTA PTA PTA

+1129M +24NM -.6PL -.22T

+11F +25P 99%R 4/2011 -.11%F -.03%P 32%US 3.08SCS -1.7DPR 11%DCE -.34UDC +.98FLC 99%R 4/2011


SANDY-VALLEY BOLTON-ET +2008 G USA 131823833 100%RHA-NA TV TL 5-11 90 EE+V GM 4/11 09/11/2001 PTA PTA PTA PTA

+2078M +76F +54P 99%R 4/2011 +421NM +.00%F -.03%P 100%US +1.5PL 2.87SCS -3.3DPR 10%DCE +2.66T +2.59UDC +2.15FLC 99%R 4/2011


+772M +75F +30P +544NM +.17%F +.03%P +3.1PL 2.46SCS -1.0DPR +1.89T +1.65UDC +.94FLC


+1994 G




+908M -38NM -3.8PL +.65T


+1373 G


+51F +37P 91%R 4/2011 +.07%F +.04%P 3.06SCS -3.3DPR 11%DCE -.04UDC +.25FLC 89%R 4/2011

AGE X DAYS MILK DCRM % FAT % PRT DCRC 2-02 2 305 36400 95 4.1 1487 3.1 1140 95 365 40960 95 4.1 1693 3.2 1307 95




+2080 G


+1254M +62F +36P +495NM +.06%F -.01%P +2.8PL 2.66SCS -.7DPR +2.93T +2.21UDC +1.92FLC

99%R 4/2011 7%US 8%DCE 99%R 4/2011



78%R 4/2011 8%DCE 75%R 4/2011

AGE X DAYS MILK DCRM % FAT % 2-00 2 305 21960 99 4.8 1054 3.1 3-09 2 305 28450 99 5.1 1461 3.0

PRT DCRC 689 99 861 99

PTA PTA --------------------------------------------------- PTA PTA

SHOTTY, pictured below, is due in August to GENEX’s 1HOo2809 LIESL. If a bull, he’s contracted to GENEX.

*** *** ***

+562M +242NM +1.3PL -.28T AGE X DAYS 2-00 2 305 365 3-03 2 305 365 4-08 2 305

+33F +22P +.05%F +.02%P 2.77SCS -1.8DPR +.28UDC -.70FLC MILK 22610 27010 26180 30070 30380


03/02/2004 60%R 4/2011 8%DCE 49%R 4/2011

DCRM % FAT % 100 4.2 944 3.1 100 4.1 1109 3.2 100 3.8 993 3.2 100 3.8 1129 3.2 100 4.8 1446 3.0

PRT 698 854 834 969 925

DCRC 100 100 100 100 100




Dr. Dwight V. Skidmore DVM FARM ACE: wife Sondra 12243 Co. Rd 2 • West Mansfield, OH 43358 Home Phone: 937-355-0362 Cell Phone: 937-935-3137 Fax: 937-593-9104 OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 77

82030 p78 Weaver.RedWhite


10:11 AM

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Red & White Show at 2011 Spring Dairy Expo


Weaverhof Weaverhof Copper Leann EX-92 8-11 365D 28,392M 4.1% 1,159F 3.0% 854P Lifetime to date: 166,004M Still in the herd at nearly 11 years of age HER SIRE: Hunsberger Elton Copper

Weaverhof Garter Bethany EX-91 6-05 365D 39,189M 3.4% 1,328F 2.9% 1,142P Lifetime to date: 165,674M at 8-06 HER SIRE: Welcome Garter

Weaverhof Toy Dexi VG-88 EX-91MS at 3-06 2-00 339D 25,053M 3.5% 887F 2.8% 712P HER SIRE: Jenny-Lou Mrshl Toystory-ET • Dexi has a bred heifer sired by 1H9543 Bomaz Shtl Kolton 692-ET. • Dexi is fresh again, and we are looking forward to scoring her in July. • She is a potential sixth generation EXCELLENT from this maternal line: HER DAM Springway Wade Destiny EX-90 GRANDAM Diamond-Oak Alexis-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 3rd DAM Fisher-Place M Amanda-ET EX-94 3E GMD DOM 4th DAM Wapa Bootmaker Mandy EX-96 3E GMD DOM 5th DAM Wapa Fury Bell EX-91 EX-MS 2E

Weaverhof Holsteins John Mark and Lisa Weaver Derek, Julie and Abby 8257 Co. Rd. 235, Fredericksburg, OH 44627 330-674-2069 BAA 109.5

78 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

March 31, 2011 • Columbus, Ohio 44 Head Shown • Judge Paul Trapp, Wisconsin Winter Heifer Calf (4) 1. Bucks-Pride Bookma Bety-Red, Bucks Pride, LLC. 2. (JR) CL-Hersh Debonair DD P-Red, Clay Hershberger. 3. Lah-Dale Sec Sparkle, Chris Lahmers. 4. Lindlaur Arud Mistletoe-Red, Nevin and Brenda L’Amoreaux. Fall Heifer Calf (7) 1. Southern-Hills Pic Magi-Red, Clay Gunkelman. 2. (JR) CameronRidge Christmas-Red, Sydney and Trey Good. 3. Oneeda Rocco TawnyRed, Austen S. Wood. 4. (JR) Cam-Bing Realty Diva-Red-ET, Sydney and Trey Good. 5. (JR) Ray-Jo Advent Selest-Red-ET, Keri Bickel. Summer Yearling Heifer (5) 1. Krull MB Dreamside-Red-ET, Richman Farms. 2. Bucks-Pride Buck Cherry-Red, Bucks Pride, LLC. 3. Giltex Dillon Diva-Red, Keightley & Core Jerseys, KY. 4. (JR) M-Signature Guinevere-Red, Bailee Mazzaro. 5. (JR) Pineybrook Candy-Red-ET, Dyllan Ream, PA. Spring Yearling Heifer (10) 1.Cam-Bing BG Apple Mia-Red-ET, Triple T Holsteins & Mike Heath. 2. MS Starmark Royalty-Red-ET, Starmark Farms. 3. Springhill-OH Dest Anna-Red, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC. 4. (JR) Miley Advent B GeminiRed-ET, Adam Miley. 5. Kokosings Imax Anya, Aaron & Jennifer Bouton. Winter Yearling Heifer (5) 1. Yortons Pistachio-Red, K. Doeberiener, D Cole & M. Heath. 2. LahDale Touchdn Stella-Red, Todd Lahnmers. 3. (JR) Miley Reality GiseleRed, Anna Miley. 4. (JR) Pineybrook Jonah Riunite-Red, Lexi Ream, PA. 5. (JR) Sherona-Hill Saphire-Red, Etgen. Fall Yearling Heifer (4) 1.Ray-Jo S Sassy Spice-Red, John & Bonnie Ayars & Sons. 2. Miley Advent D Tahiti-Red, Miley Holstein Farms, Ltd. 3. Kokosings Con Pistachio-Red, Austen S. Wood. 4. (JR) A-Mason Rdlnr Ritzy-Red-ET, Dyllan Ream. Junior Champion Junior Show M-Signature Guinevere-Red, Bailee Mazzaro. Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Miley Advent B Gemini-Red-ET, Anna Miley. Junior Champion Open Show Yortons Pistachio-Red, K. Doeberiener, D. Cole & M Heath. Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Cam-Bing BG Apple Mia-Red-ET, Triple T Holstein & Mike Heath. Junior Three-Year-Old (1) 1. (JR) Garstlyn Red L Riki-Red, Hannah Rhoades. Senior Three-Year-Old (3) 1. Miley Advent B Gem-Red, Anna Miley. 2. Pineybrook Spice-Red, Chris Lahmers. 3. Wilstar Redman Rose-Red, Kaverman & Call. Four-Year-Old (1) 1. Starmark Ad Hotstuff-Red-ET, Triple T & Mike Heath & Entourage. Five-Year-Old (3) 1. Macabob Jazi Bookman-Red, Kaverman & Call. 2. Breezy-Knob Atakara-Red-ET, Scott Knoll. 3. Wolf-Ridge Advent Julip-Red, Kaverman & Call. Aged Cow (1) 1. (JR) Pineybrook Crystal, Austin Ream. Produce of Dam (1) Miley Holstein Farms, Ltd. Best Three Females (1) 1. Miley Holstein Farms, Ltd. Senior Champion and Grand Champion Junior Show Pineybrook Crystal, Austin Ream. Reserve Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Garstlyn Red L Riki-Red, Hannah Rhoades. Senior Champion and Grand Champion Open Show Starmark Ad Hotstuff-Red-Ed, Triple T & Mike Heath & Entourage. Reserve Senior Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Miley Advent B Gem-Red, Anna Miley.

82030 p79 Lorawae.CommSp 4c


1:26 PM

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Simply RED . . . S imply AMAZING Lorawae Advent Pepper Ann-Red EX-90 at 3 years 7 months was one of the highlights of our recent classification day. She, along with Lorawae Lyster Peg and Lorawae Durham Romer, are our newly scored EXCELLENTS. This brings our total of Excellents to 12, including 11 that carry the Lorawae prefix. We are also excited about our two-year-olds: Lorawae Durham Tweety, Lorawae Pronto Helen and Lorawae Finest Langston, who began their classification career as VERY GOOD. We would like to thank the purchasers of our consignments to the Ohio Spring Sale: THANK YOU to Steve Gasser, Creston, for purchasing Lorawae Talent Natala, and THANK YOU to Mark Cline, Fostoria, for purchasing Lorawae Talent Lark.

Lorawae Advent Pepper Ann-Red EX-90 2-00 348D 19,908M 876F 648P

She has a RED DEBONAIR daughter. Visitors Always Welcome

LORAWAE HOLSTEINS John, Suzanne & Katey Lora 14094 Garfield Road, Salem, Ohio 44460 330-537-3797

RHA 25,344M 917F 771P – BAA 40 Cows 109.8 – PBR 15 Years – NO BST – District 2 Members

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 79


7762 Cleveland Rd. [330] 345-9023


13 Fort Monroe Indust Pkwy [419] 465-4622

80 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011


2715 West 4th St. [419] 529-6160


3500 Copley Rd. [330] 666-8400


496 Harcourt Rd. [740] 392-6160


999 Lafayette Rd. [330] 722-1411

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 81

82030 p82 Taurus


10:27 AM

82 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

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82030 p83 TrboLand


10:24 AM

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SASAHA EX-93 3E EX-MS on 4-20-11 6-04 344D 26,980M 4.7% 1,268F 3.3% 896P Sasaha is the 8th-Generation Excellent! She has February 2011 September Storm Heifer. Sasaha is currently on a flush program. We congratulate Austin on winning Grand Champion of the Junior Show at the 2011 Mid-East National Holstein Show in Columbus. Also we would like to congratulate Austin for winning Champion Maine- Anjo steer overall in the 2011 Ohio Cattlemen’s BEST program. Congratulations to Logan for showing the Reserve Champion Shorthorn Plus overall in the 2011 Ohio Cattlemen’s BEST program. Registered Holsteins since 1979

Trbo-Land Farms Sasaha, Austin Trbovich and Ohio Holstein Queen Mikayla Conrad Photo by Wendy Erbsen

Dan and Nancy Trbovich Alivia, Austin and Logan Ph: 330-866-5438 Cell: 330-705-4540 7222 Waynesburg Road Waynesburg, OH 44688

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82030 p84 ExpoPhotos


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at Spring Dairy Expo March 31 – April 1, 2011 • • • Columbus, Ohio

From left: Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Daydreamer Paul Lolly with Thomas Beatty; Senior Champion and Grand Champion Junior Show H-H-Vu Derry Sasaha-ET with Austin Trbovich, Ohio Holstein Queen Mikayla Conrad.

From left: Ohio Holstein Queen Mikayla Conrad, Reserve From left: Junior Champion Junior Show Koneta SG Laurin Devine Intermediate Champion Open Show Daydreamer Paul Lolly with with Cole Cummings, Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Thomas Beatty, Intermediate Champion Open Show Express SMD Starmark Sky Peyton with Ben Mangun. Velvet Tara-ET with Jeremy Adams, Judge Paul Trapp.

From left: Jeff Ziegler, Reserve Grand Champion and Reserve Senior Larry Schirm and Julie De Lavergne, sponsors of Supreme Champion Open Show Ronelee Mr Sam Delft-ET with Norm Brown; Champions; Junior Champion Jersey shown by Wayne Sliker; Grand Champion and Senior Champion Open Show and Supreme Champion Holstein shown by Jeff Drendel; Judge Paul Trapp. Champion Gardner Durham Medusa with Jeff Drendel, Judge Paul Trapp, Ohio Holstein Queen Mikayla Conrad.

Laurie Menzie, Laura Gordon and Judy Wolford with the top seller at Buckeye Classic Sale

Showmanship Winners: Thomas Beatty, age 17 and over, and Allison Mangun, age 15-16

From left: Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Miss Radiance April Rain with Eddie Beu, Junior Champion Open Show Sunspark Instamatic Kim with Michael Heath, Duane Cole, Ohio Holstein Queen Mikayla Conrad.

Greg Hartschuh, Walter Berg and Laura Gordon with second high seller at Buckeye Classic Sale

Lineup for Supreme Champion

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Showmanship Winner: Kinley Topp, age 9-10

84 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

Showmanship Winner: Brennan Topp, age 11-14

82030 p85.86 MidEast.Pol2 4c


10:42 AM

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2011 Mid-East Spring National Show — Results April 1-2, 2011 • Columbus, OH • Judge Paul Trapp, WI • 162 Head Shown • 103 Heifers • 59 Milking Age Winter Heifer Calf (9) 1. M-Signature Sanchez Siri, Signature Cattle. 2. Bingland Atwood Annie, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC. 3. (JR) Topp-View Vincent Exit, Keaton Topp. 4. (JR) Erbacres Atwood Divine-ET, Lindsay L’Amoreaux. 5. Express-SMD Elmo Crystan, Express/Stan-Mar-Dale. Fall Heifer Calf (16) 1. T-Triple-T Platinum-ET, Triple-T Holsteins. 2. StanMar-Dale Aspen Bree, Express/Stan-Mar-Dale. 3. Sco-Lo Jasper H-20 ET, John & Scott Cannon, IA. 4. (JR) Nic-Nan Dundee Maria, Kyle McGuire. 5. (JR) M-Signature Laurin Delainee, Bailee Mazzaro. Summer Yearling Heifer (17) 1. Bucks-Pride Toystory Tigger, Bucks Pride LLC. 2. Bellton Gold Star Lee IV, K Doeberiener, M. Heath, Pierre Buolet. 3. Sco-Lo After Cassino pending, John & Scott Cannon. 4. Miley Asteroid DD Glamour, Miley Holstein Farms, Ltd. 5. Maiz-N-Blu Atwood Allana-ET, Todd Case. Spring Yearling Heifer (17) 1. Miss Radiance April Rain, K. Keen, P. Yeoman, Ludwig Farms, IL. 2. Richman Astroid Dotie R 1103, Richman Farms. 3. Sco-Lo Durham Molly-TW, John & Scott Cannon. 4. Express SMD Asteroid Vegas,Express/Stan-Mar-Dale. 5. (JR) Koneta-SG Laurin Divine, Cole & Olivia Cummings. Winter Yearling Heifer (21) 1. Sunspark Instamatic Kim, Cole, Attaway, Hodgins, Doeberiener. 2. Express-SMD Lightning Trish, Lindlaur Holsteins. 3. En-Mar Laramie, Loren, Tyler & Morgan Marotz, IL. 4. Express-SMD Kelsey, Express/Stan-Mar-Dale. 5. (JR) Kocher Million Heir, Zachery Parker. Fall Yearling Heifer (24) 1. Beldavid Lou Whoopi-ET, Carson, Grant and Brooke Kasbergen, IL. 2. Richman Dundee MinyMim 84, Richman Farms. 3. Rob-Sara Liberty, Starmark Farms. 4. Brookview-E Valedictoria-ET, Signature Cattle. 5. Indohio KA Jubilia, Richman Farms. Junior Best Three Females (4) 1. Richman Farms. 2. Express/Stan-Mar-Dale. 3. Sco-Lo, John & Scott Cannon IA. 4. Sco-Lo, John & Scott Cannon IA. Junior Champion Junior Show Koneta-SG Laurin Divine, Cole & Olivia Cummings. Reserve Junior Champion Junior Show Starmark Sky Peyton, Ben Mangun. Junior Champion Open Show Sunspark Instamatic Kim, Cole, Ataway, Hodgins, Doeberiener. Reserve Junior Champion Open Show Miss Radiance April Rain, K. Keen, P. Yeoman, Ludwig Farms, IL. Junior Two-Year-Old (8) 1. (JR) B&O (JR) Dreamland Dundee Clarabelle, Kyle Andrews. 2. (JR) Topp-View Finley Ariel, Keaton & Kinley Topp. Senior Two-Year-Old (14) 1. B&O Quitcove-W JMK-Curran Divine, J. Koster, T. Curran and Quietcove. 2. Indian Stone Pronto Viki-ET, Tony, Charlie and Joe Henry. 3. Topp-View Finalcut Riley-TW, Topp-View Farm. 4. Markwell-KR Bolton Rain-ET, Wabash-Way Holsteins, LLC. 5. Con-River 1155 Talent-ET, Conrad Farms. Junior Three-Year-Old (7) 1. Express-SMD Velvet Tara-ET, Express/Stan-MarDale. 2. (JR) B&O Daydreamer Paul Lolly, Thomas Beatty PA. 3. Kingsmill Ashlyns Amanda-ET, Nelson

Dairy. 4. (JR) Brookview-E Roy Logo, Cole & Olivia Cummings. 5. Quality-Quest Firestarter-ET, Dennis & Betsy Musser, PA. Senior Three-Year-Old (7) 1. B&O Sanorvalley Terrason Gem, Bryce Sanor. 2. Brookview-E Lookie-Me-ET, B & B Gingerich, C & S C. Freeman, IN. 3. Whiteleather S Sage 1048-ET, Whiteleather Holsteins. 4. (JR) Ack-Lee Roy Krispy, Kyle Ackley. 5. (JR) Weikland Lou Emma, Victoria, Ian & Bryce Watson. Intermediate Champion Junior Show Daydreamer Paul Lolly, Thomas Beatty.

Reserve Intermediate Champion Junior Show Ack-Lee Roy Krispy, Kyle Ackley. Intermediate Champion Open Show Express-SMD Velvet Tara-ET, Express/Stan-Mar-Dale. Reserve Intermediate Champion Open Show Daydreamer Paul Lolly, Thomas Beatty. Four-Year-Old (7) 1. B&O Express-SMD Silver Bordeaux, Express/Stan-Mar-Dale. 2. Bucks Pride Kity KatskitET, Bucks Pride, LLC. 3. Sherona-Hill-JH Faith-ET, Team Holsteins, IL. 4. (JR) Oakson-S Mr Motel Mid-East National – continued on page 86

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8100 Series ProTwinŽ SlingersŽ Trailer and truck models 870 – 5000 gallon capacities 42255 Oberlin Elyria Rd Elyria, OH 44035 877-286-3197 www.polenimplement.com OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 85

82030 p85.86 MidEast.Pol2 4c


2:06 PM

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Mid-East National – continued from page 85

Jumpshot, Hillary Jackson. 5. (JR) Miss Highlight Spring, Maggie Sullivan. Five-Year-Old (9) 1. Ronelee Mr Sam Delft-ET, Ziegler, Garrison & Quietcove. 2. Harvue OCS Elmo Cora, Express/ Stan-Mar-Dale. 3. Hicklee Goldwyn Good-TW-ET, J. Swanson, C. Baker, Team Holteins. 4. B & O Kema Durham Silly, Ken Ruprecht. 5. Lindale Rudy Electra, Dale & Linda Drendel, IL. Aged Cow (12) 1. Gardner Durham Medusa, Dale & Linda Drendel IL. 2. Golden Oaks Dundee 3937, Dale & Linda Drendel IL. 3. Oakvale Dnde Coco Chanel-ET, AckLee Holsteins. 4. Al-Ja Lyster Kory, Topp-View Farm. 5. Hersh-Dale Derry Jody, Tony King. 125,000 Pound Cow (1) 1. B & O Quietcove-W A Blessing, Quietcove Holsteins. Senior and Grand Champion Junior Show H-H-Vu Derry Sasaha-ET, Austin Trbovich. Reserve Senior Champion Junior Show Oakson S Mr Motel Jumpshot, Hillary Jackson. Hon. Mention Senior Champion Junior Show Mersland Aaron Anabell, Keaton Topp. Reserve Grand Champion Junior Show Daydreamer Paul Lolly, Thomas Beatty. Senior Champion and Grand Champion Open Show Gardner Durham Medusa, Dale & Linda Drendel IL. Reserve Senior and Reserve Grand Champion Open Show Ronelee Mr Sam Delft-ET, Ziegler, Garrison & Quietcove. Hon. Mention Senior Champion Open Show and Best B & O Open Show Express-SMD Silver Bordeaux, Express/Stan-Mar-Dale. Best Three Females (1) 1. Stan-Mar-Dale/Express. Produce of Dam (1) 1. Express/Stan-Mar-Dale. Best B & O Junior Show Daydreamer Paul Lolly, Thomas Beatty PA. Premier Breeder and Exhibitor Stan-Mar-Dale/Express.

Long-time OHA members John Young (left) and Morris Van Gorden shared a chuckle at the 2011 Ohio Holstein Association annual meeting.

86 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

2011 Mid-East Spring National Holstein Show Trophy Donors CLASS OPEN SHOW Winter Heifer Calf Fall Heifer Calf Summer Yearling Heifer Spring Yearling Heifer Winter Yearling Heifer Fall Yearling Heifer Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female Junior Best Three Females Junior Two-Year-Old Cow Senior Two-Year-Old Cow Junior Three-Year-Old Cow Senior Three-Year-Old Cow Intermediate Champion Reserve Intermediate Champion Four-Year-Old Cow Five-Year-Old Cow Aged Cow 125,000 Pound Cow Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female Grand Champion Reserve Grand Champion Best Three Females Produce of Dam Dam and Daughter Best Bred and Owned Premier Exhibitor Premier Breeder JUNIOR SHOW Winter Heifer Calf Fall Heifer Calf Summer Yearling Heifer Spring Yearling Heifer Winter Yearling Heifer Fall Yearling Heifer Junior Champion Female Reserve Junior Champion Female Junior Two-Year-Old Cow Senior Two-Year-Old Cow Junior Three-Year-Old Cow Senior Three-Year-Old Cow Intermediate Champion Female Reserve Intermediate Champion Four-Year-Old Cow Five-Year-Old Cow Aged Cow 125,000 Pound Cow Senior Champion Female Reserve Senior Champion Female Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female

DONOR District Three Holstein Club District Ten Holstein Club District One Holstein Club Don Alexander District Seven Holstein Club District Eight Holstein Club ABS Global, Inc. Brook Hollow Farms In Memory of Ludwig Whiteleather Ten Penny Holsteins District Nine Holstein Club Silver Mist Holsteins Weaver’s Shoe Shop Land O’Lakes Purina Feed Moulton Embryos District Eleven Holstein Club District Twelve Holstein Club Four Henry Holsteins Miley Holstein Farm Farm Credit Services Habrun’s Insurance Service, Inc. Priority One – Bill Indoe Berg Farm, Bellville, Ohio Topp-View Holsteins/ Mary Lou Topp & Sons COBA/Select Sires, Inc. Oseeana Holsteins Trupointe Sch-Ger Holsteins Hickory Plains Farm

Open Road Holsteins Starmark Farms Crooked Run Monogramming District Two Holstein Club Ouric Holsteins Wil-O-Rae Farm Habrun’s Insurance Service, Inc. Andrews Auctioneer, LLC District Thirteen Holstein Club Buck’s Pride, LLC District Five Holstein Club Crimson Lane Holsteins/ Thorbahn Brothers Land O’Lakes Purina Feed Trealayne Holsteins Tri-County Animal Clinic Cargill Animal Nutrition Rohaven Holsteins Rawn Farms Gerber Feed Service Martin Yoder’s Hoof Care Hartline Valley Farms Pleasant View Dairy

82030 p87 Seven Gables


10:40 AM

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At the Mid-East Spring National Show…

From left: Cole Cummings with Koneta SG Laurin Devine, Junior Champion of the Junior Show and first-place Junior in the Spring Yearling Heifer Class, and Ben Mangun with Starmark Sky Peyton, Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show and first-place Junior in the Summer Yearling Heifer Class.

Cole continued his winning ways with Rose-Vu Pure Gold Foxy, first-place Junior in the Fall Yearling Heifer Class, and with our new addition, Brookview-E Roy Logo, first-place Junior in the Junior Three-Year-Old Class.

SEVEN GABLES FARM Tim Cummings – Olivia and Cole 6999 Johnston-Slagle Road • Sidney, OH 45365 • 937-726-2664

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 87

82030 p88 Ratta 4c


88 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

10:44 AM

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82030 p89 AgriSales


11:18 AM

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How’s Your

Dairy Herd?



“I am raising 600 dairy heifers on contract. I get 40 calves, at weaning, in at a time. I had to treat every one with antibiotics. I spent an average of $23.00 per calf. Too much expense: I cannot afford that. I installed Oxy Blast before I got the next 40 calves. We treated only three in the next 120 calves. Oxy Blast kills the virus or shipping fever before it gets a hold on them. I have been using Oxy Blast since May 2007.” Hill Top Heifer Ranch LTD. Installed 3-3-11 7941 Twp. Rd.323, Holmesville, Ohio 44633 4/4/11 330-279-2289 The SCC was running 300,000 to 400,000. After I had a customer call me today (Thanksgiving Day) about we installed Oxy Blast, the SCC started going up, which his good news. We installed Oxy Blast three months ago. We Gerald told me it would, by the health problems I was went in there with over 100 PPM of oxygen at the farthest having with my cows and calves. On the milk tank water fountain. On his monthly DHIA herd test, 110 cows on pickups, it went to 600,000 – 800,000 – 900,000 – test, top cow on SCC was 141,000; fifth cow was 96,000. 1,300,000 and then it started down: 800,000 – He does not remember when he has seen that before. He just 600,000 – 400,000 – and on the March 28 pickup got these records back and had to tell me. Milking 57-60 lbs. 280,000. He has been having too many DOA when his cows freshen, I was getting calls from Organic Valley every load can not get them bred, too many dying, etc. The mastitis they got. outbreaks are fewer. The newborn calves are healthier. The I have had 20 cows freshen since I’ve been on Oxy cows are cleaning better, less DA’s, fewer cows off feed. The Blast and no sick calves. That is the first ever. The calves hair coats are shinier. He has had to buy replacements, were always getting the scours. The calves can drink more because he could not keep his herd healthy. milk now without getting the scours. Now they can drink “I’ve been using Oxy Blast for only three months, and the amount of milk Dr. Paul Dettloff said they should. my SCC is the lowest it’s been in the last 30 years. I just had I just sold a bull calf that weighed more and had a 65 cows bred in two months, out of a herd of 110. At herd slick hair coat, I got more dollars than I ever had. Why? check, nine checked for pregnancy, eight were positive: Because it could drink more milk, and I loaded it up 88% — what a difference. The next herd check, 15 out of before I shipped it off. 20 were positive — 75%. The next herd check (2/1/11), I have air pressure to pump my water, and now I am 14 out of 17 were positive — 82%. I had been running running out of air in my 1,000-gal. tank. That is my around 25%. The cows will not breed if they don’t ovulate. water meter; the cows are drinking more water. Just think of the cost savings by not rebreeding!” By the middle of April, the SCC was around 200,000. A question I had for Gerald when we were Bob Jentes, Blue Ridge Farms LLC talking about the Oxy Blast was “would it take care of 1784 Jentes Rd., Wooster, Ohio 44691 • 330-345-7840 the lice on the cows?” Well, it seems like it has. 3/1/2011 5/2/11 Veal Calf Testimonial My SCC is running around 170,000 to 270,000. Before we were using the Oxy Blast, our morality rate I am well pleased with what my average was for April. was around 10% to 20%. Now it is around 3% to 8%. Our I have no lameness in my cows now. I have an old medication cost per calf is about $10.00 to $15.00 ($51 to Holstein cow that was lame all winter, and I thought I $24) better than it was before. We also feel they eat better would have to sell her when I turned her out to pasture. through the whole growth time. The feed conversion is better. After one month on Oxy Blast, I could see her change We use Oxy Blast at the rate of 150 PPM for two to daily in front of my eyes. She is not lame anymore. She three weeks when we get the new calves in. We then run at was a cow that, when she freshened, she would milk 75 PPM. Sometimes when the calves get bad scours, we’ll 100 lbs. Thanks. Thanks. put it back up to 150 PPM, and they usually clear up. The calves are doing very well. I don’t need to spend We are very happy with the results we’ve seen in the extra time with them like I had to before. I just give them calves. milk and go on. H. H., Wayne County, Ohio A. S. M., Ohio


Ask How 3971 Blachleyville Road Wooster, OH 44691

Gerald Stair, Dealer www.essentialwater.net

Ph: 330-749-4792 Fax: 330-264-0903 OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 89

82030 p90 Twining.Oney


10:12 AM

As Seen in

Page 1

HOARD’S DAIRYMAN Buy the book that best-selling author MaryJane Butters says is, “The written preservation of the agrarian lifestyle….” This is a wonderful way to show urban families and friends what farming is REALLY like. This exquisite 96-page coffee table book was written by award-winning photographer Connie Oney. It describes and illustrates her many years as a dairy farmer’s wife. It can be purchased through Pay Pal by going to the author’s website, www.connieoneyphotography. wordpress.com, or by calling 419-752-7772. Also available at bookstores including the Wooster Book Company, Wooster, Ohio. Connie Oney Oney’s Milky Way Farms 3496 Rome-Greenwich Road Greenwich, OH 44837

We’re Glad We Purchased This Toystory… …at the 2008 Ohio Spring Sale Plainfield Toystory Gel-ET VG-86 3-02 357D 20,978M 4.2% 889F 3.1% 641P • Her daughter: Twining Marconi Mel • Flushed to Atwood • Mel’s December Daughter: Gel completes 9 generations of VG or EX Dams Twining Dex Marissa • Plainfield Durham Grace VG-85 • Plainfield Storm Gabby-ET VG-85 We appreciate our Genex rep • Duncan Chesapeake Gelsey VG-85 James Cole and his comments. • Duncan Thor Bobbi-ET VG-86 • Duncan Levi Bubbles EX-90 GMD DOM • Duncan Bova Pebbles-ET EX-90 3E GMD DOM • Duncan Electra Coco EX-90 2E GMD DOM • Maizevalley Conductor Helen EX-90 3E GMD

Twining Farms 90 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

Ray, Sara and Patrick Twining

47140 Griggs Road • Wellington, OH 44090 • Ph: 440-647-2795

82030 p91 District.Trail.2sm


10:16 AM

From the Districts Here is a summary of reports received by May 5, 2011, with information on district officers and activities.


State Director William Burkhart, Jr. President Kurt Bohlen Vice-President John Hartline Secretary Louise Harding Treasurer Edna Harding Membership Chairman William Burkhart, Jr. News Reporter Barb Lumley Show Chairman Kurt Bohlen Youth Chairman William Burkhart, Jr. Youth Rep Clay Hershberger Activities Completed in 2010 — June 19 District Show at Dover June 19 Showmanship at Dover Oct. 31 Barn Meeting at Sugarcreek Oct. 31 Judging Contest at Sugarcreek Activities Planned for 2011 — June 18 District Show at Dover June 18 Showmanship at Dover October Barn Meeting October Judging Contest


State Director Ken Janes State Director Ted Renner President Richard Bloomfield Vice-President Scott Sprunger Secretary Chelsi Lingle Treasurer Lisa Mangun Show Chairman Ken Janes

Page 1

Activities Completed in 2010 — Jan. Annual Meeting Night Crew at Sales District Show Fitting and Showing Clinic Activities Planned for 2011 — Jan. Annual Meeting July 9 District 7 Show at Wooster Fitting and Showing Clinic Night Crew at Sales


State Director Tom Thorbahn President Joe Cole Vice-President Mark Cline Secretary-Treasurer Terry Weiker Membership Chairman Tom Thorbahn Show Chairman John Spreng Youth Chairman Greg Hartschuh Youth Rep Katie Cole Activities Completed in 2010 — July 18 Junior Judging Contest at Bucyrus July 19 District Show, Crawford County Fairgrounds Bucyrus July 21 District Meeting at Bucyrus Activities Planned for 2011 — July (date to be announced) District Show at Bucyrus


State Director Jenny Thomas President Jenny Thomas Vice-President Jeremy Adams Treasurer Tony Broshes


Jenny Thomas, Associate Photographer 614-395-9823 cell jennythomas614@yahoo.com

Show Chairman Jenny Thomas Youth Chairman/Youth Rep Joyce Nelson Activities Completed — June 2010 District Show at Urbana June 2010 4-H Judging Contest at Urbana Jan. 2011 Annual Meeting at Urbana Activities Planned for 2011 — June 11 District Show with District 11 at Urbana June 10 Judging Contest at Urbana Dec. 2011/ Annual Meeting at Jan. 2012 Urbana/Marysville


State Director Eric Topp President Matt Andrews Vic-President Tim Cummings Secretary Diana Andrews Treasurer Diana Andrews Activities Completed in 2010 — Mar. 25 District 14 Meeting, Inn Between July 24 Youth Pizza Party, Shelby County Fair July 25 District 14 Show, Shelby County Fair Sept. 26 Shelby County Farm Tour at Mike Alber’s Activities Planned for 2011 — April 7 District Meeting at Bob Evans July 23 Youth Pizza Party at Shelby County Fair July 24 District 14 Show at Shelby County Fair (date to be announced) Shelby County Farm Tour

TRAIL FARM SUPPLY LLC Nelson B. Weaver • 3401 TR 411 Dundee, OH 44624 • Voice Mail: 330-893-3086

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Selling all Types of Dairy Cattle & Service Bulls EVERY THURSDAY • 11:00 a.m. Hay & Straw Sale 10:00 a.m.

Double 8 Parallel Swing Pipe-Line Parlor

Free Stalls with Neck Rails and Cushioned Cow Mats

Questions? Prices? Give us a call!

All this for cow comfort, little maintenance and clean cows.

Head Locks made with Auto Release When a cow goes down, she can drop out the bottom.

Manufacturer of Custom Horse & Dairy Barn Equipment and Tie Stalls, Head Locks, Free Stalls, Hay Feeders, Horse Barn Equipment

Many sizes and options available.

John E. Sprunger, Mgr.


– Serving Since 1923 –

Milking Parlors OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 91

82030 p92 BenAlli.WooSales


11:20 AM

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Registered Holsteins Sell at Wooster, Ohio by Barb Lumley A large crowd was on hand for the sale of Registered Holsteins at the Wayne County Fairgrounds, Wooster, Ohio, on Saturday, April 16, 2011. The Sch-Ger herd, owned by Roger Schug and Ken Gerber, Monroeville, Ohio, was dispersed along with the Ohio Holstein Association’s Spring Sale. The Sch-Ger Holsteins went through the ring first. The high seller at $4,300 was BVK Sanchez Alamode-ET, a Winter Yearling sired by Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez and from the well-known, Excellent 94 MS Kingstead Chief Adeen-ET, nominated All-American as a Junior Three-Year-Old and as a Four-Year-Old, Member of the All-American Produce in 2000 and 2001, and a Queen of the Breed Finalist. She was purchased by Lou Brown, New Bremen, Ohio. Selling for $3,450 was Schugs QF Patty, an Excellent 90 four-year-old daughter of Quality Fruror-ET. With 1,018 pounds of butterfat as a two-year-old, she was due in July to MR Dundee Hawk and making another nice record. Her dam was classified Very Good 86, sired by Innwood Terrason and from several generations of Excellent and Very Good dams. She sold to Dennis and Susan Knisely, Fayette, Ohio. Shugs Lydon Olady-TW was the choice of Jared Harding, New Philadelphia, at $3,400. A three-year-old daughter of Savage-Leigh Lydon, she was already classified Very Good 88 and looked ready for the show ring. Her dam was classified Excellent 93 with records to 32,840 pounds of milk, a 4.0% test, 1,326 pounds of butterfat and 1,038 pounds of protein.

Brian Gunkleman, Medina, Ohio, took home TwinRock Miranda-Red, a two-year-old daughter of Fradon JetRed from a Granduc Tribute daughter and eight generations of Excellent and Very Good dams. She sold for $3,000. The 32 Registered Holsteins sold for an average of $2,129, with cattle selling to Ohio, Canada, Idaho and Pennsylvania. Next into the sale ring were the consignments to the Ohio Spring Sale, starting with number one in the catalog, Starmist LA Jaycee 1062, consigned by Tyler Indoe, Lodi, Ohio. A recently fresh two-year-old milking 97 pounds, her show winnings included being named the 2009 All-Ohio Winter Calf. She was a red carrier daughter of Luck-E Advantage-Red and from a Very Good 86 Dundee dam. When the gavel fell at $5,000, she was the purchase of Gene Iager, Fulton, Maryland. Rupp-Vue Goldwyn Tremor-ET sold for $3,600 to Spring Walk Farms, Big Prairie, Ohio. Classified Very Good 85 as a three-year-old, recently fresh and with a record over 28,000 pounds of milk as a two-year-old, she was sired by Braedale Goldwyn and from a Very Good 85 Outside dam. She was consigned by Rupp-Vue Farm, Sterling, Ohio. Spring Walk Farms also chose Doughty Valley PT Mersadize, a three-year-old daughter of Klumbs Durham Pontiac with records over 29,000 as a two-year-old. She sold for $3,400 and was the consignment of DoughtyValley Holsteins, Millersburg, Ohio. Registered Holsteins – continued on page 105

Congratulations to Ben for winning 1st Place Junior in the summer yearling class and Reserve Junior Champion of the Junior Show at Spring Dairy Expo with Starmark Sky Peyton. Thank you, Ben, for all your work with the show animals. Congratulations to Allison and Ben-Alli Glamour Girl for placing first in the 15-16 age Showmanship Contest at Spring Dairy Expo and for placing 2nd Junior in the Summer Yearling class with Ben-Alli Glamour Girl. Also, congratulations Allison on winning the State FFA Beginner Prepared Speech Contest. Good luck with your speech, “Mo-over Gatorade,” at the National Junior Holstein Convention.

92 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

Glamour Girl and Peyton are owned by Ben and Allison Mangun.

Ben-Alli Holsteins Roy, Lisa, Ben & Allison

13693 Friendsville Road, Burbank, OH 44214 PH 330-435-6520 • Cell 330-466-3728 Email: mangunfarm@yahoo.com PGH Award 9 Years • Romans:10-9

Thank you to District 7 for choosing me as District 7 Holstein Queen. I look forward to promoting Holsteins and the dairy industry.

82030 p93 LandO.JonesAwd 4c


6:47 PM

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Lewis Jones Receives 2011 OSU Dairy Science Hall of Service Award Lewis Jones was awarded one of the highest honors in Ohio’s dairy industry by The Ohio State University’s Department of Animal Sciences on Saturday, May 7, 2011. This prestigious award honors those individuals who have made a significant difference in the dairy industry. The presentation was made at the Annual Dairy Recognition Luncheon hosted by the Buckeye Dairy Club and the Department of Animal Sciences. Mr. Jones has had a long career in the Ohio dairy industry. He was raised on a dairy farm in Ross County, and he was the fourth of five brothers and sisters born to the late Reuben Jones, a 1989 recipient of this award, and Mrs. Jenevee Jones, a 94-year-old resident of Chillicothe. Lewis Jones and his wife, Carol, are Grove City residents and active members of the Trinity Baptist Church in Columbus. His adult children are Catherine From left: sister-in-law Diane Jones, brother Raymond Jones, sister Inez (Michael) Madison; Lewis, Jr; Nathan and Trevor; and Simmons, son Lewis Jones, Jr. (Rusty), Lewis Jones, son Trevor Jones, wife Carol Jones. his grandchildren are David and Jennifer Madison. He graduated from The Ohio State University in 1965, Mr. Jones was an operations manager for Pillsbury and during his four years at OSU, he was elected President Company’s Grain Division from 1973 to 1986 and then of the Buckeye Dairy Club, was selected the champion became an auditor for the Federal Milk Market showman in the Buckeye Royal Dairy Show and was the Administrator in Columbus in 1988. In 1996, he was hired Corresponding Secretary of the Alpha Gamma Sigma by the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), initially as Agriculture Fraternity. To supplement his college expenses, Chief of the Division of Weights and Measures. He became Lewis worked at the OSU dairy barn and was manager of Chief of the Division of Dairy in 1999 and held this the DHIA milk testers in Franklin County. position until he was promoted to Deputy Director of ODA in June 2010. He retired from the ODA in January 2011 and was soon selected as Executive Secretary of Ohio State Milk Haulers Association. Mr. Jones was instrumental in creating and following the new livestock show rules adopted by ODA in the late 90s. As an ODA staff member and on a personal level, he has been very active in dairy cattle shows across Ohio, especially with the Spring Dairy Expo and the Ohio State Fair. Since 1999, he and Carol have supported OSU’s College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CFAES) by either donating to the development fund or awarding the Lewis Jones Diversity Scholarship to undergraduate students in the College. He has also been a guest lecturer in courses on the OSU campus. He was inducted as a distinguished alumnus of the OSU Alpha Zeta Fraternity in 2005. The leadership of Mr. Jones has been evident in dairy and other agricultural organizations. He has served as president and vice-president of the National Association of Dairy Regulatory Officials. He has served as a member of the Executive Board of the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments. He is a life member of the National Dairy Shrine, and he is a member of the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and the Ohio Agricultural Council and was a charter member and secretary of the Ohio Dairy Industry Forum. Mr. Jones has given of his resources and time to support programs at The Ohio State University. He has been a major asset to OSU students in the operation of the milking parlor at the Spring Dairy Expo and the Ohio State Fair. The Buckeye Dairy Club dedicated its 2010-2011 Yearbook to him, and his photo will hang in Plumb Hall at OSU. OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 93

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nää°{x£° ÓÇxÊÊUÊÊÜÜÜ°>VVi }i °V nää°{x£° ÓÇxÊÊUÊÊÜÜÜ°>VVi }i °V 94 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

82030 p95 Harold.BuckClassic


12:07 PM

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Buckeye Classic Holstein Sale Held at Ohio Spring Dairy Expo by Barb Lumley In spite of Mother Nature pulling an early April fool joke on the exhibitors and sale crew involved at the Ohio Spring Dairy Expo, sending snow and extremely cold weather on Wednesday, by sale day, Friday, April 1, 2011, the sun was shining and a large crowd was on hand for the Buckeye Classic Holstein Sale. Rose-Vue Real Dreamy-Red, a fancy red and white fall calf registered with both Holstein Association USA and the Red and White Dairy Cattle Association, would command the top price of the day, selling for $3,500 to Silvermist Holsteins and White-Light Holsteins, Ashville and Bloomdale, Ohio. Consigned by Nelson Dairy, Urbana, Ohio, she was sired by Hurtgen-Vue Reality-Red and is from a Very Good-88 Advent-Red dam from an All-American cow family. Selling at $3,100 was Be-Ware Milln Divine 857-ET, a bred heifer consigned by Berg Farms LTD, Bellville, Ohio. Bred to Glen-Ann Palermo and due in the fall, she is a daughter of England-Ammon Million-ET and from a Very Good-87 Bret daughter with records to almost 40,000 pounds of milk. She was purchased by Jacob Hartschuh, Bloomville, Ohio. The highest-selling cow in milk was Kema Pontiac Bona, a three-year-old that already had a record of 38,553 pounds of milk as a two-year-old, was averaging over 125 pounds of milk per day in her second lactation, and was confirmed

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pregnant to LocherLane RW Banning. Sired by Klumbs Durham Pontiac, her dam is a daughter of Paradise-R Cleitus Mathie with records to 34,644 pounds of milk. Consigned by Kenneth Ruprecht, Butler, Ohio, she High Seller Rose-Vue Real Dreamy-Red was purchased for $3,000 by Springwalk Farms, Big Prairie, Ohio. Also selling for $3,000 was Topkiss Goldwyn HotshotET, a bred heifer due in May to Den-K Marshall LL Laurin. She was sired by Braedale Goldwyn and from an Excellent93 Durham daughter that had been a Junior All-Ohio winner three times. Consigned by Kassandra Krebs and Tessa Topp, Glenford, Ohio, she was purchased by Tim Paul, Minster, Ohio. The 53 live lots in the sale averaged $1,996, and embryos averaged $2,000. Cattle were sold to Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Indiana. The sale was managed by Buckeye Dairy Club at The Ohio State University. Sale chairmen were Laura Gordon and Hannah Thompson. Auctioneer for the sale was Randall Kiko, Salem, Ohio, and pedigrees were read by Ted Renner, Dalton, Ohio. Ringmen were Ken Janes, Don Alexander, Paul Haskins and John Lemmerman. Silvermist & White Light Holsteins, Ashville & Bloomdale, Ohio Rose-Vue Real Dreamy-Red (9/21/10). . . . . . . . . $3,500 Sire: Hurtgen-Vue Reality-Red Consignor: Nelson Dairy, Urbana, Ohio Jacob Hartschuh, Bloomville, Ohio Be-Ware Milln Divine 857-ET (9/2/09) . . . . . . . . $3,100 Sire: England-Ammon Million Consignor: Berg Farms, Ltd, Bellville, Ohio Springwalk Farms, Big Prairie, Ohio Kema Pontiac Bona (6/7/07) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 Sire: Klumbs Durham Pontiac Consignor: Kenneth Ruprecht, Butler, Ohio Tim Paul, Minster, Ohio Topkiss Goldwyn Hotshot-ET (3/3/09) . . . . . . . $3,000 Sire: Braedale Goldwyn Consignors: Kassandra Krebs & Tessa Topp, Glenford, Ohio

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Alan Brown, New Bremen, Ohio Indian-Stone Shttle Kimi-ET (1/21/09) . . . . . . . $2,950 Sire: Picston Shottle Consignors: Charles & Joe Henry, Versailles, Ohio


Paradise Valley Farms, Louisville, Ohio Lindlaur Mark Tulip-ET (3/6/10) . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,900 Sire: Walkway Chief Mark Consignor: Sydney Good, Marysville, Ohio

2120 Co. Rd. 168, Dundee, OH 44624 Harold Neuenschwander, Owner Phone: 330-893-2348 1-800-905-0940 Cell: 330-231-1634 Fax: 330-893-3459 www.haroldsequipment.com haroldn@haroldsequipment.com

Hardy’s Holsteins, Tipton, Michigan Starmark Jas Stormy Jo-ET (6/1/10). . . . . . . . . . $2,900 Sire: Wilcoxview Jasper-ET Consignors: Craig Dudte & Matt Duncan, Wooster, Ohio OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 95

82030 p96 CompMixx.memFR


9:49 AM

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Not a member? Join now to save on registrations!

2011 Ohio Holstein Association Membership Agreement



I do hereby join the Ohio Holstein Association for the period ending December 31, 2011, and agree to pay dues for the support of said Association on the basis of $45.00 per membership plus $1.00 per head for any freshened % RHA Registered Holstein for herds up to 300 head, and $ .50 per head for over 300 head. Membership includes a subscription to the Ohio Holstein News. The filing of this agreement with the Ohio Holstein Association, Wooster, Ohio, shall entitle the signer to all rights and privileges which accompany membership in said Association.

Name ___________________________________________________ Holstein Account # _______________________ Partner and/or Spouse Name ________________________________________________________________________ Farm/Business Name ____________________________________ Prefix ____________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________ State _________ Zip _______________ District _________ Directions to Farm _________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ E-mail (print clearly) ___________________________________ Phone ________________________________ FAX ____________________________ County __________________ Signature of Member ________________________________________________ Date _________________________ RETURN WITH PAYMENT TO: Basic Membership @ $45.00 Ohio Holstein Association _______ Number of any % RHA (Registered) Freshened Holsteins P.O. Box 479 WOOSTER, OHIO 44691 (up to 300) @ $1.00 each + Phone 330-264-9088 _______ Number of Registered Cows over 300 @ $ .50 each + Fax 330-263-1653 oholstein@embarqmail.com Total Dues Paid = www.ohioholstein.com

96 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

$45.00 ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________

82030 p97 committees.Habrun


1:23 PM

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Ohio Holstein Association 2011-2012 Committees Annual Meeting

❊ Julie Renner ❊ Regina Berg Jim Sheffield Ray and Sara Twining Nikki Deem Kathy Whiteleather Johnson Chris Sayers Cheri Oechsle Megan Buechner Lisa Mangun

Breed Improvement ❊ Jenny Thomas Tony Broshes Dick Indoe John Hartline Dean Zimmer Lamar Liming Ken Janes Paul Haskins

Buckeye Breed Builder

❊ Duane Logan Joe Cole Jeremy Adams Jim Sheffield Walter and Regina Berg Kurt Topp Eric Havens John Hartline Jay and Kristy Ackley John Lora Ted Renner

Leslie Maurice Mary Liming Ray Twining Barb Lumley Jane Miley Bill Indoe Korey Oechsle Keri Bickel


❊ John Spreng Pete Spike Carl Lund Nancy Kemp Tom Thorbahn John Hartline Roy Heger Dick Indoe Steve Moff

Ohio Livestock Coalition ❊ Bernie Heisner Judy Wolford James Spreng Peter Spike Jim Rowe

Program Development

❊ James Kemp Jon Miley Cal Wilcox Kurt Topp

❊ Joe Miley Dallas Rynd Nevin L’Amoreaux John Spreng Dick Indoe Tom Thorbahn Howard Moff Regina Berg Nancy Kemp John Young William McKarns Paul Haskins Morris Van Gorden




❊ Steve Gilbert James and Nancy Kemp Anne Spreng Tony Broshes Chris Sayers Barb Lumley James Spreng Julie Renner Peter Spike Tom Thorbahn Lisa Mangun


❊ Bill Burkhart John Young All Board Members


❊ Chris Sayers ❊ Cheri Oechsle Julie Renner

Randall Kiko Steve Deam Paul Haskins Kurt Bohlen Aaron Schlauch Cal Wilcox Keith Topp Jason Miley Martin Yoder John Hartline Steve Gilbert Chad Griffith Doug Dye John Mark Weaver


❊ Steve Moff Angi Kaverman Cindy Howman Mary Lou Topp Linda Beardsley Becky Barker Bill Indoe Heather Yoder Dallas Rynd Kristy Ackley Steve Deam Jeremy Elsass Jana Mussard Tony Menzie

Matt Andrews Dave Conrad Paul Haskins Rudy Kiko Diana Miley Charlie Henry Adam Whiteleather Jason Miley


❊ Cheri and Jim Oechsle ❊ Kaye and Ken Janes Diana and Joe Miley Jane and Steve Moff Estelle and Lamar Liming Lisa and Roy Mangun Katey Lora Joyce Nelson Michele Burky ❊ DENOTES CHAIR

❊ Steve Moff John Spreng Chris Lahmers Paul Haskins Nevin L’Amoreaux Eric Topp Chad Griffith Angi Kaverman


❊ Tom Thorbahn Cal Wilcox William McKarns John Hartline Roy Heger

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❊ Ken Janes ❊ Barb Lumley Jim Kemp Ted Renner

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OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 97

82030 p98 ExpoJudg.NewPitt


12:08 PM

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Ohio’s Statewide 2011 4-H Dairy Judging Contest at Spring Dairy Expo from an article by Bonnie Ayars COLUMBUS, OH — The setting was Spring Dairy Expo on April 2 in Cooper Arena for the largest single event for dairy youth in the state of Ohio. 4-H and FFA members from all parts of the state came to compete in the Ohio Dairy Judging Contest. Participants competed in three age divisions: Junior, Intermediate and Senior. Six classes of four animals each were paraded for 12-15 minutes. Intermediate and Senior participants were required to present two sets of oral reasons, so the ability to record good notes was of the utmost importance. Junior and Intermediate judges were required to answer questions pertinent to each class. Within each age division, awards were given for High Individual Overall, High Individual in Placings and High Individual in Reasons. Similar team awards were also presented. Quality cattle for the contest were selected from exhibitor herds at Expo. For the fourth consecutive year, there was an increase in the number of participants to over 400 youth. A collaboration of 4-H and FFA volunteers was integral to the day’s success. Officials were Blaine Crosser, Larry Schirm, Lucas Ayars, John Langel, Julie Delavergne and Kelly Epperly (linear evaluation). Hannah Thompson and Laura Gordon, of the 2010 OSU collegiate dairy judging team, listened to Intermediate reasons; Langel and Ayars managed the Senior portion. After the contest, OSU dairy judging alumnus Annie Specht presented a clinic on reasons for Juniors.

High Junior Individuals: 1st, Ian Lokai, Champaign/Logan County; 2nd, Joelle Ziegler, Union County; 3rd, J. T. Lemmermen, Madison County; 4th, Rachel Lokai, Champaign/Logan County; 5th, Todd Gordon, Wayne County. High Junior Teams: 1st, Champaign/Logan County; 2nd, Union County; 3rd, Wayne County Team One; 4th, Wayne County Team Two; 5th, Stark County. High Intermediate Individuals for Placings: 1st, Ella Jackson, Champaign/Logan; 2nd, Levi Plocher, Mahoning County; 3rd, Lindsey Barto, Trumbull County; 4th, Molly Michael, Fairfield County; 5th, Ethan Starkey, Champaign County. High Intermediate Individuals for Reasons: 1st, Ella Jackson, Champaign/Logan County; 2nd, Kyle McGuire, Champaign/Logan County; 3rd, Brennan Topp, Wayne County; 4th, Levi Plocher, Mahoning County; 5th, Julie Gress, Wayne County. High Intermediate Individuals Overall: 1st, Ella Jackson, Champaign/Logan; 2nd, Levi Plocher, Mahoning County; 3rd, Lindsey Barto, Trumbull County; 4th, Cora Daniel, Stark County; 5th, Ethan Starkey, Champaign County. High Intermediate Teams Overall: 1st, Champaign/Logan; 2nd, Wayne County; 3rd, Lorain County; 4th, Stark County; 5th, Fairfield County. High Intermediate Teams for Reasons: 1st, Champaign/Logan; 2nd, Wayne County; 3rd, Mahoning County; 4th, tie, Trumbull County and Wayne County; 5th, Stark County.

High Senior Individuals for Placings: 1st, Hilary Jackson, Champaign/Logan County; 2nd, Dan Grim, Lorain County; 3rd, Lara Staples, Brown County; 4th, John Sayers, Union County; 5th, Stacie Steel, Tuscarawas County. High Senior Individuals for Reasons: 1st, Lara Staples, Brown County; 2nd, Emily Dudash, Champaign/Logan County; 3rd, Stacie Steel, Tuscarawas County; 4th, Hilary Jackson, Champaign/Logan County; 5th, Rachel Townsley, Champaign/Logan. High Senior Individuals Overall: 1st, Lara Staples, Brown County; 2nd, Hilary Jackson, Champaign/ Logan County; 3rd, Dan Grim, Lorain County; 4th, Stacie Steel, Tuscarawas County; 5th, Emily Dudash, Champaign/Logan County. High Senior Teams Overall: 1st, Champaign/ Logan; 2nd, Wayne; 3rd, Tuscarawas; 4th, Trumbull; 5th, Adams. High Senior Teams for Reasons: 1st, Champaign/ Logan; 2nd, Tuscarawas; 3rd, Wayne; 4th, Trumbull; 5th, Lorain. High Overall Individuals: This result figures Intermediates and Seniors together, EXCEPT Question scores for Intermediates are excluded. 1st, Lara Staples, Brown County; 2nd, Hilary Jackson, Champaign/Logan; 3rd, Dan Grim, Lorain County; 4th, Levi Plocher, Mahoning County; 5th, Stacie Steel, Tuscarawas County; 6th, Emily Dudash, Champaign/Logan; 7th, Ella Jackson, Champaign/Logan; 8th, Kyle McGuire, Champaign/Logan; 9th, Rachel Townsley, Champaign/Logan; 10th, Tyler Topp, Wayne County.

Your Local Dealer for Batch

MILK PASTEURIZERS 1436 West Old Lincoln Way Wooster, Ohio 44691 330-264-7787 or 800-262-9509 Fax 330-262-5251 98 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

82030 p99 OSUawards.Ash.Spik


9:27 AM

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Staubus and Higgins Honored at Ohio State JOHN STAUBUS has been selected to receive the Ohio State University College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Science’s Meritorious Service Award. Staubus joined the Department of Dairy Science and Ohio Cooperative Extension Service (OCES) in 1960. His principal appointment was in Extension, where his teaching and education to Ohio’s dairy industry garnered respect for the department and OCES. He was the main source of unbiased, research-based nutrition instruction during the time of his service. Dairy farmers came to know him as their first and best source for consultation, which often meant long hours with farmers and in his office to provide dairy nutrition advice and ration balancing. This service came at a time before forage analysis and computer programs for ration balancing were available. His role as an approachable, willing advisor and confidant to dairy farmers earned OCES favorable recognition in Ohio’s dairy industry and helped bolster the reputation of the college and university as useful and reliable sources of agricultural information. Dr. Staubus and his colleagues brought the innovations for large scale forage analysis and computerized ration balancing programs to the dairy industry by developing the Ohio Dairy Ration Evaluation Program. This project had tremendous impact on the dairy industry because of the significance of feed costs as part of total production costs in the industry.

Gehl 40 Series Skid Loaders

Tight Spots. Tough Tasks. All in a Day’s Work. • Four models offering up to 2,700 lbs. operating load (with optional weight kit) and 82 hp for big loader results • Exceptional hydraulic power for higher breakout force, fast cycle times and better attachment performance • Longer wheelbase and a low center of gravity for a smooth, stable ride • Choice of controls: T-bar “hands-only,” dual-hand, or hand/foot

Dr. Staubus also was devoted to undergraduate and graduate instruction. His teaching and guidance was appreciated by both the College of Agriculture and by colleagues in the College of Veterinary Medicine, where he presented lectures to veterinary students.

SCOTT HIGGINS was selected to receive the CFAES Distinguished Alumni Award. Scott holds three key leadership positions in the dairy industry: President and Chief Executive Officer of American Dairy Association Mideast, Chief Executive Officer of the Ohio Dairy Producers Association, and President and Chief Executive Officer of the Ohio Dairy Industry Forum. Scott has continuously been an ambassador for the College and University and a supporter of education and research at all levels. One of his recent major contributions was to lead the approval and acquisition of funds for the construction of a building at Farm Science Review for use by the Buckeye Dairy Club, American Dairy Association (ADA) and Ohio Dairy Producers Association (ODPA). Through his leadership with ADA, he helped develop the plastic bottle, single-serving containers for milk that have become commonplace in the offerings for fluid milk. He was very supportive in providing funding for a research project on increasing calcium intake by college students through offering milk in single-serve plastic bottles in vending machines in dormitories on the OSU Columbus campus. Through his leadership with ODPA, he works with the Ohio Dairy Research Fund program. He successfully partnered with Milk Marketing Inc. to create and introduce Moo Kooler, which was the first singleserve flavored milk drink designed specifically for children. Since 1986, Scott has served on the senior leadership team of Dairy Management lnc./National Dairy Council, which has delivered innovative programs such as the Child Nutrition and Fitness Initiative and the NFL Project, Fuel Up to Play 60. Scott has served as president of the Ohio Livestock Coalition and serves on the Board of Directors of the Ohioans for Livestock Care, and he is a member of the Ohio Agricultural Council. The dairy organizations have cosponsored the Ag. Recognition Banquet and College Fall Fest. He is also active in community and church activities and has coached youth sports teams. Scott and his wife Lisa have four children.

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Rents from $99/night, depending on options. Contact: Pete or Jean Spike Phone: 740-363-2184

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 99

All junior exhibitors must provide registration information to "pre-enter animals". One wild card animal substitution and one in class substitution will be honored. Those substitutions can be declared at check-in time at the fair.

Exhibitor's Age (as of Jan. 1)

Birth Date Mo.


Name of Exhibitor


Please check if you are making entry into the Regional National Junior

Social Security No.

Holstein Show Junior Holstein Exhibitors (ages 9-21 as of Jan.1) - must provide! One wild card and one in class substitution meeting junior ownership requirements will be allowed per exhibitor.

If entered in Open Show, what name entered under


Telephone w/area code ( Zip Code


Did you enter in 2010? Has your address changed since 2010?



(Please circle one)

Name of FFA Instructor/4-H Advisor


$10 each.................. $ 6 each.................. $28 each.................. $50 each..................


Acct. #

Exp Date Month/Year

Instructor/Advisor Telephone w/area code (


201- Junior Ayrshire

202 - Junior Brown Swiss

Registration #

203 - Junior Guernsey

204 - Junior Holstein

Animal Name

205 - Jersey


206 - Milking Shorthorn

Futurity - Yes / No

1. By signing this entry, I hereby certify that the entries made in the Junior Livestock Competition meets the rules and regulations under which they will exhibit, that all of the information on the entry is truthful, complete and accurate that my child has had sole custody and control of the animal since the date of the animal's birth or since the date the animal was purchased or acquired by my child, and that the animal has not been tampered with or fitted in any unethical manner. 2. The exhibitor hereby agrees to be bound by the Rules and Regulationsof the Junior Livestock Department, and further agrees to be bound by the decision of the Ohio Expositions Commission in case of any dispute arising from the interpretation or application thereof. Premiums will not be paid if Social Security Number is not given or if the entry blank is not signed. I certify that the number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number. 3. The 4-H and FFA Advisor are verifing that the 4-H and FFA member is a member in good standing of the county and are enrolled in the project in which they have entered. 4. The County Extension Agent is verifing that the 4-H member is a member in good standing of the county and are enrolled in the project in which they have entered. Any photographs taken of me or of anyone over whom I am legal guardian become the sole property of the Ohio Expositions Commission. Such photographs may be used at the Commission's discretion without compensation to or prior approval from me. 1. Parent




3. Instructor/Advisor


4.Co. Agent



IMPORTANT: Please read carefully Junior Livestock General Rules and Regulations


The Ohio Expositions Commission is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Service Provider

Entry blank may be Photocopied

Page 1


x x x x

9:38 AM

Name of FFA Chapter/4-H Club



Total Number of Dairy Cattle.................................... Advance Single Day Admission Pass..................... 6-Day Admission Pass............................................ 12-Day Admission Pass - one person usage.........

Email Address

Section No. and Breed, please circle:



Complete Address

Is animal registered in exhibitor's name or as a partnership? If partnership, list name of partnership In what classes are partnership animals entered? This is to certify (exhibitor) is a member of the above stated partnership Signed (parent/guardian)

82030 p100 OhStateFair Jr FR

100 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011


Did you enter in 2010? Has your address changed since 2010?



Please Print Clearly

Total No. of Dairy Cattle....................................


x $15......................... x $28 each................ x $50 each............... x $6 each.................. x $40 each................ x $75 each................

Address City


Zip Code





CREDIT CARD Exp Date Month/Year

E-mail Address Home Telephone (


Work Telephone (

You must pick up entry cards from the Dairy Cattle Office upon arrival at the fair. Section No. and Breed: Section No.


Please note that when entering more than one department of the Fair (i.e. Horse Show, Ag & Hort., etc.) a separate entry blank is required for that department. All entries must be in the bonafide owner name. Mail entry form to the Entry Department, Ohio State Fair, 717 East 17th Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43211-2657. All entries must bear a postage stamp and have a legible cancellation date. Metered entries will NOT be accepted.

1201 - Ayrshire 1202 - Brown Swiss 1203 - Guernsey 1204 - Holstein No of Animals

1205 - Jersey 1206 - Milking Shorthorn 1207 - Red & White Breed

OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 101

The undersigned hereby agrees to be bound by the Rules and Regulations of the Open Livestock Department and further agrees to be bound by the decision of the Ohio Expositions Commission in case of any dispute arising from the interpretation of application thereof. Premiums cannot be paid if Social Security Number is not given or if entry blank is not signed. I certify that the number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number. Please indicate if this identification number is your individual number or farm tax identification number. Any photographs taken of me or of anyone over whom I am legal guardian become the sole property of the Ohio Expositions Commission. Such photographs may be used at the Commission’s discretion without compensation to or prior approval from me. Signature Social Security No.

Page 1



9:38 AM

Please check if you are making entry into the Regional National Junior Holstein Show


If Entered in Junior Show; entered under what name?

6-Day Advance Admission Ticket (Optional) .......................................................................... 12-Day Advance Admission Ticket (Optional)... Single Advance Admission Ticket (Optional)..... *6-Day Parking Permit (Optional) only one .......................................................................... All Additional Parking Permits (12-Day) each..................................................................

82030 p101 OhStateFair OpenFR


82030 p102 ADA


9:28 AM

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82030 p104 obits


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— In Memoriam — IONE RAE CAVANAGH, 78, became Our Gift to God, passing away March 25, 2011, at Hillcrest Hospital in Mayfield Heights. Mrs. Cavanagh was God’s Gift to Us on February 28, 1933, the daughter of the late Harry and Cora (Squire) Dezort. A homemaker, she had been employed for 26 years as a school bus driver for Kenston Schools, retiring in 1993. She was a member of Auburn Community Church. On August 19, 1995, she married Robert Cavanagh, who survives at their home. Also surviving are her daughters Debbie (Rick) Blankenship of Auburn and Chris (Mark) Sayers of Marysville; her sons Michael R. (Karen) Cavanagh and P.J. (Ruth) Cavanagh, both of Auburn; her sister Fae (Kenneth) Krause of Auburn; and eight grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her first husband William L. Button, Sr., in 1983; her son William L. Button, Jr., in 1975; and her granddaughter Jodi Marie Blankenship in 2007. Memorial contributions may be made to the Jodi Marie Blankenship Memorial Fund, Auburn Community Church, 11076 Washington Street, Auburn Township, Ohio 44023. HENRY HALEY SCHRIVER, 96 , of Grafton, died March 27, 2011, following a short illness. He lived his whole life in the Belden area, graduating from Belden High School, attending Kent Normal School and then earning his B.S. in Agriculture from The Ohio State University in 1937. He played snare drum in the Buckeye Marching Band at the time practice began on the Script Ohio formation. He even was the first band member to dot the “I” in practice before horn players took over that role. In 1938 he married his college sweetheart, Dorothy Ellen Langshaw. Together, they raised 11 children on their dairy and fruit farm. They had been married 63 years when Dorothy died in 2001. Henry was first and foremost a farmer. When he was 47, he combined three of his favorite subjects into a poetic presentation he called “Cows, Kids and Co-ops.” He gave variations of that speech in rhyme thousands of times to groups all over the country, encouraging them to be leaders in their communities. His creative use of poetry and flipcharts launched a second career in public speaking that was filmed in 1965 by the American Institute of Cooperation and the U. S. Department of Agriculture. It was later used by the U. S. State Department to help advance agricultural education programs throughout the world. He led international trips to Taiwan as a guest of their government and to Russia as part of a volunteer group. He served in the Ohio House of Representatives 1967-68 working on committees in agriculture, conservation, pollution, safety and education. He was active in local organizations including Easter Seals, 4-H, FFA and Farm Bureau. He was president of the Belden School Board at the time of the creation of the Midview School District. He was also a leader in the formation of the Lorain County Soil and Water Conservation District, the

104 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

founding of Lorain County Community College and the establishment of the Grafton Township Fire Department. His farm was a demonstration site for soil conservation practices, and lots of kids got their first jobs picking apples or strawberries on the farm. In 1965, he organized 4-H and FFA members to clean up Grafton Township crop fields in time for planting after the devastating Palm Sunday tornado. In addition to his wife, he was preceded in death by his parents, three sisters, grandson Steve Schriver and daughter-in-law Pat Schriver. He is survived by a sister; sons Jim (Jayne), Bill (Dee), Don (Jane), Hiro (Marisha), who joined the family in 1964 as an exchange student from Japan, Paul (Kelli), Larry (Kathy) Randy (Kathy), Ted (Tracy) and Ken (Mary); daughters Carol (Rodger) Carpenter, Sally (Jim) Kocher and Ellen (Mark) Stephenson; 40 grandchildren; 28 great-grandchildren; and one great-great-grandchild. Memorials may be made to Belden United Methodist Church, 36130 State Route 303, Grafton, OH 44044; or to Easter Seals Northern Ohio, 41641 North Ridge Road, Suite D, Elyria, OH 44035; or to Lorain County 4-H Endowment Fund, payable to: The Ohio State University/Fund #604280, OSU Extension Lorain County, 42110 Russia Road, Elyria, OH 44035; or to New Life Hospice, 5255 North Abbe Road, Elyria, OH 44035.

RUTH CAROLINE HARTLINE, 93, of Marietta, passed away April 1, 2011, at her residence. She was born April 8, 1917, in Stanleyville to the late Robert and Lily Schneider and graduated from Marietta High School in 1935. On April 14, 1941, she married Richard J. Hartline, and together they founded Hartline Valley Farms. She was a homemaker and enjoyed gardening, canning, quilting, singing and cooking for her family. Ruth was kind-hearted, fun-loving and showed compassion for everyone. She was a member of Wagner Union Church. She was also a member of the Washington County Farm Bureau Council #8, Whipple Grange and the Stanleyville Ladies Guild. Ruth is survived by three sons and one daughter: Robert (Mary) Hartline, Gale (Christina) Hartline and Linda D. Hartline, all of Marietta; John (Rebecca) Hartline of Whipple; seven grandchildren: Steven Hartline of Columbus; Brad (Melissa) Hartline, Jeff (Kathryn) Hartline, Matt (Melissa) Hartline, Kyle Hartline and Lindsey Hartline, all of Marietta; and Jeni (Jeff) Bauerbach of Lowell; also 10 great-grandchildren: Tyler, Julia, Ruth, Caleb, Grady, Dylan, Emma and Grace Hartline and Collin and Kail Bauerbach. She is also survived by many nieces and nephews and a host of friends along with Emily Gale. She was preceded in death by her husband Richard in 1995; one grandson, Mark Hartline; and one brother, Norman Schneider. Memorial contributions may be made to Wagner Union Church, the Washington County Farm Bureau or the charity of your choice.

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Index ABS Global, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Accelerated Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 ADA Mideast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Agri Sales & Consulting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Agri-Graphics, Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Allstar Designer Genetics. . . . . . . . . . . . . 68-69 Andrews, Steve & Seth – Auctioneers . . . . . . 46 Ashland Implement Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Ben-Alli Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Be-Ware Holsteins/Berg Farms, Ltd. . . . . . . . 22 Blue Ridge Farms, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Brightbill GEM-Hill Farms LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Bucks Pride LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Canfield Fair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Cargill Animal Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Circle J Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 COBA/Select Sires. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Commodity Blenders, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Commodity Specialists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 ComputerMixx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Congress Lake Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Conrad Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Crimson Lane Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Curry Lumber & Pole Building Co’s. . . . . . . . . 57 Drifty-Hollow Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Embryo Transfer Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Farriss Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Garver, Merlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Genex Cooperative, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . 6, 20, 44 Habrun’s Insurance Service, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . 97 Harold’s Equipment, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Hartline Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Haudenschild Agency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Holstein Association USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Hunsberger Holsteins, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Jaloda Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Jiman Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 K & M Builders, Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Keim Concrete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Kidron Auction, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Kiko Family Farms, Ltd./Kiko Auctioneers . . . 76 Land O’Lakes Purina Feed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Lehman, Eileen – Livestock Hauling . . . . . . . . 50 Leid’s Calf Blankets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Lorawae Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Maple Valley Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Meaden & Moore – CPA’s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Mennonite Mutual Insurance Company . . . . . 73 Midwest Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Miley Holstein Farms Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Morrison Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 New Bedford Sharpening Service . . . . . . . . 58 New Pittsburg Large Animal Clinic . . . . . . . . 98 Ohio Beef Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70, insert Ohio Junior Holstein Association. . . . . . . . 5, 75 Ohio State University/ Agriculural Technical Institute . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Ohio Summertime Sale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Oney, Connie – Cultivation of a Lifestyle . . . . 90 Oseeana Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Paradise Valley Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Pine Tree Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Polchin Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Polen Implement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 85 Quality Quest Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Quietcove Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-41 R M D Dairy Farm Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Ramsier’s Willow Spring Farm/ W. G. Dairy Supply, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Ratta Applied Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Ray-Jo Meadows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Renaissance Nutrition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Richman Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Rohaven Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

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Ro-La-Sue Dairy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Schlegel Dairy Farms, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Seven Gables Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Shearer Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Southern Hills Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Spike, Pete & Jean – Vacation Rental. . . . . . . 99 Springhill Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Stan-Mar-Dale/Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Stein-way Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Taurus Service, Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Ten-Penny Holstein . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Thomas, Jenny – Photographer . . . . . . . . . . 91 Tower Vue Holsteins & Jerseys. . . . . . . . . . . 106 Town & Country Co-op. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Trail Farm Supply LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Trbo-Land Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Twining Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 U-Dean Farms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Vaughan, Steve – Nutritional Consultant . . . 56 Wabash-Way Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54-55 Weaverhof Holsteins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Weikland Farms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Whiteleather Holsteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Zimmerview Dairy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 This index is provided as an additional service. Publisher assumes no liability for errors or omissions.

CONTENT/COPY: The Ohio News has a policy to accept paid advertising unless its content may be construed as defamatory, invasive of the privacy of others, fraudulent, obscene or otherwise unlawful. In submitting copy, the advertiser represents and warrants that its content is truthful, is not defamatory, is not invasive of the privacy of others and is in compliance with all federal, state and local laws and regulations. However, the Ohio News reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising or submitted written material at any time.

Registered Holsteins – continued from page 92

Minnigan-Hills Regan-Red-ET, a recently fresh two-year-old consigned by Ted Renner, Dalton, Ohio, sold to Gene Iager, Fulton, Maryland for $3,500. Sired by Savage-Leigh Lyndon-ET, her dam was a Very Good 89 daughter of September Storm from a well known cow family and seven generations of Excellent dams. Pine-Tree Mac Meribell-ET, a twoyear-old with a record in progress, confirmed pregnant to Aftershock and milking 98 pounds, sold for $3,100 to Harpster Enterprises Ltd, Jeromesville, Ohio. She was consigned by Daniel Schlabach, Dalton, Ohio. Mors Durham Royalist Sal-ET, classified Very Good 87 and with records over 28,000 pounds of milk ,sold for $3,000 to Gene Iager, Fulton, Maryland. She was consigned by Jim Morlock, West Salem, Ohio. The Ohio Spring Sale averaged $2,329 on 40 live lots with cattle selling to Ohio and Maryland. The sales were managed by the Ohio Holstein Association, Don Alexander, general manager. Auctioneer was Randall Kiko, Salem, Ohio. Ringmen were Ken Janes, Steve Deam, Blair Mickelson and Don Alexander.

Coming Events MEETINGS and EVENTS June 16 – Ohio Holstein Board Meeting at the OHA Office June 24-25 – National Holstein Convention, Richmond, VA June – D-12 Dairy Tour, Mercer County July – District 10 Annual Picnic July 17 – Ohio Jr. Holstein Family Fun Day, Magic Mountain, Polaris, Columbus March 9-10, 2012 – Ohio Spring Sale and Annual Meeting, District 8 March 29-31, 2012 – Spring Dairy Expo

SHOWS June 11 – District 11 and 13 Show, Urbana June 18 – District 3 Show, Dover June 20 – District 5 Show, Circleville July 9 – Northeast Ohio Districts 1 and 2 Show, Canfield July 9 – District 7 Show, Wooster July – District 9 Show July 25 – District 15 Show July 24 – District 14 Show, Sidney OHIO STATE FAIR – Go to www.ohiostatefair.com for further information. July 26 – Holsteins in place by 6 p.m. July 29 – Red & White in place by 12 noon July 29 – Regional National Holstein Junior Show, 10 a.m., Judge Chip Savage, MD July 30 – Summer National Holstein Open Show, 10 a.m., Heifers, Judge Lynn, Harbaugh, WI July 30 – National Holstein Futurity, 7 p.m. July 31 – Summer National Open Holstein Show, Cow Classes, 10 a.m. July 31 – Red & White Show, 9 a.m., Judge Bill LangelAugust 1 – District 12 Show, Wapakoneta August 17 – District 10 Show, Napoleon August 23 – District 8 Show, Wellington August 24 – 4-H Show, Portage Co. Randolph Fair August 26 – Open Holstein Show, Portage Co. Randolph Fair September 2 – Holstein Show, Canfield Fair September 19 – Premier National Junior Holstein Show, Harrisburg September 21-22 – Eastern Fall National Holstein Show, Harrisburg October 4-8 – World Dairy Expo, Madison, WI October 4 – International Junior Holstein Show, Judge Norm Nabholz, IA October 6-7 – Grand International Red & White Show, Judge Adam Liddle, NY October 7-8 – International Holstein Show, Judge Gerald Coughlin, ON; Assoc. Judge Joel Phoenix, ON


June 21-25 – Gloryland Red Tag Sale, David Tait, owner; Hanover Hills Sales, mgr.; Grottoes, VA June 24 – National Holstein Convention Sale at Richmond, VA; The Cattle Exchange, Landis Marketing & Daniel Brandt, mgrs. July 21 – Ohio Holstein Summertime Sale, Wooster November 19 – Ohio Fall Quality Sale, Wooster Esther’s Extras – continued from page 14

Photo credits in this issue go to Kathy De Bruin for the cover, Wendy Erbsen/Dairy Business Communications, Cheri Oechsle, Karen Welch, Esther Welch and others who supplied family photos. OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011 | 105

106 | OHIO NEWS | 5-6/2011

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JEWEL 3E-93 GMD-DOM 7-11 365D 41,220M 3.3% 1,342F 3.0%1,234P Lifetime: 181,330M 3.9% 7,114F 3.3% 5,988P



7109 SR 514 • Big Prairie, OH

JEWEL is the fountainhead of one of many growing branches of the Hope family. She was a true dairy machine that provided the foundation for other GENEX-sired cows including her daughter Cherokee and granddaughter Cari, and more recently, a current herd favorite, Conspire EX-94 by COPPER…featured in our last ad.

SPRINGHILL • Chris Lang • Tom, Karen & Kendra Lang • PH: 330-378-4515 • FAX: 330-378-4390 • springhill@embarqmail.com • www.holsteinworld.com/springhill

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