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Grand Lodge News

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Letter from the CEO . . . . 2 Letter from the GM. . . . . 3 Grand Lodge News . . . . 4 The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation News. . . . . . . . 8 The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center News . . . 10 Print Shop News . . . . . . 12 Springfield Masonic Community News . . . . . 13 Western Reserve Masonic Community News. . . . . 14 Browning Masonic Community News . . . . . 15 The Ohio Masonic Home Car Giveway . . . . . . . . . 16


The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio One Masonic Drive, Springfield, OH 45504 614-885-5318 or 800-292-6092 Douglas Kaylor, PGM Program Coordinator dkaylor@glohio.com

The Ohio Masonic Home Marketing Department 2655 W. National Road Springfield, OH 45504 937-525-5609 OMHmarketing@ ohiomasonichome.org

If you would like to receive the Ohio Beacon electronically, send an email with your request to OMHmarketing@ ohiomasonichome.org

The Ohio Beacon is published quarterly. Please update your information via Grandview, or report all changes of address to your Lodge Secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who maintains the database that produces the BEACON mailing lists.

“The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts

the sails.” These are the words of John Maxwell and they articulate the qualities of leadership and innovation exemplified by The Ohio Masonic Home. For nearly a hundred and thirty years we’ve continuously adjusted our sails, preparing for any challenge that awaits.

So when this COVID-19 pandemic hit, we were ready... ready to connect our community members with their families and loved ones and lessen the feelings of isolation and loneliness. Early investment in The Home’s infrastructure positioned the organization with the ability to provide state-of-the-art technology across the state.

Through the build out of The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center, a resource unlike any other aging services provider, we were ready to answer the call of our Brethren, their wives and widows living at home and in distress. The connection to a friendly voice who could act on a specific need, or to simply be a listening ear to instill calm and confidence.

And we were ready as we are blessed with thousands of volunteers, employees, vendors and donors, who were lined up and ready to help keep each other safe. Everyone working together, acting quickly and concisely, knowing that waiting to do the right thing just wasn’t an option.

In this issue of the Beacon, as you read articles about overcoming the pandemic, about the incredible stories of connectedness, I would ask you to consider what role you play in being part of our collective success. If you are already serving the Home in some capacity, thank you! If you interested but unsure, simply reach out to an Ohio Masonic Home employee, Trustee, Ambassador or volunteer and we will share the many ways in which you can advocate, volunteer or financially support The Home and Foundation. In all cases, I would ask that you check-out theomhfoundation.org/connect to learn about the #OMHTogether – Powering The Connection campaign and the work that is happening to keep our community members and clients safe, healthy and connected.

In closing, I want you all to know that we are also ready, when Ohio’s stay-at-home order is lifted, to see you all in-person and express just how grateful we are for your support of our Ohio Masonic Home.

Fraternally, Brother Scott Buchanan CEO, The Ohio Masonic Home


Home Day 2020 has been cancelled in an effort to keep our community members and staff safe. Please stay connected with our Ohio Masonic Home on Facebook (@theohiomasonichome) and at www.ohiomasonichome.org.

Greetings Brethren and Friends all…This is another Great Day for Freemasonry!

“I believe while the Values of Freemasonry never change, our ways of embodying and sharing them are constantly being adapted and shaped for the world and time in which we live.”

For those who attended one of the Deputy Grand Master Roll Out meetings last August, you heard me open with this vision statement. Little did I realize at the time just how pertinent it would become today. We have been challenged to live with new rules and limitations never imagined. We are social people, especially as we enjoy our fraternal groups. Our organization is based on social interaction; a smile, handshake, a pat on the back, a hug, fellowship, sharing good counsel, and the list goes on. We adapted, within our limitations, to begin virtual meetings. It was so exciting to see how we worked so hard to find ways to get together, even if only on a computer screen. To see each other, see the smile and hear the voice from our friends and brethren. It has closed the gap for some of us, but not all. Thank you for the efforts and expertise to those who have helped provide these tools to enable these meetings to occur (for those that can, reach out to help those of us that still cannot tie into this technology).

Have you received a phone call or letter from your Lodge during this time of duress? I am fortunate to have received a couple calls from members of Lodges and bodies I belong to. I can’t tell you how it makes my day when I receive a call from a brother just to see how I am doing. We talk a few minutes, and when done, return to our daily tasks. I want to thank those who are making those calls all around the state. I’m sure you are making a difference in the lives of our brethren. You don’t know how good that felt for me, in those few minutes, to relax and talk with a friend who cared enough to call. Take a few minutes and call on your brethren.

Lately I have been thinking how important Communicate-Communicate-Communicate is today more than ever. One, today we are constantly being blasted by the media with the latest information about COVID-19. Hearing these reports over and over again, keeps us current on the latest conditions of the situation. Imagine if we applied the same principle to Freemasonry. Use every means of communication to

reach our membership, i.e., email, phone calls, newsletters, social media. We would all be well informed and “in the know” about what is going on in your Lodges and Ohio Freemasonry. Secondly, with improved communication channels, we can quickly share urgent information with each other.

PLEASE take a few minutes to update your Grandview membership account.

It’s 3 easy steps to enable me to better connect with you: 1. www.freemason.com 2. Scroll down to select the Member Portal button (on left side). Don’t scroll too fast and miss my picture on the webpage. 3. You’re now in Grandview, select “My Profile” button and UPDATE YOUR INFO.

We are in for more changes as society adapts over the next few months, but our lives will never be the same. Our Masonic schedules have been drastically impacted but we will adapt. I look forward to celebrating as we reopen our Lodge buildings. Watch for calendar updates via email, flyers, blogs, posts, mailings, calls, so you don’t miss rescheduled events.

Most of all, take a minute as you enjoy the Spring and Summer seasons to give thanks for our many blessings each day.

Live Simply, Love Generously, Care Deeply and Speak Kindly.

Keith W. Newton, Grand Master

Find the Tablet

Congratulations to Charles Douglas Winemiller of Grove City Lodge #689 in Grove City, Ohio, the winner of last edition’s Find the Bullseye search! There were 4 Bullseyes in the last edition.

In this edition, we get creative with ways to stay connected through the pandemic, especially with the aid of technology. Search through this entire edition and count how many times you find the Tablet graphic to the right (do not count the example graphic).

Submit the correct answer along with your contact information (name/address/phone) and Lodge affiliation to Ohio Masonic Home, ATTN: OMH Marketing, 2655 W. National Rd., Springfield, Ohio 45504 or via email at OMHmarketing@ohiomasonichome.org by June 12, 2020, and be entered to win a prize, courtesy of the Ohio Masonic Home Print Shop! (Your participation serves as permission to include your name and Lodge affiliation in the next edition of the Beacon.)

SPRING 2020 3

We all know famous brands: Apple with the bite that appears on all iPhones, Microsoft Windows with the four colored panes, Google with its minimalist simplicity, or Starbucks green and the mermaid. So what about Freemasonry? What exactly is our Brand? First, you might say, the square and compasses. It has been used around the world for three hundred years. But the next question is how do we make it our own?

The Grand Lodge came up the image of the Square and Compasses over an outline of the State of Ohio. To this we added the campaign slogan, “Not Just a Man. A Mason.” This slogan was developed by the Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, and today it is being used around the world in several languages. All three elements work together to tell the world where we are, who we are, and what makes us special.

We wanted to show the world that Freemasons, and especially Ohio Masons, are good men from all walks of life, all ages, and backgrounds. We started with the campaign, This is Ohio Freemasonry, and we picked five Ohio Masons to represent us.

This is Ohio Freemasonry identifies a real Ohio Mason. It tells who he is, what he does, what makes him special, and includes the campaign slogan, the Square and Compass, and the Ohio Masonic logo.

The Grand Lodge has continued this campaign to show the world real Masons by introducing a different Masons every Monday on Facebook. “Mason Mondays” has become a staple of the Grand Lodge Facebook page, and we invite any Mason to submit his picture, basic information, and volunteer for Mason Mondays. Right Worshipful Brother Jim Hieb manages the Mason Monday program, and he is always looking for new faces.

If you would like to volunteer, submit your name, contact information, and a photo to ohiolodgelife@freemason.com.

For many years now, we have asked Ohio Masons to donate generously to the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program with the goal of helping students, teachers, and school employees in our public schools deal with societal problems related to violence, drug abuse, bullying, and just about anything that endangers our young people. We know that MMSAP saves lives. It has always been a gift by the Masons to their communities. But what about our own people?

Masonic Youth Day MMSAP helping Masonic Youth Groups

On March 7th, the MMSAP conducted a special youth leadership training session for 285 DeMolay, Rainbow, and Job’s Daughters leaders. There were 160 youth and 125 adult leaders in attendance. The session was sponsored by the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation, and Aladdin Shrine stepped up to offer their facility in Grove City and to provide lunch for the attendees.

RWB Tim Larimore organized the day, and trainers Scott Heydt and Amanda Wheeler flew in from Philadelphia to help the participants learn about empathy, compassion, and relationships. During the day, they broke into 17 groups to work on projects and develop skills to take back to their Chapters, Assemblies, and Bethels. It was an amazing day.

Kelly Raines, wife of PGM Jess Raines, is the MMSAP district coordinator for the 18th Masonic District, and she attended Masonic Youth Day. She commented about the young people and adults in attendance:

[They] had a great day of hands on activities and meaningful conversations about compassion, empathy, and relationships. As with other MMSAP programs I’ve observed, I was touched and inspired by the amazing dialogue and interactions I witnessed. It was such a pleasure to be with this fantastic group!

Leaders of the three youth groups all agreed that this program should not be a one-time event. Plans are therefore already underway to hold another Masonic Youth Day at Aladdin Shrine in March 2021. If you have a child or grandchild in the eleven to twenty age range, please encourage them to look for a local DeMolay Chapter, Job’s Daughters Bethel, or Rainbow Assembly.

You can help promote MMSAP by sharing information with your local school systems and by donating to the Grand Lodge Charitable Foundation.

The Brethren of the Grand Lodge of Ohio have been meeting like crazy while sheltering in place and staying home. Using a variety of software applications like Zoom, Skype, WebEx, GotoMeeting, and FaceTime to name a few, Masons began meeting for informal fellowship activities, educational presentations, and even to share a toast to the Craft. More recently, Grand Master Newton has given Lodges permission to hold virtual stated meetings if they follow certain guidelines to preserve the privacy of the meeting. Not everyone knows how to hold a virtual meeting, so Brothers like RWB Alexander Herbert, District Deputy Grand Master of the 21st Masonic District, began offering instruction so that Lodges and Brethren could hold their own meetings. Even the Grand Lodge Officers have been meeting on a regular basis to review the current health emergency and plan for the gradual reopening of Ohio’s 450 Masonic Lodges and 25 Districts. Using the application Zoom, all twelve are able to hold a meeting, see each other, discuss events, and meet very much like they would if they were sitting around the table. Since Grand Master Newton issued a new dispensation to allow virtual Lodge meetings, reports from the field have been positive. Several Lodge secretaries report having a larger attendance at their virtual meeting than they were having at their regular in-person meetings. Two secretaries reported that they had members who now live out of state attending their virtual meetings, something that could not have happened before. Thus, even in the middle of an emergency, there are positive things happening.

Virtual Meetings Bring the Craft Together

Each Lodge is free to hold virtual meetings, but it is not required to do so. Check with your Lodge secretary to see what your Lodge’s plans are. With today’s software, it is really very easy and safe to participate. Who said you can’t teach an old Masons new tricks?

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