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The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center News The Ohio Masonic
by Trinity Davidson, Southern Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator On June 30th, Butterscotch was delivered to her new home. You may be asking: Who is that? Butterscotch is Virginia Duckworth’s new furry friend, a robotic cat. The Ohio Masonic Home has robotic pets that are designed to look, feel, and act just like a real animal – complete with authentic sounds and motions. There are many different types of robotic pets available to choose from, but so far cats and dogs have been the most common choices. “Through the introduction of furry pets, we have seen a decrease in anxiety, stress, and use of anti-psychoactive medications,” shared Sister Cara Schuster, Chief Clinical Officer of The Ohio Masonic Home. For community members who can sometimes be isolated from family and friends, especially those with a memory-related diagnosis, these furry friends provide companionship and have been shown to have a positive effect on their mental wellbeing. Butterscotch and her counterparts have other benefits as well, including reducing stress, improving physical mobility, and reducing feelings of isolation. Thanks to the generous support raised through The Ohio Masonic Home Foundation, furry companions have been made available to community members in both Pathways and skilled nursing units. Ms. Duckworth was the first off-campus recipient to receive a pet like Butterscotch, as part of a new program with The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center. For more information about these companions, please contact us at 1-877-881-1623.
MAsoniC youth outreACh progrAM: bACK to sChool
by Raquel Brown, NW Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator & Masonic Youth Outreach Program Coordinator
Parents, grandparents, and youth caregivers, please keep in mind as we approach the end of summer break that the month of August is National Immunization Month. Immunizations have been a trending topic over the course of the past 2 years, but they aren’t a new topic. National Immunization Month was established to highlight the importance of vaccinations – not only for adults and seniors, but people of all ages. If you have questions about immunizations and requirements for schools, please use the focus on immunizations as an opportunity to speak with a healthcare professional.
Another important thing to consider with school starting back is school supplies. The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center’s Masonic Youth Outreach Program completed its annual school supply drive benefiting children across the state of Ohio. Working with clients, employees, volunteers, and even the grandchildren of The Ohio Masonic Home community members, we were able to gather supplies and contributions to ensure children have what they need to go back to school.
If you know of any families with young children – connected with The Ohio Masonic Home or the Fraternity – that could benefit from some additional assistance please reach out to Raquel Brown, NW Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator and Masonic Youth Outreach Program Coordinator, at 419-260-0855.
by DeAnna Kinney, SE Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator & Masonic Volunteer Program Coordinator
The Masonic Volunteer Program (MVP) has volunteers around the state working to make the lives of The Ohio Masonic Home Resource Center (OMHRC) clients a little brighter. Over the last few years, I have heard from many clients about how much they appreciate and love the MVP volunteers who come out to help them. The following letter was received regarding a 14th District Committee volunteer:
I wish to recognize Matthew Harmon, MVP volunteer and a Past Master of Capital City Lodge #656.
Last year in 2021, I put in a request to Community Outreach Coordinator Dan Shirk, that I needed a volunteer to do some weeding around my house overrun with very tall weeds. I am disabled and walking is a major challenge. Dan sent out Matt Harmon and another who did a wonderful job pulling weeds and cutting overgrown brush. Matt noticed I had a large Troy-Built Chipper Shredder. Matt asked if he could use it, and I said absolutely.
Matt even came back this spring to remove the new weeds. He said he would come back and remove the weeds in front of the house.
The volunteers aren't doing this community service for any reward. I wanted to show my appreciation for all the hard work.
-Dick Van Meter, Community Lodge #684 (55 years)
This is just one example of how much our volunteers mean to our clients, who often show their appreciation with a smile, a simple “thank you”, or a hug.
OMHRC would also like to acknowledge the recent passing of one of our MVP Committee Chairmen. Steve Hampton was Chairman of the 19th District MVP Committee and he will be missed by all who knew him. His hard work and dedication to the program and to our clients was deeply appreciated.
If you would like more information on the Masonic Volunteer Program, please call DeAnna Kinney, SE Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator and MVP Coordinator, at 740-262-1974.
If you or someone you know could benefit from the Resource Center please connect with the Community Outreach Coordinator in your area today.
Call toll-free 1-877-881-1623 or visit www.omhresourcecenter.org
Samantha Loy
Director, OMH Resource Center & NE Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator (937) 504-4407
Raquel Brown, LPN
NW Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator & Masonic Youth Outreach Program Coordinator (419) 260-0855
Bobbi Schickler, CSA
Certified Senior Advisor® SW Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator & Masonic Bereavement Program Coordinator (513) 567-1100
DeAnna Kinney, LSW
SE Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator & Masonic Volunteer Program Coordinator (740) 262-1974
Dan Shirk Trinity Davidson, BSW
Central Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator (937) 926-4305
Southern Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator (740) 970-7903
Millie McNeal
Financial Assistance Coordinator (937) 525-3005