Oil Well Stimulation
What is Oil well stimulation?
Oil well stimulation is describing a variety of operations performed on a well to improve its productivity. It can be focused solely on the well-bore or on the reservoir.
Method of Oil well stimulation?
Hydraulic fracturing
Acid Fracturing
Matrix Acidizing
Hydraulic fracturing
“It is a function of reservoir flow and mechanical characteristics. Reservoirs that have relatively poor flow characteristics and are relatively strong mechanically tend to require more intensive fracturing, which leads to a relatively larger volume of fracture fluid used.�
Acid fracturing
“It is commonly limited in application to carbonate reservoirs, that is those rich in limestone and dolomite�
Matrix Acidizing
“This method for silica-rich reservoirs typically has a very limited penetration distance from the well into the reservoir. Therefore matrix acidizing in silica-rich rock has a limited effect on larger-scale reservoir flow characteristics.�
“This methods used to perform well drilling, construction, and completion which also play a role in well stimulation.�
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