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Spring Contractor Workshop
7300 Fair Oaks Rd, Oakwood Village, Oh 44146
Bigfoot Landscape Supply will be holding a Spring Contractor Workshop geared towards contractors new to the business. We will be talking about patio paver installation basics, grass seed and fertilizer application along with Herbicides and insecticides, and will be demonstrating the benefits of a dump bed insert along with many other things. Lunch and Refreshments will be provided.

Thursday April 20th 9am-12pm
• FREE Lunch & Refreshments
• 50/50 Raffle
• Vendors in Attendance & Giveaways ( Buyers Products Company, Unilock, Alliance-Gator, Finn protracted debate before the issue is resolved. Congress must act to avoid chaos in the financial markets, higher borrowing costs and frozen benefits.
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Phone number (440) 652-6370 Email: donnellan@m3wealthmanagement.com
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