2 minute read
MAY 2023
With warm sunny weather, no rain and fewer visitors, May is the most wonderful time of the year to hop on a plane to Malta, especially if you’re planning on visiting the island to explore each and every inch of it and admire its extraordinary landscape. The weather is gradually getting warmer, but the scorching heat has not hit as of yet, which means that touring around the island is still enjoyable.
Wondering if it’s possible to travel the island on a budget? We have good news for you! You can definitely plan an economical stay while not missing out on any fun and adventure. While it can get as expensive as you want, it doesn’t have to burn a hole in your pocket and all you have to do is make smart choices regarding your accommodation, transport and dining experiences. In this issue, we take you for an adventure to the south of Malta, as we plan a fun-packed day of cultural activities for less than Eur25 per person.
You can’t not visit the sister island of Gozo when on vacation, especially if you’re seeking a more laid back vibe. The ravishing island is packed with beaches, astounding architecture, a rich culture and sensational cuisine. From kayaking and boating to horse riding and trekking, Gozo has an abundance of activities for the thrill-seeking traveller, too, so before you choose to have a glass of wine and indulge in the island’s traditional cuisine, check out some of our favourite outdoor activities, which make for fantastic ways to explore the stunning scenery of the island. We couldn't be happier to welcome you home!
Issue 30 • May 2023
Oh My Malta is a B2B publication, published monthly in partnership, with the Malta Tourism Authority. It promotes Malta and Gozo as a destination and treats readers to different aspects of Maltese life, culture, culinary delights and business. Visit www.ohmymalta.com.mt for more information.

Coordinating Editor
Philippa Zammit
Sales Coordinator
Marisa Schembri mschembri@mediatoday.com.mt
Content Writers
Emily Francis
Terrence Mifsud
Tiana Formosa
Philippa Zammit
Registered Address
Vjal ir-Riħan San Gwann SGN9016 Malta
Email pzammit@mediatoday.com.mt
Contact Number +356 2138 2741
Cover Photo credit: Angelo Pantazis

Malta hosting the International Symposium on Fireworks cemented the country’s commitment in enhancing this important industry. There is no doubt that this Symposium proved to be a win-win situation both for international and local artists.

On an international sphere, Malta provided a fertile atmosphere in which we saw the newest technology, to trade experience and ideas on ways to enhance the industry and to move the science forward.
From a local point of view, our local pyrotechnics had an opportunity to enhance further their education on health and safety, new products on the maket, new and advances in science and technology as well networking with the international industry.
During the period of this same Symposium, we had the Malta International Fireworks Festival showcasing 9 pyro musical displays competing against each other whilst having 72 local licensed fireworks factories & clubs to organize traditional fireworks displays.
After mentioning all this, there is no doubt that one question pops into mind.
Why is the pyrotechnic industry is so relevant for Malta’s tourism? Identity.
Our skies are accustomed for traditional fireworks annually for a couple of months. However, this Symposium together with International Fireworks Festival served as a statement to preserve tradition to today’s modern setting.