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While landscaping may have many advantages over a typical desk job, being required to brave the elements isn’t one of them. Often, landscapers must perform grueling work in extreme heat for hours on end. Although most landscape workers take precautions by wearing extreme weather gear and taking regular breaks, others have pushed themselves to dangerous points.
In one notable instance, a landscape mowing assistant died while working on residential lawns due to heatstroke. To protect your landscaping team from the elements and maximize their productivity, it’s essential that your employees have the proper gear for those days spent in the scorching hot sun. That being said, here is how to outfit your team properly for extremely hot weather.
Extreme Heat Gear For Landscapers

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), hundreds of people die from heat-related illness each year. Just because your workers are young and healthy doesn’t mean that they can’t succumb to heat illness as well. To protect workers from sunburn and heat illness, it’s important for your workers to wear gear that wicks away moisture and protects their skin from UV rays. Here are a few must-have clothing items that your landscaping team needs to stay safe in the heat and humidity.
Headwear - Even with a full head of hair, you can still get sunburned on the scalp. To block the sun’s UV rays, make sure that you outfit your employees with UV-blocking hats continued on page 18 continued from page 16 to protect their scalp. Although many landscapers opt for a simple ball cap, the best landscaping hat for hot weather is a wide-brimmed hat that covers the back of the neck.

Neckwear - If you opt for a regular hat, offer your employees neck protection with a neck shade. A neck shade can be worn underneath regular hats and hardhats to keep the neck cool while protecting from sunburn. Note that hard hats are required by OSHA in instances where flying debris could potentially injure workers.
High-performance blend shirt - When temperatures soar into the 90s, no ordinary cotton t-shirt is going to do. Your landscaping team needs breathable clothing that works as hard as they do. Outfit them in moisture-wicking t-shirts made from high-performance synthetic blends to help them stay cool and dry while they work.
High-performance blend pants - Similar to performance blend t-shirts, high-performance pants are designed to repel moisture and heat without sacrificing durability. Don’t forget to look for stretchy, durable fabrics, such as a polyester blend, that are designed to move with your team.
Landscapers may be required to wear other gear such as vests or other forms of personal protective equipment (PPE). When shopping for these items, pay close attention to the fabrics. Some fabrics may add insulation that increases their risk of heat illness. You can purchase vests and other garments with icepack pockets. These garments help workers combat the heat by storing ice close to the body, lowering their body temperature.
Outfitting your team members in the right gear is only a part of keeping them safe in extreme heat. In addition to wearing appropriate clothing, it’s essential they know their limitations. New employees are especially at risk of suffering from heat illness. Allow them to acclimate to the heat and make sure that all your employees know how to recognize the signs of heat illness. Even with the best landscaping gear in the world, your team still needs to take breaks and play it smart.
This article was written by Natalie Bucsko. Bucsko serves as the marketing communications specialist for RefrigiWear, a company dedicated to making gear tougher than the conditions you work in. Bucsko oversees all content, including the website, knowledge center, blog, catalog, email, and social media.

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