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Matthew Rooda has spent his entire life learning how to provide the highest quality of care to both animals and people. After graduating high school and successfully helping manage a large family sow farm farrow to finish, Matthew attended The University of Iowa to study genetics and pre-medicine in hopes of one day becoming an obstetrician. Matthew became a Certified Medication Assistant, and during this time Matthew identified how software and IoT devices in healthcare could be transferred over to the animal health industry to greatly improve the quality of life for millions of companion and food production animals.
In 2015, Matthew Rooda co-founded SwineTech to provide pork producers with workforce and swine management solutions that increases the quality of care provided or pigs worldwide. Rooda has led the SwineTech team through the Pearse Lyons Accelerator in Ireland, raised more than $8 million in venture capital, and managed business development efforts in North and South America, Europe, Australia, and Asia.