Volume 30 Issue 3, Summer 2023
A Joint Publication From Beacon MWB Steven M. Grindle Around the State Page 6 Laying the Foundation for 200 Years Page 5 Changing Perspective and Adjusting Plans Page 12 Intergenerational Day Camp Page 11
The Ohio
If you would like to receive The Ohio Beacon electronically, send an email with your request to OMHmarketing@omcoh.org
Please update your information via Grand View, or report all changes of address to your Lodge Secretary, who, in turn, will notify the Grand Secretary, who maintains the database that produces the BEACON mailing lists.
The Ohio Beacon is published quarterly.
Dear Brethren,
A Message from the CEO
I hope this issue of The Ohio Beacon finds you and your families doing well and enjoying the end of summer.
At The Ohio Masonic Communities, we’ve been focused on engaging in master planning and discussing our operational priorities. You’ve already started seeing the fruits of these labors, such as the completion of the new healthcare center at Western Reserve Masonic Community, but the work isn’t done yet. In many ways, we’re only just beginning.
As you’ll see on page 14, the renovations and expansion at Western Reserve Masonic Community are continuing. If all goes as planned, these projects will be completed by the end of this year – a little over two years after we broke ground. The updates we’ve made, and are continuing to make, are important to making the way our campus looks and feels match the quality the community expects and depends on. Now, we’ll have the luxury living spaces and state-of-the-art technology that match the quality that’s expected.
High quality care is something we’re known for throughout all the communities we serve. In fact, Western Reserve Masonic Community and Springfield Masonic Community have both received five-star ratings from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). That rating is only given to the top 10% of skilled nursing care providers in the state and considers the organization’s performance for multiple years. You can read more about how the ratings are awarded and what it means for Springfield Masonic Community on page 15. We’re incredibly proud that both of our eligible campuses have received the highest rating. Our hardworking, dedicated teams across the organization are the reason we’re known for providing the highest quality care in the communities. We couldn’t do any of this without them.
With the renovations and expansion winding down at Western Reserve Masonic Community, we’re shifting our focus to master planning at Springfield Masonic Community and Browning Masonic Community. We’re taking into account the needs of the community and residents on our campuses, as well as the state of our buildings and the opportunities we have to set ourselves apart from other organizations. Browning Masonic Community has already seen some updates to their Pathways Memory Support Neighborhood, as you’ll see on page 13. The changes make it easier to provide state-of-the-art care and go hand in hand with our Connecting Realities programming which highlights the importance of the physical environment with dementia care.
While there are still things to be decided, one thing is for certain. The updates we make will always be focused on helping our residents live their best lives and thrive.
Fraternally, Brother Scott Buchanan CEO, The Ohio Masonic Communities
IN THIS ISSUE Letter from the CEO 2 Letter from the GM 3 Grand Lodge News 4 The Ohio Masonic Communities Foundation News ............... 8 The Ohio Masonic Communities Resource Center News 10 The Ohio Masonic Communities News 12 Browning Masonic Community News .... 13 Western Reserve Masonic Community News .... 14 Springfield Masonic Community News 15 The Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Ohio One Masonic Drive, Springfield, OH 45504 (614) 885-5318 or
The Ohio Masonic Communities Marketing Department
(800) 292-6092 Jim
PM Director of Programs jhall@glohio.com
2655 W. National Road Springfield, OH 45504 (937)
A Message from the Grand Master
Hello Brethren!
Our Masonic year is coming to a close and we have had a fantastic time traveling around the state – and out of state – representing Ohio Freemasons. Over the past year we have traveled to several out of state jurisdictions; the Conference of Grand Masters; Imperial Shrine; to each of the twenty-five Masonic Districts in Ohio; and to countless Lodge meetings, inspections, dedications, cornerstone layings, table Lodges, and of course Lodge open house events. The Brethren and ladies of Ohio are truly amazing people!
Many Lodges in Ohio embraced the open house events and several received petitions and/or reinstatements. A few Lodges took advantage of the Lodge Transformation program to help defray the cost to improve the curb appeal of their Lodge. During the open house events, Lodges included Masonic Appendant Bodies, ladies organizations, and our Masonic youth groups. It was so great to see them all working together. Jane Anne and I promoted and supported our youth groups. What fine young ladies and men we have in Ohio, and we should all be proud of them. We hope that Ohio Masons will continue supporting our youth well into the future. Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity? If so, the youth groups can use your help. Visit Freemason.com, click on Charities, then click on 1st Lady’s Charity, for more information about the Masonic youth groups.
Over this past year, your Grand Lodge officers continued to work together to move Ohio Freemasonry into the future. Many hours have been spent discussing, researching, analyzing, and planning for the future of the Fraternity. A copy of the long-range plan can be found in Grand View. I encourage them, and you, the Brethren of
Find the Elephant!
Congratulations to Richard Hipps of Theodore Breck Lodge #714 in Brecksville, Ohio, the winner of last edition’s Find the Butterfly search! You have won a Port Authority polo courtesy of The Grand Lodge of Ohio Store. A Grand Lodge representative will reach out to you to receive your prize. There were 5 Butterflies in the last edition. On page 6, you will find information for the 2023 Grand Lodge Annual Communication at Kalahari in Sandusky, OH. As a reminder to register, search through this entire edition and count how many times you find the Elephant graphic to the right (do not count the example graphic).
Ohio, to continue to look for ideas and new ways to strengthen the Lodges in Ohio
My theme this year was Building Brotherhood, and I encouraged the Brethren of Ohio to build brotherhood by having ritual practices, superbly executed funeral services, open houses, social events, and community events – now and in the years to come. Brotherhood is the foundation of our Fraternity, and we all need to reach out and get to know our Brothers and potential Brothers in the community. Remember, Brethren, that just by living your life by our Masonic values, YOU will be an example to the world, men will want to join our Fraternity, and YOU will help build our Brotherhood. The future of Freemasonry depends upon each of us.
I would like to thank the Grand Lodge officers and their ladies for all that they do to support the Grand Lodge and to promote Ohio Freemasonry. I would especially like to thank Jane Anne for all of her love and support. She is my rock and has served the Brethren of Ohio well. Thank you, Jane Anne!
I must say that Jane Anne and I have enjoyed the journey, and I cannot thank the Brethren of Ohio enough for this fantastic opportunity, the wonderful friendships, the events we have attended, and the times we have shared with each of you. We thank the Brethren of Ohio for giving us this wonderful opportunity.
Fraternally, Steven M. Grindle Grand Master Grand Lodge of
Ohio #BuildingBrotherhood
courtesy of The Grand Lodge of Ohio Store!
(Your participation serves as permission to include your name and Lodge affiliation in the next edition of the Beacon.)
the correct answer along with your contact information (name/ address/phone) and Lodge affiliation to The Ohio Masonic Communities, ATTN: OMC Marketing, 2655 W. National Rd., Springfield, Ohio 45504 or via email at OMHmarketing@omcoh.org by Friday, September 22, 2023, and be entered to win a prize
SUMMER 2023 3
A Message from The Grand Secretary
I hope you are enjoying summer and your warm weather hobbies. There is a beautiful blue sky behind the castle today in Springfield as I d raft this article. Remember to take a minute to check in on your friends and neigh bors. Although most Lodges go dark in July and August, Lodge Secretaries have been busy reviewing their Annual Return information and updating Lodge records before the year-end close on July 31. On August 2, 2023, the Lodge Secretary will be able to print the entire 2023 Annual Return and send a signed copy of page one (with the per capita) to the Grand Lodge office before August 31, 2023. Please thank your secretary when you see him next. They are doing a great job keeping your member records current.
New endowment purchases must be received in the Grand Lodge office by August 31st each year. Endowments purchased from September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023 will mature and begin payout to your Lodge in November 2024.
The 2024 Membership Renewal Notices are scheduled to be emailed and mailed by the second week in August. Credit card payment options are available in your Grand View membership account, or send your payment to your Lodge Secretary. By updating your membership status early, you are helping to save on program costs and eliminate multiple communications. Remember, yearly membership renewal dues must be remitted on or before the annual meeting of your Lodge every November.
Have you ever visited the Kalahari Resort in Sandusky? The Grand Lodge of Ohio’s 214th Annual Communication will be held there on October 20, 2023. It’s a good time of year to be at an indoor water park! Registration is open, just go to glohio2023.com to make your meal and hotel reservations. You can also register directly in Grand View. Go to My Portal/Events and go to October 20th on the event calendar. Click once, then follow the electronic form. A couple tips: remember to specify your Grand Master’s Banquet meal choice in the comment box and do not use the back button.
It’s an honor to serve the Grand Lodge of Ohio. The office staff is committed to serving you so please call us at 614-885-5318, or email us at gloffice@freemason.com, if we can be of any assistance.
It’s a Great Day for Freemasonry!
Keith W. Newton, PGM, Grand Secretary
T he G rand L od G e of o hio
4 SUMMER 2023
Laying the Foundation for 200 Years
By Brother Mike Hodge and Brother Matt Slone, Oxford Lodge #67
A lot can happen in 200 years. One thing that hasn’t changed is the dedication of Masons to their hometown and ensuring the people of that community are better off. For the people of Oxford, Ohio, this was made ever more apparent on June 17th, 2023, when Oxford Lodge #67 was reconsecrated by Most Worshipful Brother Steven M. Grindle and other Grand Lodge Officers. To celebrate their 200th anniversary, the Mayor of Oxford proclaimed June 17th as Oxford Masonic Day and Oxford Lodge held a charity car and bike show.
If you have never been uptown in Oxford, we invite you out to see the red brick roads and facades of the businesses. The old-school feel and history of the town is evidenced in the masonry of the buildings. This set the backdrop for the over 100 classic cars and bikes that lined the streets. Bands graced the uptown stage to add to the soundscape of revving engines and camera clicks. Not only do car shows bring people together, but they can be great fundraisers as well. Oxford Lodge was informed of hardships faced by students of Kramer Elementary, a building serving preschool to fifth grade students. A new playground was needed to meet the changing needs of students and the old one was no longer appropriate for the kids. The school was in need of support to the tune of $38,000 to fully fund their grand ideas of creating a space where every kid would feel welcome and have a place to play.
The Oxford Lodge decided to support the schools and took the lead on fundraising duties. With the help of Stephanie Pearson, a teacher from Kramer Elementary; Brother Mike Hodge; Brother Glenn Hodge; Worshipful Brother Butch Foster; and Brother Matt Slone, the logistics of the car show came together. Pearson and other teachers came together to set up raffle baskets, outreach to the Oxford businesses, and give away water.
Brothers Hodge organized the car show participants, and Brother Slone organized registration logistics and voting. Participants in the car show were given a red brick to commemorate the iconic red bricks of uptown Oxford. All involved commented that it was one of the best shows they have been to.
But that still wasn’t the best part. Near the end of the show, Worshipful Master Russ VieBrooks spoke of the 200 years the Masonic Lodge has been part of the Oxford community, and the service the Lodge has provided. WM VieBrooks also commented that the next 200 years of service starts with the children in town. He then introduced MWB Worshipful Grand Master Steven M. Grindle to assist Oxford Lodge in presenting a donation check to Kramer Elementary.
Thanks to the generosity of community business, private donations, and the Brethren of Oxford Lodge, everyone came together to raise the full amount of $38,000!
Children from Kramer Elementary were present and celebrated the way children do – with screams of joy! Stephanie Pearson commented “...without the Masons of Oxford, none of this would happen. These kids had zero hope in May when we reached out to Matt Slone and Mike Hodge. Not only are these kids and generations after them going to see a physical representation of Masonic giving, but they learned that anything is possible when the community comes together.”
The Brethren of Oxford Lodge #67 are proud to contribute but realize that it was the will of the community to make this happen. Without the community of Oxford, this would never have happened. We brought everyone together for the kids and are proud to make this happen. We can’t wait to see what happens in the next 200 years.
T he G rand L od G e of o hio
SUMMER 2023 5
The Masons of the 11th Masonic District extend a cordial invitation to attend the 214th Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Ohio.
Friday, October 20, 2023 Kalahari Resorts, Sandusky, Ohio Visit
• Your formal announcement and invitation to attend this year's Grand Lodge Annual Communication
• How to make room reservations directly
• How to obtain tickets for all events, including:
- Thursday evening Grand Master's Banquet
- Friday lunch for attendees
- Friday Ladies luncheon & entertainment
- Friday evening New Grand Master's Celebration
• All information you need about the 2023 Grand Lodge, including schedule of events, times, and locations
Questions? Contact Grand Lodge of Ohio.
where you will find:
T he G rand L od G e of o hio 6 SUMMER 2023
Crooksville Community Celebration
In 2010, Peerless Lodge #591 was looking for a way to bring a celebration back to the Village of Crooksville. The Lodge saw an opportunity to build brotherhood by building the community! They agreed that it had been years since there had been any fireworks celebration of our country’s independence.
Fast forward to June 24th, 2023, and it’s the 12th Annual Crooksville Community Celebration. The celebration is set up to always take place on the last Saturday in June! This would allow for the event to be close enough to the 4th of July to celebrate, but far enough away that it would not interfere with larger celebrations. Each year they’ve worked to make the event bigger and better to provide the best experience for the Village of Crooksville.
It has grown into a full day event of festivities for the community, and Peerless Lodge has reached out to the other local organizations and businesses to partner with. The goal has always been to keep the event centered around the Village of Crooksville and its residents – even though all are invited to the celebration.
The day starts out at 9 am with a fishing derby for any kids 18 and under. The village pool is also open for kids and adults the entire day! Along with setting the event up, Peerless Lodge also has a stand where they offer fried fish and freshcut French fries. The Lodge also coordinates and sets up music and bands for the day. Alongside the event is the Lodge’s annual car show, Cruzin Crooksville. Cars are displayed from 1-4 pm and then at 5 pm are asked to join into the parade where the Lodge brings up the rear!
If that isn’t enough, the event also includes a Civil War encampment with cannon firings throughout the day. There’s also a Civil War historian answering questions about the war and displaying artifacts.
The day culminates with the bursting of fireworks overhead as an exclamation point to the day! The residents of Crooksville can be proud of the great country that they live in – one where Peerless Lodge can put a close to a wonderful celebration of small-town America!
Next year marks the village’s 150th anniversary! If you’re free on the last Saturday in June, you should stop by and enjoy the day!
T he G rand L od G e of o hio
SUMMER 2023 7
Recognizing our Society of Roses Masonic Organizations
The Society of Roses recognizes the lifetime giving of donors and organizations showing extraordinary financial support to The Ohio Masonic Communities Foundation.
Red Rose Society
$1,000,000.00 +
Grand Lodge of Ohio
Melrose Lodge #671
Pink Rose Society
$500K - $999K
Grand Chapter of Ohio, OES
Valley of Cincinnati, AASR
Valley of Columbus, AASR
Valley of Dayton, AASR
Lavender Rose Society
$250K - $499K
Acacia Lodge #651
Coolville Lodge #337
Coventry-Akron Lodge #83
Damascus - Collingwood Lodge #643
Dayton Lodge #147
East Gate Lodge #796
Grand Chapter of Ohio, RAM
Grand Commandery of Ohio, KT
Grand Council of Ohio, R&SM
Grand Court of Ohio, Order of Amaranth
Millennium Lodge #779
New England Lodge #4
St. Johns Lodge #13
Star Lodge #187
Theodore Breck Lodge #714
Valley of Cleveland, AASR
Peach Rose Society
$100K - $249K
Alpha Lodge #729
Anthony Lodge #455
Argus Lodge #545
Barton Smith Lodge #613
Black River Lodge #786
Blendon Lodge #339
Canal Winchester Lodge #670
Canton Lodge #60
Capital City Lodge #656
Cleveland Lodge #781
Clifton-Gaston Allen Lodge #664
Clinton Lodge #47
Collinwood Lodge #582
Cortland Lodge #529
Elyria Lodge #787
Findlay Lodge #227
Franklin Lodge #14
Garrettsville Lodge #246
Green Springs Lodge #427
Groveport-Lockbourne Lodge #801
Harding-Concordia Lodge #345
Harmony Lodge #8
Hiram Lodge #18
Huber Heights Lodge #777
Jefferson Lodge #90
John W. Barkley Lodge #621
Kilwinning Lodge #356
Lancaster Lodge #57
Lima Lodge #205
Linden Lodge #637
Magnolia Lodge #20
Marion Lodge #70
Mason Lodge #678
Meridian Sun Lodge #69
Montgomery Lodge #94
Neoacacia Lodge #595
New Franklin Lodge #803
Niles-McKinley Lodge #794
North Star Lodge #638
Northern Light Lodge #40
Norwood Lodge #576
Oakley Lodge #668
Old Erie Lodge #3
Paragon Lodge #788
Parkside Lodge #736
Quarry Lodge #382
Robinson Locke Lodge #659
Rubicon Lodge #237
Scioto Lodge #6
St. Andrews Lodge #619
Sunrise Lodge #783
Toledo Ft. Industry Lodge #144
Tuscarawas Lodge #59
University Lodge #631
Valley of Cambridge, AASR
Valley of Canton, AASR
Valley of Steubenville, AASR
Valley of Toledo, AASR
Valley of Youngstown, AASR
Warpole Lodge #176
Washington Lodge #17
West Gate Lodge #623
West Shore Lodge #804
Western Hills - Cheviot Lodge #140
Western Star Lodge #21
Wick Lodge #481
Willoughby Lodge #302
York Lodge #563
Your presence is requested at The Rose Society Welcome Reception
Friday, September 8 6 ~ 9 pm
Complimentary event
Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres
Attire: Semi-formal, kilts welcome
The Rose Society Ball
The Premiere Recognition Event of the Rose Society
Saturday, September 9 6 pm
Cocktails & Hors d’oeuvres 6 ~ 7 pm Dinner 7 pm
Presentation of the 2024 Grand Duke & Duchess 8 pm
Fellowship & Dancing 8:30 pm
Hospitality Reception 11 pm
Attire: Black tie preferred
Both events held at the Renaissance Hotel 50 N 3rd St, Columbus, OH 43215
Information and RSVP can be found at omcfoundation.org/rosesocietyball
Questions? Contact Dan Shirk
(937) 926-4305
T he o hio M asonic c o MM uni T ies f ounda T ion 8 SUMMER 2023
Dear Brethren,
No one could tell me where my soul might be, I searched for God but He eluded me, I sought my brother and found all three.
Ernest Howard Crosby, American Reformer, Georgist, and Author
To aid the distressed is a duty incumbent upon all mankind, but especially an obligation of our Masonic Fraternity. Our Grand Lodge of Ohio has charities that are designated as priorities, including:
• The Ohio Masonic Communities
• Masonic Relief Fund
• Scholarships
• Model Student Assistance Program
• Veterans and First Responders
• Museum and Library
• First Lady’s Charity
Each of these charities and philanthropic endeavors touch the hearts of our brothers, sisters, family members, and communities. Yet, how do we choose which one to support and what impact those gifts will have on those we serve?
The answer is simple, and goes back to something we all conveyed as we were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. “In my heart!”
It is clear we cannot do everything, yet in unity there is strength! I challenge each of us to work with our Lodges and our Brothers to evaluate the options and search our hearts for where the Great Architect of the Universe is calling us to make an impact on those we serve.
For those Brothers who have chosen The Ohio Masonic Communities Foundation as their charity of choice, I thank you. For those who have been led to choose otherwise, I also thank you for contributing to the lives of others. I do not take your choices lightly, and offer my assistance to you in whatever manner I am able to assist in fulfilling your philanthropic goals.
Thank you, Brothers, and God bless as you continue on your journey.
Yours, Brother Rob Hanrahan
The Ohio Masonic Communities Foundation
P.S. For more information about the charities above go to omcfoundation.org or freemason.com. You can also contact me directly at (937) 525-3007 or Rhanrahan@omcoh.org.
August is National Make–a–Will Month!
Most of us spend August trying to squeeze in a few more summer activities. However, August is also “National Make a Will” month and is an incredible opportunity for you to create or update your will.
To make it easy and accessible for everyone to have a will, we have partnered with Giving Docs to provide you complimentary access to online estate planning tools. Using Giving Docs allows you to write or update all your documents and manage your estate from the comfort and privacy of your own home.
When you remember The Ohio Masonic Communities Foundation in your estate plan, you support your charitable goals for years to come. Such a gift allows you to preserve your family name, honor loved ones, provide for heirs, and minimize your tax burden. Legacy gifts reflect our Masonic values by providing for Brethren, family members, friends, and local community members for years to come.
The Ohio Masonic Communities Foundation has honored this unique form of philanthropy by establishing the Legacy of Roses Society, which recognizes members for their foresight and commitment to the future of our mission.
To learn more about joining our Legacy of Roses Society, or for questions on creating a plan that works for you, contact The Ohio Masonic Communities Foundation. Kristen Jones, Gift Officer, can be contacted at (937) 525-3010 or KrJones@omcoh.org. She will be happy to share with you more about giving opportunities that provide a stable income stream to you and your spouse in your retirement!
To get started, go to: givingdocs.com/omcfoundation or scan this QR code for your complimentary estate plan today!
T he o hio M asonic c o MM uni T ies f ounda T ion
SUMMER 2023 9
A Letter from the Heart
Below is a note of gratitude received by The Ohio Masonic Communities Resource Center:
It is so hard to ask for help when you are usually the one who is helping people out. We retired and got custody of our teenage grandchildren. It is not how we pictured our golden years. There was no one else that would take them in.
We asked The Ohio Masonic Communities Resource Center for help with car repairs. It was totally out of our budget, and we did not know how we were going to pay for it. We have one vehicle and one driver. Samantha came to our house and helped us fill out the application. She made everything very easy. She made us feel at ease. Words just don't seem to be enough to express our gratitude.
We appreciate the brotherhood of the Masonic fraternity. My husband is a Past Master (a few times) and has been a member for almost 60 years. Thank you, again.
Back to School Ministry!
We are holding our annual back-to-school supply drive! If you would like to donate any supplies or if you need supplies, please contact us by calling:
(419) 260-0855
We wish all of our youth a happy new school year!
Masonic Volunteer Program News
The Masonic Volunteer Program welcomes our newest committee chairmen, Ralph McLemore, in District 1 and Tim Eames in District 20. We are restructuring the committees in both Districts 1 and 20. Trainings will be scheduled in the fall for existing volunteers and anyone wishing to join the committee, to learn how the Resource Center partners with the Fraternity to identify, and assist those in need. We will be working with Brad Horsley to build a new committee in District 3, so anyone who may be interested can call DeAnna Kinney at (740) 262-1974, for information. We also want to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of Tim Redick, past chairman of the District 6 committee, as he hands responsibility over to the new chairman, Jay Rothenbach. Thank you to all these gentlemen for their support of The Ohio Masonic Communities Resource Center. Our Coordinators work closely with their chairmen to offer guidance, assistance, and education to Lodges on doing effective outreach, supporting their widows and widowers, and providing relief to those who are sick or in distress.
In the coming months, we are going to focus on building committees in Districts 4, 16, and 22. We are available to come to your Lodge to talk about how we can help you fulfill your Masonic obligation by using the principles in our Masons Care guide to improve and enhance communication, build a network of support for your Masonic families, and utilize the resources in your local communities. Ideally, we would love to have at least one volunteer representative from every Lodge in the state. This way, we can reach more people, provide more assistance, and allow our clients to stay as independent as possible with our network of information and referral services. We thank our existing volunteers, some of whom have supported The Ohio Masonic Communities for over a decade. They are our “eyes and ears” in the Fraternity, and support our mission through their dedication of time and talents. These Masons, wives, widows, and Eastern Stars are integral to the work we do at The Ohio Masonic Communities Resource Center.
r esource c en T er 10 SUMMER 2023
Intergenerational Day Camp
The Ohio Masonic Communities Resource Center worked with the teams at Western Reserve Masonic Community and Browning Masonic Community to host Intergenerational Day Camps. Residents signed up as volunteers for the camp, and worked with kids ages 5-13 as they played games and did other fun activities like tie dye and painting. Everyone had a great time!
Mason’s Care
We have shared the contents of the Mason’s Care guide on a few Masonic Volunteer Program committee chairman Zoom meetings, and continue to talk about its contents to keep it in the forefront.
We are continuing to contact the Lodges who requested help starting a widow and widowers outreach program. Many of our volunteers have our Masons Care guide and are sharing them within their Lodges as well.
With Grands just around the corner, we will be talking with Masons, Eastern Star, and Prince Hall at each event. We’ll be asking if they have a widow and widowers program and if they want or need assistance starting one. The first step is for us to meet with Lodge leadership to begin the process.
If you would like to schedule a meeting for more information about Masons Care and starting a widow and widower outreach program for your Lodge, please call us at (513) 567-1100.
r esource c en T er Call toll-free 1 (877) 881-1623 or visit omcresourcecenter.org Samantha Loy Director, OMC Resource Center & NE Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator (937) 504-4407 Raquel Brown, RN NW Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator & MYOP Coordinator (419) 260-0855 Trinity Davidson, BSW Southern Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator (740) 970-7903 DeAnna Kinney, LSW SE Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator & MVP Program Coordinator (740) 262-1974 Bobbi Schickler, CSA Certified Senior Advisor® SW Ohio Community Outreach Coordinator & Masonic Bereavement Program Coordinator (513) 567-1100
While we know some Lodges are dark, The Ohio Masonic Communities Resource Center isn’t! We are here to help anyone in need! Who in your Lodge can we help today? SUMMER 2023 11
Changing Perspective and Adjusting Plans
Sometimes, even the best-laid plans can go awry. But, that doesn't mean things can’t be fun. It’s all about how you look at it.
The Ohio Masonic Communities had big plans this summer to host special events. Each of the three campuses was scheduled to have their event in June or July. The festival-style events were all going to be different – the residents and staff at each campus contributed ideas for what they wanted their events to be. One thing that was the same with all the plans though, w as a fireworks display sure to rival the surrounding communities.
The events were a huge hit last year, especially the impressive fireworks shows. Residents and staff alike were eagerly counting down the days to the events, and in viting their families to join them. Unfortunately, there were unexpected circumstances that no one was prepared for. Due to the wildfires in Canada, there were air quality alerts in affect. For everyone’s safety, the events at Western Reserve Masonic Community and Springfield Masonic Community had to be po stponed. While everyone was disappointed that the events weren’t happeni ng as planned, residents didn’t let that keep them from having a good time. At Springfield Masonic Community, a local food truck that was scheduled to be at the event decided to show up for lunch that day instead. Western Reserve Masonic Community residents enjoyed a party from the safety of inside, complete with popcorn, decorations, music, and games. Now, residents at both campuses are counting down the days until the rescheduled fireworks displays.
Luckily, the event at Browning Masonic Community was scheduled two weeks later than the other two. By the time their day came around in mid-July, the air quality had returned to normal. Residents and staff, and their families, gathered at the campus to enjoy outdoor games, a cookout, drinks and snacks, and one of the residents’ favorite musical performances. Of course, the night ended with spectacular fireworks that were enjoyed by everyone.
Tune in to Senior Living Today to hear from The Ohio Masonic Communities and other industry experts. This season topics will include different types of care in senior living communities, Connecting Realities memory support programming, the importance of diet, and more! New episodes are released every other week. You won’t want to miss it!
The podcast is available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, iHeart Radio, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, or visit omcoh.org and click "Podcast" from the top menu.
Have you heard? The Ohio Masonic Communities has a podcast!
T he o hio M asonic c o MM uni T ies 12 SUMMER 2023
Renovations Continue at Browning Masonic Community
Renovations and updates are continuing at Browning Masonic Community. At the beginning of the year, updates began on the physical space of the Pathways Memory Support Neighborhood. Those renovations are well underway now. The flooring, paint, and lighting have all been completely redone to create a neighborhood with a more holistic environment.
The updates to the Pathways Memory Support Neighborhood are part of the Connecting Realities programming which is focused on meeting residents where they’re at – in their reality. Connecting Realities also includes staff training focused on Alzheimer’s and dementia, specialized assessments to get a better understanding of residents and how to support them, and innovative technologies that help residents engage with their environment and decrease their feelings of depression, anxiety, and isolation. Some of the technologies being used already at Browning Masonic Community include Lucynt tables and robotic pets. While it isn’t hightech, another important element of Connecting Realities is the life stations. These are spread throughout the neighborhood with different focuses such as a workshop, home office, garden, and laundry room and give residents the freedom to safely engage in some of their favorite pastimes.
While the Pathways Memory Support Neighborhood looks like a whole new place, the updates aren’t
done yet. Browning Masonic Community is still installing interactive art features, updating furniture, and creating more designated spaces for activities and interests like movies, games, music, and puzzles.
The campus is also gearing up for another renovation project. The library! A lot of residents are already excited for this new project to get started. The current library has plenty of books available to borrow, greeting cards that can be purchased, a small seating area, and a table and chairs that are frequently used for game nights. The room has evolved over the years, so right now the bookshelves are seemingly random and the furniture doesn’t match. It doesn’t fit with the cozy, homelike atmosphere that exists throughout the rest of the building and that residents love.
That’s all about to change. This summer, the library is being renovated, including new paint, flooring, lighting, art, and bookshelves. It’s been important to take time to be intentional in planning the library renovation. To make sure the space is beneficial to residents, a library committee was formed with seven residents. Now, the new library won’t just be designed for residents, it will be designed by residents. It’s just another example of the focus on helping Browning Masonic Community’s residents live their best lives.
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"the new library won’t just be designed for residents, it will be designed BY residents"
Out with the Old, In with the Luxury
With the independent living expansion complete, and residents enjoying the new commons spaces and apartments, it’s time to shift the focus at Western Reserve Masonic Community (WRMC) to the next phase of updates.
As soon as residents moved into the new healthcare center, the second half of its renovation and expansion began. In March, the original healthcare center was torn down to make room for the rest of the new healthcare center to be constructed. Now, the project is several months into construction and scheduled to be completed in late 2023. Residents love watching the construction progress and the entire community is excited for what the completed space will offer.
This phase of the healthcare center includes 18 private suites. With the 32 private suites already completed, this will bring WRMC back to 50 private suites that can be used for a combination of short-term rehabilitation and long-term skilled nursing care. Residents in all 50 suites will have access to the state-of-the-art therapy gym for physical, occupational, and speech therapies, as well as private dining and living rooms. Just like in the first part of the building, each private suite will be equipped with Med Mizer beds that make it easier and safer to transfer in and out of bed and a ceiling rail system that can help them move around the suite independently.
The last element of the project focuses on the assisted living residents at WRMC. The focus is on transforming the outdated community spaces into luxury spaces that rival the ones in the new independent living building. First up is the dining room where residents said their goodbyes to everything mauve. There are temporary dining areas set up while the renovations are being completed, and residents are eagerly waiting to see and enjoy meals in the renovated space when it reopens.
The existing dining room is more than twice the size it needs to be to serve residents, so during the renovations some of its space will be converted. When the renovation is complete, assisted living residents will have a dedicated great room and multi-purpose room – things that haven’t existed before. The new spaces will give them intentional space to socialize and host events and activities while having the same beautiful features of the new buildings.
Depending on who you ask, it’s a toss up which space everyone is most excited for.
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A 5-Star Rating for Springfield Masonic Community
April was a big month for Springfield Masonic Community (SMC), receiving a five-star rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The ratings are so competitive that SMC is the only community in Springfield, Ohio with a five-star rating!
The CMS Five-Star Quality Rating System was created to help consumers, their families, and caregivers compare senior living communities. It measures three years of health surveys, quality measures, and staffing and awards five stars to those scoring in the top 10% of the state. The health surveys are yearly surprise inspections from the state that look at things like procedures and cleanliness, but also include interviews with residents, residents’ families, and staff. Quality measures take into account the healthcare center at SMC’s performance in safety and wellness, such as how likely residents were to develop new medical concerns or experience a decline in their health or mobility. The final component, staffing, considers the ratio of nurses, and other caregiving staff, to residents at all times. Everyone at The Ohio Masonic Communities is proud of the community’s healthcare center and staff for providing exemplary skilled nursing care to all SMC residents.
Five Star Rated
It may seem like a five-star rating is only important to those who need skilled nursing care provided by the healthcare center at SMC. As a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC), it’s important to the entire campus – from independent living all the way to the healthcare center. It’s evidence of the same quality all residents experience, no matter where they live on campus or how much support they need. Springfield Masonic Community is proud of being an organization of choice and helping residents live their best lives and thrive.
LIVE STREAMED: Residents Enjoy the Drone Drop
This year, The Ohio Masonic Communities Foundation’s Grand Duke’s Golf Classic had a special twist. A drone drop was hosted at the Festival Green Clubhouse at Springfield Masonic Community. Residents gathered to watch as the drone dropped 500 numbered golf balls to see which ones were closest –and furthest – from a flag. Tickets were sold in advance, with numbers corresponding to the golf balls, and winners received cash prizes. The whole thing was even live streamed so that everyone golfing could watch from the golf course in Powell, Ohio. Residents enjoyed watching and participating in the drone drop, and are already putting the grill that was purchased with the proceeds from the tickets to good use!
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The Ohio
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