Monitor 2006-4-20

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ASOC candidates listed

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Chalkdust & Friends in concert – Page 5

Fremont, California

Vol. XXXVI No. 13

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Campus police fate to be decided By JEROME ENGELBERTS Editor-in-chief

After ex-Police Chief Fajardo’s departure earlier on this semester, there’s been some discussion about the future of Ohlone’s campus police. According to President Doug Treadway, current interim chief Ben Peralta is not going to be promoted to be the next chief. As a matter of fact, the Board of Trustees has appointed a subcommittee to examine the role of campus police and whether or not changes need to be made. Essentially, the options are as follows: Ohlone keeps the police force as it is, with some sworn police officers, Peralta as de-facto head and some security personnel who answer to them, or a combination of campus police, in collaboration with Fremont police, or no separate campus police with Fremont police having sole jurisdiction on campus. There are obviously all kinds of ramifications to any of these three

options, both in a sense of who has authority on campus, and in terms of what it would cost the school to get Fremont police to take on the job. The subcommittee is expected to report back in the next board meeting on Wednesday, April 26, at which point more information will be available. Other issues currently being discussed include the budgeting for Newark campus. Apparently all bids are in and all are higher than when originally budgeted. But that was in 2003. and as it stands, the increase is no cause for great concern, as the currently accumulating interest on the collected and banked funds from bonds will more than cover the higher cost of the project. Plans for the real estate development of the property adjacent to Mission Boulevard are moving forward and Treadway is expecting to have actual drafts and drawings by the end of the semester, hopefully in time for the Monitor to report on it.

Brown Bag Friday By JOYCE LEUNG Features editor Ohlone Professor Dr. Ralph Sinibaldi will speak on the topic of “Personalized Medicine and Stem Cells” on Friday, April 21 from 1 to 1:50 p.m. in Room 3201. The lecture will explore advances in molecular biology and biotechnology that could possibly develop the capability to design drugs based on a person’s unique genetics. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can be grown into a wide variety of cells needed to replace

damaged parts. “So the two combining together could cure all kinds of disabling diseases,” said Math, Science and Technology Coordinator Yvette Niccolls. “In 2020 there could be no life-threaning cancer.” Sinibaldi teaches advanced biotechnology and microbiology at Ohlone. His career in biotechnology spans 20 years and he has, according to Niccolls, “an ocean of experience.” Future Brown Bag Science Seminars include a presentation on Biomaterials and Cell Interactions by Dr. Cheng Li on May 5.

ASOC elections April 25 and 26 By GABRIEL VILA Staff writer While only three official candidates have been selected to fill seven posts, the ASOC elections will go on as scheduled April 25 and 26. The students running are Aisha Wahab, Tatyana Hamady, and Jackie McCulley, for the positions of president, vice president and treasurer, respectively. Although there are only three candidates, each of them is well qualified for their respective

intended positions; all three are already members of the student council. Aisha Wahab is the current ASOC secretary. Tatyana Hamady co-chaired the Unity Week Committee. Jackie McCulley is currently working with Ken Steadman, an ASOC senator, on Project Quad, the ASOC’s effort to provide Ohlone’s campus with benches, tables and chairs. “It’s a big position to fill,” said Continued on Page 3

Student Health Director Sally Bratton hands Ashley Marissa Mendez at Wednesday's Health Fair in Building 1. Photo by Mojhgan Mohtashimi.

Health and wellness at Fair By JEROME ENGELBERTS Editor-in-chief The Health Fair is “mainly about educating students and community members about physical and emotional wellness and all that entails” sayd Rosemary O’Neill, MA, MFT, Life Coach and Coordinator of Personal Counseling Services. It was being held on Wednesday April 19th in building 1 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. The fair filled the lobby area

to capacity with representatives of many health and wellness organizations - many offering information as well as on-the-spot testing for blood pressure, HIV and cholesterol, among other things. Many different aspects of health and general wellness were being addressed: good healthy cooking practices were touted in connection to obesity and cholesterol issue awareness. Alchoholics Anynymous representatives gave out

information pertaining not just to alcohol and drug abuse, but also to dealing with being around people who have issues pertatining to this. ( Many of the agencies offered information about STD’s, HIV and general sexual awareness, including the Lee Woo Institute, which offered a “Custom Condom Consultation,” aimed at informing people about how condoms come in different Continued on Page 3

about individual stewardship for our environment,” said Vice President of Instruction Jim Wright. In the previous years Earth Day has been a huge success that everyone benefits from. “We would like to have as much fun and success as last year, and we hope it does not rain. Everybody who participated last year had a great time. It’s a wonderful community building

event,” said Wright. If you are interested in participating in this year’s Earth Day litter pick up, you should meet Friday April 21 at 2 p.m. in the upper quad. The event is free, all that is required is a bit of time and a pair of prehensile limbs, and ends at 5 p.m. For more information visit earthday.html

Pick up litter on Earth Day By DANELLE MEYER Staff writer Ohlone already boasts lovely scenery and the Ohlone campus is beautiful as a whole, but for Earth Day, with the help of students, faculty and staff, the campus will shine. For this year’s International Earth Day, Ohlone has been broken down into 36 work zones that will be guided by leaders to remove the litter from all around campus. The event is not only meant to rejuvenate the grounds, but will also help make students aware that it’s everyone’s responsibility to help keep the campus clean and to recycle. With all interested participants, leaders will take control of the different zones, like Olive Lane and the Pond Area to quickly free the sections of the trash that has built up. The Earth Day activity is “designed to pick up the litter on campus and make a strong statement



monitor April 20, 2006

Associated Collegiate Press / National Scholastic Press Association All American 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 Regional Pacemaker 1988 Journalism Association of Community Colleges First in General Excellence, Northern California Fall 1994 General Excellence 2005 2000 2004

Editor in chief: Jerome Engelberts Anna Nemchuk News editor: Opinion editor: Omer Ahmed Features editor: Joyce Leung Sports editor: Nick Zambrano Photo editor: Mojhgan Mohtashimi Investigative Reporter: Sean G. Crawford Staff writers: Frankie Addiego, Naomi Balagot, Rahul Batra, Morgan Brinlee, Thomas Hsu, Ira Lazo, Chris Marshall, Danelle Meyer, Gabriel Vila Ad Staff: Frankie Addiego Photographers: Wayne Chow, Jerome Engelberts, Rostislav Tsvetanov Graphic Staff: Wayne Chow, Jason Montalvo, Chirag Patel, Ying Yam Ad manager: Danelle Meyer Adviser: Bill Parks Printer: F-P Press

Offices are located in Room 5310 on campus, 43600 Mission Blvd., Fremont 945395884. Call (510) 659-6075. Fax: (510) 659-6076. E-mail: Opinions expressed in the Monitor are those of the respective authors and are not necessarily those of the staff, the college or the Associated Students of Ohlone College. Unsigned editorials reflect the majority view of staff members. Advertising material is printed herein for informational purposes and is not to be construed as an expression of endorsement or verification of such commercial ventures by the staff or college. The Monitor is funded by the district, by the Associated Students of Ohlone College, and through advertising revenue. The Monitor is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press, Journalism Association of Community Colleges, Community College Journalism Association, California Newspaper Publishers Association, College Media Advisers and Society of Newspaper Design.


Wikipedia: Depository of all reality’s knowledge By Gabriel Vila Staff writer Behold, the depository of all human knowledge and understanding: Wikipedia ( From the trivial to the all-important, the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia endeavors to cover all subjects. You will find millions upon millions of articles ranging from the summaries and references in the story of Ganymede (the Trojan hero who became Zeus’s consort), to the relevance of the sock in popular culture. Thanks to Wikipedia, I’ve been

able to look up reasonably accurate information at the last minute and turn in A grade papers with little to no research. Either that’s a testament to my writing abilities or it shows that Wikipedia has some merit. With this much information, you would think that the staff of Wikipedia comprises a team of experts, working around the clock to provide reliable information on every subject known to mankind. There are, after all, just shy of 4 million articles in a variety of languages, over 1 million of which are in English. The truth of the matter is

the subject of some discord. Articles on Wikipedia can be written and edited by anyone, anywhere, at any time. Even I have edited articles on Wikipedia when I knew that something was up there with little to no validity. The controversy goes something like this: supporters say that, as an open encyclopedia, Wikipedia can cover a wider array of topics with more in-depth details than other encyclopedias simply because people write what they’re interested in and knowledgeable about. Detractors say that, because people write about what they’re interested in,

Wikipedia is oftentimes biased and incorrect because the writers aren’t being objective. Personally, I love Wikipedia. Nothing but glowing praise from me; it’s accurate in topics that I’m interested in and a comprehensive guide for research. Even if the article isn’t up to snuff, they generally have links posted at the bottom of each page that references other material that can be looked up. The debate over Wikipedia comes down to a question of authority in the media, a debate that can be seen time and time again. Established news networks are

faced with blogs that report news just as quickly and accurately as they do, for a fraction of the cost. Record labels are faced every day with decreasing sales thanks to Internet piracy, while independent artists publish their music on the web directly. The real concern is the speed at which media is delivered. Wikipedia can be accessed in a second from any computer terminal with Internet access, the same goes for blog subscriptions and music downloads. The days when we would go out to a library and do research in person are rapidly fading away.

weapons-grade uranium. This is, to use an understatement, not a good thing. However, is it a good thing for India to have nukes? Now it is, apparently. Pakistan? Welll.... So how about our traditional friends, like - Germany? They haven’t bothered us in a while, have they? All kidding aside. Consider the fact that the United States as the sole true superpower pretty much abides by nuclear and other proliferation issues on a pick-and-choose basis. What makes us the designated judge of other nations? And how, pray

tell, is the current foreign policy helping global stability? Our selfproclaimed position that we’re the good guys and always right is already backfiring left and right. Having a president who does “God’s work” is pretty volatile, considering the vast amounts of people on the planet who seem to believe that their God is as good as ours (and me an agnostic. For shame.) Meanwhile, under the guise of maintaining the nuclear balance on the planet, this government is apparently prepared to consider the option of using nuclear devices to - once

again - pre-empt the possibility of having someone strike us - if you call striking someone just because they theoretically could strike you pre-emptive - in my day that was just known as an unwarranted act of aggression. Wait. Sooooo, after Iran (a country with a conveniently anemic military), who’s next? North Korea? Pakistan? Rogue generals in the Ukraine? Will it distract people until after the next election? Or is this more about trotting out the loneranger-cum-white-hat now that

approval ratings for the president have sunk lower than Nixon’s ever were? Nothing like a little bread and circuses to keep the man in the street solidly focused on the distractions instead of the real issues. The sad part, in my probably-not-so-humble opinion, is that one in three Americans still thinks that Bush is doing a bang-up job. Which does imply that to them it’s better to blow up innocent civilians in Farawayistan than to maybe address gratingly obvious issues closer to home. Say, the many undereducated Americans below the poverty line.

The current U.S. approach: foreign policy goes BOOM By JEROME ENGELBERTS Editor-in-chief Well, there we are. With two more years of Bush ahead, and a new batch of windmills to battle, we’re looking to have “all options on the table” when dealing with Iran. Call me a wisenheimer, but there’s at least one option missing: the one that says, “Let’s leave ‘em alone.” We all know that Iran at least claims to have manufactured

Campus Comment > > >

Where do you go for online academic research?

Joy Lin Nursing “Google helps. It almost does the work for you.”

Kawa Ahmadzai Business “Google gives too many results. I use the library’s Nexis-Lexis database.”

Marie Babu Nursing “The library’s database is really useful. It has real, reliable medical data.”

Yalda Azima Liberal Arts “I just type whatever into Google. That gets it done.”

NICK CHIVERS Music “I actually don’t search online. I prefer real, printed text.”

April 20, 2006 MONITOR

News ASOC candidates’ statements

ASOC official candidates from left: Aisha Wahab, Tatyana Hamady and Jackie McCulley. Photo by Gabriel Vila. Editor's note: below are the official statements of Spring 2006's Aisha Wahab: I am currently ASOC Secretary and am running for President because I want to make others become more conscious of the decisions ASOC is making. ASOC is Ohlone’s Student Government and provides Ohlone with events, shows, money, and soon benches and tables for the Quad. ASOC has provided countless people with opportunities in an environment that is proactive and I want to continue that progress. I want you to vote for me, because I want the best from you, because I want the best for you!

Tatyana Hamady: Dear fellow classmates, My name is Tatyana Hamady. I am running for the position of Vice President of the student body. I chose this position because it allows me to be directly involved with Ohlone clubs and students, while representing the student body through ASOC. During my term, I plan on establishing school spirit through events planning, helping build a strong student government foundation that caters to student needs and their opinions, filling the gap between student government and student populist, and delivering the opportunity for the Ohlone College’s perspective on large-scale political issues and smaller-scale community issues to be voiced and acted upon.

Jackie McCulley: Hello my name is Jackie McCulley and I am running for ASOC Treasurer. I would like to be your Treasurer because I am good with money and will allocate it fairly to all the clubs when they need it. I am very responsible with money and with my time. I will be a good officer for Ohlone students and make sure that the students are happy. If there are any problems just come and see me and I will try to help you with them.

Health Fair: It’s all about physical and emotional wellness Continued from Page 1 sizes and are made especially for people who have a latex allergy. Several of the representatives that dealt specifically with educating students about issues of sexuality and STD said that many of the people they spoke to seemed ill- or insufficiently informed. Also present were people from DeVry College ( and Chiropractic College West, (

the latter of which were set up to perform an on-the-spot screening that shows potential problems with the nervous system. Washington Hospital (www. had representatives that provided health insurance information, always a good thing, considering the cost of medical services. A special mention should go to the project Health Through Art in Berkeley (510-549-5990), which

strives to provide public health information by using work from local artists to inform people about the many advertising messages that promote unhealthy lifestyle decisions, such as marketing driven body type expectations and health decisions that are based more on “coolness” than wellness. All in all, there was much to be learned, and from the looks of the number of people attending,the event was a success.


ASOC lacks applications Continued from Page 1 Aisha when asked about her bid for President. “I think anybody woul dfeel - I feel kind of nervous, just a bit, but I’m also very excited.” There are seven positions on the ASOC’s executive council, and the student government does not intend to go forward without a full complement of executive staff. In last week’s meeting, possibilities were discussed for write-in candidates as well as emergency appointees. Those who wish to step into the race as write-in candidates must meet ASOC requirements of a 2.75 GPA, with at least 9 units taken over the last year. Write-in candidates must achieve at least 30 votes to be deemed successful candidates over official candidates, and be willing to perform all of the duties of their intended positions. “The application date to be an official candidate, that period is over,” said Renee Gonzales, one of the ASOC’s advisors. “So if you want to be a write-in candidate, you can only campaign on that day, and you also forfeit the privileges and resources for an official candidate.” Write-in candidacy does have its drawbacks. Write-ins will not be granted ASOC funds with which to campaign (A sum of $50 is provided to each official candidate.) and may not campaign until the first election day. Write-in candidates may also not put up posters or other advertisements on the Ohlone campus. The seven positions of the ASOC executive council each have specific functions within meetings and serve different purposes.

The president of the ASOC acts as a facilitator in meetings, providing direction for the student council and information from the president of Ohlone’s office. The vice president of ASOC is also the chairperson of the Inter Club Council, and must be well versed in ICC protocol and direction. The secretary records the minutes of each meeting, while the treasurer naturally keeps an eye on the budget of the ASOC. The student member of the Board of Trustees and the legislative representative both act as liaisons with their respective charges: the former with the Board, and the latter with the California Student Association of Community Colleges. The ASOC sees the problem of low candidate turnout as linked to a general public lack of interest in the ASOC. To that end, the student council is putting together an ASOC Awareness Task Force, intended to promote interest in the ASOC in general, as well as the upcoming elections. With a proposed head of Erik Sanchez, the Task Force is already looking at promotional activities. Students may vote Tuesday and Wednesday, April 25 and 26, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. in the Quad, or, if it rains, the cafeteria. Students are encouraged to exercise their right to vote and run for office. The ASOC decides where quite a bit of student funds go to each year - if anyone has complaints about the allocations, they are welcomed to campaign, win and make better decisions.


Features Senior citizens: an ignored generation monitor April 20, 2006

State of Illusion By Chris marshall Staff writer One of the core teachings of Confucian thought is the concept of filial piety (xiào), which consists of obedience to, respect for and loyalty to one’s parents. Filial piety is an important ideal that should be part of everyone’s core philosophy, but regrettably it seems to be a rare practice in America. This past week my grandfather had to make a trip to the hospital, up in Jackson near where he lives,

after taking a fall and possibly having a seizure. After a stay in intensive care, he was moved to the hospital’s Extended Care & Rehabilitation Unit. This was quite a wonderful place compared to the rest of the hospital--the highly personable physical therapists there had my stubborn, bitter crotch of a grandfather simply beaming with smiles. It was as if he was young again, no longer the weathered age of 89. One evening, my mother began to gab with another resident of the unit--a small, elderly woman, cradling a plastic baby doll. The woman presumably suffered from some sort of dementia, as she seemed to be “not all there.” She talked about her “baby” and such,

but nevertheless she said some saddening things. She kept asking my mom to help her escape the hospital so she could finally go home. She inquired whether or not the door near her was unlocked and my mom tried her best to play along; though one has to wonder if the woman knew she was being patronized. My mother was trying to convince the woman that her “baby” seemed happy where it was when she was forced to leave seeing as visiting hours ended. My mom said she was looking forward to talking to the woman the next day. Morning came and my mom returned to the hospital, deplored to find the woman was no longer there. The woman had been

moved to the nearest nursing home, one with a less-than-respectable reputation. There, I assume she will be slowly forgotten, fading from memory along with her “baby.” I find it hard to believe the ease with which we forget our elders. My dad had his mom put into a care facility, which he visits on occasion. I spent three days sharing a hospital room with an elderly gentleman. No one ever came to visit him. Do all of us really spend 75 years of our life--of sweat, blood and tears-contributing to the world just to be forgotten with one responsibility-absolving signature? We, the younger generation, need to adopt a bit from the teach-

ings of Confucius. We need to start respecting not just our own parents, but all of our elders. Of course, respect is something earned, and I don’t believe we should bestow it on those not deserving, but there are a lot of old people out there who will fade from memory even though they deserved our respect and our benevolence. There is nothing worse than being forgotten; all that matters, in the end, is the small impact we make on the world and those with whom we interact. Without that impact, if the tiny marks we leave fade away and are forgotten, it is like we never existed at all. By the way, the rehab center in the hospital I praised so much, it is being shut down due to the lack of funding.

cide to give into these [stereotypes] for protection.” The panel then went into the definition of what “racism” meant to them. ASOC Senator Ken Steadman related stories about times when he was kicked out of clubs and soforth because he was white. While ASOC Senator Erick Sanchez said that he felt he lacked the “power” to be racist. Unlike most one-sided panels, questions and comments from the audience flooded the panel after each question. Someone brought up the question of whether it was racist to hate a culture for something de-

monstrably inherent in that culture, which led to a tangent with panelists and audience members sharing a range of viewpoints. Speaking from the audience, Ivy “Mr. Ohlone” Brawner said, “Hollywood taught me that we [African-Americans] have to look out for each other.” Brawner then talked about how experiences and the example set by his friend Lasite Luke showed him otherwise. As for other audience remarks, one white student recalled a scene in which a well-to-do TV director told a stereotypical black thug that he embarrassed him. The student

commented on how that character spoke to him about how he felt about clichéd racist rednecks. Another challenged the idea that racism and prejudices were merely products of ignorance, saying that different cultures have strengths and weaknesses. Crash follows a day in the life of several denizens of Los Angeles and how racism affects them all. It relates almost anecdotal stories about a black carjacker, who’s paranoid about racism; an angry Persian storeowner, who blames a Mexican locksmith for failing to fix his problem and vows revenge;

a racist cop who nevertheless puts his life on the line to save a woman he previously racially profiled; and much more. The film won an Oscar for Best Picture for 2005. Many critics praised the film for offering a balanced, complex view of racism, rather than a preachy, judgmental condemnation of a typical group of racists. “All are victims of [racism], and are all guilty [of] it,” said noted film critic Roger Ebert in his review of the film. “Sometimes, yes, they rise above it, but it is never that simple.”

ASOC leads student discussion on racism By Frankie Addiego Staff writer

On Wednesday, April 12, the Ohlone College ASOC held a special screening of the Academy Award(c) winning movie Crash at the Naz 8 Cinema as part of Unity Week. The film was followed by a discussion about race led by Comedian Ernie G and attending Ohlone students. The panel agreed for the most part that the film dealt with racial tension in a realistic fashion. Panelist Tatyana Hamady said, “It played onto the stereotypes...we de-

‘Romeo & Juliet’ reinvented By sean g. crawford Investigative Reporter The Ohlone Theater Department will begin casting for its production of “Romeo and Juliet” April 24 - 25 at 6 p.m. in the Jackson Theater. Actors are expected to have a two-minute contemporary or Shakespearean monologue prepared. This won’t be your great-great (etc.) grandfather’s Shakespeare-the play is being updated by famed Seattle Playwright-Activist Edward Mast and will focus on addressing contemporary issues using a nonlinear framework. “We are using the play as a jumping off point to focus on the larger theme of disagreements...

misunderstandings; cultures that don’t see eye to eye,” said Director Tom Blank. The auditions are not for specific roles, but for a place in the acting company forming around the production. Specific roles will be assigned at a later date based primarily upon the level of commitment shown by each member of the troupe. Once the company is formed, the cast will be tasked with improvising situations around the general themes presented in Romeo and Juliet. Mast will then base his script around the improvisational work and integrate it more fully into a cohesive whole. The production will begin touring next fall among 14-16 local

Music Man auditions Missed your chance to audition for Music Man? Another search for singers, dancers, actors and set designers will be held this Saturday, April 22 at the NUMMI Theatre in the Smith Center at 9 a.m. Students interested in trying out should bring sheet music in thier key--16 bars ballad or 32 bars uptempo. An accompanist will be provided and no acapella auditions will be accepted. Also be prepared to dance and dressed to move! Rehearsals are evenings. Monday-Thursday from 6 to 10 p.m. and Saturdays from 9a.m. to 4 p.m. starting to April 24. Rehearsal times will be determined by roles. Music Man is the story of conman Harold Hill who wanders into the town of River City offering to train a boy’s marching with the intention of skipping out as soon as the first payment is in. Things go awry however when he falls for the town librarian while trying to divert the townspeople from discovering he’s a fraud. For more information, call 510-659-6169.

high schools. Because the show will be mobile, the set will be scaled down. “We will be using the largest, most adaptable environment that we can come up with,” said Blank. Also, Michael Daw, the fight specialist from last year’s production of “The Three Musketeers” will be back to do fight choreography. Those chosen to be a part of the production company are expected to sign up for the fall semester class TD 124, which meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 p.m . to midnight. “We need a company of people not allergic to mornings,” said Blank. For more information, contact Blank at 510-659-6209 or tblank@

Activist playwright Playwright Edward Mast is famous for his work in adapting stories for children’s theater, however he also has garnered plenty of success from his politically charged work, most notably from the 1996 production of “Sahmatah.” “Sahmatah” was based upon interviews Mast collected in 1995 concerning the destruction of 418 Palestinian villages that were destroyed by the Israeli Military. Since the production of “Sahmatah,” Mast has become a prominent activist for Palestinian causes. He helped co-found the Seattle based “Palestine Information Project” and is a member of the International Solidarity Movement. In August 2001 Mast was arrested during a protest in Israel. In 2002 Mast was awarded the Human Rights Award of the United Nations Association of Seattle. Next fall’s production of Romeo and Juliet will likely touch upon the Israel/Palestine conflict, as it relates directly to the broad themes of the play, however if the conflict is brought up, both sides will receive an equal pummeling. “Both families are knuckleheads because of the inability to embrace the unknown,” said Tom Blank.

‘Literally Dancing’ recital By Ira Lazo Staff writer The Ohlone Dance Department proudly presents “Literally Dancing,” a spectacular production that reinterprets different forms of literature into dance. The show’s title is a clever pun as it alludes to the theme of this year’s performance, which focuses on three different forms of literature: Newspaper, Fairytales and Diary. These three forms of literature will be made into moving, breathing and sensual works of art. Artistic Director Janel Tomblin Brown remarked that the spring production not only showcases talented dancers but brilliant cos-

tume designers, choreographers, sound, lighting and set designers as well. Auditions for the show started during the last week of January, and after deciding upon the cast the grueling rehearsals began. Students were not the only ones making decisions within the production, faculty also collaborated to pick the choreographic ideas. “I teach a class called choreography for production. By using the select group of students who are accepted into this class, I create a choreographic team by combining them with the very talented adjunct dance faculty and myself,” commented Brown, who also said that she was highly proud of her dancers and their collaborative

work of art. Chris Guptill, who teaches an Entertainment Design and Technology class, united with Brown’s dancers to generate an entertaining and professional theatrical experience. The show will run from April 21-23. Friday and Saturday performances will begin at 8 p.m. and the Sunday performance will start at 2 p.m. Tickets: $12 Adults $10 Seniors/Staff/Students $8 Youth under 12 For tickets and more information, visit: information.


April 20, 2006 monitor


Chalkdust & Friends concert From left: The Ohlone Ukulele Renegades, K.G. Greenstein, Hal Griffin and Katherine Sparling and Chalkdust, Mark Brosamer and Jeff O’Connell performed last Friday night at the NUMMI Theatre in a benefit concert for the Speech and Music Departments. The two groups were also joined on stage by other musical guests. O’Connell estimates that well over 100 people showed up in support. The Chalkdust & Friends concert not only sold out, but Smith Center employees had to eventually turn last-minute concert goers away even after adding more seating. Photos by Ross Tsvetanov

Ohlone art professor explores ‘Similes and Sayings’ By Joyce Leung Features editor What is art without controversy? Ohlone Professor of Art Kenney Mencher stirred up a bit of trouble in 2003 and 2004 when employees at the Hang Gallery in San Francisco and the STRS Gallery in Sacramento found his pieces to be too suggestive. After their removal, Mencher promptly contacted the press, garnering more publicity for his artwork than if they had been on display at the Salon des Refusés. What puzzles me, and perhaps delights Mencher the most, is that none of the censored paintings depicted any sort of nudity or overtly sexual images. Mencher revels in the fact that the implicit nature his artwork leaves much to be speculated; but as cryptic as Mencher would like to be, the artist does leave clues in the titles of his paintings that help his audience guess at his purpose. “There’s a Certain Slant of Light” is an allusion to an Emily Dickinson poem. Mencher’s “The Music Lesson” is a reference to Vermeer’s own painting of the same name, both of which portray an ambiguous relationship between mentor and student. In “Apocrypha,” a bound woman wearing little more than her knickers writhes on the floor as a man, down on his knees, clasps his hands in prayer with his eyes toward the heavens. A rabbi in the background enters the doorway with a fist in the air, as if ready to knock some sense into the offending man. “Apocrypha,” if taken literally, means “hidden” or “secret” in Greek, and according to Merriam-Webster refers to biblical books excluded from the Jewish and Protestant canons of the Old Testament. Perhaps then, piecing together the images in the painting and the literal meaning of the title, one could deduce that this

sort of fetish behavior is not condoned in the Jewish or Protestant factions...though perhaps the Roman Catholic or Orthodox. “Apocrypha” is not Mencher’s only foray into the eccentricities of our bedroom behavior. In “Scooby Snacks,” a woman dancing in her bra with a figure dressed as Scooby Doo is a reference to furries, a subculture fascinated with anthropomorphic characters. Mencher pursued the piece out of amusement after a student brought in a pop culture magazine about the subject and an episode of the “Drew Carey” show coincidentally focused on the very topic. If Mencher’s more explicit paintings were not done out of amusement, then they were seemingly done to satirize. In “Bulldozer,” two rather muscular construction workers pose in front of what else, a bulldozer. Their minimal attire exposes their well-built body as well as their genitals. Rather than being vulgar, the piece is done in a

fashion similar to cheesy “beefcake” magazines in order to mock it. Mencher’s other nudes are actually quite naturalistic. In “Shared Space,” a man who seems to have stepped out of a shower gives the viewer a glimpse of his posterior while drying himself off. His roommate, who lounges on the couch, seems to avoid the view, apparently uncomfortable with the lack of privacy that comes with “shared space.” In the more liberal setting of downtown Oakland, Mencher comfortably shares the Esteban Safar Gallery with more than 25 other artists. “Similes and Sayings” includes more than 50 of Mencher’s drawings, paintings and portraits and will run through May 29 at the Esteban Sabar Gallery, at 480 23rd St. in Oakland. Although most of his works can be viewed online at Mencher’s personal website:, a trip to the gallery is well worth it to see everything in full-size.

From left: “The Music Lesson,” “Apocrypha” and “Shared Space” by Ohlone Professor of Art Kenney Mencher. Images courtesy of Kenney Mencher.


April 20, 2006


Campus Events April 20-22 Spring Dance Production: Literally Dancing -- 8 p.m. in the Jackson Theatre on April 20, 21 and 22. There is also a show at 2 p.m. on April 22. This show has four suites, each representing a form of literature. Tickets are $10 for students, $12 for adults. They are available at the box office. 21 Brown Bag Seminar: Personalized Medicine and Stem Cells -- 1 to 2 p.m. in Room 3201. This is a program sponsored by the Math, Science and Technology Division. The purpose is to stimulate interest in topics, trends, and careers in science. This event is free. 21 Earth Day Litter Pick Up -- 2 to 5 p.m. The gathering spot is the upper level Quad. The purpose is to reinforce that controlling litter on campus is the responsibility of everyone, to assist clean up and increase awareness of recycling. This event is free. 21 Tuba Ensemble Concert -- 7:30 p.m., at the CSUEB Music Building, at 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd., Hayward. The Ohlone Tuba Ensemble is over 20

strong and performs pieces all styles of music. For info call (510) 885-3167. This event is free. 22 The Great Garage Sale Blast -- 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. in Parking lot E. There is a $2 parking fee. Come make treasures out of other’s stuff. 22 Music Man Auditions -- 9 a.m. at the Jackson Theatre. Do you sing, dance, act, or build scenery? Then come try out for Music Man. Bring 16 bars of a ballad and 32 bars of an uptempo song to the audition. Accompanist is provided. 22 Men’s Baseball -- at noon vs. Chabot College here at Ohlone. 25 Transfer Event: CSU East Bay-- Meet with rep Louise Martinez from 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. For more information and to make an appointment visit the counseling window in Building 1 or call (510) 659-6110. 25 Free and Anonymous HIV testing -- 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Health Center in Building 16. For more information call (510) 659-6258. 25 Gay/Straight Alliance

Club -- In the Smith Center, Room SC-116, from 3 to 4 p.m. A student club for gay/straight/bi/or curious students who meet to talk and make friends. 26 Last Day to Drop - from semester-length courses and receive a W grade for it, all day. 26 Transfer Event: UC Berkeley -- Meet with a rep from 10 a.m., to noon, or between 1 and 4 p.m. For more information and to make an appointment, visit the counseling window in Building 1 or call (510) 659-6110. 27 Archive Project Meeting -- For faculty, meet at noon in the warehouse room to help go through boxes of old material like slides and negatives to ascertain their value. 27 Men’s Baseball -- 2 p.m. vs. Hartnell College at Ohlone. 27 Transfer Event: Menlo College -- Meet with a representative from 10 a.m., to 2 p.m. This is an opportunity to get instant admissions and the possibility of being awarded a merit scholarship. A table will be set up in the lobby of Building 1.

27 Transfer Event: San Jose State -- Meet with Airforce ROTC from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information and to make an appointment, visit the counseling window in Building 1 or call (510) 659-6110. 27 Poetry Reading -- National Poetry Month. From 1 to 3 p.m., in the first floor of the library. All students, staff and faculty are invited to bring a favorite poem to read. Bring a poem you wrote or a poem by your favorite poet. If you or someone you know would like to read, sign up at the Library Information Desk. Even if you don’t read, come and enjoy the poetry! This event is free. 28-29 Bookstore closed -- for inventory, all day. 28 Smith Center Performance: Grant Geissman -- 8 p.m. in the Jackson Theatre. Geissman is currently #14 on the Jazzweek Radio Chart. Geissman grew up in San Jose and is does all the music scoring for the Hit TV show Two and A Half Men. He’s one of the top session guitarists in the world. Tickets are $15 for students, $25 for adults and $10 for children under 10. Tickets are available at box office.

April 20, 2006 monitor


May 2 Transfer Event: University of Phoenix -- Meet with representative Ivan Sanchez from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be a table in the Quad.

CLASSIFIEDS JOB FAIR Spherion, a large auto parts distributor, has approximately 150 administrative and warehouse jobs available. Spherion will hold a job fair Monday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the Courtyard Marriott, 34905 Newark Blvd., Newark. WE ARE HIRING Teachers and Aides for Preschool Centers. Our locations are in Fremont, Hayward, Livermore, Newark and Union City. For more information, please call Arlein @ 866-994-7823 or fax your resume to 650-994-7825 or e-mail it to FREE Satellite TV System FREE installation. Get up to 4 receivers with remotes for up to 4 TVs. Over 300 channels available. For more information, call 800-7847694. Please mention the special promotion code: A33496003 Business For SALE Need an extra $36,000.00 a year? Vending Business for sale. Sell $5000. Call 800568-7346 or visit

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The Monitor invites your comments. Letters should be 250 words or less and include your name and relationship to Ohlone. Letters become property of The Monitor and may be edited for spelling and length. Campus Events listings are free for college-related events. To have your event added or to place an ad, contact Danelle Meyer at (510) 659-6075 or e-mail

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Page 8

Lady Renegades win big on ‘Teacher’ day By Rahul Batra Staff writer Girl’s softball is a very fast-paced game. Once a team establishes a strong momentum, the opposition will have a tough time to regain composure and put a stop to the momentum. Such was the case Tuesday afternoon when the Lady Renegades defeated the City College of San Francisco, 8-0. The Renegades opened up the top half of the first with a very quick one, two, three inning.The bottom half is when the momentum started. Valerie Briones, started off by reaching first base after a swinging strikeout and a passed ball. After advancing to second on a groundout and stealing third, Briones scored the first run when starting pitcher Tiffany Chan got a walk and purposely got into a pickle between first and second. In the bottom of the fourth, outfielder Ashley Marra came in to score on a productive groundout. However, it wasn’t only the offense that was dominating, but the defense was as well. Solid pitching by Chan starting putting up those K’s right from the beginning. Her strategic pitching style, most of the game, would only allow San Francisco to either strikeout swinging or ground out somewhere in the infield. Chan only faltered in the top of the fifth when she gave up a lead-off double and a one-out single.

But that would not faze her one bit. She would tally up six strikeouts for the entire game and would only give up two hits. Head Coach Donna Runyon was also impressed. “Our pitching was great,” Runyon said. “Tiffany stayed ahead in the count all game and only threw 59 pitches.” Ohlone continued their scoring with continuous hitting by each batter. Solid singles, doubles and a few triples allowed the Renegades to stretch their lead. Each inning saw at least one run. All in all, in the end, the Renegades would stack up eight runs shutting out San Francisco City College. This game was very special for the Renegades. Not only was it the last home game of the season, but it was teacher appreciation day. Each player, before the start of the game, had their respective teachers announced over the loud speaker to be acknowledged in front of the audience. They were given flowers and a hug by each player. The final teacher to be announced, which came as a surprise to everyone, was Coach Runyon. The players all recognized her as a teacher they mostly appreciated because of all the hard work she put in for the team all season. “It came as a surprise to me,” Runyon said. “It was awesome. It gave me chills. I always love Teacher Appreciation Day.”

Golf tourney in memory of Lentz In honor of the memory of Gil Lentz Jr., the Sunol Valley Golf Club will be holding the first annual Gil Lentz Memorial Golf Tournament on June 2. Lentz was the beloved Ohlone deaf instructor who passed away last year. All proceeds from the tournament will go to the American Deaf Golf Education Foundation and the Donald Parodi Fund. An entry of fee $100 is required but is tax-refundable. Included in the fee are greens fees, a gift bag, a souvenir polo shirt, a continental breakfest and BBQ lunch buffet. Included in the festivites will be a prize give-away and a holein-one contest. In order to participate, registration is due by May, 2. Hurry because space is limited to 144 golfers. For more information regarding the tournament, contact Kathy Schoenberg at (925) 516-4616 or by e-mail at edlton@comcast.

Shortstop Jessica Soderholm looks to turn a double play in the Lady Renegades’ victory over the City College of San Francisco, 8-0. The victory was well suited as the team also celebrated “Teacher Appreciation Day.” Photo by Ross Tsvetanov

Ohlone honors sophomores By Naomi Balagot Staff writer

In the final home game of the season, the Ohlone women’s softball team posted an 8-3 victory over Cabrillo College. Yesterday also marked the annual Sophomore Appreciation Day as Ohlone sophomores Melissa Cross, Ashley Marra, Angelina Piccolotti and Jennifer Rapp bid farewell to the Renegade softball field. Last year, Cross earned many nominations including All-Conference selection, All-Region selection, and more notably received the Easton All-American Award as a freshman. As a team captain, Cross has been a clutch hitter with a batting average of .565 in league play, and leads the team with 30

runs scored, 35 hits, 8 doubles, 5 triples and 30 RBI’s. Marra serves as the Lady Renegades’ other team captain, and truly leads by example on the field and in the classroom, maintaining a 3.8 GPA, and even went one semester with a 4.0 GPA. Not only is Marra one of her team’s leaders in base stealing, and trailed Cross with 24 runs scored, and has an overall batting average of .395 in league play. Piccolotti is one of the team’s power hitters, and is a true team leader. She leads her team with 9 doubles, and a slugging percentage of .590. As a transfer from Chabot College, Rapp is the only lefty for the Lady Renegades, while displaying a positive attitude and truly demonstrating

hard work. In seven innings pitched, Ramos was remarkable on the mound with six strike-outs, giving up only three runs, on eight hits. Freshman stand-out Kristina DaSilva hit her team-leading sixth home run of the year, and was 3 for 4 at the plate. Both DaSilva and Tiffany Chan had 2 RBI’s each. The Lady Renegades finished out the game with outstanding defense and superb pitching. To end the game, Ramos had the bases loaded with two outs, and struck out the final batter. “Overall, we played a good game, and our pitching was clearly there,” said Head Coach Donna Runyon.

Battle, they should definitely turn that frown upside down and return to the glory days. All is saved! Yeah right. Smith has yet to find his groove, and probably will not have it until he is the consistent starter. Meanwhile, Gore has shown signs of greatness but with an offensive line that loves to just fall over, he will never come close to becoming a 1,000-yard rusher. Obviously the biggest lost for the 49ers this off-season was outside linebacker Julian Peterson. Peterson was the only player who actually made that defense worth watching and now that he’s gone, the worth is gone. I believe that the proper way of filling that void will be acquiring Ohio State phenom A.J.

Hawk with their first pick of the draft. If Hawk should not be there by the time San Francisco is on the clock, they should keep their fingers crossed for lineman D’Brickashaw Ferguson, who could actually give Smith some time in the pocket. Now on to the bad boys of Oakland, the Raiders. The Raiders are notoriously known throughout the league for drafting non-skillful positions players, like defensive backs and linemen. It has to be pretty obvious that this year, the need is for a quarterback or a linebacker. Now I know what you’re saying, “if they need a quarterback then why did they sign Aaron Brooks?” To have a reliable back-up when the rookie quarterback they draft

ever faulters. Everyone wants Vince Young, but I don’t. I personally like Jay Cutler. Young has the unfortunate makings of becoming the next Akili Smith. Young and Smith were both hyped up because of one great college performance and even though Young has yet to take a snap as a pro, his status could be his worst enemy. However, if they choose not to go with a QB, they will definitely go with a linebacker, preferably an outside linebacker. So there you have it. Take these picks into consideration Mr. Davis and York family and give us our proud dynasties back. Hurry quickly because you are now on the clock.

Where’s my old-school Bay Area football? As far back as the 1970’s, football was something we in the Bay Area could be proud of. John Madden was leading the Oakland Raiders to victory after victory and a Super Bowl ring, while the 49ers had just hired a head coach out of Stanford named Bill Walsh. Since that time, both teams have combined for eight Super Bowl Championships and 23 Hall of Fame inductees. But then the 21st century reared its ugly head and KABOOM. It all came tumbling down. Since the turn of the century, our beloved teams have desperately tried to keep their heads above sea level while we’re all left wondering, “how did it come to this?” Well, I’ll tell you and it will only take three words.

Swing away By Nick Zambrano Sports editor Horrible draft picks. I know I’ve said it before of Al Davis but the York family is something new for me. Since the Bay Area’s last trip to the Super Bowl, (the Raiders in 2002) the talent pool has steadily dried up. San Francisco has lost the likes of Jeff Garcia, Terrell Owens, Andre Carter and Julian Peterson. But wait--through well-scouted drafts they have managed to get Alex Smith, Frank Gore and Arnaz

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