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Rejs Sp. z o. o

Rejs Sp. z o. o

Address: 46-375 Pludry Rolna 13 Sreet, POLAND

Telephone: +48 34 353 74 85 Fax: +48 34 353 75 45 E-mail: export@rust.pl Web: www.ernestrust.com


Tax No.: 575 100 26 40 REGON: 150056990

Contact person: Patryk Rust

Export offer: custom made kitchen interiors, contractor furniture, commercial interiors

Processed materials: veneer, lacquer, acrylic, laminate, glass, concrete, wood, corian, ston

Main exports markets: North America, Europe, Middle East

Number of employees: 200 RUST, established in 1968, has been a manufacturer of kitchen furniture always known for its design, quality and innovativeness. After almost 50 years of production, the company has now the experience on international market and is developing to be a leading exporter of Polish high and furniture.

Founded by Ernest Rust in 1968 and now run by next generation of the same family, company RUST consistently offers exceptional quality, at the same time introducing to the Polish and international market the newest and most technologically advanced product.

RUST, gathering the best designers and having extensive technical know how, is also a flexible contractor for kitchen, as well as in- dustrial furniture, carrying the project from the design, trough prototype creating, to production phase.

In 2016, RUST was the first ever and only Polish brand at the EuroCucina exhibi- tion during Salone del Mobile in Milan, the biggest trade show in the world, proving its position and setting out new directions for development.

What ernestrust has to offer are interiors tailored to meet buyer’s needs, always fo- cusing on the quality.

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