Hello fellow pork producers, allied industry members, speakers, and guests! We’re glad that you decided to make the 2025 Ohio Pork Congress a priority. We’re certain that attending some of the 20 great educational opportunities available over these two days and visiting with this year’s 70-plus vendors in the trade show area will be worthwhile and thought-provoking.
Whether you’re a veteran producer, an allied industry CEO, a new farm employee, or a student, the Ohio Pork Congress’ amazing agenda is sure to level-up your pork industry game, especially with new multiple breakout sessions each day, including two in Spanish. Tuesday’s Swine Health Symposium lineup includes timely topics such as updates on PRRS, H5N1, sow care, enhanced biosecurity, and more. On Wednesday, the agenda includes major updates on pork demand, sustainability, NPPC’s political strategy, and economics. This is rounded out by our Awards Luncheon, OPC update, and the day’s keynote presentation by Wendy’s Innovation Team – making for a truly memorable experience.
Nathan Schroeder
Ohio Pork Council President
We need to all do our part... to ensure a strong Ohio pork industry.
As a multi-generational farmer from Putnam County, I understand the importance of ensuring that the next generation has a strong pork industry environment in Ohio and across the country. To help do that, we need to all do our part and we’ve made that easier at the 2025 Ohio Pork Congress easier by offering informational breakout sessions on Tuesday for NPPC’s LEADR program and OPC’s Speakers Bureau – each one provides a great base level for you to take the next step to get more involved. If these don’t meet your needs, make a point to talk to an OPC board or staff member to see how you can get more involved.
On behalf of our board and membership, special thanks go to our sponsors and many partners who make this wonderful event happen. Thank you for keeping our industry strong and keeping us on the path to even greater things!
Registration Opens (Trade show open w/ refreshments)
8:00AM - 9:00AM
Biosecurity Enhancement
Rebecca Robbins, DVM, PIC
9:00AM - 10:00AM
H5N1 Update
Marisa Rotolo, DVM, NPB; Anna Forseth, DVM, NPPC; Andrew Bowman, DVM, OSU Tuesday, February 4, 2025
10:00AM - 10:30AM
10:30AM - 11:00AM
ODA Update
Dennis Summers, DVM, State Veterinarian
11:00AM - 12:00PM
FAD Response
Facilitator: Andrew Bowman, DVM, OSU
Panelists: Nathan Isler; Bethany Heitkamp, DVM, Cooper Farms; Lucas Buehler, DVM, Four Star Vet
11:30AM - 1:00PM
Lunch Served - In trade show area
1:00PM - 2:00PM
PRRS: What’s New Andréia Arruda, DVM, OSU
2:00PM - 3:00PM
Breeding Robust Sows for Commercial Conditions
Jenelle Dunkelberger, PhD, Topigs Norsvin
3:00PM - 4:00PM
Employee Onboarding: How to Keep & Attract
Facilitator: Stacey Voight, Topigs Norsvin
Panelists: Melanie Langley, Fine Swine; Matthew Rooda, Swine Tech; Kevin Stuckey, Cooper Farms
4:00PM - 5:00PM
5:00PM - 7:00PM
7:00PM - 9:00PM Reception PAC Auction Producer Appreciation Dinner
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
9:00AM - 11:00AM & 1:00PM - 3:00PM
LEADR Training
Lucy Russell, NPPC
NPPC’s leadership development program gives pork producers the skills to quickly join industry allies in grassroots mobilization when critical legislation is debated. LEADR builds, maintains and coordinates this powerful public policy tool. The training and subsequent actions are customized to address not just national issues, but those most pressing in Ohio.
9:00AM - 11:00AM & 1:00PM - 3:00PM
OPC Speaker Bureau Training
Mike King, OPC; Al Eidson, Edison & Partners
The objective of the Ohio Speakers Bureau is to assist real Ohio pig farmers and swine veterinarians to present our industry's story accurately. The aim is to reach key Ohio decisionmakers and influencers who are more likely to persuade the opinion of other Ohioans about how the pork industry actually works to make pork an affordable, nutritious, and sustainable protein choice.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
7:00AM Registration Opens
7:30AM Trade Show Opens
8:00AM - 9:00AM
NPB Market Growth Update
David Newman, PhD, NPB
9:00AM - 10:00AM
Sustainability - Why It Matters
Pat Hord,Hord Family Farms; Carol Gstalder, Heart & Mind Strategies
10:00AM - 10:30AM BREAK
10:30AM - 11:30AM
NPPC’s Political Strategy
Facilitator: Josh Scramlin, NPPC
Panelists: Bryan Humphreys, Chase Adams, Andrew Beardslee, NPPC
11:30AM - 12:30PM
The Economics of Global Swine Production Todd Thurman, Swine Insights International
1:00PM - Executive VP Update, Awards: Cheryl Day, OPC
1:30PM - Keynote Speakers: Baconator and Beyond Becky Davis and Shelly Thobe, Directors of Culinary Innovation, Wendy’s
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
9:00AM - 10:00AM
Converting to Open Pen Gestation? Let's Look at the Numbers
Hyatt Frobose, PhD, Gestal
10:30AM - 11:30AM
Ventilation Tips for Today with Demo Trailer
Glen Arnold, OSU
8:00AM - 9:00AM
Sow Health in Lactation (Spanish Session)
Salud de la cerda durante la lactancia
Cipriano De Abreu, DVM, Topigs Norsvin
9:00AM - 10:00AM
How to Treat & Identify Lameness (English/Spanish)
Como tratar e identificar las cojeras
Maria Ros, PIC
10:30AM - 11:30AM
Identifying Vices & Knowing Why it Happens
Kendall Weger, PIC
Dr. Rebecca Robbins graduated from North Carolina State University in 2009 with a doctorate in veterinary medicine and 2016 with her PhD Dr Robbins provided veterinary services to Smithfield (2009-2013), Seaboard (2013-2021), and now PIC (2022-current) during her career.
Dr. Marisa Rotolo joined the National Pork Board’s director of swine health in November 2023. In this role, she manages the Swine Disease Research Task force. Dr. Rotolo also works to support the Pork Board’s efforts for disease preparedness and response
Dr. Rotolo was previously a health assurance veterinarian with PIC, where she managed health and biosecurity programs for owned, elite and multiplication herds. She also worked with the global dissemination team to execute successful live-animal and liquid genetics exports to multiple global customers. In this role, she supported efforts to implement FAD preparedness such as development of Secure Pork Supply plans and keeping producers up to date on industry, federal and state efforts
Prior to her time at PIC, Dr. Rotolo worked as a veterinary epidemiologist cooperator at USDA CEAH and Iowa State University to help develop the Swine Hemorrhagic Fevers Surveillance plan and preparedness and response documents for the African swine fever Red Book. She continues to manage this cooperative agreement
She received her PhD and DVM from Iowa State University in 2017 and 2014, respectively. Her dissertation focused on livestock production surveillance and diagnostics, specifically for aggregate samples such as oral fluids.
Dr Anna Forseth is the director of animal health with the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC). Dr. Forseth and the NPPC team represent pork producers and 42 affiliated state pork associations advocating for the social, environmental, and economic sustainability of the U.S. pork industry. In her role, Dr. Forseth is responsible for preharvest swine health issues including foreign animal disease prevention and preparedness, biotechnology, and swine welfare A Montana native who grew up on the family’s farrow-to-finish swine operation, Dr. Forseth received a bachelor’s degree in animal science from Montana State University, her DVM from Colorado State University, and a master’s in veterinary preventive medicine from Iowa State University.
Dr. Andrew Bowman is an associate professor in the Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine at The Ohio State University Dr Bowman’s expertise is in swine production medicine, veterinary public health, and epidemiology. In addition to teaching and advising students, his research team focuses on type A influenza viruses in key animal populations, and he leads large, applied field research projects investigating the epidemiology of influenza in animal populations; zoonotic influenza transmission across the animal-human interface; and methods to reduce the risk of influenza transmission. Some of the team’s most recent work looked at the swine-tohuman influenza transmission at agricultural fairs. Before his return to academia, Dr. Bowman was a practicing veterinarian focused on food animal production and he now serves as a liaison between the University and the industry stakeholders.
Dr. Summers was born and raised in Muskingum County, Ohio, graduating from Tri-Valley High School. He attended The Ohio State University (OSU) for his undergraduate studies, majoring in Animal Sciences, earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture in 2001 While in school, Dr. Summers worked as a research assistant for a biomedical research group with OSU’s College of Medicine. From there, he completed his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine studies at OSU, earning his DVM degree in 2006. Dr. Summers was officially appointed State Veterinarian in December of 2021 Dr Summers also serves as a Captain in the United States Army Reserve as an Army Medical Officer.
Nathan Isler grew up on his family’s Ohio farrow-to-finish hog operation near Prospect. Isler attended The Ohio State University, where he received a degree in agribusiness and a degree in animal science. After college, Isler worked for Hord Livestock where he managed a 2400-gilt multiplier sow unit. When the opportunity presented itself, he returned home to the family farm, where he has continued to grow the family tradition of raising pigs with his brothers in southern Marion County, Ohio.
Bethany Heitkamp is a veterinarian for Cooper Farms and responsible for the health of their 30,000 sows and 800,000 market hogs. Before joining Cooper Farms, Dr. Heitkamp worked with Four Star Veterinary Service in Chickasaw, Ohio. Dr. Heitkamp achieved her doctor of veterinary medicine from The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine. She lives with her husband, Kurt, and their three children, Emma, Audrey, and Lucas, in Maria Stein, Ohio.
Lucas Buehler grew up on his family’s farm in Shelby County, Ohio, where he raised pigs and beef cattle and was active in 4-H and FFA judging. He received his undergraduate degree at The Ohio State University in animal sciences and later his Doctor of Veterinary Medical where he gained a major appreciation for food animal medicine. During school, he spent time with Four Star Veterinary in various swine and poultry production operations and spent time on beef feedlots out West. Upon graduating in 2023, Buehler joined Dr. Minton’s staff at Four Star Veterinary Service in Chickasaw, Ohio.
Buehler lives in Jackson Center, Ohio, with his wife Emily and their young daughter.
Dr. Andréia Arruda is a veterinarian and epidemiologist specializing in infectious disease prevention and control as well as biosecurity. Originally from Brazil, she pursued her research career with a master’s degree from the University of Minnesota (2012) and a PhD in epidemiology from the University of Guelph (2015). She joined The Ohio State University as an assistant professor in 2017. Dr. Arruda’s research focuses on understanding and preventing the spread of infectious diseases in North American livestock systems, collaborating closely with farmers and veterinarians.
Dr. Jenelle Dunkelberger is a geneticist at Topigs Norsvin and is based in Minnesota. She holds a PhD from Iowa State University where the focus of her research was to investigate the role of the host genome in response to viral disease in pigs. She continues to study this topic, and other health-related issues, as head of the Topigs Norsvin Global Health and Behavior Research Platform.
In March of 2020, Melanie Langley left the world of education and took a chance on Fine Swine, LLC, as a recruiter in Tennessee. A year later, she was promoted to director of recruitment and personnel. Langley spends much of her week overseeing Fine Swine’s recruitment program, supporting coworkers in their roles throughout the barns, facilitating language and leadership classes, as well as other various human resource responsibilities Langley is proficient in both Spanish and Portuguese. She graduated summa cum laude from Liberty University with a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and a minor in theology. Langley is married to her local fire department’s assistant chief and is the mother of four children whose ages range from 23 to 12. After hours, she can be found cheering (rather loudly) on the sideline of a soccer field or a basketball court, supporting her daughter in her FFA endeavors, or writing and reading.
SwineTech’s co-founder and CEO, Matthew Rooda, grew up in Iowa as a fourth-generation pork producer. In 2015, Matthew Rooda and Abraham Espinoza pitched an idea for a voice recognition technology that could prevent millions of pigs from dying due to their mother’s rolling on them shortly after birth. Later that year, SwineTech, Inc. was founded and would go on to protect millions of pigs in the United States and Canada with their patented piglet crushing prevention technology, SmartGuard. Subsequently, the Swine Tech team’s collaboration with producers and laborers indicated a lack of effective communication, organization, and insight into daily operations were impacting producers’ ability to utilize technologies, provide timely care, and achieve their production goals. In 2020, PigFlow, a workforce and swine management platform, was developed.
Lucy Russell serves as the manager of producer engagement for the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC). She dedicates her time to producer development, grassroots advocacy, and philanthropic programs that amplify producer voices for positive change. She serves as the lead on NPPC’s Legislative Education Action Development Resource (LEADR) and Pork Leadership Institute (PLI) programs. Russell also assists the National Pork Industry Foundation Board of Directors as the staff correspondent, bringing to light opportunities to promote pork and educational resources for emerging student leaders.
Before her current role, Russell served as NPPC’s accounting administrator. Her prior work experience also includes employment with Wells Fargo and USAA in sales, finance, and insurance.
Russell hails from the state of Colorado. She attended the University of Colorado to earn a bachelor’s degree in communications and has obtained an MBA from the University of Southern New Hampshire.
Kevin Stuckey began raising pigs at the age of 9 years old when presented the opportunity to join the local 4-H program. His passion for raising pigs led him to study Ag Business at the Ohio State University, where he graduated in 1996. Kevin has been working in the industry since his college graduation, and currently works as a Sow Division Manager at Cooper Farms where he has worked since they built their first sow farm in 1998. He resides in his hometown of Hicksville, Ohio, with his wife Beth and two children.
Stacey Voight, performance support services with Topigs Norsvin, grew up in Ohio on a cow/calf and grain operation. She attended Bauder College for marketing. Voight is an animal welfare auditor/PAACO PQA and TQA trainer, pig enthusiast, and has a passion for employee training, agriculture, and empowering youth.
Al Eidson serves as president of Eidson & Partners. He has 20+ years’ experience training/deploying ag industry speakers. Over his career, Eidson has trained 1,500 speakers for the National Pork Board and American Association of Swine Veterinarians, including DVM students and ag students. Eidson holds a master’s degree in economics from the University of Georgia. He has served in the US Air Force as pilot, worked at Procter & Gamble in marketing, at Young & Rubicam, then founded Eidson & Partners as well as Prairie Sky Counseling Center.
Dr. David Newman is the senior vice president market growth at National Pork Board. Dr. Newman has been involved in the pork industry his entire life working throughout the entire pork food chain. He is a former NPB board member and was president in 2020 and 2021.
Pat Hord serves as CEO of Hord Family Farms, a fifth-generation family farming operation located in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, and surrounding states
Pat currently serves on the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) Board of Directors and represents producers on various national committees. Pat also serves on Wendy’s Animal Wellbeing Committee, which is a sounding board for management on issues related to animals.
Pat and his wife Janel have been married for more than 35 years and reside on their family farm near Bucyrus, Ohio. They have four children; Phillip (wife Becca, 3 granddaughters), Colleen, Mallory, and Melissa (husband Rob).
Carol M. Gstalder is managing director - practices, for Heart+Mind Strategies, an insights-based consulting firm. Gstalder is a respected advisor and collaborative partner to global corporations, industry groups, and non-profits on issues and crisis management, corporate strategy, branding, communications effectiveness, reputation management, talent engagement, and content creation.
For the past 35 years, Gstalder has created value for corporate and organizational leaders through purposeful management of company reputation and brand image, knowledgeable understanding of the marketplace's needs, and strategic management of stakeholder relationships. She is a recognized thought leader and draws on her experience in maximizing brand equity and reducing reputational risk to drive business outcomes for clients.
Bryan Humphreys is the CEO of the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC). He is responsible for implementing NPPC’s overall operations and programs.
From growing up on a family pig farm to becoming an industry advocate, Humphreys brings a lifetime of pork industry experience. Before joining NPPC in 2022, Humphreys was a senior vice president at the National Pork Board. In this role, Humphreys implemented a nationwide producer outreach plan during the pandemic and strengthened relationships on behalf of the organization. In doing so, Humphreys helped guide the organization to exceed expectations set by the industry.
Previously, Humphreys served as the executive vice president of the Ohio Pork Council (OPC). At OPC, Humphreys cultivated award-winning producer image campaigns and fostered positive relationships with stakeholders and community members.
Humphreys also served as the director of grassroots operations for NPPC and has several years of experience working on political campaigns across the Midwest. Through these roles, Humphreys recruited advocates and volunteers to promote organization and campaign initiatives.
Humphreys earned a bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University and a master’s degree from George Washington University. Humphreys is originally from Columbus Junction, Iowa, where he grew up on his family farm.
Chase Adams serves as the assistant vice president for domestic policy for the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC). In his role, Adams leads NPPC’s congressional advocacy and federal engagement efforts from the Washington, D.C., office. He works closely with all NPPC issue managers to ensure that the pork industry’s interests are effectively represented and championed on Capitol Hill. Adams joined NPPC with over a decade of agriculture policy experience working with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association and the American Sheep Industry Association. He also worked at Adams Law, Prof LLC as a staff attorney. Adams began his career at the KBHB radio station in South Dakota as a farm broadcaster.
Originally from South Dakota, Adams received a bachelor’s degree in political science from Black Hills State University and graduated with a J.D. from the University of South Dakota, where he remains a member of the State Bar.
Andrew Beardslee serves as the director of state policy for the National Pork Producers Council (NPPC). In this position, Beardslee coordinates the NPPC state policy agenda, manages state lobbying activity, and builds proactive campaigns to further NPPC policy efforts and protect producers’ freedom to operate. Beardslee has over a decade of experience in state government, having served in staff roles for the Michigan Senate, the Michigan House of Representatives, the Michigan Department of Transportation, and the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity.
He lives in Grand Ledge, Michigan, with his wife and three children.
Todd is an experienced professional in the agricultural and swine industries, with expertise in livestock management, strategic business development, and international projects. Raised in Amarillo, Texas, he was active in sports and FFA before earning a B.S. in Animal Science from Texas Tech University. Todd began his career with Cargill Pork, holding leadership roles in pork production across multiple states and later managing international projects in Asia, Latin America, and Russia. After 15 years with Cargill, he joined Genesus Genetics and later founded Swine Insights International, a consulting firm focused on the global swine industry. Todd also specializes in strategic foresight and demographic trends for agriculture. He and his wife, Tisha, have two daughters and live on a small farm in Parker County, Texas, where they raise livestock and enjoy outdoor activities.
Glen Arnold is a professor with The Ohio State University and serves as an Extension field specialist in the area of manure nutrient management application. His research efforts have been to move livestock producers and commercial manure applicators toward applying manure to growing crops such as corn, wheat, and forages to capture more of the manure nutrients and extend the manure application season.
Dr. Hyatt Frobose serves as the USA Commercial Director and Nutritionist for JYGA (JEE-gah) Technologies, Inc., a Quebec-based company producing GESTAL (jess-TALL) brand precision feeding systems for the swine industry. Dr. Frobose specializes in assisting swine producers with group-housing solutions and nutritional programs to optimize performance and welfare of sows and growing pigs in commercial environments. Dr. Frobose has been a featured speaker and specialist working with producers around the world in adopting new technologies and adapting to increased animal welfare standards. In 2023, Dr. Frobose was awarded the Early Career Agribusiness Award by the American Society of Animal Science.
In his role with JYGA, Hyatt has assisted with the design or renovation of over 300 sow farms representing over 500,000 sows. Dr. Frobose and his family are based in Greeley, Kansas, and are actively involved in their church, local 4-H programs, and seedstock Gelbvieh cow/calf operation.
Shelly Thobe is a 20-plus year industry veteran who has worked on every menu category at Wendy’s. As one of the leaders of Wendy’s Fast Food Done Right food vision, she is always exploring the potential to improve the customer experience through food.
Thobe’’s team focusses on multiple areas within menu development which includes productivity, Environmental, Social, and Governance and continuous process improvement. Thobe works in collaboration with the Wendy’s supplier partners and supply chain co-op to deliver on the Fast Food Done Right vision through the commercialization and specification creation for new and improved menu items.
Thobe is passionate about Wendy’s and the people. Thobe is one of the co-founders of WeVets, Wendy’s military services Employee Resource Group and is a member of multiple ERG’s at Wendy’s.
Thobe holds a master’s degree from The Ohio State University and a bachelor’s degree in food service and human nutrition from The Ohio State University. Shelly’s favorite menu item is a Dave’s single, no onion, add mustard.
Becky Davis joined The Wendy’s Company in 2021 as director of culinary innovation. At Wendy's, she focuses her passion for delicious, craveable food that doesn't cost a fortune. One of her biggest goals at Wendy's is to deliver an unmatched culinary experience that keeps the customer in mind while providing forward-learning yet approachable food.
Davis’s core responsibilities include innovation on platforms such as hamburger, chicken sandwiches, Frosty innovation, beverages, and breakfast.
With 15 years in the food industry, Davis has vast experience in fine dining, casual dining, and QSR, working domestically and internationally for brands such as Brinker International, Raising Cane's, and Little Caesars. Davis holds an MBA from Texas Woman's University in Denton, Texas, and a bachelor's degree in culinary management from The International Culinary School at the Illinois Institute of Art Chicago. She lives in a suburb of Columbus with her husband, Gavin, and son, Colin.
Dr. Cipriano De Abreu was born and raised in Venezuela, where he grew up in an environment closely connected to swine production, which fostered his passion for veterinary medicine. He graduated with a degree in veterinary medicine from the Central University of Venezuela in 2019 and subsequently worked with swine production companies in his home country.
In 2023, Dr. De Abreu completed a master’s degree in veterinary medicine at the University of Minnesota, with a focus on swine mycoplasmas. Driven by his deep passion for swine health and production, he joined Pipestone Management after earning his degree.
In late 2024, Dr. De Abreu further advanced his career by joining Topigs Norsvin US as a multiplication and production specialist. In this role, he is dedicated to developing innovative tools and strategies to better support their clients’ needs.
Maria Ros was born in Spain. She is a veterinarian, graduated from University of CEU-Valencia, and earned a European master's degree in health and swine production. In 2012, she started her career in the pork industry providing reproductive management, health and managing production costs in a Spanish swine production company for eight years. In addition, she was a member of a group of veterinary consultants for different companies in the Spanish swine sector. In 2020, she became part of technical reproduction service for PIC in Southern Europe, this opened the opportunity for her to come to the United States seven months ago in reproduction technical services to continue learning about the American pork industry and to add value to customers with his previous knowledge and perspective of the European industry.
Kendall Weger is a technical services manager at PIC with over 17 years of experience in the industry. Born and raised in the Midwest and with a degree in animal science from California Polytechnic State University, she has 10 years of sow farm production experience between Smithfield, Missouri, and as a sow farm manager and sow production supervisor at Dykhuis Farms in Michigan. She supports PIC customers in the US and Canada at the sow farm level with a focus in reproduction to help improve production and cost effectiveness.
Josh Scramlin grew up on his family’s historic farm in Holly, Michigan. Prior to joining NPPC in 2021, he worked as a farm broadcaster in Wisconsin, covering ag policy and commodity markets on a statewide radio network. He currently serves on the Oakland County Farm Bureau board of director and Congresswoman Lisa McClain’s Ag Advisory Council. In his role at NPPC, he works with producers in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Kentucky.
Nathan Schroeder - President
Jarred Black - President Elect
Brad Heimerl - Treasurer
Nick Seger - Past President
Jess Stevens - NPB Board Member
Pat Hord - NPPC Board Member
Duane Stateler - NPPC Board Member
Kevin Stuckey
Nathan Isler
Steve Kimberley
Bethany Heitkamp
Terri Specht
Iain Harris
Cheryl Day
Executive Vice President cday@ohiopork.org
Mike King
Senior Director of Communications and Public Relations mking@ohiopork org
Kayli Mitchell
Education Director kmitchell@ohiopork.org
Kelly Morgan
Show Pig Program Director kmorgan@ohiopork org
Clark Jordan
Chris Allen
John Heinz
Kyle Culp
Andy Bowman Aaron King
Saydee Baughman
Events & Promotions Director sbaughman@ohiopork.org
OPC taught over 77,000 youth about pork through Virtual Field Trips and Pork in the Classroom
OPC led in passing House Bill 503 into law; prohibiting the importation of feral swine into the state
OPC served 15,000 pork nuggets to NFL fans at two different Cleveland Browns tailgates
Support the Friends of Pork PAC Auction!
Tuesday, February 4 at 4:00 pm
Drinks & Appetizers
PAC Auction
Tuesday, February 4 at 5:00 pm BID EARLY! BID OFTEN!
Producer Appreciation Dinner
Tuesday, February 4, following PAC auction
Ticketed Dinner: MUST have a ticket to attend
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