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You probably know that in September we launched our new Association Management Software (AMS). While the majority of this change has been internal, there are a couple of items that you should be aware of, which will allow us to better serve you – our valued members!


First off, gone are the days of assigning passwords! You are now able to select your own. Upon launching our new website as part of our AMS package, each member company was sent a password reset request to the primary email we have on file. If you have not had an opportunity to log into the site, or feel you did not receive this request, please reach out to Rick at rick@ohiolandscapers.org, and he will be more than happy to help. Being able to log in is important, because it allows your company to register for events at member pricing, pay dues online, and gives you access to our member portal.

In the new system, your company is considered the ‘member,’ each with its own unique profile. In addition, individuals who work for the member company are able to set up what is called a ‘related profile.’ These related profiles are helpful for two reasons: 1) They allow you to expedite the sign up process for meetings and educational events by storing the information needed to register, and 2) They allow you to provide access to your member profile to someone other than yourself (i.e. HR Manager, Office Manager, etc.), so that they can post jobs, update company info, sign your staff up for events, and more. Each staff member from the same member company will have their own, unique login.

In this regard, each company now has (1) main contact, which is often the company owner. That said, you can designate someone else. Please keep in mind that this person will be the one who we address hard copies of The Growing Concern to, as well as most other mailed communications. This will NOT affect your ability to receive emails concerning upcoming events and other important information! Next, because our website is tied to our software, we have the added benefit of housing our referral system there. On our site, homeowners can search for member companies that offer specific services in their zip code by selecting the “Find a Professional” button. We have requested this referral information a few times over the years – in addition to when a new member joins the OLA – but we do not have everyone’s complete info. Some associate members have been added to this section, if they sell to the public. A complete member search, including wholesalers and dealers (that don’t sell to the public) can be found in the member portal. I encourage you to take a look at this and see if we have accurate and complete information. You can update the services you provide and select up to 6 zip codes you would like referral work in when logged in, but only if you are either the main contact or denoted as an ‘editor’ of your company’s profile.

Finally, I doubt you will be surprised when I say that the biggest issue we hear our members are struggling with is the lack of a workforce. It is frustrating to hear about high unemployment, yet no one answering your help wanted ads. To help, as a free member service, we have added a job board to our website. It is located under the “Career Center” tab. Upgrades to your free listing can be made which will post them to Google Jobs for a nominal fee. Non-members can add jobs, but for a fee.

As always, if you need assistance with these newer benefits and updates, we welcome your phone call or emailed questions. I’m wishing everyone a safe, enjoyable and prosperous spring!


Executive Director The Ohio Landscape Association

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