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Congress NYATT

Congress NYATT


Jason and Valerie Kiphart of Wilmington, Ohio raise, train and compete an impressive lineup of proven barrel horses. They hold multiple Congress, Futurity and AQHA World and Reserve World Champion titles. Their daughters, Payton, 12, and Piper, 10, successfully follow in their footsteps!

Payton has been riding from the time she could sit up. Payton “stole” her horse from her mother, Valerie, in June 2019 after her mom delivered their new baby brother and future barrel racer, Oaklen.

Dashing French Lady, or June, was born at the Kiphart farm in Nashport, Ohio. After Payton was born, Valerie was able to work with June until Payton was old enough to take over. June is a very special horse to the Kiphart family. Not only did Valerie do extremely well with her, but June is a survivor of neurologic EHV. The chances of her surviving were slim, and the chances of her recovering and running again were even more slim.

Piper has been riding since she was 5 months old, and she loves it. She started riding her horse, LSF Down Home Tuxedo, or Tux, in September 2020. Tux, who Piper describes as “sweet and kind”, is now 17 years old. One of Piper’s favorite things about Tux is that he was broke and trained by her dad, Jason. Despite being raised by Congress Champion parents, the Kiphart sisters still put in the hard work,

When asked about training, Payton said that it took her a long time to figure out how to ride June. “I struggled getting the first (barrel), but I knew she could do it. (June) always had a good first barrel with mom, so I worked really hard. My parents both helped me.” Payton went on to say, “Once I got the first barrel, I kept dragging, or knocking, barrels over leaving them. I would get so discouraged. I even told mom she may have to take June back two weeks before the Congress because I kept hitting barrels.”

During Congress, Payton’s only goal was a clean run. “I had hit so many barrels this year that’s all I cared about.” Even after winning the NYATT Barrels, Payton was aiming for more clean runs and possibly making it in to the top 5 in the L1 Class. She ended up making 4 out of 5 clean runs. “I couldn’t believe it. June even got faster every run. I would have loved to make the sweepstakes finals, but I was so excited to only be a couple out of it, and (June) made her fastest run of the week in the 2nd go of the sweeps. I couldn’t ask any more of her.”

Piper’s training was a little different, as she was just looking for Tux to stay in shape. “Tux is an easy keeper. I long trot and lope mostly. I work on his face and walk the pattern a lot to keep Tux and I doing what we need to do. My parents think that having our “auto pilot” right is a big deal. Dad rides Tux sometimes when he gets too pushy and not listening, but he usually doesn’t need much.”

Piper was nervous going into Congress, especially after showing in August and having a hard time getting a first barrel. During NYATT Barrels, Tux ran to the wall at the first barrel and stopped. They made a few changes and worked on their approach before the L1 class, and Piper and Tux ended up placing 15th! “I was over the moon!!” 1st - Dashing French Lady | Payton Kiphart

Level 1 Youth Barrel Racing 13 & Under

1st - Dashing French Lady | Payton Kiphart 15th - LSF Down Home Tuxedo | Piper Kiphart

Bruce and Connie Vansickle, grandparents, taking part in the awards presentations.

Youth Barrel Racing 13 & Under

1st - Dashing French Lady | Payton Kiphart 18th - LSF Down Home Tuxedo | Piper Kiphart


“Pretty much just shock. Even now I still cant believe it. Our miracle horse that shouldn’t be alive or running has stunned us all yet again. I am very, very happy. June deserved this so much. She got a lot of treats!!”

-Payton Kiphart

“I wanted to place so bad. I am so excited and proud that Tux and I did it. My sister even gave me one of her win jackets so I could get my top 15 (patch) and Tux’s name on it!! I can’t wait for next year’s Congress!!”

-Piper Kiphart

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