Things to Do O j a i ’s S u r p r i s e G e m s : N o r t h M o n t g o m e r y A r t s D i s t r i c t To get the most out the Walking Map (pages 38-39), we recommend walking two blocks north of the Arcade on North Montgomery Street. You’ll find quaint shops, with on-site tarot readings, healers, mediums, psychics, a world-class collection at a charming gallery with a beautiful garden, and Tipple & Ramble’s wine bar, picnic fare and shady patio.
nutmeg’s ojai house | 805-640-1656 304 North Montgomery Street
j o n e s & c o m pa n y - a r t o f t h e h o m e | 805-646-8179 307 North Montgomery Street
c a n va s & pa p e r | 805-798-9301 311 North Montgomery Street
tipple & ramble | 805-220-3373 315 North Montgomery Street
Visitors are always welcome by appointment. Please call or text ahead.
805 290 8848