1 minute read
from OISTAT in 2022
• August 15 | Calgary, Canada
Moderated by Chair Kate Burnett (UK), the Research commission meeting focused on commission programming and content at WSD 2022 and SENA 2022. Three Scenofest panels organized by the Research commission included: "Research Conversations about Performance Space and Cultural Geographies"; "To Print or Not to Print: Sustainable Performance Practice Publications"; "Print or e-Print?: Reviewing Publication of Theatre Research and Practice Now". For SENA, on the October 25, RC organized an online session: "Print and E-Publications in the SENA Countries and Regions". It also contributed to the organization of the Tbilisi International Biennale Symposium on October 10-12 and the UA Scenography On-Line Forum on November 22.
Performance Design Commission
• February 12, November 5 | Online Meeting
• August 13 | Calgary, Canada
Performance Design Chair Rob Eastman-Mullins (USA) introduced the mission and compositions of the commission to the meeting attendees. Performance Design comprises four different sub-commissions of different design professions. Collaborations between the sub-commissions were the main topic of the discussion. PDC developed "OISTAT Performance Design Playlist" during the 2021 OISTAT Online World Congress. Contributions to the Playlist were also encouraged.