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Photo courtesy of Cutting Edge Landscape Development.




More often than not, landscaping is thought of in terms of beauty and aesthetics. A well-maintained landscape is a beautiful landscape. While there’s no question that’s true, did you know that a well-maintained landscape is also a safer landscape? A property that is well cared for is going to pose less risk to your client’s visitors and tenants.

As a company that services commercial properties, safety is something that should be constantly on your mind – for both your employees and your customers. Furthermore, finding ways to minimize risks can actually help you sell more jobs. Here are a few key ways in which proper landscaping can do just that.

WELL-MANAGED RUNOFF When a heavy rainfall strikes, is your client’s property absolutely overcome with rain? If it is, then this can create hazards for their tenants and visitors. Water rushing across their hardscapes, or flooding their parking lot is, at the minimum, a nuisance. But it can also be dangerous. In the short term, it can cause people to slip and fall. In the long term, it can damage their building’s foundation, erode exterior hardscaping, or even cause mold and mildew to grow.

If rainwater poses an issue on your commercial properties, your client’s are in need of a stormwater management solution that will reduce runoff and make their property safer.

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One such solution is a rain garden. This is a unique solution for addressing stormwater runoff which is gaining popularity. A rain garden is a collection of native shrubs, perennials, and flowers which are installed in a depressed area of the landscape. This helps collect, hold, and “soak in” rainwater runoff from hardscapes.

PROPER TREE CARE Trees offer a lot of value to any commercial property – but they can also pose a tremendous amount of risk if they’re not properly maintained. Branches that are not thoroughly trimmed back from walkways can scrape passersby or obstruct security cameras or lighting. Even worse, dead or dying limbs can pose a risk of falling which can be dangerous (and cause for a potential lawsuit) for anyone walking, or driving on your client’s property.

Fortunately, proper tree care can prevent these problems from becoming an issue and give you the ability to offer more services. For instance, pruning will ensure that branches which are dead, diseased, dying, or damaged are removed so that they don’t pose a fall risk. In addition, any branches that could potentially snag a pedestrian can also be trimmed back. It might sound like a minor deal, but “eye pokes” are actually one of the top landscape injuries to occur to visitors of commercial properties! A landscape company that performs general maintenance services, who is cognizant of branches that pose threats, can help prevent this risk.

Similarly, pruning should also take care of any tree branches that have obstructed lights or security cameras so that these features can function properly. Removing excess growth can also improve sightlines and visibility, making it a lot safer for folks to be walking around your client’s property at any time of day or night.

SAFE WALKWAYS AND OTHER HARDSCAPING If your clients have any hardscaped areas around their property which were not installed correctly, or are beginning to malfunction, then they may not only create an eyesore but pose a risk as well. For instance, concrete walkways or patios that are cracking can create trip and fall hazards to their tenants and visitors. Even pavers that were installed improperly and are now lifting up can pose risks.

If your client has hardscaping problems like this, you may want to consider bringing it to their attention and suggest the replacement of such portions – or even the entire structure. Properly installed pavers are a much better choice in terms of

Photo courtesy of Cutting Edge Landscape Development.


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safety, as well as aesthetics. They create a much more appealing look for your commercial clients.

THOROUGH SNOW AND ICE MANAGEMENT Finally, while it’s not the season, we would be remiss in not mentioning the importance of snow and ice management in terms of property safety. Slip and fall accidents are a huge liability and avoiding them makes it imperative that the snow and ice on your client’s commercial property is being properly addressed. If you don’t perform these services yourself, perhaps help your client secure a company that understands the importance of managing these tasks properly during the winter months.

BE THE COMPANY THAT KEEPS CLIENT’S SAFETY IN MIND Safety is probably at the forefront of your mind when it comes to your employees. It should be one of your main concerns for your clients, as well. You want to be the company that truly understands just how important it is that your client’s property is being well-managed and safe, not the company that not only fails to understand the value of creating a safe environment, but isn’t the one helping them attain it.

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