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Meetings Rules, Regulations

with a one-year term may be appointed by the Board of Directors following the annual meeting.

Section 7. A quorum of five (5) members of the Board of Directors shall be present before the Board shall conduct business.

Section 8. The Board of Directors shall have the power to dismiss from his/her office or trusteeship any Board member who misses three (3) consecutive meetings without a valid excuse by the President or Vice-President.



Section 1. The annual meeting of the membership of this Association shall be held the date set by the Board of Directors each calendar year, at such hour and place as may be designated by notice given in advance to the membership by the Board of Directors. At such annual meetings, committee reports and a financial report showing the financial condition and operations of the Association shall be presented to the membership. At said meeting, a nominating committee selected by the Board of Directors shall submit nominations for elections to the offices and directorships, which must be filled for the following calendar year, and the general membership in good standing (as defined in Article III, section #4), shall have the right to make additional nominations at the time for such election.

Section 2. After nominations have been duly closed, elections to such offices and directorships shall be held.

Section 3. Special meeting of the membership and meeting of the Board of Directors may be called with the consent of three (3) members of the Board of Directors PROVIDED that the membership of the Association or the members of the Board of Directors, as the case may be, shall have been given adequate notice of the time and place of such meeting.


Section 1. All owners must be members of the Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Association for the horse to receive points toward and/or be eligible for any yearly awards. The word “owner” as it is used on any occasion in this rulebook denotes the person or organization whose name properly appears last on a horse’s registration papers. If more than one name appears in the ownership, each owner must be a member. If a corporation is owner, it must be a member in order for the horse to be eligible if a partnership is owner, all partners must be members in order for the horses to be eligible. If a farm name appears as owner, there must be a membership in the name of the farm in order for the horse to be eligible. Points are to count from the date on which the owner or owners joined the Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Association by having his/her or its application and fee received by the treasurer of the Ohio Quarter Horse Racing Association.

Section 2. Due to limited A.Q.H.A. Racing opportunities in the central Ohio area many quarter horse racing enthusiast do

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