2 minute read
Night sky magic at Esplora
Words by Benedek, Executive Duty Manager at Esplora
Remember the last time you gazed up to the sky on a starry summer night? Like tiny droplets of crystals in the midst of space, the night sky pulls us in and lifts our souls to the heavens. It is one of those rare moments of mesmerising joy and awe which truly makes us feel alive. Yes, our feet are planted firmly on the ground, but our heart is beating amongst the stars every time we look upon the sky on a starry summer night!
Now, imagine a place where you can take a journey to the heavens from the comfort of a chair! Well, space traveller – Welcome to the EsploraPlanetarium! Sit back, turn your phone off and enjoy the journey! As your seat reclines, you will be transported across the Solar System, visit distant galaxies, return to the Moon and whizz past our sister planets Venus and Mars. The Sun will reveal its secrets, and of course will find out once and for all if it is true that we are all made of star dust.
Not bad for a start, but the EsploraPlanetarium offers much-much more!
We have shows for the little ones about ancient heroes and myths retelling stories of old about the constellations and how they were named. We have animated adventures about discovering asteroids and landing on the Moon. You can even tag along a family of aliens holidaying in our Solar System hopping from one planet to the next.

Of course, if you do not want to travel that far, or planet hopping is not your thing, fear not we have you covered! Stick around a bit longer and you can choose from many other family friendly animated shows. Watch an award-winning film about the history of flight that will transport you back in time when soaring to the skies and building ‘flying-machines’ were just a dream. Dive deep into the mystery of what makes stars tick-and-tock, or explore the tiniest cells in our body. Want to leave Earth again but don’t want to go too far? Pop over to the International Space Station to find out what astronauts eat, how they sleep, work or take a shower in micro-gravity.
As your journey ends, with your feet back on the ground, switch on your cell phone again and take a selfie as an astronaut. Want something challenging? Operate a robotic arm to reveal a secret message, record your voice and send it to Pluto, or use our ‘space scale’ to check your weight on other planets. Whatever you choose one thing we can promise – after your visit to the EsploraPlanetarium, the next time you gaze upon the night sky it will be a bit more special!
Safe journey space traveller and see you soon!